The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 29, 1884, Image 3

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    Entered at tho Pat Dili ;e at Albany, Or,
as second-class mail matter.
K4Ur aad rrsprletors.
Official Coiaty ani City Paper,
Sense fr'alrM.od
As the uewapsper is Appreciated moat that
is given to sensationalism and prevarication
publish the following falsehood, for the j
benefit of those desiring to be deceived, who
like over drawn items :
Albany is so dull that were it an axe it
could not cut potatoes.
A man in this city will give eoOOO towards
a woolen mill.
Wheat is completely busted, and we may
all expect to live on saw dust and Canada
thistles during tho co ning year.
Astoria firemen Bates kick, Salem firemen
never ridicule, and Albany firemen never
hare bad luck.
The successful business man never adver
Uses. The enterprtsiug citixen send away front
beme fur bis goods.
. All the stray and useless dogs in the city
will be taxed or sent huutiug tish in the bot
tom of ths WULraette.
Manufactories should be prohibited in Al -bany,
as they stupefy business.
Do not support your home papers, that
would look mean. It is muck better to sup
port some foreign paper that is much larger
and sells cheaper on accouut of its large cir
culation. A person has been louud who gave a dol
lar for charity without telling everybody
about it.
Brownsville llcut.
A gentle shower of rain laat night.
J H Wilson, our temperance constable an
nounces this morning tbat he is the father
of an eleven pound boy.
MissEdoxia Riley goes to McMiunville
next Monday, where she will attend school
during the coming schoel year.
Q ESianard paid Albanv a business visit
but Wednesday.
Win Cochran and wife and J M Moyer
and wife were in Albany last WeduexUy
and Thursday "taking in" the Firetnen'
Mrs Win RoUnett who lived about fonr
miles down the creefc from here was borne to
her final resting place Saturday.
Bill Washburn's baby is viry low from
scarlet fever. No cases in town at present.
Mrs R N Thompson is expected to
live but a abort time. Sbe has beeu suffer
ng all summer from the heart disea se.
Jas Wilson. Billie Fields and A M Arm
strong all of Umatilla Co., arrived but Sun
day. Mr Armstrong brought in a fine band
of horses which he now offers for sale.
Some of onr hop growers begin picking
Thursday, others Friday and others Mon
day. The Warm Springs are now arriving
and F M Jack went to Albany the 27th for
a load of celestials.
.1.1 ME EvftE.
Taml ('averted Jew.
Rev W O Turner, Presiding Klder of the
Walla Walla district thus goes for Barnhari,
"the converted Jew," who was id Albany
several months ago :
A certain religions tramp net long since
passed through this country, claiming to be
a converted Jew. That he is a Jew is not
seriously questioned ; but tbat he is a true
Christian yon will judge for yourself after I
state facta that have been given me. He
came to Pomeroy some months since and
passed himself off as a Methodist. He then
went to Lewiston and claimed to a Presby
terian. Soon after he made the Colfax peo
ple a visit, aad there was an ardent Baptist
He had occasion to visit Palouse City, and
finding the Campbellites in the ascendancy,
he became a most ardent and zealous advo
cate of that faith. Some people in this
country in their bread charity (?) think him
crazy. Others of severer judgment pro
nounce him "a whited sepulchre," a base
imposter. His constant ability to find out
wbich is the strongest denomination in a
new place, and the remarkable coincidence
of his happening to be a member ot that
strongest denomination in nearly every in
stance, convinces some people tbat be is net
simply a religious crank, but a downright re
ligiuus tramp. A word to the wise is snf
ficent. Look out for bim.
Oakvllle Ma Iter lags.
Our correspondent at Oakville bv8
Tbat big, little, eld aud young-, are
busy lakiug care of the grain.
That there is some bragging n big
yields. Mr C Stockton thrsjabed 12
acre of wheat tbat seragtd47 bushels
to the acre, and it is thought it will
weigh out 50 bushels to tbe acre.
Tbat there will only be had a rroja of
spring wtieat, owing: to considerable
nut, and tbat corn is looking well .
Tbat George gtocktna, foreman of
the Ashland Tidings, is visiting with hia
fonts, atii it is thought lie basao eye to
other business from indications.
