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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1884)
Ik gftwevat FRIDAY SEPTKMBKU 19, 1884 RATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET, For President, G ROVER CLEVELAND of New York. For Vice Presided, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS of Indiana. For Presidential Electors, A. C JONES of Douglas county L. B. ISON ol Baker county i of Yamhill county W. D. FEN TON W4LICIOC. Aman very oft.. u.k.e .b.wh.cb . . . i. l- O- 1 .-.1 ,...r.,rl . I uQ uuno cij hwvaiu uwu,,u . able to occupy, rata appiiea to editors . . . ... , . , . . ... in of newspapers as well as to ordinary I mortals, and it even appiiea to the edi- j tor of the Oregonian aa well as ordi-1 n.rv w)itnn. Thai Mitnr in critioia. I ing the speeches of Mr. Hendricks aays, I he does not address a a ngle word to I the intelligence of the people." Again, I anaakinff of Hendricks this astute editor I plicitv and economy. A free people spealtingOIIlsnancK8,inuasiUteeaiwOriPiicuy cvjuum . r-l atys, "tha vu that now from Ua 11- quor trafflo Hasdricka wanta to main- tainaaMamooratioprinciplea.'" Again Mr. Stt aava. "tha apeechea of Mr. - says, -the vice, that flow from the li- 1T-J:.1- : ak: k ikaf ka I is incapable of any argument addressed to men 3 iGtelligence. ' Again, .nr. Scott, inspired by a brutal and mali-1 cioas insUnct peculiar to himself, savs I I m... -tuwgg . nor ever bas been a single toucn oi honesty in the man, (Hendricks.") I To say that Hendricks does noted- dress a single word to the intelligence of the people ia to place one's self before To sav that Hendricks does not ad- . 4... . I w; . m.i;,.v. I paaaw aw a mi.iu wiuui.u.... a ki. :.n;a .v.. ... I UU1C IUtCWCUb I v SW VVO ft I trv, without regard to parly, will pro- O l J noance the statement of the Qreeonian as wickedly and malicious! v untrue and ithout any justiflcation whatever. There is no man in the country who stands on a higher plane in politics. TT- JiwE&i g- a. i V- - a U m""7, , T 7' L ! 1 1 J T a ? .a. . ... I - ois puouc uu piivate viuup, b cum- a . .. a a prenensive intelligence oi tne mgner moral influences in aolitics. are all above reproach and beyond question, r , . . . The statement of the Oregoman that Hendricks wants io maintain the vices anas now irom toe liquor traxnc aa uera- .( . r a ocratic principles is a voluntary and rilfull staCemeut of an untruth. Does the Oregoman editor think to make an intelligent pablic believe such foolish traah aa appear, in his leader of last Saturday 1 Hendricks has said nothing, nor done nothing that would itutifv these false statements. The Orf ioriiarit false statements are inspired by party malice as every one will see who reads the article. CLEl EL.D LEV eta- "Gatb,'' in tbe Cincinnati Enquirer, telegraphs from New York that about 90 per cent of tbe German rote of New York city ia for Cleveland, The Monoogahcla City Jitcord, pub lished within 1 4 miles of Blaine's birtb place, whoae editor has heretofore been a Republican, bas come out red hot for Cleveland and Hendricks. The news from Michigan is decidedly encouraging. All the disaffected po litical element, have sided with tbe Democrats and are making a joint campaign againet the tattooed ticket Col. Edward . Roche of Brooklyn has tendered bis resignation as a mem ber of the Twenty-first Ward Rtpnbli. can Association. He raid he could not support Blaine, whose election to the Presidency he would regard as a Ration al calamity. Capt. John of tbe largest shipowner, on the great lake, and one of the foremost citizen, and capitalists of Michigan, and, before the nomina tion of Blaine, always a stanch Repub lican and large contributor to their campaign funds, refused their applica tion fjr subscription yesterday, and sent a letter this morning covering alib eral contribution, and declaring for the Democratic tisket. The Young Men'. Republican and Independent club of Boston now bas a I membership of 1800 voters and tbe list is growing every day. K meeting of the executive committee will occur Monday to consult and plan the work of the campaign. The 9Hnmom' list will be readr at that time. Io all the strong R publican wards of the city tbe organization of this club is complete and hard at work. a menu ot tbe Jbjximuier writing from Fairfield,Iowa,8ay8 that tbey have organized a Cleveland and Hendricks club in that town of 300 member., fifty of whom are what is known