The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 07, 1884, Image 3

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    Ibe em0irat.
Entered at the Pint Office at Albany, Or,
as second-class mail matter.
Kittier sa4
iii:b r. xi-Trivt.. ti Kditer.
Official Coanty aai City Paper.
So you can not bring that wood this
year, roads too muddy, didn't have time,
etc. Weil, then, the cash will do as well ,
anything that will buy wood, for we can
not freese this coming chilly winter
Wheat's down is it, and times are tight.
well, we are sorry, but business is busi
ness, and we all have te keep warm and
not allow our digestive apparatuses to
stop. So come along if you possibly can.
Mr. C. M. Hill, brother of Professor J,
F. Hill, or Albany, and pastor-elect of the
Baptist Church, of Eugene was ordained
to the work of the ministry, Oct, Sikh.
The council was composed of the pastors
and delegates of the Baptist Church of
Oakland, Springfield, Brownsville, Al
bany, McMinnville, Portland, East Port
land, Salem, and delegates of tbe Eugene
Church, also Rev. C A. Wovley, of Pen
dleton and Rev S W Besven, of Moscow,
Idaho. Rsv Dr Geary, by special invita
tion was also a member of the council.
Tbe examination was thorough and ex
coedingly satisfactory . The ordaining ser
vices were the following : Reading of
Scripture by Rev C A uvely,with prayer
by Rev C II Hobert, of East Portland.
Sermon by Rev I C Baker. Ordaining
prayer by Professor M Bailey, of Eugene
Uoiyeristy, with laying on of hands by
Rev R C Hill of Albany, Rev I C Rich
ardson, o! Eugene and Rev S W Beaven.
Hand of fellowship by Rev M L Rueg, of
Salem, charge to the candidate by Rev G
I Burcbett, of McMinnville, charge to tbe
church by Rev I Q A Henry, of Portland,
Welcome to the ohy by Dr Geary, cf tbe
Presbyterian Church of Eugene, Mr.
Hill graduated from Rochester Theolog
ical Seminarv last May and irom the
State University at Eugene th ree years
ago He has been a member of the Eugene
Church lor several years and i now" hon
ored by becoming the pator of his owo
church. Rev T G Brownson was moder
ator of the council and Rev I U Henry
Report ef Cirasd Jar.
Following Is the report of the Grand
Jury ef the Ctrout Court presented totho
Court on Thursday of last week, at which
time they were discharged.
To the Honorable the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Line county.
We, tbe Grand Jury, empanelled and
sworn for the October term 1884 of said
Court, respectful I v bee leave to submit
tbe following report :
That we have completed the Inveet'ea
Uon of all matters submitted to as :
That we have examined Into the rec
ords ef the County Clerk's office, and find
them In good order and neatly kept. Wt
would suggest that indices be prepared
for the execution and attachment lien
dockets, for convenience of reference,
The Treasurer's and Sheriff's offices are
In good condition and the beoka and pa
pers appertaining thereto in order so far
as our examination extended,
The County jail needs some repairs.
The iron work in the cells, and gratings,
bat rusted badly, and should be painted
or covered with some preparation to pre
serve the same. In other respects the
jail is in as good condition as tbe arrange
ment of the same will admit of,
The action of the County Court in mak
ing tbe repairs on tbe roof and dome o
the Court House, ie to be commended
and b would suggest that tbe County
Court proceed at onos to haye tbe plaster
ing In the Court House repaired wherever
the same Is broken, and also have tbe
walls kalsominedand placed In good con
dition. We would further suggest that
the trap door, through which the ascent
to the dome of the Court House is made
be kept locked or securely fastened In
some way as soon ss repairs now going on
are completed, so as t a prevent persons
getting out on the roof and walking
around on the aemo. It is the opinion of
the Grand Jury that much of the dam ge
to the ceiling, dome and roof of the Court
House has been dune by boya walking
over or ou the same.
V H. Calo wem ,
S. J. Abchibalp,
K. Kbebleu,
JoHB Biuret',
D. D. Uackibmab.
Correal Event.
The National debt is $1,1,000.000. It
looks like an elephant, but what does a
country amount to wi'.bout it has a bis
The World's Exhibition at New Orleans
will be one of tbe greases: to be recorded
in history. The Dbmocbvt will boon
file there.
A man cried fire in a Glasgow theater
when there was no lira, A stampede fol
lowed, causing the death of a larga num
ber of persons. Tbe drunken wretch who
did it was arrested. Hanging would be a
fly tickling punishment at the boat.
An examination of a ten pound package
of cigaretts in the tast discovered a mil
lion bugs in them. Pa. that in your pipe
and smoke it. At tbe sarn? time, on tbe
same principle there are a great many
people who relish skippered cheese.
Gaudaur defeated Teemerlaat Sunday
near S:. Lu"t in a fiv mile rce. but
then it was not a fiir race. Time 20:40.
If the mud thrown during tbe late elec
tion were heaped together in a pile, St.
Mary's Peak would become a b.idge on a
man's nose beside it,
A banker of Moscow, I. T., named Her
bert Clark has disappeared and cannot be
found. It is thought he baa bean mur
dered, as, remarkable to tell, be took no
one else's money with him,
A Monument to Joe. Lane.
A movement is said to be on foot to
eect a monument to Oregon's first Terri
torial Governor, Gea. Joseph Lane. It la
to be hoped that it may be accomplished
No Oregon ian Is more deserving of such
an honor. An exchange says :
'-General lane distinguished himself in
tbe war witb Mexico, earning the sobri
quet of "The Marion of tbe Mexican War"
and when selected by Preaideut Polk to
organize the Oregon government, left Bis
homo in Indiana within forty-eight hours
after receiving notice ot bla appointment,
crossed tho arid desert of the Now Mex
ico and Arizona, resisting in bis passage
through California the influences of the
gold excitement, which caused tbe deoer
lion of all but two of bis companions, and
reached Oregon in time U proclaim the
organization of tbo Territorial Govern
ment on tbe 3rd of March. 1849, just one
day Itefore tbe expiration of President
Po'lk's administration. Hie ouboequent
devotion to tbo interests of his adopted
State and bis national prominence as a
candidate for Vice President in 1880, are
well known to all. It is Suing that the
people of Oregon should erect a suitable
monument to bis memory, and we hope
tbe Legislature will make an approprta
lion sufficient to supplement the liberal
private donations which will doubtless be
Everybaely Will to.
