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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1884)
S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES& NUTTING. VISK&OFFICCl Democrat atMtaaea Brearfalbla Street. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION ia.rU eopv, per year, in advance..... Bialo copy, per year, st ed o year. frf copy, month atari copy, three mouths g eiajn number...... PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 8 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. , Albany, OrecW. ILL PRACTICE IN ALL iv,nrt of this State. WS THE Will Rive special attention to collections and pr: T Courts rebate m.tttir Office in Foster's new brick. L. H. MONTA.NYE. TTORNEYAT LAW. A''"" Notary Fubiic. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John BrifWstore 1st street. V IWUHH J K. WEATHERFOBD, (NOTARY PUBUC.) . TTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, kbcoy. IITILL PRACTICE IN ALL Till COURTS or THIS W State. Special amotion gbree to eaUactloa aad ta Odd FsUswts Temvo- r. o. rownuu k siltrd POWELL & BlXYEtT, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, Collections promptly made on all points. Lroans nestotisxeo on rw."-'- asfrOffice in Foster's Brink.; vMnlfcf. J. J. WHITNEY, itteraey M Counsellor At Lav AND Notary PubliCe ALBANY, OREGON, mm In all nf the CoiirtS of TV III ltV. v .ft. - , . . iMeStaie. All business Intrusted to hun will be promptly attended to. sss-Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. n.w.k. stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices, CITT DBT7G STOEB, tyi ii.!nr.onJi- FOSHAY & MASON, ASS SSSTAOr Dniggistsaiid Booksellers, ALBANY, OBEOOI. iwuir A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, FlESCnlPTlOJS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just -vest of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. sdBTOffice and residence in MeTl wain's Block. Altai?. Qrfgw. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp teroA, which are always kept in good Stion, and hair cut in the very beat style. . WA VING. ATTNDKY AlfD CHIXV MRIUAXHINO TOW; l wtjw BioB us nd Jipw rood. Udr tirSirott,m prices. Contactor lor TJhka. Ubor. sarirxtto ctty Psaa. FURNITURE. X have the best stock of furniture in the city and will ell heap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. ' Undertaking, Aeomp'cs oek and can give SATIS FACTION, iry me. A. B. WGODIN, J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Bailder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. TrtTTfiR OV PUBLIC LETTINGS SO- LICITED. Plans and specifications fori ru ishedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. Jot partieulini concerning the course of study and th price of toition, apply to BV. ELBEUT ti. COXOIT, Fresmcnl. Aloany Bath House. TH2 UNDKESIQNED WOULD RKL-PECT folly laform the citizeni of Albany zud vi entity that I have taken charge of thii Bststbiiab aeat, and. by keeping clean rooms and pajin eriet attention to buinoM, expects iu suit al tkoie who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing hot First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expoott to give entire aatisfettion to al nsyOk Udiaa and Lsdie' Hair neatly oo tkaaiyoeee. JOS WEBBER. m Ifi VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WACOM, Thn words "Ia Belle" in Fl lUeSI "the beanty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, ,-AND All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersigned, JULIUS GRADWOHL. Agent for Frank Bror., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannals, foodin & Fisher, M inufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, ould respectfully inform the pubiks that they manufacture to order, ana wui seep vtntnt!v on band, a complete stock ot all desirable lines of FUR1VITUBE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDEBSTONED WISHES TO Inform the public tnat be is now pre- pared to do an tunas o iw work on abort notice. All work Is r- n Hvn Mtlsfsctlon. will wora any and all kinds of stone, but deal prio aImi v in iiMtfnn iilv nniuiwi v ing. Call repalftogaft-d resetting a specialty and roamine my prices before purchas i..iMmu1 will not be undersold. J-bop on west side of Ferry street oppo- suepostomce. n&T,DTa REVERE HOUSE, r.n., virst mm EUswsrta aioasr. 