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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1884)
Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or, second-class mail matter. FRIDAY., NOVEMBER 14, 1884 STITES & NUTTING. E.IHer aat Proprietors. tmKB r. Xl'TIIfKi B.ast Kdllor. Official County aai City Papar, AVOVKR4. IgnoranceHedging is where a man beto on a oertain candidate, gate seared at an adverse telegram, and then bete on tbe other candidate in order to save himself. As there are men who never hedge, this Is easily done. If you will bet never hedgv Siuk or swim. T, S. -Considerably larger. The total vote in thi county in Jane for Congress man was 2910 ; for President last week it was 3166 ; 226 more. Cleveland received just 8 more votes than Meyers, The vate of ISM was 3092. Highest Yea, tbe highest market price of wheat in New York City was paid in 1867 when it was $3.00 per bu-bei, tbe lowest in 1S8I. In 1843, though, it was down to cants. Floor was f 11 a barrel when wheat was S3. O. I. L, Kerosene was first used for illuminating purposes i n 1826. It is used now. but it rarely ever illuminates. Ker osene, like sugar, gets imposed on. Student The story about Baeon writing Shakespeare is not true, Shakespeare wrote himself, and not wen a returning board could prove otherwise, P. V. Yea, you are right, consistency la a jewel, there are any number of men who will claim the moon i mado of reeks and mod, particularly a preside n Ual election, when it is well established that green cheese is tbe substance. O metal Vote of .Lisa Canal; Following is tbe official vote ot Linn County, as returned to tbe Secretary of State in the late election : East Albany Blaine, 223; Cleveland, 188 ; BuUer, 4 ; St. John, 6. West Albany Blaine, !86 ; Cleveland, 175 ; Butler, 5 ; St. John, 1. Brownsville Blaine, 117 ; Cleveland, 145 ; Butler, 2; St. John, 2. Brush Creek Blaine, 8 ; Cleveland, 36. Crawfordsville Blaine. 39; Cleveland, 25. Center vBJa'ne, 28 ; Cleveland , 32, Fox Valley Blaine. 31; Cleveland, 14, Franklin Butte Blaine, 40 ; Cleveland, 126 ; Butler, 1 ; St. John, X. Harrisborg Blaine, 105 ; Cleveland, 163; Butler, 12 ; St. John, 6. Haleey Blaine, 151 ; Cleveland, 8- ; St. John, 8. Liberty Blaine, 24 ; Cleveland, 22; Butler,!. Lebanon Blaine, 179 ; Cleveland, 173. Mabel .Blaine, 12 ; Cleveland, 8 ; But ler, 10, Orleans Blaine, 49; Cleveland, 15; St. John, 4. Sweet Home Blain, 28 ; Cleveland ,59, Scio Blaine, 31 ; Cleveland, 147 ; St. JohP, 13, Santiam -Blaine, 31; Cleveland, 61. Shedds Blaine, 111; Cleveland. 66; Butler, 5. Syracuse Blaine, 17 : Cleveland, 42, Total Blaine, 1444 ; Cleveland, 1611 ; Butler, 39 ; St. John, 42. Cleveland's plurality ever B'aine 197. Taqnlsa Patters, Thousands upon thousands of fat ducks cover The Bay, with here and there a band ef gssee. rienty of apples on tbe Bay at fifty cents a bushel. Potatoes at tbe same price. Track laying has progressed to within niaa miles ef the Summit, from this side, on Thursday. All the butter sold in this market cornea from San Francisco. And yet there is scarcely a better dairying country in tbe world than tbe country in the immediate vicinity of the Bay. It is reported that one of the Coos Bay coal mining companies intends making arrangements to keep a foil supply of its coat at Yaquina City soon. It will prove a financial success if the price at which good coal is furnished is at a'l reasonable. The story is that Ham Biahof while duck hunting the other day, lost his shot, and being determined to have a shot any way, put his ramrod in one barrel and a rat-tail file in the other, and then blazed away, stringing two docks on tbe ramrod and killing three and laming five more with the file, but we don't vouch for it. City sad Fire Department Elections. The City election will take place in Al bany on Monday, December 1st, and ac cording to present indications will be a very quiet affair, all excitement having been absorbed in the late Presidential election. There are to be elected three Aldermen, s Mayor, a Marshal, aad a Re corder. Tbe retiring Aldermen are A Monteith in the First Ward, A B Wood in in the Second Ward and Jobn Brush in the Third Ward. An effort should be madefto elect first-class men ; that is the vital question in City elections. On Monday Dec. 8th, the regular an nual election of Chief and Assistant Chief Engineer of the Albany Fire Department takes place, and what excitement will arise from that will be confined te fire men alone. friaeville Hews. The following items from the Prineviile News will be of interest to Linn County peo pie : A lively foot race of two hundred yards between Lorin Taylor, of Mitchell, and Girrett Miupio, of Hay Creek, was ran yes terday for ten dollars a side. Taylor won. Mrs Libby Thompson, wife of William Thompson, started on Monday to their new nome near Bid well, California. Prineviile flour h tiken a tumble ; it now retails at 33 per bbi. Bora. To the wife of Billy Prine a few days ago, a girl. William Circles hv bought Mr Lytle's ranch near Urisziy basse, aui wilt move to the comtry in the near future. Mr L and family, we are informed, will move to town S4,0J0, we arj told, wai the consideration of he purchase. Letter List ami ' . .... . ins nioiaj 13 tn nn ot letters raspiiainz in tnsrost iOJiit,,1, uiaa omity, Oregon, Nor 13th, 18$ 4. Person ciiiu far theae letters must give the Sate w whiea tie were advertised. Grabtree, E L Harper. T D Hsn-TUt, M F (2) J unci as, sUss Mar" Mmita, Miss Fannie Rodgers, Qeorge Wagner, Willi :n wsffnon, Damel H Wstson, Jss. J. M. IRVING, Pork Bought. P.M. Highest market price paidf for begs, by A, Cohen, Gall ou G Cohen, opposite McHwain'd.j Carreat vents. The pries of Virgins peinuts to Jobbers is about 5X cents per pound. a W T Cartir, of California during tatt tall, with thru outfits, threshed 480,600 bushels of wheat, yielding a gross income of 824,000. In New York State the regular rate for r hreshinR wheat was three cents, for oats 2 cents. Oregon oan