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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1884)
Chare Mttltrr rj. P. Cnvncm.--PtmiaUa9tfS$k$ at 11 a. m., end 7f. by Rsv. F U. D viae D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 f. M Prer mceuBH vry Vdssdy evening. Kvasoblical Cucacna. Preaching on Sab mt Ha. m. . and 74 r. M, Sabbath School 12:14. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Uolleubaugh, pastor. rkoatiosalChubcs. Services svery Sbbath at 11 a. at. and 8 r. M. Sabbath Wnl at 12:1a. Praver meeting, on Thuradav eveaina of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. It. K. Church, So cm. Servio held .voontnl and tourth Sabbaths in eaoh tn t t Paul M. E. Chnroh, South, at 21 a u. Sabbath School at 2 SO r. m. sharp. Prayer masting svery Thur. day svenng. C. H. Carson, pastor, hi K t in atast Praaehiiiff BVSTV Sabbath at 11 a. u. sad 7, r. ml Song seryiosin the evening before sermon. Sabbath j001 t 2:30 r. m. Prayer meeting svery Thurs day evening, lie v. M. Judy, passnr Pkbssytkiuah CttcacH.Sarvios svary SUl.iw.fh ni,rnni0 mi evetUUS 1U ChUTCO cor. Broadalbia and Fifth Sts. SuudsySchooi .Thuraday evening, tiev. Isaac 1 tjonois P3" . I . . ... , v. i ...... PvauuiMr avMnraan I v, iitvi.ii ia.i vui . ... a - - oath at VV. C. T. U. 11 A.M. 7: r it. Sunday School at half past X o oioos r. u. Itcv J T Moyd, pastor. Bee J T KiK-sr BAPTisf C ii v rcu . Prsaching every Church on 5th Street Sabbath School imuisdiately after moruiQii servioes. Prayer meeting avary Tharsday. sveaing at 7:30 o clock. T Qt BrownsoD, pastor. iv,vr.,,i', Praacbins everv I . . . ..... .... v. . - m 1 30a A A il fourth Stbbath at aaon monw n C!rrfr.ra Hall at 11 o'clock. A. M., ana I 7 o'clock, r. m. Tr-s: Eic the leflthnau re- t of orweaty .yeara nr tin it U i ATK rsiiawtAHtsf ateoftne aaxasss 'oaHaoUosea In inrope, ad cares with uwatuo .a.-tntv Hai 1 one and iwinwajip'" rAcaaIc.,Trpo v; wm iai wwiwsatoMy ritauty, pre mmmmmmmm"mmmiwfeatm aao was ink r "-- compHoatlooa and troaa whatever eae produced. It eortcbee aiPansj--- orvxi active onrn htsaaae anvnanaturaL nsm preventing lavetaatary oatantaiiog de- assasat, aeminal leasee with the urii itm.-iire to mind aad hodv. it is a of ail kidney and bladder uan)adte1S 1 " SK. ifc n 1 H eeatalnaao rtnr from ah evil effect of youthful losBacretiooe. ajjiady. thor- esarh nd pernuu.,. it core is OVAJlAJi-'. S3 50 par botUe, orflrebottlea in ease, wiUt ndl rectiona and advice, A10. Sent aeew frx osaarra tssa to any addreaa upon receipt of prkse, otUO. V, .o be had oatyof DR. C. D. SALFIELDS SIS facantcy asm aTsameasae. Cat. CoessltaUoae stricUy tonarlasinal by letter or at afB-e FREE. For the convenience of patten ta and to arder to Ins era perfect eacraey I have aaowpaan a pn- v-ue all are 1 TRIAL BOTTLE FREE SufSlent to show iA metit, will be sent to any one splvin? by letter, statin K his symptosna aad age. c jmmuaicxuoas stricUy conBdeatkd, Dr. SPINNEY, NO-11 KEARNY ST. Treat all CHraalc aad aprrlsl YOUNG MEN V efictaof youthful foUiee or huiacratioo, wa toavaUtheaaaahreeof taia, MaayaaAast ever Uid at the altar of aaCariag bmaaatty. will boon DR. SPIXSEY wiU foarsote to forfait moSlor w rneiiiiils vraakMaa or private dkwaae of any caractcr which hs overtakes and bulg to aOBaHJtACEB HEX. ThJTJ ars maay a, tia aga af thirtr-Bra teeUty tmohtod with toofrooaaoat avacnatirei of the blad- often sccocapanwrftya aaght aaartiaaor arinary deposits a ropy mWunt wfll often be 1 iTniY. a.n narrlrlns fff aftsmai wUla r the enter will tool a thin milkieh awe, agato chaos;. hag to a dark aad ufiA pemim. There s aaaa wao eae oa aat a" rSashls fhe am ad -r a Da. 8. vrm guarantee a perfect care to a0 each cases, healthy restoration of the geatto-unaery saaam nmmtrm h.-.t-m io to 4 and 8 to 8. Sondara front 10 to 11 a. a. ConsaTlefaon free. Thcroosb arnaatw x & eehSaa, Aa- For cr.vat !aeaese sf aaart atsadtng a aaaia mflicier.t for a rare, with au fa fun ill De s-t to any addresa c receipt of 110 00. fln addreaa. DM- SPIS Sf ET 71 - Ko. 11 Kearny St, San Fraacawo, Cal To the Unfortunate ! DK- GIBBON'S Dispenstry. roo KKAJtunr ar. UWO oorner eial Street, Ban ibnahal tn treatment of , Sen.inal Gonorrhea, suaca. ictare.SrahlllaioJ forma, laaaelaacy saisai Hnk.Mi. nurht loaae br arsams. pua plea ov the face and loas of manhood can poatUveiy be cured The rick aad afflicted ahoukl not fail to call npon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and iaspected thoroughly the varies aoapi mus there, obtaining a giaat deal of valuable uaorraa tion, which he Ucomiieteot to iaapart to those toaeed of his aeryicea. DR. GIBBON will make as charge tmleaa he effect a core. reraona atadtatance bai BE CIKED AT All covmrmiratione strictly confidential. You see no one be; the Doctor. Bead tea dollars for a package of naedieiae Persons writimr to the Doctor will please state the nam of tb paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea- eonable. Call or write. Addrses un. j. t . uuwvs, ox 1&57, Ban Pram-Woo, others fail. Try him. The Doctor cures vlaaAS for working people. Bead IS cent aeev ae, aoo we Witt mail you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will pat you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all che time. All of both sexes, of aH ages, grandly sae SttfeL 80 cents to a easily earned every evening, ail who want work may test the business, we unparalled offer ; To all who are not well we wiU send Si to pay for the trouble of vs. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent tii.e j ay absolutely tur for ail wbo start . uchty. Address hTTXSOH and Co., The Great English Reme dy. lis a never failiuar cure for Sarvoua Debility, Secoinal reaA-neea, Bxbausted VI ility. ttpermatorrbosv, LOST HAS HOOlS, Inv I potency, raralyais, ana all Iumoie tsecta of fftSs Abuse, youthful follieK,and ' xcwm in icat urer years- itib as lea of Memory, tseitude, KmMou, Aver pion ti Society, Dimness of (Vhaotr, Noises in the Head; the vital fluid passing ijnobeerved into the urine, sad many other diaoate leading to insanity and death tm XfvriE will agree to forfeit Five Hnndrcet for case c? this kind the Vital K Cetera 1 1 ve (inder his special si vice and treatment ' wf not care or tor anything impure or injurious found tn U. Dr. Miotic treats all private diseases successfully with'Htt mercury. Consultation free. Thorough ex amination anrl sdrice including analysis of urine, tb. Price of Vita! Kestoratire,f1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity ST, sent to any address upon receipt of prioe orC O. D, secure from observation and iu private- if desired,- by DR. A. E. MINT1E, 11 Kearney i tree, nn rrx-icicco, Cat- Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, tat-in r syniptom. eex a(td ae. Commauicationa tnctljr eonadciitjal. Dr, Mintie's Kidney Bemedy, Nephretictna, cores jlkllidsof ki'iriev and bladder rmnlainla vnnnrrhTa Vest, feouchorrhoea. For tale by all druggists SI a t )ttie or six Hot ties for S5. Dr. Minti a Dandelion Mils are tbe beat and eheap Dyt e a ard Bilious cure in the market. For -L & drmrr.sti-. The Btjyebs Guide is issued March and Sept., each year; 224 pages, .8 Jill i inches, with over 3.30O illustration- a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or saMBfaw family nee. Tells how to Akk order, and gives exact kW cost of ev erything you Gfi Mg rose; drink, eat, wear, or BBSaasBBav have fun with. These ftiaaw invaluable books contain information gkaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. JLet us hear from you. 0 Eespectfully, h ifSj aKJaHasBM bj ml A . DR. UEBIC amtW tMaaraaary, MO Gw; lit., Saa Fraactaw Cat CC Conducted by Qualified PhysleJaBi f bbS Bumooa rurulsr mdiMtw, SWTb OMest pclahAU tu As United State. Mil lass saSSrtStMS. perfect Method and pur medlclrt, in.ure .ied v and penaammt eons ot aU Il ttata, Carwik and Nwtesa Phases. A taction of the Blood, akin. kidneys, lilddr, 1 View, Old Hon, Swelll ukuul. Mora Mouth, tb nuns,pruMUtnvjr cura ana tm oalad (rota the inters tor life . MttttTIOiS Debility, Impoteney, Semiiwi L im Sexual Dev. Men Ulaod Phydoal Weahaeas, Falling Minnr Week Kve. Stunted Da- valonmant. imnadTmen ta to etc., froeasxeeas or youthful toUlee. muiv cause, aneedtlj. eaielv and nrlnSalv MH. faas. Middle-Aad end OW nn, andall who need atedlcel skill and ssmrlsnm onasalt the old Kurupean Phyaidan at once. Ilia uplnioa oasts sethlug, and way future ralaarv and shame. Whan tn convenient to Visit the City a ----- re?'-1" can be taut everywhere by 'birlrvBiion. lib -lf-Wt that of'dtaai5ttaln- "?lf!J aaj ajjfjSMa aw axrwrmakehb, opmsx um SOSrSZ. mhLU. tree aad aaeredly ooaaaanuai. v r . ni i.. nktaiuinir rauaf aiaasnsrs wnica aw " , :- .. tr-.tnj ifi'JrjtSrii forfait tor a eaas un lktrT cojed, Call or writ-. Hour, daily .from rtaVsflosmTeteS eestafa; Suadajrs, 10 It owy BaSd tor the aamtartS Omd to natth, ant free. Address as above lavlaaratsr PmBaanU-.-Breveata all t'onatufal Uoaaaa froaa tea I ,. . j i hi . -''rV- .,vM tJtMrikana the mueelea. I w, - . 1 1 checka ta 1 1 sal 11 aa ha aisniiaii iu msur 11 . .1 ' rMoneassany oamieienrea Benaaaf Waakaaaa. Loss et Maaaoea, eoo. L.a owiMtutsoat- Hh uyisarajtha, which requires peculiar trsrsz SSlg inrtsraralsr. at. Case of alx botUsa ?ZVESZ2riZi ssteaely tree, ob- aio. SerttoanysTldssai,oovewd ssearaiy Most powerful electric belt !m to patient. To prove the wonderful power ot ta iaru;ovior. A et Mettle ailvea r eeat Oonenrtollpa free aad private. .Free. Call or address SWOaarr Street, Print SBtmaos. 406 Mason Oeary Street trees Kearney. Main Dispensary prag store. DR. ALLEN'S rSIVATE BUrKXSABT, trewt, 8aa Freaeteee, Oil., tea tbs SctasTii'W ass srsasr Cvss or Caaoxtc, Ksavocs ass Bract a Duuusm THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, IB. ALLEN. AS IS WELL KNOWN. IS A II alar graduated PhyaWtan, edaeatod at i College and Uaivareity of Mkhlg- Be has alJUatlaaa totheetady sf aad iaaokacladgs devoted ataiAasialailsail to ee the expert atadent In bis apeetaJty on tne ra- And ariddie aged Sect of youthful turer years, Verier, hat aversion to of aVaasataaber tbe TNxrtor ba a Taewtohle Com- the rwsuiv ot nay raotapeaai pvaaseeaoa tuay, whtoh aaSAr bia aajaraal adrioa has never A success to the cure . f Leat Manhood, psoas ffnttt as ssaeawcai to ehanra of two hoesitala) eaablae me to treat all privat trooMes with exeatl faaastu. 1 wish it distinctly sat atood that 1 do not dalat to perform tosfsanxetlst, or to have auraeatone or n.u-mtursJ power. 