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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1884)
InUred at the Port Offles at Albany, Or an seeond-ciaas mail matter. FRttjAY DECEMBER 19, 1884 8TTTES &. NUTTING. Renters and rreprtetere. fkkb p. nrr ritu. aeeai Bdtte. Official County and City Paper. fur ante. Cheap far cash, a square grand Hal )tte a Davie piano. Can be seen at residence of A. StaJffer. For partieu Lars address P. Eggert, 109 First Street. Portland, Or, Death af a Smns Lest Tuesday when the tram csme in from the Sooth about fire o'clock, it brought seag other passengers Moses Solomoa, a well known druran . r for the far house ef B winger 4 Co.. of Sea Francisco. With threa or four others Mr Solomon started to walk through the deep anow to the Revere House, hut becoming exhausted he returned with thoee with him to the Depot. Waiting a few mceaoats he again started out a short distance behind the ethers. Whea he had reached the canal, in company with a gentle. from Halssy, whom be had hnld of, he completely exhausted, and, being left behind, went toward the house of Dr OToole, occupied by Mr Dorris, but fell as he reached the steps. He was taken inside, bat only breathed two or three times, when life became extinct. His body was than con veyed te the Revere House, where a Coron er's jury was called before George Hum phrey, J. P., who found that his death easeed by exhaustion and heart Wednesday the body of Mr Solomoa was taken te Portland and thence will be seat to San Francisco. Mr Solomon was nearly seventy years ef age, and has travelled for a great many years through Oregon, until he was well known by every business man in the state who dealt in bis line of goods. He leavee a wife daughter in San Francisco. te steal. Oa last Tuesday morning Frank Skeela, a young man aged about eighteen, a son of Mr Chester Skeela, went hunting near his home in Benton county, a mile or two from Al bany, and was goes all day. Not returning at eight an effort was made to find him, his friends fearing something was worng, but no traces of him could be discovered. The next use ruing continuing the search his body wat found in the anew about half a mile from his fathers house, life being completely extinct Warmth in the small of his back, though in dicated that he had not been dead long. Tracks in theaaow showed that he had drag ged himself along by his arms sad body for a song distance. The remains of the deceas ed were taken to his home and have since been interred. His lower limbs were frosea, though not badly, and his arms slightly. His death has canard general sorrow in the com munity where he lived, among old and young. It is hard to think of any one freez ing to death in Oregon, but Tuesday after noon and night were uncommonly aevsre,snd while it waa net so very bold compared with Eastern weather, yet the wind made it very biting and piercing, which accounts for the if bat iterate Thief- counterfeit swindlers. Several persons in Albany, as well aa in nearly every other city in Oregon, ao cording to our exchanges, have recently received propositions from a Arm in New York elty to furnish them with counter feit greenbacks at extraordinarily low rates, "if f hey are only reliable parties who can be depended en to handle them Judiciously. The wording of the propo sitions are very ourioua, being in the moat exaggerated terms and la a confidential style that la really sJokealng. Out of curiosity some Albany gentlemen ans wered one of the letters, and received in return a f 1 and f 2 bill aa asm pies. This is a part of their trrak, These bills are really genuine, and could any one gat 1910,000 for $1,000 as they would be an easy thing to sail over the present dull times with flying colore, and legit msteiy too. Bat yea do not get them. Instead yon get, aa they say you will, "exact copies of the reunion," which are only a lot of cheap photographs of the bills that oould not be passed to even a wooden man. I hey are not oven coun terfeit, just pictures and nothing mora, but parties receiving t hem, if any here have sent for them for business, fat just what they deserve, In order to make it appear more genuine the swindlers state that you can only get the mono by going to New York, but this Is a gay, for they knew you will not do It, and even if you did you oould not flad them. Your proposi tion to send will be readllv accented. w m - - Dent do it, if you wish sneh monsy as they have yea can easily get stereotypes and have some printed at a cheaper rate, or better still call on your druggiat and get some of their patent medicine adver tising bills. Sheald Be Aaatailaie4. An Eastern gentleman who has re cently come from a place where they have mora factories than they can ran wishes to advise Portland men bow to go to work to gat them in that capital ridden city, Ha should immediately ha annihilated . Any proposition to in troduce factories iu the Northwest should be nipped In the bud. Such in etitutieos will build up any country, and should not be allowed In a State like Oregon where men only care for putting their money out at interest. It would knock their tan per cent in the head, and make matters lively. A little life would frighten some of Oregon's fossils to death, particularly several in Part land. It la the doty of every citizen to assist in guarding against such wild oat ideas as the introduction of factories into Oregon, and should anyone again mention a woolen factory or paper mill la connection with Albany he should immediately be arrested as a dynami ter and sent to the insane asylum or banished from the State. Our fossils must be protected. U BKJKXT STINTS. anawawasasn A rich gold strike has baa made In Georgia, Psrhaps it is the very