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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1885)
HMHHIHHHHBHIHHHHflHHMHHiil m f fit gleiMMt. Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or, a second-class mail matter. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 1885 STITE3 & Ktlltor ami NUTTING. Prop rlelor. PRKR P. mriVH. LKal K;lttr. Official Coanty Papar. It lnvia corns to in y knowledge, that an impression prevails, that I am doiug busi- neaain connection with another tint- iu this city, I takethia mathol to inform all par Ues interested, that I am doing business mUly oh my or a crown, aud the public are cordially invited to call and examine my tock and prices, resting assured they will meet witb fair treatment aud honorable dealing. Archie W. PursHAW, Druggist. Carpet, Carpet. Carpets. The largest and best assortment of tapes- try aud mgrain carp ts, atair carpets and mattings, eta, at Baowm, K. Yoi-nu's. Ajwnrtl Praeeellag Tuesday eveoini;, Feb. 2Uh, 8i. Present-all but Briggs. The following bills were ordered paid Costs city agt 45; ci'.y agt Wolfe $12.85; G W Burkhart, $21,25 ; N J Hen ton, $8,60; C W Watta, $i 50. Marshal reported that Railroad would comply with order to rill and gravel street opposite Blcck TT.thatC D Turner refused to comply with order to removo boom from Canal on 9th street, also reported Terious nuisances and needed repairs to drains and walks. Ordinance 131 proriding for granting licenses any time during year, but for six months, waa passed. Ayoa Peters,Isom, Blackburn an i Fashay. rfo Rideout. Resignation of Fred Mueller as City Treasurer accepted. Communication from Fire Department asking for fire signals.three maps for city, Babcock Extinguisher for II A L Co. and snuton nozzle Tor .o. Two s was referred to committee on Fire and Water. Committee on Ways and Means was empowered to get a copy of the new City charter. Committee on Streets recommended that mud be scraped from First Street. Mar- shal was ordered to notify property own. r.tu nisomgwn ana t.yon to remove the same in ten days, That some areaiiMmdnr W In m ' w r KmooKwiwr from flume opposite So. 2's house. Tho ouu waaurueraa 10 ncKiiy property i owners wnerever necessary for beatta and Cleanliness to clean up back yards.remove ail rubbish and garbage from alleys and waits ad joining premises within tea days from nttieo. 8orveyor was authorized to ascertain grade of Broada1. bin Street and set grade stakes. Recommendation of Chief Engineer Hoffman that night watch and engineer be allowed to go off beat at 10 p.m. in winter and It o'clock in summer, to Usp in engine house and attend street lamps, referred to committee on Health and Po lios. Marshal reported railreai had bridge crossing at juncture of Sixth and Railroad Streets snd company would till in gravel if city would dirt. Referred to committee on Streets. Also had ordered car load of lumber by direction of committee on Streets. The following bills were ordered paid : John Jones, $70; Rost Brown, f U ; Burk hart Brothers, $12; GW Burkhart, 120; J K Charlton. 8Jc ; N J Henten, S 6.10. Caafllel af Forces. The fact that even an audience of seventy-five could be gotten together at a time when the Senatorial contest was the pre vailing topicand there were several other things going on, spoke well for the inter est taken in the lecture given last Friday night by Prof Lyman, of Forest Grove. "Conflict of Forces" was a dry sounding subject, and many looked for a dry lec ture. Fortunately they were disappoint ed. Prof Lyman, though a young man, handled the subject in s manner exhibit ing good thought, splendid arrangement and superior language, Tbe forces in conflict were gravitation, adhesion, mag netism, chemical affinity, vegetable and animal life, intellect, spirit, forming a pyramid in order named, intellect and spirit commanding all the rest. As pow erful as is gravitation, adhesion and mag netism, man, by the force of his intellect, had conquered them. This fact he illus trated under the several beads by splen didly worded examples and well drawn oonclusions,giving facts that instructed as well as interested, calling for tbe closest attention of tbe audience, Pen pictures are the m-st pwjrful arguments. Prof Lyman possesses a happy faculty of drawing them, hi lecture being repl'te with illustrations on every point raised. It is more lecturet of this kind which tbe public need to bear. . Turned Bar Keepers for a Ray. It is being reported in this city, by parties at Salem last week, that during Friday, pre vious to the last death straggle in the Sena torial contest, Messrs Corbett k Failing, of Portland, transformed the judiciary room in tbe Capitol into a sort of restaurant or saloon, and acted as their own bar keepers. The bill of fare as given by those who looked on was wines, champagne, brandies, chickens, Ctkes, breads, etc. Cost nothing. They were well patronized. No license was charg ed, Even Judge Boise is said to have looked in and ejaculated : "Great Ceres, have C. & F. turned bar tenders." The above free champagne and lunch ex hibition was witnessed by persons here whose word can be relied on. It gives ns an inside to some of the tricks of politicians. No doubt others did as disreputable things, but this serves as an example of what candidates for office will do for influence; It will prove an interesting episode in the great senatorial fiasco. Tebaeee Raised llcre. Last Saturday Mr Jesse McGee showed us some tobacco whiuh ho raised on his farm a few miles from tbis city, of a qual ity and flavor, which testiriel to tbe pos sibility of making tobacco raising quite an industry here. The only thing necessary is a market. Mr McGee thinks the soil suitable for the purpose, the principal diif eranco between here and the south, being the fact that the plant matures here much slower than there, coal evenings affecting it some. He considers good rich black soil as the best for it and thinks that if it js raised much on white soil it is because ft is well manured. TEACHEB REPORT Following ia an abstract of monthly mm roario for tno school term or ver boainniuff in September, 1834 and ending February Oth, 1S83, for the public aohoola of the city of Albany i I 3 8 8 8 8 I s i If 35 8s I t i s 9 ' R a s 3 M M M. M SJ s S 8 il S s s a 3a 3 111! 