Tbat farmers are n-j dcing over tbe
prospect ef another outlet for their
grain ; things look now as if we can
soon send our grain by tbe way of Ya
oqina. Heps la Una Coaatr.
l ast Monday Mr Ihoraas Humphreys
J ft a bunch of hops from the yard of
Mr L Parser, near Lebanon, which takes
the loaf of bread. Some of tbe heads
are three inches long, and tbe whole if
a good sample, indicates a large crop,
which we are assured re will be. Mr
Parker's yard will average 1200 to 1500
pounds to the acre. At only 25 cents
per pound, with a cost of 8 cents per
pound to raise, aod 1200 pounds t the
acre, there is a profit of $200 per acre ; or,
at as low as 800 pounds to the acre, over
$103. Certainly this is much better
than wheat.
M ill be Completed.
The Oregon and California Rail Road, we
are now assured, will be built. It most cer
tainly should be bnilt. Whether it will help
San Francisco or injure Portland, or turn Mt
Hood bottom side up, has nothing to do with
it. We need, and must have, a direct commun
ication with California by rail overland. That
is the point that interests the people of Oregon.
These selfish side issues should never be
raised under the present condition of things.
A country must have railroads to be advan
ced. One might as well attempt to stop the
IPillametts running down hill as the bedd
ing of a railroad between here and California
The best harness at J J Dnbru die's.
Salmon are, cheap;
F M French, jeweler,
"What fools we mortals be."
Mr L Parker, near hobatmu wanti hop
Union baa a boy who has not woru a hat
for two years.
8 K Young made a large shipment of wool
a few days ago.
It is said that Mart Taylor suicided at
Red Bluff, Cal.
"Mashing" was a prominent business last
week, and a poor one.
Tho fall crop of drummers is large, many
coming from ths East.
A large line of youth's clothing jast re
ceived at L K Wain's.
Go to Smith A McCartney's for bargains in
drug and cutlery, etc.
Single and double harness, unexcelled
J J Dubruille s. Cheap.
The tpta! losses at the Koeeburg tiro were
$1 1 1, 120, insurance $40,000.
Fred Swatka Strang, of Salem, has been
appointed cadet at Annapolis.
1. K Biain baa just received a large stock
of hats of the latest novelties.
The annual conference of the M E Church
will be held at Salem next week.
Regular meeting of the W C T U next
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The license in Tacoma haa been raised to
$500 a year, payable quarterly.
Tbe Rescues of Astoria, carried off tbe
honors in the late tournament.
An excellent lot of saddles at J J lu
bru die's at prices from ft) to $35.
E. L Thompsou A Cos. harness is the
cheapest to buy because it is the best
N . H. Allen will sell summer cloaks, dol
man's, etc., at less than first cost to close.
Farmers will save money by buying their
belting, and rurts of E. L. Thompson A Co.
The Santiam Mining excitement increases,
Large numbers are flocking into the mines.
(Set your groceries, vegetables, fruits, etc.,
at Hoffman A Joseph's, the leading grocers.
Communion service at St. Paul's Methodist
Church next Sunday. All are cordially in
vited. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon
Ail-any, Oregon, ('alls made in city or
The largest stock of carpet, oil cloth and
wall paper in the city is at Mcuteith
Scitcnbach s.
The total receipts during the tournament
at Vl C T 0 Hall were 1159.00, expenses
about $90.
The Astoria firemen were tendered an im
mense reception on their return home. They
deserved it.
Miss Alice Claws ju lectured at Halaey
August 25 and 26 aud at Harrisbnrg August
27 and 28.
Butte, M. T.. must be a frothy place for
saloon, one there averagiug $000 per month
in cash receipt.
"Mug wump" is a new name just coined,
and should apply to tbe man who does not
pay tbe printer.
llev R Robe, of Brownsville, and James G
Blaine, were classmates at Washington and
Jefferson University.
There is comparatively little sickness in
Linn county for this time of tho year, at
least Doctors are not rushed.
Freight rates to San Francisco are being
greatly cut in order to obtain for that city
some of Oregon's large trade.
The women of the W C T C received uni
versal praise from tbe firemen for their fine
treatment of them at their hall.
Union services will be bold at the Congre
gational church next Sunday evening. Rev J
W Harris delivering tbe sermon.
Tnesday a rain storm struck the valley,
dampening matters considerably, and mak
ing spring wheat look bluer than ever.
San Francisco dealers think the comple
tion of the O A 0 will revive trade with Ore
gon, and are placing great reliance oo it.
The same kind of a crop should not bo
grown on tbe same land for a successive num
ber of years. Changes should be made.
Tbe largest and best stock of harness and
saddles in the valley is to lie found at 1- L,
Thompson A Co. and their prices are low.
58 cents for wheat u not encouraging, but
it is much better than 40 and 45, the price
in Eastern Washington aod Eastern Oregon.
