The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 09, 1885, Image 4

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    Chorea aHretery.
U. l CufRCif. Preaching erery Sabbath,
it 11 a. vt.. aad 7 r. m. by Rer. F U. lr
nee, D. L. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. M
Prayer meeting every Wodneesday evening.
Kvamsmjcal Cuvkoh. rrhingon Sab
Vsth at II a. M. , end 7 r. L eabbath
School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thttrs
day evening. J. A. llolleubaugh, pastor,
CosoiuoatiokalChcrch. Serviceeevery
Sabbath at 11a. M. and 8 r. m. Sabbath
School at Vi;U Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening of each week. J. W.
Harris, pastor.
M. K. Church , South. Service held
every second end fourth Sabbaths in eeoh
a :t i at St. iW' M. K. Church,
South, at 11 a. it. Sabbath School at 2:30
r. it. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day venug. C. H. Carson, pastor.
M. . Cuvrcu. Preaching every Sabbath
as 11 a. x. end 74 r. M. Son service in
the evening before sermon. Sabbath School
it 2,-30 r. m. Prayer mooting every Timrs
dy evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor.
PKi.-r , . ;:ui vn Cm ruu. --. Service every
Sabbath morning and evening in Church
cor. Hroadalbiu and Fifth Sts. Sunday School
at 2:30 p. m. Preyor meeting every
Thursday evming. K. Isaac 11. Coudit
Cunisn.iv CncucH. Preaching every Sab
bath at SV. C. T. U. 11 a. at. 4 7:30 f
m. Suuday School at half past 2 o'clock r.
vt. Her J T Floyd, pastor.
. Faisr BarnaTCHuacH. Preaching every
Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. ou, at Church on 6th
Street. Sabbath School immediately after
morning services. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T U
Brownsun, pastor.
Univkhsahts Cnracu. Preaching every
ocoad and tonrth Sabbata ef each month
n Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. at., and
7 o'clock, p. m.
rae- great at reagtw
teal i renwdy eed nerve
,o too is ibs isfwetsss re
LiwW of over twenty years
by as TBKet 4.H1.1
i at a rmsictahaf
.iiuniiti. t ' i irm1 mad. I
-earco)tares ia Europe.
ad cure with unfailing
pevunty HSU SMS ana
nyaicai oaotuvy, wmmw
Buhud te all its
and from whatever
Oi'j' nr.Kiuc-L it
atrengtheos the nerves, braia,
orgun and physical
It stops any Till it d;ailitatiiig drain npou the
svstero, prevenlia- luvoluntary losses,
dreams, semiual losses with the urine, etc.. so 4
strustive to mind and body, It is sure
is furious tngrsdlenla. To those suBenngirom we
e, n effects Hi youthful mdMu stiawi a sjedy , tttor
omrh and permanejt cure is QVUGXTiMD, JaJ
50 per bottle, or e bottles in case, with foil dl
recUoes and advice, $10. Seut secure from obserra
lion to any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. D.,
o be h as only of
31 Kearney at., sas Fraaeisee. aL
GMnaHaHisw aarieatv ueililsMllal bv better oral
fil-M TREE. For the oonvcoience of patients and In
vnier tn insure nrfaet aaerarr I have addopted a pri
vate address under which ail package are forwarded.
8ueisst to shew its merits, will be sent to say one
applying by letter, stating his symptoms and age.
Cocutnunic&iktts strictly confidential,
Treats all Chronic aaet Special
co way be urnxaixc mew
of vwthful fOUkas o
o well to avail themselves of this,
ever laid at the altar of ruEtnn,
SHIN'S KY will guarantee to forfeit 1Mb every e
or private disease of any sua
enracicr which he
id kU$ it tsam
raars srs may at Us age sf thirty-s te atxy wV
troubled wna too rreqaero evacqami a w hw
often ai nnanisrt by a slight amartiag or burning
tie and a weakeaiag of the system ta a manner
e patient cannot account for. On event ruing the
orinarr dscoeUs a roov suinuisnt win often be
vnd - ii small particles ef album
w ik. Jm wH) Vj, rd a thin mSMA he
tsg to a dark attd toned sppesrsnos, There are many
men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause,
mitieh ia the saeood staee of seminal weakneMS. Ins.
will guarantee a perfect cure in all sneh
aeaithv restoration of the getuio-urmary
Omcs Hotrss 20 to 4 and 6 te 8. Sundays from 10
to 1 1 A- M. OoMuMation free. Thoroogh cxmiaatior
nn mAieirm fSV
Far mlisla seSSCS it Skoit Wriiinir s full
LUkUii, tiirt-int f.-r a. one. wilh all ii
iilbc M-nt to any addrea on receipt of fiO 00.
Ca aw ddrtes,
OK. sriXXEf t CO.,
71 No. 11 Kearny St, San Francisco. Cal
To tiie Unfortunate
roo KEfiBsnr t.,
OwO corner of (Jommer-
ejal Street, baa Francisoo.
.Established in UU, tor
I the treatment of Sexual
rand Seminal Diseases, sneh
s Gonorrhea. Oleel.
: t rletare, hy ph 1 1 la in al
!iu forme, laapeteaer
SaitB.l WMbaeu. nurht losses by dreams, pirn
pies ee the face arid toes of manhood can positively be
eared The sick and afflicted should not fail to call
anon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in
Kur irwTsctd thoroughly the various nospi
iais there, obtaining a great deal of valuable tmorxae
tion, which he foeoemecent to impart to those in need
of hid services. DR. UIBBOS will make no charge
unJeM !c effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY
R f t CEO AT HOIS:. Ail cocmunications
strictly confidential. You see no one bn the Doctor.
