U. P. CKcam Preeohjagsvery Sabbath, at 11 a. m., aad 7r.it by Rev. fi. O. Ir rme, i. IK Sabbath School at 2: SO r. a Prayer meeting every Wedneasday evening. Evakobucal Church. Preaching on Sab Vath at 11 a. v. , and 74 r. M. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thars day erening. J. A. lioUsabaugh, pastor. Ooxorbu attoxal C H v bch. Senr icee erery Sabbath at 11a. u. and 8 P. M. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of eaoh week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. CatRcu, SovTB.-SarvoM held every second aud tourth Sabbaths in eaoh mnti at St. Paul's If. K. Church, South, at 1 1 a. m. Sabbath School at 2 SO p. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thars day eveuug. C. ii. Carson, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. ud 7i p. m. Song service in the eveu.ug before sermon. Sabbath School tt 2.30 P. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, lie v. M. Judy, pastor. Prhrbytlria Chxrch. Service erery Sabbath morning and evening in Church cur. Broadaltin aud Fifth Sts. Sunday School at '2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Christian Chcbch. Preaching every Sab oath at V. C. T. 17. Hall.at 11 A.M.& 7:30 P si. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock P. M. Rev J T Kloyd, pastor. Fiasr Baptist Cbcrch. Preaching every Saboatn at 1 1 o cluck a.ua. .at Caurou oa 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. 1 raver meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Brownaon, pastor. rxivKKSAi.ira CucacM. Preaching every aoaad aud fo urth Sabbath of each month ii Crawrord a Hall at 11 o'clock. A. X. 7 o'clock, p. 34. The mat al react irat B nuuoilv and uert. uk i ids legiumai ro- ottft "I over l only years practical .xpeneoc, by a TUWBOt 4.HL1 WI UIHtU stA I AT a niTaiCtAXot v n oJ lb. hi host tul--cl ol kr in Europe, ad cures with uidsUinf eruniv Nervous and Inrstoal debility, semi 2. weaa&eas.spen&eior- rhoea, orastatoraoea, emaauons, I n pol eucy, exhausted vitality, pre- mature decline aau loss manhood in all its oomplieatioos and tram whatever eaM psWaB ced. It enriches and puriAss the blood strengthens the nerves, braiu, muscles, dlMUon, re productive onrxn sod physical aad mental BscoJUes It stop- any unnatural, debilitating- drain npon the srxtsm. preventing involuntary losses, debilitating dreams, seminal losses with the urine, etc.. so le traet ire to mind and body. It Is a sure ellmluaU of all kidney and bladder complaint. It eeatalon no ismrious ingredients. To those snffennjf from toe evil effects of youthful BBjsBsBBBaa. s speedy, thor ough and permanent cure is Ul'AKANTKED, Price SO per bottlo. or flv bottles la case, with full di rections aod advice. 10. Sent secure trom observa Uoa to any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. D., kO be kud oul of DR. C. D. SAL FIELD, ?IC Kearney St., Snn musclar. sal- Consultations strictly confidential by letter or at ffl-s FREE. For the convenience of patienU and in Mler to insure perfect secrecy I have addopted a pri We addrosi under which ail packages are forwarded TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. 6ofaeieat to show its merits, will be sent to any applying by letter, stating his symptom sad l Communications strictly confidential, Dr. SPINNEY, NO 11 KEAKNY ST. Trent all Chronic and Special YOUNG MEN iithw vi at re scffeux nou V f eflct of youthful loihes or buiscreUon, will o well to avail themselves of this, thegreatest boon ever laid at the ailar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY wi!! sniaran&se to forfeit tSOCfor every case Bendnale weakness or privats sassses of say kind or cancer which be undertakes and hulg to cure. HIDDLftAiEB MEM. L..-.J ara rut. ; a, the age at :h.-.. A a te dxlf '- tr-ubled with v frequent evacoatiuo of the blad often accomianIed by a hght smarting or burning s patient cannot account fur. On examining the ttrioary depoaiu a ropy sediment will uften be found tod sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, r the color will te of a thin milkiah hue. again chne iag to a dark and torpid appearanoa. