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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1884)
S f ATS RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY" FRIDAY IT- STITES & NUTTIK6. OP SOBSCWPtlOU Mt mat. la aJvanc SS 80 to 1 w ! 7, UtfM OMfiUM miaSd aumW ;, " 'Mr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 8s STRAHAN. ATTOBWBY AT LAW. Albany reea. VV vCl-i- f thu State iuu r ' Tvtu .plalatteationto ewleotion. and P It ft robete Office in Foster's mw brick. 4tf L. BL MONT ANTE. ATTORN EAT LAW, Notary Public. Albavay res. Office npataire, orer John BriWgo 1st street. Wl J K. MMMHT POftLlCv) TTnuKRY AT LAW, Y sut awafeass i la OSS ret" iwy ntri - - n. W. n. IWUTaOT POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, CollJSoVa promptly made onlpoln Loans negotiated on rnaWeterma. amoein Foster's Br.ohvn Tl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Laf AND Notary PbUCa ALBANY, OREGON, -Will practice In all All hniiine of the CJonrta of i Intrusted to him wUJ be promptly attended to. 4r-offlee in OToole't Block. E, W, IANC00N & CO., DRrGGtSTS. Book. SUtkmery nd TbUet ArUcla A Large BtoeK ana mw OIT Z" tyi J; tlT. FOSHAY & MASON, Oroggistsand Booksellers, ALBASY, OalECKlM. vlftntltf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST- ot&tioiiarj, Toilet Article, Etc. ttlSCHPTIOJS CAnEFCLLY FILLED, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. OAc on Frat Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OKSON. DR. M. hTELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. gST-Office and reaidenoa in McHwain'a Bloek. Albany. Oref a. LOUIS CAMPEAO'8 Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatneas and abarp ram which are always kept tal good condition, and hair cut to too rcry beat style. : aoa oa boiw " ssTNezt to Gty Bonk. FURNITURE. I have the beet stock erf furniture In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv snd the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock snd can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN. J. J. D0RRI3, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO. OREGON. OATftTTflR OF PUBLIC LBTTTNGS SO W LICITED. Plans and specifications fnrn ishedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBAIT, OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the coarse of study and tb price of tuition, ofply to KBV. ELBERT V. COMD1T. Prenatal. Aloany Bath House. TEE UNDERSIGNED WOULD KiSPECT felly inform the eitissna of Albany and ri AS It j thst I have takes charge of this Estsblith me t, and, by keeping elsan roomi and parts Sriet attention to bniinos, expects to aeit si th, a who may faro r US with thsir patronage Having herstofors earned on nothing bnt First-Class Hair Dressins Saloons espsstt to give entire iatUf action to si mn0ild:sa snd Lsdist' Hair nsstly ca eiusft WM, I saa&assee, wsflssa. VOL- XX. x ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 86, 1884. NTO 22 - mmmmmmmmmmssssm i I, ljJXJi'!L , , ,1 III I. U 'gawaevasa.a Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAOON, The words InBalmn.n Ft the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, AND' All kinds of Agriciltuml Imple ments kept bj the undersigned. JULIUS GRADWOHL, Agent lor Frank Bros., PertUnd THE ALBANY FUMITURF BRINK & SON. (Suoceasora to) Dannals, Woodin & Fiaher, Manufactures and dealers io all kind FURNITURE, wonldraapaetfnlry inlbrm the public tbst they manufacture to order, and 1 P constantly on band, a complete stock ot all deal table lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS mnS TTNUKKHLUKbU a w I Inform the public the toe is now pvv- i pared to oo s4tirH - ZZJSTCTw: .fi .nn all Stnos oi r- I di&S 2tfZf7tir& - : a. w . oaosn rs log eiaewnerw a. a -- Hhon on west