WATERLOO SAW HULL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi am Kiver, opposite Water- oo botla Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoflice, Waterloo, Or. thurrti Directory 0. P. Cue ROM. Preaching very Sal. bath, at 11 a. xi., and 7 r. n. by Rev. f, O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath (School at 2:30 F. M Prayer meeting every Wed neaaday evening. EVAXGKUCA.L Chukch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11a. m. , and 7 P. a. Sabbath 8ehool Prayer meeting every Thure- . 1 11 II t ...w .. - .lay evening. a. iiowouimuu, ywi. Oonursuatiosal Church. Serviossavery Sabbath at 11 a. u. and 8 r. at. Sabbath L-h.wil t 9.-3U. Praver meetioii on Thursday evening of each week. J. W If arris, palter. II K Rum f. South. Service held evarv Sabbath at St. Pauls M. S. Church, South, at 11 a. at. Sabbath School at 2-30 r. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Ihure- day ll Ml C. ii. Carson, pastor. M. E. Chcrch. lVeaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 74 P. M. Sona service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t '2 :iO e m Praver meeting everv Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. t'KtBVTkRiAN Chi-Ri' i. Service every Sbbtb mununu and evening in Church cor. Brvmdalbm and Filth Sis. Sunday School at - .30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Tnursiiav Sinnlaa Kev. Isaac H. Uoutlit pastor. Christian Chviu'H. Preackiniz everyb- oath at W. C T. I. Hall.at 11 a.. 7:30 i m. -Suuday Scoool at half patt - o'clock ft m. Rev J T r'loyd, pes tot . WiMSX Bait i st Ciicbch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at Cnurch ou 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, T 0 Brownson, pastor. The srreat sireacm- coles remedy and uerve tome is utc ic'iuniaie re- suit u over taeuly tars of iirariiral expenance, by s THURelCNLl auUII MA i AT. MiaMtA ul one ui the highest asad- cai colleirea m r.urope, tnd cures iU unfaiunx svfantr Nertuua and vaical detail It, seuu- nal iiualiiiisstsi'ssaisliir rhoea, prassemrteoea, smlssioo, i m pot eocy. exhausted vitality, lrr mature decline hhi loss inuihood in ail iu complications sad tress wbaterer caiwe produced- It enriches and punflesU. Jiuol treujrthen. the nerves, brain, muscles, digestion, re productive orgaa snd physical snd ncUlfaculues It Mope any unnatural, debilitating- drain opon She system, proven line inruioatary losses, dcUliUttng amass, seminal losses with the urine, ate., so de SllHiiS to mind and body. It is a sure eliminator of all kidney and bladder complain La. It eenUins no injurious ingredients. To those suffering from the evil effect of youthful indiscreUoua, a sjesdy, thor ou?h and permanent cure is GUARANTEED, Price 250 per bottle, or live bottles in ease, with full di reetictts and advice, S10. Sent secure from observa tion to any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. l., io be bad only of DR. C. D. 8ALFIELD, sis Kearney St., ten Fraaelsee, Cal. ; strict: confidential by letter or at ftW i'KKK. For the convenience of patients sad in irder t insure perfect secrecy I bare addopted a pri 1 Ie ad lress uncer which all packages are forpankd. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to show iu merits, will be sent to say on applying by letter, statins; his symptoms snd age. Communications strictly confidential, Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all ("hreale and Special Diseases. YOTT1VC MEN 'HO WAY BE BinPFESEIC FSOM W effete of youthful follies or huiscretion, will do well to avail themseh es of this, thegreatest boon ever laid at the altar of enffering humanity. OK. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit SSOOfor every c Sesainsle wwimsss or private disease of any kind or csrarter which he undertakes and faUg to cure. MIDDLE-AGED HEX. There are many at the age of thirty-flvelo sixty who troubled with too frenuent evacuation of the blad often acoompanied by a slight smarting or burning tie and a weaaemiur of the system in a e patient cannot account for. On examin irinary deposits a ropy lexiiment win often be found tad sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, Jt the color will teof a thin milkiab hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect care in all such esses, and healthy restoration of the gem to-urinary organs. Office Hotes 10 to 4 and 8 to 8. Sundays from 10 toll a. u. Conenltetion free. Thorough exminauec na advice, so. For private iliif ssrs of short standing a full course medicine sufficient for s cure, with ail instructions, w in be iwr.t to any aidreas en receipt of flu 00. Call ai-- direas, DR. SPISSEf at CO., 7 1 No. 11 Kearny St. Sen Francisco, CaJ To the Unfortunate! DE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. foo KEasunr st., )fiKf corner oi commer cial Street, Han Francisco. , Established In 1854. for I the treatment of Sexual lead Seminal Diseases, such onnrrhf-a, .Ieet. ' slrlriure,y phlll.in al :'its forms. InsDoiener Seminal Westluseaa. night losses by dreams, pirn pies op the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various oospf ils there, obtaining a givat deal of valuable lnionna tion, which he is competent to impart to those in need of his seryices. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless be effect a cure. Persons st a distance MAT BE 1 1 KKI 4T HOME. All cor munications strict! y criSdentiaL You see no one bu , the Doctor. Send ten dollars for s package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable, can or write. Address UK. J. r. GIBBON, Box 1057, San Francisco. The Doctor cures when others fail. Try him, vln3 The Ureal English Reme dy. Is a never failing cure for Servous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Exhausted Vi- ity, Bpermatorrtiflea, II.OhT TI4UOOD, hn- J potency, Paralysis, and all I tern Die enecta of Self- Abure, youthful follies ,and j i xcewcsin maturer years- i Uuth as loss of Memory. iLassitude, Emission. Aver- Ision to Society. Dimness of I v Won, somes in the Head; thr vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and manj' other diseases leading to insanity and death. I1E. SflSTIE will ajfreeto forfeit Five Hundred Dollar for a case of this kind the Vital Ke.tora- ll vp (under his 8;ual advice and treatment wi' not cure f.r for anything impure or injurious found In it. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation free. Thorough ex amination and advice uieludifiir analysis of urine, to. Price of Vital Restorati ve,1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity sent to any address upon receipt of price or v. u, secure troni observation and In pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearney Btreec, tiaii r raneiseo, e-ai. Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, seating symptom, sex and age. Communicationi stnetly confidential. Dr, 'lintie's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures aa kinds of kidney and bladder complain te.gonorrtuBa, select, leoucborrhcea. For sale by all druggists Si a ljUle or six bottles for $6. Dr. Mintie s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheap est Dyspepgia and Bilious cure in the market. For ale by all drutryists. for the working class Send 10 cents for postage. nd we will mail free, a royal valuable box of seuiple goods that will put you in Uie way of mak- - ing morn monev in a few days than you ever thought piur ffaut tune posioie atany nusniusa. Caj 'will start you. Hu can work all the tune or in spar time only. The work is universally adopted to not! i sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from I ;ents to $5 every evening. That all who want &0 cen work may test the business, we make tbjs uuparapllel- eu oner ; to ail wno are not well satisfied we wui send -$1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full ijsnknilirsj directions, etc. , as nt free, Fortunes will be made by those who rive their whole time to the work. Pratt success absolutely fore. Don't delay. tartnow. Address Stiksoh & Co., Fortlaad.alafue. ilUsaasrbl mm IN I . IfiSajAI II I iiikvif vsnniuiii 1 .111 saSBBBBBEEBBBBBBBE . muss - I st tavBEBBSE Totai Est - r AHn t a 1 THK e - LIEBIC r Prlvttt Itlaoeaaary i.i 400 Geary St., San FranetsiM Cal 0C Conducted by qualified Physicians O and Surgeons regular graduates. t tm iu.- oi.lcRt siH-ctallsts hi the . t ' t. U. - . III.. I..n V , .. . , i . : 1 1 l i. v iiiivu oi.ie., iih' wih 1 . i f 1 1 method and pure medicine, iiitt.iv ipecdy and permanent cures el all Pi iv ate, thnadc and Nervous ltsiars Affections of the UIimhI, Sktn, Kldneis, lllsddcr. Kruptlona, ricers, Old Sores, Swelling of the .tllands, Sore kluuth, Tlmat Done r Peitis,ierutaaent'y curetl and cradl caUnl from the system fur life. M KUOl DehUttv, Impotency, 8etniisl l.we. 8extul iHsiay. Men Ul snd l'hvalcal U'vektu, I ailing Mi inorv. vVak Eyes. Stunted De- velovuieiil.lnipeiiltncnls U Marriage t tc. , from excess or youthful Miles. crsuy csue, spceoiiv, asivty auu privately eared. Z t ouiig. Middle-1 !?-.! and ;,! rf men, ami all who ned oelleal skill Z ml iaih tini.Y. (instilt the eld 5 Knnimn rhvulclan at once. Ills opinion costs nothing, and tnay Uvn rutin e misery and shame. When Inconvenient to llt the city . . .. issHslnea can e iK-nt ewrvwiiere t IOV IWWHV. ,, .1. ... I.I...I Ik.l I rvaie an who glvv-s his whole attentlou to a del MM"" r. . ..5 ..at .kill, and nhvalclans througl -o i..., ir.un oiiscrvauon. v. out the countrv.kiiownn; ''. !) difficult ca. to U,e oWe.t s-iaU.t b w hoin every known k-.' renie.iy i ui. . evperleiice make his opinion of supreme lnna.rtance ASTThoee who call see no one bill the IVclor. t on situation, free and sacredly confldetillal. Cassi .w i ..i.,.l ii ,dtaimn! relief vl--where o.ikv iallv saticite.1. Female diseases succcesfully treated. n. tv.....,r .ill u.Tetf to lolfetl l.M lor a c. nn dertaken, not curwl. Call or rle. Hours. .Ully.fri.m ii a. m to p ni.,tttoS evenings; Smulajs, 10 to w.,lv send for the SanUariat Guide to Health. on i free. Address as shoved HE. I II. Hit. U under fal Vertman latlcerator IVrmanentlv nrevents all l unalural Ixaaaje from the system, tones the nr e. strengthens the muscles, idvac ka ths waste. iiiviirrats the whole MM, snd restores ths afflicted to Health and Uapianess. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Uses of Manhood, etc., Is owing to a com ohcation. called IT-.sialorrhea with Hyperaelheale, SIS ssassaWs nei-ultar treatment. Dr. I.ieln, s In Lmim i th onlv iKjmUve cure for ir.jUlorrbea, with iMWuiiar siecil trektmcut, used at the Uebla' I ti.iwtuurv m r 1st ieoralor. f. Case of six In.ttlie 110. Sent to Rj address, coveixd securely frvtu ob- servaUou. , u.t ih.werful eleilrlc llt.t free to latUnti To prove the wonderful power of the lniforator A Wt Battle t.lv en or rui tree. Consultation free and private. Call or add roe. l imit. Di.rr.NwKt . 4iu lioarv Street. San Fraiu-tscti, Cal Private enlraiu-c, 40i Mason Street, four blot-ks up i:. ,t strv.