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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon the south side of the SanU am River, opposite Water oo botla Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoflice, Waterloo, Or. horcb IrTlor) U. P. Church. Prcachinc every Sabbath, at 11 a. m.. and 7 p. M. by Rev. R. G. Ir- vine. D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. M Prayer meeting every Wed nessday evening. Evangelical Church. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. M. , and 74 p. M. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. liollenbaugh, pastor. Conoiumiatiohal Church. Serviceaavery Sabbath at 1 1 a. m. and 3 P. M. Sabbath School at 2:3a Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W Harris, paitor. M. K. Church. South. Services lul verv Sabbath at St Paul's M.K. Church, South, at 1 1 a. m. Sabbath School at 2 30 p. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day cvenng. II. Carson, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 71 P. m. Sons service in she eveninu before sermon. Sabbath School U 2.30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thur day evening. Kev. M. Judy, pastor. 1 kk.-bvtkrian Cuup.cii. Service every Sabbath mormug and evening in Church cor. Brosdalbm aud Fifth Su. Sunday School t:';oU u. m. Prayer meeting every Tnursday evening. Rev. Isaac 1L Coudil pastor. Christian Church. Preachiug every Sab osth at V. U T. U. 11 a.m & 7:30 r, M. Sun i . Seaaol at nait pat - o'cloca P. H. Rev J T Kloyd, pas tot. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Saobtn at 11 o clock, a m. ,at Cuurca on oth Sirevt. Sabbath School im usriiaUsiy after 1 iiturtiiua serviced. Praer meeting every Tbutsdy evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Browuson, pastor. The neat slreawta- ' ralwg; reoMKly miui nerve Itoutc is ine ICKiUU'aie Ull ii over l only j tr prscticsi experience, TUUKUICUL1 I A Lit I IB CU ti- : ot Ihe hlKhSSt SSsa j coUegwi la Kurvp, euros itn unttlliug ,-tantv Nervous sad lurakal deblhiv, miuii Insl wMkDOLSueraasUir f Klv4a rtXMB, prostatortosa, " cxhul.l itainy, prt """"" mmammmmmm taktxm decline aau loss msnhood in ill iu compliestioos sod fnun whatever esa pmduced. It enriches snd punfles the blyod strengthens the nerves, brain, muecle. dieuoo. re productive organ and phyical and mental faculues tt stops su unnamral, debiU0ti"? drain opoo the system, preventing involastary lueses, debiUtailnj drnoi, seminal losaes with the urine, etc.. so de structive to mind and bod. It is a sure eliaunaU ot aU kidney and ola-Juer ompUint. It eootains o isjurmus inivdients. To those euflering- trom the evil eff-cts ol yoathfol indiscreaona, a Kpeedy, Uw ou?h and pennane it core is iiUAKAThEl, Price 93 M i-er botllA, or Ave bottles in case, with toll di rections and advice, $10. Sent secure from observ. non to airy addrees upon receipt ot price, or C O. U., o be ; . i ; only of OR. C. D. SALFiELD, 31 Kearaey st-, tasi t"raclace. a I Consultations strictly rontkiential by tetter or at sSe FHEE. For the convenience of patients and in irder to insure perfect tevrecy I have addopusd a j.rf rite ai tress under which all packatree are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient toshow its merits, wilt be sent to any one applying by letter, statins; his symptoms and age. Commons iU'jna alrictly conftdentiai, Dr. SP1ME1, NO- 11 KEAKXY ST. Treat all C broaic and Mperlal OUeasea. YOUNG m:eiv T II MAY BE frrFFCJtl.VC 1KOM TBE T T effete of youthful foU'iea or hunerrUi.n, will do well to avail themselves of this, thegTustsst boea ever laid at the attar of mfferirur humanity. UK. SPIVXEY will guarantee to forfeit $j00for every case Seminale weakness or private disease of any kind or caraeuer wtaeh he undertakes and tail to cure. MIDDLE-ACEB HEX. Tnere are many at the age of thirty sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of the btad often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning tio and a weakeiang of the system in a manner e patient eannot account fur. On examining the trinary deposits a ropy sediment will often he found tad sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, r the color wilt te of a thin niilkiah hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die Of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, W hich is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. Will guarantee a perfect cure in all such ;ases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. OmcB Moras 10 to 4 and 6 to S. Sundays from 10 toll a. a. Conraiution free. Thorough exminatiot cd advice, S3. For pn vote diseases of short standing a foil roedii.-uie sufScient f-jr a cure, ail instructions. ilbe sssit to any syidrcss cu receipt of flO 00. (aaVw-iarsm OK SriXXET aft CO., 71 So. 11 Kearnv St. San Francisco, Cat To the Unfortunate! DE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. f'M KE IBM' T., )i,f .eornc of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. Krtatjushed in 18M, for the treatment of Sexual land Seminal Diseases, suck las (ieaerrhea, tslect. Mrlrturc,.ypniIIamal .iU forms. Imsstesrr Semtaal rfeakaeas. niirbt losses bv dreams, aim pics op the face sod loes of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various nosDt- afe there, obtaining a great deal of valuable lniorma tioit, which he is competent to impart to those in need of hia serj'iccs. DB. GIBBON will make So charge unless lie ouect a cure. Tenons at a distance MAY BE llKtu AT HOME. All cor munications strictly coiiSdential. You see no one bu. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DB. J. F. GIBBON, Box l Bo, ban Francisco. The Doctor cures when otnera iii. Try him, rUo43 PATENTS Obtained , and all other btuinessin the U Offlce attendeded to for moderate' fees. S. Patent Our office U oppoeit the U.S. Patent Office, and we ctn obtain Patents less time than those remote fom Washington. hend modle or drawing. We ad rise ss to patent ability free of charge ; snd we make no charge unless we obtain potent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Div. and to officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and eferencee o actual clients in your own State or county, sddress C A. SNOW&COo, Or4osite Patent Office, Washington, D . OThe BtTTEBS Guide is Is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8xlU inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for iersonal or fcimi'y use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fan with. These invaluable books con tain iuforrnation gleaned from the map kc-l.; of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the pootiige 7 cents. .Let us near from you. Eespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. T A "39 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. JJL for the working class Kenu 1U cents for ptage. aim we will ma i tree, a royal valuable box of semple goods that will put vou in the way of mak ing more money in a few day than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We win start vou. You can work all the time or ia spare time only. The work is universally adopted to both sexes, young and o'kL Vou can easily earn from . cents to 85 every evening. That all who want wor.: may tf st the business, we make this UDparapliel Tff to a" wbo not well satisfied we will send fi to pay for the trouble of writing us. Pnll piculare, direetions, etc., sent free, Fortunes will It JS1' hoK wao ff1 tfceir hole time to the Start now. "a,. mi .(t v huccesi aii'- 'nr. v ca -n t. ji.. otvntt liTissos co., Portland.Mainc. laiC. XJKflt V UCHI. Rk JsWIbWI IMsVad III .IirrriAIIUII IIILUUVtHrHtflll aBBBBBBBBBBal STflRBP - - - . - . A - for Infants iviioria promotes lJia'ustjon Flan. I-'7 V. t .. ..--! iP.l tiun. .sur Stomaclif Disrrhopa, and Fevoruhness. It insttfei tiealth una natural steep, without morphine. MCastorta is welt adapted toChiktrvn that I recommend Uu superior rosu. ppwoiinion klitm u u t:ir." II. A. AMHSlt, M D . Si lVrtlan 1 Ave, ProoUlyn, K. Y CENTAUR LlNIMENT-nn absolute cure for Khemitn t ism. Sprains, Kiirns. Hails, Vi The most Powcrftil tunl Ione t rating laiu-rclicvinK ami Healing ltcmcriy known to man. The Great English Reme dy. Iss nexcr fnllincr cure lor (ervoits iVUItitv, Semiiisl tsJviioas, Khaustd 1 1 litv. Hicniiatorrhoa, LOM l OHOOlr, an puteltcy, laral.vsia, ail all terrible effects ! Srf. Al i: y ulhriil Mlira.and Xi rsaretii uiaturrr yrars urh as lorn uf Memory, ljuaitude, Kuiiaai'1!, Aver ion to Society. Dliuness of VUlou, NoUee in the Hood; the vital fluid paaslng unobserved Into the urine, and many other diseases loading to insanity and death. UK MIKT1E will sgrc to I.rfnt Elve Hundred Kiltara tor a case ot this kind the Ital Hralara live (under his Sieclal advice and trr"Uie t o cursor for any thine Impure or Injurious touud In it. Irr. Mintie treats all private diseases suix-caalullv without mercury. Consul talioii tree. Th irough ev and nation and advice Inrludini; analysis of urine.. Price of Vital Koi.-rat n " s buttle, or four lime the quantity ? , tent to an) aildreaw Upon receipt ot price or C. O. D, secure from obeerration and In pri vate U desired, by lK. A. E. MINTIE, 11 hcarncj sin-et, San Francisco, r. : Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, stating symptom. ec -d mv. Ottwiuuicallous strictly coufldeutial. Dr. Jslntls's Kldnev lUniedy, NephretUum. cuns all kind of kidney and Madder c.rmplaint.c"iorrha, glevt, leouchorrh ea. For sale by all druggists l a bottle or six 'HttJee for - Dr. Mintie Dandelion Pills are the beet and , ! -r est li leiia and Bilious cure in the mait.ct. For sals bv all dntirrisU. THE OR, LIEBIC rrfvatr ltaprar), 400 Geary St., San Francisco Cal Conducted by IJttaliAcd Phyeicians and Surgtoua regular graduates. TdrTtie Oldest stieclaltsts in the I lilted Statsa, life Vmg experience, rftct icetkcd and pure medicine, insure i . si.d ennanent cure I sit Piiste. thnnic and Nsnoos Instates Afitctiorsol the tUood, hkin, Ki'.'iicis, Bladder, Krupti t Icere, Old !res, .Saelliug 4 Ihm laands. Sore Mouth, Throat, llone Phins.permane'.it'v cured arul eradi cated from the at stem for life. Klttl Ji DsMUur, mwten-y, Seminal L, xuai lecay. Men tal and Phxatcal V.'eakneaw, Falling Miaiisyj. Weak Eysa, hiunted le J rUi niciit.lniftdinieiita to Marriage O etc., from excess or youthful I llie, mm i r any cause, sj-eedll , safely aiid " Tiately cttred. Z loasiK. Middle-Igrsl tmi er nun, and ail who need medical skill sp and etiwricncc, consult lite etd Kurifwan lhyscian at once, tits opinion coals notion, and may aave future misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit tn city for treatment, luidtcines can be scut everywhere oy express free from observation. It is self-evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, and j.hjsi. tans through out the countrv.knowing this, frequently recommetKl difficult cases U the oldest sctalist, H wtom every known good remedy is used. The Doctor s age ami experience make his opinion ot supreme importance. sjrThoee who call see no "tie but the De.