side or rerry site pet omce- -oj HARRIS, Prop. REVEM lUM, Chaav Pfeifler, Prop'r. rHoloIistUodspu nfc th bast th la trot t tsWos Cpria r Ooov lacrtrTBOMB. Agoos WwartcBTTBtf, HLLU1RT AID DRE88-HAXII6. Cutting end fitting by the System. Taylor't . OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. BBS I. W. & MARY T. COLE. Offer their sorriest to th Lino sod oosr Ooert Boess. Coil at UegCoa MrtWiwHf DR. J- P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, mtt McMaiiM Alt ft rot StlSet be vnh and T.voa Streets. Calls left st E. W. Lsngdon A Co's. Drugstore Albany, Oregon. ALBANY SAW AMD PLAN INC MILLS. All kindi of roxurh, dretad and seasoned lumber ,laths and tickets kent constantly on hand. Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON a WEST. Albany Ox. Insurance. P. P. Nutting, at the Demoobat offics, has charge of the following nrst-ciess Insurance Com ponies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTJSH UNION AND NATIONAL. B sAMS FOR SALE. Having taken charge of the sboTensmed : Unt : a. Qnicrnnnfl. r m.,r.ti. imuunaut rnysicaus S-Lrl oZimuL Mad. miliurr ALBANY, 0 1 5 I I KL"aIr . b..r k High grade merino rams, yearlings anc two year olds. Also a tew Jersey msl salves from three quartern to fifteen else eanthbrod. Prices reasonable. MoKitgaHT Bn N 1 1 sfSl mfrtir POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nvt vsr'te A Baavet si ilh ih raulUtnd on low VMS. tfesi or Phnmasti bowSm. SoM only to HoTAl Baaiae tveeaaCo. I0S Walt IMS, It. Y. Cuticura Mrs. Baatth's Cass. smS wkat the Bev, Mr eKtalatey has Is aajr aheal It t.j ml bMi fsarrol for vtmt with vast or SsU tthram. iv.nta nd Uers. uul tiM IISS, sad hv Iwnjrt bsSBlsUlkst ttMSS W se oars for sm, sad havs bs w shwsesssstf tasi I as4ssssonUMtl. I as Swss ss bsdl, sfttci s4 ssssstlssas thst thsre wss sst. Um ssjaOttl ssst tram Um srsa-s of mr Soad to lb of my test Ubst wss sst disssssd sad ss red ss nrtsuss It woaid ii le ssmOI whtu ipue, wstsk asd s alrsry sppssrsaos. bat war wok imp, bat W 1 st ffdit io aonl tasm. or sosasitsr thsir trot sa pssrsac. Uwjr would burn sad ran liasOiir onu' msrs wss s isaislsls dry, rod nsli. whlsa woatd ss sssm So laOssssd sste sraok sad took ear u1 a- rry, sadtSasareJaf sniuo weald b shs tabrsbls. I wss st Usms st loots tbst 1 ssett qr rot sboat, sadoooid not I hss irtsd assr rsasilsa sad hsvs uM I tiooto srirtssisaiss parskisa. ht aasssssr sMslasS saljr isssparsrr rslkf. AJUWasbaslBeS for I ubm. i mmi riiwMit ajsu. io b aTiMStr uWmi 1 SttHSf UM wtntvr of ISM IM tSSS I I ss ssasb as to bssntttsht dtooSajoood Jso. boworor. I ss sdWd by BJdsrand MrstC osfery, who or wen taowa in tb rsstnes. Is try roar Cvrmnu ttsttisj ; sod I toH nnbaw s Um i norof . frooo Ihoir fovoroblo optoJoo o tbssa, to tnr tbotr rlno. Aboet tb soeood wook of Jaly last I lit, I tsatas tb rssasdlsi. sad wttaln ots vsobs I bono to i until now (Ortt) lam aU.ot xd i "Wj Sssb is ss lbs Sash of s child. MkS. OKXJ.SMITB lorrtUy tbstths sbsre ilalisimt st r wn to m t- earraet, sod I join ilb her in i tads for tb srst boo til sbi bos B. SMITB. learttrr tbst tits sbovo to sorrsst. Mr caassafs aM aV taSmlaaBfSan'w aaVMa) ts tkmf muity. whsrs atwnVoThr IZrZmZt I ordit. Dsnest mtswiit. rrnrtaos of Ueoss. I thto tesntf. ssoosUi ifc tr.h.r loos I I a mckinstry. i Minufr of tb OosdoI. i.iH.n.... w. uiiw. .ii. mmA wl ttooo bar to b thorooebJ, and ,njnU. ard. Oajr Cla, Osof. T i Jfo, ood K H. I sap, soa, nss, i Cmct'sa Reaotrsrr, tb rvn, - ,....iiv,. u.... ik. batniesri, sro sold ..orrwhsrs. Fries. Ovn ' ' ' Administrator's Notice. aaa. i ., r- i m iihi woa w ac a l Lisa a. tun nu darsited Admintorator of the estate of Hsrbard Hhelton, (ineesed'. has filed his flnsl scooont In the matter or said eo toAo In tha (Iniint Honrt mtt Unn nmnlv. Oregon, snd the Judge of said Court hat I msoe an oruer aeon ran this notice to bo pnblk ' li,?JTi,'!f7-Jl -"r1 I said dayaa the time for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Has vet OsrsxTOB, Powell A Diltbu, Administrator, Attorneys. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- M4CIIIE SHOP. fiHTABMUnKD 1MB. By A. P. CHERRY, Bftuated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany Oregon. Machlnerv of all kinda repaired. Spe- clal, attention given to repel oblnery. tiring farm ma- Pattern Making done la all Its forms. l&llyl A. P. CHEBRY A SON. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT - a mrr Notary Public. IkSANFO iaT w its name unpuesu . 1 a . a JT I r. xurety vcgwaoio wVFf. acti directly "upon the iaaawgi the many diseases i o that ono portant organ, and g the nor tnerons arise from, its tier as or tion such, as Biliousness , Sick-headache etc. It is therefore s lruisrrAAfrVToliave Good Health ahavlAToTmnst be kept in order' SB, fiABPOBD'S liveb xhyioobatob Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood , Aswsts Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. 3)3. IABTOBB'8 LIVEB DTYIOOBATOB. An experience of Forty yean, , and Thou tandi cf Testimonial prove it Merit. WOB SALE BY ALTi DEAIJER8 IN MED1CINKS. lor full information and yonr address for 100 awes Book on the " Liver snd its diaeaaes," to Saucroan Si suahs aw CLIt' RD'S INVIGORATOR 'Is A TALK WITS! JSSW AVIS Mr. William L. Taylor, of the law firm of Paella k Taylor, returned front New Oi leans. Whits on the trip be visited Jefferson Darlast his boms, near Beaovoir, Mist., a ant all station on tbs Louisville 4 KsskfUls railroad, midway between Mobile and Now Or leans. Mr. Taylor describes she home of the confederate leader so s typieni old- time plantation mansion, one story to height, with ipaeiom halls imposing portion. The view of the gulf, nod is tut rounded by s think grove of orange and magnolia Mr. Taylor saye that he won ra SOfdkQj by Mr. Davis, nod. eJsat they had been aalklof n few ma- meoAs, Mis. Davis and her daughter, n youoa lady, appeared In the room, accompanied by a young Chicago lawyer. Mr. Davie insisted that he should remain in the house over night. Daring the evening the oonverestion turned upon the war, sod Mr. Davis talked freely upon all luhjeete thst were brought up. 'What it the southern estimste of the federal generals T ' inquired Mr. Taylor. "I cannot give yon the eomhorn timate," Mr. Devls replied. "I give yon my own estimate." "What do yon think oi Grant t was aeked. Grant," ho aaid, "wee lergely a creature of circumttsnses. I remem ber thst the first time I met Grant was when he wee stationed on the Paeioo Ooootaa a Lieutenant. I was then Secretary of war. Joe wesoharged with drunkenness and n select of dutv. I STe him hie nootos between standing . . . . . , , . , Z trial and resigning. Hs resigned. I , . . . I J in ww mmi urn wuuiu. 'wiiaiai unwi was a groat military nommandar. Ho waa very atneoions He fenght n bat tle as a matter of business. Men were i ooge in the wheel Ail the men end means be wanted were Disced at his command and be bad every advan tage. Hs would bnve been discharged. from the army of the Potomac aS it had not boon that too many ohsnges hsd J7 pUoe in the army." tiTfk.t t i i " um ' juur miwiiB vn uanviai Sherman V "" 1 ooBnuto. nr. arawie sain, -wm i.a n r t f apoo U the SOUth St AltriC Was W ak. Ho ore tboir 'on rro - ' ---sr" Of uod no wee erusi, yet he waa a great ttrategitt." "Yet," interrupted If tea DaU, he i mi . inn omen monster, wnet no did not nee lie destroyed." "Sherman hesitated," Mr. Dsvle com turned, "fcr a long time between join tag the eonfederetc army and the union army. We were uncertain which he would