The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 30, 1885, Image 3

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    Entered at tho Post Oltteo at Albany, Or,
as second class mail matter.
Kitiisr sad
IKRDr. urTrisG. local Kdlter.
Official County Papsr.
Albany Station.
Ol.l'iKTl UK ov TIE AIMS.
SOI 3D aocni.
Al.liA.NV EX I'RBSS Arrives at
f:30 A. M
0:00 A. M.
11 :. A. M.
li:05 P. M
11:45 A.
1 -.: P
S:30 P.
8:35 P.
Atl Train dally, except SamUy.
NoTiCK.-On and after this date regular
tickets will be sold at our ticket office for
following points on rtvP1,
Walla Walla aud Ainsworth.
Wilu Ik Rice,
Freight and Ticket Agent
O. AC.R.U. Co,
Albany, June 18th, 1SS'.
Aaiaoaeti Local Importance.
Sunday morning U was reported that
tho city of Londou was blown up by dy
namiters ; but a short time softened tho
matter and mads it tho houses of pari la
ment, with the London tower and West'
minister Abbey, together with a large
loss of life. So great was the talk over it
that the affair soon assumed ths impor
tance of local matters, Monday's mail
brought the news in a more correct form,
and then it was learned that, although
there had been three explosions around
the building mentioned, and the damage
done was considerable, yet it was only a
safe explosion to the first report. The only i
loss of life was that of two policemen. The
buildings were well shaken up, windows
knocked out, roofe torn off, but the walleJ
remained intact. It will though take
months to repair the damage done. So
much for the rumble heard,
risk Tes Party.
The young lodiea of the Y W CTU will
give a Pink Tea Party at the V C T U Hali,
Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, at 730 p. m. All young
people are especially invitee".
Searching lbs ruins of lbs past.
Oae cuatem found we, that should suialy last.
Once cup of tea with female hearts found favor
E'en grumbling Jounaun praised their cheering fiavi-r
With such a precedent of former years.
Cams take our tea that harmless is, but eheers,
Why this a Piuk Tea Party is, well bear your znesaes
Tool cay, I know, "Tho color of their dresses,"
Guess as you will, whatever in creation.
We will not tsli, but leave to your iataginatina,
Oae thing well tell you, that our party's (raw.
This time, at least, there ia no "tax on tea
Ba: come, dear friend, well welcome you quite hearty
Man, maidd and matrons, to our Pink Tea Party,
Flee BeasltteJ.
A Chinaman, on account of the muddy
streets, was sawing wood a few days ago, oa
the edge of the aidewalk, beyond Fifth Street,
when he was summarily arrested and Hoed
S3 and costs, total 9-50 ; a gooi way to
make fees ; but as some thought it was hard
ly justice where it was being done right
along in such weather, and in fact, as it was
insisted that the Celestial was not obstruct
ing the si le walk, an application was mode
o the Council Tuesday night and the fine
was remitted, all voting for it but one. The
Ciineseahali be made to conform to oar
laws the same aa others, but it is hardly fan
to takeadvaattgeof their ignorance in cases
where the same offeaceon the ptrt of a white
man wonld not be noticed.
s. s. oncers.
The organiz ition of the Universalist Sab
bath School was effected last Sunday by the
election of the following officers .
Superintendent Mrs C C Kelly.
Ass't Superintendent Mrs M J Best.
Treasurer Mr L E Gray.
Chorister Mr C W Staofield.
Organist Miss Minnie Corner.
Secretary Mrs S A McAlister.
Bible class teacher Mr N B Fy .
10 a. m. is the hour appointed for the
meeting of the Sunday School.
A Had Keaalt.
A few weeks sins3 we publisliel an ex -tended
account of the terrible oxperience
of Jaa A Church and Silas Jones in the
deep Enow ir the foothills of the Cascades,
tho particulars of which are frosh in the
minds of our readers. Tho case proved
worse than at first feared, the limbs of
both Jones an 1 Church beiag so badly
frozen that last weak it became necessary
to amputate both of the feet of each of the
gentlemen, The operations wore success
fully performed by Drs Reynold and J N
Smith of Salem, and Dr McCauley of
Stayton. Great sympathy is expressed
for ths two men.
Why There.
The object of the presenc.3 of members
of the Third House at Salem can general
ly be ascertained by thoir residence, Ben
ton county men are there in the interest of
the O. r., Lane county men, in the inter
est of the University, Umatilla men to get,
or prevent the getting of, their county
divided. Multnomah men, in the interest
of Sol Hirs3h, Wiiiiams, Mitchell or
George, Wasco men, In the interest of Hill,
and Linn men for fair play.
The Albany Charter bill passed the House
on Tuesday afternoon, already having goue
through the Ssnate. It now only awaits the
signature of Governor Moody ia order to be
come a law. This will be a f armal proceed
ing. The people of this city are to be con
gratulated on having a charter which will
give them the power to run tho city govern
ment in a business manner.
Ladle All society.
The Lvlies' Aid S siety will most at ths
residence of Mrs John Ahh-ome on Thursday,
Fb. 5;h, at 2 o'clock, p. m ,for the purpose
of electing otfijar fj cha ensuing year and
the transaction oi soeh business as may
properly corns b.iorj the mietiug. A full
attendance is reqa-sated.
Mrs. C. HoPKrss,
Bosket seclal.
The ladies of tho Universalist Parish of
this place, will give a basket social at
Crawford's Hall, on Thursday evening,
Jan. 29th, Every ons is invited to at tend
and enjoy a good time, and a good lunch
The Mortgage TaxLaw fif.
la the cue of Ltua county againat Joau A.
Crawford the Supreme Court auatained tho
decision of Judge Boiae, declaring the Mortg-
j age tax law constitutional. 1 ho opinion, an
able one, was delivered by Judge VValdo,and
practically settles tho question. Us states
that "equalityl in the rate of aosotsumeut
means nrnnortionate valuation, relative, not
absolute, equality -while couality in the
rate of taxation mosns that the percentage
shall be the same, or absolutely equal. The
result is relative equality of taxation. If the
rate of assosamont aud taxation bo equal, it
J J Ml I . . II... I a.,
la coueeivea, it win uo aununn, mai is, mat
no moaning can be attached to the word!