1 ctaba only to he a akiflfnl sad aaeeeaatal rhyafnaan Surgeea, k-u.:y BSMSasth a say AS to naa win receive any hoaaat isakilua aj akak every Un in 1 nndcrtaee, or forfeit gl.OOO. Coneuhatioo as k WSMt ir and atrieUy private. seara 9 to S daily. S to to IX. Call on or addreaa tal tararay PATENTS Obtaiaad, aad n ether basiaeea to the V. 8. Patent Osaea atteadeded to for aaoderate feea. Outo4Bc iaoppcatt the V. 8. Pauat OfBoa, and wa can obtain ratenu fes aaedie ordmwtaar. Wc advise as to ability free of charge ; and we make no charge We refer here, to the th Huyn. of Money order Dtv. and to OfBec Forcircolar. ad of that, a Patent oactaal eUeut to yum earn or county, addrsaa C, A. SNOW &COa, Otaxstts Patent Ofeee, Washington, D . HEALTH AND HOME." Port Chester I. T. CIRCULATION 63,000.: Edited by - W. H. HALE, M, D This ia large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home. marriage, social science, domestic medl "! rtSh MatlaMtsaai t it a av-xa fa a aa am aw ' ' vV KfVSVUtA7 J SSaSJA aTAftsfaf AT SJa PWHVIMJ f cookery, hints on bealtk, dietetics, and every realm of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morale, and make home happy, Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Tear. Addresav- DR. W.H.HALE, ' Health and Home." Fort Cbeeter, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber of the Democrat who paya up or in advance. OF ANOTHER ACE. iiradaally Happlaated by a Better Article Certain let Times are Ooae Away. Ia the general reception room of the Western Union Telegraph building on Droadway, Mew York, are exhibited the coarse, aad clumsy Instru ment of the Infancy of the telegraph. They are only relics low. More perfect machinery has mper sedsd them. rears ago what is styled ths old-fashioned Dornni plaster did some good service. There was then noah log better of tbe kind. Now all that has changed. science ana studr have rone daener Into th of meeaefae ana prodoeed BENSON'S C AFC INK POfi OUS PLABTKK, wbieh embodies all the exeellencles thus far possible in an external remedy. The old pueters are alow the Capcine ia rapid ; they ware uncertain the Capcine is sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that seme ttty dru;git dose not deceive you. Price Soabury Johnson, Chemist, New York. Quimby House. QDHBI & KEESEY, Proprietors. Cor. 4th sand C.ffftfS.. Portlaud.Or ONE OF THE FINEST AjfD MOST complete hotels in Orewon. f?nnd not ed both by American and Sw-opean plans ah toe inoaern improvements, J40 nod rooms, wall famished, light, and we ventilated. First.ol- eni.uf .mi, barbershop, An oi;tr ml tl latest coo veal ensM. a coon cfjajrcE von smscniBCKs. To every subscriber to the Democrat who pays up his subscription and con. tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him tbe "Health snd Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eight page, forty column, monthly pap, and is full of excellent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the paper sent to them will please j fsbste -so at time of paying their subscript A aaaa, whoar suffering trosa the Indiscretions or aanasas a as net sous ana payaw . aoeiety, damawnaegr. platpiwoatas Baaed i lotrkea, etc. srv eiaai it ax appljinsr cumpiat n t- no poetuv car to OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. Patronise tnrn who .lvertle. They MS alive, Thay mean bastsea They einweelat she aewspapar. Th.v ar the iiieu ta deal with, Pullowlog la a list of tit Dbmovrat'h advertisers this week, in Albany. Call on thorn : fAanaaai Mervhaii.ll.eB R Youiur. Montelth asttanbach,K II Allan, A I,. UrooarlM - Hoffman Juiti. I rum Agricultural Implement Peters at Bialn, W U Goitre, B K Young-, J t.mdwohl. . Hardwara Faun A htew.rt, J uraswohl. rtotfHSf Ti Pliln Orusa Faahay dt Uaton, K W Lenadon and Co.. Archk Frxuha w . tovaa and Ttu war-- John llrlga. Furnllura A 0 Woodlu, llrlnk and Bon. Ghalra L Putnam. Mill.iiary -Kmma echubort. MatUa AUlaon, Mettle Foster. ade wnika idtaaia and J Iron Work-Cherry and Parkas. A V Chany and Sou. Marble Work- A Btahror, (1 W Harris. Ktttur- - Kal Orown i Mills. s, M Magnolia Mills. bumbarAlbaay Saw Mill. Tobacco, Knives, ate -Sent Cuban. Mat 1 8 Roberta. Il.,t-. Kevare llouar. Rastauraitt Jos Msdy. PaUak-H Kenton. Share or Hair Out- L Campeau, Jos. Wsbosr. tuiitlrv Sn W Ylnif Lssral Advloa R gtfahen.Powau sod Bllyeu. J K Wcalhcrf.,r,l. J J Whltns.v.L 11 Montenve. Medical Advtea0 W Mastoa. 4 P Wallsee. M II KUia, J Wand Mary T Cola . mmimmmmmmmmmmmm FALL AND WINTER STYLES . u Ji mj unhJTUltl'PH sMHfl u a a. ws, uvitnuiu, v,, 1 1 . .... . ...... aU Uu8 VHM VaT16tl88 01 tt88lffil8, jm from lew Tori: Oity, AT Mattie Allison's Just east oTS, E. Yoang's If yOU WOUld make yOUr Selection. I of millinery from a complete and first-class stock call on her, Sea Lion Silver Polish, This polish ta man a fart n rod from sub marine vsgafsble substancas and will not mark or scratch the softs metals. For cleaning and nolbdtlog fine plated ware. jewelry aad gfam, vwo challenge the world for it equal, nam pie boxes teeut by mall for 25 cents, liberal discount tc agents and wholesale dealers. Addreaa Albany, Oregon. MADY'S Laoch House Battanrant. r dd i n e i h lellowaTrtupIr, 11 ALBANY, OREGON 1B1LS IT ALL lerjBS ALL PRICES. a H Eastern, 8 heal water and Vaqaini Bay Oyaiera. ALWAYS ON HAND I W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAT PRESSES, STEEL WOODS. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Orestett Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iassf appetite. nwel costive, Pta In the head, with a dull sensation in tb fb fgivt. Pia aaSer the shoulder, blade, Fallaea after eattas. with a dls Inellna tlou to exertion of body or mind. Irritbllltr of temper, Low spirits, with a. feeling of having aeglected same da ty. Weariness, Dizzlneee, Flu tteri n at the Heart, Dote before tho eyes, Headache " a right eye, Restlsssasss, with fitful dreams. Hishly eelered TJrlae, aad CONSTIPATION. TfJTT'S PILI.S are especially adapted to such esses, one dose effects such a change offeellng as to astonish tbe sufferer. pyJnimH 'tff stTm1! nourUhsd, and by tbclr Tonic Action on runs HAIR DYI Grat Haib or Whiskies changed to a Qzossr Black by a single application of ppucauon or at oolor, act Druggists, or mu wis. is imparts a natural oolor. act instantaneously. joia by sent by express on reoslnt of at. Office. 