It is going to be next Wednesday even
ing at the U. P. Church, and will be the
best and most eloquent lecture ever de
livered in Albany. Old and young have
caught the spirit, and all are going. None
propose to lose the opportunity of hearing
a man of the notoriety of Joseph Cook.
The ear has a taste for fine oratory and it
should be satisfied. Joseph Cook has
talked to audiences composed of thousands
but when he comes to Albany and sees
three hundred before bim be will ''spread
himself" as m ion as if five thousand
were listening. That's bis style. If be
were paid to do it ho would exert himself
with all h:s power before two men and a
woman away back in the wilds of New
York as quickly as be would in tbe me
tropolis of Linn county. We are glad so
many are going, because it will do more
good than ten darkey shows and an opera
combined ; yon will not hear any comic
songs, nor see any tragedy, but you will
hear any amount of sound sense, told in
as eloqoant a manner as any American
is able to tell it.
Deputy Sheriff "Vanny" Smith, who
took O'Rouxke to Salem last week, Informs
us that his prisoner made No. 21, the
largest numbar ever incarcerated there.
Being shown through the penitentiary be
met several who have been known here.
Among others, tbe counterfeiter arrested
here several months age, who seemed to
be in tbe scrubbing business, Abrams tbe
Eugeno murderer, who is now a book
keeper, has good private apartments and
gets extras st dinner time,and Ed Broybes-
arrested for horse atealing.wbo was acting
as a trusty, and worked outside. An in
teresting custom at tbe penitentiary la the
allowance for overwork. A public record
i- kept where al'. can see it, which shows
that seme prisoners save as high as $10
to f 15 a month, among ths number being
Chinamen. Tbty can either allow this to
accumulate or invest It In better living
than tbe jail affords.
Wheal sad Hap Irs a. V.
Summary of Meteorology for October, 1884,
from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co.
Oregon, by John Brigf,E.-iq.
Highest Br. 33.18 ; lowest, 29.30 ; mean,
23 81
Highest Tdmosrature, 72 ; lowest, 34 ;
mean, 52.5.
Moan at 7 a. m., 45.87 ; 2 p. m., 59.87 ;
9 p. m., 50.
Prevailing wind-, N and P.
Maximum velocity force, 3
Total rainfall an I melted snow during
month, 2.85 inohes.
Number of days on which .01 inch or more
rain fell, 15.
Number of days of cloudiness, average 8
in seals of 10, 17 .
Tuuader storm-, 17.
Frost ou nine mornings.
Sen Francisco letters make tbe following
reports on bops aud wheat :
Wheat has oeen firm all week, and for
some kinds Id to 2d per cental advance
has been made.the demand shows consid
erable improvement and altogether things
look more hopeful all round.
The imports of wheat and flour into tbe
U, K. are again heavy being about equal
to 580,000 grs of wheat; the total imports
from Sept 1st to Oct 4th amount to about
2,277,834 grains, which is decidedly heavy.
We continue to report a strong, bealtby
feeling ia the bop markot.notwitbstsnding
the fact that brewers have not commenced
purchasing: but the market is anticipat
ing the inevitable result which must sure
ly come, and tbat at no very distant day ;
we look for an active and progressive
trade; what business has been done for
tbe past seven days has been confined to
medium goods. Holders of choice stocks
are as unconcerned as ever, realizing the
tact tbat if medium goods bring from 16
to 17 cents with no demand, ana reported
large surpluses, tbat wben tbe market
doe j really open, their growth will meet
witb buyers who will pay prices adequate
to tneir true values.
104 Plunder.
A Silver SplKe.
Last week we received by express from II.
H. Davis, formerly of Albaay, now of Drain
Station, a sqaanh, w iich so far mikes Vice
Presidents of all Liuu county squashes men
tioned, in other words, casta them into ob
scurity. It weighed by the scales 104 pounds
and this cau be proven by a minister of the
gosp3l. who baa since eat ;a it.or is supposed
to have. Talk of the big beaded politicians,
big cabbage heads, bub gazj at this squash
for something cf good dimensions.
The people of Philomath got enthusias
tic last week and drove a silver spike, t e
following account of which is given in the
(UvAfU" rf CnrtrmWim
Last Saturday evening tbe good people
of Philomath celebrated in a becoming
manner tbe arrival of tbe construction
train at that place. About noon that day
the train reached tbat picturesque little
village, and in the evening abou 5 o'clock
the citizens turned out en mass te witness
the driving of the silver spike. Mr Bryan
mounted a flat car, and after a few prelim
inary remarks, introduced Prof O M Mil
ler, President of the rhilomath Collegiate
Institute, who addressed tbe assembled
crowd. After the speech, the spike was
produced, and amid tbe firing of anvils
and tbe loud huzzaing of tbe crowd" Uncle
Jerry" Henkle drove the spike, (we can
hardly say 'with well directed blows,"
for under the excitement of the occasion,
and as he says, for fear of breaking tbe
steel rail, he failed at every blow to strike
tbe spike-squarely on tue bead.) Tbe
meeting was one of unusual enthusiasm
and the citizens of that place now con
gratulate themselves on their transporta
tion facilities,
Marlon County Tax.
F M French, jeweler,
Tho host millinery al M Festers.
M Foster keeps nrst-olass millinery.
Tho heal harnesses at J J Dubruilles,
For hats and boansts go to M Foster's.
Tho County Court is in session this week.
There are twenty -tivu retail druggists in
Tbe finest strained honey at Iioffiuaa k
Tho College Journal at Salem has suspend
ed publication.
Small key found at store of S E Young.
Call there for it.
Kstra price paid fur dried pi urns, pears and
apples at P Cohen's.
A blank oartridt-o saved Albany from a
tragedy last Tuesday night
At Hoffman ft Joseph's you get the best
groceries to bo found in tho city.
Rev M Judy intends to told revival ser
vices in the M K Church week after neat
Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician and surgeon
Albany, Oregon. Calls made in oity or
At A. B. Moll waiu'a can bo found an im
mense stock of A 1 tobacco, which is very
It is now thought by sonto that tho cause
of Fred Strang's death at Annapolis, was
Sowing machine extras, oils, needle, etc,
at Will Bros. Gap) Store, Also Sowing ma
chines to reut.
