The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 05, 1884, Image 3

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Entered at the Post Offloo at Albany, Or,
as second-class mall matter.
8TTTE3 &
CtlUer ae.4
Irs uric tor.
FKRDP. ITritt. Lseal K.lltsr.
Official County and Oity Paper.
Mr A B Paxtm will Imvo for the exposi
ttoa at New Orleans ta about a week.
Mrs George Waggocer, of Corvallis, was
to the city a few day last week, sititing
relatives aad friends.
Charley Keifer, of this city went tc the
democratic ratiticatiou at Jackson v ills laat
week. II say it was a grand affair.
Jas. Charlton. Deputy Sheriff, left for
Prineviile last Friday, haying received in
telligeuoe of th dangaioos illaess of hit
brother at that place
Mrs Capt Powell, of Portland, passed
Saturday and Sunday in Albany, visiting
frienda, previous to a contemplated trip East
which the will soon take iu cjmpiny with
bar husband.
an Goo R Chamberlaiu, Prosecuting At
torney, is attending Circuit Court in Salem
this weak. la about a weak be expects to
leave for New Orleans and Mississippi. His
wife and children will accompany him home.
. . , - ..... -These
Beata ark.
Following are the points mad .n the
match hunt of Thursday of lav week. It
will give a fair Idea of the amount of game
to bo captured at toe present time :
bast's toast.
Halter East S teal, t snipe 150.
Burr Sloan 2 mallard, IS ducks, 2 teal
and 2ft miscellaneous points 310.
Fred Hyde-lit.
Frank Marshall 1 duok and 25 miscel
laneous points 42.
Frank Arnold 4 ducks and 5 mi ace Ha
neons points 05.
Total 272.
Wm Jenee 2 mallard, 2 ducks, 2 teal,
S snipe and 5 miscellaneous points 192.
Xd Schsseer 2 snipe and 23 miscella
neous points so,
Frank Dennels I duek, 2 teat and 12
miscellaneous poiata 50.
Arch Blackburn 1 mallard, 5 ducks, 1
teal 105.
Otto C Island 2 dusks, 1 tea!, 9 snipe
Total 055.
After the game was counted a fine re
rpaat eras partaken of by tot young nira
e is at the restaurant of James Mady,
Thanksgiving Being.
Thanksgiving day passed off in s very un
pretentious manner in Albany. Many ate
turkey, others contented themselves with
"crew" to make ap far lost election bets, sod
still others did not seem to know whether
thsy should do anything to be thankful er
Interesting serv tees were held ia the Bap
tist Church in the morning. Rev Brownson
delivering s rery thoughtful sermon. finding,
with all sensible people, the world full of
things and events io be thsnkfnl for.
In the evening a cupper and social was
given by the ladies of the Congregational
Church at W C T U Hall, which proved an
enjeyabls affair. Daring the evening an in.
teres tin program was delivered, consisting
of recitations by Misses Mary Irvine and
Hettie Miller, a daet by Mrs Laagdon
Mrs Stsiger and a qnsrtet by Messrs.
brey, Charlton, Fortmiller and Brush.
rire Depart snent Election.
Next Monday aa election of Chief and As
sistnet Chief Engineer ef tie Albany Fire
Department will take place. At meetings
of Albany Engine Co. No. 1, and linn En
gine Ce. No. 2, held last Monday evening
the former nominated O H Irvine, of the H
L Co. far Chief and Virgil Parker, for As
sistant Chief, the latter J N Hoffman for
Chief and O H Irvine for Assistant Chief.
The Hook and Ladder Co. will maks nomi
nations this (Friday) evening. A warm
election is looked for. Fallowing is the menu
bership ef the companies ; No. l's, 51
No. 2s, 57 ; H 4 L Co. 27. Total, 145.
There will probably be in the city to vote 40
frees No. l's, 42 from No. 2s and 26 from
she H A L Co. Total 114. Now, make
year calculations.
An Cessna
John Rover, non compos mentis rover
over the country, arrived at Seio laat
week, and immediately showed evidences
of a very unsound mind. Stripping off
bis hat, eoat, vest, boots and shoes, he
stationed himself ia the middle ef the
road, acting in a very curious manner.
Then some of the citizens thought a stop
should bs put to such conduct and at
tempted to arrest him ; but it took about
a dozen men, and then only after a long
run through fields and ever hills. He
was brought to this city, duly examined,
found to be Insane, and taken to the asy
lum at Salem, where be no doubt bss
foaud eongsnial company.
That be doesn't believe after all the talk
that Cleveland had a pleurisy in New
That if there are any more Sunday
Sehoel lessons in St. John he proposes to
take bw children out. His boating Blaine
l New York by 1147 votes is enough for
him, now there.
That now that Cleveland is elected he
proposes to emigrate to Mootans,clear out
of the United States, for everything is bust,
ed here.
Fire at iBdepeadeaee.
Last Sunday morning a fire brake out
nt Independence in tbe saloon occupied by
C. Msyhew, and spread to several other
bnildinas. burnies tbe millinery store of
Mrs E Winnill, hardware store of W P
Conoway, Butler's Opera House and two
buildings owned by George Whittaker,
occupied by S W Allen, furniture dealer
A C Sweet, Attorney at Law. The total
loss amounted to abont $10,000, on which
there was no iaiuraooe. Considerable
xoitement is said to have prevailed.
Celebrated CsrseM KseftlreJ.
Samuel E. Young received this wddk a
line of ths celebrated Bdl's corsets. The
only corset made that'em bs returned by its
purchaser after three week's wear, if not
found perfectly satisfactory, and its price re
loaded. He also keeps on hand a full line
of corsets in white and drab of the best ttand
oxd makes, no trasktgoo& value for the mon
ey in any price you wish.
Inrpriss Serial.
