The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 19, 1884, Image 3

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    Botered at the Post Oflloe at Albany, Or
an second-class mail matter.
Kilters aa4
FKKOP MirTTIVU. teeal Kilter.
Official County and City Paper.
Faaerat Services.
The funeral eervioes of Miss Ada Hayes
Will be held at the residence of Isaac Hayes
t 2 o'olook to-day (Fiidey.)
Srrleae cellrat at Taageat.
t,i4i M.imliv an accident occurred at
Tangent of a nature not often chronicled
and n a manner to excite the ayrapathv
of all. A young man named John A Can-
tolvan, who had been working for AI.
drawineT some weed near
Tangent Hie team waeoompoaed of a alow
hone and a feet horse. The latter becom
ing rwrMt atartad to run. but the alow
horse oo oaring to join him the wagon
was turned into the fenoe,the tongue run
ning between the rails and the wagon tip
ping over. When tne team started Can
nivan put his right foot an the break.but
It seems slipped in snoh a manner as te
thrown his body en the break, striking an
the left side just under the arm, near the
pit, with such force as te push it through
into his lungs, breaking the third lib in
two and entering the lungs twe or three
inches in a direction toward the arm.
This made a complete passage through
the lungs for the air, causing his neck to
swell to nearly double its natural size,and
his hreast on being touched would crackle
like paper. Drs Hill and Wallace were
immediately sent for, and did all thai
could be done for the unfortunate man,
hot, it is doubtful whether he liver,
Mr Canuivan was a young man aged
bout 27 and has lired hare about six
vaar. cumins from New York Suite. He
has borne an excellent character, being
known for his steady, economical habits,
having saved fifteen hundred or two thou
sand dollars by his good habits. He made
ft lends with all, and in the viciuity where
ha was known general sympathy is ex
pressed for him.
Heavy Battery 1st ftaleaa-
Salem was thrown into a state of excite
snent last aunosy morning by tbe report
of an immense robbery st the store of
Caldwell, Bechcr A Lieke. The proprie
tors claimed that SS00O worth of goods bsd
been ttolen.but the amount wss probably
exaggerated. Entrance wss made from
the back side, some thought from tbe out
side by prying open the iron shutters,
others that there was a confederate con
cealed within. The best goods in the stare
were taken, and they were conveyed awsy
in s wagon. Search was immediately
made for the robbers, which resulted in
the finding of a large qosotity of goods in
a barn about three miles from Salem,
which were identified as the oaes stolen.
Salem is foil of hard cases this week, many
of whom are tbe worst set of cut throats
the country was ever infested with. Tbe
robbery wss no doubt the work of some
of these men.
A Caldwell, a brother of the senior mem
ber of the firm has since been arreted, for the
offense and on Tuesday Prosecuting Attor
ney Cham certain, of this city, went to Salem
and brought him np before tbe City Recorder
when he waived examination to appear before
the Grand Jury. It is stated that he admits
his guilt. It seems that a girl of bis was
secreted in the store, and at night opens 1
the back door for him, when tbe tcost, valu
able goods wen taken.
These ste days when it is "dangerous to
be safe " Robberies of all kinds are be
coming very common, but nntil lately
they have been ntined mostly to dwel
1 ing houses, in this State. Now tbe stores
a re catching it. A. week ago last Sunday,
while the drug store of Fosbsy A Mason
was closed, a:ter having been opened m
the morning, sn entrance wss msde iue
it by co-ting the sah of the window near
the back door, and opening the door by
reaching the hand through an openii g
made. About one hundred dollars worth
of gold pens snd pencils were taken. It
waa hoped to obtain a clue of the robbers
by not making the matter too public ; but
no clue has been obtained, nor probably
will be,
Extra precautions will have to be taken
by merchants as the State is full of des
perate characters, many of whom are pro
fessional burglars who have fled from
their crimes in tbe Eat.
A Lively set-to.
Last Sunday near Tangent a little ex
citement wa- occasioned by a set to
between a worthy farmer and a man
stopping near there, a friend ot Judge
Deady. There bad been adisouto and
the latter bad declared that he would
thrash the farmer ; so when be saw him
going along at the time mentioned be
threw an oak stick at him, hitting him.
Tbe firmer jumpnl from tbe wagon,
and the way he thrashed the friend ef
Judge Deady was a caution. This will
probably settle the matter. The above
is told us, and is at least one side of the
Wiee or atkerwJse Baylags-
Things are not so b id at they some
times seem.
Hoodlum girls may be no worse tnan
n odium beys ; but to most observers
they appear worse .
Judge Lynch is a bad Judge, but it
does seem sometimes as if be treated the
chronic horse thief right.
Dull Times is ot always what ome
people make hi u. Bnt for perpetual
growlers he would often be quite a lively
Blue Ribbon Club.
Ragular meeting of taa Biuj Ribbon Club
will be held at the W. C. T. U. Hll this
Friday eveuiug with the following program ;
(OH Irvine,
Soag Quartette ) Cba Brush,
1 W If or timber.
( VI J Mm with.
Reading Vesta Mason.
Recitation Allie Scott.
Reading Mua Mry Irvine.
Soug Quartette.
Clot blag at MeUwala's.
Mcllwaio has received a hoc of clothing
and tats, to which he calls the attention ef
the public.
Try Read for cigars,
F M French, jeweler,
A splendid week for the State Fair.
D. P. Mason is said to be an expert male-
Cash paid for ohoics butter and eggs at
Don't bet anycigars oa election until yoa
have tried Read's.
Crapes have putin aa appear noo at
"don't touch me" price.
There are about 180 pupils enrolled in the
public schools at the present time.
You can't tell how election will go, bat
yon can bet on Read for oheap groceries.
