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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. rIXEOFFI K.m Dfanrral Butldlag on Hroatfalbla Mrrrl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION aiafU copy, per rear, In tdnuicf ........ Si&fia copy, par year. al and of vear . . siafia sopy, aix mouths ittjla copr, thrac ruiu.ths Stasia Bum bar H H S 00 1 M ri 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S.STRAHAN. ATTOHUKY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. TTTILL PRACTICE FN ALL THE IT Court of this Stat. Will give give bate apodal attention to collections and pro' matter. Office in Foster's now brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Briggs store, 1st street. vl4n23tf J. E. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTABY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALB AST. OBE-O. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE State. Special attention gtet to collections and probate nutter. MTOaWa In Odd Fellsw's Tempi. H r. 0. FOWBLL. w- R- BILTBTJ POWELL & BILYEU. vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - OBKGOE. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. JBTOfflee in Foster's Brik.-Bi Tl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Conrta of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low iTices. OIT"3T DRUG STORE, 2jl UBIW, OBEU). POSHAY & MASON, s-holsxais an a taix. Oraggistsand Booksellers, ALBA XT. OREGON. Tl6n41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. FIBSCaUPTIOSS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MAST0K Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just vest of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, ORECON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. SBTOffice and residence in Mcllwsin's Block. Aibanv, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in (rood condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. REVERE HOUSE, Carve. Bint and Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Hotel is fitted an in first class stylo. Tables applied with the best the market affords. Spring Bods in ststt Boom. A good Sample Room for Com srri 111 Travelers. STTret t oar it to and from the Hotel."B FURNITURE. have the best stock of furniture in city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOPIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, appty w BET. ELBERT M. C'ftXDIT, Preutaen Aloany Bath House. TSB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaform the oitisans of Albany and ri siaity that I have taken charge of this Establish meat.a&d, by keeping eiean rooms anu payus strict attention to business, expects to snit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressine Saloons expects to give entire satisfaction to al jr0Vldxen nd Ladies' Hair neatly en hampooed. JOS WEBBER. CHAS. METZGER'S Fisb, Pt;ultr and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressed to order. All irinria of eame in season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of th. ritar. Naxt door east of Tweedale's thai city. Next doorj et Slate VOL. XX. TEST YOaR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! Brands adrsrUssd aa absolutely para COIfTAIIf AMMONIA. THE TltTt ' Flaoa a can top dawn on a hot atova unUl heated than rsssova Uia atid smell. A Nmw will nut ba r DOES SOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. its tUAiTanrusai mat WEVEE am nrw. In a million home, for a quarter of a eenlury H tafca tewd tae runMaierj' reliable teat, THE TESTJF THE OVER. PRICE BAKING POWDER 0., MAKSBS Of Dr. Price's Special FlayoriDg EiMs, Tfce M rv mi, bm SsMtWaa m4 aatara I a..r tan a, ate Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Oens tor l :-. t. Healthy i;.. ! The Beat Dry H.y Yeast In the WorM FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICACO. - ftT. LOUIS. For aale by Cutt ng,' Marie A Oft. I'orUand, Or. icuia THE ONLY REMEDIES FOR THE SKIN AND BLOOD UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED Win T Totteo, 672 North Tenth Street, ITilladel phia. rt-porta that one of hi customer stated to him tnr .dental It