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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi- ain River, opposite Water uo hoila Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofllcc, Waterloo, Or. hutch Dtreclory U. F. Chukom. Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. n., and 7 p. m. by Rev. & O. Ir vine, i. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. B Prayer meeting every Wednesaday ev eniug. Church. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m.. and 7 f. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thura day evening. J. AHollenbaugh, pastor. ConorsoationajXhcrch. Servioeeevery Sabbath at 11a.m. and 8 P. st. Sabbath vL-iwl at 2:311 Praver meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. VY. Harris, paster. Xf K flBCRPH. So irr H. Service held every Sabbath at St. Paul's M. E. Church, South, at 11 A. M. Sabbath School at 2 30 r. a. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenno. C. H. C arson, pantos. Al. E. Church. lreaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and Ik P- . Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 P. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. I lev. M. Judy, pastor. Prksbytkrian Church. Service ry Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Coudit pastor. Christian Cucrch. Preaching every Sab- oath at W. C. T. U. 11 a.m. 7:30 v m. Sandsy School at half pait 2 o'clock r. M. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptisi Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock xm.,at Church on 5 th Street Sab bath, School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Brownson, pastor. ir great atrvasta- lag rMBedjf awl iiervo lie 1 the IcmUinaW rv- I of over taent jrars by TH4Kt tiHLt tii iiitu .k t:- IfATK PHllItN ot Um lushest mot colleges in Europe, cure with unfailing ,tan;y Neru And .-al UsSallu. semi rhoea. non, i m jot eoey, oxbsUsLcvl MtAtitv, prr- mature dcvlin sau lorn manhood in all its o implication And tram whatever cause produced. It enriches and purifte the bluod trenthena the nerves, brain, nucles, iligssuiw, re nroducUv onran And ptivaical aixi lucuUl fsculucs It flops any unnatural, debilitating drain noon the tjrcKffl. r.rereuUa iuvaluatary losses, dcUlitalinjr dreams, seuinal losses with the urine, etc.. aw de structive to mind and body. It is sura eiinunatar of all kidney and bladder complaints. It contains no isiurinu ingredient. To those suffennf from th erU effecta of youthful indiscretion, a Jv, thor ough and cure is GUARANTEED, Mm H 50 per bottle, or five bottles in case, with full ectioti and adru-c, 10. Sent accure tram owenr lion to any upon receipt of Icice, or C. O. l., kO be had only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, ?IS Kearney St. , Sam fraa !, Cal Consultations atricUr confidential by letter rat fB"e FREE. F"t the convenience of patienU and in jrder to insure perfect secrecy I have addpted a prt rate a JJre under which all packages arc forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. to ftioar its merit, will be tent to any one applying by letter, stating his symptoms and age. Communications strictly cocftdentiai. Dr. SPIWKl , NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Chronic and Special Mseaaea. YOUNU MEN Wno A iffebig row the V T effcta of youthful folliea or buiacretinn, wfiU do well to avail themselves of this, thegreateat boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit SoOfor every case Seminale weakness or private of any kind or earacter which be undertakes and failg to cure. MUSLE.1CEO MEM, There are many at the age of thirty -flveo sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of th blad often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning e patient cannot account for. On examining the arinary deposits a ropy sediment mill often be found utd sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, Jt the color will te of a thin wrilkish hue, again chang. lag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in ail such cases, and healthy restoration of the geni to-urinary organs. Optics Uocas 10 to 4 and 6 to S. Sundays from 10 toll a. x. Consultation free. Thorough exmiaatiof nd advice, $5. For trivata assesses tf she-it standing a full course medicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, ill be nt to any address en receipt of flO 00. Call w aJdress, BK sriWEV A CO., 71 Ho. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! BR GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 UEAEM' ST., corner of Commer- cial Street, San Francisco. kEsUlittshed in IS51, for I the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, suck as .onorrha. Cleet, htric tare.H v ptollls in al i.XsHSBBBBBVsBBsSssriu forms. Imnetenrv Sesnlsutl IVenkneas, night losses by dreams, pirn pies or- the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various nospi tXt there, obtaining a gtaat deal of valuable informa tion, which he is competent, to impart to those in need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make no chargt- unieeH he f-nect a cure, reraons at a distaac JHAl UK C1KEU AT HOME. Ail of -municationa strictly confidential. You see no one bu, the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the nam of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DK, J. F. GIBBON, B-?x 1957. San Francisco. The