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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1884)
mm STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BfiST IDTSSTIRIie MEDIUM II THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Special bnslnea. crtlree In U sl Cel umus 14 cents per Ufsa. Ktaular Lata notifies 10 cent, per line. For legal and transient adertisem.ata fl 00 per square for tbe first lBsertion,and 6o cents per square for each subseqrteot Insertion. Kales for other advertisements mad. known on application. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. tti:sin.OFFi"CI!-l Btmwrnt aalldlBg.B BrondalUle street. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION iai copy, per year, in ilvnoe. Stasia oofiv, per year. l ' yaer. si 0(1 copy, months. atari oopy, thrr months siurir Dumber H m a oo 1 60 76 10 VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1884. NO 8 Stab Eights 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, R. S. ST RAH AN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. WTI.L, PRACTICE in all the if this State. Will give special attention to collections and probate mo5Soi in Foster's new brick. 49tf lTilmontanyb. ATTORN EAT LAW. Notary Public. Ubaay, Orege. 0cel-Ul. over John BHjs JK WEATHEETORD, (NOTARY TOBUC.) .TTORNEY. ATT LAW. AlBASY, RECO. rent I. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF TUE WsutI SchJ .lotion gircn to collations sad probate matter n4A I ta Odd icsis . .., W. K. BILTKO ' POWELL & BILYEU, vTTOHVRYS AT LAW, Co7leV"on; promptly a' Losma negated on reaarmabieterma. Wfflce in Foster's Brick.- vbtnlStf. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney And Oonnsellor it Lav otarv Pnblic. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice 1n all of th Ooantt Oj ihtoiate All hnsineas lntrnsted to him will be promptly attended to. -aw-Offloe in OToobV Block. E. W. UNCOON & CO., DRF6GIRT. Books, Stattonerv nd L1 A Large Stock and Low rrtoa-, CITY T3RTTO- 8TOEB, tyl lUtKT. POSHAY & MASON, VBOUSLAll ASS SSTUIr Dniggistsand Booksellers, ALR.IXT. OHEGOH. v!6n41tf DR. C, W, MAST OK Physician and Surgeon. Office, on Frst Street, just vest of Conrad Meyers, ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. sroffire and residence in Mcllwaln'a Block. Albany Oregon. LOWS CJURPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and abarp rainr. which are ahvays kept in rood aondition, and hair cut m the very beet style. . . DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon jsyr Office in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, OREGON. mn wa mm. LAITNDBT AND CHIN K MEBCHANI'INO eCSI WEW Bice. Us ud Japanese rood. Ladies orJsrelo d t bottom price. Contractor tor Chin, labor saTNext to City Bal k SAM COHEN- Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchandise household goods, etc., at aoction-for any one in the cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN. FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the dtv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, J. J. D8RRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. TaTOTICR OF PUBLIC LETTINGS 80 j LICITED. Plans and specifications iur n ishedon sbort notice. 82600. Good farm, ene mile west of Brownsville oa the mad leading to Halsey, containing 102 acres, oak ridge land, some fine oak groves, all snclesed, 75 acres in cultivation, a young ore'iard and shrubbery ; good barn and fair bene, two good wells with pumps. Price $2 500. one yesrs time on one half amount if de.ied, with security on premises. Call at prafsjsesor address D. A. Carter, Egan, SreniooriBty, Or. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, The words "La Bella" in French meaa "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS,! CUTTING BOXES, s AND All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersiped, JULIUS CRADWOHL, Agent for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALHANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRIKK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectful! inform the public that thev manufacture to order, and will Keep constantly on nana, a complete stock ol all desirable line, of FURNITURE, and wid sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE km MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble Work oo short notice. All work war ranted to trive satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. C-aaning. repairing aud resetting a .peclalty. Call and examine my price, before pur.-hs-ing elabwbere aa 1 will not be undersold. Vhop on west aide of Ferry street oppo site post .office. O. W. HARRIS. Prop. JOSEPH P. WELCH, Physician and Surgeon, Late of New Mexico, offers his profess ional services to the people .t iarge.giTtog special attention to an rorms , rfliuUs. esoecially ladies and children s di-eaes, disease Office, OToole'a Block. ALBANY, ORECOM. REVERE HOUSE, Cornet "lrt sad Ellsworth Alba. j Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r This new HoUl U fitted op in firtt claaa rtyla. Table iDDl!ed with the best the market aSords. Bptlnf Bed In err Room, met dl Travelers. A good Sample Boost for Coto- TPree Caen to and frees tne Motel MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, ULLIHERY AfiD DRISS-MAXm CuUing and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS. 1. W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons ALBANY, O.H)J Offer their pro(eional ?nces to SZ Linn and adjacent count . Office and relonce iCfJourt uittle. Call at Langdo. and Co'. Drug Store. " T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA -AND- Notary Public. Office in Statks Rights Dbmocba office. ' DR. J P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office at residence on First Street be -ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets. left at E. W. LangdonA Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Democrat office, has charge ol the following first-clasa Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICOT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON ANO LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTISH UNION AND NATIONAL. CaU on him forinsuranee, ni'lli ni iUUp 9bb 4KlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never vsries. A mrtoi of porUt, trength end whotaeuinene More rcoii nU-J then i be ordinary ktnde, and out Dot be eold In MetlUii alth i he tnultUnde on low Uwt, ebon weight, nlunt or ptieeyhele powitws. Sold only In esne. Kutal llAaiss IVwps Cv. lee Wall Street, N V. SALT RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and .Burning Diseases Positive ly Onred. ErZKM t. or Salt Khetim, wlUt IU eonUlnr iteb ins and burning, Inetatdy relieved by nra bath wits CtTtct a Hor, and a MftJ aplkatln f Cr tktsa, the great Hkin Cars. This reneUd dally, with two or three dieee ( CcnoraA Raaotrssr, the new bluod urt!Wr, to heeplhe Wood cowl, the pere piratlon pare and unlrrltatfng, the bowel open, the liver end kidney active will speedily cure Ketema, Tetter. R'neworro, I'turUtU. IJ -hen. Pruiituv.fwallrd Hsad, and nmply Humor ol the Soalp and Hkin, when the best phyeiciaoa and all know remedies rail. Will t&49 Pearbora SL. ( hleagi fralrfultv acknowladee a cure of Salt Rheum on head, neck. for, arena, and for leventeen vear - not able to walk except on hand and knees fur oe year i sot able to bale blmeelf for eight years ; tried hundred of rented! ; doctor rrnanssilil hi e hope! . permanent! t eu rd by CiTiait It oltsvt (blond purifier) Internally, and ft tm i a anJ Ctmci a 8or (the great akin cure) i umslljr. f'bs fSssMklM. Kaw . laerver ts St&te Nt Boston report a raee of Halt Hneum under hi ..!.' -raUon for tea rear, which c ovrred the natUnt'. body and limb, and to which all known tntbol of treatment had been applied without benefit, wheh wa osaBfjieaety cttrsef eolety b the CvrtcrsA Rasa MBa, leaving a eleaa nd healthy skin. r. fferaae. IU. . Detroit. Mh auffsred ss ioo lortnreerrom salt Kheuta. whteta beuta, whleb appasrsd as and nearly destroyed bla Sf.1 doctor! nr and s eon. ma lianas. a,j,i M !V-t, eyes. After in- most oartrnt ulution of phralcian failed to relieve him, he ne uw Ksskmas, ana eursd, and has re warned o to dais. Mr. John Thlei. Wilkasharr. Pa., wrtam 1 bars aaffered from Salt Bkisw tor near aUht veer at ttmesas bad that 1 eonld sot stund to my bul seas fwr wekat a time. Three bos of Cvrtcca. and f r bottles, have entirely cared me o uu oreeuiBJ Sold rMc Ct-nct SA. SO ssafa. Raaocvmrr. $i hoar, ss cu Potlsr lrug and CbemieaiCo sr.d for "M.wtoCare shla p 1 1 T I KridTf. And aneddtr tUtb Ww . ana . N'unery Sanative. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- huhim: shop. ESTABLIMHeD 1463. By A. r . CHKKKY, .tuated at corner of First and MonUtomet v Streets, Albany, B Fi Oregon. HavlnK taken shanreof the above named Works, we are prepared to manafaetnre Steam Englnea. Saw and Orlst Mills, WcMsd-workinsr Macblnerv, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every dee- ri pi ion. Macbinerv of all kinda repaired. pe- clal attention given to repairing farm rra- cninery. ratter. Making Jse la all Its frsu. 16:1 ly l A. F. CHERRY A SON. A Marvelous Story TOLD 01 TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SOH: ?orr2r " Gentlemen: Mr father rssidss at Glovac. V t. He hat been a great sufferer from ScrdP ula, and tbs Inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous .fleet Ayer's Sarsaparilia has had In his esse. I think bis blood most bars contained tue bnmor for at least tea yesrs ; but ft did not show, except In the form of s scrofulous sore on -the wrist, until about fire years ago. From a fsw spots which ap peared at that time, it gradually spread so ss to eorer his entire body. I assure yon be was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, whsa be began using your medicine. Now, ttore are fsw men of hie sge who enjoy ss good health ss he has. 1 could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his esse. Yours truly, W. M. Pax Liars." FROM THE FATHER: "It is both a pleasure and a duty for me to state to you the benefit X hare derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilia. Six months ago 1 was completely covered with s terrible humor snd scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so ss to ssuse the blood to flow In many places whenever I moved. My suffering were great, said my life a burden. 1 commenced the ass of the Sars aparilla in April last, and bars used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improre at once. The sores bars all healed, and I feel perfectly welt in ersry respect being now able to do a good day's, work, although 73 years of age. Many Inquire what has wrought such a eure In my case, and I tell them, ss I bare here tried to tell you, Ayer's Sabsaparilla. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, UutaJf Phillips." Aver's Sabsaparilla cures Scrotal, and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all Impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, snd thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PBEPAEED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for 15. Farm for Sale. Good farm 12 miles southeast of Ltbe-vn. ItX) acres. 50 seres timothy and el er meadow. 50 wheat land in cnltivattioi . We. watered. Call on W M Phillio n th. p eej Wood it ipti) DsxtmAT Office. rVAnto t tbv HBWt IN MIKP. A Obtoaogo county, N. Y., bop grower baa weighed several boras of his bops and llods that they weigh, dried, 1 1 i pound, .gainst fifteen to tweoty two pounds lst year, the boxes holding tea bushels. a Many people buy tea from Chi near dealers oo aooouot of its being picked n quaint little boxet. The pa ok sge li no pi oof that the artiole is genuine, ss the wrappers tre made and the tea packed by s New York firm on Water street. The Wisconsin tobacco crop is re ported to be eo muob beefier than was anticipated tbst most growers find tbst their .beds are fsr too inn I to accom modate it. A little giil residing on the outsail ts of -Sara toga has netted fifty dollars from the eale of sweet pea bloesoms, which be raised and peddled in nosegays about the hotels. Ptemiuasfor si a kinds of pies and eighteen kinds of cake, including dough, nuts, gtnget breed and oookiee, ere of fered by the Connecticut State Agricul tural Society. The amount of money paid fur riding oa railway can la this oountry during 1883 aggregate almoat exactly $4 for eaoh inhabitant. Latest returns from orops show the yield of winter wheat 380,000,000 bushels, epring wheat 190,000,000; total, 530.000,000 bushel., or 25,000,. 