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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1884)
FRIDAY DECEMBER 5, 1884. Voorhesa democratic majority in Washington Territory is about 150, Familiarity with magnetic men breeds pity. Governor Cleveland is beginning to tbink seriously of owagvatuiating Mr Blaise. Blaine's forthcoming history will oon tein an elaborate fresco of Conkling's turkey-gobler strut. Goakling is now the foremast live ing authority on the question whether revenge is sweet. Forepaugh'a $50,006 white elephant has died and it will cost at least $500 to replace him. We sympathize with Mr. Logan bat he should never have allowed hie name to be linked with that of Blaine. a exchange makes the note of the fact that in none of the states was the vote cloae enough to sqeeae Mrs. Lock wood. it is not tnat we mind other papers using our paragraphs without credvti but we dislike to run the risk of using them ourselves the second time. Republican papers are gradually coming round to the idea that the country is not going gehenna bent, although Cleveland has been elected. Jn Germany they don't call it the honey-moon but iitterwoebe. The name has such an effect upon the event that it only lasts one week. There is a curious difference between Blaine and Maud a Maud S. has just beaten bar record, and Blaine's record has jast beaten him. Iowa's official plurality for Blaine is 18,741 Ye gods, what a fall. What has become of her 78,000 Republican majority given to Garfield. As Mr. Blaine is engaged In the study of history ha may find the words of MtraWau of soma interest: "I could have saved Franca, AoulJ 1 have made the people believe I waa virtuous." If so many Independent Republicans had not voted far Cleveland, if so many Stalwarts hadn't bolted the ticket, if so many Prohibitionists hadn't voted St. John, if hadn't uraed "Rum, Romanism aad Re bellion," if But .why prJone ths Dave Esetman of III. offered his farm against $5,000 that Blaine would be President. A Cleveland man took it up, and then endeavored to draw the bet, offering $400 to settle. Eastman refused, and that farm will be run by a Democrat hereafter. The black eye which Massachusetts gsve to Blaineiam attracts attention everywhere. Four years ago the state gave Garfield 48.015 majority over Hancock, Weaver and Dow. This year it gave Blaine a plurality of 24 19i over Cleveland , but he lacks 9871, of a majority over Cleveland, Butler and St John. It would take a very small vial to hold all the tears Mr. Blaine sheds for Ireland new. That agresaive policy about which we heard so much a few months since has become a barren ideal ity; so barren, indeed, that the emphatic Bomenclatore of Old BUI Allen could not award it a picturesque interest. I t is strange what a number of Re publicans who have secured agreeable nooks in Undo Sam's employment have perfect confidence in Cleveland. It is remarkable, also, how many of them had no objection from the start to his election. They all concur now that he will make a splendid President. So bifter has party feeling became that a certain republican family in this city refuses to give employment to another family because they are demo crats. Thanks to the good sense of the people, these esses are very rtre. Republicans are making a terrific noise about hungry democrats wanting all the offices under the Cleveland ad ministration, but would it not be wel to stop and contemplate the fact tha there is not half the nervous anxiety on the part of democrats to get offices as as there u among republicans to save themselves, seme how, from being put out! Mr. W. M., a young republican friend of ours living out on the prairie a few miles from tha city made a kind of bet concerning the election, and in consequence of his having lost, it now becomes bis duty to have pictures of Cleveland and Hendricks hnng up in his house where they are te remain until the close of Cleveland's term as president Will, is a good boy. and will fulfill hie agreement. The public are indulging brilliant an ticipations of Cleveland's administra tion. The more his record as aSTjsjlsT eat and conscientious public Affinal- i examined, the more admirable dees it appear. He has invarably subordinat ed private interests to the public we TT . j m ... rare, ne got toe support or patriotic men