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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1884)
Chsrch Bf icier . at 11. st,, end 7 p. m. by Be. E. Q. Ir viae, i. 1. Sabbath School at liM r. at I'rayer mating every Vf ednessday rosing. Etakokucu. OitUKcm. -Preaching on Sab bath at 11 . M.. aud 7 r. . Wjo School 12:16. I'rayer meeting every Thurs. day evening. J. A. iJolienbaugh, pastor. CosuroeuA iiokal C Uukch. Service every Sabbutb at 11 a. si. and 8 r. B. Sabbath School at 12:15. Flayer meeting on Thursday seating of each week. J. Harris, pastor. M. !:. CntmcH, South. Service held every second nud tourth Sabbath in each wi.ith is Sa. ftaui's M. K. Church, South, at 11 a. u. Sabbath School at ,3 30 r. m. abarp. Frayer moating every Inure- Uav eveuuit. C. H. Oareoa, paator. :d. E. CacnciL Preaching every Sabbath tii n,i 7i if Sens aamce in the evcaimt before eertaoa. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. m. I'rayer meeting every Thurs- day evening. Kev. M.- Judy, paawv Fbjbyteria2( Cuunca. Service T Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broedaloin aud Ftith Sta, Sunday School at 2:30 o. m. Prayer moating ovary PL trsdav evenin. Kev. Isaac 11. Coiidit l at tor. Curisi ian CHTaoa. Preaching everySnb- oath at W. C. T. U. 11 A.B. 1 :M r m. Sunday School at half pact 2 o olocB r M. Kev J T Floyd, paator. First Baptist i'uobch.-Proaching every Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a. nx. at Church ou 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o clock. Brownson, paator. T O ITkivkrsaltts Chcrcr. Preaching avsry toureh Sabbath of each month n Crawiuri Hall at 11 o'clock, a. at., and 7 o'clock, p. m. Th srreal L . ic va thehwrlUmaU re- lult of over tweatyyeare jk ill Ml-I lll li Filial IAo, ree ta seree, uh unnuliag jgygtlAllflil nd KM debility. In pi usial' wanes, Sto m.i-ih.xd in all its eases produced. It the bli me j.rvvdccUve onran and physical aoe It Stops any unnatural, debUitatlng drain ' "Pa sretem, prevention Involuntary hiesei, J1"". rimun sssnlnsl kwaes with the urtoe, etc.. so atrwl ca to DM and BOUV. IS . f ll lii l ii I tileriitor iinsarl-' ' It iajurkwa inrredtonta To evil effort oo?h and pernaaawafc VI nr h.,tt!e. or fl ,U1, or fire bottlee In case, with full U- - eio Kant is nra from boo to env address spun receipt of price, or CO. D., -'io be had only of DR. C D. SALFlELD, U6 Mcarsejratv, asultattoae strictly iwmMnnfltot by totter er at effl -e FREE. For the coaventonce o ps te and to srder to iaanre perfect secrecy I have addopten a pn vtts address under which all packages are forwmrded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. BaJnchwit ta show its merits, WW be sent to any one eeadyii ; Ly Utter, siting hiasvmpwma and age. vosT'?- -auyua strictly Dr. SPIWEY, NO. 11 KEABNY ST. Treats all Ckronic an Inecf YOU1VCJJ- MEN rM StAT BE SCFFFJUX tifci ..t vouiiJul foUica or haistretioa. wtQ o to rsil LhemselVBB of tMto. tHeXWatoSS DC var laid et the altar of tuflerinc humanity. IK. SPINNEY will gearasstoe to torieit geOOtor ovary a Sawdnele weakueas er private dtoeaee of say kind earecter wtucb So esstoraakas asd toilg to euro. roara ars many a, tis sjrs af thirty s to sfsty wv, oifcea accon(suued by a slight saw rt law tie and s weakening of the system in najJnt nnmt aeeount for. On exam artoarv depeslto a ropy sediment will often be tnrfioetira smell issrticiee of aibumee. wUla the color will te of a thin nulktoh hue, again cbaog. h to a dark and torpid appearanee. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the eases, wnich is the second suae of seminal wiaknnw Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure In all sack heaitay restoration of the gSStoStoVar9 Omci Bocae 10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Sundays froaa 10 to 11 a. a. Qjesnrtattow free. Thorough crrolTiltoT nd edvior, eV . far Hwk il' sf asazt Mandmer a full mediein e s'ifEcieut for a cure, with all instructions. ill basalt tuany address on receipt of SU 00. OsJi an1 address, SB. SPISSBT at C9, 71 N'. lj Kearnv St. San Ftanetoeo, Gal To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 ST., of etol sn Fraactoco. in lite, for the treatment of Sexual and Sentinel Dliaejas, each as Ceaervkest, Cleet, Mrtrtare.avpsUlsmai ntohA In as to br drrama. Dim : and loss of manhood can positively be k arid afflicted should not tail to can nn .n hint The L .-tor has traveled extent rely in Korone. aiid in-mc-cted tboroarbly the vxrious nospi- ials there. olUinin?a gtset deal of valuable lniormx llmi aksali I 1 1 Isf iiiiiiismii in imnsrt ti 1krrr in -rrit of his saic. DR. GIBBON win make no charge uaiss bevScct a cure. Persons atadtotanes MAT BE CTBEI 4T HOME. All communications strictly oi.Odentiei. You eee no one bo. the Doctor. Send t'na itoHara for a package of medicine. Persons writing fasfhw I fetor will please state the name of the pafjr toey rem t rus advertisement in. cnargea raw somvble. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, ox ie7. tan Frsactsoo. The Doctor curse when others faJS trr him . vlaSAS The Errra' Gtjidb is iaaned March and-Jt., each year; 224 pagea, 8?xl If inchesw with over 3,300 lllmtnitiooe n whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices dvict to conxtmert on all gocxi for pereonal or asmnaaw family use. Tells how to aWmUm order, and r ives exact kW coat of ev- t-:y thing you WL jMW tise, drink, eat, wttr, or WW have fun with. These ammW9W invaluable hooka contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of- the postage 8 cents. JLet as hear from yon. Q Eespectfu lly, Ti: . i real Eugllsh Reme- Is a never-fslliiia- cure for rvoiu Debility, oemitial Waikimm, Exhausted Vi- ty. Bpermatorrluea, LOHt toAAltusjls, Inv potency, Frilsis, and aU terrible tfiecis of bSU- Aiute, youthful feiltosaod i Mtttik in maturer years- as lot Of Memory. Lassitude, Kmtssion, Aver 7on to tjociety, Dimnees of Vieiou, Koises in the Head; the vital fluwl pawing unobserved into the urine, and many other digearfei leading- to insanity and death. IK .HMIi; :l!arecto forfeit Vive Hand red tolttir for sVie of this kind the Vital Kestarn live(undr n -uncial advice and trentrneot ' wd' not cur,; ,t f ,r a r. Unn-r impure or injurious found In it Ilr. Mil 1 i Ih.n 1 I 1111 nrii-.ti. ilnmaa. cn.WiU.11t. treatii all private diseases successfully i-,v. Consultation free. Thorough ex adjpo including analysis of urine, Sh. rati v,ljf 1.50 a bottle, or four times it to any address upoh receipt of j, secure from observation and in pri !, I y DU. A. . M1NT1E, 11 Kearney eo,Cal. without mere ainiuatiOit ao Price of Vi a. the quantity prigeorC.O. it. if deairi ttree ", oat, Fi Ham :e Ixtttle frt. Sent on application by letter tatin f symptom, sex od age. Communications trictly confiuViitial. Dr, Mintie's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures all kinds of kidney and bladder comptointo.gonorrhiox j'.eet, )eiuchorrhaa. For sale by ail druggists fl a u ttle or six Hottlee for So. Dr. Mint; Dandelion Pills are the best and cheap t Dyepepsia and Bilious cure in the market. For ale'bv ah drutrfisU. for working people. Send 10 cents Best- age, ana we win ma.i you tree, a royal, vaiuaoie sample box of goods t hat a ill put you in the way of making inure money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required, You can lire at home and work in spare time only, or all ha time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly sue- "-rf.ssiat. fcu eeun to fe easily earned every evening, That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparailed offer j To all who are not well satisfied we will send 81 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free, Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at onee. lon;t ucuy. Address btlhsox and Co - wins; the ppeer ' . n!ei hc I . - .'. .""mm ftion roiiiiuiu, ataine. A TUB wni i Srrh'ti 00 0ry St,, Blspessarr, rrauaws CeiJ 0C Conducted b? Outlined Pnrsisieaa sad Bwryotii rewulsr graduates. MT The Oldest ipeeUluu In the L'nltcd Slates. UteAon experience. petfeetmsihedatid pur medicine, insure rpeedy and permanent cures 4 en nimu wnreaie ami nerves Assoslossot the 1 Bk in. Kidneys. Uladder, Eruption, Ulcere, wa acre, ewsjuug or u lands, tore Mouth, throat reius.ixinneneni'y cured ana oatcd troea the nnaa tor We. NBBYieiM Debluty, Itapoteaey BeaHnei Loess. Sexual Decay, Men taland Phyateal Weakoeat, yaUIa Manor. Weak Eves. Steassd De- veloUncnt,lmpdiuiiU toMerrlag to., from excess or youthful follies, creny case, apssdily, enfsly and privately cured. European Pfavakaaa at ease. His opinion coeta nothing, and way n fututs misery and ahaaaa renteet to vast we wiy be sent evory where by 1 i I., naeMTallnii It U asUvldeot that : -k hta whole attention to a okas ydiaaealgveet akin, and payelokthreoak out the eeejatrj.kpwtothlatly ruueanem ThlThre tolTed in oa.ujr rbereaapee-1 wty eoiwtec. rr!" fcrTZ 1 " "' 1,090 for a eae dertakeo, not eured,NXJt easy . m., e to I mm jvi.; east nee. as above Wonelerfnl o Invtgorator Prevents all rjaasasnsl Loesi froaa the the ear laenT eaaaotaea eweaee issyiinsi feakneea. Loes ot Manhood, etc, to owlet to a com pttoalios, catted riuetalnrrbes w u uypensw which requires peculiar trestweal Pf"?Wg! iiminj m ka nmlr wnMuveewrt for rrosaaeori with peculiar special ireauueot. need at the Uebtf tLaayaddreeevtsd esesreVhw Meat powerful eleetrto belts tree to pattowta Ty prove tae ecsadirtel power ikitgstatoT. A tot MeAtle tilvea er Seatt Free. ConeuHsUnn tree end prtvsAo. Call or address BY. eOOOeary Strega, Pri veto eatraaaa. e06 Maeoa moetsco, UsJ. four up Geary Street treat Kearney, Mate orsg DR. ALLEN'S rMlVATK i Mesrsy rrnnelace. On, XaTABUsana roe twi Semvtno Ave uaaav Cvaa or CBaocic, Kanveea aa Sraciu. Dnutassa; TIE EXPERT SPECIALIST, HR- AUJEJf. AS IS WELL KNOWN. IS A REO kV utor ireduateat n" W fJwlvMit at MUkl ,M llg a lifetime to the study of and 6 acknowledged, to the meet sapeti ctflc whoare esaeatef ; tsrer yaara. arereioa to society. face, loss of Ing. eta SSTMemrmber the fr-rtor I as d.ihs rwssh ovatany ysorsotseiasl hard study, which uader tue rpectol eavtoe I toiled of i i la the cure of Lost Manhood, prosaa tviag been aargec Hpttato) snehlse sae atsrss of two taaSlrtg koawlato) eteabtos sae to stt sin private troubles With excellent resuiU. 1 excellent results, t wtofc to etoslactty ens stood that I do not etol as te perversa toaneewsjtssa, to Save atoi eesta. or supernatural power, i only to be a skillful and m.ussafvi fystotes Ssrgsen, ki. cuh!y rdoicssei a say spectoltj All applyine; to me will rwuTa-Sar of thsar oesaptainte no antes e positive care In every case forfeit CeneslteUes toeStoe I nndertake, or or by t iter tree aad strictly private. Caasp; shsinlcsl end iidtriwaaesial enalvato of srine end eavtoe. St. urnos eonrs w to a eauy, e to e evening, aensoayvvu IS. Call on or fi Beamy Street, PATENTS Obtained, aad all other toaSSses in the tJ. 8. Fatent VfBos ailertdeded to for moderate fees. OweSasakeppeeto the ti. S. Patent Oases, and w can obtain Patents less time taan those rsnatos trees Wsshinglon. Sand nail or drawimr. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ;and we make no charge sell as we obtain patent. We refer aero, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Hooey Ontor IHr. aud to osBetoto of the t . S. Wee. For eircator. adviee. terms, and esrtsjsl aneasts in your own Stats or ooaaty, C. A. SNOW & CO., OPPeeite Patent Office, Washtngloo, D , "HEALTH AND HOME." Port Cluster I, T. CIRCULATION 63,000. Edited by ,.W. H. HALE, M, D Th la is large eight page, forty colnmn, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, scieoos, literature, art, economy, cookery, hint em health, dietetics, and every xealm of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morale, and make home happy, Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Year. Address- DR. W. H. HALE, "Health and Heme' Port Cheater, K. T. The above narjer will be sent to everv subscriber of the Democrat who pays op or in advance. OF ANOTHER ACE. tiraelsally Sapplasteel by a Better Article Certais Id Times are Bene Away. In the general reception room of the Western LinonTeleirranfa buildimr o i Broad wav. Hew Y,U are exhibited the coarse, cude aad clumsy instru ments of the Infancy of the telegraph. They are only relics now. More perfect machinery has super seded them. Years ago what is styled ths old-fashioned parous aster did some good service. There was then noth. ing-better of tfrekiad. Mow ail that has changed. Science and study nave gone deeper into the secrets of medicine and produced BKSSO.V8 CAPC1HK POR OUS PLASTER, which embodies all the excellencter thus far possible in an external remedy. The old piasters ere slow the Capcraa is rapid : they were uncertain the Caprine to sore. Cheeper article. near similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty drusreist does not deceive von. Price zaeente. Seabury A Johnson, Chemist, New York. Qmmty House. QUITO -ft H1SSET, Proprietors. Cor. 4th sand C. Htn.f Iortlad.Or ONE OF THE FINEST a AD AlOS'l complete hotels in Orearon. Conduct ed both by American and European plans aii tne modern improvement. 140 bed rooms, well fnrnislied, light, and we I ventila ted. Firsrci retdia a. barber ahop. An 4A;r ,v td t l latosteoovenieaj3- A GOOD CHANCK FOB SIBSCB1BEBS. To every subscriber to the Democrat who pays up his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional post. The above paper is a large eight pace. forty column, monthly paps., and is full of excellent reading matter, A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de airing the paper sent to them will please state so at aims of paying their subscript aOering from the nsooe, eonssesosai saesjs, uu ieaissAsaw. nsssMss sat fas a Tewetebto Coav OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. Palronlxe men who advertise. They are alive, They mean business. They spnreolate the uewspapsr. They are the men to deal with. Following Is list et the Daaoiaarti advertisers this week, In Albany. Call ou them : viem-rel Me., l.smllse H 1 M.mUith A Seltehbaoh, N U Alien. A 11 Mcl twain. ! i. rrank Head Akrlcnlturel tinnlettients - Peters Ulain. W U VKHtra, s r. loune. J oratlwoM. I1aidware-ntera o hlesjrt. J liredwohl. flolhmg. I. R main. Drtsss reahajr A Mason. If Uhndon aud Co.. Amble Prsshaw. Stoves end Tin ware- Joint nrlgg. rumtture A II Woodln, llrlnk end eon. t 'hairs - L ltnam. Mliriitrr sJlianw ashubert. Mattto- Allison. Matlle Footer. Seda Work Hnffiutn end Josenh. tmn Work Chrry Cud lVke. A t Oherry and Son. Marete Work A aulger, ) W lUrris. Flour- tied Crown Mills, Maguolle Mllhj. Lumber-- Albany Haw Mill. Tebaoeo, Knives, ete. -earn Cohen. Meet -I g Roberto. HotelRevere llmise. Restaurant Jes Hady. IVIlsh II Kontoti. Shave or Hair rut t. Camptau, Joa Webber, laundry den Us vine. Local Advloe R M ell and Rtlyeu, J K Woetherford. J J Whitney, b 11 NLnUnye. M.Hlir.1 Advlee (1 W Msaton. J V W'elleo. M II line, J Wand Mary T Cols. " lUn IIIM T CD rftLL. ftllU I Y I II I L II STYLES -OK HATS, BONNETS, ETC, In all the great varieties of desips, m just from Hew York City. -AT- Mattie Allison's Just east o8, R. Yoonu'a J If you would make your selections of millinery from a complete and tlrstlass stock call on her, Polish, T re lee rwaliasla aaa eetas, i, f intu ssvvl aT.s ssaaL yvtiaiM ssw UIMlK'i kUU'U UVUI sVUV marine vegetable at s and will not mark or scratch the rf wst metal a. For oieanluK and boliahJntf ftos Dleaael mm jewelry and glass, t.o cliallange tbe world ror its equal. Kampie boxes sent by mall for 25 cemu, liberal discount to agenuand wboieaaie dealers. Address II. KETVTOIV, Albany, Oreoa. MADY'S Lunch House Eestauraiit, Two doer East af fJd rllof Tt triple, ALBANY, ORECOM MEALS AT ALL HOLES AND ALL PUCES. Eastern, Shoalwater aii i aqnina Bay Oysters. ALWAYS ON HAND W. H. GOLTRA Farm Machinery, WAC0N8, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL, GOODS, TUTT'S 25 YEARS IN U8E. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Aget 8YMPTOM8 OP A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite. Bowels costive, Pais In the head, with a dull eedsstlon In the hnetr part. Pain under the shoulder blade, Fullness after esttag, with a dis inclination to exertion of Body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with s reeling: of having neglected sense duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Flattering at the Heart, Dots before the eyee, Headache ewer the right eye, Restlessness, with atful dreams, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. ' TTJTT'8 P1XXS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of reeling as to astonish tbe sufferer. Thev the A -merit. am nnu thm oouy to 1KC 01a I lC.i .and ny then TUTT'S HAI WHAT HAIR Or WHISKERS Glossy Black by a single application of uusara. it impairs a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of gl. Office, 44 Murray St.. New York. F OB SALE, Good farm 12 miles southeast of Lebanon 160 acres. 50 acres timothy and clovet meadow. 50 wheat land in cultivation.. We. watered. Call on W M Phillips on the place Administrators Notice. Notice is herebv given that the under signed lias been duly appointed Adminis trator of the estate of Mrs M CBnmDus. deceased, by the County Court of Linn county, oregep. All persons havj claims against the estate of said decease are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same properly verified to tbe un dersigned at Hairisburg, Linn county, within six months from the date hereof. November 8th, U84, J. P. Schooling, AdBsinistrator. bbbbbsbbbbbVsVsV' sfawm Sea Lion Silver wssy nereiM am Xonle Action on r h a siavsesa Tk tat la toe ingeetivt as ssaswssws 4 t"is?.V! ensnared to May eesjea FllIDAY DBGEMBER 19, 1884. eTstrn a w bst shall witm rrt 'sBsjsssasasBsasxeBS BB BOSK At the press at rates of press at rates of taxation through tbe tariff upon Imports and the Internal revenue system, the Gov eminent is receiving u grsaf dea1 more money than it needs. There Is e oonstant surplus In the rreasury. This must be stopped It Is wrong to oblige the people to nay unnecessary taxes. The existence of a surplus continually tempts to need and unjuatlflablo public expen ditures. The rigorous teonomy which is the duty of the Administration, cannot be expected as long as there li more money in the Treasury than they know what to do with. There are two ways of removing the surplus. One is by the abolition of the internal revenue sjfttem, that Is to aay, of the excise taxes upon al coholic aad malt liquors and upon tobacco; and the other is by .the re duction or remorel of duties upon Imports. The proteclonlsts insist upon get llag rid of the Internal revenue sys tem; tbe free traders Insist upon maintaining It. If the Internal rev enue is taken off, the burden of pro viding the money which the Treas ury requires, most be east upon the Custom Houses; and thus that grad ual approach toward free trade which the advocates of that economic phil osophy with to eee oemmeoced, will have to be postponed. Fog this reason they insist on maintaining the latorral revenue system. It would be, they aay, a foolish and unpopular measure to releave whiskey and beer from taxation and to maintain a duty upon the importation of foreign blankets, for Instance. The people would not submit to the tax- of a necessary article like blankets and the remove! of taxation from a noxious article like whiskey or beer. The protectionists, oa lha other hand, contend that the internal rev enue system Is inquisitorial, odiou and unr-American; that It la a relic -. . -v sr . t w of the civil war; that It keeps an army of spies and siren is who serve the party to power aw a part of Its politi cal machinery; and that tbejtahff can not be property regulated as long as the Internsl taxes are continued. This controversy raged In through the whole of last and It surely will be revived this winter. The result of the straggle lest year Is well known. Tbe free traders suppressed the effort of the pro tectionists to take off toe taxes upon whiskey, beer, and tobacco; and the protectionists defeated tbe effort of the free traders to reduce the duties upon Imported foreign goods. Thus nothing was accomplished, and tbe surplus wae left to accumulate as It bad done before. One embarrassing circumstance which contributed much te the fail ures at tbe last session Is now remov ed. Each party and esch faction was was theo lookiog out for Its position la the Presidential election. That is now out of the way, and it is not Im possible that some compromise may be agreed upon this winter. If tbe sur plus Is to be removed and the tax ation of tbe country brought down to the actuaf wants of tbe Government, either the protectionists or tbe free traders will have to give way, and find a ground on which they can come to sn understanding; otherwise tbe evil will continue. The Prince of Naples, King Hum bert's heir, a lad of fifteen, is weak in mind and body. His parents are first cousins. His greatest accomplishment is talking English, which he learned from English nurses snd governesses By oonhnin; his dist for twenty- sevsn weeks strictly to stale bread and slummed milk, Major Beo.Periey Poote has reduced his weight by sixty-one pounds, aad aow enjoys better health than for fifteen years before. The late Duke of Bucoleuch spent money oa his estates with a liberal hand, and also gsve freely to general ebatiUea. During a long life he had an annual income of about $1 ,250,000, and yet be loft less Ihsn $4,000,000 in personalty. Mr. William M. Evarts, who is having his portrsit painted by East- man iuuunun, una encountered some . little delay. The laec time he visited the studio hs said to the artist : "Ton i .1 j 11 1 wuuiu uu wen wo nurry up, as J. am going to be cross for tbe next four years Rohinson, of