A very enjoyable social was held at the
residence of Mr Rader last Tuesday evening,
Or. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon
Ail any. Oregon. Calls made in city or
A mule ran away last Saturday, causing a
small amount of excitement for a few mo
The Lane county fair will be held
Eugene this year, beginning on September
There are two ckiuamen ia Walla Walla
who were born there, and are now of ago.
They can vote.
Sewing machine extras, oils, needles, etc.,
at Will Bros. Gun Store. Abo Sewing ma
chines to rent.
Salem has reason to feel proud, having had
an $8,000 robbery and a State fair at nearly
the same time.
Things are not so bad as they soma times
seem is being demonstrated by the way crop
matters are turning out.
"Bleed-food" is the suggestive name of ten
given to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, beoaase of its
blood-enriching qualities.
Wells Brothers of stuena Vista havo raised
2300 pounds of hops to the acre as far as re
ported, a very large yield.
Mr K N Thotnaa,a live merchant and fruit
dealer of Jefferson, bought one of Andy
Bunt's fruit presses this week.
Lawrence Barrett, the celebrated actor is
exciting Portland theater goers this week.
It is a treat to see aad hear him.
Remember that by going to Hoffman at
Joseph's you will get first-class groceries at
greatly reduced prices. Try them.
For your dress-making, cutting and tit
ting dresses, go to the Misses Kutnbaogh,
four doors east of S E Young's store.
Mr A B Paxton has our thanks for several
scenes in the late hremea's tournament ,tkeu
on the wing, that is the fifteenth of a sc-
Doting 1883 seventy-six patents were
issnea to Oregon inventors, being one to
2299 people, which la up to moat Eastern
A reward of $300 has been offered lor the
arrest of Pituuger, the Washington ooonty
embezzler. He is probably in British Colum
bia. He was delinquent $24190.48.
Tbe eommissioners of the State appointed
by Governor Moody, to view the O. P. R. R,
have examined the first sec tie a and received
the same as far as the road is completed.
Armstrong, ono of the men arrested (or
horse stealing last week, is a foot racer, and
is said to be veiy fast. Hs triad to get urn a
race in this city, even while under errest, but
The fare to a Republican rally in Portland
on tbe 24:h will be $2 and regent ; bnt only
members of tbe Blain A Logan Club can re
ceive the benefit of tbe low price, J M Irving
has the tickets.
It is now learned that the doll times in
San Francisco are dno entirely to the strug
gle between that city and Tecoraa for tbe
supremacy, the Bay city getting the small
end of the ear.
In a plaoe like Albany, where the mer
chant depends for his living on men of all
parties, regardless of soli tics, he should, in
like manner be as ready to patronize news
papers of all parties.
Samuel E. Yon eg has some first-ciaas hacks
and baggies on hand, which be wants to close
out before winter, and will seU them at
greatly reduced prices snd on good terms.
Call and see for yourselves,
The finest pear is probably the Bartlett
pear. Ripe early, wit n a luscious flavor, it is
eatable at all times. Mr. John Fsgan, of
Tangent, remembered us last Friday with a
large supply of tbe above fruit, for wbteh bo
has our thanks. Sach kindness as this wrl
take as through tbe hard times swimmingly
Firmer through tbe county now are oc
cipied io examining tbe brands on the hor
ses they have purchased lately to see wheth
er tbey are drivmv stolen property. Twenty
or thirty have ascertained that tney are, to
t.ieir cost, amounting to the once of the
Try Ayer's Pills, and be cured. Misery is
a mild word to describe tbe mischief to body
and mind caused by babitnal constipation.
The regular nss of Ayer's Cartbartic Pills, in
mild doses, will restore the torpid viscera to
healthy action.
Last Tuesday Deputy Sheriff J f Charlton
cob v eyed to the Insane aAsy lmn at Salem ne
Nevins, who was on Monday fonnd guilty of
being won compos meruit, ontofbisheadibus
Tnis was hU second offense, besides baviog
been in the penitentiary once.
Here is what Maud S. was worth . "This
speedy animal was sold for enough money to
buy over three miles of barreled fl mr. hud
end to end, or enough to till a apace 700 te-t
square and ten feet high with loaves of
bread. This is bettor than raising wheat at
four bits a bushel in Oregon."
6. W. Harris, left at t bis office last week
a sample of golden egg plums from tbe farm
of Joshua Smith of Marion county whicb ex
ceed both in size aud beauty anything we
have yet seen. Tbe lsrgest measured ia cir
cumference tbe long way 7jj inches.
Attention is called to the ad. of L Putnam
in another column. L Putnam has overs
thousand first-claw chairs, splendidly made,
on band, and retail dealers or individuals
cannot do better than by calling on him and
getting prices and examining goods.
E T T Fisher, County Surveyor of Linn
county, is prepared with field notes snd
township plats of this county to correctly
locate corners of land wbre the same has
been lost or destroyed, and will replace the
same with permanent monuments. Persons
wishing surveying done will please address
him at Miller's, Linn county, Oregon.
Rev. A. B. Lawrence, pastor Second Pres
byterian church, Winston, North Carolina,
writes, be thinks it his duty to state, that
having suffered several years with inflamma
tory rheumatism, and having tried in vaia
all other remedies, he was induced to try St.
Jacobs Oil, tbe marvelous pain-cure, which,
after continued use, cured htm entirely.
Although it if st.,-i ia trie papers that
there is no liquor sold on the fair grounds at
S!em,it is a fact that there is a regular beer
hall next tbe race track that does an im
mense business, and we saw, tt Last, two
f qu enters fo the place who were decidedly
tipsy ; bat it is possible they became so from
drinking water or coffee at seme of the lunch
An exchanga says : "A runaway horse,
not blinded by excessive fright, can eften be
i made $o slacken bis speed and finally stop
and allow himself to be taken by the bit, if
a man, seeing him advancing from a sufficient
distance, will calmly take a position in the
middle of the road ia wbioh the horse
running, and ways bis hat very slowly at
full arm's length above his head. The man
of course, should hold himself in readiness to
make a side wise ipriag for safety in ease he
observes no slackening of the horses speed.'