of every class, and not a doubt , . , , , , , .,, - ,. , is entertained that he will foljy Justify - I rhia Hattorna nnnHnnce I stuusaa spasm. On the Nth of last month a number of Mr. Blaine's devoted, personal and political friends serenaded him at his home in Augusts, as an expression of good will and admiration of hjs conduct during ths campaign. Blaine mads a speech in which he thanked his Repub lican friends of Mains first for ths fidelity and earnestness with which they responded to his nomination. He then thanked his political friends in other sections of ths country for ths faithful efforts which they hsd put forth la se cure his election. He then lsunohes forth into one of the bitterest "bloody shirt" harangues whioh we have been oalled to read for a long time. He un blushingly alleges that Cleveland election introduces the rule of the mi nority! when he knows that Cleveland received 100,000 mors of ths popular vote than hs received. It most require a great deal of cheek for a man to say auoh things in ths face of 55,000,000 of people whose voters have S3 recently rejected him at the polls. Blaine has evidently hsd it in mind when he made this speech that it would serve as a battle cry for the future battles of ths Republican party. But hs will erelong become undeceived. This cry of 'bloody shirt" and "solid south" no longer ap peals successfully to tha fears of the ignorant and those blinded by political prejudice. They hare been deceived too often already. We speak whst Re publicans will, (before many months shall pass sway,) learn to be a troth, that they could make no greater mis take than to conduct their future cam paigns on the sectional issue. Many Republicans all over the country are growing sick aad tired of campaigns of blood and thunder, whose only purpose is to secure votes for the RetraUican party. Every man of ordinary intelli gence known that voting is just as free in the sooth aa in Km Fn.Lnd Negroes, as they become intelligent, soon learn that their interest is identi fied with their employers, and thus they soon learn to vote es their inter ests dictate. Doubtless thev era often urgently requested to vote the Demo cratic tieksMs operatives in New Eng land and the Middle States am h their employers requested to vote the Republican ticket. We 'are satisfied that undue advantage are often taken of the negroes of the sooth and em ployee in large manufacturing estab lishments in tha east and north, and this is very much to he- rgtaS3 3iieJaiM9Tor a remedy, but the one ii . i calls ss loudly as ths other for correct ion. Mr. Blaine, in the most dema gogic way, says that forty-two presi dentral electors are assigned to the aouth on account of colored population, and yet this colored population is not able to elect a sinsle elector. No with equal force of argument it may be said that 34 presidential electors are assigned to Mass., Penn., N. H., Ohio Maine, Vermont and Kansas on ac count of the Democratic population of these states, aad yet Democrats are utterly unable to choose a single elector in any of these states, and no far as these states are concerned Democrats have no voice in selecting a president. Let anyone read this speech of Blaine's and then compare it with his letter accepting the nomination, and hs will sse at ones that the tone and sentiment of the former are ss different from the tons and sentiment oi the letter aa night differs from day. Ths man who had not ths courage to vote bis convict ions at tha polls in Maine in Septem ber, dared not give expression to his living prejudice and hatred towards tha south. Nothing has so emnhaticallv w vindicated the judgment of the people in defeating Blaine as the vindictive and sectional character of his speech. Soeh was the bitter spirit of ths revo- utionary speech that many Republicans who loyally supported Blaine, now express calm satisfaction in the election of Cleveland Other candidal far president in times past have taken the stump in their own behalf, but when defeated they won the admiration and respect of the whole country by, sub mitting in genuine American style to the sovereign will of the people. But Blaine is a law unto himself and insults every American voter by attempting a sickly quibble over the womout charge that that intimidation rules elections at the south. When hs