There wore eighty failures on the Paoifio
Coast during October. Oregon has the hos
or of sis von of them.
Alisky, Haunt A Co., uf Portland, have
sold ont to N. lUure. who will now run the
concern in his own name.
Two young aieu were arrested Tuesday
oveniug and conveyed to the calaboose, but
ware bailed out by friends.
Some of the products of Linu county will
bo gaacd at by tho millions who will attend
tho World's fair at Now Orleans
WasTSu To rent a piano during tho
coming wiuter. Call on N. J. iiritton, st
Drug store of . W. langdon k Co.
A man named John Underwood, soa of
Amos Uuderwood, was killed at Ths Dalles
last Monday by a man named Wilbur.
Jury me u from tho country were excused
last Saturday in tbo Circuit Court, the panel
since then having boon made up froui the
With so much politics do not look for
much news. Waitiag for election returns
turns editois, farms! and the publio gener
ally topsy torvey.
A l'ortlaud paper aaya that four years ago
a boy entered its office, and began work at
2 a week, now no is worth $7000. There is
alaesou in this, boya
Tbo skating riuk is u w tho principal
place of amassment. It is open Tuesday
and Saturday nights and Saturday afternoons
ft is well conduct, d by Dorris A Curl.
Last Monday on tbo Dssohotos river, Jos
P Walker shot sal silled Tnos O irJon, a
young man twenty years age. Tbo affair
arose out uf the cultiog of a wire trace.
Tho Prineville JVVsr stats tbat one of its
merchants in one day recently o!d 17.000
worth of goods. Evidently business is lively
ale og tbo Ochoo, whatever it may bo farther
Trial proves that honesty is tbe boat pulicy
in medical as well as ia other thiags. Ayr's
Saraaparills is a genuine preparation, an nn
equalled blood purifier. decidedly superior to
all others.
It is claimed by a Portion I utuer that the
State Agricultural Society will try to ket a
bill throagb toe nsxt legislators providing
lor the paying of it debt, amounting to
about $30,000.
Under the game law it bacam unlawful
on ths first day of November to kill t
deer or buck within tbe slate of Oregon
Female deer and doe, though, may be killed
until January 1st.
Under tho editorship of Mr S S Train, wo
understand our contemporary, to bo known
as tho Ifrrmltl'DiMMrmiiutfor, will be ran as s
Republican and grange paper combined. It
will bo issued as an sight ps,-e sheet.
Ambidexterity is tho latest word, and
means tbe act of writing or drawing at tbo
same time with both bands. Right banded
sad loft banded practice should bo atoppod
by teaching children to nee both hands alike
$87,500 was recently paid in Eogland for a
pictore of Charles I. Tbat is mors than the
man himself was over worth. Whoa bis
head was on a pole at Newgate, it could not
have broegbt a farthing at auction. It is
only accounted for by tbe rage for old things.
Hundreds of letters from those using Ayer's
Hsir vigor attest its veins as a restorer ef
grey hair to its natural color. As a stimuleot
and tonic, preventing aud often curing bald
ness, and cleansing and soothing tbe scalp,
its use cannot bo too strongly recommended.
A business man lately coma to Albany ad
vertises in a Corvailis paper bat will not pat
ronize tbe home papers. A vary curious pol
icy indeed. If be had to depend on Benton
county people f .r his sales he would not make
his salt.
Joseph Cook lectures in Used' Opera
Hoose. Salerr, Nov 10 and 1 1th. What wo
have said in reference to his lecture bore will
also apply to Salem. On the but evening
there bis lecture will be no the subject.
Does Death End All. "
A young man at Corvailis makes a first
class income by buying up O. P.script, using
only two or three thousand dollars. From
five to twenty-Sr peroett is made, tbat be
ing the discount. Tho annual per csntage,
if it could be continued a year would amount
to about 100 per cent.
The grand jury reports that much of the
pare with Albany, for fine looking young
A curious case tried ia tbo Circuit Court
was one on a note and an account. Tbo do
fsoae was that tks note was a forgsry, and
that If it wore not it had been tampered
with after its date. To prove the latter
two witnesses skated thai when they first
saw tho note it road "at 10 par cent interest
monthly," but whoa brought into Court in
stead of monthly read annually. Tbo jury
brought in a verdict iu favor of tho defend
A very poouliar suicide occurred near
Wsston last week, tho following account ef
which wo got from an exchange i Thurs
day afternoon Miss Melissa Twaddle, aged
about is, living on a farm with hor parents,
iu the Blue mountains, about five miles
northeast of Weston, committed suioido by
banging herself to a pin tree, Shs had boon
washing clothes ia the house. When through
she emptied tho tubs and mopped up the
floor ; after which she loft tbe house rover
to return. It began raining shortly after
sbo loft, and, as she did not return, an
mother and brother started out to look for
her and found her about 150 yards flora tbe
house, hanging to a tree by a baiter rope,
dead. Her parents cannot aoooant far tbe
tragic deed. Mies Twaddle was a daughter
of John Twaddle, a farmer. It is learned
tbat tho scene of hor suioido was a bluff,
upon tbo edge ef which grew a scrubby
pine, bent over the precipice. She bad tied
oao sod of tbo rope to a limb as high aa shs
Oould roach, tbo other ead about hor nook
cud then jumped off. Miss Twaddls was a
bright, intelligent young lady, seemingly
happy st ail times, and If any dark shadow
had ever crossed bar pathway it was un
known to those who loved bor. Hor par
ont are welt and favorable known all over
tho conl v.
emevn of'rr.
Following is a list of bases' disposed of
sines last week i
-M Cooper agt N Whealdon, at al.
Action to recover money, Reply Med,
14. J W Morgan agt A J Wlndowr. Ao
Hon on note. Verdict for Plaintiff.
II. W PSstllemler agt Joelah Burnet I
at al, Foreclosure, No aetlon.
87. Henry Clark agt J WQllinour, at al,
Fortelosure. Service not complete.
II. L Flelsohnor et al agt Alexander
nmpter et al. Foreclosure. BUI dis-
Mr It 1) Wilson, of Salem, was la tho city
election day.
Mr Abe Hsckloman arrived in Albaay
from Silver Wells. O. K. last Saturday.