Mew York, baa pre pared a resolution which be will offer Monday, providing for a return to tbe simplicity ef inaugural ceremon ies as practiced by Jefferson. It pro hibits the erection of triumphal arches and display of bayonets in Waehlotr- ton on Inauguration day and provides that the Chief Justice shall call upon the President-elect and accompany him either on foot or in a plain car riage, drawn by not more than two horses and without decorations or livery, to the Cspltol, where he shall take the oath and addreesueh citi zens as may be there to hear hini, craters ram. Newark, N. J , girl's poodle bss been taught to drink applejack:. A chimney fifty fast high, made of paper, has been erected at Breslau, Sassafras oil, which is used for flav oring soap and sods water, eosts $44 a gallon. In Tasmania It proposed to make it penal for a oandldate to ask a man to rote for him. Coooeioe is more . stoeasivs than gold. It commands $194 an ounce and $8000 a aeund. A lobster yields from 20,000 to 30, 000 eggs annually. Tbelobster is not pretty, but its industry is unquestion ed. Mr. N orris, a: farmer of Pleasant township, Ky., Is In possession of a cariosity in the shape of a eolt-puppr,a beast half dog sad half horse. The bead is that of a greyhound, devoid of mane ; the body is long and slender, covered with floe heir, and tbe tail Is that of a dog, while the hoofs resemble those of a horse. Mr. N orris bad boon offered $450 for it. A tiger In the set of eating a buffalo has been aeoidentnllj photographed in India. Tbe poor creature, which was tied to a stump in a fisidjbad just boon focused, when out popped the tiger from a neighboring wood. The artist released the spring shutter of the in strument just as the buffalo was lsid low by the boast's paw, aad lbs ''sun pasture" was taken before the dying moment occurred. It Is said to be a moat tragic tabloao,aad a greet achieve ment ia the art of photography. The most perfect artificial eyes are mads in Tburingia, Germany, and have a more natural appearance than sey others. Tbe iris Is covered with silver and the blood vessels with gold, aad wbea properly inserted they will move almost as readily as their natural com panion. Of coarse much depends upon the eoodlUon of socket and the state of the mesetos as left by the surgeon. The greatest trouble is the mstesiag of the eyes. Eyes wear out, their life being about a tear ot a Utile over. The salt and alkaline solutions of tbe gloss, aad eventually roughen l,ao that a new eye is neseseary. Miss Eve Maekov, daughter of tbe California Millionaire, has been de dared to have been Banged to be married more frequently, perhaps than any other young woman of her - Paris guselps have Interested themselves mlghtly aboat bar mstrt- aaonial rmjspects, and bavo bad bar engaged, at two or three months in- tervets, one after another, to the most conspicuous bachelors of France and Spain. A Prince Is osnaUj has been selected as the loeky man, but details from the afackey family have al ways been prompt to follow each an nouncement, and America os only smiled the other day when the French Press declared that Mies Mae key was engaged to marry Fernando de Ootoona, Prince of Galatea The French Press Is repaid for Its verance at last, however, and to be right. Friends of the Mackey's In tb lactate are now dismissing tbe engagement asa settled feet, con. firmed by a cablegram from Mrs, Mackey to a personal friend at tbe Hoffman Hoaee. The dispatch was received Tuesday and read. "Evs Is engaged to Fernando Ootoona." Dr. Hammond, tbs celebrated sur. feon, writes novels and practices medicine also. It is a good thing when a doctor can entertain bis dying patients with good literature. Ask far" on CtOftjs.M far Osajras, Colas, SarsTsruat, a. Troches, I ftp. UasM a Hears est rats, salsa, rsisssa, fUea, sets, bad-bus sun as, cBipmoaaa, gssssrs. asa, arraggtsu. earl rains. Palpitation, Dropsies! Swelling. Dlaainees, Inrti gssUen. Heedaebs, Sllissliiii eared by Walks UeeJl Hens w sr." "Baoxh en Corns." Ask for Wells' ''BSatgh on Coras." las. Quick, osssststs ear. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions. "Bengb sa rsgn" rereased its, Strssg thing, iwproTsd, tbs bast tar bssksebs. Uns In the ehest er aids, rbeatuaUsto, neoralaia. This PSenis. "Weil's Health health and vlgor esrss OrapepsU, aissssij,fi. Whooylag Cosxb, m.rA Ihi manv Thrsastst A ssfsssAl Mf t.ii a M " - - - sssisi,,sj VI WfiiltsW ssit pivtswr ly, plrasautljr aud selsly relieved by "Jhih oa wvus iiuouss, xoe. , sNMsarn. we. Hetaers. If yea are faiilos. broken, awn out aad nervous, so "Wells' Health Ssnewer SI. tlrugfists. lire Preserver. If vou are loeinar reur mn on Ufa t "WaIib' Health Rene wr." Ooes direct to weak, a note. Boagh en Toothache " Insttnt relief for Neuraiela. Toot hash.. Vuraeh. Ask for "Rough on Toothaone." li and 25 eamla. Pretty W Ladles who would retain freshness and vtvihltv Don't fall to try "WelU Health Renewrr." Catarrhal Throat Affection, Hacking, irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, 01 by ' Rough on Coughs1' Torohss, 15s. Liquid, cured 26c. 