000 in exoees of any crop ever raised in this country, 130,000,000 more than laat year', crop, and 30,000,000 more than the average yield for the pert five years. A Pennsylvania farmer shot a nrow hich be supposed was putltog up his mam. m c rn. tee crow , crop contained twenty-one cat worms end four kernel, of corn. The cost of the public printing now .mount, to $3,000,000 annually. Twenty States and Territories bsvs alopted compulsory education. President J J Hilt, of the St. Paul aad Manitoba Railroad, baa presented to the farmers along the road twenty -nine blooded bulls for the encourage ment and improvement of ttoek raising. In Tennessee there is a decrease in the amount of wool clip, aa compared with 1883. The actual ravages 0f dogs and the dread of their increase deter investment in this line. In Southern Mexico and Yucatan, buusacd. of fami'tes, it is said, will have to le supported by the Govern ment on account of damages to crops from locusts and drought. Tbeieare now about 325,000 pen sioners of all, and of these 225,- 000 sre the soldier, themselves. A ciiix-n of Toronto, Canada, had liTa arm bitten iff Aug. 23, while screicbiog the back of the Russian beer, "Peter tbe Great," in the Toronto Zoo logical Garden. A Philadelphia charitable society re ports that it haa in six months hsd the care of 185 families deserted by the hus bands and fathers, snd that in 112 ef tbem rum was tbe active cause. It is estimated that the city has between 600 ud 7 0 desertions in a year. Tbe man who bored an artesian well tu New Orleans sot a vivid notion of tbe work of tbe Mississippi in bringing down silt and making land. At tbe depth of 318 feet the drill went through three trunk., and again at 376 feet, while at 380 feet shells snd ssnd were found, and from them comes good wa ter at a slow rate. One of the Long Branch young men boys a new cans every owning. He never carries the same one two days The sensation of a fresh snd different cane end to handle and nibble daily might not be exciting to a rode, coarse organism, but to the gentle dude it is quite satisfactory. The Urgent dam ia lbs world has been projected by a French engineer in Brazil. It will be 040 feet lens and 58 feet high. It will back the water over 1500 acres, and irrigate 5000 acres of bottom land. Nebraska has nearly 250,000 acres of planted forests in good condition. At the South peanuts are generally eaten raw. Roasting is said to make them more indigestible. TbeNavsjos of New Nexico are said to be very rich. Xbese Indians own large droves of cattle and horses and about 1,000,000 sheep, The colored race in the United States is estimated at 7,000,000 stroDg, and their property-holdings exceed $100,000,000. Nitre beds are being found in Nevada rivalling in productiveness those o Peru. A grape vine near Santa Barbara, Cel., is t venty-five tears. old, is over a foot in diameter, and in 1882 bore over three tons of fruit. Perhaps nothing could better ill us trate tbe extremef business depression in Cuba than the fact'thatin Havana alone there are 4060 untenanted hoimes. A 1 ver tbe island there are hundreds of hoosts let free of rent. WASSJIS1.TWN 11.1 TIB. t a (frsss eur regular correspondent.) WashinuTon, Aug. 28rd. 1884, One of tbe pleasantest driven and protnlnades about the city Is the 'Mall,M a series of partes extending from the Washington Monument to the Ospltol (.bout a mile) and em bracing the grounds of the Smith sonian Institute, Agricultural De partment, Bureau of Engraving aud Printing, and the smooth gardens In tbe lmnuwJIste vicinity of the Mon