mora than double that Slate. Here 7 and 6 cents are charg ed. About 45,000,006 eggs are consumed lq the United States everyday. Hens should never say tail. 1800 was stolen from the Station agent at Med ford last Sunday evening by mask ed robbers, who compelled the Station agent to open the safe and disgorge, s.O, is a bad country. la a slogging match between Sullivan and lAtilu Monday, the former bull-dog whipped the latter In four rounds. They were both same but John L. struck too hard and often for his opponent. One man In Cleveland, Ohio, held 884,- 060 money plaoed la hie hands en tbe suit of the election. Strange that he did not decamp like bank presidents, but then be was only a sporting man, and oould be relied on. A Rochester, N, Y young lady named Sherman with $75,040, a few days ago eloped with a drummer named Doty, and a bis sensation has been eaused in tbe Flower City, A Boston'ao in 1S75 leased a seat in a theater for 17 years for f 1000 and 4S others did the same. The lessee of the theater died, and a euit was brought against his executrix for damage. The ease, a most peculiar one, waa decided last Monday in the U. S. Court in favor of the defendant. The fool killor never strikes aristocratic Boston, Harvud College hat a new atbletle trainer who gets $200$ a year. Many Col lege presidents who nee their bra! us chuckle at $1500. Elders ion ration Oregon, Tuesday, Nov. 25th, at 7;S0 p. m. Tbe following la the program : TVSDAY.KVE.lN,a7:30 P. St. Devotional exercises at 3 p. m. A paper .by Rev T J Wilson, "The dis solution of the pastoral relation when nmntiH " WKDNKSUS Y XOUUXO, 10 A, ST. A paper by Rev I H Gondii, "The rights and status of unsettled ministers in the courts of the Church." An address by S O Irvine, D. D-"The . WBPKESPAT AFTBRJIOOir, 2 F. M. An address by Dr Petti grew -"The Nature of the ruling Eiders office." An address by Rev Wm R Stevenson, "I be Advantage of the plan of Preeby terian discipline." After each address an opportunity will be afforded for voluntary remarks Pastors and Elders of other Church or ganizations are cordially invited to be present sod participate in the discussions. M, AcHKsoir, President, Sam'l Rautox, Secretary. Statae f Uteri We have received a personal appeal f;nm IhaSnn nf rha Ravntatlnn tett u siatanoe in getting contributions for the completion of tbe Mdastcl for ibis won derful statue which France has so aallsnt- ly presented to the people of the United Iae States. SI is asked from everybody. If but comparatively a few respond sufficient I will be received to complete the work .not to finish it would be a disgrace to tbe United States, The "Morning Journal ' ef New York says : "There is hope for the"Bartholdi Pedes tal Fund. Tbe Sons of the Revolution have taken it in hand, and what they un dertake succeeds. Did not their fathers make us a nation ? Shall net the sons give ns a statue of liberty ? Tbe pedestal moat be reared upon rocks, and tLey are the boys to raise tbem." If this touches tbe eye of any one who would like te assist a noble cause let tbem get a dollar bill or postal note and send it to Austin Huntiugten,8aerstsry, 65 Liber ty Street, Room 82, New York City, N. Y. Krr Ceek Lecture. The lecture of Rev. Joseph Cook st tbe U. P. Church last Wednesday evening wsa sttended by two hundred from Albany and adjoining towns. It proved s literary treat not often obtained here, and we believe was thoroughly appreciated by those who beard is. Mr Cook is an eloquent speaker and bag a powerful presence to back what he ssys and add emphasis to his statements. For two hours and a quarter he gave his ideas ef what tbe seven modern wonders of tbe world ere, in a language aad style which held his audience from beginning to end. In treating of tbe present seven moral and intellectual wonders be did not fail to give expression to his thoughts on various livs epics of tbe dsy in s manner which showed that his meaning was unmistakable. Those who failed to learn something: by the lec ture must nave had their thoughts in an other direction, or like a politician been hissed in the core. Thaafcaalvsag. President Arthur has issued tbe fellow ing Thanksgiving Proolamatio a ,short and pointed, indication of his time being taken up with politics : The season '. nish when it is vearlv wont for this people to observe a day ap pointed for this purpose by the President, as an especial occasion for thanksgiving nnta firin. Nnw. t horofnro In raancrnltlnn of this hallowed custom I. Chaatsr a. Arthur, President of tbe United States, do thankseivlne. Thtidnv. tha 27th of this ouj unixuMuBuua uv ui uvnar&i i present November, and I do recommend that throughout tbe lend tbe people, ceas- 'SS1SSS and their several places of worship, and wua nean ana voice nav reverent ao- .f 11. i a. a a knowledgment to the Giver of ail good for j tne countless blessings wherewith lie haii visited this nation. Chbstbb'A. Abtsub, President of U, 8. City Charier Meeting. On Saturday evening of next week, st tbs Uourt louse, at tne hour ot 7:H P. m., a meeting of tbe citizens of Albaoy will be held, for the purpose of considering the amendments proposed to tbe new city char ter. A fall attendance is hoped for. Any one desiring to examine either the old or proposed city charter can do so by calling on N J Kenton at the Recorder's office. Cartons Bets. A curious bet last week was one of a bush el of apples by a Bepublican against a bush el of potatoes and ten cents by a Democrat, toe beaten party to wheel the article a through the streets. Another by tbe same republican and a farmer was the sale of about 75 bushids of wheat at 10S cents per bushel to be paid for when Cleveland is elected. HOME AND ABROAD. Pay your sohool tax, F M Frenoh, jeweler. Revival at the M. K, Church. Pop corn at Read Brownsll'e. The best millinery at M Foster's. M Foster keeps tt rat -class millinery. The best harnesses at J J Dubruillss. Per hats and bonnets go to M Foster's. MoMinnville claims a population of 1000. Choioe teas a specialty at Read k Brow ell's. New crop of totnatoM (caaosd) at Host A Browaells, Turnips are worth abaut 75 oeots a bushel im Albany There are plenty of "l-told-you-so" men around now. flye weddings have taken place arun 1 Iebanon lately. Correspondence fro.n every plsoe in Lion County solicited. Read k Browoell still tnve them fits in boots and shoes. The best brand of coal oil by the gallon at Read Browuell's. Kxtra pries paid for dried plums, pears and apples st P Cohen's. The play "BreaJ oo the Waters" will be rendered at Yaquina Bay seen Mrs Dr M T Sswtelle, of Han Fraaetsoo is gliding this way. giving lectures. The kind of calico-wrapper the Albany girls like beet is tbe dry goods clerk. A week or so ago an Albany man picked a ripe strawberry in his garden. Yam, yum. The Literary Society will meet to the M E Church on Friday evening at 7 15 o'clock. