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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1885)
Si ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUKD EVERY FRIDAY ET STITES & NUTTING. aiSSM21l Street. txrms or wBscmirrioH eopy, P ln l TSftSST H M 8 00 1 SO stasia eepr, per y ' . . . . easels mb, mm asnmaa... etaste suabtf .,........... 7ft PROKE8H10NAL CARDS. R, S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Ornoa. PRACTICE 1 ALL TH Courts or ttiw Buwe., at thM State, will tpeoial attention to collections and pro Offloe la Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORN E AT LAW. Notary Public. Office upstairs, over John BriraJoro, J K. WEATHERFORD, nffOTARY MJBUO,) .TTnRNEY AT LAW, a see t W. SjOutSW a. tmLL PRAcnca in ALLmTOUorraa Vy State, SweetM www S" " 0 In Odd FelleVs Tampte. ft 1 pSSrt.L A B1XYEU, ATTORNEYS AT TAW, AAliCi.t0r8.ltt - oSSfeoH. Section; promptly mde ou UpoinU. Louu neeTottaiea on -T Loo in roesers vUuIOtr. J. J. WHITNEY, ittoey And Coxmsellor At LaY -AND- Notary Pabllca ALBANY, OEECON, - i in .11 nf tha Conrta of chlVsuti AH basfn intrusted to him will bo promptly attended to. sjeyOffloe In OToola'a Block. E. W. IAN0D0K & CO., DRUGGISTS. Booh. Stationery d ToiletArtlclea, A Large Stock and Low Prices. GIT'S" DRTTO- STOBB, 41 BINT. OlESOS. FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OBRGOH. llOJIIIf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. gtatioiiary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PIESCIIPTIOXS CAEEFULLT f HIEI), Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALB AMY, OBECQH. Physician and Surgeon. -Offtne end residence in Mcll wain's Block. Albany, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp razor, which are always kpt in good condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. SAX wa vim I autoky ajtd cms mebchasiij!o wot B HESS. Rica, MM .lev-uca- Contractor lor CUm labor. to City Bank. FURNITURE. I have toe best stook of furniture city and wHl sell in the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city and the lowest price Valley. Coma and see. in the Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, d. J. vvnma, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. OTICE OF PUBLIC TjE TTINGS SO LICITED. Fians and.specincauons fani a iahedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., .10tb, 1884. For particulars concern iaf the cearaea of study aad tba prios of tuition, WV w REV. KLBEUf 31. COXDIT. FresMteat. Aloany Bath House. THX UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPEC1 felly laform the aitiseni of Albany and ri aiaitjthat I have taken charge of this Establish teat, aad, by keeping clean rooms and payhi stria t attention te business, expects to suit al these who may favor us with their patronage Earing heretofore carried on nothing hat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expeets to gire entire sat'uf action te al JBVCp Udiea and Ladies' Hair neatly en haaaaeeed. JOS WEBBER. VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON. The words "La Belle" ln Fi "the beauty." a n mnar PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXE8, AND All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersipel JULIUS CRADWOHL, Agent for Frtik Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BRINK ft SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers io all kind FURNITURE, . . ait - At .a would respectfully Inform wp v they manufacture to order, ana vm wp constantly on hand, a complete stock ol all desirable lines or FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE TTNDEBSTGHED WIMHEB TO inform the public that he Is now pre pared to do alTkinds of stone and marble work on short nottee. All work war ranted to give satisfaction Will work any nd all kinds of stone, but deal prin ci pally In Oregon City granite. C-eeulng. repairing ad resetting a specialty Call andexamlnemy prices before P""' inr .iwh.rt m 1 will not be ondersod. Rhop on west side of Ferry street oppo ahepcatomee. Q w HARRIS, Prop. REVERE HOUSE, Caraea nnt sad Ell. worth Albany, mon. Chat- Pfeifler, Prop'r. Thta nui im Stid no to flrat daaa atria. Tabtoa ttadop U ith tba b-t Uto to arary aewrn. a goo f.,r C'.m Trmraiara. let.'' 188 EMMA SCHUBERT, MTLLI5HLY AID DES8S-IAHHG. Cdtting and fitting by the new Taylors System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRSI. W.&MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. OftSQOM. Ofler tbalr prof aaatoojd aarrtoai torta dttoana of Linn aad adtocaat ooanUaa Oflet and midere omr Court aaosa, Store. Call at Langdoa and Ca'i Drug DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office at residence on First Street be ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets, falls left at E. W. Leugdpn A Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oreeron. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC HILLS.- All kinds of rongh, dressed and seasoned lnmber ,laths and Diekets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only hst Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEST. Albany, Of. Insurance. F. P. Nnttlng, at tbe Dbmocrat office, has charge of the following rlrst ciass Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AN MERCANTILE. HARTFORO OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC9TISH UNION AND NATIONAL TIAMS FOE SALE High grade merino rams, yearlings ac two year elds. Also a few Jersey mal ealves from three quarters to fifteen six eenth bred. Prices reasonable, MoKsTtaar Bn Cuticura Mr Hmltk'a fast, and what the . Mr McKtnUtrjr hat te say ahent H . To rttR IVhlic ; 1 bars seM feartol fifwvi vmuv, aoMtattaatisMvMi what Hm Imm imlM KMui vm- Halt Rttvum. FwriMto mTimti. th hc, ad iMreaJwayi bMBtoMtaal Aert em oq cum w m, mm Mrs Mas m annanwrt teat I iumi w toon dit m liva, I km b ao neb iMm- nmhubn tbat Umts tti nt tba wwUlait not from th erown of my tad to Um aoUt l lay feat tht wu nt tiMMd as4 at red m whams. It woum esmei taasaU ehito nam wum ma I very pMranu, but warn not 4atp. but It I u t nipt! io hU Umwi, or mm attar tactr inM a pwiMoa, way wouia bum ana nay mmld burn and ruu taytbar mtB i o,m,du dry, rad aoaia, wbiah waelibe. tatudtl aato eraek and took Bar? aat ta Hiia tu a (frit rry, and UMbaraiaf eaaa totoraoia. 1 waa at llaaaa ly about, aad tuW not uunw. Ittavatrtad pm M a a Uase, 1 aaae ratanead ajein ha aa A aaarar, aa eaiine the wtatar ef ..ineresJ ao tuu. h aa to ha entirety lun. horeeer. 1 eaa adrteed br I McKlnrtry, who era well kneans In these Uy J our i x tin Bawawea ; and I tail huui ixuraT, fr..a their faverahte opt to try their virtue. Atut the aseoad aah ef lab; aad wtthTn lut I enmmenoad tafclac the wx weeaa i Began to ate a unui ih.w i tct. let) 1 1 u i. ee thafteah of a child. mrs, Bxxj, asfmi. I rrrtlh that the ahoee aaaieeeeat at aav wife la eitrreet. and I join with her In exfesetnf say (rati in.; rwr tae great avneni t.c baa reeateaS. II, SMITH, I certify that the ahata aseaeasaatt is eeeewak. as amiin la e i.rruii.H nl man in (hla eomSBUI he Uvea, lis U a well-know? daw tar ha hi atateeaent. with that ol hi. wit, la futlv eutltiaal to credit. Done el Hianetaae, tWtaee el Qoehee, this twent-aevrnlh day of Oatehar, tatt. U C. McKlXSTaT. I.n.x lhareaaea Mia Smith swawsatle end aa a a. a . e . w- e.e nor io oe tnuruufnty aae persanaeauy i ery Advent Ch. Conf. P ONe, Vt, aad Ka.N If. 1. D Si aiNBTTHT Srj.i, 9th, is. nct-a Reautvavr. ih Ci-nct e end iXruTKa fhar. the and bcauiulcre, ar auld tterywhara. Fite We, We. ; 8or, He, i Raaotrgar. at reller Drag PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Will b Inaugurated March 4th iSSa, ' THE WORLD, The Banner Democratic Newspaper. Pally. i:8m. Week I . S3: Bandar. SI 60. Weehlone dollar per year. Money csa be made by any man er woman, girt or bey who will organise clubs for THE WEEKLY WORLD- Tba grant farm and home newapaper. AGISTS PAID II CASH, For lOOenhwHbers at SI each S36 will be paid: for50 eubecribere. til : for 2ft sub- acribera,6; for Isenbeerlbars, f 3 ; for 10 suKteribers, S2 ; for ft subscribers, ft. Agenta wanted In every Town and TUlagn. t ircuiare ano aasspie l optea rree. ror tnem. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW MEW YORK. Administrator's Notice. "VToTICK it hereby glean that the un iJ fSralgned Adatlnlatratorof the aetata of Harbard Nholton, deceased, has filed hi final account In the matter ef said ee tate In the County Court of Ltan county. Oregon, and the Judge ef asJd Court baa made an order according to law directing this not in to be published, and ha ap pointed Monday the 5th day of Jacosry. 188ft at the hour of one o'clock, p. m of said dsyas the time for the bearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Habvxt 8ntvnm, FowattxA BiLTstu. Administrator, Attorneys. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. f STABLIUHED IMS. By A. P. CHKRRY, situated at corner of met and Montgomery wtreeu, Albany, Orrpen. Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Haw and Grist Mills, Woed-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. Pattern Sfahlag elene tn all Me farms 16:1 ly I A. F. CHERRY A SON. a T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA -AND- Notary Public. gPORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! Patera A Stewart keen a full line ef am .-.unit ion, and will sell as lew as the low- E 'ary pnuod or powder la warranted id uo5cs If properly used . INVIGMlSH Js iusr. wfot its name impliegfi Purely Vegetable "Compouud Imi acts directly -upoa theiver jtcancg the many diseases iatHdsRro that jm $orrant organ, find pfewLjaDg theno xnerous aUmants rtigarisfi rom lis :tipn,..fiodL-sJi ce, liiiioasness , Sick-headachea 'etc. It iSithereforos lucre deed Health tha IaysT innst be kept in order DB. SAOTOXB'S LIVES IHYIOOEATOB Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els. Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. 22. SAHTOBD'3 LIVER IUVTGO BATOR. JLn experience of Forty year, and Thoxi sand cf TettimorUaU prove it Merit. , TOK SALE BT AXJj DEALERS IK MEDICINES. Tor full information send your address for 100 re Boos on me " Liiver ana it uwwaoe, i leeJiroso H WXU ST,, KSW YSK srr. ttkn wettM ha ta lataethel I eossH atarea dfaaa aweaH ajtaest a MU?a haeesfir lasassssW iajnssahl il MR aad tM I Oder aad Mrs L O reartuee. to Maaahow a w s aa - f . - 1 ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, M86. I - . M . . jn 1 Early one evening in the Ulster of a geotJeman driHaf te s IlgB in tbe suburbs of Boafton, anw o men Undine, in tbe road. U be approaeb. ad they sxpreeaed a wish tip gek to bin. He checked bit borne, and nl once one of tba man seised tba animal by tba bend, the otber rnabed .i to tba aleigb, nnsj, praaantbf a ravorver, da ajevndeU the man's money, tta gave tbe robber his pocketbook, nasrtaininf tbree 100-dolter bills and aosai assail Tba two seen than oasfipellad htm to get out of bis aleigb. They . sprang liters geji dnsna laptaiiy VsTsy Alarm was given. Tba erisslnals wort pursued. The team was found by the read in Cen bridge, bat tbe robbers bad The following ereoiog ao man waa stopped on the Salem turnpike just before ranching Lynn, by tbe asms men, and waa rob bad nf 1400. Wishing their victim good-night, they leaped tba fence and disappeared over tbs marshes. Tbe neat day n youog man was ar rested in Boston ee Suspicion of being one of the robber. Ha waa oon fined in tee Tombs. The first gentleman fobbed wee sent for, and requested to pass by tba cells where some twenty or thirty prisoners warn seeAnednd ass If be eeeld pick out frees among than tba man who robbed bite. Hs without hesitation tba yoeng f erred to. Tee sipioaaissu was else sent for. Hs nicked out the una an Neither tbe gentlemen ear tbe axprsss mnn bad any doubt as te tee prison r' identity. wee snow upon tbs ground, and tbe footprints of tbs robbers ware plain on ton snow. Tbs boots of tbs man ware found te fit one set of tbe footprints