1 - 8 Number of viutors t(i ; number ef three tors vietts, none ; number of Soperinten dents (4 rooms) li hours. I The above summaries show an average iu crease in enrollment of Id per month, after first mouth. There was an increase in days attendance, except durm ' the suow. The record of dsys absenceaud t.rd tness, is lar4. It seems due larsclv to the fact that parents do not see the neceity of an attendance every day. F. II ILL, Principal. latUtlaltea al rto. Our correspondent at Scio souds us the following account of the ood Temolam installation at that place last weok.receiv- d too late for publication in our last huae : . ... Tf.e Uaosl Tomn ari irava tbair nubile inatallatlen on Satuid ay evening, with a large attendance ef members and friends, I Rev J W Webb. Grand Lecturer of this State, being present, performed the instal- m huion ceremonies. The proceetlings were interspersed with sones and music, also a laWn-A Kr f T A...A- Than I.. i vwao Kf v ku viiiiuu a j-j Liu i oi . x. no aa a. tin neckties were sold, and the conseciuence was some of the Indies aj well as some of . , i is ,, ' thn Inl warn artlfl Thn nn.t nfli n .In partment proved the source of consider.- ble being filled with a great MUBbSf of valentines, for whieh the gent mia to.. ..h ,) .h.n .unt-i ih I w Udv tn Wh..s. the wr .birv.i Th. last hat not Ua of th nm.r.m h- supper prepared by the sisters, of which ail partook with good appetite.after which all indulged in social amusements the re mainder of the evening. The Grand Lec tarer gave one of hia practical sermons on Sunday at tbe Christian Church in the forenoon,an address to tbe Sunday School at 4 tn the afternoon and at night be gavo a temperance lecture at the new church. The house was tilled to overflowing and better order never was known to prevail at any gathering in this place before, Everybody seems to be enthused with new zeal in the temperance work and tbe cause is far in advance.aeemingly of where it was one year ago. Tbe question of pro hibition is interesting to many who never before have taken any interest in this great work. May the work go on . Tkat birkea Thief. Oar correspondent hut weeg at Millers mentioned a case of chicken stealing and said the thief was formerly of Albany, but sow of Kaox Butte, A resident of the last mentioned place resents this, but accounts for the affair in the following manner i I noticed a communication from Millers, dated Feb. 14th, written by a "Scribler," who advises the people to look out for chick en thieyes for they are very numerous in this community. He says one was captured in Tho Alphiue's chicken hocae. and goes oa to say he was formerly of Albany, bnt now of Knox Butte that he is well known in tho community where the chicken thieves are so thick ; now why didn't Scribler tell the people that he was born and raised in Millers precinct and not try to put him off for an Albanyite or a Knox Butte chap. The chicken thief is like tbe man who got for a political office a nomination and wanted to be elected. When he was among Democrats he was a Democrat, and when among Repub licans was a Republican. While he was here in the vicinity ef Knox Butte he behav ed himself like a gentleman ; but when he got back where yon say the chicken thieves are so thick he became as a thicken tbief. Knox Butte is all oats. -(Signed) Ni Ka Kitm Tl x. tieolegleal Leetaire- Everybody in Albany ehouid bear Prof, Wyckoff, at Crawford's Halt, tbis (Thursday)evening. Subject'Geology." Prof Wyckoff has been investigating to a liaaited extent the geological structure of Oregon soil, and no doubt will pre sent facts of local, as well as of general interest in tbis lecture. A full bouse should greet him. It Is Wise. It is a wise nan who knows all about the unfathomable intricacies of the Senatorial Confab. It is a wise farmer who can foretell the uncertain results of possible rain storms, droughts and freeze nps. It is a wise prophet who can whisper in onr ear when a manufacturing boom will be started in Albany. It is a wise young man who gets married in order to save big board and billiard bills. The Veanty Beaten. The case of C GBurkart,Coustablo against Linn county, the commencement of whieh was mentioned in a former issue of the Demo crat, was tried but week before George Humphrey, Esq., when the action of the County Court was reversed, judgment being rendered in favor of Mr Burkhart for nearly the full amount of his chum. Several other suits are threatened. M K a CD Jl i 1 ' i & a Carres! Events. now turns out that Hepry Ward lleecher can neither stand doge or cate, mis accounts for his peculiar conduct soinotlnies. Already mean stories are circulated about the Washington Monument, An exchange says: "A gaunt and hungry oat climbed to the top; lire mis have msde the asoeut to got the crumbs from the worklngmen's lunches ; wasps build their nosta aud pigeons roost at night 4M feet above the habitation of man." J ust t ho fear of oholera In Paris caused several hundred people to go Insane, and still we get our fashions from thore. No wonder some women look llko lunatics with their bungs and bonnets. Gold Is found in thirty six counties, In Georgia, diamonds iu twenty six aud whiskey In all of them. The last comes out ahead In a light with the others. Ten years ago a man in California left his cano sticking in the branch of an Irrigating ditch, It took root nod has grown to be a sycamore tree over forty feet high. Fact, though strange. A toast. -."Woman she red ul roe no eulogy" -xShe speaks for herself. I here Is a man iu Virginia named Ilos - ronklln. Sf-,i.i7- i " , , . Coukllng Hendricks. He has Just aim a term In theSt.i- tlZZ ed bag penitentiary. Served him right. i.uenuni i , The key that ocks wills key. many a prison cell ft Bi . it 's a deplorable affair when about iiiinyiiit.ii, Knowing mat thoy cannel . t. , . . . ... eleet a U. 8. Sooator, still 1 an. lURSlksi nnil refuse to unite on any one else, de- teatiug arty election st all.looklng at It In a non political light. Lest .Saturday while Marshal Uesllng and Deputies Manning and Laving were conveying two deaperadoes to Sao Antonla they were attacked by several accomplice of the prisoners. Gosling was killed, also a woman. Tho d 4iMtrWv i I IBBJI