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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1884)
the Ifrmftcvxl flUDA.f ....DBCBMB ER 26, 1884 H9BTCAGE TAX LAW. , If the present mortgage tax Uw shall be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Caur the fallowing bill will be intradaoei it the coining session of lbs Legislature by Hso. W. R, Bilys of Lion county. It is rather stsafsj that ihe Supreme Court does net decide the conalitaUooaUty of the present law so that the Legislature will know whether to make any change on the subject of taxing! mortgages : An Act to define the term land" and "real property" for the purpose of taxation, and to provide where toe same sbil be assessed and taxed, and to declare what instruments whereby land or ml property it mad security YMTt 0)t IMS. 1. JANUARY. Enthusastio reception of Gen. father died- number arising from such division by the sum expressing the value put by such assessor upon the lands situated in his county and contained in such in- . a . .'. im . - - - - - m strument- aue hhww wrai i rr t. T a rui. levied on such security, shall be a lien -" f thereon and also upon a portion of the 3. Senator Hawley a fal debt so secured, equal in value to the aged 81 years, value put by the assessor upon snob 3, Gov. Robinson of Massachusetts security in assessing it as hereinbefore iMuaurtjtedf '"""TZri riril . VMsrd's resignation as Pres. of ot toe ueo so wwwi may , - sold for the uaymsnt of any taxes due r R K aooepted. " . Im O - Jk t . S 11 dob auoh seouritv in the same manner 0. nr. master diea 01 nesrt disease in and with like effect that land or real gew York. . awm . . a property in tins Skate is soia tonne 0 j W Murray murders Alfred ! nJTTT . I Yenke. his brother-in-law at Port- deed of trust, contrast, or other oblige lsnd. tion. whereby land or real property it 1 7. Thermometer at tero at Atlanta . - . . . - M I made security for the payment ox a Ga debt, and also the debt so eecured,tueJi, tk - - nf man f and lix. Jl juZTLi i.Ka MitAn I the democratic legislates cauous of persons to whom ths security wss given I Ohio. in the first instance, unless it appears 9, Lieutenant Augur USA frosen - . - . m a on the record of the security aat some to dMtk at Bloominaton III. republicans, 8. Payne nominated forSenator by other person is the owner ; and all as signments or transfers of a debt scoured as mentioned ia this Aot shall, tor toe he unless such transfers or ia writing upou 10. Mob of R. R. hands tsks etna ef mail train at Pendleton Or. 14. G V. EJmandi elected president of the Senate. MAT. Albany Wheat-Mo per buehel, Beef en foot, 80. Baybaled, 11 (18 per ton. lease,? to 10, Potatoes new 25 cts per bushel. UK shonlders, 7o. siass. iee. for the payment of a debt shall be void x ft t . ft ftr a 1 MJBi ef a, m.mmt e .& a Be it enacted ov ine Aieaisiattve as- i purpose 01 hiuhuimi u sembly ef the Stste of Oregon : I null and void. Ssariajr 1. The terms "land" and " w"lin UPU 15. Etfus the murderer of Dsn Hag- by t res n be ok era. tr 1 .. i. j : .u:. 1 the aaarffin ot toe reooro 01 voe eecurikv 1 . ....... .. 1 -mat prmmrsy wnejn-v.r use 1U"'I"I f,K. -hm gWJ ---g Wall Walla. JUKI uw Vl v,wn" "" r-.,- , , .11 . .v I .k. v e d d iu r .HMm.nt n,l tt.i.-. Ka ha ,1 In PTW , n " 1 A1 w mean and include not only the lend na . P" 18. City of Columbus went ashore a itself, but also all buildings, etruotures, ot pereons i wno appear on e ijcoro Head Maes. 100 lives lost. improvement treee, aaa oumt nxtnres .r j,. " 7 20. CspU John Smith buried at of whatever kind tbereon,and nil ngbtc 'w "wrU. Ahedd. 0MMn 1. James Keene stock operator fails. 