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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1884)
eni0crat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BIST ADVERTISED lEClDff II THE WILLAMETTE YALLEY. Npocial bneineae i.clkee ta 1 oeJ Cel unnia cent a per line, hi aeJe 1 tee notWa !0 rente rr 1lr ISSUED W U vM 'y saiaaaaarrfca-iaaei NWfaUMl I For legal anu transient ad II 00 Mr SOUSr fl.r thm flea. OF SUBSCRIPTION atacie mdt. Pf .rear, n advance....-. ........ ZIZS T.V. ur nu. at d of yew. ft BO 300 I Tl 16 j rente per sqoare for eecfa vol VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1884. : .M. :m . . I ttl ' ' " no 21 Itaiea for other advertisement knows on application. r, 0re tuoutha l- joiii 1 1 (i 11111 i n iDi steale H PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW Albany, Oregon. " PRACTICE IN ALL THE W Courts of thia State. Will give pcclal attention to oolteoHona and probate moo In Poeter':: now brick. 9ti B. MONT ANTE. ATTORN AT LAW. Notary Public. Offlce npMniw, w John Br?f J K. WBATHKBTOBD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, aLBAXT. . . moAcTtCK lH ALL THE t'Ot'lVTB OT THE W rpUop given to oollocUons and probei In Odd Fllsa Temple i. o. rownix. W. . BTLTBtJ wiwBU, B1XYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW. llnASlYU,-t0" ? ietiYn. promptly mode on all jpolnUt. Loons nesrotnaea on rB- -eaf-Omee In Foster' Brie.- ltnlStf. J. J. WHITNEY, itteraej And Conusellor It Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, .; tn .11 nf the Court of .bbSuS! riu bnVneea Intrusted to him will bo promptly attended to, esr-OfBce in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., Stationery ana ioh aruu Irew Stock end Low nrn OX'A' g 33K"Cra- 8TOEB, Syl 4UI1HT. OE0?t. POSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBAXT, OBEGOW. vltatttf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Moles, Etc. FIESCnlPTIflSi CAIEFCLLT fILlBD, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MA8T0K Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, ju w v w- Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. n-Offlce and residence In McBwoin. Block. Alhanv. Oregon. LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Storing done with neetnees ?harp MBnrn, which .re always kept In good SSon ied hair cnt in the very beet style. .. WA VING. LatnrDRY axd chgta kebchamwg rost; wrsM Rie te and JaMMM tooda. Ltoer .JSSd- bX. prteT Ccatractor lor Chin tabor. trSext to CitT FURNITURE. I bare the beet atock of furniture in the city end w;ll sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only utoek of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and eee. Undertaking, A. complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, J. J. DDRRIS, Bridge Bailder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. TkTOTICE OK PUBLIC SETTINGS SO rj I.ICITED. Plan, and spec! Qcations flrnishedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence oh Ttwday, Sept., IGtb, 1884. Far particular concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition , apply to KBT. ELBKKT M. C'OSDIT, Presrae.t. Aloany Bath House. mHI TJNDBKSIQNED WOULD RESPECI JL felly inform the citizen of Albany sod j eiaitjtaat I hM e taken charge of this Establish went, and. by keeping olean rooms and payin aerie t attention to business, expects to suit al taeie wko may faror us with their patronage Harvaf aerctofora earned on nothing bat Flrst-Ciasti Hair 0resslnt? Saloons earjaeete te a ire entire gatisf;ction t- aJ JMa0kU4xen and Ladiei' Hair neatiy a a " a W aw 'W T n t'A f IIohH Forget H WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER,W00D'S MOWER, t Jt 3 QiXAM LA BELLE WACOM, The word. Lo Belle" to I e b "tUaJAUly." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXE8, -AND- Ail kinds of ApCuituPal Imple ments kept by the nnderaipefl. JULIUS GRADWOHL, Agent for Frank Bror., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Sooceeeor. to) Damiaia, Woodin & fisher, Manufacture. nd dealer, in all kind FURNITURE, wonld reopectfaUy inform toe MbHc that mannfiMture to order, and will keep they manufacture constantly on nana, o complete v. all desirable line, of FURNITURE, and will eell at bed roc it pncoe. Bed-steads a Specialty STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. rVlLIE UNDEBSIGSED WISHES TO inform the public the ho i. now pre ptedto do all kind. f nd work on short notice. All work to w.r rand to give $Mlo. OT work any and all kind of stone, bttt deal prin dpilyin Oregon City grenClmnlnK repairing a.d roeettlug -Jj" and examine my pricee before pareba. !ng eloewhere Jl will not benenwld. Phopoo west ride of Ferry twetoppo slteportomco. Q w HARRIS, Prop. REVERE HOUSE, rtrt en Blswertfc AiOeay, Chaa- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thta bow HoUl to to biOji " with tfc belt tho market afford. Tbbtos prtag r Com- Beds InoTWy A food ftompto Boom tor n !! Tn-t' rrrree Ceecn to and free. Ike Hotel. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IILLnHRY AID DW88HAD1B. Cutting and fitting by the new Tnytor System. OPPOSITE REVERE MOUSE. DBS I. W.&MARYT. Clfll. Pliysicans & Surgeons, ALBANY, O I . ) 1. Offer tbelr profowtonal ienrtoetb the .ctttoef r inn ,a uliaeest eamuu. umo " u Court tl juae. Call t Langdoa ai C' Drag DR. J- P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Pint Street be viiworAih anH Tivoa Street. Call WOTU ffIWw w - ttA-. left at E. W. Langdon & Co'e. Drng Store Albany, Oresron. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned himber,laths and nickets keot constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber. Price and terms made satisiactory. ROBINSON d. WEST. Albtxxiv Or Insurance. F. P. Nuttina, at Uie Dbmocbat .offioe has charge ol the following nrsci aes Insurance Companies : j COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH ANO MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC9TISH UNION AND NATIONAL A MS FOR SALE. ieh grade merino rams, yearling, and two year olds. Also a few Jersey raalf calves from three quarters to fifteen six eenth bred. Priese reasonable, Mo Km awT Ba 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thki powder MW rartea A man-el of puriaty, ligthaml whi.imna. More ooaoiel than tb tr Jnwrv kin.u, and oaaeel be oM In empiMlee m tea aulttuuio on I it, abort wetgkt, aluai or pnospaata poweer. BoUi only Baaira Povaaa to. loe Wall bin i.i ItOTit Wroel. . T. QiticuTd ra. aeattk' Cast, aael wkal Um Wtmr, Mr esaletairy kaa la say about It. To tub m sue : I here ben e fearful u0rr fur SfWea yar. ml tho tlto wltb wbai baa bean uaoriUlt Khrum. I'riaaa asat Laura. J Um Ilka, aad bar always beseteldtkmt ihora waa o cur fur tu. and nav oaaa a eieeearf t teat i bad a soon dia a lira. I b baea so badh alHWt d aiintheai that tbare waa aot tee seaaUaat eput 'roio ih. crown .f tar baad to tho aulaa of to MM was oat iDnsn I and a red se criaaaea. it wwaid iitawjmm a sseall whit i-u, hi bad a at war aot dat. bet If t ea se beat thaw, or seen after OHar erst as teay would burn aad run Inaitlur unit' a c mpbrtadrr, red seala, watch would b- leaMteassdaftoereeband lank tery ant aa- try, aad tea barnm naton would ba almost In teWrab. I wa at Utuca aa lam that I coold saane ly got about, and nld not dree myaeU wttbont aa slate num. 1 aa triad taaay rawtadtaa, and have id f 109 la a ebtgte laataa fat a pbjedan. but ba ofHamrU only Unijx.rar y relief. AlUi uh helped fjtr I aoaej reapaa4 agata to be a aauiy troubled UiiHh.ii. ai.iM tiiMi .i laae t aalaii 'l m murh a to he entirety dtsoeursptd . Ut June, however. I was advised by KM end sir L C McKiaMry, who are w!i known tu the lactase, to try your t met a Rraaaoai : and I twit tfwoakow a uttta cuunte. fr m their lamrabi oMeiee of Ukeei. totry thnr virtue. About the y eta weeks I beaan to see a tamtMnt tmpi until no(fet.lflS) Ism about as (0"d a my neab la aa tee mem of a ch"t. Ml'Jj, isrsj, SMITH. I certify that the above staUmaat of my V4c !a ."rrts-t. aad 1 J4o tih bar la esprawasna my gratl tuue for the jfreai bcnrBl ah tu reemved. o, BJtrni. I certify that the above statement u .