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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW HILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the antl nm River, opposite Wnter- oo Soda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Post-office, Waterloo, Or. tarrh Director, U. P. Ciit ROH. Prcchinc every Sabbath, at 11 a. M.. and 7 P. M. by Rev. ?. II. lr vin. D. 1. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. U fTayer meeting every Wedueasday ev cuing Evangelical Chckck. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m.. ami 74 P. l Sabbath School 12:16. lrayer meeting every Thura day evening. J. A. llolleubaugh, jtastor. Cong nxa ation vi. Cur rcu. Servieeaevery Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 p. at. Sabbath Srhnnl at 2 .:!. r raver meeting on Thnnutav cvnnini? of each week. J. W, Harris, pastor. M. R Church. Socth. Services held everv Sabbath at St Paul s M.E. Church, South, at 1 1 a. u. Sabbath School at 2 30 y. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenug. t. IL Carson, pastor. M. E. Citt'RCH. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 74 p. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Kev. M. Judy, pastor. Presbyterian Cuikch. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbm andriith Sts. &unuayciKKv at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac 11. Gondii pastor. Christian Cmcrch. Preaching every Sab oath at W. C. T. I". 11 a. at & 7:30 m. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock p. m. Rev J T Floyd, pastoi. First Baptist Chcbcii. Preaching every Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock am., at Church on 5ta Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Brownson, pastor. The great slreagta raleg reuwdy ami nerve u hm anniMw - ull vt over twenty year at practical sssssflSBSf, THUKUl I. M 1 1 Ol lllHHi SiKASa. ATI) FH1M IA"S t one of the lushest med ical college u t-uruiMf. and cuni m ith anraiiiag ice.-Uiity StnuttJ and ysieat debility. J we rfaoea. prustatorSoea, i ux iot aaajr. exhausted vitatitr, mature decline axku lots manhood in all it cotnpUcatwtis and from whatever c tt produced. It enriches and purines the blood Strengthens the nerves, brain, muscle, dijresuon, re niv.lutif nnmiul uhraical and mental faculues- It atnna inr unnatural. Jebilitaliu drain opon the system, preveausr inroiuntary losses. dmms Haminal loaaea with the unite. tractive to mind and body. It is s sure eliminator eg all kidney and bladder complaints. It i I anas no injurious ingredients. To those u9erinp from the evd effects of youthful indiscretion, a speedy, thor ough and pennaneat curs is GUARANTEED, Price 50 per bottle, or fire bottle in esse, with foil di rections and advice, $lu. Sent secure from obrnra tioti to any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. D., be had only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, flC Kearney at-. Baa rmeeiseo. Cat- CWsuJtatioos strictly confidenual by letter or at De FREE. For the convenience of patient and in s der to insure perfect secrecy I have addopted a pri v tie address under which ail packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. . efficient to show its merits, will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating his symptoms and C jnmjUB-cation strictly confident id, ge- Dr. SPIWEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all fare ale aad Special Diseases. YOXJIVci MEN ITTHOXAl- BE ftTEEEKlNC; IBOW Tf g effcts of youthful follies or huiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, thegreaiest boon ever bud at the altar of rnffering humanity. DR. .SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit $.ofor every case Seminale weakness or private disease of any kind or c jsacter which be ontierlakes and (aiiic to core, H1DDLE-ACLD Mt. There are many at toe age of thirty-flt eodxty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning tie and a weakening of the system in s manner e patient cannot account for. On examining the orinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found tod sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, -r the color will te of a thin milkish hue, again chang ing to s dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. B. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such esses, sad healthy restoration of the geni to-urinary organs. Omci Hocks 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 toll a. a. Consultation free. Thorough exminstisr nd advice, 95. For private diseases of short standing s lull course medicine sufficient for s cure, with all instructions, w ill be lent to any a-idress t-n receipt of 10 00. Call ldress, DB- SriXXET st ., 71 Ko. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DB- GIBBON'S Dispensary. i)Q BEABMY T., Ui40 corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco i Established in 1854, tor I the treatment of Sexual land Seminal Diseases, such CWtaorrbea, tiled. Slrlrture.Hyphlllsm;.: aCWswswswswswswswHBweits forms, lasoateacv Seailaal Weakaess. niifht losses by dream, i.ira pies or- the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured, l he sick and atmcteu should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various ooepi- iala there, obtaining a gisat deal of valuable mionna tion, u hich he is competent to imiiart to those in need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he efiect a cure, rersons at a distance HAW BE t'lttEU AT HOME. All cor tnunication strictly corifidentiaL You see no one bu. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Dec-tor will please state the name of the paper they nee tnis advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1957. San Francisco. The Doctor cures when others fail. Try him, vl5n43 The Great English Reme- I Is a never failinsr cure for iNervous Debility, BeminaJ I Weakness, Exhausted Vi Unity, Spermatorrhoea, 1ILOM HA.VHUUU, im- I potency, Paralysis, and s0 terrible effects of Self Abuie, youthful follies,and tj(Knm mat u rer years- such as loan of Memory. Lassitude, Emission, Aver- to Society. Dimness of ilon, .Noises in the Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death. OK. MISTIE will agree to forfeit Five M aad red Dollars for a case of this kind the Vital Bestera live (under his special advice and tretmer-t wt' not cure or for anything impure or injurious found In it. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation free. Thorough ex amination and advice including analysis of urine, Ab. Price of Vital Restorative, SI., Vj a bottle, or four times the quantity fcf , sent to any address upon receipt of price or C. O. 1, secure from observation and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, CaU Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, stating symptom, sex id age. Communications strictly confidential. Dr, Mintie's Kidney Remedy, Nepbreticum, cures all kiud of kidney and bladder complaints,s;onorrhuea, gleet, leouchorrfatea. For sale by all druggists fl a bottle or six bottles for go. Or. Mintie s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheap est Dyepeisia and Bilious cure in the market. For sale by all dnundets. for the working class Send 10 cents for posug and we will mail free. a royal vaiuaoie box of seuiple goods t' tflff-srill pat you in the way of rusk ing more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the time or iawpare time only. The work is universally adopted to both sexes, yoaaf and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to every evening. That all who want work may test the businegg.we make this unparapllel ed offer ; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to' pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc, sent free, . Fortunes will be made by those who give ti e t whole .time to the work. Onat success absolut: y suie. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stiksox A C., Portlsnd, Maine. ,iLLd not IlliaWIVIslI iinissssii isa ill ! I I in Ml II MlTajAllUII Illbisas f tnni MUM; BBVaaaVsVHslaVafanBaWnj BSBneMBBi dy it MjmM Tttr. OR, LIEBIC Private sVUpenaarv. 400 0rv tit., Han Franctsuo Call Conducted by tiuallfled Physlclnus and Hurgeons regtilar graduate. gm The Oldest specialists In tlio , Vh lied Malts, life-long sxwrioiHe, I idet mtthed slid purs medicine, lumte ij rulv and perntsnent cure I all Pitvale, threiiic and Nsrvou lHa Affect Ion ol the Blood, Willi, Kldnev, Watlder, Kntplluiia, l; leers, Did Sores, Swelllug ol the 'Hands, Sor Moutn, inroatiwne 'Paliis.ttcnnaiieitt'y cured and cradl cnleil from the system lor life. KfcttYlots uebiuty, naasetaay, Seminal l-oasos, Sexual Decay, Men tat and I'hv steal Weakness, ratlin Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted IH O vclofment,lmpedtmciiU lo lrrtir etc., from sxev t manful MIIn. mf. t rany causs, Ppeedtly, safely aim privately cured. Z Isaac UlUdle- tgrd and Old men. and all who need medical satll Z Md exerisneet consult Die old lag Eurvuiean I'hyalclan at once. Hi I ........... ..... opinion nv nvmionf, ti. a futuie mlaerv and hHine. When Inconvenient to llt Ue city for trwalmr-iit melclne ian oo s'n norjwireni o, TlMSlTuatsai oWrvatlon. It t. self-evident that TESSAS Bvc hi whole attsnUon U) a olaa ySESSrjZSIZmt .kill, and phy.tcian.lhrv.UKh out theeoimlry.kuowtmi this. fwiucnUy iwrnumnJ dtAcu t i-aae to tne wu 'l i " " ' ' L . i rmiiisl is used. The lKtorag aim cMrtence make hi opinion of .upremo Imjs.rUnce. aasfSjaai who call see no one but the PncUir. ton ultatloiui tree and aacrevlly cmttdenUal. Daea which have failed In oblalntiiK relief elaewljero i.jhw iallv solicited. Kemaie uiaraws nr wmn j inl. iv.t.., -Ml aurre U fortelt ll.lW) for a caao llll dertaken. not cured. Call or writs. Hours, daily. from it to S aasajaai : Sundays, 10 lo w u hmhI for the Sanllaii.t Guide hi Health. ant tree. Address a aboxx Bat. UEMwa. Voaderfal liermaa lavlgorator Pennanently invents all l unatund bosses trom the vstem, tones the nerve, trenitthen the uiuacles, check the waste, invigorate the whole ylero, and reatorss the afflicted lo Health and llailmws. Tk tMin so manv cannot set iurl of Remittal vvMk.,M l.o of Manhood, etc.. la owln to a com tili.-mtioii calle! ITostatorrhca with Ilyi-eraetheaia. L 1.1..K k.,iIim iH-uliar treatment. Dr. l.lebig"s In hssrator is the nly Ksitl cure for ProstatorrheA, with vecullar Kcial treatuwnt, used at the i.i. b..- 1 iiaikaviisfi r uf lntlcoralor. 1. Case if 1 bottles $10. Sent to any aldrcs. eovcrod iecure'.y trvm ob acrvation. M.wt nowerful ejecUic lelt.H free to tlenU. To prove the wonderful iwcr ol the luvliterator. A Battle Ulvea ar sent irrr. Couaulutlon free and private. Call or address ukbii; yiy. 4O0 Uearr Strwot, San r'raMciseo, ( si. Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, four block u Geary Street from Kearney, Main entrance throug Dispensary Drug Store. DR. ALLEN'S PRIVATE DIIK-tKl. to, tiearay street, aaa l C'al.. EsTASUsnaa roa tub Scissrmc ass srsasT Oat or Cuaoxtc, Naavot s asp ftrsrsAL Dusaas THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLEN. AS IS WKLL KNOWN, IS A MB ular gradtiatcd Physician, Wucalcd at llowdoin t'otleg-c and I civcaaty of Michigan. He ha dsvwtsd a lifetime to the sifroy of aad is at know U.l,-tl to oe the nwst expert Student in hi specialty on the Pa cific Coast And middle-aged men, who sre sufferins' from the eCtcta of youthful tndiscreuon or exeeeaea In asv turer years, nervous and uhyaical debility, impo tence, lost manhood, confusion of Ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, dcspot!eacy, pim4esvn ta face, loss of energy and memory', frequency uf urinat ing, etc. AsTKemembsr the Doctor has a Vegetable Coat pound. the result of many years of special ractice and hard study, which under his special advice has never failed of success in the cure of Last Manhood, prot torrfaea, etc. Mf aoHPITAL l.PtBlt I Having been aurgeon in charge f two leading hospitals) enable me lo treat all pr with excellent results I wish it dl. rivate trouble. excellent results I wih It distinctly under stood tbst I do not claim to perform impnealbillie. or te bare miraculous or supernatural mssb. I claim only to be a skillful and soceeastul Itiysician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed In my specialty DMEtsU OE MAI. Ail applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no experimenting. I will guar antee a positive curs in every ease 1 undertake, r forfeit fl .ooo Consultation to oTHce or by letter tree and strictly iriv ate. Charge reasonable. Thorough cxaminatltn, including chemical and mlcTjcp:nl analysts of urine and adrice. . (yfT.ce hour j to S daily, Clos cvcnlog. Sunday ta IS. Call on or dilrsss iiut, ttt; krarny Street, aa Cal PATENTS Obuined, and all other busii.ess7ln the t UfBce a:t.-ti lr.le.1 to fi,r ni.sleraW- leee. S Patent ur office U saasjafl the r S. Patent Office, and "ve can obtain I'aUnts lew, lira than llfe remote Washington. Send medle or drawing. We advise aa to tent ability free of charge ;and we make no marge un we obtain patent. We refer here, to the PilciaieT, Bm Sot, of Money Order Div. and Ui official of toeC. S Patent Office For circular, advice, term, and cfcrencc. o actual client in your own State or county, address Ca A. HM.OW&CO., O.ipoaiH Pxtent Office, Washington, D "HEALTH AND HOME." Port Chester N. Y, CIRCULATION 63,000. Edited by W. U. U. LE, M. D This is large eight page, forty column montbly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, bint on health, dietetics, and every tealm of modern science that tend to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make borne happy, Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Year. Address DR. W. H. HALE, 'Hpaltliandrilonip." Port Chester, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber of the Democrat who pays up or in advance. OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually Supplanted by a Betlrr Article Certain old Tlaaes are Uaar Away. In the general recepUnn room of the Western Union Telegraph building on tiroadwa. New York, arc exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru ments of the infancy of t he telegraph They are only relics now. More perfect machinery has super ssded them. Yeam ago what is styled th; old-fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There wss then noth ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and study have gone deeper into the secret of medicine ana produced BENSON'S CAPCINE POR OUS PLASTER, wbieb embodies all the excellencies thus (ar possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine is rapid ; they were uncertain the Capcine is sure. Cheaper article bear similar names. Re careful, therefore, that some thrifty druxglst does not deceive you. Price 25 cents. Scabury A Johnson, Chemist, New York. Executor's Notice of Ap pointment, Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been by the Coanty Court of Linn county, Oregon, appointed executor of the last will and testameut of o o Snyder, deceased. AU persons having claims against said estate, are notified to present tbem to the under signed at his residence in Brownsville, Or., within six montns from this date duly verlH ed as required by law. J. M. Moyek, Weathebford k Blackburn, Executor. ' Att'ys for Executor. August 20tb, 1884. Assignee's Notice, XfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL whom it may concern, that T Ander son, of Albany, Oregon, did on the 2nd day of August 1881, (be then and there be ing insolvent and unable to pay bis cred itors in full) lawfully asaigu to mc all of bis property for tbe benefit of all his cred itors. Therefore all persons having claims against said assignor, T Anderson, win utse notice of said assignment and present their claims duiv verified, to me at my place of business in Albany, Oiegon within three months after receiving notion from me of said assignment. listed this 7tb day of August, 13 4. Max Balmgart, PowBtr, & Bilyeu, Asaigree. Attorneys. JPHffapajaway Infants and Children Without Morphia or Narootlao. What gives our Children roav cheek, What eurea Ihelr fi vers, niitltoM tliom sleep; 'TU t'M.tOtllV. When llnlilea frt. and rrv by turns. What cures their colic, kills their vvonn.. Itttt ('aalorli. What quickly rurex t'oiisl Ipnlltm Sour Hlouittcl ,cn, v mil. Indlj'sllon ; llul t'n.lorlM. Fsrewell then to Morphine Hyruim, ftoiUir t'll niul