B W Wilson, ths veteran County Clerk,
of Benton county, was In Albaay last Moa
T L Torter, of Halsoy, was in tho city
Tuesssy morning, but returned boms to
a W as- a a m aa a mm
nr r. u Aitcnaei, or uaisey, invaded our
aaaetium last .Saturday in a manner which
i the life of an editor pleasant.
Mrs A B Woodin and Miss Woodin re
turned from an extended trip to Iowa and
Michigan ths first of tho week, having had
a very enjoyable
17. Jobu A Crawford, et
Beard at al. Suit In equity
sou. ouomiited.
41. Mary K Newman agt Amaada
Wyoeffet al. Partition. Answered filed.
41 Perry Smith agt John Balob. Dam
ages, Non-suit.
49. 8 R Youtur set (lrsen Beard etal-
Aotion on note. Time not out.
II. John R Baltimore eat I C Dicker et
al. Foreclosure. Decree In favor of plain
tiff. r
13 W II Baser act O P and Poll v Hceit.
Rot In equity to set aside conveyance.
61. D Harrel act M Alexander ot al
Foreclosure. Continued.
64. Elijah Saltmarab act Robort I. Stev
ens, Action on award. Jury disagreed.
VO Hardlna act Jonas Davis at al.
Foreclosure. Dismissed by stipulation.
0 Sarah A Hutcblns act James fl Cher
ry as al. Foreclosure. Continued as to
Whitney and Marshall,
70. J O Elder act D P Porter. Admr.
Judgment for $10 for Plaintiff, be to pay
7. Murphy (Irani A Co. set Smith.
Braafleld A Br Ices. Action to recover
money. Judgment for Plaintiff.
79. J H Bridges act Bor Irs nd Herman.
Aetlon on note. No action.
17. E F vVyalt act N Price and W K
Price, Judgmedt by default.
89. E J Leaning act City ef A I ban v.
Equity for an I rj unci Ion. Continued.
91. L Flelsohnor act W J Brum well at
al. Foreclosure. Leave granted to amen I
V4, Tat urn A Bowen act Smith A Own.
Verdict for defondsnt for damages.
95. Joseph Melvln act SJ Keofhsvor.
91. 11 Thlolsou act 0 D Simpson, ot si.
97, A J Jarulgan act M J Ssaltb . et al.
Report of Referee eon firmed.
99, State agt H A Pratt. Continued.
190, State agt L King. Fined ten dollars
and costs.
101. State act A D Ml Clair. Fined ten
dollars and costs.
103. Bute agt A D Harmon. Continued.
(Special nm-ttx to DssocaaT.)
Baptist Coaveattoa.
Uaa Casual.
Following are the plural for Clave-
land aud lllatno in tho precincts in I.inn
Ooonty :
.s Kt Albany..
M West Albany . .
& lobanon
4 Halsoy
96 Orleans
Frank ho Bo tie...
Sweet Home. .
Brush Crook . .
Cley land's
. . 'H Craw fordov ills
13i Fox Valley
. .31 l.iUriy
. SoMabls.
. 2
. 4
Ureal ioUrost was expressed ia this oity
Tuesday night oyer bow the election was
geiag, the latest bulletins though ealy show
ing tho statS of tho weather being road with
avidity. Early ia tbo evening the frost of
the DanocaaT e&oe was erewdsd with oagor
listeners and patient waiters, and as tbo
dvspatohes were received and road would
cheer lustily ovorytblag tbat favored their
particular eida, Tho first part of the even
ing tho Democrat's had matters their owe
way, the indications being strong tbat Cleve
land had Now York, but towards mid night,
the Republican's began to brighten up ; but
Ssk s
Sugar In the East Is cheaper than
ever before. In Boston refined sugar
sens ror orny 44 cents a pound, and m
New York the boat granulated can be
bought In any quantity for 6$ cents.
What a contrast have we here in Ore-
fon. The prices are actually doubled,
f we got sugar by the dollars worth
we pay over 14 cents for granulated,
amfeven by the barro! all the way from
11 to 14 cents Is charged. Great sweet
ness, hat don't we pay for getting rid of
our sourness, rn is fact though Is due
.'.it , , a . 'it a . a
wunai an ioohou tornoiy oomusoo, ror more i. .(., ... . .. M
unsatisfactory and mixsd up d as patches for though there Is some doubt whether the
belli sides wore never roooivod. Wo curtail freight Justifies the large difference.
and give below some of those which nave
boon received bore then sad sines.
Majority ia N. Y. oity will be between
forty and fifty thousand for Cleveland. 22
districts giving Clsveland 8,000 plurality.
ft peak Ing of the price of sugar, the
J'l eat ad vantage of buying many dif.
event klnde of articles rn large quanti
ties is suggested. For instance you get
paper says Great,
sleeted Mayor of
av-.. -i.i u v AZZZa i 7 pooosls of granulated sugar for a dol
v. v.- . . . v- -y af. Far a caar of Mo mhuhI. It would
90,000. Mail and AVnreat clams it for Blaine east sou 20. But if vou buv the bar
rel all together you only pay S16 40, a
direct saving of $4 00. an amount not
to be sneezed at by even a newly mar
ried couple. Oo aomowhat the earn
principle an Insurance company will
insure your property throe years for
twice the yearly rate. It le doing busi
ness at wholeealo on a small scale, and
pays fn the long run, In both of the
above oases about 3) per cent, 1'onder
over this.
najomy 19C
sr-oBTa-Tjs cjcajaaw i
J th.
Tbo talented and popular lecturer. Rev
Joseph Cook, as already announced, will
leoture at tbe U P Church In this city,
Wednesday evening, Nov 12. Subject,
' Seven Modern Wonders of tbe World.'
A prelude of half an hour will be given
before the lecture, beginning at 7:30 o'clock.
The OttCKK have lundly offered a re
duction of 40 por cent on tbe regular fare
to alt parties attending tbe lecture on tho
line of the road.
There are medicines which give only
temporary relief and then leave the suf
ferer worse off than before, especially In
esses of dyspepsia. Remember that this
Is not the way witb Brown 'a Iron Batters.