-. rrcct. Mr Smith te a iramlwiat aaaa in thu i-.mnaui.ity, whara la a wwU-kaown clcalrr n tk, aad bia staiamenl, wttb that el hi wife, b f ully entitled to eredlt. l-ne at gbteetaarl. froviaoo of tfaabee, thU twenty -acvcuih day of wb-. late. - - e v. atatanTBT. x total r of Use u lem-IhmNW Hr Smith rtetnUr n4 b Urn birto bt Uxr vjS b!r Hcrman-m! jr ruml. LCMcKt.WKY. .WjrAdrmt Cb. Cef. P q So, and JU.SII, uunaa,eept, es, net. Cmtru Benurarr. ih n blood purser, and CVru-t n4 rtTK iU O0r, lb tU ski akin tu! bmuitlficni, rr ul4 HifyiMW, Ct ftA, Me. . HOJLf, Sic, RttuLmr, t Price, Crri- fottrr a.d Cfaetej li al e.. Administrator's Notice. IVTUTIUB la hereDy rt tnCE la hereby frireo that the no JlI draitmod Adraintatraioros" the eetate of Harbard Sbeltoo. deeeeeed. haa filed hie fioal account in the matter ef .aid ee tate in the County Court of I Jon county, Oretroo, end the Judge ef aald f'ourt haa made an order accordinc to law directing tbie notice to be publiebed, and haa ap pointed Monday the &th day of J at. nary. 1885 at the hoar of one o'clock . r. in .. of eeid day aa the time far the hearing of obJeoUonk to eeid final acoouot and the settle met it thereof. HaBVZT 8stKLTO!V, Powell A Bilyku. Adminietrator, Attorney a. ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- MA.CIIIIVE SHOPa STABLISHED 1S65. Ry A. P. CHERRY, ettualed at corner or First and Montgomery streets, Aioany,! Oregon. Having Ukeneaarce of the above named Work., we are prepared to manufacture Steam Ensines, Xaw and Orlet MUU, aBreS MachJnerv of all klnda repaired. Spe- oUd attenuon given to repairing arm ice- . . r m , . - e r i ahanery Patient SJakfaa daae la all lta U lfitllyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notajry Public. Dft.SArSFO INVIfiORATOR Js just wnat its Dame implies; a Purely Vegetable ipouud, that acts directly -upon the :onng the many diseases iacid drMo that im. DortantorandpTtmgthenu toeroTiS ailments arise from us w . av :tion, suco. as iaria, Sick-headache, It is therefore a rToliave CroodHealtli llifil2yertTinst be kept in order' aaaa aiWniS TTTTPT rsjTTnn'R ATAIt. aa saaawaa" TtretaihT,ivir TJppulales the Bow- els, Strengthens the System, Purines tho BtoOd , Assists Ingestion, irevems r everB. is a xiousenoia xxeeu. iuyuiuhuiu Family Medicine for common complaints. Tl-a. fiANPOEL'3 LIVES IHVIGOEATOE. Jin experience of Forty yean, ana itou- s. rrr sands of lemmomais prove wa juera, ws-a Skin UY Al.Ti DTLKlMlia IM iifcuaijita. n- r.n infnnn&tion send your address for 109 Zlmm nrc on the Liver and Its dUesaes," to RD'S iftm ear rfvJar errespmleat.) Wabimkotow, Nov. jm.'ilSA. Thibaj bon a lugubrioue Titan ki giving tbo Uupubl leant n logtun. Mauy have eatan tbelr tur key with 41m Irapraeaiou that It waa the Heat thy woarti frib Oafdul of the United HUtee. Mdny repub lieins aolemnJaed the event hfrgetUog drunk, as I know by oxpeHpnce-l menu by pereonal cbeerratiotb I paw them from my window. Preatdwwt AHhnr .pent Ilf94ay at Soldier home, where he rTVloftfna the P. and croaalog the V of hit tut meage to Congnreae. The baltdere of Waehlngton'd mon ument celebrated the day by wcrklng on tbo summit of that dlrry pile; never by artlflolal means, except by balloon? and steamboat exploslansi have men attained the eleratlon tbs tbeee monument makers enjoy. They have to avail themselves of every tine day In order to corople'o the work by the 22nd of February, when the towering haft will be dedicated in the presence of the governor of 11 the state., and ethers prominent In official and diplomatic life, to say nothing of parades, fireworks, boom ing oannen from gnnboata In the Po tomac, trumpets and drams. Fast upon the) dedication of the Father of Hit Country, will follow th return of the Government to the prlo. clplea and the practises which made Washington's name and era memo rable, a Democratic president win b" Inaugurated on the fourth of March. There la a world of meaning, of hope, of promise In this coming event that ia already casting Its