that he was feeling- well an I had (allied twenty seven ruuuds in the aat year, all of which he attributed t. a systematic course of the Cvtoo'BA Kr.HoL ajrr, which has asssssfl effectual when all other rctueC tea failed. SOBEAOX KECK. Cbaa. Brady. Sotnenrllle. Mi . who rcfera to Or J J Woial. druggist, of that city, certiftes to a wonderful cure of nianinjr sores on the neck which bad been treated by hospital ph) aiciao. without cure, and whichticlded otlcWtr to the CVncrsa Hi vikm CIRED BY Cl'TlCl'RA. My skin disease, which resisted several jxipnlar remedies an-l other remedies advised b) physicians, has been cured by your Ci net av ksasoiea. They aitrpasaed my m-l sangutna ci-talion and rapidly effected a cure. J C. ARKXTllt K. Vinconne, Ind, KXOIV ITU VALUE, All of your O rtci a.t civc very irl i-J. ii.. ii. The OnWtl I estccliy rec-wtmeod for the diseases for which It is used. I know from ea- (erience its vaue. I'K. II. J. I K AT r, Mot.teli , Wis CLTfCl'BA ABROAD. Through a home-retanted Norweigao. I have learn ed to kaowu your Ci tin a . which has in a short cured me of an Eczema that my byire . could not heal. CHR, HELTZEN. Bergen, Xorwatr, Aicstiturforretnine;. THE POET POWERS. A feeling of gratitude impels mo to a-Viv.le ; the great nu-rits of your t'lTici s, and I cordially recommend it to the public as a very valuable ran edy. II lOWESaV Bridgeport. Conn, Far sale everywhere. Price Citici aa. the srea Skin Cute, SOc. Cxmct a Soar, sn excQiaite Skin BeautiAer. 25c. Cvrmaa KksoLvsjit, the ncsr blood Purifier, fl. ratter Drm and C'laeaalral t o.. Bo. tost ICTRA SOAP, an exquisite Toilet Bath.and V U I I Nursery Sanative. DEYOE & R0B80N, (8-iccessors to W. H. (roltra.) DEA.LERS IN-v Farm Machinery WAGONS, H4GE8, BUfiGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL. GOODS, THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successor to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hand, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to crive satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cinallv in Orefron City granite. Cleaning, rwrtafrinir ad reeettine a specialty. Call and fixamine mv Drices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. f:hop on west siae 01 t erry Btreei, upjru site post office. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MTLLIHERY AND DRESS-MAMS. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. F OR SALE, on half hiook In eastern next of. tie I t ww hi uw u mtmmmm vi aiaiu.-uu. tilt city with fair house and barn will be sold cheap 01 k viroan-ioii lbttbm . (From our regular correspondent.) New Ohlkamh, La., Feb. 22, 85. On the arrival of the old Liberty Bell In this citygpeople went wild with enthusiasm. All setin to reverence the ancient relic. It is stationary on one half of an open-oar sustended from a frame. A ratling encircles the bell on the posts of which are eleven small imi tation belts ; the other end of the car is the office quarters of the three stal wart police guards. Over the bell is priuit .,"1770 Proclaim Liberty ; Phil adelphia New Oi leans" then cornea a hand-clasping. The car is No. 5844, from the Pennsylvania Central Rail road. Jefferson Davis was Invited by a committee of United States Commie, atouers from Pennsylvania. Kanaas, Dakota, Maryland, LouisUne, to join in the reception ceremonies, which was accepted. Hen. Frank Bacon made a speech whioh was responded to by Mr. Davis. The ceremonies were very im posing and pleasant CO.VJIECTICtT. T. R. Pickering, commissioner, may well feel proud of his evbibit. Seeds, vegetables and corn are represented, there being 100 samples of 88 varieties, of the latter ; tobacco, in which the Connecticut leaf is known the world over, especially among cigar makers, ia an important product ; fifty -five varie ties officially insectel and sealed are shown. Piae apple cheese is a noted product. KJged tools,table and pocket cutlery from Hartford makes a good display. The Nw Loodon Pulley Works, Winatead scythes, Waterbory brass tnblin?, are well represented. Household hardware materil,nd Hart ford printing pressey, sUsm engine, taps, dier, gauges, steam, gaa