O Chare Birtury . JS. P. Cbcimw. rciiUigeyry Sabbath, at 11 a. m., end 7 r. at. by Rt. R. a. Ir vine, IX D. Sabbath School at 8:30 r. at Prayer meeting every Wednessday wing. Evahqblicaj, Cantos. Preaching oa Sab bath at 11 a. m., and 7 r. M. Sabbath School 12:16. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. HoUeubauga, pastor. CorfQBOATio.HA.LCKcacBU Services every Sabbath at 11 a. su and s r, it. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting oa Thursday evening of each weeh. J. W. Harris, paster. M. EL Church, South. Services held every second and iourth Sshbsths in each in mth at St Paul's M. K. Church. South, at 1 1 a. m. Sabbath School at 3 30 r. M. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs- nsy eveung. ia n. uarson, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath aft 11 a. m. sad 74 p. u. Soutf sernoem toe evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. 1 kesbytkkum Chcch. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin aud Fifth Sta. Sunday School at - M p. m. Prayer meeting every luursday evening. Rev. Isaac Jti. Condi t Christian Church . Preaching every Sab bath at WVC. T. U. UaU.at 11 a.m.4 7:30 v m. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock r. a. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at Church oa 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thuieday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T Q Brownson, pastor. UxiVKRSAxrrs Church. -Preaching every ecja t and fourth Sabbath at each month n Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. a., and 7 o clock, p. a. Ileal S nwneuj am L. nie u ta laHlltmela re- fault ul over teeutjr yean Ul II UlkU 4.UAU- Iiatk rataiciAJief seat tbe hlsnaa awd "sal eaUeg in Kurujwf, en cures erite aaauuat Le-anty Nervous sad tfsjpted Sisattj, en mmmmmmmammmW Bisturt decline ana mss manhood la all Its mwiillmltoRS sad tram whatever eu produced. It enriches and puriSee the blood strengthens the nerves, brela. muscles, dlssstfon, re prodm tire organ sad paystaal and meats! naaduas It stop ay unnatural, debOitstiuf drain noon the Maes, seseesdang umlaatsri asaae, dcuiuuuiug dresses, ssmlssl tosses with the urine, etc.. so ds strucire to mind sad body. It a s sore eliminator ei all kidney sad htaddsr oomptaiata It oeetsias no isiorioos ingredients. To thoss sufering tram the evil effects of youthful htdisarsOoae. a speedy, thor oorb and permsae jt cure is OUAKANThaD, Prios RS JO per bottle, or Ore bottles In esse, with fall di rections sod id vice, 10. Sent secure trosn tibssrvs Soh to any address upon receipt of price, or C O. D., to be had only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, Id Kearney St., Ban Freertsee, CaJ sis Cel. maBa be letter or st i t li.fc, lor the olDf ud in to insc I have t- a bA txxc address which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE to show its merits, will be to any eas is sad. age. by letter, stating bis tneuy Dr. SPIWEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats nil Chronic and Special YOUNG MEN V V eScts of youthful follies or huiscretioe, will e wsQ to avail thetimlTSs of this, thegreatest seen laid st the altar of asrins bamnity. ML SPECS Ex will raarantes to forfeit StOOior every cass gsmlnalr weakness or private dtoeass of say knxd er earacter which he nulimskw and fallg to ear HlDDx.OAt.ED MM. Tasrs ars many a', ikt sgs of thirtr-ftvstestxt? wk? troubled with too frequent evacuation of the ktaaV often aawwpsrilsil by a snghtsrtii tin sad a weakening of the srateaa s patient cannot account for. Oa examining the srtnarv deposits a ropy sediment wiB tad lonsttimns small partidse of albumen will appear, r ths color tffl to of s una ssuatm ana. tag to a data and torpid appaaraa se. There are aaaay sasa who die of this difficulty ignorant of Urn will guarantee a perfect cure ta sU such hesithy restoration of the genito-urtnary Oma Uoctlb 10 to 4 sad g to S. 10 toll a. a. Consultation free. Thorough ad advice, &. For crivate g's-TSse sf short stsnding s full ii ifn In ii anffli ilsnl fin i in with all Instructions, ill be mt to say sddrsei ea receipt of glO 00. Call at- -duress, DB SJT1SBT st CtM 71 No. 11 Kearny St. Saa rraacieeo. CaJ To the Unfortunate ! DR. GIBBON'S Dispenitary. 623 KEAijrr n, earaer f rial Street, Saa Fraactoeo. Established ta lSi tor the treatment of and Seminal Dif oases, such atrletnre,SynhtHsin iiu forms. IraaaCrarv reakaesa. night losses by dreams, pirn pies on the face and. Ion of manhood can positively be eared. The sick snd afflicted should oat fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in fcurope, sad inspected thoroughly ths various aoept Mis there, obtaining s grist deal of valuable nusrsev tion, wmeb be is competent to impart to those In need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY BE ( IBRD AT HOME. Ail cor-munications stnetly confldentuu. You ess no one hu; the Doctor. Send ten dealers for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the aaaas of the paper taey see tb advertiaement in. Charges rea son tie. CsJl or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1967, ban Fmuetoeo.' The Doctor cures whan others fail. Try him. vln43 The BvrrBsf 6rnE is issued March and Sept., each year: 2Mpages,-8xll inches, with over 3800 