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal wpskusss Da. 8. wiil iruarac'wee a perfect cure in all such cases, sod healthy restoration of the gsnito-ormary organ. Omcs Horn 10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Sundays front 10 toll a. a. Cotnu.'talio& tree. Thorough exmiaaUut nd ad vice, - For cr: vats 4:easssaf shsrt stsndrng a full eonves medicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, ill be imit to any address on rscetpt of $10 00. Cali aio- address, db trmm A co., 71 N. 11 Kearnv St. San Franctoco. Cal To the Unfortunate ! DE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 KEAM5Y T., corr.ee of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. t Established in IS-, for tasstmerit of hsnnal (and Seminal Diseases, each fconorrhea, Cleet. - trlrtsrre,Hy nsilllsin ai saVsaaSsHESR : . forms. Insnotearr amtal WenJuseas, ni.ht losses by dreams, pins p'.tm r- the lace aad loss of manhood can positively be cored. The rick sod afflicted should not fad to call pea him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in nanen, &nd inspected thoroughly the various nospi isls there, obtaining a grant deal of valuable tmonaa ti.' ,-i, which he iseompeterit te impart to those in need oi Li aery-ice. DR. GIKBOX will make no charge m:'.Km he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAR BE itl.il AT HOME. All ..-or tnunicaUons strictly confidential. You see so one bw. the Doctor. Send ten dollar for s package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they se this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Cali or write. Add roes DR. J. V. GIBBON, &x lfi7. San Frmtcisco. The Doctor cures when others fail. Try him. vllnAt The Great English Reme dy. li a never failhnr curs for Nervous Debility, Seminal I Weakness, Exhausted Vi Itsiity, Spermatorrhota, IOM MA.MIOOW, Im- 'otency, Parslyhis, and all . lerriaM rtlecis of heif- A ln, yobthiul f IHts.sml 'ito.oiii inallirer years- lIi as loss of Memory. I Lassitude, Emission, Aver Ision to hociety . Dimness of Vision, Hon in the Head; the vital ffaM psaring aaobatrTed into the urine, and many other diseases leading to Insanity and death. MM. ttlf I IE will agree to forfeit Five Handred taolfar. for a. caie ot this kind the Vital Best ra il ve (under his special advice and treetment wi'' not sure or for anything inipurs or injurious found In it. Dr. M in tie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation free. Th irouah ex amination aixiadvioj including analysis of urine, Rb. Price of Vital Kestorati ve,$LM a bottle, or four times the quantity ', sent to any address upon receipt of price or C. O. D, secure from observation and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MINT1E, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, CaL Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, stating symptom, sex ud age. Communications SU'ictly eouhditial. Dr, Mintie's Kidney Remedy, Nepbreticum, cures all kinds of kidney and bladder coraplaints.gonorrbaea, elect, leouchorrhflea. Por sale by all druggists fl a Dottle or six nettles for SO. Dr. Mlntis s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheap est Dyspepsia and Bilious cure in the market. For ale bv all drtumsts. I , for the working class r "!-. -- 1,1 " "xi, iiiMi uccf m loyal vaiuavie uox of semple goods that will put vou in the way of mak ing more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the time or ia spare time only. The work is universally adopted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 60 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparapllei ed o:f-.r ; to ail who are not well "Hitisicd we will end 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Pull particulars, directions, etc., sent free, Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Gr at success absolutely sine. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stikbok A Co. , Portland, Maine! T mk? y i .ii, r, A - D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSOEIPTION San flriB3!roorftt not ism - .- m9 R-'y .-VAaff-:-. afS DR. UEBIC Private ssisatesiaary, 400 Gear; aw, tan franciscv Cal Conducted by Qualified Physicians and burgeons regular graduates. geTTbs Oldest specialists In tes United States, ntedong eaperienue, perfect method aim pure ttiedtrlue, insure sfteegy end permanent suras of sll lmale, t brvi.ig and Mervwas Diseasea Anectlonsot the lllod, Skin, lUineyn, Hlatider. Kruptions, Ulrs, Old Sores, S welting of the U lands. Sere Mouth. Ihrat Ucnv 'IVum.pemiansui'y cured aud sradi iwtid frtun the vsteat for lite. NKKYIt Debility. lniHeny, fliiBliadi Lusssa, Sexual Dooay, Men tal and Phjskal Weakneea, t ailing Memory, Wsak Byes, Stunted Ds velonient,tmpsdtSiieiits l.. Marrtage ess., f rest excess or y oulhrul loihes. or any cause, speedily, sal sly and privately cured. Yenas;. Middle-A grd and Old mets and all who need invdtual skill aad experienos, uonsult the eld Kurupsan l'hysiclsii st ouce. Ills pinion costs nothing, and may save fulttie misery and shame. When tnonnvenlent to visit Ui otty for .aad koines can be sent everywhere by enweastreTtrom observaUon. It Is self-evident tht ayaTciaTwho gives his whole atvenUoo to a okas f l)TiTr.