-ior. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which have failed In obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases successfully traatsd. Tlie Doctor will ssree to forfeit ST.OOl for a rase un dertaken, not cured. Call or write. If ours, dally .from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m., to ev.i.ui , Mind , to to 12 only. Send for the Sanitarirl C inle t.. 11 rajth, sent free. Address ss above UEBItsSi. Weaderfnl Orsaaa la I; a - ,at Perwianny prevents all t'nnatursl from the svsteni, lo lesths nerves, strengthens ti c nuscles, checks the wis e, invigorates the whole .tem, and restores the arUicted to Health and Hajiiea. The reason so many cannot get cured of seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owtug to s com plication, called Prostatorrhea with Hyjjeractheaia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. I.iebig's In vigorator is the only positive curs for PriaUirrhca, with peculiar special treatment, us; J at the Ucbig Dsenssry. Price or lavlgoratar. . of six bottles 10. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful etectric bells free to nliaBm To prove the wonderful owcr the Ii. ; i. o -."o A 9t Reltle t.lvea r stsl Free. Consultation free and private. Call or address LIEBIC DlfcPKXftABs, 4O0 Oearv Street, San Fraiicisio, Cat. Priiate entraace, 406 Mason Street, four bio ks up Geary Street from Kearney, Main entrance throcgh Dispensary Drug Store. AM rs-a laitr D rr i H ss I .31 y . Twt.MsTrP HEAUTH. D IS CASE- f. feMIr stasi s Coldea Kalsam o. 1 Cures Chancres, first and sec ond stages : hores the legs and body ; Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased so snd ail primary' forms of the disease, known as hilis. Price, 6 pet bottle, LeRlehaa's .olrirn Balaam Xa. t Cures Tertiarv. Mermri.l s,i.k,i,n.. iu . . Unci II1.1IHII, secondary stages. Pains in the Bones. Ulcerated JJ"g Syphilitic Ilasb, Lumra, etc., sod eradicates uuseaaea irwm tne system, aiiether caused bv bad treatment or abuse of mercury, leaving the blod pure ana neaitny. rTito, g, per bottle. sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed picas. per ex P. BICHABOK rV ., Ageals, 427 A 4'.9 aaiuKinic nroet, Corner CLf. ban Francisco, .!!.... : . DR. ALLEN'S PBIVATE DISPEXbAKT, i Kearajr Mi reel, Man iranrUro, Cal.. EmiLuiiro for tub bcirstific axo sniEor Cim or Cuaoxic, NrRvors torn f runxh Diskasrs THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLEN, AS 18 WELL KNOWN, IS A HEO ular irrsduated nssaaslaw ! 11, ;,t, i j 'i I I'. .1, ;,. f, ,, IV , , P . W . J.HI, College and I niversitv of Mu h tan. Ho i,.,. ,n.. .....a a lifetime to the study of sad lsacknr.aledi;el to ne the most expert student in his specialty m the Pa cific Coait And middle-sged men, who pre suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or excesses in ma tnrer rears, nervous and physical debility, impo tence, lost manhood, confusion of ideaa h.n aversion to society, despondency, pimples on the face, loss of energy and memory, fiequency of urinat ing, etc. ISirKemember the Doctor has a pound, the result of many years of special practice and hard study, which under his special advice has never failed of success in the cure of Lost Manhood, prosta torrhea, etc. Ml HOgPITAL EXPEBIEXCE. Having been surgeon in charge of two leading hospitals) enables me to treat all ospti ith i Its me to treat all m srivate troubles witn excellent results. I wish it distincHv tod that I do not claim to perform lmpossibiities, or te have miraculous or tupernatural power. I claim only to be a skillful snd successful Physician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed in my spec-Lilty DISEASES OF .MAX. All applying to me wUI receive my honest opinion of their complaints no experimenting. I will guar antee a positive cure in every case I undertake or loneit Consultation in office or by letter free and'stnetly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical and microscopical analysis of unne and advice, $6. Office hours 9 to 3 daily, 0 to 8 evening, Sunday 9 to 12. Call on or address DB. ALLEN', tU Kearny Street, Sun Francisco, CM. Wco 1 on eubscr iptioa ia Democrat effice. wantel at the tmrmrn i i r i . i fa re - : via . .mem m MSTX- IssSSBssb' If, 50 ami Children. What rlve our ChlMrwn rosy dtseks, What cure tlu'ir revei. inuke Uhhi .i p ; 'Tl CiKii'ttu. Vwn babk i fn't and erv by turn. YVbut cures their wUe, N ills' UiHr worm. llUt : I Whstuulckly