See what Mr J M Gaines, of Gaines, 8. C
says about this prlnos of tonics, "My wife
The sight annual meoUog was bold with
tho Springfield Baptist Church , beginning
Friday, Oct 31th. at 10 30 a. m. Proceeding
tho convention was tho ' ministerial confer-
which began the day before in tbe
place. Rev C Bpeiry, of BrowaoyUle,
was e lac tod President of tho oonforoooo, and
Bov T G Browaooa. of Albaay, clerk Tho
follewtag questions were discussed, "Ths
Preparation sad Delivery of Hsrmona," tbe
discussion was lod by Bov C R Hobert of
Fast i'urtland. "I'aatortal Work, ite Plans
and Methods,'' led by Rsv T G Browaaoo,
"Cburck Fins noes,1 led by lUv C A Woody
of PondUtua. Ia tbo tmi' U v M
Hugg, of Salem, gavs an addrsss, subject,
"Tbo P stars Ltlo of tbo 'tool. Tho addroso
was sa able prassntatton jut as important
Ths convention itself met Fridsy, and waa
organised by olootiog Boy T G Browns jo,
President ; Bov C Sparry. Vice Prooidoot ;
Mr A W Ktaasrd. Treasurer ; B v C M M ,
bert, Clerk.
The Hold covered by tbo convention to very
largo, including Oregon, Washington, Wes
tern Idaho, part of British Colombia and
Alaska, la this field there are about 139
Baptist chorchea, with shoot five thousand
cstsabora Much of tho first dsy was spent
as basin III, iaeladiag tho reading of aa able
and encouraging report from tbe Secretary o
tbe Board of Home Missions, Rufas Thorn p
soa, of Albaay. The annual sermon was
preached ia tho evening bv Rev G J Burcbett showing not gala of
by 7.000. Utter
many candidate
14 preoinote iu Gbio showed not Republi
can gain of 243.
JitrmU says Mueller, Viol, Cox, Adams,
Pnllitaer, Hewitt aad Dowrl, all Democrat,
sure'y elected.
In Iowa 14 township givs Republican
gain of 24a
In Illinois 31 precincts show Democrat
gain of 921.
Ia North Carolina Democrats elected
Democratic Legislature and C aaty tickets
Iu Wisconsin 63 towns show Democratic
gain of 1311,
Tribut says Gbio gone Republican 85,000.
Claims Virgins gone Republican.
Cleveland's majority In New York City
not to be toss than 30,000, nor more than
In Nebraska returso very meagre bat ia
dteate majority for Blaine about 19,000.
Iu Wisconsin 50 towns give not Deeao
cratic gain of 1300.
Ia Iowa indications Blaine will carry it
by 30,000.
627 districts outside of New York oity
show Democratic gain of 4463.
Entire Democratic Congressional
olrctod in Georgia.
Cleveland's majority io Now York oity
shout 42,300. Butler's vote under 4.000.
Herald says all Indians returns show
Deaaocratic gams.
Chairman De-oc relic Centra Committee
ooaeodos Oregon to Blaise by 600.
79 tow as in Connecticut inoladiac Hart
ford and Now Haven give Blaine 24.796,
Cleveland, 23,236, scattering 1654.
107 towns in Wlsnsnsia show net
cratic gain of 4611.
CWvolaad's majority mOoovgis b
ed at 40,000.
If gain oootissoa present gain wools givs
Blaise 30,000 majority ia State outside ef
New York sad Brooklyn which fi
indications will give Cleveland 46,000 to 60,
627 districts Now York
Brooklyn give Blaine plurality ef 22,676. If
ratio sustained would give him over 60,006
majority outside N. Y. City and Brooklyn
Kings ooonty complete sires Cleveland
15,239 majority over Blaine.
Tribune says Blaine' majority in Nebraska
23,000. Hays BUiao has earned Buffalo by
Cleveland's majority ia ConnecUcat about
Is Indians 160 voting places show Repub
lican gain ef 110. This indicates state for
Blaine by over 600.
Republican majority ia Sac raraea to oouaty
Cel. estimated at 1900.
Dos pa tehee claim Virginia Democratic by
about 4000
1231 procincU outside ef New York aad
Brooklyn give Blaine plurality of 46.000,
10,818. for Cleveland.
O a
In the barb wire suit with the cltv
last weak Albany came out second
beat. It being decided that tbe city has
no power to restrain a property owner
from using barbed wire on his fence if
bo Pleases, As tbe city seems to bo In tbe
habit of coming out tbe little end of the
horn the result surprises bo one ; and
any way , if a man wants to mak a
feooo tnat will keep boya and cows
out of his yard why should he not bo
allowed to. It Ie claimed that such a
feooo would tear clothes ; but the dam
age dooe would be incomparable to
that done by tho nails left up io our
sidewalks, from tho Indian huts in the
waat to the oak grub In the east.
Yacjalaa Pesters.
About eleven then sand dr liars, duties
o a foreign gro Is, wore received st this
port during the week.
A sow furniture store has been
at One. 1 1 by Mas rs, Dillon A Co. This
Arm will soon commence tbe manofso
tarsof furniture here on the Bay.
By the middle of this month
from th valley cau reach Baa
via the O. P. R. R.. Io about half tbe Una
ccnsual by lbs old route.
Tho value of tbe goods composing the
oare of the "Yaqulna," which arrived
hre en Wednesday, probably aggregated
ovrr forty thousand dollars.
Paymaster C C Hogue of the O P caore
In Monday. It took three strong men to
carry tbe cash to tho train.
A hotel le one of tbo nscssanttoo at Ys
qulaa, and will fay big. A restaurant
would pan ont lots of money to the party
who understood tbe business.
Tbe steamer Yaqulna" eroeosd io Wed
needs y morning, a I though tbe weather
was quits thick. She brought about
eleven hundred tone of steel rails, ears,
etc., for the O. P., besides other freight.
The mail Is now carried on the cars from
Corvailis Io Philomath, where it takes tho
mod road again until It reaches the com
pleted track from toe Bay. Aa taw two
etuis of tbo railway are getting nearer aad
nearer each day, tbe distanoe of "mud
!ra -el" for the mail will decrease.