On laat Saturday evening quite a uum
her of tke friends of Rev 0 11 Carson and
his newly-married bride, by a prooon
sorted arrangement, met at the residence
of Hoti L li Montanye, from whence, ua
der the leadership of Rev M Judy of the
M R Church, the party marched to the
residence of Rev T B Whlte,(father of Mrs
Carson,) where Mr and Mrs Csrsen have
been temporarily sojournlnu; sines their
marriage. The party consisted of Rev M
and Mrs Judy, Mrs K Slonn, Mrs J H
Bnrkhart, Mrs L M afoatanye, Mrs
llrown, Mrs Zukerman, Mrs Parks, Mrs
Xmerlok, Mr and Mrs TP llscklsnutn,
Prof and Mrs Arnold, of Corvallis Agrl
cultural College, Mrs Zeiss, Mrs L Bark-
hart, Mrs Weetfall, Mrs Chambers and
Mr and Mrs Stltea. The occasion of this
gathering of the friends of Mr and Mrs
Carson was, that on Monday they were to
bid a final adieu to their friends tn Oregoa
and set oat on tkeir Journey to Georgia,
the home ef Mr Cersou's youth, where
they are to oaake their homela the future,
and these friends ohose this way of show
ing the respect and eateem tu which Mr
and Mrs Carson are bold in the oity. After
some time spent In informal conversation,
Rev Mr Judy oame forward as the spokes
man of the party, and taking bis place
fronting Mr aad Mrs Carson, addressed
them by sayiug that this group of friends
present desired to express their regrets
that the gentleman and lady saw li; to
break off the many social relations that
had been formed by them in the elty and
make their future home to the far oil
south. The earnest desire ef the speaker
was that se far as those present were con
corned there should be no south,
no oast, uo west, but that the associations
formed by Mr Carson's coming among us
should remain green In the memory of
all. Rev Mr Judy a formal way,
presented Rev Mr Carson with a di
alled purse, contributed by these present
as a mark of the eateem In which he waft
held by those" present. Mr Carson was so
overcome by this totally unezpeoted turn
ef affairs, and the very touching and ten
der words of Mr Judy, that it seemed im
possible fur him to recover control ef his
feelings sufficiently to mako reply to the
address of Mr Judy, He, however, suc
ceeded in saying that bs felt grateful te
the people of Albany for the ready and
confiding way tn whieb he had been re -ceived
among them, aad the neighborly
and christian kindness extended to him
daring his sojourn among them. He
thanked those present for the substantl .1
evidences of kindness.
After music and prayer the party dis
persed with a general handsbakiag. The
affair wae a moat pleasant one.
To the people of Albany :
I feel that I must give some ezproetion
of what I feel in parting with you, and ,by
kind permission of tbe editor, take this
method of doiagjso. To say that your kind
a ess tome has besn appreciated would but
feebly express what is in my heart, and to
say that it pains ms to break away from
tbe associations which I have farmed
duritig my stay among yon, would fall
abort of the whole truth. Albany ill al
ways have a tender spot In my heart. 1
would say that I leave Albany, not be
cause I love Oregon leas, but because I
love duty, snd "s consdeuee void of of
fense" more. I here say farewell to all
my friends and acquaintances and pray
God's blessing upon them.
C.H. Censox.
Albany, Dec, 11th, 1821.
The World's Exposition which opened
st New Orleans last Monday will be a
great exhibition of tbe manufacturing ag
ricultural and scieniifls progress of tbe
country. People from tbe south, north,
east and west are vieing with each other
is contributing articles for exhibition.
Our fellow townsmen Ben. Johnson, tho
blacksmith, has made a pair of pincers to
be need in removing shoes from Lorses
feet which are a wooder and marvel of
mechanism, They are entirely hand made
and bear evidence of tbe great skill of Mr
Jobnsea. Rev T B White took these
pincers with him to bo placed on exhibi
tion at New Orleans.
What It Was,
It is now ia order for candidates fur the
eity offices to explain why they were defeat
ed, an easy matter te do. Without being
personal some ef the causes may be set down
as follows, aad cots drawn to see to whom
they apply :
"Rum asd Romanism, n whatever tbey
Couklings influence in tke Third Warl.
Trading with Tammany.
That dinner at Del monico's, or any other
place. Never eat while running for office.
St. John on ths Water Ditch issue.
The indispeobible vote.
A lack of ballots.
Particularly the Isst,
Went is ssarrlsonrg.
Last Tuesday J F Bscksosto, W C Twee
dale, L H Montanye, J H Burkbart. E A
Parker, I C Dickey, W B Scott, Jos Webber,
Smith Knox, Jss Hail, Fred Borkhark A A
Gordon and George Hockstedler, members ef
Orgeaaa Encampracnt.No. 5,1. O. O. F., west
to Harris burg, where en the evening of that
day they assisted in initiating into Harrisburg
Eaeampmeat No. 8, eight aew member.
Tbs above gentlemen speak in ths highest
terras of their treatment, the fine supper set
and of Harrisburg people generally. Tbey
retarasd boms Wsdnesday.
Carp Ceraleg.
Monday a car arrived in Portland over tbe
N. P. from the East, containing a large num
ber of carp for distribution over the state of
Oregon. They are intended entirely for pro
pagation for public purposes and net for pri
vate purposes, and it might be well for some
to digest this fact. The following persons
in Linn county will receive pails of carp from
this shipment for tbe purpose of propagating
them i J F Backsnsto and John B Miller,
Albany, A Salt marsh, Lebanon, W W Par
rish, Sodavillc, Joseph C Saltmarsli.ljebanon.
Csmpromtse It,
A gentleman and lady living iu Albany are
the happy parents of a fine boy. The fath
er is a Democrat aad tbe lady is a Republi
can. The gentleman wants to christen the
bev "Cleveland." but the lady demur. The
lady wants to christes him "Blaine,' but
ths gentleman stoutly objects. Now in the
interests of peasd and barm a y iu the fami
ly wo would suggest tlub a compromise be
msde by calling t;i s y rfi rVr "Jehu P. St
amaaaanaaaaaaiBsannahasagaaaaaahaaHaaKaa 1 1 ' . , . k , n i
lBHaewgawHHBraBTHmHslH . , , '
Current Event,
There were forty lawyers aad six oases
at the rate term oftho District Court In
Taootns, W. T. It did not prove a geld
)iorewill be a desperate eflirt at the
wai lap session of Congress to have Wash
ington Territory a iuilUed as a State; Hut
then, despsrte eiterti have boon umdo
Uader Post Master Gtmeral lUitnn's
decision Pest OlT e ksve no authority
for keeping epon elthsr on election day or
The while- p.nple have at last boon "set
down en." The Oherokoo nation has Is
sued an order excluding all whits men,
teachsis, preachers aad laborers, from
their natioa. This is a hard, oruel blow
and should be ressuted.