do. ' He Anally joined the union army, thinking, I eoppoce, that more -My Use' remarked Mr Davis, "is that Meads wae the most skillful Gen eral in the Federal army. General Lee onee said so me that be could undar- einnd the movements of nil the Generals in the Federal army easier than those - General Meade. Those above Meade never allowed him to display bit full Sower. He wee hampered end kept down through jealousy." Mr. Taylor How did yon regard McCieUen t Well, fir, McOlcllan wae the best trained soldier in the war. While Secretary of war I teat him on three mittiont ons to Europe, to methods. Ho returned now ledge of military discipline and methods than waa poo- by My maQ in tfcU country." Mr. Taylor Oonld he have entered Richmond if ho had poshed oa across the Cbickahominf ? ''Well," Mr. Davis anstrtred, laugh- . tlI . f bo asid ' that if hie foresight had been at good aa hie hindsight he might have made a ortano on cotton. Something of the name kind waa probably the fault with McClellan. If he bad known the weak ness of the Confederates and had thrown hit army aoroas the river, I think; be oouid have entered Richmond. We thought be wouldtand I believe General Lee thought io, t' e." . Mr. Taylor Who do . you regard as the greatest of the Confederate Gsoer- eisl "T Annsidor fton.rel SUdnov JahntOU I i lu' .i(im xtv tVim Uf.a war Gsneral hWMW w I VMW .".ww - ' Lee stands next in my estimation, and as we move away from the war his des perate struggle against overwhelming numbtrs will be a marvel in war an nab." "Mr. Lincoln was a vnlgar joker," Mr. Davis said, "but withal a great man. He wae wise and he was honest. He could have been of great goad to the routh if he had lived, and his un timely death was a great loss to us.'1 Hs was quiet and apparently in deep meditation for several minutes, and then resumed : "Yss, it wss a great loss, for hs was succeeded by a low, mean demagogue Johnson"-and a demagogue is the wotst of men. J ohn bouse liea la wes unschooled, but n msn of great native ability. He bad no conviction and tried to please all. Lincoln waa a man of greet vigor of mind, sltbough he waa plain and rough. If Mr. lAa ooln had livod the sooth would have bed a President that understood her condition, sad he would beve been of store ham fit to her then any other msn oonld possibly have been. He wae en honest man. His death wit a groat misfortune to the south." ita. Lieut. U reel j has promised his wife that ha will never go to the Artie rs gioJaS again. The youngest member elect of Con stant is Robert M. La Follett, of Wis consin ; he it twenty eight. Queen Victoria has conferred upon Sir John McDonald, the Canadian premier, the Grand Crocs of the Order of the Bath, in recognition of bit emi nent public scry ires. Through Grover Cleveland's election the number of Presideate furnished by New York will bo four, two by aooU dent, Millard Fillmore and Cheater A. Arthur, and two by eleotton, Martin Yen Boron, elected forty-eight years ago, and Grover Cleelsnd. The Presidents' wives now living are Mrs. Polk at Nashville, Mrs Tohn Trier, Richmond, Mrs. Giant in Naw Jersey, Mrs. Hayes, In Fremont, and Mrs Gar- field in Cleveland. Of these, too wtd ows, Mrs. Polk, Mrs. Tyler, and Mrs. Garfield, draw from the G.vernm.nt ooasooi of $9000 a year each. Chief-Justice Greene, of Weabiogten Territory, in hie mat charge to the gtaad jory, bears the following testimony to the good effect of women serving oo juries : "Twelve terms of Court, ladies and gentlemen, I have now held In which women hare served, aa grand and petit jurors, end it is certainly a fact beyond dispute thst no other twelve terms to salutary for toitatnt of crime have ever been held iu this Territory." Alexsnder Hamilton's old hums at Si. Nicholas