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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1884)
at the Post Office at Albany, Or, as second-class mail mattar. FRIDAY DBJEMBER 26, 1884 8TITE8 A Bnrrraro. Proprietor. nut r. MFrn , basal Mttar. Official County and City Paper, Cheap for cas h, a square grand Hal lette A Davis piano. Can be seen at residence of A. Siaiger. For particu lar address F. Bfgert, 109 First Street Portland, Or, Csurveat sveats. 80 inches of mow fell at the The Dalles last week, There itno(w) ess talking the WtUamette VaUey is only a fifth class snow country anyway la Wssaiagtoa th ether day a street ear ran any with MTtnd Ueeereosseea oa a down grade. Uafortaaately all of them recovered. Mode was whippel by Jack Brady ia San Fraaeutco last week It pains as to ohreai Is the fact that aeithar of the 1117 hoases hare been baUt ia Saa Fran cisco this year. 8. F. is evidently making ep for lost time. The Washington monument weighs 162, 340,000 pound. It has oast $1,187,710, about three fourth of a coat per pound. The government paid a cmU fraction of the snwunt, 8S3Y,710. The U.S. can act sad will net be outdone. A New York minister was arrested last week for illegal rating at the late election. The raioransd gentlemen who mixed petlHcs with religion have all had an unsavory time of It t for Befc eel eMetrtet Be 1. Following is the roll of tenor of sta in School District No. 7, 8 A De- Veney, teacher, shewing all with a standing of 80 per cent or over : R L Gitaon, A W Smith, J D Smith, J P Swank, Jay Swank, Beraie Marks, has Scott, Frank Parsons, Thomas Skelly, Charles Wallace, Haggle Story, John Miller, Mary Skelly, Katie Skelly, Era Seett, Fannte Smith, Tel ma Marks, Luster Wallace, Edxn Smith, Florence Story, Lucy Miller, America WcJlace, All Smith, EUa Smith, Reva Swank, Julia Swank, Lara Marks, Emma Story, Ida Smith. Soda Smith, each stood 100 in deportment, attendance and scholarship ; Ai Scott and Adolphns Bonier, 100 in deportment and scholar ship aud 93 In attendance ; Mack Wiley and Pred Bonier 100 In deportment and scholarship and 80 in attendance ; J ohn Boeler and Mary Parsons, 100 in deport ment and attendance and 95 in scholar ship. The above is an uncommonly good showing. Ceaactl rreessaxaga At the reaular meeting of the Common Council Tuesday evening among other things the following business wss transected : Petition of citizens for meeting to consider ditch question granted, and Saturday evening Jsa. 3rd wss appointed. Chief Engineer Hoffman reported that ar rangements had bean made with Mr Seam for horses ia case of fire daring deep Marshal wss ordered to nave Second St., cleared between Ellsworth and Washington and 'cross streets between First and Second. In esse of refusal Marshal to do work end tax same against property. Bonds for the following saloon ware accepted Max Baamgart, I brig, Harry rFalters, J A Gross, W m Peber, Chas Keifer. Bond of Ad Harmon was refused. Bonds of Recorder, Marshal and Treasurer accepted. The first of the year we presented a Ust of eligible young men for leap year young ladies. Only four have been captured, leaving the following, some of whom by the right in fluence might yet be subdued in the wcci that remains, all yet residing at Albany, ex oept as indicated i A T Arnsil, Leon Bona, W R Blain, Oscar Blount (Ashland), Whit Crawford, Tbos Callahan (Corvallis),L Campcan, Win Down Al Ewert, Robert Poster (Portland), James Fester (Newport), Geo Fish (Corvallis), Wm Henderson, Jac Had, John Hsusmaa, O fl Irvine, Johnny Erase, Frank Ken ten, Carl Lcderman, Prank sod Brace Mo Knight, Chas Mootsith, Tom and Mack Mouteitb, Taos Overman, Jas Pipes, Charles Hideout, Simon SeUenhech, Major George Strong, Walter Terrell, Joe Tyler, Goo Young 2nd. The good of the community demands that prompt be taken. Christines, to upon as with all lie pleas ant memories and hallowed associations. A day of elden times, what to new Linn county has seen but lew ohristmasee, Thirty-eight years ago not a baker's dos en warn in its present boundaries to oels brate the event in any form. If presents were distributed they were of a very Im provised nature. Old settlers tell us that then the day wan hardly thought of, those being "root-hog-or-dle" tinea. Previous to the year I860, several may be named who enjoyed the freedom of Linn county's noli, few of whom could be said to have been here at Christmas of 149, the gold fever having taken nearly all of the male residents to California, Among others we might name t John J and Jas Crebtree, of Solo, John McCoy, of Peoria, R C Find ley , of Craw fordsvillo, Gee Knox, of Albany, W A Peterson, of Albany, A It Petersen, of Lebanon, Frank Shedds, or Shedds, who oc me to Lan county in 1946. Wm Cyrus, of Solo ; Jen 8 Dickson, of Albany; SUaa Height, of Albany ; R C Miller, of Lebanon; Tbos Moatettb.of Al bany; Jas N Smith, of Peoria; A M Shot ton, of Jenrdan j J R Templeton, of Hal any ; Joe Wesson, of Lebanon, in 1847. JN Coon, of Shedds; Baa Cooper, of Albany: Milton and Newton Houston, of Albany ; Geo H Hughes, of Albany ; Mar tin