sunshine before tu. reat crowds are expected In Wash. Ington this winter, and great prepar ations are afoot to entertain them. Pseetdeutle! inaugurations have al ways been the occasion of great par ade, and pageants, but heretofore the voluntary military organlaatiooa have bean aimoet exclusively from the Northern nod Western states. At President Cleveland's Inaugura tion It it expected that a number of military companies from the South will be preeent. This will furnish the patriotic editors of republican journals an occasion to aay that the rebels have at Ut captured W tubing, ton. Bat let the sore headed bears howl. They will never learn that the war Is over, but, after having been beaten at the polla. and beaten In their! conspiracy to make a second tbeftof the presidency, they are no longer formlbable. It la not thought that the coming seesion of Congress will be very In terceding from a legislative stand point Several appropriation bills have leen already pretty well lureu in comictee. some members of Gongresa who are now In the city go - aW . . . a a a . jmrnt a e a I so mr to aay tuai an euort win oe made to reduce the surplus revenue, bat tt la not thought that the preeent eeesion will be more sucoeeaful than is tbe previous one io tbia dlrec- tlrttv The nrAvailince rttdnlrtn with menbera aod Senators here h that Co u grew will not do more than pass the regular appropriation bills. The new president will doubtless I convene the senate In extra eesaion to confirm his cabinet and such other I annnlntrnnnt. a. reouire nnnflrmstinn Jr by the Senate. Certain Republican Senators-are disposed to throw every obstacle in tne way or Mr. uevelsna. ft d . k were in ttlr oower. would embarasa his administration by re fas log to approve bis appointments, but the Republican majority In the Sen ate Is vary small, and, there are some liberal minded Republican senators who remember l ho lesson of acquies cence set by a Democratic senate In couflrmiug the appointments of fraud Hayee. Among bacdreda of ready made cabinets nrnfltored without nharia to the new ptealdent, ft la observed that they all conta!u;the name of Alien O. Thunnan of Oblo, one cabinet maker would have him to be Secretary of state, another . Attorney General; a third wants him appointed Secretary cf Navy. The Impression Is genorai and 9eap seated that no Democratic council table will be quite complete without the wisdom, learning, virtue and judicial calmness, of Thurman. Political wise men and sages agree that th P. M. General will most I. a m . a a prooaoiy come irora a soutuern state. I He will have the appointment of more but these appointments come more directly under the charge of the first assistant P. M. General, who with the auppos- ed approval of the P M. General, I ... munatroa all annn n manU that a pa m not made immediately by the Presl- d f A Califuruia fruit grower has suc ceeded in growing elitigstona peaches so large that but 15 can be packed in a 21 pound box. TK ftOITHRB PKOrLK , - i-aaaew BftoWKsviLLC, Oa., Nov. 20,1884. BDfToa Stan man : The Republican prase of the country sad their late lUnd.rd-bearer, Boodle Blaine, are taking their defeat very aauoh to heart. Was the like ever known before, that a dsssateJ o od id ate fur the Presidency made auob an aes ef himself aa Blaine haa dune atnoe bia defeat, aa evidenced by eia late telegram to the Republican aatittial Oomraitete, and atill later bia address to his Republican mourn era, at Augusta, Maine f And they aim veai art their anleec, and poor ont their viala of wrath upon the poor, defeneeleee heads of the peo ple ef the "solid Booth" and that be cause they, aa the people of Pennsyl vania and other Northern Htatea did, went up to the pull, and voted their aeotimeota on the 4th of November. In Blaioe'e letter of aooapt'.oee he could aot find word, sweet and honeyed enough with wbiob to woo the voters of the "eoiid South nor did he in aoy of his barranf ues previous to the Oc tober election in Weet Virgioe, ever re fer to then in any but kind term ; but aa