strous snd 138th street, Now York, with his specious grounds and wide pure he, is soon to . become transformed into a series of oidinary city lots. Eght j years agQ, snd mote, Hamilton epent there the heppieet dsys of bis life, with his wife end seven chil dren. The building is two ttoriet high and sixty feet equate, commanding a noble view of the iiooeieon River and the Palisades. Jsmes Gordon Bennett, the elder, in an editorial published in the New York Ieraid in 1840, when there was not a jobbing houee within a mile of Clafltn 's present ws rehouse in New York city, predicted tbst all the land below Gnal street would soon be occupied by whole sale trade, end advised bis readers to make investments in real estate. In fifteen years from that time Clsflin built his great warehouse on a plot formerly occupied by rookeries, snd the predicted trsntformstioo soon became Russell Ssge is said to be tbe Ust calculator in America, being both rapid and accurate. Sage and Jay Gould maintain their intimacy ,and are in nw degree necessary to each other. They are not rivals, for Gould does not d in puts snd calls bit business being heavy stock operations, ptsying bull and bear alternately, ae self-intereet may require. These men aid each other in procuring loans, and are at times heavy borrowers. Cyrus W. Fisld is alto a heavy borrower. Big houaee and Small families seemt to be the rule in Fifth avenue. W. H. Vanderbilt and wife occupy a $2,000, 000 palace ; Mrs. RL. Stuart and Mrs. A. T. Stewart, 'both childless widows, also each has a palace. Harriet Lenox, sietsr of Jamas Lenox, never married, but keepe house in the spacious dwel ling which Jamee erected forty yeers ago. and in which he passed his latt dsyt. Mrs. E. D. Morgan ie another instance. How hollow, after all, ia the grandeur for which so many atruggle for a lifetime. Research si in France by Dr. S-shuUz haveahown that citric acid otets powerful antiteptio propertier, whiob may give it an important place as a food preserving eubetanoe, tinoe it is believ ed to be free from tbe objection of un wholeetmeneea urged against other an titeptio aoids. Mdat fragmenti placed tn a five per cent solution of the aoid were in a state of pet feet preservation at the end of fifteen days. Experiment ing upon organised germs, Dr. Sohultz fonnd that one drop of a solution of one part acid to 1000 of water placed in liautd containing bacteria nrt other a aw germs of microscopic life instantly caused their death. To test the soundness of s piece of timber, snnlv the esr to the middle of , -rr t one of the endt, while another peison strikes upon the opposite extremity. If the wood is sound snd of good quality, the blow ia very distinctly heard, how ever long the beam may be. If the beam it decayed, the sound will be for the most part, destroyed. TCIPIEAHOE DEPARTMENT, nniTaa by rum wihii'i uiriiuu Teapernei Viiei arsusne Must asd came At the late annual meeting of the Phileotbropie Union of the Society of Frieode William 0. Starr, of Indians, i- '. . . ... e reponeu at saying : "in laajtsem are have In nineteen counties 1,19 and in nine counties we have no sa loons. In the nineteen titan I In there la one prisoner for every seventy-two voters, in the nine oonntles one for tvsry aevso hundred snd twenty voters being ten times) as man 7 wkwroltqnet U sold." This Is striking teelkttoey ee to the relation of tbe saloon system to crime. What is true of Indiana la this respect ie essentially true tJtww tears wherever liquor 1 n crime, end the tuftering and tbe I grievous burdens which it imposes, I apread total abet i nance tmths.and close the saloona. A decision has lately been rendered by tbe Iowa Supreme Coort which women in that State who mar be thinking of marry log 'drinking