Miller, of Albany ; Mr Ingram, of Albany; Wm Skinner, of Lebanon; J A Wilson, of Harrisburg; Jos Hamilton, of Oak ville, ta 1S4S, and Root Cochran, of Brownsville; John and Miller Morgan, of Shedds, In 1849, nearly all of whom are new living. a matter of Id tercet to msay not with the past history of Linn county, a abort review of the dates of the establish moot of come of Its present in stitutions will not ho out of place ea a Christmas Item, The house en the sooth west core or of Second and Washington Streets was the first one erected In Albany. A part of the rickety eld bam need as the Central sob ool s constructed in 1885, Walter Mootetth. J H Poster and J N MoOoanell the building commute. The h ouse a credit to Albany than, but Is far it new, though enlarged. The M B Cbareh was built la 1850, but hss been moved from its original alto; the U P Church in 1888; the C onarcerat ienal Church In 1864. The Court House wee finished in 1343. The railroad reached Al bany in December, 1170. The Uantlam Ditch wae built In 1878. Albany Ool- Institute wee opened In 1887, the Albany Bank in 1871. The Are t wee organised In 1889. The Mill wae erected in 1881, hnt greatly improved since ; the Albany City Mills were built by Mr Tbos Man- teith in 1888; the Albany Custom Hills constructed for a warehouse in 1888, the Red Crown Mills in 1878: Zevss A Hochstedler'e pinning mill in 1884 ; the factory of Beat A Althouee in 185S aa a planing mUl ; Robinson dt Want's Saw Mill in 1875; the Star Brewery la 1870. are sufficient to show the gradual but steady sexes to of the city. At Browdwville the Woolen Mills were erted in 1888, the first buUdlng destroyed, ead the present one soon boOt. The Sentient Academy at Lebanon founded In 1854, Prof Gilbert having been at Us head for a great many years, the Work. Ia oar last issue wo ?aye an account of the freezing to death of yonng Frank 8 keels just across the river from this sity in Benton county. . Owing to the deep snow and the great distance from the family burying ground, (about five miles) the burial was do toyed until Monday of this week with the hope that the weather might moderate to sneh en extent that a team and vehicle might be ased in conveying the body of the deceas ed to the cemetery. Bat on Monday the weather growing worse, a band sleigh wss improvised end eight men were ready and with brave hearts hauled the corpse three miles when tbey were completely exhausted from the great kbor of dragging the sled through nearly two feet of snow. A relay of tea other men as ready and in this wsy the deceased wss conveyed to bis last resting place Rev Jndy of this city assisted in mis laborious sad sad work. Below we give a list of marriages oc curring In Linn oonnty since Jan. 1st of this year, to date, so fores returns hare been made In the County Clerk's office t AMVAMT , 1884. 4, IF Hadley and Ktla Tyler. 8. D H Antrim and Mary S Gllllland, 18. Eugene La Forest and Llisie Hasoa. 14. Geo H Warren and Martha Keeney, 18. Elmer Morris and Ida M Patter son, 17, Riley H Carl and Ella Hoi man. 17. Wm H Myers and Olive 0 Clark, fit. Daniel Mewery and Mary O Fox. 81. At ber..FtBryn,aod Nellie J Brewer. vnamuanT. 8. Samuel Simons and Mary Llndley. 18. W W fiandford and Elisabeth E Ftndley. 14 John 0 Orabb and Kittle Shaffer. 18. Jas FTaylor and Amanda M Thorn p- 81, Wm Brenner and Mary F Harris. 89. Fred W Blnmberg and Annie L Powell. 8t Arthur Savage and Mary 0 Onpp. 88. Preston 8 Phtlbroek and Nancy Hubbard. 87. Frank Belskew end Alios HoulL tseaem 1L Frank Taylor and Fannie Miller. 18, Harry W Welters and A thai la Slaw- 19, D E Burdsm and Addle Brown. 30, F G Morris and Rona Fruett. 17. Ed L Thompson and Amanda Irvine, 87. J W MoOonnoll and Nettle S Mont gomery. araiL. ' 8ft. D P Marshal and Minnie A Houston. 80. Elmer B Montagus and Mary S Gilbert. a st. 11; Daniel M Funk and Flora M Smith, 7, Geo M Paul and Elisabeth O Martin. IS. Jno W Chamberlain and Hvs Wat- 18. J J McDonald and Ella Saltmarah 88, John Palmer and May Gregory, 88, Geo W Pickens and Mary J Cooper, 7, John Tracheal and Ronton Spring, 88. Wm M Morgan and Rhode Stsveaa, rona. 15, John N Will and Mary 8 Weir. 4. E J Forsyth and Mary I Templeton, 7. Veliyo O Cos and Serena Batcher, It. Washington Tom and Adeline Berry. 98, Perry Me Queen and Mary 1 15. A B) Veodcrwalker end EUa Holt, It? Olid J Keasr and Msrgaret 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS. By iu cols sasss. F M French, jeweler, The bsst harness st J J Dubrull ton Benton county pays taxes ea 83,819,588 Go to Coarad Meyer for Ohrittmea gro ecries. Mercery 18 above sere Wednesday Mem tog. The days am aew beginning tc extend thsir limits. Mercery 11 degrees above Wednesday morning, Trade was peraltoed hi Portland by the snow blockade. Post efloo will be open Christmas from 10: 80 a, k. to 1 r. m. No ssetarn mail. Traits being blocked in all along ths line. No Lebanon or Corvallis msil siaoe Thurs day of last week. Tuesday morning the mercery stool at If above aero. Rare bargains in books at New York Nsvslty leek Stare, Union sorviom next Sueday eveeiag el ths