--"-- ir---' skill, and phy sicians through oat the country , kning OiU. triUei.Uy reouiumend dUacult oasssVu the eldest stcU1u, by whom every known good remedy hi used. The Doctor s age aau sxpavteace make hat opiiUea ol suprsnte luulaaee. l .i w.. n mm t.u ana but the Doctor. Coii- ... uu-redlr confidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere lallv stdtclted. PSSSSls lillllll WiruUy I The Doctor will serve to forfeit l.tw a case un dertaken not cured. Call or write. Hours, daily ,rrvtn am.totn.nx., etoS evenings j Sundays U onlv. Send for the fianitarist Ouide to sent free. Address as above 10 to Msanh. DM- UBKN1 1 vVeadrrfnl airrnsan latlgeraUr - - - - -" rnn.iiinl I nun frnm tLa cyeteav tones the nerv, strengthens the ssusetse, checks the waste. Invigorate U wbule system, aad restores the sffltcted to Health and Madness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owm o a ancaUoa. exiled PtusUlorrhss with Hypers si heels, Llla iii.. imiminl Dr. Liebln'a In- vigorator is the only positive cure tor ProeUkrriies, a. i a - an a . . . i e ka 1 i I will, peculiar specuu uwwhi, "w n Til us Price f lev IgeraUr. 9t. Case of six UdUee io. sent to any euuress, cu.eeu mai.v n seriratssni Most powerful electric belts free to patisnta. To prove the wonderful power of the lartgoraUtr. A sn Mottle fijlvnn r Sent fi'rve. Consultation free and irivate. Call or addrase UKMIO MttPK'aiMT, 00 Oearv Btrswt, San Pranvtseo, Cal. t. . - . . . inn j.A..n ft.iir tii i mA . uii , 111, CIIUWHV, WV " -' . Geary Street from Kearney, Mam entrance through DR. ALLEN'S l-atlYATK DIAPLMtAKT. tt Menraj Street, tan FraneUco, t al.. EsTASUsasB ro ttrs Scisxnnc asb srranr Ct aa or cnaoinc, Muroca aso Uncut Duuusat THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLKN. AS 18 WELL KHOWK, 13 A KKU elar mdnated Phisiciau. educated at lk-iltn College and University of Mu higan. He has devutcd a lileUme to the study of and U acknowledged ui ee lbs most expert student la his special ly ou the IV dfie Coast And middle-aged men, who are suffering front the effects of youthful indiscretions or exoassea In asa- turer years, nervous and physical oeouity, impu tence, ios aversion te manhood, confusion of ids, dull eyes. to society, desooodaney, pUapsseen ins face, loss of euogy and eismnry, Meessaneg of arassl lug. stc JaTRcmrm! cr the Poctor has a Tegetable Cosn aened.lh. result ol asany years -4 special practice and hard study, which under his special advice has never failed of ill en la the ears id Last Manhood, prueU torrhea, etc. MI HOSPITAL MXlBrKMCM Baring lean surgeon in eyberge of two leading hospital. able nie to ir. at all private trvutl with sxcelleut reeoiu. 1 ish it distinctly under stood that I don i i.!a'.m to perform irapsssiblJtles, or te have miracoious or supernatural power. 1 claim ualy to be a sitllful sad aucocsstul Phyatcian and aogsen, h:;sugh'.y nfoitaeei n my ; DlfiBAanA OP Mil. Al! applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints- no eipertmeuung. 1 wtUgoar an lee a pueiuve curs in svery case 1 undertake, or forfeit f 1.000. Consultation in otftce or by letter tree and etAcily private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including i-hcmmd and microscopical analysis of urine aad sd viae, a&. Othos boors I to S daily, tt to S evening. Sunday 9 to 12. Call on or address M. Al I I , j tree l, a a Imnrlars, I s) itt , k PATENTS Obta.ned, aad alt other bosinoas in the U fi. Patent Office sttendedsd to lor moderate fees. Our erace w eppeatl the 0. . Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents leas tune than thus reotote trom Washington. Send medM or drawing. We advise as to patent abfltty free of charge , and we make no euarve uaaav ws obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Suj-t. of Mooey Order Div. sod to ofaoaJs oflbeU. h Patent Office Por areolar, advice, terms, and st'reweee o actual dieuts in your own State or county,. address , Opposite Patent Offies, Washingtoc, D "HEALTH AND HOME." Fart Chester I. Y. Circulation 63,ooo.: Edited by W. H. HALE, M. D Thla ia large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and ia ue voted to every thing pertaining ta health and home, marriage, social acience, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hints on health, dietetics, and every lealm of modern science that lends to improve Dentin, prevent aiaease, purity morals, and make home happy. Subscription Price 50 cts. Fer Tear. Address DR. W. H. HALE, ' Health and Home." Port Cheater, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to