'uniform' which is notnvoyed by the word
.. ..... A WWW WW W . J ....... .. w . I . J
or equal, it will bo uniform, necessarily. If
tho rate is varied, so that property of differ
ent kinds or in dtffereut localities is valued
lor taxed at different rates, the rate will be
unequal, and so not uniform, and, so far
it is equal, it will also bo uniform."
the Legislature, be says hoa full power to
determine what property shall be subject to
tsra.ti.rn s.n,l hst shall Iw, a.l .
' " r, I
der the law tho counties have a right to tax
mortgage, and that the chronically repeated
assertions that there is no regularity or tun.
fortuity can not bo aaid of this law. That
ths Legislature hoa not violated the couati
tutiou in putting tho place for taxation in
the county where tho mortgaged property ia
situated. On the hackuied point of its he-
r"' w t'piuion ueciarea inai 1
it ia not
by saying
Ti.a ;,i.i... ,.iki.,.ii,,iu k;. . I n
"Theexamination thua far made
.,.,1.1 . .1 . .u: : I
vml" ,UIU1'",UV Js7 uw v-our in and tssuratw N I .
declaring that this act Is not a special orlsmEe, wwtfesadlaosMaaolla i
private law. The judgment of the Court be
low will accordingly be affirmed,"
This is a just judgment and must atand
The only resort left is to repeal the law, and
this we believe cannot now he done.
Caere Allratfaare
"X," in the Democrat last week, opea
ed the eyes of many to the fact that church
attendance Is shamefully small Sunday
evenings. What can bo done te make it
larger? Mure than a year age union ser
vices were begun te see if in that way peo
ple could not be induced to eo to church.
It worked well for a time. For several
months the attendance Sunday evenings
was increased. But the novelty wore off
to each a degree that the largest Sunday
evening attendance at tho union services
during the last six months was less than
375, and since the storm it bss not been
over 275, The unisn services has been
given up. What tho result will be re
mains to be seen. The attendance last
Sunday evening was encouraging, but it
was a moonlight niht and special attrac
tion at one er two chu robes. The atten
dance last Sunday evening was larger by
about 100 persons than at any Sunday
evening in six months.
For one, I wish te return thanks to "X"
for his calling the attention of tho people
to this matter. Now lot some other broth
er speak. With tho aggregate member,
ship of the Albany churches as large aa
it is, the Sunday evening congregations
ought to be not less than seven or eight
hundred. How shall they be made eo?
That is the question. Whose fault is it?
That ef the ministers or that of the peo
ple ? y.
A Cised Joke.
It is impossible for a newapeper to keep a
good joke, and certainly is sgainat our aa
tore, so bore goes, regardless of conseqaeacos.
Several small aad mischievous boys ia ene
of the deportments of one of oir ech d got
in the habit of rnahisg up to a eertata bouse.
ringing the bell and slipping off liR sly cats. '
Their teacher, a Udy, became eogaiztntof
their pranks, and, as well obtained the nam o
of the offenders. Calliag them ttgther abo
gave them a moat exemplary lecture, and
afterwards marched with all ths young of
fenders to the souse of their victim, where
ahe proposed they should make dua apolo
gies. The teacher rang the bell, when, to
her astonishment she waa met with a full
basin of water square in the face, complete
ly taking her breath away for a moment.
The good lady of the house bad only caught
a glimpse of some of the urchias, sad sup
peeing they wore at their tricks again, though t
it best te give them a lessen they would so I
soon forget. Apologies mutual. If i
teaches the boys a lesson the incident will
prove a most fortunate oae.
Tho following from s New York paper
casts aside all fear of competition in the
wheat trade by India : "The report o! the
American consul at Calcutta ought to be
reassuring to wheat-growers in this coun
try. The wheat crop in India for 1&S4 is
216,000,000 bnshels, raised on 26,000,000
acres of land, or nine and two-fifths bush
els to the acre. The United States average
last year was thirteen bushels. The Delhi
price is 80 cents per bushel ; cost of trans
portation from Delhi to Calcutta, IV
cents ; cost from Chicago to New York,
about 15 cents, and New York Is ba.f tho
distance from European markets that Cal
cutta is. If wheat can be raised and sold
in Chloago at 80 cents per bushel, there
caa be no competition by Bast India
An Experienced Loiter.
An exchange says : "Mr CB Foots, of
Pemsroy, mailed a letter October 30, 1S83,
addressed to s business firm in Portland,
Oregon. Last Msnday (January 12, 18Sb)
the letter was returned to him from the
dead letter office, bearing the following
postmarks: Honolulu, H. I. ; West
Maitland, N. 8. W twice; Sydney , N, 8.
W., three times ; San Francisco, Gel j
Portland, Or. ; Seattle, W. T and Wash
ington, D. C, It had been twice adver
tised, and a philanthropic individual, ons
Hayselden, In King Kalakaua's domin
ions, had kindly affixed a 12 cent Hawai
ian postage stamp. Tho letter bore the
address of Foote A Hull in plain print on
the envelope, but was not returned until
after it had wandered 25,000 miles." .
Ciaeaslnx the Member of Beaes.
Several months ago Read A Brownell of
fered a prize ef $5 to the customer purchas
ing 25c, worth of tobacco who should guess
the nearest to the number of beans in a large
glass jar. A large number put their names
down, many of them going to the trouble of
counting beans of the same sis? in a like
sized jar. The guesses ranged al 1 the way
from 1320 to 65,000. On m iking a count a
short time ago 14303 was found to bs the
number. Fred Burkhart's figures were 14, -300,
which, being the nearest, entitled him
to the prize. It waa an interesting fact that
many who took the most pains to ascertain
the correct number were the farthest out of
the way.
It is reported that a gambling resort has
been opened out on Broadalbin street where
boys congregate night after night. Parents
look out for your boys. No such places
should be tolerated.
Kr port of I alef Rnglarrr
The annual report of Chief KniUieer J
N Hoffman, for the yoar 1181. shows first
tho condition of tho water supply, to-wlt,
eight cistern and throo hydrants ; second,
the condition of the firo apparatus to bo
good. During 1881 there wore five tiros
"n ono siarni, n loiiow :
Jn aut- ,,l4 T " AUr" ' clilnw-y
at Revere Hitio bnrtitng out,
alsy IOUi, IsM, feso im, Bern b. lon.'liu to J It
t'utnley on north tnit of Klrst Street bolweeti Maker
ami Montgomery Hlreeta, rmintil Sy rk from
Cherry stul l'arkes fuusilry. Tho l,'rlim'nl rot
pemlel promptly but tns Ore wa extinguished hy
faff lltlflf At . i f u -t I o t liW.t . tlx. llnttn rl iltm.l iii Ivml
I """" I
i i,,HI,i nominal.