44 Murray St., Now York. F OR SALE, Good farm 12 miles southeast of Lebanrn 160 acres. 50 asres timothy and clover meadow. 50 wheat land in caltivattioo. W. watered. Call on W M Phillips on the place Administrators Notice. Notloe is hereby given that the nndsr- signsd bss been duly appointed Adminis trator of tbe estate of Mrs M C Bumnus. deceased, by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons bavin claims against tbe estate of said deeeas are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same properly verified to ths nn dersigned at Harrtsburg, Linn county, hereof, within six months from the date November 8th. 1884. J. P.ScHooniKO, 9 Adssinistrator. bbbbbb! Iftsflgagf TPsHtjVlBawgmKggBsW "wmfjKaa. , Jjfcfjr Jmm Sl SfBTljB FIIIDAY DBOBMBEB 26, 1684 W ABIKTO-4 UrfTM (rrsm ear nularorrsepoiidanl.) WaReokoTon, Do. 6th, 1884. I'he first weak la Coo gross bee been passed In comparative peaoe. The house and Senate assembled In on tbe approaching Democratic ad- m 3 f -far - fjrw - ministration. The Presidents vale- dictory meetfage waa received and read with the usual formslltles. The tarlft which It was tstd might not, could, would, and should not coma up thls winter, bobbed np serenely on the first day or toe eeeslon, and it is more I than probable -that It will bob op again and again during the present session. The moat prominent a use- . , tlon In American Politics to-dav ia - ' w I how to deal with the surplus reve- mi sot anil this nu net inn mnnni Vw. I and tbu iHuliul wllk... v wuuu evc-FHiuK uu too very 1 ... . seytauive toes 01 me lann. The rev- I enues of the government exceed tbe expenditures by more than one nun- dred millions annually. This ia aim. pie enough. What ahall he done wlth thia surplus this dead capitals sVi i mere's tbe nib. Borne eays build navies, deepen harbors, dig d lichee, aSBA a a. - . . .... I utners aay : apply it to the extinction of the national debt A school of homeopathic statesmen (and they are Dt 80 Very oIiker wlih 10 "P-1 xf bum aiue, aim nuprurn mall facllltlee. A school of allopathic atateamen desire to reduce tbe con- geeted Treasury by heroic doeea of (then males have black or brown eyes a a a . -... aa aa .1 rree oisnKcis,rree sugar, anurroc saw material. A dangerous quack and charlatan proposed the uncoostltu- Uonal remedy of distributing the root of all evil among the state gov- ernraenis. Mr. jauro, and sir. Hew- w it tn azieus to do something this eeealoo. Mr. Carlisle Is of opinion that nothing can be accompli bed io the sixty three working dsys that re main 10 the present Coojrre. Bat sooner or later something must and will be done. The snfenmi qoeetlon of the time cannot be evaded by Con grass forever. Mr. Blaine arrived In the city with .uu uroen w vnn etcgam . a . A I r na nni uinirsn rr t aiasaaiiir i Windooo. It . ... v ia i ts saiu na win reenme i work oo his Sliesrea history. The ex-candidate looks aolte as well aa a- - I When he lea the ClIV last Jane. I mean his health arte-ar. tn hn aa -ww good aa then, btit the cl clonic Sf its- - - - - i on nf kia ii v. uw vsiistuuK ntuutuoua iiia have given him a ruined, domonaral sort of an eatireasion. titan. Taaran looks that way too, but he Is u ted to mm It, and is not so touch downcast as he Igmearcd to m sovtm yastrs ngo when the sreat western Independent party Judge David Dsvls beat hint In the race for the Senate. The Democratic Members and Sen ators are brim full ofhapplnees, but they carry their Joy more dcoorooaly Ik. a.... . a l "Ujr F. ooiy a lew oii them step over. At is on tne Washington govern- meut clerk that the pall of defeat hss eauiea use a wet nianket. it may .a. a BaB a . m m m . sr be seen in tbe "dejected havlor of hie vieege," In his heavy gait, In his Voice from Which the defiant note has parted. He would bean object of pity if be were more of man and patriot .ad i . uiia nd hn- te.mne.DU7. III. LpoU. to have compassion on tbe thieves who stole tbe presidency io 1876, or on their dependants who have oaten the oread of theft so loog. There is much talk about tbe In auguration, and tbe dedication of tbe Washington monument Admiral Bupont'a monument wiU also be ded icated this winter. Monuments bid fair to be the principal Industry of tbe capital city, and the next census will show a wonderful increase o bronze Generals, Admirals, horses etc Several mere statutes are under way, and it is a carious fact that not half of the residents of Washington know who half of the statutes are for. Lincoln, Washington and General Scott have two apiece, and a small squad ron of generals 0f the late war have equestrian statue. Wo are tbe youngest and least warlike of all tbe nations of the earth, and yet we have a larger number of monuments to war than France or Germany . There is a strong inclination among Democrats to return tbe simplicity of the fathers In the inauguration of tbe president-elect. Thomas -Jefferson bestrode his good horse and rode alone to the capital, died bia horse to a poet and