mine the early explorers were hunting for in the days of Poaoe DeLeea, The sx position at New Orleans opened last Tuesday. At the time the managers had not yet hetrd of the "Oregouian's'' narrow minded edicts, hsnoe their temer- itous conduct. The cholera still continues la Paris, about twenty persons a weak being seer! flood to its tertlblo appetite. A preacher at Stockton, Cal.,shot a man named Finch last week , the occasion be ing soma family trouble. Verily minis ters are getting a hard name. Already nominations are be lag made for 188$. xr yea wish te defeat a man nominate htm several years before hand. In Washington Territory out of twenty three superintendents of public Instruct ion, 11 are women ,7 haviug husbands and 6 walling for them. The women of W. T. certainly are not trampled on vsry much. Prof Wiggins claim that he has found a soeoud MOM to the eartii. Well, what if Its gro The Clerk of the Supreme Court at Salem is said to make aa immense income f; an his fees, Treat him the way County Clerks have been treated. Curtail his fees Jackson is the hog eouoty, but this fact does not affect the enterprising people who live there. A petition will be circulated ia hashing tea Territory by the women for retaining Judge Green in the U. 8. Court. t or tees. The summary ef assmsmsat of linn coun ty for 1884 has jest been mads oat. sad shows the following interesting facts.- Vaaitte) te? enVAsi ese.eooaees is lessees- JfJMtX SalUd Of ft R snrtawelsnsssoaeonessnooss m,m sosaaosss flMslM Ve'ue ef WareaRuaS lens.. M" slue ef Twee less 4S8,M0 Vales of !mprTsMoU .. SMI Tares ef Meressarltee sad law Hassle... Mfsse Tsras ef Monsy.Nes, t-isagsli, see .. l,U,sSt Value ofHorsse sad amies.. 80077 Velse of OeUie ieWskw lta.r.0 Vlue at Saeep...... .... 7J,tS Veins of Swine U.U9 Teas! Is isms pee party Ksef Bens ef of. but. Total. On Friday of last week, at about daak, the story runs, Jimmy Conner, aged four teen, of King's Valley, Beaton County, told his nnele, Mr Milton Conner, as he left his bouae.tba t be wss going te church. As the bey did not return that night Mr Conner suspected that something was Wrong, and feared his nephew bad pre varicated about attending divine services. On examining his pants pocket the next morning, 1159 which ahonld have been there was found missing, Making inquir es he ascertained that young Conner had bought a pony and a revolver and started towards this place, Mr Conner imme diately followed ia his footsteps, and taut his nephew wss la this city on bis way towards Scio. The bar steppsil at a farm house near this city, and while there said that f bis uncle him up he would shoot him. He been captured but will probably be prosecuted. The bey baa made a for a bad ending, and deserves taught a few lessons in ethies before he gate too old to learn, IS IT TRIE. That saaay Oregon farmers waste aa much ha a year aa it takes to keep a Yankee farm er. That considerable duck killing is just for the fan of the thing. That the Oregon Pacific is bound to pass through Albany next year. That the Santiam Ditch ia really an insti tution worthy of support and not of enmity. That there are already fifteen candidates for night watch. That Albany will have a paper mill next year. That Lebanou wants a local newspaper right at home. That a Brownsville young gentleman will soon a site fortunes with a Uarriabnrg young lady. Heavy A Hiction. Lest week several members ef the family of Mr Streithoff, living near Lebanon, were taken with scarlet fever in its most malig nant form. Medical aid was cal'ed, but seemed te be of no avail. On Wednesday of last week Perry Streithoff, aged tweoty-h re, passed away, and onslast Monday his broth er Reuben, aged twenty, also fell a victim to the disease. Another brother, John, was also afflicted with the same disease, end it was thought could not live. This certainly is a sad case. We are sending out statements of count, some indicating a balance for several years eubeoription. In such cases where the parties settle, or refuse to settle at ail, we often g t a peremp- torv not. Ira ta "S'en tli nundT " Aitr putting no off for several years this ia really mean to order oa to go out of business entirely just because you have been asked ta pay what you owe, and we do not propose to do it If you wish as to discontinue your sub scription, why, that's another thing that's simp'y business, and we will da iu uurtog toe past year, though a dull season, we baye added 250 new names to our list, and can spare a few. The Democrat is becoming more papu lar every day as a newspaper for the people, anrttbe encouragement wa keep receiving a so great that we propose to, keep on publishing it right -along. through wet and dry weather, netwith- a se. a ' a . standing once in awniie sems ene writes ns, "Step the Democrat." Mather Attack, A i'ortisnd taper makes a maheioae at tack on the O as ridiculous, as it probab ly ia false. If newspapers would believe all that discharged hands say about any road they could essay fill their eolnmns with their trash. Press Portland journals the people of the Valley have never received scything else but abuse, so that say attack that may be made will neither be believed te any great extent nor surprise anyone ; we are used te. it. All the the 0. P. from the Bay to Corvallis is nearly completed, as meek as Portland peo ple may deplore the fact, sad next year the cereal products of the Valley will go to San Francisco or Liverpool ever that read and net through Portland. This is what hurta that capital-ridden city. Howl oo. 1 e Pay Over f&:rt ta Taxes. Ttj4ea, ........... 1 1 ...... a ...... , , . . Total r.oai..'