HEALTH AND HOME Published Monthly at Washinston, D. C. Sworn Circulation, 160,000. EditcH by W, H, HALE, M, D. This U ft lnnre otght PApo, forty column, uiontlilv p:ipcr. r.nd ( .h-votcd l. i-vcia-UiIii portnininK u. Health ami Homo. Marriage. Social sh "lHuncstl Medicine, Science, Idler- nturv. Art, Kconomy, Cookery, Uinta on Bsalfil, Dietetic, htnev Work iur lbe 1 .wiles, t'tiao Ptiolca for the Boy, niid. every realm of Modern tsclenev Hut lenaf t" utitrvc health, prevent disease, puriiy morals and make home happy. SAMPLE COPIES FKE1T. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 50 CENTS PER YEAR. (Which Can be tent in postage stamp. l PREMIUM LIST FOR I884 '85. A Literary Revolution. A Whole Litarj for Fifty Cents. GIVEN TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. FOR ONE SUBSCRIBER. To even- surori?cr .tendlne us to cent t r one yeui mi'. - .1; turn i lit U :.t iM' il.'-n we will give any ouc of tho following ten Premiums : No. L Dru Hall's Piioto. (Cabinet Ste.) n Xo. 3. A Lady's Glide to Fancy AVonK. No. ft, Gems of Art and rorrav. Ko.2. A Nh ki ; iTXO Pi M Pi Mi..; to No. I. Svs;s im Ru im No. C Awritti-AN Tr..vr; a in. t sn:.Ktn No. 7, f TttK CnGttt OS TUB Ilr.lF.Tll. IllNKY A5XKIU I Us vk Kva ani Golmcji II ttrt, I ' UTAIN ALKCK'S LCUAIT. I 1'ari.or Mac ic, I Esotu A lit) EN. Tiif. Lost Bask Not. M M . OF KnQt'rTTR. TlIK STANDARD LKTTRR-WriTCR. WlNTKli BVUUN U. RtATIOH Tits Home Cook Book. Knowikouk for tuk Mi li jon. No a No. to ItotoRY opCosbok TutN . iur l u rj titan, iMwrntoviani p I'n-ri r Batri Prom Tin. s I'm; CtTtEBOr' nir Nt v Jkas Im.i iov Pol f RwiTTnN. iv KitAMNOa, I Hi Hi Don Wir AKH Hi vol; SUtTKGN OUBTI KTt: SlORIta. A (Jfl l'l l l . IllNi-s Bartom lAVll 111 NT. FOR' FOUR SUBSCRIBERS To everv person NdkaHMfl ftr Mm ,i,t..ii a.l.ri. ,,., ... iii-u.n .,. itnur will give any of the loUon lug ten rruinliuus . No. li. Handbook of I'sefyl Informa'.w Ko. l. Ton lak HtsToiiY of thkci vii War. No. 13. Dr.. Fcctes Plain Hobi. Talk. No. 1 1. The Lives of ocr Presidents. No. l. Tue Gem Alcohol Stove. No. 1C A IUt Hoy's Diary 0BQ i mi sea) No 17. A Broken Wi.wun,.; kini (Wo pages) No. IS. Dr. Cifli's lr if.1 IUhu. KM page) No. 13. A Vll LUiK QtBSfl l m;v fn: r4 NO. GlII'EToI.Kl I" vTfl BS.a, En FOR FIVE SUBSCRICERS. To every person sending us S2..V) for live annua', to tJSCrtptl m l .: ! mw IU anliful U !i,v i-omposcd of twenty Coionulo MiueiaU FOR TEN SUBSCRIBERS. To-ver- jxrscm sending t V'XJ for ten annual MfaKllliMaiH v. . .v-ml oru Sncllct direct lrra tno mauuuicturer. FOfl TWENTY SUBSCRIBERS. v ry person scndinjOLSlo for twentv annual sr;ib-ri- i. i! Innl Mill lorUriiidUig lloncs. Meal.iHMerSliii'.-, i torn : in kcoi'ti:,; poultn-. SCfnd a .il-.lan-it.- t o pvt cent. yi. !t lo lie lvv This Premium List will, no doubt, nflord oleaiant a ' and Tiris ol every rami home; and to aid then In the wm w ... n it., tiiblo copies a 1 1 an be mod Judieiously, free of vhargc. THIS PHEMIUM LIST CLOSES OX MAY 31, X8S5. Write all names and addresses m roll, givins F BITfi PLAINLY. Money can he ent la 1'om.iI N 1 st.imps off any denomination. A M.vsj: a:, .vtiers and xuk all moneys p. and ti- AND Money tifder, or mo Church Wire aery. TJ. P. Citcuch. Preach ingevry Sahbeth, at 11 a. iL, and 7 p. m. by Rer. F, O. lr Tine, D. L. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. U Prayer meeting every YVedneaeday evening. Evangelical Church. Preach tag on Sab bath at 11 a. XL, and 7 r. u. Sabbath Seltoul l'J:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. tiollenbaugh, pastor. Cong rec atton al Church. Services e very Sabb:itb at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sabbath School at 12:1.. Prayer meeting on Thursilay evening of each week. J. YV. Harris, pastor. M. 11. Chcrch, Sooth. Services bald every second and tonrth Sabbaths in each mw;.i a; St. Paul's M. & Chnrch, South, at 11a.m. Sabbath School at 2 30 r. m. fchaq. Prayer meeting every Thurs day fcvenng. C. H. Carson, pastor. M. E. Chcrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2-30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Presbyterian Chcrch. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Chnrch cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pasrxtr. Chrlstian Chcrch. Preaching everySab oath at V. C. T. V. 11 a. H. A 7:30 e m. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock, p. H- liev J 1 rloyd, pastoi First Sabbath Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T G Browoson, pastor. Uxr. Ki.-ALiTs Chcrch. Preaching every eseud and fourth Sabbath of each month Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m., and o'clock, p. 3J. HEALTH AND HOME, Wauiur.qtou. D. C. TUK . DR. LIEBIC Q lrlttte IMapeaaary, ly 400 Geary Hu, ban Praoctaco Cat, CC Caainetsl by yuahaedl Phyakiaua C3 and Miigrona regular graduaUMK f tm The Oldevt npcialU Ul the (f) I 'niru Malta, h(o kn eaperUnca, li! 1 ytUvl "''hod and pura audi cine, iSL" -.:! '..air, I ii runic and Nvrvuua BciUonsul lh Hkaod, l X sm, hwm;, UUddcr, ErnpUona, Z VX: ' lcvn' uw swelling uf U J) I XX V - ' M..iith, lhr.tlkne GERMANREMEOt Rheumatism, lieupatgia, Soiatlca, Lumbago. Baektehe. Hsadsehs. Toothsohe. nrf Tliraul, Mw rlllitu. Mi hIm. RrMlaea, rata, Memlil. Fni Hltea, as ALL ut hbr Remit PaM ku airkh. Si4 bjr lrujt.n u 1 laii. fvv tvlwr. FIR ui i.