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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1884)
S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. IUH BSS FFtCB"" BfBwnl Batldlagoa BraaUalbin xlrrrl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ata Mn nr raw. in adranr. H M a oo l eo n 10 fen,;, copy, pirf. at -vr inUeopy. six asanas.. Sin! copy, thrwaoa aujne niabtr. ......... . PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. TTTtLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE W Courts of Una State. Will give special attention to collections and probate motttce iu Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORN EAT LAW. Notary Public. Albnny, Oregon. Office upstaire, over John Brlfftore, lat J K. WBATHEBFOBD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, lUASf, UHLL PmACTlC I? 2JH ArfTl V m I . i ( , gpicUl attenUoo giten to colMcttons IM ? SUM. probate mUr OroS la Odd F-arWa Twatpe. 14:1 . w. n. ' POWEIX a BII.TEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Collections prompUy made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jrOfee Foster's Brick.-a vl4nl9if. Attorney Ind Counsellor it La? otary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Conrta of this State All business intrusted to him rill be promptly attended to. tf-Office In OToole'a Block. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DitraciisTft. ftnoka. Stationery and Toilet Articles. A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRTJO- STORE, tyl 11 1JTT. .sE4ew. POSH AY & MASON, nouuii axd siraii. Oraggistsand Booksellers, ALB.4ST, OBEGOI. vl6n41tf DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Offlos on Prat Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. -Office and residence in Mcllwain. Block. Albany. Orfgj: LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. condition, and hair cut in the very best style. SAN WA vim LAUITDBT AND CHINA MERCHANIING BUST If ESS. Rio, tea i JP toa- J-", aareVhea ' China labor. larNext to City Bank. SAWjOHENT Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, morchaadise honsebold goods, etc., at auction for any one in tLe cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN- FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furniture in city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can Rive SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder . AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. TT01TCE Of PUBLIC LE TTINOS SO- 11 LICITED. Plans and specmeaiio fkra ishedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the course of study and the price of tuition, apply to REV. ELBERT M. COIfDIT. Present. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Harrisburg Oregon, 3S TEAIN, Editor 4 Proprietor St at e VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED DIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON, Tho words 'La Belle" in French 'the beauty." mean PLOWS AND DRILLS.I CUTTING BOXES, - ND ill kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the iniuersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Agent Cur Frank Bros., Portland THE ALDANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannal8, Woodin & Fisher, Manufacture and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, i.i ..rsriiiY inform the publk ubllc that th.. manufacture to order, and will keep the man eonstantlv on band, all desirable lines of complete stock ol FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. qiHK UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I inform the public that he la now pre pared to do all kinds of atone and marble Work oo short notice. All work to war At?m aatitrfaction V ill WOrB any and all kinds of stone, but deal prio ciDallv In Oregon City granite. , C-eaulnR. repairing ad resetting a specialty. ma and examine my pucee nerore P""" fn,? elsewhere ail will not be ondersold. "bop on west aide of Kerry street oppo sue post office. G. w. HARRISf Prop. REVERE HOUSE, Carae. rtrat aad Ell. worth A laaay . regoa. Chaa- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Holal l fltied up In AU-TUs applied with th. bsat tb. market aSorda Spring Bed to rery aoaat. sw h mercial Traveler. oar fa to aad freaa te MatM MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IILLIHm AID DEE88-MAHH&. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRSJI. W. Si MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Burgeons, ALBANY, O ! i t Oder their profeealonal er.iceato l inn .ml aAianenl coxiUWt- miw . new Court H ue Store. Call at Unjfdo. and Co'. Drug DR. J- P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, First Street be i?, onr. T.von Mtreets. tans lefTat a : w: Langdon- Co'.. Drugstore Albany, Oregron. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rouffh, dressed and seasoned lnmber,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisiactory. ROBINSON d WEST. Albany, Or. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Dkmocrat ofllo., has charge ol the following first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH ANO MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPEglAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC0T1SH UNION AND NATIONAL. Call on him forinsuranee, Wood on sutMcriptioa i wat3 I at Democrat office. POWDER Absolutely Pure. at powdor n..r wis A mull of psnoty. rsnftli ftnd .boteauinonasa Mors cwnninil than tl' rdiusry kind, and cannot bo sold In oompotiUoti lth tb muUltnda on low lost, ahort weight, a) am or phiMf.hai powtl.r . SoM only In oana. .oral. dAKia. FovsssCo. IM Wail fttrart. N. Y. SALT RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Positive ly Oared. CZEX A. or Bait Rheum, with its aftmltinr . Inv aod burning, imaaiilv ratio .ad br a warm bath with CCTH't sa Soar, and a atog-lo application wf C- TKl'U,IMtrMI Skin c ur.. TMl ropol 1 dailT, with two or thrws duo, of Ctmcra ttssot-.irr. th. n.w blood purtftor, to keep lb. blood cnui, Ih. par prfation pur and unlrriuUnf, In bow.l opart, th !ivr aad kidney active. wilfpwdilr cur Ifi ni Totter. Ulnrworm, Peortaaia.Uebao, mirllu., Heal led Hat, nJ naffj Humor ol sh. Scalp and Skin, whw th boat phjmU tan. ami ail know rwrnodio tail. Will aleiswaaltf. mi Uoarbora ml. (tiloaa-o. K totally ackwowlVx a cor of Mall Hbettm on d, neck, face, ara. and tf for ikidUw ,ar , not ahi to walk except on hand and knee tor on r ; not abl to Sip himaetf tor i2bt ar ! tried hundred. f remedie. . Juctor pronounced bt htiinl ; ponnaweotiT cqrad by Ct tut a Hi ut.vaT (blood purlBer) internally, and Ctrsrt-aa aad Ct ricraa Soar (the gnat akin cur.) x Ureal! y. CMav iMlkeia. Baa.. Iswrsr. tt State . Ujtoo. report a caa of Salt Rheum under hi oh rrvmtion for ten year, which o.erad th aaU.nt body aad limb., and to which all known method of treatment hJ been applied without bwnefli, which wa co ipitoty cured eoiely b) the Cvintta Kaa bias, lating actaan and healthy akin. F H , Ea.. Del roll, Mich,, uftrd un lold torture front Salt Kheom, which appaared on hi haoda, band aad far-, aad nearly destroyed hi ), After th moat car.ful ductorlav aad a con eulUllon of phyaician tailed lo rllee him. be ueed the Ct rtct aa a RasBbia. and wa urd. and baa re mainod o to dale Sr. Jean Tfclcl. Witkasharrs. . writes :-l aa. sjffmd from Salt Bhwain for or viaht year. at ll bad that I conld not attend to my buai nee for week, at a time. Thro bote of CTKva. and four bottl UsaobTSJtT, bar entirely rurad turn oi tau orwadrai di Md erywbere. Pries : Oi-rtct t. Ut oenta. Rmn, $1 . Soap. M eU. fuller Urtur si fr Mow to Care skla SMaaaaM." PIITI WM . . T -let, llalb SJ w I and h' artery Bauti. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- huhim: shop. ESTABLISHED ISSS. nv A. r. ('tiKKKY, sfiuaiau at ooraar of First and Montgooiary SireaU, Albany, Oregon. Ha rins taken shares of th. .bov. natnad Works, we are prepared to maanfiurtnr. Stoam Enjclnes, Haw and una Miita, Woad-workins Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Braes earnings of .very deecriptlon. Machinery of all kinda repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm u a- chmery. l-alterm MUtklac clene la all Its farasa. ifkllyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT L.A AND Notary Public. Office inf States Rights Dkmoc otnee. A FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF Dose. To moo th how til gtntly, 2 to 4 Pills: thoroughly, 4 fa S PM$. JCrperience will decidt fas proper don in each coir. For Constipation, or Cowtl remedy is so effective as A via' a Pills. They Insure regular dally actios, aad re store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, A visa's Pills are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart-bars, Loss of Appetite, Foal Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Head ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by Aykb's Pills. In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders and Jaundice, Ay Kit's Pills should b given In doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these Pills are unequalled. Woroas, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these Pills. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of Aykb's Pills. For Colds, take Ayer's Pills to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea aud Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, otc, Ay Kit's Pills are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of Ayeb's Pills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by Aykh's Pills. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua tion, have a safe and ready remedy in AYER'S PILLS. Fall directions, in various languages, ac company each package. PREPARED BT Dp. J. C. Ay erdt Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. fights ii nil ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1884. e 7 RMW. IM BMaW- A California gard.nsr baa the following plan for gt-owiog straw berries, which will undoubtedly prove saccssful in dry localities : First, cultivate thoroughly, agd pulverise the soil to the depth desired. Then take boards or saw-mill .labs. With 3-inch auger bore holes in slshe eighteen in ches spsrt, alternating from one side of the slab to the other. Place the some sixteen inohes apart, and then with trowel or dribble set the straw ¬ berry planta io the angur holes. Cul tivate between the stabs. The hoaiils will retain moisture duriog the dry, hot weeks of Summer. . It is stated that a Chicago oyster dealer has not leas tbsn $5,000,000 capital invested in that business, snd ordinarily buys about 13,000 bushels of biyalves daily, half of which are pur chased in New York City, the balanoe in Baltimore. He is the largest dealer in the worid, and furnishes .boat 10, 000 bu.h.U per week for the English mark.ta. farmer io Mississippi has a fltld of ISO acres devoted to the raising of pep- ermiiit. In view of tho man; accident a from itearms that have lately aceurred, it seems strange that parents should leave oaJed revolver, within reach of chil dren. A little girl of four veers rs lately shot in the head by an older child, at Parkmao, Me., while plajiog with a revolver. Hopes are entertained of the child's recovery, but the sight of one eye will jrrobably be destroyed. The demand for Paris green this year has not been so targe as io former years. Price., which three years ago ware aa high as thirty-two cents per pound, io the busy season, are now enly sixteen te nineteen. Paris green is properly an arsenate of copper. The cold wave signal displayed by the Government oAicera will be a white flag with ulck centre. Advices from the ioterior of India aud Bombay says that there baa been a general failure of the crop, for lb. laok of rains. The distress smong tb. na tives consequent upon an actual and prospective lack of food supplies is very great. According to the late advices Iowa promise, the largest yield of potatoes ever known : Illinois gives an average, bile the yield of Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin is below the average. Zhe reports from the Illiooi. and Iowa oornGelds are extremely favorable, while the bop crop of Wisconsin is very poor snd discouraging. Home idea of the capacity of Califoi- nia aa a honey-prod uciog State can be founJ from the fact that in a peak in San Bernardino, Cel., a maas of honey eatimsted topontaio at least 500 barrels has lately been discovered. Report My. that New York parties have bought about $8,000,000 worth of picture, in Pari, duriog the past five years. A bicsgo dea'er and speculator has lately cleared about $3,500,000 by successfully engineering a corner in pork. Chicago baa a population of 610,333, among which are 309,632 individuals of G.rman descent. The post-mortem examination of a cow which died in Pennsylvania, not long since, "revealed the fact that a large darning needle had gotten into her heart, and had become lodged in the wall of the left ventricle, where it bad evidently beeu for some time, ss it bad oaused considerable erosion of the parts. A large abscess had formed over and around the point of the needle on the outside of the left ventricle. It was in cutting into this that the needle was found. How the needle found its wsy into the heart must ever remain a mystery." It is not unlikely that it was first tsken into her stomach with food. England imports annually about a hundred million dollars worth of butter and cheese. Keport says that one of the most ex tensive shippers, of live stock from Monteresl to -London, Liverpool and Glasgow has lost near.'y a million dol- av t r w- . w lars duriog the past three years. The standing redwood timber in Cali fornia is estimated at 15,550,000,000. Railroad ties of redwood last eleven years. Last year the valuefof fish csught in Scottish waters was about $16,000,000, while a few short of 50,000 men and boys were employed in the 15,000 boats encased in the fishery. A million and o 0 a half barrels of herring