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or country. At A B. Moltwsia's eaa be found aa im- eteek of A 1 tobacco, which is very popular. Rev M Judy will preach at Trinity chapel Knox's Butte. on Sabbath at 2.50 o'clock p. m. Jeseffy, tbe great pianitte.has been thump- tag ivory keys in Portland lately to large audiences. Parties having business with M. Sternberg will always find him at the store of Mon- tettb Seitonbach. St. John was burned in effigy in several places in Oregon, as well as in tbe Kast. Small business. Tbe Union services will be bold next Sab. bath evening in tbe Krangelicsl and Presby terian Churches. Boils, blotches, pimples, and all skin dis are quickest cared by cleansing tbe bleed with Ayer's Seraeparilla. There is more paper money in circulation of the denomination of f 10 than of any other ; but they do not happen to sttiks as. One bushel of apples makes sboat S gal lons of eider. The farmer who considers this cannot afford to allow bis apples to rot. The Mail is to be tbe name of tbe new paper to be published at the Bay. It's edi tors will live on rooks and oysters this win ter. What office would yen like soy way under the city government. Speak quickly as election eeears in two weeks from next Monday. It is estimated that about $80,000 was bet on tbe result in New York in Portland. One as gain is another's less ; at saaeb poetry is thst. The many friends of "Fred" Hdl, inner C"at CUuk of wU1 I1"1 tbe Ioe Seattle. "lf dm beat them we gave them a sas, awk mg scare aayway, says a democratic ex. rhssgs which went to press st the time tbe Dxmockat did last weak. We are informed that the fare en the North ern Pacific Railroad for round trip to New Orleans to World's Exposition will be f 162. Not asaay Oregon ians will go. The Uaiversatist's will hereafter bold their services, on tbe stood and fourth Sabbath's of each month io Crawford's Mall, at 11 o'clock, a. m. and at 7 p. m. Washington was tbe banner Better county in the late election, csstiog 109 votes for spoony Ben, and Moltnomafi tbe banner St. John county, with $2 votes for bim. Ia this State Batter receives sboat 400 votes, snd St. John 300 votes. In tbe euess- of six men mentioned io oar issue ef Oct. 24, not oae "bit it" on either csndidste. Do not allow the political excitement te prevent your remembering thst tbe place to get groceries, vegetables, cider, sods water, tobaccos, etc., is at Hoffman t Joseph's. In a foot race at MoMinnville between Martin and Ryan, recently, tbe former woo by 8 feet. The dssb wss 60 feet. - Fraud in several precincts was immediately charged , A gentleman has been ia the city this week wbe boarded a week or two a year and s half ago with a poor widow and left with out liquidating matters. Look out for bim. One of the 8 X Superintendents last Sab bath mentioned tbe fact that tUe qoeen of Sheba rode to Jerusalem horseback on a nel, to tbe amusement of those who beard It, A mean story is circulated that Belvs A Lockwood bet twenty-seven bonnets on her election. As thsy were fifteen dollar bon nets, a hardship is liable to be worked on poor Belvs. At Lexington, Ky., on last Monday, Maud S. trotted a mile in the wonderful time ef 2:09J, beating her own record. There wss no fraud, and not an error was made in tbe whole count. Last Monday Mr J C Pryor, of Santism Precinct, brought to onr office two immense Fist Dutch turnips, weighing sboat ten pounds apiece. For table turnips they were uncommonly large. Two or three men in this city who had subscribed for ticket to the lecture of Joseph Cook, under the charge of the W. C, n it i 1 ... i, .1 . . A v" "wu"u - WKra OB ccoon6 01 the figure St. Jobn cot in the New York election. Whew ! S Frsncisco report on bops read. " follows : The bop market is in a normal tat. owinc to tha nresent esistincr nnr . tainty of tbe election ; nothing can be said pro or eon since our last report. An announcement posted in tbe city last week was dated February 5th, 1884, Some children calling the proprietors attention to the changed it to February 5th, 18S5. Evidently he has gotten himself pretty well tangled up with B flats. The total vote last June for County Judge was 2890, the total vote for presidential electors last week was 3163. Making a slight allowance for a larger rote this would indicate that about 250 non-residents voted in the County last week. If your hair is turning gray, don't use the poison ess dyes which burn out its lifo and produce many diseases of the scalp. Aysr's Hair Vigor is positively harmless and wil restore tbe natnral color of the hair, stimu late its growth, and bring back its youthf u gloss and beauty. Last Thursday afternoon the Republicans of Shedds jubilated by burning considerable powder, eta s of tha Bnd being a strong Cleveland man.iu order to get his assistance, a promise was, made to torn about, should there be a change, sad pay the expenses of Cleveland oelebrstion. The following gsntlsmsn from this part ef the State have been drawn oa tbe grand jury for the District Court whioh meats in Portland nest Tuesday t J H Morris, Cur valli Ooo Sovria. Juaotion Oity t T J