SSSBfSBSSSSBSBtSBJBBI ' V ' though both wc-e probably shot, The fight by Manning and Loving was a heroic one. That is Texas at vlo. Pattl was received In New York last Saturday by $2000 worth of Mowers, Mho is tue same uorson ef whom it was said, "Petti cake, pattl oi, iur bikers min! ete " ext Woduosdu- tha old Will g out the new come iu. The 'NeWS." of I .rtl ml i. nnlllU.I . crwtit for the imoArtlal uiannar in which it reported the legislative proceed lugs. In strong contrast to the "Oretron lan's" course. It is now thought tho State legislature will U ready to vote for a U S Senator by January, U$7. Out or 358 bills introduced only 110 were paeeed in the last Leglslaturo.and most of them were city charter bills. This wis mck3r fr the Pp!ef By the way Oregon avvtm '"w reuinng every place to have population of at least 2000, tf not greater, KA-K-bSk tm . a. . www Kmu uacoiue a ctty. In maat Eaatern States 10,000 to 15,000 population siueu. a otu like tbis would give l"e glture more tims to vote for a r 8 Seaator, 1 Ralirlsa Lie. Lf01? . eg,nn,"a of 11,0 ,"t . . ,r' ku" xeBwiaiure to tbe end the rport of the "Oregon!an" were the most Inoor- f 1 one ",d .of J Fortland paper, reet an J c shewing : " narrow style. Amnnp man uk.. ... i.l r . 1. 1 w ..w.MtW um was report of the closing epislode Friday i nirshf In mj sTk k a a . . '" " rescinaing or the molion lo djouro. It said -The chair put TT.TT?1 ana ,n to the vote W'4M' enragod unyen tbst be rushed at Simou and reached in his bip pocket as be advanced, He was caught by tbe sergeant at -arms and mem bers, who restrained him. When it Is considered that Bilyeu is a six-footer, and Simon a small man, the act was cowardly as welt as outrageous," Tbis we ascer tain aow was a malic ious lie. In tact, if there was a slight qusrret It was not with Senator Bilyeu at all. In order to tlad out something about it an Albany man went to Simon Saturday and said : "Mr. Simon were'nt you terribly scared when you saw that aix foot Slcamore of theSantiam bearing down on yon, a four footer, with a revolver in his band." "Oh," said be "that was a d d lie," and so it was a falsehood. The fact that none of tbe other papers knew anything about it lathe best evidence. Certainly If there bad been anything of the kind It would have been found out. The closing was no deubt exciting, but It was not tragic. The politics ef papers published in many of the counties of the State will soon be changed in order to keep up with the times and get the Land notices. KE9Li;Tle. Hall of Linn Lodge No. 22, A. O. U. W. Whkiikas, H has pleased tbe Supremo Euler of the uoiveise to remove from our midst our worthy brother, Jefferson Hale, who departed this life on the 23rd day ef the present month, at his home near Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, therefore Jietolved, That in the death of our brother our Lodge has lost a worthy member, the community a good citizen and his family a kind and loying husband and father. litaolved, That we sympathize with tho v idowed wife and orphan children in this their bereavement, and that a copy of these resolutions properly certified be given to the family of the deceased as a mark of respect. IUmlwd, That the altar and charter, and officers stands of this Lodge be draped in appropriate badges of mourning, and that the members of this Lodge wear tbe usual badge of mourning for thirty days in mem ory of our deceased brother. IUnolved, That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this Lodge, and a oopy be furnished tho State Riuhth Dzmcm sat and Herald-DianemlncUor, with a reqnestto pub lish tbe same. Adopted at Brownsville this 24th day of February, 18S5. J. I ( i AI.BRAITU, T. S. PlMSBUKT, M. 11. Crane, Committee. Tbe Oregon Paelfle Hallway. A. M. Gibson, division engineer of the Oregon Pacific railroad, Is lu the city, and proposes a visit to Puget Sound and perhaps to Southen Oregon, before he returns to his duties at Cor vallis. He reports that great cars has been exercised by Chief Engineer Tuck er aud others with the Oregon Pacific to make it a eubbtantlal railway line, He says it will be one of the best roads in the country when completed. Mr. Gibsoa has been connected with the Denver A lilo Grande, the Denver ft New Orleans, the Northsrn Iowa line and sevsral otLer well-known roads during the past few years, and he Is well qualified te Judge. Portland Nevea. e Bead this Carefully. Mrs. L. M. Foster having retired from the firm of L Thompson ft Co., they are very desirous of collecting all outstanding notes and accounts, persons knowing themselves indebted to tbe firm will call and settle. The business will be carried on in the old stand by E. L, TaoMTSoir. HOME AND ABBOAP. F M Fronoh, jowslsr. Cantoning has begun. Spring gooes aro arriving. A river Uoyolo has been invented. Al cidor at lloffmiui & Joseph's. The beat harness st J J Dubruillea. Ht. Patrick's day is rushing upon un, A Ul.l. l i I . . . . . i mwmmm uwimus is to no ink on this year, fror Sate -Haled hay, by .1 I! Townsoml. The now city charter now govern affairs itore. A ohuiue Ha of lower mil oWip at Head A Itrowrioll . J. P. Wallace, Physician nod Surgeon. Al bany, Or. Try a bottlo of shoo dressing at Road k lirowncll . A shooting gallery hu been sUrtod in the rromau brick. neat hue of canned goods in town at Head k HrownoU's. Fhe roofs uf many of our houses aro genu ine moss hacks. L' ...... 1 .. .. r i .1, . i ""'""X orvii us in nu ui mo churches will now be hold at 7 .'10. I ti ... w it n i ., .. Hon H'lyeu rooeived tho Democrat c voU v -A fur u s s.n .(ir vow ""y U M Senator. i t . t . a . . A job lot of cigars, try rs, iry a on lor yourso f I nr,,,..IIV ht 2 . , lgo liaa bueu louturiiig . i or f riends, at Bead Mrs Msttia iirii thiough tho county to large homos. Circuit Court meets one weak fioiu next Monday. It will be a light all nr. l. uiU out for a new lot of boots aud shoes tliU week at Koad k Brownell's. 1 rotr-icted iiioetiugs are being continued at two or throe of the city churches, The city Assessor i arjtiu 1. Troat him gently. Ho did not make the lawf. H m Henry Cyru, of this county, receiv ed 1 vote on the 2oth balUt for Senator. A telephone hue wdl soon be rim between this city and Corvallis, s . it is reported. i a ecdals keeps a nice line of tin and cop. II. f V . i. A... I S - m I , ,. nn.v, ami uuvi repairing- in jpKMl sUSto. Au effort is being made in Kentucky to stop the ringing of church bells. Why not. Ita VI 11 l"i I . .u. n. r.ius, pnysician ami surgeon All any, Oregon, fall msde in city or country, Wo see that W. C. Tareodsle lias ju.t re oeivea another lot of new styled parlor coves. Parties wishing insuranoe iu the Stats lu alii rHiA i ..mb A - t ' I . 