aeon aa that wee over, aad he new be eonld not hope for anything from that Mares, he then commenced to flaunt bia "eoaaogutned garment," and at ill keep it op. And even the great news paper, the "infallible Oroniam haa, since tie election, drawn it. weapons of war, donned its meet car mine war paint aad ia catting and ateabing right eod left, hither and thither, here and yon der, like a blind enake in dog days. Now, gentlemen, yoa had joet aa well contain yourselves, "the child is born, and his name ia Anthony." Too ere defeated, aad yon had just as well some down like little men and acknowl edge it, and accept the result graceful ly, aa the Demoerete Kbea done for yean, and even once wbe-t 'h.r had to aobmit to fraud. The leading Kfpuuiican. now aae that tbey mad' a mietak in rnfra ehte ing the near., of the d ttb. Toe-ir object ia granting ib-ft the fraocblar waa a aetfieh one. It wee not fur any love they had for the uetro. but they - thought the would be a of In- oreaatog the Republican vote e I there by lengthening out their leaee of pow er ; but tnetead of that it haa acted ae a boomerang, and instead of giving them a I mger leeae of power baa ten the meat, a jf abortening it. Tbe IXojo oratic patty, at tbe time, thought it was a m intake to enfranchise tbe color ed peopif , fur tbereaeoo that tbey were ignorant and not qualified to vote un derstand ing. y. Now in i egard to all this betderd.ah iauly spouted so much bj the Ortgon- ian, in regard to the S utb being kept solid or fraud aod the ehotgun jolicy, I take ia noon mvself to' aay it ia all falee. eleationa in the Souths Sum. are - . lh Ara ln M hwn ,Dr) th, forB, Uw , mw, , tM ,t.n i. nrtnmrn tmtmm t aa Mt .a.b VUV W f -wmw wmwrnw m mm -mmrmw mmw - ' B w thia from mere hearsay, as does the editor of the Orayonian, for I have no Idea hs ever sat hia foot within the boundary of one of the Southern State, in bis life, and particularly during the period between 1861 and 1865. I waa a born in a Southern State io 1840, end lived there continuously up to the year 1875, when I came to Oregon, "ith tbe exception if a short time during the war. Nor was I rebet. I waa one of a large number in tbe State I haled from Tennessee that believed the Southern people had no cure for war at tbe time they seceded ; that they were entitled to their right, in the Union ; that this was aa much tbeir Government aa it waa th.t of tbe Northern people, eod that i he people of the South a'aould wait untd Mr. Lin coln waa inaugurated, and aee whether he intended to interfere with any of the rights of the South ; and I showed he honesty of my convictions in that I ensereu toa u nimi armj ru too MrTed thrw Utui.y - ant mM m ontreu 11 " ,nt ue, I think my word u untitled to m mwn reow aa teas oi .uy cntor wno n0Ter WM 1B lH "ulu "iU ,,uw" nothln8 of aouthern people except wb1 h bM bwrcl- The Southern people were honest in their effort to seoede. They had been taught that they had a constitutional right to do so, whan they thought tney could not get their right io tho union, and after they made tbeir effort and were defeated, tbey aa honestly accept- ed the result, and to-day a ection, are aa loyal to the Government of tbe United States, aa Mr. Blaine or an other ci.issn of ths North. So fat hs the negroea voting in tbe South ia concerned, the moat of there vote the Republican ticket, aa the returns from those States show, but then a large minority of them are controlled by the whits people in the South, in the same manner that the same class of whites are controlled by the intelligent portion of the North, and through that influ ence vote the Democratic tioket, aad ae a .a it .a aaa a tact that a colored man has continuous- ly for yeers irpreseoted a Houfb Caro- I (bus keep the Etoutb solid. Is not the uea Ataw-ioc in toe ueagrees m taeiworc in me luntur, fur' her then to U oiled atee,aod that one bee this year .la VaW .a I dwmi eieeteo to repreeeat a re tiu U.ruitna Uiatnct fjajejajajdw swlswaae to aa'iafv art? raamunaltl imIixI tJta i umn I " I tiona are nee in the O..UI1, t No, the Sceptre haa departed from Israel (be hlgbnat aad deereat ambi- tioa of the "Piiimed K. udbt" bad been dashed to the grouul, vbeu al most wttbik bia reach -t I, he an 1 hi. hireiiog editwr. niiin h semethinr uu woTcn to veut the" 'wei sua ai log cooes handier than ih people of the Booth. But the dsy and time bee psmsa ween eucu tinnga caa n.e any ' . T7 7 effect. The people of tbe Booth bsee r L . demonstrated to the world that they . . . . panted when aucb tbioga ca b.e eny , , " . 