erery subscriber of the Democrat who pays op or in advance. OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually Mupplaated by Metier Article ertalo old Times are Be Away. lu the general reception loom of the Western L niou Telegraph building on oroadway, New York, are exhibited the coarse, erode and clumsy instru ments of the infancy of tne telegraph They are only relics tow. More perfect machinery has super seusd them. Years ago what is styled the old-fashioned porous plaster did some good serv ice. There was then noth ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Hcience and study have gone deeper into the secrets of medicine ana produced BKNbON 'ti CAPC1NE POK OCo PLASTER, which embodies all the excellencies thus far possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Caprine M rapid ; they were uncertain the Caprine is sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist dose not deceive you. Price 2S cents. Bcabury k Johnson, Chemist, Hew York. Quimby House. QUIMBY & HEESEY, Proprietors, Cor. 4th na V. Sts., l'ortland.Or. ONE GF THE FINEST AND MOST complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct ed both by American and European plana All the modern improvements, 140 bed rooms, well furnished, light, snd wel ventila ted. Firat-ci i nilm; , . i, barber suep. Aa vv. til latest eon venieQ3. A GOOD CHAJICK POK MFBftCMI VEKM. To every subscriber to thi Democrat who paya up his subscription and con Unites his paper, or pay in advance, we will have sent to Mm the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper Is a large eight page, forty column, monthly pap.., and is full of excellent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, bints on health, cookery, ete. This affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the papijr sent to them will please slate so at time of paying their subscrip tion, i OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. Patrnaise men who sdvsrtiss. They arc alive, They mean huxluess. They approulste the uewsjnper. They are Uis tusu to dsal with. Following Is a Hit of the DaSOi-aAV's atUsrtliors this week, In Albany. Call on them ; OeaersJ Msrohandlss- R Young, M. .ninth A Seltenbaoh, N U Allen. A U M tlw .iu. Urocerip llnffnuui A Joaeiih, Frank Reed, Agrieultural Implements FMers A Main, W II Goitre. S k Young, J i.rsdwohl. Hsrtlware Prtrr. A Nlewait, J Cradwohl. Clothlnr t K lusln. I " Fvlwy A Mason, K W Ijtugilon and '.. , Archie Pni.hsw . Stoves snd Tinware - John llr'ggs. Furniture-A II Wvoulu, llrinkaml Sou. Chairs 1, Putnam. Ml" aohuhari. AlxlUa Allwim. ItUltle Foster. lesM Work. II off m m .!,! Joph Iron Wialt A'lierry and IWkss. A P Cbe.rjf and Son. Marbls W.rk A Staiger, O W 11 rrta Flour--Ked Crown Mill.. Magnolia Mills. Lumber Albany Saw Mill. Tibaoco, Knlvs. etc. - Sam Cohen. Meat 1 S lUburta. lintel Rsvers House. Restaurant Jas Madg. Polish II Renloii. have or llslr Cut I. Oampeau, Joe Wsbber. Laundry Men Wa Vlng. Legal Advice K S Staahsn.I'oweU and llllrsii. J R Weihcrford, J J Whim, v, I. If Montanyw. Auiw t " 'own, j r natiaev, m ii Ellis, J W and Mary T Colo . FALL AND WINTER STYLES -or- j V shr-? -f" o trfto wil HATS, BONNETS, BT0., In all the great varieties of designs, just from Hew York City. -AT- Mattie Allison's Just eaat of S. R. YoMBjfl If you would make your selections of millinery from a complete and first-class stock call on her, Sea Lion Silver Polish, Tbia priHih ia man u fart tired from sob marine vegetable aubstauoea and will not mark or scratch the eoAeat metals. For cloar.ing and polishing fine plated ware, jewelry and glmm, s challenge the world for its equal. Nun pie boxes sent by mall for '.'. cents, liberal diaonuot u agnuta and wholesale) dealer. Add B. KENTON, Albany, Oregon. 9 0 a 10 ft I a a. a? h u S W s e MADY'S Lunch House Restaurant TwoOeers Kmmi ol ;dd mow Ten pie, ALBANY, ORE CON 9 nL'iLS IT ILL noiBS 1SD aa ILL PRICES. Eastern, Sboalwater and Yaqnina Hay Oysters. AlYS ON HAN D TUTTfS PILLS 25 YEARS IN U8E- Tke Qreatost Medical Trmmph cf the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.eeef atite. Dowels roet lee Fata ta the head, with a dull sensation Is the back part. Pals under the ahoalder hlade, Fallness after emtlas, wlfhasUaw lar II nation to exertion of body or salnd, Jtfhllllyof temper, Low spiHts. with n feeling of ha vina neclected some dot 7. V eart ness, Dizzlseas, FlatteHsc at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Ilemdaeh erer the rich eye Itestlessness, with atfal dreams, Hlg b! j colored UHae aad siW--&8aT,PAT,OM- 'rUTF PI1X.S are especially adapted to such eases, one dose effects sooli a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. H..1..i...i Jfc - - - - - body to Ta a on Fl It, thus the system Is .and by their Toaiie Aetsena ea lleaoa sals are the, ve uruan, itesruiar a too eafte. 