illustrations n whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumer a on all goods for personal or asxaw family toe. Tells how to order, and gives exact m m cost of ev ery thing yon H WH rue, drink eat wear, or agT have fun with. These K invaluable books contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. JLet us hear from you, 9 Respectfully, (rt The Great English Reme dy. , Is a never failing cure far .Nervous Debility, Seminal lasJirss. Esnsustea VI- lty, Bpermatorrboea. LOfcT HAhUOOU. L Ipotcney, Paralysis, sad sU tern bis tnects of Self. Abuse, youthful follies,sDd nctttem in maturer years- isuth ss loss of Memory. Lassitude. Emlsston. Aver- don to iiociety. Dimness of v unoti, hoises m the Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, sad many other diseases leading to insanity snd death SS. HIXTIli will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollar for a case of this kind the Vital Veatnra- tire (under bin xpeciai advice and treatment ' wi'' not cure or for anything impure er injurious found in it, Ir. SI i at it treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation free. Thorough sx amination and advico including analysis of urine, lb. Price of Vital Rentorative.gl.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity fr, sent to any address upon receipt of price ort;. u. i, secure trom onservation snd in pri vate if desireii, by DR. A. E. MLST1E, 11 Kearney ohm r rancisco, uaL Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, sating syn'piam, sex ua age. communications asnctiy eouinvutxai. Dr, Miutie's Kidney Remedy, Nephroticam, cures au tunas oj Kiuney ana ciaauer complaints, gonorrhaoa, gleet, leoueliorrhtea. For gale by all druggists gl a Dome or sue oocues lor so. Dr. Mintie s Dandelion Pills we the best and cheap est Dyapejxna and Bilious cure in the market. For ale by all drugrote. for the working class Bend 10 cents for a roval valuable box or setnpie goods that will put you in the way of mak ing more money in a few days than you ever thought pofoibJeat any ttusiness. Capital not required. We will start you- Vou can work ail the time or ia spare tiins only. The work is universally adopted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 6Q cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un parallel ed offer ; to all who are not well satisfied we will end gl to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full f-artk'ulars, directions, etc., sent free, Fortunes will te made by those who give their whole time to the work. Gr-at success absolutely sure. Don't delay, biart now. Add -ess Brutsox & Co;, Portland, Maina. i aeaalautl Mm: Htal TBI t i icnift in aiaaiu Q rnvate atteseueary, iTi tOO Qssry St., San rtaaotsuo Oal CC Conducted by qualified Pbyakdaas O sad Surgeons rvgular graduates. U ggfThe Oldest msasaftsts in ths baited States, life long experience, perfect method snd pure medicine, insure erdy and Mrtnsneut cures ot all lnvste. OsaaM and Nerrous IHatases. Affection, of the Plosd. Skin, hklneys, Ulsddcr. Kniplions, Ulcers, Old Sores, BweiUng id the .tilanda, Sure Mouth, Thrust Done rPalas,iHMnnanenty oured snd eradi cated from the system for life. NttaViat'S Dobllity, IntoUucy, Qtal sad Musical Weakness, rSdling aianmnr Wal Kvm Ml .!. I Iw. , Sexual O Tplepnuut,ImcdiniouU to Marriage Q- etc., from excess or youthful follies. m or any cause, speedily, safely sad privately cured. 2 Yenan, MMdJeAgvl and old egf men, andall who need medical skill 2 snd experience, consult the old Jf Rutpean Physician at onoe. His opinion oosts nothing, and may are tutors misery and shame. . When Inconvenient to vtsit ths city far treatment. t&eOKtaescaa os ssui everywnere oy rraohsarvaUon. It la self evident that a ohvsiclan who lives his whole attention to a dsss dUeaWai aklll. and physWaa. thresarh out thsntry.knawlng this, frequently rsoommsad difficult cases to the oldest specawiBt, by wnom ovary known good remedy lajtasd. j WTbose who call see lie ens but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly eaeaeSBUai. cases which bsve failed la obtaining relief alaswhere peo- UUlv solicited, rwnstf ..uy iresled. The Doctor wilt arres to forfeit l,W0 fur a ease un dertaken not cured, Gall or write. Hours, daily .front 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., to 8 evenings Sundays, .10 to lx only Send for the Bnallarist Uuids to Health, sent free. Address as above Lime! Weaeiermi Permanently prevents all TJnnsaaral Losses from the tnaaas. l4.uc.lh0 nerves. slmt,'thcna tht untitle, cheeks the waste. Invigorates the whole system, and restores the afStotsd to Hsotth ami Uamltes. The reason as many cannot get cured of Ssnloal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, eta, to ewtagta a ooav pUcatioa, caDad Proatatorrbsa with Uypsrsethwia, which requires peculiar treatment, Dr. Liebtgs lu vtoorator m the only positive cure tor rVostatorrhea, with peculiar spsetsl trealmaet, used st the Uaetff D?rMef lavtsereder, ft. Cage of six botUas HO. Seat to any address, covered securely from ob- u.. .....1 liioiln betas free ta nsllsnts TO prove the wonderful power of the IsvlKoratmr. A m Battle Sivea er Sent free. Consultation free and private. Call or address unit BiarKiMABY. eon Oearv Street. San franessco, Cal. Mnu allium