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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1884)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. Krwattatbiu Street. TKRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION eingi. cony. it slnsL oopy , three months '." io PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. 5TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. OW. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Kurt of thia State. Will Rive special atten'tou to collations and probate 0 See in Foster' new brick. 4tf L. H MONTAJTTB. mORNEAT LAW, Notary Public. Albs.-. Office upstairs, over Joan Brifretoro, IS J K. WE ATHERFORD, fflOTAHY PCBUCJ TTnnKRV AT LAW. it.iv. KCCX. ,xr.LL ruAcnc. wCT!.2 f 8 tele. SpewaraesepMo an" probate matter gOTOSe. In Odd Fl-ws Tempi. IM f. C. POWKLU w R. RII.TKU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Collect Ions promptly made on ell potnU. Loans negotiated on reasonui. joTOfflce in Foster's Brii-k.-Ws vl4nl&if. Ittorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, ?m in all of the Courts of Ki.t.t All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. rOmce in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDOM & CO., DRITGGI8TH. itk. Stationary and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRUG- BTOBE, 2,1 SLBtSY. ORECO. FOSHAY & MASON, WHCLBLAII AXD BBTAI Druggists and Booksellers, ALB4IT, OBEGOM. vln41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PIESCR1PTI0SS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. DR. C, W. MASTOM Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. jzromce and residence in McTlwaln's Block. Albany, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. 8 having done with neatness and sharp ,.i,ih am alwavs knot in (rood condition, and hair cut In the style. .va ornirn are aiwam very best SAX wa vim I a'ttndry asd chwa ka0,. L VE3S Rice, bea and Japxneae iroode. Lndl nnderdothea, aod at bottom price Contractor for China, labor. JaTNext to City Batik. furwtureT I have the bee stock of furniture city and will sell in the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stoek of WALNUT FURNITURE iu the citv and the lowest price Valley. Come and see. in the Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. XT OTIC E OF PUBLIC LETTINGS S0 rl LICITED. Plans and specifications farnisbedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OR. The First Term will commence on Tnsday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the coarse of study and the price of tuition, apply to REV. ELBERT N. COXDIT. Presiaeat. Aloany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaform the oitizeni of Albany and rl eiaity that I have taken charge of thia Establish teat, and, by keeping olean rooms and payin strict attention to business, expects tu suit tl ftoiewho may favor us with their patronage Ravine Heretofore carried on nothing but First-Olaas Hair Dresetne Salodns expects to give entire gtisf not u a.'l jBfr-Cb;ldien and Ladies' Hair neatly est shampooed. JOS WEBBER. State VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED DIN DER. WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, The words "1 Belle" In Ft "the besuty." uort mea PLOWS AND DRILLS,! CUTTING BOXES, ANBv All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the nndersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Ant for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers In all kind FURNITURE, would peetfully inform the public that ufaoture to order, and will keep constant! v on band, a complete ww all desirable lines of lllf ' . . . ft- .nnf.,.rn FURNITURE, and whl sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UKDEBSiaSED WISHES TO Inform the public that be Is now pre- Dared to oo aii amu - - Work on abort notice. All work Is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of atone, but deal prin cipally In Oregon City gnlte. repairing ad resetting a specialty. Call andexamlne