Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or, as second-class mail matter. - . ... ' FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1884. STUBS & Elltr aad NUTTING. rroprletors. ratio r. svttihu. t kjm. Official Goaaty aul City Paper, State ratr. Next week, beginning with Monday , the Oregon State Fair will bs hold at Salem, and every effort is being put forth to uaak it a success, and, notwithstanding a preju dioe existinc anions: some.it will, from all reports, be deserving of a rl rat -class patron tgs. We believe in State fairs and County fairs,and that they should be wel 1 supported, even if they do not come up to the fairs ot older and more popular States, The one at Salem next week it is thought will be better than hitherto, The exhibits ofstockand agricultural products will be as good as cau be obtained in Oregon at this season of ths year. All the races adver tised will be filled by a fine field of horses, entries having been made already. The races will probably be the best in the his tory of the Fair. It is to be noted with pleasure that no spirituous liquors or gambling dsvioes will be tolerated on the grounds, and persons violating the rules of the Society will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Parties desiring booths, spaoe or license, should apply to Geo R Peebles, Secretary, at Salerr. Special rates for freight aud passengers have been secured by J T A p person, President, beii.g half fare on freight and the usual reduction for passengers. The prices of admission are season tickets for members of the society and campers at the fair, 2 ; ladies season tickets for mem bers of the ciety or campers at the fair, $1 ; day tickets, males, $1 ; females, 50 cents ; children under twelve, free. R A Irvine, of this cc-uuty. is Chief Marshal, and those attending the fair from this county, as well as from any other part of the state, may dpeud on good treatment from him, and any informatien they desire can be obtained from Mr Irv CeaaciU Tuesday evening, Spt 9;b, 184. Present Mayor, Recorder. Marshal, aud Aids. Woudin, Monteith, Brigs, Fushar, Brash. Committee on Ways and Means reported that taxes on Mouteith property should be collected from Assignee, Judge Btrahan. Committee on Fire and Water reported that the bad insured Nj. Is House iu Liv erpool, Land jo A Globe Insurance Co. for 11000, at 3 per cent. It was moved and carried that No. 2's steamer be repaired at once. Marshal reported walks in fair repair, also that sewer sear Star brewery wss in bad condition. A petition to declare John Lamb a com mon drunkard was read and granted, Moved that Marshal order all barbed wire fences in city en streets or alleys removed. Oa motion Rscirder was instructed to change tax on Monteith property to R S Strahan, Assignee. Recorder was ordered to draw warrant for $30.50 for premium on "bio. l's house. The fallowing bills were ordered paid : X J Hentoa, $10.65 : 1 C Oicksy, $65.25 ; costs agt Shannon, $5.95 ; J R StewarUoa, dray age, $22.45. The following bills were referred i Casta City agt Jaa Reatherford, $5.85 ; agt Was Barrett, $5.35 ; agt Thos Taylor, $4.85 ; agt Wm McDsmoD, $5.95 ; N J Hen ton, fees, $3.80 ; I C Dickey, $50.25 ; John Maxwell, $6.57. The aisle Air leal la rl Callage. A writer in the Oregonian of Wednesday seeks to show up the "State Agricultural College at Corvallia." He claim that the coarse prescribed Ly the State is not followed oat ; that the reports of the President are misleading ; that a farm was purchased sev eral years age to be used by the College in teaching agriculture ; that it is rented out far $200 a year ; that in the reports of the President Benton county pupils are made to hail trom Grant, Umatilla or soma other county ; tbat in the report of last year, there being hfty-sevn students, over tainy weie from Benton county ; yet the annual report pat the number ai ten. and out of hfty-ihre graduates thirty-ti ve have been residents of tk-t county, f ne uter insists that the Col lege u not a State institution but a sectarian college of beutoa county, and that it ought to be segregated from the church ; and yet it receives 2500 swtsry year from the State of Oregon, i'bese are grave charges, the truth oi which we have not investigated, but coming trom the source tbey do, and as the State's money goes towards supporting it, it is a matter every citizen has a right to know about. Oit Sket Instead of Melons Over a week ago, near Lebanon, a tragic event occurred, which m ade matters look spotted for awhile. Five young men, the members of a threshing troup, at a time of the night whan owu hoot and men sleep,entred tbe union patch of a farmer, and began extracting tbe webfoot fruit one by one. Ha i lm'.y a snadow loomed up in tho distance, and the report of a gnn was heard. Then at! wa still in that pateh and maloa went oa grooving uare tarded , but two at leit of five young men hastened away in tho darkness, carrying more shot than melons. One of them spent the next day picking mustard seed shot from one of his srms, taking thirty from under the eutiole; his gompanion was net affected quite as severely. The story started that one of them came near dying, but this was not true.as little dam- ;e was done, mustard shot not having much force at Jong range. Finger Cat off. Monday morning C H Stewart met with an accident which will deform bis right hand for life. He