It would be a relief if the dispatches
would irlvn use tepoao on "poor John
MoCultotigb," gak of poor Logan.poor
Loskwood, poor Better, but drop aloCul-
Judge Oreaham Iiai had the Treaatuy
portfolio take i away from him, because
he was investigating matters ton th -
eughly Just previous to an Important
eleotion. Thero,aro mvty curious things
about politics.
Fred Grant, tho useless son of Gen
Graur, wants to get lu tho army, per
boy. 1 hat i about his alze.
Kugland owos3,7S0,00,00,whlcb leaves
the United States completely In the shade,
and still there are some folks who grum
A telegram from San Praueleoo statea
that to all probability ths Bsuton County
moter being manufactured there, will
probably not be able to run itself over,
muoh loss produoe perpetual motion.
This is going altogether too far. In an
excursion recent) v In Tennessee bv oolar.
ed people, a white women was put off the
train on account of her color.
Postmaster General Ilatton hss present
ed his report for tho year ending June,
184. It shows that the two cant rate hae
bit postal cards a hard blow, l,04O,tOO be
ing the size of the decrease. 2,414 post
ofUces wore ismblbdied and 1200 discon
tinued, June 2d there were 50,017 poet
masters, ,2 10 clerks, 3,800 letter carriers,
2.M3 railway poeal clerka. 702 luspeotora,
i.smjh contractors, 71,671
in all.
president makers I
Rsttarsllse af arte.
ta Taesdsy afteinn m a larco concourse of
the Democrats of tho Pacta of ths Santistn
met at Scio to ratify the election of Cleve
land aad iloudricks. We have pace;on!y
to say that the SUtoo and S.-to bauds
furutfhed music lor the occoiou. The nriag
of anvil snd music by the band were the
signal for ths people t collect st tbs town
bell which tbey did until is was tilled to
overflowing. Tbe meeting was called to or.
dcr by Mr W K Kelly. Chairman of the Ex
ecu tiro Committee, who Introduced Mr Ash-
by as President of the day. Mr iU'aby
after interesting Introductory remarks iu
trouucod l. J. antes mho spoke fr tto
boors upon current question. Tho uieetiog
tbea adjourned to meet at half past six
o'clock, p. m. At nightfall tbs city wss lit
up by a Urge bonfire near the city hall
Several residences snd buttueu places were
dlominated. The meeting wss called to or
der at half past sis p. m. by Mr Aabby when
the people were addressed by K M Daniels,
of Saotiam precinct. Prof Ixmswsy Principal
I North 8cio Public Sell. Prof Suther
land, of Sotith 3cio Pel,!, i Schools. lion
Harvey Shcltoo and T J .:i:e. Aitogvtksr
the n tinting was a success.
Suaiaiary ut Metorolojry for Nov, ISK,
from obaerv&tirm takeo at Albany, Linn Co.
Oregon, by Joha Briggs,aq.
Uigiest liar. JO 1 i ; !uwot, t.l mean,
Highest Temperatsre, C i ; biweat, 2J
mean, 47.37.
Mean at 7 a. tn . 43.5 ; '2 m., 02.S
9 p. tn., 46 3.
Prevailiag srinds, K sud I'.
Maximum velocity force, 2.
Total rainfall and melted sniw dunwg
month, 2.18 inches.
Number of days on which .04 inch or ni're
rain fell, 7.
Number of days of cloudiness, average 8
in scale of 10. 9.
Frost ou 5, 22 aad 23rd.
Of V) observations 4o were fog, 0 were
rain,4 wcre fair,9 wsrs c!ear.23 warj eloity
tlarrlsburs Eteeilsa
At the city election iu Harnaburg, ou Isst
Monday, two tickets were iu ths bold, tbs
"City Ticket" sad "Independent Ticket,
politics being entirely disregarded. Follow
ing wss tho vote, tbe first named being on the
City ticket and the last named on tho lede
pendent ticket :
Major A M Cix, 51 ; W D Porter, 35.
Cox's majority, 16.
Recorder Jas Riley. 50; L Douglss, 34
Riley's majority, 16.
Treasurer G W Brandenburg, 51 ; John
Bennett, 16. Brandenburg's majority, 15.
Marshal G P Bickley, 54 ; John Paine,
36. Bickley 'a majoiity, 18.
Conncilmen Tbe following were elected :
Jas SabiD, Wm Kreisel, J F McCartney, J P
Schooling and T T Roach, ths latter two
only being on the Independent ticket.
4 eehMl Buy Ahow.
The first of tse week posters were seen in
iliflVreut prts of the city announcing a pan-
oraoiic eJ'ahKu.u d v; i' U Hall on Wed.
usadavy evening, itatieg that scenes from the
principal cities across the continent would be
preseutetl. About forty answered tho call,
including deadheads, and a more disappoint
ed set of peoplo we never saw squirm. A
stcreontican with "sparklet; Hants, some
pictures of statuary, c.f Onorge Washington,
comic, nuscsliancous, etc., Out liaruly a
thing advertised, s ere presented. Withal, a
school boy affair. T.dlt of gauL Three
yonng men protcnting i. nch a cheap John
affair for fifty cent wool 1 mako even the an
cient? fall into retirement.
K. r P.
At tho ineetingof l-aurl iJttlge ' . 7. K.
of P., hold oo Tii'araday eight of lst week,
the following olfievrs vcrc elccbid for the en
suing term :
D S Smith, C C.
James Ifail, Vr C.
II Lampman, M at A,
C W Watts, K of R S.
George Hoehatcdlor, M of E.
J N H iff.rian, M of F.
Charles W agoner, I'rciatc.
Vat H.ilc .
LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV v)XJ) lOCfUls. 17 AfM 0, m irVOl OI ;.h4...K1A asearl a oarfsin vnnnnt laiw rst I
BH 1UUU WUUlHOj 'V se wwe wt.M j wMaa awva j s V I - I ajsasjtWgBJBpgSBJSJBgBJHBJsnn VHk.8baVt
mmm . r 1 I 4ataa1 sanelll AAmfrlnAO f Va A uum. rtfi 4a-ats Vvrls 1 r4 I 's,,MlW"MsMaaeMawaea I aamTaamVTBTmr afsmVar
beaovyaHaam .rv'oiotcni?ipue3H. sjusu iuc tuim r-ltv. ahfiuU ehoae other comoanv. and wa.Vxw nWw mVwM v x WW AXII
-v iliiuo i uxeia aHty xwt isto w;tu tt. ta j
I BChristmas present. CU at this office.
