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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1884)
TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT fmorrat. STATE IIGHT8 DEMOCRAT, II TIE WILLAMKTf E YALUY. Special bnsiueaa Loflose in I tfcyl ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. aegsmFriCEIBTBeaserat Bslldtasea BmtlMl Street umns it oeiile er litis. KsareiM 1 OoUoes 10 cants tmr liaa TERMS OF lUBSCKIPTlOSl ..v?r legal sno iianaUat adi w per square for the SraS ti state pt. per w, In linm H M 1 M T 10 ov cents per Mpmrs for sae le floor, per year, tt eml of ;w. VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1884. siarle py, eU sac elarle oopr, three amite number.. .. Kates for other w1 ver tiaeseeaaa known on sppllcatloa. mouths. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, R. 8. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. TtTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Y courti of this 8tats. . Will give pedal attention to collections and probate m attar. Office in Foster new brick. sfltf L. BL MONT ANTE. ATTORN AT LAW. Notary Public Office upstairs, over John Briggs store, tst street. iu.i J. K. WEATHERFORD, (HOT ART W8UCJ ATTORNEY AT LAW, W riLL MUCT1CS IS ALL TH COURTS OFTH State. 8peciiaUeauo prw ujnsum i probate aaSMr, i la Odd FellsWS Twafii r. o, powsxl w',rLTn POWELL & BILYeSU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors it Chancery, ALBANY. - ORKGOM. Collections promptly mads on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jarOffioe in Foster's Bride vlanlStf. J. J. WHITNEY. Ittorw And Counsellor it Laf AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice to all of the Court of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. year office in OToole's Block. L W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock ana uow rncw. orrr tdhtto- stdbb, FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, 6EEGOI. vltatltf Ac PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, gtitionarj, Met Articles, Etc, FIBSCIIPTIIHS CAREFULLY f ILLO, . Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just -eat of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. say-Office snd residence in Mcll wain's Block. AlbaaT. Orcgeii. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop; Shavina done with neatness and sharp rA which are always kept ta I goo condition, and hair cut in the very best style.. SAX WA VWG. TiJX1 a bottewTprkuT Ceatrector lor Chios labor. BrNextto GUT Back. TurmtureT I have the best stock of furniture in the city snd wdl sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, t The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city snd the lowest price in the Valley. Come sod see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, J. J. D3RRIS, Bridge Bailder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LETTING SO LICITED. Plan and specifications fnrn iebedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE liNSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBtSY, OB. The First Term will eomnienee on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particolara ceruing the course of study and lb price ot tuition, plv to RET. ELBESVT S. CONDIT, PresMteaf. Aloany Bath House. THK ONDBRSIQNKD WOULD RESPECT folly Inform the citiient of Albany and vi ataity that I have taken charge ofthis Establish neat, and, by keeping clean rooms and payin eiriot attention to business, expects io snH el those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore earned on nothing bot First-Cl' Hair Dresainar Saloons ezpctt to giro entire satisfaction to al jaw0tUdiB an i Ladies' Hair neatly ea t aaapooed. JOS WEBBER. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, The words MLs Belle" in Fi "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersigned, JULIUS CRADWOHL, Ageat fer Freak Brar., Portlaad THE ALBANY FURNITURE BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin ft Fisher, Manufactures snd dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully Inform the PbMc that they manufceture to order, and will keep constantly on hand, a complete stock all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that be is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone snd marble work on abort notice. All worn m war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any .nd all kinds of stone, but deal Pfio dpsily in Oregon City repairing and resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purenss in. hMwhera as 1 will not be undersold. hbp on west side of Ferry street oppo ite post office. m REVERE HOUSE, Chat- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This aew Hotel Is fitted np la first elass style. applied with the best "Sf" BedstesverrBoosa. A gaas ssaasas Boasa lor Oaav aaerdal TrsTeiers. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AID DRESS-SAM G. Cutting sad fitting by the new Taylor's Hystsm. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS I. W. & MARY T. COLL Physicans Surgeons. ALBANY, 01X111. fsJ Offer their professional senrtees v l " Una and adjacent eoaauss. wee ma ""-r"! near Court II JUe Call at laoitka and Ce'a Drag Store. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office at residence on First Street be ween Eilswoth snd Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon A Co's. Drugstore. Albany. Oregon ALBANY 8AW AND PLAN INC MILLS. W All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned iumier,iatns ana pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. Insurance. P. P. Nutting, at the Democrat office, has charge oi the following tiit-cisss Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. . HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC3TISH UNION AND NATIONAL A MS FOR SALE. isrh erade merino rams, yearlirgs and two year olds. Also a few Jersey malt i calves from three quarters to fifteen six i eenth bred. Priees reasonable. McKnight Br POWDER Absolutely Pure. ww varies. A marvel tf Silktl , Mure ai muselm! then jg&Tbe nawawi he alt! in fAtnlietition the moiUtade on low teet, short mHi, tlutn or rae powaete. aoiu only in can., kotai. P-weaaOo. f06 Well Stmt, K. Y. leura SJre HSHllh'a C, m4 wkal the Be v, Mr cKlaUtrjr aa la aay a aval It. To nta Psauc ; I here heea a fearful stiff rr for Sfteea yeans. auet nf the Uone with what hae heea sJletf Koaeaaaor Salt Khmm, Peoriaei etxl Um. ami the like, end haeeatwaye heeatebl that there m ao ear far aw, end have hee ao dieeestraaed taat 1 kad ae mm dWltee.1 hare heea ao bedjj erffin fctheerWasylsealto tke moSST, feet at wee aet HassiiJ and ae red ae inmm. It ayasg una sail tassaall white p.,te, hlh hd e leery sfsaseraeis, bat were not deep, faet If 7if or soon efter their Una ei Sara aad rwa leaaahar unu we. a iwmi.lete dry, res eeale. whleh veaMba. eoseeeelnf aaeed alio oreek aad )ek Sery an I ee SssWwlMjS) 9 Vfs I seaai ret about, and could aot drew nneif wtthoat ae- tanee. I Save tried auwr reeaadlee. ead rM tOoio stogie lasStntetos phjretclaa, but have eeer eaayesa oair teeaenrary relief, altboofh helped ..r a tfaae. I soea resapasil afalitale be as badly traablad as erer, ed dttrbar tbe etater of tal end ISt I ssatei sieo saasb ae to he entirely dleeour-Mred . Last Jnrw. bosreeer, I wm advised tWer snd Mre I. C satmrrr, wa ere wen tno a to these v jrottr (Tnct e lUeaatae ; d I felt Bwte eearaga. fresa taefr faeoreble orda Neorebte otduUa of them, it tbe ssooad week f Jul a I snd within ItOI (ct. let) I eat about mm .sdi. esse, i erswBBSiietBMi oi a cnua. MRS, BKXJ, UflfU. loenlf) th.t the shore statement of my wife la correct, aid I JolawMk her In eepreennc my (ret. tude for tbe great boaeSl she be reeeired. B. SMITH. I aarttfr that tbe above eteteeneal u mmd Mr Smith Is e preoaiaeol mea In ibis cuwunitr. wbr livoe. He to a veO-kaewn dealt r tn s -k. end . with Uut of hu wsfc u fssBa .iiii tieredll. Itoaeal Staaotca I. Prweiaee of ttaobee. this