Goldendalc must be a wheat field for news
papers ; a subscription for a new bridge was
beaded by the editor of the two papers with
$20 apiece.
The Standard states that Isom, Lanning
A Co. have bought 100,000 bushels of wheat
at 00 cents. It aboutd read 1UUU ; quite a
Go to Smith A McCsrtney's for bargains
in drags, medicines, etc., they are selling
cheap to dispose of their stock before closing
out business.
For tbe prompt and certain enre of erysip
elas, use Ayer's Sarsapariiia, which is the
specific endorsed by the most eminent medi
cal authorities.
Ouly one teacher was present at the tnti
tute recently held at Kalumna. Ho must
have beeu happy, as there was no one there
to dispute him.
Poor steering of threshing engines causes
considerable trouble at times. One in Mar
ion county was ran off a bridge eighty feet
high and completely demoralised.
Malarial poison can be entirely removed
from the system by the nse of Ayer's Ague
Core, which contains a snre specific, in tbe
form of a vegetable product, used in no oth
er remedy. Warranted.
A case of vandalism occurred laat Tuesday
in this city, several men attacking fifteen or
twenty sewing machines and breaking them
completely to pieces. They had been taken
in exchange, the object being to clear the
market of rival machines.
William Misuer living on one of the farms
belonging to lieasen McCounell threshed 30
acres of fall wheat last week which yielded
1440 bushels being an average of 48 bushels
per acre. Good for Will.
Stylish young gentlemen should memorize
the fact that Monteitb A Sei ten bach have
received a fine assortment of pants patterns,
also a fine stock of clothing.underwear. boots
and shoes, neck wear, etc.
The item going tbe ronnds of the paper
that Capt Powell had been relieved of the
command of the Department of the Colom
bia, we are glad to state, is a mistake. He
will continue in his present position.
No one watches the large number of wheat
teams arrive at the different warehouses
with more interest thaji newspaper men, It
means more money, better times, and per
haps a summer vaction next winter.
The rapid improvements in the many ills'
to which the human race is heir, say the
Dvily World, Nashville, Tennessee, can be
attributed to but one sourse,and that ia saint
Jacobs Oil, the world renouned pain-cure.
Among the appointments made by the M
E Conference of Washington Territory, a-e
the following : Port Townsend , Bey I Dil
lon ; Seattle, First church, Rev J N Denni
son ; Tacema circuit, J F Devore ; Olympia,
D W Cameron ; Vancouver, P M Robertson.
Col Gig Hawkins is pressman for the Even
ing Chronicle, of Portland. The paper gives
him credit of putting his forms on the press
and getting it under headway In just six
minutes, a streaked lighting sot for the Colo
nsL Samuel K. Young has some tlrst-slaas hacks
and baggies on hand, which he wants to close
out before winter, and will sell them at
greatly reduced prices and on good terms.
Call aad see for yourselves,
Attention it called to ths advertisement
of L I Blaln in another columu. He has
one of tho most model olothing stores in
Oregon, and, by selling only first olass, re
liable goods, has obtained a trade that speaks
for his dealing. Always call on him before
A man at Pull mar , W T gave a boy a dol
lar to entice another boy, whoso parents he
was mad at, into his melon patoh ; when he
caught him stealing his water melons he is
said to have "everlastingly walloped" bim.
Far genuine meanness this has rarely been
Through an oversight we neglected last
week to mention the death of Mrs J Kliison,
which occurred on tho 17th instant. For
over a year deceased required constant atten
tion, suffering all that one can, bearing her
misfortune with a christian fortitude. Her
family have the sympathy of a large com
munity. The Public shoolsof Albany will be opened
on Monday, September 8th, with tbe fol
lowing teacher i Prof Hill, Principal .
Miases Rova Alexander. Minnie Allison.
Olhe Kirkpatrick, Nettie Sparks, Estealla
Howard, Assistants. A good attendance is
looked for.
K T T Fiaher, County Surveyor of Linn
county, is prepared with field notes and
township plats of this county to correctly
locate con. era of land where the same has
been lost or destroyed, and will replace the
aatne with permanent monuments. Person
wishing surveying dene will please address
him at Miller's, Una county, Oregon.
There u a surplus number ef servant girls
in Portland ready aad willing to work, but
people hire Chinamen instead, which shews
that most of the talk against Chinamen is
all put on. There is a demand for servant
girls through the valley, a place whore
Chinese are not appreciated, as they are by
many hypocritical Portlanders.