cunti CoOJstJpatloa, Sour fiioinuch, UoUb. Indigestion, Hut Cu-tllll t. Farewell then . Mrphlti Hyrujw, Cam or oil uud l'urvirt. and llall f'nw'orlnl TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. th f From tht'ssi sources nriso thive lourtnn or the disoaswta o tho humuti rare. TIm'so syuidoiua tmtieato tlietr oxistonoo : 1-osa or A pi.ellte, Kowels eosllvr, M I Head ache, m tlaese after eatlna , as-srsloss to eserttoss off body or mind. BroataUos of food, IrrlsablUly off temper. I.w splrtU, A fr rlln g of hawtmsj neMrrte.l s.modrrtr. IMaataaaa,riatterta; et tho Heart. Dots before the ey ea. hi ghl y col ore (Trine, coNTfPATIO.t, mid tte .nand ttio uao of a remedy that acta illr. cily on tbo hirer. Aaal.lvor mciichioTCTT" IL,Ur liavo noo jual. Their action on Ui Kidneysand Shin hi also prtvmnt; rcmoviiifr nil impurities Ibrotigh tliveo hreo'scav r tigers of the system," prrntuclng anpo. t tte. sound i1Uroatlin. rviruhtr stool a i lour iikliiuidarlKorou.tKlv. Tl'TT 111.1 rauso no nausea or griping nor lulerfero wlttj dully work and nio a perfect TUTTS HAIR DYE. Ghat II air oa Whwki aa changed In. staidly to a Ousaar Hua'TI by a alnglo ap plication of Oils 1TB. fwdd by Druggists, Of tout by zpreaaon receipt of ffl. OfTh-e, 44 Aturrny Htrwet, New York. TUTTS MANUAL Of UllFUl StCf !PTS FRtJ. Distill) WiiHvUTfflfflltm THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURErsfe wttboet rasdlrltv PaJa la tkaksssk. kips, 4. mr wsi dtutr. V bea Mjlslliitr of tascrFBATfrreiotva eerwrs, lasst vllaUtr. brt ef avert e rer aa4 slgSSV astlasT w..l sissil, ast all tksir iIIkum wt m se seesl islais. fresw waalsrrse- eaua., in. .-nilouo strsaas as? staansstlsn the pmnm - .i. saassrssises wy lew Braiiar -tt.a. asuiaaa utivut ihla BfUaAce. uo is ma "MAGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO THE Umi-Z&j3S KxksasO.a.DrsfrsaUver With Dtoe..s .flbr I i. - er. stlSarrs. r. KUaees. Stslsths fe srlold lot, .llt S c IbM gref. an Ardomtaal Be Weavk Aaklea. .r and a pair of lUflsSssfl out Ba.tlrtls ho ao.a(wrtor Isthrr. i.f sivl nrs of all tors n I ;sint. 1V carry a power! ol magr iSio furoe Ij Uk scat of tfae Paw Iasa Baelu Waakweaa.r ta. .. Pall. laaeriSn ssak bsiwrkes, WSSsIs laflasssaa Uss. ssd rtawraUaw of the Wasst, la. Id. , tal Ilea., essllaga er PUedlaa. 1'alafsL, asSsrsssrS aad Ir renlar Mewetrwaiioa. ItsrrsaarM, ! MsUSB mt Lira. tJU U the UeaS Apnllnao. aa tf CsraUr Asms Vofmli firms of Pessela BssftsailtU. II is nnstrr. i try anjrtnia icro tnvrni.d. I- ih as a cor sure aget.t ami aaa K-iri-. ' red TitidiusUun. Tries of cMk.r Hell 1th MnicnrUr r" t llatu-rtr. 1 1 0. mat bA press C.O.t .anl examinat.un allwd.orl, Saallm rsreiptof prl- r it i.rderlov. sen-l pwir. ST waist aadslas of shi Itemr.uave tau Uo tbada Ui cr eaney, sent In letur at ur r..a. Thwsfsgasrin Uanrn:. .ro adapted to all agsa, are worn oswr Use wmlar e'.-dntag. mm west tm th hsslg Haw the smavy Caieaat. mm Ktaaarte Ha sa te aera mlssiflssf ae eatmalvelr i snd shuahi he tauten off at Bight. Tteer hold IW worn at all seas una of tho year. scamp r.r tii "S-w HMnnfs m wioirai T". THE mACIKKTOW APPUAXCst COn. OF ANOTHER ACE. (.rarfaally Mapplaafed by a Briirr Article C'ertala Old Timrs are Dear A nay. In ths general reception room of the Western building on llruadwav. New York. are exhibited tbe cssrse, crude snd clumsy Instru ments of the Infancy of the telirranh Ttiev are only relies now. More i rfect machinery hss suer seded them. i oars ago wnat isstyie l till oiu rshlotietl Kirm 1'iaavcr uiu some i'tx.j . r . i- . . i Here a al then nolh. i ng better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and stu.iy have gone deeper into the secrete of medicine snd produced HKN.ViN'o CAPCINK POIl OUS PLANT Kit, whieh embodies all the excellencies thus far possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine is rapid ; they were uncertain the Caprine Is sure. Chesier articles hear similar iitmes. Ua careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist doe not deceive you. Pries 'ii cents. Scabury A Johnson, Chemist, New Vork. "HEALTH AND HOME." Port GHest8r H. Y, CIRCULATION 63,000.: Edited by W. H. HALE, M, D This is large eight page, forty column, monthly paDer, and ia devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hints on health, dietetics, and every tealm of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy, Subscription Price 50 cts, Per Year. Address. DR. W. H. HALE, "Health aBdlHorae." Port Chester, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber of tbe Democrat who pays up or in advance. s PATENTS MTJNN A CO., of ths Scrasmno AirrnicAw, eon Unue to net as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats. Trads Marks. Coovrichta. for thn I f n 1 1 . ,i a u , A.Z... England, raaca, Uerraony, eta lland Uook about Patents sent frwJ. Thlrtyioven years' experience. Patents obtained through M UNN A CO. are noUoes lathe fecrE.s-Tirio AJiEiiica.v, the largest, best, and most widely ctroultttod sclentlflo paper. 13.20a year Weekly. Enlendld engravlntts and interesting In. formation. Specimen copy of the Mcleatlfio Amur. lean sent free. Address MUNN A CO., SciaUrruie m m fcniuaj uuwb, mm. cruauwuy, new xorx Burnes Patent Foot and Steam Power Scroll Saws. Circular Sawn. 