as "Cleve laid R?pti.Iicns." By means of the faaiou ticket, the Democrat, have a fair chance, according to our correspondent, of canyiog the State. Sj the work goes bravely on. TAM9IAN1' 11 ALL Oa last Fiiday evening the genera committee of Tammany Hall met to de cide the course' of Tammany in the pen ding presidential contest. John Kelly presided. The committee appointed to prepare resolutions oh the subject re ported a resolution endorsing Cleveland which was adopted by a vote of 870 yeas and 67 nays. A committee was then appointed to prepare for a ratifi cation meeting. This will very mater 'ally strergthen Cleveland. naw wiu xov votp, This question should bo duly and dead past and looking only to tho living present and the eomino future. The W W I question is what does the country need note, not wnat it needed years ago. lai sa . . -.!. us look to the present and the nocessl- J ties of the present. Old issues are dead and gone, and the prejudices end biases which they produced should go out into J oblivion with them. We should be one I psople, knowing noNortb, no South, no; East, no West, but all with one ao cord seeking the greatest good to the g - teet number ol a great and united People. Te should divest ourselves of all undue influence eercied by the par- ty rein, and vote as intelligent freemen, baggov.I.1onol,yu,,al, - nn . ... . , , v - nnn n. Mmul an, I miu ri n . lili'tatA. I or ioui aoing me wniawnuud u. i . . , i , . . . - r i the government wii 1 be restore .1 to that simplicity and economy which original were leading it characteristic a at its formation. If there is one feature of our govornmont tha t dii it more than another from other governments, it is that of ita sim" oan ramain icae ohij aj hoUiog 10 restraint tboaa who axeioiaa govaromental power over tham. "Kter. nil vigilance u tho prica of liberty." . can remain free only by constantly fTn,Ae nnw t,rm nf onvurnniMll HlA l(X. I 1 . r. . . I pie are the great original source ot ,ow- ler. aii jiower not ueieg.ueu io vaei United States by the constitution, nor I prohibited by it to thesUtea, are rea- I .IT . . 7 r me people, out mere is a lenueucj among those in lower in all govern- men is to assume to exercise powera ments to assume to exercise powera not belonging to them. In fact this ia one of the greatest dangers to which .. . I carefully considered by every voter iu York City paper, gave to the jj.Ul W the land, hy laying aside all party bias twelve more of the noir famous "Mul- lhe Ui of s,, tbere wtatttir or prejudice, turning his. back on the ligan letters." These aro the letters ooo Independent Cleveland lUnubli- I mnv iwnU ia nKirf It-. ..n will Boek j pnafaw wj. I mnHf .avonf onvpmncnl -w vv4vj".wv MMfl m j n - ' I so as to delude the people and thu, ntke themselves secure in exercising I pjweia that do not belong to tbem, and I thus maintain thernatrlves in power I I against the popular will. Because of I these dangerous tendencies we would I U ..,..1- he. m.lel.ln lUm'i 7T r , 1 gMwnaii aa all AMninal i nt hi I . "tuumuv . v..6.u.. - i I . 1 . l UM e I ty, vitality ana economy. ioc peopie I will be most secure with the largest power, in their own hands. Hence it I, , , , e behoove, them to keep ever vigilant I watch over the acts of officials te ee lt. .. . i tnat mey exercise noc, powira wuica uu J not belong to them. The tendency of a party long in power is to exercise not only doubtful authority, but to grow I corrupt and extravagant in the uae of pablic funda, hence frequent cbangea in administration are not only beneficial t to the nubbc inUreat. but often abeo- w a I Intel v necessarr to maintain a fir standard of pablic purity and virtue. j For these reasons the Republican party should be retired from power until they can throw off the corrupt and danger ous influence, which now hold in com plete subjection itn organization and and party leaders. Let there be a full inre.tig.tion and accounting of the books and records in .11 the department, of the government. This can only be done by those who have no person.) interest in covering up and hiding from the pablic riew those tbiogs detrimen tal or damagiog to public interest. Hence the only way to secure thi over hauling ia to elect a democratic Preai- dent who will lend the ower of bi. of. fice to do this work. Tbere is no deny ing tho fact that the republican party baa grown very corrupt and extrava. gant by their long lease of power. By