niceaj. In these d.ys, when the sun 15 wreaking his health of heet and light, and when the asphalt streets, softened hy bis too ardent silent Ions, sink under the feet of horns and pedestrlsns, numerous people of all classes snd ages my be een courting the g rstefnl shades In all the narks of Wsshlogton, snd every day numbers tissten to seek the coolest paths and shadiest retreat, uf the Mall, It 1. natural that many, Wing mopped their brows and rest ed, should stroll to the building In the center of these spacious groundi. The Smithsonian Institute Is a largo, suhstsntlel edifice of dark red stone. Its walls are partly hidden by Ivy. If It were only a little more vener able in appeeennco it might piss for for a baronial ctslle. But there is no suggestion of antiquity in Its new snd perfect wsll. towering above the surrounding trees. On entering, we eo long halls, filled wltit glass cases. Tbe first floor Is devoted entirely to ornithology. Here we see stuffed bird, of every kind and from all countries In the world, from the sperrow or lark to the pelican, flamingo or ostrich. Here are feathered specimens t tat are considered fabulous by some, uch as the birds of psradice. The Balnd is bewildered by tbe varety; largo and small, from a dove to an eagle; beautiful and t,ly, from n bumming bird to a re. Some have brilliant plumage among which may be mentioned, pjmtr, pencoek-, and pheasants They glow In all the eelois of the rainbow, purple, red, green, riOeSt. orsngv, hlue, pink, ntid yellow. On the second fl r Is an I me rest ing prumtscous collection of quaint Japan see screens sod Tli; mummle and skulls In abundance; Idols aud Chinese psgsdss. antique coins and crockery: pictures of prehistoric Ku- ropo; Indian beads snd wspuu; rain eialoficai specimens, etc., etc., Adjoining the Institute Is the Na tional Museum, a handsome brick building. Here the Inaugural Hill was held when Garfield was made President. In the rotunda Is a fount ain with many goldfish sporting lu the water. In the entrance hall are several glass esses containing relic of Washington. The robe In which he wss christened; tbe arm chair in which he sst a few minutes before he died; The mirrow that once re flected hla face; his eamp chest and ent; hlaclothes and other Interesting objects. Among these things It a letter written by bis ovn haud to a business firm, concerning the receipt ef wino and tea and the purchase of a nice set of blue and white crockery: "If I csn get It on pretlv easy terms." In the same hall are vas works of Mrs. Jsrley, representing persons of different nations snd rsces; Lapland ers, Chinese, Indians, Malays and Esquimaux. In one room sre stuffed animals in the most natural positions and so lifelike do they appear, that It is rather startling to see a buffalo in the set of charging In front; a snake coiled ready for a spring; a bear eying you suspiciously on one side and a seal on the other. Fight Ing orang-outangs, leap! g chamois, climbing monkeys, running dogs, lions, rhinoceros, bears, wolves, pau thers, hippopotoml, elephants aud many other animals are scattered around. Ono apartment U devoted to geology, another Is filled with models of boats, from a junk or canoe to a steamer. Another contains skeletons of huge prehistoric animals; the kangaroo lizard; the glyptodon; the mammoth and others. WHIT JOHNNY EMAG1NE0 HE SAW. Mother, may I go and see the base ball game this afternoon?" No, Johnny. Youv'e been to see several fames already. We can't w - - w afford so much expense. Just lmir tne you see It that will do you Just as well." "All right, mother." That's a good boy. Now run and bring me a bucket of coal right quick." Jut imagine you see a bucket of coal sittln' there; It will do you as much good." Then Johnny Imagined he saw his mother reaching afinr a strap. The bt.5 harness at J J Dnbrailk'f. cvBiotre iroiiiTie Wo have deposited in our saving bauksinrsuod a timbers $1,000,000,- 000. In the United States there srs 67, 000 paupers. Thess sre psupers in slmshouses. Kvery grsin ot powder used in all tbe large guns In tbe world is run in a mold grain by grain. Tbe pay-roll of tbe army aad ex pensss of the service amount to $12, 000,000 per annum. Ia tbe United State. tbt. are ia round miss bars 130,000 eat las of rati roads, costing $6,000,000,000. Of the 200,000 miles of railroad in tbe world we have 120,000 in the Unit ed States. We are gridironed with reilroads. Tbs frse delivery system by letter carriers in the several larger cities of the Union coats Uncle Ham $4,000,000 ir annum. Our butdneas men are c m lulled to pay foreign ship-owner. 