June 2Snd, ism. 0,4:, m old building belonging
j ttsHiWi so tha river bank between Ferry
caused by thecarelesenssi of trtu who w rt uleepliu;
there . Ttilv destroyed. !. ii.V No Insurance.
Jaly 6th, list, U:t, p in. I'liooeupied bate le.
longing to Ktl Thompson, corner ol M ten in tirt
Perry. Causa unknown entirely ilottroyci. Loss
$150. Insurance $100.
July 13th. ISS4, It.tO, p ra. Hint selisglnj to J
lliltnore ou Seveulh Hl.eet west ( the Kaiitlsin Csnel, SstrvT.l, valued at SioS. No lnuratea,
Mt a tbraahar worth .(. inauroi lar i
WWMr I' UWo belonging te S
C I'.,,,,,,.,, Tl.,,J K-l . .. ... I I ...
Wr0U. ,.4r0 d((Urroi, , I .
oscarm utiov
Total loasoa
TolaJ in. ii i ,n r
Tii no
.. 600.00
Actual ti
tini axaarrs.
rhis! Engineers salary ......
too (W
... obits
... mre
... IfO.oo
to ou
144 40
SUtftiiusr for sleaiurr
Iat tor new hose eart.bsse, eM , ..
Kspain vu stoamof
I's vearly altosanre
No. t's yearly ailwwanee
lluok an.l lJilsr t'oiaiuiv allow
awmw "i ieiog-ie allowables
T tal ditbureemenlt
lis make llm following re-miinniida-
tious :
That No. I'm hall be repaired ard bell
tower pal u tod. the purchase of four IUb
cock estingulahers for II A L Co , and
shut offnoxzlo for department, tho con
structlon of a cistern at Junction of Second
aud Jackson Streetx, that the city be di
vided into six ward- for fire signal pur
poses, the necessity Caf purchasing atoam
fire engine for Ko. I'm, which tnough not
uow possible, desen n of nuler4tiou,
and that arrangements In reference to
Night watch and Kogineor be changed re
that he be off duty after 10 p. in., sleep in
Rnglne house, to rejm.l to colls from
Ntghtwstch when services are needed and
attend to the cleaning of street lamps.
In last Dacsmber a vote was taken by
the School Superlntende-itx of Oregon to
decide what school b oks should bo used
in the public school of the State for the
four years beginning with Wo to be r 1, IMS.
The reu!t of the vols ha just boon pub
lished, the following being tho books se
lected :
Orthography and l'ronun -ialiou --Watson's
Independent Spellers Child's,
Yoath' and Complete. Pronouncing hand-bnoka--30e
words Sotile A Campbell,
Swinton's Model Word Blanks.
Word Analyala Swinton's New Word
Reading Watsou's Independent aeries,
including tho Primary, Second, Third,
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Readers.
Penmanship Sponeerian System and
Copy Books, including Iongorsnd Shutt
er Course.
Arithmetics Brook's Series, consisting
ef New Normal Priuiarv, New Normal
Elementary, New Normal Mental, Now
Normal Written.
Oeography Montsith'n .Momentary and
Comprehensive (Pacific coast edition )
Grammar Sill's Practical lessons In
History Btroes' Brief History of the
United Slates and Barnei' Universal His
tory. Higher MaahSW itlflS -Brooks' A I go bra
and Broeks' eom ;try and Trigonometry.
Science Montolth's Popular Science,
Steele's Fourteen Weak in Physiology
and Hygiene. Steele's Fourteen Weeks in
Chemistry. Steele's Fourteen Weeks In
Natural Philosophy, Steele's Fourteen
Weeks in llatany.
Bookkeeping Lyte's system and blanks.
Letter Writing -Westlake's How to
Write Letters.
Literature-- WestUke's Common School
Science of Government Young'.
Vocal Music Loomls Progressive .e
rles azrirulturel liesns.
Waeat, 54 cents.
In leol, 10,280,000 bushels of wheat were
raised on the Pacific Coast, in lS-2.5S,H37,70O
bushels, in 1SH3, .J'J,i.J..,UM, bushels, in
1881, 62,000,000 bushels. Though the crop
was largest last year the exports were the
smallest, even smaller than an 18S.'i.
There's a land that has ucver beeu found,
Where the cattle grow boneless and fat ;
Where the sirloins' a dollsr a pound,
And no penny worth's asked for thw cat,
But its ever so for away.
American Marks tman.
Some of the Portland prices arc, butter.
frosh roll 31gi32Jc., egg. 2.c. ; hops.
10 ( I2Ac ; wool, 120143. ; potatoos.
25 fa, 30c. ; hams, If fa 1 4c,
Flour is quoted at 85-75 in Walla Walla,
wheat 42c, hay 915.
Out of 150,000 head of sheep iu the south
eastern part of Umatilla county, only 2 IHS
ore reported as having perished, certainly a
very small proportion.
6000 sheep, it is reported, were lost
around Prineville. Tbe coyote must go
for all alotia the foothills otar bounties
are being off-re 1, which shows that busi
ness is meant.
The prospect fwsti abundant wheat
oropa'.l over Oregon aro uncommonly
good, The deep su iw did it , but what
the future few months will bring forth
nary a man can tell.
- e i-
At His Old Tricks.
Ed Broyse, who only retired from a
residence in tbe penitentiary a short time
ago on account of stealing a horse in this
county, evidently likes Salem as a resi
dence, as the following from tbe "West
Side"indicates tint he is conducting him
self in a manner to merit another sojourn
in the State penitentiary: Last week a
worthless bilk: played it ft ns on Prof
Garrigus, and after trying to get in on
several others, left for parts unknown.
He contracted a board bill ef $8.00 at the
Revere House, and on leaving gave an
order on Dave D ivali for that arnsunt
As there was nothing due him from Mr
Duvall, payment was refussd on tbe order
and the Professor i out $3.00. The day
he left, he tried to borrov an overcoat
from Tom Daws, and to hire a horse from
Al Goodman, but both were suspicious
and refused to aosomodate him. It has
since been learned that he is an ex-convict,
having just completed a two years
term in the penitentiary for horse -stealing.
He gave his name as E. Broyse, is a
heavy set man of about 35 years, with
sandy bairand mustache, and has an en
larged cheek. Look oat for him.
Wheat is 54 cents.
K M French, jeweler.
Begin writing your valentiner.