this arraignement we dnot include the rank and file of the party, hut those leaders in power atd authority both in the government and the party. Mil lion, of tbe bard earning, of tbe people .re needlessly and extravagantly wasted every year,and other many millions are collected and boarded up io the vaults of the government and allowed to re main idle while hard tim. prevail in all parts of the country and poverty stares manj in the face. As times grow hard er and money grows scarcer, our rulers continue to collect in more and more of tbe people's money and hoard it up to lie idle and useless nntil now we have 3 hundred million, lying ia tbe govern ment vaaltsidle and useless and a mono mental temptation to the Brady'H,Dor aey's and other vampires. Then we ask "how will you voti-?" Will you al low your prejudices to control and gov ern your better judgment? or will you .trip and divest yourself of all partisan bias and vote according to the light of that knowledge which the history of the corruption cf the republican party for the last fifteen years aff irds. Let every voter take this matter home to himself and decide to vote according to the present and future necessity of tbe case. BLAME ABTB LOf.A.V Ll It About 40 Republicans met at tbe CourtJHouse last Wednesday evening to form a Blaine and. Logan Club Hon. J. C. Powell was elected presi dent, J. M. Irving and Louis Waik er vice presidents and O. H. Irvine Sec, We were not present at the meeting being, otherwise engaged, but we are informed that the meet ing was a tame affair, there being an entire lack of enthusiasm. John D. Roberta, chairman of the greenback and Butler town committee of Meriden, Conn., has resigned the po sition and has come out for Grover Cleveland. He says he is aot now to be forced to vote for a "money grabber like Ben Butler." WOBSB AN WOSRK. Ou last Monday morning the Now written by Blaine to"My .ar Fisher,' and shows up Blaine's corrupt relations - " - with the Little Rock and Fort Smith " railroad wnue ne was wpeaicer oi in e a a a a . . . i i -- House. Theso letters aro given to the public by H. E. Doming and J. H. Harper, two leading Independent Ho - publicans. One of the letters is as fol- lows : (Confidential.) Waiiinuton,D. C, April 16,1876 My Dear Mr. Fisher ; You can do VXaoo r W0J,d 0 fo yoa tttJj9r BimUiir cir- and I know it cum8Uoce CerUin ersons and a)cra are trying to throw mud at me to io- : .i... n:..: ; i " "'r Z ' J " -J " I .r tin it in MnMOlion -Uh the j s i Uule lXyk & Fort Smith mitw i want you to send me a letter audi aa the enoloaed draft. You will receive thu to-morrow, Monday, Jevening, anu it will be a favor. 1 shall never forget it if you will at once write me the let- ter and mail it the same evening. The hotter is strictly true, is honorable to you aud to me,and will stop the mouths w aianurrcra a. uncu. i rrgaiu mim lmtu.r mtriatv ennf?ilntial. Do not iW it y-0M. Tb, dft b , lhe hgn(1, mJ cl(r(i who h M nti- worthy aa any man can be. If you onn't gat tha letter written in eeeaon tL. O n' maSI Veer Vnrt. it to any" one. The draft Is in O CIOCK mail tO HOW OiB, I m m. a t . t ;l ff T l I nleaae be sure to mail it during the I .fc mt hy tha mjj Xueaday morning, but, if possiblo, I building the first school houso In hla I I pray you get it in the 9 o'clock mail neighborhood and with six or eight ta ar ft fft . lAIaft I a a s a a I Jionaay evening, aenu my regarua io t L1:.!. aJl ihe. u.. 1 mai I (Born this letter.) J. O. B. i .u u.u v... t I ..II iuuuiwu uu tun uanvaa. oi uv w , -jj-g-, f this to tu pMl b(r 1llfM, ln orier that it cnav the Faiker house, in orier that it may not be subject to any danger in the band, of carrier. J. O. B. rw ... I lDeew lorn itmrn, a ivepuoiican aa. i ..- . - paier. m commenunjj on mete utcrr, says ... . i.e.., " ftnyttiing man m actaai horse ',V !' ! S., I I tiailll 'llil HIIH I IlKL I I1P1I I ailllllllll' m K mfcQ witbout honor and hame and a scoundrel himself in instigation ligation of reaurethat 1, 1870, to acoundreitsm in others,we are BUine'a letter of AuHl 1 6. Fisher, with iu enclo.ure.