Doctor cures when others fail. Try hun, vUn3 The Great English Reme dy. Is a never failihtr cure for rvous Debility. Seminal Weakness, Exhausted Vi- ty, Spermatorrhcea, LOT MAftllOOU, fcn- potency, Paralysis, aad all teraible effects of Self- Abuf e, youthful follies,snd xcesein maturer years- such as loss or Memory, Lassitude, Emission. Aver sion to Society, Dimness of Vision, Mouses in the Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death. DK. MENTIE will agree to forfeit Eire Hundred . Dollar for a case of this kind the Vital If ettarsv tl ve (under his special advice and treatment wi' not cure or for anything impure or injurious found In it. Dr. Mintie treat all private diseases successfully witnout mercury, ijonsuiiation iree. Thorough ex amination and advice including analysis of urine, an. Price of Vital Bestorative,$1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity $ : , sent to any address upon receipt of price ore . V, secure from observation and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearney Samp I? bottle free. Sent on application by letter, seating symptom, sex nd age. Communications strictly eonnuntiai. Dr, liintie's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures all kinds of kidney aad bladder complaints,gonorrhcea, gleet, leouchorrii'ca. For sale by all druggists $1 a bottle or six bottles for $5. Dr. Mint:-; j Dandelion Pills are the hest and cheap est Dyspepsia and Bilious cure in the market. For ale by all drusnrists. for the working class Send 10 cents for pietage, snd we will mail free, a royal valuable box of temple goods that will put vou in the way of mak ing more money in a few days "than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the time or ia spare timi only. The work is universally adopted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from m cents to as every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparapliel ed offer ; to all who are not well satisfied we will sen i $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., snt free, Fortunes will he Made by those who give their whole time to the work. Gnat success absolutely suie. Don't delay, tart now. Audrey. Strasox A Co., Portland.Maine. li ll?iBW-A lU. II,: !&auaasn uiimitvetai iuii vsnavSBBBaw-. V2 S IKaWtali THK . LIEBIC l"rlnic iiaMurj, 400 Qsarj St., Sau Frauclsoo Cal Conducted hy qualified Physicians and Burwvon regular graduates. 49 The Oldeat specialist tu the li.tted Matas, Hle iong saperteno, i srfect methed and pur mdlclne. liiaure twedj and irtnMiit cure of all Private, throttle snd Nervous instates Affections of th Blood, Kktn. Kldneva. Bladder. Kruptlona, I'lccra. t'M Sire. Swelliiig of th (Hand, Sore Mouth, Throat linn I'kn,jHriiiancnl,y curvo ami crwai cated from the svatem for life N EH Viol H Dohllitv, Isipntstiey, 8cuiital Umm, Sexual locy. Men tal and Phisical Wrahneas, MHaf Memory, Wesk Eye. Stuntud le vi Hnint,llttpedinicU to Marriage tc, from excea or youthful Mile, or any eauss, speedily, safely and privately cured. VeslMg Middle-Age! snd 0W men, and all who nod nassxni '" i i,,... Konaoll the uld I'livntclait at once. 1IU opinion coU nothing, and may aav tutuie misery ami shmne When Inconvnlent to visit th city ZSZ tZ U oVr;.U... 11 1 tvldent that r.K wh. glcahU whole attention to a clas ofPdlearui...crt-at skill, ami physicians ihrungh out thVcountrv.kmmlng this, frequently DjWpMWat ""i?.ct...K..iat Mclaht. by whomever) w . . i.. ....... lu, .mi I'vcrva'hore ny SSiHiwa.-T-;;,v lKH.u,r-, a anu Known g - ,j .sMtSM I MrHSII BrThos who call see no sn but the MM 9m ultatlona free ami m-ronj . . . .7 i ..W..I..1..., , .-h. r olMiwhoro SSBMS BSWlSnnta auccceaf ully treat,.. i..,..,i St iSJu for a caao un- 12 IT, " .r Sll VrtU." Hours, dails I am to 4 p. m. to8 evening S Sunday. 10 to :A.m; A , ! for the Sanitariat Guide U, Health, sent free. Address as shove DR UKBIAiTt. Wnnderful sirsna lnvlgnmlur Permanently preveuttsll Unnatural MMH ' rem th vateut. touca tne n, i,in" i ohtK ka the wastr. Invigorate th whole system, and . i tlu<h and ltailliieM. ts. r.,n m, maiiv cannot iret cured of SeiuinAl . I mm aJ VI '. t, I, . .! etc.. t OW illi to S Colli pli.-ation, called prvwtaUrrbe with HytMfraethvsla, . - 'a ... . - - - a . . , - . a It.- I UIh.i'h In which requires peculiar irauucut. v ..v.j, . . . . .. .l. ...I., .iio. , uni for l'rottalorrhra. Migrator , . - Vw . , . . with peculiar special trMlmenl, used at th Uebig P'jriKJ5nr lavlft-smler, t. le al Mflss a,n yuii,ni UImi utca'tl secure. V f tolli ob- i .-v... 'J . . , . ervation. . .,.1 . u trr-r to nailonts. To iwovethe wtuidertut wvr of the luvigorator. A 9t Hnlll fattest ar Kent trrr, CoiisultaUon free and rivate. Cali or addrcM UEBIti ! I KW; JW, SM llnarv Strict. San I ranelBco. t al Private eitrance, 05 Maaoti Street, four blocks UP Ceary Stnw'. from Kearney, Main cutrincs through lktpen.