-.t tl IMratUMi In II I ninarr. TUK IIAUI.M A. iiM.H lli o mm .VSBaSJBB nHlorv, I. !. . TV. V 0e KEAFNY $ &Cal. ESTAkUSIIaD FOR TMB BctaKTiriC AND SPBSOT CA'RS or chromi , Nsr vovs am. nMsat PivMrta THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, K ALLBK, AS IS WKLL KNOWN, is a RKU mm uiar graauatcu myaician. auucaUHi at tti.wiiolii C.dWicaand t'ntraraity of Michigan. 1U hasdavoted a MM to Ha atthly (4 aad U)acknKtd to oa the imt export atadant In hi DeclaRy on the Pa-eiiWfoaal And ariddie aged men. who ara stuTariug (rm tha nacta ui yuauuai inuiacrauout ir ctMi in ma turvr years, nor.utu and physical dehltln, hnpo Uuce, (oat manhood, oonfaaion af tdaaa, dull eve. averskMi to oeiaty, 4apunncy, plmptaaan tha face, loaa ol energy and memory, trcruemy o urinal lag. ssa aVBsmaMbar tha Doctor baa a Veaeuhle Com pound, tha rwault of many years exynal prartlea and hard atody, which under hi paclai advlea haa never (ailed of auccvaa in the cure id Lost Manhood. t.nLa Sorrhaa, ate. y m a pit a l uriMtm Havlac bean runreoa in charm of tWO laiadlllaT hsealtsli) anahlas Saa to treat all prtvata troublea with aaceliant leewils. I wiah it diailnctlv under stood that I do not claim lo perform impoaaibiHiea, or te have miraeuloaa or soparnatura imaw. I claim only to ha a skillful and ssK-ccaafel Physician and urgsea, a-..-suga!y uluinati n my apclalt) BMElHM OS MAI. All pplvlnir to ma will receive ssv honesi noinL.n of their c.ituiilalnto no csneriaieuumr. 1 williruax- antee a pueitiTa rare In every case I nndertaae, or forfait 11.000 Consaltstinn la timrm or he Uktar i, and stricUy private. Clkargea reaaonable. Thoruug-h IMffilniLlnil llw.ha.ltna. .JunLal ,i.l analysiaof urine and adv lee, fa. umce noura w aauy, a lo s averting. Sunday u u te i ... - ' aval. v wh a auaioai UK. ALU., tre, Rn I, 4 al C -J ,.-rinueiily cured and ensUi calt-U the .mIcui (or tie. M.Htliit. DebilitT. lmwteaev. 9 Seminal Lwaas, iU-Auai lhxav. Men rVQ Ui and tsaasl V. eaknesa, I ailing m Miiii. Vteek Eves. Stunted Ha 1 1. , li tn i vcvaa or Juuthful follies. T "any cauM. siiccuil.t, safely and j risi. I) cured. Z tow be. Middle-lard and Otd men, and all who need tnarlkal skill . and exirieace, cnnault tha old a BaaJBaM i'hyatcian at once. Mas opinion cjsU notbing, and may save futuic misery and ahnive When moottvanlcnt lo visit the ciu for treatment, medicUiea can he aeut everywhere by er.r-rras free from obseriau.-n it is aeu-avruent that a physician who givi his wiwle at lent ton to a claaa of diacsaoi at taut great skill, and physicians through out the rouniry.knowin,' Uua, frequently tweuaunend diflk-ult case t the oldest specialist, by whom every known good retned is used. Tbo Uocior an anu eairience make his opinion of auprctuc impo rtance. AgThie who call see bo one but the tlcctor. Coo aulutioi: Ires and aarrctily confkientiai . Caeea which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere eapec- ially t t male diseases succeesluily treated. The Uoctr wilt aeree to forfeit $l,wrt for a case on ieruker. n 1 1 urci. Call or write. Uuurs, daily ,fi 'J a. tn. to 1 ri. m., o t i eveninga ; fturMlays BKaB TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE, The treatest Med iqmph of tho Aft! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Leeeol appetlir, Ilowele roailve. Pain In the head, with n dall araaatlan In the hark part. Pain uudcr the hoaldcr Made. Fulineaa after eatlag, with n dU taclinntlon to exerttan of bodr or anlasL I rrilahlllt y at temper. Low apllila, wtth a feeling af having neglected aomedaty. tVearioree, IMrrineaa, 1 lullering at the Heart. Date heforr the. eyce, llradat ho ver the right eye. Keetleewneee, with fitful drenma. Highly catered I rlae, aad CONSTIPATION. Tt ri'ff" PILLS) aro especially adapted to such eaaes, one doeo effecte aucii a change of feeling aa toaatonlah the sufferer. . They I aeraus ttae A wpvetlta.and cause t-nar in xntta aia lasiaathus the v.t. rn is aowrtanal. an.t By mir Tonic Action the UigMti vs OrniM.ltr.ul.r stouli iwrrs) touts a Ik tmmt FRIDAY FEBRUARY 0, 1880 S HAIR D CiRAT luttt or Wmascaa chan..i to a fsLoasr Black by a singte application ef this 1tr. It Imparts a natural color, acta tuatan taneoual y . Sold by Urustats, or sent by ezpreaa on receiptor 1. Oftlco, 44 Murray St., New York, Notice of Assignment. NOTICE is hereby given that Isaac Clung, of Linn county, dreg n. baa ttai 7. ' p ' ,. 12 only. Send .for the hamuiiat Ouida to Health, general assignment of all hit protierty to r::r CucRCH.