Friabie, the Portland Bank defaultor.says
he took the money because $185 a month
was not sufficient for him to live on, ana
sets as if he should be allowed to go scot
free on that account. Any man with only a
wife and child who cannot live io a place
like Portland on $125 a month deserves bo
ing sent to the penitentiary to learn what it
is to get along oa five to ten dollars a month,
A person has no business to live beyond his
means whatever hs is getting.
There is a man running for Sheriff in
Washington Territory, who, from all ap
pearances was made for an office seeker.
Here is what aa exchange says of him : "A
S Bowles, nominee for Sheriff, told a kioker
that he was the youngest of a family of six
teeu ; that he was kicked by all the family
from the time he can remember : has bean
kicked from the Gulf of Mexico to Dakota,
and from California to Washington Territory,
aad is so ased to it that he doss not fool
hsppy unless he is kicked."
In the death of Hon Joseph Hamilton, at
Oakville, Lion ooonty loses one of its most
substantial and highly respected eitisoa, s
man of irreproachable character, a spleudid
lather snd a good neighbor. Coming to Una
county in 1847 he became a part of it, and
his handiwork may be seen ia many of its
earlier land marks. He waa once elected to
tbe legislature serving his constituency faith
fully, and at another time was County Com
missioner, a position be tilled with oredit,
An extended obituary appears in another
The following is the report of the assessor
for Grant ooonty : No. of acres agriculture'
land, 109,769 ; valuo,$174,822. No. of lets,
9 ; value, $7335 ; value of improvement,
$337,922 of merchandise, $138,516 ; moo.
oy, notes aad accounts, $393,453 ; house
hold farmture, carriages, etc, $54,875. No.
horses snd moles, 17,359; value, $643,-
351 ; cattle, 83.602 ; value. $1,632,415 ;
sheep, 172.395; value, $387.31 1 ; swine.
1721, value. $4123 ; gross veins of all prop
erty, $3,774,123 ; indebtedness in tbe Stat
$631,267 exemptions. $10,200 ; balance,
$641,467 ; total taxable property. $3,132,-
056 ; as cqaaiaed by the board. $3, 123. 152.
No, of polls, 503.
An mveotive guiu in Canada has struck
it rich in tbe timiug hoe, he takes a fleck of
aboat ibirt) geese to the water, and to the
logs of each one be ties a fishing line With
hated hooka attached. Theu be say a
snd the goose swim oat. As soon as a
gets a bite she becomes frightened aad
back to the shore, aad the man takes tl .
fish off tbe book snd soods her back. This
may do in Canadian waters ; bat oa the
Columbia, if a fifty pound salmon were to
go', bold of tbe book, there would so a lack
of that rushing back to the shore. Mr Goose
would soon bo food for other aalmoa.
Cnarles U Hawkins wss taken to the
penitentiary from Tbe Dalles the nrst ol the
week, where be wilt remain fifteen years, a
gloomy outlook for a young man of his age.
During a druukea row ho killed a man named
JFones on White River Hill. near The Dallas.
last summer. H-wkins' victim was his part
ner, aad, ho says, threatened to kill him
unless he gsve up $2 50 that he bad ia his
possession. Joaes endeavor d to taks the
money away from Hawkins, and a u ring the
struggle the Utter picked op a rook sod
killed Jonas. The trial developed evidence
of a damaging character, and the Court gave
bim the foil penalty of the law fifteen
J ears in tbe penitentiary and to pay a Sue of
A Portland paper speaks thaaly of Ysqutaa
Bay, which is ef quite a different tone from
that used by Portland papers at one time -Hero
is s basbor that furnishes five miles of
anchorage for tbe largest ships ; the en
trance to this bay is tbe safest on tbo Pacific
Coast. Five minutes after leaving tbe mighty
Pacific a ship is safe at sncher to a safe har
bor. Vessels drawing twenty -two feet enter
without difficulty, and a further expeoditnr
of a few thousand dollars will reader tbe
entrance safe for tbe Urgent vessel afloat.
Yaqntna has every natural advantage to he
come a great city. If she will only take ad
vantage of the opportunities prose ntiog
themselves, no city will be able te dispute
her position ss a leading city of the coast,
aad with this future before her she already
shows that progressive spirit which alone
secures success,
A Southern Oregon boar is doing dostrne
tive work smong cattle. He is called Twist
ed Foot : An exchange says be has killed
over five hundred dollars worth of cattio for
Maj. Barron slone, besides whst little sutch
oring be nay have done for ether stock own
ore. He is now supposed to be an enormous
cinnamon, instead of s grizzly, and tbe hun
ters are a little more caref I thao they were
when they thoaght him a grizzly. When s
man is up a tree he is ssfe from a big grizzly,
but tbe cinnamon bears are good climbers, a
well as most desperate flghtera. "Twisty 'a
foot loaves s track in tbe mod about the sixe
of a Mexican sombrero, and his teeth pene
trate the aknll and meet in the brain of a big
steer wbon be happens to make a square bit
in his ?atohrrtuK business.
Burns Vint will . I ways be found np with
the times, aad in ms 'hinge will rsnk nest
Is New Yon r C eg", as the followm.
by the correspondent from that place to thr
ifts Side will testify .- A few days since
while oor officials were absent from town a
crowd of boys ssa-'trvhled from the different
threshing ere wa su l "got a little too much.'