-ill have that I effect After ei"ht vears Mr. Mulligan J I now give, to the public bftecn more letters from Blaine, as a duty to hia fellow-countrymen, lhere is scarcely one which doe. iot contain damanins 0c. lZ tVlTX$ I . .. .... .1 J t . which Le itttimhlican nar ! . . . . . . . . . . iy bM 8Uuic itself by nominating him for president. The people will under tnd now why Blaine went on bis - . iui T7T roo;r I Mnllioan Ira Ian. him that anaa It . J humilUtion that we t.rint this extraordinary correspondence. The amazing exhibit made by theae letter., aubaerviency and of guilty a; .j . r 0 implication on pari oi a apeaaei oi the house is one to bring the blush of shame to every American. The An, Butler organ, aaya of the letter. : "Cititen. we imagine who had made up their mind, to vote for Uiaine in apite of the recorded evidence of hi. jobbery, while holding oHice.aod of hi. falsehood when brought to bar, will find serious trouble in diapoaiog of Mulligana last budget, on the same principle of toleration that enabled them to with stand the first shocks. On the other hand, people who have already found sufficient reasons in Blaine's relations with Boston men for opp?ing him in the canvass, will be strengthened in their convictions that he is unfit to be president of the United States." This matter of corrupt official conduct on the ait of Blaine is daily growing worse, and we fear the worit has not yet been made public. Now the ques tion before the people ia not so much whether a Republican or Democrat shall bs elected president, but whether so notoriously a corrupt roan a. Bl.ine shall be elected. Will conscientious men now support Blaine after the pro duction of these indubitable proofs of bis official corruption 1 We think not CUB BOOMS. Salbb, Ob., Sjpt. lth, 1884s Eds. Democrat i The Cleveland and Hendricks Club, of this city, have a large and pleasant reading room over the Post Office that is open to visitors every evening in tbe week. Sojourner, will find this a pleas ant place of resort. .Taper, from all leading Slate, may be found here. Among the democracy and all men who want honest government quite an in terest is taki.n, and while no attempt a 1 .a at display i. made these men are so id for Cleveland, Hendricks and reform. We can maintain a thorough organiza tion if nothing more. We have faith in a national triumph of the democracy. We hear it intimidated that tbe thou sand and one Republican candidates for tbe U. S. Senate will soon take the stump. Mr. George has already made his appointments. We will soon heat of others, and when they have made tbe race they will all be through and ended, lc will be tbe country against Portland on the Senatorial question. The dumb candidates will take tbe lead. The noisy expectants will sink out of sight from the weight of their own past imputance, leaving the field to their speechless adversaries who will lead in the contest. There are but two live candidate, out of tbe vast number of those who will hold out their dry platters at the Senatorial banquet, oue of these will win the race. There are several old stagers who will gallop around the course, but they will be shut out. If modesty was not an unknown quality in old political stagers we would think they would not bo there,but they will be on hand. Tbe hunger of a starving wolf is not to be compared to tbe thirst of these fellows for a little Senatorial spirit. We are to hear from these nags as they retire from the turf. the usual twattle about tbe war, the south and tbe trimmings. Not a word will be said about the honest govern ment we want and which tbe democracy and the best element of the Republican party demand. Shall we not hare some democratic sneakers on the ooiirso this fall to meet the people on this gieut cam registered in the city of New York, . Mil . . nd more were cntning. J ho thing is v"u ' vvlun Cum. ANOTIIKit OS INK IMOKKKMM OP LIMN OI STV HI IK It Is our painful duty to chronicle I iho death of Hon. Joseph Hamilton which took placo at his homo near Oakviilo on Friday of last week. Mr. Hamilton has boon r, resident of this county lnco 1848. He win born In Z "XrTSf Irei.nd 1Th19 at.3 when but four or five years of age come Willi ma parents to (Juernwey county Ouiowhere he lived 1 till lamiiv I'luiif rmvvi io luws in into Mr Hamilton . an im. . 