UPandMR Cherokee. New Wands of tsbsses jest received e A BrownoU's. The school boons el Colfax wee burned ea Thareay of last week. Beets have been running this week ea the raging waters el the Witless sits. Yoe oca bey holiday goods al French's al yoar owe prices until Jen. let, Sweeping redectioa ia the prices of boll The holiday trade has been knocked to the heed by ths deep Twesdsls keeps a aloe line el Ma and cop per ware, ead does repairing la good shape. The Benton County TseoSsr's Institute wss bold ea Dec, SSed, sad tooted two days. As-A. B. Moll wain's one be found ea Im mense stock of A 1 tobacco, which to y cry popelar. Dr. M. H. Ellis, phyetotoa sad surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made to oily or oooatry. If yea weal seme genslee Nsw Orleans molasses, yon can find it in bulk al Read A BrownoU's. Wo kayo it, Germ Middlings la 8fi seeks, ths beet thing eat for breakfast. Try it, Readk Browne U. We ii lllliiijgesi in Albany for delivery Tkeee are aeed to scons ptoses with ararrs or ism is una eeesrr. JAfffaAT. 4 T P 0 A of Albany ed jeuraed aim set last Ssaday. Hotel banted st H sissy en ftatardey. 11. Match heal, W B Scott, 0 W Welts, Captains. Seers, former, 1605 toller 1185. School opened in Albany Monday with Prof BUI as Principal. Death of Rev J D South. 18. Daaoona gives desoriptiye articles en Line eeeaty. Indian Oeerge stabbed aeer Ubanee. Oept Joan Smith died el East Pert land. Another match heat, Scott's team, 8180, Watt's team, 1078. 88, Dr Bill discovers come Indian's skulls. IS, On Mondsy J NHsfmao elected Chief sad Yirgil Parker Assistant Chief of Albany Fin Department. Attempt to rob County Treasurer's safe early Meaday momini 18. Tremendous snow storm eel to) day night. Bastasss stopped, trains blocked, Christmas trade "boated." N Solomon, a drummer dice fram exhaustion in city. Freak Studs f rosea to death. Deetli el Mrs Freak Shedds, Golden wsddieg of Mr end Mrs G W Wormoth of Halsey. Louis Miller tog broken by feUtog swelng. rtuiMTaut a rials Saejetts rssacaagr. Burglary cf coat, etc., to Orisons pre- Ohertos Spangle arrested. Chi New Tsars at seed. Flay "Above the deeds" imam at Albany. 8. Leap Tern bell at Lebanon. Several lien Co. people setae! iy new Sal livaa al Portland. Loop Tear parly at Par ishes HalL 18. Tempersaec Alliance Wednesday a Batosy. Skating. Pollers of Foster S Oe, Beeofltball al Uwsea warehouse. St Big match baalal Knox Butte, Khex's team, 8848 , PeweU's teem. 4704. 17 laches of anew cm ground. Death of Lewis Cox, 88. Dmw of AS Neeay called last. 8 S Convention held st Halsey. suaos. T. Albany oohooi mooting held Monday, W 0 T U Rail dadioatoA Tesehovo held al Halsey March let, 10. Otreail Ooarl to osostos. Joke Mar- had f rosso fed am nutated. Ieep year party at Peoria. Death of John Heaxmaoeetaines. SL Ohsrtos Ftotoyeoa foe ad guilty of murder. School hoees lag voted el school meeting ie Albany Judges Burnett sad Boies dsliversd sddrocam at Court Hooss oa Mortgage Tea Lew, Ool Hogg received T day eveeiag. 38. Death el Mm Nancy Martin. ewBBSs 4, District Teacher's lastiUta to Notwithstanding e President is electee one thiag is certeie, sad thai is, that A B Me- Ilweia, el his mammoth store, is sleeted le seUsa maxxss stock or aeons fall, tameis he has them, He mere line el general amreheadise is to be found la Ike Willemstto valley, sod do eel fell to reeeembor this. His goods srsesscht to he sold, sad sold they will be seder ths "soxsll profits aud lergsssles." This is business. It to getting cold ead damp ead yea aeed a 8 A tLAlV OBeP. Plain Chap has a merry Christmas lor the DsisocRAT'e many veaetora The woodehuok sale In Its bole to ss merry when ton storm rages above It as whn every thing Is serene. Let oa bo like the woodohuek for one day and bo merry though the elements oppose the effort Let as dance la our hearts area if It to too snowy to tip our toes. Christmas only ceases hot once In a year, sod wo cannot afford to tot the day peas with out a smile sad a Jump, though U prion the neuralgiao and strain the rheu matic The ether day whtu the enow was al most a solid cruet and ducks flew al moot Into ear yards for protection wo asked a hunter if he were killing much fVSSOVOAK to protect yourself with, Moll wain's to the piece to got it. Hw stock to torgs sad well selected, ead yea eea get a cheap or deer cloak, Just as yea ths bottom price. Or If, for the earns reason yea are forteeele r eefortnente enough to be a mae.tboa you wtUweal an oveaooaT Of salt of clothes. Cell el Moll vela's and am amiae his wett nrrsoged stock, ead white yea ere there heal ever his stock of fernisb ing goods, sod now ie the time. Ten cannot afford to shiver, which should indues yea le keep your foot worm by buying s pair of can annas. a this store. The stock to very large nod worth eeloctieg from. is celled to la Ike sleek ie "Not much," he eid. "It to too mean to shoot the poor dock when it is bslptece and to entirely at the mercy of the sportsman." Ho was oanwxo. Too many though had little feelings on las subject aod slaughtered them by the wholesale Tan genuine hunter