44 leforray St.. Placed. Price TUTTS r.mT IT im n, Wtlur.n. k..aul m. Glosst Black by a single application of this DTK. Jt Imparts o natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of Office, 44 Murray St., New York. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE -AT- PALMER & REY'8 ADVERTISING BUREAU! 40&-7 aanaomo Ht., Han Franelaeo. AND AT PALMER & REY'8 Pacific States Advertising Buraaxi! 46 Tribune Building, NEW YORK. Where Advertising Contract can bo made. F OB SALE, Good farm 12 miles southeast of Lahannn. 160 acres. 50 acres timothy snd clovet meadow. 60 wheat land in cultivation. Ws, watered. Call on W M Phillips on the pi, Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed baa been doly appointed Admlnis trator of the estate of Mrs M CBompus, deceased, by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby noticed and required to pre sent the same properly verified to the un dersigned 'at Harrisburg, Linn county, within six months from the date hereof, November 8th, 1884. J. R Schooling, Administrator. AkiS FOR SALE. igh grade merino rams, yearliaca aid two .year ems. aiso a raw Jersey male ealves from tbre quarters to fifteen six eenth bred. Prices reasonable McKnioht Bxe ays- " ' " " i mWWmWW' 'Vi t FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21, 1884 port lab arir.wR. The Greenland whale has a mode of ingestion somewhat anlque,gulptoa; great volume of water Into its mouth and then ri.rttlning out, through Its whalebone sieve, the small animal, which the water may contain. Fresh -water worms, like the leech and earthworm, breathe by the - tin. The body is always csvered by a vis cid Hulil, which hss the property of absorbing air. The air la, therefore, brought Into Immediate contact with the soft shin, underneath which lies a dense network of blood venst ls, Drinking water seems to be fure- Ished neirly everywhere ontslde of America In a fl ring bottle With a neck about an lucii and a half In di ameter and long enough to be com fortably grasped. In India these ew era are made of pottery, In order to keep the water cool, and 11 Is wonder ful bow well they accomplish this considering the climate. Elsewhere the bottles are of glass, varying some what in shape. Fat people have now their choice between four systems of reducing their weight: 1. the original banU lug, which consists of eating nothing containing starch, sugar or fat. 2 The German banting, which allows fat, but forbids sugar or starch. 3 A Munich system, which consists of be ing clothed In wool snd sleeping In flannel btanketa Instead of sheets. 4. Not eating and drinking at the same time. There Is asanken forest In flew Jer sey which haa been mloed for timber over seventy years. Tue industry or digging the sunken logs is carried on by fhe people of Dennhville.a vil lage which was brought Into existence through the burled woatth el lumber in Its vicinity, ov.-r the sunken for est trees of Urge site are growing, and in many Instances those are cut away to reach the more valuable timber 3 or 4 feet below tne surface, rne sunken trees are of enormous also. Their age la a matter of curious con jecture. It Is probable they were bur led many centuries ago by the action of an earthquake The rate of the blood curent gener ally increases with the activity of the animal, being moat rapid- In Insects, however, It Is comparatively slow, but this Is because the air Is taken to the Wood the whole body being bathed in air, so that the blood has no need to hasten to a special organ. How ever, activity nearly doubles the rate of pulsation In a bee, Tne motion In the arteries Is several times fsster than In the veins, but diminishes as the diatancef from tDe heart Increases. In the carotid of the hcrse, the blood moves 12$ Inches per second, In tbst of man sixteen ; In the capillaries of man one to two Inches per minute ; in those of a frog ooe inch. The Japanese appear to be deter mined to render themselves, aa far ss possible, Independent of foreign coun tries. They have, says the Pharma ceutical Journal, established In Toklo a factory for the production of phar maceutical chemicals oa a large scale, A company with a capital of about 40.000 has been formed for this pur pose. Of this amount the govern ment hss cootilbuted one-half free ot interest for twenty ye ire, besldss making a free grant of land and erec. ting the necessary buildings. A sim