Send U;n dollars or a package of medicine. Psrsous
writtitg to the Doctor will please state the name f the
piper they see this advertisement ia. Charges rea
ouaUe. Call or write. Ad'trtss DR. J. F. GIBBON,
ex 1967. hen Fruieisoo. The Doctor cures when
otiicri fail. Try him. vlea
Wi 'gf"W VW for working people,
"j" y" " - aW ' Hand 10 cents pest
as, anu we wilt you free, a royal, valuable sample
b jx of goods that will put you in the way of making
more money in a few days than yea ever thought
possible at say business. Capital not required. Yen
can live at home and work in spare time only, or ail
the time. AH or both sexes, ef aft ages grandly suc
cttiul. 10 e i;ts to ft sasiiy earced every evening,
a:! who want work may teat the business, we
this unparatled ofTsr ; To all who are net well
we will send 91 to pay for the trouble of
ur. Full partfeulair, dire.k n, etc,, sent'
cvepa) aUduteiy rur for all who start
ifejfe utlay. Address Stkvsos and Co.,
Tlie Ureal English Reme
dy. r Ua never faillmr cure for
-4Nrvoua Debility, SeminaJ
leaieM, l.xliausted Vi-
ilr, Hpernjatorrliot.
iKr h iMteen, im-
potency, Faralytis, and all
iterr.Lie eueets of lieil-
Abtse, yr'Ultdul (oilies.and
i i seeesss in maturer years
Uuch as loss ef Memory.
ILagsitude, Emission, Aver-
t to Society, inmnessof
sn, Mouses in tne Mesa;
ths rite! fluid passing nnobserved into the urine, and
mr.ny -ther diseases leading to insanity and death.
INC. MISTIE will agree to forfeit Five Baadred
Ootlara for a case of this kind the Vital 9 ester a
ttve (under bis epedal advice and treatment 1 art ' not
cure or for anything impure or injurious found in
it. Dr. Mint ie treats all private diseases snecessf uliy
without mercury. Consultation free. Thorough ex
amination end advice including analysis of urine. $6.
Price of Vital a bottle, or four times
the quantity fc" , sent to any address upon receipt of
pri-je or C. O. D, secure from observation and in pri
vate if desired, by DR. A. K. MINT1E, 11 Kearney
stree Sen Fntricutco, CeL
Sample lotUe frte. Sent on application by letter,
wins: symptom, sex od sge. Communications
U iefiy co-ifid jitial.
fir, Mintic's Kidney Remedy, Kephretieum, cures
llcuds of kidney and bladder complaint, gonorrhoea,
(ct, leouchorrlioa. For rale by ail druggists 91 a
it tic or si x bottles for to. '
r. Jfimf5 s Dandelion Pills are the bet and cheap
Orel epeia and Is iiious cure in the market. For
br driufi'iotr..
Tlie Bttters' Guide ia issued March
and Sept., each year; 224 pag6e.$$xll
laches, with over 3300 illustrations-
a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale
prices direct to consumers on all goods for
personal or jSB&Sjlljt am use.
Tells how to ipSWff-, order, and
gives exact SM H cost ey
erytluBgyoa 8& MB Bse, diink,
eat, wear, or T&touiwBr hay fun
with. These Safcls' invaluable
hooks contain information gleaned from
the markets of tlio world. We will mail
a copy iFrcc to any address upon receipt
of the jpostage 8 cent. Xet us hear
from you. lie.?pectftillyt
and purines me ruoou
muscles, digestion, re-
and ntaetal tscultiee-
W Wafsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
' - . 5Ssl
Q Privets oupenaary,
p 400 Geary St., San fraucuvo Cal
Conducted by (juatiftcd Physicians
O M,tt entgeone--regular (graduates.
U t The Oldest specialists In ths
VfL tinted etaus, life long xrlnec,
J ptrteel imiiul and pure medicine,
insure i Uf ami t ntanent curve
el all h.utr, tbruuio and n. u
llat.ats Affections of the Mood,
Skin, Kidneys, Bladder, Eruptions,
Ulcers, Uld Sores, MwelUnir of ibe
kiiiul, Nttre Mouth, Throat ltn
riaiu,pcrtiianrut'.r cured and eradi
cated from the stater (or life,
ft lift Ht BebUliy, Impotenoy,
" t liaV iiel IU.WM tint.
In tal and Phvdoal Weakness, railing
' JS Memory, Weak Ryes, Stunted De-
vuiuu hi, niiK'iiiin ins i.i Marriage
etc., from sxoees or youthful folllua.
erany ceuss, speedily, safety and
I rlvalelj cured.
Yeu ug. Middle tertl and Old
men, and all who uced medical skill
and esjwrieiuM, consult the old
European Physician at on. v. I In
opinion costs nothing, and may
save fututs misery ami shame.
Whou inconvenient to visit the oil v
... ......i m.dJcines can be seut ever where by
Mores free from observation. It U sell evident that
s phvslolan who gives his whole attention to a class
of diseases attains great aklll, and physicians through
out the ooantry.knowtng thle, frequently recommend
difficult cases to the oldwt siialu, by w hom every
known good remedy hi used. The Doctor a sge aim
experience make huopbuon of supreme Importance,
Mrtkm who call see no sue but the iH ctor. Oon
solutions free and sacredly eontldi.Ual. Cases
which have failed in obtaining rebel elsewhere sesse.
lally solicited. Female diseases sutwossrully treated.
The' Doctor will avrw to forfoil Sl.COO for a ease un
dertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hours, dally, troni
0 a m to 4 i. I to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to
12 only. Siend for ths Ban I tar Ut Uuide to Health,
ssat free. Address as above
tt. UESlflaVI
Weasterfal fcermaa lavtgerater
PermanentiyiprevenU all In natural Loesos frvu. the
sysAem, tones ths nerves, strengthens the muscles,
checks the waste. Invigorates the whole system, ami
restores the alMicUd to Health and Happiness.