One day hut week a young man at Short
dsn, says the Polk county ltimktr put a load
ed cartrige in a vise for the purpose of tak
iog the cap out. He took the cap out, and
the shell too. The shell went up through
the ceiling. th charge of shot went dowo
through the floor, and the young man went
through the door. IWt fool with leaded
Prwfesaiond burglars have new struck
Oregon fur certain. Curvaili 'got a taste,"
ome burglars entering the store of A. Can
thorn A Son., cutting a hole in tho safe door
in a scientific manner, and taking out tJJO
in cash . Heretofore numerous petty thefts
have been chronicled, whore the burglar
sneaked in at a window, grabbed something
and ran ; but now they bring their kit of
tools aad go at matters in genuine New York
A traction engine in crossing the side walk,
on Ferry street st the junction of Third, hut
Tuesday broke it iu. so that it had to be
barricaded, which did very well during the
day. and prevented accidents ; bnt at night
it was so dark tbat no one could see it, and
in consequence several persons run on it A
private citizen in order to save tbe city a
big damage suit, aod, as well, protect pedes
trians, pot a lantern up, and no mere col
lisions occurred.
We have just received ti e annual catalo
gue of tho McMinaville Col ege.whiob makes
an excellent showing for that school. Mrs
Ella H Ruegg and Miss Laura Gealtra, both
well known here, are members of the facul
ty. Among tbe Linn county students who
attended during hut year are Thomas Kay
and Bdoxia Riley, of Brownsville, Jobn M
Smith, of Harrisborg, and Walter Thomp
son, of Albany. An excellent thing in con
nection with the college is a boarding estab
lishment whore board can bo obtained for
13 a week, one like which Albany needs.
J H Scriber, son of C W Seriber of Salem,
met with a serious accident while out bunt
ing with Alfred Coolidgo of .Sdverton, on
Wednesday of but week. Tbe two young
men were hunting on Mr Mulkey's farm, five
miles above Sdverton, and becoming tired
lay down under a tree to rest Coolidge in
turning over struck his foot against of
the guns, discharging both barrels, tbe con
tents of one going through Scriber left leg,
cutting the flesh to the booo and making a
fearful wound. The charge from the other
barrel weot into tbe beel of his right foot
and lodged there. It was feared the foet
would have to be amputated, bat Di Davis,
wbo was called in, has hopes of saving It.
W S Peters was in Portland tbe first of
the week.
Mr. Cbaa. Brady, of Eugene was in Al
bany during the tournament.
Mr Thayer represented the Portland New
during tbe tournament. He is a live repor
Captain E J Lanning went below Monday
in the interest of the Red Crown flouring
Willism Scott, connected with the Singer
Sewing Machine Co., has gone to Europe for
two months.
Mr R Crane, Chief Engine er of the Walla
Walla Fire Department, was in the city
during the tournament.
J N Dolph arrived in Portland the other
day. He is reported to have been spending
the summer in Washington City,
Mr. Eastham, formerly editor of tho Dsy.
ton Chronicle, is in the city in ths interest of
the history of the Willamette Valley,
Burt Hatch, P r'd m J' long-leggel and
genial bicyclist, was in the city during the
tournament. He rides a 58-inch 1 icycle.
Last Monday morning vV. B. Scott, J, J.
Dubrnlle, C. W. rfatts and E. W. Langdon
lett for the mountain, where they will hunt
the festive male deer.
A C Hansman and Frank Jack, of Browns-
(yiiie, were in Albany Wednesday after
Chinamen to pick hops. They wanted two or
three hundred, bat were an&bls to secure
that number.
Tuesday morning Thos J Overman and
Geo I Foster started on bicycles for a trip
up the east side to Eugene and back on the
west side by way of Corvallis, to be gone a
week, but it rained and they were only gone
two days.
At the Fair Uronnds. "
Marshal R. A. Irvine will be at the State
Fair grounds on Tuesday, Sept. 9th, for the
purpose of getting everything in good shape
to make a successful fair. He will look after
receiving stock snd everything will be done
to bring success.
Card Of Thanks.
Coryallis. Or., August 19th 1884.
To tbe good noble hearted citizens of Al
bany, who aided us in our deep trouble and
bereavement, we wish to express our thank
and heartfelt gratitude.
F, M. tk S. M. Wawworth.
Parades and speeches do yery well f but
it is tbat which produces tbe greatest oen
test that proves of tbe most interest to the
public. For this reason Thursday of last
week was tbe day of days of tbe tourna
ment, tbe one on which oontored tbe suc
cess or failure of the whole affair. A
parade oan bo gotten through with Id a
traceable mannnr, but when you oorae ts
a series of oontosts look out for hot tain pern,
St. cetera.