F M French, Jeweler,
County Court this week.
Pop oorn at Head & Brownoll 'a.
Ths beat harness st J J Dubruillee.
Congress met Monday. What will be
Go to Conrad Mayor for Ottristman gro
Choice toss a specialty at Kiel 4 Br n
Dried fruit wantsd very much at Phil
Oakland, Or., was visited by a big lite
last Monday.
Read sur holiday ads. and learu where to
get your goods,
Read & Hrowuoil still give them tits ia
boots and shoes.
Spokane Falls was vidted by a 225,000
fire last Saturday.
At the Hillabero e'eition Me. d m ths hkh
license ticket came u( ahead.
Revival services in the M E Church are
well attended. Services each evening.
Twcedalo keeps a aloe line of tiu and eop.
per wars, and does repairing iu good ehapr,
At A. B. Mcll wain's, can bs found aa im
mense stock of A 1 tobacco, which la vsi y
Dr. M. If. Ellis, physieiea aad surgsoo
All any. Oregon. Clle tnsds iu oity or
Union services on nest Sabbath evening
will bs held st the Prssbytsrisa and M E
Hills Taylor closed his rmnfintlnaanr
tore between First and HI la worth streets a
few days sgo.
Rev. Cameron, of Olympia, formerly ef
this city, ea account of ill health, baa le t
trmt .
-rbeKautu a formal manner Isst
Monday, but it did not pisssat a very sav
age appoarancs.
KsGovsrnur T isyer aad wife celebrated
tbs thirty -seooud anni vsrsary of their wed
ding at Salem on the 18th.
Ins New York fhrmld receives 23i 1.000 a
year for one of its cola no. R dsutly td
vertieing psys iu New York.
Rev I D Driver wdl preach :a tbe M E
Ofaarsh ia this oity en Friday aad Hat a i day
evenings of this week, also op Sabbath.
J If Mitchell is said to be kicking soda
good Oregooian. This is always the esse
just before the State Legislature meats.
At the Scie eleotion last Monday Charles
J oh peon was sleeted Mavor. Al Johns.
Recorder snd William Hay loss MsrahaL
Udleo Taylor bss been engaged by Hoff
man Joseph to make fresh saadies for the
holiday trade. Call en them for first-class
. iw-ivei i 1 1 oii.nan X JoMpUS a
. i . , , tr . . ,
fresh stock of oat groats, oat sneal aad bock
wheat, from Salem, just groaed. For mis
in balk, by tbe pound.
The vote of Oregon iu IS wss 40.7M-
This year it was 32 050, iodic aliag an in
in population dor lag the isst four
years of sboot 20.000 people.
Now that the faith cure is
prevalent wouldn't it be a good idea Ut
Linn Coaaty farmers to use it m the cerise
or name, during these dull Uases.
At the election in Salem last Monday. W
H Skmuer, Wss elected Mayor, C W Bowie,
lUcerdsr, M O Harbord, Marshal and Henry
fbppis Treasurer, all Republicans.
ii W Cray, D. D. S., ia eoatequeaee of the
bsrd times, will redoes tbe price of dsntist-
ry sll bs can consistently, with tbe ass of
Utt best materials aad skillful work.
1030 men out of employment io Portland,
ana any of the n would be glad of aa oppor
tunity to make their board. Just offer it tat
avt S . sa .a aa
woro ana see now quietly tney woolU run.
Read tbe article ou our outside from tbe
A'rs J Wee AVirs. It gives a scene ia eon
aectiou with the lata visit of Mrs A J War
ren, of Brownsville, to Idaho, which is very
Cent's slippers, ladies' French kid shoes
la lies' and missee' toe slippers, misses' aad
children' Philadelphia school shoes, direct
from tbe au.tid(actursr4 this week st Samuel
B Young's. o
Tbe yote for M ay or ia the lets city slectioc
indicates tbe present polities! stand tog of the
parties in Albany, within one er two of the
ssmo number of votes being scratched oo
both sides, tbs number being few at then
Tbe Cboona Friend's regular meeting st
Odd Fellows Hall on Friday evening. Decern
ber 5 lb, at 7 o'clock sharp. After tbe bust.
nent meeting there will be a sociable with
short addresses snd music. All are r safest
fully inyited.
Parties desiring to purchase fancy oak as,
cookies, raisins, currents, flavoring axtmela.
nMy rn Jt eatables for the
holidays should remember tbst Coarad Mey
er keeps an uncommonly good stock.
At the meeting of ths Common Council
last Friday night tbs oaly business dons wss
tbs allowance and presentation of bills.
Action od ths bill of 615 for repairing No.
2 s steamer was deferred until tbs next
In the nsxt Oregon Legislators thers will
be io tbs bouse 13 Democrats and 17 Repab-
licans ; in joint convention there will be 62
Republicans . and 38 Democrats. Salem
boarding house keepers are already laying in
a supply of hssh for ths event of ths above
Jndgs Deany hss bean appointed by H K
LiHung-Chang, one of tbs directors of rail.
roads in China. We shall expect to aae ths
Judge with s queue when he sgsio viaita
Albany. The appointment shows ths high
sat i mat ion in which he is bsld by the natives
ef China.
Mr -Tad." Currsn has 4,006,000 feet of
saw logs in the Calspooia near J N Rico's,
waiting for high waters in ths oreek. "Ted"
says he has a good crsw, and if any ens
comes sbouthim talking about clipping sheep
they will aot get a job.
An Oregon Ianmigiation Board hss been
formed, with C B Carlisle, as Secretary. Its
object of getting immigrants to settle in
Oregon is a very commendable one, and ths
mors induced to come to Linn county as wsll
as the Stats gsusrally the mors it will uit
everybody now hero.
Iu Polk county thers arc about sevsaty
mn who pay $100 or ovsr in taxes, only
twelve of whom pay mors than $200. six
over $300, three over $100, and two ever
$560, tho heaviest being J E Davidson, who
is burdened to the amount of $924.34 cents.
This does not include the railroad i.
E T T Fisher, County Sarvoyor of Linn
county, is prepared with field notes and
township plats of this county to correctly
locate corners o land where the same has
been lost or destroyed, and will replace ths
same with permanent monuments. Persons
wishing surveying doue will please address
em at Miller's, Linn county, Oregon.