7 " "y emmt J. , . . II Ioansend. , I w-i ,-r,ian,r. no inougiit is ao I bo gymnasium is becoming a place -si- M. ' . oensi lerable attraction for All.aiiy vouon men three er four nights during the week. - w i n ell I should smile, more good than wo know what to do with, shall have to sell to make room for more. Call and see at H. ft B. Alt persons knowing thtmaelvoo indebted to John Briggs are untitled to put in an ap pearance at once, aa bo is positively closing out. Salem now has tbrse daitisi. It is safo to say the place cannot support all of them, bence a caliapeo of one or two of them may be looked for The pleasant st irs of II .iT nan ft Josoph is attracting general attention. Everybody goes therefor their confectionary, tobaccos, groecrieo, etc. Tho Benton t..Ur SSSSSS to u this week with a new heal, groatly enlarged and full of life. It is one ef our most wide awake exchanges. Any party wishing to purchase a good farm, either for grain or stock will do well byoalhngouA It Cyrus AC, l: ,al Kitato Agents, at lehaooo. Or. Tho Children's Temperance I'nioo will meet this i Friday ) afternoon at 3 o'clock. All yonng people a 4 invited. Meetings will be held every two weeks. People who wo.nder why no more budding is being done ia Alhiuy should remember that we already hsvo enn ih h ! for 2500 to 3000 people. Duriog 1884 on the Pa id ; Coast policies covering $377,209,9&t in risks were written, tbe premiums received wore $i;,340,94A ; losses paid, 92,351, 787. J H Mas, who was talking of starting a paper at L-banon. will instevl, establiah one at Grant's P as. The other S. O. papers seam sort of hurt about it. O W Gray, D. D. S., in consequence of tho hard time, will reduce the price of dentist ry all he can consistently, with the use of tue beat materials and skillful work. Wo have received a copy of The Dalies Tinwu-Mounlaintrr annual, a neatly gotten np work, containing much valuable informs- j tion cbout that city and Wasco county. An important law passed last wsek at Salem was Mr Bilyeu e school law allowing school districts to borrow monoy for bedding purposes. This means much to Albany. A saloon ordinance passed by the Common Conned last Tuesday night makes it possible te get out a license at any time during the year, but for the full period of six months. The Revere House, in tbis city, is con sidered by commercial tourists as the best hotel in Oregon outside of Portland. It is the favorite with them aa well aa tho public generally. Robinson ft West's saw mill began run ning last Tuesday morning. They have a contract for 200,000 feet of lumber for a Homo to be built in place of tho old one now over Dixie's line. There will be a at the skating rink, next east of S K Young's, this (Friday) night, when an enjoyable time is looked for. Two prizes will be awarded for the beat sus tained characters. On tbe west side H. H. the two freight trains bays been withdrawn and freight cars are now attached to the passenger trains. Thii means that it takes about five hours to go from Portland to Corvallis. On the 7th of this month Altamout, siro of McK night Brothers Oueco.of tbis county, at San Francisco, beat two of California's best horses, best time 2:29. On the 14th he won another race against a good field. Tbe new U P Church, of Portland, was dedicated Ust Sabbath, lUv S G Irvine, of this city, and Rev T J Wilson, of Ualsey, were present, the former delivering tho morn ing sermon and the latter tho evening ser mon. Best ft Aithouse wilt manufacture this year about sixty-five cleaners. Iu about a month Mr Best with seven or eight hands will leayo for Oakland, Cal., from which point the cleaners will be shipped through California. Seme very interesting Washington birth day exercises were held last Friday at the West Ward school, Miss A'( M Howard, teacher. We regret not being able to be present and assist in making the American eagle spread his wings. Quarterly meeting at tho M, E. Church Saturday and Sabbath. Services Saturday at 2 p. m., and Sabbath morning and even ing. The evening services will be hereafter at 7:30 o'clock. Young people's meeting at 7 o'clock. Our notice of the steal nails received by Peters ft Stewart, published in the Democrat last week was the means of induoing a largo number te call and examine them. They will soon be in general use, New subscribers every day to the Deuo. or at, Oet it for the county and local news. With ten to fifteen regular correspondents, all of the county news of importance will bo giyon each week. Our exchanges aro full of articles begin. nibg "we tho usdorsigned," and ending "would request you to acoept the ollioe of school l lerk or d'reotor of this district." M lowed by leng lists of prominent busiuoss moo, and 1 1 1 others. Fortuuately such af Mictions are short and never have touched I .inn county yet. The manner in which Hist class, cilt-edgo. butter is appreciated is well illustrated by the faet that only 15 cents is paid by the public lor common butter, while 125 cents is gladly given for the preferred article, o known reiianio .puhty. There is much in this fact. ivegaruiesi oi tlio failure uf the Oregon a m . ... e is Lovisiaiure to elect a U H Senator, Mr Charles MeU4cr will continue to k ceo fresh aud saltwater li.h, Columbia river smelt. shoal water eiams, fresh sslmon constantly on hand. Me also will py the highest cash price for poultry and gain. Farmers I we have ten doublo motion fanuiug mills complete with sine, hurdle ami selves for all kind of gr;iiu, which wo will tell for twouty.llvo dollsrs each. Now is af a a your time to nuy a separator choaii. John ii,.,.!, . ..... , ... 