my price, before purchaa. in..k-hNMl will not be nnderaoio. yhop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post omce. m nkDRIa pmn REVERE HOUSE, f erae. First asd K1U worth Albany, Chat- Pfeiffer, Prop'r .i tt.1.1 i. a4 nn In Bret dam etrle. Tabtea applied with the beat J "J" Bed In erery Boom. A good oampis Boom lor Ooav nn 111 Traveler. tTVrrt Cameh te aad f r aa t he BeleLi MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AID DBE88-IAHI8. Cutting anJfltliDgby the MwTylor' OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DHS I W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O .11 I Offer their nrofemionel ertlorn to Wesma Liun and adjacent coUDtlra Office and ''1n near Court H ,use. Coll H Lanpbia and Co Drug Store. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office a, residence on First Street be ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon A Co'a. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lnmber,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- BiUs sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. Albany, Or- Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Democrat office, has charge ol the following first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTISH UNION AND NATIONAL. Call oa him Wood on aabi Democrat office. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never variea A marvI of purlety, strength and wbulwrnniM Mar. economical than the ordinary aintta, and cannot be eokt In coni petition Uh I ha mutillnto on low test, short weight, ilum or Kispaats powder.. HoM only In can. Rot At BW.FownBaCo. 100 Wall Direct, N. Y. (uticura A POSITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Diseaoo.from Pimples to Scrofula I bar had the I'soriasls for alne month. A boot Ive month, ago I aHi J to a doctor naar Buaton, who belU me, but unfortunately I bad to leeve.bul Oftnlinucd taking In. mould tie (or nearly ibrrc montba, bat tbe dieae.. 414 nt lcaa. I m Mr ( arumler' lot tar in I ho Philadelphia "rW.Kd," and hi. rase perfn llY dearrdwd mine. I tried lb I'm eta WbML oalng two bottle. K', and Ct-ncraa and f rut a Hor In urotm-tiwu, and ca. U a( cin.lottlr . m d. k r. II VRNARD, WaUrforU. X. J. EC1EHA TWENTY YKAKfl. Cared Mat a nlea mt tim Iraanraraarr. Yir (MMi Hw (tana a wonderful cur for m moro tbau two ara aira Not a tbrn of iu reap Daaraoo at no. It eur4 m of a very bad Eeiema Wblcb bad trouled ute for more tbaii twenty tr I ahall aiwa apeak atl rtCtlMU, I acll a great ueai of It. FKA.SK C. SWAN. Dniitlat, llatabill. Maes. UK .ST FOR AMYTUaNU. lUwt.r ueedyoar t'LtUt a RaaaatM fur vurbleen month fur Tatter, and Snaily cared It, I ran recom mend it bnyond any r media I bave .r used 1. 1 Tetter, Hum. M c. In fael. It t lb beat tncdi doe 1 bate ever tried tu aoTtbtna' K. i. HOKTOX. MyrMa, Maam. St KOI t LOt H SUIt KS. 1 had a doara bad aotea upon m b.nlr, and tried all reaaedie I oouM beer of, and at teat tried ywur Ct net aa Uaaaeiae and Uwy ba cured ma. JS UUSKII.L. llarrmi, Tbayac county I'onn. Krcry.necir at itchinz. SralT, Pimtdr. Hcrnu loua. Inherited and t'ontaetoua lluitan, eitb I,... I lialr. cured b, Ci tki a HaaotKor ISe lltuod I'nri fler Inurnalle. and i rm a ami CtTKt sa Soar Urn grmt Sain Cure ctUinaJly. Sold tary where. Price : Ctrnct a. UO cente : Soar, V tu. tiaaotvaaT. 41. Peleer Dra aad Ikraatral ., Hoaa DCAU I I ti a iair. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- mi him; shop. fTABLIN11ED 1MB. Br A. P. CHERRY, atoated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Haying taken charge of the shove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, iaw and CJriet Mill, Woed-worklnff Machinery, Pumpa, Jron and Bra Callings of every dem ri pUon. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. Pattern Maklag doar la all lis far l:llyl A. F. CHBRB Y A SON. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAT AND Notary Fublic. Eev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Iter. Z. P. Wilde, well-know n city mlealonary In Mew York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wllda, of tbe Maasaehueetta Supreme Court, wrltee aa follows : "78 JT. TAth St., Nrw Tori; May 1A, 162. KeasRS. J. 0. Aykk & Co., OenUiiaeu : Last winter I waa troebkad with a moat uncomfortable itching humor affecting niorts esnecially my lititbf, which Itched so intolerably at uight, ami burned so intense ly, that 1 could scarcely hear any clothing over them. I -waa also a offerer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough ; my appetite waa poor, and my system a good deal run down. Knowing the value of Ayku's Sakha pari li.a, by observation of many other cases, and from personal use in former years, I began taking it for the above-named disorders. My appetite im proved almost from Um Hist dose. After a short time the fever and Itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of tUo shin disappeared. My catarrh ami cough were also cured by the same means, and my general health greatly improved, until it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute these results to the use of the Saiuai-akii.i.a, which I recommend with all confidence as tho beat blood medicine ever devised. I took It in small doses three times a da, and used, In all, leas than two bottles. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wild." The above instance is but one of the marry constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of AVer's Sarsa I'ARILla to the cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsapari 1 1 a cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system te resist and overcome the attacks of all Serofur lout Di$eau$, Eruptions of the Skin, Jlheu matitm, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price SI, six bottles for S5. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine cure Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, and, all Bilious Disorders . Sold everywhere. Always reliable. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 188. (fruis ear regular correspond eat) Waruimotom, Oct 18 ill 18S4. A largo number of Deinocralli: enm atom and members are temporarily In Iht city fur the purpose of securing licit I or boarding koue sccomcda tinn itud milking . other preparation for their winter residence here. They riTiHin but a short time, and ar off agitin to take part in the campaign. I have madit a point to tee them atid learn their views in relation to the Presidential outlook, and have yet to fin' l one who was not hopeful, while moat of them, especially those who have been In Now York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Indiana, are confident, regarding Cleveland's elec tion ns almoMt assured. Tho relation of the republicans over their greatly exaggerated success In Ohio was almost delirious at flrst,bu when tho renl facts and figures became bstter known, a sobering process set In, and theynow realise that the!r diminished majority is, to the inex orable rule of political arithmetic a deles t. Eight years ago, when Ohio, In the October skirmish, had glren Hayes about such a majority as she had glv eu Blaine. Mr. filden was desirous o(msking an effort to carry the state In the Presidential election which fallowed In November. He was, how ever, over-ruled by tho Democratic commltte, who urged that his elec tion was assured without Ohio. The Committee was right, and Mr, TUden wss right also as the sequel proved. It If said that history never repeats itself. It may be hoped that the his tory of neglecting to secure Ohio In November when it Is within possible racb will not repeat Itself this year. This coming winter will be an In. teresting one In Washington, In any eveut, for It will be the winter pre ceding a change of administration If Om change shall prove to be a dero oc ratio. odminlstratlon,as now greater than it has been at any time since tho wsr. On tho anniversary of Woshingtons birthday Feb. ..nd, and Just ten days before tho Inauguration