Tho best harness st J J Dubruitlos.
J. f, Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bony, Or.
The immigration dsriag tSSJ li boutil to
ba largo.
T.'io laat I'ortlaud Moohatiioi fair imttod
$- l7.1 profit.
The lirat engine passed oyer the Oregon
I'aoillc oi. last Monday.
Botwoen 20,00C and $30,033 or the oouu
ty tax have baeu collected.
I . atly clerks aro said to have o ipturcd tho
present State Legislators.
i'rains will probably bo ruustag on the
Oregon Pacillo next week.
ll now costs I4 to go from Man Francisco
to I'ortlaud by steamer.
Ihs railroad from Colfax, to Uiparia will
bo completed early this year.
Hnow was one foot doep iu ths viciuity of
Prinsville when laat heard from.
itoad k BrownoU havo tho old atyle smuk
ing tobacco in paperaat 10 cents.
Ref T B White will receive 500 as oom
miaaiiouer to tho New Oi leans Kxhibitiou.
An effort ia bring made to eonatruot s
water ditch ft out the Satittam to Iobnou.
Twoedale keeps a oioo hue ef tiu and oof)
per ware, and does repairing in good snaps.,
A revival of buaineae during IHH5 is intel
ligently and earnestly 1 !! for. let it
The Columbia river drains 305,000 square
mdos, and is iaigaldo for a distance of 7-5
it is a fortunate fact for Oregon that all
the hills introduced iu tho legislature du
cot pass.
Dr. M. If. Flltt. physician aud surgeon
Allany, Oregon. Calls made iu city or
Tho Ashland Woolen Mdls are idle, with
little prospect of rusuiag for soma time on
account of dull times.
The l'oattaaatar at Independence, W
lf.clgl.iii, has made an assignment t"t the
bo tic lit of creditors.
Tho planing mill of Xsyas A llochstedler
a kept running en full time, indicating that
there is at 1 aat some building going on.
Tho American people aro getting tired I f
tho St Joha discussion. Cannot We havo a
re it from this cauldron e'.irrios;.
Several Albany gentlemen went to Salem
Monday to at least look on when the great
Senatorial election came eff Tuesday.
Ye lovers of cefTee, when down town just
call at Ileod& BrowueU'e and order seme of
their choice Old Oait Java.
Those wanting syrup or titolaasea will liod
a tino assortment either in bulk, kegs or Rat
ion cans st Head k Brownell's.
Examine those gents button shoes, just
arrived at Read ami ilrewneUV They are
daisies and can not fail to please.
Wounderatand that Uev P A Moses, of
Tangent will aeon take charge of the M E
Church South at Jackseoville.
A new post-oiflce has been eitabltebed is
this county y the name of Doty v die
8 Doty will be the first Nasbey.
All correspondence should reacU tbe Da
eer.Ar oilicc 1) at least Weduosday to in
sure publication before tV.0 next week.
Mr J II Stine has concluded nut te start a
newspaper as tnanoo, iiavtnt; reoeiven a
much better offer from Josephine Counts. -
rlVa Sid.
leat. By Kre l BSumberg. on last Sun
day, a b'ock pony, heavy name and toil, lie-
turn to this city.
Any party wishing to parchase a goon
farm, either for grain or stock will do well
by calling on A ft Cyrus A Ca , Heal Kitate
Agents, at i .'-! , Or.
13.3A3 immigrants, cams oror the North-
orn Pacific during Ivil- The numeration
by steamer and wagons would make the
total about doable thoee figures.
Q W Gray, D. D. S., in consequence of the
hatd times, wilt reduce the price of dentist
ry all ho can consistently, with tbe use of
tu test matenala and skillful work.
IT have juat received several new stylos
of lodiea fine shoe and slippers and feel con
Hdent we have just what you want Our
prices sre very low. Bead A Brownell.
Third-class fare from St. Paul to I'ortlaud
has boon reduced from $15 to $30 A person
can now go trnm New York to San Francisco
third-class for $39 and to Portland for about
tho aame price.
List Monday Mr Ualph Hohman dtslocat
ed the joint of a thumb on one of his hands
while running one of the machines in the
factory of Best A Althouae. It will make
bim a man of letsuro for several days.
We would call the attention of our readers
to the ad. of H S Richards in another col
umn. Mr Richards is a skillful and faithful
workman, and any one wishing to purchase
a violin or have one repaired would do well
to call upon him.
A three thousand dollar lire occurred in
Portland on lost Monday night. One of the
buildings burned was built in 1858, and was
immortalized by Col Baker having made
speeches in it.
About one hundred thousand operators
have resumed work iu tho factories in tho
last since Januray 1st. Asa result many
articles havo taken a jump in the air, nails
having increased 50c. to 75c. per keg is
price ,
In a neighboitog city a man mvls tho re
mark that it was small business to bring a
suit for a small sum, "Yss," said a listener,
"but it is a am ill man who refuses to pay a
small sum." Ho hit the small end of the
nail square.
Farmers ! wj havo tea double motion
fanning mills complete with zinc, hurdle and
seives for all kinds of grain, which we will
sell for twenty-five dollars each. Now is
your time to buy a separator cheap. John
Brush A Son, next to Farmers' Co.'s office.
Hoffman k Joseph are this week moving
into their new quarters on tho south side of
Frst Street, where parties dashing bargains,
in groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc., should by
all means go, They now have one of tho
finest arranged stores in the county, a de
cided ornament to First Street and Albany.
All of the property belonging to Mr John
Foster, sold at Sheriff's sale lost Saturday,
was bought in by Mr S E Young for about
$4,000. It consisted of two houses and lots,
the bloek recently occupied by Hoffman ck
Joeeph, in this city, and a farm occupied by
Mr Foster, near Harrisburg.
E T T Fisher, County Surveyor of Linn
county, is prepared with field notes and
township plats of this county to correctly
locate corners oi land where ths sams has
been lost or destroyed, and will replace the
same with permanent monumeats. Persons
wishing surveyieig done will plsase address
me at Miller's, Linn county, Oregon.
All of the wheat in the Peoria warehouse
has been sold, and nearly all in the Halsey
warehouse, 55 cents was paid last week.
This increase waa due, we understand, to
the fact that several vessels were waiting in
Portland to be loaded and it was necessary
to hurry the flow of wheat thence. A rise of
cent or two did it.