1 . " toon school education and In oirlv . . ... . w i developed that chtrtctor of 111 uustry anu entorprise wnicn marked Ills wnole career, n0 was married In Iowa and In company with a brother crossed the plains to Oregon In 1847, bringing; with them a valuable outfit of stock and tho Irons of a threehinir machine which they eet np hero and used for severe, years, air. ttamiiton awni hU M v.r In M.rlnn raaaamtw. itaaci up-b UoItt,,on c,,Un county In 1819. fie aprat 1840 In the mlnaa of Calll company with the Uev.T. & wm. ..!.... .....,.. In I IRA took up his dotation claim li this tne year California in Kendall, a . a a . m. . . a. rOIUf I1H1LJ HOIIIO 10 1 JMlU. HOrO HO anon had a flnelv imnrnvod farm and conrortabj0 h"oUSOi Uo msUUk! In otnoni joineu in mo orgnuiawo o. Ua ITm ilrwl Tlanaal.nlnalAM Sftaftaftftl SftSftftaft raiSft tlon of Wlllaraetto on tho Ulh of July 1j0. Of this comrretratlon. now a " nd proaperous church, he re Boaiuwi n uiuiuuvr uu kutv -upr' ssaatasaaa aw Jr all his life, JJJJJJ' , I 1 i .g . i . . . n. . . t. . a. if. a A a . 1 1 j io waa ioru uy an n.i a roan of christian I I 11(11 It V III1U BvlUlllllTM mill IIVMI all ii anil lr 1 . I iu.a Ami liul.l in i .... ... . i i Illicit (HUH UJf IUU WUUIB UJIMWi , M- lllMn ..r.hltliv ulll nff.mrlf. I J w jr mm j-- - Ho wu one of our Couuty cororo a- I .. 1 I lOitd i ...1..... ..... v ..... ..u..ew .u .noo-,, w-ss aw vaw, ZiZr I WW W w ww- K wawvwv wwr Mr. Hamilton's funeral waa hold Monday and we conducted by Kev t j. wiiaon of ii.keyaaabtoi by Dr. Irvine, The very Urge con- course of ay ropathbdn, neighbor, who I m VS. 2 a a tenueu UM funeral gave eviuonco 01 . . . . a . L. IJ e-neom in wnien no was item, Our coumy has lost a valuable cltl v worker, liiifamllyo loving husband aud father. but he has iralned we trust Aa tk .knuk f.llUfnl okaLlUn the reward of the "good and faith I . . .. IU1. BBOWaa.ll.lB BICB 4 BOOl. This nourishing school opens Its Call term on Monday, tbe 22 lost. Tbe school building baa undergone com plete repairs ; and Is comfortableHuid commodious. Tbe school, under tho abto manage. ment of Prof, Horner, seconded by the enterprise and intelligence of one of tbe beet communities of Oregon, has grown from an obscure public achool to ooo of high grade and very extensive patronage. Its catalogue last year, numbered mora than two hundred pupils ; and this year prob ably registers greater number. Many families living in tho country are making ready to remove to Browns ville to educate their children and youth. Application for houses and for boarding should bo made at once ; for the accommodation In that line ar limited for the number coming. The curriculum for this year will bo extended to the highest demands. Ancient and modern languages, the higher mathematics, and sciences will receive special attention. The government of the male stu dents Is that of the military schools or the United States ; and this Item, together with the graceful and eco nomical uniform will make student life inspiring to the boy. and young men. The society and social Influences of Brownsville are second to none any where. Churches, Sunday Schools, Lodges,cInglng schools, Elocutionary exercises, and rhetorical contests will cheerfully relieve the toils of the stu dent, and keep him in good moral and social condition. M. 'G. teller l.l t Tbe following U that lift of letlera remaining In the l"nt Office. Albany. Man eountr. Orwron. Sen. IHtli.lHM. Penan calling for theae let ten muat gt?e ute uaie on wnicn tbey were ad vartlaad. Adam. Perry liai.ham, Dougherty, J A IaiUq, Noah Nelsa i, Mrg8C Parauua, Frank Richardaon, Dan Sprlngle, Jo Taylor, JSC Anderson, Etlaa Cauokrou, Geo Hoeck. FriU Mack, Minnie Paga,JBh Ninclair, John H Bcott,T B Vatea, Mrs Jane 1. M. IRVXKG, P.M. -THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with puro vegetable tonic quickly and completely l.'area 1 vep-pa, Indication, Weakness. a miMire gaiooa, .lUariu.f NIMH au Wmvmi-m. an . A K.' I l It Is an unialllnR remedy tar i aaa aevaaa rnluln. K I ln eye IS la invaluable for Diseases oecullar to a LH1 Liver. of the Women, and all who lead aedemtarv iiv It does not injure the teeth, cause headache or produce constipation other Iron medicines do It enriches and purifies tbe blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack of Energy, dec, it has no equal. Tbe genuine has above trade mark and trussed rea lines on wrapper. Take no other !. Mir by BROWS CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE. K REDINGTON, WOODARD A CO., Wholesale Agenta, Portland. Or. Notice of Assignee's Sale, tuNotic?to.herebJr iven thfc I will, on the 27th day of September, 18S4, at the hour of2o'eloek, p. m of aaid day, la the city of Albany, Oregon, aall to the higheat bidder for cash in hand the aa algned property of T. Anderson. Said property consisting of wines, llquara and cigars, Max Baumoart, Assignee, r II . c Fall and Winter ANNOUNCEMENT. We are 110W ready for prepared to enter Upon undertaKlng, and firmly reBOlved tO place bGIOre the uilblio the most extensive stock Of fiTOOds ever prOUgttt tO Albany, Comprising all tUt Staples 88 . . . . ... m11 mm we .AU1. 