1 Chaa- Pfeiffer, Frop'r r Hotel '. fitted is Hl thm beat Um trte. Tahtea atforda. SpriSf tn rv Booaa. A rood forcoav BktrcMi Traratera. t7TrcCaeh U MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, KILLI5E&Y AID DSE88-IAOHft. Cutting and fitting by the now Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS L W. & MARY T. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. O 1 1 1. Offer their profeaatonal amteea to tlw taUiena of Linn and adjacent oonntlae. uroee ana "r Court Haaee. Call at lAnguoa iun DR. J- P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office at residence on First Street be mam. Riiwnth and T.von Streets. Calls left at B. W. LangdonA Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notic Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON t WEST. Albany, Or. F. P. Nutting, at tbe Dbmocrat office, has charge oi the following lirt clats Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND lAnUASHIKfc. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTiSH UNION AND NATIONAL. Ta ASdS FOB SALE. Insurance High grade merino rams, yearlings acd two year old. Also a few Jersey malt oa! vps from three quarter to fifteen i&lx eenth bred. Priees reasonable. Mc Knight Bb sbSS wMypijii POWDER Absolutely Pure. TWa powder newt varies. A swell ef psrUty. treiKth anil h Jcmiciire M .re .vntuliml lass he crdiniry klmla, and canoot he mM In i-.tnUUoi mi iim mumnioc i ,ei, ...i.rt wn.-nt. eium ir pr.uepaati tv.wdcr. Hod only In nuie Reveh asms Pjweaa Co. 10a w.ll ttimt. N. Y. CuticuTa Mrs. amIUi'a rase a4 wkat tke , Mr Meitialalrjr kas Is aar absal It. TO ma Ptauc ; I nato been leerfu! ntCerer for ansaa jresra, stoat of the Utne wiut what Km been celled Kca-noeor H:t Uiicum. I'-urUata end Urn., and the Mas, aaw bees always besntotd thel tttere vmm uo curv IBf toe. and htr been m UtKXHtrared taat 1 bad a aoen die aa II. I have been eb bedl afllsb. Si aoiatlin that Uterw wee nee tke aanelleet tpot from Ute crown ul tay awed la las asMs mt our aett ! of my dbteaeeti it would -.mtnrii- in wnali while ki-.te, which bed a Mlvwn appearance, but were not de. but if I at tc-tapted to hoel tbetn, or ooi after their trat ao. pwioif, nv woom wi ana run um Kf Mhll tttilit dea wuttld be UMCWWe. i : .lUiiieledr. red e-alr. whtci wote eu Inflamed alo crank and uok flsry not as trry. end the burmntr wewitt ,o would be alsaawt le bderebi I we at time m lante that I pould leans tr ret aboot. andenntd not drew tnyeeU without ae -ncc, i nave tried nejur r aeaui . end hetre tmM UW in a ingletntaaeta phrvlrten. hot heoer obtained onlj Ump-rar jr relief. Althoitf h holjSj.1 for a tlnto, Kt reiapaed aain tn be a awuly troubled as wear, aad .i lae the eioter of ISBI end lets 1 -uttered ao much es h be entirely dtacounuied . Last nrer, I eaa ad v h Rider ed Mm L V try. who are welt known In theea rewiona. to try your Cntvta Ksjrantaa ; ana I lelt aomehow s little couraaw. fr o their favorehie t kuimi of i heat, to try their ftrtue. About the aecoed week of Jfl lal I cnuitnenced Ukiee the reined lee. and within ats week I begaatoeee a prtnvoenl imp.-urrtncut, uniil n rt iK-l, let) lam about M (WMM new, and uy nwh r ae t?ic ttoek ol a child. MRS, BEW, SMITH. I cer.ih that tits abors ttaietnent of sir wife to c irrec-t. end I Join with her to etprwawng uiy rrett. fade for the sreat benefli IS, bee rceeived. B. SMITH. I certify last the Ski e ttatement U eor-erl. Mr goVnh la a jrrviwlfetil uten In tbU cnniBinnit, where he Uvea, lie to a well-known dealer ta aUek. mmmt hto eteietnent, with that of hM wife, to fully entitled toeredU. Puww at Steuetead, 1'nr.iwee of Quebec, thia twenty enth day of (WUbc ISM. i c. wcaiawniT, XiotoUr f the Oowpel. Latxe. Ihaveeeen