-Preachtng every ttMta nuderaigoetTfor the beneht of ha cred, tha. 11 o clock a.m., at Church on atb bk. tawtui under an act of the legislature of Ore TyoBtlcrful f.rrman iral Luaaa. from ma system, tones tne ner NOTIt E is hereby siven that Isaac Mc- to to Clung, of Lann county. Oreg m. baa made a the torn Legislature of Orecroa . . . ... . ... aw lavlcornfer i entiuea An act to at care creditors a just division of the estates of debtors who To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary. f-)0 KEAKWY AT., ) -CO corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. Lstabiished in ISM, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal LHa eases, suck Oonarrbea. L AV t .1 I at . a) a hen. the muaclea. I WBVy to aaaigceea lor tnc LSMiellt ol iiaaiaa wnota stem, and I sora aoprovea wet. ltn. Ij. All ier reator tin, aflbcted io liciih and -l'aa. ons having cUims aga-nst the eaUte of aaid Tl. rtAWs.n .f CI :irt tan in, l r-tiraal . . na I . . -f . WrAkupAH. Ij.m -f U -1 .... Itl (tTariPtcr ta. sb. awaMKa pHcatioti, caiitU FrmUt'MtThtm with n irthcasi( I qotrd to present th Mine under oath to the pectUiar irumrrt m bebi in oodeniiKned At Albany, Orecon within three wnh 17,1 un'awd at umTuSS TSSUS" S .of tbw ootic' wi - av ii(nsar . Price of lavlgnrafer, 8'i. Caae of six bottles glO. Scot to any adurns, co ered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric bells free to patients. To prove the wonderful iwtr of the latigorator. A BaXtle Cilvea or Rent I ree. Consultation free and private. Call or address i.i i km. D!pt:Kr. too (ieary Street, San Francisco, Cat, Dated Dec. 3rd, 1884. 0a H. STEtrART. Ataignee. ADDITC Send six cenu for peetag,and sTnlaVawa raceise free, a ostiy b., of g..ii which will help you to mora money right away than wayienng etes in uua worm. All of either sex, sue eead from ri ret hau.r Tka I.. I a. Private er;tmncc. 406 Mason Street, four hioek. n, I ooena kafnr. tk .w.. - - a. Ca-rv li.r. f,... V ... r I -JT ' 1 " .-...' eo'. -looee -. j w... .... cuiiaiiic in i eooreea tai a ana Co.. Autrusta. Maine. bistiensary Drmr SUre. rough PATENTS Patent Dr. SPINNEY, xi u. 11 lvjb.AlC v HT. Treau all Chreale aad BgveelaA Biseaw YOUlNxi MEN VV"?."T BE ai'FPBBI.aC I'gOH TUK v v eacta 01 youimui foiuaa or auutcretion, will nt rlrtnre.ayBMUIa in i its forma. Instlrsn Seminal Weakaeas, night looses by dreams, phn Pya or. the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Lkxrtor haa traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various noepi tals tht-rc, obtaining a giaat deal of valuable tmonaa tion, which he is competent to impart to those in need of but aery-ices. fjR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAV we . ... . BasB a a iivsk. All cornnumcattons We rtr ,.. tni ;lv ,i.mi;.i v a r. . .."e reier nerr; . .on Ber .... oi.e uu . lob iMiruir a.. ..... Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons , 6m ,.1 vZZL-CT JT the ' . HaUrMl WKBT wUl guaiantaa to forttTgbOOfor -very caae L.! ""I" I ORCtUaldic, U irvViu;. SLTetv ? X & T (r t Kcuua wnenuenHini in. cnargea rea- - j i iaaacr auiw.u unoenaaea ana nulg to cure. f I . r 1 1 . It - -- - a s a et.s -ar -J . l .aw a Asa i a URa . an aaav aaw a i r a, . aa v .iv,v. vJAii ur wriLe. AaiircsM un. J. r . UlolSUlH. Her lfaf.T c- arw . aaaw ' . o" r rsjiciaco. l ne uoctor cures when others fail. Try, vlani3 Obtained, and all other business In the 0, 8. Office attendeded Uj for moderate fees. ur ofHce is the U.S. Patent Office, and e can obtain Patents Jess time than those remote from Washington. bend modle or drawini'. V Batatas aa tn naont ability free of charge ;at.d v. c make no charge unlaw we obtain patent. The ureal English Remedy. ' Is a never failing cure for I Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Exhausted Vi tality, Spermatorrhoea, LOST M tMIUUU, Int- I potency. Paralysis, and ail terrible eneeta of Self Abuie, youthful folliea.and xtettes in maturer years- such as loss of Memory. Ilassitnde. Kmiasion. Aver sion to Society. Dimnsss of j Vision, Noises in the Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death. BK. BJI.VTIE will agree to forfeit five Hundred Dollar lor a case of this kind the Vital Stes to na tive (under his special advice and treatment wi' not cure or for anything impure or injurious found in it. Or. .li ;i tie treats a)i private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation free. Th iroiurb ex amination at.d ad". ico including analysiaof urine, to. I'rtCC Of Vital Ki.stor.ltil'. $fl TJt a Kot.tJo nrf,.!! the quantity sent to any address upon receipt of rrice,?r V - U' secure from obeervatim and la pri VA.ii dcrwi, by OK. A. E. MINT1E, 11 Kearney stree ., aii Francisco, Cal. Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, atttig eymptom, sex o.nd age. Communications nctly confidential. avaa.v 9sawwa A. SiOW&CO Otpo!iitc Patent Office, Washington, O aai sasew ' I . ThtrS ara mane a. IVa aara ef ItiM.a.. . j . ., ...... U I.. I . m . TT . . . . w M viuuwau win. too ireu,uem evacuation of the blad OF ANOTHER AGE. tier often accompanied by a sliaht smanimrar Un.i,.., aensation and a weakening of the system in a manner mepauant cannot account for. On examining tha irtnary detxwita a roov sediment will i ..rauuauy "tuppinn ten i,y a itelier Article iaomeumes small paruclea of albumen will appear. gaff I Kay e4ll I. aa sLI. ll(f .a. a . ' . T 9 certain uiu Times are Beae A war. I .'.Z j j : '" muaiso nue, sgain cnaog- iu me general reception room of the Western I -wila.iTi. ?La.iI mLmV mmmmwtmj aMSJBawa tnion Telegraph building on Uroadway, .New York. I LirL . ,50JUf au?J wsaltnaaa. Da. A ara exhibited the coarse, crude- and clumsy lnatni! Wii,.,KTLv.CUr " ,uch meuts of the Infancy of the telegraph They ara I y reatoraUen of the genito urinary organs. ouiy reiics r.ow. Jivre perfect machinery has super wrnCB Moose 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 I " a. m. bVUIIUiaUUD IIW. inoruUtfh aim nalln. Years ago what is styled th 3 old fashioned porous Baa advice, $6. piaster did some good sen ice. There was then noth. ing oeiteroi inekind. .'