-ary urug trv. DR. ALLEN'S ran m: MisraxsAaY, i kenrny street. Man rranelsce, al.. Est.trt vi kb roa tub ScitNTtnc so artssr Cv as or Ci so m BMTMM asd I r hal Dtststu THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. AI.LEX. AS IS WELL KNOWN, IS A REO alar graduated Pfcywctkn. educated at Buwdoin College and I'nivsralty -f Mi. higan. He has devoted a lifetim to the study of aad iackntdKed U oe the mot exprt student iu h a specialty on th Pa cific Coast And mi Idle-aged men, who .ire suffering frm th effect of youthful Indiacretion or exceaacn In ma turer year, nervous and physical dbutt. . itnpo ten- e, ioat manhood, con fusion of idea, dull eye. Aversion to society, depon'.cu-y, pimple on th face, loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinat ing, etc AarKcmember th Doctor ha a Vegetable Com pound. the result of many ear -f apo-tal i-ractlce and hard study, which under hi special advice ha tvr tailed of success ui the cure cf Loat amh-xd, proei torrhen, etc. v uoiriTAL t:PEBicxrr. Uttintr been sureeou In charge at two leading hotpknis) enable me to treat all Lrivat troubles w,lh excellent result. InUdt It dtatinctly under- t -'. that 1 do not claim to perform tmpoaai bill tea, or Ut have miraculous or uitiatural powrr. I claim only to be a skillful snd sncceanful Physician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed In my special! DISEASES OF MAS. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no experimenting'. 1 will guar- amee a poailir cure in every case I nntJcrtakc, or f rfeit 5 .000. Consultation to office or by letter tree and strictly private. Charge reasonable. Thorough examination, loci uui tig chemical and mk-roaroplcal AUAlvtas of unn ai.d l io.-. So. OXce hours V to I daily, to I evrtlog. St n lay 9 to 12. Call en or address UK. AldLES, 2j kraray sireri. Man I t'aL PATENTS Obuined, and all other busineaaXln the I'. 8. PaUnt Office attendeded to for moderate fees. Our office J opposil the I S. patent Off.c t, snd we can obtain I 'stent less time than those r mou from Washington. bend modie ordranlng. We advise as to jattent ability free of charge ;siul we make uo cUjre unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaater, the Hunt, of M -jney Order Di . and to officials oftheV. S Patent Office For circular, advice, terms, and efeitroce o actual client in your own Stat or county. Address C, A. SNOW Si CO, Otiposit Patent Office, Waahingtuti, D . "HEALTH AKD HOME." Port Chester 9. Y. CIRCULATION 63,000.: Edited by W. H. HALE, M, D This is large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and ia devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, ecsynomy, cookery, bints en health, dietetics, and every leaim of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, ana make borne bappy, Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Year. Address DR. W. H. HALE. 'Health and Home.'' Port Chester, N. Y. The stove paper will be sent to everv subscriber of the Democrat who pays up or in savancs. OF ANOTHER ACE. Cradaalljr Supplanted by a Better Article Certain Old Times are Done Away. In the general reception room of the Western Union Telegraph building on Broadway, New York, are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru ment of the Infancy of the telegraph. They are only relics now. More jierfect machinery has super seded them. Year ago what is styled th ) old-fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There was then noth ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and study have gone deeper into the secret of medicine ana produced BKNMON'SCAPCINF POR OUS PLAHTEB, whieh embodies all the excellencies thus far possible in an external remedy. The old piasters are slow the uapcine is rapid ; they were uncertain the Capcine is sure. Cbeajier articles near similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price 25 cent. Seabury It Johnson, Chemist, New York. Executor's Notice of Ap pointment. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been by the County Court of Linn con u ty, Oregon, appointed executor of the last will and testament of S o Snyder, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, are notified to present tbem to the under signed at his residence in Brownsville, Or within fcix montns frem this date duly veriii- ea as required by law. J. Id. Moveb, Weathebfokd & Blackburn, Executor. Att ys for Executor. August 20th, 1884. Assignee's Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL whom it rnav concern, that T Andnr. son, of Albany, Oregon, did on the 2nd aay or August ibSl, (be then and there be ing insolvent and unable to pay his cred itors in full) lawfullv asfaimi to me nil nf b!8 property for the benefit of all his cred itors. Therefore all persons having claims against said assignor, T Anderson, Will take notice of staid aaafrrnmnnl and present their claims duly verified, (o me at my place of business fn Albany, Oregon within three months after n-naivirttr not i- from me of said assignment. Dated this 7th day of August, 184. Max Baumqart, Powci& BrxYEu, Assigtee, Attorneys. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER. Veim thSl sourcos rfeso throe Tourllii of the die turns ot the human racu. Tho symptoms indicate weir existence AptaeUte. Bowels costive, tslek Bead m&Sf Atllnsas after catlttn, aversion to e marttOBB ox nooy mr niinn, rnwNn or foods IrrltaWlltjr or temper, luw splrlU, A reellnsi of It ttvl us ffieeted same doty, Btaalness, Ftutte rlnn at tUo Heart, INats beforo th eyss.lllajlily col ored VrtttS, VOflfarriPATIOlsT and do mand the use of a romody thnt acta d I root) on the Liver. AaaUTCdrmodlolnoTOTT'sl ritilJI have no eaual. Their action on tho Kldneysand Bain la also tinunnt ; removing till lmnurttiea throturh these three cav- enarsra of the srstesn " nroduottia; upnn. tito. sound dliroatlon, Tuhir stool , a M m u shin and a vigorous body. TvW FII:-sl canso no nausea or griping nor hdcrfero with dally work and are a perfect TUTT'S HAIR DYE. tin at Hair or Wiuakkra ehantmd ln stahtly tostiUMir llhAOC by a slnglo at plleatfon of this DTM. told far Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of OfBoo, MTMurmy Btraet, New York. Tnrt manual or useful riciipts frce. Orop for Sale, Owing to ill health 1 wish to sell HO aotes or wheat and oau togotber wiib bay, rrutl, gordeu, ete and use of house and barn until January. Also s good heavy team of young horses, well matched. Will sell either without the other at a bargain. jKsexa Dick rms, ft lubes south of Holo. Summons. in fAr tifrnit Court oMr SttUr o Orejoitfir fAe County of Linn I Uenry Click, risintitT. V8. J W more. J B Wyalt, J T tiilmore, E A HawU.y,Nauoy Daveiiort, T W Daven w4 f aft a4 ta a l t a Ir aa i r4 as i I NTtSllisas Witts RM V it Ol V ASS II !l 1 ni?UwRi A' SMS SJ kondall, Sarah Caaaldayji Caaaldsy, Ellaa beth Wheotou. David Wheauiit, James tillmoro, Uobett Uilmcre, John Uilmore and William Uilmore, To J W tillmore, J T tHlmore, Nathan Kuykendall, Martha Kuykendall, Ha rah Casalsiay, Lt aasiuav, rjiaaoetn iieaton David Whealon, J anion t til more, liobort (iiimore, John (iilmore, E A llawley and William Uilmore, thirteen of the above named defendants. N THK NAME o THE 8TATK OF 1 Oregon : You kuu est-h of you are hereby required to appear and answer the I'lalntitra complaltil agaiual you now on file with the Clerk of said Court In the above entitled suit, on or before the first day of the next rouulur torm ( said Court to bo begun ami hold at the Court House In Albany, Linn county, Oregou, on Mon day the -7th dsy of October, 1834, that being the first day ot the next regular term of said Court aud that tho relief de msoded in said suit la a decree against said J W Ctltnore for tho aum of "aJ4.0i) and o0 Attorney's foss with inter eat on said principal aum at tho rate of ten per cool per annum from the first day of February, 1883, and for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by Jane A Uilmore and J vV ill more, ou the Mih day of No vember, 1881 (described in complaint) to the plalntiif to ecuro the payment of a certain promissory note described iu plaintiffs complaint, aud lhat said mort gage be foreclosed aa against all and each of said defendant and lor a decrve for the sale of the following real properly describ ed In said mortgage, to-wit Two lots in the town of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, hsid lots are situated In liacklemaue addition to aaid town of Ai bar y, and are on the south side cf Third street. Haid lots were deeded by hi 0 Mc Lain lo tho said Jans A Uilmore which deed Is now on record in the Clerk's office of Linn county, Oregon. Haid lota are the only oueejlbe said Jauo A Uilmore aod J W Uilmore now own In the town of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Held tracts or pareela of land are more particularly known and described as follows, to-wit : Beginning si the northwest corner of Block 37 !n Hackleman'a Second Addition to theelty of Albany in Unn county, Or., and running tbenoe south on the west line of said Blook 113 feet ; thence seat 18S feet ; thence north 113 feet ; thence weal 132 feet to the place of beginning contain icg two lots more or less, and for suah other relief as may be equitable and for cost and diabursxtmeuta of thla suit. This Summons ia published by order of said Circuit Court wblch otder ia dated, April 21st, 1881. R. s. STRAUS. Attorney for Flfl. Summons. In the Circuit Court of thr. Htaif of Orrgon for the County of Linn : John Settle, I'UiotitT. vs. Noah ilobnett and Father Uobnett.bu wife, Locinda McCall and John Met. 'all. her has. band and Maty Wsy and John Way, her husband, et al. Defendants. To Noah Ilobnett and Ket ier Kobuett, l.u cindA McCall And John M i .11, Mary Way and John Way, the above named Defcudaute. In the name of the State nf Oiainn V,. are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff in the above entitled suit now on tile in the orfira nf th Clerk of said Court, on or before the first dav of the resnlartOctober term of aaid court taka baffiin and held on the 4i tit 1 a.v. this 4t K Mutt- day of October, 1884 in the Court House in I g - - - :- f - .i, .1. . ; . .i ! uuuwiioij, or,, aiter me service 01 (ins Summons upon you by publication for six consecutive weeks. And you sre hereby notified, that in case you fstl to sppear and answer as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit : That be be decreed and adjudged to be the owner in fee simple of the following described tract or parcel of ianu, to-wn ; beginning at the northeast corner of the John II Settle donation land claim, Not. No. 1205. and claime 66 and 81 in township 11,8 it 2 west, and township 12 8 R 2 west, in Linn county, Oregon and run ning thence south lb' 33-100 chains ; theace west 99 13-100 chains ; thence north 16 33 100 chains ; thence east 99 13-100 chains to the place of beginning snd containing one hundred and sixty and 51100 acres, except an undivided interest amounting to two and 8-11 acres, snd tbst said Defendants be for ever barred and estopped to churning or as serting any right title or interest in or to the same, or any part thereof, aad for such other and farther relief as may be equitable and just. This Summon is published by order of Hon K V Boise, Judge of said Court, and which order bears date of August 23rd, 1884 L. H Montante, Attorney for Plaintili. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State oj Or r yon for Linn County. Nancy A Pugh, Plaintiff. John Pugh, Defendant. To John Putjh, the above named Defendant. IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby lequired to ap pear and answer the complaint of the above named Dlaintift in Mm nhnva mi. tied Court, now on file with the Clerk of aaid Court, on or before the first day of the next regular term of aaid Court, to wit : Monday, the 27tb day of October, 1884. and vou are herehv notified that-, ir you tail to appear and answer said com plaint as hereby required, the plaintiff Will anoiV to the Court for t ie relief r)a- landed therein to-wit, a dissolution of tho bonds of mstr mnnv ATlfltlmr huiwuun ' - J - . ' W . . LUi plaintiff and defendant, the earn, en mm I v and control of the minor children, Nellio Ann Puorh and Jannh T Pnirh nrl ih costs and disbursements of this tnS tn tw taxed. Thla summons in nnhliahed hu nrrlor .-.r Hon R P Hniso. Jtldtre nf eairi C.mirt. maiia at Chambers and dated the 2nd day of August, 1884. WEATHEBFOBD & BLACKBURN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. For Sale One half bJoric In eas'ern part: of the city with.fair house snd tar a will be sold cheap- KH IDA Y SEITKMliKR iy, mm MAINS At A K0 W NsymiNf., One of the most important feature! of the presidents! campaign east is the investigation of the relations which Hlaino bore to the Know Nothing party which was built up during the years from ,1853 to I860. This party had for its leading fundamental princi ple tho doctrine that " Amerioaus should rulo America." They protested the foreigners should neither vote nor hold office. They were especially severe on Irish end Catholics. Hiots end perse cutions were cotnmen in many parts of the country. Maine, where Mr. W SB Blaine lived, sew Catholic priests tarred and feathered end driven from their homes by tbeee "Americans" who were violent haters of foreigners. They bad . a. s secret mages, grips, signs, and pass words. At their meetings ways and moans weto devised by which ell for eigners were to be deprived of citiseo ship. It wet a party et war with the fundamental prinaiples upon which onr internment wee based et its formation It sought to eatablisb an aristocrstiey whoee power should be wielded alone by native Americans. It sought to reduce 11 foreigners to a condition of serfdom. it la ored to rstsblish here what our forefathers rebelled egeinst in 1776 It would have destroyed liberty end manhood end razed ell berriers of rclig- oua freedom. This pert j fiourshed in its greetest strength when Blsine was one of the editors end proprietors of the Kennebec Journal. Then it was tbst the fires of hatred burned highest end foreign born citizens trembled for their lives. Then it wee thet Irish Catholic churches were burned to the groand by e mob of relentless haters of foreign born oit izeni end Catholto priests brutally out raged. During the time that tbeee crimes sgainst law and order were being com mitted under the immediate presence of James Gh Hleine, he waa oie of the editore end proprietors of the Kenne bec Journal, which was devoted to the promulgation of the doctrines cf the Know Nothing party. Here wee e fine opportunity for Blsine to shew a friendly regard for the Irish, but did he do it T No, indeed ! but on the contrary ca'led all foreigner! thieves end jfelona, and declared thet there coming to this country and gaining immediate citixec ebip ought to be stopped immediately. That Mr. Blaine has never been the friend of loreigners as is abundantly shown by the course be pursued while Secretary of State under ; ar field. Here weie Irish American citizens lying in English prisons without trial snd scarcely a protest from HIainr. And when one was made it was so feeble end servile to the British Lion as to amount to an approval of the course of the English government. No, Mr Blaine nor the republican party has never the friend of the foreigners bu on the contrery their Journels end s' epeekets have referred to tbem as the "drunken Irish end beer guz- ahng Dutch." On the Uber bend the democratic party hae elweye been th9 constant friend of foreigners, and de fenders of their rights. We believe for those reasons thai seven tenths of the foreiga so'.ers of the country will vote for G rover Cleveland for presi dent. HI WOHOl HATTr.BS Jey Gould likee wetermelon. Uo always did like to get e good deal for his money. Ferdinand Ward paid twenty per cent a month for money. He could afford to do it, because be had none of bis own. The sluggard invariably refuses to follow the advice of the proverb which telle him to go to the ant. He always goes to his uncle. The country girl gets even with her city cousin when she writes : "Pa has got the house full of paying boarders, you know, else we should like to have rou all bore spending the Summer." Ssene at a boarding bouse table : Little girl Why is it called Spring chicken, mother." Mater Families "On account of ite rubber-like elasti city, my love." James S. Fair is the wealthiest of the United States senators. He is worth 140,009,000. If be had stayed in Ire land he would probably not be