and water fittings, organr, sewing machines, brass snd copper ware, bronzi material for bonaebaildiog, Bridgeport Metatic cat ridges, locks, lamps, chandeliers, vehi cles, tri and bicyclee,sre in moat attrac tive display, being of the best material and well executed. Photographic in struments, Norwich revolvers of the finest and moat modern improved pat terns, of which ihere are $2,000 worth in a email akow cas. chains, locks and keys, sleigh and other bells, appear very attractive and admirably arranged. Working tools, rifles, roller skates, but tons of all kinds, bird c4es,ivory goods fine and costly, granite snd silver plat ed wate, in profusion, a silver and gold plsted watr cooler worth $350 is shown in a glass stand. Watches and clocks standard tiroeia snd of ingenius mechan ism proves Connecticut to be a very inventive con:. ft y. Agricultural im plements deserve particular mention. Specimens of sculpture sre good, leath er belling, governors for stesm engines stone cruabers, species of spar for por celain, hoisting apparatus are here to be teen. The blocks of natire wood are the beat preserved of any in the boilding.having been carefully wrapped in tissue papers and packing Scotch gingham", tapestry carpels and wo Uu goods are first class. Mr. Pickering ill have a most unique and original office. It is composed of panels or doors so mstched ss to rnske a neat room, a canopy of mosquito bars for the roof, fine tapestry fir the doors and windows. Hartford Woven wire csr seats exquisitely upholstered, Brussels csr- pets, desks and chairs, all manufactured in and sent ss exhibits from Connecti cut. Photographs of the Htns and Continental Mutual Insurance comps nies buildings at Hartford embelish the walls ef the cline, which the commis sioner invites the public to visit. kestockv. Judge Ceo. ii. Perkins,of Covington, as commissioner, occupies the largest space of any state exhibit, being in the south-east corner where three offices are luxuriously srranged. The exhibit statts off with the Louisyille school interests which show good trsiniug to the "young idea." A most extravagant display of transparent photographs of fine stock, among whih are "Dictator" prouitor of thai fnio..s ti otters "Jay Eje S.fc" and "ja-ol8,"ed the thor oughbred runner 4,Virgil," blooded cat tle, public slate buOdings and private houses. Tobacco and bemp are staple products, and command much money. In minerals, coal leads, a specimen is shown from a seam 1 1 feet deep ; the csnnel coal is a hatd clear burning fuel and is found inexhaustible ; as well as fine Iron ore which is worked advanta geously. Of the native woods, walnut maple, ah, oak, chestnut,curley poplar are the most popnlar ; the latter is the finest kind of timber for fancy finish ing in cars or cejling. The specimens of very wide boards will receive atten tion. A Swiss colosy recently settled in Kentucky are succeeding financially and have turned their industry to grape and wine culture, and send samples of the latter. Hendorson county is one of the richest in tobacco and wheat. The Angora goat is being bred success fully and fine wool comes therefrom. Hemp is largely raised and manufac tured into bagging for cotton. Chas E. Davis is in charge of the fruit dis fU GlltS ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 37, 1885. play, and hai a proooss wbersby, st s cost of a few cents, any kind of fruit, vegetables, or meat can be preserved, without sealing, heating or sweetening, for years. His samples are fine and deterve tcrutiny for their natural like preservation. MoT I'M. 1 1 is a beauty, the now fast mail oar number 9.1, christened "Minnaapoln," shown by the Chioago, Milwaukee k St. Paul rsilroad. The ice factory in M tin b iH.ling ia worthy a visit. Cikes throe foot long by one wide and one thick ir) froSsn right btfore your eyes. There is no doubt the poultry exhibit is equal to if not superior to sny ever held hertttofore. In the same depart ment is the Eureka inoubator whiob holds from 300 to 1,000 eggs at a hatch ing. The roaobiae is in working on ditionvhere the public csn examine its intricacies. i nr. vou