'Mortesers, LatJis"Tenonera, r ormen, etc. 0SB0RN& ALEXANDER 8ole Agents, 628 Market Street, Ban Francisco. Medianics' Tools, Hardware and Machinery goods gent free a application. 3 If bbbbbbbbbbbbbTL-M : Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Wt. Hil MbbbbW-HsI W llaM, ,riUIWIHI,lBHH, grm 2-iV-sVsti z'tZzzxjz i irrzt sisssssil iwlialni, lasssSssisr, asshsss. ksmf dts. sm. drssrsals, eMMlMti.a. -jsl t41M- ilaa. h.rals r rsslsrs. l.1ar f attM. esllsssr. SSI .mjJT FRIDAY AUGUST 20, 1884 NBWft in Miir. Three thousand two bundled snd twenty -throe cattle and 425 horses have died in tbo Mexiosn district of Jonses tepeci Morelo, in two wosks, for lsok of psstursge. Fine Pars rubber, which is quoted st 50 to 52 oents per pound, sold at 38 cants in 1878, snd st 25 in ono of tho yesrs prior to tbo wsr. High prioss of Kentucky tobacco prevent tbe usual export movement, but dealers sre confident thst prices will be maintained. Fresh milk from America sold in li union is s new wrinkle made practi cable by refrigerators snd swift steam ers. An unprecedented amount of reel estate teems to be in tbe msrket in Kngland. Tbe present numerical strength of Freemasonry throughout the world is placed st 1 38,005 ludges.witb 14.160, 543 members. The cost of tbe publo printing now amounts to $.1,000,000 annually. There is said to be some extravagant in this branch of thn public service. If people die of tho cholera it will Dot be the (ault of ih doctors, Tbey have offered the pubic U45 so celled cures. People who su.d flowers through tbe mail are cautioned not to use cotton woul fot psckii g, because being very alaaorbsnt it draws from tbe flowers all tbeir moisture. Fresh leaves sre bet ter, and tbe outside leaves of the cab bage sre best of sll. Virgiula wilt contributi 1,100,000 bushels of pesnuts to human happiness this Mat. Tbe ostrich fainting experiment st Sanford, Fla., bss proved s failure. The last of the six imported biids died s few dsjs sgo. An Koglisb seamstiess bss reckoned that there are 20, 041) utitcbra in a shirt. Georgia will ship 500,000 watermel ons to tbe Wst alone. Tbe cold weather has a fleeted the trade. Froga' legs sre eighty cents a doxen in tbe cast. suakers from Pennsylvania sre set tling in eastern Virginia in largor number-, and their scientific method of farming is doing wonders witk tbe w-ro out tobacco land. It is said tbst tbeir work has caused a latge advance i i the price oC real estate all through the regioo. tit SI 4 MlSsalSas TWTXJL Tbe ('harteUon JTsmn and Courier 2 s a series of tables hss been Issued by tho Ilureau of Statistics which ibowl tbo comparative consumption of liquor in this country, and a stu dy of It roveais some facts that arc not pleasing to lovers of temperance. For luMsnce, in tho three years end ing with 1881. the increase In the consumption of distilled spirits wa 28,94 p eeot., of wine 24,41 per cent., snd of Milt lUtUnr 03.55 pet conUThis may be taken as an encour aging sign, in thst the increase in matt liquors so greatly exceeded that lo spirits ; and is often said that such figures ehow that beer Is driving hii whisky. The facts scarcely aeem to warrant hat conciyftioo. The in crease in population for tbe three years named was probably not much over 10 per cent., and certainly not over 20 per cent. It would teem therefore, that the comparative In Cfeas In malt-liquor drinking was not because men loved whisky less, but because they loved beer more. It the relative amount of consump tion Is not specially encouraging, the absolute amount Is still less so. In tbe three yesrs mentioned tbe amount consumed was eleven and a half gal lons of liquor of one sort or another for each man woman and child in the country. This gives nearly four gal loos a year. But two-thirds of the population, roughly speaking is com posed of women and children and men who do not drink at all ; so that the average for each man who indulge8 to any degree whatever Is at least 12 gallons a year. It Is true that the consumption of coffee Is increasing faster than that of liquor, each person Deing credited last year with about ten pounda, or perhaps fifteen gallons. Whether this is an encouraging fact for the cause of real temperance, our readers must Judge for themselves. The democratic voters employed by tbe Vermont Marble company at Suth erland Falls, and who have purchased a Cleveland and Hendricks flag, have been ordered by Ex-Oov. Prootor,pres ident of said sfompany, not to rilse it and not to assist in any democratic rat ification. It is said that tbe Eastern prophet Mohammed was so fond of his favorite cat that, when it fell asleep on his robe one day, he cut off the sleeve rather than disturb the slumber of the cat ; and it is said that to this day almost every Mohammedan in those Eastern countries has a cat in his boose which he loves and makes to share H his comforts. A tusk seven feet loogr aod foor teeth weighing three oonadre each have been dug up In New Jersey. They are supposed to be th remains of tbe Jersey mosquito. TiPiaisci. i A recent statistical report from sn English tctnpnranco