.?! et,rava s,n .st,taost ORRS1 . news see as isSe JSs.ta7.sS 17,4 .IN -MeMaw Ia seder to show the this snd last year we give below meat far 1883 : Tales ef Veins af Town lass... Veins el Vslasst ... e veins et assay. Betes, Aereun-e. ete, Tales at flseasatiM ravaUan Tshwef Keren Veins of Cauu Tersest Sheen Veloe el 8iue the sees eases i se aa spfte IS lee5sw raver re M,ltt end !! ssls CAMSt MMt' ....... fMitfl 1MB1 Total. f e . ...... Total valneef tatshte property. .. So at poll... ... tt.rnjsH ,'. jr tst.rr MTt.rm iau Among the heavy tax payers of Benton oounty John Wiles psy $403.07 ', John A Boehanaa, $306.32 ; Jo'vi Foster, $563.77 Jehu Harris, $311.70 ; M Porter, $331.93 Win G Porter, $323 72 ; Wm Wyatt, 8510.- MiHF Fisher, f3.5S.63 ; E W Fisher, $486.38; TE Hogg, $450.50; Hamilton, Job Co., $572.65 ; Jacobs k Neugrass, $307.10 ; 8 L Kline k Co., $578.42 ; H C Lewie, $88479 ; John Bickard, $435.37 , Green B Smith, $1234.20 ; Char 8 Seyton, $442 ; 0 A C B R Co., $1217.28, MS mating. We are bow prepared to do any kind of oh nriahag oa short notice and ic the latest t, 1 1. Sead for estimate on large jobs. Bsjtsajnr Baor, Far Bale. t Being desirous of retiriag to the practice of my profession. I offer my land for sale, situated 6 miles west of Lebanon en the N. G. R. II. 240 acres wsU be sold in Lot ef 40 80, 1(10, 126 or 24t Seres. Payments half down and time given ftmu desired by pur chaser. Also my splaadad hop yard two miles below Lebanon, she of the finest yards in tbe state ; every ookvenience in tools, dry bouse and store room ; wfli sell the yard 13 acres snd as mneh more land as the parches er may want np to 107 Saves in compact, farm house, wells and sUelieg ; all well fenced More money in hops at Hatents per lb than wheat at $3 per bushel., Apply to Da. W. F.'Alsxajtdse, . 4 - aa in person or by letter, Albany or Lebanon Oregon. A rrtaevtlsO letter. A short letter from Pri neviile tells as that snow had fallen about an inch deep and that the moreary waa 4 de grees below zero, things being pretty well frozen up. That a bow skating rink and hall will be finished by Christ mas. -That a new tin akop is nearly completed, also a shooting gallery. That the river ia frozen nearly across and skating "is all the go." These all indicate lively times in Prineviiie. Teacher' The quarterly public examination ef teachers will be held at the County School Superintendents effiee in the Court House in Albany on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 26th and 27th from 9 o'clock, a. m , of first, until 6 o'clock, p. -in., of last mentioned day, D. V. 8. Rain, County School Superintendent. Oh Tuesday, Dan. 9th, the relatives and friends ef Rev. O. W. Wsnnoth snd wife oast at their residence in lialsey to parti cipate In the celebratioa af the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. The rooms were soon filled to their utmost capacity, the goeets extending hearty oontrraUila tions to the happy pair of fifty years. Mr War moth is seventy -three and his wife seventy-one and a half years of age, a er-jey fair health and aoUvity far their years. They have seven children living, all mrtm tenm n ItiM mam Ik etaer three living in Washington Terri tory. They hay a twenty-two grand children, thirteen ef them being present. Among tbe friends present were many of ths oldest citizens of Halssy and Twenty of the oldest persona present avenged etxtyetgbt years of age, tbe six oldest averaging eighty and one half years, At the hour appointed there was a short and appropriate service conducted by Rev. James Pearl, of Halssy. Dinner was then announced, the gnosis repaired to the dialog; room and surrounded a well supplied and elegantly arranged table, where a sum pious repast was enjoyed by all, and made all the more agreeable by many please nt reminiscence of by gene years. After dinner waa over tbe guests spent the evening in tbe pleasant discus sion ef various topics from the reoolleo timas of sixty years ago to the latest news of the day. Many of the changes and improvements of fifty years were brought to remembrance by the well stared minds and memories of many of the "old poo pie." It wss a happy occasion to the elderly couple who had walked side by side for half a century, sad a moot enjoy able one to all prtsent. A QuasT. an aim anaoan, f M French, jeweler, The best harness at J J Dubruil las, Christmas ens week from yesterday. Go to Conrad Meyer for Christman os rise. Pertlsnd has s new brass baud. Uofor tunats oity. Ths school auperinteadeat of Clackamas ecu sty gets $480. New brands ef tabasco just received at Read 4 Brewoell's. Very little travel now oyer the mountains, too muck mud and rain. CkrUtmas sendees ia the M K Churoh on Wednesday evening ef next week. Tandy grass, s professional runner, is take' isg ia ths youth of Southern Oregon. Ualea services next Sunday evening in the Congregational and Baptist eh u robes. Twoedals keeps s sice hue of tin sad cop per ware, sad does repairing ia good shape, At A B, Moll wain's can be found so ire- amass etoot oc a i oasoso, which it vet popahtr. Dr. M. H. Kills, pbysisiaa sad eargeoa Albany, Oregon. Calls made in etty or oosatry. If yeu want sems genuine New Orleans moiasses, you can find it ia bulk at Read A BrownelPs. Oregon does not propose to bs tassa in anything, not eve satrma, J H Stiae, formerly of the WM 8U, la dopsndooos, will start a paper at Lebanon in a few moo ths. We have it. Oar re Middlings ia fib sacks. ths best thing oat for breakfast. Try it. Road A Brewnell. The Civil Engineers of the 0. P. are look ed for this way before leag. Their advent will be a welcome one. Corn is $1.40 s hundred in Portland. Tale is a good price, and shosid sassarage the farmers of the Valley to raise more. Tbe delay ef Tuesday's mail until Wed assdsy evening mads the eltUeee ef the Valley feel ss if they were ia s wilderness. 