went in and took the oath A . J9 msr rat . ot once. jar. uieveianrj might do the same thing. Tbe post bsdi been removed, but be could got a colored citizen to hold the horse for five cents. Birds are without lips or teeth, the jawa being covered with horn forming a beak, ibis varies greatly in shape, being extremely wide in the whippoor will, remarkably loog in the pelican, stout in tbe eagle, and slsndef in tbe hummer. It is hardest in those that tear or bruise their food, and! softest in water birds. The tongue is also cov ered with a horny sheath, ita chief functiou being to secure the food when in tbe month. It is nronortionallw j largest and most fleshy in the parrots. cuttiai s rAT. OU b now extrsotad from tba aacds of grapes in Italy. Young grapaj yield most, and black kinds more than wbita. Dr. Wood baa found that, with a bird's capacity for eating a man oould consume a whole round beef for din ner. Tbs making of large lenses is a mat ter of many difficulties, as mar be inferred from tbe fact that there have been ninetein failures to oast the 36 inch glass fer tbe great big Lick tele- scope to be mounted in California. In 1830 so adult blsok parrot from Tit, lauuaiAKv:,- rsvar isr. Madagascar was placed la the soologi- loal oolleotionof lirgent'a Park, London, where it remsined fifty-four yesrs. Oa its death, a few days sgo,lt waa spoken of as the oldest inhabitant of tbe gar- den. An eptdemio of consumption, in a villas near Weimar, Germany, baa been traced to the food supply. A Sock of obiokeoe had access to tbe mat- a iiessnssrsf 1 be a oonsu motion S w patient and became dieeaeed, imparting .1 r. (...mhI .mt. utlm. m. .u.w..ww r s I.. . m . their neao. Thn lansrnaaa of cm era Laa svidnudv a) ' reoaived considerable attention from Dr. a a Abbott, as be avers that they have twenty-eeveo distinct cries, oalls or utteranoea, each readily dis- tinguishaUe from the others, and eaeb 0av1ov an uamisUkaUe eonneetbn with carUiu class of actions. When both parents have eyes of the same oolor, eighty-eight per oent of tbe children follow their parents in thia and of the twelve per cent noni syce other man toe parental eobr a part most be attributed to in- iermittent heredity. More fsmalee in lb(J proportion of forty-nine to forty-five. With different colored eyes B iha two parenU fifty-three per oent of the children follow the fathers in being dark eyed, end sixty per cent frdioa th.: mnthar in taainw darb ! wwaajsi w war a mm m wwse wwwfla wwi mm -mwj -mw-mmw German boUniet has given in of the Jaodificatlon of plants by insects so aa to produce new varieties. The number of living spedartetss known In the animal kingdom ia at least S00,000,of which more than nine. Ka in In mmt tabealsas Karsrrifnsmts In Eoel.nd have ahowa that free and oil are ahoet eooallr aood . .. . t Ma iimi nnum tnn iml in. aiiLn "W - iuk i. a ik-r in wMik- u-ui.. i i r e M " rv. mW. DUI BnlSBOIV DUV U IUUU IB I UK. I cvs inutu Huniwifuuuii fi . tt.u ia t. . ....r. T T . TTT i saeaas w oaustng patnteaa uoavo, ana i i i t u naa iumuuuw t ums assv iiusss iw I I t rua. i- ra.j. qa.. I svKw, iu uvuwsua ana aawaia . t t-ni i i t. . -. .a ;.t. . i . . . i aw stativM smv viiivvw a as m wutsiu" i b anaBiHwrvvBwsra wti ii aa m i i n i a ni naa w rann ar U(i chloroform vepor, when they b ewaaB amwawaaa w mm mm aaaa a w a v va aeaaa a w aa tranquilly fall ssleep aad wake no the surveys of tbe Gulf of it appears that ita area is 695.000 square miles, aad that tbe area of the surface included within the 100 fathom line ia 387.000 saoare miles more than one-third of tb baTiog m h of leat than ICO I tth-,r. Tb- aM.i.i rAmA dtb i-, the Uulf U 2119 fatboma, tbe mean I daoth being 858 fathoms. f. iak.u.. a aML. u. mA.,.k u a a A luwivvjia seta' v s as wao sww w as a " I situated underneath the head, and coo- hrirts of a aoft upper Up, then a pair of upper jaws provided with a short feeler, belew which is a thin lower lip. Then I riu- .in nr n.mKMnn. .nr h. ,hi.h m ..j ..,r. .od , tbtM of toot JU Tb. horse shoe crab hss no special ieW,the .... a thighs answering the purpose. Aak far "Rough oa for Ceagha. Oolda, iaru, at lis. lAeakl Ma roashas, files, sals, bed-bugs skuoks, chipmunks, gephsrs. ars. lee. Druggist Pains. Palpitation, Dnpaloal Swslllnga. DLrzinaas, Xndl gstSlua, Has seek, Bsm cured by "Wetta Renwr. faengk em Corns. " Ask Bar Wail' "Bottehon Corns." asstpliti sure. Hast er soft corns, watts, n Pa l a" Btrensthttur. Improved. tb beat for Backache, neuralgia. Thin People. "Well's Health Re newer" restores health sad vigor parse aiyspspaia, it eaaaaae, wares, vejetnty,!. Wheoptag tangb, asd the many Throat A fractions of children, P. Pi tip and safely rellod by "Hough oo Coughs. Troches, Its. ; Balaam, tie. M there. U you ar falli ag, broksn, woru out and nervous. uso ' W.lls' Usaltl in itsnewer." tl. UrtumsU. Life Preserver. If you are losing your gnp on Health Rene wer." Qoea direct to lit, try "Wells' waa ; apota. 