made the declaration in his speech that no man in the south "who was loyal to the Union, no matter how atronv Democrat he may be to-day, has ths slightest chance of promotion," he added another to the long line of sad commentaries upon bis reckless disre gard of truth. Ds not men all over ths Union, who are far loss intelligent and fsr lees in- formsd upon current political history than Mr. Blaine, know that this state ment is not founded in fact t Was not Phslps, the Union leader of Missouri, wioe elected governor Isrgely by con federate votes ? Was not Col. Critten den also of thst state elected governor 1 Has not Carlysie been elected and re elected time and again to congress by 'rebel" votes. Has not Mr. Hancock of Texas been also elected to congress number of times by rebel votes ? Why go through the list of Democratic unionists, who have from time to time been promoted bv "rebel rotes" in tha south ? No, this sectional question will never be made s political issue in an other presidential camcahm. Tt km worn threadbare. People ire diseusted with it. The party which nlaeaa itaalf " " wim aavaneea views on the AnA t:rnatvr nf " in line with advanced vut nn the, e . i r J w. UB vUUUbiJ U j i ii . ' will be approved by the people. no as aiTTKitisaa or ertsiT Probably no one has been mote grievously disappointed at the result et the late election than Mrs. Duniway. No newspsper man, probably, in the Republican patty in Oregon, is more thoroughly imbued with all the Repub lican prejudices snd hatreds against ths Dsmooratio party than Mrs. Duniway. Shs entered with much seal and great confidence, the campaign in favor of Blaine. Shs took especial pains to recommend to sll vJbman suffragists ths propriety of supporting Blaine, but ths people with great good senss saw fit to elect Governor Cleveland. This wss especially exasperating to the editor of the New North West, Then, again, our mercurial friend aet out with a loud sound ug blast from her political trum pet, calling all the faithful to oome out in battle array to do and to dare in behalf of the election ef Armstrong,the Kepubltoan candidate for delegate to congress in Washington Torritory Urgent snd never ceasing were her efforts In behalf of Armstrong. She bad reason to believe that the Republi can party of the territory, with its 3000 majority backed up by the powerful influence of the New North West, would be able to elect Mr. Armstrong, hut somehow the influence seemed todivsrt voters from Armstrong to Yoorhsee,the Democratic candidate who was elected. This result was doubly exasperating and makes the lady feel vary bitter towards the Democratic party, for whioh the Scotts, old and young, male and female, seem to hare a particular hatred. We are led to thus preface the following remarkets our readers will taen be the better prepared to understand what wa say. On ths occasion of a recent visit to this city, Mrs. Duniway wrote to the if eat North Wt as follows : "The W. C. T. U. here, as everywhere slse we go since the election, is in a state of trepidation bordering on a stampede. Democratic members are ss happy over the result of the St. John fiasco, whioh re-booms whisky, ss all enemies of Woman Suffrage would have been if Bwlva Look wood's unpardonable desire for notoriety had succeeded ia estab lishing a firmer reign of tha aristocracy of sax Bot Republican women, who are largely ia tha majority in ths Un ion, are indignant over tha result of the boomerang business, aad numbers of them are withdrawing, because they say it has become ajoJiaifiaLai!y of HK7 BSerthey will no longer support it Probably many of these will soot down after a while and continue in the work ; but the opportunity is now open far Democratic women to work for prohibition within the ranks of the party which prohibition has pot fa power the party thst most needs it, and the only party that praises St. John. Wa hope the will prove faith ful ; for the bars hint of prohibition may never again be tolerated by the Republican party in national politics, now that its eiiecta as a boomerang is known aad felt, and free whisky reigns triumphant aa a result of fanaticism.'' Now, wjiy does the defeat of Blaine re-boom whiskey f Was temperance or prohibition an Issue In the last campaign? Did not Blaine expressly declare that it was net a national