Appropriations by the Stats legislature of
P worth ef stamps for reporters of news
papers, is a proceeding decidedly of the
"small potato" order, and aa ridiculous as it
Is small. Why they did net vote them board
and washing is a query. It would have been
as sensible, It is te be hoped Oregon will
sometime get above such foolishness.
The Salom Stnlmmnn soya ; "Motsr.
J Murphy, (Jraut A Co., have diepoaed of the
remaining part of the tnortgsged atock of
Caldwell, Becker A I.ioke to N II Allen, a
merohaot of Albany, The price paid waa
ferty oeuts ou the dollar of lirat coat of itooda.
Mr Allen will move his stock now at Albany
te thiajplace, snd carry ea the business at
the old stand near ths poeteftioe.'
Ien Newspapers get caught tometimes.
lest week the two Corvslha papers publish
ed tho following item, an sxoelleut woe, with
i. a. . a a.
outgivtug credit: An honest man always
paye for Ins paper defers announcing that h
can aiionl to take u nu more. Ho who de-
ponda on the poatmaatur to auuouiioe either
a. ft a I a
mat tie has loft the country, or refuses to
tako the paper out of the omoo without pay-
eg ail arrearages, is hardly the kind of
man. Whenever s man dsea not want
I a a " w
csruiu paper any longer ho has simply to
pay wst Im ewes and order Sloppod the
oopy sunt to his od.lrsso
While Oregoniaa gr ,.vl-. I baSMM thw
had too much snow and id, Ktstoru people
along the Atlantio kicked hecausi they -It I
uot have enough. There's the difference.
The first of the week the logs et Robinson
A West reached the Calipoeia near this oity.
There aro now shout half a million feet tin.
ids of ths Calipeoi bridge, and the rest,
about a million and a half feet.are about five
miles from here. fcHssssftt logs wilt now be
floated to the mill to keep it ruumog.
SOCHI, salt rilM.iMi
Miss Birdie Choadle is visiting hiraiit at
Mr T J Gregory, of (Wia, catle 1 on ua
aat Tuesday.
Mr J I' (idmour, ef Millors, has m ve 1 to
A litany to reside.
Mr John Ciililad, ef 8 west Homo was io
tbe city Monday.
MrJMara iiasmgert loft for San Francisco
last week, where ho wilt undergo treatment
for chronic catarrh
Mrs I) W M alone v, f ladependonoo, re
turned homo last week, after a visit hero as
the guest of Mrs Vrnk Wood.
K Keeblor and family have returns I to
Lebanon from their visit in the Kaat, and
now Oregon is goodeetmgh for thor
Deputy Sheriff Jas. Charlton returned
from t'nasville on last Monday uoen. Ho
was a week on the way from PrmeviMo te
Tha Dalles, an I has had a snewr tlaao of it.
' O'
mail aril.
Tuesday eve., Jan. 27th. I85.
Present Mayor, Recorder, Morohel snd
ail ('ounctlmon.
In tbe ease of tbe city at !uung It
ws ordered that the Cily Attorney take
nn further action.
Tbe following bills wore oidered paid ;
Cherry and Parke, work on steamer,
$10.50 ; W a Muston, ft.75 : J Wbittior,
cleaning streets, $14 ; li W Burkhsrt,
Tbe application of Mr Murry lo be re
lievel from hotel h-k IteeaSS was reject
Committee on Mtroets and pub'tr prop
erty reported that no arrangements hsl
yet been made with John A
Crawford in.
the matter of the Dtteh .
Yearly reports of CMaf aosSgiaetW, Bo
eordor, Marshal an J Tranumr ware pre
sen led aud referred.
The city printing was awarded to the
'Herald -Dtaweminalor" at $1 for p 'store
and 25 cents per thousand for Oidinsncos.
Tho following bids for dirt sod gravel
wete offered : Joeeph McDonald, dirt 20
cents (er lead, gravel, 85 cents. W M
Parker, dirt. 37 cents, gravel, 0 cents.
Contract was awarded Jos McDonald, For
building croeswaiks,Uoo W Hurkbarl bid :
S fool walks. $10 ; 4 foot walks, $14 ; 6 foot
walks, $19.5e.
Bond of Fred Mueller as City Treasurer
was accepted.
Application of Antony Pal hash t for IU
cense te sell liquor waa rejected.
Fine of "Sing" of five dollars for sswlng
wood on side walk wss ordered refunded
to Dr 0 W Mastoa, who bad paid it.
Marshal was notified to order R K Co.
lo build crossing at junction of Sixth aod
Bail road Streets, Marshal also to put nsw
foot bridge scross Ditch at junction of
Thurston and Seventh. Also ordered to
notify railroad company to put in cnlbert
at Junction of Thurston and Seventh.
Bills of Council men for fees were al
lowed, and also following bills : N J
Ilenton, $2T ; W B Coonon, keeping horses
harnessed during storm, $7:50 ; Cherry
sad Parkes, set cocks steamer, $20.75 ; II
II Hewitt, services on amended charter,
The following bill wore referred: Fred
Mueller.radse, $10.38 ; L H Gordon, $63,88,
Q W Hurknart, $22.60.
Literary Eote rials sees .
A literary entertainmeat will be held at
tbe M I Church on Friday evening, Jan. 30,
when the following program will be rendered:
Anthem Praise ye tho Lord by tho
(Juartette Moonlight en the Like -Miss
Wheeler, Miss St John, Mr Dugger, Mr
Hooding Miss Kirkpatrick.
Solo -Down by tbs Deep Sad Sea Mr
Recitation Lottie Ketchum.
Duett Miss Wheelet, Miss St John.
Heading Mr Hideout.
Song Trio Messrs Wallaj, Hammer and
Recitation Kva Simpsoa.
Song and chorus We'll Have to Mortgage
tbo Farm bv tho whole family.
Heading -Misa Howard.
Solo- Mrs Burkhart.
Recitation Miss Knox.
Duett Mr and Mrs Judy.
Reading Miss Foster.
Trio Messrs Hammer, Hammer and Wal
lace, Recitation Clemmie Jones.
Anthem by thooboir.
The Society only eharge 10 cents admis
sion to the above entertainment, but the
people scarcely ever complain of getting too
much for their money.
Writing School.
The second ter.n of Mr. Stubblclelds
writing school opened last night. Those
persons who enter this week will get
tbe benefit of nearly a fall course.
Those who enter to-night (Thursday)
will get 14 lessons. All beys and girls
needing instruction In penmanship
should be pieced In this school, as Mr,
Btubblefleld Is a most Efficient toucher.