'Bong em Itch.' "Bough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, linar- wortn, tetter, salt rheum, frosted foot, ehUblains. The Hope er the Chlldrsn, slow In development, puny, scrawny, and delicate, use "WslU1 Health Renewer." Wide Awake three or four hours eve: mediate relief and sous night eongblng. Oct h sl ay nsing vreiu' "sougai Balaam, Stoe. so Coughs," Trochee, lac. "Bengh en Psts" Peresaed Plaster, trsarthsalax. imirTJl, th est for baiks in chest orslds, sheumatism, ssuralgts, Sheriff's Sale. S ate ClrruU Court o thm StmU of Oregon or Pu County 9 Linn: The Dundee Mortgage and Trust Isyesttneat Company (limited.) Plaintiff. vs. Asa 11 Peterson aad Buaaanah Petersen his wife, J K Weatherford and 0 V Crawford as Asaigaee of the estate of the said Asa U Peterson an insolvent debtor. Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue sf a writ of eieeutien and order of sale issued out f the above named Opart in the above entitled suit to ma directed sad delivered, I will on Saturday the 27th day ot December, 184, at the hour of I o'olock, p. m., at She Court House door ia the City of Albany, Use county, Oregon, aell at subtle auction for cash in hand to tbe highest bidder the real property described ta said order of sale as follows, to wit 1 The south half of tbe donation land claim of Asa U Peterson and his wife Susannah, situate ia Section sixteen, seventeen, twenty and twenty-one ia Township twelve, south 1.. . . .-i .u ui i,i;. save aad eaueutinif that Bart thereof sold sod conveyed by two deeds ef eoaveyaoee, tbe one of which ia to sis Hem J K'um aad the other of which is to David H Peterson Use amount of land remaining; ta said south half of said donation lead claim being two hun dred acres Also the followiag dissribei tracts of land, tc-wit -- Beginning t the eeuth cost corner of the donation land claim of John II Barge and his wife Julia A ia leaetion thirty sis la Township twelve, eoth range two west sad is flsotssa ens Township thirteen south range two weet of tbe Willam ette meridian and running thence north nine teen ehsise and eighty -eta links 1 thence weet thirty-seven chains and seventy-five links ; taeaeeaouth 19 M lOOohains j tbanee earn thirty-seven chains aad seven ty-Sve hake to o the place of beginning. containing seventy fl Ive acres more or less, all situated in county. Oregon. Too preessds arising from the sale of said real property to be applied, first ta tbe pay ment of the costs end expenses ef the salt taxed at $47.80 and $290 Attorneys fees, and aoeroiog easts. Second to ths payment a the Plaintiff the earn of $9906 with accruing msmist thereon at tbe rate of 12 per eeat per annum from the T, th day of Octobnr, 1 See, and the residue if aay remain to pay to tbe defend aut. U Crawford, Assignee as store- JJalcd this If th day of November, 1184. J. K l MAKI IUf, Sbcrifef Lian county, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. In the t'trruit Court of Ou mote of Urtgom for the County of Lim : A J Jarmgan, Plaintiff, vs. M I Smith and M L Hamilton, Defendants. Notice is hereby gives that by virtue of a writ of cxecottna and order of sale issued out of toe above named eeort in the above en titled action to me directed aad delivessd, I will on Monday, the Wed any ef December, 1884, at tbe boar of 18 o'clock a. m. of said day. at tbe Court House doer is tbe eity of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auction for easts is hand te tbe highest bid der the f olio wing doecribsd real property le ant : st a point 217 75 100 feet weet aad 07 feet south of tbe sooth west corner of lot No. 129. lathe eity of 800, Lisa county. Oregon, and running thence south aboat 408 feet to tbe center of taomss creek, thence ia a westerly direction down said stream fol- lowing tbe meandering coarse thereof about 880 fees, tbeuce north 190 feet, thence in an castor 1) direction about 890 feet to the place of beginning containing 2 9-10 sere-. The proceeds of said sale to be applied 1 First to tbe payment of tbe casts asd dis bursement, of this suit. Second to the pay ment to the plaintiff one half ef all moneys arising from inch sale after the payment of such costs. Third that the remainder aad residue of said proceeds be applied to the payment to the plaintiff of said sum of 881178 er so much thereof as may be necessary and the resides if any be need to said M . L Smith or bis order. Hated this 21st day of November, 1884. JT, K. t Maru-Toa, Sheriff of linn county, Oregon. Notice, of Assignment. NOTICE ia bersbv sivea tkal lasso Ms Cluag. of Linn ooanty. Oregon, has siads a gtssral assignment of all bit property to taa iSssnasiisn isrtns nansnt ot a is ersxutoss dor an sot of tbs Legislators of Orsgoa aaUUed "Ad act to secure creditors just dtviatoa of tbs sstatoa of debtors who convey to assignees for the bsosfit of cradi tors" approved Oct. 1 8th, 1878. AH par sons hsVing oiaisas aga'ost the estate of said Isaac McCluog rs bsrsby nottfisd and ts quirsxt to ursasnt tbe same andar oath to tbs nadsrsignsd st Albany, Orsgoa within three, mouths from tbe data of thu nohies. Dated Dee. 3rd, 1884. C. H. Smwajrr, i Assignee. B A UN DOOR H ANUINQ8, Are alwava breaktog. unless yon have the bind ssir by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are marie ot wrought iron, oaanot Jump tbs track and will last a life time. Don't bans; another barn door un til you have seen them. Final Settlements Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administratrix of the estate of D. 11. skyline, deceased, has filed her final account as such Administratrix In the County Court of Linn county, Oreaon.and by order of said Court, Saturday the 10th day of January, 1888 at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., baa been set fur the hear ing of said account and the objections thereto. Aay person Interested In said estate is hereby notified to appear and file hta er her obJesaisns to said account an or before said day. Albany, Or., November 17th. 1884. Mabbabbt Bodibjb, Administratrix . saoaey than at any IsWB thins; she by takine- an tbs selling book oat, Bsgbtsers jrrandly. None tail, Terms rree, iiaulkt 00. rwtsssd, stains. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court the StoU of Oregon for Linn County. John A Crawford, L Fllnn aad B Ilrcnnsr. I'laiu use, vs. John Board aad Am brass Beard, DsSeadaats. TgagsTOTIOK Is hereby eirea that by virtue of as sbbbWBI execution and ordsr of sale Issued out of the above named Court la tbe above entitled salt to me directed and delivered, I will oa Saturday the 10th aay of January, 186 at the Court Hoess door ia the city of Albany, Lian eountv, Oregon at the hour ot on o'clock, p. m., sell at public auction for cash la hand to the highest bidder the real property deecrib ed la said order ot sals aa follows ; to-wit : Begin ning at the southwest corner ef section eight ia township twelve, south range three west or tbs Willamette merldlsn la Una county, Oregon and running thence east SO rods ; theuo north 200 rods ; thence west 144 rods ; thence south tOO rods ; thence S4 rods to ths place ot beginning, containing ISO The proceeds art due from the sale of said premises te be applied aa provided ia said order of sal, first to th payment, of the oasts aad disburse menu of suit taxed at ths sum of $184.36 and aocru Isg costs, Second to ths payment (prorata) to each of tbe Plaintiffs herein according to their several sasssnts to-wtt ; te tbs Plaintiff John A Crawford ths sum of 11291.61 with interest thereon at the rat of ten percent per annum from the 26th day of Sep tember, 1 888, and the further seen of $20,30 and to ths Plaiatlff L Flinn the sum of $321,08 with interest thereon at th rate ef ten per sent per annum treat ths 0th day of March, 188, and th further sum of $10,80 and to the Plaintiff B Brenner the sum at $788,8$ with interest there at the rate of one per exit per month from October Sad, 1888 aad tbs further sum of $13 aad if anything remain the eases is be paid over to th defendant Ambrose Beard. Dated this 11th day of December, 1884. J. K. Chasltos, Sheriff of Linn eountv. Orsgoa. OREGON SHORT LINE, Fait Freight and Passage tote, B. CAMPBELL. Cteaeral Agent No. 1 Washington St., Portland, Or. JULIUS GRADWOHL HstB late only rxeiasiv aieak of KERY, CUS8.SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large liioitent of Baby Carriages, AM a Choice 8electon of Coffee, lea and Suga?, ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM. TBK HKilltAT SAKKET PRICE PAID FOB E a . Remember! What I Say I lean. Sire Me a Call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. B0FFNA I'liOPKIETORM OF ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Candles . Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ONE LOK BELOW AT Til L OLD STAND, 72 KIRST STREET, HAS ON A&iO RTM ENT U? COOK, SOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa may bouse la (he "Stlley. De TIN, SHEET WON or- EVERT DEBCRLPTTON IN STOCK njuxai, a. X UJUL, ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT nmrr COMPETITION. CALL AT 71 FIRST STREET, ALBANtToREOON. Repair work don e Sheriff's Sale. 1 In Urn Circuit Court of the SvU of Oregon for Linn County 1 John R Baltimore, PlainUT. BB. T C Dickey, Lonlaa Dickey Hs wife, D P Mason and lu Fawn. Pasaidauta. NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue of an sa mini has and order of sale issued out of the above nested Ourt in the above entitled an it 10 me dlrHel ami delivered,! will on Saturday the 10th day of January, lsso, at tbe bos r T I o'clock, p. m. at toe Court House door in thu city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, set! at I ubile auction for cash 11 band to the Is beet bidder the read, mesjeils deecribed In said order of sale ae folk we, to-wit : Lets numbered two (t) snd seven ;t) In Blo?k one hundred and lineteen (119) in Harkleman'a Addition U the city ef Al bany aa the same la numbered, designated and dseeribsd on the maps and plats of said addition now on file in the office of the County Clerk ot Lies county. Dragon The said premises being tbe east half ol the west half of said Black lis aforeeaid Tbe proceeds sriains from tbe ante of said real property to be applied : First to tbe payment of the coeds snd ex pen sea of auit, taxed at snd tbe coeta and ax Deneea sf sale and aou reins coat?. Second to the payment to the Plaintiff tbe sum of SS70.&5 with accruing Inter eat thereon at the rate ef ten per cent per annum from the Slat day of October. Ibe4, and th fur ther anm of ISO Attorneys fees. Third the overplus if any there M, be paid to the defendant I C Dickey hie heirs or assigns, Dated this 5th day f December. 14. X K. Chakltos , Sheriff ot Lisn county, Oregon. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ortgcn for Linn County. D P Porter as Administrator of the estate of KM Elder, deceased, Plaintiff. SB. J O Elder, Defendant, "VTOTICE is heresy given that by -virtue JlA of a writ of execution and order of sale issued out of tbe above Court in the abore entitled suit to me directed and de livered,! will on Saturday the 10th day of January, lass, at the hour or l o'clock, p m., at tbe Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn ooonty, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction for sash in hand to tbs highest bidder the real po party described In said order ef eale as fellows, to-wit : All of his (Defendant'a)rigbt title and interest in and to tbs tel IswlAff described real property, to-wit: BesrlnnStg st a point 13-82 chains west from tbe southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 18 and running thence north 80.2to.lOO chains j thence east 88,44 chains ; tl saoe south 37-93 chains ; thence weet If 68 chains; thence south 42.72 chains ; thence weet 72 chains to tbe place of begiuning in nectiona 7, H, 17 and 18 in Tp. J3, 8. K. 8 weet in linn county, Thepsooeeds arifing from the sale of said rerJ property to be applied, first to tbe oos'S and disbursements of :his anit taxed at BIO. 35 and the accruing casta of and upon thia writ. Second to the Plai nL,ff the aa in of $1617.91 with act ru ing interest toereoo at the rats of 10 per cent par annum from said 27th day ef Oc tober, A. D. 1884 and f 150 Attorneys fees. December fth, 1884, J. K, Chabltok, Shot iff of Linn county, Oregon. . PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM -SAW MILL ENURES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First Bands. THIS WELL KSOWN HOUSK HAVE OPEKED a Breath Office and Supply House at Oar, float sad Taylor Street. Purtiind. Or,, where they eili carry in afoek Portable and BtaUonary Haw MJls, Poruble Ti action aad Stationary enginee and boil as. 'New MaseUion" threshers, horse powers, etc, tc. Write for illustrated catalogue aeut tree addrtas (n usi ng this taper.) BISSELL d la ljrtiad,Orgoo. & JOSEPH, ... JOHN BRIGOK' STOKE. on, 8M HAND AS FZNX AN si o tmrtorta and AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO HE tzvvtm n at reasonable figures. G. COHN & BRO., .178 FRONT ST., - - TORTUS, 08 SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS- Sheriff's Sale, siAe Cares Linn county. Mary A E Smith, Plaintiff. Sea John Foster and M O Foster, DeiendaaBs. NOTICE is hereby gives that by Tirana of a writ of execution aad order of ease wasted out of tbe above named CWt ia the abore entitled action to me direcw and deLvared. I will on astardav the 27U. .1.- " Saturday the 27th Ia. 1 1884 at the Court stun.. A. sS Linn ooanty, Oregon at the hosxail. P- "i saia aay, aeii at nuhlu t. cash in hand W Uw highest Udder the fol- r'j!Cnbed prsperty heresofore attached in said action, to. wit : The west of ths inslbisnt 4- saSJsBBBfeBSB IA T leub. ..a m, n Jir o. sa. a west, Tnrsrsinissi SB savea in uan county, Oregon ; also f'"M m the northwest corner of bectios f To. L6 SL R- 4 west WiUanaetta mndia awn;. " ss. io rous ; l rhis Its sOsta S north boundary line of the dnastios .t.ui w. ojMuueu sacvoaiy ; tsenfrs west to the east boundary line of the dosaatoos land claim of Jarre Beajers ; thence north to ths north boundary una of Sention 4 sa said Tp. and range and thsnos east ta the nLaee of beginning, containing in all 260 saves? til in iinn county, Oregon. Also the rest uropersy. to-wit : Lots 7 and 6 iwoca in th City of Albany, wicguu ami aiso tne louownag : oa --.- fc4xk wrier oi juoi, ate. 7 an " c 4 m said city of Albany, ronniag uieuos easterly along tbe north sade ef First street about 26 feet to the caster as! the west wall of J H Foster's two story brack baubl ing ; thence in a northerly course akog tbe center of said wall and parallel with ths west line of said Lot 7,100 bet to tbe alley ; thence in a westerly course ea ths south sads of said alley to the aorta east corner of Lot 8 in said Block ; thence ia a southerly course along the line between said Lots 7 asd 8 to the piece of beginning, being tbe property now occupied by Uoifsaan 4 Joseph ; also the folio wiugdeacri bed real property, to-wit : Water Lot No. 5 in Albany, Lisa ooonty, Oregon, Lot Nos. 1 aud 2 m Block No. 27 in said city ; also the south half of Block 71 iav said city of Albany in Linn ooanty. Oregon. The proceeds of such sale to be applied. First, to tbe pay meat of ths oasts and dis bursements of suit taxed at 837 90. together with the costs of and upon this writ and the ooete of the sale. Second, te the payment to the plaintiff by the defendants, jointly and severally, the sum of $558.21. with ac cruing interest thereon from the 10th day oi November, t tho rate ef ten per eeat par annum. Tumi, to the psrywtant ef 856 attorney's fees. Fourth, the n rsspisi if aay there be to be paid to the party or parties entitled thereto. Dated thie 20th day of November, SS84. J. K. Chakltok, Sheriff of Lian Co., Orsgoa. .f in. mil - r - ADDITss Bead si sent tor paalaa,a.aad St IsVSbB receive free, a costly hex of roods ahich will help rou to n;ht i anj thins: SBS iu this world. All ef siaaer Th broad road fas MSN iMWesBsss, absolutely At tri e aad Co,, Augusta, Maine, 8200,000 mail you wit set free in presents giro away, SB ft osass nesAaaav as br free a pskace ef as ess ml value, that win at onee bring yen faa saisnsj isssar than anything esse in America. Ail at est the 8MB 000 in presents wivh each box. Ann wasSad aer ' where, of either sex, of aU area, for all spare tha only, t o wort for us at faheb Fortunes for as! raa w oraera aasosusarjr sssiisil. HALLrn, and Co., Portland, Mala, Dosra delay, U. JJEFOREYOU KILL YOUR HOOJ Come to our store at Albany and see new rangiea sausage mill j oat ree from the East. It doesn't tear tbe but cuts it like a pair of scissors. Oriatiss snd sinews can not get tsowasBBt ft i i out being cut and you only bare ta I yonr meat through it once, .refers & lr.