What does the following from the Rose,
burg Plaindmler mean: "That married
man from Albany last week had better look
a lecdle cud, or else he might get himself
into trouble, and a certain young lady, of
this city, should chose other company, and
not extend her walks to suck a distance that
she cannot return until after nightfall."
Last Mottdsy the annual oity eleotion
was hold In this slty. It was quite a tame
afaYlr compared with a presidential elect-
lion. Tbere were no fights, no cries of
2raud, no tissue ballots, no delayed re
turns. In strong contrast to nattenal
elections tbo"agony" was over at "o'clock,
p.m. Interesting features ef the election
were tbe ballets for Couooilmen In the
2nd aad 2rd Wards, tbere being one ma
jority for Mr Peters I a ths former and a
tie lo tho latter. Double ballota were found
in each of tbe Wards and thrown out. In
tbe 2nd Wasd but for this there would
have bora n tie, and In the Ird Ward an
election. In the latter esse blanks will be
drawn by tbe oendldstes at tbe next moat
ing of tbe Council tor tbe position. Fol
lowing wss ths vote :
J L llill First Ward
Second Ward 74
Third Ward 67
Total 7$
Wnltor Ketobum-Flrat Ward 72
Saooud Ward 02
Third Ward
Ketohunt' majority
........... j
N J Henien-Plrst Ward ..,
Seonod Ward
Third Ward ...
Total ....
ess i
Hea.t ring-First Wsrd
Rnhfid Ward 6
Third Ward a
I C Dickey-First Ward
Seoond Ward
... 42
Third Ward
.................. f 1
. . . .
assas Afl
George Bark tart -First Ward
oecoou ward
Third Ward
......... s
ToCsftl eoollsV
Burkbir.'a maj.itty 7
R Jaooba Klrst Ward ... U
Saeoftd M ard 01
Thtrd Ward
M .142
AC Lay ton first Wsrd....
seoond ward
aaesese 2We7
Third Ward
a see
Leyloii'e majoritjr
First Wsrd H Lampman ..
') K N Blsohbnrn..
Btackbnru's majority
f oot aes aeaei
Saeond Ward-W B
W S Peters
Patera msdovtty
a asse ...... ease
a ..... s
Toltd Ward-Joa Clark
aa as eaeee
Ctty Da moo ratio eon vent ton met pur
aoaut to nKiee at theC-mrt lion so bust
Thursday evening. W U IlllyVo
elected Chairman, T J mites wai
flan, and C J Hurt hart assistant eSorotary.
The following noesinatlons ware made:
Mayor -J L Hill.
laarahal-I 0 Dickey.
Treasurer R Jacobs.
The following ia tbe entral committee
for tbe eneuinsT year: J I.
urn. joi.n
ehamr, aad 0 G Borkhaiu
Pour thousand good coder feu -e poata
far sate by,
J P BacataaaTe,
Albany, Oregon.
ray Va,
All parson knowing tbsntselvee In
debted to me or she bate Arm of aitlea A
afartlu will nlaaae call and eettle lm
aiediately, or their accounts will
putcod in tbe hands of an Attorney for
collection and aoate made.
N, II. a sx an,
The beat brand el sealed by tbs gallon at
Read Browne! la.
Cleslag Oat-
Hsvisg eoeeladsd te diseentinas
I will hereafter eall
eoons av soar
until all are sold. Corns sud seen re bargains
as ths goods must aad will be sold.
N. H. A,
BCCfcLX S AaYflCl St IV ft.
The beat aalvs In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, totter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns and all kinds of skin eruptions.
This salve te guaranteed to give perfect
aattafaotion in every case or moaoy re
funded. Price 35c per box.
For sale by Posbay A Mason
Pay Ta
Oaly a few mere days remain ia which te
pay school tax. Ths assessment roll will be
placed io the bands of tbs Sheriff sooordlng
to law on the day the taxst beeosae deluv
queut. '
District Clerk.
Park stoaght.
Highest market price paid for bogs, by
A, Cohsn, C til on O Cohen, opposite
Moll wain's,
Notice to Debtors.
Tbe acoo juts ef Paters A Blaia are bow ia
our hands for eolleotlea, aad the affairs ef
tke old firm must ba slessd up immediately.
Persons knowing themselves indebted will
please eall at ones aad settle, without further
Pwrxaa dt Stbwajit.
M PHattaa;.
We are new prepared to do any klad of
ob printing os short notice and ia tbs latest
byle. Send for sstimats on large jobs.
Boaxuaar Baos.
I. D. U.
Feeling sure of the unquestionable vir
tu rs and absolute curative qualities of De
Haven's Dyspepsia Cure, wo offer free of
charge sample bottles and circulars to all
who are troubled with Dyspspsla, Indi
gestion, Sour Stomach, Flatulency, Sick
headache or any form of Stomach Disor
ders, This remedy con tains no aloebol ,ls
compounded upon strictly scientific prin
cipals and never fails to effect a cure. A
trial will convince the most doubtful oi
its wonderful effect. Sample bottles free
at Foshay a Mason's Drug Store.
a Plata lohjsels
Sf A nut 0UAP.
Wo remember but one Junius In the
world ; but have read many site tapis
n satire that made our Bsmde anh.
Ham footsMl remarks, nut at the elbow,
sloncbed hat affairs, not io .table more far
their black guardlsui than their wit er
goodseoeo, tlurtou Msuilee, ill timed
flattery fur friends, hitting when the
Iron is cold or at the wrong time and
thou n weak lauscUl strode. Mrs
Ounlway, as many good things aa she
arnja, Is on of these. Bitter in her
prejudices, no opponent is a numbskull
or a milksop, unfit to be assoc iated
with. She uever henna coals of lire,
but she throws mud lustily, and either
rsiscrt u the highest pilch or debases to
the lowest depths. Cutting distrusts
rather than convinces and It take II in
to establish this. lleganJlees of our bo
llefa on any subject, wt era arriving at
that stage where we admire falraeaa
snd candor in the treatment ef even
our awn enemies, getire Is all right
whea clothed in the right garment's,
like Junius a, but put tbecbthes of a
tramp on it. nod a sad spectacle It pre
sent' ti
There ia nil together too muoh of an
Inclination observed In the world tn be
lieve 111 of an oppoueut, awliether the
charges against him are founded on
reason or not, and a slight story, net
eveu the shadow of a truth, will be
caught up and mails an sdwediaut af
had uses iu the shortest sp.: of time.
