Sf ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES& NUTTING. HI ISISBSftOfr'FM K-ln fH-morral Btltlaoa Krunrtaloln Slrr-cl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ainffl eonv. ner vear. In ad van r...... WW in :.' ftinv. ner vht. at end of year W eiagie copy, s months singis copy, three months iitrli' number 1 60 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this 8tate. Will give special attention to collections and probate matter. ... Office in Foster's new brick. M f L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Orem. Office upstairs, over John Briggs store, 1st street. V J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBUC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, UUkW. OKVtOX. laTlLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE OOVRTS OT THE ff State. Social eiienuon giu probate mutter. t&-or oa In Odd Fe!tw"s Tempi. P FOWElili & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, kA CaIUaihi in ThaniWYi ALBANY. . OBKUOli. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on tmmmmnm . "Office in Foster's Briok.- vl4nl9tf. Attorney And Counsellor At Laf -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, 08EC0N, Will practice in all of the CourU of ibis State. All Duamess iimuw-- rill be promptly attended to. MrOffiee in OToole's Block. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and ToiletArticles, A Large Suck and Low Prices. CITY T3RTCTC3- STOBB, Syl 4 LB 1ST. 0atE3. FOSHAY & MASON, waOLSLAtS A aBTAlIi Druggists and Booksellers, ALBASY, OBEGOS. vl6n41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. DR. G, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just vest of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. "Offire and residence in Mcll wain's Block. Albany, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razor, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cnt in the very best style. SAN WAVINGr LAUKDBY AND CHINA. MERCHAS1SISO BUM XEsS. Bicft, tea and Japanese i(ool. LttUer andar clothes, vM a bottom price Contractor tor Chin labor. tSTSext to City Bank. FURNITURE. have the bes stock ol furniture in the ::ty and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valle'. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tnsday, Sept., 16tb, 1884. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the pnee ol tuition, appiy w BET. ELBERT N. t'OXDIT. Premaeat. ALoany Bath House. rmaZ UNDEK310NBD WOULD RESPECT fatty Inform the citisem of Albany and ri inity that I have taken charge of this Establish raat,aad, by keeping oiean roomi and payia strict ittentiou to business, expacta to suit aJ thoiawho may fa7or us eith their patronage Having heretofore sarned on uothtng out Flrst-Clas? Hair Drassina Saloons aspects to irir sxitire satisf fior. te al B9Cbldien til tidies' Hsir neatly 00 hatjpooed. JOSWKBBER. OREGON SHORT LINE, Fast Freight and Passage Eoute, B. CAMPBELL. General Agent. No. 1 Washington St., Portland, Or. F OR SALE, Good farm 12 miles southeast of Lebanon 160 acres. 50 aeres timothy and clovei meadow. 50 wheat land in cultivation. We. watered. Call on W M Phillips on the plaee Bum VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED DIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON, Th wnnls "L Belle" in Fi noli mess "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, AND- All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undamped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Ajrent for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINE & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufacture, and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep they constantly on nana, a complete stock oi all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGN ED WISHES TO Inform the public that he Is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work oo short notice. All work J war ranted to Rive satisfaction. Will work an v and all kinda of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Knanlnc. repairing and resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purcban. intr elsewhere as I will not be undersold. bop oo west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. 