2. Gen. Kalsbree ex-gov of Poland Uad. 8. Fltftgerald wins the great pcdei- traian race in New York. 4. Empress Anna of Austria died. k ru.u a.r mn,ii.nJ k. nMv Lard18o par lb. v. . -7 M,,iaMf hhi. near galam Or. I Bnan ius,n.r n, 6. Firm of Grant k Wstd, bsokers I cblokens-8.00 per doa. fnilg. i angar aaa Fiaaonw o, sho 7. Steamship Florida wrecked in mid- s ocean, liu lives loss. IS. Oyrns H. MoOormiok Inventor of res per died at Chicago. IS. Oharlee O'Connor died. 14. Ben Butter nominated for pres ident by the anti-monopolists. 19. Sam Ward died at Pegll Italy. I by the timely use of this great life Nevis It. nierendon Hotel burned at Vori'X!"'. and. 23. French brig Senotiee with 53 pesatngars sunk near St. John. 27. Prinoees Elisabeth of Heese and Prince Leopold msrried. 28. Butler nominated lor President MUl Feed bran, 10.00 per ton. aborts, 16. m Iddllngs, 30. Bffs 80 cents per doe. Xsetted Tbeassad. All over the lsnd are itiic Into eostacy ever Dr. Klng'a New Dteoovery for ooa sumptien. Their unlocked for recovery FOR SALE 1 SAW MILL AND WATER POWER. At Waterloo. Linn county, on the tlsm Hirer, between five and six miles from Ijebenou. This is the a nest avatieois water power In Linn county, and the mill nee been put in thorough running oraer. Price 12600. One thousand cash down, balauoe Moored. Also a FINE LOT OF LOOS, In aliens to run te ths above mill, containing about 600 thousand feet at 13 oar iboneand. tooetber with a tract of timber available for present use 3LLO THERE ! What are you going' to do about Christmas ? EXAMINE THE CHRISTMAS GOODS AT LANODOrS. Santa Clause on Top. Ite oralse. At Is aua euro Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, I Fever, in Linn county of MS acres within three telle at Altmnv. on the road to Cervallis. of ihla 9S0 imh in eleered and under cultivation. It has a flue young orchard, (now bearins. of well known varieties of fruit, sranteed to pealUTsly tffm. I'nitia. ahddu. iut lirooebKia, Uoarseneae. Loos of dwelling house. Terms fOOOO. 11600 oasn .,) n commodious barn end email A S can. conveners nominated a appertaining thereto. And a mortgage, deed of trust, oontraot, or other obliga tion whereby land or real property is made security far the pajgaeot of a debt, together with such debt, shall, for the purpose of assessment and taxation, be! aeemed and treated ' as land or real property. Sec. J All lands shall be and taxed in the county where the same ahatl iie, and every person ahall be assessed in the county whore i s ie- 61068 when the assessment is made for all real and personal property then owned by him within such county ; and unoccupied land, if the owner is un known, may be assessed, as such, with www iuov.viu . u w wii.v w mm j v mmm y and a mortgage, deed of trutt, oontraot, or other obligation wherebv lead or real executed whereby land or real property situated in more than one county tn this State, Is made security for the pay ment of a debt, ahall be void. Sao. 5. For the pQrpoaos of aeseas- msnt and taxation no payment on any debt secured as hereinbefore mentioned in this Aot shall hereafter be taken into consideration by any aseewnr in this State, when ssseasing suoh eeenri- ty as herein provided, unless such pay ment is endorsed in writing on ths Aft ea margin of (bo record oi such security by the owner thereof, or his suthorised agent, before the delivery by the Conn- tv Clerk to the assessor of the abstracl of sssurities hereinafter provided for. Sec. 6. It is hereby made the doty of each County Clerk In this State to first day of August of S. National Republic metal Chicago. 0. Blaine k Logan Chicago. 