1 wwuob nuvmuiuts in DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC., CWXT HI 1 11 1 W W aaVshali VVAX r?nr tho t.hrAA months wa have bean Quietlv preparing far this undertaking, ordering largely from Eastern factories, " . DriCG in me mar&ei. W1LU I MT iaaaw Ua8n. W6 Have DOUgllL aeSiraOlO gOOOS ab I . . . . .. - - - . . - . a n a m gt a 1 1 A. ..Uuj. ftnces." WltH tHe8e PUbUc, the people Will U Will J. money I W Of bringing their E home Happy.w We have no "shoddy goods" to Ofor our efforts are in tha opposite direction, n . . , , tr:xrtLn,, aHflfo nt.ion VII I U UO C VI a wiea. aw v Country produce taken "Highest Market Price." MONTEITH & SEITENBAGH. Mechanic's Lien Notice. Im lAa CtrruU Court of th .Vf.ta of Ortjou or Limn ('wny : I F Coon, Plaintiff, vs. Iavid Andrews as Ktacntor ef the last will aad teaument of I W rUlisrd. doe'd, Jaae K UallaH. Piaraooe Ballard. Cam HaiUrd a.d Frank Ballard aad Maod Ballard aad Ora Ballard, minors ,birs of 1 T Bailard, dec '4, and Alexander l'arnah, Defendants. It alias is bersb given that the plaintiff above naasexl haa commence! a suit in lhe above entitled court against tbe abeva uam d defendants far tbe sum ef tlOO.OO and in terest thereon at the rate ef eight per cant par annum, from Sept. 15th, 18S$ and for sostaaod dtsbursmeau of said suit ; and for a decree against all of said defendants above named, that the Mechanic's liea of plaintiff upon tbe dwelling bouse, and all tbe right title and interest of said defendants and each and all of tbem in and te the real property upon which the eatre is situated and which is nsesessry to its use and eejeyment as is mere particularly set forth in plaintiffs oeme plaint in said suit, be ierecloaed, and that said dwelling bouse and appurtenances, aad tbe land upon which tbe aamo is situated and nccoaaary te the use and enjoyment of the same, be sold to pay and satisfy plaintiffs claim t. ut, the sum of flOO.OO with inter est thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from Sept, 15th, 1883, and coats and disborsmenta of said suit. All persons interested in tbe enforcement of the lien heretofore mentioned, or claiming any benefit thereof are hereby notified and required to present their claims as required by law within ton days after the complete publication of this notice fer three weeks, and in case of failure to do ao within that time, or such further time aa may be allow ed by aaid Court or Judge thereof, you are hereby notified that you will forfeit any lien you may have apon each property. L F. Cos. Miller and Montanye, Attorney's for 1111- Mechanics Lien Notice. In the Circuit Court of Uu State of Oregon, or the County a Linn . Alexander Parrish, Plaintiff. vs. Oarid Andrews as Executor of the last will and testa ment of It W Ballard deceased, and Jane K Ballard. Florence Ballard, Carrie Ballard, and Frank Ballard, Maud Ballard and Ora Ballard minors, heirs of V W Ballard, deceased, and I F Conn, Defendants. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ABOVE named plaintiff hat eommenued a suit In the aboye entitled Court against the above l.amcl de fendants for the sum of $186.50 and Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, from Sepc. 16th, 183, and costs and disbursments of said suit, and for a decree against all ot said defendants above named, that the Mechanics' Lien of plaintiff upon the dwelling house, and alt the right, title and interest of said defendants and each and all of them in snd to the real property upon which the raine Is situated and which is necessary to Its use and enjoyment, as is more particulary set forth in the plaintiff! com plaint ln said suit be foreclosed. And that said dwel ling house and appurtenances, and the land upon which the same Is situated and necessary to the use snd enjeyment of the same, be sold to pay and satis fy plaintiffs claim, to wit : the sura of $130.60 with interestatthe rate of eight per cant per annum fro m Sept. 16th, 1883 and costs and disbursments of this suit. All persons Interested in tho enforcement of the lien hereinbefore mentioned, er claiming any benefl1 thereof are hereby notified and required to present their claims as required by law, within ten days after