eflS Osary Street from Kearney, irui aseaa DR. ALLEN'S wmxwm autnursAJiT, eg Kearny streea, tea rranctaee. Cel., roa not Scnumnc ate arsasr Ct ss or CnaoxK, if savors as Rrsctit, Demsaml THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, na. ALLEN. AS 18 WILL fHOWV. Id AJllttl If uiar mduated Phyoiciaa. sd nested at College sad Vaivsntty of aich! a Shi fl in to the study of sad the study of sad toaeknemtodged to ee expert student la ale specialty on the Pa lr. ro the to BSV Physkal aaatlity, iu. lease, test maun una, avecatoa to society, HQt TlMllltlfWWt. OOthfeMkOO of dUO lean nee, Man os soar) , frequeacy el ariaat- tag, etc. isslit ths Dctoraas a Vegetable poapd.tbe result of ssaay rears of spsoisl practicasad under hu speehd advtos has never ths sets i f 1 il Mankind, praam hard study, which Has of saocsas la tm i has, eta. my a asm-a l sxrnuExrs. Having been snrgsoa tat charge of two loading najdlsis) saastSs sss ta treat all urivale trowblsa with excellent results. I wish H dktltwUy under stood that i do on cUua to perform uaposstbilUes, or to have axiracuJuus or supernatural power. 1 ershn only to be a skittfal aajTiiiywngiil Fbyssriaa aad Surg sea, hsisastat ntotasedt a my specialty to me will receive my est utslatoa I wtlfnar- as ears In every case 1 aoslensss. or etoa laecaea or by lettor free forfeit si .000. sad strtotty private. Batavargji analysis U urins aad sdvtos, fa. Ofaes Sears 9 to 3 daily, to evening. 11. CaUea or address sto PATENTS Ubtaioad, and all other tnslans in the U. S. Patent weesttsadedsd to for moderate toes. Our office is oppusit ths C. S. Patent Office, sad Iron Wi Bead medie or drawing. Ws advise as to patent wnyrreeoc cnarga ;sim1 wemake no ewge unieea aflsa nlie s f is atekt We refer here, to the , ths Set sf totJ. S Patent weoey vnssr mv. saa to Por circular, advice, ten ta your own mass er C. A. SNOW &, CO., Otsxwlta Patent Office, Waahiagtoo, D . HEALTH AND HOME." Fort Chester I. T. CIRCULATION 63,000.: Edited by W. H. HALF, M, D Tbls ia large eittht pane, forty column. monthly paper, and is devoted to every, thing pertaining te health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, scteoce, literature, art, economy, cookery, bints en health, dietetics, and every realm ef modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy. Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Tear. Addxesav- DR. W. H. HALE, ''Health and Home' Port Cheater, N. Y. The above OSDer will ba nant to ewerv subscriber ef the Democrat who pays op or in advance. OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually Knpplanted by a Setter Article Certain Old Times are Bene Away. - a vvsrvivn f WUI VI tug W gSISJfU Lnum TaieavMrJi Kntlrtl,.. .n u-A- ., r v a. "ikn wuumimj snvavwaa now s ma. w-aa. wunarv; WS bSSV I itwy mrw OfJJV reUCM t.IW. Mom lis- rfei-t insu-tttiiatrt Kss mirs scded them. . ' ' Years ago what is sty led tbs old fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There was then Both lltff u.ttfr nl Ih. liiul Vh. .If 4 I ..1 t Bctonee aad study iuavs gene deeper Into the secrets OUS PLASTER. whUh embodies all tbs excellencies - ta-s i fS. . i. ' fi uniiins ass mu cakium M vHlOUT X UO U1U plitmmfdowtb CspciB i rapid they were bur Similar nemaa Qsa - - sku . a a., a - i m aaswsuif tuvtctinCf wielv some thrifty druggist dose net deceive you. Fries K cents. Scabury jjohnson. Chemist, New York. Quimty House. QMBY & HESSEY, Proprietors, Cor. 4th nnd C. Mia., Portland, Or. ONE OF THE FINEST AND MOST OOmDlata hntala in Onwnn OnnAnnt- ed both by American and European plana All the modern improvements, J40 bed rooms, well furnished, light, and wel ventila ted. First-ci re t tin , , a , barber sbrD. An assrr nl . , latest coo veni ene s-t. A COOD CHAKCE FOU Sl'BSCRIBEBS. To every sabscriber to the Dxmocbat whe pays up his subscription and con tinues bis paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a la r ere eittht pace. forty column, monthly papa., and is full of excellent reading matter, A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the paper sent to them will please state so at timo of paying their subscrip tion. ths saeet ifaVaj a safdl OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. Patronise men who advertise, They are atlvs, They mean business, jhey appreelate the nswspaper. They are the men to deal with. Pull owing Is a list of ths DsaocaAT'a advertisers this week, In Albany. Call on thorn ; General Msrchandlsa S K Young, Moiiteitli Seiteubacb, N II Allen, A UMullwaiu. Oroosrisa Hoffman a Joseph, Prank Head, Agricultural Implements-Peters dt Ulaln, W H Uoltra, H K Young, J l.rsdwohl. Hardware Peters k Stewart, J Qradwohl. Clothing L B Slain. A 1 WlPruahall,r Won' " W u,Wa"" w,u ('' Stoves snd Tinware John ilrlgga Fttrnltur--A B Woodln, llrtnk aud Son. Chairs L Putnam. mil.nsry-Kmma Huhuhort, MallU Allison, kUtUs Puetrr. Soda Works llffmn aud Joseph. Iron Work - Cherry and Parkse, A F Cherry and Son. Mar bis Work- A Bulger, O W Harris. Flour-Red Crown Mills, Magnolia Hills. Lumber -Albany Saw Mill. Tubaoco, Kulvee, etc. bam Cohen. Moat I S Roberts. Hotel -Hovers House. Restaurant -Jss Mady. Polish H Ronton. Shave or Hair Cut- I. t'ameau, Jos Webber. - Laundry San Ws Ylnc, Legal Advice R S Htrahan.Powell.snd lUtyeu, J K Woatherfortl, J