exactly. This eircsm stsnce, with tbe testimony of tea expressmen, wbo sworn positively to bis being tba own, oonyiotsd tbs poor fellow, altbougb be attempted te prove alibi Ha waa sentenced io tbs Bute prison for lite. Thirty years ba be would bare bane hanged, for death was the penalty Cor highway rob- at that time. When I brought him to the prison be declared in the most solemn maaear tbat ha was innocent. This declaration be persistently adhered to, although no ons believe hist. Three years after- wards a man was committed to tba prison tor tbe fourth tioaS.on a sentence ef sis years. He waa a most expert m1 dee per ate rogue, and had been guilty ol mors crimes then aay con riot over within lbs wslis of the prison. A few weeks after bis imprisonment he aaked for an interview with me. "Well what is it you wish V I ashed, when be eppeered. Only this, Mr. Warden. Yon bars so innocent man in tbe prison." Indeed," I said, "who is it V sup- losieg, of coarse, that be would name himself. It is hi hs ssid, giving ass tbs name nf the young man convicted of highway robbery. "How do you know tbat T' I aaked. "I do knew it." "But how csn you know anything about it r Ke hesitated a moment, aa if weigh ing tbe matter, and then said io a frank, positive toes, "I knew he ia in nocent, for I committed tba crime for which be is In prisoL." "B)th of them ?" I ssked. "Yes." "J," I said, calling him by .a. ae e una, "do you realise what you are ying T No one has base tried for tbs Wstertown robbery, snd if you ac knowledge tba crime you will be liable to race." vs a life sentence." "I understand that, Mr. Warden. I am a bad man. J. hers is probably hardly a crims open tba statute book, except murder, tbat I have not eom- mitted. I have been a tbief all my life, even from a child. My earliest eduoation was to steal, and I expect to be a thief and robber to the last. Aa you know, I have already served three terms ih this ptison, and' I am wall aware what tba punishment is ; but bad as I am, I have no desire tbat another man should suffer for my crimes, I therefore repeat what I have Mid, M is innocent, I em the guilty party." "Do you know M 1" I inquired "No. I never saw him. I bare no more interest in bim personally than W er in a man in anotbsr country." "You wore not alone in tbs robberies. Who was tbe other man with vou 1" C7 Again he hesitated. "Mr. W srden, I have never yet betrayed an aasoeistet but in confidence I will tell you his nsme, trusting tbst you will not use it against him unless be is arrested upon evidence obtaiued from some otber source." He gave me the name of a men wbo had aerved one term in tbe State Prison snd was then in the House of Correo tion at Eaat Oa mbridge. At my request, he wrote out a full statement of the Wstertown robbery which I took to tbe gentleman robbed, - , u 111 . 1 - who, after reading It, returned wilb me io tba prison, and bad an interview with J Tba f entietnee left the prieon satisned.beyood a doubt that J waa tba real eriminal. There waa a striklag rssastb.soos ba be two fMhs, Tbey were of tba biitbSagaji worn tbe same used It Is unnecessary to tell bare all that bad to be done to satisfy tba. gore nor tbs inoooenos of tbs poor fellow who van stninstry iSnnaSsonnd. bsht ii was SasJIy saaaaspllibsJ, best nnt until be bad served Umt years la atL if I worked as bard to proas bis own guilt aa be sostkl bass done to snow bis io- Ooe mora word in regard to bim. Ha waa not prosecuted for either of the neither did hs seres bis sis Shortly after I left tbe prieon, hs snaassasi la escaping from it.for the second time. With soother convict, be exes voted a tunnel, twenty -ear en fast is length, from the angina room, where the two had worked, to the outer wail, cutting oA s pile a foot in dlemster.and Ha wee aeon after arrested ie Balti mors and ssntsnoad to the Maryland peniesnliary for sixteen years, wbere.lf slits and if be has not escaped, be csn be found to-dsy. Tela aoareer was s marvel loue He neneasssd a