.owalitliat lias changed. i Science and study ha VC front; (Wlu-r int.. ttia of melicineand pr.luced BKNSON'8 CARCINE POK OUS PLAHTKK, whioh emljdies all the excellencies MtwpnnsN ui an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine is rapid ; they were uncertain -the Capcine i, sure. Cheaper articles near similar names, lie careful, therefore, that wyi.vj u.uxgi.i, uoc-4 not ueccive you. Price -i ecu is. Scabury k Johnson, Chemist, New York. Call i t mm. SPINKKY at t o., Wo. 11 Kearny St. San Pranciaoo, Cal Dr, Mintios Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures kinds of kidney and bladder compiainU.gonorrhcea, g!eet, leoud.orrhtaa. For sale by all druarigts tl a .Htle or Six kittles for $o. Mintio t Dandelion Pills are tha best and cheap peia and Bilious cure in the market. For all dnurt'ist. Quimby House. QUIMBY & HEESEY, Proprietors, lalLJalVaL llr.'lTalff. llll k!lli7raJAI III BsaSsan A LOt'D CHANCE FOR H I'BACSI U EBS. To every subscriber lo the Democrat wb pays ap his isabseription and con tinue liia paper, or pays in advance, we will ba-e sent to bim the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eieht page, forty column, monthly papb.,and Is full of exco'lent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to gt a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the paper sent lo them will please Ernie so at time of paying their subsc rip-ion. The- great sf rea gt a- tesii g rem coy anu nerve to mc la the legitimate re sult of over twenty years practical experience, bv i a THOBOIIBMLY I ti ll IM) 41BAB 'ATE I'll YKH IAS of onaolthe hlirhest med ics J-colleges In Europe nd cures with uufaiiinir pe.-tanty Nervous and hysical debility, cini- nm wcaKiiesH,MH.rmaU.r- rnoea. prostauirhoca, emissions, l m pot ency , exhausted vitality, pre mature ucciiiic anu loss manhood in all its complications and from whatever ('. lih nnd l" Mtu , . I cwuse proaucea. it enriches ana punnes me i.iood . v...auu,vr. strengthens the nerves, brain, muscles, digestion, re- Iprouuctive argan and physical and mental faculties It stops any unnatural, debilitating drain npon tha system, preventing involuntary losses, debilitating ed both hv ArrtAHr-an nrl V,,a n .Ti-r- M'm.ft''M? Vth the urine, etc.. so de- iii.i...Ili i,aii r'aun I svruciive vo mitiu and hody, it la a sure eliminator o.. um utuueni iiiipruveuients, J4U neu I an kidney and bladder complaints. It conuinsno rooms, wen lurnisued, ligbt, and wel BJunous ingrsdienta. To those suffering from the ventilated. Firat-ci i reiltrt; ., t cv" sffectt of youthful indiscretions, a sa3edy, thor- barber sii,r, An i itl ough and permane-it cure is GUARANTEED, Price lato nll'Lnol l2 5p per bottle, or live bottles in case, with full di- latest opn vemen : 1 1 rections and advice, $10. Sent secure from observa- non to any address upon receipt of price, or C. 0. D., The Buyers' Guide is issued March o be had only of and Sept. each year; 224 pages, -fiJxlU DR. C. D. 8ALFIELD, xneries, witn over &,300 illustrations-- ! liearneySL, Saa Francisco, Cal. a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale I Consulutions strictly confidential by letter or at 0 prices direct to consumer on all goods for I 'm! FEEE- For thc convenience of patients and in personal or nisi farniuT roer to insure perfect secrecy I have addopted a pri- Tells how to mHJk ? V4te sddress under which all packages are forwarded. mmw am order, anrl v . .i sraav yna . b..v.o naav aaaaaa rnsr. nf oy I aaaaa. aa a aaaa .. erythingyou H SB aCI I It I ML. BUTTLt FREE. eat, wear, or Tit aW t,n4a t , ' Sucient to show ita merits, will be sent to any one with Tfir.- anHnfaW ' , applying ny letter, stating ms symptoms and ae. Willi. aneSO tnnlnakl. I nnmmnn nal nna ,...,.fl, .rouavo wuiiun iniormation gleaned from the markets cf the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear from you. O Respectfully, WYWARDco. n isiii. i o 1 1 1 1 i n (From our regular corrsspondant.) WasuinqTon, Jaw. 17, 1885. A dosperato cfTurt was made this week by Senator Hawley, and a fow other IMaino Sympathisers lo revive the southern quarrel on the basis of tho uttploasautness that has exit ed botween JefTurson Davis, E$q., and (joneral Sherman. Both of these old gentlemen have Jong been in their dotage, and are interesting only as relics. Since the war Uen. Hherman him been distinguished ebieliy for garrulity, osculation, waitaing, and as a ballet girl fancier. During the war unlike Xenophens Anabasis his was a katabasis, a inarch from the mountains over tho fertile, well wat ered, unobstructed fields of Georgia to the sea. During tho first day of the debate there was a prospect of richness and rows, lawley Vest, Ingails, Lamar, and Senator Hhormitn engaged in a wordy war that for the first time this session filled the Sen ate galleries. But on the second tho Domoc ratio Senators with admirable good sense refused to enter into a sectional debate, and voted almost unanimously with tho Republican. This was a great disaapointment to Republican Senators who had been to ate Mr. Blaine, and had been suppli ed from that msgaalne of statistics and venom with the sinews of great speeches with which to flro the Northern heart. There was quite