Black, Ilalsey ; J W Grimm, Harrtsbsg J W Stewart. Indepsndenoo L 0 Sbsdd, Oerrallis, According to the figures given in the Or- yonian, in the next House of Representatives tbe Democrats will have 183 members, He publicans 141, sod the Greeabaoksrs 1 (Wei ler.) This gives tbe Democrats a majority of 4 1 over all. To Republicans gain 33 over ths present representation. The Democrats loos 17 and ths Green hackers and Iadvpso dents loose four. The only sorstching of presidential alec tois in this oouuty was in Ualsey and Mar- risburg preoiaots, ia tbe former Juotl gt ting his name erased once, and ia tbe latter Ison taking the place ef s Republican elector ones. It is strange thst even two men in the county could be found who would be so though tless as to make personal matter of the vote for so elector. K T T Fisher, Oouaty Sorveyor of Liao county, is prepared with Held solas aad township plate of this oouuty to eorrsetly locate ooruors of land where the same has beu lost or destroyed, and will replace the sama with permanent monuments. Persons wiahiog surveying done will please sddress em st MiII.t's, Liun county, Oregon. Some of onr young people, gentlemen and lathes, made a sapper bet oa the election, and getting tired of waiting for tbe othoial vote. and as well being immensely hungry, Tuesday night at Mady's thsy cajyed a bos repast, the Blaise boys footing tbe bill, with tbe nndsrstsnding. though, thst should matters change another supper should be given by toe Clcvelsnd part of tbe company. Mr. John Thompson, 58 Hsnever street. Liverpool, England, and ooo of tbe oldest and most exteesivs doaler in drugs ia Great Btitain, writes; "It is a great pleasure to sell s remedy which gives general satisfaction and oar people, like their American ooustos hare become convinced of tbe fact that St Jacobs Oi! ooo mors psin. Ths demand for it in ltverpool aad vicinity was never so great as st tha present sod is daily increas ing." Those who have worked themselves into ths dyspepsia, either from adverse election returns, or injudicious eating, will be glad to know that oysters are a cure for the dla- w. They are not only nutritious, bat wholesome, especially in eases of indigestion. t is said "there is oo other alimentary sub stance, not even excepting bread, thst dees oot prod a oe indigestion under oertain cir cumstances no t oyster ne ver . oyster in toe prsmotss digestion. By taking oysters daily indigestion, roppossd to be almost incurable, has bees cored $ ia feet, they are to be re garded as one of the meet heaithful article of food known to man. Invalids whs have found all other kinds of food disagree with them frequently discoyer ia the oyster the ailment. Raw oysters are highly rsooaa. a ded for boars in ess. Many of tbe lead ing vocalute nee them regularly before con- easts sad operas ; but their strongest rsoom ndation is tbe remark ably wholesome is- SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL. J A Beard and WR Privett, of JeffeSeoo, were ia Albany Tuesdsy. Mrs 0 T Porter and children rein need an extended trip to California last werk. MrS F Arnspriewr.wbo has bean stopping st Sodavilie severs! weeks, has returned te fiarnsbarg. J B Spsrry, of ilepoer, ones a rwMdent of this oouaty. was in Albany Tuesday. We acknowledge a call. Miss Mary Cheadls arrived home from California last week, after so absence from Albany of six years. C W Watts went to Harriaburg aad Brownsville. Wednesday in the interest ef bis linn Coeoty Annas!. Allen Rhodes, o( the State Insane Asylum, was in tbe etty Tuesday lookin g for sa es caped lauetic. He did i,ot And tbe one be wss looking for. Mr Charles Haffenden, of Portland. in Albany a few days the first of tbe Mr Haffenden, who formerly tesidsc moved from Albany nearly four years ago Mr W H Warner who has been sio tims is improving fast. At ths time be fell ill bis wife was in tbe East ; but, being telegraphed to, returned to Oregon without having eeen nearly all whom she went te suit Rev I H Condi t sad wife will soon leave Albany for New Jersey to remain permanent ly. They have mads many friends here who will regret seeing them lesvs Albany. Ws understand that Rsv E. Trumbull Lee, of Portland, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian Cbnreh for awhile. - e i Cesss .Council. Tuesday evening, Nov, 11, 1884. Present all bat Isom. Ths fsliowing bills were allowed : J R Stewerteoo, 87.25 ; N J Menton, f 16.25 ; I C Dickey, $30 ; J A Crawford, $13.44. Committee on Health snd Police reported thst Mr Tamer would keep hog boose el tan. Committee on Streets reported that tnsy had examined tbe overflow sd joining Conrad Mayors property, and thsy had ordered tbe Marshal to examine the sewer and report where the same came from. He reported that overflow did not eomo from sewer or flame bat from natural causes. Bids for sswer across Ferry Street near P. 0. 66 feet long, were opened, aad were ss follows : Jss Laurent, 70 cents per foot ; Jss Ellison, $76.- Cootrsct 1st to Lauren t. Mr J A Crawford stated that the Marshal was Authorized by him to repair the flumes wherever seeded. Judge Flinn reported decision of esse ef Leaning sgt ths City. Tbe following judges of election were sp pointed : 1st Ward John Rogsrs, P W Bpinks, F M Redfield. 2nd Ward -W M Ketchnm, Ellis Knox, O W Wsrren. 3rd Ward E li Carter, Wm Ralston, G F Simpson. Oa motion Recorder was instructed te have brief of proposed City Charter publish ed in the city papers this week, aad that citizens meeting be called to consider city chatter, at Court House, st 7:30 p.m.. oo Saturday, Nov. 22od. The following bills were referred I C Dickey, $6.50 ! A B Mcllwain. $1.50 : E W Wiffla A Co , $18.50 ; N J Henton, $19.90. Novslttos in neck wear, black brocaded silk, black and colored silks, ladles', mis sea' and children?' hose, fanoy hsudker chiefs in linen and silk,reoeiyed this week direct from Chicago at Samuxl E. Youno's, CTfY StUnTCM, esse of the rrtaelaet Caaags la rrepessel Asssaasaeat Is It. tbe Tho following are some of t'ts most im portent changes contained in the proposed smsnd neat to ths Charter of the City of Albany, linn oeanty, Oregon. 