1 O. W. HARRIS. Prop. REVERE HOUSE, Cerae. Vint aa Ellawertfc Albany , Cha Pfeiffer, Prop'r This new Hol.l U fitted up In flret claas style. Table applied with the beat the market affords. Spring Beds in every Room. A good Sample Room lor Com mercial Travelers. OT r ree Ceaeh to and the !!.' MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, JDLLI5ERY AID DHE88-IAOH&. CuUing and fltUng by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRS I. W.&MARYT. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, Oil 3 ON. . m ..e - a Offer their professional sen Ices to tne citizens m Linn and adjacent oountUS. umce sjia rosiic near Court H juse Call at Langdoo and Ce's brug Store. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and Dickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Fnce and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON a WEST. Albany? Or- " Insurance. P. P. Nutting, at tho Democrat office, has charge oi the following first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL. LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC9TISH UNION AND NATIONAL. CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on h.nrl Poultrv dressed to order. 11 kinds of game in season. Goods deliver ed promptiv, free ofchsrge to any part of the city. Next door east .of Tweedale's Tin and Stove Store. icura Mr. Niulla'a fas, him! what the Ur, Mr. Mrfclnlfttry ha lo any abuul II. To THR Pvsuc ; I tiavo Krw a fearful sufferer fur lift. tii . -hi., in .m ,.f thv Urns with what has boon called Kinutna or Halt Ithdliit. l'orlaU an. I l.vpia, and the like, and have always bosntolil tii.it thvra was no cure fur mo, ami have been discouraged that I bad a anon Ule aa live, 1 have her it an hadl) afflict i .i atttueUniea that titers was not the smallest smt from the crowu of my head to tho soles of my feet that was n.t diseased and a red aa crimson. It would commence In small while skls, which had a silvery aioaratice, but were not deoi, but If I at tempted to hoal them, or soon afler Ihelr llril ap earanoo, they would burn and rua together saw there waa a complete dry , rod aoaln, whlob would U viune wi inflamed aalo ora k and link flery an I an tny, and the buritio.it aenaation would lie aluinat In tolerable I waa at Utuea ao Ume that I could oroo Iv yet about, aiuloottld tint dreaa myaelf without aa Utanoe. I have tried many remedlee, and have tald ltn lii a aingle In.tanee toa phyairian, but have c or obtained only temporary rwllef. Although U ip. .1 for a Ume, I au.vii relapaetl atfaln to be aa battly troubleil aa ever, and durln.- the winter ot I --I ami !-' I uSered au much aa to lie entirely dteoour.tired . I ri June, howeier, I waa advtaed by fclder and Mr I. 0 McKinatry, who are well known In thee repHone, U m i. ui fiTKi a HKaMuiu ; ami I (elt amnettow a little courage, from Utelr favnrable upiulon of them, to try their virtue. About the aeoond week of July laat I oommenced taking the remedies, and within n week. began to aoe a permanent Improvement, until now (dot. ll) lam about aa good aa now, and uy flesh la aa the fleah of a ohlld. MHS. HKN.l, SMITH. I certify that the above atatemant of my wife la correct, and I Join with her in espreaelng my grati tude fur the great benefit the ha received. II. SMITH. I certify that the aluve tlement la correct . Mr Smith la a nretuinrnt man in thl coiumunilv, where he lives lie is a well-knuwn Uvalrr In atock. and his statement, with that ol his wife, is fully entitled to credit. tKuin at Klattstead, Province (if Quebec, this twenty-sevrnth day of October, Intti. !.. f. McKINSTRY. Minister 'f the (ioape). Lams. I have seen Mrs Smith recently and be lieve her tu be thoroughly ami M-rmanent!v cured. I. C M KINaTIt V. 8ec'r Advent Ch. Conf. V ON.. Vt, and No, N II. llton, Sept. MB) lt. i '1 ii- i; i RBHM aT, the new hlaaa purifier, and C TinU Hid Cum St.vr. the great .kin cure, and beauliflera, are sold eer where. Price, tVtl t i aa, 50c. ; Bovr, He, ; IUw.Lrr, t roller ad I hrml 4l ., Ss.ius PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Will be Inaugurated March 4th 188S, THE WORLD, The Bamier Democratic Newspaper. Dally. P : Sen.l-Weekly. H I Sunday. tl "0. Werkl .one d jl'ar ner var. Moiiav can be made hy any man or woman, girl or boy who will organize cluba for THE WEEKLY WORLD The great farm and home newspaper. AGENTS PAID IN CASH, For lOOnubacribera at ft ench X will bo paid; forftOmibsxTibere, fl'J; for - aub- cribera, t ; lor 15 aubtwrlbers, t ' ; for 10 subscribers, t for 5 subscriters, fl. Agenta wanted in evory Tof n and Village. circulars anNampl pu. fn-e. Send for them. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW HEW YORK. Administrator's Notice, NlnCE la hereby given that the un dsrsjicned Adminttrator of the estate of liar bard Khelton, decease., has filed hla final account In the matter of said es tate in the County f'ourt of I.tnn county, Oreeon, and tho Judge t aaidt'outt hae made an order according to law directing tbia notice to be published, and ban ap pointed Mon'lay tba i nv or Jauusry, ls.i at the hour of one o'clock . p. m., f naid day as the time f ir the bearing of objectiona to aaid final account aud tbe settlement thereof. IlAiivr.Y SltV.l.Tn.X, Powell it BiLTKr. Administrator, Attorneys. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SH0i. T4BLIIIHED 1SS. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken ehargeof the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, -Haw and Grist Mill, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kind, repaired. epa Hpe- cial attention given to repairing farm 11a- cninery. Pattern Making done la all Its forma. 16:llyl A. F. CHEKP Y A SON. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAV AND Notary Public. gPORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! Peters A Stewart keep a full line of am nnition, and will sell as low as tbe low m Every pound of powder is warranted cill 5 m d usks if properly used . INVIGORATOR i is josc what its name implies,; a !Purelr YetabloCompouiid lha nets directly upoa the Jtrer 'caring the many diseases i ictc 0 that im- portant organ, and ting the na- arise from its iction such as aas aai lice, Liliousness, laria, Sick-headache, etc It is therefore a !Toliave Good Health the Live it be kept in order.' DR. SAJTFORD'B LIVER IKTIGOBATOR Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifies tho Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Weed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. JIB. SAHTORD'S LIVER HT7IGOEAT02L Jin experience of Forty years, and Tliou sands of Testimonials prove its Merit. 9 yOK BALB BT AM DEATJKES Hi MEDICINES. For full information tend your address for 109 vae9 Book on the " Liver and its diseases," to 52: saxroBO Si pvas W V9M, aart. tnerous ailmants X ideranged orro yspepsjSJn CoswenessVSta TT V - -s. a - a .tw Fmu! ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY tISIT 10 1 -if u tti him 11 CATV fin ing the time I wsh encsirvd as professor in tho Cincinnati College 'of ftiusw an opportunity occurred oi visit tng Kentucky's interesting cave. I was in from S o'clock at night till 9 o'clock in tho morning, and then again, with- .ah... a A S n ... out, rust, irom till 1:30, As our patty marched along lamp in hand, 1 was reminded of toutiet processions through the Human Catacombs, atd still more of a journey through the London Dock wine-vauitf, tho fungus on this occasion being represented by staleoti'e. 1 waa also reminded of the curving bauk of rock through which tliu wt, r ruahvs at Montmorency Htep es ; of St. Ann's Rooks ; of pictures of coal mines ; of (JusUve Doru's pic tures of tue iufernsl regions ; of scenes deaetilM-d lv .Milton and lr,t f -.. 1 wi lunntls and embankmeitU ; of Wal- purgU-Night picture! ; of Jyptiao tombs tn the Britiali Museum J of roofs and crypts of cstliedrala of scenes in ",:,IV MnH i..g " There are roads as wid.