2,000,000 pea ads ef hops were raised at Pay alls p last season and shipped mostly te era markets. This will make the bee hop. A meek legislature has keen established at Independence. 18 Is composed of oae man for each county ia tbe State. The idea us good oae. Mrs Mercy Simons, of Lebaeoa egad 80, has just received a pec sloe oa aoooaat of her fcasbsaJ having been a soldier ia the war of 1812. Good. aw pe e4t1Ji stseXl CssT9eeeaVw4Ms( ssaaaselCe etJss the establishment of a new county aS the d ef Beaton. That is aa ambitions of country- Tor holiday groceries, the finest, candies 1 ooefeesieaery generally, sail oa Hoffman A Joseph's, headquarters for seek srtseles dariaythe holidavs. di p6sp0wVass QftOeiOQ flftaVOssnasasst ssvl o4sseMM$sveV is) a proposed lostitafoe. bat, like all tit will bs oa paper, at least cnapees out cf 10,000 are that way. A vrrdiet $180) was found against Ira B Stu-gtswho was sued by s California lady for breech ef promise. This sssas Btargis is known to a liaoasd extent ia Albany. Q W ti ray, D. D. 8., ia eoeeeaoseoe of the hard times, will reduce the price of Jantsst ry all be can mniiiliuUy, with the ass of materials sad skillful work. The proposition to tax church ptopotty ia Washiagtoa Territory was esmed by 8881 majority. As many eharebss have e bow to bsre this will bs sat te cripple of them. Aa exhaaative artiste ea the Labor Organ isations ef the saited States, by Colon, Hindoo, giving fall -tetiicisi end many km. rum wmTBtt er aun bocwRtkxt. Tuesday. It has eoas ; struck u for ear tain. Wafted ia Moaday sveuisg oa a north wind. This meroicg discovered 12a inches uf snow on ths ground, snd it's still coming, three or four inches being added during the day. Addsd to is ths mercury marked 18 above sere ia ths morning aud fell te If sbeve during the dsy. The only oeeapetien waa snow shoveling, the ordy trade, selling gam boots, ths only so joy moot sitting by warm res. Trains were stuck fast in only reaching the Jsnot.on with Us O A C near this oity, and the north and south trains act put. tag in an appearance, ntege drivers remained st home and told Ueole 8am to go to the nii. e.i .... .. "WMI 1 larmin community rever ohttred s foot, and ths editor looked iu rein for anything bat snow. If he asked for news tee cry wss snow, with psrhsee the ejaculations : Reguiar Miehijan weather. Genuine New fork snow storm. Just like Vermont. Per all the world s Mtuuesots biirtsrd oa s small ir ale. Ohio ecuUln't best tbs. AU uf wh'tb et curse gave ths speaks- s away s t thsir nativity, bat it was sU t iers waa to talk about. Durieg tbs dsy we stumbled upon the following fresco items Tbe awaiefcs ia frost of ths stores ef Moo teith 4 Ksi ten beck and Phil Cohen, fcM ia the morning sbout oae e'eiesfc under ths pressure of esrsral tees of snow. Three er four large psaes ef glass in ths store of tbe former were broken completely to pieces. Tbe to'Ung of the Are bell at t o'clock s. m., told many of the fact that swniags were ladejegeref felling, A yeaag men miaeisg bis way early ia the morning walked late the Seatiera Ditch. Being hail sad hearty no set iocs results or eurrad. Tbe poor little ground birds had a hard lot of it Tuesday. Ho where to go many of thsm soeeamhed te the storm king, oae tern 8ed, frocen little fellow flyiiiejketo.oer office sod falling deed st oar feet. Breeborg train arrived about five o'clock, p. m., sod remained here during night. Ill trains between here sad Ashland resorted Mercery 14 shove at 8 o'clock. No schools. Wsdaesday.-Maieory at 22 above seto st 8 o'clock. A heavy erect oa which school boys sad light men oonid warn. Woaesee aover saw the likes before. Awnings oo west side of O F Bedding end ie f root ef Hoffman A Joseph s both diaoever ed drunk aad disorderly la Iron rode prove a failare for heavy A hnadred kega en their way from burg to Portland are foend to be in a dying oeedJttee, four or five already having grant ed their last. Feed is taken te them they are let loess is the depot Lrain at Turners, Portland at 8 shines' at Albany with orders to wa time, which they are seine the Portland train net arriviag here till 4 p. BeaeLtrrfoNs er coinwasta Nhsdd Orange. Dee. llth, 1884. We, your oommlttes oa Oondoleaoe beg leave to report as follows : W asanas, Tbe Alwlse father has seen At in his Providence te cell from our midst ear Sister Mrs Emily Bkedd, aad Wnaanas, We deeply feel her loss sad mourn her untimely and sudden death. Therefore, be It Rosolved, that ws humbly bow te the will of Him who kueweth what Is beat for his children. Second, That we should ht admonished by this bereavement to be ready, for no man kneweth the dav nor the hoar whan bo may again enter our oeaoefnl eaten and claim another of our number. Third, That In ths death ef oor Ulster we have loot an honored member oae whose quiet, dignified life Is worthy of emulation. Fourth. That our bereaved brother baa Ml M Amnmj alf. . I I In all his cares and ariefe. a hole-mate Indeed. " ' Fifth. That the sorrowing sons snd lonely Mule daughter have loot a mother woo never tired ia her efforts te promote heir weifsrs. Sixth. The oemmunltv hsve lost a kind friend and neighbor, one who was ever ready te assist In deeda of kindness and to smooth the brew of care and suffering, seventh, That while we mourn with tbe sorrowing onei wo would point them to film who esa heal all our grisfa snd bring ns all to that haven ef rem waere parting is no more. hth. That we will oh .w our reesirdn by areola our hall an.l trorlnsr the usosl badge. We request that a copy ef these Bosnia tastes be spread upon oor mlnutee, a copy sent to each of the ooeoty papers, the Willamette 44 Parmer" and tbe bereaved family. Mas. K. A. Mr