takes delight lo capturing the deer when at fall speed, or the dock when on wing ; but let him get the deer cornered and bel pleas with Its yearning eyes, or the dock crippled and unable to fly. and be sees no hoee r In taking advantage of them. C e Una oonnty eea whole has boon of the most fevered of Oregon's twenty - four oountieo. Fall of fertile, well water. ed farms, Its advantages have been each ea to condone to Be steady growth, and give rice to faith by its continued proa parity. What It la to duo to these facte clone end not to any chimerical sdr er ring schemes. Most who came here come to remain, and while corns leaye, it to a feet that the meet prospered once have stack by Old Linn. To all withta Its borders, whatever the oather, the Dsnocaar send! a Mnnxcr CrtawTxtaa ae aa expreooion of Us good will toward the oonnty which It bee labor ed to assist in building up during the Met twenty years. 82, Samuel Ml lies and Ida 85, Volooy C Lou ion Schooling, mr. 8. P M Sherer and Rebeeoa J Howard. 4, John Nanny and Minnie Wlleon, 8. A W Prnahaw and Lulu Settlem tor. 18, Oomordorc Carey and Violet Hnmil- toa. 88. R A Leeoh and Martha L MoDeold. 3S. George Beam la sad Ads lie Uaryey, 27. A N Raid ead Nettie Wlleon. 88, BN Coadit and Jennie Clark. arjeeer. ACS Farrow ead Ira M Farwell, 7. David L Patten and Mrs 8 J Slxnona. 4 Alfred I Carrie e , I S P F Poddio ords Kinney. 29. Samuel Seme ead Praakto B Harto 14, Jollne Roaooe and Mary K Smith. 18. Robert Nlcbole end Ida Morrle. 81. Charles 8 Bond and Minis Goorley. 84. Carvllle Hynaoa Caraoa and Ueclia White, Doting Thursday night of last week the blacksmith shop of Frank Wood occupied by Ben Johnson eoddenly col lapsed, the roof falling la a Tory flat manner on bellows, forge, etc, in the shop below. The large shod near the depot hotel fsll a yictim to the congealed clem en1 one day last wek and headed in it. checks. The couth eud of Robinson 4k w mid fell on Thursday night, aad the same night the lumber shed of Graf A From gave way. On Saturday trains jmw running nearly on time, but stages were uncer tain. The stags drivers exhibited commen dable enterprise by bringing the mail to Aioany on tne crust at iesst on one day. T .4-1.1 1 w iaivwtj imuws uewaas w w uava qooq fated last week. At Eugene one fell partly in, and at Salem one became so dangerous that tae proprietor had to pay $20 to got it shoveled off Am a summary of things that followed the example of Rome last weak, eight awnings, four or five sheds, one livery stable, one saw mill, and numberless tree, "took a fall." The storm up the Columbia was muoh heaver than here while In the Rogue River valley no snow fall at all. At Junction a warehouse belonging to X A. Bushoeli oa Thursday of last fell in. XfasesUe. The following officers have bean elected for the ensuing term by the lodgee of this city. coanrrnxag xo. 17. B W Lsngdon, W M. Geo F Simpson, S W. John Bryant, J W, John Brunk, Treas. BU Carter, Sec. D Proman, Tyler. sr. J oh 5 xo. 62. WBfiilyeu, W M. Chas Wolvsrton, 8 W. L C Marshall J W. . DP Mown, Trass. D Mancfield, Sec. D T Wyman, Tyler. A specie! meeting of aT2 Y LC TU will bo held next Saturday afz o'clock r x at Mrs C L Brosa's. Business of importance. Let all attend. Secretary. CervaUls. Geo 18 Fish, who has been working at Cor value several months ia the store of Wood cock A Baldwin, to spending the boldidays in Albany, navmg come down on a river steamer Tuesday forenoon. Ho informs us that the Oregon Pacific only lacks two miles of being completed and that, nctwithstand ing the deep snow shout a quarter ef a mile of rails a day have been toad since the snow storm oognn. A. report was circulated in Corvallis that six of the company's bridges on Mary's River had been completely swept awsy ; but Mr William Hoag arrived in Corvallis the first of the week from the Sum mit from whom it was learned that only one bridge had been swept off its foundation, end several others had each lost bents. The dam age will not amoant to much . Brownsville xeeettea. At the city election held in Browns ville on the 16th instant the following officers were elected. J B R Morelock, President of Council. A J C Averill, Recorder. Peter Home, Treasurer. J D Arthurs, 8 H Cable, G A Dyson 8, Lewis Perklnge aad Ida Anderson, A David A Hall aad Julia A 18, Prank H Wood aad Lissie IS. Jsa M morgan aad Nancy Taylor. 18. T W Dtltey ead Harriet Moat MettieOousy, O Mo- got books al the New York Novelty Book Store st say bear ef Ike day st privets sale. Meat has heeo hard to get, batchers being obliged to bring it to the oily on sleds mads far the oooaeise. We want regular oorrespondsnts la all the towns of Oregon, end will casks il sa object for During right at bouse several dnok having been killed along the Sentlsm rttSafs la the city. A bill providing tor Ike nsJitntiis ef the names of voters pssftoaa to sa otoctloa will be introduced in the next LesjjtotoSaro Nstlis Boyd did notecase bar day night ef toot week, ss tog Mmnood, and still ths world was First street wse cleaned of sacs 1 j on Monday morning to seeks a good path for the city's fire engine to cam ef Arc We gal no eews st all this week from Iks at Albany. 