l'srogorie, ami 1111 Cnatnrla. solnte onre for Rhonuatlim, Sprains, Burns. Galls, &., stud mm lnstajatAUOoaa Pain-reliever. TUTY'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. , r From theaa scraroea arise three lourthn of the dlsoaaae of tho human raco. Tlmo sjrmptoma Indicate their existenoe Ioa. of Appetite, Beat.) costive Stick Itead aeJke. fullneaa after eating, aversion to esertloa of bodr ear salad, Mraatatlon of food, IrrttaMUta of temper, I r stdrlt. A rheUaa of havt .g assaleeted lint dertr IMsslue, Finite ring at loo Heart. ISttta btrorc the svea. ItlBI njycoi- ored Urine. COMarriPATIO.'V. end tlo- tnand the use of a remedy that acta directly ontbo Liver. Aa a Liver mcd tolno TUTT'l FTI.Ulhavenoe.tuaJ. Their action on th i Kidney and Skta la also prompt ; remOTlntr all Impurities through these three acae sxssaea of the avstesa." producing apne- ttte. sound digestion, rvgul ir stools, a c ar skinandarlgoroukbotlv. TITT lII.t- causa no nausea or griping nor luierfero with dally work and arc a perfect TUTTS HAIR DYE. GkaT Hair ob Whisker changed la. atanUy to a Gumar Duacb hy a singlo ai plication of this DTK. Sold by pruggUU. or sent by express tm receipt of it. Offic-e. 44 liurrav Street. Sew York. run'8 MANUAL Of USEFUL RECtlPTS FtU. Summons. a lA Circuit Court othr Stair of Oregon for the County of Limn : Uenry Click, Plaintiff. vs. e W GUmcre, J U Watl, J T tiiltnore, B A llawley.Mancy latveitport, T W Devon Eort, Martha Kuykcndall, Nathan Kny ndall.Sarab CaasiJa.v.I. CamtJay, SUaa bath v hesaton, 1 Mv id w lioalon, Jamcn OUoinre, llobert Uilntcre, John OtitnOM and William (itlmore. To J W tiilmore, J T Uiltnore, Nathan Kuykendall, Martha Kuvkendsll, .Ha rah CaaaJslay. I.Caaalday, Kllaalietb heaton. David Wbeaton. Jaatea (HI more, Ktrt (itlmore, John tllluiore, K A llawley and v illtam Oilnioro, thirlctit ;t the alKjvc named defendants. I N THE NAME qV THK STATE OF Oregon ; s ou each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the flaintifTa com plat ui again! you now ou file with the Clerk of said Court in the above entitled suit, on or before the linst day of the next regular term of said Court to be begun nu beid si the Court tioute in Albany, Lnu county, Oregou, on Muu day ibe uTib day of October, ltfS4, that being the brat day of tbe next regular term of said Court and that tbe relief de manded in said suit is a decree against said J W i ii more for tbe sum of fAOI.Oir and 50 Attorney's fees with interest on said principal aum at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum from tbe Ant day of February, 1S83, and for tbe forecloaure of a certain mortgsge executed by Jane A Giiiuore and J W Uiltnore, on tbe Jstb day of No vember, 1881 (described in complaint) to tbe plaiullff to secure tbe payment of a certain promissory note deecribed iu plaintiffs complaint, and thai aald mort gage be foreclosed aa against ail and each of said defendants and for a decree for tbe sale of tbe following real property deacrlb. ed in said mortgage, to-wit Two lota in the town of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Said lots are situated In llack:emati'M addition to said town of Al bany, and are on the south side of T hird street. Said lots were deeded by E C Mc Lain to tbe aaid Jane A Oilmore which deed is now on record in the Clerk's office of Lien county, Oregon Said lota are tbe only ouetti) aaid Jono A (Itlmore and J VV Oilmore now own in the town of Albany, Linn county, Oregon Said tract or parcels of laud are more paiticularly known and described as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of Hiock 37 in Hacklemau's Second Addition to tbe city of Albany in Linn county, Or., and runnlug thence south on tbo west tine of said Block 113 feet ; thence east 131 feet; thence north 113 feet; thence weat 132 feet to tbe place of beginning contain ing two lou more or less, and for such other relief a may be equitable and for costs and disbursement of this nuit. This Summons is published by order of said Circuit Court which order is dated, April 21st, 1--4. R. S, Straus i. Attorney for Flfl. Summons. In tint Circuit Court of tft Htatc. of Oregon for thr. County of Linn : John Settle, ITsintilF. vs. Noah Robnett and Esther wife, Lucinda McCaU and John McCall, her bus band ana Ma.y Way and John Way, her husband, et al. Defendants. To Nbah liobnett and Esther Kobtiett, Lu cinda Medll and John McUall, Mary Way and John Way , the above named Defendants. Id tbe name of the State of Oiegon : You are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint ol the ITaintiti in the above entitled suit now on tile in tbe office of the Clerk of said Court, on or before the first dav ef the regularJOctober term of said court to be began and held on tbe 27th day, tho 4th Mon day of October, 1884 in the Court House in Linn county. Or, , after the service of this Summons upon you by publication for six consecutive weeks. And you are hereby notified, that in case you fail to appear and answer as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit : That he be decreet! and adjudged to be the owner in fee simple of tbe following described tract or parcel of land, to-wtt ; Beginning at the northeast corner of tbe John H Settle donation land claim, Not. No. 1205.. aud claims 65 and 81 in township 11,8 R 2 west, and township 12 S R 2 west, in Linn county, Oregon and run ning thence south 16 33-100 chains ; thence west 99 13-100 chains ; thence north 16 33 100 chains ; thence