twenty sjasSSMI day of Uetobor, laws. I . V. HCKJaBTBT, Mini t r of the OowpoL Latka. I bare aeon Mre Km th reeoaUr end he. Sawahorto bo Uteroogbly aad aersMasaUy asjred. I. C Ut KIN'STHV. Sfy Advent Cb. Cof. P J n, in, and Xe.X If, orpv, nn, MSB, CtTWfas r.0J.tT. lb new Ucod tW.a.r. Cvnct BA aad .rrict ae Max, tbe areai sktn aad beontWors, are sold everywbeso, Prigc, CtTt ctaa, eOe. ; Boer, Ma. ; Eaaot.rwT, It. audi Cltcasleel f., Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is heebj girt n (bst tbe un dniiaDed Admin fatrator of i hs estate of Harbard Sbelton, deceased, baa filed SI a. a a f. - M a a on unai aaoouui tn ins rnauar or naia ae tata in tbe fJounty Court of Una county. Oracoa, and the Judge af aald Court has made an order accord inn to law directing this notice to be pub Ha had, and bar ap pointed Men-lay the 6th day of January. 1185 at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. in., of ssid day an tbe time fir the heariiu of objections to aaid Anal account su l the settlement thereof. Harvey Shklta, PoWkix fc Bif.YKV. Administrator, Attorneys. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- H14IIIE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1SSS. By a. f. unEKKT) sftustea at corner or First and Montgomery Street. Albany, Gregen. Having taken charge of the s hove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, -Haw sad Grist Mills. Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Casting of every description. Machiaerv of all kinda renal red. Spe cial attention -given to repairing farm tea- onmery. ratterv Making dose la all US forms, I6:llyl . F. CHERRY A SON. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. - . . t Al m ldy1 Vegctablo Compound, Ihat nets OJiectly upon AeljiVcr j coring the many diseases Ust4epjT0 that un vjorrantcrgan,nndftntiig the nn herons ailmaMs arise from its :tion. Buch aa ice. Biliousness, i, Sick-headache, 'eta Jt is therefore a ltfo Jjave dood Health must be'keDfc in order' SB. tAJTPOED'S LIVEE INYIGOEATOE Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Pariues Uio Blood .Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. JUR. SAOTOBD'8 LIVEE TJfVIGOEATOE. J.n experience of Forty years, and Thou sands of Testimonials prove its Merit, ft yOH SALE BY ALT, DEAUEBS Df MEDICINES. Vor fnU information send your address for 10ft mm Book on the "Liver and its diseases," -te issffseXyWD SI IWSKS W.. V9t "II.. DRjSMEORD'S m Ba dTW 3 sStMsflakv W CEslBBBBBBlBBBBBBllBBBBBa V INVIGfJtlATOR wssai sires timi ( Krete ear regular curresvondsnt ) WaSijikoTon, Kov. 10, l&4 In two weeks Congress will bio. Three months later Prwlrltsf Clevt land will bo Inaogarsted. From now until tho (ourth of Msrch th Capital will be in a ferment. After 'he fourth of March the torment wll not he Hblo to express Itself In any. thing mlider than explosions. In the midst of this Joyous,fieitin crista It behooves tho Democratic par ty to he calra.and clement. Turn the rascals out, turn some of the already marked and condemned rasesJs out tttfi eater than the 4Me of March, Sat after they am out, hasten slowly or yon will hurt some who are the re verse of rascals, , and you may hurt the Democratic party Irremediably. you have heard of defeats wivo were really victories, let us beware that do not a!low(cur victory to prove a rutu. This is whst our enemies sre hoping and predicting it wlildo. But wno are the condemned rases 1st The d d rascals ar first the Dud ley I tea those wba like Dudley have left their desks and to difisnce of Civil service laws and common honesty, have been fighting for their country's enemy while receiving their country's pey. Treat them as much like deserters to the enemy ae tbe con ditions of the ease will allow. Capi tis! punishment ! not allowed in pol itic but happily you ean take off BaSi eHrlaJ beads. They have had their trial, off with their official heads. Then there 2s another u t who may not be Dudley I tea, but they were ap pointed