J Whitney, L U Montauye Medical Advioe-O W Maatou, J P Wallace, M II Kills, J Wand Mary T Cole. ' FALL AND WINTER STYLES -0F HATS. BONNETS, ETC., In all ths gnat varieties of designs, Just from Hew York Oity. .AT Mattie Allison's Juat east of 8, E. Yoong'a J If yon would make you? selection! of millinery from a complete and first-class stock call on her, Sea Lioa Silver Polish, Tbls polish is manufactured from sub marina vegetable substances and will not mark or scratch tba aoftsat metals. For ciaaninff and Dollahine fin ntmtati MM jawelry and glass, we challenge tba world for Ha equal. Sample boxes sent br mail for 25 oenta, liberal discount tr agenta and wnoleeale dealers. Addrsse H KE1VTOIV, Albany, Orefti. lalaLDY'S 6 ! a il Ii I t ft Lunch House Eestanrant, Two doom Eatat of dd reuow a retnple, ALBANY, ORECON IEU8 IT ALL H0II8 AHD ALL PRICES. Eastern, Shoal water and laqmna Bay Oyters. ALWAYS ON HAND W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, is WAGONS, HACK8. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, TUTT'S 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of ths Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite, Bowels costive, Pal a la tee kernel, with a dull sensation fa the back part, rata wader the ebonlder blade, Fullness after eating, with a dip. Inclination to exertion of had 7 er salad. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeltns of bavins aegleeted seats slaty. Weariness, Dizziness, Flatteries- at the Heart, Dote before the eyes, Headache over the right ere, Restlessness, with fitful dreams. Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. ' TTJTT'B 7IIXS are especially adapted to such esses, one dose effects snob a hMM nf fAH n or mm is n tmlah Um .4Rmm T .rw Emm w mmh W19 VUUVIVI . They Increase the A ppetlte ,s nd cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus tba system Is nowrishod, and by their Tonic Action oa the Dlgesti ve Organs .jlaaular Stools are TUTTS HI orat haib or Whiskers changed to a Olomt Black by a single application of this Dte. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 1. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. My 1 '' jSnl. E?5Brfe.W"-MPr'- ajH - eS afe . PILLS "pOB 8AXE, Good farm 12 miles southeast of Lebanon, 160 acres. 50 acres timothy and clorst meadow. 60 wheat land in caltivattton. Ws. watered. Call on W M Phillips on ths plaoe Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed Adminis trator of the estate of Mrs M C Bumpus, deceased, by 4 he County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified snd required to pre sent the name properly verified to the un dersigned at Harrisburg, Linn county, within six months from the date hereof, November b, 1884. J. P. Schooling, Administrator. FRIDAY DECEMBER 0, 1604. A IMJISTKieiS rhUNCEM. Quern V Irtorle s Obsf Instr uKurrd Freaky Daaghter. The Princess Victoria is uomlsuk- ably the child of her royal mother ; she has her obstioancy, her pertevar ace, her supreme Indifference to opinion, her Impenetrability to advice or persuasion ; shehaa more than the quten a true and enlightened love of literature,sclence and art. Her views are positive, her Judgment prompt and unalterable ; she is well nitrh free thinker, but rarely expresses an opinion, and never rescinds It j she visits every studio, assists ."at Au the lectures and conferences, models and paints herself, and by a singular con trad let low la as competent a housewife aa If ahe were not a clever woman. She sees to every detail of her palace -si was nearly aaying her house -engages her servants and governesses, routs them up at C in the morning has the lights put out at ten through out the establishment, and sends nor youngest daughter, now IweUe years old to bed at eight. Through her agency In all the public squares and open places ef Berlin Urge heaps of fine white sand are ralsed.so that chil dren kept In the city may indulge In health play with palls and shovelf, like their more fortunate brethren at the seashore. Sho fancies that the air of her future capital gives her headaches,and ahe loathe the warmth of the atove heated rooms ; before accepting Invitation from a foreign ambassador or Prussian noble she sends a command that "all the win dows shall be thrown open. Would not such a woman revel for a few bilef days every year in the wind- beaten solitude of the little rocky Is land, so easy of access, so near and yet so far, so unlike her great empire, andet more rally her own than Proa sia with all its extention of territory ever will be. MAKIXG C IS TSTIS ThorK In the tropical climate, far distant from high mountains, aa neither nat ural anew nor Ice can be obtained recourse la bad to the cold generated by evaporation and the comparative coolness of the sir a little before day break to manufacture Ice In large quantities, snd thus to supply a most grateful luxury at a moderate price. Ice la thus simply manufactured in a large way at Benares, Allahabad and Calcutta, In tbe East Indies, wbere natural lee baa never been seen. On a large,open plain an excavation Is made about thirty feet square and two feet dcep,ou the bottom of which sugar cane or,ma!xe stems are evenly strewed to tbe hlght of about eight inches. On this bed are set rows of smsll, shallow, unglsxod