good addiraas, snd I ssoslleot insensate. Bold and daring, he hesitated eft nothing, and by hie InitcesltshU perseverance surmount ed obstaoias which would here bean thought impossible by ordinary men. Aa this incident shows, he waa not all bad, but of him It ooold he tru'y said, that hs was a man "possessed of one virtue linked with a thousand ctimee." - Youth-$ exTsssi The notion is widely prt- sleet that it is unhealthy to set lets at night er just before retiring. This came from tee il an an lie tion of "late suppers' contained in nearly all the old popular works on dial. But it wee lbs midnight debauch that wee the object of attack, and even here it was lees the gluttony thus the drunk ss nw which alarmed the doctor and nailed forth their lepreLenaioua. A msn may induce sppoplaxy by gorging himself with food at aay hour of the day. Msn is tbs only animal that can be taught to sleep quietly oa no empty stomach. The brute creation recent al. efforts to coax them to auch a viola tion ef tbs Isws of nature. Tbs lion roars io tbs forest until ho baa found bis prey. The boras will paw all night in tbs stable, and tbe pig in tbe pen, refusing sll rest or sleep until they ere fed. Tbe animate which ehsw tbs cud have their own provision for o late meal jest be Cera dropping off to their eight, alum bars. Msn osn train himself to tba habit of sleeping without a preceding meal, but on lv after long years of practice. As he comes into the irorld nsture Is tee strong for him, end hs must he fed before he will sleep. A child's stomach S small, and when perfectly filled, if no ickness disturbs it.tlssp follows natur ally nod inevitably. As digestion goes on tbs athmssh begins to empty. A single fold in it will make tbe little sleeper, restless ; twoawlll wskan it,and if it hushed agaia to repose tbs nsp is short, snd tbree folds put sn snd to tbs slumber. Paregoric or other narcotic may eloee its eyes again, but without either food or some atapefyingejdrug it will not alsap, no matter bow healthy it may be. Not even sn angel who learned tha art of minstrelsy in a celes tial choir sen sing a babe to sleep on ae empty stomach It is a fast established beyond the possibility of contradiction that alsep aids digestion, and that j ha process of digestion is conducive to refreshing alsep. It needs ao argument to con vince us of this mutual relation. Tha drowsiness which always folio wa a well ordered meal is itself a testimony ofna tore to this interdependence. Tbs waatsof humsn life by tbe neg lect of the lesson is great. The daily wsar and tssr ol the body might be re stored more fully than it usually is, if this simple ruts was not systematically violated. Tbe sale of Syrup of Figs Is simply im mense. Everyone la taking it, snd si admit tbat It la the beat medicine ever used. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste, aud grown people who have need It once never take anything Unlike other remedies for bilious and constipation it never loses Its power to' act, and It always leaves the or gene on which It acta stronger than bsfsre Besides, one feels fresh snd bright and realises that It is Nature'a own true laxa tive. Langdon A Co. Is agent far Albany As early as 119 A. D. we hear that Hermes, a prefect of Rome, being converted, presented 1250 slavea for baptism, ell having been freed. An other prefect Chromatids 284 A. D. after his conversation to Christianity, is reiatsd to have freed forty slaves, flrat having baptised them. Brmorrat. reriLse Tseth sre appendages of tbs skin o: t wf tbs skeleton, and like other a parsotsi organs ere sspseially liable to be modified ie accordance with tbe bsblts ef the creature. Two aseas of tbs sueosssf ul joinieg af mttein nerves bsve b-en reported to tbe Paris Academy ef Saianeesjanetase as m eetng restored tn one esss to a nerve which bed been' divided for fifteen ysers. A student of tbe colore of i vara, If Sohaeuler, contends that only one oof- erteg euhetecee exist- in aaiamts. snd tbat Iks