-t from heat net. Main entrance lluvugh tiitvut' h dispensary Drug Store. DR. ALLEN'S rBlVATE BI4PESSABI. taj svearay Mreel. San Fraaelace, CaL. Fr Italian nia mi ScirTtrtc D srSXBT fill or Cuxeaic, Nkavors am. Srsciat. ptaxssca THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. DR. AI.LKN. AS IS WKI.L laSOWX. A KEO elar graduated Physicuu. educated at liowdoin College snd 'Diversity i4 Michlsan. He has devoted s lifetime to the study of said is acknow lodged to oc the nusrt etpert student in his pc:aU on the Ia- ciflc Cist And middle aged men, who .ire suffering from ths effects f youthful inducrctions or escesars in ma turer years, nervous and nhymlcal debility, impo tence, lost manhood, confute" of Ideas, dull .yea, aversion to society, despondem-y, pimples on the face, loss of encryj and memory, Ircxpjency of urinal hur. etft. AVRemember ths Itor s Vegetable Com iound,the result of many years of special practice and hard study, which under his special advice has never tailed of success In the cure of Lost Manhood, pros la torrhea, etc. 3E1 llowpiT l EXPEEIEXCE- ring been surgeon In rtianre f two leading OM pita)) enable, me to treat an rrtvate iruoes titals) enables me to trrst with excellent results. I wtsn It HRMSD unoer stood that I do not claim to rfotm tmpoasibiltiea, or to have mira uloua or supernatural wer. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician and Surjreou, thoroexhly Informed In nv apecialt? IXtSEASES OF MAS. All applying to me will recere my kooeat opinion of their complaints no experimenting. 1 will guar antee a poaitive cure in every ease I nniertako, or forfeit fl.000. Consultation in ofBce or by letter Ire and stnetly private. Charges reaaunalde. Thorough examination, Including chemical and microscopical analysis of urine and sd vise, . Office hours 9 to 3 daily, 6 to 8 evettittg. Sundiy9t IX. Call en or address DB. A LLCS, ;c Eearny afreet. San V ranri.ro, ll PATENTS Obtained, and all other busineasTlu the t'. 8. Patent "it oft! -e is oppo.it we can obtain Patents ths L S. Patent OfBce, and lea lime than those remote from Washington. send mtdle or drawing. We advise ss to patent abiiity free of charge ;and we make no diarge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, tho HupC of M-nev Order In v. and to otficials of the L. S Patci.t 0cc. Kor circ'dar, advice, terms, anl efereoete o actual clients in your own State or county, sddr C A. SNOW & CO., Oiipositc Patent Office, Washingt'-n, D iiUEii tu i tin unur 11 n chl i n mttu nunc. Port Chest 3r N. Y. CIRCULATION 63,000.: Edited bj W. H. HALF, M, D This is large eight page, forty column. monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health .and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hints on health, dietetics, and every realm of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy, Subscription Price 50 cts, Per Year. Address OR. W. H. HALE, "Health and Home:' Port Cheater, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every suhsoriber of the Democrat who pays up or in aavance. OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually hupplanted by a Better Article Oris In Old Times are Deae Away. hi the general retention rwm of the Western Union Telesraph building on ;;roadwav. Near York. are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru ments of the infancy of tne telegraph. They are only relics now. More perf--t machinery has super seded them. Years ago what is st vied th 9 old-fashioned nnrous plaster did some good service. There was then noth ing better of the kind. Now ah that has changed. Science and study have gone deeper into the secrete of medicine and produced BKNHON'S CAPCINK POR OUS PLASTER, whieh embodies all the excellencies thus far possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine is rapid ; they weiaj uncertain the Capcine is sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that seose thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Trice 25 cents. Scabury & Johnson, Chemist, New York. Executor's Notice of Ap pointment. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been , by the County Court of Linn conntVjOregon, appointed executor of the last will aria teBtament of y S Snyjer, deceased. All persons, having claims against said estate. are notified to present them to the .under signed at his residence in Brownsville, Or., within six montns from this date dalv veriri. cd as required by law. if. M. Moykr, WeatheRfokd & Blackburn. Executor. Att'ysfof Executor. Augusf20th, 1884. Assignee's Notice, XT0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL -a3( whom it may concern, that T Ander son, of Albany, Oregon, did on tbe 2nd day of August 1884, (he than and there bn- ing insolvent and unable 6 pay his cred- r I 4 X . 111 1 m a , . 1 iwjrs m juuj jawiuny assign to me all of ma property for tho benefit of all hi-. o.roA- itors. Therefore all nprsnna having 8aid assignor, T Anderson, w,ll?JI?tic??f "8nient and jjicocni lOBu L'isims auiv ver'neii, tome at my place of business in Albany, Oregon within three mouths after receiving notice from me of said assignment. Dated tula 7th day of August, 1884. Max Baumgart, Powell & BrLYEu, Assignee, Attorneys;. isr 1 1 Infants and Children Wttaottt Morphino or Nitrootiaoi What given ur Children may cheeks, What cures their fevers, utakee them sleep; 'TIs tstorlK. yvhen 11a I ilea fret, and cry by uni, What cures Uu.lr iH.llc, Ullls Ihelr wonns. Hut Casio 1 1. What quickly rttns Cnnstlpatlrm, Sour HUmuu-n, t oris, iniieNiion Hut Cnatnrln. Farewell then to Morphine Hyrupsk Castor Oil and 1'aretfot'ic, and llNllCaatnrla. Cantaur Linlmant.-An ab aolnte ottro tor Rheumnt 1 am. Bn rains. Burns. CHtlla, etc., and nn inatsyatsuteoua Pain-reliever. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From Uioee sonreca arlee ihree rotirf ha of the diseases oi" the human raw. These symptoms indicate) thet r existence : Xioss of Anoetlte. Bowela eaetlee, Mick Uend stehe, fnilneea after esttlnsr, aversion to fee, rnllnese after esttlnsr, aversion to exertion of noojr t or food, Irrltal.ll spirits, A feellissr sosno doty, It his Isii exertion ox bony er rntna, rswaugn of food, Irrttatstlltr of tesnpor, Low OX nawiM Dliru , a"i vtte r iin i use Heart, Iots before the ere.. Iilhly col ored Urine. rOHMTl PATIO, sai.-t do- tnand tho use of a remedy that acta dj reel 1; ontboLlrer AanUrermedlolnoTCTT'll PILLS hare noctual. Their action on tin Kldneysaml Skin la also iiromnt ; remoTlmi I U impuritlea through theao tlireo I esasrere of the srstesM," prtxtuclns; Uieao tjii eo acsiv- mart-is or the avstem. ' prtxiuciiiK n p appo tite. sound dtireetton. rvruUr atools, a clear BkliiaudarlfCorouabCHlv. Tt'TT 111. I.N cause no nausea or ri lplmr nor Interfere with dally work and arc a perfect TUTTS HAIR DYE Our Hatsi ou Wttmara-s changed tantly tontiiMsr mm .yaamgio p. iiUoailon of Uile Vrtu vti by DrugUu, or sent by express, on receipt of El. OfSeo.44 Murray Street, Sesr Ti ork. TQlTt MANUAL OF USEFUL RtCtim FIEf. Summons. In tlu Circuit Court oth' State o Oregon for the County of Linn I Henry Click, Plaintiff. vs. . J W tiilmore, J B Wyatt, J T (iilmore, K A Uawley.Naucy Davenport, T W Daven port. Martha Kuykeudall, Nathan Kuy kendall, Sarah Caasiday.I. Cassiday, Kllxa Ifih Whoaton. David V heaton, Jamea tiilmore, Kobert t.Umcre, John tiilmore and William tiilmore. To J W Uilmore, J T (iilmore, Nathan Kuykendall, Martha Kuykeudall, Sarah Caaaisiay, l.Caaaaday, hUlsaljeth heaton, David v heaton . Jamea tiilmore, Kobert (iilmore, John (iilmore, K A Kawlcy and Wlliiam Cllmore, thirteen or the above named defaudau'.. I N THE NAME qY THE STATK OF Oregon : lou rod earli of vou are hereby required to appear aud answer the flaintirrs complatnt against you now on file with the Clerk of said Court In the above entitled suit, on or before the tlrat day of the next regular term of said Court to bo begun and held at the Court House in Albany, Lhiu county, Oregon, ou Mon day the Tth day of October, 1884, thai being the first day of the neat regular term of said Court and that the relief de manded In said suit is a decree against said J W (iilmore for the sum of $:04.W and $50 Attorney 'a fees with interest on said principal sum at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of February, 1883, and for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by Jane A Cillmore and J Vv Gilmore, on the ith day of No vember, 1881 (described in complaint) to the plaiutitr to secure the payment of a certain promissory note doecribed in pialntiffa complalut, and that said mort gage bo foreclosed as againat all and each of said defendants and for a decree for the sale of the following real properly describ ed iu said mortgage, tb-wit Two lota in the town of Albany, IJnn county, Oregon. Said lots are situated in Hacklemau's addition to said town of A i bany, and are on the south aide of Third street. Maid lota were deeded by E C Mc Lain to the aaid Jane A Uilmore which deed is now on record in the Clerk'a omoe mi l.tt.n county, uregou. tsald lots art- the only oL.estbe said Jnue A (iilmoro aud J vy Uilmore now own in the town of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Said tract or parcels of land are moro paiticularly known and described as follows, to- wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of lilock 37 in llacklaman's Second Addition toabe city of Albany in Linn county, Or., aud running thence south on the west line ol aatd lilock 113 feet ; thence east 13S feet; thence north 113 feet; thence west 132 feet to the place of beginning oontaln icg two lots more or leas, and for such other relief aa may be oquitable and for costs and disbursements of this suit. This Summons is published by order of aaid Circuit Court which order Is dated, April 21st, 1884. It. S.Sthahan, Attorney for Plfl. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the HtnU of Oregon for tlw. County of Linn John Settle, Plaintiff. vs. Noah Iiebneit and Esther J iobnett.hu wife, Lncinda Aid all and John Mel all. her hus band ana Maiy Wy and John Way, her husband,' et al. Defendant. To Noah Kobnett and Esther iCobnett, Ln cinda McCall and John Mot all, Mary Way and John Way, the above named Defendant. In the name of tbe State of Oregon : Yon are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff in the above entitled suit cow on file in the office of the Clerk of aaid Court, on or before the first dav ssf the regularlOctober term of said court to ha began and held on the 27th day, the 4th Mort day of October, 1884 in the Court House in Linn county, Or,, after the service of this Summons upon you by publication for six consecutive weeks. And you are hereby notified, that in case you fail to appear and answer as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit : That he be decreed and adjudged to be the owner in fee simple of the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit; Beginning at the northeast corner of the John H Settle donation land claim, Not. No. 1205. and claims 5 and 81 in township 11,8 R 2 west, and township 12 8 R 2 west, in Linn county, Oregon and run ning thence south 16 Xi-100 chains ; thence west 99 13-100 chains ; thence north 10 33- 100 chains ; thence east 99 13100 chains to the