0,U 10 rr"f t'o.'s olllce. Kr thsUfl MM Heston i..,l.r w. ,: . aillsa that the bailor f tho Albany steam i r -f '-'im siwi ui sua if. .1 n ri ii Alhauy steam launch has not "busted," but instead in a very short time will be at Corvallis where it can be examined, the merits of the steamer commented on.snd the boat, if desired, com pered to a Corvallis man's fsot at a masque ball. Various rcorte have b.en circulated ia reference to the completion oft) ft C Hail road, the latest being thit work will b re uowod this spring. Like repot te are current in reference to tho O V, parties claiming U know, stating that work will so l this side of Cirvallis aud puthed twrdi Albany and the Cascade Ktnge. hut) I.. hoped that both report aro will founded. Thrro was a duguiUd set iu this city Saturday evening, particularly among He publicum, when it was ascertained tor cer tain that the State legislature had adjourned ithout electing il!H Senator. Some not very complimentary reran ke were made, most of which made out many legislators loug oared tallows with brayiag qualities. Last Friday night tho senior editor of the IMim It IT (.am. wifliin il mmhmm .. I . Dbu.h u vt came within 41 I ..... - ""n. " t mill Ll..i if a a ...... 4 elected V. S. Senator. I f fls ' w w ....... I'MvsvMUilUU Lit vg 111 11. . . . ... w . v r. i sail li IIIAIIIS Lll" BAIllO Aa .III I ft advaaco. Now is the timo to subscribe. while the seuaatien is hot Take the leading paper of tbe valley, the Dstlo SAT. A few evenings since sn unknown man went to one of the night watches aud asked to be pat iu the csliboaeovr night ia rder to obtain a pi see of rest, lite request was grau ted. In tbe tnoralag tho door was fonud knocked off tue hiagos, the guest hsviug jcrkeu a wooden beam from tbe walls near the front door, and with it broke open the eeor, and loft for parts unknown. It is thought ho was weak in tho upper story. A Portland man is to iovsnt a dying ma chin with electricity at lbs . lor. Many people ridicule the idea fl euc i a machine, yet depend en it not mmy yoart will tlspae before such a msoh in wdi bi 0SSSSlsfal operated. Man ha undertaken I a llaJsgi he bss not scco u . l.b 1 It sVosS net do It in one general u in sfsK U the net! More wouderlu'. thin i far torn tliuj; ma chines have bcu iu vst i. W.iy uitths. Certainly one had bsttsr b s a ltug tii science of aerial navigation th in whittling ilrygoeis bjgei. ovo if In i. for it. ' "; Murat Hslsteed, of " . t J m ' . Iff 0 0 m .a B,rfr'" m me narcn uuihIh r oi u, . M orth AnvrUan ilrritw contributes an r- tic! on "The Revival of Sect ion alttai " In . . ,. th same number, Arc!idoacou r arrar pre- , . .. ... . sentshi view on "t-uturo lUtnbutiau, and Prof N K Davis discusses "The Moral Aspect of Vivisection' in a way that brings logo the- briefly neatly everything that any person of note ha said on th aubject. Max Muller describes the aatooisbiag ideas of th Buddhists on the subject of "Chanty, " and tieorgo .'ohn Romanes opens up a great sub ject with an article on "Miud in Men aud Animals." Tbe other articles are one by President Oilman on Titles (chtelty scholao tie,) one by Judge John A Jameton on "Speculation ia Politics," and ono by John W Johnston on "Railway Lnd-graat." The following is tho narrow way in which a Portland paper put it. "Sol Hirsch did right not to permit a minority to dictate te a majority, and it would have boon a good thing for Oregon and simply right if Mitchell amtx inanuested a similar spirit. The men who voted against him because of his relig ion aro ignorant fanatics who are better fit ted forsn asylum than a legialative kail." Intelligent people know yery well that Hirsch was opposed for other reasons than his reiigiou. In tho first place he was a wire pulling wsrd politician. In the second piaco th people have enough of your Dolph style of Senators. Ho reproseuls tboae interests tbe people do aot want represented, being in short a regular ring politician. Tho asylum is better lilted for those who kopt voting for a man they knew they could not elect. Loosely Drawn. Considerable discussion has arisen over the local option law, It being claimed both that ths law applies to chartered oitles,And ibat It dsns not. In this connection it might be well to ask why our Leglslatera do not serai-oonasloBally draft a bill that says what it was intended to mean. There seems to be a obronio practice of shading everything in mystery. It Is known that the Intention of this law was to make it apply as well to cities as to country planus ; I s , .. yet the indications now are that practical ly it will never be made to. This is one example of a loosely drawn bill , Some of the prices current in Portland ar : Wheat sacks GJffflSo ; hops, 810o : hams, 15($16c ; chickens, 3(0)3.50 ; buttor fancy, 30e ; inferior 18(gi20c ; eggs, 16o ; dried Capples 44; wheat, 72o ; wool, 12 14c ; potatoes, 2535c. IU Wonderful Km racy. No remedy over discovered posaajsos the wonderful efficacy of Syrup of Figs. The certainty with wbioh it ex polo all Im purities from the aystem,at the same time giving tone to the Liver, Stomrch and Bowels, places it ahead of a other reme dies, to say nothing of its being taken. It is selling very rapidly. E W Lang don A 0 Ktitf f c Albny. SHlLOH'S VITALIZE His what you need i ir Con Ntipations, buss of Appetite, Dizziness, and ail symp toms of Despopsia. Pries 10 and 75 cents per bot tle, Letter List. Following' is the list of letters remaining in the Post OIBee, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Fob. 26, 1886 Persons calling; for those letters must give the date on which they were advertised : Bates Christ, Bess 0. Davis H. Hals Lssna. Huston Wayer. Molhlaod James, Williamson Jeremiah, Miller Mrs. Alices J. M. IRVINq, P. M, MCMl AftO PERSONA I. Mrs T J Htites is visiting in Itsrriaburgthis week. Dr. Doff, of Sbodd, was in tho oity Htur" day. Miss Addle Ooorgu returned to 1'ortland last week. I M Itruoe, ex Cmuty Treses fr, wa in thn oi ty Monday. Itemember the social thit (I'VhUy) ev.