- M cathedrals, pits 'J()0 feet deer. rJoMSOO tmt high -that is, as high as Hunker HQ or London Monumeut very grand when lighted by Bengal fiies. Ther.5 am L.m. .1.. nesd cs, a iMhm River. ... Kcl.o . ... Hirer with the roof of the cave and the wa'.er of the titer about two feet psrt, .erribly grand when a dosen ustol-ahus reverhcrafe for mile sround, end very musical when fou" notes of a chord are sung and allowed to die away. aS - tl, .4 . .'I'viaviT ai Sometimes tho walls curve and sometinifH decend, snd then the sense. lion of tha mysfciious world beyond and to rome is dismal in the extreme, evn i.h a party of ten noisy people. At ! :8l , midnigbf . s Isdy waoteH to leave the cse, nd those who wished to re main waited till 1' 30 for the return of hi pdd sn l party, who escorted tl sdv out. During thtai, three hours my tssrty waulere.1 abouf. in couple for few bundled yard, and 'at limes tbe terror of darkneas and danger increased the wWaky. A lunch-baaket,and a tamp near ir, were spoken ol duritis these hree hours as home, and there curtain- y was a senie of safety at that one pot a delusioo.foolisb as it msy seem, we all shared in. We were in reality n hour and half's journey from tbe cave's mouth, without a guide, and iihout a boar, and with a river com- letely cutting off all hope of exit. At this time it was vry interesting to ob ere that the atrata at our fret, twen ty feet thirk. had once formed pert of tbe roof. Another layer might come at any moment, Thia, then, must have " n the guide's cheerful thought when he warned our pattv that the dozen ftistol.ahotR might shske down some of be roof of the caye. There are Hta'ar- tite and stslsamite formations . Fingsl's Cave and Giant's CanseWsy, and gvpsnm rosettes and figures like the nrnsments on a bridal cako. Some of the rocks sre serai-transparent ; tbs walls and roofs are often like thick plsster, but ofteoer of solid mssonrv. a F ithout joint or flaw. H imetiraes the roof is black, and then it appears like the firmament, and the pruwageway seem open to the heavens. By certain effects of light the roof rosy be made to represent stars, and then the star chamber is the most perfect illusion in scenery I have ever witnessed. The guide, a colored man, ii an excellent ventriloquist and imitator of cock-crow wg and aheep-blealing. In an artistic way he mido the change from starlight to rosy sunrise by the effect of light and rural aounds. There is no sense of fatigue in the journey, the impression al! tbe time being that you are passing from hall to hall of ever-varying char acters. Ihe difrerence between the frosted roofs of gypsum and tbe black roofs of oxide of iron cannot certainly be called repelitions of tbe same picture. The walking in easy when compared with usual rock climbing, and the foot ing is generally as SAfe as when walk ing on dry chalk. The most fascinatingview from the interior is that of the sunlight and trees outside tbe cave, after the eyo hss been accustomed to the light 6f the oil lamps, tbe gray rockn, and the darkness, for thirteen hour". Why auch glory ? Why this glimpse of Paradise ? Why these golden, cheerful hesms and that lovely folisge ? Is it a holiday of heavenly beauty on earth, or merely the usual aspect of tbe earth which we do not appreciate at its full value ? A similar scene was produced at Bayreutb, io Wngnet'K "Ring dea Nibelucgen,' when Sprinrf enters Iunding's hat and greets tho loves of Siegmund and Sieg lende. To the geologist ard chemist this cave if. km interesting h to tho painter and the lovr-r of dramatio and poetical ef fects. The guide-books give interest ing descriptions of the changes worked by wute; and carbonic sid uon the limestone, easily understood by tbe amateur in geology snd chemistry. First be sulphuric acid in the water dissolve,, tbe limestone, or carbonate of lime, i formed. As this drops t'..u sulphuric acid weakens, and the composition then begins to form a stelsclite. If instead of falling like an icicle it dozes out of tbe rook, it forma a stalsgmite. If the limestone contain iron, it forma a de posit either black or tbe color of iron rust. Cypsum, selenhe, alabaster, plaaler-of -paris, and other forma of sul phate of lime, everywhere abound ; but the pretence of nitre has been the most valuable, since it ia owing to tbia fact that we are indebted for the ojening out and exploration of the cave, oai raenced in DU2 by the searobfra for saltpetre to be ued agstnit '.he Kng lisb. Tbe rooks exiated ages before Adam and Kve, aa can be proved by tbe tiia required f.r tbs growth of the several formations. From the surface of the earth to the lowest river