issue, bat could only be delt with by state legislation? If so. how could his defeat affect that question? Did it make or nnmske any temperance aws? If it was an issue, then Blaine's defeat could be no injury to prohibi tion, for it fans made a stste issue in his own state no longer than last Hapt ens ber when he openly and positively refused to vote for it Now, how and why does free whiskey reign triumphant any more since, than before the St. John fiasco? It is not so aniens It because hundreds ef Blaine Republicans since the election, have declared their par pose to do all they can against temp erance. No, Mf. D. Is mad and la this ssme article she indulges In a line and and style of nbiwe fit only for one who has lost all regsrd for truth and fair dealing. The whole sale abase of Democrats indulged la by her Is absolutely without excuse or provocation, and could only eman ate from one who bad been, at least. temporarily unbalanced. She, we hope, will cool down soon and then reason will again assert her swsy. a ssfiBO's nines. Here is tbs conclusion ef an article on ths result of the presidential election in tha Southwestern Christian Advocate organ of ths M. E. Church (North)' edited by a Negro, Marshall W. Taylor, D. D. Such temperate counsels from such a source are notable snd timely: The Negro most refuse to be guided by hot headed counselors, colored or white. He mnst listen to reabonable advice, sod think some far himself. He must be temperate, industrious, pure, and peaceable in bis habits if be intends to live iu the south. If he pursues this course he will realize no disadvan tages from the change at Washington. Blaine must have been an awfully bad man, if as bad a msn as Cleveland is made out to be by the republicans could defeat him for the presidency, or, conversely, Cleveland must have been and exceedingly good man, if he could defeat as good a man as Blaine was held out to be by his supporters. THS REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to L0'8O0N8UJiPTION OURB." Ind.( BUI- i ' ' mi Tamo Mas. Probably more young mon voted for Cleveland and Hendricks than have voted a demooiatie ticket in any one year before sinoe the republican party came into power in ths nation. This one of ths best signs of ths times- But thousands of these yousg men wil leave ths party with aa little ceremony as thsy entered it unless it ahall be true to its high professions. They have left the republican party, or havs re fused to join it, because they know that party has become corrupt and has fallen to ths leadership of political tricksters and spoilsmen. They have acted with the democratic party because of its promise to give the country hon est and sooaonioal government. Few ef these young men are office seekers, but that should not deter them from active participation in democratic pri maries. They have already dons muob for the osuse of good government Thsy ought not to rest on thsir osr now. erst as KKPaaaasT a-nvca. The political complexion of tha aext United States house of representatives shows conclusively that ths vote f the people Is Isrgely against the Republi can party. According to a careful ex amination of the dispatches from Tues day's elections the house will stand as follows. a e Democrats 181 Republicans 144 Democratic majority 37 The large mejority against the Re publican party is an empbatio repudia tion of its policy of protective robbery, which Mr Blaine and bis supporters havs advocated in all their speeches snd publications. 1 The city election pasasd off vary quietly last Monday resulting in ths election of tha entire republican city ticket. The republicans sleeted coun cilman in the frst and second wards bile there Is a tie ia the third ward Republicans were thoroughly unked and worked like beavers,. Democrats wer largely indifferent Many ef tbsov acted aa though thev could afford to be iibmiiss In leitin the repybji-tca control the city while they will control a united country under Cleveland. Rock Hill Oa, Dae. 9, 1884. Bis. Democrat; There will be services hers at Rack Hill nest Sunday at 7. o'clock, a. a. by Rev. Samuel Pettigew, ef Lebanon at the Presbyterian church. Wa are informed thst Mr. A loo to Nickels has arrived safe back to ths states having poor health while hers. very social time wee hsd near Rock Hill Thanksgiving