-ning at Mrs Walter Mouteith's, Geo. W. Davis, the genUI merchant of Shedds, was in the oity Munday. Hon S M Pennington, previous to return ing to his homo at I'endloton. spent Sabbath in this city. Messrs Thomas and Mack Montoith went t" orvallis Friday evening to atteud i masque party st that place. Mr. Walter Peterson, Lebanon's band seme joweler aud heart breaker, wai in tbe city the first of t'.o week. Mr. I. D. Miller, of Miller's station, was recently in Southern Oregon, where he bought a band of sheep. Mr H I Iturkhart. one of tin DsSfOttUt's llrst aubecriboM, mads us bis uoial Spring visit tho llrst of the week. Mr A Htaiger and family w dl s oa move to Salem, where Mr. Staigor will go into ti e iiurblo Ltisiriuss with lm brother. Hon Milton Shannon, si IfoM u, BeVSSl county, was iu the city last Mnday, making his annual call at th Dkh u r .,lll... Frank I'atton, of tho Salem Trihune, was ti tbe city the first of tho wr.-k, in tbe in terestnf that new and lively ('ally. Mr Sid Dorris, who has Immii working for ( W Watts for several mouths, left last week for bis home at LiFay otte. Hon John If ugbet, of Albins, formerly of Hentou county, was in tho city the first of tbe week, on a vuit to friends. A. Noltuor, editor f the Cortland S'Ms- , has gone to Washington. It is Stated that tho 1'ortland l'oetofli :o would bo ac ceptable. A social was given on last Tuesday even- ug at tbe resid'itoi of A. Staigor, in this city, by tho ladies of the 'oagregstional hurch. An enjoyable time is reported. Mr Iuis Miller, who has been coalit e I Is his home aiuce the dseo snow on account ' ef a broken leg received at that time, was agm on tbostrtets tba llrst of the week. Mr J K Hilcy, of So, called at tho Dr.uo csat ofllco the lirst of tho week and asked for the fighting editor, who was promptly oa hand. Tbe f. o. wilt be glad to meet all of its subscribers in the same manner. Ira Campbell, tho editor of the Eugene 0S irrf, whose physlcsl proportions bad been completely eihsnsted by his Ubor in trying to assist in electing a Senator at Salem last week, laid over for repair m this city last Sunday oa bis way home. Tees ps ranee. The Ixcal Option and License Law pass ed by tbe last legislature and approved by the (iovorn-r February I7lh is al I that the moot ardent friends of reform could have hoped for a, this time. Our Repre sentative have acted fairly and wisely. The 4lh and 5th Sections of said Law road aa fallows : Set. 4. That any person wishing to soil spirituous, mall or vinous liquors before obtaining a license, aa hereinafter provid ed, snail at his own trouble or expense, ot'taln the signatures of an actual majority ofibo whols cumber of legal voters ef the precinct in whieh he may wish to sell Hiu-li spirituous, malt or vinous liquors, to a petition to said County Court, praying that said line use be granted ; and no ap pltoaat shall be deemed to have a major ity of Hm legal Vetera of ouch preomct Wliwtn lietltlan ilia, nat mnlals tttm .. ........ '.fanomber uf g voters ofstsfJspr .-.iKii.juai in a majority or ail the votes . i Much precinct at tbe last preceding gen- ri eteouon, aoo greater linn tbe whol ......i, ni -----a . . mm - - w. ii.i .v. r w I w m precinct which may be signed to any to "tfnt against the graining of any uch Jtceneo, . . ' c. 6. That wbsii th signatures of au actual majority ot the whole number of '"gal voter have been obtained lo be de- Ijamilnail aa nrai I.UI In 1 1... ' tlon, the applicant shall, at hi own ex . ... W.....T.. . ( . IUQ HIMV1I.I a I . a . a . r . " pense, oause tbe said petition to be pub lished for four consecutive weeks tn any dally or weekly newspaper published in said county, together with notice of tho day ucii which he will apply to tho ( ouuty Court for each license to sell spiri moss, malt or vinous liquors; pre vdod, that irtbere be no daily or weekly news, paper publishod in said county then the pen! mo and notice herein specified shall tie plainly written and pealed in three of tho moat nubile places in ouch precinct, and proof of suob poatiog shall be made by the affidavit of one of the petitlenera and two resident house-holder of tbe precinct. Now it remains for this law to be enforc ed with tbe same fairness with which It has beou unacted. A majority refosine to a petition for license would show the public sentiment against saloons. That should be sufficient reason for any good c Izsn to use all bis Influence against such business. Ths will of the msjorlty should not be violated. It Is folly ever to expect a uuanimoua sentiment against drinking and saloona. A minority will always exist who will oppose say measure. And often that minerity Is unjust enoush to violate ths wish of a large majority. Such men are never either good Republi cans or Democrats. T.iey are no: g o I citizens, They are violators of the spirit of our institutions, I feel for one like earnestly asking our people of Albany aud of Lion county to see to It that every voter Is fully apprised of this law and of his privilege and duty uuder it. M. J Albany, Or., Feb. 20th, 1885. Mprlag iurk I am now receiving my Spring stock of dry goods lu staple and fanoy, and will soon have my stock complete with all the novelties of the season, iu dress goods, fancy goods, etc. Samuel K. Youms. A Now York minister hsving heard that a great many young people had fallen on ac count of goiog to skatiug rinks preached a stirring sermon against the sin of such things. He should moyo to Now Zealand. Tub Dalubs, Oregon, Nov. 4, 1884. I am entirely satisfied with the honorable manner in which I was treated in regard to my insurance business, aud the settlement and payment of my loss by the State Insur ance Company. We shall rebuild our honse at once, and shall be glad to continue busi ness with your company. J. K. Harbis. Katnuet K. Vouns Carries tbe largest assorted stock, o boy's, youth's, ladies,' misses' and chll- dt ens' shoes and slippers in Albany, Thes troods are bouirht direct from the manu facturers for cash, and every pair hi war ranted, and no foolishness. He is oon stantly adding new novelties in shoes snd slippers, Job FrlallBg. We are now prepared to do any kiud of ob printing oa short notice and in the latest style. Send for estimate on Urge jobs. Burkhart Bros, What the Legislature Did At tho last Legislature bills were passed tor the followingfpnrposcs : Creating Morrow oonnty.for additional buildings to State Uoi varsity, providing bounty on wild animals creating board of immigration, limiting wit nesses subpoenaed to four, to improve th brood of cattle and hoes, amending Portlam aVi i as . . . ... nro uepirtment law. providing for a state board of agriculture, providing for letting contracts for building of public bridges fixing