was assisting in moving a mower io the warehouse back of tbe store of Peters A Stewart, and was lowering lift guard when the little finger of his right hand slipped between two of tho sections, and tbe siokle. moving rapidly by reason of tbe guard's descending, caught tbe auger and amputated it as smoothly as a sur geon's knife could have dene, next to tbe first joint, so that the whole finger Will bo missing, Dr Maston assisted by Dr Wallae attended tit Stewart and dressed the band in a skilful manner. Mr Stewart baa an accident policy in Tbe Travelers Insurance Co., and will re. ceive ten dollars n weak for several weeks or months, a very small compea- ompen i Soger, j salon, though, for ;he loss of a HOME AND ABROAD. Try Read far cigars, F M French, jeweler. College opens next Tuesday. Jackson county is in debt $61,000. The best harness at J J Dubruilles. School teachers are hunting schools Cash paid for choice butter and eggs at Read's. We will take moat anything en aubscrip tion. Sabs. Don't bet aay cigars on election until you have tried Reed's. Wheat fell to 70 cents in Chicago last Monday, almost unprecedented. The freight on wheat from points east of The Dalles to Portland is $6 a ton. E. L Thompson 4 Co 'a harness is the cheapest to buy because it is the beat. You can't tell how election will go, but you can bet on Read for cheap groceries There is a young man at the Bay 6 feet 8 inches tall, who wears a number 13 J boot. Farmers will save money by buying their belting, and rnrts of E. L. Thompson A Co. Sheriff Charlton Is making a desperate effort to collect delinquent taxes ef 1883. The regular meeting of the Blue Ribbon Club will be held on Friday evening of next week. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or country. During the Mechanics' fair there will be a hose contest between Astoria. Salem and Al bany teams. The largest stock of carpet, oil cloth and wall paper iu the city is at Monteith 4 Seitenbach's, Misses L Anderson and Carrie Ballard will teach the public schools ef Lebanon the com ing winter. Sewing machine extras, oils, needles, etc., at Will Bros. Gnn Store. Ales Sewing ma chines to rent. Two heart were nude to beat as one by Squire Humphrey last Monday at the Court House, before a fair audience. While in the mountains Judge Strahan met with two accidents, bruising one of his arms so that it is black and blue. Many farmers are discaaraged, and with seme reason ; hut there ts only one thing to do, and that is, make the best ef it For your dress-making, cutting and til ting dresses, go to the Misses Rumbaugn, four doors east of S E Young's store. The largest and best stock of harness and saddles in the valley is to be found at K. L Thompson ft Co. and their prices are low. The Union meeting next Sunday evening will be held at the M E Church, beginning at , JO. Key M Judy will deliver the em- mon. Tbe war in China is liable to have an up ward effect on tbe price of teas. It will be money in the pockets of the American adul terators. Frank Lewis, of Corvallia and Lake county, recently beat a man named Cox, at Palouse City, iu a 100 yard foot race, iu 10 seconds. Three persons occupied the calaboose oa Thursday night of last week. Harvest money among many good qualities sometimes gets pretty c looked. Last summer a flash of lightning struck a potato geld In New York State. A week ago when the farmer went to dig his potatoes he found every hill empty. A correspondent of tbe Orejonian says a prominent Republican at Lebanon wants to bet 4000 bushels of wheat in the warehouse that Blaine will be elected. Ia Marion county. a private letter tells us, about one-third of tbe wheat and two-thirds of the oats are standing in the shook, which is somewhat worse than it is in this county. It has often been said that Oregon s-ail will not produce good water-melons, but Mr W B Shannon near this city is supplying our markets with as fine water-melons as we have ever seen. Ben Butler is running for the nomination for Judge of Probate of Garfield county, W. T. That was all a mistake about bis being a candidate for the Presidency, and he never stole any spoons. Dr J H Irvine, formerly of this county has purchased a half iotre in the Umatilla Examiner, published at Gvulef eiDa, and will hereafter be one of its ditor-. T e fper i well conducted. Ayer's Ague Cure acts directly on tb ) liver and biliary apparatus and drive nut the malarial poison which ii1a ie- hvr ctupl -in' sod billious dis rders. Warrs'itM to fl rm, or mosey refunded Stylish v-u'i.' en1' en hu I urm -"i" tbe fact that Mon-ih ft S-it - .-h h received a tin- it-rt.nient -- imi' i- ' also a fine ateck -f clotbi'v.u.d-r a and shoe. o-rk etc Samuel E.Y-ioeg has saess hrt -iu- haoas and buggies on hand. e-hi:! he wants toehnw out liefore winter, and M in n ' 1 greatly redue-d prapjl I oa iteod rrm Call and sc for yourselvr-. In the Michigan tournament tbe Gaawlesas Hook and Ladder Co., ran 660 feet and put a man on top of a ladder in 32 seconds, the fastest time on record, and eqnal to ths fastest 200 yards ever made. Mr. Levy Mottle, Corydon, Indians, aays he suffered from pains and inflammation, re sulting from a fractured clavicle, and after trying various remedies, without relief, he tried SL Jacobs Oil and was cured. In 1881 tbe average 'income of male teach ers in Vermont was $7 44 a week, while in 1884 it has risen to $8 58. Tbe female