lire Smith rvoanUr and be lieve her u be tbruuffhly and iiansa.inUy cured. u c itchiNrritr. aeyAdrent Ch. Cof. t Q ?f., ft, aad Ko.K II, BNBSSB, RCplft VUl, I Ml, CiTtctaa luto-x err. the new blood imr fl r. end Ctnct aa and tVnciaa fkr, the fteat akin euree and beeut.fler. are sold everywhere, frtoe, Cm- ct aa, age. ; boar, zu, ; KasM.vssr, ft. Potter Prat mm4 Administrator's Notice. NOTICE it hereby given that the nn drnirned Administrator of the estate of Harbard Shelton, deoeased. baa filed bis final aooouat In tbe matter of said es Ute in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, and tbe Judge m( amkj Court has made an or.ier aeooraing to law directing this notice to be published, and has ap pointed Mori' ay tits ;tn dsy or Jsi.u-fy. ItSS at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. tn., of said day as the time fur the bearing of objections to said final account and tbe settlement thereof. Habvby SHCtrOftV, Powkix A BiLTKTJ, Administrator, Attorneys. ALBANY FOUNDRY -AlfD- M4CM1VE SHOP. TABLIHED 1S6S. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets. Albany Oregon. Having taken -harm of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines. "aw and Grist Mitts. Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. . Pattern Making gene tn all lt f lfcllyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Is insc wbut its tiama implies;; a DPureljr " Yegetabls " Cocipound, that nets directlyTipoa theiWer ; cutg Ihemany diseases irjdapi:o that im; ortan t organ, mi d pMTtia g the na-( jnerdns ailments -U&g anse from its tderanged or mcWaction, . such as ce, Buioasnesse . Sick-headache, eta Jt is therefore a oliaTe Good Health mnsthe keofcin order." 31. SAHFOSD'S LIVES INYIOOBATOE Invigorates the Ltver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifies tho Bloo4i4Jwits Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. DEft BANFOED'B LIVEE DFTTGOEATOE. Jin experience of Forty yean, and 'Thou- m 1- lfftMV v SaTUlM vj xeewmtrmtuM yrwa m. wrm SATl BY ALTj DRAXBBS IN MEDICrSES Tor fall information feend yoor oddrew for 100 van Book on the " Liver and 1ta dlaeaaea," to INVIGORflTOR Rights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1884 . PKKNIUKNrs MKMAttS- Following is a summary of ttlie nia age from President Arthur to the Cm grass of tbe United Utatas on tbe oo oasjou of its maetiug on the 1st issV. 4fUr referring to Uie qukt resulh t f tbe elrotion the P-ealdun ealls the at tenUon of Congress to tbe aeOsMtty of providing better ragulaiiona f ir omul tug tbo eieoloral vote. Hi theu stivers mssn ottr fitravioa Miailw nil f which be.tkleth.niinuearuioehU. A tmity'j hat been ooocludrHl with ISeigium at carina ctiusl tights to the oitisena of both oouotriod, ioctuding tie trade - mark oleosa. A convention will soon lie negotiated for tbe arbitration of tbt etsintt of American oitiiens who bare suffered through ao'd of tbe Chilian authorities during the late war between Peru and Chili. . The Prei.h m say. the bust ill tie U Iwton Krauce acd China euibarrasaa our Eastern relations. The Chiueso Govern men t 'tM adjusted and paid claims of Americana for loss of prormr ty tuflcred during the rvoent riots at Canton. He recommends that the Can- tou fund be returned to Obioa. Tbe question whether tbe auti-Chiiicss iat migration statute passed at tbt iaet ssniou does not violate the treaty rights of Chinese who hold return oc-.t ideates, valid under the old law but not by the new, tuggeetc that vessels built pr bought by American cUisene,for fureign traffic sb ulJ be registered and d jou neented el uniform rate, to guard bona fide property rights. This Government baa recognise' I the International Association of C ng., snH sppointed a commercial agent thereto, and eant delegates to the Berlin Coo fsrence for tbe consideration of the ueatioo ,ead the President rcomm-i- the purchase of legation premises in Oorea, Japan, China end Persia, and advisee the restitution f the agency and Consulate (itnerai at Csim on