various color ef So wars are due simply to the saodsfiuation masi in this substance by the eotds or slka- Unea contained i0 the plant them selves. Americs Is tbs moat fsvored spot for frogs aod salamanders, end India for . In Australia twe-t birds of Its ssskss are venomous, while in tha Doited States only twenty-two out of 1 76 srs venocnoos. Frogs, snakes snd Uaards eeeot et elevetioos of over 10,- 000 feet Crocodiles and most lixsrds sod turtles ere tropica!. Prof. Moseley, of the famous Chsf- engr expedition around tbs werld.bss discovered eyes ie the sbetle of chiton- lees than 1 1,000 being oontsin- ed in tbs sbssl of a single animal. Aa the shell grows lereer new wees ere formed. Ke other ssoltusea have aav organs iojtbeir shells, bet the ehitonldae, in addition to ayes, here elaborate organs of tench permeating their shells. Prof. R 8. Ball, astronomer royal of relend, declares it to be his belief that the mamas of stone and iron which fall to the earth ee metecrites, were orig inally thrown out by terrestrial votes noes eft e remote period in oer planet's geological history. If so, the fragments musft have been projected beyond the nluense of the earth's attraction by explosions giving these the tremendous initial velotiiy of sin miles e second. The power of regenerating lost parts greatest where the organisation la snd while the aniasai Is ie the rweng er larval state. It ts really a i of bedding. Certain wotms may be cut into several pieees.and each part will regain whet is needed to com plete the mangled organism. Tbs star Aah sen reproduce He erase, tbs small its tentacles, the lobster its elawa, tb fish its las, the spider its legs and tbs isard its tail. The whale foods by posting Its gtgsn- tie strainer into operation as it swims through tbs shoals of minute moltuaea, crustaceans and fishes which are con stantly found st tbs surfoos of tbe ess. Opening its capacious mouth and al lowing the sea water with its multitud inous tenants to fill the ovsl csvtty.tbe wbsls shots tbs lower jew upon its horny plates, and straining out tbe water through them, swallows tbs prey strained upon its vast tongue. earners vacts A monstrous serth worm, six feet five inches in length snd proportionate ly thick, has bean sset frim Cape Colony, Africa, to tbs Royal Zoological Society of England. Tbe willow tree at Mount Vernon which overshadows the tomb of Wash ington was originally a dipping from a tree which overshadowed tha tomb of Napoleon at St. Helena. When a Chinaman wants to dye his hair he drinks ths dys. Sometimes the Chinsttesn dies hlfefelf, sad some times be dyes his hair in this wsy. In either ease tbe stuff does its work and every body is satisfied. Tbs stormy pstrsl posssssss n very large amount of oil, which when terri fied it has tha power of throwing from its mouth. In tha Faroe Islands tbe people draw a wick through its body when it is young and fot, end lighting ths end tbst projects from tbs beck use it for s lamp. It will buro for n long time. Genuine esrth worms exist in msny parte of ths world which ars giants of their kind. An example of one of these hss just been received st tbs London Zoological Gardens from the Cape Of Good Hope. It measures between four and five fast in lsngtb aud shout half an inoh across tbe body, and it has been stated that this particular species aome timsa attains to six feet. In the foooi of a burning glass ths aun's rays will melt the most refractory substances. The beat, then, of she sun a a wa most intense it we were si nssr tbs sun aa Ws sre to the moon, the whole solid esrtb would melt a wsy wsx. Were the sun surrounded by ooat of iee fifty miles thick, It would alt be melted in one minute's time. Ooe acre of the sun's heat supplies snergy sufficient, if it were available, to run all the steam engines oa ths earth. - it was formerly a common super stition that toothache waa caused by a little worm, haying the form of an eel which gradually gnawed a hole in in trmtta NO 33 MPIEAlfll