11. Dcmoomtic Prlmerim held oa 8th toot, County Coevcatien to-day. bet el Soto accidentally. 18, Mrs Loovitt toetaring in county. Be bliesa srtoxmlii ea ltth toes. Charles Fiatoyeea sdsiaos oe sight ef ilth toot. 88. Three eoanUrfsstors uptmii ia Al toaa, Rapabltoaa County Con vention raaev cooes Ltos MeUwele bee few equals. His i to sac specking far itself, ths tars this dspartmsat being e bg for is. Mover bay eaythiag wisbeet sailing on A. B. Melawaiv. While snow to on the gronnd the poor eeleetlal Is a target to every.ecbool boy. This to downright meanness. As long aa bo to allowed to come here he should bo treated the same as other people, It to ae unfair to suow ball a Chinaman as It Is to tie tin cans to the tail of a dag or throw stones at a frog. Particularly If one to at work be should be let Vari ously alons. We are not In love with the one coot mongolian; but this is simply Jostles, Do. Ten Anew a 1 Whom wife is troubled with debility, cam in, liver complaint or rhcomaUem ? Just tall him it is a pity to tot the tody saf for that wsy, whoa Brown's Iron Bitters will relieve he.-. Mrs h B Bdgerly, Dexter, Me. says, "Brown's Iron Bitters cared me cf do biliy sod palpitation ef the heart. " Mm H H Mc Unguis of Scarborough, Ma, mys the bitters cured nor of debility. Mrs. Rardiag f Windham Centre, in the earns stats, says it cured her duuiness in ths heed. So it hss cured thousands of ether ladies. ing impossible on When the 0 P will be of of the present terrible of laa Al- 2. HC Rosa and Jennie X Gitoon. 1. W V Hsndsmon and Mary Miller. 4. J W Daniels aad Amy C Richardson , 8. J W Wataon aad Harriet Harrison, ft. Char ice Woodward and Kile Kens. 7. ' John D Borkhart aad Sylonta Halm 8. Carey E Smith and Lib bis Zooaman. 8. H H Ranch and Amelia Velio. 12. Jas A Olney and A vesta A A ldrich. 14. 8 Stringer and Mary A Dnvenprt. lft. J M Llndley aad Xtto Ftteb water, 13, Adam lb rig and Barbara Yaokcy. 18. G W Metleon and Mahella Peed. SO. G F Bglin and Klla Mounts. 28, Geo Harrtoon and Boca E Rogers. 88. J C Hard man and El las both Ramsay. L R B Piatt and Mary T MoBrlde. 1. Joe L Hamilton and Nancy Malonc 28. Chartee Kenyan and Lueinda Hol- On Tbareday morning of resin1 on cc of Mr Hoary Wesson, bet bony aad Corvalhs, wm completely cd by fire. Ws gc to prose oo Wsdassday la order to oetobrete s holiday deserving of commemoration ; sad Now Team llkewiee to s day lo be observed. The Mimes Bambaagh will eseas their dram-making shop oa Frist St., aatil Mnrch they wdl 88, W A MeBrtde aad Annie E Pngh. Sat Almond Dow and Jennie G Shoogh 21. Jas Clemens and Li von in Armstrong nova sen. 2, Ieaao Whealdon and Adelle Fletcher, A J J Beard and Emma Morgan, 8. Eggert Hens and Annie May Wink leman. 94rm T Alphlne and Ellon Cowdery. 11. W 8 Fletcher and Addle Davie. 9, B M Borrell and Irene A Farrier. 19. Albert P Suokau and Add la Soekau. 17. C W Butler ead Susie Haeleon. 9, Jee Myers and Ida Wlllard. 19. J W Wolfe and LUlto Hasbrook, 17. Dr D M Jones aad Elisabeth Mo- Gee. 20. John Feesen aad Mary E Coohow. 88. N B Sprcngcr ead Clara McKloney. A Jaa Roberta and Mary E Red path. 12. John Carroll and Jessie Wilson, 24, John W Pickens and Louisa Brows. 2. Noah N Beeher and Amends Ritter. 18, Araoo Ramsey aad Lydto WUleugb by. DKcaanan, 7. M 8 Titus and Mary E Williams, The Baptist Cksrsh wOl have its Christ as tree chrtotmm sf tcrnoon si half past two. The windows wdl bo darkened and ones lighted. G WOray. D. D. 8., to nssiasinii of Ike SaSsaa masm Ssaa aesxJS Ssw Se8)(J Ja amsa wisJw rysll he eea laetotietly, with the ass ef tee heat materials and skillful work. Rev Coronas A Sonic ef Philadclphia.Fs., will paunch at Crawford's Hail next Sabbath (28th ilk,) morn ing sod evening, el the nspal hours. She m sa shto speaker ef the Uuivsrssiist faith. All am cordiaUy iavited. The DaxfocxaT th's week team edveatega ef deep snow aad a took ef news le givs snramsriee of the year's events and ether to teresting fasts, without calling it a holiday edition la order to fill np with dloptoy ads. Aa sdvsrtissmsat la the Dsn oc oat toot week for s girl to do housework was aa swerad by five or sixsppUeeats. Parties de siring good girls con cosily get them by ed vertismg to the Dxaocaav, a paper that reaohss the meems ta Linn eeeaty. Dr. T. J. Tate having come ap from Pert- land to romaia dariag the Holidays, brought his instruments sad also a supply cf gas with Aayoas wishing to s vail themselves of his ssrvicss will find him st his residence en Fourth 81. fear blocks west ef Court 2 Mr Samuel Hayder'died el Browns v ills sa Sstardsy, Death ef Un John Cenacr. 9. Herrto' circus. 18. Grsadptoatoby Albany Eegiae Oc Bo. I. Mr Walker takes charge ef the frraid. SS. Sttawberrtoa Addrom by Hon John Meyers Saturday. 8 Convection al BtOWBOTUTa. EdwnrU Murray Tuseday while fishing. 80. Horse of Rev Stovone shot st Death ef Mm Hsrrot Cbareh el the Court ay. issav 8, Bieotiua oa Meaday. Aadrow socideasally killed at SteUWCTUia IS. Itoafm ef FaaBae Sohcbsrl 80. J J Charlton sad Mary Irvine gvadaass at College. Pabbe eeboelc all etoesd. PhU Starr'snsliien haraed nt Matory. 