8. Gen. James Wttn Webb died at New York. t. Henry C. Work author of "Grand 23. Wheeler the etrangler hanged at) Father's Clock" died at Hartford Ct. San Francisco. I 10. Mrs. Louisa A. Woods 24. Fred Douglas marries a white la divorce from Ex Gov. Geo. L Woods. women. I U. Noah H. Swaiae ofU.S.Supreme 25. Sullivan the Slugger at Sen Fran-loourt buried at Washington City, eisco. I 19. Ror. Alexander J. Baird D. D. 27. D.. John B. Wood, newspaper I of ff ash villa died. man. dies on the street in New York. I 17. Annual meeting ef Pioneers at w w 28. Congressman Mickey died a1 1 Salem. Waahinaton. I 18. Drake oonvioted of murder in 31. Sullivan the Sluirffer at Port-1 let decree for killioar Swsrts land. I lorn ranerjAY. I 18. Bishon Simnsoo died at Phila- 1. House paesee the Fits John Forter delphia. FOR r-LI3V. am w on oa VeiM, or any alfeotlou of the Throat and I down, balance on time secured by mort Ijium. Trit Botitea tree at Foobay A I ssse. Also Mason's Irug Mtore. JLarge slse f 1.00. , M M MM A rill It KtblUtllUt hhmh. "TL rajs- In Albany with barn and two lots, (or i u WMWU.i rrwvm miowv, ,w Mh. beisAee aaoaxad bv mosasnas. Ad- talninv thli beuee is a email oeeture with . 1 1 . m A iSMo bow man aomaoMOM nrn at wr storlno wheat, oats. 10 tons or more of helled hav. fernre aooerdbic to amo of lend wonted. This barn is Just outside the city limits end consequently avome the eitv texee. while It Is close enooxh to reeioenee to no unoer oonetant lnspeouoo Alan a TRACT OF 44 ACRES iololna- Albanv and arailable for about it right in with him. He hai t large and splendid stock of toys for the Holidays, direct from lew York, WOODEN, TIN, RUBBER, CAST IRON, MECHANICAL TOYS OF ALL KINDS. PAINT BOXES, BUILDING BLOCKS. JUMPING JACKS, ALBUMS, DOLLS, WAX AND DRES8, BABY CARRIAGES, EXPRESS WAGON8,MUG8,STORY BOOKS, PIANOS, RATTLE R 8, DOMINOES, ETC, ETC. Also a splendid line of ornamented glass ware, and crockery, fancy and staple groceries, cutlery, candy, notions, etc, Rheumatism, m m ... . . euraiaia, bciiuca, usjdsjhs Fseawesww dlolnlns Albeoe end erellebls for ISO town lots, fbe preltmtnarv survey of the Oregon Paolflo eroesed the Orefon and California Railroad on this tract wbloh adjoins the depot grounde of the latter roau. xerma f iu,uw. see owdm ROBERT L STETBS8, or call at Democrat office. .mm i MflH' BBBII.I Ttm mww k. ihuik. urn tmmn mr.wn nS,OaMS ' est TWS Off 32 aaMMHi m A. . wi mm m m t tmVf HI mm I li Lmmmo s. vooexvn re. . i steteH m, s. a a. Prtott Til AT UACCrVO OOCOH m U eekalr eeiei Sf SMtoS't Ciu. WifMMtMU. W1U. TOU Choice Styles f 1 eei Uir' delirer on the n,nrtv .iLrteJ in no mnrm tkmm on. 7 b SaSCeSOr of bU COUOtj, .k;. ..... j. . fan abstract of all unsatisfied lust -u- mente of writing on reoerd in bis office, wherebv knd or real property is made aeourity for the payment of any debt Such abstract sf each of such instru ments shall contain the following : 1. The nam of the person or par sons who executed such instrument. 2. The name of th person or per sons for whose benefi. is was executed. 3. The sum that still appears secur ed bv euch instrument. 4. A brief deec-tptiou of the proper- eharge of .Washington Rpublicar. for the payment of a debt, shall be at its real cash value and be uxed to the owner of such secaritv, snd the debt thereby secured ia the county, city or district, in which the land affected by auch security is situa ted. And if the security in the judg ment ot tee assessor ts mt worth as many dollars as still appesre from such instrument to bo unpaid, then such real cash ralue shall not be deemed by the to exceed the real cash value of the land included in such instrument. And in no case shall the real cash value be deemed by the assessor to exceed the amount that still appears from such instrument te be secured thereby. And the taxes so assessed and levied on such security shall be a lien thereon, and also upon the debt so secured ; and the debt together with euch security I 7. The person ot persons who appear may be sold tor the payment of any I on the record to bo the owner ef such taxes dns on such security tn the same I security a -.a mm . oil mannav and earsrn It Ira all aef land I rm . mr a " "V. T.. " i BSC. 7. Ihe abstract mentioned in or real property is sold in this biate for 6 j, Aot tbEi io sue payment oi taxes aue person. stentlsllT the fol bwinc form Sac. 3. A mortffaffe deed ef trust, Petersburg died. bill. 4. Morrison introduces hu AO riff bill. 5. English Parliment oped. 6. High waters at Cincinnati and othsr points. 