men, trusting, ee le eo met! mac the eeee, to ''reforming them, would do well to giro heed. A wife applied for a divorce on the ground that her buaband was a confirmed drunkard. It urea aim a 11 that aha knew of his intemperate habile whan aha married him Tbe judge re-1 I m y, -ream ... wordl: "You voluntarily oboes a j drunkard for a husband(snd yon should I dischsrge the duties of s drunkard's I wife. Ilia failure to kaan a nleal , .t reformation mad. hafor. a,ri.M sWl a -e , , .. . I jus ij you w aeseruug mm. nsv- ing knowingly married a drunkard.yeu I es sst make yourself content with the I aacred ralationahip." Hard aa her fafe I U It 1 -k.-k -k- k " w",v" rwEaa i l t e . n see . n I in marry a urunaaro u to oeiibcraieiy i slk into tbe fire of affliction. It is I far better to avoiJ at th. I alliance so fall at neril I Tbe report of the Commissioner of I Indian Affairs, Hon. Hiram Price, who I ;. -i- - v;- t ij a t .l. T.i I ' ,v aow BV4UB at teeaparanee Bootetv. nesin invites a ewe . ' V atteuUun to "ths iasdequate punish-1 moot i f offenders against tbe law for-1 b, tbe aale of innn- Tu; . . .. ... . . ... I - na suggwsm inai iae penalty snouia be wfsjwsssj to "not less tnan S5UU fine, t . . . . . . and Dot less than two veers imorieon ment." We hope Congrens will heed aki- .i...ii .J.. . ..... .7 -(.-u, WJ"". There is no other body which can act effectively tn the promisee, Commie siuner Price edda that the Indiana . . . , w W allowing white men to furnish liouor to tbeir people, and in some cases do all a in their power to cure this evil by severely punishing their own people . . ' . Z . , w , n tn. use oi mtoucsting hquors. Members of Cottgrens ought at least to be disposed to do ss much to promote "civilisation" in tbe nutter oil a onuureaaia the obnoxious and dawowe- t; m. k. T-jt - themselves, Ae tbe smoke of battle clears away ws discern the new positions of. the enemy and the newly adjusted tactics of politician generalg at wsll. A ga tinman from Ohio saye that it is now probable that the Democratic party will submit a prohibitory amendment to the people of that state, in revenge upon the German voters who deserted the party daring the presidential contest ; while in New York state.ib is said thai at tbe Eoal meeting of the RepnWisan US.a. II.. . a. a. ;i I IL.i w, i. wa. .greeu tne itepunucan legislature elect enouia be asked to propone a prohibitory smenament w ins oonsiuution, ana a . . .i.. i a tbat tbe legislature ot 188, tt itepuMi - a a ow. Oa can, should be asked to sgatn submit ths same, and in the fall of 186 the Republican party ahould anpport ths adootion of the amendment bv the pee- pie. e w m This, if all that prohibitionists have asked, er oould ask in ths matter of present action. It confirms their belief, also, that wherever the largest separate prohibition vote is cast, there they may look for the largest conces sions from the dominant party. The prayert of the W. a T. U. are going up to Uod irom all over this nation to-day. What do they mean T Not hearts failing them for fear not convictions wavering, nor principles set aside they mean this just what we pro raised each other at St. Louie, "to meet all onr difficulties and dangsrs with preytr," They mean more renewed vows and a oonseoration en lightened by the things wo have suffer ed. They mean just what "God help me" meant to Luther when he said, "Here I stand I can do no other," LaW lus been improved 100 per cent, in the counties in Georgia, where nroliihitton has been adopted. The business men are fast becoming prohi bitionists, as a matter of busineaa, and now wonder they oould not tee before that the money they spent in saloons oeionge to th doing a legitimate business, snd giving value received In return fur tbe cash. Me t sro now saving money, and looking forward hopeful o the time when they . bell own houses sod lends for teems tva . The N. Y. ChrUtian Advocate speaks bus pnngently of the of the liqusr traffic While dealing ction from the law, it ie perpetu ally evading and breaking the law. It ships goods sbroa.i to svoid the pay stent of taxation, end sells secretly to evade lio.