Thursday meriting ths oontosts began
at 10 o'clock with the hose race, the moat
exciting of the races. Under tbe rules the
companies were to run !KK) yards to hy
drant, unreel 800 foet of heso,attaoh nossle
and get water. Vol lowing was the time
made by the several companies :
Linn BnglneCo. No 3, 71 seoonds; alow
tltno being mused by slow attachment to
hydrant. They got the noxsle on In a
little over 47 seconds,
Albany KnglneCo. No. 1. No Ura( tbe
cart breaking to pieces at about 150 yards
from start.
Koaoues of Astoria, 65 second.
No. Pa of Astoria, &UH seoonds.
Capitols of Haleui, 59 ! seoonds.
In the cold water contest by steam en
gines there were two entries. Ths Mllsby
Knglns of Tiger No. 1 of Malum got up
stoaui and throw 100 feet of water In 11
iniii , 42 seconds.
The Clspp A Jonsa Knglns of Linn
Ktigine Oo. No. 2, did tbs same In 9 rnln.,
4H seoonds.
Ike Under race had two eateries. The
tender boys of Tigers of Helens and Linn's
of Albany lied in 80K ascends,
Tbe steamer contest for long distance
was wou by Tigers of Salem, their euglue
throwing 261 feet or thereabouts, the en
gine of Linn Co. No. 2 only throwing SOS
foot, ft inches.
The contest In which steamers ran 109
yards, boae team '.DO yards, getting water
through 109 feet of boae. was won by
Keones of Astoria Iu 41 11 seconds; Tl
m m Mi . al , , - .
gers or rtaietn oi aeoouus; b, m
Astoria, no time ; I Jnn Engine Co, No. 2,
of Albany, 4K ' seoonds.
Tbe contest for making and breaking
five couplings was won by Keacuee of
The sweepstake race of 800 yards waa
won by Oeo Nelaod.of lleocues or Astoria,
In 33 J seoonds. Time last year was 34
seoonds. P Grant of No. 1's of Astoria, 11
D Patton and (Jeorgo Wright, of Capitals
of Salon, were also in the race, Mr Patton
coming in second.
There were no band engine or book and
ladder con loo is,
An a summary of the above Astoria woo
three irsi aod one second prises, amount
ing to 914b; Salem two prise amounting
to f 100, Albany one first and one second
prise amounting to $69,
A ball at Crawford's Opera House was
well attended Thursday uigat.
The Judge in tbe ooataats were W J
Marry of Astoria. Frank Mc Dow oil of
baletn, W ft Miller of .leany, William
Preston of Eugene, and W T llaogaeeer
of MoMinnvfllo, Time keepers, F A Jor
dan, Sheriff of Multnomah comity, J H
Haas, bief Engineer of Salem, and J W
Hume, Mayor of Astoria, all of whom Oi
led their positions in a very satisfactory
Friday noon the several Astoria and
Salem companies left oo tbe noon train
foaling In excellent spirits, no withstand -lag
a few private grievances, They gave
three cheers for the women of Albany,
Mayor Hill, all the Judges, tbs railroad
companies, Mayor Hume of Astoria, lion
. Aa B
F. Hedgk'n, Joe Webber, the pioneer I
fireman of Oregon,eto ,aod several groans.
stats a user I AT lo .
At a meeting of this association tbe fol
lowing officers were elected :
President Ben H Worsley, of Rescues
of Astoria.
Vice President A E Strang, of Salem
Secretory and T eeatimr-Krenk
Hodg kin, of Salem.
Directorate II Stewart, Albany, P
Hicks, Astoria, L C Ullyeu, Kugene.
To prepare bill providing for protection
of exempt members, O H Irvine, of Al
bany, A P Wheeler and C Moores, of
Sol sin, wore appointed a committee.
Tbe neat A asocial Ion and Tournament
will be held at Astoris, beginning on tbe
second Wednesday of June. 1886.
look f Cloaa t r leek .
I bave j net received my fall stock of cloak
for lad tea, misses, and children. Tbeoe good
are bought diroctly of tbe manufaeterera for
cash, snd will be sold right.
8atkl K. Torso.
taaalaa rooter.
Eastern oyster have been planted in some
of ths bods on the Bay. and the result is
looked for with interest.
T N Cone foK from Olalla trestls laat week,
breaking bis loft heel short off. Hr Rich
waa called in, and ho pronounces it tbe worst
case he has bad 'for a long time. It is a
onrioos accident, aa tbe ankle was not injur
ed or any other damage done save the mash
ing of the heel.