by Hayes and their tenure Is an outrage against Vpx popoU et vet Del. These special sppclntees of Hayes, Uperman, Chandler, Evarts, Ke logg af , should go without d U cri ml nation. For eight years they bsve eaten the bread of theft. It is too long, too long 01 Lord. Lv that crime be avenged at once, so far as may be. Pur this reason the talk of offering fschurs to a pi see in the Cab inet is sserilsgf, treason, bane and wormwood, or worse, If yon knows name for it. Schttrs wae Hayes Secretary of the Interior, and genteel banishment to tbe Court of Vienna is good enough for him. It Is true that Seburs worked ftr Cleveland end persuaded a few Germans to vote for btm, but the German vote did not materialise very welt la any impor tant or decisive strong hold. We are not indebted to it fur the admk istrs tlon which is to be, and If the Inde pendent Republican contigent must he recognised In the Cabinet, It can be recognised by the a point meet of some one less obnoxious to Tilden,to Hendricks, sod to tbe party that elec ted them in 1676 than Hsyee'ex -cabinet officer, . The next cuts of rascals that should be turned out sr - not so emphatically rascals as they are loafers. They do not work, were potspnolnted to work. They sre the soos, nephews, cousins, nieces, danghie rs, sunts, mothers-In isw snd friends of prominent Repub licans, snd when I say they do not work I mean precisely what I say, is notorious, and honest Repobll can offlee holders will bear me out iq the assert ion, that there sre hundreds on tbe psy rolls whs do practically no work, while there are many who do not work one half their time. These people are paid st the rate of from $900 to $2500 per annum, and their presence on the psy roll la a crying shsme. All la the Idas of latare. Taoe nothing in the line of asagte or ears tor about that wonderful aad popular medicine, Parker's loale. It is simply the best and most scienUie ooea bi nation possible of tbe essential principles of these vegetable curatives which aot powerfully and directly on the stomach, liver, kidneys and blood. But there neither is, nor will be, any sueoeesful Imitation of Ik It Is all the time earing th m wh b si despaired of ever getting well Kor yourself, your wifo and chil dren. Newcrop of omatoaa (oauntxl) at Head Jt Browneli'a -THE S BEST TONIC. ? This modlein, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cores Dyenepela. ladleeetloa, WenUneee, I is pure blood, M sisjrls,Chtlle snd Fevers, it ml Neuralgia. . . . It is an unfsllins remedy for fkiun of tbe Ki iluers aea L.1T6T. it im tnvelnehle for Diseases peculiar u Women, and ail who lead sedentary lives. Hdocs not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation ether Iron wtmtieinei tin Itcnrfcheaand purines the blood, stimulates I 'ia unrxjtite, aids tbe asslmilaUon of food, rr r Heartburn and BelchiDg, and strencth tho muscles and nerves. - , , ! .r intermittent Feers, lassitude, Lack 0 . i t:rsj . Ac, It has no equal. -The ge-nuine bos above trtde msrk s ' it(H i led lines on wrapper. Take no ou ac "! hr RSOW5 CHKaiClt CO., BALTIBOia ' aotaro, woodaro a oo.j W holessA gents ,Portlnd a a a a - n m m m 9 is s m isi as aVracTix arena. One of tbe most affrotioa soenes that Is hae eeer bren withio see protrinoe to witness, took plttoe last Fiiday mi the arrtvs of the steamer from below at our whatf. Ii hroaght home again s Irek horn. The meet tog he-. i his ehill of pioaeer hirth aad ns Timothy i of bIMieel eognomsn and bartaroug birth formed the sosee. Tbe subject of our sketch is Mrs. Wsrrea, who area bom at Lpwal,Kov. '5th, 1887, and Is s daughter of Res. Sauldiog, srho crossed the plains ia eompaoy with Dr. Whitman In tbe 7y 18W. Mis. "vYarree's toolher sod Mrs. Dr. Whitman were the gret two white women who ever ornewsd tbe Kooky range. The parts wame into this sect i an of the then wilderness, end after remaining s short time divided com pany, Rer. 8aaelding remaining et Lap- wsi and Dr. Whitman proceeding