-nae fees and police inspection. It bands Itself together to dispute the caseation and eonatitntboaliiy ef of awneive leg.slatien, end shirks its tdurre of toe burdens which fell on legitime te traflU. More the a great corpora t ions, even, dons it scrutinise candidates and enfploy legislative attornsye. No evi. denec ceo con vines its agents of the social sviis of which it ia tbe parent, or dso to tbe 00m prehension of what society would he were tbe t riffle out. It is manifest that socie ty endures 10 re from tbe liquor de nomination than from any other tyran- 7 men roBTtAJis to autuaa raaaa, Edg. Democrat : Tbe Journey over tbe North Psrific ord Cbleage. Milwaukee and St Faol Railroads ie delightful. The Atrants o Portland A, D. Chariton No. 2 Waehingtoo street and W. M. Mar- am Was 1 1 mm A eat. S- a . - 1" mood their Roads to my Ore i on friends who looking forward to a x the grant Espoaftioo.lo New W08- . coaches are olcely upholstered, dlolof end sleeping car attached as there is oo stopping for meals. The emigrant ear Is famished with mov births and cooking stove so tbat IP17 J0- iwwn uwan inie rosy tare oulte Well Detdtvontha arnlmat train it ie attached to the express aid - . fnH right through to St Paul in four ay- The sce ery it varied water gOOd Snd I found plenty ut good I SSTwswjtslam rVtmraanu i wwvswwsv wvniy at asjr , At St. Paul we had a very n-ke me iDOW nd o MbjfMaelppi iwvmmu. a ueiny oi ouiy un h .nd . h.lf thB wr rtW f ,r 1 " w wovwe wt I ik. mmmmt r xr . u w m mm 4utii'jiin ui tuc .UUB west, Chleago. It Is n wonderful dtyof rapid growth and still movi tg wUn eHgaotle strides to tbe front in i - waa iwvnaln& Tt I, 1 mMwmw wnwiv Kw VIUOT. it td mnri3 raflmads eonvar them I than at any city In the world. A I . I seventeen hour ran brought us ther A ere tof P" two days ooo night Io the hands of our fri-nd Mr. Swan waa onlovaMo and restful. Fifteen hours run over U e j Michigan Centrtl which brings me h thought oo my friends the uacuemans when 1 heard tbe name I Ann Arhnr Mvnaptv.Mr aiui Mm I hia a vsHwuti ssnavntasgx uivwtKfi iv vuvtu I nati I take the Falla io on my way to I Baltimore, which place I hope to roach TIT, moroing in; I aower roll call" at tho Ceontenni d (w, of Method!, m in Amer- J ice. I NUgra Fslls,' erell to see tbetu 'mr - - l . from tho Canada aide then cress over WW Wire BOSpenSJOO DTiage an.l I lbo American aide and from the I hrldM or sum alavatlnn eat a fn I I vi. nt hoth fit to tho whoha hin with fetelinfrs of ewe and reveratu-o for the great father who "holds the I waters in the hollow of His hands," 4 ,n naste, l am io the ae. pot waiting. Respectfully, T. B. White, Niagara Falls, Dee, 9th 1864. An idle word may be seemingly harmless In Us utterance, hot let It bo fanned by passion, let It be fed with tbe fuel of misconception, of vll intwntioo, of prejudice, and it I W1U soon grow Into a sweeping fire th.t , thfl ch-1A of hnm.n w endghi thtkt will to ashes l " i . -k-t-k u o . a uit lain I jr vugiuuou avico, auu ui.v. aou 1 mny a fajr name I PotlUone asking the Ohio legisla. wre to propose to the people a change " tne constitution by whicn the state election will be held in November are receiving the names ol thousand io that state. Tbe leaders of both par. ties favor the proposition. -THE BEST TONIC. 