It Is like tool tig pioturaa in the blazing
fire places. You ean imagine anything
you wish. One eow) a peculiarly shop
od union flag that ha never saw before.
Ha wishes it ware a "rebel" flag, and
so ho my it Is, and flies the nws all
about with hie flapping tongue, who u
It looks no mora Ilk one Hi sit a win
dow curtain. Another eays a prom in -eotohuroh
member was soon drunk on
the streets, and whan the truth Is found
out. it wae only a lamp poet that had
had Its bead banged to one side ; and
aoslaudsr sails In the social air aa
eaoily nan ahip on the sea, or dreams
in ecboe! girls head.
This hi a world of many mlwde with
many tboogbta. Ths brad mludod
aerseo appreciates this and despises
rather than ad mi roe the individual who
everlastingly says yea, yea. and nay.
nay. in Herein though It Is with many
strait minded people who are oolr
happy whan what tho see Is aocooied
aa gospel truth ; to disagree with whom
a to do characterised as an ignoramus,
if not aa a thief, pirate, rebel or dynam
iter, ir an opponent ts hit with a sar-
Ihey yell, "served him risrht."
Jostaslf u annihilated him ; wbeu, as
a matter r fact, there was no oooasion
from hie aide of tho case for it to. have
any effect at nil, nod probably is looked
upon nan puff of wind is by a school
boy ny ing a site, we can not afford te
DO Osif-OOiolonated Or intolerant In
our vlawa. Wear all human alike, aad
one man use too snow rig tu to think aa
No Institution ban ever dona an much
for Albany as the Santlam Ditch
w has it te it owes to a arras t ai tent to
thai a plead la water power. Not only
baa it boon in tbs past a monument to
our oity, hut It la now, and will ho iu
tho future, lo fact much mora than
many appreciate ; yet It oars Its own.
er little ahoy the sinenses of mucins?
is. a aero is a spins amoog soma to tight
it. aa they do railroad fn some nlansa
aad make It aa burdensome to tbe own
er aa passible, why wo do not koow. in
ia worth to tbe city many times what
It cost to keep up tbe fw bridges on
it. Did wo not have It we would bs
I very glad to got It at almost any prion.
i aa ws vaunoi siiom to no overnoannc
in ine matter, i bore are two sides to
all queetlone, and If thinking people
win contemplate me matter tbey wii
d..J Ta a . a s a a
uuu it true in to is nana in a moat em
pnatie meaner Wo understand the
owner of ti.e Ditch offers to srlve the
nee of tho mat us to the city free far tiro
purposes u he can only be let atone on
the bridge question. Plain Chan ha-
ti vee this to he a vary liberal offer, oae
wuicn ine eity can do worse than ac
NotwithaUodtsg a Praatdaat is slsetsaeee
Uutginosytaia, snd thai is, that A B Mo
il wai a, at bis snatatotk stars, is sleeted te
tatsteasa trees or wooes
fall, beesaae ks has tbaaa. No mere
plate Use of geeerel sasrehsadiaa is to
be feaad in the WdUsaette valley.aad do set
fail te remember hit. Mis g it are beach t
i ta be said, asd sold they wUI be under the
"small profits aad lare sales. ' This
is boaiaeas. It is asstiax cold sal dasso
yea aaad a
' viss cloak
te protect yeureslf with, MeUwaia's is Us
plaes te get it. His steak is large aad well
selected, aad you eaa get a cheap or dear
cloak, just as yea please, a. tbs bottom price.
Or if, for tbe seats reason yon era fortunate
or aafortuaate sasugk te bs a man, then you
will want
or suit ef clothes. Call at Mollwaia'a aad sx
amiae bis wsll arranged stock, and while
yea are there bsal ever his stock of famish
ing goods, snd now is ths tints. Yen rrsanot
afford to shiver, whtok should iodaee you to
keep your feet warm by buying a pair ef
for ladies er gentlemen at this store. Tke
stock is vsry large aad worth aeleetiag from.
Particular attention is called to Ibis com
plete braaoh. lathe
rax or aeons
Line Meliwsia bss fsw equals. His stock
is ens speaking for itself, tbe large sales ia
this dspartmsnt beiag a big recommendation
for lb a
Never bay aaytbiag without calling oo
A. B. Mel twain.
Tbs following ia the list ol lettara
i ramslalssr in
, Ursgos, Deo.
tbe Post Ones. Albany, Una eeeatf,
th, 1881. Persona calling tor thess tatters must sirs
. i . . t i . l i a .a
ine sbh en wnioo may wars sareruseu.
Bulloek, A W Colby. Miss Nellie
Colby; J A Hulleuhoff. Henry
Lee, Miss Clara C MoCord, Fred H
Reysolde, Miss Hettie
Paras tnaaraaee far s Tears.
Ths farmer can net afford to go without
insurance oa his property, sad at ths pres
ent rates there ia no excuse for it. By calling
on F P Nutting at this office, you can get
insurance on a dstaohsd farm residsnos fire
years for $2.25 on the $100 or three years
for $1.60, remarkably cheap.
far working people.
Bead 10 csnts cast-
ago, and we will mail yon free, a royal, valuable sample
bux or goeoa mai win put, you in tns way oi making
mors money in
a few daya than yau aver thought
sossible st any buslnsss,
Capital net required, Toe
can live at hems and work in aparo time only, er all
the tlms. All at both saxes, at all ages, grandly soc
esssfnl. 60 cants to It easily earned every evening ,
That all who want work may test tbs buslnsss, ws
tuaka thU unparalloS offer ; To all who arc not wall
satisfies we will send i to. pay tor the trouble sf
writing us. Full partfeulara, dtrsoUons, ate,, tent
tree, Immense pay abaolutely stirs for all who atari
stones. Don't delay. Address Sriaaox sod Co,,
Portland, Maine.
STEWART, Oa December let, 1884, in
Albany, to tbe wife ef C. H. Stewarta
Terj Important Notice to Dobtorg,
I am Instruct r t e'loat rw-ry dollai
doe to tbeesufoef C. ft Montague. Those
indcb:ed to -aid estam
NOTPAfl B i JANUARY 1ST, 1335.
This Is tbe lau notlci C snail give on
this matter. To ajlttsaj up lb toidoe all
goods remaining on band wnl bo sold al
ooat er la for eash.
a mi j. of C. it. Montagus.