to Walla Walla, where whet Is known as tbs Whitman mission was lishid. At Lapsrai Its v. 8pailding aooo gained the eonfldenee of the Indiana, end made asaay oonvertV tohe Oh listiatt raliKtntt, and to-day bis good works shine forth like atsra in the fltmsment. At Walla Walla Dr. Whitman established a school ia eoctnertioo with his other missionary .work and all vent well ft a decade of years. About this time the u'lject of our sketch bad grown from the prattling babe of 37 te within s few steps of "budding woesanbosj," and It was deaeurl beet by her parents tn sand her to the Wbitmsn school et Walla Walla, wither ;she west, at the aga of ten years, just prior to the memorable and blood -eurdlins maesscrs at that place, lira. Warren has a distinct reoollectioo of alt the scenes of that horrible hatehsrj aad ralatee them in detail as though they were of ooourteoon within the (sast few dere. Abe goes on to relate that when the mesas ore oc curred some siaty or set en y emigrants had jest arrived Iron serosa the plates, Ail the men st the mtssaai were killed not ooe ewraj ing. Th- nn and children were taken prinrs, with the exemption of t-s. Dr. Wbitmsn, wl o was murdered Issoaose of tbe intense feeling ef the Iadians again' her hus band. The prison era were held in cap tiviiy for some three weeks by tbs In dians, living upon such fsie as those inhumsn red devils would allow them. Under such eireumstsn at these jmor women snd children mourned tbe lose of husbands, fathers snd brothers and none near to comfort them but the un feeling red devtla who bad ruthlessly murderd those who bad loved aad oaied tor team, snd to natter whose fortunes they bad consented to leave happy homes aad tome into ths western wild erness. At the expiration of three; weeks of the most intense bodily and mental suffering, these poor captives were res cued, end none t aooo either to save men of the little ones from death by exposure aad fltreatment by their bru tal captors. Col. Ogdeo, then chief in command of the Hudson Bay Company, went to tbe rescue, of the prisoneis snd by paying a ransom succeeded in gain ing tbe liberty of all of thelu, except E'ixa Spsulding, who ewes her liberty te the Indian whom she cams hers to yiait snd soother one who s few years sinoe took hia departure for tbe-Mhappy bunting ground." Etixa's father and mother, wbowere then at Lapwai, bearing of the massacre at Whitman mission, and being in fear for their daughter's fate, consulted with "Timothy " snd "Eagle," who were but too witling to go in sestet) of their child. They accordingly started immediately for ths Mission, but on arriving there they found that tbe Iedtang were un willing to let Elisa go with them. Mrs. Warren remembers bow Timothy plead with her cap tot a for her release, and when &be would cry he would teke her handkerchief, wipe tbe tears from her eyes, snd ear to bar, in tbe Indian ton gue, "never mind, poor child, I will take you to your father and mother' These woohitifM finally succeeded In securing Eliza's release,atid seemed almost over. joved when thny were once fnir'y on the trail, herself pn ths hsck of a cay. use, homewarti bound, where they ar rived rtnnin three dayj Hiiheeqositt. A fsw years after this oocurmuee Rv. Spaulditip, with hia family, removed to Brownsvillt ,Lirin county, Oregon, where he spent the afternoon and evening of a useful life, snd the setting sun threw back a smile upon bis finished work as the spirit took its flight. Mra. Warren has not been back to visit the scenes of her childhood sinse leaving Lspwsi, thirty-seven yrs ago, although she does not look to be more than that many yesrs of age. Sue is indeed sn extraordinary woman, both in point of memory, education snd gen eral information. She left bar home in Brownsville for tbe sole purpose of see ing once more the good old Indian wbo rescued her, in dsys gone by, from her captivity among thn savages. Shs tel egraphed to Hon. John Silcott before leaving home to