ilar company Is taking op the utiliza tion of the watr) sake from the nstlve breweries in the msnu lecture of alco- hoI,and the manufacture of bleaching powder on a Urge sutle has been com menced. I BIOI S VACTA- Tbe tigures produced by Mr. Cham erlain in hit spetoh N PaHi a- m tbe Merchant dhinuing bill eh raj th.i in twelve year 3G.U M) E i Ji-'i seami'u were loM, that in rach ai, on the average, oi seaman out oi ) y-t is drownsd, and that taking the vr age service of a seaman at tweuty-fuur years, one out of eyery three must ex poet to meet his end that way. An English resident in China aays that tbe family bouse boats are one of the most ourioos phases of domestic life in that country. Tbey are about the size of two good ffour-post beds plsosd end to end. Tbey are covered in at night by a roof of bamboo matting,and in them man and wife, grandparents snd little ohildren,cook, sleep and wor ship, the family alter always occupying the plsce of honor. Tbe following is said to be a good substitute for matches where it would be unsafeajto use them. In a vial of clear, white glass, put a pieos of phos phorus about tbe sire of a pes. Fill tbe vial ons-taird full of boiling-hot olive oil, and then cork it tightly. When a light is required, remove the cork a moment and then recork the vial. The empty space in the vial will become lmminous. Tbe process can be repeated as often as desired. "The greatest folly, said Sancho, that a man can commit, in this world is to give himself up to death without any good causa for It, but only from melancholy," It is a wrong use of my understan- ing to make it the rule and measure of another man's ; a use which it is ' neither fit for nor capable of. HI HOBOI IS MATT BBS. Notwithstanding the fact that she la a womsn of polish, tho laundress indulges In a good deal of Irony, When you see "reed birds" on the bill' of fare at somo restauranU read "sparrows'' snd you will be near the truth. In some psrts of Indin, wp nre told travelers are expected to carry their own bed clothing. In this country thay frequently esrry it off with the soap tnd towels. Tht no hotl keep er will deny. "Well how tlo you like school, my boyf 0h. splendid." That's good. Now, what do you like best atx.utyour kjIiooI lifer' Best? Why tho recesses snd ve cations of couiee." You really ought to get a set of false teeih, MehlllU-l." But whst shall I do, Jsrlus,while the old ones sre oat and the new ones being made?" Retire to your closet, my dear.and dont attempt to smile." What did the doctor preach about this mom log?" he asked I believe It was politics.'1 "Polltlesr "Tea. I think It was about prohlb Itlon." m 'What was the text. ' "Idoot remember exactly, but it waa taten from BL John'' "Mr. Jones, the plumber, has chsr ged for the services oft we men, and I am sore one could hsve dene the Job It was only to put a washer on fhe kitchen fsunet" "I know It Mrs. Jones; hut a plum ber, you know always has to have a helper." What forr "To help him loaf, Mrs. Jones." "You would mske a pretty Mor raon," remarked Mrs. Badger. Im agine yourself with two wives." "I couldn't, my deary' responded Mr. Badger. "What would you do If you had two wlveaf "I don't know. I suppose 1 could die." They roet in a dark alley. "Your money or your life!"deman ded the highwayman. The man in the silk hat gave up hi money and drew him Into conversa tion. When the highwayman emerged from the alley he atopped to count his money. It was gone his own with it.every ceot Who waa the man in the silk hat? A bank cashier. Lookhere, Bridget," said a Van Nees avenue matron to her cook the other day, ! really can't allow you to have company In the kitchen every nigbL" "It's all along of the terrible fire In Chicago, mum." "What on ert h has that to do with It?" a "Why, mutn, ever since then I do be afraid of fire, so that I have one of the boys from the engine house around. the comer come and ait with me eve nings. It do mako me feel more comfortable like somehow." A t A til "OB I A TISBTAAUB. Slzteen tboueand dollars from 20 acres of Und will be considered by Etateru agriculturists as varv fair even for California. Hut this Is the sum that K. B. Blowers of Yolo could receive from his twenty acre vineyard of Seedless Sultanas, if the grapes were sold on the market. Those who have visited the vineyard within a few daya state that It presents the most magnificent spectacle that they have ever seen. The vine stalks are allowed to send out four bearers each aud these nro tied to six or seven-foot upright pole. Tbey reach (ne lop raining Mbot it nd causing it te besr h weight of the fruli The vines -re loaded