Sesbions are held at the Central school
house each evening at 7 o'clook,
Aleak r, Oregon, Dee. 30th, 1884.
My home which was destroyed by fire on
Dec. 18th was insured in the State Insurance
Company of Salem, Oregou, whioh has al
ready settled and paid the full amount of
my claim. Any one insured in sur home
Company the Stats, can rest assured of hon
orable treatment in oase of loss.
Signed, Heeev Watson.
I sr real Kvea ts
Terrible destruction to life liae bjn
caused lattly by avalanches en tha Alps.
Hull I ths best Is but a poor.m lsers
bleblgnted,barroom brawler. All talk.ln
connection with him about physical man
DON Is mere "bosh.''
Liberty bell wn sttrtol fr Mew Or
loans last Friday. No v lo out for the
ringing of many tongues.
A Philadelphia furor while nn duty last wra-jked his until, moJel Jury
mans brain so much tb it lis became
Tho price of wheat In E tglaud Is lower
than It has been during tho last 104 years.
Wheat sold for 57 cants In Iu lependerme
last week.
no mild has tha weather been In tho
New Ruglend States during January that
farmers havo dons considerable plowing,
TbU drags Oregon into the mu I.
Considerable of the lima of C mgress is
token up In tho passage of PesHssM bills.
A Brooklln boy, while walkin g on stilts
the ether doy, fell and broke bio nook,
dyingjnsiantly. It Is high the this tdr-
ens performance was stopped.
i lie account of meetings of dynamiters
sluce tho London explosion are exceedine;
ly disgusting. Summary laws are uoo-
onsoary. The people of Ireland are taking
Just tbe rlbtoourso to got tbe sympathy
of tho world against them.
Tho Democ'EOT has aiads amngeinsuls
by whlnh It will receive weekly an Inter
ootlng eommunlealloM from Xw Orleana
during the continuance Of tho OEposllloa.
Tho suit with tho OtSM m A California II,
It . it i stated, will delay tti cemplsUos of
tho oiteusisn. Nothing like
Any number of oluoa have boon fooad in
L'sdou to tho dyue'iiitars, who upheaved
l-oa.lo i l ower. Westminister Ab'y an I tbe
House of Parliament
Two shocks of earthquake were fell in Soa
Froaoisce and Oakland laat Mo ley, Often
jealous they do n it pr ipe t be outdone by
Tbe claim of Orgm to 44.0JS acres of
swamp laud has b Mm r.qsctel by tho Secre
tary of ths Interior, Lt m rjt irt to dy
namite and see what kin 1 of s i srj-umsn t
that would prove.
Tho star route oontfost f r cinyiog tbe
mad between Hepaer aad Monument has
been lot for $1753 te 8 D Sullivan.
I.iye sheep during tho recent storm became
so hungry ia KisUrra Orsgm that tboy ate
the wool off deed sheep, destroying tho pelts
for all practical purposes.
A burglar the other ntght at Too Dalles
atole$!.50 at a houao.but becoming frighten
ed left his overcoat, shoes snd hot. A los
ing bargain that.
A curious suit has keen ssagaa at Pendle
ton. A man left a dog with womao, a
neighbor, but aha got tire t t it aud admin
istered a dose of poison, tea It 04 iu demise.
A suit for $2J0 was tbe result. Many a wsg
will sy "Jog hi such a community."
regea etstlslles.
From the report of ths Secretary of State
just out, wo glean tha following facte :
sri . a a o a
1 n totai voiue or totable property in
ISI34 was $75.308.05.1. as increase of over
$11,000,000 over 1882-3. The Ug was $441,
145.10 for IS-S3 4.
Tito value of bad was $.15,'J9,03, of town
lota, $13,b75,OoI ; of improvements, $10,
430.845, of merohandue, $ 1 3. 1 '22, 048, house
hold furniture, etc., $2,841,031,
Tbe number of horses and mules woo 151.
148, voloo, $5.3C4.73C ; cattle. 24.847
value. $5.2I5.S51 ; shoop, 1.0S3.978 ; voloo.
IMIM71 ; Bne, 112.846 ; value, $293,-
t.ross value of all property $103,648,388 ;
luilabudnooa. $27,177,681 ; exemption. $5,
4r,3.llS. The number ef polls was 1 0,7 20, number
of school children, 69,076 ; wealth per capi
ta, $621.;J
Dos g las county has the largest number of
aores of improved land. 501.386, but Linu
county leads as te value, $5,131,520, Manon
second. Ysmbill third. Of course Multno
mah heads tho list oa town lots, $7,274,015,
with Maries seooad and Linu third. Oa
merchandise also Multnomah stands first,
Marion second, Clatsop third, l.iuu fourth.
Ia money also Portland is first, Marion sec
O0d, Umatilla third. Yamhil! fourth and linn
Portland has the moot household furniture.
snd then Marios, Lisa, and Union hqjhhs
horse county, 17,441, Croat socood,
third aod then Umatilla, Baker. Crook,
tbelr ordrr.
Urant loads in the number of cattle, 74,
611, followed by Baker, Crook, Like, Union,
Lace and Wasco.
Umatilla is tbe sheep cottuty, 240,951.
Wasco, Crant, Douglas, Crook after it-
Jackson takes the swine, 13,233, Douglas
second. Lane third.
Uader the laat assessment Multnomsh
pay the largest tax, Linn neat and then
Umatilla, Marion, Lane, Yamhill.
Notice is hereby given that a free scholar
ship in Eugene University will be swarded
at ths next regular term of the County Court
and that all those who desire tbe appoint
ment muit apply in writing to tbe County
School Superintendent and appear before tho
aaid Court on the 4th dav of Fabruarv next
... , . .
fp aiiminitian nr nrMVinualv fiirniah a rr-
i j
titieate of inialifioatian from the facaltv of
said University.
D. V. S. RBIO,
Co., School Superintendent, of Linu Co., Or.
.. -1 e
sUghly Keeonasseaaest.
Ai.iian v, OkeUOS, Dee. tad, 1814.
RuMtll A Co.,
The New Maisillon S. inoh separator and
Russell eagiue purohasad of yon last ansa
mer is all vou reoommended it to bo. It ha
given satisfaction in every respect. I thresh
ed this season iu 34 days run 43SI2 bnsaola
of grain whioh is the bigest run of any
chine in this part of the country. I thresh
ed for some of tbe oldest fanners ia this
oounty and they all say that I did tai
the best job, saying and oleaning their grata
that over had been done. Ourexpoaae for re
pairs for the season did uot exceed one dollar.