the complete publication of this notice for three weeks, and in case of failure to do so within that time, or such further time as may be allowed by said Court or Judge thereof, you are hereby notified tha t you will forfeit any lien you may have upon suoh property. Alexander Parrihu. Miller and Moktanye, Attorney's for PUT, Custom Grinding. Tbe grist mill of Charles Turner, at the north end of Broadalbin street ia now In complete repair, snd is ready for grinding wheat for tha farmers of Lino county dire him a trial. the SeaSOU 1884--'85 fully a most gigantic business . ll CJ-L 5 IjXlfc kVJ IjU X V XJV aVsw W-r A V a talcing advantage or tne . ((erj Jl but) acruitb IttUlUl, ivnauv Jl -il TaCtS DOIOre an inieillgenb reCOglliZe tHe advantage eiUKUiiiO uae auvauvao and produce to us, and go ww w v j w at the Summons. Im the Orrmk Court of the Slate of Oregom, for Limn county, H A Holm an and" Julia his wife, Ollie fetid ton and tlemoo ghelten her hus band, aad Kliaabttth Holinan, 1'laiuUlT. vs. Temps Hunt and lander Hunt her bos band. Mary Hannah aad Tboa Hannah her husband, Jeremiah Holinan and Elviua Hol mes hia wife, Isaac Hulman. Elisabeth .Strong and Wm Strong ber husband, falls tine Forgey asd Ellas rorgey her has band, Martha Hill snd L Hill bar husband, Lottie Heed, asd Tboa Reed her husband, Jeremiah Whidby and Josephine Whidby his wife, Martha laneers and John 1-andrra her bus- ' band, Jennie laid well and Floyd Caldwell -her husband, Sarah Hint and Lvmoe Hnut bar husband, Mullie Sanders aud I) Sanders ' L. . B . . . . . . : It l.l II I nor Busnann, jenn nmny, ionre Tniuoj, (. R Whidby, Tboa ffbidby and Wm Bennett, Defendants. To the shore named Defendants, ln tha name of tbe State ef Oregon, you and each ef yen are hereby required la appear ami an- i swer the complaint of the Plaintiffs en file herein in the above entitled Court sow on file with the Clerk of said Court by the first day of tbe next regular term of said Court, after the publication of this Summons for sis weeks, to-wit i the regular October term of said Court to be begun and bidden en the 4th Monday in October, 1 884 in Linn county. Oregoe, er judgment will be taken against you for So want thereof and yeu and each of you are lereby notified that if you fail to ap- , pear snd answer aaid complaint aa hereby , required the Plaintiffs will apply to the : Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, hereis, to-wit : For a decree parti tioniag tha following described real property to-wit : The southeast quarter aad tbe eouth half of the northeast quarter of section lixteen in Township ten, south, range one east. Also the noithwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section ten, township eleven sen th, range one, west, also beginning at tha southeast corner of lot one in section three in township twelve south, range one, weat, and running thence west serenty-two rods ; thence north seventy-six rods ; thence east seventy-two rods ; thence south seventy six rods to the place of beginning, all situat ed in the Willamette meridian in Linn coun ty, Oregon and containing SI 4 sores more or lees, among the owners ther f srmrding to their respective interests as t lerth in the complaint herein or in caae partition thereof cannot be made then for a decree directing a tsle thereof snd disttibutiou of the proceeds among the owners thereof in accordance with their respective interests as alleged in the oomplatut and for the costs and disburs mente of this snit to bo taxed, This Summons is published by order of the Hon. R. p. Boise, Judge of aaid Court in the Btatb RMirra Democrat, for six successive weeks which order bears dateSept. 9th, 1884. Hewitt k Bstakt, Atty's forPlffs. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNIN0 & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PROCESS FLOCK SUPERIOR FOR AND BAKERS USE. FAMILIES BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. L S. ROBERTS (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GfOETZ.) Will keep s full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. H i ' ' ' " at ' ' s DC O ci The Cunan Fruit Dryer. The Cur run I 'roll Dryer ha been in uae in thla Htate for the past two years an J la afkiiott jedxtd y practii-a! fruit drying men, to be auprior to any other aryei M the market. We have a great many teaiimoniaU ' i in partk. who have oaed oar drver whloh we will forward upon application. VVf lake pleaaiire in informina