87. Old beam scar Mootaith'e mills hara ed, Mffls at Halsey snepeads pahlioatioa. raw, A Traia wrecked el LekeUbishoa Tuso day,8cto.Rrrishurg aad Sedavilie celebrate. 11. CUe's drees aero Maadey. Mrs J Ilea Feeler al Cearl Hoeas Tuesday night. New county officers tsks thsir seat. IA Death ef Miss Race Osanais ea 18th toot. Bead pscato el Shedds ea Saturday, 18th toot. Barn oo comer ef Ferry ead Scv enth streets baracd Monday night. SA Death of Miasm Train al Harrisburg July 21. A B Paxtna ead A Hsshtomsn toft Albany tee Bret ot last week far the Beet, but eaiv get ss far ss Portland, snow compelling them le remote la that city. We hade ptosoeat sail Tuesday frees Mr DM Theospeee, ef Cacsxtee, lewa. Mr Thompson is s oca -la 'tow to the tote Lewis Cox. Be ead bis wife ere bam visiting relatives. Articles Suitable CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. BLACK DRESS SILAS, FROM SMI TO $2.50 PER YARI. C9URE0 SILKS AND SATINS. BROCADES SILKS-BLACK AND COLORED. VUYETS AND PLUSHES FOR BASQIES AND SKIRTS. BLACK AND QILIIIB CAtlMERES. UMBRELLAS, SILK AN1 ALPACA. NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR. SILK AND LINEN HAKIKERCHIEf S. KID CLOVES NOVELTIES IN LADIES WOOLEN MITTS. NEW DESIGNS IN GLASSWARE. CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASRS. FRUIT PLATES ARB HUSN BOWLS. PLATED KNIVES AND FORKS. CASTERS, CAKE STANDS, BERIY DISHBS. NOVELTIES IN LINEN DOLLARS. HANCINC LAMPS, LATEST BESICN WITH FANCY SHADES PARLOR STAND LAMPS. NOVELTIES IN HAND SATOfffLS AND PSRTMONNAIES. CENTS, LADIES' AND MtS SUPPERS. BRUSSELS AND INCRAIN CARPETS, MUSSELS AND MOCUETTE RU ICS, For sale at SAMUEL . YOUSG'S. Being omereac of retiring to the practical of my profession. I offer ay land for sal, toasted 8 ntitos west of Labanon oa the a. G. R. IL 140 seres will bo cold in Lete of 40, 80. 108. 188 or 88 earns. Payments hai by par- mj splsadid hop yard two to the stats ; every ennvenienos to tools, dry iorj iwyvi au nubiuo w uiUMU, I wiU soil the yard 18 1 am instructed to eoUeet doe to the estate of C. B. indebted to oaki IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF C. B. MONTAGUE, Oo Benday morning ao lafaot aeo of Mr. Warner, living aear Brawns villa was found dead la his bad The eaasc of hie death wse net known as he has prcvieuely been quite well. Last week a can of Mr. A. C, at Brewd-rllle In firing a gna a severe gash from the hammer of the tan, aoatoleotiy ecvera to reqalre the alii off a sad ss mash moie land as the parehai er sosy wsat ap to 107 acres ia oompaet,fsrm hooss, walk sad stabling ; nil well feaoad. wsy is bops st 14 cents per thut ntf8per bnshcl. Apply to Da. W. F. AuDuxoaa, to person er by letter, Alhaay or Lehissn, Oregon. MUST PAY UP. COSTS WILL OS ADDED ON ALL ACCOUNTS AND ROTES NOT PAID BY JANUARY 1ST, 1885. This ie the leet notice I shall this mmtor. To clone ap the goods remaining on haod will be coat or ions tor the foltowtog Mab- We em oh ariaxmg ea short style. to do ear kind of aad ia the late t As wage to we sea able to slate that beta Schools will give their aaaaal esse trmfscti vale oa this eveeiag t diet, Ckmgregsttoael. Prssbytoriao, Ui 4 IvsagehcaL Tress bars sad. regsnlisss ef ths weeth or, the ssiMBirs sf tWebcveswsaday flshsnls j win do their beet to nsake rhilitsm Bee. ry one. Now Now will receive WOT V Hall on L A Oilnsoor ef J oa Friday of toot week. mining distnet attracts attention. 1 Ooooo trots la 1 44 at Portland. H A Pratt arrested ea Saturday for steeling bar. nam from W W Crawford. Death ef Fred Willerlea Istftost. Brawns vU Is afflicted with nenrtot fever. if. Harvest in fell btost 88. Raports ef a big fro al Bosebnrg oa Taesday. Steto Firemen's Toornament to ia Albany. Big wheel yislds reported. The following Teem calls sitae Team day t Msxms B N Howard. Clara Btoie. Lilly Bobcrtoon, Beta Ms thews, Margsria Brink, InaBobertson, Abode Hail, Bdith Harris, Mattis Alliens, Glare Bead, Ollto Kirk pat. risk, Hsttie Miller, Minnie Allisoa, Bidooat, Mary Irvine, Mills, Mm C L Brash ead Mis M V Wntowilti leedemy ef Medical Bcisaeos i Wq res t Oreve Lettsr. In a letter from Mr. J J Fintoysoa, at Forest Grove, we find the following of in terest to oar rsadsrs. "Forest Grove is prospering, 28 new hoases worn bnilt during the sa meter. Then is not o constable, nor a lawyer, nor a polios, man, nor a jail about the place, and the reason is that there is no saloon nor intoxica tion here Ws have aa Academy and also a college with a large attendance, ably con duuted, also an Indian school, with 160 scholars. Oar government deeerves greet praise for such an institution, ss it Is making men aad woman eat of wild iadisas. Times arc dull and money scarce, but w will have better times after the 4th of March. We will hove a now govern moot and the rascals wilt be turnedlout. How, you know you promised if Cleveland wm elected there weufd be a million sad a half dollars coming to Oregon from that big pile at Washington. Now don't forget it. Now that we will hsvs the raacals out