place of beginning and containing one nunareu ana sixty ana olMUO acreB, except an undivided interest amounting to two aud 8-11 acres, and that said Defendants be for ever barred and estopped to claiming or as serting any right title or interest in or to the same, or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and just. This Summons is published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, and which order bears date of August 23rd, 1884 L. H Montanyu, Attorney for Plaintifi. Crop for Sale, Owing to ill healtb 1 wish to sell 80 acres of wbeat and oata together with hay, fruit, garden, ete and use of house and barn until January. Also a Rood heavy team of young horses, well matched, Will sell either without the other at a bargain. Jesseh Dickens, 5 inies south of Solo. FHiDAY....8En'KMiiKIt 12, I Ml It ll l l I D t One af Ike Meal taaeeeaalable snd Baa Kerens or Meeent Deceits IMseev erect aa Eapssosl, There is some mysterious trouble thet it attacking nearly everyone in the land with more or lest violence. It seems to steal into the body like a thief in the night. Doctors cannot diagnose it. Scientists are ptmled by its symptoms. It is, indeed, a modern mystery. Like thoae severe and vague maladies that attack horses and trust i ate nearly all the animals in the land, this subtle trouble seems to menace mankmd. Many of its victims have paius about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They fWl dull and li tho mouth has a bad taste, especially iu the morning. A strange sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load upon the stomach , sometimes a taint all-gone sensation is felt at the pit of tho stomach, which food doea not satisfy. The eyes grow sunken, the hands and leet feel clammy at one time and burn intenaely at others. After a while a cough sets in, at irst dry, but after a few months it is attended with a greyish coloied eaiwctoration. The afflicted one feels tired all the wbileand 1 sleep does not seem to afford any rest. He becomes nervous, irritable, and gloomy ,and baa evil forebodings. Tbets ts a giddiness, a )ecaliar whirling sen nation in the bead when rising sudden ly. The bowels become costive, and then, agstn.outflux intensely ; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood grows thick and stagnant ; the whites of the eyea become tinged with yellow ; the urine is scanty and high colored, tie positing a sediment aster standing. There is frequently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a aqur taste, and sometimes with a sweetish taste ; this it often attended with palpitation of the heart. The vision becomes impaired, with spota before the eyes ; there is e feeling of prostration and great weak ness. Moat of these symptoms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-third of our population have this disorder in some of its varied forma, while medical men have almost Wholly mistaken its nature. Some have treat ed it for one complaint ; some for an other, but nearly all have failed to reach the seat of the disorder. Indeed, many physicians are afflicted with it themselves. The experience of Dr. A. Kicbsrds, residing at No. 468 Tre mont street, Boston, is thus described by himself : "I bad all thoae peculiar and painful symptoms which I have found sfflicting an many of my patients, and which bad so often beflled me. I knew all the commonly established remedies would. be unavailing for I had tried I bees often in tbe past. I therefore determ ined to strike out in a new path. To my intense satisfaction I found that 1 was improving. Tbe dull, stupid feel ing departed snd 1 began to enjoy life once more. My appetite returned. My sleep was refreshing. Tbe color of my face which had been a sickly yellow gradually assumed tbe pink tinge of health. In the course of three weeks 1 felt like a new man and know that it wsB wholly owing to the wonderful efficiency of Wamei's Tippecanoe The lieat, which was all tbe medicine I took." Doctors and scientists often exhsust their skill and tbe patient dies. They try everything that has been used by, or is known to, tbe profession,. nd then fail. Keen if they save the life it is often after greet and prolonged agony. Where all this can be avoided by pre caution and care, how insane a thing it is to endure such suffering f With a pure snd palatable preparation within reach, to neglect tbe use is simply in excusable. ciais-ta facts. A substitute far genuine human hair is aow made out of tbe inner liaing of tha bud of tbe palmetto ttee. It can be made of any length and dyed any color. The largest orgau in the world baa just been built at dudwigaburg and put in the cathedral at Riga. It measures thirty-two bj thirty-six feet and sixty five feet in height, and haa 6826 pipes with 124 sounding stops. Dr. Lewis Swift, of Rocbeater.N. Y., recently has discovered more than 1 50 nebulae, which before had escaped tbe searching eye of astronomers. One nebulous mass is of a most peculiar nature and seems to be undergoing a wonderfnl change. Sunlight penetrates about 1200 feet below tbe surface of tbe sea. At 3000 feet the temperature lower e to 40 F., and from about a mile from the surface to tbe bottom, four or five miles, tbe temperature ia just about the aame tbe world over just about freacing. G jld beaters by hammering can re duce gold leaves so thin that 282,000 must be laid upon each other to prodaoe tbe thickness of an inch, yet each leaf is so perfect and free from holes that one of them laid upon any surface for gilding gives the appearance of solid gold. Blinders wero invented