worth torty cents. He had to come here to get Fair play. ram aa . - The use of the editorial "we" still largely prevails in the Sontb, ee will be seen from a remark in a Tennessee paper : "If we escape the hog cholera this season, there will be a large surplus of pork this Winter' Mrs. Jenks -was ruading of two young cuy experts who were going to the Adirondacks fly fishing, when she mut tered, "the senseless dudse ! If they only knew it, a teespoonful of molasses end vinegar on a pane of glees would catch more flies at home than they'll catch all Summer in the mountains." - . . The Morning News, a Republican paper published at Bridgeport, Con necticut has just come out for Clever land and Hendricks. It says Blaine was dominated through the influence and special effcrt of star routers, and tho other scalawag elements of the pany, and that a decent Republican will lose his self.respoct by support ing him. TfJII PKHA0HH AND THE HI T tvM. An evangelist from the far East made e tour of Texas recently for the purpose of seving eome of the desperate denizens of the Loue Star H'ate. He opened hii Iret meeting in what is known in the State ee " tough town." About thirty hard-looking msle citizens comprised the audience. After the good men had discoursed e little end sung several re vival hymns, he requeeted (hat e collec tion be taken up, to osrry him further into tho State. A tell end fierce look- ins: Texan, ermed to the nape of his neck, paeeed bis sombrero around, with the significant remark ; 4 Give liberally, boys ; you've seen the show, end we ain't the-men to beat any showman." The result was that every men con tributed something, snd when tho bet wes passed up to the evangelist he ex amined tho contents snd theu remark - I find in this hat $Ll- and two over-cost buttons." "That ain't a squat' deal," yelled the fierce-looking msn who bad teken up the collection, as he mounted the chsir. "The msn who put them buttons in the At will tedoera them et 50 cents spleen, or tberai'il be the deuce here in the toee of a cent." "Make no disturbance, my friend," pieeded the evsngeliet,holding the sup posed button in full view. "I will" A shout end considerable Isughur out off the evsngeliat'a remark, aud the tall men, without dismounting fr m the chair, said : "Mister preacher tusn, yt u's fjepa jm BBS) , S on on overcoat buttons, i hern sin no buttons ; them sre etui's, good for fifty cents' worth of licker in any gin mil) this side of the itio Orsnde. The) 'II also git you oooked grub, stranger, fd yer sppctite needs it." The explsnation was sa isfsC '-rv ifjai the meeting closed rsriLtK St IKMK. Pro. A H si-i io he deciphered an Assyrleu record of a Irsnstt of Yenu In tho i)xi(Hnth century, txforo tho ChriiMan ore. Puerher, tho Nuremberg cheral-i, says e paste composed of starch, gly cerine end gypsum will msntuln lis plasticity longer linn any other M aocnt. Writing to e German nowpipcr, u victim of D.i.t uiiniMu, or cdur bitntl- neee, protests against tho tendency to tho exclusion nf the eo-cslletl coio blind from livce of ectivily In which the recognition of color is en clement lie declare thet, eltbougb the eeo Nations are different, persons a filleted with Daltoolonltm posse a distinct recognition of the different bend of tho spectrum, end are consequently en capable of distinguishing color aig nals from each other ss persons with normal vision. n tarsia thab a bazoo. A long waisted man, with the nose of e fox end en eye full of speculstion, wslked up to a second hand clothier in Buffalo the other day et d eeid : "Sea that overeoat banging dos there V Of cmree." "Well, I've taken a fancy to it. It's rather cheeky to oak you to go down there, but I'll make it an oVject. won't give but $8 for the coat, but I I give you $1 to buy it for me. You are also a Jew, and know bow to best biro down. Here sre $9." The dealer took the monev snd star ted off, and in five minutes was back with the coat. "Good P chucklad tho other, "I reckoned you'd lay him out. H mueb did you mske for your share 1" "Vhell, ash dot is my brunch shtore and I ouiy ask six dollar fur de goat, I wee about tree duller ahead." BB&VB deed of a noble bow. We were running out from Chicago and were an hour behind lime. I had orders to side track at Seneca for au east bound special, provided I could get there by such a minute. We wete go ing fast to make it,wben all of a sudden the engineer pulled up out in the coun try. I rurhed out to see what wss the matter, and we saw a farmer's boy a few rods down the track waiving an old red shirt that he'd taken from a scare crow in the field near by. I shouted to him to come up and tell us what was wrong. He sidled along bashfully, me all the time yellirg to him to tell us why he had stopped the train. When he got within forty feet of the engine he skipped off the track and climbed the fence. Then he turned and said : "Say, mister, did yo bear how the Boston-Providence game rum out yis terday t Me and Jim Jackson has got a bet on it." Train Talk. This Joke, which appears to be new, was heard on one of our harbor boats ast week. A man said to a little boy: "What do you call your dog, son. ny?" "Psalm, sir." "Psalm, Psalm, name for a dog. that's a curious What possessed you to give it?" "Beciuse the animal Is not a him sir." Farm for Sale. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this iffiee. a 4. . . i ir. due iahi r. Altmny Atallon. ftKPARTl'RE oe THAI. ' BOOMS MOaTII. a MiA ny xrane dsmuis at f. 30 A. M ' A. M Hi. A. M VI M Y. M 11:4ft A. M 12:06 ! M 8:30 Y. M. h x. r. m. rMuofiT THAI NX MAIL THAIN j Arrive st ( lrtat SOURS km i i MAIL TRAIN - Arrive al Psrt at KKKIUIIT TilAIN AI.MANY KXHIIKHH Arrltr-t All Train dally, except Sunday. NoTioa. On ami after this dste regular tleknta will lm sold at our tleket oflleo for following points on Columbia river: Upper Cascade, I mile, Umstllla, Wallula, Walla Walla aud Alnswortn. Wiu.. It. Kica, Hrelicht and Ticket Agent O. A 0 K. it. Co. A!lany. Juno IKlli, IH'. A .OOI (.'HAM'S, FOB HIBM HIBI;UM. To evory subscriber to the DsiioonAT who pays up his subscription and eon llnues his psper, or pays In sdvsnco, we will hsvo sent to him the "Health and Home," one yesr, without sddllional cost Ths shove psper Is a largo ciiiht page, forty column, monthly papa.. , and is full of exoe'lent reading matter. A copy may bo seen st this omeo. Ths psper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, bints on health, cookery, etc. This sffords our subscribers a chance to set a aood nsner for tiothins;. Thoae de siring the paper m ut lo them will pleaaa slate so at time of paying their hubscrlp- lon. Ta Subscriber at rnacvllle. Many of our subscribers at l'rineville have rixiuosted un to namo aorno one a 'rlneville to whom diey could pay sub scriptions. For tho convenleuca ol sll onr subacrlbersst that placo we have left ao oounts at the onion of J. N. Imncan who ill receive aud roeipt for subscriptions due or to become due to the Ukmocuat. OIK A.l.f. Following- ar the Dkmiciiat's duly Bs ihonKtd aout l rscviva a'acri;ii'Jin or inoory fur tlio saina : lebanou T I. Wallace Harrtshurx Sam Msy itruwusvillo O I', (''slisw llalsty T. I I'ortcr tUM s. f A. Waits Bass W K Kllv i ;! t .ii s. A. DsVsaes A r nnl . stimuli-, mdi by mesna f a wry imru-ato t'-i-t tig i ; 1 n, pUci'S the rati- of u trU-graph win t 16,000 mlh-s i r eacond. ALHANV COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBAK Y. Olt The First Teiui will rotnniftire on Tuesday, Sept., IMb, IsSl. For panlcitUra : rt ma- Ui oarva of aluUr a0 mm i-rus ui tuiUoo, ilt l BV. ELBf.BT X. t OMilT. frcaaairal. Summons. In tit C'.fuit Court nj the Stat off.'jou jor (he aunty of Lmn : The NVvr Fijian 1 M )f!;i,- i Sjcun.y Company. IM.oiiwiJ. (iamaiiel Fsamb.I. J E Parriah, 1. ura A ramsb, H K l'arrtsli. Kiuiaa farrtah. snd Aug C Hint snd 1 fsMllll. tasrlneni In buines under the (irtu name of Ulnz .V Iandt, Bernard Held and .Sam uel Helbruo. partners in busineaa under the firm mine of Held llroa. St Co., S Sf 11k and II Now man. artwer in bu-n under the firm namo of Betsj it Nswuusn, liefendanta, ToGEParriah, and I.ura' A I'arrish, mil Aur C Hioa and I Dandt, partners in business under the ilrm namo of Hiok ot Landt, Ilernarii Held and Namuel He! brun, prtner. in l-imim-H under Hie iirm name of Held ftroa. A Ck,. 8 Hellg aud H Newman faartnera in business under the firm name of Hellg A Noasnsn, U feud al it i above named : N THK NAME OK TBI M ATM OF I of oretfon, you snd esrh of you are hereby required to aj-j-ar snd suawer the compialnt filed sgainst you in the above entitled suit on or boforo the 2?lb day of October, A. D., 1MM4, that being the first day of the next regular termor said Court, following ths expiration of the publication if this Nummotta. or iu dehrtlt thereof the l'latntttr will apply to the Court I or the relief nrayed for in the oomplamt, to wit : for a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage executed by Gamaliel Parriah and i, J I'arriabon the lth day of January, A. D. IHM2 to the Nw England Mortgage scu rlty Company to secure the payment of a certain promissory note ofeieudate there with, lo-wit : for 325o myable to order of The New England Mortgage Security Company, upou which there la now due Plaintiff the sum of 32M principal witu line real thereon from January 1st, IMSt. at 7 per cent per annum the sum of f 47.50 with interest from aaid date al 10 per cent per annum aud $:tOu Attorney's tewswhicb mortgage is given upon the following de scribed real estate, to-wit : Situated in the County of Unn and Htate of Oregon, described as the east half of the donation laud clslm of Gamaliel Parriah aud Lydia M Parriah his wife, notification n-c'i in sections No. five (5;, six (0), seven (7) aud (sight (8) in Township No. 13, south of Hange No. 2, west of the Willamette un ridiau, containing M (14-100 acres (except ing 100 acres, out ot the southeast comer heretofore deeded to Uenry Parriah, de scribed as beginning at the southeast cor ner of said claim, and rannlmr thence north 70 W west forty snd IH) 1OIK.401MM0O) chains ; tbenoe north 50 40 east thirty eight and s loo (38 H8-100) chains ; t hence s.iuth U2 40 east tweutyone and 18-100 (2118 100) chains; thence south 10 16' woat twenty-nine (20) cbaina to tho place of beginning.) And also the northeast quarter of the Kouihwoat quarter, contain ing 40 acres snd the northwest quarter, of the southeast quarter, containing 40 acres, and the southeast qusrter of the northwest qusrter, contain! 