the former beet, tbe wat.t J diplomatic repreeentation there having emHtrraa. ed our relations with Egypt. The President suggests Coograaiv;l aid for the completion of th pedie'e) for ths Oartholdi etatue. He reoommeJs sn extrsdin r i Mtty with tbe German Empirv, a esittng treaties with the individual H tales there of do not properly cover the ground. Ue also favors the removal of tbe II n anan reciprocity treat. Tbe arrangements of the Govern ment for upholding tbs neqtrsitty laws deriug the late llsytian revolution were aueoeesful. He suggests that tbe present import duties of foreign works of art may pos sibly result in debarring our artists from eoeeai to tbe al vantage of European art ool lection. There is a proepeet that the long pending revision of tbe foreign treaties of Japan may be settled by tbs coming oonfvrenee at Tokto. The President thinks a full treaty of commerce, navi gation and Consular rights with Mexico is very desirable. Tbe reciprocity treaty concluded last year awaits tariff legislation to become operative. Tbe canal treaty with Nioauragna has been concluded, and it is believed when it is laid before Congress it will command universal approval. Tbe death of tbe Minister to Russia called forth en expression of the kind feelings always existing between tbe two countries. The Hiimeee Uovernment has pie- tented the United States with a com modious legation premises, for which a joint resolution of thanks is suggested. Tbe Government has taken eteps to prevent tbe infractions of international obligations to Spain et Key West end other points near th Cuban coast. The reciprocity treaty to render cloeer our commercial rotations with Cuba and Porto Rion, if possible, will be submit ted to tbe Senate for approval ThU hts nereititxted the postponement o tbe prosecution of certain claim by nr oitizsn pending against Spain, which on confirmation of the treaty, will h- urjje'l to a settlement. Negotiations for. reoipmeitv treaty ith San Domingo have boon e n?l tid ed and will be laid Ik fore, the Senate. Questions with the O' toman Em pire, regarding a revision of the tsruT and commercial right, are ill unset tled. The early settlement of VnxneUn slaion is expeotcd. Instructions to the Central nd S mth Amerioan Commission to promote thn enlargement of commercial intercourse with the Spanish Amerioan States, will be laid before Congress. The Com mission will soon be in Mexico. The international meridianal confer ence has fixed upon the Greenwich meridian. A formal report will be transmitted to Congress. The presi dent sars, during the past year invita tions have been received from the Gov ernments of England, Holland, Belgi um, Germany end Austria to partici- pate in international exhibits, The tures mainly in countries on the Amer Inventor's Exhibition will be held in i0an continent and adjacent islands ; liindon next May. It ii very desirable thai wo .houtd lie rt'preseotod. lie suggtsjtg that a etatute bg eitacteti.eiving tbe eneeutive dteeretiousry ower to ppoint honoraiy oummiiionti., withe out aalsry, and pldci,ii at the disj osal of lb tSecretary of Htslc a ssjnll fund fttr c xpeuser. It 3' . a. t calls stteiitiuti to i bo q tentteii oi rptliCitme to proveut ootlmi ma a' mh. end also tj the iUttr of ri . rn. t ... l Ql'jrigbi iie reeoeamanJM ih. hi r the uotrelity laws to prvtit tvrt preparations in thU emutry for the commission i f oiimiint! tntt in otbr countries. Owing to tbe repid payment of the thiee per ount Imnls which form the chief basis l tbe Nati nal ttank circu lation it is recommsmlei, in nrdr to avoid oontraotiru that banks be allowed to issue to the foU f.c- value f thoir bonds. TU naturalisation ws need revis ion to more d .Unit lv deflac tb't sutas of peteoos subject to foreign power bom within tbe Unite 1 States, end h. minor children of fathers who bav, d -elated thdr iuUnti ins to becom citi aens. H recommend m ire Uleral apirro priatiens to aecure the effi dene of tbs diplomatic and Consular service. Tbs report of the SecreUry of tie Treasury shows thU the revenue fof the year ending dune 30bh, was 3rt 519,566 52 ; exoaa.laurea. 