1st. The Mas or and Recorder's term is changed from one to two years. fed. To be entitled to vote st a oity alec- Me ene mast possess tbs privilege of an elector ef this State and have reel 'led is the city three months nsst preceding tbe eleottOH sod iu sddition to tho shove qualifications, to be eligible te tbe office of Aldsrmsn one must have resided io tbe ward from which be is sleeted for the period of ninety days. Of ths organisation sod the powers of tbe CounoU : Tho City Council may Banish its msmbers for disorderly oondaot sad provide for tbe impeaohmeot of oity ofnosrs,snd the Council ere constituted the Court of impesehmen Tbe City Council shell hsve power to de elare by ordinance what shall constitute a nuisance aad to make the expos so of abet-1 ing a uuisanee a lien upon property. . . I To provide for tilling up or draining blocks or lots wherever stagnant watsr stands and to make the costs s lien soon the property. Te prevent the introdootien into the oity ef oootagteas diseases and to establish regu lation for the prevention of the asms. To license, tea sad regulate auctioneers. taverns, hawkers, peddlers, brokers snd pawnbrokers snd to s line what shall consti tute tbe some. Te I tosses, tax, regulate sod ree train the atrical shows sad other exhibitions end amnsementa. To suppress sod prohibit dance h esses snd to declsre by ordinssoe whst shsll ooo. stitute the seme. To suppress and prohibit bandy aad as signation house, houses of ill fame, gambling and gambling houses and all model artist exhibitions sad other shows ef an immoral nature and to declare by ordinance what shall constitute tbe same. To license, lax, regulate, restrsiu or pro hihit the sale ef spirituous liquor, brandy, wine snd all fermented sod malt liquor, beer and ale, bars, bar-rooms, drinking shop and tippling booses, billiard tables, pool tables, pigeon bote tables or any tables where balls aad ease are used, bowlisg alleys aad shoot ing galleries (followed by oertain provisoes) among which are provisoes for a bead and that the sppliosat wiU pay for ths license the earn required by ordinance sad not exceed ing 11000 snd that license may oot iesae for less than six months or more then ene year, snd that oo license shall be issued to any woman or minor or to any person who shall permit any woman or girl or male miner to frequent bis place of business. Also a clause providing for tbe revocation of tbe license. Te prohibit the nee ef opium. Te provide for the restraint aad employ went of vagrants sadfpsapers. To regulate the rate ef speed upon oil railroads ia the city. To appropriates money fut c.ty espesdi- tore aad provide for the psywmt of the debte ef she oity ami so borrow money on the faith of the city. To oblige prisoners to work ou tbs streets. To provide for the sale of property for To regulate and aublih lb fees snd Bipuaatiun of t'ty OUkem rrpt when otherwise provided by law. To regulate and prohibit ths carrying dead. VJuVJoaflsen e4ft sw JKeJduuieui seuJkeeeeo To purchase snd hold real eelete when sold for city taxes or for Improvements ordered by the City Council, and to sell tbe same. To lies see, tax, eeatrol and regulate wash i,..u- .n,! nubhc laundries an I to tr-v! le for their exclusion from tbe city limits, snd to dslne whst shall constitute the same. Te provide for tbe punishment of persons wbe leave team ia tbe streets not securely fastened. To eotnpel all persons baring privies or cesspools within ene hundred feet of say street ia which a sewer is constructed to oonasct the same therewith. To permit, allow and regulate ths laying of tracks for street cars aad other flail reade in street sad several other regulations ss to tee asm ef tbs streets. Topreveat tbe erection of dangerous build, togs. To establish fire limits. Te appoint firs wardens snd property guards, and prescribe their duties and te preside for their compensation. Io the abseooe of the Recorder the Mayor may preside over the Recorder's court. Tbe street commissioner shall hsvs tbs power to appoint deputies who shsll have the power and perform the ssme duties ss the con-missionsr, except ss to the acceptance of work done. There are some changes msds ia ths cbsr tor ia the manner of improving streets and establishing grades, etc, which are set eot in the chsrtsr st length snd are tf a moder ate snd conservative character, but to leng thy to be enamersied hers, but provide that improvemeots shsll be msds st tbe expense of property owners in certain cssss.snd msds s lien upon tbe property and at the expense of ths oity in other oases. Iu fact on tbe subiect of street improvemeote, the charter is almost new entire. There is slso s lien law contained in the proposed charter whieh gives to the oity the right to sell property to satisfy hens and convey tho legal title thereof to the porches- sr. Indebtedness owed to persons residing io the city can be deducted from tbe ment. The lew ia regard to the collection of tsx- es is changed so ss to ooaform very nearly with tho State law. The Council is authorized to create debts to the amount of two thousand dollars. Linn Canary Ann mil. C W Watts is nowonvassing the city soliciting advertisements snd subsorip -tions for his Linn County Annual to be issued January 1st, 1385. This work will be the most complete of this kind ever Issued in Linn County. It .will oontaln tbe name and residence of every business man In the county, will haye carefully written articles concerning the State in general and county iu particular, an Al ma nan for 1886 and many interesting sta tistics whioh will msks it s valuable deou - ment to send to friends in the Bsst. It will also contain fifty beautiful wood ehriply by Darley, Moran, Gibson.Hsgan and other olebrated Amerioan artists, Kvsry town in ths connty will be written personally by Mr. Watts sud svsry bu sl im msn should givs it thslr careful con sideration for an advertising medium it cannot be excelled. Job PrlaMBff. We are now prepared to do any kind o: job printing os short notiee sud in tbe latest style. Send for estimate on large jobst 1 1 1 A ut linos. 