A large fellow hy t! i of Dick offered
his services to knock any man out of time in
one ronad. The challenge was accented bv
little Tug Wilson." "Little Tug" was de
moralized in the first round. Next ''Big
Bub" faced this Heenan snd in the fitst round
got bewildered, and turned his face from his
antagonist, but his bckers turned him face
about and made him face the mu ic, ad in
the sec nd ro md, to tie sum m of all, Dick
got knocked down and out.
A quarre" occurred at Coquille city last
week in the course of which a mas was stab
bed, from the effect of which he will proba
bly die. The following shows what a task it
is to ascertain who commits suck desperate
acts in the Coquiile country . "Adolphus
C. Fiicfc, a fisherman living near Coquiile
city, engaged in a quarrel a few days ago and
received a stab in tbe abdomen, which was
pronouncea necessarily ratal mere were a
a a a mo.
number of fishermen engaud 1 1 i carousal,
aud it is not positively ttowu wno di-1 the
taooing. r rica accuses r rmn Sheridan o
... i n . .
stabbing him and Sberidau says George Hoi
ten is the guilty party. Sheridan was sub
sequently arrested by Constable Cartwright
and taken to the county jail at Empire , where
be is now held, awaiting the result of Prick's
injuries and the action of the grand jury.
Tbe wounded man is 27 years old, a nativs
of Jackson county, and resided at Sam's val
ley, on Rogue river, before goiug to the Co
quiile. "
Mrs Opp has boss confined to the house a
couple of weeks.
Mrs WB Kioeand daughter returned
few dsys since from strip to Ashland.
Prof K N Condit has been confined te his
horns two or throe weeks by sickness. Ws
hops Io see him at hi i post of duty soon
Ws received a oall tbe first of the week
from a touristioal printer, and he did not
strike us for his supper, a strange occurrence
Hon L Plinn and daughter arrived ia
Portland last night snd will be ia Albany to
day, after a visit of two or three months la
Hon J P Schooling, of Harris burg, wss ia
the city Monday, flome of the horses Stolen
from Kastcrn Oregon it was thoaght bore
his trade mark, and he was examining into
the matter.
YV L Denny aad wife left for Kansss last
Tuesday noon, where they will remain dur
tng the winter t bat we are alad te knew
that they intend returning here within a
year or two.
(PubllsaeU ay Hsqassft.)
war wsUTMktB tua
sr J. o. an.Bf.
tlsta't so use to grumble suJ complain
It's Jest ss cheep aad ess to rsjoloe
WasnUeU curls out lbs weather ami seeds la la
W y, rain's say choice.
Man fener'ijr. to all Inleocs
Although they're so' to gi iisahls
Puts moat their trait la Provide, ce.
Asm! tanas things ss they oesao
Tast Is, the oommnnallijr
Ol men that's lived as long ss me
Ilea irate had the world enough to learn
They're not the boss of the oeaeera.
With ssaw. of course it's dufrcat-
I've seed yeaug men that saowed It sit.
An' didn't llks too way things went
OwcVhls lerrcelrtel halt
Nut, all the sacae, the rata cocao way
el nod Just ss hard en picnic do t
Or when they really wanted It
It ma) he wouldn't rain a hit !
In this esUttonce, dry sad wet
Will overtake the beet ol saee
"tome lltUs shin e' cJoooVtl shot
The sua off now and then.
Sot saayhe, ss yea're wosaderin' who
Yoa'ce fool-Use lent year uoabreU' to.
And want It out pop the sun,
Aad yoolt be glad you alnl got none.
It aggravates the farmers, too -
There' c tow maeh wet, or too much son.
Or work, o wain a' ronad to do
stare the ptowin'e dona
Aad maybe, llks aa oot, the wheat,
J set so Us toohla' bard to heal,
Win ketch the stores -aad Jeet about
The Unvs the corn's a-Jistla' out.
These here cv eJooee e-faeiie' round
Aad bokk'ard mops sad wind and rata
And ytl the corn that's wallerod dowo
Stay elbow op serein f
The siat no canes, as I can cos.
Per asortats, aUh as yea sad see,
A-faolUa' Nature's wtae IntooU
Aad leekln' boras with Prcfldsswc !
It ain't no ass te grumble aad essapbCa .
It's Jest as cheap and easy to rejoice ;
whoa Ood sorts oat the weather aad seeds rain
W'y, rain's my choice.
Some people think the newspaper can
publish what la called "new a," whether
anything happens or not, and tbey nave
tbalr Ideas of Just what news is, and de
clare It must be foilewed. Many think
an editor mast know evorythlag, that he
la bound to find oat everything before
everybody else, and If be asks for Infor
mation some want te knew whets be baa
boon all this time. Aa a matter of fact the
newspaper man rarely knows anything
without It te told Is ioM like every
body olao ia this respect, ft Is an excep
tion when be U personally present at a
startling occurrence, so It bo hoove a pecu
liar eomaiunlty to give him a lilt, aad. If
anything ocourra lot him know the first
thing about it. On the subject of news aa
exohange says, In a vary good style
"Under the above caption many things
are inoinsMd, everytaing in mot wnicb
will Internet old or young, mslo or female,
persona of every nationality, raoe, charac
ter or persuasion. At UUa Unto of tbo year
news la scarce, ootmng or any particular
nterest going on, so tost use advent of tbe
dally paper is eagerly looked te. Tbe
reader catches tbo paper op and anxious
ly looks for a doaoo columns of reading
matter, so aa to find out what Is going on.