it be tween 300 and 400 feva, and tbe length of Ahe explored avenues, 100 miles. WSI.T LKTTRK 1 From our rsgular urraeondetit ) WASaOraToN, lgc. 20Ul, 1H84. This last week in Congress has been one of unusual interest. Kurly in tho week tne Senate declared by a majority of ten In favor of the admiss ion of Dikota; then Senators Beck end Sherman debated the silver bill: the naval appropriation bill was dis cussed; Bdcret sessions were held up on Hie Spanish treaty, and Sectetary McCuItoch was confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury In spite of the opposi tion of Senator Riddleberger. Jo the House of Kepreaenta'.ives Hoagan's Inter-ststo commerce bli has held the floor through an Interest ing and, and at times, exciting do bate. It was on the point of passage without impairing amendment when the colored member o'Hara from North Carolina moved to amend the bill by the addition of a provlxon that there should lie M discrimination In accomodation on ati trlo of tars agaiuft color or race, but Uiom pay ing first close rates should be (hA- mitted lo ride in any first clai ear. This will perhaps kil the hill, hy raisin the old sectional ghost. A hill proum-iling the Bureau of Agriculture to the rank f a Uovein tnent Department Im t last PW passed by the House. If It ahull be able to run the gauntlet of the S mate Mr. Cleveland will have au ither Cabinet officer at bis council tuble mid the present ccmmissloner of Agricul ture raiy perhaps enjoy for a brief period the honors for whicn he has ao long; striven. The Inauguration promUes to be sueeeosful at least at fir as numbers, euthusiasm, and money can make it ao. The number of civic and military organisations that have sent repre- te' atives here to engage quarters for tho inauguration ia uoprecented Among the features of the inaugural procession there will be a military company from each state of the union marching In order of the admission of the statea to Ihe union, the thirteen original states coming first. Vir ginia I believe Is tc take the lead, and Dakota will not appear In ihig procession. A number of organizations from New York, Philadelphia and other chief will come In Pullman cars and lodge in them during their stay. Others have engaged quarters at hotel", and boarding house A num ber of milltarj organisations will be lodged ia balls and ware house-'. It Is to be hoped that tho weather wil be better than was the last, Qarfleld's, inauguration day, it cannot be wone. There is considerable excitment and interest in political and official circles in relation to the Spanish treaty and the Nicarauguan canal. The latter Is considered tho much more important of the two, while the control of the canal by the United States may seem to be a departure from our traditional policy. It must be conceded that the control of the Panama canal by a warlike aggressive people with a powerful aavy justifies a departure, or r alter necessitates It. We have heretofore been able to live with small military and naval ectab llshraenta because our supremacy in this half the world has not been men aced. But the moment our Pacific Coast territory becomes more acessa- bie to tbe powerful navies of Europe than to ourselves we must take de. fensive steps. The canal may cost us a hundred millions of money, but it will cost less than a war, and it will completely neutralize the vantage of France who, without it, will soon bs in a position to cause us great concern. There will doubtless be much opposi tion to the Nicarauguan canal. The ship railway scheme of Capta'n Eads across the Isthmus of Thaun topee will of course oppose it. Mr. Eada is a most unblushing of lobbyists and a man of great wealth and plausibility. He has a plan to build a very broad ) gauge railway across tbe Isthmus aod B cm o rait 16, 188fi. iHko ship nvcrlxtid fr.un tho (Julf of Mexico fo tho I'atiflc Ocean. He has built u model at tho cost of fOOOO, which he has on exhibition in one of the committee roims. Mechanical and Naval engineer diff-r in opinion as to the feaaabllity of his pmjtct Should ho bo ahlo to curry it out, It will furnish ehortet route by nearly 2000 miles for (ho psssHge of vessels than the one upon which M. DeLe ep la working, hut whether the government builds a railroad or digs a canal It will have to be at Ihu addi tional expense of maintaining an army and navy to hold it. Dy extending railroads from our Texas border through Mexico we can easily teieh the proposal Thuuntapec Milp railway and Wm would in this way occupy a slretfgh- postlon with which no foreign country could cope It would not then be difficult for us to throw a hundred thousand soldiers into southern Mexico But to ex tend the railrstd to Niciraugut or to Panama would tie ulm -t as great a task a to build now line aero the continent. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, KOfTXB av Til K Women'. Chriitiia Tenperiiee I Dies - -i 6-l ATieMAL TCaraUMSCK LKlSlATlea. Thrre are before C n,res at tbe present time tempruro tition, rep" resenting a very large i-onaiituency of lemersnce and Christian men and woio-n in axil parts of the eouutry, ask ing for s nations! Craroistion of Inqui ry concerning the lUpior traffic in tbe District uf Cdoruhia and the Territo ries, and still others a-king for tbe submission to lW several Statea of a prohibitory amendment 1 1 the ( 'insti tution of the United Sla'ee. Bills and joint resolutions covering tbase o'j-cta have been introduced in one or both branchea of Congree, and are now pending before commiliees of the Sao ate and House of j-?prtentativea. Tbe fatly sigjltt Congress will expire on the 4tb of March next. Krly action up on these nupoitaut measures is most desirable. The Board of Managers of tbe Na tional Tamperanoe S icle-r, at their last regular meeting, adopted the fellow ing, which have been presented to Congress: "Unsolved, That we hereby earnestly axk tbe Forty -eighth Cjngreaa to pxa, without delay, the bill pending upon the K.-nat. calendar,nd which baa four times paaaed the Senate, to provide for a national Commission of Inquiry con csrning the alcoholic lienor trsffic, its relation to paupenam, crime, taxation, and the general public welfare. "Resolved, That we resMcifully and earnestly aak Cjngreaa, as suggested by tbe United States Crmmissioner of Indian Affaire, to increase tbe existing penalties for the illegal sale of intoxi cating liquota to Indiacs, and by ap propriate legislation to provide for tbe entire prohibition of tbe liquor traffic at all military posts, forts, araenals.and dock yards, and in the Diafict -f Co lumbia and the Territoriea of tSa Unit ed Sta'e. VwTAl, AaUTUfBSC B U THE WORksNor A very useful movement baa been inaugurated in Matsachiisetu to inter- est as many manufacturers aud mer- chants aa possible oncerning tbe ben- etits to both proprietors and employeea to be derived by the adoption of tbe ayaum of employing only auob persons aa are, and will continue to be, total abstainers from tbe use of alcoholic drinks. It ia claimed, wioeiv and iust- -WW ly, we have no doubt, that tbe general -Mpsw. v. .u.o .uuu.v.u.. Ws. .US.SS- BilinllAn r-vl I Is la I a .1 mm aal bbI j I S rv ta I aa WaaS a nence system would be "productive of more comfortable ways of living, heal- thier oona-itionn, greater happiness, and , . , . . . larger saving bank deposits among those employed and then families than exist at tbe present time, and effect a great advantage to tax payer- through reduced publio eX.enditiirea, and in- creased profit to tbe employers through the Iarcer ouantitv of cooda or work D 1 r o produced." To manufaeturars who have tried the experiment it has proved most satisfactory. Fairbanks & (Jo , tbe well known scale manufacturers of St. Johnabury, Vt., large employers of labor, who adopted tbis total abstinence rule for their workmen many years ago, say : "lot rule is strictly adhered to. . . -sraa a a . a . . . and a.i a result ws see happy homes, prosperous men, with their Sons and daughters eduoatad, and aa they grow up filling places of responsibility and trust, honored by all. A large share of our employeea are owners of real estate (their home:,) and have money in tbe savings bank, and we ate proud to see them Christian men, and ranked among our best citiznn of influence." They add : "If rum bad full away we abouM see in tbe place of these respect ed men and families those