society states the consumption of intoxicating liquors in Kngland In 1883 at 80,046,735, and of wine and beer at 005,102,423 gallons. The estimate expenditure on these bev erages in retail consumption is $C27,a 380,375. In 1800, according to tbe same Authority, tbe expenditure wsh 1426,384,350, and in 1876 it reached 1736,443,795, sn increase of 72 per cent, whllo the population increased only 15 per cent. From these figures it (ell to $610,000,000 in 1880; in 1881 it also increased, and in 1882 and 1883 it sgsin decrosked to the fig ures given above. The consumption of spirits in tbe United Slates ia estimated by the Treasury Depsrtmentat 80,000, 000 galloas p-r annum, and the con sumption of fe meutnd liquors at S2v 010,065 gallons. Tbe retail cost to di inkers is conjectured by teiaj eranoe statisticians at about $495,000,000 for spiiits and $814,000,000 for foru.etitel liquors. Adding the cost of native and imported winua, spirits and fet -mented liquors and crooked whisky, the total liquor bill is said to be about $900,000,000 annually. The consumption of Ircer firms a rather intercNttug study. Tbf annual production in ail Matties i 14,205, 987 barrels, uf which one-half' ia pro duced in (Jest Hi if sin snd O-i msnv, Tbe United States IS set down at 17. 849,000 bariela. Bavaria ink. -a Hi. lesu ss a consumer, sine- 0j gallon) i allowed per antrum to eah tnhal'Kanf. The consumption in Wurtemnurg ia 5H gallons per capita, lo Belgium 41 gal loo , iu Clarmsny 24, and in the Uuiisd States 1 1 gallons. Thn United Siste rsnks eleventh in the list in oint ot consumption per cspiia, but is tbn fourth province in tbe order of pn deoce. HI Hanoi a MATTKBS A swell affair A boil. What Is garbage? An offal nui sance. No political cscdidalo Is n hero to his opponent The lady who uses powder should certainly wear shot good. The unklndest cuts of nib The cats of the Presidential candidates. Blsroark cannot prevent the Amer ican bog from turning to (J recce. Invalids are advised to"llvo in the sun." The query is how to get there. Tho business man us well as the re ligious one should beware of futse profit h. When a man offers a second -band bicycle for safe he has evidently met with a downfall. It Is said that tbey are now mak ing flour from wood. It is lo be hop ed that It bos a good grain. A bachelor lawyer asys ho 1 wed ded to his profession. His sister, nn old maid, Is husbanding her re sources. When you go to see your glrS, car ry affeciim in jour heart, perfection la your manner and confection In your pockets. Longfellow wrote. Learn to 1 1 bor and t wal .'' A great matiy city girts are wa tlog but will never lean to labor. Wo do not believe in Arctic expe ditions, but wo would like to send a god many long-haired reformers to the barber's po'e. Ilow do you know when a cv- clone is coming?'' asked a stranger of a Western man. "On! we get wind of it," wss the reply. The North Pole Is evidently angry because Lieut. Oreely has been found, and it has been stirring up our sum mer weather with Its cotdest end. An American lady married to an Italian prince a year ago has already left him. Somo American girls axe too proud to travel around vith tambourine all day. 11 S FACTS. Ths principal gateway of Allahabad is thickly studded with horse-shoen, supposed to be the offerings of travel ler. A little four-flapped table, on which Shakespeare's' arms and initials and some other ornaments are carved, has recently been found at a farmhouse three miles lrom Stratford. "Forestry" says that the Birnsm beeches, so wall known to students of English Hterature, are "obviously'' more than live hundred years old- probably "living at tbe time of the Norman oon quest." There are sixty Catholic churches in Montreal. Tbe French cathedral situ ated there is the largest church building on this continent. It is built of limes tome, and fifteen thousand people have often been assembled under its roof. It is said that a Persian king once, before going into battle with tbo Egyp tians, gave each of bis soldiers in the front ranks a live cat to carry before him ; aud the Egyptians surrendered to ths Persians rather than injure the oats ; whiob are considered sacred. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has this day boon appointed Administrator of the estate of Fred Willert late a resident of Albany, Oregon, deceased, by the Probate Court for Linn county (Oregon, AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same properly veri fied to tbe undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from this date. This the 4th day of August, 1884. W. M. Ketcuum, Weathebford fc Blackburn, Att'ys for Administrator. v I . H. It. 1 ) HI ft 111 I. Albany (nation. tlKPAttTIKB ol TRtlrN. MM'SI, SORTII. AMIANY KXI'RKSH lirtsal I- in. I'. in rjsAJNS " " - t.:30 A. M 0.00 A. M. I1C. A M 12.06 P. M 11:40 A. M l2:or, V M ffcSf P. M. HAS V. M. MAIL Tit A I N Arrives St . Irpr ts al. lioi M S" rii. ma if, th a in . J ritKIOHT TftAlN I " . AMIANY KXI'ltKSS Arrlvss'at All Trains dully, evrrpt Santlay. Nonoa. On and after this date regular tlckols will bo sold at our tle.ket oHWe for following point" on Columbia river: Upper ('anea), Hallux, Umatilla, Wallula, Wal lit Walla and Alnsworth. Winn. II. Hick, Frolglit and Ticket A Kent O. A !. It. U. t o. Albany. June IKth, IMS'. A noon i nsM i: i on mi n To every subscriber to the Dkmoouat who psys up his suoscrlptloti snd eon tlnuss his paper, or pay In advance, we will have Nnt to Mm tho "Hoslth snd Home" one ynsr, without additional coat. The abovo paper Is a largo oltth'. pSKO forty column, monthly pap. , and Is full of exoa'lfliil reading matter. A copy msy bo him 1 1 at tin -i ofUeo. The papnr treats or health, tnarrUgu, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This sffords our subscribers a chance to get a iroiid papnr for iioUilng. Tho.o de siring tbe paper tu al to them will please state so at time f ps.ving their subserlp. (Ion. T aaOsrrllsrrs ut frinr lllr. Many of our mu bscri Iters al l'rlnevilie tfavu rMur,siod us to rtauto sums one a l'rlnevilie Ui whom hey could pay sub sorlptlotiN. For tlie convenience ol all oar Mubacrioeraal Ibal plar-w hs bavn left ac couuta at tbe olllce of J. S. Duiiisii will roosts an 1 r. .ip: fur mUscrlplejiis duo or to become due to the liKMot'ttAT. OIK Asl.Sla. r'ulluwiUaS am tho I'Katoi fear's, duly an. thuriasxl aouts t roouiro sunsori;i:un or inoury for tbe unm : Ixilianon , . . . Harrtaburg . linisruaville llahwy Mhedd's Sclo J effsraoo . . . T L Wallace Sam Ms O. I. f.-haw T. L I'ortar K. A. Walls VtVft Kelly . . S. A. lVansy laras far Salr. One hundred aud forty acres, nine mdea above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivatlon. lo acres slashed aud sown lo rasa Comfortable dwclii, good outhouses. Clieap. In ;uire at this nice. For Sale. One half block in eastern part f the cily with fair huuae aud barn will be avid cliaj- Siuumons. im iff t'.futt ('eurf oj thr Stnt uj iircj,, Jor th oun'.y of J.nin : Thn New i : 11 .;.! i M'jrttf-ijr Security .l. .,!. . Umstil rah.L J I'arrMi.n F. I'nr.-Kh. I. ura A rurrnii, It JI 1'airtili, Kruma l'arriali aul Ana? V Hilis and I' lanH. i.i ! i;r In biisiurwa in It r tlif firm naitiH uf lliii.' A Lantti, B4rnairtl Held and Sam- usl lleilirun. iartnirn i:i buainoMi tind-r the firm nin if lii-id ltrra. A Co., S ielltf nn I II Newrnan.partficiM in tuiaine ui:dr-rttp llriit iisiiim of SvWk A Nfwnian, Ir.i(laniH, To G K larrih. ami I.ura A 1'arri-vh. aud Auk C Ilitir. audi Laud!. ..n n.-i in busiurM uudrr tin lirm imtno of It in A IjsihIi, Briiarii llt'ld and ainul He! brun, pin i;irs in buaiuvsa undwr tb firm aSJt Of BtM lir'M A Co, S Selii; and II Newman i-artncnt in btiMinoaii undvi the tlriii name ofrli( A NuHinan, lvfiud- anta aistivo ns;u d IN THE NAME Ol Till: ST VTK OF of Oregon, yuii and each uf ynu tn litrtbv riulrd to nnix-ar itinl nnsui-H tin. outnpfalnl filed airaui( vou in thn ah nnlitled nuUou or bstuSS the 27tb dav of October, A. !.. lsl. mat bsilM Iks Drat day of Hi next ragu ar term of aid ('uit. rollowliiK Ch. expiration of tns puliliiitlon of thla Numuioua. or in delauli thereor thd Plainllff will ply to iho 0'urt fr the relief iirayed m the -mpla.nt, to wli : for a tjaereo frHioaing a certain iiiorigago acutod by! Parrinh and i J l'airisbou the IStS day of January, A. D. i the w Knglisnj .Mortgage p u rity Coniany lo M-cure the ta uieut of a osrtatn promusory note ofexeudaia there with, lo wit : for f325u jiayahle to order of The New England Mortgage Hecurtty Company, upou w hich there la now due 1'lakutlfT the Mini ef S39 principal vuwi Intereat thereon from January Im, 18t, at 7 per cent per annum tbo sum of 27,50 with inlereat from aaid dau at It) per cent per annum and fIOu Attorney ' feen.w hi.-h mortgage is given upon the following de scribed real satate, to-wit : Situated in tbe County of Linn and State of Oregon, deacrioed aa tho eait half of tbe donation land claim of Oarusliel Parrinh aud Lydia M l'arriah his wife, notification 2000 in MHaious No. live (5;, six (), aeVen (7) amj eight (8) in Towuahip No. It, aouth of Mange No. 2, weal of the Wiilamotte mo ridiau, containing .'121 01-100 acres (except ing 100 acrea, out ot the aoutbeaM turner heretolore deeded to Henry Parrish, d serlbsd aa beginuiug at the southeaat cor uerofaaid claim, and runuimr thenoe north 70 westforty and 00 100(40iK)100) chains ; thence north 50 VX est thirty eight and 38-100 (38 S8-100) chains ; Dmdn s.iuth 02 10 east twenty-one and 18-100 (21 18100) chains ; thence south 10 l.V west twenty-nine (20) chains to the place of beginning.) Aud also the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, contain ing 40 acres and the northwest quarter, of the southeast quarter, containing Iu acrea, and the soutbeaHt quarter or tbe north wost quarter, containing 40 d alao lots Nos. two (2), three (3), and four (4), containing 101 OS-100 aere. nil in sec lion No, eight (8) iu Township No. thirteen 13) south of rango No. two (2) went of the wiiiauieue meridian, in all 221 08 100 aeres, and being a part of tbe donation land claim or James Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor his wife. Notification 4088. Tho and above conveyed amounting In all to 443 02-100 acres, and for a decree forever barring all said Defendant from sotting up any claim or title to aaid mortgaged promises