ansae, Mae. M. A. Powaaa, Man. Loot ft aioar. Committee, eTalsmhte PLIIH TALI, a Plata Snsjceu IT A FULIg OMAf. Our yaung people are learning to danee, and some think it Is a terrible thing, and rome do not. I am one ef tbs latter. What there is bad is the aeeooiatlon In mixed (lances, and bad association are bad any way. for eatuly Influenced people. T hare seen people who would go to ehureh socials snd play games that art actually ridiculous, but mention danoinsr to them, and ti er Jaiop hank In horror. Dancing Itenlf, pastime, refined In its nature and moot enjoyable In its effects. Better (latsSe than do many things you do ; but do not go to estremee, there's the rub. Articles Suitable Art late. The publuber ef tbe Mad loon County Record writes from Hnatsvtlle, Ark,, as to t bo effect ef Brown's Iron Hitters oa hie wife. Mr Deugberty says, "My wife has bean using the Bitters for some months In bet ease Is remarkable.'1 He also writes that owlag to ocmaterfsits aad lowjtsllons, it was difficult to get the genu ine article. That difficulty has now been ; imitators have been ezpoeed put to flight. There, as sue w bore, Brown's Iron Betters can be had ef all the respectable druggists at 81 a bottle. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS BLACK DRESS eMLKS, FROM $1.00 TO $2.50 PER YARD. COLORE. SILKS AND SATINS. IROCADED SILKS BLACK AMI COLORED. V It VETS AND PLUSHES FOR 1 ft All re eetot mtstmrm. with good music, if rightly conducted, BflBWCB flBV 9MB IB In the proper place Is an eihillratlog BLACK AND CI LOR IS CASHMERES. UMBRELLAS, SILK ARB ALPACA. NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR. SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, KID CLOVES NOVELTIES IN LADIES WOOLEN MITTS. NEW DESIGNS IN CUSSWARf. CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES. FRUIT PLATES AND MUSN BIWLS, PLATEO KNIVES AND FIRKS. CASTERS, CAKE STANDS, BEBRT DISNRS. NOVELTIES IN LINEN COLLARS. NANCINC LAMPS, LATEST RESIGN WITH FANCY SHADES PARLOR STAHD LAMPS. NOVELTIES IN HAND SATCHELS ANO PORTMOHNAIES. CENTS. LADIES' ANI MISSES SLIPPERS. BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, H0S8EU AND MOCUETTE RUNCS, For Ble at SAMUEL E. YOUNG' i. ea tbe The priaeipal asaaaesasnt hse beea walking I to get it. Hts sseek is large sad I improvised snow shoes, bet by ovoadag I sad yea ene get aeheap or ee firm that woo Felt with ea Aweiag. sTerfc Bought. Highest market prion paid for bogs, by A, Cohen. Call on Q Cohen, opposite MeHwaln's, On last Wednesday just afternoon while Mr Louis Miller was shoveling tbe snow from ths awning on the budding occupied by Chinaman Jim on Ferry street, the swaicg suddenly gave awsy, prscirritatiug Mr Miller to tbe ground, aud quite severely bruising him, and breakiua ueuf his lags. Under ths care of Dr. Kelly he is improving and will come out of the accident as fortunately as could be expected. portent (see, aa to appear ta she Jaeaary number of the ATeft4 A sesriOae Qsvoiw. It order to st lor Cbrissnaas with tbe ot tbe world tbe 1caiocaaT wtll ke te i.ress oae dsy earlier serxt Week. All ad rtiiiUBli sad comma aioasssas will have to be heeded ia before Wedaesetay soon. I Ast week Hea E 0 ftorob, of Asaity, made an sssjgnrasnt to William Chnaman for tbe benefit of his creditors. His liabilitss are 884.000. bis ssssts 830.000 to 833.000. Wane ef bis creditors will lose by his failure. You will aeed to polish up year windows, silvsr and plats d wars, eta, during tbe holi day, snd ths proper snd best way of doing it is by using some of Kenton's Celebrated Boa Lion Silver polish, which yen can ob tain at the Pest orlss or most of the stores. For fourteen yean a man named James Mulkey at Lakeview bee had a serious ae- eUeat every November. This last Novem ber be fell down into a cellar aad was ran. dared insensible. He skeeld petition for tbe striking of November from tbe oaltader. A New York illustrated paper has aa af feetiag sesas et a man tied by the neck to a lamp post inscribed, "Inhuman Treatment of e member of tbe street gaag at Seattle, W. T." One has to go swsy from home te learn the news. By calling on Coarsd Meyer you can not only get some very assful holiday goods, bat ss well some first-class holiday groceries, fancy cookies and oaken, eurreuts, raisins, spices, etc, a iargs and fresh stock specially for the Christmas trade. X T T Fisher, County Sarveyor of Linn county, is prepared with field notes and township plats of this oounty to correctly locate corners of land where tbs sams has been lost or destroyed, snd will replace the eame with permanent monuments. Persons wishing survsying dons will please address me at Miller's, Linn oounty, Ore goa. About sevon e'otoek in tbe t vemaej e great wm beard ia tbe direotiee ef Mr Caa- s livery stable. An 4 to. covered that the reef ef the main part had fallea completely ia, throwing ehieglse, bay. straw, etc. , premises unity ia all directions, aad ereesatiog a pioeare of dilapidation we bare aever before esea ia Albany. Chaos reigned sapreeae. Fortunately the floor to ths second story was soud eecegh to prevent any further fall, as heavy as the weight ea It was. This saved all of tbe miilogon'sow horses asdsrassth. Otherwise there weald have beea a terrible slaughter. A huge quantity of hay aad straw is aew exposed to tbe eletneota, while tbe whole building tioally is a total wrack. The damage will amount 'to several hundred if net several tbsamsil dollars. Thursday. -Cruet oa tbe snow solid ee. oegb te bold aa army ef men. Memory at 27 above. Daring the early morning the awning of W H Uoltra fsll.'undsr the pressure of too Notwithstanding a President is taiag iseerleia, end that is, teat A B Ilwain, at hie saaassaotb store, ..r looted to