by an English nobleman to bide a defect iu tbe eyes of a valuable horse , and then tbey were found to be good places for the nobility to put on their coats-of-arms, and iio tbey came into fashion. Tbey injure tbe eyes of horses, and have oansed thousands of accidents, because horses with blinders eaunot see behind them. A case of death from earth eating is reported in the British Medical Journal. Such a result is rate nowadays. Yet she writer says tbe habit is common among the Hindu inhabitants of Trin idad. Children often take to it, and in adults the habit frequently becomes so depraved that it cannot be given up. The earth chosen resembles sandstone and is often mixed with generally adopt tbe economical reasons. slate. Adults practice from FOIl I ill N IEX4 E. Tha comb of the bee is hung vertic ally, thet of the waap U hot iaontal. The skeleton of the, carrion orow weigh", when dry, only twenty-three grains. The orocxlilt U laid to swallow tones aotetime, like birds, to aid the gastric mill. The human skull contains fewer bones than tbe skull of most animala except ing birds. The large, promitiMut nyf of the brilliant dtaguo-flie or devil's darning-needles are each furnished with 28,000 polished lenses. Continued observations made sinew the year 1870 at the MMnloti Observa tory have ooutlrraed the oofcloHtou that the rings of Hat urn ars extramrlv vari able, and do not retain a Hxed f im Prof. Wt A. Potsjl of Mnrg, who has for many yrsrs recorded Ins oJsMr- rationsonthe Mcr de (Usee, repot ts that tbe glaciers of Mont Diane ate ad vancing again, after a long eri'd of dec i ease. An ordinary spider's thread, just visible to the neked eye, is the union of a thousand or more fine and delicate threads of ailk. These primary threads are drawn out and united by thr hmd legs of the spider. Plates of cast glass have been sul -atituted for copper in the sht athing of an Italian vessel, the joint being made tight with a silioate mastic Tbe ad" vantages claimed are exemption from oxidation and incrurtation. The horse steps on what corresponds to the nail of the middle 2nger,and its swiftness Is coodi'ioned on th solidity of the extremities of thn limbs. Horses of greatest speed have tbe shoulder joints directed at a constd rabln angle with the arm. In a report upon the volcanic erup tion which occurred in the Sundra Htraita last August it is a A that thn Sound of tbe explosions was heard over an area much mote vast than in the case of any other eruption eter record eJ, the farthest distant between the points where the sound was hear I he tog our sixth of tbe wbole circumfer ence of the earth. Ling air-wave gtviog no sound were also felt at great distance, rending house walls more than 500 miles away. More than 'J, 000,000,000 tone of solid subauncea were ejected and the gaseous matter may bare been huudteds of times aa great in volume, furnishing ample cans Cor the brilliant sun glows which have been observed throughout moat oi the world. When the New y.-rk hvitytndvn supported Cleveland, Field Marshall Cooper and the organ generally de clared that paper to be of no account whatever and that Its Influence had perished long ago ; but when it Qop ed over against Cleveland, Field Marshall and His following organs pro nounce It the loading and moat Influ ential weekly journal of the country. Things do get awfully mixed in mod. ern politics, and the acrobat lr feata demanded of leader and orgatH m at ground and lofty tumbling al tu smash. A New York widower, who had been estranged from hta family tveit to Albany to reside a short nun- gti Ton days g tie died and tho stjusisf sou, round saving hie effec s, ws given sn undertaker to defray tbe expenses of bis funeral. A dav or t 14 . tbe brothers of tho diseaeed went to bsve tbe remains removed. A rough box 'va taken up from tha grave. The undertaker protested against opening it. but thu brother Insisted aud the lid was take off. There was no coffin In tho bos, the nudo corpse having been thrown into the box with a psper bag pulled down over the head. It la slated thai non-realdetits Of Texas own 1.00U.000 had of cattle W in that Sate from which they derive sn annual revenue 01 $10,000,000 The horsemen of Franee arebeglu niog to awaken to the fact that the best of their breeding horses are be ing brought over from America. New England haa more seaside re aorta than any equal extent of coas In the world. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will comment e on Tuesday, Sept., Kith, 1884. For particulars ooncsmingkUis csursss of study sad ths prios of tuition, apply to REV. ELBERT N. CONDIT. Presioeat. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stale oj Oregon for Linn County. Nancy a Pugb, Plaintiff, vs. John Pugh, Defendant. To John Puyh, tint above named Defendant. IN THR NAME OP. TBE KTA TE OK Oreuon, you are hereby tequired to ap pear and answer the compliant of tbe above named plaintiff In he above enti tled Court, now on file with theCleikof said Court, on or b fore th first day- of tb next regular term or said Court, to wit: Monday, the 27tn day of Outber, 1884, and you are hereby' no ifled that if you fail to appear and answ r Haid ansa plaint aa hereby required, tbe plaintifi' will apply to tbe Court for thn relief de manded therein to wit, a dissolution of the bonds ol matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, tbe earn custody and control of the minor children, Nellio Ann Pugb and Jacob T Pugh and the costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed. This summons is published by ordar of Hon R P Boise, Judiie of said Court, made at Chambers and dated tbe 2nd day of August, 1884. WllATHBRSORD fe BL4CKBURH, Attorneys for Plaintiff. A i . Ii . I . 