fees of district attorneys, relocating county seat of Josephine, prohibiting tbe carrying of ooocealed woapors, paying Jason Wheeler for services in Cay us Vr, amend ing certain sections of civil code, amending mortgage tax law.establishiug Mom course of instruction, providing for registration by voters, in relation to bridge, local option. ipproprisling f2000 ror stjsM for tbe Washington monument, exempting firemen from Jury duty and road and poll tax.creat 1 a . . . sag SSJOKSBJSS) at Astoria with authority to servo process, defining bouudary of Csfffss bin couuty, smotiding sec. 24, title 2, chap tsr 7, amending fire department laws of Fast Portland, authorizing The Dalles te sell cer- tain property, relief of A W Prealy, i. gulst- ug proceedings io justice courts. ir vidiuu for compensation for ssors in Multnomah county for taking oci.sus of I8H', amending lortlands charter, general approon itior, making Drain Academy a State Normal school, amending charter of Pendleton, amend ing charter of flalsey, making priooa for lost teoeipU of Governor Chadwick, provid ing for distribution a id exehsnge of Oregon reports with ether atstea, incorporating town of Ifyette, prohibiting the depoeitmg of fish offal in Willsmette river, appropriating IVJ00 for salaries snd expenses of commi sioners at New Orient exporitior, urging CsiirresstlK-U Li ari'lir.i ai.i.r .i.r, - I mt - " .'!' 'I'. 1-9 . 1 Ml IU Tillamook Hy, urging Congressmen Is t- curo forfeiture of N P railroad lands io Uma till county, also securing continuance ef work oo harbor of refuge at Port Orfoid.also to open locks and ssasal at Oregon City to public use, aiuenouig La Oriude's charter. providing for completion ml State CapiUd, eto , amending charter of MsSVpSsi, also of Weston, also of Albany, also of Kug?ne City, Qxiog time lo hold courts iu second judicial list net. appropriating lanus for Yaqunia railroad, ete , reducing free in sHSBSBOs cases iu Multnomah couuty, providing for Agricul tural College at Cerallis, aaking Congrese for further appropriatioaa for improvement of Yaqulna Bay, creating GklHsSl county, amending school law, regulating manner of pleading ordinance, prohibiting swine run ning at large, paying Col. Sim; I $r0 for services, providing Stat pilot boat on the xdambia rivar, Mechau.c's lieo, creating oft ce of additional Circuit Judge for Mult nomah Coooty, giving Portland school dis trict authority to borrow 8100,000. lixing time of holding court in Fifth Judicial die trict, also in First district, detiuing terms band and real property, csteblihio. size of bop boxes, quieting title to swamp lands, crest ing c .uuty of Crook, defining legal holidays and making bills payable proceeding day, cutting down fees of school clerks, regalat ing transfer of proceedings from County to Circuit Court, cutting down foes of Sheriffs, amending aw of proceed a re in administra tion of estates, amending charters of I'm ver sitios and Colleges, amending miscellaneous laws, sec. 36. title '1. chap, 7, detinmg duties of certain oftcers, amending aec. Til, chap S, titlei 3, Civil oode, appropriating 910,750 for hah ladder at Oregon City, amending charter of Ashland, amending ore. 5, chap. 56 of miscellaneous law, Snog salaries of Circuit judge at 13000, providing for code of civil proceed ur-, submitting to vote relw oatiou of county seat of Yamhill county. iegaiiziugjact of oiiccrs of Santiam Academy, amending charter of CoojuUU City, defining duties of road overseer, requiring railroads to make annual reports to State, amending ec. yd of Code of Civd proceedur. refund ing money paid for school land for which state could give no title, granting city char ters to Clatsop City, Fast Portland, lud pendence. Maker City, Forest O rove, Sheri dan, Med ford. Junction City, The Dalle. Dallas, Jacksonville, Hdlsbere, Amity, Silvorton, Yaquina City. Tbe above will show all that tbe Legiala ture did. Read and do your own cemraec ting. "I Dea l reel Use Work ' It make n difference what business yoa ar engaged in ; whether you -re a preacher, a merchant, a mechanic, a lawyer or a com mon la barer, vou can't do your work well bile half aick. Thousands try to, but all in vain. How much better to keep yoar organs in good order by taking Parker s route when you feel "a httlo out of sorts. t would Lm tiiuntiv in vuur noekat. On hour of iroo-i. reioieuw health is worth haii dozen hours full of languor and pain. Last Sunday was the birthday ef the fath er of his country, George Washington, a man above reproach, beside whom many of tho so called statesmen of to-day would be an an archangel te a cultut dog. It was hardly noticed in this city. sy rep r Figs Nature' own true laxative. Pleasant to the palate, acceptable to tho stomach, harmless iu its nature, painful in its ac tion. Cures habitual constipation, billioui- ss, indigestion and kindred ills. Cleans- oaths system, purities the blood, regulate the liver and act on the bowels. Breaks up oolds.chilla and fevers,etc.,strougthens the organs on which its aots. Bet .bitter, nauseous li Ar medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample boules free, snd lsrge ottles for Sale by Foshay A Mason. Portland supported Southern Oregon's candidate for Congress and S. O. supported Portland's candidate for tho Senate. See ! and they did not want him at all. Politi cians have to swallow some bitter pills. Us ii i i I Albany, Oregon, Dec. 30th, 1854. My home which was destroyed by tire on Dec. 18th was insured in the State Insurance Company of Salem, Oregon, which has al ready settled and paid the full amount of my chum. Any one insured in our home Company the State, can rest assured of hon orable treatment in case of loss. Signed, Hbnby Watson. MARRIED. BOUUN. THOMPSON. On Thursday. February 19th, 1885, at tho residence of the bride's parents, near Shedd, Mr. Jas. O. BovLiN and Miss Alice THOMrsoN both of Linn county. We congratulate. WAT30N WILSON. Ia Halsey, Wed aesday. February 25th, 1885, at tho resi dence of the bride's parents, by Rev S Irvine. D D, Ma Charles Watson and Miss Jennie Wilson both of Halsoy. The Democrat unites with many friends hero in extending hearty congratulations to too happy young eouple. May they live long and prosper. KOltV KETCHUM. On February 21st, 1885, near this