mm. Au exchange says thai the applica tion of Fits John Perter to the Presi - dent, asking for reinstatement in the srmy, has been referred to Congtess,and a new bill will probably be presented covering the points which encountered the Executive veto. It is believed.ssv the dispatches, that Senator Logan's oppeiitton to it will not be so pronoun ced as formerly. It was the aspirant for Presidential honors, not the legisla tor, who stood up in tb Senate for tkree days at one time.and four days at another time, howling weak invective and transparent fallacies against a solid wall of established facts. The Ssnator made the mistaku of supposing thst he could rally whet ia called the soldier element to hi atamtard bv wain re lentless war sgainat a dcplv wronged snd patriotic man. Ho fsncied that sll the soldiers hated Portr because he bund s few who had not changed the opinion formed when Pa ter was first crushed by falsehood to shield incom petency. When SchofislJ, Getty and Terry., after devoting many month to a careful review of the evidence, to nod that Porter had en unjustly convicted, Logan still hoped to cany the volunteer soldiers with him by sneering at West Point. And when Orant,who had loog tood in the way of Porter's vindication, aid, both as Oenetal of the At my and President of the Unitnl States, bad denied Porter a rehearing, finally foil ceaitraineJ to confess that be had been in the wrong, and that Porters convict ion was a err el and awful injustice, Ligan stiil ma lo tho mistake of contin uing bis fig'it on thtt suppositiou thst his influence was grester than Grant's. B it Logan bagins to suspect now that he bsd not heard from all liio soldiers. His etisappointment in the Presidential canvass has intensified this impression. The object for which he made his as saults on Porter has been lost, aa 1 thousands of the Fifth old Army Corps, of which Porter was the idol.contribut od in no unimportan: degrees to tbe result. Throughout the North the most intelligent of the veterans are with the best informed of their fellow-citizens in the conviction that Porter his been made tbe victim of immeasurable wrong, and that it behooves the Government, aa far as possible, to redress it. Protection has a very captivating sound. To be protected and helped in the affairs of tkis world is a tempting bsit held out to laboring men through out the country. And many, many thousands of them accept the pleasing thing without thought or investigation. But the whole thing is a delusion and a snare. Tbe stubborn facts from which all sensible men roske up their opin ions, are, that our mauufscturera under tbe Walker or Democratic tsrilT cf 1846 increased 37 per cent, from 185C to 18G0, while under the wsr tariff of 1861, they have increased only about 23 per cent for eaoh 10 years since its adoption. Hare is food for reflection. According to a Washington corres pondent, Mr. Arthur ought to beablo to retire from the White House at east $1 00,000 richer than he was when he entered it. All the ordinary expenses of the Executive establish ment are provided for in the Appro priation bills, and the President has no heavy disdursements to make, ex cept for entertaining his guests. It would be impossible to make any re liable estimate of what the President spends until we have an inventory of the empty bottles in the Whito House. The seacodt of California has been visited this season by several varie ties of birds which have never before been fknewn to leave the mountains. This has generally been supposed to indicate a severe winter, but accord ing to science, the migration is more probably duetto the prevailing car city of all.klnds of seeds In the moun tains' this season. Kerosene lamps, if kept full, will never explode, as there is then no room in the lamps for the accumulation of explosive gaa. Vr.ftlllS4.TOS r.t.TTMK. (From our miar uurrssHiident.) WariNoTox, Pkii. 7th, 1885. it na oe n Mtt0 ,,,t (lu ttl tho Capitol tnls week, and wilt probably bo dull until the 22nd of February, when the monument will be dedlcat- ed, and then for two wok or until the fourth of March, tho city will be us lively