Lebanon, Or., 0 Mu 2.b, 1WL
Made and rapalred Now tns, barks
and flasks. Bows rebsUsd aud rpalr-d.
Old and now violins, b and superior
strings far sale. K for to K K Courseu
and Cast, Bar, Porilaod,
II. M. IlfCif AUD8,
Teacher of Violin.
Carnsr of 2nd and Kllsworih 9?e , Aibsuy,
Aaaon oobv the euts:rlbor living about
six miles aoutheaet of Ua.ssy, Linu ooua
ty, Oregon, ou or about the IAU of Nov
Idas, an astray in are aomii i or 14 years
of age, and suooi 1 IH hsnda high, wkb a
while spot ia the ferebeawi, atao a whit
spoeou the end of nose, right bio 1 fan
white, a small white spot o eacb H,
esueed bv cticbe, no evber nark or brands
Aaaon CowDna,
Sheriffs Sale.
a lAs CsVcsast Ooorl of the State of Oi tan
for Limn C'oasfs; i
John K Be timers, Pialnlff.
I C Dickey, loUa Dkkey bis wlf, D P
sod Kl lawn Uefanasots.
OTICB ts hereby given tbst by virtue
ieeued eat of lbs above named Curt In
tbe above entitled suit to mo direct! auij
dollvereil, I will on Weturdaty the 3rd day
of ataouarv, iat&, si tse hour U I a'otovk,
p. m. at tho Court House door to tho city
of Albany, Una county, Otwgn, set! at
awhile aoanapu tot cash ia band to tho
highest bidder the real property swserlbad
ifi aatd ordsw of sale as follows, lo-wk :
Lata numbered two (Z) aad aa von (7) In
BaVvsk aoo bondrsd aad nlnssosri (Its') in
s ddtuoo to toe elty mf Al
bany aa tho same Ls numbered, Issnajnotsil
and deesrlaad on tbe maps and plats of
said addrttou now on fits la the office of
tho (ualy Obaw af Lion county, origan
said pfwmleee botac tbe
nan or
the went half of ssrid Block 110 afnresald
The proceeds arising from sba sale of
said real property to b applied : First to
toe payment or ine oosaa aoo eapsosaam
suit, taxed at f2.eo and tbe costs aad ex
ef sale and socntlnc ct. H-oond
to lbs psyrasnt to the PlafnlilT the sain of
go7saa wtta accruing interest tnerooa at
tbe rate often per rent per annum from
toe Slat day or Uctoher. urn ine rur
tbar sum of $50 Attorneys twee. Third th
overplus If any there be. be paid to tbe
oofsodaul 1 U inokoy bis noire or aligns
Dated thle 5tb day or Ueosmber. IBM.
J. K. Cbasltois.
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
a fAa Circuit Court oftto Stat of Ortooufor
Laaa County
D P Porter as Administrator of tbe estate
of R M Kldar, dooaatad. F.aintuT.
J O Eldar, Defendaau
OTfCK U hereby given thai by vlrtua
or a writ of execution and order or
aale issued out of tbe above Court in tbe
above enUtled suit to toe directed and do-
Uvnrad. I will on Sauurdav tbe 3rd dav of
January, the Hoar of 1 o'clock, p
m., at the Court House door la tbe city of
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sail at pub
lic auction Car oash in band to the bigoast
bidder tho real property described in aatd
order of aale as f-diows, to-wit ; All of hut
(Defendaoi's)rigbi title and interest In aoo
tn tbe fallowing deaeribed real property,
to-wit : Becianlng st a point is-SJ chains
from toe southeast enraar of the
quarter at HUtsua tS snd running
north M.24-108 chatrta ; tbenoo earn
8a. 44 chains ; tbenoo sooth 37 US chains ;
then oe wast chains ; thence south
42.72 chains ; thence went 72 chains to
tbe phtoe of begtnniug in sections 7,-8, IT
ana lb in rp. u, t. k. i worn in wnn
couotv. Tho neooseds arums from the
sate of said real property to bo applied.
first to toe cents aad disbursements of this
sob taxed at tto.SS and the accruing
of aad anon this writ. Heootsd ta tbe
PlaintdTinesutnof $1017.91 with accru
Ing interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cant par annum from said 27th day of On
to nor, A., u. I sec and I to Attorney a iocs.
November 4th, IBM
J. K. Cxtavauon,
Sheriff of Lion oounty, Oregon
Peters k Stewart hoop a full line of ana
munition, and will asli as low as tbe low
est. Every pound of powder is warranted
to kill eeo ducxs ir property ueeo
Election Notice.
1 NOTICE is hereby given that the annual
eleotion for Chief Engineer aad Assistant
Eaariaeer of the Albany Fire Department,
will taxe place at No. l's Hall, on Msaday.
the 8th day ef December. 1884, between the
hoars af 1 aad 6:30 o'clock, p. re, Alva E,
Kstobum. George I. Foster and R. Fox are
appointed judges of said election.
Albany, Nov. 21at, 1884.
RictTAan Fox,
Ccbt B. Wijcb,
Referee's Sale.
the undersigned in pursuance of a
com mission and order of sale issued out
oftho Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon
for Linu county, on tbe 18th day of No
vember, 1844, in the autt wherein Reason
MoCennetl la Ptsintiu? and Lucy A Mo
Oonnell la Defendant, appointing tbe un
dersigned referee snd oo in unending him
aa such to sell as by tew directed the real
property hereinafter described, I will
therefore on tbe 27th day of December,
1884, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of
said day at tbe Court House door in tbe
city of Albany, in Liun county, Oregon,
sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder
for cash in band the fo lpwing described
real estate, to-wit: Tbe west half of
Block 47 In the eity of Albany in Linn
oounty, Oregon , with all tbe tenements
and hereditaments tbeteunto belonging.
This 34tb day of November, 1884.
W. M. Kbtghtjx,
Final Settlement.
Notice ia hereby given that the under
signed Administratrix of the estate ef D.
H. Bod ine, deceased, has filed ber final
account as such Administratrix in the
County Court of Lion oounty, Orogon,and
by order of said Court, Saturday the K&b
day of January, 1885 at the hour of 10
o'clock, a. tn., has. been set for the bear
lug of said account aod the objections
thereto. Any person interested in said
estate Is hereby notified to appear and file
his er ber objeotions to said acount on or
before said day.
Albany, Or., November 17th. 1884.