A man was engaged in chopping a tree
last Priday at Summit, and ss the tree wss
in tbe aet of falling he jumped from tbe
pnng board on which he had been stand
ing, first throwing his as from him. Unfor
tunately the ax struck a man directly across
the right eye, splitting tbe lids in twain and
leaving the mark of ths edge of the ax on the
eyeball. Dr Rich made extra good time, and
soon had the man comfortable. He found
on examination that ths sys was all right,
ana will soon be ss good ss ever.
Tell Year Resgfcswr.
tun iaM swva ut acuta, a an uivivuauwwv
has arrived at Monteith At Ssite nbach's and
iLit. . . . . . . , . . .
TLa 4- tka a.sastlr . xonoea 1 rv At-rait a so. si i Was
mat it emnracos tne nnest seieouoas ia oyery
department ; their stock of dress goods ehal
hinges comparison with any aasortment ever
shown in tbs valley for newness of sty lo and
chsice designs ; also call their attention to
the fact tbat they have a fine assortment of
dress silk and satin in black and colored, in
short that every department U full of attrac
- - , .
ivwi auu w,v vuoy nro luvitcu ivi
and inspect the same.
. . . ..
Sjrrap of rigs.
Nature's own true lsxattve, Pleasant to
the palate, acceptable to the stomach,
harmless in its nature, painful In lta ac
tion. Cures habitual constipatlon.bllllous-
ws, indigestion and kindred ills. Cleans
es the system, purities the blood, regulates
tbe liver and acts on the bowels. Breaks
np oalds,ohiU and fevers,eto.,strengthens
the organs on which its acta. Bet--.bitter,
nauseous liver medicines, pills, salts snd
draughts. Sample bottles free, and large
bottles for sale by Foshay fc Mason.
iilrl Wanted.
A good girl, to assist in doing house work,
wanted at once, in a small family. Call at
the Democrat office.
Stage Uae.
II D Murray has established a stage line
between Albany and the Bay, and will ran
once a week from here to Newport. For
particulars call at Hoffman A Joseph's.
Following was tbs address of Welcome
delivered by Mayor J L Hill, to the Q re
ason, last week t
C'Ai' o Department- -Brother Firemen- -Ladiet
ami UentUmen i
It becomes a part of my pleasing duty
to-day to extend a band of wnlcniiui in vim
all on hehairof the city of Albsny snd
alsoetl behalf our Firo Department. The
ottlsena of Albany, tbe Albany Firs Ds
partment and In fact the people of old
Linn In general feel a Just sense of prldo
to know that so early in the history of
too wrogon state Firemen's Association
our own beautiful and prosperous city i
favored tfle aoospted plaou for holding
its third annual tournament,
Albany Is beautifully eiisuonood In tbo
most fert ile and salubrious portion of the
central Willamette valley and It Is not tho
Intention of her oltlaens to deliver any
material part of it to the do-trovlmr
clement, aod when occasion offers they
enter ths conflict with the looping flamen
with all tbo seau ratio of suwesa requisites
to a satisfactory Insuo. I say her mtlxeii
nUtr Into sues contest, Why say olilaen 7
ro cause nor clUxsna, both women and
men are pre-eminently deserving recogni
tion In this reaped. It iiuy seem novel
toeoine, when Informed that Albany has
u uiomiigui orgaiilxod, sollve, working
force of lire wciueii. but such Is happily
irnn, ami should those who look upon It
as a queer departure from tbo common
rule, ehauoe to be present on the occur
ronoo of a fire In Albany, their curiosity
would Immediately be converted into en
thusiasm when they saw a company of
woiuen drilled la their respective diiiios
with a much precision as a like number
of soldiers, prerlug hot ooffoo to stlmu
late aod invlgorato tho boys at the engines,
while all along tho line of battle, tho girls,
with oup In hand, are actively engaged in
administering to ths neoda of the tired
firemen ; ana such help hss mm-b to do in
elevating tbe moral sieuderd ef our lire
men'a profession. The buildings ofAl
bany are commensurate to tbo demmU
of the con ut ry and tbo requirements of
the times, aud are fairly equal to these of
her sister cities ; hence we owe the Ore
flood nothing, and will pay it no more
thsn we owe.