EKflinUIT. ittrm ar ths IsTeW'i Cbfliiigi Trajntrssee Ciiti i any cause ever justified seel BSA 1 . am w f ssedness. and snthu- siasm even to el an oat fanaticism, ft Is the prohibition of tbat which makes seen brut. A minister ones said, a aa at a. while (deeding a ess before an eesle sisstiosl esett, while be held the Mil of cbergas io hie baud,"! almost feel Hke drawing a vail over my face as I reed tbie paper." A thousand times over might this He said in rsadieg ovev the long and heavy Wit of indictments sgainst the liquor sbomiuetion. It l acid that oa reaching a oetiein place aod ia eeitain conditions ol the atmosphere, the guide wbiapers to tbs Alpbins tourist: "Dm't talk loud it might bring down tbe avalanche." We srs toiling to reach a morel altft. tods so bigb, ois con in ion oi tbs I moral atmosphere go sensitive, that our talking will bring down the avalanobe end overwhelm th eitadrl t.t inl.m. peranec forevor. afrnnwih as w ma pressing toward thi, we can do better than Minetva did. She found the! eeoret place where J We tiiund' tboJta ay bidden ami asleep ; but we a open ths door to God's "eecret piece of tbe thunder," and rouse the alliances of Divine power ss we plead, O Arm of the Lord, Awake!' The key which opens tbe door is Prayer. But Pi sy er snd Work go together. GoJ enters aS m a. J tato partnership with msn sod "We are Is borers together with God." Tbe latest cry from tbe lienor deal- er's organ is that ' Taxation vithnnt Protection is Robbery.'' Tbs outcry is directed against tbe National govern ment which taxes tbe manufacturer, tbs m porter, tbs wholesale dealer snd tbs retailor of spirits, thus getting double tax ou malt and treble tax on sll dis. tilled liquors. Tbe complaint ia utter ed because while so doing, the govern - at does not protest tbs seller snd ths manufacturer wbo divide with it ea generooely sgainst ths encroachments Of probihition Tha inean.iata.nne te slsaily shown with which s federal rsrnment which has received over two billions of dollars from tbe liquor traffic in tba severe! states, neverth. ess decides tost it hss no jurisdiction over the matter in those slates. The traffic's demand is for sn amendment to the national constitution prohibiting sate mverumente from in tat ferine with e businssa rsoognix, licensed snd suthorised by tbe nations! government Thus do the liquor dealers decide tbat prohibition Is n national question. Ooe of tbe important factors of ths temperance problem in this country 'is the large annual influx of foreign pope atioo. It appears that ths aggregate tbe peat year is somewhat leas than of ths previous yasr, though still Isrgs, exceeding hslf a million from various European countries. It is announced that ths number of immigrants srrivsd in the United States during the past year was 518,592, against 603,322 tbs previous year. Among these were f om Great Britain and Ireland, 129,294; from Germany, 179,676 ; from other countries of Europe, 143,236, and from British North American provinces, 60,584. Under tbs present., ex elusive . ii e .i es.a n. . f policy oi tee u nuea ocaces government ths immigration from Chins foil from 8,031 in 1883 to 27C in 1884. Of this half million foreign immigrants added tn our population the past year it ia fa to assume that nearly all bring with them tha prevalent Old World drinking usages. Added to the otber millions wbo have preceded them dur ing the lest decade or two they consti tute a Isrgs mass to be permeated with te them new temperance truths. They are hailed by the brewers and distillers aa so manv new recruits for the ranks of tbs drinkers, wbo srs relisd upon to swell tbe enormous profits of their traffic For their own sokes, and for the geod of the country In which they so easily become "naturalized citizens," they ought to, by wisely adapted tem perance missionary won to tbe aids of abstinence and sobriety. THE g 8ES1 TONIC. ? This medicine, oesabininr. Iron with cure vsgstasts ale tenies, ehlekly and completely Dyaeepeisu