of the next president the Washington monumen will be unveiled with fitting ceremony t Military companies and visiting del egations will bo present from alt parts of the country to take part in the grest pageant, and many visitors will come then to remain until after the insuguration on thejfourth of March. After tho fourth of March an extra season of the Senate will ba called to confirm the nominees of the new President to Important civil and dt p'omstle appointments, and, In the event of Gov. Cleveland's election, is not lmprobab'e that an extra ses sion of tho House mar be called. Washington real estate sgents, ho tel and boarding house keepers are making busy preparation for the wlo ter, but not without an anxious eye on ttu political field. They are al most to a man, woman, and child, anxious (or a continuation of the statu quo. A change o! administra tion would doubtless have a disturb ing effect with many who da business in a small way. A democratic regime would mean local revolution In the In terest of civil service reform. The Govf riment offices here are crowded and clogged with political "dead-head-;" and "deadbeats" whose offi cial duties are confined to signing the pay roll and drawing their pay. They ranst be weeded out like tares. But these "deadheads" and ''deadbeats" though they toil not, nor spin, never theless do est, ledge,and wear clothes. They are renters and consumers and their discharge will be a great dis comfiture to the boarding housekeep ers, shopkeepers, and others who liye on their patronage. It is true that others will take their place, but the new men will be straogers,and it will take long to establish business relations with them. It Is almost cer tain that real civil service reform here will mean, not only the departure o' hundreds of Government clerks, but also of hundred of small shop-keepers grocers, tailors, and boarding house keepers who live on their patronage. It is this view of the subject that dis poses tho average citizen to whisper with white Up, the foe, they come they come! Rheumatism, Neura8lgia, Sciatica,. Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, More Threat.hiwrlllni. Mp ravine, Bratlaeev Burns, Stoskleht, Froet Bites, ASS ALU OTHMt BODILY FAIRS AID ACMES, Soil br DragCUt and Ileltn Twlim, Fifty Cats a boMia. IHnMtUe. la It taaaeaaei. THE CIUKLEH A. VOfXBK OO. Sw-ii t. A. vooamt 00.) SaHlawra, SSL. 6. 8. A. wsnH iJMPBnr 1 Bhbm9B9u1 FOR IPjSkJ--Xr. saws i aoisr FrouaJjsUin during th past weak there waa exiortel 78,923 ixiurids of butter, 370,778 pounds of cbsess and 17,700 barrsle of apples. Lost saosen, dnrlog the corresponding week the ex ports of butter were 153,848 pound, cbeees 312,704 pounds and apples 808 barrels. In 1130 there were eighteen Jerks in the geoeral land office. Now there are 367. It is estimated that the wool clip of this veer will smoant to 300,000,000 pauuda, and be worth $85,000,000. One-seventh of the population of Kentucky is colored. In 1880 there were 2,937,235 colored persons in the United States over 21 years of age, of whom 2,147,900 could not writs, ar 73. 1 per cent. There ars now probably 3,500,000, as the colored population increases by births seven per cent faster than does the whites from birth and immigration. Utah has now 10,000 small farms averaging twenty-five seres, and the whole must be irrigated. There is but one large farm in the Territory and tLat is owned by a company. local paper of Dakota is responsi ble for the following : A Dakota farm er in 1881 planted a single grain of Spring wheat, and from it grew twenty one stalks, each bearing a full bead of wheat, yielding ia all 860 grains of wheat ; 760 of these were planted the next year, producing one-fifth of a bushel of splendid wheat. This wss planted last Spring, yielding seventeen bushels, making 1020 pounds ef wheat from one grain in three years. Cape Cod cranberries ore the best and most prolific this year. The richest farmer of Wisconsin is William Miller. Uia