were taken. There are no cats, rats or mice in Leadville, Col. Northern invalid, in Florida are call ed "evergreen." by the native.. In the national treasury there is nearly $20,000,000 in Government .e- ouritiea which are uncalled for. Some of them have been due fifty years. Why the owners do not call for them is whol ly unknown. A New Jersey mustang bit nis own- ar'u wriafc aa hadlv that it had to be - " - J amputated. Forty yesrs ago there was not a tele graph ollloe io existence. To-day the number is b 1,840. I A Glenuove (L. I.) msn is tho owner f a rooster which cstches mice as well as sny oat in the place. The total number of hogs slaughtered annually in the United States is esti mated at 30,000,000 the average dress ed weight being 175 pounds each. Florida expects to raise 3,000,000 boxes of oranges this season. Thsro are about 500 white persons employed in the manufacture of cigar, in San Franoisco, Cal., and about 7000 ai M00O Chinese. The white men re ceive $1 1 to $33.50 a week and the Chinese $5. BlllUt LIMKL Silt The answer of the Sentinel Company .oHne Blaine libel suit has been filed. The defense admits printing and pub Ihhing, (ho snide complained of in an Issue of Aug, a. 1884, and doitles that It was false lo any It sets forth tbst James G. Btsino was married to Harriet Htanwood at Pitta burg on or abnut Mirch 35th, 1851 ; that prior to that time and during the courtship Blslne seduced Mist Stan wood ; that he at first refused to make reparation for tho wrong done but being .afterward strongly urged thereto and violently threatened with Chastisement snd punishment for his Idtwrongdolng, anl, porehance re- pentlng bun of the evil, married her ss stated ; that inJune follow ing a chlld'was boro, known as.iStanwoo I Blaine, which lived two or three years andiwasalwayslattknowledgml by the plaintltT andhtsl wife h their SOfl i by reason whereof the defendant, say the matters and thlnrs set forth In (he article reel led are (rue, and the same helnsr true, thev were nublhhed " "'- eae e - ap - V ay of and concerning said plaintiff by the defendants, as they Ju-tly und lawfully might do. The defendants file with (heir an swers a number of tltterr sj tf .rle-.and require that the tin u sBawered by the plaintiff under oath, positively and without evasion, within suen time as may be) isvt by the Gooit, among which are the following: State when ou finally left K-n tucky, and if you at any time resbb d there. When did you go there, and fn m w'.tere? You wero next employed In whst business or rulling'-' If you answer that the maiden name 01 your wire was Harriet iati- s wcaid,stste when she finally left Ken- lilnLu tl.. . .mil kt . . r 1 tl htivl I . ' IUVI in 1 . mat ku (Jive tho state snd place of your marisge, and the names of tho per - rons SSMSf ,yourHell snd wife who were present si tu nwumnm , What ueuuaintanee had vuu with Jacob Sf an wood? " . What relutionlwas he, if any, to the person you rasrried, and what conversation or Interview did you ftasaafaa ttltKlllilm tvi fe-vw-. alts ! r t a r P I tPl k oncernlng Uie same, und wheroidid WV '-r such interview, if any, occur, md .t A .1.. ' - - - - WII81 WU Bl.U Biui udiih uu rciii. Was notlthe nrst cniiu or said mar- . riaire born on the 18th day of June. 185! ' Where did .aid child die? Where was it buried? aaasa . S a . a Ii in any cemetery givegme nune of the cemetery? Was any tombstone or monument erected at tbe grave of said child, giving its birth, and by whose direr tion was said tombstone erected. Did not said tombstone bear the ollowintr inscription rolative to (he birth of the child Stanwnod Hlaiiie born June 18, 1851 V Has any portion of such inscription on said tombstone been erased since ts erection? If so, what portion thereof? What acquaintance have you with book called Tbe Life of James O. Blaine," written by Mussel A. Corn- well, with an introduction by Gov Boole of Maine, and, published by J (1. Allen & Co. of Augusta Me.. n the year 1884? Were not the proofs of such wjrk submitted to you for revision ? Is not the statement upon the GSth page of said book as follows: "Mis Stan wood, in March, 1851, became your marriage? vour marriage? Did you not communicate to the author of said book for hisuso in such work the time aod place of your ra tr riage? Adolph Sbuliz, of Oakland, J. B. Newton and M. Q. Cjffn, of Otraon, O. T. Lor and J. A. Dalk, of Ooio.vil- ia.rrca in fsarui. f .T RiisKall and H - VW ataa awwaj ar' w- H. Horton,of Blanchard,who,heretofore m a ...a 1 1 have been prominent leader, ana inuu ential workers smong the Republicans, have declared their intention to vote for Cleveland and Hendtieks. A