1; NTT COIKT-Noy IMStE TUE (J. 3. Whitney, JadaS, A Oeaara, sad Dark Meyers, Commissioners. Ordered that Clerk Issue order to have road opened to Doty Mill, Warrant drnwn for J M Michael for building 1000 feet o f road, and ordered that be purchase opikoe and spike elawn planks on cut verts. Ordered that 0 L Morris purchase pair of overalls for Rose, a pauper, and also receive soots a day for 14 dsys atteodanoe en him while sick, Matter of bill of A II Petei soo,Ooroner continued. In matter ef application for read In Jourdan Valley B F Darby, A O Christ mas and Wllllsm Montgomery were ap pointed ytewers. -a r sas em a . a sa sava. a sxau inn oi u w urn u n, j. r., in mate vs. Jas Smith allowed. Bill of J L Hatcher for 24 eon tin tied, also bill of Jo Moist, else bill of A Wheeler, BUI of W It Riot, 110.17, disallowed. Bill of grand and petit Jurors allowed. also those of wltoeeees before grand Jury . . m-. . - ana in bums eases. Bill of W II Davis, M. D., for medical j sttendsnoft on Munson family rejected. ordered that U Douglas bo allowed te expend litf for relief of Munson family. Bill ef George Humphrey In eaee of State agt Joshua Shucks allowed. Tbe following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for their Day ment : V L ff.0 Pr I 70.40 u m, meio. oioxoinn ig sa Jae Mady. meals for Jury mm sat M . . m . n. w istiiifuso at i;o., rnextlcine and aeMJOlUp1 . s a e miiiissi . --- ...... at . Jj jonn tingge. work in Jail - W McDowell, lumber ll overseer of bridge t ff t v . s aft a. a - J J a'avi,ir'ju lor orMKWsUetT .e 1 Andrews, stamen 2.00 J A Crawford, watsr rant 4.0 Jen efysrs, stationery ...... . -...... v. r n:ppie,itiniDer 7.00 J K Charlton, fern In Circuit Court 240,90 aftf am H i a a . m. m v cx iiusion.Ksepioguoarles Rue eel 42 days ttJO Jotin Davis, lumber 14.4 u al vers, suoervlsios brides l7.fio Whnf, as Oe. Jodge 7M A ( ondra, oiiunlsslener It 00 D Meyers. Commlsnianer... a intrwei' By special, request wo publish the fol lowing extracts from a sermon delivered by Rev. M.Judy, In the M. E. Church, last Sunday rooming: In all bis oxerolso t privilege or nrero- Siive he, the Christian, should always Ink of the su Serine and oppressed. With prudence certain) v. Wo may In our Intense sympathy act unwlsolr snd defeat our own objects. May act unwisely with rumreoce m the subject of Intemperance. It has been alleged that by tho movement of PrehiblUonieU at our last election the of temperance nee bona pot bunk twenty years, I should feel sorry if this nan neon orougnt into disfavor far any reason. There is no more tm cause before toe Christian people wnsii mom use eo.ouo drunkards ysarly march to their graves ge c twenty years unchecked 7 Mum tha end sufferings oi 100,000 wives and moth em remain unnoticed by us for twenty years? Must the cries of children fall op en our ears in vain necanse some one or persons hsvs been unwise In their efforts to render relief? Impossible. Noth ing can oauao as to uoiu ear peace for any Jeugtn or time, j town lucre is tbe roans e and mother whose hnebaod ia si read v forming tbe habit of drink. Their two HUM child ran, promising, tbe pride of their Ills, hope of their hearts, era by hew Ide. In twenty years that bonbons' nod father will fill a drunkard's grave nod bo In a drunkard'e boll. In twenty yeare that wife snd mother will have wanted away In hop si sas sorrow, in twenty years tnose ciiiaren, oeanurai, inosoeot now amy be drunken.bxnorsnt. profi brats. destitute upon society. No, I throw my- Into the branch whore the battle s to be color against us. and I would rail v the forces and on rxeatw rsslai nilnadl i to tne rescue. I call upon you b ret born to give your sympathies, your help to tho cause of temperance and humanity, Io twenty years some or our children may be in the drunkard's bsil if we allow any thing to make oe cease our s (Torts to re- strain nod prohibit this euros of on rues in our land. No Christian brother, allowing that every one at the last election voted as his conscience required with charity ror mi ana mat ice toward none osamyioaT in ths honesty of our people snd the Jus tice of our eeue-with confidence that all good men will tolly under tho standard of temperance, let us rise op lb Use manli nesss of our Christian character nod defeat this our graatsst foe, and rescue torn suffering prisoners who cry to us for no! p. Whoever be sleeted President ooo and that Is, thst B Mo- thing is certain. Ilwaia, at ass is slsctsd to sa iMaturm rroex ot poops this fall, because he has tbem. Ns complete line ef genera! merchandise is to be found in the Willamette vallsy.and do oot (ail to remember this. His goods srs bought to be sold, sad sold thsy will be under tbe motto, "small profits end large salsa." This is business. It is getting cold sad damp and yoa need a mrx cMux to protect yourself with, Mollwsia's is ths piece to gst it. His stock is large snd well selected, and you eaa get a oheap or deer cloak, just ss you please, at ths bottom price. Or if, for the earns reason yoa are fortusste or uo fortunate enough to be a man, than yoa will want US oyanuOAT or suit of clothes. Call at Mollwais's and sx amies his well arranged stock, and while you are there haul over his stock ef famish iog i foods, and now is the time. You eaa not afford to shiver, whioh should indueeyoa te keep your feet warm by baying s pair ef moon axp room, for ladies or gentlemen at this store. The stock is very largo and worth selecting from Particular attention is called to this som plots branch. In the raJfCY oooos Line Mcllwain has fsw equals. Uts stock is one speaking fsr itself, ths large salss ia this department being s big recommendation or it. Never bay anything without calling sa A. B. MelfiWAlV. Notice le Debtors. The accounts of