east 99 13-100 chains to the place of beginning and containing .one hundred and sixty and 51-100 acres, except an undivided interest amounting to two and 8-11 acres, and that said Defendants be for ever barred and estopped to claiming or as serting any right title or interest in or to the same, or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and just. This Summon is published by order of Hon It P Boise, Judge of said Court, and which order bears date of August 23rd, 1884 L. H MONTANVE, Attorney. Crop for Sale, Owing to ill health 1 wish to sell 83 acres of wheat and oats together with hay, fruit. garden, ete.. and use of bouse and bsrn uutil January. Also a good heavy team of young horses, well matched. Will sell either without the other at a bargain. jessek Dickens, 6 tubes south of Seio. FUIDAY SEPTKMBKR 5, 1884 A TOlCIIMtt l IDKNT. A toting lrls Dsmsntla Hen It wai cnloied Nome New aad aiartllai Trsttaa. The St. Louis express, on the New York Central road, was crowded oue evening recently, when at one of the way maiiou, an elderly gentleman, ac companied by a young lady, entered the care and finally secured a teat. As the conductor approached the pair, tho young lady arose, and in a pleading voice aaid : "Ploase, eir, don't let him carry me to the asylum. I am not craBy ; I am a little tired, but not mad. Oh I no iudeed. Won't you please have papa take me back homo ?" Tbo conductor, accustomed though he waa to all phases of humanity, look ud with astonishment at the pair aa did the other passengers in the vicinity. A few words from the father, however, sumced, and tbe conductor passed on while tbe joung lady turned her face to the window. Tbo writer chanced to be seated just behind the old gentleman nd could not forgo tbo desire to aeak to him. With a sad face and a tremb ling voice tbe father said : "My daughter baa been attending the seminaty in a distant town and was succeeding remarkably. Her natural qualities, together with a great ambi tion, placed her in the front ranks of the school, but she studied too closely, wss not careful of her health, and ber poor biain baa been turned. I am taking her to a private asylum where we hoe she will soon be better." At the next station the old man And his daughter left the can, but the in cident, so suggestive of Bbakspeare's Ophelia, awskened strsngn thoughts in tbe mind of tbe writer. It is an abso lute fact that while tbe population of America increased thirty tier cent dur ing tbe decade between 1870 and 1880 tbe insanity increase wai over one hun dred and thirty-five per cent for tbe same )erioo. Tiavelers by rail, by boat, or in carriages in any pan of tbe land see large and elaborate buildings, and inquire what tbey are t Insane asylums I Who builds tbem ? Kich state ; every county j hundreds of private individuals, and in all cases tbeir cspacity is tsxed to tbe utmost. Why I Because men, in business and tbe professions, women, at borne or in so ciety, and children at school overtax their mental and nervous forces by work, worry and care. Tbia brings about nervous disorders, tudigrstion snd event uslly mania. It is not alwajsMpble with the bead that causes issTfty. It far of tener arises from evils in other parts uf the body. Tbe nervous system deter -'mines the states of tbe brain. Anyone who baa periodic headaches ; occasional dizziness ; a dime ess of vision ; a ring log in the ears ; a feverish bead ; fre quent nausea or a sinking at tbo pit of t'ie stcmacb, should take warning at once. The stomach and head are in direct sympathy and if one be impaired tbe other can never bo in order. Acute dyspepsia causae more insane suicides tbau any other known agency and tbe man, woman or child whose stomscb is deranged is not and cannot be safe from the coming on at any moment of mania in some oue of lUTmsny terrible forms. The value of modetatiou and tbe itu Iterative neceasity of csre in keeping tbe stomach right must therefore be clesr to all The least appesrance of indiges tion, or mal-asaimttstton of food should be wstcbed as carefully ss the first at proach of an invsding army. Many means have been advocated for meeting such attacks, but all have heretofore been more or less defective. There can ba little doubt, however, that for the purpose of regulating the stomach, ton ing it up to proper action, keeping its nerves in a normal condition and purify ing tbe blood. Warner's Tippecanoe tbe beat, excels all anciant or recent discoveries. It is absolutely pure and vegetable ; it is certsin to add vigor to adults, while it cannot by any possibil ity injure even a child. Tbe fact that it waa need in tbe days ot the famous Harrison family is proof positive of its merit as it hss so thoroughly withstood tbe teat of lime. Aa a tonic and jre vivifier it is simply wonderful. It has relieved the agony of the stomach in thousands of oases ; soothed tbe tired nerves ; produced peaceful sleep and averted tbe coming on of a mania more to be dreaded than death itself. A 1Mb MSmAT CSWSEA. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 13.Tbe open ing democratic meeting of tbe campaign in Cohoes wss a rouser. Full 5000 persons were prosent,and no hall in tbe city being large enough to hold tbe crowd, the meeting waa held in the open air. Geo. K Simmons presided, and among the vice presidents who par ticipated were ex-Mayor Johnston, Charles F. Doyle, William Smith and Robert Johnston, all leading citizens, heretofore republicans. Hon. N. C. Mook, who supported John Kelly for the governship in 1879 against tbe regular democratic state ticket, made the principal speech. The vast audi ence whs very enthusiastic and cheers for Cleveland, Hendricks and reform were loud and hearty. The enthusiasm and determination of tbe democratic masses in tbe "spindle city" of New York is unprecedented and it looks as if tbe city would be carried by Cleve land by a decided majority. Tbe St. Louis "Globe Democrat" said before tbe nomination, "Our ob jection to Mr. B'aine is that bis nom ination would convert every Rd publican editor end rpeaker into an attorney for tbe defense in a case ot grand larcenry, and the witnesses for the prosecution would all be taken from our side," and tbe result shows that it was correct. a m: it t oayiugsot great, men: netry uiay, I would rather be right than be Lreai- x , . dent. James (jr. Blaine, I do not eel that I shall prove a deadhead Is enterprise if I once embark in it. the K0 1fAtC i on nm They got hold of a stranger in Wy oming tho ether day who bad seven mules in his possonsion belonging to aa many different men. When he failed to produce bills of sale he waa asked to dance at tbe end of a rope. He didn't urge any particular objections, but be fore being drawn up he explained : "Oeutlemen, I've been cleaned out on Wall street,busted in CbiosgOidrowned out of business in Cincinnati!, and run out of Omaha on general principles I've come bore to make a new start in life, but two hours after stealing that last mule I'm overhauled and find a nooso around my neck." They fslt sorry for bim, but, fearing that if he waa turned loose, he would turn up bankrupt in 8au Kianou-oo, be wss susjronded to the limb in first olsss business style. TH:f tilar wot: IT. 'Couldn't you, now," murmured Mary Anderson to lha London Asso ciated Press man. "Couldn't you cable to New York that I had a a soft corn successfully removed this morning ?' "WellI thst is you see, it's hardly a matter of much itnportanoe,'' stammered the news gatherer. It's i it's impracticable, I might say." 'Yes, I know," said tho only Gala tea, sadly, "but I haven't the gsll to be run over sgsin or have another dia mond robbery for at leaat a month. Besides, I'm so afraid that Lotta will get in and snub tbo Prince of Wale, my own invention, you know. Oh ! please do i" And he doed. i ok rit. reriLA-rier The foreign population in the United Htates, as taken by tbe census of 1880, la as follows: Cerraan. 1 .9GG.742 ; Irish, 1,832,400; Caoadian, 771,676; Knglisb, 602,676. The remainder U made up from France, Norway, Chins, eUaa This shows about 3,J.i,348 Cnr- msn voters, 364,458 Irish voters, 1 54,- 335 Canadian voters.end 132,535 Eng lish voters. The political bill of far this year is one of I h most varied ever ffivrn in American pontic, the roan bo can ¬ a a as. r at not be suited in the following Presiden tial cusine ought to eat crow. First we have Cleveland and Hendricks, for the Democracy ; Illaine snd Igan, for the Republicans ; St. John and Daniel, for the 1'rohtbitioniits ; Butler and West. for Cueenbackera and Labor ; Ilutler also, for ami Monopoly ; Pocneroy, for Anti Protection and Ami Secret Hocie as, and Blancherd for tbe Nationa Christian srty. This latter, however, is a verj small affair and there are very few people in it. It should be also men ttoned in this connection that "Ui- American Political Alliance"are think- in; of putting up a licket. SS I hiiis A strong independent club hss been organised in Hyde Park srith Hamilton A. Hill ss president, Harry 8. Grew, Thomas Chsmberlin, and others vio presidents ; John 8. Hleakie,treaaurer ; G. L. Stone, Mercian, and John Bcrot J r. , aaaiatant secretary 1 1 is proposed to atart a campaign paper, to be called the iidejxiudeul. "Frjddie, did you go to school to day T "Yea'm." "Did you learn snvthing new V "Ye.'ro.' What was i,my boy f ''I got on to a Mire way of gelling oat for an hour by atuffin' red ink up my cose . Chariot A. Dana, the eccentric and peculiar poisoned individual of the St rati j New York Sun, says : "Sooner than join in making Jamas G Blaine President of the United States we would quit work, burn up our pen,and leave to other and perhaps raauer heads the noble controversies of politics and tho defence of popular self government. ' In the Cleveland clubs at Valparaiso Ind., are 209 Amerioans, 127 Irish Americans, 122 Germans and 176 Nor mal students. ass Happy is the candidate who can figure ost a majority, Independent of these Independents. Mr. Conkling, the political hermit of the day, Is as quiet as scat at a moaae-atole. Scandals aimed at the private life of General Jackson did not prevent him from being elected and making a good President. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lim County Nancy A Pugb, Pleintift. vs. John Pugb, Defendant. To John P&jh, the above named Defendant. IN THK NAME OF TBE aSTATE OF Oreuon, you are hereby tequired to ap pear and answer tbe complaint of tbe above named plaintiff in 'he above enti tled Court, now on lile wltb tbe Clerk of aald Court, on or before the first day of tbe next regular term of aaid Court, to wit : Monday, tbe 27tn day of October, 1884, and you are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer said com plaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief de manded therein bo wit, a dissolution of tbe bonds ol matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, tbe oaro, custody and control of the minor children, Nellie Ann Pugb and Jacob T igb and tbo . . I I i J VLI. 1 . . I costs unit aisourseinenws oi mis sua iu ue uXed. Thi ummoM jg published by order of Hon R P Bus ), Judwe of said Court, made at Chambers and dated the 2nd day of Augubt, '8. Wsut2Sbiord & Blackburn, I Attorneys for rialntifr. . n . I . 