Not unrrequsaily ho is dlaappolnlocl.l tarns
occasionally being acaios,, than be will
i brow tne paper to one siue saying, "nou
ing in that anyhow " Yet hew many who
do as tbe self same person would ever
think to toll an editor or reporter anything
which might be going on, that tbey would
know and net try te think or. JCvery per
son who oomso or goes is expeotsd to re
ceive particular notice In tbo paper. If
Mrs Butler ohurned three pounds of but-
tr this week, mention must be made of
her fine Jersey cow ; and how advantsv
geous it Is to every family to have tbalr I
own milk and butter. ifBmltu purchases
a wortc beroe, his neighbors the next day,
and 8m 1th himself, expect to see in their
homo paper that -'Alderman Simth.wboao
daughter is said to boa rare elocutionist, 0rn Urg pnmpkins, big squashes, euor
and who will Europe next year to LZZ. ut, i .. k;
tomaleto a fall course, sod wno has a
brother owning rich mines la Colorado,
yesterday purchased ot x-poll tax Col
lector Brown a handsome dapple gray
oar riage horse, with a baautlfut flowing
mane and tall.the arloe being a very liber
al one, out not stated whereas iu fact It
wa a small fori -five dollar Ilea-oaten
gray, both ringboned and spavined. It
Mai la Mirth Is married in a Motnsr lluo-
bard sawn bar elaborate costume most bo
.laser ised at length in order that the out
side world will know whst dlstiagulebed
personsges tbsy are,"
Miss Ads Hsyes, daughter of I
Hsyes, ef i his fity, died Wednesday even-
lag about 4 o'clock, a victim to that tell
destroyer, oonsatnption. Miss Hayes wee
in tbe bleem of youth, being about -u -
teen years ef age, 8be was ef a quiet,
gent! i disposition aad her departure U a
peculiarly sad eae to her paresis, other
relatives and many friends.
rsaey Meeds at Mellwstn's.
For an extra liae ef fancy goods just ie
ceived. call at Mcllwain's.
Msw goods, are new arriying st N H
Allan's. New styles of dress goods and the
latest novelties ia all lines are now being re
esived which wi'l bo Be d at bed rock prices
for sash or prod nee.
Any person having obarooal to sell will find
a customer by calling on John Briggs, tbe
tinner, of this eity.
Boots aad Bkees.
N H Allen has now a One line of boots aad
shoes, whils f r (arte aod quality they oas't
bs oflniilled in ths volley.
Per Bale.
Sixty or seventy h -ad of extra good
steok sheep. Inquire of tli undorsign -ed
one miU east of Albany,
F. G. BCRlCBAxr,
At these hew laces and embroideries at H
H Allan's, tbsy srs jast immease sad at un
heard of low prises.
A Peer Alfeansaee ami Pair sUblbft.
The noon traU Tuesday took one of the
editors of tbe Dsmocsat to the oars of the
0. k C. a R., where a thin sheet of red
paper, looking mors like so express pester
then s tioket, previously secured for oasb,
Save him the right to ride as far as the State
(air grounds at Salem. This he did in com
paoy with but a few others bound for the
same plaoe, going there simply because it
was the State Pair, or from a matter of habit
to attend eaob year at all evnnts. Although
a resident, of Oregon for four or live years it
wss the first time the writer hsd braved the
excitement atteudant upon witnessing big
pumpkins, bumpkins and an Oregon horse
raoe. Arriving just previous tea running
match he hastened to the track where Mar.
shal Irvine, though his hands were full keep
ins things straight, si most unassisted, kindly
lurnisueu bim a place among the reporters
io tbo Judges stand, for which aud other
ooartsaios he has our thanks. Jim Merriot
and Nyella, were warmiog up at tbe time.
and i m mml utely began buaieuss on a I J mile
stretch with Jim Merriot at the polo. They
u ummnj ovou tnrougn llie whole course,
Jim Merriot winning by about four feet in
z r I, a 1:03 pace. It was easy to observe
though even by a green horn, thst the rider
at Nyslla wss not very anxious to posh hie
horse, sad we were informed that this waa a
part of ths program, but then a person csu
be informed of anything at a state fair.
This raoe was followed by the brooders
trotting race for throe year olds for a purse
of S900. There were only two starters. Mu
lt night Brothers stallion Ooooo.of this ooun
ty, sad J h Hallots mare Almouett. Alter
no scoring a good start was gotten, with
Oneco at the pole. Tbe drivers supposing
they were given a start made the host, al
though thejudgos intended to oall them back,
for what purpose no one knew without it wss
because Oneco waa in the lead about throe
feet, the j edges through the whole raoe ee
pearing to fsvor Almonetto. Oneco woo tbe
heat with eaae in S "-",, but was not allowed
it. The nest heat ho also won in good
style, bat tbo last three boats Almonetto
took, although Oneco shnwod the best speed
from start to finish, spoiling a fine gate by
repeatedly break i a g, and losing tbe ground
he would gain. It is but justice to say that
Mr Beach, his driver, was sick at tbe time
and sho'ild bsvs boon in bud, poeaeeaiug but
little strength to curb a breaking horse.
interspersed between the bnts ol tbo trot
a hyctcle oootoot between Drf C Newcastle,
Burt Hatch aad P T Memil.all of fortlau.i.
took place. Hatch on hi fto inshcr winning
two oot of throe boats, the course being a
quarter of a mile. Tbo time given was l;' ;
1 lj and 5ti seconds.
Ia si pi anal ton ef tbe slow time msde gen
erally this year it should bo stated that tbe
track is very sloe, sad we judged in not a
ooudiuon that would aoit tbe fastidious taste
of a Maad fi. or evea an Oregon trotter.