gen- tleman who ha. been traveling through the south and wet tern part of the state informs the leader tbat there are many others in that part of the oountry who have broken tbe strings of the Re pub- liean party and declare their intention ofsuDoorting tbe democratic nominee i . a for president. The lady who went to a ball in Lon don dressed as a campsgne bottle prob ablv wished to give u hint to some tardy admirer in regard to popping the; uestion, j Bmarrat PERSONAL. Along) IIamllton,of Dorchester, has a horsu thlrtAafive years of skre now In his service. George Durmt, a qusker, appesrs to have bean tho first whito settler In Norlh Carolina. Duranfs Neck por- potratos the name of the first settler. Philadelphia seed men are among tho most enterprldug In tho world. Mr. W. Atlee Burpee, of W. Atlee BuirdeeA Co., and Mr, Herbert W. Johnson, of Johnson & Stokes, have Just returned from the roost success ful Kumpean tour fn search of novel ties In the floral and vegetable world. Senator Anthony, of Rhode Island, romerobered his faithful friend, Ma jor Bon : Perley Poore, by bequeath. Ing to him the sum or $2500 ; also tho Charles Sumner sliver tankard, water pitcher and silver rup. James Gordon Bennett has a greater number of houses awaiting hlsoocu pallon than any other American. He hss one In Fifth avenue and another In Fort Washington, and then bis rooms at tho Herald establishment are a snug plsce for a baehelor. His Newport villt is always In readlneiw, and he hst also a fine establishment ai 1 rH The wealthiest man In (he world the Chinese banker, Han-Qua of Wsbbsj, jjw pay. taxc Upr,n an ea- tile of $150,000,000 and Is estimated r 66 worth billion tsela, which, in ,,ur "Ji wnuia ' "bout f 1,400,- ,Mi uwo,j- Late advlees from Paris state that Mr. Morton, the United State. Mln- ,l4tr at farls, has, with the knowl- (, f Minister Ferry, intimated to Govermont at Washington thst h" !lmo l" opportune for American meditation between Franco and Chi- ns. The late Lout A. & Field of Graf. ton, Mass , bequeathed $5000 to the town for the support of poor women away from the Almshouse : $5000 to the Old Ladle.' home in Worchester, amd ,be of her estate, with Hi 'xvpiions, to the Grafton town library. This is the first m oney ever given to the (own of Grafton, except $100$ f r the towu library. Mr !.-wh, thef present American Con- - ul it .err ! reorientates that one day whlie Im thing, his privacy was sud- ffc i ly Invaded by a chief and a na tive woman. The savage was suffer- ing from rheumatism, and having beeolttfornied that the white conwil'a WP -rww.,a ,ua, hail irnnoht nnu of Kla ui mm m m w. ..wpj.. i. inn nun no m u equivllsnt for the srticle Himon C-imerun of Pennsylvania h ,nore than midway past hi. eighty nfth .... . . rnnntlll . " 1 1 - . unaojnxi. io nas oeon greatly oent m form during (he lost year by the accident resulting in a fall In his house m..nihit-o thai th -. w-er v ee w new ej bj mw mr mm " J w a w wa w a a a v a I form that hshfln an whII known In ,wt" " ww'4 "uuwu IU a" o nsuonjior nan ;a century .., ......... u, WHS wwewi -eu again. j m. Dellaroy.who has under blm - .a. . - vvx' cupper mine, oi 'TOV",C nueiva, in opsun, oi which he has been chief engineer I S W eS m a m a a . a a . I since 1340, suites mat ne i i ne nas dovot been uble to averts! n that aujr uw engageu in tne mining inausiry , a f a. a a I u -l. u i i i a . wn.t... ut-,,. au iuusj U1.....USW4J ..a, v. ..Waa. . waAaa il Lwl vf S r1 AWd Thft Va . W a-vt I tne ui.umg in,,.u.aon .a "Aliens and deaths from zvmotla disease, are " run Miinui tiietu. Mtas Florence Kelley the daughter of Concrreasman W. D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, who hss beeu studying io Europe, is engaged to a Russian. A correspondent says of her: "Miss Kelly,ag a ch'ld, was a pot and favor ite of Henry C Carey, and when she was fourteen he remarked that be would rather discuss economies with her than witn any other specialist on the same subjects he had eyeri known." Tho celebrated English nhvsiolOffist. stantially new version of tbe gem the- ory of diseases, lie believes, horn observations based upon the mutability of bacilli, that the same germs may produce different diseases in different constitutions s theory that is corrobo rated, if not confirmed, by recent ob servations, which show that the bacte- rio of the typhoid fever and malaria are e i e . e I cf lha sua tm mm HairithAn m m . a aa .. . a a a p After a caretui and laborious mves- tiation, Dr. Edgar Holden concludes that death from consumption instead of being, as is almost universally auppoa- erJ, roost prevalent in early adult life in this country, is in reality not so, but grows relatively more frequent as life advances. To avoid rail way restrictions upon the transportation of illegal merchandise, the brewers of Iowa have set out to deliver beer in wagons to any part of the state. Tbi. will give new zest to tbe old song, "Wait for the Wagon," and emphasize the truth that civilization does oivilize. The iron horse will not haul liqu ts in violation of law. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. aOITBO BV Til a Women' Christian Temperance Lnitn It is bet generally known that by a recent decision of the supreme court cf Kinsas, the enforcement of prohibitory Isw has beer, greatly ctippled, so thst in many places the people find themsel ves powerless before the illicit snd ille fcsl dramshop. Previous to tbi. dec -ion, the county attorney bad power to ule a complaint and prosecute upon in formation and belief. Hut now if a county attorney file, a complaint, and vermes it upon belief, be most also attach thereto a statement supported by the ostb or a flit mat ton of some other person willing to testify of his owo knowledge thst the facts and allegations stated in the complaint or information are true. If the county attorney hss personal knowledge of the matters and tbiifgs chsrged in tbe information, he may support it by his own oath or affirmation. A coneapondent write, from Hutchinson : "We sre very much discouraged. For tro ears we have bad no saloon and had fought 'wheels' and otber contrivance, of the whisky men until we thought that pro hibition did prohibit. But now we have a number of saloons, and it looks as if we were taking aome backward steps. Our union has had a severe struggle during the past few weeks, because we have been ttying to arouse the temperance men. The atrnnat d paper we have in tbe county, while pretending to be a temjierauce paper, baa turned iu influence against us and talked about us unmercifully, because we are determined that we will agitate this question until our tempersace men, our council, our mayor and our county attorney will do aomethiog to abolish this terrible state of things. Wa think that it is because of this decision and because re-submission is being talked of and worked fur by whisky politicians all over the state, that the whbdtv j dealera have become so bold. It seems to US that Kan sat needs help just now more than abe baa ever needed it be fore, on this question." These are the tiinoa that trv men's Oouls, .nd women' too. But Ksnsas ill endure the trial and come out the bri.hter and tru r and stion&er for it. Saw Hot grow, the lire when wrong. X- a a mm - pi re. Union oigfiu. It is veiy possible that the twentieth century will have unloosed fjr wotk to do. The tyrannv of reurnseutaares in republican miit aoioe- time receive severe rebuke, and it be gins to look as if tbat time vera near. American citizens are weary of peti tioning legislatures to mend certain grave error io governmaut, an 1 now we learn that the S'ita republic i. I afflicted with a legislature very like oar own. rne people itetitionec tor reatrictive legislation c mcerninz tbe liquor trafflc, settin? forth the fact that no u the pt.r c, iu ,,lfflnt nn nf .Ukil .,.. in wwsspvw. wa ww vu av was sews a .a sa aa a aa - . ... : , u, UM of brand u TXpidlj, mitf- dite(MMJ aod deAth -re ntora, and dreadful at I at..-..f. .I,., .i,. , t i aweaaaaaweaa ause vuu Hi iuu a m i m j a rfc a. thinK and ... r ,ue sliiar .! j I I r- faaWrJ council however refused .j legislation, the chief , f f . . . I ....... .... nl Ihirt IhAiiunri rinll.M o..-iiimv e the government from tbe driuk traffic Ever since thirty pieces of silver bought the betrayal of the world's Redeemer I the clink of silver coin ha. stilled all holy voices, all piteous appeal. America or Switzerland, it is all tbe same. I Mrs. Mary T. Lathrap give, all the I pungency of a bitter trnth to the state I tent that, a people who license the .quor traffic give a legal life to the I jaloon and at. responsible for the evils wrought by it ; and that there is one thincr from which the rovernment can power of legalized rum. Mis. Henrietta Moore reports W. C. T. U. matter, in Montana moving on finely. It is thought by some of their best posted worker, that the tem perance people hold the balance of po litical power. God grant tbat they may demonstrate their strength. GERM MEDt GREAT AN RE CURES Rheumatism, Neural ia, sciatica, Lumbago, Oaokach. Haaia leotnacrte. Threat. awelllawa. Si Harai. seaiu, rrai ssitaa, Ais iu othes sosrtT ratss asb Acasa. 