Fetors rluun are now ia our heads for collection, snd the sffsirs s the old firm must be closed ap immediately. arsons knowing themselves indebted will pssss oall at onoe snd settle, without farther notice. PsTsas dt Stows y. Presbyterian Cbnreh Sociable. The ladles of the 1st Presbyterian chart h will giro a sociable at the house ef Roy. I. , Condlt, on Friday evening, Nov. 14U. A cordial invitation is extended to ail. On behalf of tho Ladles Society. Mas. John M. Iovzvo, President. Teseber Wasted. District No. 60, in Fox Valley, wants a male teacher of experience. Employment f oa three months or longer. Address A B Gar- derer, Fox Valley. piiii fiLK. risaa InS.erts IT A FLaiH CHAP. are very few cool, deliberate l"n,Zn P('ltloal contest Not only has this been illustrated In Albany, but tl.e despatches show us the truth of it ii over our country. The least favor able) news made them fly Into a balloon. Hie sessw news received brought out wie excitable first on one side ami tbeo oo tho otber.llke two roosters fighting : siMswiiwu wua political nre did J riy f,t thy broogl it us vnsir auyiie ana ore oreckers "made Rome howl,' only to find they were premature, f melius have been learned for a moment all would do the like sgsl n nod that may but sawn ws usm uusue on election are "I dare you half way'' aflalrs, sod of en meuer Is but uu beoausa thsishss been bantering, whoa tbe judgment of too man, if it hud been eoneulfcd, would novo aiotnten uinereotiy. Too fact mat bote oo m man are almost univsr -ally made by bis followers proves toot prejudice is wnat uacKs tbe affair to a great extent. Ooo believes a certain MAM . . . , . A oaooiaato win oo elected because be wool mm to be, ami aaotbei esse term, nod ao the board goes up nod down. It le oot pleasant to coo torn pis ts that lo tot lais eleotloo out of rat 1 1 ions or dol lars bet half of It was entirely loot to half of the moo who bet, the ones who received It oot lifting a Anger In labor to obtain what they did. That poor status ef Libartv Is bavin. a bard time of It trying to get n base, which, few seem to care much wheth er It obtains or not. If tbe Eastern people nre wdllog to relinquish their right lo it, It wlirbs with pleasure that no poopie or uregen will lake It and Kern it upright oo tbe famous Ht. loo's, above the snowy top of which it oould bo seen over considerable of potrlotle Oregon. Hrlng it along to n country whole the Inhabitant appreci ate a large and magnificent statue, There is oo doubt thst tbe low ttand- ursj of Journalism peculiar to some pa pers has a demoraftzlneT oftVct on the youth of tbe country and lowers the poouc taato. Any effort to prevent it deserves enoourngement. Probably the worstlof sensational journals la the Polise OaxeUtx, a paper toot ponders to the of Its readers : yet. castlnsr le prejudice, as a matter of fact it contains Ulostratione and matters that ptewarw ooo side of lifo lo a manner ootbioar elss doee. Demorallzinsr aa it le, its Illustrations are not much ovar. drawn. Yet Its influence is pernicious. Tory pernicious, as a whole, nowever little oftect It may have oo the mind of the philosopher nod Intelligent mao woo roads or toot It. asr t They know what tbe people call for. ood they boar wont their patrons say as to whether the medlcinee they buy work well or not. Muftell ft Johnson. Rush City. Minn., any. "Brown's Iron Bitters gives entire satisfaction to our oastomsrs." Klokhammer Co., Jor dan, Mino.,say,"Ws sell mere Brown's Iron Bitters than all other bitters com bined." L B fiaokley k Son. Winona. y, "All our eustomsra spook highly of Brown's Iron Bitters.'' A C Whitman, Jackson, Minn, .say, "Bro w n's Iroo Bittos is firing good astisfactloo to pure purchasers" Those are only a few. We hare hundreds more Justus (food. Having saaslodsd te will hereafter sell OOOIH) aT COST atil all are sold. Come aad assure bargains as the goods most and will be sold. N. H. Ami, Syrup of Flga. Nature's own true laxative. Plasm at to tho palate, acceptable to the atomaoh. harmless io Its nature, painful In its ac tion. Cures habitual const I eaQoo.bUlSoQS- i, indbjoetiou and kindred Ilia. CJeeae- eo too system, purifies the blood .regulates the liver and sou oo the bowels. op ooldSyghilU and fevsrsste., ths organs on which Us sets. Bet bitter, aauseons liver medicines, pills, salts snd Ireughts. Sample bottles free, and large etUss for sale by Foehay dt Mason. ray r r All persons knowing themselvee in debted to mo or the bats firm of Allen d Martin will please call nod nettle im mediately, or their accounts will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for OoUoctleo sod costs made. N. H. Atux, Aleaay Market Wheat -640 per buhel, Onto 20 Beef on foot, 3c Hay baled, 11018 par ton. loom ,7 to 10. aew 35 eta per bushel. tono, WM sltouJdors, 7c. sides. 10c Lard 18c per lb. Flour 4-00 per bbl. Chickens 8.00 per doe. Sugar San Frsnolso 0, Sleo. Mill Feed-bran, 10.00 per too. sberts, lo. middlings, 30. Butter-20 to 25 cts per lb. Eggs SO cents per don. AMS FOR HALE. .is h grade merino rams, yaarliaga and two year olds. Also a fsw Jersey mate salves from three quarters to fifteen six south bred. Pr ises reasonable. McIr is err Boos . HARMS WIN1SELMAN. On November 8th, 1684, by Ooo, Humphrey, J. P., at his residence in Albany, Mr. Eggfrt Hastes aad Axxix Mart F, Wcr Kxutex all of Linn county. FLETCHER DA VIS. At the residence of the bride's parents, Nov, 11th, 1884, by tbe Rev. J. T. Wolfe, Mr. W. S Flbtchkr and Miss Addis Davis,all of Liun county, Oregon. The hsppy couple, two of Shedds moat estimable young people. have the Democrat's best wishes fsr all that makes life pleasant ROBERTS REDPATH . On Nov. 6th, 1884, st the residence of C. B. Montague, in Lebanon, by Rev. Samuel Pettigrew, Jas. A. Roberts snd Miss Mart E. Rxd tato both of Lebanon. Mr. Roberts is tbs well liked clerk of C. B. Montague, while the bride is a sister of Net snd an accomplished, popular young lady, both of whom deserve life's choicest blessings. Ws