1 7 I aaa a...i aaa faaaaa I L it L. . a 1 irrwair ta we naru w piw- grese, sod the editor of tu Vrifmut need not lie sorprtaed to See them a eery impYrWaat factor in the governing power of thia oonntrr 1u the future, eod it will be deem through intelliganee ead aot the shotgnn pi war. And ia order te laform himself, I would ad rise tbe editor of the Oejwiioa to visit the South daring the World's Fair at New Orlesas, and be will see things that ail) surprise him. Tama ia not .aether et of people uader the saw, from the Angle-, Baaoe race, who wen 'J bear up to on- -urmoriogly a. the Mother, people !" , Ther.ii no m.ud.d ,rraoo, beh. Republieao or, whucan go among tbe Beuthern fm.ple acd stay with them long enough to beeoase ee- quainted with them, who will not come awey, end confirm every word I have written in this communication, and ia foot, moeb more. They can then very readily see why theta is alwaya a Demoerauc roaioritv in the Soath. He I will see that a large aainority af tbe ww w old slaves are atill on the old planta tiona where they were eaiaed, and that they tbink mor s of tbeir old meeter than i:bey do of anyone ales, and that they are influenced to vote with tbeir ed m eaters, not through tear, bet -ira,, as it war aouod to hj ear ef lha cliior of tbe Of eenian, tbrengh i ' i si affaettoo and through inUreet. I hare deemed it proper in viudieatioo of a mach wronged people to eri'a tbia meeh, end 1 hope, Mr. Editor, yen will pat don the length of this tetter. TOl , , .. . . . What 1 have written bar. been done . . , . hurriaoir. ami ia rsrt d ttMinnMted and eow in eoacloeion'l sen ! my con gratulations on the splendid victory 77 r Z rTn,7 77. " the election of Cleveland and Han-1 ... , , , , .1 Jm.U nJ T Lam lk.1 f I. - mmm mi mm I "r ' aro. vc propoa-sy a-,a y .u. Vra,vw- . A . . ' I next day at two alter the alretton.wbesi I 7 I eaia tu.t we no., now niag .. ... . k., mm .w;. I . ..... ,. . TjPrTt, hy women o all nationa, for da ia lha saaaalaiajaml marxwl. I aa k a eavrvnlji I w r ww ww-- ever see the Democratic perty out of power. I was very sorry not to bel ...... i t ... vMm . . T, ZZmmJ j . a . Iar attention t3 this as tbe very sun vo oviiue sw t inusuu t wwiuat, w .i V tne grand, nut wane not tnere " w- wt "I'""' Your. Truly. - . UALURAITU. TimrfilULHUB UfirAJSTaaJaT. . mmmmmmr,mmpmmmmmmmmmmm, .Lmi BDITKD BY WiBti'i ChriitUi TiBiperiiei UllSI u i .; c .u- r n t tt aT5.-. ..r,HH . ... . . held Tuesday, Dec. 9th. Devotional mmmmi J.....J u i la-aittl wsw j ... uustnecs meeting oaiiea to oraer mm. a - m, m a a . oy tne rresiaent. tne oecretary UQ'DB . .1 t .j. en. a . i. absent Mrs G E. Wei vert on acted aa j t - last meeting reea ana approvea. imc - tnra Ritmmittee ranorted five lecturers r aecured lor tbe lecture ooursr, me urst lecture to be given Utt, lth. Dy rror. Lyman of Forest Grove. On motion it was decided to have the lecture at the W. 0. T. (J. Hell and admission lee placed at 25ct. . !,. tn ,u letter to the Mrv E. Terrell, of a Union from Mrs. Seattle, W. T., waa read and ordered published. After tbe -ead ing of tbe letter a most earnest prayer was offered by the president. After some further business the meeting adjourned. Four teen members present. Editrkss W. 0. T. U. Column : We have all noticed how differently an object looks from different stand points. Soma of us have been aocus- ay tomad from childhood to gaze at times in admiration upon tbe tips of tbe snow peaks, known ss the Three Sisters. In crossing ths Cascade Range by one road, tho traveler