The reason se many cannot get cured ol Seminal
Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc.. Is owing to s com.
plication, called Prostatorrhes with HyHratlwaa,
which requires peculiar treauuent. Pr. Lisbige In
rigotwlor is the only positive curs lor tYoeUtotvhee,
with peculiar spocUl UsaAeueut, used at the Uebkg
frlee of levlearater, 9. Case of six bettles
flu. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob
servation. Mast la.werful electric belts tree to patienW.
To prove the wonderful power of the tavigorator.
A Bestir Clvea or neat free.
Consultation tree and private.
Call or address .
4iC Oeev Street, San Kranctsco. Cel.
Private entrance. 406 Mason Street, lour UUk k, up
Deary street from Kearney, Main on trance through
i Kearay Street. Saa Freer two . Cat.,
EsTASuaaas roa tea Scuornra aae snornr Cvas
or Casoxic, Nsavocs ana racial DtsaAsas
alar rraduated Phytieian. educated at Bowdote
Coilere sad Inivervitv of Mkhkan. Us has isre4
a tifetime to the study of aad is acknowledged o ee
the most expert student In his specialty on the Pa
cific Ooaatk
And middle-aged men, who are ssalarieg fnmi the
eSccU of youthful indiscrvtiona of sxisssss ta nav
Hirer veers, nervous and ohyvical debility. Impo
tence, lost manhood, ooufuetou of tafesa, dull eyes,
aversion to society, deeioodency, pimples on tne
face, kiss of energy and memory, frequency of urinal
Imr. etc.
nound.the result of
hard Study, which under hi. aixrctaJ advice lias never
failed of success in the cure . 1 Lest Manhood, !rvets
torrhea, etc.
: . ii-M i: n sUtrcMJESCC.
Havii.-- been nrtreou !a et-anre of two lisaeg
hos-.sta:) enables me to trrst all private troubles
with excellent results. lfch it distinctly under
stood that I do not claim to p-.rtorm laepoewb: u. or
to have miraculous or supernatural power. I esafaa
only to be a akdlful and succcesful lntysusan aad
Sscrt ktrtnik'y cfoitjeh n my specialty
All af-piyinc to me wUi receive my honest opinion
of their c - - no expcnniettting. i wiil g-uar
uiImi I-.UUIC cun In cutf om 1 nnWrrtaAe.
forfeit l .ouo. Consultation in otBee or by letter tree
and sinctly private. Charges
aitaiiiul urtuc as J advk-e. sv.
CaSce hours to 3 daily, to 8 svstde. Sunday 9 to
IS. Call on or address
Mi Iiearay Street, saa i raariaee, Cal
ubuined, and ail other busloess In the V. 8. Patent
Oifi.-e altndeded to lor moderate lees.
Our office is oppoait the L. S. Patent O.Ccc, snd
we can obtain Patents lees time than those remote
from Washington.
Send modie or drawing. "We advise as to ptter.t
ability free of charge , aiu wemwhe no chargo uuleas
we obtain patent.
We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sopt. of
Money Order Div. and to officials of the U. a Patent
Office. For circular, advice, terms, snd efcrettoeS
o actual clients hi your own State or county, ddrea
, a. mo W & CO-
OPpusUe Patent Office, Washington, D .
Port Chester N. Y.
Edited by W. H. DUE, M,D
This is large eight page, forty column,
monthly paper, and is devoted lo every
thing pertaining to health and homo,
marriage, eocial ecience. domcHtic medi
cine, fecieoce, literature, art, economy.
cookery, bint on health, dietetic, and
every lealm of modem science that tends
toimnrove health, nrvetit dijc. imrifv
morale, and make Lume happy.
Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Year.
''Health and Home'
Port Chester, N. "Y .
The above canar will ho aent to 4tvt-rv
snbacriber of the Ukwockat who pays up
or In advance.
UradoaUy Supplsnied by a Better Article
frrtaln Old Times are bose Away.
In the general reception room of the Western
Union Telegraph building on Broadway, Mew York,
are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy Instru
ments of the infancy of the telegraph. Tbey are
only relics now. More perfect machinery has super
seded them.
Tears ego what is styled ths old fashioned porous
plaster did some good service. There was then noth
ng better of the kind. Now all that has changed.
Science and study have f.ue deeper into the secrets
of medicine and produoed l:KNru.V.S Ai'ClNK POR
OUS PLASTER, whim. mbodles all the excellencies
thus Jar possible In an external remedy. The old
piasters are slow the Capeme is rapid : they were
uncertain the Capcine is sure. Cheaper articles
bear similar Ames. Be careful, therefore, that
seme tbjtfty drags ist, does not deceive you. Price
26 cents.
Suabury k Johnson, Chemist, Now York.
Quimty House.
QUIMBY & HEESET, Proprietors.
Cor. 4th &tid C. Sts., Portland.Or
j? complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct
ed both by American and European plans
All the modern improvements, 140 bed
rooms, well furnished, Jijrbt, and wel
ventilated First-cl ritiiaj i.
barber su. Aa ' v t ii .
latest son veoieay w.
To every subscriber to the Dkmoobat
who payg up hie eabscription and con
tinues his paper, or pa.vs in advance, we
will have sent to Mm the "Health end
Home" one year, without additional cest.
The above paper is a large eiabt page,
forty coiomn, monthly pi. , and A s full
of exce' lent reading matter. A copy may
be seen at this office. The paper treats of
bealtb, marriage, social science, domestic
medicine, bints en bealtb, cookery, etc.