Between twe of the boats s foot raoe wss
wager! between It yen, a professional from
New York snd a darkey from whore we
OS aid not learn, for several nun. If. d dollars
aside. It was a "snide" stratr, at tne crack
of tbe pistol tbe darkey remaining stationary
ike a stature and Hysn jsggtng through
too eosves, uu yarus, atone, ai inn i o
a a afasm - a i a
tbe races wo began investigation ol
what should bo the main feature of a fair, but.
sad to ssy, is not, the disploy of steok, pro.
dacts, implements, etc. While not Urge, it
be said it is excellent, and s(-oaks in hth
terms for Orejoo products. Thedisptsyof
stallions deserved oommondttioB, snd while
there were so Pha liases among the n there
were those which displayed Has style sad
standard blood. Tbe esbibttioo of blooded
cattle particularly attracted oar attention,
among a go -dly stand display of Jerseys, Dur
hams, etc, there being some of the finest
oows, heifers aad Lulls it has been oor privi.
laa to look at with oor stock eye. This dis
play, as much as any other, to our notion,
wss s credit to tbo state ; and little below it
wore well filled peas of sheep, embracing
many fine looking bucks and swss of the best
grades of stock. There was a fair exhibition
of fowls, ens gh to show that considerable
interest is taken in this important branch,
several cages of Laghorns, Polaods, Wyau
dottes, etc.. being noticosble.
Tbo displsy of machinery, wagons, etc.,
was not large, and little attention eosatod to
be paid to it. In Agricultural Hsll there
was a lamentable exhibition of empty stalls,
bat mixed np with them was, though not
axtonaive. s duuiav of fruits, veiretsbies. etc..
.i .,
"haw variety and that
we psssssi a sail ospable of rasais the very
beat of evervthmt. Apples of immense ma-
... nnt .arntMtmii . .ha wtA
earn equal to Missouri, rvansas or Illinois
"""" i""'"' .a
onions, turnips tomstos, potatoes, ceiery,
etc., presented an unco in nunly good appear
ance for the extent of the display. Floor
and flowers were each to ho s on, and home
made bread, biscuits, hotter, jellies, etc., re
ceived their share of attetinon, whieb, had
the crowd been Urg saoagb, would hsvs
overpowered them.
Among tbe Linnounty no t acting in dif
ferent capacities on the ground were Marshal
Irvine, J H Barahart as uckoi esllet, 8 R
Dawson, tioket receiver at the mam entrance,
J Q Powell, O P Burkhart aud Jesse Besrd.
It is customary to growl at the S;ats fair(
sad in some respect it daiurv it it. It cer
tainly is not kept op ai a stats fair should
be. Compared with a state fair in the East,
it would be sailed very slim ; for Oregon it
is aot what it should bo, but It has its vir
tu ss, and an extra effort should be made to
give it a lift. This can only he done by ex
citing greater iuterest in tbe exhibitions of
stock aod products, so that they will oome
from all parts of the state.
The attendance Moodsy aud Tuesday was
very poor, ouly $255 being taken in on the
former day and $370 the latter day. Much
was being depended oo the attendance yes-
terday, but nothing can save it from a rinan
oUl failure this year.
At seven o'clock we again boarded the
train with our ret paster, after hairing a
loud discussion between a prominent lawyer
of Salem, a vice president of the Association -
and a county school superintendent which
the latter two were accused of receiving big'
pay for thsir work during the fair, when ths
society was bead over heels in debt,and there
were plenty who would work for nothing.
Only one of the two was proven guilty. At
1.30 the dim lights of Albany greeted us, one-
half day having co mpletely satisfied us.
A splendid supply of Oregon peaches and
grapes st Hoffman k Joseph's.
Bests aad shoes at MeUwala's.
A Urge line of boots and shoes jut re
ceived at Mcllwain's. Examine them .
Just received a fine line of dry goods, dress
goods and notions, direct from New York,
bought for eanh, and the best goods ever sold
for the price, at
Samuxx EL Youxe's.
Horse Tate v os.
Among other oo unties Umatilla county
has been cursed by horse thieves to snob
an extent that It Is almost Impossible to
raise horses with any profit to tbe owner,
Tbey have at times been caught and
punished, nearly every court having its
oases, During tbs last spring sad sum
mer the deprsdatlona continued, and
horses vsntshed at a demoralizing rate.
Where some of them went hss Just been
ascertained. A while sgo throe or four
young men brought between fifty and
sixty good looking horses, bearing vari
ous, brands, to Brownsville, where they
disposad of about half of them. From
correspondence with the Umatilla aa
thorlties, It began to be suspected thst
these were all stolen borsee. George
Dark hart of this olty helped work np the
tnstler, snd as s result last week Deputy
HhsrifT Hulllvan, of U mat 11 Is county, put
In an appearance with a list of brands
of horses loaf, and warrants for the
arrest of Jim Wilson, Ull.y Fields, John
Wilson and Armstrong. Lsxst Friday
lbs first three were arrested at Browns
villa, the particulars of which It Is unnec
essary to relate, although containing eorre
Ititorostlng features. They were brought
te Albany and lodged in tbe county Jail,
rrotn which they were taken to Pendleton
on Monday tnornlog, whore, If guilty,
tiicy will bo sure to receive the Justice
thoy will deserve ; and It la wall known
that Kastern Oregon Courts have little
mercy on the boras thief, and ths deserves
little. On Malurdsy, Mr Hulllvan arrested
John Wllson,al Uarrlnburg, aad fintureJay
night left him In charge of tbe City Mar
shal. In order to got some needed sleep,
but during the night be msde his escape,
leaving for parts unknown.
From dlRoront parte of tbo county coma
reports of man who hsvs purebased horses
of these men. so many that ulio a breeze
of excitement has bean raised, and this
wss tbo principal topic of conversation
on the streets too first of ths week,
Yosjaiaa rosters.
The Yifuina brought rails enough for
thirteen miiee of track.
Senator Dolpb and ( 'apt Powell snd wife
arrived at Yamuna Thursday evening.
One or two lard slides this week, caused
by tbe heavy storms in tbe front of the Week,
deUyod trains to some extent on tbe O F.