extend hearty congratula tions. METERS WILLARD. On Monday.Nov 10th, 1884, in Lebanon, Mr. Joe. McTStS sod Miss Ida.;Willard both of Lebanon McBRIDE ALLPH1N. At the home of the bride's parents in Corvallia, Nov. 12th, 1884, by Rev. A. M. Acheseo, Mr. C. C McBripr, of Shedd, linn coontv. sac Miss Bum a Allfhih, of Corvslbs, Benton county, Oregon. tub raoeoL4MiT mw rr Tuesdsy, Nov. 7tb. 9 p. ro. Whoop, lo Olsvelaad leslooted, Democrata Kepnblioane reverse. Wed nee day, Nov. Stb. lfcSe Doubtful things srsi Republ leans brl-hten, doubtfc!. During forenoons-Mow we've get It, hurrah. Just bold your j quite so cousin. ahead 423, Bepubllesue waocp end it up daring too evening till 11 o'clock wlien it hi sonoanoed thst Cleveland is sbesd lo New York State. Republ ieaas droop and hedge, and DeusoUrste bright en. Thursday mornicg, "Hurrah for Cleve land" is beard. t.s-T T'ttrt by 016. Hooray f powder burns, hairs pulled ; yelle rampant. Evening 44 proeinets to beer from, well, well, nrtgbsjr do ibtful. Clevsisnd not out ef tbe rase yet. Just wait. Friday mernlng-1 bree cheers, Clevo land 1040 ahead. DssjoooraU In cy ail dsy, Republicans take a back i bat watch. oatordsyCsn't change it, there ft i ree are 1548. t claims most defeat it. llonday Ootlook uc changed, not sam ple lely settlsd yet. Tbe official veto only will fix it. Obrlen Is s boot, so say eoase. Keep your eyes open. Tuesday -oHlil oo change ; hot cries of ths welkin riot. WsdneedayTbe official vote of It eooooas in Jsow York favorable for Clove- Utile change looked for. Sheriff's Sale a the Circuit Court of the StmU tOngmw tkt County of lAmn : I. F ion, Plaintiff, BUis sad ClatmC. Btaia. hie wife, LB Blaia.O C Ceeiey sad J H Wssbboras, part- - a n . aft ... m nera, dnng tjuwasm saoer use una nssss ot Cooler Wesbbs rne, Def endanta. N ities is hereby given that by virtae ef i oases tioa sad order of sale issaed eat of tbe above aansed Court m ths above sa tilled to me directed sad delivered. I will sa baterdey, tbe 13th dsy of Oeeessber, lews, at too boor ef .one eslodk, p. av, al the Court House doer, ia tbe City of Albany, County, Oregon, sell st pebbc session lor essh in band to the highest bidder, the res! Droaertv described in said erdar of sale as follows, to-wit : One hundred acres off .of toe west sad of the south half ef that whisk ie situated twelve, thirteen snd fourteen i .urtMs. sooth ef renew three, west of Willimstte meridian snd which is and dastsnsicd soon ths mans snd plats ef the ClovernsMSt oarveys ss sas claim ef Jered Miehsais, said dred setae being nsor partseaisrly as follows: Bemnainc st epratref esid Mirhosss linsstiso sad issaiss tasoee east along eeath boundary hoe of sssa el aim tweaty-uve north on s use sxwaBal te chains tbe ml Mid chum forty en a line parallel with chains ; the sooth line of said claim twenty- five o tbeace eoath boundary has ef said sbJm forty the place of beginning, lying sad ooenty, uregea. The proceeds arising from tho ade of said real property to be applied Bret, to use pay ment of the oasts aad expenses of salt. taxed at fat. 70, and the costs aad expenses ef sale. Seeond to tbs payxeent te she ftsistsff ef she ef $1542.66, with accruing mtsrtes thereon st the rate ef ten per esnt per an- asm, from October 80th, 1864, ana the mr taersam of 125 attorney fees. Third to tbe sam of $621 with sonraiog istinn " st the rate of ten per exeat per sanaxe, from October 80th, 1664. aad the overplus if say to be oak! to the defendant Jesses Biata. or bis Uifsl representsttvss. rkial this lxeL day ef Keven bar. It J. K. Sheriff of Lion ooenty. Or. Election Notice. timtWom ia herebv aivea. that tbe aesitm. in aad for the City of Albany, coanty, Oregon, will be held Moaday. the 1st day of December, lUOa, ice xne V'Vam' of electing tbe f olio wing officers : A Mayor, Recorisr. Marshal asd Treasurer, to serve for th i term pf oos year from the Drat Mon day is January, 1866 ; also ooo Ceaseilxess - - .. SS al. - t 4. . from nscb ward, to serve icr we vmrm from the first Moaday m Janaary, Tbe Dollioc rdsess will be as fo Pm t Ward at Cooatv dark's offioa. Seomd Ward at County Treesarer's Third Ward at Fsraaer's Wm shims The polls will same at t o'clock at sxewaiBS. and close st 6 o'clock m tbe ing of said day. N. J. Hmrrox, City Recorder Albany, Or., Nov. 14th, 1884. Notice of Alignment. In tkt Circuit Court o ths State a Oregon, for tkt County of Lkm . Ia the Assignment ) of Chas B. Montague. ) Notice is hereby given to all creditors ef Chas. B. Montague, that he has this day made aad filed with the Clerk of ths Circuit Court of the State M Oregon for Lisa seaaty to to recorded, on assignment of all has prop arty, ree! and personal, to u tbe naAssmgo ed, esd that all creditors of said Okas. B, Montague srs hereby notified to present their elsims under oath to me st ths store of said Chas. R Montagus, ia the City of Lebanon, in said county, within three men ths frees the dite hereof. Dated abCelaanon on Nov. 5th, 1664. J. WComcsx. PeivsXL k BrLYXtf for Assignee. JOTICB, Is hereby al ven that I will net be responsible for, or pay, any debts tracts d by any person on my not without written authority from me. S, W, 000, Scio, Oct, 22nd, 1864, gCHOOLTAX. Notice ia hereby given that too TV In flAhnol Diatrks No. i. Linn 1 Oregc n, to now due sud payable, and that the ssme ooo be paid to me at my office, No. 511, First Street, Albany, Oregon. J, H, Bcrxmasc, Distnet Clerk. apHCPPISiO MILL. i have a chopping mill now running at ray mils south ef Albsny. 1 am prepared to chop wheat, oats, barisy,wild oats, oto., on short notiee. D. D. Hasxlxoxah. a. :nts AND OILS. 'Of ill descriptions sold by Peters k SUw art. Of either sex admitted to the. POHTLAND BUSINB6B COLLEOE On any week-day of the yam. Thii College Journal, eonioiaiog inftoma tion f ths oourss of study, istos of isdsiso, board, exsainaxions, etc, and onto of pkia and o rnamenwd penmanship, free. Address. A P. ABMaisVONO, t tw int. suw lou, Oo, osf Gt wrtfuft wlmftsw fM fespen