inform Timothy of her coming. This was done, and wo never witnessed a more anxious waiting than thst of this Iodise. Ths uetins the psrtiss, too, was very eflW-ting. I" hey were driven to tbe Raymond hom for tbe purpoee of having an inter v iw but owing to thelady'a having fore9n the lansuaaa she had le-od in ht-r ahUdhood, an ioterpieter ws pr wired in the person of Jsswpb Hhieter, efkar wbiek many reminieeenere wwsa bronchi op enough to mre then fit! a page ad our paper, end we are more then sorry hat ws csnnot givs the whole inter view which occurred between Timothy snd Mrs. Warren, Tbs most iftUrestif g feature of Mre Warreo's, visit to Idaho ws bar visit to the ageaey, where she f end many ttriwara set 1st - - . s - asaweesj W BM fawsjawawag aawawejp Q nev mind the scenes of her ehildhflod. flhe visited lbs old boo as ahem she was hern. It looked somewhat changed in Its ester! or appearance and the sur ra and ings uon ths outside were alter ed some ;lbut on lbs iost.te eras tbs asms old adobe chimney, snd upon Its hen rib sat "an old Indian putting fuel on the hlese already started in the fire- ptaon. He wee the sense proa whom shs bad left in tbe almost sn isition( st the same fire side, eins i hirtv -seven yesrs before s deaf and dumb ledisn who bad made bis home in her father's bouse and who made himself useful to her mother by rocking the e red la of the first-born nf what is now Idaho, bat then Oregon. At the entrance of Mrs Wsrrea the poor old mute rose np slowly end looked at her far a moment and then seised her by the hand snd showed all the j ty that such persons eaa by their sUent means of S;rreeing their feelings. Hs would make signs snd motions that these who were present could understand to oonve-w tbe ides thst hs held her ia bis areas when she was s little bene. Many of tbe old Indiana at tbe agency recognized Mrs. Warren and would cell her Biisa tbe inula they saw her, abowiog that tbe J It at white ebUd born among them bad made a deep impre avian on their mnds and was yet dear to their hearts. Such a scrap of history as ths life of thkf Isd? affords cannot be hist though tbe actors may pass awey. Oir interview with Mrs. Wet ran did not as tend over a period of mors than one hour, yet we have aet given eur toad eta but a brief outliee of it. HU expressed herself ss not only as. ton is bed hot pleased with tbe progress of tbe country, She said it seemed like simply a happy drssm. tbst sll ths wild seenees of thirty years ago should have pessed swsy, snd -not a trail or even a stone, so to sieek. left which Uhe first settlers might recognise. We know that oor readers will fe that we have dealt with this interest ing suhjact ia a parsimonious meaner regarding the record we have made of it, but our space is unusually limited this wsek, srd we ean ony ask for bearance on their part .Vas Ves JT ra Joe Simon is chsirmsn nf the Repub ticsn Stau Central Ommittse. It is ssid that on Thursday following the election, when dispstcbea were rising received announcing the election ef Blsins, Joe received s private d'apstch from s frisnd in New York, informing him that New York had gone for Cleveland sad advising him not to bet on Blaine. Joe had, during tbe cam paign, bet a large sum on Blaine, to, when be received this dispatch from his friend, he quietly 'put a lsrge sum of money in tbe bends of s friend in Port land to bet en Cleveland, and at the same time allowed bis Republican friends te believe the associated prss reports were true, while bis friend was betting bis money with tVose Republi can friends on Cleveland. If this is true, bis conduct willretire him to tbe abode of the rejected. A rtsTisa aiaa. Iu Cincinnati af si xreen-y ear-old girl recently diml after s faat of fifty-two daya. She had teean attack) by some thing like paralysis which rendered it impossible for her to take nourishment. Ths human system cannot thrive with out good food and gxd ability to digest iu Wejk snd impaired digestion i recti 