8. Geo retiree from the army. 9. Collier Umatilla wrecked. 12. Women Suffrage Asapoietioo meet at Tarn Halle Portlaud. 14. Immense floods on Ohio river 18. Geo. C. Gorbam retires from ty oontaiue i therein, to-wit, thaseVnge, townebip and section in which it is lit us tod. 5. The date thereof, end whan re corded. 6. The book and page thereof where recorded. 18. Hnary snow in Willamette valley. 30. Explosion in Coal mine ia Oon- neleville Pa. Nineteen Uvea loot. 21. J. W. Murray found guilty of murder of Yeake. 21 Salmi Morse commits suicide. 25. Hoary fire at St. Peal. 36. Arthur Wellesley Peal elected speaker of House of ComssoagL 27. W. H. Hunt minister to St contract, or other obligation whereby land or real property, situated in more than one county in this State, is made scanty for the payment of a deet,shali t . JBV L- .a oe assessed and taxed to the owner thereof, and the debt thereby secured ia the counties, citiee or districts n which any of the land or real property contained in any auch instrument shall oe xitusted, in the following manner : The assessor of each county in which anch instrument is recorded shall im mediately, upon receiving from the Clerk of his county the abstract in this I Act hereinafter provided for, value the land contained in such instrument and situated in his county at its seal cash Talae, and forthwith thereafter trans. mit by mail to the writing recorded in oonnty,Ore- goa, whereby land or reel property is made aeenrtty for the payment of a debt. Name of Obligor Name of Obligee Sum atL'l secured If cts Description, range, township, sec. Date of instrument When recorded Book and page) Owner of security Sac. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the several County Clerks in this State to record in the margin of the in County, Oregon, whereby land situated io more than one county is made security fir the payment oi debt: record of all mortgages, deeds of trust, aeasssor of every I contracta or other obligations on record countf in this State in which any of the m Dl county, wnereoy inna or rear land contained in such instrument is M md0 7 " H P7 itnate.1 ritrd letter r.inin. ment of any debt, when requested so to an abstract of suoh instrument, retain- do h7 Mortgagee or owner of such ing In bis possession a duplicate there- T 5nmwi? x or 01 of. The abstract required by this aec- or osaor ariosoes ui aeot tion to be sent to assessors shall be sub- tbereby cnred,end all payments made stantisllv in the following form : theveon or the note or other evidences ... . . ... . , , I ot the debt thereby secured, and copies Abstract of an instrument recorded L, . i-,f , , ,fv MIWWI WIUUDU UJ MUWU VICrK BUBII DO received in evidence in all the Courts of this State with like effect as a certi fied copy of sooh mortgage or ot'ter security. And all persons who now have any such securities as are men tioned in this Act recorded in this State, upon which partial payments hare been made, are hereby allowed till the first day of June, 1885, after this Act takes effect, to cause to bo recorded in the Cork's office of the proper coun ty, such payments, with the dates thereof. Sec. 9. A debt secured by lsnd or real property, situated in this State, shall, for the purpose of taxation, be deemed to be and considered as indebt edness within this State,aud the person or persons owing such debt shall be entitled to deduct the same from his or .