1 I 7 4 11 r . Albany Mlnllon. nKPsMTIatn OF TftUIV. SOISP KVTH. AUIAKY KXfllKtH beiwrt it ritKiuirr Tit a ins " " MAtb Ttt AIM ( " . ' BOt'HS SOUTH. MAIL TRAIK fijg- ' - ' A MIAN Y KXI'IIKMH Arrivsa'ai r. no A. M ! (hi A. M. 11:46 A. M 1:06 V. M llssl A. M li us V si. 3:30 P. M. :! V. si. All Tralas dally, rtcrpt Sunday. Notiob). On snd sfter this dsto regulsr tickets will bo sold st our ticket oftlne for following poinlsonColumblsrivor: Upper Cascades, Bsllos, Umatilla, Walfula, Walla Walla and Alnaworth. Wit.!.. B. ftf a, Freight and Ticket Am O. A C K. U. 0ft. Albany. June IHtb, lss. A .. I II t X I. SOU To every subscriber lo tbo Dbmookat wba pays up bis subs'jrlptlnn srsd con tinues his paper, or pays In advance, we will have sent to hltn tbe Health snd Home" one year, without adi!ltlmsl cost. Tho above pafier Is a Urge obrh'. page, forty column, monthly pap. . and is full of exos'leiit reading mstUir. A copy may be seen st this olllce. Tbe paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a cbsuce to get a good paer for nothing. 'lhoo do siring tho paper sir. to them will please stale so at lime of paying their subscrip tion. i e Te inlLfrllirr. a I ITI11.UII.. Many of our subscribers at Prlnevillo have requested us u name aomo one a Prlnevillo to whom they could pay sub- acri pilous. For the convenience ol all oar subscribers st that place we have left so coiinU st the offloe of J. N. Duncan who will receive and renpl for MUbscripllons due or to become due to tbe Ukmochat. i at A.EKr. Following are the DaWM bat s duly au thorised agoots to recsivo subscription or money for tbe same lbanon 'f L Wallace Harnahurg Sam May Brownaville O. F. Coahaw llalaey T. Is l'ortr Shedd's F. A. Watta .Hcio W. K. Kslly Jefferson S. A. Ie amy a rr ftalr. One hundred and forty acres, nine tmlee above Lebanon. b acres in cul tivation. M acres slashed aud sown lo rasa Comfortable djv filing, good outhouses, ( heap. Inquire at thi BBSS, For Sale One half block In eastern part of tho bo sold city with fair bouse and barn will cheap- Summons. In thr t'ifuit Court oj thr or thr County of Linn : Stair of (trr.jQH The New England Mortag Security onnay. 'U Oainsllel,L J I'arrtab.G E Parrlah. Lura A Farrlaii, 11 V. Farrlah. Ktnma Parrlah and Aug 0 Hlns and I Lamlt. nattnora in btitueaN under the firm name or Hlns A Landt, Hernard Held aud Lem uel Helbrup. partnera in business under the firm ntno of Held lirna. A Co., I Nells: and II Newmsn.partneta In btmliieea under Ibe firm uatrfe ofHelig A Newmaii, Irulanl, To (1 E Parrlah. and Lura A Parrlah. and Aug C Htnr. and P landt. aiinr in business under the firm natno of Hinx at Landt, Uernarii Held and Samuel He! brun, partner lu buftiiicwa uuder the firm name uf Held Itroa A Oa, H Srlli( end H Newman partners in bittlne under the firm name of fteilg A New man, ltfeud snla above named : I N THE NAME OF THK ST ATE OF of Oregon, you and rarlt .f you are hereby remilred lo aptiear ami an.Mer the com plaint tiled again you In the above entitled suit un or befro tbe 27 ih dav uf October, A. D., IBM, that being the tlrt day of the next regu ar lermol said Court, following lbs expiration of tbe publication ot tnis Mtimmonn. or in default thereof tbt Plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief prayed for iu the complaint, lu wit : for a l ! foreclosing s certain mortgage executed ty uamailei rarrUh aud u J rairiabon the Utli day or January, A. D. IH84 lo tbe New England faortgage eni- rity ComiHiny to at-curo the tauiui of a certain promissory uote of emendate there witb, to wit : for e.iim pysble to roer of The New England MorUraure Securltv Company, upon which there is now due I'lalntttr tbe xum of S325U principal w ltu ........ ........... f. i ... . . . . . . 7 per cent per annum the auui affjfeaVJS with Interest from aaid dam at 10 per cent per annum and :iOu Attorney's feee.whicb UlortstBaCe IS tflven UDOtl the o w im do- scribed real eetate, to-wtt : Situated iu tbe County of Linn and Mute of Oreiron. described as the oast half of tho donation ; land claim of Gamaliel Parrtsb and Lydia M Psrriah his wire, notification 060 in sections No. five (5i, sis (0). seven (7) aud eight (S) in Township No. I t, aoutb of Kantre No. a, west of the Willamette me ridian, containing 821 M-lon seres (except ing 100 acres, out ot tbe southeast comer heretofore deeded to Henry Parrlah, de scribed as beginning at tbe southeast cor ner of said claim, and running thence north 70 AV west forty and IX) 1 00(40 IKMuO) chaina ; thence north 50 40 east thirty eight snd 38-100 (38 S8-100) chains ; thence s.iutb (12 40' east twenty-one and 18-100 (21 18100) chains ; thence south li l.V west twenty-nine (20) chains to the piece of beginning.) And slso tbe northeast quarter of the south weat quarter, contain ing 40 acres and the northwest quarter, of tbe southeast quarter, containing 4u acres, snd tbo southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, containing 40 aeres,and also lots N oa.