This affords our subscribers a chance to
get a good paper for nothing. 'I hose de
siring the paper sent io tbem will please
State so at time of paying their subscrijjSj
Pjtronlss iuou who advertise. They n all re,
They mean bnsineos. They sppreulats ths nswspapsr.
They are ths men to deal with. Following Is s list
el ths DsaocaATs advertisers tills week, In Albany.
Call on them ;
General Merchandise S K Young, Monteith A
Seitanbach, H 11 Allen, A ll Mellwaln.
Uroocriee- Hoffman It Jeeeph, Prank llead,
Agrisulltiral Implements. Peters Ulaln, W II
Coltra, S E Young, i i.rtwh.
Hardware - liters A Stewart, J Uisdwohl.
Ciothlhg- L K Plain.
ArchitsrmwJf Utntk' E W f100 " Co.,
Stoves snd Tinware- John Prlgga,
Furniture- A B WoihIIm, lirluk and Son.
Chairs L Putnam.
MlUinery --Emtua Schubert, Mettle Allison, Metlis
Setla Works lloffm n and Jossph.
Iron Work Chrry and I'arkes, A E Chsrry and
Marble Work A HUlger, 0 W Harris.
Flour tied Crown Mills, Magnolia Mills.
Lumber-Albany Saw Mill.
Tobeceo, Knives, etc. -Sam Cohen.
Meat ISHoberta
Hotel-. Revere House.
ItMtalirant Ja. Mady.
ISdlsh U Kenton.
Shavs or Hair Cut L Campeatt, Joa Webbor.
laundry Man Wa inc.
Legal Advice Ii M Ktrahan.Powell and llllyou, J K
Weatherford, J J Whitney, U H M.mtanys.
Medical Advice -U W faston, J P Wsllace, M II
Ellis, J W snd Mary T Ctde.
In all the great varieties cf designs,
just from lew York Oily.
Mattie Allison's
Just east of E. Yoang'e
If yon would make your selections
of millinery from a complete
and first-class stock
call on her,
Sea Lion Silver Polish,
Thle polish ie manufactured from sub
marine vegetable subetanoeM and will not
mark or eeratch the softest metal a. For
olesmiBsr aad noltahlnsr flna nlaAewl mm
Jewelry and glaae, we challenge the
worm ror its equal. Maniple boxes aent
by mall for 2S oenta, liberal discount to
genu and wholesale dealer:. Addrea
Albany, Oregon.
Lunch House Restaurant,
Two door Ems of dd
a w
aoifosss xetnple,
3 as
Eastero, Shoal water aud
Vaquina Bay Oysters.
The Greatest Kedfcal Trlamph of the Ag
Leee of appetite, Bowels costive, Pata to
the heed with a stall sensation la the
berh part. Pais under the eboalder
blade, Pallneee after eadng, with s. dis
inclination to exertion of bodr or snlnd.
Irritability of temper, Low spirits, wtsh
feel lae of b a visa aeglec t ed son e ds t y .
Weariaess, Olxxtaeea, Fl at terinc aa the
Heart. Date before the eyee, lleadacbs
wrer the right eye. KsedeseogM, with
fltfal dreams, Highly catered t'rlae, aad
TTJTT'S PIULO are especially adapted
to such eases, ono doee effects eooh a
change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer.
bctp Yeave'o hMF Usawthus "tba atn0!!
Grat Hatb or Whisk na ohanaed to a
OtossT Blsok by a single application ef
tbisDrr. It imparts a natural color, acts
instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or
sent by express on receipt of 1.
omce, 44 Murray St., New York.
403-7 CSastor; r.:., I',.-..! rrrjicleeo.
& u .'. .
I'-i... .-...., i; I'.UI sj
A a MrtS.e
' it act can be mu&o.
lilt miMl. Wnnmlip
psper devoted to acieaee. mechanics, en
gtaesriag. discoveries, inventions and natant
iX-JrA i'JfS!?, Fverjr number illnstrated with!
lPmJ2 ,.f? fw ,Thl publication, fnrnisbea'
5,?It!,ia?,,,e1c,0P?li of information which'
hJ,ZZ'li?.uld. ba without. The popularity of
iSf.S?0 AMKBica '"eh that Its cir-'
Siii? DeArJr enuals ths of all other papers of,
VU.?" in-d. i'rice. $3.20 a year. "Djscount1
?Jeja by all newsdealers. MuNN A CO1
hiers, No. CI Broadway, h. Y.r '4
& - . . .
Mann Co. bars'
aUo bad Thirty-,
Seven veers
practice pslore
ths Patent Office, and have prepared
more than One Hundred t hous-
enrl aDnlicaticns for natants in tha
United States and forsign countries.:
s . - rv-m A n, i. . i
Assignments, and nil other papers for
seenring to inventors their rights in the
United States, Canada, England, France,'
tiormany and other foreign countries, pre
pared at short notice and on reasonable terms.'
Information as to obtaining -patents cheer
fully given without charge. Hand-books of
information sent free. Pntants obtained
through Mann a Co. are noticed in the Scientific
American free. Ths advantage of such notice is
well understood by all persons who wish to dispose
of their patents, j
Address MUNN CO., Office SaXXXTXICf
Ainraross, Kl Broadway, New York.
ttBsaMaaT? eaMesaa -Yjaeelw - JC
The Besaaare ef a Peer ale-ahrae Dees'
sr at Yleaaa.