5-l by Brown's Iron Bitters better than any other tonic in tbe world. Mr. J. E. Freeberg, Pomery, lows, says : ' I used Brown's Iran Bitters for dyspeis and poor appetite ; com pletely oured me." It will cure you. a . ' Isrrd. Cbiet Justice Coleridge, of asv " England, JJaaid from the bench of the supreme court in 1881 : Judges are weary with calling attention to drink as the principal causa of crime, bot I oannot refrain from saying tbst if they could mske England sober they would shut up nine-tenths of the prisons." s m s Mr. Edward Wendel.Fettermea.Weet Va.. suffered tsrribly with neuralgia and doctors failed in giving relief, He was cured by St. Jacobs Oil, tbe mar velous pain-cure, snd says he would 1 sand a hundred miles to get it. HO 19 nmum depieiiib. tr-r-as Kt'lTKi Y THS warm's I tVnprraifre igjas KgiUr oi . U. h.ld IT ... fjt. k 'it- ,. W. . r. D "a) till a. a -. at s,s " -r - rt'r Visjsssj ctmloct-d l.MsH h A com tttuatoauu wa i.o-. iue National 8opt. of Y.mug Worn...'- sgsweMaa metMlittg s course M read- M r ( mm, . f -St ". Ok ' ' , - vss mm: n rr'nfeni. apint ed a eomuiivtee fo at, c. cottrM uf resMlifj4, A oon m.,1 icaii. ss ttd fmm tbe ean.e Supt., aeJxu.g that shonee a flow.., aul w i.irwnt our Youn,, W-w. 's Dn artmeMt the World's Pir so,,,, fl, li i cbarge J xkm mat.r... ) ,otnn a committee wae s.,eiutd u in-a r tsugefoenu for giving B Ne Y ar'i jt . . vwwption, ae-.,t n o Ke hlit a' r,e Hall try hr T. W. a T. U. Th Hall to be d.-.; r us I ud rcf e- hujnu ssrved. sftr she rsading of a moat appropriate...., Ia.s.fif.,1 t-m .-r , elect jrn, th (Juin e Ij Mirtat. No greet w.wk weaeeaw wrouiht out in .eeblen.s sod t. J,n M i-va.' aerit was no ptienvr, th ncH hi b-edf t 0 . sy tor years m iUlf .rd jkit. pcrwN.. ed for the truth's eak-,ho wr .te within the walls of his prison -houe tbs storv of bis immortel idlgrim, bis sjiefa and final vi0-ory. None but a fe sottl could have create! ..eb a cliar-ct. ar. In htm the promise was verified, The truth shs'! males yen frW Those who would make the work) wstter ere called to a warfare "not against flesh snd bio d. but seminar principalities, against psrsrsart, seinst the rulers of tbe darkness of this world. spiritual eriekednaae ia bith P'sa.' Whrrrfore they ace exbortsd to put on ISe whole armour of God.tbst tbey may be "able to witbsund ia tbe evil day," and having dune elltto etaod. Tbete cornea a time when ssa m...i results. When, bsving obeyed ths deepest . ictirfnt uf brshv te S. . - ' ne triitn. tcere remains but to endure! rith courage ehalvrr d ceasnre and hatred that o'iedienoe may have called oat. If any self-ietereat, any lower alle giance than that due to tbe High nitwir, and to the purest idee! reced ed by Hia spirt', any tenderness that makee us untrna and unloving to those who need as mot the orrat multituds of the Inst whom Jewus rm to if any of these thiuga "mov" na, then are we not in a etnt,. of the truest freedom, and our cun will l bitur when we oome to the dregs presented by the hand of Death. In these days of tri-l and ont.fliot it te good for us tn rrat on the immutable Word, snd soma nf the wot Id's truest philoaoibrs and noU-ien msy alio give power to the faint." The Srst is from Kdwsrd Thompson, tbe aeojrd from Senate : "Th world cannot hnre Christ. The earth is not deep enough for His tomb, the clouds sre not wide cough for Hie winding sheet; He ascends into the baavens, but the heav ens csnnot contain Him. He still lives in ths Church which burns uneonavsssst with His !ove ; in the truth thst re flects His imags ; in the hearts which horn ss He talks with them by the way." "Life is warfare,od those who climb up aad down steep paths and go throe gh dangerous enterprises era the brave men snd tbs leaders in the camp, but to rest basely at the cost of others' labors ia to be s cowstd, safe Wanes despised. A few earnest words from "the mother of us sll," Mrs, E. J. Thoap- son : "We sll agree that this battle is the Lord's ; and vet many are tbe opinions aa to how it slroubj be fought. In view of this differenc- nf opinion tbe inspired admonition my be remembered with profit enywhaio and always : 'When ye atand praying, forgive, if ye have ought sgsmst. ai.y.' Tell ths dear sis ters of the whit rihbou army te reiid Mark is, 50, latter clause cf the verse. It is s simple prescription, but I do believe if we fellow it carefelly, our blessed union will lie pr-eerv.i invio- )ste,and the God of Jaftb. ill through it perform Hia righteous pleasure l a . 