eaUoa this fall, eeeaess be has them. Xe mere eats liaeef general mmigaiiii is to be feaad ia the Witlsonrti valley, aad do net fail te rsmsmher this. Bis goods arebeagbt Ubeaeld. aed sold they wtU be seder the matte, "email eredts aad huge sales. M This is besiasm. It is gist leg eald aad damp aad yea seed a nss ace a a te protect yourself with, Msllwsias b tbs well deer steak, jest aa yea pisses, at the hnttsm pries. Or if, for the eaeae reason yea ere fertaaete or aaforteiaate enough te be a srdlwaat se However Oregon map be afflicted la seme things, as a rule It Is very free from many of tbe drawbacks of some sections. In the eaat now the ecu n 117 Is afflicted by atrlkea,stnkeeof all kinds. small and large. Idlers we hardly know what they are. There le no occasion f r tbsm, because workmen of all gat fairly well paid, much better than along the Atlantic. Fortunate are wo, too, in this roe pent, for etrikes are an abomination to a community, worse than a horde ef rate in a pantry or a coy ote In a bead of sheen They demor alise, disorganise, Imaoyerish a people, torn society wrong side out, cause dis. aatlgfaoUon untold, and what Is snort, rarely accompli eh wi at they are made for. e The papers tell oa that at tbe earnest soiiclatlon of his many friends, cltizeoi snd taspeyers, a eertaln gentleman at Astoria declined to be a candidate for Councilman. This meet certainly wan a curious thing In the gentleman's friends. If you would do a maa a favor advice him not to run for office, with out you wish hi rn sn injury. Though he be nominated one dsy and run the next his whole career will be public sYa!;,:" in ihe matteb of the estate time to correct a blunder to before It is made, aud If man wauld defend thei. friends they would foilow the e- ample of tbe enlightened citizen of Astoria. A long article In an exelisnge tells how and what great Btateomon eat. From It we learn that Roeoe Conk ling Is very fastidious and eats eggs, fish, oysters, and mutton chops. Kg H-re- tary Monsoon eats deep-sea nab. rare roast beef aad maeoaroul. Ben Butler would leave a school boy in the shade, Carlisle has the dyapepsia, toast, oof ea, soup, sic., ars his diet Senator Ed munds is quite an eater aa well as! drinker, Senator Brown, of Georgia, is oae or tbe biggest eaters la Congress, and always has two or three apples in bis eaat tall packet to eat betweeo meats. Sherman la a great pickle eater. Kelfer eats like a man plowing, aodaa on. After all they are just like tbe rent af us, only more aa. It la carl 000 bow some men do hate to be dunned fat area an honest debt Sand them a bill, and immediately they are insulted, net mad. sick around and everything blue w hat foo! ten - It la ad male boeiaeas wlietber T am the ooe er anyoae else. When it Is being contracted the party le glad en ough for the privilege : bat let him got toe oenent or ate aid or 11. ana tnen all at once he been moo aa Independent as "a bear oa ioe." It is no worse te be donned then to be invited to din oor, so it you are, pray do net go into hystsrles oyer It. CF G. B. MONTAGUE. Terr important Mco to Dtbtors, 1 am Instructed to collect every aun 10 ice estate or a. B. Indebted to said dollar MUST MY BP. C0STI WILL if ADDED ON ALL ACCOUNTS AND ROTES NOT PAIO BY JANUARY 1ST, This is lbs last notice I snail give est this matter. To done an the hnoTeioQ nil goods remaining on band r leas for will be sold st J. vt, CUBIC. cf C. B. Or., Dae, 6U1, IBM. BIBS FOR OOOltT POOR, famish-1 , er seitef slotbss. Ceil at atoll wain's aad as. araiee his well arranged stock, aad while I "Zkgk yea are there heal ever his stock of lag goods, aad aew is tbs tires. Yee afford to shiver, which sboald tedees yea te keep your feet warm by baying a pair ef BOOTS ASS SBOBS, fsr ladiee ergnutlemee at this store, etoek is very Large sad worth mloetiag sTsaaTowsJR oSse? sweseo'eeaRe1 asR aaViMg ajds In the Sheriffs Sale. In tse OrtrnU Court eiae oaats 0 Oregtmf tea Co an if a Lena : Notice is bernbv given that scaled bide will be received by the Cooaty Oenrt af Linn Ceoaty, Oregon, tar bearding, lodg ing and dnioar tbe laundry work for all tbe indigent eereene or paupers new enpported er te be aopponed dnrta ensuing year by send eoonty, for tbe ef ooe year, nommeaeraa Jan. lata.. Bed Joro will state the price per week for which they will beard, ledge sad do the lannory wora aw seen or For fait parti solars 1 te be signed by tbe 1 die at the Clerk's office of All bids to be filed with the Clerk of Lieu county, Oregon, en or before Wednesday, January Tin, isso, st 1 odock, p. as. Dane by order ef the Court. D, Annanwa, Oserk, Referee's Sale. said eeoaty. Tbe Bank of Oregon City, Plaintiff, va. John Paster snd Martha O Foster, his wife aad 8 B Young and Mary A B Smith, De- N' of a raaer ttfaS Meilwaia ass few equate. Hts steak is oae speaking for itself, tbe Urge sales ia this department being a big rsoonuaialasssa for is. Msver bey seytkieg wisheat calling ea A a Malawain. NOTICE U hereby given that by virtue at a writ of execution and order of IfsoT Harper's Weekly. staall Trapsed. We are informed that certain parttss near Albany, who we do not know, ars in the habit of trapping quail, contrary te law, and, in order to coyer np their mode of getting them, run aa awl through tbetr head, to make them loek as if they had been ahot. If this is continued arrests sre threatened. The matter should be inquired into by hunters who desire to see the game law enforoed. art klks s ana tea salts. The beet salvs In ths world for onto. brasses, seres, ulosrs, salt rheum, fever tetter, chapped hands, chllblaiea. corns ana an kinds or sit in eraptloae. This salve to guaroatesd to give perfect in a very cans er meaev re Price 860 per box. sale ty Feehay at Mason ITiT .TJaWTZRATJBBIP. Hasma's Wsnaar ass new, aw teesay rsars, oases lelaiS Its postUoa ss the Isssttsg IMseuelee weet r sinipsfirlaaaserlea. WIU e eeensaat toerssss sf Btsrsry esst ortetatirssostro sSsr for efa-es yf WsrrtejMsasrsSii u&mnyttM nsirinii Is the West ssd Sonta, asotsoUsf the WsrtsVs asaootUsa at Sew Orleans: el or ere er asra ansneemes sn las oauc eosaee ray Saw All persons knowing themselves In debted to me or the late Arm of Alios A Martin will please call and settle im mediately, or their aoeouote will be placed in the hands of an Attorney far collection snd costs mads. H, H. sac tssaortsat ova. ae any. sale tosoed oat ef the above named Court in the above entitled anlt to me directed aad delivered, I will 00 Saturday the Stth dav ef Jsnoary. 