estate is valued at $1,000,000. Yaasalboro farmer, who picked eighty bushels of apple from four greening trees in Lis onbsrd, thinks this is a good apple car. Jersey cow, owned by H- C. Feleb, of Bradford, J. H., gsre 1100 pounds of milk during the moots of Jum, fed upon gross slone. A flock of valuable Ismhe belonging to D. O. QUI, of Charleatowo, K. H lately got on to the rsilroad track, and twenty of them were killed ly a pasaing freight engine. Beats are plenty in some sections of New Hampshire this Fall. A farmer in Lsndaff, N. H., lately lost a young beifer, which is supposed to bave been killed by them. A Stewsrtatown. N. H., farmer late ly harvested 2000 bushels of potatoes from a 5ve-acre field, an average of 400 bushels to the sore. A thief lately stole an ''eight-year-old 1000 pound bay horse with star in forehead, from S. A. Ambrose of Bos- eawen Plain, N. H. The hog cholera is spreading in east ern Pennsylvania. A handful of un ieacbed wood ashes fed in swill two or three times a week ia ssid to be a pte ventive of the disease. It is said that ons of the best uses that can be made of old tin cans is to melt the solder from them by thtowing them on the fire,snd then, after cooling, wrap the tin aiouod the roots of small fruit trees- placing the lower end in the soil. Thia will protect ths trees from being girdled by mioe. There is a man near Danbary, C'., so inhuman that be has worn off the right tegs of three head of cattle by tying their beads down to their feet and turning them loose in the pasture. When a rain eame the rope siippeu up nearly to the knee and down, osaaing the lege to drop off. The number of persona who have emigrated from Germany this year op to the first of September ia 111,235, as against 119,201 during the correspond ing peiiod of lost year. Sunday theatricals are tolerated by law in five of the principal cities of the United States. They ars San Francis co, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans and Chicago. The Druid Hill Park at Baltimore has ths only Eskimo dogs in thia coun try, a couple cf pups only excepted. mm a ii .i . They are two in number, an that re mains of a team of seven, snd were brought by Surgeon Ames of the Greely relief expedition. The William snd Marv College of Virginia, the oldest in the country ex cept Hsrvsrd, had only one student st the beginning of the present school year snd closed its doors. Among its graduates were Washington, Randolph, Tyler, Breckenridg and Gen. Sjott. Somebody tries to scare giiis sway from Vaster College by showing that of 596 graduates only 188 have married. Marshall P. Wilder, estimates the fruit crop of the country to be worth $140,000,000. m ww a a Hi a William IT. vanderbiit has given $500,000 theColrgs of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. A St. Bernard dog, on exhibition at the KennelJClub, Not York City, is thirtv-three inches tall, and from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tai w (mo f measures seven feet. He is owned in Switssrlsnd, and is said to have saved more than a hundred lives in the Alps. Ths distsnoe from Nsw Yoik to San Francisco, by water, is s little leas tbsn 16.000 miles as a shin saila. Nearlv 400 sucsr estates ia Cuba bsre either been destroyed or abandon- ed by their owners in tbe last decade. A London bsksr recently pur chased 42,5$0 sacks of flour ia one day. California farmers are o mgratulatiag themselves that. notwiUiatandiof the low price of wheat, tb-y bavs two bushels this year to ons of last year. A candy manufacture io New York City baa recently bees arrested on complaint or the board of health tor . . a .. mm .1 grinding and mixing decayed eoooeouts io candies snd cakes. The number of hots oscked at the principsl Western pointr, from Marsh l.t m ()Lnl-,r 16th. asrs 3 570 000 net fl. 110 000 fr ths, nnrr-.n.linS- time of Ust rear. Reports frora Bessie state tbst en imrnrl.. ntinn ftf ile .l.