earthen pan, ao porous that wheo filled with water the outside are Immediately covered with a thick dew ooslng through them. Toward the dust of the eve. olng, tbe pans, previously smeared with butter .are filled with soft water. generally bofled, and let remain there during tbe night. In the morning, before sunrise, the ice makers attend and collect from each pan a crust of Ice more or less thick, that adheres to Its Inner aide and it Is put Into baskets and csrried without loss of time to the, common receptacle, which Isadeep pit in a high dry situation, lined first with straw and then old blanketing, where It is beaten down and uoogeala Into a solid mass. Tbe crop of ice varies extreme ly, sometimes amounting to more than hslf the contents of the pan, at other times scarcely a pellcile. Clear and serene weather Is the most favorable for Its production, whatever may be the sensable heat of the atmosphere The coil generated oy tho rapid evap oration round every part of the pan la the cause of this congelation. In.thls way ices are secured for the table, when tbe heat In the shado Is very commonly above 100 degrees. The elevation of Grover Cleveland to tbe highest place In the gift of the people of she United States incullatee a lesson of far greater value than any mere political triumph. From it the youth of the land will learn that the surest road to success to the grati fication of ambition whether in pri vate stations or in public life, lies net through the devlons paths of trickery political machinations or self-seeking but is traced in the higher regions of honesty of purpose and devotion to principle. Our President elect star ted out in life with no otber capital than this, and with this he has reach ed the loftiest station that a people can confer. A plain man, born to no other inheritance than poverty,po sessing no other qualifications than his own indomitable Will and unswer ving adherence to the right, swayed neither by the Influence of wealth nor the clamor of demagogism,has achiev ed, In all tbe various stations of life, a success which challenges the admir ation of the world. We repeat it, the most precious lesson which the elec tion of Grover Cleveland inculcate i is that honesty is the best policy. 0031 ER GRAIN DRILL. A better grain drill is aot made any wit ere. aa overv farmer savs who has user! if TTos sale only by Peters 4s Stews rt. 1 . : a I W... I.. ...I.I , unt r.., hlil Tsll LSADIXCl LIBIT. The lltruld', Washington special ears i it is nsoersUr believed by those trho know Cleveland bast that there will be less festivities during his term of office tbsn there has been for rosny years past. Hs,ha been a fcard work ing Governor and will. 'probably contin ue bis industrious habits as Prssidsnt. Bachelor as be is, tbe White House will, however, have a most creditable mistress. Tbsre are four ladies in bis immediate family, either of whom can well perform tbe honors of his house bold. His eldest sifter in this country, Mrs. W. 0. Hoyt,of Fsyetteville, would fill sny position witb crsdit. She is a middle sged lady of pleasing address, who hss spen a good deal of time at tbe Executive Mansion in Albany since bar brother has been Governor. Bbe has made many friends in tbe capital of that State, and will doabtless do tbs same in Washington, wbere she will probably o on Marob 4tb. Miss B, E. Cleveland is a maiden sister. She resides in tbe little borne cottage at Holland Ps tent, just out of Utics. She is a good public speaker, a quick con versationalist, and generally a plain woman of intellectusl foroe, aad abe would do ber share In entertaining her brothel's guests at tbe national capital Ce eland baa a sister wbs for twenty years bss been a missionary (a Ceylon. She baa two charming daughters,Msry and Carrie Hastings, whom tbe Gov ernor has been for years educating In this country. He has given them every advantage, and they have improved them. They will no doubt be a part of their uncle's family circle at Washing ton, as tbey have been at times at Albany. Witb Mrs. Hoyt, or any one of tbe other ladies spoken of.tbe social portion of tbe first Democratic Admin istration which has been installed bare for a quarter of a oentary will be wed sustained, even should the Pteeidetit Sleet continue a bachelor. First, a reel of brass wire Is taken of suitable thick neas. Tbe wire passes over straightening board, after which it is seised by two jaws, and a outter descends aad cuts it off, leaving a pro jecting psrt for a bead. Oa the witb draws! of the cotter a hammer flies forward and makes a head on the pin ; then tbe jawa open and tbe pins drop on inety-gtound metal plate,, with the heads upward, until tbe end to be potn. ted oosaes into contact with a cylindri cal roller witb a grinding surface, which soon puts a fine point on tbe pins. They then fall into a box ready to re ceive them, and are ready for the second stage. A fret they ate yellowed or cleaned, they are tinned or whitened, as it is called. Tbe pins are now ready to be placed in papers. One girl feeds a machine with pins, and another sop plies the machine with paper. The pins fall into a box, tbe bottom of which it made of small, square steel bars, soffi oieotly wide apart to let the shank of tho pin fall through, but not