as crowd nnd great expec tations can make It. Confresi has n lived Il0t to do much more than piss npprolpratiou bills. Tho executlvo departments arc moving along In a dosparlng way with their routine work. Tbe sad- eyed govi rnrnent clerk awaits with fear and trembling the day of polit ical judgment, Hoping that Clove land may overlook all his sins of omission, and comladon and retain him in tho trust he has re long abus ed. Democratic iiolltlelsus hovo u-e In large numbers to meet the Presi dent-elect In New York. RepubJIesn politicians without a leader or a cause are doing nothing. Society dear, slmpeilng, mealy mouthed society continues to smile end be a villain. Indeed it muit lie chronicled that .cloty has smiled too much and too often this winter. The punch has been too heady, and there have been some rows and or gies in high life. These things do not get into tho papers, they sre per. aooal mstters, and uot of suflicicnt importance to be spread before the world, but tbe result of certain dis graceful episodes at danrlng portle and receptions Is that the punch will be brewer! milder In certain Weft Bdd bouse In the future. Mr. Beeeher was nere tiuriug die week as a lecturer and there Is no doubt that be was cut !v his old Re publican admirer-. It Is true, that tho Democrats helped to All the breach, but the Dem-a-rata are not numerous or rich vt T ' Hall was not much more th u u fait, and f. r the first time In jrtsti lHa (frexr or- ator saw manvvn-.m n...i, i fre hlro. If be wtl egata next year ho will have n lieiler house; lit is an entertaining leeiurer, sod, as a prophet, is superior to I ha B lltoc id the New York .N'.. Mr. Cleveland has tsstl rwvttattfcMM to a largo number of pr MtliiMmi D m otrats to meet him tu t-w v-rk and so far as heard from, none h ive sent their regret". Tnero w.s almost ft quorum of Congress in New York Friday. A Virginia delegation has gone to urge the appointment of Mr. Barbour as Postmaster General. Mr. Barbour Is well ntted for the place, and his appointment would mean tho utter exUnctlo i ol tbo pestilent little Mahone. The Democratic statesmen who have returned from Now ork seem to be one and all Impressed with the boaosty of purpose, and good common ssnse of Mr- Cleveland. It la observ- ed also! that they have caught from Mr. Cleveland the contagion of hold- lag their tonguer-. They persistenily refuse to disclose an private convor- aatlons hold between President-elect Cleveland, and his pany associates. The Hepubllcana are looking and praying for factional fights and pillt- icai wunaers in mo uow nuwuw tion. Many Democratic leaders have been to see Mr. Cleveland in the last six weeks, andfthey have all come away pleased with the coming Presi dent and determined to do ail In their power to make his administration successful. There Is n prospect of a stilt further reductlou of postage, by increasing the weight of first class matter that may be carried for two cents, from a half ounce to two ounces. Tbe com- mittee aopolnted by the publishers of tbo West, and North West to ur0 ' .. upon Congress the property ana jus- tice of reducing tho postage on news papers, report progress which is en .. . f . 1 . .. a mm nnina cou ratrlng. The House committee on Post Offices in favor of reducing poa tage on newspapers is a very heavy one, amounting to a little less than two million dollars per annum. The postage was put on about ten years ago by certain men In Congress, who took this method of revenge for harsh criticism received from the press. One of them was Mr. Hamlin of Maine who thought that the large city papers would be the chief suffer ers, but the result was that the tax was felt most boavily by tbe weekly papers. The large asuy papers av BBaal a S f 1 aa aaaan aSSaM I I od somo of the expense by employing Express Companies at cheaper rates. Tf. is ihouo-ht that a uniform postage of one cent per pound will result in ... !Ironr all th busi- giving the government all the busi nss, with only a slight decrease In the present revenue Battenberg is to have the Carter on the day of his marriage to the Princess Beatrice, and tbe Queen will