Eva. Mr. O. F. Crawford, of your place made Rock HU1 a vary pleeaant eel1 last Saturday. The people of Rock Hill are still at work drying apples, yet there are some who will not gst dons drying on ths shares until Christmas. It seems as if fruit drying pays better than farming. We understand that Mr. Foglo is trying to gst up a perpetual motion machine. We hope be may have success, but ws are doubtful oa that point. Hs has been trying for some time. There is a certain paper published in Portland that never ought to have been allowed to oome through the mails; then are some one who sends the news from Rook Hill, ws doot know who it is bot sll tha Rock Hill people think ti is the subscriber. They ate badly mistaken. There are soma young men near Leb anon who hsd better go alow or we will report them. They had better not steal any more chickens or tra will have to publish thsir names in full in the Den- ocaav. Rocs Hiixea. tsjmist trans. -The public school here is flourish ing under the able supervision of Mr. R. Broom; 68 pupils are oa the roll and 0 la the regular attendance. 60,000 bushels of wheat remain ia the warehouse at the present time. A weddloff Is on tha tani. to come off before Christmas. Tangent is loomlns? ud R. Moore is reparlog his residence, also R J. m at Moses, C. Sharp & Co. araconstructlns? a building, in which they are running a chopping mill. A fire alarm was sounded here the other morning:, bat the flames were extinguished before any damage was done. A Sensation waa caused here tha other day over the arrival of two Jersey pigs shipped from Philadel phia by J. E. Jenks. Why is a certain voun lad v of tn m a a . rangent use Fnaraoh's daughter? Send answer to Dbmocrat office. Albany Market Wheattic per bushel, Oats So p " Beef en foot, Sc. Hay baled, 11(318 per ton. loose, 7 to IS, Potatoes new 25 eta per buaheh Bacons hams, lltf shoulders, 7o. sides. 10c. Lard ISc per lb. Flourr-4.00 per bbl. Butter 20 to 25 ore per lb. Chickens 8.00 par do. Sugar San Franciac 0, 8e. MM Feed-bran. 1S.00 per ton. shorts, 18. middlings, 20. Eggs 80 cents per doz. SHTLOH'H CATARRH RTUvnv . ui. for Catarrh, DIptheria, and Canker Mouth. oore "H ACKMET AC K" Blasting and fragrant perfume. .. - . . , ........ , mm . m . . I t 1 5: iMMMaMMaBSBBBSSS FABMINlvreX UCTTKtt. FaRMixoTOK, W. T., Nor. 27, '84. Eds, Democrat : In mirjiianco of tha niil)ii'. .t r "M..yi m j.uw- Ismstion ws people of this vicinity eeaae our respective labors and look about us en every band, snd call to mind scenes of ths past. Whilst thus medltsting I came te ine ooneisston I would send ay congratulations to old "Linn," the sesnss of childhood days. Ths presidential news came to ths Democrats of this place heralded with tidings of joylong to be remain bered by all. Urge bonfires we lighted in the street, quantities of powder was burned and speeches were indulged In until a late boar. Oar Republican friends could not yield to the demonstrations but sallisd forth from thsir respective pieces of business and kept out of sight during tbs whole of the evening. The delegateahinp of ibis territory was a close call, and is declated In fsvor of Voorbees "Dsm" by a small majority, but Mr. V. has hsd a Re- fubtioan majority of 3000 to overture, n view of these fsots, we affirm thst this Is certainly aa off year with the Republicans, in ths county seat fight between Sprsgae snd Dsvsnport, gross frauds srs reported snd s body of armed men are guarding the records st Daven port Good reports are coming in from the mines at present, end ssms rich strikes are being made. A seventeen ounce nugget wss taken out of Trail Gulch last wsek. Claims that could hare been bought three weeks since for ten dollars could not be bought to-day for that many thousand. A new trail is being made from Kingston Landing to MurrayeiUe, shortening the route considerably, the trip from Farmington to Murray villa can be made easily in two days. Ths weather here is beautiful and farmers arwrnaklna- wood use of it in hauling grain to market, or rather to voima is tne market this year, as poor wheat in Colfax ia worth 35c ner bush el, and ia Farmington 36c. The N. P. R. R. Ca. are making ar rasfsmsnts to commence a branch road (rota Oolfaz to this point, aad an Eng- iisu company is working en a road from Kootnai en tha Canadian Pacific. to extend south