of a lower order poor, wretsbed, miserable, and poor, untenable workmen not to be dependod upon." We hope thia in duatnai toiai aosunence movement may meet with abundant ncourogement,and VO 25 thst lMth roplyera and fej . m,, )rd f?r ihe mutual good of each, may give it heart v ei - - iiion. A'. T. Adcoctite The COI ded ir ... - refasostt w. C. T. U. has re a proltst 11. the slate JeAila lure, against the ,fH license la ay wliL-h In. Inwh iiitroduu d in I he lower hous-. iti Merman K 1 r sddr bis u alimony . il, .1 . r f 1. tsi 1 . . avss w ssbsm i ir. nicria t 11 concerning uiitrulbfiih.eas as a of..,, ioent charact eristic f thi on ai.la'. IU taS that hahiltnti ' ie iudnlgunce in j atsNIg drink will turn t!..- moat truthful era as into iinl lnsbio faUifirrs, and tna tit ovtiihrow f i,e truthtul quality ia mo. t marked in women who thus indulge. run i ia mum r. lb whale awima by rtriking tha Water up ami down, instead of lateral ly, with a tin like boriz-mtal tail. Thf firat u'.ject of respiration is to convert raw a info ar.-ual b.ood. It is done .y li -rt it to tba surface so thst carbon di side may exhaled and oxygen aisor- '. The pr..jsv ailowi.ce f tt in bar racks is CU0 in l.j,- tV-i man tm - I - - ... a i aj K iiOja, ami 1000 in Indi-. For hos pital-, 1200 etibi.: feet saw 1m. i Ea. rope, and 1800 in Jr.dia Horses te- quire in Kngland 16X) c i1 c- f--f each Or neaily aa much as thne mn. On aome rocasiona M. U Jon hsa observed thst two oi thiev aeonda after hsilstones hsd fallen io r,e crnund tbey sprang -nto the air aain to a height al from eight ir.ch -a r-i aaore tban el-en i ,chea, aa if they had been struck npw.Ml by the earth. ej tmm the sjil. The silmants of chil ih-vil need care- ful attention and wise treatment. Some people think "anything i goo. eoough for a chil l, and there isn't much tho matter with it aoyb iw." But judicious mothers know better, and Jc aa Mrs. II. W. Perry, of llicbmmd, Va., doeo. She aays : "I tak Brown's Iron Bit ters and give it to my children with tbe moat aatiaf to: v reeulta " Sold every where. I.-ly Hillvar, who died a abort time go 10 England, was tbe widow of on admiral and tbe mother of two admirals of the British Navy. She waa nintty sia years olJ, and the 1'rince of Wales and tbe Duke of Edioburg bod f romia- ed tu dine with ber on her 100th birth- day if abe reached it. men aresritci ArraeruiT. The London Diiy S torts man re marks, editorially : A realiy invalua ble speciflc for tbe cure of ibenmatiam, neuralgia, sprains, brut-tee. St. Jacobs Oil, weU known in th Eagliah market, baa gained iuimet.se fame in America, Australia and all parts of the world, and tbe universal nature ot its sale may bs judged from tbe fact, that tbe makers have to print lb -ir instructions for its uw in no fewer than eleven lan guages. orerra tstuiuv sir rtaa ea Uver on with Nrppho.pkitrs t ar Waallaa. Bwlleale i hlldrea. D . Nysewandsr, of Das Moines, Iowa, says : "I have used Sc ju's Bmulaion, and find it aatiafactory in every respect. Children take it resd- uy with excellent results. A bullet with whTch Hsnry Sjtithern 0f GreenyUle, S. C waa wounded in tne neok at toe battle of Gattabunr. hesjuat been taken from beneath bis pji,, bone by a aurgeon. The bullet was not diluted, and looked as new n wheu it entered his neck. Tha aala of dvrtin of Flo., la.l.nnls- Im. manse. Everyone Is taking it, and all sdrait that it ia the beat medicine ever uted; CnIldn r It on account of ita pleasant Uste, aud grown people who baT utd u onc6 nem uke anyth. else. Unlike other remedies for bilious- and ooastipatlon it never loses its Pwer 10 c ' "JE TSTSV arana on which it aota atronirAr than hfor Besides, one feels fresh and bright and realises that it is Nature's own true laxa- t,T- Lndon A Co. is agent far Albany. THE BEST TONIC. ik-isi e l?l U This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely l area DTaaapala, laaiaealleB, W'cakneaa, I im pare Blaod, Malaiia,Chllla and Ferera, a ad Netumlaia. It ia an unraihnr remedy Aw Cieeases of tbe KMnera aasl Uver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Woman, and all who lead sedentary Uvea. It does not injure the teeth, cause headacbc.or produce constipation olaer Iron medicine di. Itenrichaaand purines the blood, stimulates. ' appetite, aids tbe assimilation of food, re . ras Heartburn and Belching-, and strength . the muscles and nerves. Kor Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack ol Energy, Ac, it hsa no equal. - The genuine has above trade mark and r(ad red lines on wrapper. Take no oth 1 ea swa ssows cuxbical ea, baltiboke. c 1 E DING TON, WOODARD a CO., Porilan Or. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BI8T ADVERT 3 WC II THE WILLAMETTE YALLIT, Speclsl business notices In LeesJ ttaJ umns U c -r ta per Jlne. KtraJar iMk notloee 10 cents per line. ror egai arm transient adverUati II 00 per square for the first lass rw eat oeouper square for eaeb subesq i tales for other avertlaemeeU known on applicatloa. EST MB BAHHG POWDEB TMUTJ Srsndf sdvmtssd ss cjoxs-t THE TUT i ' a ran top dswn on a Sot witrrt , issraa sa at lasj th. pti of i ... mm rmf-wwr mmn wmmi. A c IH)ES HOT 009TA1H A MMOR LL. os Hai.TWl.LSBH BaS StVft san I n a mltUoa boasss for a nurta ml & - - m - - lowd ifca rcaasanrs rsUaMs tssS. ' THE TEST OF THE 0YH. PRICE BAKING POWDER 6 Dr. Price's Special Flarcnii Ritra, st bbbs SB, bjsbJ aaSshMs sat BBBBBsf Bsssr assssbaaa Dr. Prict'8 Lupulin Ytotf Iwr U.t, H..iur kTMd Tfc T-sac la Mm WrU rOR SALE BY CROCEti. tnicCO. BT. for sai . rs,trinr. Marie A Ca.'forUsasa, Or. LIGHT HEALTHY IREAI Ta bat dr, wan yeast 1b U raiaad by this yeast Is UqSt, waHs torn' lika dur ersral raothar't CROCER8 8ELL TMI Price Baking Powder OOsf SaiTiSH sr. nfcn apRiu ramiis nniBaV Chcao. in. a u Leu as, asm. P r ..le t.)ft oU.r.;-,pirta sad Co.. TtrOmmA, 0a Red Cro wnMiUs ISOM, Ulin & CO., PROFR'S. kkw eaoens flocb scraaioa sea ws AND BAKES BEST STORAGE FACILITIM. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBAN YOR. L S. ROBERTS, if M 1 lL P V'll'J lfilJrBm.Vls (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good mamas at bottom price. ALBANY, OBECOH. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for bote, aid and o tins', at bottom prices at tbe factory as Le PUTNAM, Albany. Ortft JJARDWARK OF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, picks abovebuspadea, forks, irrindstonea, whs barrows, wringera, ropes, and almost everything vou want, can be had ekeap for cash at Peters A Stewart. 1UTLERY. Tbe best lice of cutlery in the valley asm be found at our store, it embraces pocket knives, table knives, forks and butcher knives, hunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors ot all kinds. and th beat line of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and see for you .sfch-es. Peters Stbwabbb. pOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine miiss above Lebanon. 40 acres in eat- tivation, 10 acres slashed and sown ta grass. Comfortable a wen lag, gesa outhouses. Cheap Inquire at this office. Notice of Assignment. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeea, jot the County of Linn . In the matter of the Assignment ) of i Chas. B. Montague, J Notice is hereby given to all aralitasj sf Chas. R. Montaxrae, that he kas this daw made aod filed with the Clerk ef the Cares Court of the State of Oregon for Line eaata to be recorded, an assignment e( all bjb erty. real and personal, to me the ai ed, and that ail creditors of said Montague are hereby notified to prasaat t claims under oath to ma at the store of 1 Chas. R Montague, in the Citv ef in aaid county, within three months the data hereof. Dated at Lebanon on Nov. 5th, 1S84 J. W CvgrojL Powell k Bilvec for Assignee. "pon SALE, One half block in eastern part 0 ah city with lair house and barn will be aohj cheap 0. o oherrt. o.a.pvaai ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Macliinists, Millwrights, and Inn Founders. w EUAVKOUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now pret pared te handle all kinds of heavy work. We wftt mm iuuTSSS (Aaa, sb manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds fire and Brass Castings. PATTBKXa HIDE OX SHOKT MOTftm Special attention given to repairing aU kinds of machinery. Will also maaome ture tie improved Cherry A White Gmuv Separator. Shop a Baker a. ealee a LaaaharlT Albany, GrH TUs. ,