40 seres,aud also lots Nos. two (2), three (3), and four (4), contsining 191 W-100 screw, all In sec lion No, eight (8) iu Township No. thirteen (18) south of range No. two (2) west of tLe Willamette meridian. In all 221 08 100 acres, snd being a part of the donation land claim or James Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor bis wife. Notification 4tf88. The land above conveyed amounting in all to 443 02-100 acres, and for a decree forever barring all said Defendants from sotting up any claim or title to aaid mortgaged premises and for costs and disbursements and for such other relief as may be just and equitable, as prayeJ for. This Summons is directed to be publish ed in the State Eights Dkmoorat for six successive weeks by an order made by Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court on the 8th day of August A, D, 1884 at Chambers at Sulem, Oregon. W. D. A F. W. Fbktos, Attorneys for Plaintiff. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. JULIUS QRADWOHL flas) the only exclusive slock CROCKERY. CLASS, 8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large assortment of Eaby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Ceffee, Tea and Sng ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND 8AUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. 01. LEAD, W1KP0W LIGHTS AND LIME. THK IIIUIIKHT .nABKETPCB PAID FOB EGO Remember! What I Say I lean, Sire le a Call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- II0FFMA -ntOPKI ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Piovision Candief Nuts and Tropical Fruits. AJbiiiiy, ONE L K BELOW VI IHK OLD H l IM), 14. K1K.-I MVSJB HAs, ASMiKTilKNT O" COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, . bjsji bouae Iu lbs alley. He a so Imports staid manufacture TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OP WHICH UK OfFBBB TO THK PUBLIC AT PRIC1SB, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 PILOT HTREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at reasonable figures. BlfSjSJ ALBANY as . my 1 V I H I i lli- A M j WORKS, STAIoER BROS. - Proprietors ALBANY. OKEtiOS. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, aJtD 1 1 l'wV I S rONES Excuted in Italian or Vermont Marle. Also, every variety of cemetery and othr stone work done with neatness and dUpau-h. ftfiecial attention given to orders from all part of this 8iate snd Waahington Terriuiry. ssrAll work wrrnu I 1 7.42 C. C CHF.KKY C.B. J 1 II ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHBkSf S PARIES, (Suooeasora to C. C. Cherry.) ur . v. n : n ; v. a 7- BaUIiiillolii, AiUWrigUbS, failU li'Uil Founders, Srwss uivaims wu-vii.iiv i i Vt e)iiinleted and iirtl ! urn Ki'i'mrsil tn hsndle s,l kinds of heavy work Ve will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mltl Machinery, and all kluds of Iron and Brass Castings. FATTEBJVS ABE ON SBOBT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufao lure the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Shop on Baker S(.-OfBee a Lasaber Yard. Albany, Or., Deo. 1, 1880. 18tf ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Galapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. G. COHN & BROs, 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. THE DISSEMINATOR, Published every Saturday at aarriabaurx Oregon, S TEAIN, Editor Proprietor. & JOSEPH. RTOKN OK ... JOHN BKIGGfT STORE. Oregon. Sty ON U AND AS PINP a Albany Bath House THE USDltasiQNID WOULD RXEPICT fally taform ths sitissas of Albsar aad ri staitjthat I havetakaaeaargaaftkls stall Has ' ' D7 ping elaaa roeaai aaS payia Saietattantioa to bmsiaes, aspaau ui salt si Wbv 2 VTf "f wiU liT Mtrsmata Oaring hsrstofor sarriad on noting s First-Class Hair Dresslna Saloons ?k czpseu to fir satirs satufrction u all cMSisa and Lad is ' Hair nsatlj est k t r -od. VS3 W S BB IK. 0. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet STJBSOEIPTIOIST can Francisoo, Cal. Quimby House. QUIMBY & HEBSEY, Proprietors. t or. 4 th nd C . Sis., Port land, Or. ! aNE OF THE FINEST AND MOST W complete hotels in Oreaon. Conduct - ; ex I both by American snd European plans. 'All the modern improvements. ments, 140 ned Jisrht. snd wel rooms, well forniahed, ventilated Flrsfcl reading 3, uV&JS, ' evAOr aul all Lake Superior Transit Co. THE GREAT! LAKE ROUTE IS Palace Steamships. Leaving Dnluth, Miss, every week dsy. (Friday excepted) via Lske Supe rior south shore ports to Pars II a roa, Mien., Detroit, Mien., C leveland. O tiio. Erie, Pa., and Mnflalo. AT. Y. Connections made at Part Huron, Mich., with Grand Trunk sVj for all the Canadian points, and C leveland. Erie aad Kuflalo with the Great Trunk Line for all Eastern points. Vary s long tedious journev by taking the Kisll and Lake Koute If your ticket sgent cannot furnish the required ticket, purchase to Dnluth, and our ageut at UA port a ill furnish yau a through ticket and check your baggage to denti nation. i G. FRANKLIN. X. W. Paaa As't, tit. Paul, Minn, i: .l IIH.S TV.Ar t,luluth.Wtnn Executors Notice of Ap pointment. Notice is hereby gives that the undersign ed lias been, by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Enoch Thomp son, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at his residence in Brownsville, Or., within 6 months from the date Iereof. Pstkr Hums. Wkatherfokd & Blackbttkit, Executor. Atty's for Executor. August 201 h, 1884. Cook Wants Position. A first-class cook and baker, with good references, wants a position ia a hotel or restaurant. Address V. M., cars of Star Baktry, Albany, Oregon.