'Beagla oa Toothache. Inatant relief for Neuralgia. Tooth ache, Paaeaehe. Ask for "Rough oa Toothache." U and M Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshness and vivabUy. Don't fall to try " wens' ueaits Ksnswsr." Catarrhal Threat AWsetleaw, Hacking, Irritating Coughs, Colds, f by ' Roagh on Coughs." Torches, Borw Threes, eared 15c. Liquid, she. stemgh oa Itch. " "Rough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, froated feat, chilblain. The Maps ef the Hstlsa, Children, alow in deyelopmeot, puny, acrawuy,and delicate, use "Wells' Haajth Ken-wer." WMe Awake a. three or four hours every night eonghing. Get 1 as- mediate relief and sound rest by nalng Walla' "Reinh en Coughs, " Troohoe, 16c. ; Balaam, tee. -'Boogh aa Pale" Poroosed Plaster, asaf.'o t Inf. imoroved, the est for bwk o.wO orsids, rhasnastlsnt, uorlgm, Coos." Sheriff's Sale. In the Cinuit Court q the 8UU of Oregon for the County of Linn I Tbs Doadss Mortgage aodTruat Investment Company (limits l.) flaintiff. VI. Asa H I'stcreoa aad Susannah Peterson his wife, J K Weather (ord and G F Crawford ss Assignee of the est to of the said Asa H Pstsrspn an iosolvsnt debtor. Defendants. NOTICE la bsisby given that by virtus sf a writ cat sxseutisn and ordsr of sals israsd oat of tbs above named Court in tbs above entitled auit to me directed snd deiivsrsd, 1 will oo aaturday ths 27th dsy ot December, loot, at ths hour of 1 o clock, p. at tffts Court House doer in tbs City of A lossy, Lena county, Oregon, soil at public auction for wash in hand to tbs toigbsst bidder ths rsal property described in said ordsr of state ss follows, towit i Tbe south half of ths donation land claim ef Ass H Peterson sad hia wile buasansh, eittiate ia Sscteoa sixteen, seventeen, twenty and twsnty-ons in Township twslvs, south range two weet tn nm w iiiainevvo iimmuwu, savs and exoenUnu that nart thereof sold and eeavsvsd by two deeds ef ceaveysoee, tbs one of which is to Melissa J Klutn and the othsr of which is to David H Fsterson amount of land remaining tn said south half of ssid donstion land claim being tws bna dred acre. Also ths following described tracts of land, to-wit .' 1 tog inning at tl th east oorner of tbe donation land elai of John M Burgs snd bis wifs Julia A. ia Ksstion thirtv-siz ia Township twslvs. south range two west aad ia bsetion eae Township thirtasm soath rsna two west of ths Wtllem sttemsridiaa and running tbsnes aortb nine teen chains and sigbty st Unas ; tnsnoe west thirty 4svsa chains snd ssventy-nvs imas i south leee iweaatasi sawnss ea thirty-ssvsn chains and ssvsuty-lvs links to the place of bsgioning.sonUming seventy five scree mors or less, all situated io Lias county, Otfwfots. Tbs oraeeedo arising from ths sale ef sstd real propsrty to be applied, first to tbs pay meat of the easts and expenses sf tbe suit taxed at S47.bC and f290 Attoiaeys fsss.and sosruiog costs. Second tosh payment be fsae Plaintiff tbs sum of t)206 with scorning intsrsst tbsreoo st the rsto of 12 per eeat taar annum from the 27th day of Ootober, IBM, aad e restdns if aay remain tn pay to sbs dsfeadanB. O F Crawford, Asfdjnss ss sfers ssid. Dated this 19th dsy of Novsmbsr, lftfM. J. K. Cmaui.tos, Sbsriff ef Lien county, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of fAs SuUe of Oregon for the Countu o Linn : A J Jam.gan, Putin tiff, vs. M I Smith sad ML Hamilton, Defendant. Notice is bareby given that by eirtos of a writ of exsontioa snd order of sale issoad eat of th ahoea named eon rt in the above titled scttoo to me directed aad dslieorsd, I will oo Monday, the 22od day of Deosmbsr, IBM. at ths boar of 10 o'clock a m. of ssid day. at tbs Court Haass doer in tbe city of Albany, Liaaooaoty. Oregon, ssll at pabUe suction for cash ta hand to tb hlghsst haa dsr the following described rsal property to wit s Manias at a point 217 75-100 fast aad 07 fa eoath of tbs soath ar eat corner of 1S Ma. IJfAmtaesitT of Hcio. lioa oounty fhisssii aad ranatagthaaos soath oboe t 400 fsst to the center of Thomas Creek, then - .i .i . i . -- ta a wssssriv atraouoa sewn aaaa ewwam ioi lowins? the maaaderiog eoarss tberecd aboat ?i 1 5 T. of beinaAng eentatamga s-io i ma bnarii oi atu aaw u aa auuiieu I . . . . at 1 i - 1 Firat to th Mvtnaot of tbs cast sad dts- .kt. h.a tn tk na 1 tnsnt to the DUiattBons hall ef all moneys I 'a . a. I V?XFZ?1J2J1 I BSan OSate. mini tui hm ivswhi resedas of ssid prcosad be applied to the psytnent to tbs pUiutttT of said sum of HHa.7 i sr SO tnocn toersoi ss msy ns aeossasry I ths rsstdas if any be paid to said M u:.l t... i i oeaian or ui oru. i .. . ....... . v i io. uaua MU nil uar di norvanr, in. J. K. c has ltd-. Sbsriff of Uaa county. Oregon Notice Of AflSiglime lit. NOTICE la hereby given that Isaac Me Clung, of Uaa county. Oregon, hss nsds a assent of u bit propsrty to toe for th benefit of his creditors under aa act of the Ugialatars of Oregon no titled "Aa set to secure creditor a iuat division of ths estates of debtees wbo ooevey to assignee lor the nsosns or erens a.aa ai a tore" aoproved Oct 18th, 1078. AU per-. eons h via onuoM aga'net the estat ot saw Isaac McClung ar hereby ootiftert sod re qatrwd to present ths same aader oath to ths uadsrstgnsd at Atbaay, Oregon within tares Mtbs frem tbe date ef this oostos. Dated Dec. 3rd, 1884. C. H. S raw abt. g A UN DOOR HANGINGS, Are always oraaxing, nntess yon have 5 'oVg'bt0-' cannot Jump the track and will last a Ufa Don't bang another barn door un til yon have seen tnem Pinal Settlement. vJZZZrZ,T tb. Notice la hereby given that the under- algn Administratrix of the eatate of D. II. Sodtoe, deceased, haa filed her final account as such Administratrix in tbe I County Court of Linn county, Oregon ,and by order of said court, Saturday tae iotb i r r- t oak . . u. u . i - -t!ZJ rL-T -Tn T " - I e eioaa, a. ta., umm uewn mm lor ius ummt- tug ot aata aooouui ana tae oojocmwb thereto. Any person interested in said eatate is hereby nodded to appear and file his