We learn that ao eoon is tbe O. P. ia
completed to Corvailis, the Waat Bide road
will put on a fast train to connect with B,
reducing tbe time hex woe a CorvalBs and
Portland to four hours. Passengers leav
ing Yaqulna will bo loaded to Pertlaad
within eight bonis, tbo time to ho looooi -ed
between the points ecnsiderabiy as
soon as tbe O. P. gets fully bal'aeled
in thorough running trim.
o O
Ia last weeks DcMocaaT was a clip
ping from ths Independence paper, ad
vising the farmer to hold ble wheat, I
do not endorse It If be Is In debt be
ticket I should, In justice to himself and those
he owes, sell his wbeaf, even at a low
prion, and pay oft what be owes. Be
sides the prospects for a rise are not
generally looked at as being as encour
aging aa claimed by the Polk county
an. There ia little to back such a
claim for I across in price. The coun
ty would be much hotter off ir every
body who ownes money would sell and
Cit what they have into active circu
lion. This Is what makes trade live-
sen srf
Mr E A Pore'ra, Bead Inspector of Post
Offices, Calcutta, India, irsues a card esr
tifylng to tbe instantaneous relief efTorded
by St Jacobs Oil, in tbe Campbell Hospit
al, where its use waa sd vised by tho med
ical officers in serious sssas of thrsat
iron bios and other painful ailments.
few T
not aff i r 1 to re w.taoat
insurance oa aw property, aad at tho
ont rates there is no exeat a far it. By
on F P Nutting st this efnee, yea can get
insurance en a detached farm t ass (leans five
years for 62-25 oa tho $100 or tares years
for $1.50, remarkably cheap. Only tre
eless companies roprooontod. Notes for 3 to 9
rnooths taken, if requested, for all but 1
The Pacific Coast Is inevitably com
ing down to the Eastern sty Is of mak
ing change to a cent, and I predict tnat
It will not bo long am the little pennies
of the Atlantic will lockout of small
boles in tbe pockets of the peeplsof the
Pacific . Those who base been satisfi
ed with tbe loose way of getting change
within ton cents will look ou it with
sq u I o taxi eyes. But. aa a matter of fact
it ia business. If a person buys 18
cnts worth of goods thst ia whatj he
should pay, and it the child wishes to
buy a souls worth of candy, it should
have tho right. In fact even in Ore
goon ow it has the right to. Pennies
are legal tender to a certain amount,
I believe four cents, aud under tbe laws
of too United States, a tender of them
Is a payment. Aa big nuisances as
many consider them they are bound to
pot in an appearance.
Vermont has been said to be a good
place to emigrate from. Tho genuine
Yankee there ie becoming an institu
tion of the past. He is now scattered
over tbe western prairies, and hie place
Is belngfllled by strangers
Nature's own true laxative,
tbe palate, aooeptabls to the
harmless in its nature, painful la las ac
tion. Cures habitual cxnsUpaton,bLIIiou-
aeee, Indigestion and kindred lis. Cleans
es the system, purines the bloodogubatavs
the liver and acta on the bowels.
up eolds,ebills and
ths organs on which its acts. Bet bitter,
nauseous liver medicines, pills, salts and
draughts. Sample bottles free, aad largo
otUes for sale by Foehay A
Kraslnctsei Art KanSrslSerr.
Lessons given in Kensington, Arraeene,
Chenille, Ribbon and Darned em broidery, ell 1
five taught for $6 per dosen or 75 eon to per
lesson. Ladies are invited to call at residence
of Mr J H Foster snd see materials.
Mihh Lri.t' M. H ro
of McMinnville, followed by an address upon
Homo Missions by Bov J C Baser.
Ratnrdsv wee civon to business aad re
ports of committees. An addroso upon "Tho
Dalies of tho Church to the Sunday School,"
was given by Bov M L Ragg, followed by a
i .. . . . i i ...
has been greatly benefitted by It; shs had 9 a nirun6 aiocnosion, m tn
boeo troubled with dyspepsia for years, seen ing wse the -report of tbo Kdo cations.
and now I believe ebe ia iermanently Board, followed by four 'a minute address.
cured." It also cures liver and kidney on, rtrst, '-Christian tvlocatien, want is
complaints. it," by Rev C H Hobert, "Oar Work as a
Denomination in Christian K lueatioo, ' by
Rev T O Brownson, "How to Seek ont aad
Encourage ths Ministerial talent io our
Churches." by Rev C A Woody, "Has th
time come for McMinnville College to hslp
Students in Obtaining a Ministerial Kduca
tion," by Rev J C Baker.
Sunday at 10 a. m. there was further dis
cussion of the Sunday Seboel work, followed
by a sermon on Home Missions by Rev S W
Beaven. I a the afternoon the Woman's
Foreign Mission Society of Oregon pre
seated their work. This society ass just
sent a young woman, Mies Minnie Box
sell te China. They have provided her
outfit and passage st an expense of $800, snd
pledged themselves to psy her a salary and
other expenses. She is now oo hor way to
China. Tbo report of the years work of this
toeiety read by ths Secretary, Mis Henry
Warren, of McMinnville, shows how suc
cessfully women can work.
Ia tbe evening Ray T O Brownson gavs
an address upon "Foreign Missions" and
other short addresses were given whioh
eloaed tho convention. The pastor's eon
foresee will hold aa extra mooting in East
AH persons knowing themselves in- Portland ia May. Steps wore taken to or
damsge done to ths roof of the Court House, debted to me or the late firm of Allan A ganisea Sunday School Convention whioh
Martin will please call and settle 1m- will hold its first meeting ia Portland. The
mediately, or their accounts will be I next convention will also be held ia Port-
r, a. a. S V e c-a ea a
i -.suici mo. ou, in roz v alley, wants a
male teacher of experience. Employment fat
three months or longer. Address A D Oar
dsrer, Fox Valley.
Settee to WelMsrs.
The account of Peters A Rlain are now ia
oar hands for collection, and tho affairs o
tho old firm must be closed up immediately.
Persons knowing themselves indebted will
ploase call at once and settle, without farther
Pctxbs A Stewart.
Pay Vp.
Republicans claim New York by $000.
Democrat's claim Now Jersey by 2,000.
14$ towas la Connecticut give Blsiae 31 ,
431, Cleveland 83,274.
1703 towns in Msssachaaetts. including
Boston, give Blaine M.stW, Clsveland, 78,
843, Butler, 14.415, Si John 5191 '
Indications Blaine carried Now York stats
8,000 te 10,000.