through Col v Lie valley to Spokane Falls, thence wear the baas of ths Ooeur D' Alans mountain thmtih this section sad on to the Oregon Short iaoe tcfpugb a peas in ths Blue moun tains into Grand Roods vallsr. mekine- a through connection with the Canadi an parts on Ike Atlantic. Buainess ef all kinds assumes a hsaltby appearance at present, which bespeaks prosperity to the inhabitants oi toe surrounding country. Quito a number ef Linn county peo ple reside near ibis nlaoa. and to aea the turnout oa Saturday really makes one think be is again living out has boyhood days in tha Forks of the Santiam. Don Paoao. All over the land are going into ccntacy ever Dr. King's New Discovery for Coo- by the timely use of this great lire Bering iwnvuj, causes wean io ge nearly wua in Its praise. It to guaranteed to pceiUvely cure Her ere Oeoghe, Colda. Asthma. Rev Fever, BrooehiUa, Hoarseness. Lose of Veloa, or any affection of the Throat aad Langs. Trial Bottles tree et Foshsv at ataaoa'a Drua Store. Large etas SL00. Choice Styles ' IN BOOTS AND SHOES; FOB FILL AND WINTER WEAL Comprising everything new in Gentle- a. Ladles', Misses and chlldrs n's SHOES, SLIPPERS, &C, Specialties in Fine Shoos, Medi um and Common Shoes, Novelties In Ladles', Hisses and Children's Shoes and Slippers, Call and see! the largest aal beat assort ment in the city. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Albany, Or Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of ike State of Oregon for the County of Linn : A J Jarnigan, Plaintiff, TS. M I Smith and M L Hamilton, Dsfsndants. Notice ii hereby givsn that by virtus of a writ of execution and order ef tale leaned sot of the shore named court in the above en titled action to ms directed and delivered, I will on Monday, the 22nd day of December. 1884, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ra. ef said day, at the Court House doer in ths city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash ia hand te the highest bid der ths following described real property te wit: Beginning at a point 217 75-100 fee west and 97 feet south of the southwest corner of lot Mo. 129. in ths city ef Soio, Linn county. Oregon, and running thence south snout 400 feet to the center of Thomas Creek, taeaee in a westerly direction down said stream fol lowing the meandering oonrss thereof about 650 feet, thence north 190 feet, thence ia an easterly direotion about 660 feet tethe place of beginning containing 3 9-10 aeres. The proceeds ot said sale to be applied : First to the payment of the easts sad dis bursement of this suit Second te ths pay ment to ths plaintiff one half ef all moaeye arising from such sale after the payment ef such costs. Third that ths remainder and residue of said proceeds be spphed to the payment to the plaintiff of said sum of $812. 79 or so muoh thereof as may be necessary and the residue if any be paid to said If. L Smith or his order. Dated this 21st day ef November, 18H J. K, CHARiaos, Sheriff of Linn county, Ortgoa. m ewJ LwawawawawaaawS-aawaW FOR SALE 1 SAW MILL AID WATER POWIE, At Waterloo. Linn county, on the tlam Hiver, between five snd alx miles from Lebanon. This Is the floeat available water power In Linn county, and the mill hs been pat In thorough running order. Price 12800. One thousand cash down, balance secured. Also s FINE LOT OF L0C8, In shsps to run te the above mentioned mill, containing about 500 thousand feet at 88 per thousand, together with a tract of timber available for present use. In Linn county of 248 acres within three miles of Albany, on the road to Oorvallis. Of this 220 acres are cleared and under cultivation. It has a fine young orchard, (now bearing, of well known varieties of milt,) a commodious barn end small dwelling house. Tortus facOO. SlfiOO cash down, balance on time secured by mort gage. Also A FINE RESIDENCE In Albany with barn and two lots, (or six If warned.) Price 81880, Terms 8000 cash, balance secured by mortgage. Ad joining this bouse Is s small pasture with a large new aad com mod ions barn ttt for storing wheat, oats, 80 tons or more of baltedhay. Tsrrrs seoerdlag to amount of land wanted This barn Is Just outside tbs city limits aad oonsequently avoids the oily taxes, while It Is olose enough to residence to be under constant Inspection. Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES adjoining Albany and available for about 180 tewn lota. The preliminary aurvey of the Oregon Pacific crossed tbs Oregon sad California Railroad on this tract which adjoins tbs depot grounds ef the letter road. Terms 1 10,000. fsee owner, ROBERT L 8TE7E&8, as call at Dkmocbat office. Mean i THAT HACK ISO CO UUH eae be m qaUkif sesed ; ShMofe-s Cure. Ws geaJMUe it. will vousurrra wo. as4 Uver Cesspialntr fthUotTa VtuUaar ks fSSV CATARRH CU8XD, besttli sad sweet bresta e eerei : Mr SaJteS's OssawS aeassSy. rrtesMeeat Steal lajestor tree. ssnLotrs cocoa seS y as oa a f ttarssttsa tl Oar Is seat SBILOaTS VfTAJ.iSBa Is ajaS yea seeS asTte tar OSS sl sjreap per Sot- O td O O CO O I CsO 52. CD o CD HI CO H 8 CD f ted HI WWWSm 2 cS 5a IssIssbS KEIIO THERE ! What are you going to do about Christmas ? EXAMINE THE CHRISTMAS GOODS AT UHODOH S. Santa Clause on Top. - AND is right in with Mm. Hs hai a large aid splendid stock if toji fir the Holidays, direct from lew York, WOODEN, TIN, RUBBER, CAST IRON, MECHANICAL TOYS OF ALL KINDS. PAINT BOXES, BUILDING BLOC KS, JUMPING JACKS, ALBUMS, DOLLS, WAX AND DRESS, BABY OARRIAQES, EXPRESS WAQONSsMUQSySTORY BOOKS, PIANOS, RATTLERS, DOMINOES, ETC., ETC Also a splendid line of ornamented glass ware, and crockery, fancy and staple groceries, cutlery candy, notions, etc, H. EWERT'S . Christmas Goods. A SPLENDID LINK OF LADIES' AND CENTS WATCHES, COLO AND SILVER RINGS, BRACELETS, FRUIT BASKETS, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, SLEEVE BUTTONS, BEAUTIFUL CHARMS, HANDSOME STUDS, COLO PENS, ETC. Also diamonds, gold and plated jewelry, silver aad plated ware, etc., etc. AT U. EWERT'S - 1884-5. HOLIDAY Foshay t Mason's. Splendid Stock, embracing Books.Statuary,Albums, Toilet Sets, Musical Instru ments, Pictures, Christmas an New Year's Cards, Perfum ery, Vases, Inkstands, Mirors, Etc., Etc., Etc., Everythiug willle sold to suit the times, at the most liberal rates. HO FOR THE HOLIDAYS Get the useful as well as the Beautiful CONRAD MEYER has a splendid stock of FANCY GLASSWARE, INCLUDING ORNAMENTED CAKECBASKETS, PITCHERS, ETC., CHINA SETS. TEACUPS, AND SAUCERS, DESSERT PLATES, HANS COLORED ASSORTED WARE, CASTORS, VASES, DOLLS, TOYS, ETC all of which will be sold at reasonable prices for the holiday trade, T1 HE bEST VAUU In ths market ia tbs celebrated S tade backer sold by Peters & Stewart, and the spring wagons and hacks of ths sam make ara jast aa good . Krery article is warranted. Tha prioss are down on a dead level with wheat at 50 cents. qpHE BEST THING OUT, Is tks Acme Harrow and no farmer can wall afford to be without it It is the very best clod crasher snd pulverizer, leaving the ground as level as a barn floor. Soli only by Peters A Stewart. QARPENTERS TOOLS. Ws want carpenters to know that ws keep constantly in stock lbs very best tools ths market affords, and sell the ni ss cheap as thsy oan be sold. Every tc al we sell ws oaa warrant. No shoddy snides ere ksDt Corns and see us. Pktkks A Stkwaet. JJ L ACKSMITH S OUTFITS, Anvils, vlses.bellowg.hammers, sledges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constat t y on hand. Also a full stock of iron, of all risss, horse shoes and horse shoe nails, Hecial pnoes ssaas on small outfits for fiu use, Petkrs A St a wart. AINTS AND OILS, "Of all descriptions sold by Pstsrs k Hsw art. - - Albany, Or GOODS, AT B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, A always breaking, unless you havs he kind sold bv Peters A Stowkn r a i bany. They are made of wrought iron. cannot jump the track and will immt us time. .Don't hang another barn door un- til you have seen them. J L CASE VUJWS. This famous dIow la wall County. The chilled and steel pio ws ara well made from tha varv ht t7 and are warranted to do aa good work and swur luiijr as wen a 4 any other plow Peters A Stewart are the sole agsota. CHAS. METZGER;S Fish, Poultry and Game Fiash fish of all kinds constantly an hand. Poultry dressed to order, all kiads of gamo In season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of the city, Nxt door east of Tweed ale's Tin and Stove Store. ON'T FORGET IT. If you try to build uow while wheat la only worth 54 cents you should by all means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what you want at their store and at reasonable figures,