a contrast prudent ed in the political animus of the Sen ate on two successive days of this week. On the first day tho Republi can Senators were rampant in their abuse of a feeblo broken disfranchised old man who was once President of the Southern Confederacy. On the second day the Democratic Senators voted an annuity to OenOrant, the bankrupt beneficiary of more public and private honors than any Ameri can citizen ever before lecelvcd. There is a good deal of talk to-day in the House about the Edmunds- Grant bill which passed the Senate. Gen. Kosncran. chairman of the House Military committee is against the bill. Uun Siocum is also niralnat it. He is in favor of tho bill which passed the Senate last February, and which mentions Gen. Grant's name. The Edmunds bill, which went through the Senate, yesterday, does not mention Gen. Grartt but It Is, of course, meant for his benefit. Gen. Siocum thin- that the Kdmunds bill would be in dire ct opposition to the President's position in the Fitz-John Porter case. It is not likely however that he will find much following. Gen, Hiocum says that to pass the Edmunds bill would be to IndorsB Ferdinand Ward, and his actions. There hss undotsbtedly been a change of sentiment in regard to Uen. Grant. Il Is very probable that tho Kdmunds bill through ttae sentiment despite the oppositioB of Gen. Hioouai and others. wkU become a law. The lllver and Harbor, bill will be reported to the House to-day or to morrow, it will appropriate about $l0,500,eou. ThB Mlaaisslppi river will get for reservoirs $5,000, for removing snags $50, 00; between St taal ana Des Moins rapids , and the aaoBth of the Illinois to Cairo, $400, 000; from Cairo to its mouth $2,800, 000. The Hennepin canal matter was considered yesterday afternoon, A commission is to be provided to examine the work being done by private conaTMuiiea; also aoother to re port upon the submerged jetty system now in use in several of the harbors of the South. A portrait of KutberfdrdJR. Hayes, Eq.,lhaa been received at te White House to be put up in line with the legally elected presidents, good, bad, or indifferent , but none fraudulent, from Washington down. This por. trait of Mr. Hayes will doubtless secure a temporarylhanglng, bu that of Mr. maen should be placed Hi its stead or, at least, theportrait ef Mr. Hayes shsuld be removed fore-w, leaving a hiatus on the wall. .Le U be stamp ed on the forehead whit the ward "fraud," and presentfjd Judge "ali unde" Bradlev. or .Tnhn Shnrmm ST J ws"- " - "v. m-MM aa a a s Mr. Bandall, ChaLriaan of the Com mittee on Approp-rvtUions, has made the important statement, that unless he Committee shall, be given the floor from now on coi itinuously when ever an appropriatlc m bill shall be ready, an extra session will be inevit able, and he did not regard an extra sessioo as desircble either for Con gress ot tho Democr itic party. Mr. Kandvll was not giuen the flloor for the appropriation bill that was ready. He was voted down I ay a combination of those who desired io briner un the public bnildlng bills, and this combi nation was in its turn nreventod reisoniB food. The Philadelphia Tim- says I hat the ordinaty newspaper reader who peruses the revsalations made by the New York Board ef Health in regard to the extent to which food adulteration is carried on in that city wilt naturally wonder whether there will lie anybody left alive for the cholera to kill, should it come next yaar. Beginning with the oandy that the children eat, of whioh tha board has confiscated tons, the investigation has led to the discovery that canned fruits, tea, ooffee, spioes of every kind, sausage, head-cheese, and. in faot, neatly every article of or dinary food, no', only are subjects of wholesale adulteration, but that the substances used are in many instances aotire poisons. The oandy is colored with chrome yellow and green, Prussian blue, red lead, burnt umber and vei million. Tho acid eats th tin of the fruit eans and produce lead poisoning. The cheapest Bio coffee is made into choice old government Java by oooking it in a steam oven and coloring it with barnt umber. The addition of sospatone and Prussian blue suffices to change willow leaves and sweepings into choice tea. Mustard and pepper are made from buekwbeat middlings, colored to deceive the eye, ond Venetian red Is used to give BAussgst and bead -cheese a tempt ing color. Lead and its compounds are found in a great msjority of these adulterations, while copper and arsenical preparations are not infrequently em ployed. The unearthing of these dangerous frauds in the neighboring city suggests a very forcible reason for the establish ment of a Board of Health in this State, with full powers to investigate and deal with the matter of food adultera tions It Is not at all likely that New York baa a monopoly of this kind of lascalit. If it has, iu products are certain to be sold and consumed in our own as Well as other Mutes. As things sUnd at present there is no effective method of protecting the Pennsylvania public against these dangerous com pounds. The Legislature cannot act too soon or too effectively in to is matter. It is of maeb greater public imporUnce than distributing oflices or making new Magistrates where none are wan tod. Ill WOK0I H MATTRBS. Jinks --"Why, Finks, what's the matter? You dont lonk like yourself. Been sick?" Finks "Oh, no! nover felt better In my life. But I have had a good doal of mental worry, and that is what wore mo down so. You know I used to be a collector of gas bills. Well, my conscience troubled me so I could not sleep, and at last I could stand it no longer and Just gave It up My present business is less respect ablo,but it dont trouble me so much." "Indeed! I'm glad to hear it. What aro you now?" "Just an ordinary burglar," Scene In the Chinese War: Cap tain of iron-clad to artlllerman Do you see that Chinese general there, about throe miles on? lift him have one ot those eight-inch shells In the eye. Artlllerman, equal to the sit uationAye, aye, sir; which eye, your honor? China starts tho New Year by using postal cards, but there will not be much uso Cor them in that country. Chinamen always pay their bills promptly. Mary Anderson isjtaking lessons on tho vloi.n. I.ikh many omer women she evidently wsnts to have more than one siring to her bow. There Is a good deal uf human nature in cats, says a contemporary. Yes,they frequently get purrs prouil. George W. Cable eats Ice cream at midnight The nightmare which this causes doubtless furnishes him with the remarksble dialects which he puts into his books. Doble says no matter what the weather may be outside it is always scold in his house. JULIUS GRADWOHL Haa lbe only exclusive Mock or CROCKERY, CLA8898ILVER AND CHINA WA RE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Select-on of Coffee, Tea and Sugar. ONE DOZEN OUP8 AND 6AUCER8 HI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E Till: BIG BEIT BABBBI PKM W. PAID FOR SMMB. Remember I What I Say I Mean. Give le a call. 600D8 AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- S arreaa. The sale of syrup of Fig i simply Im mense. Everyone is taking it, end all admit that it is the beat medicine ever used. Children cry for it on account cf its pleaaant taato, and grown people who have used tt once never Uke anything else. Unlike other remedies for bilious neass and ooaatlpatlon it never loses it power to act, and it always leaves the or gans on which it art a stronger than before. Baaides, one feels fresh and bright and realises that it la Saturn's own true laaa llve. lasngdon A Co. is agent for Albany. Bunas, an CssjgBa ttuuxn o Oungba," for I'.rOfhs, t'ajlaa, Asa for Tar ml, 11 ajeea Trurnta. t. IW BS jgPOETSMEN, ATTENTION f Peters A Stewcrt keep a full line of am unition, and will sell as low as the low Eery pound of powder is warranted 1U 5)3 dijk if properly used. from getting tho floor. Minister (after clswrish) You seem. ed much impress ad ty my sermon this morning, deacon. Deacon who bad dozed through' it .all) Y e?, I was-er-very mucb interested indoed bot would you rornrf repeating the text? The oxact words hi wo escaf e me. Minlatier-'"le give',l.h his t) 3 lovedl sleep," rat t car ast itsolk cbowtsi. During the sessions of the Plenary Council at Baltimore, some Utiatictans have collected a mass of instructive fig ures relsting to the growth of the vari ous religious sects. Their Ublea may be briefly summarised and made intel ligible at a glance. In 1860, the total population of the United Sutee was, in round numbers, 31,50O,0. It is now 3ft,000,000. Th iocrefesegin twsnty-foor years baa been 75- per cent. Io I SCO there were in the country ,600,000 Method is ta. The Methodists sow number 15,000,000, in increase o abvut 'Ji per cent. The Method isU are the most numerous sect, and have made a more rapid increase than sny other Protestant element. The H iptists in UCO numbered 8, 000,000. They now number 12,006,000 an increase of 50 per cent. The Presbyterians numbered 3,600,000 in 1860 ; they now number 5,500,000, aa incrsase of 53 per cent. The Luther an numbers have been increased by foreign immigration , their rank now include 2,000,000, aa increase cf 60 per cent. The Congregationalisms have increased from 1,400,000 to 1,600,000, or about 27 per cent. The Episcopa lians have increased from 900,600 to 1,200,000, whioh is 33 per cent. From these figures of numbers and growth, nnd of rates of increase aaseng Protestant sects, let us torn to the Ro man Catholies. In 1860 they nnmber ed in the United States 3,175,000. In 1884 a careful estimate of all their con gregations gives them 9,060,000,which is an increase of 200 per cent. They have trebled in number in twenty-four years. Compared with the little pro gress which Protestant denominations have rnade-of from 27 lo 60 per cent., and the Methodists of 94 per cent this is gigantic progress. At the same ratio of growth in the year 1900, the Catholic will number 35,000,000 in the United States, and will have out stripped the most numi irons Protestant sect iu power, Ben Butler oame out of his cave cf gloom the other day to begin snit for line again s. a Boston paper, and then, wrapping the eloak of silenew about him, withdrew within himself and pulled himself in idler himself. A Chicago gentleman who was a professor of languages, mowed to Texas and started a school. His business flourished so well thwrt hm was soon enabled to take unto hta self a better half, in the shape of at widow with considerable property. On the morning after his marrfcsga he opened school as usual, but did not seem to be in u very hllarioow mood. The reason for the Chicago man's dissatisfaction leaked out when he dissmissed school, for he safJr "Young ladies and gentleman I do not think that you have treated me courteously. None of you have con gratulated me on my marriage. When I taught In Chicago, I do:;rt remember of ever having got marri ed a single time without my pupil congratulating roe on the happy event." "Bong It on Bala." llaara ml rata, mice, roarnee. A Ira. ants, bed bugs saunas, eti'Uiuraa, j .phara. Uk. UnifrtSU Bear! Pais PaJtlellm. l'r'usirl Kwrlllrurs. Uicxi reau.m. llreSarhe, Staajpleeancae rtareal by lloalth lUiwa.r " ttxll Writs' "Banal. a Cams Aak BS Wri:.