This brief statement offset I give you.
tbat should yon, daring your sojourn
with us, meet any oltlaon of Albany that
you are unacquainted with, you will be
oafs in addressing her or him. a the
might be, as tirewoman or fireman, aad I
assure you If that Individual I not at
present, either diroctly er indirectly, a
member of tho long fut, thn necessary
steps to become one are now In ooniem
platioa. And because of our ardoi in this
great organisation we more thsn OTIOOWIO
you here, wbo lend us your coume snd
support on this occasion. You route to
remain with us three dsys. and we shsll
endeavor to treat you Just three times a
well as we would if you were enly hero
for one third of tbe appointed time, hut, as
a vast eenount of committee work has to
be looked after at such Unas, doubtless
some oversights will occur, but as tbe oc
oupatlon of a fireman Intuitively begeta a
dbqioetuoa of generosity wo know thsl
you will charitably overlook any short
coatings that you may see. To isy aside
yourdai'y s vocations, to assist in swelling
the throng to-day, -rleavmg out all que
lion of expense, which I coriUlrah.e--ie
of no small moment to ymi. and sines
3 our Intsrool ts oo lively, our thank to
you are proponfonaley abundant.
And now. In ootid ui n permit me to
say to yeu -oujoy yoursnivMO be a jwrl
of us -while you are in Albany let Al
bany be your home mr walk are good
aad our streets are broad, we have amp!o
room for you all. and our hospital!' ie are
inviting your participation. To you, ono
and all, allow me again to repeat once
twice -tkiice welcome smong u.
Isdiss', misses' snd clnldin.'a knit under-
wear. in great varieties of quality and prices,
received direct from New Yotlr this week,
Scot ia Yt o a.
Mi Knocb Thompson, the subject of this
obituary enjoyed the uaoivoled ceHdouce
micrln ofhu 1unive seoealntaoee as
a geatlemsn of tried integrity, faithful and
trustworthy, whoso c lear miud and hnct
heart prompted goncrosity in thought and
action. He closed his useful hf in bis resi
dence in Brownsville, Oregou, en tho Ibth
day of July, 184, at the advanced sgo of
76 j i so, 4 months, aud 7 dsy. lie was
born en March P'lb. 1801. in Charlestowo.
South Csrolina, whils quits young his par
ents moved to Harrison. Co., I1L Wbsn
shout 'JO year of age his father having been
removed by death bs removed with his
mother aod family to Chicago residing there
a number of years aod there united in msr-
rtsge with Miss Mary A Ktnaey, his present
widow, in the year, 1H33. During his resi
dence there he served aa a faithful soldier in
tue Black Hawk war. la the year !H3d ho
removed from Chicago to llacine, Wisconsin,
and in 1S38 located at Elkhart, Indiana, re
maining there until the greater number of
his children waa born, from there he remov
ed to Adsl, Iowa in the year 1&52, horn that
point ho croased the plans to California in
1862, residing there until lfGt, and during
the fall of thst year removed to Albany. i ..
thence made hia residence in Brownsville in
the fall of 1860. While n Brownsville al
though firmly adhering to tbe Democratic
doctrine I rem convictions of its correctness
yet aa a tree sentlemsn and christisu he re
spected those wbo differed with him in opin
ion sad as often aa be waa willing to serve he
was honored with the important office of J.
P., receiving almost s unanimous suffrage in
a district where many honorable Republicans
ide all reposing confidence in bim as aa
nflMr And he moved himslf worthy oi
the confidence, held the balance equal ne
tween parties in litigation and in many cases
he prevented strife and litigation by advisiug
amicable compromise instead of law, In the
winter of I860 ho united with the Christian
Church, remaining a feithful member until
the winter of 1876 where be united with the
Baptist Church in Brownsville. He hss been
s devoted, faithful Christian during the hurt
25 years, ever ready and willing to encour
age anal assist in every good work to sooth
tbe cares of suffering humanity, his depart
ore from the stage wss like hia life, bright
hojT f hme
la beloved oompsnion who as s fsi
He leaves
companion who as a laiiaiui onris-
a -.tea a
tian wifs and mother who shared with ths
departed in all their prospects of life, and
ohildren and grandchildren to realize tho
loss. The church suffer the lots of a faith
ful member and tbe county loose a good and
worthy citizen. Hi funeral services were
conducted bv the writer and by the kind
oi.aiaf oin.vaa af Paste UnKa if Hpi Wt IV 1 1 1 fV 111
. ov w
i naviawsuvw va w v avw wo ...wV
tMk .... . . . .... -,l
Lira HUiifli ctiurcn oi nut iisw, w.m
f , ..
Peace bo to our beloved brother who rests
with Chriat the living dead. Written by the
request of friends by
IL C Hill.
s -
rail Sloefc.
I am now receiving my fall stock of la
dies', misses', children's, men' and boy's
boot and shoes. These goods are bought
direct from the manufacturers for cash, no
middlemen. AU goods warranted as repre
Samubx E. Younu.