1 1 IK I 7 A I I I . Albany Rtatlon. ttKPABTIKB OE TKAIXft. ! Bl NORTH. AU1ANY KXI'llKMHOct-artssi :: A. M o oi A. M hi. A. M 1;0& V. af KKKIOHT Tit A INN " " MA II- TRAIN Arrivaast I I r l St BOVNS SOUTH. Arrlvas at niarls at MAM. TRAIN 11 r. A. M 12:00 f M. S;30 I'. M. 3r. K M. KKKIOHT TRAIN " " AMIANY KXCRKNS Arrives st All Tralas (sally-, esrept sanday. Not k k. if, and after this date reaulnr tickets will lie sold at our tlrfket office for lol lowing jioiiitaon Columbia river: Uper Cascades, lallis, Umatilla, VVeUwa, Wnlla Wnlla and Alusworth. Wu i, Ii. Kirn, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A It. U. Co. Albany. June ihih, 1M8'. A I.OOI) lilt Mi. I OK al MH U I III Us. To evtry snbscriler lo tho Ijimookat whs pays up bis snlrsnrlptloii and con llnutiN bis paiier, or tsln advance, wo will have sent to him (ho "Health and Home" on' veer, without additional fsoat, The shove paprr In a large eluht psge, forty column, monthly pap., , and Is full of exoe'lent reading muter. A copy may be seen at this office The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our aubscribera a chance to get a good paper for uotblng. 'Iboso de airing the pser sunt to them will please itate so at time of paying their subscrip tion. Ts sabsrrstrra si lrlaevllle. Many of our subscribers at 1'rliisville have requeatad us to name some one a lf movllle to whom they could pay sub scriptions. Kor the convenience ol all oar subscribers at that plaee wo have left ao coubU at the odloe of J. N. Iluncau who will receive and rtscipt fur subscription duo or to become due to tho Ukmochat. ota AsMssfN. Folluwing are tho lKot;aAr's duly au thurtzod agouta to receive subscription or money for tho same i l.charv'n . . . . llarruburg. iirowuBvtlla . Halsey Mhedd's Heto J clfcrson . . . TL Wallace Sam May . .0. P. Coehaw . . .T. 1 I'ortcr .... A. WatU . . V. K. Klly H. A. DeVaocy l a ran for aslr. One hundred and forty acres, nine rndes above Lebanon. 40 acres m cul tivation. 10 acres slashed aud sown lo raaa Comfortable dwelling, gtMnl outhoueea Cheap. Inquire at thk mce. For Sale. One half block In eastern part city ftltu fair bouse aud barn will cheap of the be avid Summons. In the Cirrutt Court oj the StaU for thr Count y of Linn : pf OrtgoH Tbe New ('umssuy. England i'.'i i. Slortat; Socttrtiy Oamsliel r. .-f:.I. J I'arrUb.O K Psrriab, Dura A Fajrtati, II E Parilsb. Km ma Parrjab and Auk t IDnx and I lndl. sarUtera In bulnee under Ibe linn name of IIIue A landt, Hrrnard Held sod HbbsV ual Heibriiu. partners In busiiteea undrr Ibe Arm nsuie of Held llrs A O... M Helta and H Newman.fsartuers In buni.t n uoder tbe lirui name of .elig v Newman Defendants, ToO E larrlb. and Dura A Tan Mi. and Auk ' HI117. ami 1' l..u. ! . j i,. r. In bultiHss under the firm name ot Hi 7. A (.audi, lternarti Held and Samuel He brun. artners iu buaiuoMa under ibe firm nsme of Held llr-ss Ou, s .falic ami it Newman rtmrsi in bMainens undtr th Urm game of NoIIk A Newniin, lief-i. i ants sboVB 1. s in. ! : 1 N THE NAME OK THK ST 1 I K III ai iregon, you ani csrii .i t,u i beniby niiulrol In ai h st Hu.i ,,- w. 1 ih- ooiniiui iii-' I sKaiiiat yiu In b so v ntllicu still on at t;bii- tb. 21th la ol October, A. I., ISM, ttiat Ix-tng the irt day l tli'- m i regu'ar isffss said 1 ml. following tin- expiration of in,, sjt)tlea on of lists hutuinnna. 01 iu ! . .1 . taiermil tn l'iaiiitiff win apply to Use ' nri f .r in rvlbtf trayd lot in tin- onmou.nt, ka Wl . lor a dis'itw forecioaiuu a cvnaii. nirtaat:e exei-iited by (iama ii l I'arrixli sni 1. J Parr tab on the l&h day of fanfMSTj , A. I) ISS2 tu iba Nmw KngKtid amrtgaa n rlty Company lo ss-cura tbe payment of a c .-ria n pioiulnor note ol ex eudste ibtre is lib. to wit : for . iayable to . ruer of Tbe New England Mortgagn Mecuritv Company, upou which tbere la now due Plaintiff the sum af $3250 principal w 11 S Interest tbereou from January 1st, IMSf, at 7 per cent per annum tbe sum . I' 7. with Interest Iroui said date at 10 per cent per auumu and IOu Attorney ' ree,vliu b mortgage is given upon tbe following de scribed real satate, to-wit : 8ituated in tbe County of Linn and Sute of Oregon, deacrioed aa the oaM half of the dotisiioti land claim of Oamallel Parrisb and Lydi M. Farrish bia wire, notification liOOO in sections No. five (5), six (U). seven (7) and eight (6) in Township No. IS, south or Ravage No. a, west of the Willamette me ridian, containing 1 04-101 acres (except ing 100 acres, out ol tbe southeast corner heretofore deeded to Henry Parrisb, de scribed aa beginning at tbe southeast cor ner of said claim, and running thence north 70 AL' west forty and 00 1 00(40 00-100) ohalua ; thence north 50 49' east thirty eight and 38-luo n-is H8-100) chains ; thence s.tuth 02 40' east twenty-ono and 1K-100 (2118 100) ehaiua; thence south 19 15' wast twenty-nine (29) chains to the place of beginning.) Aud also tbe northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, contain ing 40 acres and tbe northwest quarter, of the southeast quarters containing 4o acres, and the southeast quarter of tbe northwest quarter, containing 40 atree.aud also lots Nos. two (2), three (S), and four (4), containing 101 H 100 n 1 . y, nil in aec lion No, eight (8) iu Township No. thirteen (131 south of range No. two (2) west of tbe Willamette meridian, in all 221 98 100 acres, aud being a part of tbe donation land claim or James Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor bis wife. Notification 4888. Tbe and above conveyed amounting in all to 443 02-100 acres, aud for a decree forever barring all aaid Defendants, from setting up any claim or title to said mortgaged promises aud for costs and disbursements and for such other relief as may be just and equitable, aa prayed for, This Summons is directed to be publish ed in the State RightaDKMocRAT for six Hiiccassive weeks b an order made by Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court on the 8th day of August A. D, 1884 at Chambers at Salem, Oregon. W. D. A F. W. Fsktom, Attorneys for Plaintiff. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, 7 WAC0NS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, $TEFsL GOODS. JULIUS GRADWOHL 4 e Ilae flie only rxrloalve slock CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large isBortment of Eaby Carriages, And a Choico Selecton of Ceffee, Tea and Sag ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND 8AUCER8 81.00. SHELF HARDWARE. o n. U4i . n mm lights and lime. I III; llll. Ill l M It II I I IM K PAID FOR BO I Remember! What I Say I Mean. Dire Me a Call. 600BS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. iiomu itjoprictokm or ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, TobacooM, Groceries, Provision Candies Nuts and Tropical Fruits. .A llmii.Y, 01TE I l-KLOW AT THK oIJi TAND, Ti "T STKKET, HAS .' KTM EXT Ol' COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES .VND RANGES. lawn) iiouse In (Ik alle. He TIB, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE K KKY DKSCKIiTTON IN HTOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEP or HAND. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. MA OF WHICH HI COMPETITION. Repair work done at -l3ii2f ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, I Uuh . sMt ' v 1 ti . MONUMENTS, TABLETS, -sb Execiitetl in Italian iff Vermont MsrMs.. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone drk done svlib neatuesx and dbqattch. Special attention given to orders from all pana of this State aud Washington Terriury. 4T V.i work wsjrrt iiwl 7:42 C. 0 PHERRI o.a. 1 1 1 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERKV 1 PARIES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) psF" " S-4bV" Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron ' vsk of tue finest and most , I W complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct lOU.llU.8rS. : both by American and European plana. j All the modern improvements, 140 bed WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Enginea, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Casting. PATTKBLsS M4DK ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufao ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. sbop on Baker St.- OfMce a Lasaber Yard. Albany, Gr., Dec 1, 1880. 18tf ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notic" Use only bst Calapooia timber- Prrce and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. VlLuxnjy', Op. o. cohn & umu 170 fRCKT tl., - - PbfiUA , OR SHIPPING AN w. OOtsi.... -SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. the disseminator. Pulilished every Satnrtlav Ilarrisbur ire;on. I SS TJRA-I3STa Editor & Proprjetor. k JOSEPH, - JOHN BRIOGS' STORE. Oregpon. ISjt ON HAND AS FINE A a ho I m porta sjsjs sfaclan OFFXB8 IO THIC PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DF' CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET. A LB ANT, OREGON. reasonable figures. Aioany Bath House. tit. LIaa&iMKII Wui Lb RSSPSC1 ft felly .aforas ths eituaas of Alsaay aa i siaitstkat I baveiaksn charjs oftkis ?1slisk sat, ana, by kaeptas. claai rooms aas" pay u. strict aitantiot, u usics xpt vu sait sJ thoss who ass fs? 01 us em rhsit pstroaa "atBi- ksretofir. mrrir Ms, he- Firt-Clt H:i ur-.-iuat Saloont t 1 tisf issa u 1 i-1 a iSsUaa llaoi aeMiy ; 1. es WRVpls'S. I 1 St D..BRC hi tiirio ADVERTISING, Oi?crt?et SUBSCEIPTION isan Franclsoo, Gal. Quunby House. QUHBY & HERSEY, Proprietors. Cor.Stb sand C. Stts., 1'orllnnd Or. rooms, well furnished, light, and wel vt BtHa ted First-ci a reading r ion, barber sh p. An evaur aal all latest ) 1 van i e apse- Lake Superior Transit Co. THE GREATi LAKE ROUTE 12 Palace Steamships. Leaving Daluth, HHbb. every week day. (Friday excepted) via Lake supe rior south shore ports to Port 11 a raw, IMieb.., Detroit, Mich., I eve land. Ohio, Erie, Pa., and Buffalo, N, V. (Connections made at Pert Huron, Mich., with Grand Trunk K'y for ait tbe Canadian points, and 1'leveli Erie and Unflalo with tbe Great Trunk sLine for all Eastern points, Varv a long tedious journey by taking the Kutl and Lake Route If vour ticket agent cannot furnish the required ticket, purchase to Duluth, and our agent at that port a ill furnish yau a through ticket and check your baggage to destination. ti. Ci. FRANKLIN, N. W. Pass s't, Nt. Paul, Minn. H. . liKTY,AK't,Dulnth,Niun Executors Notice of Ap pointment. Nottae it hereby givea that the andersign. fil ha In ti. ' tho C 'U"t Court of Lain j C"unt. Or . the la sou, ' . gainst se 1 l ie smiiic , mi l 1 1 1 is esidei:ce . . iosatavj . xecQtorof . 1 ,1 Ei.i ib Thou.p. . 1 (nTi.i ii.i.ng claims nsjesf ft iu i r-nt v 1 1 11. 1 d, t- ine uudeftiaued ia Hmwh. If, Or., within 6 inth ;rin th-dte fereof. rTKR Hums, i:THERFORI' LACKBUKH, E i Utor. A ' fo Kxsc NT v must 20 b, 1884 Cook Wants Position. A ii :. uk ai d 1 .kri, i to t ' d 1. f- . i ci s. v ;nte a peaiij in a t.ot-i cr j restsmants Address V. AL, care of Star Bakery, Albany, Oregon.