- "Bough on Coma.' tootf.iele cur.-. Herat or suit ite. '.'. 'Bong la SB rata" raraseeel Pla.lrr' g. tmpfited. pal as in Ute .bee. or the bast I t harkarbe, ihecnaaUata. nearmlgte. H0IT.UA & JOSEPH, -PROPR1KTORH OK- ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Ci gar a, TobacooH, Groceries, Candles, Nuts and Tropical Fruit. Albany, - Oregon. ONE LvOR BELOW JOHN BRIGG8' STORE. Ktj AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAH ON AJHMO KTM ENT O? BAND AS FINE AN COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As bubj liousc in tlie aUley. He at ho Imports and maautacls r TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OF KVRRY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO. HE KEEPN ON crater, a vttt r tuoAM...... , " aaanaSTSl ug usa.if, n. a-wxaav aswnlJll,,.M Or GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OT WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY ijoau'icTrriuw. call at rt rucrr street, ALBANY, Oregon. Repair work done at reasonable figures vlSnSH Tfala reofale. 'W ell a limits .tesMWer" reetoree heallS aad rigor ruraa l', lleaata. u .S. r.uieaa. lUM).fl as l engh. asd the anaar Tkioat ASertlona of rhildrm. pnanpt I,. .Uaaantly aud anlely ralte.! bjr "Kottgh OS .yugbs" Trustee, Uc . Usisaan, Z4c M altar fa. If rns are failing, broken, orn out asd nenoue, ae "WalU' llalll. tatjeacr 1. DrtlggteU.; 1885. Ua rper's Bazar. gj . c- sTS Bf I Life rrsarrsrr. try "Wells- If ton ere loaing veatr mp on llfr. Bcallb RcboVier ." -m direct to weak K.ngh mm TsslBarba." Instant relief for Vauralfta. TnoUiarbe. Facaachr. Aak Iur Hough os TooLbacUs." 15 asd canu, Prrll) W anarn Laaiiee who aroui.i rstais frrshrarea asd vtvabl'y. Bm'l tail to try "Weile- Health Kenevrar.- atarrhal Tkroal ABTrrflsas, Harking, Irritating Coughs, olds, Sra Throat, cured Sy ';;i n fougba' Torchts, 14c. Liquid , Uk. "Bona SB llrk. "Hough on Itch" curss hnmors, eruptions, ring worm, letter, sail rheum, Boated fast, chilblains. Tttr Bopr sTUm Nallsa. Children, aloer In deyalnpsiswt. punv, aerawB.v.aiad Umu, uae "Walls' Health Banewcr." wiae Awake (lev lm- a i 1 iae e an .lu4l ronrhinr medkau relief and a,und real by using Wells Bau.' s Coughs." Trochon, 14c ; Balsam, X6c. "Bsbb sb FBlB- rewsied Plaslar. I , . . . . i 1 1, 1 1 .it a . i i a i i ; v. Final Settlement. Notice ia hereby Riven chat the under aliened Administrator of the estate of John Howes, deceased, has filed tn the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, hia final account aa such Administrator, and by order of aaid Court, Tuesday, the 3rd day of March, 1885, at the hour of one o'clock, p. no., is set for bearing objeotJene thereto and the seUiement thereof! Any person interested in said estate ia hereby notified to appear and file his or her t)jt tions to aaid Anal account on or bt fore said day, Dated January 8th, 1886. W. W. McGkb, R. S. St it ah an, Administrator. Att'y for Administrator. deawtpUevs ei Ike neaeat Parts aad New York sa, wits We iters' ea laaltcm ahn-t suptdco.ents and saMstaa. by laskkig ladies ta be llkeii own draws Uaaraa Baaas ia Ike only paper la lbe world ItasoboMwet literature aad ties Boost art Skwauni mae lib lbe 1st sal fan h Inns and asHk r risj 4 anaaaakold ademmenl I la arrkli liluat rattans at) lee. cut or ttaaae Lbe caat of eubecrlpuoo. Iu aac tea snsniasfsnt of In Ma various detaila ara lawdloaL Back aUswUon is gien to the UMsk of snrlal eti ensile, and IU Ulnatratione of an nsiSU-wort are tMMummrtA to ka MMSallrd. iu Utarary merit is of ike hi(bct nrcllenc, and the sniqur rharacterof t s un-tnrrs haa eon lew U U.c uamr ef the AJaertcaii Punch . HARPER'S PERIODICALS, rVr Tear 1IABPBBS BAZAR. 4 00 UAItPKB'S WKES.LV St 00 HARIMtaS BAUAZINE 4 00 HAapsrs Totro people 2 00 HAS PER PAANKUN SylASB URRARY, One Yaar (AS No tube a) ................ .Ij.O Postage frm re all smmteribert in fAe United States or Canada. PORTABLE SAW Hi farm ass saw mn amm THRESHING MACHINES, LTC. At Ural Ua THIS WELL ESOVfX HOISE HAVE OPENED a Branch OfBre and Suiaaly Hones at Cor. Prowl xn.i Ta lor Streeu, P.nisria. Or., a here Ibej U1 Portable and StaUonary Saw BBSs, The Volaasaa of the Vn.iT begin wilk Use Br Ninaber for January of each year. Whan so time seM. k wui ue understood taat uae snnecrtoe to omsssnsa wttk the Number next after th receipt of erdsr. The last live Annual Volumes ot Haarta's la aaat doth Undlng, will be east by mail, posaasw naad. or by express, free of expense (provided the freight doe no S7 par volume will be ssat by mail, peattaud. an receipt of II HamUtaiiratis should be made by Poet -Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ot loss. Newspaper are not to copy this advertise ment without Ike express order of Harper k Brotbrrs. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. one dollar per volume), for for each volume, suitable for binding, OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. BTV UBBBBBB"BByw "WI.GW& FLORAL OUJJJE A beauUful work of 180 pages, Colored Plate, i sod 1009 lb isstratlons, with descriptions of the best Klowjrs and Vegetables, prices of Seeds and. Plants, and bow to grow them. Printed In English and German. Price .only IS cents, which may be deducted from first order. It tells what you want for the Garden, and how to gel It Instead of running to the grocery at the but moment to buy whatever seeds Tiappenlo be left over, mtng with dliippolntment after weeks of waning. BUY ONLY VICE'S BEEW AT HEAIXUARTFJtST . JAMES VICK, Rochester, K. Y. amtaWL Patrooixe men who advsseAwi. They are alive, They mean business. They appreciate the newspaper. They are toe men to deal with. Following is a list of Lbe DtutocaAT's advertisers this week, ia Albany. Call as thorn : General Mirekaadlsi ft E Young, Montettk A Sol Un back, N H Allen, A B Mcllaain. Groceries-Hoffman k Joseph, Frank Read, Agricultural lmplesoeuta Peters A Rlain. W II Ootum, 8 E Young. J Gradwohl. Hardware Peters A Stewart, J Gradwohl. Clotkiajr L E Blain. Drnga- Feahay A Baron, E W Langdon and Co., Archie Pruahaw . Stoves and Tinware John Brlggs. Furniture A B Woodin, Brink and Son. Chairs L Putnam. Milliner -Emma Schubert, MatUe Allison, Battle Foster. Seda Works Hofftum and Joseph. Iron Work Cherry and Partes, A F Cherry and Son. Marble Work A Staiger, 0 W Harris. Flour-Red Crown Mills, Magnolia Mills. Lumber Albany Saw Mill. Tobacco, Rnivea, etc -Sam Cubes. Meat I 8 Roberta. Hotel Revere House. Restaurant- J as Mady . Jollsh H Kenton. Skave or Hair Cut L Cainpcau, Joa Webber. 1 ssarrtry San Wa Ying. Logafl Advloe A 8 Strahan, Powell and Bilveu, J K WssSksSBrtl, J J Whitnev, L H Montanye. Medical Advice O W Mastoo, J P Wallaos, M II Elua. JBT and Mary T Cole. carry in stock Portable Tiactiou New Maaatllotr ihrrwbera, hone powers, etc, etc. Writ fur illustrated caUakaroe sent free addresa (oasa rthle BBBS ) a rssELL st rego Portland, Oren . G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. 8200,000 mail you wir get free wW at ra p rises te give away. Send sa S cents poeteere, and by you wu get free a package of is sea of larva value, taa wui at once imng you in moo i ban anything else in America. All about i (100 in presents with each box, A rents where, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, ar Kpare time only, to wort for us at their awn hemes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely s swims!. Dont delay, B . Hal urn. and Co., Portland, Maine, vox. An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled b any Set of Politicians or Manipulators Devoted to Collecting and Publishing al the News of the Day in the most Inter, esting Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impai tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs ol Government, Society and Industry. $6 04 St 1 7 0C l more money than at any thing else by taklnv an saaencv fortke beet setting book out, Bezinners sue eased grandly. None Sail, Terms free, Hallbtt Booa Oo., Portland, Maine. IN V ALE ABLE TO ALLl Will be mailed fTOC rnt-t. tnall annlieanta and to customers of last year without nrvUrins-lL It contains illustrations, n descriptions and directions for planting all aawjuasw. etc. .priess. THIS PAPER tt ON FILE AT PALMER & BEY'S ADVERTISING BUREAU ! 40S-7 tSanaomc St, Ban Franeiseo. AND AT PALMER & REY'S JaciiG nillBltilllllsil Bureau! 46 Tribune Building, jXBWYOKK. Where Advertising Contracts can he matic. by Mail, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year DAILY, per Month SUNDAY, per Year DAILY aad SUNDAY per Yaar - - WEEKLY, per Year Addrmm. THB SUIT. Ifeas raw dtp. wmmmmWmfWtip9M aictwaaae.c-0 i aee & J feekly kechajuc nonnlar i naner Oevoled ta acience. manhsnima an- ever published. E veer number illnstrated with splendid enjrravinra. This publication, fnrniabes a moat valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the Scxxjcrino Amoucax is such that its cir culation nearly equals that of all other papers of Its class combined. Price, 83.20 a yesr. Discount to Clubs. Sold bv all newsdealers. BUNX A CO.. Publishers. Ko. S61 Broadway, N. Y. sap BS Bal Sam aa llunn A Co. haro iATENTS. ifci practice beforo more than One Hundred Thoua- tliealiona lor patents in vco u I the Patent Office, aad hare prepared anrt ions ior naieni. United States and foreign countriea. naveata. iraae-assxas. Lopynants. iui.nm.nlt. and all other papers for aeonring to inventors their rights in the Umtea otaiea, v.auaiia, lu.i.uu. nam, Germany and other foreign countries, pre pared at short notice and on reasonable term. Informs-ion as to obtaining patents cheer fully givea without charge. Hand-books of i.(nnn.imn lant free. Patents obtained ihmn.k llunn A Ca. are noticed Le the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice ia well understood by all parsons who wish to dispose of their patenta. . Address MlTOf A CO., Oflve SOJUflUiO AMkaicaS, 361 Broadway, Sew York. -