390,910, 483. S3, a not deefwaae io nn li ur eouiptred with tho previous year of $21,000,600, and a dereese of reedpt of $5 4,000,000, mostly owing to the falling off in customs and internal rev enue service. It i estimated that the receipts for the currant year will be $380,000,000 end expenditures, includ ing interest and sinking fond, $290,- 000,000. That the ex s will h $807,646,993, aad Im . 7 15 128, 955 ; excess of s;c:. ..." over impotie, $30,000,i0 I recViesm ad tbe immediate u 4 t'i- cdn age of silver dollars sr. I t i. ii stiver eertiSoate. The silver d.dlara now i t .ni..- amouot to 105,000,000. l w.ich . . 40,000 ,100 are io eanal j U nines the ooioage an I iaeu i n 'o.. t tbs Secretary U oor. vine l .r ie likel at no distant lav i bet moo tbe sole metaUi) He -p-proves t'te Srrotsiy'e aigg(a:nn io re tire on and two dollar noire, lie rec ommend 'hsr srrangemeota be raad for the rlempiion of trade dol.ere et e alight advance over thdr bullion value. and suggests an inornate of weight of subsidiary cilver ooina to lb- ratio of the standard dollars. H 4 reemmnds tbe aholiti m of all esotsa UxHI except on diatitled sr irits. He snggeeta a commission io de ise means to increase foreign trade, and reommQds mail subsidies sod other m -stores to er- 0uragt, our shipping intereata. e Sixty miltroos ere asked by tbe Secretary f War ;n ptOvide ad-rjnafe eacoast defeneee, about 10 imw cent being necessary to begin work. His request is approved ; tUn, that the Government should eno Mirage privets works to furnish material for m ' ' a a a besvy ordnance and make eppr iprta- tions for gun factories. Tbe Secretary of the Navy claims that the plans of the new cruiser have proved effective. It Is recommended that appropriations be mads for addi tional oruisers and for the oempl tion and armament of ironclad now in pro- cess of construction. He urge he necessity of rapidly bringing tbe uvy to en efficient condition. He refers briefly to the Jesnnette and Greeley relief expeditions. Tbe report of tho PoetmS'er General shows the decrease of revenue by the redaction of letter postage to be less than was anticipated. Ha recommends that drop letters be reduced to one cent, and that the unit of veiht in y w rating first -eta matter should Ha .in ounce, and that thn avatmn of free delivery he extmded. The Attorney General rncommend that tho fees of marshaM and attorney be replaced by salaries ; that thare be a radio! change in th fH bitl and the construction of a Government Peniten tiary. Indian affairs havehsn qnik during tbe year. A statute for the punish ment of erimes committed on Reserva tions and for the porch of a portion of the Sioux Reservation is recom mended. The repeal of the presemp- tion law and the enactment f statutes resolving present Complications tnch inor Isnsed railroad grants and the funding of Pacific railroad debts is tF1 ere . : . i . .-. advised. He recommends that Congress take the absolute politicsl control of Utah with a view of stamping out polygamy He oonaidera iu a general way the problem of reducing the revenue with out prejudicing industrial production ; that we should snek supplies of raw materia) and markets for our mannfsc- lemocrat. (hat to this end um alid! cooelud (eipiocity treaties with ti. tn nd im prove our Consular service and enoour afjS Amerioan steam marine and eatab tish uniform currency ( r all these countries. We abound also see an enlargement ot trade with Europe, Asia end Africa by reducing the tariff en their wares which we are not fitted to produce. The goal result -,w ..I from the working of tbe eiii ear vine sot have been saoro tbau realised an I have tb foil approval 0( tmm p..,ttei. ...o heads of depart aauu. Baa o-miaMm baa MNfwrtud it lot art.n Sl an i tidel Uy. tie hopes for U- poiuuge of a oati'it - al bankrupt law. 0 He reootameudt Cous-icavi -oal aoi m regardiag the iuiponstinn frags aad the avlmisaion