Bmm seys Connecticut gores Republican,
Fiords Democratic by 3000. Indiana prob
ably cons Eopnnlioan aad Nsw York ia
Cleveland has carried Connecticut by
1,300 and Nsw Jorssy by 2)3 J
If nrassnl rates is carried eat Blaioe will
carry New York by about 1 1,000.
In Michigan fusion, alaraJity 2339, net
Democratic gain of 6845.
Blaise carries Ohio by 31 ,000.
Nsw York city gives Cleveland 43,233
706 precincts is Illinois shew not Do
cratic gain of 10,018.
693 voting places is Indiana show not Re
publican gain of 5574.
Cleveland carries Connecticut bv 1200.
Blaine's majority in Kansas estimated at
One-half vote of Wisconsin shows not
Democratic gala of 9 186.
1742 districts outside of New York sad
Brooklyn give Blains 389,404, Cleveland
332,109, Butler 10,560, 8t J oho 20.029.
Republican majority ia Minnesota as far
as heard from 20, 140.
Democratic majority ia Virginia 8,000.
418 precincts ia California, exclusive
San Francisco, give Blaine 28,787, Crevolsnd
Whoever shall bo elected President one
thing ia certain, aad that is, that A B Mc-
11 wain, at aia mammoth store, istlectod to
seal an
this fall, because he has them. No more
mole to line of goasral merchandise is to
bo found ia tho Willamette valley, and do not
fail to remember this. His goods are bought
to be sold, sad sold they will be under the
motto, "small profits and large sales." This
is business. It is getting cold sad damp
and yea aeed a
si sa i-Loaa
to protect yourself with, Mcll wain's is the
place to get it. His stock is largo and well
selected, ead yon can get a cheap or dear
cloak, just ss you please, at the bottom price.
Or if, for tho sasse reason you are fortunate
or unfortunate enough to bo a man, then yon
will waat
Aa gassy.
or suitef clothes. Call at Mcllwain's and sx
amine his well arranged stock, aad while
yea are there haul over his stock of furnish
ing goods, aad now is the time. You cannot
afford to shiver, which should induce you to
keep your foot wares by buying a pair of
for lad it a or gentlemen at this atom. The
stock is very large aad worth selecting from
Particular attention is called to this com
plete branch. In tho
Liue Mcllwain has few equals. His stock
is coo speaking for itself, tho Urea sales ia
this department being a b'g recommendation
for it
Never boy aaythiug without calling on
A. B. McIlwaik.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kas ,
Saved his life by a aim pie Trial Bottle of
vt . King's new utecovery, tor Consump
tion, which caused blm to procure a largo
bottle, that completely cored him, wben
Doctors, cbsnge of oil mate and everytbJaa
eiae bad failed. Asthxoa, Bronchitis.
Hosuwatieea, Severe Coughs, and all
Threat and Lung diseases. It is goaran-
eed to cure. Trial Bottles free at Foehay
Mason s Drug atom, largeaia e fl.uo
Wteat -54j per bushel,
Oat JO
Beef on foot. Sc.
Hay baled, 11913 per ton.
loose, 7 to 19,
Petal ops now 25 eta par bushel.
Baconshams, 11K
shoulders, 7c
sides, 19c
Lard 13c per lb.
Floor r-4,90 psr bbl.
Chickens 3.00 per dor.
Sugar San Frenciso C, 8)c
Mill Feed bran, 10.00 per ton.
shorts, 15.
middlings, 20.
Butter 20 to 26 etc per lb.
Eg-ga SO coots per doc,
Notice of Assignment.
a rAe Circuit Court o' Out StiU of Orefon,
or ike County of Lam t
Ia the Assignraant i
Ctas B. Montagus.
Notice is hereby given to all creditors of
Cbas. B. Montague, that he has this day
mads aad filed with the Clerk of tbo Cirenit
Court of the State of Oregon for Linn county
to bo -recorded, an assignment of all his prop
erty, real and personal, to me ths undersign
ed, aad that all creditors of said Cbas, B,
Mobtacoe are hereby notified to present their
claims under oath to me st the store of said
Chsa, R Montagus, in tho City of Lohsnaa.
ia said county, within three months froon
the date hereof.
Dated at Lebanon on Nov. 5th. 1884.
J. W Cvsicc
Powell A BlLVSC for Assignee.
la hereby given tbat I will rUlureifot
dc responsible ror, or pay, any us s ooa
tnicted by any poison on say moint
without written authority from m k,
3cio, Oct. 22nd. 18$4,
Pork Paeklns.
Messrs, F. M. Red field and L. E. West ,
ef this city, wish to announce to those
who have pork for sale, that they are pre
pared to pay the highest market price for
dressed hogs, delivered at their packing
rooms In bany. One door west of
Spencer's Groceiy Store,
Marion County is afflicted io about tbls
manner on the tax question, according to
tbe assessment roll :
The gross valuation of all property of
Marion County as appears from the as
sessment roll is $5,939,490: indebtedness,
$2,387,334 ; exemptions, $508,571 ; taxable
property, $6 045,591; as equalized, $4,
832,440. The gross tax o.i this amount,
with the levy of 21 mills, is $181,483.33,
divided as follows : For State purposes,
$27,0tf2,22 ; for school purposes, $19,330.16;
for county pur oses, $55,090.95; total
$101,43.33 fa ex en8 of the county
are about $36,000 per year.
McClure, 3 K
Litnvtlle, Mk-rt
Marshall, Rv Wm
Porter, Allco
. a . a ! i . e
wmcn is now iietug repcirca at a larwje ex, is due to thi trap door being left
open so lb it bays have had free access to the
roof, it is passing strange tbat this has been
allowed year after year when a lock and key
wonld have prevented it.