with fiult and the specta cle la presented of twei.iy acres cover ed wltn almoet solid pyramids of lus cious grspes. The yield will be fully twenty tons to the sere and however be put into raisins, which will Increase the receipts from the twenty acres, 6'Ai'cO Enter pri. Boms people appear to feel that they are much wiser, much nearer to the truth and to realities thai, tbey were when tbey were when children. I should not at all wonder if tbe thoughts of our ohildheod,when we look back on it after the rending of this veil of onr humanity .should prove less unlike what we were intended to dsrive from tbe teaching of life, nature and revelation, than the thoughts of our more sophisti sated dsys. Miss Claia Morris hss pot $40,000 of her money into a lovely home, tbe old Cornell mansion. The residence adjoins tbe Morosin House. A curtain lecture Is worth all the sermons in the world for teaching the virtues of patience and long suffering. F OR SALE. Oeod farm, ene r.ile west of Brownsville on the read leading to Halsey, containing 102 acres, oak ridge land, some fise oak groves. all aaolesed, 75 sores in cultivation, a young oronara ana snruooery ; gooa nam and fair house, two flood wells with pumps. Price $2K). one years time on one half amount if . with .ecuritou premises. Call st premises or address D. A. Carter, Egan, i arantoouaty, Or. S4VBD Bf A LOAD Of HAT. "I tell you whst, boys, I've railroad ed it for jrasr and besn tuixl op in all kiods of disasters, but I hope to otoak right here if I want to I the eye witness agsin af tuuh an awful sight as I saw a day or two ago." The sleeker was a hrsksmsn on the Erie. "A day or ho so," he continued, "a tail and bandsman woman got into the ledirV (mi st Dunkirk. With bar was a hiiajht nod interesting hoy, possibly two years of age. The child laughed and croaked and played with the pas sengers. When the trsin left Cattar augus tbe 'omtn,wbo seemed netvous, got out of ber seat, picked up tba baby and started for tbe rsar end of tbs coach. A short distsuee east of (Jattsr suput is a tong, deep gulf, over which the railroad bas built a ligb trestle. The distance from the top of tba trestle to tbs wagon road below ia, perhaps, 100 feet. A sharp and sbqrt oarve leads to tbe trestle. As the trsin rush ed over tbe gulf, a woman's piercing sbiisk wss heard. I looked aod saw aa object leap from tbe platform into tbs rocky gulf. That object, sir, was tbe lady passenger, snd in ber erra', closely olasped to ber bresst, wss hei infant. I pulled tbe bell-cord sad tbe train came to a bait. How it bappe ed, I cannot say, but at the time tbe woman jumped, s load of bsy, drawn by a psir of oxen, passed under tbe trestle. Mother snd child landed squarely In tbe centre of tbe bay and were thus saved from a horrible death. Tbe farmer was so horrified that be jumed from bis wsgon snd dsrted op tbe bill. Tbe womsn, who wss not a .a .a a a a a hurt in the least, sstd her nsrue SS Mrs. Adsm Boell snd ber boms in Michigan. Sbe waa on her way to visit ft tend in tbe oil country. Hers was, indeed, a miraculous esoape. Mr. Hcall aaid tbst sbe could not exp'ain ber action. When near tbe cat door she waa ssuzed witb an insane desire to jump fiom tba train. Tba farmer, a be drove along, was thinking of Ida dead wife snd daughter. When tbe visitors came through tbe clouds, as it were, aud landed ou bis bay, he thought that tbe dear departed bad come beck to earth to revisit him.' C. t f IK Fit.;. Al J Mutton. BBTABTsBB Of TSUIXe. socsa oars. in any kxprkhs DapatSial raaiuiiT trains BAIL THAI! ffWj sores sacra. -AIL TBA IS J ' ''KKIOIIT TRAIN ' " USAJi Y LXHRKMS Arrives at fc.JO A. St S-O0 A St . li ti A. M li wr B irs A. B izx r b s.jo r. b S S& f. B All TreJaa dally, ear sssaa;. Nonca. On and after this date resrulsr tickets will be sold at our ticket office for following point on Columbia river: Upper Caaeade, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallul Walla Wslla and Alnsworth. Will. it. Ru:b, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A ('. R. 1L Co. Albany. June lnth. 188. H ARDWAREOF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, brush honks, picks hovels.apadea, forks, grindstone, wheel barrows, wringers, rope, and alto everything you want, can be had cheep tor caan at fetera x Mtewarl. Final Settlement. Io the matter of the estate , ol Charles M.Tindall, deceased To all whom it may conemm Notioe is hereby given that the under signed erecntrix of the last will and testa meat of Charles M Tiadall, deeaasad. bas filed her final account in said matter in She County Court of Lion county, Oregon, snd that earn Court