tbe bead. As soon aa tbe pins have fallen through the bottom of ths box and tbs rows are complete, tbe bottom detaches iteelf.snd row after r w of pins is sent at regular intervals to be placed in the papers. eterrs Bernese er raws ce atvasj it. with aTPeraesraurxa. T. J. McFall, M. D., Anderson, a a, says : "I consider Ssott's Emwlsiesi one of ths beet preparations in the mai ket for Pulmonary Troubles. I have sed it in my practice since 1876, aad am wall satisfied witb it." Ask far "Bongs on Oonahs." tor Coughs, CoMs, Bom Thrust, lioarsaeas. Whas, lie liquid SSa "Beach en fears oat rate, mler, roeehes, fttes, sals, had -bags shanks, chipmunks, gophers. Us. uraggiets. Beart rains. Palpitation, DrepsJeal SsrslUngs, Dinlnses, tndl ssstlon. Ueeenee. Sleeplessness eared hj "Wells' Health Re newer." "Keagh aa Corns ' Ask tor Wells' "Reoah on Coma" IS. Oulek eaaiplete euro. Bard er soft corns, warts, hastens. "Keagh ea rata" rsronssd neater. Strengthlng. Improved, the beet for bseksebs. rains in ise erses r sMe, rasnssstssn, aenraigia. Thin reaple. euros Dyspepsia, Heedsshs.jfsnronsnsee, DeMlKjr.ei- Wall'. UiuLh .nmr' il.. haslLh mA m Vf heaping Conxb, ittroat ASections of ohll snd ssfslr relieved hi aad the many Throat ASections of children, prompt ly, pleasantly and safely relieved by "Rough on Coughs. " Truches, 16 ; Balsam, 8 Sc. Mathers. II yon are falling, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' llsalth Reuewer." $1. Druggists. Life Preserver. II von are losing your grip on life, try "Wells' lioalUi I Wj newer." Goes direct to weak spots. 'Bench an Taathaehe " Instant rsllsf for Nsuralgla. Toothaebe, Fseeache. Ask fur "It )uh on TootheuUe." U and SS cents, Pretty Women. Ladles who would retain freshness aad v'vsbhy. Don't fall to try "Wells' Health Renewer." Catarrhal Throat Affections, Baching, Irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Threat, esrod by ' Rough oa Coughs.7' Torches, 16a. Liquid, S9c "BesnaB est Itch. ' "Rough an It oh" cures humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, saR rheum, frosted feet, obttbislna. The Hops of the Ratlaa, Children, stow in development, puny, scnwny.aad deli onto, use "Welhf Health Renewer. ' WMe Awake three or feur hours every night eongbin?. flst !ra mediate relief and sound rest by using Wells' ' Rough on Coughs," Troohos, 16c. ; Balaam, tte. Un.u wet niu . vruiia.u ruiur, Strengthening, Improved, the beet forjfassancke RWpSjL? fi oalas ia chest or side, rheumatism, neuraaiP i Portland, 1 iiygji m i s J in, i ii.. i isan jmiwi. xitKxaMEs er taw civil wis E rery general of prominence bad a nickname bestowed upon him by bis troops. Some of these names Were of a sarcastic nature, but usually tbey in dicated tbe confidence of tbe men in their leader, or their admiration for them. General Grant was commonlv known over tbe watch-tires in the army of tbs Potomao, as "Old United States," from tbe initials of his usme, but some mes he was sailed, "Old Three Stars," that number indicating bis rank as Lieuten- ant-General. McCtellan was endeared to bis army as "Little use." Meade, who wore spectacles, waa delighted to learn Uiat tbe soldiers had named him "Fear-eyed George,' for be knew it was not intend ed as a reproach. Burnside,tbe eolone 1 of ths Fintt libode Island regiment, rose to tbe dicuity of "ftuody," when bs became a general. Hooker never liked SfSJ tbe sebriqusat of. "Fighting Joe, though be always lived up to it during bis career in tbe field. Pone was saddled with tbe title of B "Saddle-bag John," in memory of his fsmotis order about headquarters being on horse-back. His men used to say that bis headquarters moved pretty rapidly at times. Sigel, tbe German general, waa known in the other corps aa "Duteby," Hancock won tbe brev et of "Superb," from a remark made b General Meade at Gettysburg.wben the Second Corps repulsed Longer ee's men. Humphrey, being a distinguished engineer, was invariably at j led "Old Mathematics." The Pennsylvania Re serves need to call Crawford "Physios," be being a surgeon at tbe beginning of bb military career. Logan, with his long black hair, and dark complexion, waa "Black Jack" with his men. Sheridan tbe cavalry leader, waa "lit tle Phil," sad Sherman's trorpc spoke of him as "Old Tecumshe." Tbe sterling nature snd steadfast par pose of Thomas earned for him tbe significant aad familiar name of "Old Reliable." Halleck was deiurively named "Old Brains," and Roeeerans lead bis name shortened to "Eosey." Lew Wallace waa 4 Louisa" to the sol diers under his command, he was a great favorite for bis fighting qualities, aad tbe soldiers adopted that inappro priate name for want of a better. Kearney, who bad left aa arm in Mexi co, was invarialby known in tbe ranks aa "One armed Phil." Butler was styled "Cockeye," for obvious reasons. Kilpatrick was nicknamed "Kill," while Custer was called "Ringlets," on account of bis long, flowing curia ; and so the catalogue might be prolonged indefinitely. The government officer are much behind with their work. If tbe gov eminent bad an honeat enterprising cnmpeltler, It would go into bank ruptcy In two weeks. It is not man aged on business princfples,snd could not be kept up except by extortionate taxatio... It pays more for service and every species of