make occasional additions to his wardrobe as tbVpoor young man mayjneed them. Having purchased tho BANKRUPT STOCK i of rmerchandiseof Oolwell, Becker 1 8c Licke, Salem, Oregon -Less Than Half Price, consisting of DRYC00DS,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, LL 23?m 8haU www at w a cm oni gaiuo FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregoa. N. H. ALLEN & CO. i raseeaALa Cerpentei'a 200O.d.l!r picture afj Abiahatn Lincoln has sio'td boxel op , in a oatk and flmcy cspitol at A Wane for four vestr. William itra-firl,lhe founder of tbe first iinwspafr in New York city .rests in Trinity Church aid. He was a na tie. f F ijland and emigirated to this country with William Pmn. Priftes Klwsrd, and not Albert Vic tor, ia to be henceforward lbs name of th eldest son of the Prices of Wsles, bo baa jttsjt some of Sgs, and in allud ing Ut tins fact an lviglib neper says, "so wti may look f.,r Elwsrd Till. Ift due course." His father, if be ascends the thron, would, in tht aaas, lie El- ard VII. and not Albert I. Mr. John Armstrong,of Guelph.Caua- da, recently purchased two fat sheep for distribution among thu city poor. Toey were 6rat-prise animals, but when one of the market butchers cut them up MrJ nt )iecw thw aifftjr.nt p.r. tm of th iodij.nnt rsOD, urneJ the routton because it was too f. OiKsrs tubl not rr their al- owanw hom Toey wanted it aent T. nft amrA for the oW D0,erb thllt ult not be thoogerf Mr- ! f . Suorema . JuBl- frnm N. York cit- u ... v.-England elderlv ladv. 8be j, gleudltr and daintv, wears pretty drmM)i of ,nutT bro,n ,'nJ warra ... n inmt fpin ni g0d-rimBlij glssses. Mrs. blatchford m . rrria. fsi .lne who her pendid hoQt9 The eXoeI. fa hw houS6 k fioMt branrjt d stauds high in the estimation of the callers who love good tea and know it when they get it. The relations between Queen Victoiis, according to the London "Truth," and certain members of the royal famtiy are . . . . j s .v v oonaiueraoiv sireinea, parti v wtsugu . i ii ...i.:u i. --... , Princess Beatries'a enasment B CU UI1HH1 Willi 1Ull.ll HI" uuuuuuw. . rmattivAA and still more in nc6 of the Mt whiob were . . u si.. . a. .uu,,.), . , . ..i....i. I LflVtlll HI UHUUI SU.UOtW . aw w"sw-- tnese lestiviuss wern uoi, wmmmmw .ibit . ,t B tt pUin intimHtion I I was given that it would be in aooor. dance with her majesty's wishes, if they were omitted from tbe program, as shortly after the Duke of Albany a death the membera of the royal family were desired not to visit a theatre for six months, nor to enter a ballroom for ras-K-A montl H from the date of the duke's death. BOILS AND CABUNCLKS. Thpaei aro the volcanoes of the human system, rney proceed rrotn imnnro blood nnd from a r'otous a S-S J' va a. demoralisation of the digestive or- eans. Thev are annoying, painful, fmoB rlnnirArnus. Thev can I (Itltl LAlw HMVw . saa, ar . ut by toninSrUp the system, ftnd tnig can bet be done by the use 0f Brown's Iron Bitters. Messrs. Handy A .A0 po"". Md say: "We sell lots of Brown's Iron Bitters. AU wno use it seem pleased. We hear not one com- plaint." A hunter in Penneaylvania claims to have shot a wi'd duck whore stomach contained a fish 12 inches long, the extra half inch was tucked on to make look more natural. NO 3 J N. H. Allen & much of which has been hT the beneat ofthe ToeS i. lists sn r . ,i tly r-athlng a jsdnt In this country which !!! c ill for some sort of interference. Tliere is no knowing what n crowd of ignor ant men wi.I do when led on and csjoled by the speci .us and subtle arguments of deinsgogae: The World does riot owe ti living j men who are not willing to work Itr It. A man who cUtms to be t-xCqnlon-al!y suooeasful In f atssaaiftg i rk fsMall bia hogs only once s day. His favoti'.e method is to pari dry esra meal on top of fresh witter, and let tbe tauimals mix It. The fattening pigs to k ten quarts of meal a day and the three gaSawsl aeven umis s day on the fred. Sieepiesaneaa caused by too much blood in the hea l may be overcome by applying a cbth wet with cold water to tue back of the neck. A new machine for making cigarettes does th i wotk of thirty men. This re