-.m mm tneir assessment in the same manner that othsr indebtedness within the Stste is deducted. Sac. 10. No promisory note or other instrument of writing, which is tho evi dence of a debt that is wholly secured by land or real property, situated in this State, shall be taxed for any pur pose in this Stste, but the 'instrument by which it is secured shall be assessed and taxed as herein provided. Sao. 11. Nothing in the foregoing , Name of Obligor Name of Obligee Sum still secured Valuf; of land Owner of security Name of Assess.: What Count Ai sessor of Upon receiving such abstract from the assessor of all the counties where such instrument is recorded, each assessor in the counties where such in strument is recorded, and receiving aucb abstracts, shall forthwith proceed to aggregate from such abstracts ths assessed values of all the lands contain ed in such instrument so far as is shown by such abstracts to have been valued as herein provided, and if the aggregate value of ail the lands situated in the different counties aud contained in such instrument as shown by such abstracts, m . . . is not greater than the sum still ap pearing from such instrument to be se cured thereby, then in that case the assessor in each county Where such in strument is recorded, shall assess such instrument at its real cash value,which said real cash value shall in no case be Bm iBAi uafcn Tuiuo snail m uu uti i i i i , . a j i ,l x i . i Act snail be construed to apply to mort deemed by the assessor to exceed the I . , I . s r , , wvw Iffaces. daeda of trust, oontraets orntW sum oxpressiuff the value put bv nun V- ' . ' . . , r i -" , . , . , oougsuons in iavor oi me state Doara iArti air.iiar.ui in hi. onnnf. mnA 1 28. Ex. Gov. Hubbard of Ct d ad. 29. John's Brown's wifs died. Maaoa. 1. Gov. Stonsman calls extra 20. Oornealius K. Garrison, New Task Millionaire fails. 22. Prince of Orange died at Hague. 24. Hon. A Van Dtisen died at Astoria Or. 26, Cornerstone of Court House laid at Oregon City. 30. 24 miners killed by aa explosion in a ooal mine at Naniamo B. C. JULY. 1. W. 0. Squires appointed Gover nor of W. T. I. Allan Plnkerton, the famous de tective died at Chicago. 3. J no. A Kaeeon appointed minis ter to Germany 7. Oaagtaas adjourns. 8. National Democratic Convention called to order at IS: Chicago time. t. Grand Lodge A O U W meet at Portland. II. Cleveland A Hendricks nOnfnat ad. 13. Rev. Dr. Henry Do Koveo,Jpie eopalian died. 15. Blaine writes bis letter of accept snce. 17. Newa of rescue ef Crrsady party received. mm 1 n II rm mm k. . . 21. Deixnap, a uour d' Aiene town i Cau aod tb destroy d by fire. 21 Miss Jane Gray Swiaeholm died. 23. Gen. La Ootera of Peru died. 23. St. John nominated for presi- IN BOOTS AND 8N0ES; cATaaau coagn. . Urn mm 1 1 fc ' Aml-mmm Mmm. iajMlar toss. SHILOH-S OOCOH and y mm s f saraouea 11 ISHltxttmai.aaiswtetysa sate SwOm mXhiJmintZm'U a.. m fall i8D mmi im Oooaorlslns ewervtblns new In Gsntls- aen'a, Ladiss', Misses and cbildrs n'a of Cat legislature.. 3. Mexican Pension bill passed the hones. 0. Geo. A. Edes stricken with -1 s j j; o t W7w muu muwm m am.-m. fl lJmiM VmmM.. Aim! 7. Judge Desdy dectdee the Mort-1 prfnoBtoB !. Jmrmr . 1 Ltmmt 1 " " 'w unoonaaimuouci. I Kg Onl. T. R Umm n tA Q f I . . mm . I o. unss spice anveo in esssen I j . .. ji.j r..i. Hill. . mmrwmrm r..m mr r nrc lanri uw . ii mrm mr m mm w mm m m v . .witl . 