nt the Uggaja of emi grants from inteo.el with a view of warding off a oh 4or vidutiou. He reootumwo.U a pttion f r Geecral Grant. He urges legislation t.r the preser vation f the format on th- public do main ; the granting t4 fiivari.snent aid for popular educaMor ; am-ndment of of the Constitution to mkn effective the drsemirovel by rhe President of particular terme iu appropriation bills ; tbe ensctment of statnes in regard to filling vacancies in the Presidential office, and determining v. xed questions of Presidential disability. In conclusion, he cypresses bis ap preciation of tbe conrtray and coopera tion of Oongrea, sod hi obligation to tbe people generally f r tha support awarded his Administration. ar raraUr i WasbixoTos, Nov. 22, 1884. The fourth of msrch, and after that the deluge, Is whst the Repn'dlearjs In o(Bc ore here saying. They do not bank their hopes much on Civil M-rvioa raws. Tney am cocacioag that they are not the kind ttfat civil -of lee reform, In the spirit and trt 'h of its pracdoe, ogl t to pro t r'. Thy have spent the taat five months In poll teal aork for Bi ine. They have stamped for him; they have mailed and distributed obscene circntsrs about the President elect; they bsve written political letters for the Republican news papers all over the country; they have allowed the work at their desks to fall months behind, al the while drawing a sal try from the public treasury, snd contributing liberally toward the election of Blelne, thus converting the substance of the gov ernment into a blood poison for Its ruin. Gould there be a greater trav el ty of Civil service reform, than to make tbe Pendeltoo law a shield for such assassins ss these? The work lo many government offices Is shsmefuliy In arrears, and slthough Democratic c ingresses have tried hy Increased appropriations to bring the work up to dste they have been impotent to do so. because ao Increase of clerk meant, under re publican rule, only an Increase of official politicians snd campaign workers. To attempt to make effi cient clerks nut of the materiel now In the government departments would be the madness of folly. "Men do not put new wiue In old bottles,' snd If tho Incoming Dem ocratic administration shall attempt to carry out tho promised snd ex pec ted reforms through the demor alised and demoralising forces that they have been striving for years to displace, they will miserably fall. It were as If Christ hsd made Priests, Deacons, and Elders of tbe mooes changers whom he fiund gambling, and whom be scourged from the holy temple. There sre. of course, a ew ex- cpotions, end wholes.t)e and Immed iste clearing of the departments Will be unw so, but It will t Mel to re form, ud fatal to the pt.rty that has triumphed on that lu , to harbor and nourish tho class I have describ ed. The city Is flllin u, quite rapidly with ita winter popul ttl. Hotels and boarding boutus sre doing thriving buslneea, and efforts aie be ing made to increase the accommoda tions ! antlclpttion of I ho greatest crowd that ha boon seou in Wash ington since the combined armies for Grant and ere here twenty years ngo. The Capital city will have no lack of bod and board f jr aH who may It is mar velously elastic and expansive la thes i particulars, snd the prices will be equally accommad uing You can pay your money and take your choice iron hash to terrapin snd from cbikory to champagne. It I not true as has been reported that the president elect has engaged rooms at a hotel in this city to be occupied late In the coming Febuary; he will havi no need of hotel accom- VOjfP ' i " tvrni. Houe will be t hi SV' SmJ .,f,-r the 4th. f Martrh, onjifl ,4t,ilf u. I.Uwi b to be iii tho hy m few hour. . f rt that U at, rv-r . rendmrjry fl, iU. efaiw liero wttSj rWtf ftarda home who would deilgh' (. i,m Th ane! rJtat ih.t win f tbe elevtl 'u ..f Cir.VfM'iO' wl: tn portrait In VwMsgsn -, - r o since hfa , i y rasaj iv , oi th- jt a a M raaiifMMU4w winter r, -, if, VM - od Slate. It ha- ta-en lifj-.