teach ers in 1681 were paid 64.21 s week, which sum has been increased to $5.01 in 1884. The steamer of Linn Eogine Co. No. 2 is being repaired, and hsnce will not be in a condition to be used for eight or ten days. Our citizens are cautioned about being more than ordinarily careful during the time. An emigrant who recently came to East ern Oregon had $3,000 hid in his stove. Tbe other nuht it was feund missing. He had made a mark on the neck of all the eagles, so they can be identified if caught. In view of the many accidents occurring, C W Watte, Agent for the Travellers Ac cident and Life Insurance Company, urges all business men or men in any trade to in sure in his company. This is well pot in. It has been claimed that tbe bobbles in the coffee cup after su?ar has been placed in it, will indicate coming weather. A friend who has been experimenting in the matter finds that it is about a reliable as a frog in a spring. Prof Condon, of the State University, is delivering lectures on the subject of geology in different parts of tbe State. He should be induced to come here, as he is a thorough student in his line, one of the best on the Coast. Preparations are being made for a big time at the convocation of Knights of Pythiss in this city beginning on October 14th. Seyeral Lodges will compete in the drill which it is said will be of sn interesting nature. Ladies', misses' and children's knit under wear, in great varieties of quality and prices, received direct from New York this week, at SaHCBC Yocjro' The Wtt Short for Ssptstnbsr comes te hand rreatly enlarged as well as improve A. It is devoted this msath principally to British Columbia, several good illustrations of Victoria, New Westminister, etc., being presented. C W Watts has received a tablet press, with which hs is able to pat letter heads, etc., into tablets in as skilful a manner as is noue in Ssn Francisco. This will says our merchants the trouble of sending off (or suoh work. The footings of tho assessmsnt roll of Clackamas oounty show property there valued at $2,472,887, an increase of nearly half a million dollars over last year. The amount ef indebtedness and exemption is, $1,750,000. Mr Allis Billings, while hauling wheat in Polk oounty between Perrydale and Ballston last week, fell from his wagon, upon his horses becoming frightened, and tho wagon passed over his neck nearly severing his head from his body Hs died before any one reached him. By taking ayera Sarsparilla many a poor su Merer who submits to the Surgeon's knife because of a maltigoant sorer and scrofulous swelliugs, might be saved, sound and whole. l'his will purge out the oorruptious which pollute the blood, aud by such complaints are originated and fed. A Madrid stage manager told an actress that she danced like a chicken This made her husband mad and he demanded an apolo gy, which was refused, when be plunged a dagger ia the manager's heart j a very tragic affair for a country like Spain. A year ago last Monday the Northern Pacific was formally opened ; but how bavo the mighty fallen sines thsn. Henry Villsrd and U S Grant were the heroes of the occas ion ; but a year has worked striking won ders. ViUard is buried out of aiirht and the name of Grant is hardly whispered. In the great suit against the ,'"""' " the IWific for salvage on account of goods saved at the wreckiug of that veaael about a year ago on Clatsop Spit, a verdict has just been rendered, allowing tbe salvors 64,0X0, about 9 per cent ot the valne of the goods saved. So that there may be ne delay on account of the eon reception of material for the O. R. K., several sehooaers will be or have been chartered to load at San Francisco im mediately for Yaquiua Bay with steel rails, etc. Mr Hoas will leave no stone unturned to complete tbe line to Corvallia "on time" Pott. It has been reported on good authority that one of the members of the hose team ef Rescue No. 2, of Astoria, that ran here in the late tournament, was one of Eugene City's aat runners secured for too occasion. His name is Goldsmith. It might be hoped that a company ef the reputation of the Ilescses would set stoep to such a course, bat it looks differently now. John KeoohU, of Olympia, in order to be ap with the time , lately embexxled $20,00$ from different men in that city and led. He was captured last Monday as bs got off the Queen ef the Pacific, bat only $1000 wss found on him. The Northwest may be slow in some things, bat in such matters it is as mueb of a lightning striker as any other sec tion of the United States. E T T Fisher, Ooonty Surveyor of Linn oounty, is prepared with field notes and township plats of this ooonty to correctly locate con. era of land where the same has en lost or destroyed, and will replace the aaass with permanent monuments. Persons wishing surveying done will please address him at Miller's, Liaaeoaaty, Oregon. A harvest hand oases into the city last week dead" btoke, and borrowed five dollars. Did be put it oat at interest to pay bis beard with ? No, he managed to get roped in by some tin born gamblers. The nest morning he paid back tbe five dollars, bought some clothes, sad went back is to ths country with money ir bis pocket, an eoaing to aoch stories not very common new-a-dsys Wm K Ayres, formerly of this coaaty has been nominated by the Democrats of Colum bia county, W T , for Assessor, William is s good boy. In tbe 'Auld