-eL h-ree.t was damaged by tbe weather, and that .a. t t- t .. ar .v eQO vaiu- 91 wavjsiv ia nsiaa in vus v urvn i ouiU above the viewa of buyera. T,aKranab vintawa for 1884 la the I beet that has been seen in France since ths fsmous vintage ot 1874. Tbe export of Indian corn from At- Isntic ports for Kuroos during the hit eixbt wesks baa been 6.914,934 busbels less tbsn for the corresponding eight - - I weeks in 1883. Egyn. Odessa and tbe Danube bsvs been makiog cons id arable esporta of Indian corn to tbe United Kingdom. The stock of com in CnUago la 3,- 335,1)82 bushels. Freights oo apples from Boston to Uverpool are 62 cents per barrel ; to Liadon, 73 cents ; sod to Glasgow. $1 A few daa sgo 700 very thin, merchantable Texas stock sheep sold in Chicago at about $1 a bead. A lot of 389 Texaa sheep, seventy-four pounds average, sold at $2.25 per hundred pounds. Very little profit io this kind of business. Tbe Duke of Westminister leases about 1 20,000 acres of game preserve. The land ia unfit for cultivstion, but g tme flourishes and fattens in the for ests and wilds, ft x bests in one for est furnish 100 stags a year. Hicekiog of sixty-of nt wheat at 8t. Louis, a Missouri farmer ? o hauled wheat, in 1841, from St. Looia County to Shoo teen's water mill and sold it at fort? cents a bushel. It was good winter wheat, urobably equal to tbe present Mo. 2. A Jersey City man buys cracked and s totted eggs in New York. He oses ths yolk, together with a secret substance which kseps the mixture (rom atoning, as an on to soften can ana kid leathers. He olsims that it is lor aw eae . SB . a. m II better than neatsfbot oil. Ha usee on aversge of fifteen barrels of day. eggs per SAL Miss Carrie Welton, who was recent ly frozen to death ascending Long's Peak, leaves $200,000 legacy for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The President has ordered that Government reservation or square In Washington be named Folger square, In honor ol the late Secretary of the Treasury. Oen. Qrant, In writing his ante- blogrsphy,ssys that the thlogs he re- memners moat vi viaty are tnose oi nis . a a . a a s eany uie, uu tuo .-i-a.c-o rtsr l I . U . A 1L. I wwr I seems more distinct to him than the ivetjeiiioii. Dr. Heyer, of the University of liaiie, wnonas ueen cnargea ny tn, - . . . a a W m Prussian Government with the loves. tigation of fruit and vine culture In the United States, has spent a few! days io visiting Cornell University. I Dr. Desonampa asserts that tno mi- eea a m. At ek - at i ' ' croae of scarlet fever Is a bacillus shaped like a hair, with a long swell - Ing of the upper part. It reproduces rapidly, but is easily killed by all the leading disinfectants, particularly by the new chemical, thymol. Tbe Prince and princess of Wales will be entertained In December by Lord and Lady Dudley at WlUey Court, in Worcestershire. WItley cost Lord Dudley $4,500,000 but baa been almost deserted for along time. There has not been a party there for five years, and the Dudleya bave not spent a week there In that time. The latest theory of malaria is that the principal sou roe of the fever and exhaustion is to be sought In the slowly, but cumulatively poisonous influence of the relatively large amount of carbonic acid in the atmos phere of malarious districts, generated by vegetable decay, by evaporation of soil moisture laden with it, or by up turning of earth saturated with ths compound. Becentfmeosurements'ol the carbonic acid in the soil, as com pared with tho amount present in normal atmosphere, have shown that thflir relative Dronortlons are as 250 to one. rat SO 15 flMPEHAMOE DEPAWIEHT, XDITBO BY THS Cferiiilii Trnpeutee lliisi Wemta'i T VMK T'aT.eaj.l SISTKKS. umT n the of ths Ntkm : W mn not mindful of your Ubor f swrlmawlf-dewy :ng,its patience aBd iu Po.ful w.iuog. We are very tlut a home, rhen ,wvt r "r" Wl" lbs great 60,1 ot'Un- We mourn your aheer,c- lo "l'ly characterised by that "aHr thm Pirit -icb is ever the 4ooepbere In which they live, whose ",0" uJr0d on God, and wb I " - wo fl ATI A .1 hniil . U.