1 a wswaeiy, xcute jnogment lor ins or. - Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lion sago, Seek a ch a, HeeSaeh, Teottaese. Sore Tbreet, awclllusre. astralss. Brakes, Unrssa. Ntewlsla, l'ro.1 Btltca, am aix erasa bodut rnxs aks Antes. SM kj DrstfU. si.4 IiJsr. n.i vwfi nfty Ctu bwris LHrv.!lmi. le II uuuh. CURED tbub chakucs a. vooaxaa oa. eise.TOuxuaoo.) SalUssers, SaV, C. B. A. FOR. 3FuflLljXr. TEST YOUR BAIDIQ POWDEE TO-DAT! gjeraely "'SFbSTm m THE TSSTl rSSSsaSSSKWs WW HOT COWTAJg A TIE TEST If TBI 1719. PRICE BAKING POWDKB tt 1 Prijgi fecial Ytotiiu atraft, Dr. Priot't bsnayjjgj Ttttf tffmt 'asV-1 FOR SALE BY CMICACO. LIGHT HEALTHY BREA9 8W YEA5TGBVS Svy.saa y ia rsiaad by Utto yeast ta mat. wMS tfse ear awaessetssrt eMstssj OROCEwS SELL THfSJb Price Baking Powder Otw, InTiitf Br. PncfrijKttl nwtnif teasL Basamao. n t. at. Lawia. sia For sale sy CbUief, Merle east Co., rWtaase. Oe. e ti Red OrownMills ISOst, LANNING 4 CO., PROPR'S. BEST STORAGE FACIUTIBS. Highest 3Prica in Cash fer 'rice in Wheat ALBAN YOR. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED QOETZ.) Will keep a futl supply of good me is st bottom prices, ALBANY, OREGON. Chairs ! Chairs I Rawhide bottom chairs for both eld and onng at bottom prioaa at tbe factory of He PUTNAM, Albany, Oregaa JJARDWARE OF A.VL KIXD& Azss, mattocks, brush bonks, ploks eboveiSrSpedsa, forks, gi liidatemsa. wheel barrowa, wringers, ropes, and almost everything you want, can be had ohssn for cash at races idt Stewart. aTITJTLRRY. The beat Use of serially in tbe aller swa be found at our store, ft embraces pock st st a as as er . a Knives, taote knives, rerss sasj batcher knives, hunting knives. paring knives, shears and scissors of all Ktnde. snd the best lne of rtuors ever brought into Alijany. Come and see for your selves. Par ens a Srawi po R SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine Bailee above Lebanon. 40 acres tn cut tivation. 10 acres els'hed snd sown to grass Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap, Inquire at this office. Notice of Assignment, a tkt Cirvmt Court of fas Jfssat mf for the County ay Lkm . Ia tlg matter ef the Assagaseeat 1 of Chaj. B. al on tag aa. ) Notice is hereby given te all araditaea ef Chaa. B. Montagus, that ha has this daw made aad filed with tbs Clark id the CtiwaSt Court of tbe State of Oregon for Lies swsasy to be recorded, aa assigameot oi all hia praw srty. real and personal, to ase the asdsraisw ed, snd that all creditors of said Caves. B, Montague are hereby notified ta pr asset tbaar claims uadar oath to me at tbe store ef said Chaa. R Montague, ia ths City af is said county, witbia tares aasa tbe date hereof. Dated at Lebanon on Kov. Sth. 1SS4, J. WCssaan. Asstf, ksbc Powsxl a Bilykv for Assignee. It f ""v iOR BALK. One half block in tern part barn will af tbe city with fair house sasd on ear will he weld o. o oataaBT. c a.eeaKas ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sucoeseors to C C. Cherry.) Machinists, lillwriglits, aid fm Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW 8H0PS AIX completed, and are now prepared to handle an kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Braas Castings. PATTERNS MAM OS SHORT NOTICK. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also msnnfae tore the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Sbsp am Baker St. asiss a f emSwr Sara. Albary, Gr Dec 1, 1880. ItSf WMOItJL. ns aiiiin sas mam