supplies than the same can be bwuijht for In open mar- kef. Only those who have lived long ta Washington and been behind the seensjs can have an adequate knowl edge of tbe profligacy and dishonesty that have been festeted during the long Republican mal -administration. t alive Vs Yes, It doesn't felt that a patient wfltdat doctors hare "sivea aha up" er that he will re saver bees ass they promised ta "pull It Is never to hue to try the greet virtues of Parker's Tenia. BrMlshsil OnBtoyle. of Blnshssslrvs. N T uae earad of rhsaanUhws hy U after tea yean of otljlili srsf irlnf Mr H W tsjae eity, cerUSes that he has Use of rsrksr's Tonic ihruorh lu reputation tor this til. TIME Albstuy MUstlou. WKTABTfJBB OS TWAINS. ALBAS V KX PRESS Departs st 130 A. M Sags A. B. BAIL TRAIN Arrives a U:tt A. M Departs st UhStP. B SOOte tiiii mars a raw I Arrives st 11:t8' A. M it r m . 3:90 P. M Departs st PRBIUITT TRAIN ALBANY XXruXSS Arrives st 86 P. B. All Traias dally, except Bandar Notice. On and alter this date regular tickets will be sold at oar ticket office for rellewing points on Columbia river: Upper uaacaoea. Dalies, umatiiia. wauuia Walla Walla and Ainaworth. Will. b. Rica, Freight and TVket Agent O. A C. h. a.. Co. Altjaay, June 18th. 188. Final Settlement. In tho matter of tho estate ) of Charles M.Tindall, deceased ) To all stAswt it man concern : Notice is hereby sriven that the uuder- siffaed eseoatrix of tho last will and testa moot of Charles M Tiodall, deceased, has filed her final acogsnt in said matter in the Count Cuart orTrwn county, Oregon, and that said Court has an pointed Monday, Doc 1st, 1884 at tho hour of 1 oV.ock, p. m , of said day as the tins for hearing objections to such final account aad the settlement thereof. Ruth Adslia Tihdaix, Executrix of said estate. Dated this 31st, day of Oct. 1884. PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM am SAW MILL ENGINES THRESHING MACHINES, ETC At First Hands THIS WELL KNOWN 1I0USK HA VI 1 a Branch Office and Supply Hoass at Col na Tsvior streets, Fortund. ur anere ii carry in Stock Portable and Stationary Sal rortihla Ti action atij sutionary engine a 'New Hsaslllon" thrashers, horse powers, Wrtta (or illustrated catalogue sent free adc ii g this paper.) Kt'SSELL ft Portland, JULIUS QRADWOHL Una (be only exelnaivr stack ef m CROCKERY, CU88,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selectoa of Coffee, Tea and 8ngar, ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND 8AUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. s Oil , LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM. s tub manEsT inabket Remember! What I lay GOODS AS LOW AS iioit.h.v -rnopRifcTOK-s of ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IK m ported and Domestic Cigara, Tobaccos, Groceries, Candies. Nuts and Tropical Fruits. e Albany, OKE LOK BELOW AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIROT A Wad 1 mt"9 COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, n kimr In (be "allr,. Ue TIN, SHEET IRON OF EVERT DESCRIPTION IN STOCK HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFT waraTirnus. uaxa. at ti r Repair work done Sheriff's Sale. a the Circuit Court of the StaU o Oregon for tkt County of Linn : L Flinn, IMainUff, aa James Wain and CUra C. BUin. hu srife.L Blain.0 C Cooley and J il WaehLaroe, part nera, duiaa bnsiuasa under the arm name ef Cooler A WsabboraeDafendanU. Notice is hereby given that by sir tee ef aa execution and order of sale teeUed eat ef the above asmerl Conrt in the above entitles! soit to me directed and delivered. I will aa Saturday, the 13th day of December, 1SS4, at the) Mar of oae o aloes, p. au., at the Conrt House doer, ia the City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, sell at publ c aacUan lor cash ia hand to tba highest bi Jder, the real property described ia said order of sale as fouowa, to-aril : Oae handrail acres off of the vast end of the south half of that certain donation bud claim, which is situated in Section eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen in Township fourteen, south of range three, west of the Willamette meridian aad which is known and designated upon tbe maps aad plats ef the Government Surveys as the doaatiaa lead chum of Jered MichaaLs, said no hun dred acres beta mora particularly bounded aa follows ; Beginning at the am ta west of said Michaels donation land claim running thenoe east along the south hue of said claim twenty five : thence aorta on a line parallel te the west boundary of said claim forty chains ; thenoe west ea a line parallel with the south boundary line of said claim twenty - bve chains ; thenoe south alone tbe wart boundary line of said cliim forty chains to tbe plaoe of beginning, lying and being in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds arising from the sale of said real property to be applied first, to the pay ment of the oosts and expenses of suit. taxed at N90.70, and ths costs and expensed of sale. Second to the payment to the Plaintiff of the Same ef 1 1642.0ft, with accruing interest thereon at the rate ef ten per oant per aa Dam. from October 90th, 1S64, and the fur, ther sum of 8125 Attorney fees. Third te the payment to tbe defendant, L E Blain the sum of $621 with accruing iatereit there