- T awre 10 mk our 'oss to yoa in so fmr w r 1 o therefore rranoJ o fsiibfully report every ad- l9"' loob d won, publishing 11,6 ,B d"ble sized .umber of Th9 Ulon week. Our stenographer who takes tbt. heavy bor,Uo a 'olnnterfly. and r aSStSUot a litor who aHs HI the Jron. fulfill their task largely tor lov of tbe work and tho work-ra iam i"" w,u WID iph-ns snd wroraoDe 1 ''0 not be 1 f e a,-- wa, your beads eball not sobs with owsoot strain of nerve and moacls 4' 10 ioh ords snd keep I aft. . S a m a w M,pa 01 oisoiiasion, but all tbe mmm lbre DJ m you svan tbe oi sppiauae, and the iea por M at trmJU 'bose whom "having not seen, we lovs." Oive us credit, dear friends, for thus planning for you and your pleasare,and if there may be some star at home ris- itb the weekly visits of "The Union Sisnar audita aw. from all along the line, please share your joy with her by sending tor on extra copy of ths convention Bomber, U maf fi" the irrgest mission of whisk it is capable, and for which it is lovingly designed. Every your friend, EJitor "Union Signal." iiva vot asaar. Said a mother to me one day," When y children were young, I thought the! very best thing I could do for them was to give them myself. 8 I spared no pains to talk with them, to teach them, t i read to them, to prav with them, to ! be a loving oompeaioa and friend to my children. I had to neatec: my house many times. I bad no time to indulge w ivaelf in manv things which I should have liked to do. I was so husv adorn- lag their minds and cultivating their hearts' best s (Tactions that I could not I adorn their bodies in fine clothes, though I f kept them neat and comfortable at all times. I bave my reward now. Mr i eons are ministers ot tne gospel, ray I grown Up daughter a loyely Christian . . - a a woman. I have plenty of time now to rest, plenty of time to keep my bouse w in psatect order, plenty of time to in dulge myself in many ways, besides! going about my Master's busies whenever be has need of me. I have a thousand beautiful memories of their childhood to comfort me. Now thst they have gone out io tbe world, I have the sweet consciousness of having dene all I oould to make them ready for whatever work O yd calls them to de. I rave them tbe best 1 oould lyself." The black rat,so common in Koglsnd 500 years asro, has been, it is believed by natural .ts, completely exterminated bv the arav and don species of later I w w a Soecimens cannot be obtained . offeriatg eatravagant prices ; and . , , , ,. L . ah. I aL l .k . u: . . blaok n bave betrd i luc v us. v o ucyiji ssajt wa bulu t luil ova sa ssv w titorftWritett I A good oyster, if well fed, will lsy 128,000,000 eggs in a year. They hatch in from fonr to ten hours. Prof. Bice, sv a. a I who has charge ef the oyster hatchery I t Cold Spring, N. Y., ssys their heads 1 ramble high crowned Derby hat, w m I wnUe their tsils can scarcely be dtstin- gaUhsd from a hat of soft teit with the brim turned down all aronnd. -THE BEST TONIC This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, oulcltly and wnpletely irHel "t ia" unfailing remedy for Diseases of tbe Kid. eve aad liver. Itli invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. 1 1 doea not injure Ute teeth, cause headai he.or produce constipation otAer Jron seediest do. It enriches snd purifies the blood, stimulates tho appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieve. Heartburn and Belching, Snd stn ngth ens the muscles snd nerves. . For Intermittent Fevers, lassitude, Luck ol Energy. Ac., it has no equal Be- The genuine baa above trade mart um" crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no sihei Baa ely mj BBOWS CBBBICAL CO BILTISOS X. a R'jDtjt'arojj, a oo., Wholesale Aenta, Fortloud,0 ISSSSS EES IBS ci see mmm . wi iei bv Bsi see e STATE IIQUTt DEMOCRAT. the bmt inmnm mini II THE WILLAMETfE VALLET, Special boalneas notices in Ixeal wed umos 1ft cents per line. KcgaJar Leea ootlcea 10 cents jer line. For leaal and transdent advertlesmsats si w per square for toe Bras mm . .... ' , . mt m mX oe cente per square for insertion. Rates for other known on application. TEST TOOE BAKHB POWDEB TO-DAT! DOES HOT WIT All AMVOHIA. ns asaiearcLssss sua MSVKa aaa ef a TK -TESTJFJK ova. PRICE BAKING POWDEB CO., aascsas as Dr. Price's Special Flarsriu Eitraeti, Dr. Prlet'i LawMi Ytatt tmm tor UeSt. Ueeltky brr turn Teeet U tee WertS. FOR SALS BY OHIOAOO. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGMS la tea rstsad by thrs isast ts IteSt, whras Ilk, aor grawSsaatSar's Price Baking Powder Co., warn a w . wen iwm ntttnit nnita, in. au uoutsv ase AYER'S Cherry Pectoral attack aa Ukosa affect lag ths throat aaS dom so triOad with by Um wadnrlty of era. The ordinary periiap. frosa a trtsUaf or paean, la of tea bat tea lasrlaalag of a tickoeaa. atxs's Cacmrr Pvctobai. well proven tta efficacy la a forty w U throat aad 1 takeu ui all saaas ait-oat delay A Terrible Coa " la 1SS7 1 took a savara eokt, wsOaBi i say laaca. I bad a terrible aacbt after aisbt ear. me up. I tried Avkbs Caaaav tubal, vhieb for tka raoovery of say atraawtb. By ass of the rartosui. a pas old. bale aad Caaaav Pacroaat. aa' Horace FAiaaaoTBKa. Uocklagbaat, Vt, July U, Croap. A Xc Wblle la tbe usaiitiy 1 tKjj , i&ree years ou, ' It seaaeed as if be leUem. Oat. of tbe faaaily i of Atbb's CBKBav furoKAU a bottle of vhicb waa always kept ia tbe -sees. Tss waa triad ia email aad freeaeat doses, aad to oar deligbt ia leas than half aa boar aba little patleat was saeatbiaa easily. Tbe doe- tor said that U Chkbby PKCTOBak saved my darling's life. Can yoa wasater our gratitude? Sincerely touts, Mas. Kboba Gmrr.' 130 West 13Sth St., New Tors, May IS, " I have ased Ateb'b CnxaJtr Pacroeta ln my fasaUy for several veara. and do we hesitate to in aanaacs it tbe moat eSTasliaal remedy for coughs aad eobss wa bare ever trted. A. J. CstAXB.1 Lake Crystal, Minn., March U, 1882. I suffered for eJcbt years frosa 1 ami after trying: many rftmedtes with ao oses, I was cared by tbe nee of ATBB'S Cam bv Pbttobau Joskfh Vauiui." Bybaiia, alias., April 6, 1 "I cannot i ; say enough la praise of Atbb's ti-roBAL, believing as I do that use I should lone since bare eked Chkbbv Pbctobai but for its use I abould lone ail from laaa trouble. E. BBAUDOS.' PalasUae, Texas, April 8, IStt. Mo ease of aa affection of the thro, lungs exists which cannot be greatly reSe by the aaa of Atbb's cbkbbt Pectob, and it will ofaaays cart wbea the dkaasaa at not already beyond tbe octroi of saedioiae, rBBTABXD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer ot Co., Lowell, Maat. Soid by all Dmggista. Wheat Stored hAT THE- MAGNOLIA MILLS. Having purchased said mill I will rs ceive wheat in store at the mUl and waie- S. fioaM- When parties wish to sell will any ths wheat or deliver it on their order. Sacks furnished to parties wishing be store. July 15tb, 1S84, JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Administorator's Notice of AppoiBt- ment, Koiice ia hereby Riven that the under signed has been, by the County lour as Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate oi Men a la Wilson, deceased. All persons having claiaaa apainst said estate ars required Lo present toe eame, duly verified, to the uBdersign ed, tbe office of Weatherrord Blackburn in Albany, Oregon, within alx mouths from the date hereof. Prior WiTJsesr, WoATHBsFotn A BiAcasu t, Adm'r. Ally's for Adm'r September 22nd. 1S84. PATENTS anTKK Jtbe8ora: tinne to aet aa Boo ateea for Marks, vq for the TJ laneL Freaca. taermany, eta. at ana eent free. .utj-fS patent a oouunee mwrae Sort widely elroulated actsoUae Weekly. StissnSin enara formation. BpeoUeomr, XBBTria OfBaeTsa BraaSj eSvavtlsaS as seeeeaeely aasa TMX TEST i rnaeea aea teeo-aee a e-t ete-a aW heaeeS, Shsi waaeetajee evayS rmill jaaieiLi Ui aet ee sa The hast aaatHSMt winter any lUUe eas ULKea 111 wisa arasa; roald esa rreee straeera nllsj faelns. OaaaaeBw sSW Broadway. sMwaerlta Ai t