er her objections to said account en or before said day. Albany, or., November I7tn. loot. Maboabbt BsnuitE Admlnl ilntsnati trix mere ate money than at any WSST at by takiar the best aallinr hook out. Bscinners sac- rrandlr. Nan fail. Terms fra. lUi.urrr Boos Oo. rWUaeai, Mains, Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hum County. John A Crawford. L Fllnn and B Brnar. Plain' tiffs, Vs. John Beard and Ambrose Board, Defendants. OTIC ia hereby given that ty virtue of aa exeeuuoa aad ordsr of lata issued out of the abev named Court In th above nUUedealtto m directed and delivered, I will on Saturday th 10th day ot January, 1886 at the Court House door In the city of Albany, Lien oountv, Oregon at the hour of on o'clock, p. m , sail at public auction for eaah in hand to the highest bidder the real property describ ed tn said order of sale aa follows ; to-wlt : Begin, nlng at the southwest oorner of seoUou eight in township twelve, sooth range this west of ths Willamette meridian In Linn county, Oregon aad running thence east 80 rods ; theaee north S00 rods ; thence west 14 rods ; theaee south 900 rod ; thane east 04 rod to the plaes of beginning, containing ISO acre. The proceed. arising from the sale of said premises to be applied aa provided in said order of sale, Brat to the payment, et the oosts and disburse menu of suit taxed at the enm of S184. 55 aad Mere lag oosts, Seeond to the payment (prorata) to eaah of the Plaintiffs herein according to their several amounts to-wlt -, to the PUlnnff John A Crawford the aum of tl 191. 61 with Interest thereon at the rate often per eeat per annum from the 25th day of Sep tember, 1888, and the further aum ot fJSO.tO aad to the PlalBtiff L Klinn the aum of SSsl.OJ with Interest throSAtthratof tea per aeatper annum from the 9th day of March, 1881, snd tbe further aum of 819,10 aad to the Plaintiff B Brenner the aum of 8722,81 with Interest there at the rate of oa per seat . per month from October tad, 1888 and the farther earn of $18 aad If anything remain the aame to ha paid over to the defendant Ambrose Beard. Deled thia 11th day ot Deoomber, 186. J. K. CHaBXTOX, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. OREGON SHORT LINE, Fast mfebt and Passage Boats, B. CAMPBELL, Geieral Agent. JJo. 1 Washington St., Portland, Or. JULIUS GRADWOHL Have tbe only exclusive stock ef ' ' - e CKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea ajidugaf, ONE -DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM. TH IIIOIII:ST JIIAIIKKT PRICE PAID FOR ib m llemeiLiberi What I Say I Mean. Sire Ke a Call GOODS A8 LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. 0FFM4 -PIlOVfclETOKS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN '. ' jr Imported and Domestic Cigar s, Ctuxdiee. Nuts tmd VlbaXla, ONE LOR BELOW AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STOEET, HAS COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa any house In tbe alley, lie ta so Inn porta nod man a factor TIN, SHEET IRON OF EVERT DESCRIPTION IN STOCK HON AT D, A rviAt GENU! GRANITE ALL OF WHICH HE TO THE COMPETITION. CALL AT 71 FIRST 8TUEET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at reasonable figures. vilrls Sheriffs Sale. In ike Circuit Court of the 8'aU of Ortyon for Linn County -. John R Baltimore, riaintfl. a. I C Dickey, Lonlaa Dickav hi wife, D I Mason snd Kl Fawn. Defend uts. VTOTICE ia hereby given that by virtuo A.'v, or an exeeution and order or sain issoad out of tbe above named Costrt in tbs above entitled suit to me directed and deiiversd.l will on Saturdsy ths loth day of January, ltmo, at tae hour l o'clock, m. at the Court House door in tbe cin of Albany, Linn county, On-gon, ml) ax eubUo auction for cb in band to tbo Ighsst bidder tbe real property describee in said order of sale as follows, to-wit : Lasts numbered two (if) and seven (7) io Block one hundred and nineteen (110) in Backleman'a AddlUon to tbs city of AJ bear aa tbe sains ia numbered, dsansmated and described on tbe maps and plats of said addition now on file In the office of the County Clerk of Lion oountv. Oregon Tbe said premises being th east half of tbe weet half of said Block UU aforesaid Tbe proceeds srtsing from tbe sale of said real property to be applied : First to the payment of the oosts and expanses of suit . taxed st Tit 80 snd tbe coat snd ex pensee of sale ami Booming oosts. Second to the payment to the Plaintiff the sum of $570.56 with accruing interest thereon at the rate ef ten per cent per annum from tbe 81st day of October. 1884. end tbe fnr tber sum of $50 Attorneys fees. Third the overplus If any there be, be paid to tbe defendant I C Dickey bis heirs or assigns, Dated this 5th day of December, 1884. J. K. Chabltok, Sheriff ot Linn county, O-egon. Sheriffs Sale. 7a (he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. D P Porter aa Administrator of tbe estate of R M Elder, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. J O Elder, Defendant. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of exeouUon and order of sale issued out of the above Court in the above entitled suit to me directed and de livered,! will on Saturday tbe 10th day of January, 1885, at the hour of 1 o'ekrek, p. m., at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction for eaah in sand to the highest bidder the real property described in said order ef sale as follows, to-wlt : All of his (Dafendant,s)rlght title snd Interest tn and to tbe following described real property, to-wlt : Beginning at a point 18-82 chains west from the southeast oorner of the northeast quarter of section IS and running tbenoe north 80.20-100 chstna ; thonoe east 88,44 chains; thence south 37 93 chains; thence weet 16.89 chains ; thence south 42.72 chains ; thence west 72 chains to the plane of beginning in sections 7, 8, 17 and 18 in Tp. 18, 8. R. 3 west in Linn county, The proceeds arising from tbe sale of said real property to be applied, first to tbe ooeta and disbursements of this suit taxed at 830.35 and the accruing coats of and upon thia writ, Seeond to the Plaint.fT the aum of $1617,91 with accru ing interest thereon at the rate of 10 per oent per annum from said 27th dav of Oc tober, A. D. 1884 snd S 150 Attorneys fees. December 5th, 1884 J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC At First stands. THIS WELL KNOWN H0US8 HAVE OPENED a Branch OfBce and Supply House at Cor, Front aad Tavler lUiaets PortUnd. Or,, where they wiU carry In stock Portable ana atauonary saw auua, Portable Ti action and Stationary engines and boilers. 'New Masaillon" threshers, hone powers, etc., etc.. Write tor illustrated catalogue sent free address (oaxo- ng this paper.) aari l ic. Portia ij ind.Orogjjn, e JOSEPH, Tobaccos, Groceries, Tropioal Fruits. - JOHN BRIGOtS' STORE. Oregon. ON HAND AS FINE AM AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. Alan H KEKPS Oft ASSORTMENT OF IRON WARE. PUBLIC AT PRICES. THAT ntrerr G. COHN Ss BRO., rnaua aa . 7 iurnum 51., - PORTLAilO, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE EALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Sheriff's Sale, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Jkr tstnn county. Mary A E Smith, Plaintiff. John r ostar and M O Faster, Defendants. NOTICE is hereby siren thai h a writ of execution and order of sale issued oat of the above nsiasd Court a thai It ass itinaaai I A a-k i I will on Saturday the 27th dav of Daha7 lfifil.. M...1 - II . . ... -- .uw h w, vwm moase uoor in Albany linn county, Oregon at tae hoar t l n'L-V p. m., of saad day, sell at public aaotioa for cash to hand to the highest isir the fol lowing described read property hsawfjafore attached in said action, to-wit : ins west ot the southeast 1 of Section 34, Tp. 15 8. .4 west, containing 80 scree in linn county, Oregon i aiso b-srhtnina at ths northwest corner of Setioo 3 Tp. 15 rV R. 4 west WiUamett sriflisa. running .hence esst 189 rods j thence sooth to aha aorta. Boundary line of th claim of Samuel McCaiiv i the esst boundary hoe of the claim of J acres Eogers ; thence north to the north boundary line of Section 4 in said Tp. and range and tbenoe esst to the pises ef beginning, containing in all 260 asres, all in Linn county, Oregon. Also the fcAlowiag rol property, to-wit ; Lots 7 and $ in Block 26 in ths City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon and also th following ; noiamsnsiBS at the south west oraer of Lot aio. 7 in Block 4 in said city of Albany, running tbsnes easterly alone th north sada of Fire street about 28 fast to the center of th west wail of J H roster's two story bffsak baud ing ; tbenoe ia a northerly course along ths center of ssid wall snd parallel with tbe west line of said Lot 7,100 feet to the alley j thence in a westerly eoarss on the sooth side of said alley to ths aortheaat corner of Lot 8 io ssid Block ; thence ia a southerly course along tho line between ssid Lots 7 snd 8 to ths pise of beginning, betag the piiaasiTj new occupied by Hoffman A Joseph ; sJso ths following described real property, to-writ ! Water f ...r V n fa in Alhum 1 is.. -- - w aa avav t 1MUO WBU 9M 1 Oregon, Lota Nos. 1 and 2 in Block No. 27 ia said city ; also the soath half of Block 71 ia said city of Aibauy ia Linn saanty. Oregon. The proceeds of sack sale to be applied, First, to the payment of the cost aad di bnrsements of salt taxed at 837.90, together with the oosts of and open this writ snd tbe costs of tbs sale. Second, to the payment no the plaintiff by the defendants, jetutiy tnd severally, the sum of 1558.21, with so iraing interest thereon from ths 10th dsy of November, 1884, at ths rate of ten per sent ieranuum. Tnird, to the payment of $56 attorney s tee, i north, the overplus if soy t here be to be paid to lbs party or parties entitled thereto. Dated this 20th day of November, BS84. J . K. Chabltox, Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon. il DDITC Send six eeat for praa,aa ft S BBBSbiBbS receire tree, a ooaUy box of rood s hieh wiU help you to mora money right away aha auyiniugaawjiniiuaworta. All ot ettoer ssssnom srst hour. The broad to fsrtuae opens before the workers, abaot aldraaa Taca and Co,, Aug, conn nnn " prassets give away. hVVlVVU us 6 cants peeSaaa, aad by a ail you wi. gat tie parkag of gaaas ef have v..lue, that will at on bring you la siirsy fasaar U an any thine elea in Aiaerlaa. Ail at eat thasaa ikO in preaenU with eaah box, Agents i waere, of either eex, oraiiagea, for all si are time only, to work tor us at thai t rt unes for as workers abaokitely aasiuaii. naa't- u lay, 11 . Haixxti. and Co., Portiaad. 15 EFORE YOU KILL YOUR HOGS vome to our store ax Aioany and see a nw tangled sausage mill just received from the East. It wbesn't taar the aseot b it cut it tike a pair of scissors. Gristiss and sinews cannot get thiougbt R with out being cut and you only have to run v 3ur meat through it once, Peters a Stew ti.