city, to the wife of Mr Frank Ketchum a boy. CLABK. Oa Monday, February 23rd, 1885, in this city, to the wife of Joe Clark a girl. FLAIX talk a Plain Hteta It Is a very difficult thing to pat ones Anger on anything the late Legislators did that leally amounted to a tqw ot piDS to tho whole state, exeept. per bar, Ki ady's b.cai option bill, a meas ure that is liable to make matters llvofy In rim;- Perliap, it Is just ss well thoug'.i t bat little was dons. Tb troube in most Htates Is that the peo ple arr Jeg'slsleej to dath. W sow lucky If we escape such au affliction. In order to appreciate bow tirn- are in t lie Valley one ueedg tn tdk with "rseoiie who lianln (u Washington Territory or K O. Only a fewaon- teiir esare iieeikd to show te us bow very prosperous we are compsratlvely. We will soon have au opportunity to see how many p.efer 8 per cent interest and having their taxes paid, or 10 per ceatt and paying their own tacrsoflf mills There are few white mii wh ssa talk Chinese fluently, but a young man recently from Canton, now In Prtlauo1, s an It and ha been speaking thore to wld mouthed celestials, mush to their satisfaction and pleas.r. Ls him study Uw sad Ui-re is a fortaiie la bis hand Youog meu who waste all of their mony ! fn-t living do wm kuow Its value untii tbey reach a period where a few hundred dollars laid by would be a coal mine to tin m. Morrow and Oillism are tbe names tb ew ceubt'-es iu K. O., insnufactur I by the but legislature. Hepaer aspires to b -- capiUl of the former and Aikah ef the latiet. Tbe si air B ,rar -"! eT regea I. Is a Homo Coiupauy or gestfssal mml trollo 1 by p-o utneu'. and wed ksir i b nets men of tlie N r.hret, fru it house ea Hat 2. Tbe SSOOjSf p id t thi c Ripauy is re tained in tbe North wt. It pays tax bore and assist in dveioorug au i boi diuj mm the various indusUies ef tbe Northwest. 3. It is tbe ouiy com pan v in Oregon, whieh is limited by it charter to th iwsurauee af farm property, private dwellings aud their content . school bouse and church. 4. Cascjiiently it caunot be baraed eat a it i not t-xpose.i to losses from woopiag nrea. It insures no mercantile or Uusiaes risks, but afford a safe and reliable iusaraae to farmers aud osneri of private dwelling. .j. Tn lire that destroy two cities, rais ing over a bundred ioanraoo oenpaaiea, rendering worthless thousands ef peliaisa, demonstrate the nejtsity of farmsr and others insuring in just each a coiupaay.fre from ail kinds of business risk. I jgar is low aud sweet, 12 pound of Got fee C. or 10 pounds of granulated for eae dollar, oeing ihe prevailing price. flShly KrrMaej., Obboox. 2o1, 1884. RmsmU k Co., The New Matsiibn 33 inch separater and Uossell engine purchaesd of jou but oaas mer is all you recommends I it to be. It aa given satisfaction in every re pec I thresh, od this season iu 31 days ran 43S6S bushel of grain which is tbe Ugeat rua of any ma chine in this part of the conn try. 1 tares ed for some of tb j oldest farmers ia this county and they all say that I did ikes the best job. saying and cleaning tnir grata that ever had been done. Our expense for - pairs for theseasua did not exceed en del las. Your Respectfully, D. D. Hacs LUCAS. Numerous candidates have appeared far the position of Governor of Waahingtaa Ter ritory, each on of whom woo bora for the position. A Lire Sevlauy Preseet. Mr. M. E. Allison, Uatchiison, Kas , Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle c Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consump tion, which caused him to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, wheat Doctors, cbsMge ef cd mate and everything elss had faded. Asthma, Brooch ha. Hoaneneea, Severe Coughs, and ail Throat and Dung diseases, it ia guaraa eed to care. Trial Bottlos free at Foe haw Mason's Drugstore. Large size SI. 00 Uudr a Uw just passed ia the interest ef the State Insurance Company, all fs 'nsurancecompanie will have to pay a 1 of $100 a year. 1, a s. Few realize that the atomaoh is nearly ! aiwas in orienamg organ m wnat are called billious attacka, nevertheless thai ouch is the case is a scientific mot. Keep tbe stomach healthy and the whole body will he healthy. Cholera and other "gerea diseases" cannot be propagated in tbe sys tem if the stomach and blood are la a healthy state. Dr. De Haven's Dyspepsia Cure secure this desirable state ef the stomach and blood. Sample bottles free at Foebsy k Mason's Drug Store, Remarks to the effect that the farmer is now shoving the plow, the bu'l frog is heard in the land, and all nature teems te rejoice st the approach of spring, ar now ia erdei . gTOCKHOLBKRS MM II Hi, Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of tho Stockholder's of tbe Odd Fellow's Hall Building Association held ia the office of said Association oo Monday, March 9th, 1885, at tho hoar ef 7:30 o'clock, !. in. , for the purpose of electing seven Direc tors to serve said Association the ensuing year and for tho transaction of any other business that may come before said meeting. Albany, Feb. 25th, 1885. J. F. Backbnsto, President. J. H. Burkhart, Secretary. s CHOOL MELTING. Notice is hereby given that the regular annual school election in School Distriet No. 5, Linn county, Oregon, will bo held at the Central School House, in said Dis trict, on the 9th day of March, 1885, com mencing at the hour of 1 o'clock p, m. nd continuing until six o'clock p. m. of that day, for ths purpose of electing one Director to serve for the term of three years, and one Clerk to serve the ensuing scnooi year, J, H. BCBKHAKT, District Cork. Albany, Feb. 25th, 1885. H OTELFOR SALE. The Jackson House. Priueville. Oresraa. 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, large and convenient, with all ovoeasary iurnuure, fries reasonaoie and terms easy, A. B. Colvbr k Son. Prinsville, Oregon. N OTICE. To all hum this may ooacera. My wife, Caroline L Attridge, on tbe 12th day oi December, 1884, without cause 1st; my bod and board, and I hereby notify a'.l parties not to credit her on my account, ss I will not be responsible for the same. I further notify all parties not to purchase any estate from her or anyone else marked and bread ed as follows : Mark, crop off bsh Brand, S. A. on side. S. Attridosl Date I this 25th day of Feb,, 1885.