on at the rate of ten oer oant aer annum. from October 30th, 1884, aad the oyarplaa if any to ee raid to the defendant James Blain, or his legal rspreeaatatives. Dated this 13th day of November, 1884, J. K. Ckabltoh Short Linn count, Or. Sheriffs Sale. In tkt Circuit Court qf tkt State of Oregon for Limn County. James H. Johnson, Plain till. ve. an A W . B. Brookahire Elizabeth Brook ahire, Defendant, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT, by virtue of a writ of execution and order of aale iasued out of the abovu nam ed Court in tbe above entitled suit, to me directed and delivered, I wid, on Satur day the 13th day ol December, 1HM, at tbe hour of I o'o look, p. m,. at the Court liouae door in the City of Albany, Linn county, Oreaon, cell at public auotioc for oaah In hand tj tiie highest bidder the real property described in .said older ol aale aa followa, to wit : Tno south hair of the northeast quarter and north half of tbe southeast quarter of Section thirty one in Township eloven,South Range one, east or tbe Willamette meridian, oonndning one hundred and sixty acres all lying ana being situated in Linn county, Oiegon. The prooeede of sale to be applied flrat ; to tbe payment of tbe coat and disburse ments of suit taxed at 8H8.85 aad ths costs and expenses of saie, Second to the pay ment of the sum of 835 Attorney's fees. the paymeut to the plalntin i nere- nter 54, at num. o be assi price paid for I lean. Sire Is a Call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- k Joseph, ... JOBS BRIGOS STORE, on, syt Rget. HAS ON BAND AS FINE AN Mnu SoVser1MST sne ImporO aad maaaf aclur AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO. HK KEKPK ON ikejt STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. at reasonable figures. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - -NNtTLAitt.il SHIPPING AND CO MM 1 8s SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALER8 IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Asmara. DSbsscuut's daly aa to receive y for the same: T L WaBaaa Sam May D lis. uniwniTUM JJ. 5-T T. L Ps abed' F. W. E. Kelly s-fcreon 3. A. DeVaaay SheriiTs Sale, (As Circuit Court of tkt StaU of Oregon, for Linn county. Mary A E Smith, Plaintiff. ve John Foster and M O F NOTICE ia hereby glyen that by virtue of a wnt of execution and order of sale sensed oat of the above named Court ia the above entitled actum to me directed and delivered, 1 will on Saturday the 27th day of December, 1884 at the Conrs House door ia Albany, Linn county, Oregon at the hoar ef 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day, sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest header the fol lowing described real property heretofore attached in said action, to-wit : The west tof the ermtheast of Section 34, Tp. 15 S. R. 4 west, containing 80 acres in Linn county, Oregon ; also t the northwest corner of Section i Tp. 15 S. & 4 west Walamett mmiftms. Vanning thence east 189 rods ; thenoe south te the north boundary line of the doaatiaa land euum of damsel McCoily : thoeno west to the east boundary line of the donation claim of Jairos Rogers ; thence north to Lportn boundary una of fjnotsna 4 ta Tp, and ranee aad thenoe east ta the nlaee ef beginning, containing in all 260 acres, all ia Linn county, Oregon. Also tbe following real property, to-wit : Lota 7 aad 8 in Block 2b in the City of Albany, Lum county, Oregon and ahjodhe f ollowug ; sosimisneng at the southwest earner ef Let, No. 7 ia Block 4 in said city of Albany, running theaee easterly along the north aide of First street about 6 feet to the center of the wast wall of J H Foster's two story brick build ing ; thence in a northerly course along the center of said wall aad paralkl with the west line of said Lot 7.10U feet to the alley ; thence in a westerly course ea the south aide of said alley to the sort beast corner of Lot 8 in said Block ; thenoe in a southerly course along the line between said Lota 7 and 8 to tbe place of beginning, being the property now occupied by HotTaian A Joseph , also the foiloa mg described real property, to-wit .' Water Lot No. 5 in Albany, Lusa county, Oregon, Lots Nos. 1 and 2 in Block No. 27 ut said city ; also the south half of Block 71 in raid city of Albany ia Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds of such sale to be applied. First, to ths payment of tbe costs and dis bursements of suit taxed at S37.LKJ, together with the costs of and upon this writ and the costs of the sale. Second, te the payment to the plaintiff by tbe defeadanta, jointly and severally, the sum of 8558.21, with ac cruing interest thereon from the 10th day of .November, 1884, at the rate of teu per cent per annum, third, to tbe payment of 856 attorney's fees. Fourth, the overplus if any tli ere be. to be paid to the party or parties entitled then to. Dated this Jth day of November, 1684. J. K. Chajotos, S. ariff of Linn Co., Oregon. B EFOREYOU KILL YOU ft UOQ9 I'oaie to our store at Aibany and see a new fangled sausage mill J ust received from the East. It doesn't tear the meat but cuu it like a irtir of achteera. Gristles j and sinews cann' t get tbi ought it with iSS out being cut and you only have to run ' I your meat through it once, Peters a Stew ity, rt. - - S 1 e a 4hv. S