lieves them of al1 responsibility for murdering boys. A CLEAR ton l Mr. Charles T. Krebs, 737 Madisou avenue, Bsllimore, M-tryland, well known in kanklng circle, certifies to the excellence of the R.d Star Cough Cure. A few doses speedily cured his niece of severe hoarseness and sore throat. It is pleasant to take. No one can be poisoned by this remedy whlcn is free from opium, morphia and other dangerous drugs. Paint spots may be be removed from any kind cf clothing by saturating with equal parts of turpentine and spirits of ammonia. arorra am uuox of rrac Cast Uver oil. wUfc HTpopaoapaiiea, la Very Palatable end Agrees wUk lite Slonaaeh Dr. J. Wobrlng, of Newark, Ohio, says: I have used Scott's Emul- arlon in oMrr.nnris.n with the olain oil r- s and acid emulsions and nnd it to l?ree rauchSbetter with the stomach, - better results in the diseases which Cod Liver Ollfo useful." J I ... . t f I VVhen yea wish to subscribe ior uews- i . s-a,. a, a leve LZ. order. with F. L. Kenton. Thev will receiye prompt attention. THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, eestbinias; Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and coipnletely t'aree Dvaaepela. ladlcesttaa, Weakneaa, 1 iupreBlss, MaJarla.CUIlls and Fe vera, iranfailiroBttedy for Diseaaesof tlie Klilaeyasw var. clsMMa pjHar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. 1 1 ,oe not injure the teeth, cause hcadache.or Kiuce censupawon ower jtvk winunwa !- ajinetlte. aids the assimilaUon of food, re- lleariDurn ana nan-mug, aim surmm - the muscles and narvas. .... :ir Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack el nergfi c., it has no equal, as-" The genuine haa above trade mark sn 1 . ed red lines on wrapper. Take no otlu - I. aacj by BBOWI CBBBICSL CO, SALTISSRE, - EIDIKOTON, WOOD ARD A CO., Portland Or. I Wcs W ' a - a-a ss a STATE RICMTS DEMOCRAT. the best Amt im mm IN THE WILLAMETTE TAUH, Special bu-ii.MS itutkss la Lae-J ss ij'oiis 16 ctin rwr line. lUgalaar notiees 10 cents per Um. ror legal nu tranaicat ad V. 00 per square for tbe first Isaarsswa.aasl M cents per square for eaeta mbsjae Insertion. Ksuas for other oV known on application. HATS, CAPS, ETC, low prices. Come and I JplIT UCAITUY ttCIII LlUll I nULIIIl DuLAtl The best dry he yeast la taa raited by thta yeast Is Itajht, wajajs Bsems Uaa owr qra droetsec'a GROCERS SELL THI ntnau st ts Price Baking Powder OoV faiTnut et. mrriWai ntwii ism, Ch cao. III. at. , sB recede'. C tt u. i M erte an 1 r , . ni.4. Or, Esd CrownMills (S0M, LANSING &. CO., PROPftl. SEW rROCESS FLOCK SCPBsUOR 1SB Wi asd SAKsats cam. BEST STORAGE FACILIT1J8. Highest IPrice in Cash lor Wheat ALBANiiYOR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETX.) Will keep a full supply at good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. Chairs ! Chairs ! Kawbide bottom chairs for both old oun, at bottom prices at the factory 4 X. PUTNAM, Albasr, Oregei GRAF & FR0MM, Manufacturers and Dealers In alt kbsda a AID MD1RTAKERS. 81 First Street Albaay, Or UTLERY. 'J he best line or cutlery in ttae valiey ess be found at our store. It embraces pashas knives, table knives, forks and apoeaa, butcher knives, bunting knives, pari eg knives, shears and scissors of all kinds, and tho best line of razors ever brooglst into Albany. Cojie and see for yoas- aalvos. Pri it "ipajwioe. F O tOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, obm miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in eaft ti v ation. 10 acres slashed and sown to gross. Comfortable outhouses. Cheap, office. dwelling-! Inquire at sttf C C CHSRKT. C.l.Pftl ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, aid In Founders, WE HAVE OUR NEW 8HOP8 AIX completed, and are bow prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We wl manufacture Steam Engines, Orlat sag Saw Mill Machinery, and sll kinds f Jja and Brass Castings. PATTERNS M4DB OS SBOET SOTtCB. Special attention given to rspairms- aH . a - a a SO I II I S " Kiuusor maonmery. nm suso mas rui-e the improved Cherry A Waits Separator. Shop so Baker St OSBca a La saber V Sic. 1,1880 Co., mm mrntm ML Tin and Stove Store.