49. Gtevsttemfr nAtlsWl nf him nnmin- 9. m. LAWTwnos Ubursb , (Ostbeltc,) dedicated at Yancover 10. Bishop darken die) at Omaaa. It a i - Lta m ... iihhi snoxionn xrssuy. Ths Orssomon and aver other r- 12. Terrible coalmine explosion atLQblic xn tw. nw r i tt- ika li i 1 1 r ' m wuvut WV lirWS IO.. W.kin . .KI. mm I W- ZtLl SHOES, SUPPERS, &C, Specialties in fine Shoos, Medi- urn and Common Shoes. loyalties in Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and 8iippers, lead see the larg-gf and best assort- sssat In tb at y. ' SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Albany, Or ShorifTs Sale. 4 lion. I In las CircuU Court otss StaU f Ortgonbr Ik Countf of Him : Ths Bank of Oregon City Plaintiff, vs. John Foster and Martha O Poster, his win end X Toons and Mary A E Smith, De- NOTXCEis hereby given that by virtue of a writ ot sxsoution and order ef out or me aoore namoa uoarv in the above entitled suit tome directed and deitrered, I will on Saturday the 84th 1 7 Tri.l nf v.mUmmm fnm. tUm I " and del Tsrsd, I win on BatuMsy tae astn rg 7t0a ending to give th. popular da. ef J" nrtJBous. void of all the states. This table giv- o.n.: 7?,' Blaine, nlnrality of 5,000, whan the tfsSfflu troth is that Clsvslaud haa a plurality I scribed In amid notice of sals as follows, of abont W,000. The Tribune literally "tuate In the eennty of Linn and State carries about 42,050 votes in Michigan 1 of Chegoa and being known aa the lots . 9m nAA . I . rr, ncmbsr seven (7) end eight (8) In Block and 31,000 in Iowa out of the Clove-1 No. twenty -eix (48) In the town ef Albany on the land, situated in his county and contained in such instrument. Bat if the aggregate value of all the lands situated iu the different counties and contained in such instrument as shown by sucb abstracts shall exceed ths sum that still appears to be secured by Such instrument, then in that case the as sessor in each county where such in strument is recorded shall assess suoh instrument at its real cash ralue,which said re u cash value shall in no case be deemed by the assessor to be greater than the sum arising from dividing the amount still appearing from sucb. in strument to be secured by the aggregate value of all the lands situated in the different counties, aa shown by such abstracts, and then multiplying the of Commissioners, for tho sale ef school snd university lands, or judgments in favor of the Btate, or any of its educa tional funds wbereby such debt is made a charge or lien upon real property. Sec. 12. All Aots and part of Acts in conflict herewith, are hereby repeal ed. W T- SCOTT'S EttLLSIOS 9W lVBK Cod Liver SMI, wit MntePB4aite8, Pala table as aw, and Borne hy Delicate Stomachs. Dr, J W Compton, of ETansville, Ind., says; I have prescribed Scott's Emul sion hugely. I find it very paltable and borne well by delicate stomachs, even children take it reaily, and it is a very useful as a cough remedy. "murder of his step mother commenced at Albany. 18. Violent shock ot earthquake ia Canada. 21. Judge J. H. Reed died at Seattle, 23. John J. Cisco sssistant treasurer of the XJ. 8. during the war died. 25. Seventeen Thousand dollar fire at Monroe in Benton County Oregon. 27. Angnstos Schell died in New York. 28. An angry mob of thousands make an attack upon the jail in Cin cinnati Ohio to take Berner the mur derer and bang him, but (ail to ind him, and then set Pre to the Treasurer's office snd other building's. 100 persons lost tbeir lives. 29. Rev. A. B. Grosh author of Odd Fellow's Msnual died. APRIL. 1. Funersl of Prince Leopold at Cannes. 2. Death dealing, cyclones in the South. 3. Steamship Daniel Steinman wreck, ed near Halifax. 120 lives lost. 10. Gen. Deitsler thrown from a buggy at Tucson snd killed. 11. Cbsrles Read novelist died at London. 11. M. Jean Dumas died at Paris. 11. Young Ftnlsyeon commits sui cide. 13. $175,000 fire at Tacoma. 12. Dr Pogge, German explorer died. 17. W. W. Thayer nominated for Supreme Judge and Jno. Myers for Congress. 1. John Henry Blunt, author, died. 22.- Heary earthquake in Eastern England. 33. Sam Parrish mads Chief of Poliea of Portland. 