wo want to see four yean of real prosperity ia the United Statce. Judge Babcr recently cut himself quite badly with a broad ax wile hewing a poet, but hope it will not lame him long. lactnre. F At Crawford's Hall on Friday evening next 26th tost,) at 7 p m by Bar C A Sonic, of t hilndslpbia, Pa. Subject "Scotlan I " Ad mission free. B T T Fisher, County Surveyor ef Una county, to prepared with field notes sad township plate of this oonnty to correctly locate corners of lend where the earns has been tost or destroyed, aad will replace the same with permanent monuments. Persons wishing surveying done will pieces address mo al Miller's, linn county, Oregon. Lamb who was arrested sevsrai months ago for forging the names of A H. Span and Bamuel Oillsrd, at Bugeae wm tried last week and oonvictcd on the first ballot Ho wm esateased to twenty-five years ia the penitentiary. Served him right. Such men should not bo left la the Larch. Sheriff Charlton to eat ea his collecting lour but il may be depended on that most tex'payors will take sd vantage ef the terrible condition of the weather to fait to put to an appearance. Anyway ws blame ao one for hovering around the lira place. Taxes am ell right, but this weather to eat of place to Oregon. The Messrs. Webster Brothers, 88 Lorn bard street, London, E C, Bngtoed, the India, China and Colonial Outfitters of gen. tlsmen's hosiery and underwear, write ; "Wo have found xrest benefit from the use of St. Jacobs Oil, more especislly for the euro of rheumatism and sciatica, and wo have much p lessor? in adding our testimony in its favor. During the famous Whitman massacre a family with two small children acted for their crying capacities to laid to hare hid dsn under n house. The Indians held a high earaival above them daring the whole night, daring which time not n sound wm heard from thmc two children. Those who have had children will easily believe it wm noth ing short of a mimelo, - M B seafeieiiui si used at Salem Mondsy, M Jndy retained to Alhaay. IS, Five young mon stealing watermelons near Lebsaoo get shot. 0 H Stewart gets lager oat off. Heavy rainstorms. Spring wheat pertily ruined. Death ef Joe Msmil. tonal Oakville 18. John A Cancvan'receivee aerioes ee cidoot at Tangent ea Moadey. Bill Fields, Jim and John Wilson aad A Armstrong or rested al Brownsville sad Harrisburg for horse stealing. State farlr st Seism s failure. 88, Dr Irvine sad family mors lo Frtoo ville. oorooaa, A Death of MmOpp oa Sabbath morning tost MoKnight Brothers Oehoco trots to 3.41 at Union. Oat bin of John Sob moor takes sfell. 10. Barn of S B Young burned Saturday algbl. 17. Tom Bektoa arrested el Labanon charged with robbing A Dunham. Sam Lap pin, s Kansas defaulting State Treasurer ar rested in Albany. 4th annual esse! an of Oread Lodge of K of F held to Albany this week. 24. Death of Hugh Lm oa 21st inst ., el Oskviiis. Suicide of A Dushsm el Lsbenen. SI. Team runs away with J B Carrey end Andrew Robb. Frail dryer of Jonas Davis baracd oa tost Friday at Shedds. S 8 Train takes possession of Herald. Circuit Court ia Is. The following from a Portland settles the bestoem about this being the ee verset winter ever known in Oregon . "Aa eld Otegeatoa mys that it to aaassam to my that this to the rssgbsst winter ever experi enced to Oregon, at least net until the shall be two foot deep ea the level, as it to 1851-1 He MVS that winter sad II ens wed M intervals all through ion ths, producing grant suffering people aad cattis. Oa the other band, to snow the variabtoasmof ear climate, Gov ernor Abernethy, who to now dead, told cf U - - - ' - I. 4W -l. which there wm October loo nor eaew ia all album., etc, the Willamette Vsilsy." The wosihor ef the fertiee is good enough for Ltoa oonnty peo ple. Let as have come more ef it. BOOKS ! BOOKS 1 BOOKS! 2000 VOLUMES OF RARE AND STANDARD BOOKS. for sale at auction by flie lew Tort loyeltj Boo Store. Two Is same 8 vetomm of rare and sUn dard books will be closed cot M section sale, car sad svoaina durina the bsttdays at ltcev tetth A aaitonbaoh s old stand.. Comprising of all sold at J. W. CTJSICA, Assignee of C. B. lenon. Or., Dee. 5th, 1884. BIBS FOR 00OITT POfliT Notice is hereby srtven that eon ed will be received by the County Court ef Lion County, Oregon, for boarding, lodg ing and deists the laundry work far ail tae indicant persons or paupers aew supported or ta bo supported during the ensuing year by osia county, for the term or one year, commencing Jan. lsea, isao. Bid Jen will state the price per weak far which they will beard, ledi laundry work for each of For fall particulars ceo terms of a to be ekgaea by tae eooceearc die at the Clerk's office of AU bids to be filed with the Clerk ef Use county, Oregon, on or before wodnead January 7th, 1883, st l o dock, p. m. Poms by order or tbe Court, 1), Ajroaawe, Referee's Sale. N' GTTOf THAT or a 1ACAUIAY, HUME,CIBBON, IRYIHJ, DICKEHS.BULWER, LONGFELLOW, TENNYSON. SCOTT, THACK ERY, BYRON, MOORE, BUMS ETC, ETC. Websters and Worcester! Dietioi- ariei, unabridged, Family Bibles, QUI IT VflllD CVCQ ntn I VI I W I I UWIl