dsye of Lsng Syne" he attended school taught by ths sen ior editor of tbia paper in Iowa We hope B;llv'' will b" elected as he ia eminently worthy th c-n6 l-mca the jl teed in him. The wartd fad d or.nHa Th--re is on I ia this eitv who c'ains o h sHI to instruct Condn, of he 8'j,' Unveeitv neve there is not a iUHPw ditrnond in Albaav, aad i.rof-a-s o hn n'l- fce it t-n with won- bit) ImK'Ci rw rtr d It ao tnany r Irr i iif I" in Mm s hi , iod twee 'a i ova . ti d i ifhotif i i h- a I ej Li fi rtnsx !s i r Iraf . S oi -eet wbt-a tsj shot w- raid " 10 eeV I of ass, 2 i.u-k th acre htin( n-l 5'5 M "f rsa rnsd'-r in rtit ws, not, rr. jk ..... s ! I . and sr- Oih' ee ! raised from whec It ai 'he. are a'ixiu to learn tbe procaa, mum geueia'ly sell far one-half tbe price of wheat. Not bf.vlug tbe receipt we can ooly admit tnat it was simply a "newspaper bull . " The seed sswn was oats. Superintendent Otis Sprague.of tbe North- Pacific has issued s circular announcing that a reduction is mads in wages of conductors, brskemen and train begjsge masters on tbe Pacific division of tbe Northern Pacific. Passenger conductors are to receive the ssms as heretofore $100 per month ; freight con ductors are reduced from evu to sao per month ; paasenger and freight brskemen, from CO to $55 per month, end baggage masters to 665. Tbe reduction went into effect on the 1st inst. Brunswick, N. J , is shken to the very center by the worst beatX failure and series of suicides yet chronicled in the United States, Csshier HiU, of the National Bank, speculated with $7,000,000 of money be longing to depositors and lost it all . Mon day he committed suicide, and the President of the bank followed suit, else a depositor erv i t . , a. a ss itnnareas in the city are ruined end mors suicides are looked for. Nearly everybody in the place is said to be wild. Oregon may be a Webfoot country and very lonesome off in this extreme corner of the world ; but when it comes to faat run ning horses it is decidedly np to tbe times. Oregon horses have the best time st ths fol lowing distances : Hickory Jim. 1200 yards in 1:10 ; Jim Renwiok, mile, l.OOi ; Blue Mountain Belle, mils snd repeat, 0:49,0.48, Olitips, by imp, Leamington, has the credit ef the best mile, bnt in fact Susie S., of Baker City, Or., made the djstanee in 0:47ft, Olmpas time being 0472. An Indian confined in the jail at Cheney, W. T., was taken out last Sunday night by a mob oi lynchers, a rope was tied to his neek, one end waa thrown ever the limb of a tree and then je. ked d iwn, suspending him in mid air, which proved too much for his nerves and he soon died. His brothers are said to be donning their war paint. A marriage occurred at Eagle Point Thurs day night says the Asbla id Tulinya in which the respective ages of the bride and groom were rather remarkable. H G Shock Ihe birdegrooro, is 64 years of age, and Mrs Wooley, the blushing bride, is 83. A dance followed the wedding ceremony, the bride participating with high glee. This Is hardly a oass of "January and May." Perhaps we might call it October and December. Bishop Cranberry of the M E Church South preached an excellent sermon in the church in this city on Wednesday evening to a good congregation. Attention is called to tbe adv. of Jaa Medy in another column. Mr Mady keeps a first class restaurant, and deserves the best patron age. For fresh oysters his will be tbe place to go during the winter. The first ef the year ws published s list of marriageable young men in this city, with the hope that the yeung ladies of Albany would take advantage of its being leap year. As yet only three of tbe number have been captured. Nearly four months remain, and it is hoped something will be done before 1885. Appearances indicate that several young ladies are becoming desperate and substantial results may be looked for. Here it is again. "Shot for a bear," aays the Standard : "Geo Hoaghill while out huutiug about six miles below Raisins, was mistaken for a bear by his friend and shot in the left leg below the knee, shattering tbe hone. He was brought to this city and tak en to St Vincent's Hospital, where be is un der treatment of Drs Say lor and W K Joass. The leg will probably hsve to come off. " Linn is not the only ooonty in Oregon that can beast of a peculiar horse. The Dalles Times-Monntaineer says : We are informed by parties who have seen the curi osity, that Mr A J Wall living about one half mile beyond Eight Mile creek, has a colt which ia spotted almost like a asbra. The spots are regularly and ran longitudin ally around the body. Tbe dams sad sirs of this colt were ordinarily colored horses, and the peculiar condition of their offspring is s freak of nature. The following from tbe WtM Side ia tbe kind of items tbst may be looked for now on the subject of Chinese hop pickers. "Mr. Beards ley, proprietor of s bop yard near Kola, employed chinamen to pick fur him this year. A day's trial of the pig-tail hea thens satisfied him, and he concluded "they must go," and ran them off. He says they do not pick them clean, and has employed Indians instead. We understand though these rat-and-rtoe-eaters do pick for leas money, tbey are dear hands, 'allee aamee.' ' All tbe Celestial ia good for is to saw wood and work among oak grubs. Following ts a earn mar y of the assessment of property in Coos county for the year 1884. ss compiled trom the returns of Assessor Marlocker ; Number of acres of land, 2CS,- $17 value, $927, 825 -, value of town lots, fl8'..SOU ; value of improvement $40,077 ; value of merchandise sad implement, $232,- 330 ; money, notes, mortgages, etc,, $2&6, , 689 ; bouse sold furniture, watches, etc., 845.436 ; number horses and molts. 