InSlaeetlep, Weexkneee, I aae are B!e4, HswUutav,ChUia aad Fevera, it is an anftjUtna; remedy ir Diseases of tbe It ts tavalnab Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary Uvea It does not injure ths teeth, cause headacha.or produce constipation other iron vaadtCMes do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulate ths appetite, aids tbe assimilation of food, re I sree Heartburn and Belchinf , and strenfitb its the muscles snd nerves. ror Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack o' Cnergy, he., It has no equal SW Tba sanulne baa above trade mark a - rosea d rad lib aa on wrapper. Take no otbet est eel, r SSSWS CBUICih CO, SUIT IBOS C a KOIi 1C ) I. I I ky ! Portland, Or. Kg W - ATATC 1AUT omit rutin to vumnnn THE BIM iDmiNII IBII II THE WILLilETH T1LL1T. Special bueinees M If sUaos io For legal fi 1 oare for the first meesWasneast faants per square for each sabeewwses uuwn on application. TEH TOUB BiKllfi POIDIH TO-flAT! DOES HOT COITUS AMVOHIA. aas NaVSS an 'era. THE TEST OF Tiff fffl. PBICE BAKING POWDBB 6t- Dr. Price's Special nareriii Mrs, Dr. Prist's Laepjfhi Ystsf fkm lagat. Health, Breed. The Teeet la Use WeslS. FOR SALE BY CHICAGO. 7 mm K- rwttiaar. Marie A Co. a LIGHT HEALTHY IREAI YEASTSK The best av, baa eeast t. the raised by tht yeast ts light, white like GROCERS SELL Price Baking Powder Co, Chicane, III. Tor sale by OeMta.Teerte eaJ Co., Red CrownMills IS0M, LINKING 4 CO., PRftPnVI. noes strsjuen BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash te Wheat ALBAN YOR. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED 6 OETZ.) Will keep a foil supply of good m eats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both old and oung, at bottom prices st tbe factory of L. PUTNAM, Albssy, Oregwa JJARDWAREOF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocks, brush bohs, picks ahoyeisvspadea, forke, griodstonoe, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything yon want, can he had aheap for cash at Peters A Stewart. apUTLERY. The beet line of cutlery in the valley esm be found st our more, ft embraces pocket knives, table knives, forks and spoons, butcher knivee, bunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors of ail kinds, snd tha beet line of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and see for your selves. Par xi jpOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in oaL tivatlon. 10 acres slashed and sown te grass. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this offloe. Notice of Assignment. a the Circuit Court of the StmU a Orsysa, Jot the County of Lin . In tha matter of the Assign meat ) Chss. B. Montsgue. J Notice is hereby given to alt oraaisoss ef Chss. B. Montague, that he has this day osade and filed with tha Clerk ef the Oares Court of the State ef Oregon for Liaa So be recorded, an assignment af all bis ; ss aaws Issstgt- etthSW urty. real and pereoaal, te ma the a aas id, snd that all creditors of said Oban, u ataarue are hereby notified to presses i (iiaims anaar oath to me at tee store ox sme Chss. R Montague, in tba City af Tithsassx, ia said county, withia three meases arose the data Hereof. e Dated at Lebanon bn Nov. Its, 1884. J. WCsmex. Aaifnus Powxll st Bilvxp for Assignee. in i pi. mm,, mm i n.,. , , 'JpOR SALE, one natr n:ocx tn eastern part of she city with fair house and barn will he aatsf 0. O OHXRRT. cxrrscsi ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (Successors to C C. Cherry.) S acMalsts, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX QDleted, snd are now prepared to bundle all kinds of heavy work. We will rcanufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Si.w Mill Machinery, and all kinds ef Iron at d Braes Castings. rATTgeura xann ex sneer weTicn. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. W1U also manufac ture the Improved Cherry A "White Grain Separator. I STATE m AUTft MlUMtT per J Inc. J egaiar Lent sctisssmlfism, TMsiiC Albany, Qrn Deo. 1, 180- if