About forty years ago a poor dealer
la koiok-knaoksand bric-a -In ac, named
Rutlltr, took up bis abode at the up
per extremity of tbo Faubourg Saint
Joseph at Vienna. The icanty profit!
of his little trade but ill-aufllood for the
support of a young wife end fourteen
children. Ruttler, however, wee kind
heat ted, ever reedy to serve his friends,
end the needy traveler wee osver known
to quit hie door without the benefit of
his advioe or his charity. An individ
ual whose serious deportment end
benevolent expression of oouetenance
were calculated to inspire respect end
interest passed regularly every day be
fore the door of Buttle! 's shop. The
individual in question wss evidently
struggling against the influence of e
deadly malady ; nature seemed no
longer to have any charms ia his eyee.
A languid smile would, however, play
around hie discolored lips, as Rattler's
children each morning saluted him on
bis passage, or heedlessly pursued him
with their infsnt gambols. On Bach
occasions his eyee were raised to heaven,
end ste ned in eilenoe to implore for
the young Innocents sn existence hap
pier than his. Ruttler, who bed re
marked tha stranger, and who seised
every opportunity to be of service, had
obtained the privilege of offering bim a
seat every morning on his return from
bis usual walk. The stranger frankly
accepted the proffered civility, and
Rattler's children often disputed with
each other the prerogative of setting
the humble chair before their lather's
One day the stranger returned from
hie walk rather earlier than oeoal.
Runlet's children accosted bim with
"Sir," said tbey, "msmma bae this
night given us a pretty little sister."
Upon this the stranger, leaning on
the arm of the eldest child, presented
himself ia Rutiler's shop, and kindly
naked after bis wife. Muttler. who
waa going out, confirmed his children's
prattle, and thanked hie guest for bis
' Yes, air' aatd be, "ihie is the fif
teenth that Providence boa seat us."
"Worthy man I" cried the man in a
tone of anxiety and sympathy, "and
yet a scanty portion of the treasures
showered on the courtiers of Scboen-
brum lights sot on your hnmble dwsl-
ting. Agent Iron I when talent, virtue,
boner are admired only when the tomb
closes on them forever I Bat," added
he, "have you a sod -father for the
infant f
"Alas, sir I the poor men with diffi
culty finds a sponsor for hie child. For
my other children 1 have usually claim
ed the good offices of some chance
passer or neighbor as poor ee myself."
"Ceil her Gabtielle. Here ore
hundred florins for the christened feast,
to which I invite my self, and by taking
charge of which you will oblige me."
Ruttle? hesitated.
"Come, come," ssd the stranger
"take tbem ; when you know me bet
ter you will see that I am not unworthy
to share your sorrows. But you can
render me a service. I perceive a vio
lin in your shop ; bring it to me here
to this table. I bare a sudden ides,
which I must commit to paper."
Ruttler hsmitly detached the violin
from the peg to which it was suspended,
and gava it to the stranger, whose skill
drew from the instrument such extraor
dinary sounds that the street woe soon.
filled with a crowd of inquisitive lis
teners. A number of personages of
the highest distinction, recognising the
artist by bis melody, stopped their
The stranger, entirely engrossed by
his composition, paid no attention to
the crowd that sunounded Rattler's
shop. When be had terminated, he
thrust into his pocket the paper on
whtoh he had been writing, left his ad
dress with Ruttler, and took leave of
him, intimating that he would expect
to receive due notice of the christening.
-es ssi
Que night last week as Norman
Ramsay, aged about 11 years, end son
of Ur W A Rsmsay of the town of
Louisville, was coming over the Central
Road from the State Fair at Macon he
nairowly escaped being killed. He
went to elocp and after a short time
got dp and walked to the rear part of
the car. The friends who were with
him thought he. was going for water
and paid little attention to him. Not
returning promptly thoy began to look
for bim, and it was soon discovered
that he was not on the train. At the
next station T J Orr took the up train
and went back to bunt him. When
he got to Ooonae river, where the road
crosses that stream, he fuod Norman
in the possession of the watchman of
the bridgo over the river. H-saring
the boy CAl.'ing for help be found bim
lodged on some of th timbers of the
bridge. It is -supposed that while
asleep he walked out of the train as it
was crossing the Widge. The car
passess over the river slowly and that
is the only ihiog that saved him. And
it looks like a oiiracte that be should
lodge on the timbers of the bridge and
not fall into the river.
M ttArn or iriKticK.
Thoroughly cooked meat, when re-
Uuced to fine particles, M. Yvon says.
hi as readily attacked by the gastric
Secretions SJ raw meat.
Carbon bisulphide, Cklsndl Bey
states Is solublu In water to the ex-
tent of 0.20 gram par M on humsnity ever printed.
Watery solution arrests sll fermenta- Marriege sou In an opposite direc
tion and kills mlcrobia. tnn on tvm lwn ,M with a woman
A crane capable of lifting a weight
of 147 tons Is in course of construction
At HAmburg. It Will to the largest
machine or tne aina on tne conun-
. . as aa a a. M .s aS I
enl of Europe, that of Antwerp)
coming next with a lifting power of
J2 tons.
When caoutchouc tubes are oaaiy
a . a M aa si a a e I I
vuicanixea tne experience oi on, uim. .
ouiln leads him to say that they are
very dangerous lo some chemlcAl
operauons, tne presence oi euipaor
and of antimony sulphide rendering
them especially so in mo preparation
of oxygen gas.
Wel l a 1 . 1 l l..t. .-ft I
mac marine ma tons no puna...
Wash the marble with soap and wans
water, end when it Is dry nib It weU
with furniture paste or French polish,
n tnen roo .t over wun an o.a ...a
handkerchief. After two or three
tnsis me inaroie win oecoroe quite
To make pulp from wood or other
vegetable matter Reoul Hlcket first I
comminutes the material and then
treats the powder with concentrated
sulphurous acid and water, under a
assure ol five atmospheres, and at
temperatures ranging from 75 degrees
to 80 degrees Centigrade.