1286 value, $41,04$ ; number cattle. MoT value, $114,239 ; number sheep, 9172 -value, $10 352 ; number swine, 4328 valae, $8641 gross value of all property, 11,815.334 ; in debtedness within tbe state, $318,982 ; ex emption, $182,265 ; total amount of taxa ble property. $1,383,197 ; total number of pells, 1196 ; total number of polls paid. $6 Is. Among the many threshing accidents tbe following is aa account of about the worst yet chronicled this season i "Last Thurs day while working with s threshing machine at tbe reach of Soon Warwick, near t.oldee dale, Mooes Clausen, a young man aged ti years, sad s neighbor of Mr Warwick, was accidentally knocked by a derrick fork from the feeder's table on the cylinder. His left foot and op to the knee was instantly maagl ed into mince meat, sad bad not the ma-1 chine at once stopped the whole limb and possibly the body wouldave been ground to powd-r They had to take tbe machine apart to get him oat. and then he was brought to town as rapidly aa puseibU, when sur- geona immediately proceeded to amputate the limb about half way between tbe knee be done for the porpoaa of imparting ac aod tbe thigh. Tbe yoaog man displayed tual w led em. and not to see hew msny w nderful nerve from tbe beginning and is doing remarkably wed considering the ter rises shock to the nervous system." SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr tf Hndr cam ovsr from PrioeviHe thf first f the week Henry Barmeater. ef Fnnsville, has been ia the city this weak. Hon F. A. Watts returned from s tnp ta Ashland lat Satnrdry. Thos L Wiu-. , tly tf Lebanon, be. rsn clerking 1st N H A I n, yesterdsy. t- 'raw for. la his i dee ion. i)r J P vV.ch h n I vi 1 1. ere he Wi'i (a-t"- Charles Q Rideout r rarned from Cslifor. nia last ''"urday evemn.-. having been there several mo iih in tbe lot-res of Bst A Alt house. Mr Jtrn Fitzpatriak, of Hake Oven, W cocoon', re urned borne yesterday. after a eojoun her- of a week. We received a plvarant call from him. MrN J Henton and Mrs Thos Monteith I arrived in Okaloosa, Iowa, Wednesday morn ing at3 o'clock, after a journey of Ave and one-half days quick time. Simon Seitenbach ret a red from an extend ed trip te San Francisco last week, much im proved in health. While there he purchased a large stock of goods for Monteith A Sei tea bach. Mr Walter Thayer, a representative of tbe Portland iYswr, was in tho city Wednesday in the interest of thst paper. Ths A'eir bss improved greatly under its present manage ment. Oscar Blount started for Ashland last week utending to make that bis future home. Before going a pleasant supriso party was given in bis honor at tbe residence of J W Chamberlain. The first of the week Hon R ( S Strahan, 0 W Watts, J J Du braille and W fi Scott returned from the Mountains with many hams, fish and reports of an excellent time. They killed nine deer and oaught several hundred tront. Had varied experiences in hunting, accounts of which will soon be rife, and are to be completely relied upon partic ularly after passing through several hands. Just received a fine line of dry goods, dress goods and notions, direct from New York, bought for caih, and the best goods ever sold for the price, at SaJfOKX . YOUNO 8. Literary Society. Tne M E Literary Sooiety met again last Friday evening after an interval of several months. The following officers were elected for the coming winter : C Q Rideout President. Ida Knox -Vice President, Frank. Kenton Treasurer. Mason Brink Secretary, Etta Stitea Organist. M Judy Critic. e Bteest This. New goods, are new arriying at N H Allen's. New styles of dress goods and the latest novel ie in all lines are now being re eeived which will be sold at bed reck prices fee sash or produco. COUNTY (M KT MliPTBIIUKK rCKtf (J. J. Whitney, Judge, A Osadts, and David Mayers, Commissioners. Applloatlon of Jaa MoHargua, otal, for iooatlen of County road continued, Bids for building McDowell Creek Bridge wore opened, and tho contract was let to Ht John a Stone for $606, roes In State agt dineed alio wad. 0 U Burkhurt, countable, was allowed fees in oases of State agt Bt Clair, King, Comely, and Marshall and Hoed, as cor rected. inn or John A Crawford i ,t $3, water rent for July, disallowed. DVB Held appointed to examine school map made by 1' A Meees aod report In 00 days. Bill of A B Mcl twain, 8, for paupers, continued. Bill of P Hyde for nervines in State agt l'ineiidurfor disallowed, Tbe matter of building a bridge at Ma nama wai continued until tho January term. Tho matter or building a bridge over Powers slough was Indefinitely postponed, In the matter of building br dge near Otto Grimms, Nupervlsor was ordered to niovs bridgn without expense to tho coun ty. John McCieo was granted a boot. Bill of P a Mosee, $5, for balance ou count disallowed. It'll ef Or ti A Davis for modinat servi ces, $86, disallowed. Applloatlon or lien Holoomb. a pauper, to change boarding house, and for extras, was disallowed. Applloatlon of Ketella Rocker for schol arship in Uni varsity at Kugene granted. Ordered that I) Mayer prepare plans for breakwater