comes quite near the northern pcak and ia aurprieed into acknowledgment that ha haa never bed a proper conception of its propor tion aad granduer before. But getting farther east we see the three from base to summit in all their beauty and aub lioiity. Rspl with wonder sod awe at the wonderful worka of our Creator, we would never tire of looking at tbe vast piles of rook, ice and snow. And we want to exeiaim"what is man that thou art mindful of him." Se perha f,om tldldbood re b. .dmirrd the Ti tn.ience cause b it d A not reelize that we Pad at v t evlewM give a woid anel fwfhafe , ,,!, no a - . ua men (l jr. fMVO, Umil the .fk- i'.ga cf th W. C. T. TJ. wie bra L try Jt,m .. . w... M1IIC, w 11 1 1 . Aty 1,, i rct ihet -l.rc a. , for wornt,, efiQ w'tt btde tfTuis I,.' i-raiic! work put tortii hf Thanka t to th a I'Mltitr Fathar gave victory wm ho a prat rag bend of lMha st. a UV it. Tbfn ere v that a.oeamatif . d .a minds awakened, heaits and lands interest!, c. meHsiatad wkich have m oeeaad f,n ik.. i. "o I iota that iay to the trreent (o Wof t nj - . ' t w m1n V ''r the adrauciui t.t of t t j .1 ' eeue, and the srouwing of IV" ta thejrdnty ard n rs, ne M rroui aTrw art of land, Uahlet lfrnm tUmn , , ftcrua .Uoaea. bate beee aeet cb:ii g worda lion end lier f r ihi i; f puecta :ie-fi .rt. wboee proortit a weT- neveg e 'xed by the macs of tenp-rene- jsaviple ootil preaented unier tbe rrip l bel l .f Ood aad Kome and Nsiie In.t. But aa tbe way rf the tuvmrm-.n traveler ia sometimes intercepted by tb aci t ling of tbe m iai, or tbe aud ita risteg of o storm, so that to proceed on bia way would be bstardoua. aniinal il, m has aettled about u at eJZ, iklad. j, ,K .ul w Dot frtr Boii.riojr lh.t M tn uf,tm m often feOo d by a momiug of un- hium, so will WM VMA rflfu, mn4 tf ur Uiik fail io U owa . aaM mud mJ diftet u. m.u of thi( gM hum cjw aae Begnlar meeting of tbe Y. W. C. T U. Bee. 9th. Devotional t xercisee conducted by Mia. Howard. The btiai- meettng called tj crder hv tbe President, Mre. Brown acting aa Sec. t Mam Alexander having left the city, reetgne.1 the otfiee ,t Sec Oa motion Mms Brink waa elected to 6U the vaeaney. The Literary cm nit tee van iaetroeted to have a regular c-ruree ei tempera nc reading rea-lv for the axt evening. N-w eommktees were appointed aad farther arraogemtutB made for tiki, New Teen receptioo, The meeting wa una of much inter!. Eighteen memM preeent and fonr honorary member. , , iVatioual Homan'a Cbrutuiu -r , . TemM.rance Unun haa takrn prelim- insry steps t'.'wsrds securing, in all parte of tbe woi Id, a concert of prayer I for the temperance cause. Tbe noon hour of each day has Wa des.gnated, . ' oyer etnee me crueaae, ee a individual lifting up of ths bcatt, and J now it u auggeate! that, in addition to JhumiJ mfmoon be the timO for a temperance prayer tuoetin-', to be . , , , , , . , . held weekly aa may be determined ta A,Bmrmnl j the overthrow of the twiaon habits cf j, ft , . . . , wq . . e . . m. I kmd ofa beginning. The temperance , h 0OMnlu1 wUh hmli ai9. B Onariee. aa wt-ll aa workers in tJiat Lraat aaa .k.M f..,nd haln.r-d in i i I . 1 j T1 , , ' ' haaa alan a nrwiinlawi Vf ra Mara T ui nf n,.. bIm li.. fr. r I w. ; been workiae on the Jracinc coast, un-1 I der tbe auspices of the National W. C. T. TT.. to mslra a raonnnoiaaanea in tbe I I . .1 . . , -i Sandwich Island, Australia, and m r M mtid j Tbjiting ' t "o , miM,0Bariee of thoee oountriea and a B rodfAVOriM intr0(iu08 the W. U T. I TJ. methods and to provide for a helpful . . , . ' Am u u 1 ' . . wnicn tne innuence oi ine eoeuet m - 1 M aoTemaot aball eventually I . . , - . ..-a I DM ae worm. viay inia earneat, hv , ni, u.u k- .i,H.i.nLl hm.A . . -,ir-. find a wel I arva vulievtsiM . "wv avwutiawvij arejawwaw 0 , . t come in the hearts and homes of Christ' ians everywhere. 'Union Signal. i western jctbw iora is recsooiug uu- r on hp,m8 4,000,000 barrels of sp- I S vt r i i pie. me BEST TONIC. ? Thia medicine, combining Iron with pn re jmiZ I a. pare blaed, Malurla,thUl and Fe , "t Uan toAudlnf remedy for Diaeeaes of tie KMaeye aad iJrvev. It la taValuable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary Irvea. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache or produce constipation ofAer 7nmaedtctnrrn. Itenricheaand pnrifies the blood, stimulai t the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, v l.eree Heartburn and Belching, and strengdi n the muscles and nerves. ror Intermittent Ferer. Lassitude, Lacl: t 1 Knenry, Ac., U has no equal. tt The genuine has above trade mark r red rvd lines on'wrapper. lake no otl. a.;, aawtf SSOWS t MSSICAt CO, BJLTISOUt. RStt!lGirJS, WOOD VRD A CO., Whole t rl its In i mm A iiuii mm m - p.p na TEST YOliH BAK1HG POWDER TO-DAY! Sreaa adeertiaaa e cout tm Tear i naeeeeee Btayeaaru avaraasfi tectttasaa ea a aa4 ate ee aa. lalrea Ui DOES HOT C0HTAJJI AJ Ilia iregaaesr afa TBE TOTjtFJW 0TB. PRICE BASING P0WDBB C0M Dr. ftltf i Special FlOTty Eit Dr. Price'. Up Yamsf lam usm, aaaitay area.. The Bar Bv mm TaaatteUae WarU. FOR SALE BY WllWt. cmicaco. m srr, louio. fa- i,r Owuinr. Merle Ca, Partiaad, Or. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAI YEASTSH1 The eest dry bap yaast la tea werjg Jbjaa rarsad by this yeast ta Itght. white and aaef tir: I. he o;r qrr.wtwt eoefeeS fjSsa. GROCERS SELL THCNL Price Bakimj Powder Oo, MaiTis el Er. KaTl Ml rdrtim tssok Chicago, ia. at. Laula. feSe. for eaie by Cattter. Marto aaa! Co., rWQsed. Oe. EedCrownMills I80M, LANHIK6 4 CO., PROPR'S. itxw raocam rtovx arraaiea rea A5D BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest. Trice in Cash for Wheat A LB AN YOR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market, (SUCCESSOR TO FRED OOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good mease bottmn P--1? ALBANY, ORECON, Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both eld aad oang, at bottom prices at the factory of La PUTNAM, Albany, Oregon H ARDWJLRE OF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattcoka. brush hooka, pioka ahovela,apedea, forks, grindetooea, waeel- everything you want, can be had cheap for c5tsh at Pttere A Stewart. barrowa. wnnsers. ropea, ana aimoe pUTLERY. Tia baat lina of eutlarv in the vaJlev h.found.ak?0, - P V I hnlnhr knivaa. hnntinr kniraa. Darin. antvee. taoie acivee. loraa .no spoon, I knives, shears and seieaors of all kinds. -- - . - 1 - -' wmmiwm .... hrreiaht nto AiUany. uome ana eee ror your I sal res. Farraaa emwai I T30R SALE. I one nunarea ana rony nrr, siu a aa a m a mm. i mm, I milee above Lebanon. 40 aeres in ant. Uvatlon. ,"d m-mmmm Comfortable dweliinr. aood I Sutheoeaa Cheao. Inquire at tbia office. A . a I OblUO Oi. aaifeixiiioxio. 1 1 Cweafit Cbart of Uu Stalt e Oreyei 1 rw. r rm. In the matter of the Assignment I ot Cbaa. B. Montagne. J Notice ia hereby given ta al ares' Masas af Cbaa. B. Montague, that be bea taw Sew made and filed with tba Clark ef the Orre Court of the State of Oraeoo tor Liaa i to be recorded, an assignment ef all bis arty, real and personal, to ma tfce aa i eu, ana wiai an cmuwra " Montage are hereby notified to rjraseat taaSr JJXU oath tom. .t tka .tora ef ereM I anea wa : n a. Z a.L. dZ a mM T 1 s ed, and that all crecutors ot eats ' Chaa. B. Montajrae, in the City ef ia said county, within three man tba Seasa the date hereof. Dated at Lebanon on Nov. Stb, ltSe. J. WOeemsu Aaaiasiee. Fowill & Budrxv for Ataignea. LOR SALE. One half block in eastern part ef tbe city with fair house and barn will be aald oe ear o. o chkkrt. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMfiigta, Miilwrights, and Iron Fonnders. w E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Enginea. Grist aad Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds ef Iran and Brass Castmps. PATTEKXS H4MI SHOET NwTIC. Special attention given to repairing all kind, of machinery. Will also magnate tu re the improved Cherry fc White Orala Separator. Shep aa Baker Si: aeee a Keoadeer Teed. Albany, Gr., Deo. 1, 180. IS rra atai.nnrt una. aaa wevae laaasiaiaaaeae. IKsajtrow v si.. Xs 'vaa otvr.