Bronze may bo renovated and re-
colored by the use of a mixture of
one port of muriatic acid with two
parts of water. After the aatlcle is
freed from all grease and dirt the dil
uieu aeia is careruuy applied with a
a m . . . , si
When the solution Is dry the
article Is well polished with fine
Olive oil.
1L Delaurler has invented an elec-
trie lamp having for Its eeeenUoJ
feature a hammer which carries one of I
the carbons And receives a rapid re-
clprooatlng motion from a coll through
.. . .. I
which an Intermittent current peases.
parks caused by the alternate con
tact and separation of the carbons
produce the effect of a eonUnous
m r . K. I
in" rrDVU !' nav.
lof constructed abroad large sod I
ooet.y specioj toots to am ia
too consiructiun or ugni-armoreu
. L ... m at m at a I
swift cruisers. Ooe of these appliances
f Ppwttus ror cumu up
steel pistes one inch ln thlckoe. The
total weight of this roschloe snd the
sngloo to operate it, combined, is
about thlrtrflv inn.
An electric lighting outfit has been
supplied to the British man-of-war
Oelsssni. Three djnamo-electrlc
machines genera to the current for ths
whels ship, which is Ugbtsd bv 160
lights of twenty and 240 llgnte of
ten-candle power of the glow typ
There are three vsry powerful search
lights, and the yardarnn are fitted
with glow lights. This Is the moetlPl to learn that hair as many men
comprehensive Introduction of an
electric lighting system as effected ob
board anv vesaal nf i h tts-itiah saaaesr.
Mr. Stork, tho Director of Sweedish
Bahrood Telegraphs, has Invented an
electrlo apparatus for preventing col
lisions. The little Instrument is st
tasked to the tdgw of tbe rails at
certain places sod connected to the
etattoa by means of a telegraph wire,
which is united at the station with s
dial ovsr the face of which a needle
mores. When a train posses the
spot where the instrument Is set an
electric current Is opened, and ths
needle ehows the spot where the
train hsppsns to be at thst moment
Quite recently a hydratec calcium
sulpbste In a state of floe powder has
been offered to millers In Europe for
mixing with flour In tbe proportion
of 1 to 1.6 per cent, and there is res
sob to believe that not a lew unprin
cipled persons hsvs pctna Ily placed on
the msrkst flour adulterated with
calcium sulphate. Ball and says if
the weight of the ash of a flour is
snore than 0.6 per cent tlie analysis
sboold determine lime an d sulphuric
scld. Genuine flour hss very little
lime and a mere trace of sulphuric
TutorWhat have you: on that
board there, Hiss Flyrh tf Surely
you don't mssn thst for a tcslene
Miss Fiyrte Dear me. no I I don't
know anything about horrid, old,
scaly triangles. You know I sever
renumber the hateful old things.
Tutor (severely) Well, what stave
yon been good enough to- substitute,
pray J
Mum Fiyrte Oh, thstr That's ray
idea of an all too simple, perfect hat.
I thought I might aa we' J do some,
thing, you know. Isn't 1 1 a duck?
Tutor (blushing) E .eally-sa!.
Miss Ffyitt? I shall have to aek you
to stop after the hour.
Miss Fiyrte Wny, of. course. I
know you wont be cross and mayn't
I wait till 1 o'clock, so we ean have
real u nice long talk? , 3y ye. , like a
Tutor (utterly rout ad) Well a
really why, . . . Curtain.
Clasps of nld il vet or oxidised inetel
ate tbe usual fa itenh,a b r cloaks and
jackets. Often tbey r? t with Rhine
stono brillionti , or ev en with preoious
stonetyta they replace the brooch, which
is no tags -worn.
Cat A 7,1 GILT1M.
gquftl4 dilJC:B win 0Ojy u p,f0im
id f.,;,,, ltUhr tnig Winter in sets of
cjKbt couples escb.
'The bone collar button has done more
rel.Mt) min froin lbJ tyranny of
womun lhan lbe philosophical works
L j her u wUb a mM it
u htefJg hii ilri
Frances ilodoeoii Burnett.who
. niw . ,T . , Vr,b,m in iw
ton, Is rspldly recovering her health,
Lnd Mpeelg 3uD to refufBe ht)T tm
donee in Washington snd her literary
work M we)j
It u . ar, thi lhttt 1; (jrOTer
ohv,l(lod murtiw mU the girls to whom
tbe Baw-paptri baVe engsged bim, be
wiM run footraces with bigsmy warranU
ftU tfcrongb bl- Urm ln the White
UotWj H, tboo!d gwor off,nd wed
. indoit there is a well established
fa aucceufui firm of woinw
lb,y pUtt houses, stores,
arobitectur., work of . descriptions
aBJ M much c-tcmeJ hy bou6 QWD.
u J M of tbe booiei baUt
these women
thai every room hss a
eloeet In it.
Hound Lata have hiab Jilotiinsr crowns
d MtrQW Ma9 Tbe moct popuUr
shape has tbe brim set up on tbe crown
two or three inches on the left side cf
tbe bead. It is very jaunty, and with
tbe inimitable pose which tbe Parisian
woman always gives to her bonnet, is
quite irresistible.
They go hand in band, and lead their
victim a terribly trot down tbe valley
of the shadow of death. One is neu
ralgia, the other rheumatism. These
generally proceed from disordered blood.
Brown s Iron Hitters knocks out
gly twins by setting the blood aright
d invigorating tha system. Mr. W
T. Osborne, of Coxville, AJs., used
Brown's Iron Bitters for rheumatism
nd Dtur,Il vilb moat b!W "
st s as e W
" , oures dyspepsia.