120,000,000 a vear for freight on our own product, shipped abroad. As a rule price, of butter are much bifcher in recent years thsn twenty-five years ago. Cheese i. now about 10 pr cent higher, an average. There are over 11,000,000 people in the United States, men, women snd children, who are dependent upon labor in mine, and lusnufsctotin. Tbe m uint of mono invested ia railioad corporstions in the Uoited Siafc-s i upward of $7,000,000,000 and that 4tmm not nclude the land granted by Congress, The asaeeaed vsluation of the proper ty in two States of tbe I rth, New York snd Msss.chn.ett., in 1880, wss $4,236,606,808, or oo-6fib more than all tbe Southern States. There are ten million property wner in France to-day, with a popu lation of thirty-seven millions. There are less than four and a half millions in this land of liberty, with its popula tion of fifty-five million.. In 1460 we imported balf tbe wool en good, consumed in cloth and in wool. Now we produce about four fifths of the consumption, and the email proportion imported is 1st gel earpet wools of too low . grade for civilised agriculture to produce. There are five foreign-born Senators one Englishman, ene Scotchmen and three Irishmen while in tbe House are twenty foreigner. Three Englishmen, thi.e Scot oh men, six 1 rib men, five Germane, one Norweg ian, one Brazilian and one Canadian The various nations of the Old World hsve been buildinz forts tor years. Tbey have been giving close attention to this subject with great care. But ws since 1861 have been ssleep upon this question, so that to day a second-class it on-clad vessel or any second -clsss power could steam right into the harbor of New York, lew tribute upon its people, and col lect it or destroy the city In spite of everything that tbe American people could do. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, am t.d by tub WoHfD'i ChriiUii TeBpenoci I'liii news er rmu amkndhbit nsriitv They tell us"all eyes ate upon Maine and we realize it. Almost breathlessly we have been and are working for tbe amendment. We realise that a major ity vote for it will give a new impetus to the enforcement of tbe law and go forth to the world that the temperance people of Maine believe in prohibition, whilo a vote against it would paralyze all efforts for enforcement and make it very bard to resist successfully tbe de mand which would be made fer the substitution of license for prohibitory statutes. We have over 300 speakers in the field, snd no one among them is doing more effective work thsn Mrs. Euaily Pitt Stevens, ot California. Her earn est, eloquent appeal touches all hearts. From Georgia we hear tbe temper ance cause is booming. Nearly all tne bite men of standing are becoming enlisted in the work, and we hope this autumn to strike a decisive blow for prohibition, snd add our country to the great msjority io this state which have preceded us in the great good work. RVrun Vermont tho followina : We hold our tenth anniversary at Middle buiy, Sspterober 17, 18 and 19,assisted by Mrs. Ilinnah W. Smith and Mrs. Emily McLaugdlin. We expect to go up to this yearly feast with rejoicing of the blessing of God which has ciowaed tbe year with good. Near ly Gfty new unions and a large increase in our membership are some of the tok ens of tbe divine favor. Aloohol is not a necessity, it is at best a needless luxury, and i alwaya used at a riak. To show that the above statement is true, I quote from one of our greatest living