E T T Fisher, County Sarvoyor of Linn
county, is prepared with field cotes and
township plats of this county to correctly
locate corners of land where the aamo haa
been lost or destroyed, and will replace the
same with permanent monuments. Persons
wishing surveying done will please address
em at Miller's, Linn county, Oregon
The Salem Statesman dares Mr. Albany
Democrat to meet half way and pnt up its
props, (whatever they are.) We accept tho
dare and will meet Mr. Statesman in the
utmost corner of the forks of tbe Willairette
and Santiam rivers on Thanksgiving evening,
and will then and there engage to tight the
said Statesman with paper wads at ten paces
hereby appointing as our second'
inasmuch as he was second in tbe late elec -
tion and knows what it is.
mi r m mwm
i Qfl nepner j tmzs says ; "rtepner con -tains
more beautiful young ladies, in pro
protion to her population, than any town in
the inland inspire. " The editor of tbe Times
was never in Albaay, wasre beautify meets
one at every atop. Talk of the statue of
Liberty, of Mm Lang try or Balva A Lock-
wood, they siuk into insignificance besides
some of Alba 'iv f vored mi, No. neither
Hepner uo: any otuur O.-ogou city can com- I Mcllwain's,
placed in tbe bands of an Attorney for I land.
collection and costs made.
N, H. Allbv,
Letter Uet
Ths following- in the list of letters
Last of all, bnt by no moans least, there
ought to be noticed tho abundant hospitality
of tbo people of Springfield aud Eugene. It
will long bo remembered.
remaining- in
, Vev.
'norm, ung,, Atosiiy. L.inn county.
6th, 1881. Persons calling for these letters inut give
tue uiw on wnicn uiey wore advertised
Foster, P J
Hut, T J
Wei Pears aa
Irwlu. Wm
Langford, Perry
Ung-, 11 O
Mousell, Mrs
Wag-nsr, William
.1. M. IRVING, P.M.
Job rn acinic
rretbyteriaa Church toelahle.
The ladles of the 1st Presbyterian church
will give a soolable at the house of Rev. I.
H, Condit, on Friday evening, Nov. 14th,
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
On behalf of the Ladies Society.
Mas. John M. Ibvino,
Wo are now prepared to do any kind of
job printing oa short notioo and in tho latest
style, bend for estimate oa largo jobs.
Bosxhart Bros.
W. c. T. If.
e easssssrassB
Regular masting next Tuesday at 8
o'clock. Young Women's meeting tbe
same evening at 7 o'clock,
fork Boiigut.
Highest market price paid for bogs, by
Cohen. Call ou O Cohen, opposite
By special request we publish ths fol
lowing assay read by M. L. Dorris, a
student In the Soto public school before
the Solo Literary Society recently :
The mQ who ia intemperate In bla
habits doea not succeed in business. "Why ?
Because he neglects his buslnsos, goes to
the saloon gets drank, oomes borne and
curses and abuses his wits, and poor little
innocent cnuaren, spends bis money and
lies to conceal the fact. Some of our tom-
Ssranee msn of the day are in the same
x ; will steal around to the back door or
tbe saloon, go in and take a drink, that's
good forthe rum-seller (whether the prin
ciple is gooa or not,; ror iney always pay
each. The temnerete men nf this kind
think they will be a little sly bnt the habit
win grow worse and worse, win got to be
bold go in at tbe front door aud If there Is
not too muoh talk about It will get to
Bitting around, after awhile go home
Boys think they can co to tbe saloon.
get a oigar. cigsrette.or a glass of beer and
then have the feeling- within that they
bavs acted, like a man acts at least, Bnt
I tblnk It shows them one Jump below s
M a ers . . . a s a a.
looi, aome say wao is to blame 7 l say
i tbe boya are to blame, by eeelnc older
ones drink good judgment ought to teach
mem natter.
The temperance man tends to his busi
ness snd does not wait for his business to
tend to him, therefore is successful, doss
net associate witn tne man tnat drinks.
hold two ualon Sunday evening services U1,min.d Ia 8oed. nis conscience dear ;
Instead of one. Next Sunday eveninc il??
... . .1 v irauun ui iu uvt cam m uioet,
mere win do ser vines in me uongrega- Or have the rum-seller call him dead-beet
tlonal and Southern Methodist Churches. Scio. Oct. 30th. 1884.
Novelties la nook wear, black brocaded
silk, black and colored silks, ladies', mis.
see' and ohlldrens' hose, fancy haudkor-
ohiefs in linen aad silk, received this week
direct from Chicago at
Samuel E. Youno'b.
.Ministers Meeting.
At the ministers meeti ng of Albany hel
Monday of this week -it was decided to
Cteetag Ont,
Having oooeludod to discontinue business,
I will hereafter sell
antU all are sold. Come and secure 1 ara'ns
as ths goods most aad will be sole.
N. H. Alls,
SHI LOU'S VITALIZER is what vou need for Con
stipatloas. Loss ot Appetite, Dlssinee, and ail symp
toms ot Despepela. Price 10 and 75 eanU per hot-
Notice ie hereby given thst the
Tsx in School District Mo. 5, Linn county.
Oregon, is now due and payable, and that
ths some can be paid to me at my eflce,
No. 68, First Street, Albaay, Oregon.
District Clerk.
h grade merino rams, yearlings snd
two year olds. Also a fas Jersey mala
oatvee from three quarters to fifteen six
so nth bred. Price reason able.
McKwroBT Baas.
KINY01V HOLMAN. On Oct 29, 1884,
in Albaay, by Rsv. Mr. Judy, Mr. Charles
Kenton and Miss Lucinoa Holm an.
BEARD MORGAN. In Albany.Nov. 5th,
1884, by Judge J. J. Whitney, Mr J. J.
Beard and Miss Emma Morgan both of
Linn County.
COWAN. Near Lebanon, oa Sunday after
noon, Nov. 2nd, 1834, Maud, daughter of
Columbus Cowan, aged about 14 years.
Bat a few weeks ago soother daughter of
Mr Cowan, two years older, was taken sick
and died, and now, as another burden, the
next younger is taken. Verily tho sorrows
oiairuowanand LI family fr the last
-fear or two have bom many. They have
A.1- . 1 as OS a.
sno universal sympatic j ot all who knew
I have a chopping mill now running at
nay uiilefcouth of Albany. 1 am
prepared to chop wheat, oats, barley ,wi.d
os Is, etc., on short notice.
01 all descriptbas loll by Pstsrs A Stow
Of either sex admitted to the
On any week-day of the -fear.
The College Journal, containing inforerev
tion of the course of study, rates of taitioa.
board, examinations, etc, and eats ef plain
and ornamental penmanskip, free. Addrsas.
Lock Box 104, PoarLaNTo, Oa.
mf in writfntf, t)lut mm tM