Yours Respectfully,
D. D. Hacelemam.
The decision of tho Supreme Court de
claring the Mortgage tax law constitutional
Is very gratifying to the people of
tho Willamette Valley, notwithstanding
tho throats from Portland. The lawsuits
ths inhabitants of Linn County, who are
not at all afraid of Capital being driven
from the State. If Portland money does
not seek a field where interest is at 10 per
cent and taxes only, ltf per cent then let
it be Invested in manufacturing interests,
Ths ttnth is, though, that Portland monsy
leaders will be very triad to receive
per cent nets If they can get no more,
Per Sale.
By W. R. Cannon' the remains ef his liv
ery barn, livery barn let, 100x80 ft., 7 hora
ea, 8 sets of harness and 7 or 8 buggies.
nun talk
A bill providing that all mom hers of
tho State Legislature wii traveled on
passes to the Capita' should not be si-
lowed milage was Intro luce J the other
day, and, of e sure, fade I to pass, as
moot of the members were dishonest
enough to wish to obtain money for
purpeee they would never use It for.
Were It possible a law prohibiting
members of the Legislslurs from sc-
csptlag pssses should bs twisted
through Any ons receiving one Is
under obllgtti'm te the oae giving it, I
and that Is the "-ry ohj.;. t for which
they are givsil. It h simply whole-
aalo bribery, and Is of sufficient rense- j
j'lenoe to require tho most atrisgont
Iswe against It ; hut. depend oa it, in I
these corrupt llmss a majority who
will cut their own O'jrsr "triors for t! a
right can hardly be found.
in a rooeai nann 01 111.1 ', , one
eflts sta'f correspomleiits made the
Insane oiatem out tha. if Portland rner
chants wished they : uld have the
Bhonff raieo the rol flag In front of five
out of sIe of tbe Valley merchants. An
absolute falsehood It could not lie
done In treat of one out of its. Take,
for instance, Albany, and the trade
with Portland is not suffl doat oa that
ll could by tbe utmost exertion, bo I
dons in oiis tenth of the business beaaes I
her'. While Valley merchants trade I
with Portland, ths trade is not esela-
a la. atiU 1 a a . a i , I , i a I w i
J t w iiivii 01 1 1 pre
cludea ouch a result. Suoh boastlnr Is t
rldlculoasly lu llereus.
BrtKiks Station bat formed a Cayote
Club aud offered a bounty of $20 for
orery scalp. So great ban been tbe de
struction to stock that ouch a course
wa uocessary. When people are driven
to extremities a reward will generally
bring all kinds of c tyotes lo bay.
The usual order of things Was rover-
ed the ether day in Washington Terri
tory. Tea Chinese b ys, with ut proy-
oeatioo, attacked aa loiioc-nt white
urchin and beat him severely. Should
not Americaa blood boil at this insult ;
but, thsn, sober seceud thought tells us
that "what Is sauce for
the goose is
sauce for tho gander.'
Tbe newer of young aaon iu politics,
wbsn they choose to unite their forces
wss strikingly Illustrated at Forest
;rve ru a recent city election. It
seems that the old mea have always
got all the oft es se the young anen
socrstly put up a young man's tickst,
and rushed it iu at tbe laat moment,
electing every maa aa It, much te tbe
disgust of their fathers. It is a great
danger te trample oo the tees of tbe
active youug maa.
It seems to have become necessary for
Oregon editors in u:dor po make both
ends meet to uaite so? oral kiads of
business The editor of the Oregon
City Kat'rpr.f both dosU OUt pUls feT
physical and mental affheatious ; ths
editor of tbe It oeburg lndi nUm
preaches with his mouth and through
ia paper ; ths editor of tbe Dallas
Itinuwr runs a livery otable in eeujunc
lion with bis e Mipeoiug stone. This ia
a world of expedients, and no one re
quires t hern more thaa the editor.
Tho meanest story yet reported is
that coming from Dayton. W. T., where
It is elalmed a school UacUer recsived
anesmiee from a another, which road,
"please excuse Johnny, as he had to
remain homo aad attend the baby
while I attended to jury duty.' Corn
saeut would be thrown away,
Mrs. Bridge will deliver a lecture
on Odd Fellowship at Odd Fellow's
Hall lo Odd Fellows Temple in this
city on Monday Evening Feb. 2nd at
M OCIOCK p. m. 31IB. unuuB unniT-
leClUfe la S-lem , wt Week of
Wnicn me .Maacmrau c rtrspuavsouw
I spwaKs as louows. it is uwciucu
tact now in Salem that do speaKer
has ever eo bald or charmed an aud
ience, and no female speaker has ever
been hear J on the Pacific Coast poss
essing the rare personal aUractiors,
. - .aa. m B - - -
intellectual ability, graceiui oratory
and gentle womanhood of Mrs. M'
tie A. Bridge. Tbe public is invitc-d
to attend. Admission free. Collec
tion taken up after tbe close of tbe
Harper's Young People,
Trie serial and short stories In Haaraa s Yerso
Pt(PL have all the dramatic intereel that Juvsntle
actios can eusaaea. while ther are wholly tree trera
what Is nernietous or vulrarle soasaUonal.. Ths hn
i Rtoruos stunee ana pnurw arc tun iuwth. .u..,
I . . r :
i . - . . ...ii . i . , ...,
aod tbe papers en aaiural history and science, irarsi.
aod the facta ol
of life, are Sy wntsrs whess name.
aha heat asaurauce of accuracy aad value. Illustrated
papers on atnieuc spori. aasss, nu l'"11""
Id I
lull lot
lotormaUon on these subjocts.
There is nothing
mean aoeui n sui iu price,
Anepiterae of ererythlng that Is attractive aad de-
atrahle In Jaenlte liieratur. "Boston t'ouner,
A weekly least of esed thing te the boys and girls
In eery faaaily which it visiw, 'Brooklyn I moo.
It is wonderful in it wealth of picture, informs
Men. and Interest, "Christian Advocate, n, ,
I us i Passage r re paid, fl.e rr Tear
IV. 17. roetmesree November 4th, 1S84.
Single Number, Fie tents each,
Remittances should be ssade hy Pest Office Mosev
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss,
NawsneBera are sot te copy thia advertisement
witseut ths express order of Harper and urot tiers,
Address HARPER and BROTHERS, New York,
THOMPSON THOMAS. At tho residence
of W C Thomas in Harriaburc, Linn coun
ty, Or.,. Jan. 26th, 1885, by Levi Douglas,
Justice of the fsace, Samuel u moiar.
son and Clay A Thomas.