physicians. Dr. A nriraw Clark ravs, "Health is that I -j 1 state of body in which all the functions of it go on without notice or obaerva tioo, and in which existence is f.h to he a pleasure, in which it is a kind of joy to see, to bear, to touch, to lite. That is health. N,w that is . state whiob cannot be benefitted h alcohol in any d'gree. Nay, it is a state which in nine times out of ten is injured by alcohol. It ia a state which often bears alcohol without sensible injury, but I repeat to you, as tbe result of lont aontioued snd careful thought, it is n t one which c.n in sny tease be benefit ted by alcohol. It oaa bear it some tieses witaoot obvious injury, but Is benefitted by it Never." Does it seem a istional piocceding to givssn article, proved to be incapable of aiding the health of tb body, in soms oases in large quantities, to tbe iomates of our workhouses, most of whom are there through the ru nous influence of this vsry thing ? From the concurrent testimony tf governors snd chaplains and oiher well informed ?ersonr, we find that 80 per ceut. of our pauperism is esused by the use of intoxicating driuk, and it is a generally acknowledged fact that an ab stainer from tneew'does rarely, if ever, spply for parochial relief or brorae an inmate of tbe workbeuse. Medical Journal. Dr. Palmer,of Michigan University, eeye of tbe new temperance physiology in preparation by Mrs. Hoot : "It is free from tbe errors in menv of tbe r works oo this subject desigcel for school us, and c j vers more of tbe mat ter that should be ioeorporate I in such a test book than any 1 have seen. In my judgment it is tbe beat book I know of, of its class. If .11 the fact, contain ed in this little work are firmly lodged in the minda of tbe puptla in our public school, throughout the country an im- oae work for good will be accom plished." The liquor men are not alow to s s and uae all nati mat mesne fur building up tbetr business. It is said that at this very lime tbey are laying plant te secure an aet of ohgrea. to be capped by a suoreme court decision, whtc'a will sweep away all state and local const itu tional and statutory prohibition agaias the liquor traffic, and will give to tbe liquor crime the fall license of tbe ra tional constitution. sn English aaloouiat advertises by name not leas than fifty-three varieties of American drinks. Tbey are novel tiea of concoction -mong the straight forward Britons wbo use ale, (torter, brandy, git and whisky without any disguise, aad relooked upon with ter ror by eveo tbe tippling population because of their seductive attraction for young boys. Col. Bain aayS that in going from! Louisville to New Castle, a distance of 226 milee, there are just four places where a drink of liquor can be bad. Tbia is excellent for Kentucky ,or indeed any where else. nmmm Warren connty, Ind., fair ground is to be without its euitomsry beer stand this yesr.and the directors have granted the W. C. T. U. tbe privilege of having! an address upon temperance. rEXUt! CANSBS) TOMATO Jenklngs was in tbe pnmry try ing to open a can of tomatoes, and was making a good deal of unneces sary noise about it. "What in tbe world Is the matter?" demanded his wife from the kitchen. What are you trying to open that can Of tomatoes with?" "Can-ope nor, of course he growled back; "do you suppose I am try log to open It with my teeth" "No; I thought per naps judging from your Isngusge, you were trying to oprn It with prayer." a 1 SHE W ILL BE AN OLD B1AIO "Will you marry me, Angle?" "Yea, I will, wh " "Oh, my darl " I asv when General Butler de- clioea a nomination." And the ardent lover can't ma'xe up his mind whether he is to be wedded soon, orst the time of the completion of the Bartholdt pedes- Si. China proposes to adopt postal card. on and after Jan. 1st, 1885. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lunibsss. BsokacKs. Headache, Tosthsche, ALL OTB SB SOB1LY AISS AXV ACHES. SjU t PratsUU t PH iii rtaCBUMUe 7 Olr. la 11 lar. r CHABLKS A. TOSJILEK CO. HA.vesSkBCO) BsMBSMV BAh c. a A. GERmanWeMEQI NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IP viillir tk rralt A. wklO Ui FOB HTEBmtE AUD TRUE FRUIT FLATOB THEY STAND ALONE. esaass SV Th. Price Baking Powder Co.., III. St. Louis, mo. Dr. Prict's Crsam Biking Powdsr . Dr. Price's Lopulin Yeast w baa act oaa jUAurr LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD teSffiPlr YEASTGEMS Tse beat dry yeast to Ox arsrld. Bras by Oils yast Is llqhu whits aad US. ur frandistbjrs d4ltsws GROCERS SELL THEM. Price? Baking Powder Co., fcaTn t( ir. Pna'xi-eitl FkmrUg Banc Chics.o. III. St. Low., AYER'S Hair Vigor rratnrr. ltl tUs gloss and f rashness cat utti. fads! or crsjr Bair to . naiuraJ. rich brown cokir. or dcy Mack, as ssay be daslrtS It r its oaa light or red hair nay be dsrssssril. tbla hair tbieheued. sad bakusesa often. UicHtgh not atwsy. eared. It cheese UlUsf of Uie hair, and stimw lata, a aak awl richly growth to elgor. It prerenu and cure senrf sad dandruff, and bests nearly every dlsassa peculiar to the soalp. As a Ladle' Hair Dresslnc. the YlOoB is unequalled ; it eoatains neither ol. nor dys, render the bair soft, glossy. snU silken I. appearance, and imparts a deUcat. agreeable, aad lasting perfume. Me. C. P. Bsiche. writes from Kirbg, O.. Jm'm X USC : " Laat fall my hair commenced failing oat. and lit a on nine i oecaiiie be u-lv bald. 1 use. pan ot a wur a A r.B's II an Viooa, which stopped the fali lug of tho hair, and started a uew growl!;. I hare bow a full head of bair growing rigor -ouV.r. and aui convinced that bat for the or your preKiration i uouiu ui uvea euUrcly bahL" JL W. Bowax. proprietor of tbe .tfc.Hitr iiHtto) Euqiurrr, a : AVr.B's H AIR IOOR I a most eieellent preparauou ior iur umxt. 1 apeak of it from me own experience, iu u- promote the growth of new hair, and make It glossy and soft. The Vinos is mUo a ur cure lor Oaxxirun. " '7 kn wld ha the preparation crer tailed to gire entire satisfaction.1 Ml Aor FAisnAiBN. leader of '. eH-brted " KairhairB Family " of Scottish 'ialit, ante from Hoetrm, ., re. s 1 : " Erer since my hair began to giee sil very evidence of tbe change which fleeting Oa proenretb. I have weed Avsjt's HaiB Viikib, and an have been able to maintain an ppearauce of youthf ulnevs a matter of eoi slleratle c.-nsequence t minister, ora tor, aetor. aud In fact every ouc wbo lives is the eyes of the public." Mas. O. A. Pbescott, writing from IS Kim Si.. artrtotrn, A.tas.. AfltU 14. MSB, savs : " Two years ago abowt two-third of hair came off. It thtiineil very rapidly, ami I ws fast growing bald. OB using Avaa'a HatB Vhkib the falling stopped and a new growth commenced, aad in about a month my htad wax completely covered with short hair. It has continued io grow, sad I now as good a bef re It felt. 1 regular! used but one bottle of the TBBBSh but now use it occasionally as s dressing- Ws have hundreds of similar teetustonlal to the efacacy of Avaa's HaibYioob. It needs but a trial to convince the moat skepti cal of iu value. raxraazo by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all! Wheat Stored AT THE MAGNOLIA MILLS. Having purchased said mill I will re ceive wheat In store at the mill and ware- When parties wish to sell will any tne wheat or deliver it on their order. Sscks furnished to parties wishi.f fte store. July Kan, 1864, JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Adniinistrator's Notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN THAT he undersigned baa ibis day been appointed Administrator of the estate ef Fred Willert late a resident of Albany, Oregon, deosased,by the Probste Court for Linn oounty.uregon. ah persons nav mg claims against aaid estate are hereby no tified to present the same properly veri fied to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from this dat. Thi the 4th day of Auguat, 1SS4. W. M. Kktcbubt, Wbavhbrtord & Blackbcbis, AU'ys for Administrator. PATENTS ySwwi oaa 0Aaatt BroaUwar, Mom York, , 4VZtS TJutii i arrrwM a CO.. o ins sum""v """ "ij ?T . . Bol 1 ators for meats. Oaves. Trad. &Saarmco.V