LILU OTICEIS HEREBY the undersdaned In oommlseioa and order ef sale of the Circuit Court of theflfe for Linn county, en tbe 18th day of vena bar, 1884. in the suit where is MoCennoll is Plaintiff end Lucy A Sfe Counell ta Defendant, appelating the ea se such to ml 1 ea by taw directed tbe real property hereinafter described. I will therefore en tno join day or Jam 1885, at ths hour of one o'clock, p. as said day nt the Coort House door ta 3 of Albany, ia Linn oounry, Orel at public auction to the hixhoot bi for cash in band the fo'lowinx real estate, to-wit : The went half of Block 47 in tbe city of Albany la county, Orccon, wltn ail the and hereditaments thereunto Thin 24th day of November, 1884. W. M. KeicH u m , Until yon call on aleoa tutlful line aad examine his stock ef of Holiday foods, Juyeial Bootai, Holiday Go8ds, Only a few snore days romaia ia wbteb to pay school tax. The sessmment rail will be placed la the hands of the to tow ea the day tbe taxes qosnt, J. B. BOSEBAAT, Dietriet Cierk. autograph Boon, scrap Boois, embracing vases, albuis, in HEADS. PARQY FRAMES, FILL delta. frames, Papetriss aad Fancy Hoods, to be told out regardless of cos!; an ta she lasts er ti nsthkst ia thsBm ef er asrster I BLUMBEBO. On Dec 18th, 1884, in AU baay, to the wife cf Mr Fred Blumborg j a soa. Toole. ItUslmpir tke bsst end smt SstsntiSe sees- wasasa pesstMo ibesessnUel prtedples el theet TSfsUM eanUvas whloh sot powertoUjr Mkd direeUy oa US stoBssth, Uver, sjoaavs snS bleed, hut there neither Is, nsr win be, say siieeesaiil lndtskkwof IV It UsO the suae sarioa these who sad Ssspelred ef sTr gettiof weU. Far yearseU, reur wife end shB HASHBURGBR ISOM. In Brownsville I on Dos. 17th. 1884. st the residence of N C xtoxisr. bv tbs Rev C Socrrv. V W Hashbckoxk and Errs Isoa, xovmcxxa 8. Cleveland elected President, but st date a doubtful thing who to elected. 14 Proposed change of Albany city char tor. Rev Jos Cook lectured oa Wednesday evening. 21. W01 Coulter kicked by a hone oa Sunday. Death of Gamaliel Parrish oa 13th inst st Brownsville. Miss Moore lecturing ta county, (irand Cleveland ratification. 88. Domoeratio sad Republican city con vontions held. 71st birthdsy party of Wil liam Ceekma at Brownsville. Thanksgiving yesterday a quiet day. axcxMBxa 5. City election Monday, al Albany, Has risburg and Soio. Farewell social to Bev Carson ea Saturday evening. Big ratification at 8cto ea Tuesday. Carp received for prep areata a eJtxict salts. The beta salve ia the world far cuts, bruises, sores, uloere, salt rheum, fever ceres, tetter, chopped hands, ehilblaiaa, eeraaaad all kinds ef ekia eruptions. This mire to guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ia every case er money funded. Price S&o per hex. For sals by Feehay A Mason The aooouategof Peters A Blain ore now to ear kaads fsr collection, and the affairs sf the old firm must bo closed up immediately. Persons knowing themselves indebted wdl plesae call at com aad ssttls, without further notice. Parses dt Stswaxt. Far sa All persons knowing themselves in debted to me ar the late firm of Alles A Martin will please call and settle im mediately, or their accounts will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection and easts made X, H. At Law, JOSEPH. On Saturday, Dec, 28th, 1884,, at Albany, of old age, Ma H J Joexra, eged 79 years aad 1 month. Mr Joseph cams to Albany ta 1867 frcm Michigan with his sou, Mr Julius Joseph, with whom ho hss resided, spending the de clining years of his life in a qalet manner, suitable for one of his edyanoed yesrs. As tbs hour glass runs down so his life wont oat purely from old age. DAVIS. On Den. 18th, 1884, at Albany, Elsix C, only daughter of J K and E re Davis, aged 1 year end 8 months. Mr and Mrs Davis hsve ths sympathy of all ia their great loss. Only ths parent knowe the extent of sorrow caused by the death of a little one. , HEFFRON. On Saturday, Dsn. 20th, 1884, at Albany, of eonsumptton, Ma Martin H Hxrraox, sged so years. Mr Hsffreo casus to Albany from Illinois ta 1874, since which time ho atteaded to tie trade ef boot and shoo making, up to a f w months ego, whoa failing health compelled him to retire from business, He was a good workman aad a reliable eitixen. He leai ss a wife aad two children to mourn his death, LINE OF JEWELRY.FULL LIRE OF CKRISTMAS TOYS, ACCORDEONS, CERTS FURNISHING GOODS, CIGARS, T8 BACCO, ETC Of either sex admitted to POBTLAJfD BUSIKBwS On say week-day of the The College Journal, containing tion of the course of study, rates ef ta board, examinations, etc., aad sets ef end ornamental penmanship, free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 104 Poatsaa, J8F Jn writing, please wMwhaw tarn OOOS1ER GRAIN DRILL. A bettor grain drill ia not made say ws era, aj tvery farmer says who has used it. For sale only by Fetors A Stewart. VIOLINS. Made and repaired. New tope, seeks and necks Bows rehaised snd repaired. Old and new violins, bows and superior strings tar sale. Refer to SB Courses and Chas, Bray, Portland, H. 8, RICHARDS, Ttacber of Violin. Corner a! 2nd and EJswerth St, Albany,