near bmnderson bridge, end thst notice be given aud eaaled bids he received, and contract be let at next term or court. Ira Hawley allowed $7.J, reduction or Ordered that J J Whitney have neces sary repairs made to roor or the Court Hause, aud olao let contract for sawing wood, Ihe following bills worn allowed ; J M Powell, inediciuo for MrMim,..s 1.60 Koabay A Mason, bal on bill W.69 u avnurews, tee aa clerk. J M Irving, pontage VmUtr Ullnw wiuul l&S.no o.oe 46.20 H...UU Slices A Muting, priming weeay matt, luintmr Fosh ay A Msnou, stationary litirkbart Mlyeu. laelmc MnOUi to poor farm a.ou v II Holmes aa Dim Ally W M Doueim,iiide lor MmNiats, ... J rFl'harlteu, ShfTn fees ti KCbatnberisiii, Dr J L Hill.Dr E L Irvine, examining ULuusm for Insanity, each (illbert lire A W Conper,luinlr... Koblnaon A Went, lumier o.se 10.00 01. w 6.00 Z4.W 8.67 aa.33 .'.ISO 76.00 10.41 ie.no H.OU 10.56 fl Faweti, 1 mot aalsr v. t it ,r.. '- f ee M . J J Whitney, salary. D Meyers,ffiaa A Condrs.feen J K Charlton, fee ... a - i D Meyers, viewing bridge . . ! Srhsoli 8c hoe Is are now beginning, or will soon begin all over tbe county, and the fact Is naoro of an event tban i pniencsgO'l bj roost of the UaMOCKAT'e many readers. It Is mueb to the teachers, much to the students and much to the different com munition. A good school speaks fer a locality ; but, as some eeem to think, it is not the toscber alone who mak-a It good ; be is sn important rclor ; but, as wall, tbe students and parents ptav leading parts la tbe drama. A good teacher wtih bad scholars la not to be eavted any mere than a hen who would try to Instruct a den of foxes ; sad good scholars with s bad teacher bad better be a buid of sheep with a woir aa leader. Too maay of tbe teachers are bad, too many of fbe scholars are bad, and too many of tho parent do not appreciate tbe poeitlon. rare should be taken te get as good Instructors as the pay offered will warrant and parents ohould give their children soma sound example aa to behavior. Teaching should books can be skimmed through. Maay parents eeem to care more for being able) to amy their child ran bavo "gone through' nuch and such books in one term, than they do abent what they have actually learned ; and. mny leave hers, knowing tbia wesknese. do their beet te eatlafy it j In some usees working aa Injustice to tbero. We went nrstelas schools, and In order to got them, teachers, scholars and parent must w.,rk hear, and head together the main object being to hsve "bildren learn. Far ktoeefcwrg. There n big ruh at the foundry of Cherry A Parke, however doll matters may be In thn wheat market. That enter- prising firm are now at work on the front for three large bricks for Roseburg, to take the place of some of tbe frames re yntly burned. They are being put up by Sheridan Brothers and Mr Hamilton. These fronts are being gotten up In tbe i-ei style, dispisying art and taste. The pilasters are to be ornamented with well shaped beads and other attractive figures. showing the enterprise of Roseburg firms and their confidence in presenting good fronts. One of tbs lintels ia thirty-two feet long, and ia a heavy piece of iron. Tbe whole three represents a good con tract for ao Albany firm. Cherry A Parke are doing a largo business in this l!ne,a'nd tbe fact that they have already filled a large number of orders for fronts all through the valley and tbey continue to come, shows what general satisfaction ia being given. Krdarilea la prire ef SJreeerles On account ef the dull times and to make things in keeping with the low print of wheat Hoffman A Joseph will sell groceries at a great reduction in price. Their stock is nrat-olass, Those desiring bargains in groceries should call on them. A dollar saved is a dollar earned, and this is business. City Schools. The City Schools began last Mondsy morn ing with a fair attendance and good pros pects. If the children of Albany do not leara it is not because we have not an excel lent corps of teachers. Prof Hill and Misses Alexander, Allison and Sparks are located in the Central building, Miss Ktrkpatriok in tbe Eaat Ward and Mias Howard in the West Ward. Step Here. T H Allen has received from New York some ef those celebrated everlasting hip cor sets, also health, nursing and misses corsets constantly on band. w. c. r. ir. Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. next Taeaday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Secretary. A. B. Mellwala Keeps one ef the finest stocks of boots and shoe in the valley, at prices that will pi you Call and examine them. ItlHsTt The farmer who has rushed matters aud got his whsat threshed before the present heavy tain storm, is a very fortunate man ; the one who, either through natural slow ness, or from good causes, still has his wheat standing or iu shooks,is an unfortunate man, the way the world goes. The former even if ho only gets RO cents s bushel, is to con gratulate himself ; the letter, from present indications will have to use his whsat for heg end ehicken feed, and deserves the sympathy of all. As to the amount of wheat net threshed, take tbe whols oounty, and It probably will foot up to about one-fourth. This mostly Is in the southern part of ths county. Un the Albsny prairie it is nearly all threshed, what is remsiniug being meetly oats. Homotliog can be ascertained on this point from the amount yet to be done by the