-f , , ( t ip(. arial wi.rW .f i to coming adiul' i Uaiioa by rtslnsj Us I - far a. psslhU to expert. It i sai l ti e Pnnldn n elct has no t-sle f r (he cln of social etiquette having given his It to the study end practice of a diff-r-enr etaes ..f qucaiiooa, Those who togard the tl ual e.ipiui a rlf,r. Hy a court eft. r Ism European ri ndeU where state iJ.nneo, o'ipl nt- and cabinet reeeptbi. occupy an n.iich of dsy, snd all 'be night in eurf snd official life, will prohably tsedlaap. pointed whh the Incoming adminis tration. . Mr tJlev.d lasj will d aiifsstsj hsve sterner duties to perform than to spend his time h nd shakluir. "t In entertaining the bedlzeoed rpreea stlves ot foreign coswa, and ,tbe equslly hodlxened military and navel loafers whom it has b en so far been iiitpne-ih! to get sw-y from Wash i- gum. There wld no d ubt be a eoclai , well a a p4itk'al revel ation Mloalug the fdebiet itum o Novemhe- tho fourth, lati, out . f tbe duet nd i--.nfuab.ri incident tocntnge it Is leaeonalde to hop that w UI have simpler manners wHI a purer laws, end a ro re homo admin istration of them. arracrmiartax aarswxir Waswjvoroa, Dee, 2 The fojWw- ing eatimatee have been submltte'l to tbe House Committee on appmp iatio.. f.r tha fissat year ending June 30, 886: Penalfuw, $00,000, 000; Military Academy. $393,344; fotti float ions, $7,303,000; eouneelar- and diplomatic evpet.eos, $1,623,175; Wavy. $30,94e,0O0, Psruffice DeparU rnen', $50,090,164; ludhtn Bureau, $7,828,049, Army, $26,1 10, 489; Leg isiative Executive and judicial ex- mw panse, $22,860,504; Agricultaral Departmeuf, $i9,U0, sundry slvlj ex poneer, $32,826,-02; District of Columbia, $1,740,073; improvrmeuu on rivers and hartxir. S8.177.400 total, $254, 82 J, 707. Estimates fof the present fiscal year were $213 209,659, and appropriations, $177, 770, 450; increase of eat i mites for the next flseal year over those of the present year, $43,402,054; ower the appropriation of the present year, $82,810,077. THE as BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure Tesstabls tonic, quickly and completely I'araa ojae lJSlrarlaai, WcaUaaeaH. laMpareBlsavd. MalarU,Chlll aad Fcvera. " UUan unailinf ramedy tx Diseases of '.be KMaera ttd Liver. U is Invaluable for Disease peculiar to tVomrn, and all who lead sedentary Urea. I tdot not injure tbe teeth, cause rrruliice ronatipatkm oar JTrtm mmdHeimet d lltnrkbaaand rnrlflc the blood, timuli t ir.;t1te. aW the aastaauaflon of for-J, rv I Heartburn and Belching, arid rtrcngtl: the muscle and nerrt. ".r Intermlttc;it Perers. Lssdtode, Lack t ' r-r. &c. tt haanoeCjUal. ty- Tha rrnulne baa above trad mark at rr. ! ted Hue on wrapper. Take no oth a... ) hr SauW I NKSICAL CO, SAlTIBOKt. t H1COIS JP J, WO OVHO C ) , 1884. Harper's Magazine. ILLIJSTEATED. Wlkh th. new v!nru, betriitniqg in IMmlr, BAanm't Maauxb will enoiule Ita ihinv fiftb year. Tha eblaat BSslsSSaSl ot ita type, if 1 yet. in each new volume, a new ma-iine,tit iranlT bevaiuu it praaanu traah anbjeeu and new picture, but a to, and chipS v. because itatedlv adranf4 Wi Ui net iml ttseU el aaiftl ne-oiakinv, in a wvrd, Hie UatpaiitM) aeeomee snore and more th faithful raurr of e ir- rant Ufa and raorameut, Lcadtnir leaturea in the at traotlre prtararam tot 1SW are : arw .?ril imvctt hy Coaatenoe Fentmnra W.tnlsan aitd W D Uuwtlls ; a Uw novel onUtlid "At tha Red Olo deRct,i,tive Uiestrate.1 paper by F D Millet, K Swain Giflurd, K K Kbbey, H Olbn and others : Oo'drulth "ib 8toopa Vo Conquer," illustrated by Abbey ; impor tant papers oa Art, Science, tc. harper's Periodicals, Per Tesr! HAarca's utOAziaa - st oo UARpaa'3 waatuY t ce IIaVRffiRS BA2Alt..... 4 00 HARPER'S TOUHO PEOPLE ....t OO BAEPaaa frakklin square librart, Oa Year (51 Numb a) Pottagtrtt to aU aubmeribm in the lfiutd Stat or Canada. The volamwethe UairsiKna beaiu with the Nuit Vers for lune aat Deoetaber of each rear. When no time is speuiiied, It wiil be that the sub seriber wtsbe te begin with the current M tun bur. The last elcvea Semi-aauual Volumes