Maroabkt Bodine,
Admtcistra trix .
A nniff Send six eenta for Destsm.aad
M rnisilas reoei.a tree, a ooaUv box of goods
which will help you to mors money right away than
aaythiug else iu this world, All ut either aez, suc
ceed from first hour, Tbs broad road to fortune
opsns before ths werksra, absolutely sire. At eaas
address Tacs and Co., Augusts, Maine,
mors monsv thanetanv-
tkiaar aha bv taAlnr an
ageney tor tbe best sailing book out, Ileginnars suc
eagmndly. None foul, Terms free, HauaitBosx
00f sPOn'ewaBaaJ Hsiilai
Until yon coll on
sod rx iMilne his sto k t
Holiday Cioods,
Notice of Assigament.
KT1 E W hereby' gi' tfaa ata
Cluvg, d Linn eoaaty. 0jcn. a saal a
(saral aaainroent of all bit pyry tm sOe
auilraKual f-S" the buM fit has it4iSa
siider aw act wf tbe LagsdaUirsi ef Orga
euuticd "Aa set ui a sal rrpdtws a
just Oiaiaiwa of tbs en tat ut fiaSOaars whs
Monvsr la aasigasss tW tho -m ut
tors" oir! Oct. Idea, 1874. Al
eaas hviMs clsiiaa aeasMWt (be cstota td
Isaac stUJiuttg are !. ant.iUv;
usuaal Ut prnasal Ibu sauas ..W vSk la tbs
aastarsiaaeo at Aim, Uanai aisauM
aasos freui H. d' mt thu
Dated Dae. 8d, Itaa.
C. II, traajrr.
Notice to Tax-Pay em,
Vattaa tm ssasay gtssa ikes 1 at
rsyars ef Lisa eases, Oragsu ,'
asasl 4 aasask, o. af , st taw i
Ur U..
murm, aaay. awass
SaawSeffy j TOssfawassff ( KssWHsw
S.. umO. W iSii i ttmf
BrA4b t SJSWa, rrvlj. SSSSSSSl r aSUS.
M.M, luiui. UMsaaSsrSTta.
rwvUta, risiaSsjr.
ajrrasats. ssSaroay
iLnUkmru Tasaa
BSaS AllMAr, Krt4r. Jss sari aa
Pjaas i
srin se
J, K. CsLaJSLToa,
She off tad Tax CoUeetov Laaa.C. Dr.
Dated Xoy. 25 tb. UOi.
The Oregon Short Line,
wtit be o-je$t Danasnbar 1st sad s assais i i
rshoittg trams oo tawl data la!laaa m4
t-unrattt aleepssa wdl iaa tbrsssgb troas
f ucUaad tu sootbeast Missouri Bavse'
asitaessf raoage aad ts the oeiy lias
these to ttiwae pemta. Bsoigrant
aaatad on nrst-elass express tran
lor berths. Past sacs. Portland
Ctty 470 BUUcatbs
ToSs. doetaastd
Leavaassrorta 439 aa
Orashs i65 saikss ths
Sc Lastis. 281 ssiles sba sSsrSaat to slew
Dndaaes sad many boom the e,snskss. also
1 1 mil. a tbe ahnrraat to CI isaga aad sal
' poiuta east. 1 bw baa w aaadraos
ths sberteat end daya of
" P3Ut."I. N!t".kl
y, ate. nates Mwsys as aa ths
Tluheaa aa aale at prtn-
ci pal
eaoaps of
For ml
etc. Call
B. CaMraaxL, Gaa'i
Na. 1 Washusjrtoo St..
or VT. B Rica, Albany, Co
Sheriffs Sale.
In the CiVnaf Court mf Its
for tho County of Limn t
Tbe Deodee Mortgage sod Tras Ia
Umnpauy (Issatto-t.) ruuatux
Asa H Peterson sod Mnaaensh Ptlitasa his
wife. J K Weatharford aad G f Cvawtard aa
Asaigoee of the estate of She
Peterson an isaeiveat debtor.
NOTICE is hereby given that by stesae ef
a writ of execution aad order ef sale leeaag
out of the above aaaaad Court in the abase
entitled aatt to me directed aad dahverad, I
will on Saturday ths 17th day of December,
1884, at the hoar of 1 o'clock, p. m . as the
Court Hones door in tbe City of Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, bsU at Bobhe Besoms
for cash ia hand to tbe highest bidder she
real property described ia sand seder of sate
has fouowa, to wn :
IT The sooth half ef ths ilsustWB tend eteim
of Asa H Peterson aad his wife Isssassa.
situato ia 3ecsiee air teen, ssisataaa. Sweaty
aod twenty -one ua Township twelve, seal
range two west of the Wtlbwmetto
savs aad excepting that pert thereof sold aad
conveyed by two deeds ef eoacsyaesa, the
oae of which is to Habeas J Klusa and she
nihr nf whirh ia tt TXaviil H PetarSOS She
other of which is to David H
amount of laud remaining ta aatd
of said donation tend ohnm bring
died seres. Also ths following
th half
two ban-
tracts of land, to-wit ; Beginasef
south east oorner of the donation La
of John M Burse aad hit wifs Julia
A. ia
Section thirty-six ia Township taelce,
rm--r. ten nnt aad ia Seetaea eaa Tas
thirteen south range two west of the WiUam
ette Btorid tsn sad running thanes north nine
teen chains and eighty -six links ; teeaee weak
thirty -seven chains and seventy -Use liaks i
thenoe south 19 86-100ehaius ; theses aaaa
thirty -seven chains and ssscnty-ive hake
to tbe place of begioniog.coetsising seveaty.
five seres more or less, all situated ia iaaa
county, Oregon.
Tbe proceeds arising from the sals ef said
real property to be applied, first to she pay
inent of the costs and expenses ef the sott
taxed at $47.80 and 1290 Attorneys fees, aad
accruing costs. Seoond to ths peyseeat to
ths Plaintiff tbe sum of $2906 with aeeraiag
interest thereon at the rate of It par seat
per annum from the 87 th day ef October, 1 84,
and the residue if say remain to pay to the
defendant. Q F Crawford, Assignee as afore
said. Dated this 19th dsy of November, ISSA
Sheriff of linn county, Oregon.
$200,000 srs: Kr-rs
mail you wLl got free s naakaga el geoSS ef huge
value, that will at ones bring yes la sasesy teaser
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