different threahinjr .ootiinanies. Scott A Morgan only had two hours work to do, and they have bad a large run. Gilmour A Wat kins, two or three days. Hackleiaea A Bridges, nearly two weeks and etbsr com panies, more or Jess. He tbe matter is not ss bad as it might be ; it is bad enough ; yet individual oases sre reported where s great hardship is beiog worked. While it may hurt some, It will not bankrupt ths whose sou uty, nor is at an occasion that calls for all long Mid no broad faces. It might be much wprse, and as well much better. Not withstanding the injury done times will be st least fair in Oregon during the next year. Mark that. Cue thing the present state uf affairs im presses on many is tbst wheat can not he depended on alone. A diversified crop must be raised. It does not bring in as much money iu a balk, but it brings in as much is the course of the yesr, with s leas expense account. Agricultural matters should so be arranged thst even if wbest wars to fail entire ly there ould be enough ether things te keep uae above board. We know of farmers in this ooenty who sell ei oa h butter, eggs, t , to pay all of their family espouses. rare ta fair Following are the rates which will be hsrgeo by the OA CUB Co. to and, from the Htale Kalr, to enet In Salem next week, tickets to tie good from Sept. IS to snd inoluslvs of Sept. Z. From Mprlnudeld to fair around and return fd.45. Krom Kugeno te fair around and re turn .2o. from Irving to fair grounds snd return f.J'J0. From I. ii per' to fair grouods and re turu $3.80. From Junction to fair grounds and re turn 3 16, From Hsrrlaburg to fair grounds and return $3.20. From Muddy to fair grouods and re turn $3.60. From U)aey to fair grounds end return $S.7i, Fmm Nhedd's to fair grounds and re turn $2 35. From I angent to fair grounds and re turn $2 05. From fiObanen to fair grouods snd re turn r-.-. From IrvlnvlJle to fsir grounds snd re turn $1.06, From Lebanon Junction to fair grounds aad return $2 66. From creuor to fair grounds and return $xoo. From Ooltra to fair grouods and return $t.to. From Fry to fair grouods aod return U.K.',. From Frosnsu te fair grounds and re tarn $1.7'.. From Albany to fair grounds and re turn gl.05. From Miller's to fair grounds and re turn $1.46. From Jefferson to fsir grounds aad re turn $1 If, From Marion to fair grounds and re turn $:.oe. From Turner to fair grounds and re turn .75 From Rioeks to fair grounds and return .so. riae aalUaas W U (traham has just received as fine aad large a liae of auittnga aa can bs found is the Valley. They embrace the latest designs of fereigo snd American goods, the plaids pre vailing in figures thst are bound to take. Ia keeping with the times be will make up suits for 822. "0 to $50, a marked reduction in price ; and pan la from $6 to $12. Suck aa opimrtuuity to get fine tailor made suite as ohesp has never before been offered here. Mr Oraham asks that all at least call snd examioe his stock sad prices. Tell Veer iiaasr Thst tbe fail stock of general merchandise has srrived st Monteith A Soitenbaeh's sad that it embraces tbe finest selections in every department ; their stock of dress goods chel langea comparison with any assortment ever shown in the valley for newness of style and c leaks ieaigua ; also call their attention to the fact that they have a fine assortment of dress silks and satins in black aud colored, ia short thst svery department is full of attrac tive goods and th.t they are invited to cal aad inspect the same. Te waea it Ceaeera. Onr account are in the hands of C E Wol vorton for collection, whe is authorised te receive aud receipt for money in onr names. Smith A McCaaTHBY. Sspt 8th, 1884. Teeeaer wasted. School District No. 21 la this county wants te employ a school teacher fer a six montus school. Address E. A. Hester, Rock Creek, Llna oounty, Or. Vail tech s' sm now receiving my fall stook of la dies', misses', children's, men's and boy's boots and shoes. These goods are bought direct from the manufacturers for cash, no middlemen. All goods warranted as repre sented. Sauuxl E. Yoono. Sur coal Any person having charcoal to sell will find a customer by calling on John Briggs, the tinner, of this oily. rablle aasslaatlea. There will be a public r amioatlon of teachers ou September 26lh and 27tb, 1884 at Albany, D. V. S. Rkid, County School Superintendent Musical Hoods. Having bought tbe stook of musical goods of J. H. Daniels, retired, we invite tbe people who need anything in that line to give ns a oall. Special attention given to orders for sheet mnsio. Will Bros., Gum Storb. Boots sad Shoes. N H Allen has now a fine line of boots and shoes, while for Dries and quality tbey can't be equalled in the valley. PLAIN TALK. a rtasa sasjeets. r A FLAtW CHAP. What Is there In tble story tbey are telling about France, and how she loot fifteen million dollars threngh ber own laches, aad then pitched into the poor miserable Celestial to get It back. Some thing about Totiquia aud Foo Cbow Is brought In, aod that is about all we know about it ; bnt it is enough. We re getting tired la America ef bearing so many stories of oppression, in wblcb one or two European nations try to die tate to the heathen nations of tbe world, and even get down to fighting Zulu Indians, Houdans and Chinamen Once England fought France, France fought Germany, RuMia fougbt Turkey, and soon ; which showed some man