1.11 J niaMlai isl ruin" t-ttt r rinj Ceau a beiua Dwetueaa ia ii i agaaa TIE CM A RUES A. TMIUSCS i Ommwi i a. too sua a co.) matwna.aant. s. a. ME STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING 1101171 II THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Special busiswss notice. In Ureal el umn. 16 cants jar Hoe. hrgaJar Lsea notioaa 10 cents par line. .,r 'KI and transient adrwrlLwamaoU 00 par so. tiar. for tb. first iBsertioo,aad W cents par spiar. for each sabseqa.ct insertion. Kates for otber S'lrertitaments known on application. TEST YODR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! Bra4y!rt4a(J uiwliUi. i war v THE TSTi rlareeean ton Sown on a but !. nfii ,.. .ui''J-Ll-l'L ASasg ,., u.,l 7Z DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. rrt aaaj.ranuass sus ajgyga Is a of a u THE TEST OF TIE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., assas or Dr. Price's Special flaroriBf Extract.. Saj r- "ihiiih i i Dr. Price' Lupulin Yeast Qtms for Ufht. HUhy SreaO. The Beet Dry Usp Yeaet la tbe World. FOR SALE BY CHICAGO. GROCERS. ST. LOUIS. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGEMS Th. aast dry aa. jasst in th. srartd. rtitt by thiiysast Ii light, whits and Ha. ewe grsadmwthar's BwlaWassi GROCERS SELL TH rei '- ar T14 Price Baking Powder Co., mTtiit ir. mttmm ruTcnii ixntn, Ch.cao, ill. St. Louia, Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Tne i:. . L. P. WUda. weU-kaovn city lulaalonare la N.w Yarfc, aas of the late eminent Judgr Wilds, of Sl.saarlias.tta ttapreaae Coart, aa fallow : " SJ E. Uth St.. .Vw York, Men) IS, 1SSS. M aaaa. J. C Avcm a Co., Ciatltaaa : laat winter I was troiablod with a saost uii-'iiifrtable itching baraor affectinc nere e-! r:a!lT my luaba. wnk-B 1 I a tolerably at nigt.t. and burned so Ir. tuat 1 could acareelT bear any orer them. I was a a offerer fruaa a severe caiartit and eatarrbal coogb ; say appetite was poor. a! my a goo1 deal run down. Knowing th. ralue of Area's Smvo inu a, by obserratuai of manr otber ease, and from personal naw in form, year. 1 began taking it for U ahore-oaaied ii.rder. My appetit. im j.f.ed almost f rpro tbe first doar. After a abort time tb. ferer and itching wera alUye.1. and sll Signs of irritation of tbe kiu disappeared. Sly catarrh aad cough were also cared by the auue aieans, an. I my general health great '.v improved, until it is now eaoelient. 1 feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute the result to the aa of tbe m;u akii.u, which I reeonnasad with all confidence as tb. best blood medicine erer deriaed. I took It iu small dose three time, a da, and ... I. la all. leas than two bottle. I place these facts st your service, hoping their publication mar do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. WtUM. Tbe a bore Instance is bat one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Area's Sba PaBILLA 'jo tbe cur. of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, aad a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsapari I la cleanse, enriches, aad strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the lossac. and bowels, and thereby enable the system to resist and over come tbe attacks of all Scrofu la Dime, Eruption of th Stin, itheu awtfisa. Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted Stood and a low state of the system. I'BEFAEEO BV Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all nrusztets: price tl, six bottle for 05. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine Constipation, Tod tion . Headache, and all Bilious us. Sold .very where. Always reliable. Wheat Stored -AT THE MAGNOLIA MILLS. Having purchased said mill I will re ceive wheat in store at th. mill and w ale house. When parties wish to sell will Say she wheat or deliver il on their order. Sacks furnished to parties wiaaiag Ss sto-e. July 1Mb. 1884, JOHN A CRAWFORD. Administrator's Notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has this day bean appointed Administrator of the estate of Fred Wiltertlate a resident of Albany, Oregon, the Probata Oauvt for Ldou county .Oregon. All person hav ing claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same properly veri fied to tha undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from tbis dst. This the 4th day of Augnt, 18R4. W. M. Kktcwck, Wkathbrford t Rlacxburi, Att'vs for Administrator. PATENT atUlf H CO-.cC w Sr.xs-m to A - laaoa a duu au. i .... -. Oriajrlgau. for tla. aa. araooc, wrymmj, te wmat tim. 1 : iBtSOOtatDtS carov'.-i iu .. i Scrs-vriSAO akbu.m.;. ij . aa walsayjdrou';! wl ea..; n-.w. Weik'r Bpleadl. mpraTiriia a J t ana Uoa.. Spwaiaea oopy o r tha Heir atfrea. aaoreaa mi una e vi SU Oruaawar. tw Von. vi ll MB VI lHL Marta Rfea Kit