27. Terrible Cyclone in Ohio. 30. Flinn nominated for Supreme Judge and Hermann for Congress by land column on account ia order to force out a plurality for Blaine, This is a literal according to the records snd filed maps and Plata thereof, also the lots Mo. one of the fusion pitiful 5,000 1 (1) and two (9) In Block No. twenty-ssven I5 1 trj latasna snwn wsan- beginning at tne narrowest oorner or eeo- afcoal, and is in keeping with the general Ciji character of the Tribune daring the late dlan la said Linn county, aforesaid, run .mMtM nine thence east one hundred and elsthy- campaign. Hi; BLSlRsTS LIBEL St IT. Under date of it December nine (180) rods ; theoos south to the north boundary line of the donation land claim of Samuel MeOnlly ; thence west to the east boundary line of the donation land I ft Mr. I elalm of Jamea ltodeers : thenoe north to n, . . .... . J, the north boundary line ef Section four (4) Blaine wrote his Attorneys at Indian- in said Tp. and range aforesaid ; thsnos .poli. to aot proMout. farth hi.,oH I.T'. for libel against the Sentinel, on the I sale of said real property to be applied ' 1 m mm Aft 7 A. m ' A M 1. .V. mm i- I mm to me payment oi am ooeto oi suit says, that bete informed I txsd at the sum of SS0.7S and aoernlaa not mi dimiwib i thm I coats, next to the payment to the Plaintiff state who would give him Justice if I thereon from October 29th, 1884 at the eailsd to n TnH u; rate of ten per oent pee annum and the cauea to serve on the Jury to try bis fanber sunVof 100, next to the payment ease. This is a most miserable subter- to the Defendant Mary A E Smith the taam mmmA . , . . . sum of $888,21 with inUrsst thsreon at the fugs, and many men will be led to be- rate ef ten ner oent per annum from the Have that it was his fear of getting mth VctSbri tb her . . . . ... gK aum of 66 bearing interest from said date justioe that induced him to dismiss his at the rate of 8 per oent per annum and nit. Vnr ,.fm j. ftTO.oosta. Second thst the following m,m, vi mmmmm v. mrmmmj W 7 UC1QI jlllUV" i ing the letter until next issue. ground, he that there are Vesting sure of ths unquestionable vir tu rs and absolute curative quaUtles of De Haren's Byspepsis Cure, we offer free of charge sample bottles and circulars to all who are troubled with Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour Stomach, Flatulency, Sick- Ibed premises be next sold, totwit : Situate in the county of Linn and State of Oreton and beainnias at ths southwes corner of lot sevsn (7) In Block four (4J in the town of Albany In said county, accord ing te the recorded maps and plats there of, running thence easterly along the north side of First Street about twenty six (86) feet to the center of the west wall of James H Foster's two story brick bond ing ; thenoe in a northerly oourse along ths center of said wall parallel with the west side of said lot seven (7) one hundred headaohe or anv form of RUnuk ti I flee) feet te the alley ; thence in a weeter Amrm Thi- Mm. .--- i. Hy course on the south slds of said alley to dsrs, This remedy contains no alcohol 4s compounded upon strictly scisntiflc prin cipals and never falls to effect a ours. A trial will convince, the moat doubtful of Its wonderful effect. Sample bottles free at Foshsy Mason's rug Store. stea't lre tip Te It doesn't follow that a patient will 41 because ths doctors hsTo "given him up," er that bs will rs oorer beosose they promises te "pull him through.' ; It is never to Ute to try the greet virtues ot Farter's Toole MrMlchsel OutUoyle, ol Binghsmton, N, T-, was cored of rheumstlem by It efter ten years of un- rneskable suffering. Mr B W Master, druggist, of same city, certifies that he has over thousand bot tles of Farter's Tonle through Its reputation