of Hahiki's MAeASDtB, lb Beat clolh binding, will he sent hy ma 1, peaSpsid, ea receipt of S3 per volume, Ointh naai for hiatUg. to oast oh by mail, postpaid. Index to BLaSrSB's Masabinb, Ai).habetlaa!, At aiftleai, aad ClaaslSad, tor Volumes I t SO, ; stes, frotti June, I860, Vo June, 1880, ane !. Sv, eloth, St.. Seraittaaeea should be made hy i Order or Draft, to avoid chance of taat, jVtirpope4 mrenotto cepy tki admrti'. ment vctikut tke eeprmm order of Ha&rsR k BboTKKRS. Address H V& PE R ft BHO TH ERS, New York. lk j mm m m u STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE EMT ADTBflHrC Wit II THE WILLAMETTE YALLIT. Special business t;cfko tn l i "! umns II cents fr Hue. l saia I tee uoiH io rent prr line. For legal and transient ad ttM4 fl 00 i-er squsre for I be lira imrom,md fS cents per wjur tor each -tib-eqvt I nasi tl on. Kates for other advei tiatOwasSS known on application. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF EX TS .rklOMUwrraUIrn FOR STKB5GTH AID TRUE FRCIT FLA TOR THEY STAID ALOIK. Price Baking Powder Co., aaasae o Dr. Prico't Crotn BtkUg Htrim Ir. Price's Lupulin Yeest Gcmt, res w staxa soy on opautt. LIGHT HEALTHY IREAI Cry see yeast le lae rattad by Ut yeast H lipar, rrra aai fil torsi libs ear sjraiidsiatnei-t SSlBBflSBB THEiu GROCERS SELL Price Baking Powder Co., rMMMi r Tn- BuTuB ST. fuCTlpmu reTsulf Ci..caco, III. Far mI hy Catting. Mor um ( a., pwtua. Os, Red OrownMUls ISOM, LAXXIXG & (:0.. PROPR'S. rrxw FBoexss rxora sennuoa saa rawruss ajsd aaxxas esa. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBAN YOR. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a fall supply of good meats at bottom price. ALBANY, ORtCON, Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both eld and oang, at bottom prices at the factory ef La. PUTNAM, Albaay, Oregon jrj ARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Axe, mattock, brush honks, picks ahovel.y-pades, forks, griodstooea, irheel barrowa. wringers, ropes, and si most everything vou want, can be had chrep for cash si Peters 4 Stewart, QUTLKRY. Tbe beat lice of eutlerv in the Taller mm be found at our store, ft embraeee pocket knives, table knlvea, fork and spoons, botcher knives, hunting kniTes, paring knives, shears and scissors of all kind, and tbe best l'ne of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and aee for your eeirea. Paraaaa Srawaas. PR SALE. One hundred and fortr aora, Bine uiilfs above Lebanon. 40 acre's in cul tivation. 10 acred alahd ami sown to grass Comfortable dw-llin. pood outhouaea. Cheap. Inquira at this office. Notice of Assignment. a tke Circuit Court 9 tke State Orfea. for tke County of Limn . In the matter of the Asatgcmaut ) of Chaa. B. Montagua ) Notice i hereby giren te aH eredeWee ta Chaa. B. Montague, that be has thia 4mw made aad filed with the Clark of the Ctraai Court of the State of Orecou for I tar wuaS to be recorded, an asig..ruiit af .til hat prwe erty. real aad personal, to ma the setleeaisa. ed, and that all creditors of said tjfcae. B, Montague are hereby notified to pr.eant their claims under oath to me at the store mi aaid Cha. B. Montague, in the City af Larwawa, in said county, within three at wo tha the date hereof. Dated at Lebanon on Nov. Sth. lSSA. J. WCvstajX Am POWELL ft P-IAYKO ftT AaaiXne pOH SALK. One half block in f-at.-ru trt of the oity with fair bou&u surd Iwtrn will te avoid oh ear c o OBSRKT u a prttn ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, i?-'tuoeeor8 to C. C. Cherry.) IsVOliiBistii, MOlwrights. and Iron w R1IAVROUH NEW simp AIX coinpletctd, and are now rrrparod to handle a l kind of heavy work. We will manufacture RJcam Enalnon, t.;ist aad Saw Mill Mar-hinery.ansl all kinds of Iran and Rrasa Castings. ptTTi.nxs si ids ov tnexT KaTira. Special attention given lo repairing all klndaef mobinery. W111 also manufac turo the imiirovl ('Wry A White Graia vrarutr. Sate am Statkar S4. aSSca a Lumber Varak Albany, Gr., Dee. 1, 1880. lftf mm The best laaUOW PVAM T SW TW "nr..