1B at tbe Court Boone door la tbe etty of Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon, at the hour ef one o'clock p. m., sell at public aaeUea for cash la hand to the highest bidder the real property do acrioed la satd notice of sale as follows, to -wit : Situate in the oounty of Linn and State of Oregon end being known aa tbe lots number esven (7) aad eight (8) in Block No. twentj-atx (SS) In the town ef Albany according to tbe records and Bled mope and plats thereof. Also tbe lots No. one (I) and tWo (S) in Block No. twentv -seven (27) in said town ef Albany airosaid. Al beginning at the northwest corner of bec uoo three (3) in Tp. fifteen (15) south of range four (4) weetof the Willamette meri dian ia aaid Linn county, aforesaid, run nine tbenoe east one hundred and eigtby as such to sell as by law directed I property hereinafter OTICE IS HEREBY OFTEN tbe undersigned ia poreoane oeeamistea end order of sale of the Circuit Court of the State ef for Linn county, ea the lath day cf vember, last, in the seJt where la Bet MeCeoneti to Plaintiff and Lucy A Mc Donnell is Defendant, appeinung tbe ua- and sosnsnnnemng mm tod tbe real I bed. I will therefore en the lath dav of Jaamerr. lS6,at the hour of one o'doek, p. m., of said day at the Court Bonne dear ta the aiay of Albany, In Linn oooaty, Oregon, eell at pablio aootten U the highest bidder for cash in hand the fo lowing imerfbsd real estate, to-wit : The want heif of Block 47 in the city ef Albany ha Lima oenaty, Oregon , with all tbe taaimiate tnerennta nsirwamna. Tbto 24th day of November, tSte. W. at. nsTt'SL's, SHUT YOUR EYES Until yon call on Sesey eas wbe inSTii a teestweetay soMtteel fatvs I ntoe (188) rods ; thence eouth to the north se sessrtsauag sat kearasUts sunitr Jeerasl, en. 1 boundary line of the donation land cialm Urole free froee oajoettosoble teaSnroo la otUW lottoe- 1 MnPnllv thootno sea to lh waZ to nesrsa's and examine his etoek ef mmi psaioDioais, rer Teart naRPBR'S wriely. tURPERS MaOAZIgE St 00 . t 09 ..see ...t 00 Ths aooeunU'of Peters k Blain are aew ia ear hands for eolleotlea, aad the affairs ef tbe old firm mast ke closed up immediately. Persons knowing themselves indebted will pleess sail at ones and ssttls, with est farther notice. A SxawanT. r&riers aazaa nagpss'S touko people UaRPER-S TSAsTELUf SQUARE Oas Tear (St Sassses) 10.0 Pcsfogeret to ail tmhtutbtn at Its United State or Canada. Cloelng Swa. Tbi Vol homo of the Wbsixt bosHn with th Hssnser ssr January si sseh year. Whea as mentloDot. It will he naeoestood wishes to osnussnos with tbs X neuter next sltor Uio rooeint of order. Tho loot Flvs Anaasl Volaeeee of Rearsa's WesuV la next oietfc MnSiac, will be seat by aestt, postsge salt, or ay exnrees. free el sapssns (Mwrtood the freight Sees net sseist one toller per f7 per TSlnaM- Ctoth eease for eseh eolams, saltshls ), tor What U Tea Taker Mr. Serry P Thomas, Csntrsl Psrk Hotel 59t er street and 7th Avenue, New York, wrires aa foUowest Last summer I suffer ed tearfully with neuralgia and could net get any rest, night er dsa", A friend who had used St, Jacobs Oil, thonght so highly of its hesling qualitiea thst be govs me some to try. I tried it and obtained tbe first night's rest in weeks and wss oared. I have found it to be tho very best remedy. I keep it constantly m my boost far my family, hsvs reoonemended it to others and would noc be without it. social and rgnsexiL Mrs Oradwsbl has returaed frost San Francisco. Mr Jas G Cowan, of Lebanon, is on his way te New Orleans. Mr Abe Hasklsmeu loft for the New Orleaas exposition laat Monday. Dr. Curl, Brownsville's popular yo ung dentist, called on us last Monday while ia the oity. J J Dorris, feimerly of Scio. has moved with his family to this oity, sod is residing ia Dr O'Tools's house on Lyon Street. Mr Jas Pot linger, formerly of the Herald ef this eity, has left Portland and gene te Victoria, B. C where his parents reside. Hen. Geo, B Chamberlsin left Friday for Mississippi snd New Orleaas, and will be gene abost six weeks. Hit wife and children will retara with him. Bev. Floyd, we understand has resigned as editor of tbe Crhistain Herald at Mon mouth, and will also retire from tbe Christ ian Churoh at th;s oity. W H Baber. of Janetion City, was in the eity last Friday. Hon J P Schooling, of Harrisburg, on tbe same day, W B Donaoa, of Lebanon, oa Wednesday, B Johns, cf Halssy, on Wednesday. Having eoaelsded te discontinue business, I will hereafter eell sooos Aveosr until sll are sold. Come end seen re bargains ss the goods must aud will be sold. N.B. will be test by melt, peel east, sa rseetst ef U rat Order or Brett, lee veld tikis odoerftee- Brotrrrs. Wnateo, A girl to do house work. Begu lar employ ment at good wages. Inquire at this ernes, Vsaee Posts. posts Fonr thousand good seder fence for sale by, J F Back vests, Albany, Oregon, Pay Tear School Tax. Only a fsw more days remain in whtsh te pay school tax. The aaseasment roll will be placed la the hands of ths Shariff eeoordlng te law on tbe day tbs taxes become delin quent. J. B. BCRESART, District Clerk. Jv Metpeaere are not te eepv I esstaeat fas express order e HAJtraa A Address HABPElt k BBOTHBBS. Mew York. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Will be Inaugurated March 4th 1885. THE WORLD; The Banner Demooratlo Newspaper. Bally, 86 ; Semi-Weekly, 82; Sunday, $1.50, weoklv.ono dollar per year, Money 11 la tbe Line of Rati The'-e le nothing in the line of nsgte or myster about that wonderful sat popular medicine, Perkere Tonic It It f Imply the beet snd moot eolontl do com - blnetion possible of the essential principles ot TOgsteble onretlvee which eet powerfully and directly oa tee stomseh. liver, kidnsrs snd blood. But there nether Is, nor will be, any sneossstul Imitation ci it. It is ell tbe time curing those who bed despelrod ef ever setting well. For yourself, your wife end ohii dren. Scott's Ssnaieiea of Tare liver ail, witS Hynopnesnaltes for Wasting Children. Dr. 8 W Cohen, ofWase, Texas, says "I have nned your Emulsion In Infantile wasting, with good results. It only re-1 atorras wasted tissue, but gives streength, and I heartly recommend It for attended by srtrophy." can be made by any man er woman, girl or bey who win organise oinns ror THE WEEKLY WORLD- The great farm and homo newspaper. AGENTS PAID II CASH, For 100 subscribers at 81 each 838 will be paid; for 60 subscribers, $12; for 88 sub scribers, 80; ior 15 subscribers; 8 ; for 10 sabsorlbers, 82 ; for 8 subscribers, l. Agents wanted in every Town and Tillage. Circulars and Sample Copies free. sand rer to em. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW NEW YORK. of Samuel MoCnlly ; thence west to the eaat boundary Una of the donation land alalnt of James Rod cere ; thenon north to tbe north boundary line of SeeUoa four (4) M said Tp. and range aforeeaid ; tbenoe east to the place of begianing, containing SSI acres. The proceeds arming from ths sale of eald real property to be applied first te the payment of the costs of snlt taxed at the sunt of $50.75 and aeorulag oeeta, next to the payment to tbe Plaintiff herein the sum of 81870.00 with interest thereon from October 29th, 1884 at the rate of ten per cent per annum and tho further sum of $100, next to the pay men t to tbe Defendant itary A E Smith the sum of $838.21 with wterest thereon at tbe rate often per cent per annum from tbe 27th dsy ofOotober. 1E84 and tbe further sum of $68 bearing interest from said date at the rate of 8 per cent per annum and 887.M coats, Ssooad tnat tbe following desert bed premises be next sold, to-wit : Sttuate In the oounty of Liao and State of Oregon and beginning at the southwest corner of lot sovso (7) In Block four (4) in the town of Albany in said county, accord ing te the recorded maps and plate there of, running thence easterly along tbe north side of First Street about twenty-sax (2) feet to the center of the west wall of James H Fo star's two story brick build ing ; tbenoe in a northerly oouree along the center or aeid wall parallel witn the west sids of aaid let seven (7) ene hundred (188) feet te the sllsy : thence in a weeter- ly course en the south side of said alley to the northwest oorner of lot sevon m afore said ; tbenoe southerly along the line be tween lotessvsn and eight in aaid Block to ths Disco of beginning. The proceeds of sale to be a pal fed, first to tbe payment to aaid nlaintuTof anv sum remaining due af ter applying thereon the proceedsef the sale or tee root property aer eia,nrst aesenoeu; next to the payment te tbe Defendant 8 Yountr the sum of 81256 with interest at the rale of ten dot cent nor annum from1 October 28th. 1884, and the further snm of $75, next to the payment of any sum re maining dns te the defendant Mary A S Smith. Dated this 18th day of December, 1884. J. K. Charltoh, Sheriff of Linn cohnty, Or. By Gro. Humphrst, amenity. Holiday Gods, EMBRACING VASES, ALBWRSJ ill READS, FAHOY FRAMES, FILL LINE OF JEWELRY, FULL LIRE OF CHRISTMAS TOYS, ACCORDEONS, CERTS FURNISHING COSfS, CIGARS, TO BACCO, ETC. Notice to T-Payer Ssstssatseesay gtrsn tank tnafl i o'oioct, p. ot rating ta tbessTsrsl USSSB ana pieces fsr the Texae for the jeer lSSe. Fox Veller. Mender. Sato, Tuesday, December. ISth. se.. IwUl seeotts at S e'etoek, a. et Um ires. Leeenoo, FrideT, J Weteriea, Moadey lassrtr.TnssW. 1 Rmeh Creek, rrtdey. Piuerstiw CTewterdtville. M Brewnerille. TneeCer, Oeesseher SO Center, Wedneede. Bseeeeber SlsL Orleaas, Friday, January ta. ayraenea, Saturday, Jen aery Srd. Uerrtshary, Tueedej. January Sta. Ueleey, Wedaeedey , Jannary Tin, Bhedd, Thursday. January Sta. Rest alhany, Friday. Jaanery Sth, West Albany, Saturday Ibta, Prompt payment will he H OOS1ER GRAIN BRILL. A better grain drill ia not made saywsere, as ovary farmer says who has need fte I sals only by Peters A Stewart. VIOLINS. Mads and repaired. New tops, backs aad necks. Bows lebatsed and repaired. Old and new violins, bows and superior strings tor sale. Refer to S Course a and Cbas, Bray, Portland, H. 8, RICHARDS, Teacher of Violin. Corner of 2nd and Ellsworth Sta., Albaay MARRIED. COUNTRYMAN SPAGHT. At the reel denoe of tbe bride's parents, in Albany, by jvev. oi, J say. tan. r raxk Coumtrtmak and Mm Emma Stxurt. J. K. CSJLRLTOJf, Sheriff and Tax Celleetor Luta Co. Cr. Bated Noy. 25th. 1884, a Of either sex admitted te the PORTLAND BUSTJOsfS COLLEGE On any weak-day of the year. The College Journal, containing h tion of tbe oourae of study, rates of 1 board, examinations, etc., snd eats of pleat aid ornamental penmanship, free. AdeOses, A. P. ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 104. PoaaxARta, tjsv par- in terafcc, pfeoee stswwew Ms