tor this ad otter cures. ths northwest oorner of lot seven (7) afore said ; thence southerly along ths lias be tween letaseren and eight in said Block to the niece of beginning. Ths proceeds of sale to be applied, first to the payment to said plaintiff of any sum remaining due af ter applying thereon the proocedsef the sale of the real property herein.flrat described; next to the payment te the Defendant 8 IE Young tne sum or f isoe with interest at the rate of ten psr oent per annum from October 2tth, 1884, and the further sum of 875, next to the payment of any sum ro malnlon dns to the defendant Mary A Smith. Dated this 18th day of December, 1884. J. K, Chabxtov, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. By Oso. Humps just, Deputy, CO W o oa o o -a p a7eS CtQ rrj o i D I i & CO CO o o 7s m tewst 9 H. EWERT'S Christmas Goods. A SPLENDID LIKE OF LADIES' AND CENT S WATCHES, COLO AND SILVER RINGS, BRACELETS, FRUIT BASKETS, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, SLEEVE BUTTONS, BEAUTIFUL CHARMS, HANDSOME STUDS, COLO PENS, ETC. Also diamonds, gold and plated jewelry, silver and plated ware, etc., etc. -AT U. EWERT'S - - - Albany, Or 1 8(4-5. HOLIDAY GOODS, AT Foshay Mason's. Splendid Stock, embracing: : Books.S t atuary , Albums, Toilet Sets, Musical Instru ments, Pictures, Christmas and New Year's Cards, Perfum ery, Vases, Inkstands, Mirors, Etc., Etc., Etc., Everything will be sold to snit the times, at the most liberal rates. HO FOR THE HOLIDAYS Get the useful as well as the CONRAD MEYER has a splendid stock of PANOY GLASSWARE, INCLUDING ORNAMENTED OAKE BASKETS, PITCHERS, ETC., CHINA SETS. TEACUPS, AND SAUCERS, DESSERT PLATES, HANS COLORED ASSORTED WARE, CASTORS, VASES, DOLLS, TOYS, ETC all of which will be sold at reasonable prices f Oj. the holiday trade, fpHE BEST WAOOi In the market ia ths oeJabrated Stode backer sold by Peters & Stewart, ami the spring wsajatsi and hacks ef the same make are just as good. Every article ia warranted. The prices are down on a dead level with wheat at 60 cents. - L CASE PLOWi. This famous plow ia well known in Um County. The chilled and steel piows era well made from the very bant material and are warranted to do as good work and scour fully so well as any other nlow. 1 ) . m. k-' - . .1 . m x even a. owwmi mrv ue (to IS rpHE BEST THING OUT, Is ike Acme Harrow and no farmer can well afford to be without it. It is the rery beat clod crasher and pulverizer, leaving the ground as level aa a barn floor. Sold only by Peters Stewart, Q ARPENTER8 TOOLS. We want carpenters to know that, v keep constantly. in stock the rery beet tools the market affords, aud sell tuetn aa cheap aa they can be sold. Every tcol we ell we oaa warrant. No shoddy articles are aeot, uome ana see us. Pxtsbs A Btbwaht. Jg LACKSMITH'8 OUTFITS, Anvils, vises, bellows sham mere, sledges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly on hand. Also a foil clock of iron, of all sizes, horse shoes snd bone shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfits for farmers use, Peters Stbwaix JpAINTS AMD GILS, Of all descriptions sold by Peters fc Ittew art. CHAS. METZGER'S FisbjTouItry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds nnnsssntly an hand. Poultry dressed to ardor, All kinds of same In season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to say part of tne city, .Next door east of Tweedale'a Tin and Store Store. D ON'T FORGET IT. if you try to build uow while wheat is only worth 54 cents you should by all means go to mors dt Stewart's, at Albany for; your hai. I ware. You can get what yon want at their store and at reasonable figures. g PORTSM EM AT : EKTION ! Peters v t f line of am- munition, nu r.n m an the iow . Every sound of powder is warranted kill M0 ducks if properly u