TATES PHILPOT. At the residence of
VT T Cochran near Brownsville ey Kev C
Sperry, Calvis VV Yates and Dosia E
Philpot all of L.tnn oounty.
1 Mav iov. Dsace and prosperity remain
S. mt ef ' -
with them.
in Albany, by Rev. Judv, Mr Otho Mob-
oan, of Westport, and Miss Lottie ChisV
well, of Albany.
We extend congratulations.
1 '. s -jg
CAItY, At hsr home near Crawfordsville,
Linn county. Or.. Dee. 13th, 1884. of
caa -
oer, Mas. Anna Caby , wife of Armeniua I tion of the course of study, rates of I
Cary, aged 76 years, 9 snonthe and 4 days. board examinations, etc., aad euts of phdn
She waa born Marel 9th, 1808, in -iai" I and ornamental penmanship, free. Addresa,
borne county, Tenn., mametl Ney. 2ith,
1825 in Lafayette oounty Mo., and oame
Oregon in the year 1852.
A Waste SpreaS atepe tallow.
Few establish monks in Oregon hsvs ob
tained sijt-ii a wi le reputation as the foundry
and machine ahop of Chsrry A Parkes. Of
dors oomo to them from all over tha State, ia
fet of I "Jl contracts are grade
Tom a diataooe. Mr C C Cherry ol tho firm
recently returned from Klamath Lake, where
ho mado a contract with Grerge W Looeley
for s psir of steamboat engines, together
with all t.m in ichinory, to to used ia a new
first clss sg to be run 00 that Leko. Tho
w.r' is gptav under futlheidwsy, and wpen
completod will ho EOSM to .,rm o boot of
which Mr L,!ry erll h iva every reason to
feel pro'i'i. BsaaaS afl etperisaeed steamboat
man the tsftvssties of C 1 snry h Parkes is a
very deserved uiopli 111'. t then aa mat
ufaeturers of engines and all kinds ef mt-
chfory. Lie but will SO run between
Lmkville gsaal Frt Klmnth. Cherry A
rsrkes als have nearly c Sfll I s propel-
1 r ougine for ths Albany S-a n Yacht olob.
srbooo boot, already mentioned in tho Dm-
o 'liar, is to be run between this city
C rvallii. f'.i lei the above work thev
ssSiMaaf fagsawtlae siwmill isachinery aod
stationery engines. Tom issspbmdid sfsow
ing for th i prsoot titnei, a I is oely mado
iMBCSOse ssWarern "fl'rurry A parses
rninds the or l-ra they receive. It
the te.t. s Lacs we r g" I t m sati t of so
Allsiny institution.
Tbe SI tie la.srssrc Ctaisssr sfa
1. Is s H ssao - i.pany or - pais 1 a 1 cos
tridlel by pro-nins.-r. an I well km v. bui
now moo of ths N r.h raet, from
2L The moaey rail to this ompasyure-
- , 1 U n, " " it ..... ta k.
anloesUUia d.volooroe Essl bttildinar aa
thr r industries ef the Northwest.
sbf aw sr
3. It is tbs only company in Oregon, watch
is limited by its charter to the insurance of
farm property, private dwellings and their
contents, school bosses snd ebarche.
4. Consequently it cannot he burned oat
as it 1 no . x,t e 1 to losses frees weeping
tires. It insures no mercantile or
h,,. but afford a safe and reliable
to formers aod o rn-i of private de loses.
Tho fires that destroy too cities, rais
ing over a uaiir I in n m o compaaueo.
rendering wort'-dra tbreiaads of
dsaaonstrate the necj tatty of farmers
there insorisg in jsat such o company, free
from ail Ktils of ba
By the undersigned, Jiving a mile and a
bair north of Knox's Butte, from 50 to 1(0
Ang ra goats from two to five years. Call
or id dross me at Albany.
Robrt Oa aat bees.
"I Sea t Peel Like
It makes no difference what business yea
are engaged in ; whether you ire a proa aa or,
a merchant, a mechanic, a lawyer or a eejja
moo laborer, you can't do yoar work well
while halt sick. Tboasands try to, bat a 1
to vsio. How much better to keep yoar
organs in good order by taking Parker's
Tonic when yon feel "s little oat of sorts."
It would be money in yoar pocket. One
boor cf good, rejoicin; health ia worth half a
dozen hours full of languor and pais.
ray ftp.
AH persons knowing themselves In
debted to me or the hate firm of Allen a
Martin will please cell and settle iaa
aaediately, or thoir accounts will be
placed in tbe ba ids of an Attorney for
collection and costs made.
X. H. AH,.
Letter Uss.
I ulloving- is Ihe list ol letters remaisiaf ia Uss Post
Office, Albany, Una count? , Ororen. Jan. ts, 1SSE.
Persons cellist; for these letters raws five the date eo
which they were ad Teniae! :
Ds is. U II H iddiesou. Mr
Harmed. Kehsrt M.lle. Charley
Miller. L W aeS Son McEerie;. AlexaoSer
McMilles. M Mertee. H
8ru.ih.MisB t elia 0 Shores, Mrs W
Tasper, Mr
J. M. IRVINti, P. M.
TOi miXler, "
Attorney and Counslor it Law.
Will practice iu a 1 tho Courts in the State.
Made and repaired. New tops, baoas
and nocks. Bows rehaisod and repaired.
Old and new violin, bows and superior
string tor sale. Kefer to EE Courses
and Cnas. lira y , Portland ,
Teacber of Violia.
Corner of 2nd and Ellsworth Sta., Albany,
I guarantee a cure in all cases if any
d.reetions are strictly followed. Bo
pain er loos of time from business, Ad-
drees above at Albany. Oregon.
Prom tbe undersigned, a rod eow with
a white face. Small red spot in tho white
of the face. Four years old. 1eft about
riev. lai Waa sivinar milk. Marked, a
.moolh crop off ,fk mlopft mtf
under side ef right ear. running oar te a
harp point. A liberal reward will be
given to tho one who will give Informs
ion as to her whereabouts.
Albany, Or.
Farm Machinery
Plows, Harrows,
Of either sex admitted te Ike
On any week-day of the year.
The College Journal, containing ii
to jfc gox 10L
I --p. uriting, please pteisftea fAw