lba public that we are prepared to put up the above nam. l Aryat in any part ef the auta. Ma rhlna drlwl fruit takeri, In ynieut. Alao tha highest caab price paid for the oaose Part lea deMlring to pun Im fruit dryers wl!l do well to aend for dw-ecriptive circular before making arranKcui:itt) hero, hend uu jour name and our agent will call on you. Add re l. It. MONTEITH k 0., 7Vltan, Oregon. N. 11. We have on hand an aavrtrmnt of second band Dryers of different makes whl:h we will aell cheap. Builders and Farmers NO MORE BROKEN HiNQES, NOR BARN DOOR8 GETTING OFF THE TRACK ! PATENT HfilLmoa uBM..rsai Tli. hanger haa s projecting lip snd Is used nu wooueu sinjss. . csuuui pes uu vus rack Hhfn put up aa shown, and will not break. For PETERS k DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS DEERING BINDERS AND MOWERS, STUDEBAKER WAGON8, il. I. CASETHRESHERS AND ENGINES, ACME HARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. CALL AND GET PRICES. HSHBUEN & SCHOMAEER, tieiuTal Agents for is New Buokeya FORGE PUMP Works easy tltroua at con slant stream. Has Porrlaln ned t y liuLtdrr In easily art Is the rhraprNt and Che brst Forre Parap ia the wnrld tor deep or shallow arils. Thousands in use In every part ot the I'nitesl Mate. Never freeae la the winter. Mend for ei ren ter aad prices. SAL KM WOOD ru MiS, uusc nrtsn au jyrrijsus Of ALL XIX r 3 always on nand and, furnished to order. Parlies desiring any article in oar Una will be promt t) v attended to by addressing a s or calling at our place of bosinees on state Street, between Commercial snd Frt nt Salem, Oregon, Choice Styles IN BOOTS AND SHOES. FOR SPRING M SUMMER WEAR. Comprising everything uew in Gentle men's, Ladies', Misses and children's SHOES, SLIPPERS. &C9 Specialties in Fine Shoos, Medi um and Common Shoes. Novelties in Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers, Calk and see tbe largest an J best assort ment in tho city. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, -Albany, Or STB -- SsSBSMaw GO aa Ca - PATENTED SKFTKMREK 2Mb, 1SS0. Tbia cot repreaer.ts ha Tarry Wrought Iriri Hanger, and section of Wrought Kail, in itoatiion. Tbe rail 4a far superior to any n in uae It never decays or r sir pa, in always in good oraer. and snow, lee eamsT or dirt cannot aciruuiulaie on tbe track, aa la tbe caae with cHt rail. It requires no abed over it, and any tne can put ll up 1 be rail ia made of one by 3-16 mcb Wrought Iron, in six and edgnt loot stripe. 1 be supports are twelve mcbeeapart, snd are gasarssJS K cd to hold Ike hem. teat door. a - - a . a aTss.. Sale by STEWART, Albany, Oregon IRON TRIBUNE AND BUCKEYE WIND ENGINES. THAI?. IAIM n use. sterns la n 1 gn WiaeL strong and Durable Will not waste a stai-ris III THE WIND, tfUSSELL PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM A SAW MILL EMMIES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First aUssls. THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSK HAVE OPENED a Branch Office and Supply House at Cor, Front nd Taylor Streets, FortUnd. Or,, where they U1 -airy fn stock Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, Portabla Ti action and Stationary engines and boilers. 'New MsssiUon" threshers, horse powers, etc, etc. Write fi r illustrated catalogue sent free address (oasn- u; this paper.) C I SSELUa ICa., Portland, Oregon. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE. NOTICE W HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board ot Equalization for Linn county, Oregon, will meat in the office of the County Clerk of aaid county, in the Court House in Albany, Oregon, on Monday, the 29th day of September, 1884, to publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, de scription or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now, therefore, all parties who may be aggrieved by reason of the valua tion, description or otherwise as to their assessment will take notice of the meeting of said Board of Equalization, otherwise their nssessnicnt will stand ss made by the Assessor. N. C. Dozibr, Assessor for Linn Co., Or. SANTIaM ACADEMY. The fall and winter term of Santiam Academy will commence Monday, 8pt. 15tl, 184, and close Friday, March 27tb, 1885. For ininrmation concerning tuition, course of study, board, or special aTange msnis, call upon, or address J. L, Gilbbbt, Principal, Lebsnon, Oregon. MSI eBa fcasssnsWH BMBBW bBb! , jnVBHSMnBaajZ-Bm if ' .? aBJ, ' b"? BBHSH BBw & CO.'S -sar