and for costs and disbursemeuts aud for such other relief as may be just and equitable, as prayei for. This Summons is direoted to be publish ed in the State Rights Democrat for six Niiccexslve weeks by an order made by Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court on the 8th day or August A. D, 18S4 at Chambers at Salem, Oiogon. W. D. F. W. Frxton, Attorneys for Plaintiff. W.H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES STEEL. GOODS. JULIUS GRADWOHL Una ike only e xclasive stork CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large lEEortment of Eaby Carnages, And a Choice ONE DOZEN CUPS AND 6AUCER8 1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, VVINPOW LIGHTS AND LIME. THi: HKilllCST MAWHBTTCE PAID FOB BOB Ue member: What I Say I lean. Give Wt a Gall. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- I10FI HA 1'I.OI'KIETOKiH OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AUD DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigaxs, Tobacco, Groceries, Pioviaion Candle-5 Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - - Oregon. i tOB muom JOHN BRIGOS STORE. SSyl AT Till OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STRKET, HAS ON HAND AS FINE AB AXMiKTMENT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, 4s ma taOtSM lii tlie allpj. He a no Imports and manufacture TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE i'.Y IHX UliTloN IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS ON HANI', A FTJIaL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. UJ Of W!KH BS OffBH 10 THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DKT OOMFFJimOl.. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at stsMI ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, sTAKiER BROS. - ProyHolNa ALI5A!sY, MUMtl. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AWD HEADS rONEfl Executed iu Italian or Vermont MarMv. Al.10. averv varietv of cemeterv and other atone work done with newness and j dispatch. Special atteution given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. afT All work warnatel. 17:42 C. C CBEKItT. C.R. II I H ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKtS, (Suooessors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Mwriglits, and Iron Founders. 117 K II AVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX completed, aud are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Entrines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, aud all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTBKKS M4DK 0 SHOKT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alao manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Shop oa Baker St. OOlce a Lamber Yard. AMuny, Gr., Dec. I, 1880. IStf ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. Ali kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. Albhny, Or. gTcOHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND. OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT - Harrisbarg Oregon, SS Editor 4 Proprietor. ass3MMaaaweaaBsaa Selecton of Coffee, Tea and & JOSEPH, reasonable figures. ALBANY COLLEGIA IE INSTITUTE ALBABV, OK. Tb Second Tens ends sn Thurs day, January 31, 1883. ,1 For particulars ooootraiaa; tlx caurswi ot Vrnij mmi th pne ot toiUoo, apfslv to ET M. ouit. Prea sarai. Aloany Bath House. TUB L NDBK61UNBD WOULD RBSPBCT fully taferm the eltiaaaa of Albany aaS ri einitj that I have taken charga of t hi g.tTk)jtB eat, and, by keeping eleaa rooms ana pay ia Uriel attention to baainM, ex pacts w suit aj thoie who raay favor US with their patronage HaTing heretofore carried oa aotaiag bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expeeu to giro entire satiafrctioa to a 1 SssT-Ch-ldien and Ladioe' Hair neatly ott harrpoood. JOS WBBBBR. D. BROWN, .Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSCRIPTION San Francisoo, Cal, Quimby House. QUIIBY & HEKS1Y, Proprietors. Cor. 4th nd C. SU., Portland, Or, fNE OP THE FINEST AND MOST l complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct ed both by American and European plans. All tbe modern improvements, 140 bed rooms, well fnrnbued, light, and wel ventila ted First-cl s reading r-o n, barber shop. An evator aud all latest j)nvenieQ9ss- . vFO t arpMtrs,Arehi terts, Builders, RlaehlntkS. Etc. OSBORN & ALEXANDER, 029 Market St., San Francisco. Mechanics' Tools, Hardware, and Machinery. Catalogue ot all "ur gooda teat free on apptleatioa Lake Superior Transit Ca. THE G RE ATI LAKE ROUTE 13 Palace Steamships. Leaving Onluth, Minn, every week day. (Friday excepted) via Lake Saps' rior south shore p-irts to Port Huron h , Detroit, Hleh., levelandl Ohio, Erie, Pa., and HntTalo. K, If. Connections made at Port Huron 9Iieh.. with Grand Trunk Ry for all thb Canadian points, and l lereland Erie and KutTalo with the Great Trunk Line for all Eastern points, Varv a long lediousjorneybv takmirthty Rutland Lake Route g f vour ticket agent cannot furnish the required ticket, purchase to Dnlnth, and our agent at that port ill furnish yau a through ticket and check your baggage to destination. C. G. FRAls'KLIIf, M. W. Pass Ag't, St. Pan), Minn. D.a.CHRSTY,Agt,Dalnth.Mia