A writer in a contemporary journal
ys : "I discovered, many yearn ego,
that wood oould be made to last longer
than iron in tbe ground, but thought
the iroc as sj simnle '.hat it was not
to - mbout iu vMlt ot
m w
my wood can be prepared lor lees then
two oonUl aniAOe. ThU is tbe iscii
- fc- l aad stir in oal-
TerjMd to tbe eowUte of ssiot.
Put . ooml of thi, ow lhe timiM). and
,t,.M . n,.t . . Amt min Vt .
it t n
a -
acwrrs bsiclmos or rttta
Dr J R Barton, of Valdosts, Geo.,
U-i: ! have for several years used
Scott's Emulsion, and find it to act
well in Cjnsatnption and Scrofula and
tber conditions requiring a tonio of
that class."
It w!lfbe surprising to many peo-
re amployed on the railroeds of this
couotry as arn working In the entire
tot of industrial establishments. The
railroads furnish employment to -,
000,000 men.
a Cues ha '
Ask Ur "Oowxit u Caiaas." far C-a?h. f v.ljs,
Tarvi, Ueaieoesa. frJ.cs. lie. Li.jaid tJc
Boash sa Est.
. sales, roaches, flm
Otoars eat rats, aslse, reeeass, ftioa, an u. bed-bats
akaoks. chipmunks, cophsrs. lie trujrs;isU.
sort ratas
litvpslsal SsrsHlnr. Oteslasss, led I
LI A.S. ...r.,1 Kir
cured ay ''Wslls
MsalUi Sseswer.'
"Beugh sn Cents. "
Ask f. W.lls' nouuh on Corns." 15c. Qulak.
ears narser sen sores, a-arts, winieas.
"Beaab sa Fsla" rereased risater
Straasthtng. IsapreTsd.
the beat for backseae,
rbessnaUsna, nearalfta.
arua lathe
i eeess ur ttue.
TBlsi reepte.
"Wetrs Ssaltb
i health and elfor
osrse U)etepala,
, l'rUhl ,i .
Whssslsg LC'ssash,
sad ths many Throat ASeoUens of ehildrsn. prompt
It, plesesntly and salssjr relieved by
'Boeigb on
Ceufbe" Troches, ISO.
If you ars failing, breksn, worn out aad iisresas,
ae "walls Hsaim tceeewer. wi. uregguaa. ,
Lire Preserver.
If you ars losing yeur mp on life, try "Walls'
B salth fysaswer Oees direct to sreak spoaS.
"Beagb on TesUssebc .
Instant rsllsf for Neurabrls.
lor "ttouga oa Tuothaciio
it and Si
Pretty Wssirs.
ladles who would retain rrealwess and vfvablty
Don't tall u try 'Walls' Health llenswsr."
Catarrhal Threat Affections,
Hacking, irritating Oongbs, OeMs, Sors Throat, eared
by ' Km-h on Coughs' Tercnes, 15c. Liquid, 25c
"Beagh sa lteh.m
"Rough on Iteb" suras humors, eruptions, ring
worm, Uttsr, salt rheum, frosted fast, chilblains.
The nope or the Ration,
Children, slow In development, punr, scrawuy.and
dolioats, use "Wells' Health Re lis we r."
Wide Awake
lhri or f '.ur hours s very night conghinir.
Get Im
mediate rrllef and sound rest hy nslng Wells' "Kough
u Coaghs," Troehos, lso,
Balsam, 26c.
"Hongb aa Pain" Poroased Plaster,
.Kt'iii'nr la,-"il 'i' art f lasi'ti
o sheet orslde, shsnnutism, neuralgia,
Will be mailed CD CI?
-to all applicants T fl C.H.
and to customers of last vea
ordering It It contains illustrations, prices.
Usui the only exeltutite stork of
1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages,
And a.Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar,
Remember! What I 8a; I lean. Bite Is a Call.
Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries,
Candies, Nuts and Tropical Fruits.
JOS1V brigos
As etsty house 1st tbo alley. He st so imports and tuanuf actor
Hieaes " '
Repair work done
Sheriffs Sale.
In lk Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Lisa County :
John R Baltimore, Plaints.
I C Dickey, Louisa Dickey his wife, D P
Mason snd Kl Fawn. Defendants.
VrOTICE is hereby given that by virtue
JlI of an execution and order of sale
a a a a stm a I
tssuea out oi tne aoovo nsmea court in
ius sours eniiiisq sun 10 me uirowwi auu
AUmmmmA IuHIak UminrAmw, Ik. If k Amv
. . . uor .1 . 1. I iT
Ol January, load, tst. liio uuu r i i us iuca,
p. m. at Ins Court House door In tbe city
of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, 1? at
ubllo auction for cash in band to me
Igbeat bidder the real property d earn bed
in sold order of sale aa folios a, to- wit :
jets numbered two (x) snd eeeen (7) in
Block ooe hundred end nineteen (liyjin
Heokleman'a Addition to tbe city if Al
bany aa the same ia numbered, designated
and described on tne maps and plats of
said addition now on file in the office of
the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon
Tbe said premises bains: the east half of
tbe west hair or said Block U9 aJoreaara
The proceeds arising Irom the sale of
said real wooertv to be a up! led : First to
the payment of the costs and ex pannes of
autt , taxed at aud use costs ax a ex -nenses
of sale and seorulna ooete. Soeood
to the payment to the Plaintiff the sum of
aaaataOo with accrulns interest thereon st
the rate ef ten per cent per annum from
the Slstday of October, 1881, md th fur
tber sum of S50 Attorneys fees. Third the
eyerplus if any there be, be paid u tbe
defendant I C Dickey his heirs or assigns,
Dated this Stn day of December, ires.
J. K. Chariton,'
Sheriff ot Linn county, Oregon.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Lmn County.