-two (2), thrse (3), snd four (4), containing 101 08-100 acre), all in sec tlon No, eight (8) iu Towns!., j. No. thirteen f 13) south of range No. two (2) west or the Willamette meridian, in all 221 08 100 seres, and being a part of tho donation land claim or James Taylor aud Elizabeth Taylor bis wire. Netiheation 4088. The and above conveyed amounting in all to 443 02-100 seres, aud for a decree forever bsrring all said Defondsnts from setting up any claim or title to said mortgaged promises and for eosls and disbursements and for such other relief as may be just and equitable, as prayeJ for. This Summons is directed to bo publish ed in tbe State RigbtsDicMocBAT for six successive weeks by an order mado bylloti K P lloise, Judge or sold Court on the 8th day or August A. D, 1884 at Chambers at Salem, Oregon. W. D. F. W, Fart ton, Attorneys for Plaintiff. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL G4IODS. t JULIUS GRADWOHL Una) Hie only zrlnalve Block CROCKERY, CLA8898ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large iggortmeiit of Baby Carriages. And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sng ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND 8AUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, YYINPOW LIGHTS AND LIME. Tin; jjm.hi i uarketpck paid for eoo Remember! What I Say I Mean. Bite Ke a Call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- UOITM -rr.opKiiiToKa of ALBANY SODA WORKS, AND DEALEB1 IS Imported and Domestic Cigaie, Tobacco, Groceries, Pic vision Candies Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ONE L..OK CELOW AT THK OLD MTAND, 72 FIRST HTF.EET, HAS AjKTMkNT o? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, 4 a nil j house lu tbe allej. lie m so Imports and mannlaclure TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE . : .Y IiESCRIRTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO. HE KEEPS OB) HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OP GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. Al l. OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT COMPETITION. ALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at s-lSnZS ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, ssi a f 1BSi AluLK BROS. - Prupnctoii A 1.11 ANY, Oltt.tsO. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AKD HEADS I ONES Executed in Italian or Vermont MarMe. Also, every variety . . 1 . . L .1 , ..... of cemetery and with neatne'sN and ssmbsjs; ewjaae u"" i Special attention given to orders frr.m ff iMrt of lhl 'nd wasningum Jcrruori . All work warrants L 7:42 C C OHERHT. o.a. iii j t ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEttRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C." Cherry.) MacMnists, Millwriglits, and Iron t, rounaers. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. rATTKatSa M4.BK ON SHOKT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alao manufao ture tbe improved Cherry & White Grain Separator. Shop en Baker a Lasafcer Yard. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. YlUiin.v, Or. GT COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Ssturday ST UarrisLurx OregOa, SS TiRA-Iltf , Editor & Pioprietor, sV tVsTa I ir" 1 t I'VIUaV S. f 1 asassss! SBsst m ..i. , i s & JOSEPH, ... JOHN BRIOG8' STORE. Oregon, ssyt ON HAND AS FINE AJf DEFY reasonable figures. Aioany Bath House. 1HE L'SDkKaltiNBD WOULD RISPSCT . fall; ;afora the eitasaas ef Albany aad rl etaitjthat I have takes charge of tale Kstatusa siant, and, hj keeping elsae roosss aaS Bayss strict a ttsntioo to bat mass, axpeets m suit al tkotawho stay faror US with tselr patronafo Haviag hsrstofor earried oa notkisg Vat First-Class Hsvr Or ess Ins Saloons !t sxpeel tc gtvs ssttrs satitf tios to al Ladies' Hair neatly est JOH WKBBER. OMdies and D. BROWN, J u die ions ADVERTISING Dirtcreet S TJBSCEIPTIOISr nan Francisoo, Gal. ' Quimby House. QUIMBY & HERSEY, Proprietors. or. Ith snd C. Sta., Port land, Or. ' one M Or THE FINEST AND MOST complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct ed both by American snd European plans. All tbe modern improvements, 140 bed rooms, well furnished, light, and wel ventKa ted First-cl s reading rom, barber ship. An erator and all latest n veal enae. Lake Superior Transit Co. THE GREAT) LAKE ROUTE IX Palace Steamships. Leaving Dulntk, Minn, every week day. (Friday excepted) via Lake Supe rior south shore ports to Port Huron, Mien.., Detroit, Mich., levrland. Ohio, Erie, Psu. and tf niTalo. 5f. Y. Connections made at Port Huron, Mich., with Grand Trunk Kj for all the Canadian points, and Cleveland. Erie and Baflalo with tbe Great Trunk Line for all Eastern points, Varv a long tedious journey by taking the Kail snd Lake Route If your ticket agent cannot furnish the required ticket, purchase to Dnlnth, and our agent at that port m ill furnish yau a through ticket aud check your baggage to destination. A G. FRANKLIN, N. W . Pass ftt, Nt. Paul, Minn. I.A. UK. STY, Ag't.Dulntb. Minn 1 t Executors Notice of Ap pointment. Notice is hereby given that the unJersign ed has been, by the Cuoty Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Enoch Thomp son, deceased. All . persons having claims against said estate are rt quired to proa eat the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at his reaideuce in Browt svdie, Or., within (J months from the date hereof. T KTK& He ME. W EATH ERFOr. - & P LACKHVl X, E e ntt Atty's tor Exec iter. August 20. h, 1884. Cook Wants Fosition. A firnt-ol .t.- u.- aid rfrences, vnMtn a po restaurant. Adeieaa V. Bakery, Albany, Oregon. baker, w tn good , in in a note! or M., caie ot Star