hood, ifthere can be any in war ; bnt how have the mlgbty fallen, England gets down to fighting with Cannibals, and France with Ignorant heathens We cannot look on with cecpoeure. a. Speaking of tbe war between Chins. aud France, the report tell u Just what we who know the elestiuls ao well naturally expoet, and tbat is tbst Cbinsman has no more fight In him than a boy fed en cake. Meet of tbe readers of tbe Dbmocat bare Men a heil of Celestials stringing along to gether, no two even, every man fer himself, and with the utmost confus ion, well that la tLe way tbey go into a battle, and they naturally get routed. One determined American could "tbraah" a dozen rice eaters Moat of tbe present Chinese army Is composed ofCeotiee; good only to do scrub work. They have tried to make them fight, but they only yell, "me no fight, me clean guns," and that expresses the whols value ef the Chinese army, for whtn a majority of a regiment wants to clean guns, rest assured there will not be much blood shed by them. a- One of the most reprehensible prac tice in6regon ia the killing of deer for their pelts. A bis quietus should be put to this business, or we soon Willi have to live on common beef steak. Beside it Is cruel, inbumau A pelt ill only brlog thirty cents to a dollar, and when a man sloops to slaughtering doer for fifty cent even, he is lowering himself to their level, Henry Bergli needs to operate inOreg n awhile. We are a very awkward set of people, all el us. We did uet always thiuk this. but science baa now revealed if, In all ts roughness. Instantaneous photo graphy shows us bow ungainly we are. In tbe late tournament during the bose couteet- we could bear on all sides such exclamstioos as this, Hew beautifully they run,'' aod tbe boys completely captivated ths girls by their fine appearance- Juel then our photo grapher "piped them off," aod those who have aeon the picture krnow what a very awkward figure tbey were cut ting, angular, elbows akimbo, legs screwed around, beads distorted and bodies twisted ; but if thle could be said ef the runners more could be utter ed of the observers who got caught napping ia moat ridiculous positions; among others a young merchant got 1 excited and cheered the Salem team In a very "slab aided'' posture. This in- atautaaeous photography is a great thing, aod will be tbe means of ca sing new practices by artists aud consequent ly more lifelike piotures. Tbe manner ef horses running and trotting ia com pletely revolutionised, twelve different pesitisns in order in a single stride having been taken, not much to the reputation ef the animal for grace and beauty Carritd into some fields peo ple will be aatoulahed at the picture presented. M. B. I ks smth. Following are tbe appointm ente made for the Oregon District, st Dayton, W. T., last K G Michael. P E T B White, Oregon City. U W Patty, Lafayette. C C McGlaughlin, Tillamook. J R N Bell, Dallas. C H Cat sou, Albany aod Tangent. it E L f'olsom, (JorvaUis. D U McFarland, Lebanon. U W Quimby, Junction City. BP Sharp. Roseburg. J Austin, Jacksonville. J W Shneve, Applegate. J R Roberta, Myrtle Creek. H B Swafford, Coqurlle. Joa Emery, College at Corvallia. Ullll II --. .11 I Fer Sale. Sixty or seventy head of extra good took sheep Inquire of the undersign ed one mile eaat of Albany. F. Q. Bl'RKUAKT, t leasts t 1 leasts 1 Cloaks ! I have just received say fall stock of cloaks for ladies, misses, and children. These goods are bought directly of the manufasturera fer cash, snd will be sold right. SaJtuxL E. Torso. Leek At those new laces and embroideries st N H Alien's, they are just iesmesss aad at un heard of low prices. Te Tebaeee Sewers Cell and gst a sample of tbat A 1 tobacco st A. B. McIlwain's. MADY'S Lunch House Restaurant S 8 3 Two doors East of Odd Fellow Teanplo, ALBANY, 0REG0I I a a 1 19 MEALS IT ALL HOURS ALL PRICKS. ARB Eastern, Shoal water aid Yaquiua Bay Oysters. OYwTEfK ILWm QN m 9 BOKV OWEN. On the 5th, 1884, near Miller's, to the wife of Robert S Owen a daughter. HABtftlED. PERKINS ANDERSON. On Monday, Sspt. 8th, 1884, In Albany, by George Humphrey, J, P., Mr Louis Perkins and Miss Ida Anderson, a 12 - tei3 c 5 E3 txi O 4 CO W o tti O o GO p H CO CT CD o n CD CO CD O O 7 CD I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of goo 1 meats ( at bottom pi ices. ALBANY, CRECON. if a BZSBBBBBBr "SBXUBJBBBBBBBmHKSBBSBBBBBy JIT- - 'SS-ej6i Sea Lion Silver Polish, This polish is manufactured from sob marine vegetable substances and will net mark or scratch the softest metal, Fer cleaning and polishing line plated ware. jewelry and glass, we challenge tbe world Tor its equal, ssmpie ooxes ssot bv mail for 25 cents, liberal discount te? a jenta and wholesale dealers. Address Albany, Oregoo. - Of either sex admitted to the PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE On any week-day of the year. The College Journal, containing informa tion of the course of study, rates of tuition, board, examinations, etc., and cute of plain at.d ornamental penmanship, free. Address, A. P. ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 104. Poartjrn, Oa. ftf In writing, please mention this paper. Attention. '.Parties residing in tawa, who are will ing to board students at moderate rate, will please communicate that fact, at an early date to E, N, Oeiroxr, rpr taident ef Albany Collegiate Institute, & 5a E3 CO sm MSSKL'T Ti 'tlBBBBBBBBBBR,'