haa appointed Monday, Dec let, 1884 at tbe hoar of 1 n'a'ock. p. m . of aaid day aa the time for hearing objections to such Deal account aad the settlement thereof. RtTB Aosua Tin dai i . Eiecatnx of said estate. Dated this 31st, day ef Oct 1884. PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM " SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC At First Dsads. THIS WELL KNOWN HOl'SB HAVE OPENED a Breach OSVss and SttooO House at Cor. front ana Tsylor Htreets. Portland, Or., whers thee will carry In stock Portable seat Stationary Saw Mills, rorawi Ti action and Stationary engines and bousra. -new susssuon" tares!) era, horse nnvrs. see., ete. to rue lor illustrated oatsios-us ssul irss address (oi ag this paper.) avasEix st Portland, Orsjoa Red Cro wnMills IS0M, LANXIXG & CO., PROPR'S saw raooass flour superior for pamiuks AND BAKERS USB. BEST STORAGF. ?ACJLITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat A LB AN YOR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, ORECON. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both old and young, at bottom prloea at the factory of Albany, Oregon OR SALE, ne half block In eastern part of tbs elty with fair house arid barn will be sold tMmI"" . "" j ilbWstitaBalaaMKSefSaSan FISHBURN & Oenerul Agent for IRON TRIBUNE AND BUCKEYE ENGINES. D Buokeya P0R013 PUMP Work easy throws at eois slant atreatn If ma Parrelwln ud liBLiler fa fatally . fa the rhfssesl ike beat Pore Pump In th world lor d(sp ur MhaJlow wells. Thenawsidtf la waa la evrry eart l the lulled Sj 1 tea. Jever freeze In the winter. heud ler drew laur aad price. SjAUtM WOOD PUMPS, LIOSK PIPK AWD KITTlNOi OF ALL KISM ) si wsj s on uand arui fumUtied to order. Parties deairint; any article io oar line n i promt tiy attsnoea to by s44retng a nor oaliins; at onr puses of basins on are Htreet, between Commercial aad Krontalem, Oregon. JULIUS GRADWOHL Has Ihe only elnslve stork ef CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar, ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. (ill, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND MM. TUE HIGHEST .MAKKET Remember! What I Say GOODS AS 10W AS HO Fill A -i'iloPKIICTorti uF- ALBANY SODA WORK -AND DEALKRS Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candle. Nuts ONE L)R BELOW AT THE OLD STAND, 72 warn htrret, has on ASSORTMENT Q2r COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa wii j house In tbe llej. lie ia ho Imports sand uianulaclure j TIN, SHEET IRON AND GOPPER WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK MUUSV, A fULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES. THAT DEFs COM PETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done vi&nSft ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAItiER BROS. Proprietors ALBANY, OREGON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS. HEADS PONES Executed In Italian or Vermont MarM. Also, every variety of cemetery and other atone work done witb neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. ritory. afFAll work warranted. 1 7:42 W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUC CIE8, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. SCHOMAKER T if O I . A BJDS in sise. BBSS ! hi at Wind. btrong and Durabla Will oof SHRINK IWELL WAtrr a BATTLE IS TUB WIND, P1UCE PAID FOR EaiOs. I lean. Bin fa a Call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- A JOSEPH, Tobacco, Groceries, P .a and Tropical Fruits. Oregon. Urjl JOHN BRKiGS' STORK. HAND AS FINE At OR TO ORDER. ALSO. HE KEEPS ON at reasonable figures. G COHN & BROea 470 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR 8HIPPINQ AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. O. O CHERRY ri Ait ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwriglita, and Iron Founder.. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX com plated, and are now prepared to handle ad kinds of beavv work, wis asill manufacture stswm KmHiw. riH.t Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTKBUIS MADS ON SHOBT ST1CB. Special attention aHvn trt romirinv all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the Improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Skoa aa Baiter St.-asice s Laas Ber Tarsi. Albany, Gr Dec 1, 1880. I8tf ra AtiEXTs. Following are the Democrat's daly aa khorised areata to receive absoriptioas or money for the same : Lebanon TL Wallace Harrisburg Sam May Brownsville O. P. Cosbaw Halsey T t, pQrfr Shedci's cio F. A. Watta W. K. Kelly A. DeVaney efferaon g. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday Harrisburg Oregos, SS TRAIN, Editor A Proprietor.