Tbe steamship Yaquima crossed in Triors
day afternoon fron Han Francisco, drawing
twelve feat of water. Hho brouabt s verv
heavy cargo, consisting fnr ths most part of
steel rails. She bsd p meant weather all tbo
w yP'
We had the honor of ootorUining ami I
Ifoue Jonn Mmto, of Uarioo. It Cechrsa. of
Iaoo, and J K Heaklavef Boston, last Hator-
day night. These gentlemen, well kaown
and prominent citizens of Oregon, wore the
Commissioners appointed by teovornor Moody
to esamine and receive ths first completed
section of the Oregon Pact no railroad. They
pronounced tbe road from Klk City to Ya-
qnina a good piece of work, sad although
oat completed, it seemed to bs as solid and
firm as an old-timer. tbs cars running smooth
ly and without a jolt. Tbey were taken oat
over tbe bar by tki tag Feorf, tbe nszt
morning afu-r their arrival, aad Mr VI in to,
wishing to know exactly how mash water
there eras on the bar, throw tbe load him
self. Although it lacked considerable of
being bigb tide, yet he found enough water
to satisfy him that all reports by ths 0 P E
it Co relative to tbe matter, bad oot been
overstated, bat inclined to bo leas than there
really was. They expressed themselves ss
more than satisfied with the progress made
so far, and wore pleased to know thai tbs
completion of ths road to Corvaltia is a
Unity a matter ef but a few weeks
Tbo Commissioners, aooompaniod by afanag.
er Wm M Hoag and Hon W P Koady. weat
up as far as Klk city on Sunday evening's
train, en route for ths valley.
o f a. B to be C-eassteseel W
Homo of our exabsugos hsve published
a statement to ths effect that tbe term for
tbe completion of tnis road from Cor vail la
to Y equina Bay In order to secure title to
all tide Undo In Beaton county and ex
emption from taxation for a period ef I
twenty years as provided by act of tbe
Legislature is October 19th, 1884. Bnt
this la error. It U October 14, 1881. See
aeoslon laws 1878, pages S, 4, 6, 6.
fae er Mere Sargeaas
(rum the Western Division, 819 Bush Street,
U L mm mUm. mtmm .1 . ........ I I .... ...... w
be at ths Revere House. Albany. Oct. 9th
and 18th, 1884. Persons suffering fiom
os--- . A, . . . J" v..-
..meases of ths spine, hip, limbs or any bodi-
ly deformity, paralysis, piles, fistula, sexual
or chronic diaeaaea ahould avail themaolvsa
of this eppertumty.
throughout the U. si
Hasleal Coeds.
Having bought the ate 5k of musical
goods of J. H. Danisls. retired, we invite
tbe people who need anything in that Uaa
to give us a oall. Special attention given
to orders for shoot music.
Wiu. Baas., Qoa SToaa.
Not lee.
My wife, Elsndsr B Davis, having lsft
my board and bed without just causs or
provocation, I will not be responsible for
sny debts which she may contract.
H. EL Davis.
Sept. l.V.h, 1884,
leaks t ( leaks t Cloaks !
I hsve just received sny fall stock ef cloaks
for ladies, rrtisses,aad ehildren. These goods
srs bought dirootly of tbs manufestsrors for
cash, and will be sold right.
8a ait? st E. Youse.
BIOS) Mere.
N H Allen has received from New York
I aome ef these celebrated everlasting hip cor.
sets, also health, nursing and misses corsets
sonstantly on hand.
Te WBOBB It xaay Ceae r s .
Our accounts are in the hands of C 1 Wcl.
verton for collection, who is authorised te
receive and receipt for money in our names.
Smith k McCabtwbt.
Sept. 8th, 1884.
Ills Success
Financially and soolally,are largsly due
to his excellent health. If his system
were clogged and feverish, no doubt he
would fall as so many others do. Bnt
why not enjoy good health wben one can
please the palate at the same timer syrup
or Figs is net only pleasant to tne lasts, it !
Ise cleanses ths system thoroughly, yet
painleusly ; It Is harmless In its nsturs, 1
and strengthens the organs on which it
acts so that regular hsblts may be formed,
and the sufferer permantly restored to
health and happiness. Sample bottles free
snd large bott lea far sale by Langdon
Oa Plain Sahjrrl.
While we are complalalng, what of
other plaoss. In Washington Territory
tbey tell us, the wheat Is scatty, and
Io Kastern Oregon only 82 cents is of
fered. Now we are in as good a fix as
tbey. On u,s Columbia tbe sslmon
catch It email, snd the price is way
down, there is another afflicted coca
munlty, and badly so ; bat lot as g
awsy from home, as far as Labrador,
whets the codfish catch is short 60,00,.
000 pouads, think of that 8000 families,
probably 83,000 people, are starving be
cause of It, and only sustain Ufa on
spirits which they have. Whew, If we
keep on, we will find there are many as
bad ofr as we are. Certainly tbtre are
always enough companions la trouble.
We have got to make the beet of tbe
situation and we might as well take it
philosophically, for times will not be
as bad as many Imagine.