5 nils medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonka, quickly and completely Cares DrseeBeia, laelgeatlon, Weakaess. laassrs ttleod, Afalarta,C kllle and Foyer, it lian'ffijt remedy fhr Ptseatnt of tbe K H Ttn 5 bl "for Dtiosstt peculiar to Women, and all who lead aedentary Uvea It tloea not injure ths teeth , cause headache, or priduce conatipatlon oiher Iron medicine do It enrlcbas and the blood, ttmulate the appetite, aids tbe sstinulsUon of food, re l!rai Heartburn and Belching, and streugUi ani the muscle and nerves. Tor Intermittent Fever, lassitude, Lack ol Energy, etc., it has no equal. SW The genuine has above trade mark and i-rosaed red lines on wrapper. Take no other aw. - . -r snows casatCAk ca, baltisobb. rs KDINOTO, WOODAii J a vJj., PotUsnd, Or. j 1 HUH H IH IU a- STATE SI6STS THE BUT ADTKtTIHB IIUBI II HI WILLAMETTE YAIJJT. Special bntineas notices km umaa 1ft eente per Use. B false notices 10 cents nee line. For legal and transient ad KOO per square for the first lsserWeeeel cants pes square fee eaeh ssttweajweaO . Betes tor other adi anownoastmuosiioa NO POISON IN THE PASTRY ir g4fe T8 fob mam aid tbub nun . FLAVOR THEY 8TA9D ALOHl. sv r Priate. Baking: Powder Co.. Chkoego, III. SH. Leuas. ftte Dr. PTict't Cream Bakisf Dr. Price's Lopolin Tenet LIGHT HEALTHY The best ery boy yeast rsHed by this f seat It llgtrt. waits Mae CROCSRS SELL Price Baking Powder Obtf IuTb tf fir. Rfattfeal nmriii ULMtV Chtcego, III. Ot. I For aal by CoUlag, Mori a4 Co., ; Red Crown Mi 11n (SOU, LAKNIHG CO., PBOPR'S saw raocsst noes trrsaiea res BEST STORAGE FACILITm Highest ; Price in Cask for Wheat A LB AN YOR. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED eOETZ.) Wiil keep s fall supply of good at earn at bottom prions. ALBANY, ORECM. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs tor both eld oong, st bottom prices at tbe Albany , Oregea HARDWARE OF ALL KOTOS, ax, o-h shoTehkspades. forks, gri ndetonoa , wheel barrows, wringers, rones, and everything yon want, can be had for cash at Peters Stewart. C UTLKRY. Tbs beet line of cutlery In the valley east be found at onr store. It embraces pocket knives, table knives, forks and butcher knives, bunting knivee, knives, s bears and scissors oi all and the beat line or rasors into Albany. Come snd see for selves. PSTl jpOR SALE. Ons hundred and forty miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in tt ration. 10 acres slashed nod sown to grass. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at OUS office. Notice of Assignment, In fat Circuit Court o' the Stmt e OrsfiS or the County ef Lorn . In the matter of the Assignment of a Chas. B. Montague Notice is hereby given te as Chas. B. Montague, that ae has this si tit nay made and filed with the Clerk ef the OhroaS) Court of the State ef Oregon for Lisa to be recorded, an assignrasnt ef sU hff arty, reel and personal, te no the ed. snd that all creditors of sak Montacue are hereby notified to claims under oath to me at the stare ef i Chas. R Montague, in the City ef ia said county, within taree ths date hereof. Dated at Lebanon on Nov. eta, 1M4. J. Wi Powsu. BiLYse for JOR SALE, One half block tn eastern part ef ana city with fair house sod barn will be aeld oheas o. o ohbrrt. o.a.rva ALBANY i IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MwrightSi and Iron founders. w E HAVE OUR NEW 8HOP8 ATX completed, and are now prepared te handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds ef Iran and Brass Castings. PATTsatMs Mates en satesT Special attention given to repairing alt kinds of eh nary. Will also mannlha- i tare the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. i limp en Baker at. eatee a lamaes Yssm 1 Albany, Qr, Dec, 1, 1880. istf sv cwjftse. nan svoo. iwmeaa. Or. IREAI m esaw-vaw wasmaswHw etsesss STSSS, TM KM caaar.i n lJLTm!t aJaJfJHfcaJwS .