D P Porter as Administrator of the estate
of R M Elder, deweaaed, Plaintiff,
J O Elder, Defendanu
"XTOTICK ia hereby oiven that by virtue
131 of a writ of execution and ordtir of
sale issued out of the abave Court ia tbe
above enUtled suit lo me directed and de
livered,! will oa Saturday tbe 10th day of
January, 1885, at the hour or 1 o'clock p
m., at tne Court House door in the cty of
Albany, Linn oounty, Orsaon.aall at pnb
lio auction for eaah in band to the highest
bidder the real nroeerty deaonbed in said
order ef sale as follows, to-wit : All cf his
(Defendant's) right title and interest it and
to tbe following described real property,
to-wit : Heiririnintr at a noiot 182 chains
west from the southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of aeotion 18 and run ninjr
thence north so.zoioo chains ; tnence east
88.44 chains ; thence south 37-83 chains ;
thence west 16.69 chains ; thence south
42.72 chains ; thence west 72 chains to
the place of beginning in sections 7, 8. 17
and IS in Tp. IS, . K, 3 west in Unn
county, The proceeds arising irom tne
sale of said real property to be applied,
first to the costs aad disbursements of this
salt taxed at $30.35 and the accruing costs
of and upon this writ, 8eooud to tbe
Plaint.ff the sum of f 1017,91 with aeoru
ing interest thereon at the rate of Id per
cent per annum from said 27th day of Oc
tober, A. D. 1884 and f 150 Attorneys fees.
December 5tb, 1884.
J. K, Chawton.
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregcn.
MS .,-
At First Hands.
a Branch Office snd Supply House at Cor, itont
nd Taylor Streets, Portland. Or,, where they will
carry in stock Portable and Stationary Saw 1 fills,
PorUbla Ti action and SUtionary engines and bo lers.
'New Massillon" threshers, horsepowers, etc., etc..
Write for Illustrated catalogs seut free address ( lam
ag this piper.)
Portland, Ore n.
a-awi wkcct, ALBANY, OREGON.
at reasonable figures.
sa fQSvS
- ' 1 rTinf
n ynsit,irHBliilM . . , ,
Lm, ..ii . . I " . ' "T,7 1
sex of roods
.n.tki,,.. ... .fcj . . .. J. "
J - iu. au as ci.Bs
tmvH frosa first hjnr. Tk.
Stead road to
opeuo before the iuik.r. .
sdirses Tars aad Co., Augua,
.COlsil All A l" presents givs awar. Si
wawvivvv as 5 causa iwaias. seal br
mad j w u' Kct (rae a pacSan o( resSa ml km
ii:.. Ih.t wli.t l : .
ui pswnu sua tat& box, Agena was
where, of ehhee sax, of aSacsa, fer ad lbs
f- toJfornsrt their aa
liauATLsod Ce rWuasd, Mabas,
Notice of Assignment.
NOTICE is hereby given that Isaae Mc
Claag, of Linn county. Oregon, hss nads a
general assignment of all hit property to ths
undersigned for the benefit ol his creditors
under an set of the Legislature of Oregon
entitled "An act to secure creditors a
just division of tbe estates of debtors wke
convey to assignees for the benefit of credi
tors" approved Oct 18 th, 1878. All per
sona having claims agarnst the estate of said
Isaac McClnng are hereby notified and rev
quired to present the same under oath to the
undersigned at Albany, Oregon within three
months from the date of this notice.
Dated Dec. 3rd, 1S84.
GL H, Stxwabt,
Are always breakinsr. unless von haxea
the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of Al
bany. Tbey are made of wrought iron,
cannot jump the track and will last a life
time. Dona hsng another barn door un
til you havo seen tbem.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of tiie State of Oregon
for Lim County.
John A Crawford, L FUnn and B Brenner Plant
UOs, vs.
John Beard and Ambrose Beard, Defendants.
OTICE is herebv given that bv virtue of an
zesuuon and order of ia issued out of the
above named Court in the above entitled suit to
directed and delivered, 1 will oa Saturday the 10th
day of January, 1815 at the Court House door In Ute
city of Albany, Uan county, Oregon at the hoar ot
one o'clock, p. m, sell at public auction for eaah ia
hand to the highest bidder the real property describ
ed in said order of sale as follows ; to-ait : Begin,
nies; at the southwest corner cf section sight ia
Wwnship twelve, south range three west of the
Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon and
running thence east SO rods; thence north 200 rods;
thence erst 144 rods ; tnence south SOOrtvj ; theses
east 04 reds to the i.laee of beginning, containing 180
seres Tie pnc:cui arising from tha sale of said
premises to be applied as provided in said order o
sale, first to the payment, of the costs and disbars
stents ef suit taxed at the sum of S1S4.35 snd accru
ing costs, Second to the payment (prorata) to each
of the Plaintiffs herein according to their several
amounts to-wit ; to the Plaintiff John A Crawford
the sum of 1201. 1 1 with interest thereon at the rate
of ten percent per annum from the 25th day of Sep
tember, lStf, snd the further sum of 920,30 and to
tbe Plaintiff!, Klinn the sum of SUoa with interest
theroon at the rate of ten per cent per ajyim from.
tbe (Hh day of March, I3S3, and ths tardier su n of
10,S0 and to the Plaintiff B Brenner the sun of
1722,83 with iuteisst there at the rate of one per
eent per nwnth from October 2nd, 1S83 and the
further sum of $13 aud if anything remain the same to
be paid over to the defendant Ambrose Beard.
Datwd this lit" day of December, 1884.
J. K. Chasmo',
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon.
more money than at any
thine eUe by taJdnir sa
agency for the beet selling booh out , Hagiunara suc
ceed scantily. None fail, Terms tree, Hallst? Book
CO., Portland, Maine.