If George Washington were a candi
date for Presidsnt aow that hatchet
ste i y would bo knocked into a cooked
bat la less than ton daya from nomlaa
tlon. Tbey would prove that be bad
stolen sheep when a boy and was never
kaown to tell the truth ; that when be
went through Feoosylvaola to ihe
MonongaheU when a young man to
spy out tbe French, he was only oo a
water-melon raid anil that he never
aw Valley Forgo at all. A man needs
to be made of steel to run for office
Tbe Woman's Rights party of Cali
fornia, have nominated Bolva A Lock
wood, of Washington City, for Presi
dent It will do the party mors hurt
than good. It is Just suoh things that
disgust many with tbo whole arrange
ment. When a party that cannot
vote aomlaatee a parson for a position
a con Id not bold, If through any
possibility she were elected, sensible
people beg I a to open their eyes, and
naturally snougb declare thoee wba t'o
auch things to be cranks, ar.d with
sme reason. At tbe present time the
only oualiHcetion the woman sulraziats
Lr a m.ri. H.m.n,i -r t-
l wt nui.iva wbmotmv w, mi j WOlOBiC
lthot bo favor tholr cauao This Io
fanaticism, and just ae long aa tbe v do
jt will they ba unpopular. I bava seen
oDd board Bolva A Lock wood, and I
have oo hesitation tu ssying that I do
think aho would make a rood Presi -
dent. She U an able woman la her
way bat she was not cut out to be a
Chief Executive, aad all are advised sot
to vets for lisrs !
Some people arc alowj In tolling what
good things have been dona for them, bnt
Mr Jobo P Daly, of Ollltaonv die, 8. C
says be takes great pleasure In testifying
to tbe wonderful efficacy ef Browa'e Iron J
Betters In dyspepsia, fever and ague, snd
general debility of the system. He baa
personally experienced the moat satisfac
tory results from the nse'of thU valuable
medicine. Make a memorandum of this,
all ys wboae systems are ran down.
Brown's Iron Bitters will cure yon.
I am aow receiving my fall sttok of La-
cbildrons. men's and boy's
boots and shoos. Those goods are bosgkt
dinct tnm 0x9 ntaaufaarera for coo, no
I. I fl II m aa a. ss
middlemen. All goods warranted as repro-
Sasrcsi. K. Yoexa.
Byrwp of Hs
Nature's own true laxative. Pleaaaat to
the palate, acceptable to the stomach,
harm I see in Its nature, painful In Its ac
tion. Cores habitual constipation, billlouv
indigestion and kindred lbs. Cleaas-
la system, purines the bldegulalas 1
tbe liver and acta on the bowels. Breaks
up oolds,obllls snd fevera,etc., -strengthens
the organs on which Its sots. Ilet .bitter ,
nsuseous liver medicines, pills, salts snd
draughts. Sample bottles free, and large
bottles for sale by Fosbsy A Mason.
Bs cited
All over the land are going into ecstacy
over Dr. Kinx's New Discovery for Oon-
sumption. Tbalr unlocked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Saving
ra'ro(Kw nuwi them lo wlld ,
its praise. It Is guaranteed to positively
oure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay
raver, uroncn'us, ssoarasnosa, uom oi
Voice, or any affection of the Throat sad
Longs. Trial Bottles tree at Foehsy A
Mason's Drug Htoro. Large sixe $1.00.
Improved farms In Linn and Lane
counties in tbs kssrt of tbe finest farming
district weat of the Rooky menntalns. For
paxtieulars address or call on
A. Whsblkr,
Sbedd, Id an Co., .Or.
BsUfcLKva aaxici s&lvb.
The beat salve In ths world for oat
bruises, seres, ulcers, salt rheum, lavs
seres, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all kinds of skin eruptions.
This salve is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction In every case or money re-
ruadea. fries 3&e per box.
For eale ty Foahay A Maaoa
Lunch House Restaurant,
Two doors Kast of Cd
renew a letup le ,
Eastern, hhoal water and
Yaqnina Bay Oysters.
WOOD ISOM. In Albany, on Sept 16th,
1884, by Judge J. J. Whitney, Mr. Frawk
IT. Wood and Mias Lizzix Isom both ef
Miss Lizzix Isom both ef
larried couple, two of Albany's
people, haye the Democrat'?
tlatioas and best wishes fr s
ibli life. In the tiue style
The newly a
popular young
hearty congratulations
long and enjoys
they will begin keeping house as soon as
tDey return from the State lair, where they
I .pending a few days.
BALDWIN. In San Francisco, Cel., Sept.
13th, 1884. Mrs Baldwin, wife of Hon.
J. W. Baldwin, formerly a reddest of this
Ths many friends of Judge Baldwin wi 1
A j sympathise with him io this bit aad beiem
I meat 1
ewna C
Bridge Repairing lotics,
Notice is her iby given Jthat sealed bids
will bs received by the County Count of Lien
ooonty, Oregon, on Wednesday tbo tth day
of October, 18S4 at tbe boar of 1 o'clock, p.
in. , for tas construct loa of a break water near
the Sanderson Bridge on tbe Sooth Santism
fiiver in Linn county, Oregon, tbe Court re
ceiving the right to reject say aad all bids, for
iiarticulars see plans aad specifications oa
(Us ia ths Clerk's office in said county er
communicate with D. Meyer, the Superin
tendent at Scio, Lian county, Oregon.
By order of the Court
D. Axpaaws, Clark.
Chairs ! Chairs !
Rawhide bottom chairs for bath eld and
young, st bottom prices at tbe factory of
Albany, Oregei.
Sea Lion Silver Polish,
This polish n manaasetured from saa
tnariae vegetable snbetaaees sad will so
mark or scratch the softest motels. Per
! cleaning and polishing fine plated ware.
jewelrv snd glass, ws ehallsngs tas
m. m. aaa - a a .
worm ror its equal, eatmpie coxes seas
, bv mall far 26 cents, liberal discount to
kgents and wholesale dealers. Address
Attar. j, Ortfti.
J f I
f f
lyj J M ff
Of either sex admitted to the
On any week-day of the year.
The College Journal, containing informa
' ion of the course of study, rates of tuition,
oard, examinations, etc, sad eats of pkua.
uid ornamental penmanship, free. Address,
. jock Box 101. PcxTLAjm, Oa.
,gar- in writing, jkswm mmMm 9d