Thoieknovriug themselves indebted to th
undersigned are kindly requested to cal
and settle by the 31st day of August, as we
will not remain in Albany after that time.
Smith A McOartnby.
Albany, August 20th, 1884.
Butter 20 to 26 ots per lb.
Etnr 20 cents per doz.
On riala Saajeris.
The great firemen's tournament baa
come and gone, and while In many re
spf ote It was a success, It did not fail to
engender the usual amount of dlssatis
faction peculiar to most of sucb oocas
Ion The Astoria firemen kloked
about the hotel keepers and because
tticy did not bave things free, tbe Al
bany boys becauss they had bad luok,
and tbeHalem boys on general prlnol
!: : but all the kicks put together
would not have upset a seven year old
lies As a matter of fact there should
none of the iu have buen mails, if a
company offliemen enter a lourna
ment It should bo with tbe Used put
poso of puttlngup with little grievances,
abiding by the decision of Judges aod
taking matters philosophically, except
ing, of course, In cases of gross Injustice.
Nothing mar tbe success of an affair
tike this more than kluklug, and It is
matter of deep regret tbat any occurred
In tbe late tournament.
During tbe late tournament a gentle
man In the upper story of tbe Revere
House stuck bis bead from tbe window
and "shot off bis mouth" iu a bolster'
ous manner while the firemen below
were discussing some matter that had
cm up. Just as h completed his
scnteuceometblug dropped from his
mouth to the side walk below, and such
a look of black consternation and child
Ish helplessness was never before seen.
He shut bis mouth, perhaps learning a
leasou to keep his tongue to himself.
It was a pity that several others could
not have been In a third story with a
set of false teeth to drop.
Bless me, this is a funny little world
we live in ; but new things will happeo,
A gentleman at Tbe Dalles has Just pub
lished In one of the papers a card, which
begins : "Tills certifies that I owe Mr.
Nichols-! for board, and Mr Nichols
haa asked mcsevc rU lltses for It. eta.
tbat I bave several wives scatter
ed around the couotry, bave not drawn
a sober breath since I bave booo here,
never have paid for the dailies I wear,
and sm In fact generally depraved,"
signing his name to It Ifsllmenwbo
owe for bills they have boon dunned for
would publish sucb statements at ten
ceais a line the nswspsper buslaaas
would b a paying one If uo trusting
were dene.
Smith ekioT4 and rambles spplos, to make
cider with, wanted st Hoffman A Joseph 'a
oaaisAMK o. in.
riellag to ertala Aalasals Bassist al
i if it onLiinfd by ths Common
uooMCfl vj the
Mftjf oj Albany.
Bae.I. It shall be unlawful for any boras,
mare, mule, jack, or jennet, to ran at large
within thebmiUof this city. If any horse,
ii if . wole, jack or jennet be found running
at large, within the limits of tbe city, they
shall b taken up by tbe Marshal, or any
other person, snd delivered to tbo Marshal,
the sut to be kept in a good aod sat place
g. II. It shall bo ths duty of tbo M ar
ena! alter taking op any of the shove named
animals, to immediately post up notice ia
to fee public place m the city for tea dsys,
giving as correct s description as msy be, of
natural or artifical marks, pro ba bis age, atae
and color.
111. If previous to tbo eipiratioa of
Uu iavs tbo owner shall prove said animal
taken up to bo his, or ber property, they
shall bs entitled to tbe same by paying tbo
charges thereon, which shall be one dollar
for taking up and a roasnabls earn for keep
ing the some.
Bat IV. if any animal describe I in sec
tion (I) one, so taken up remains unclaimed
te-n dsys from date of such notice, the city
Marshal shall sell uch aatmal st public auc
tion, after due notice, to constat of at Isast
oae insertion in the official aper of the city,
aud notices ousted in three oubltc plsces :
sod after deducting his legal foe aad all
costs, etpensc of taking up, keeping nd ael
hag, shall pay tbe remainder oi the proceeds
I sucb sale lute the city treasury.
Sat. V. If at any tims before enoh sale.
the owner or owner of any animal so taken
up shall claim tbe same, be or they shall bo
entitled to ths possession thereof upon ths
payment of alt Isgal charges, and expenses
incident to such taking up aad keeping.
Skc. VI, If tbe owner or owners of any
property sold under tbe provisions ot
this ordination shall soy lh,M within one
year front data of such sale snake satisfac
tory proof ot nisor tueir ownersnip, ne or
they shall be entitled to receive tho net
proceed or sucn sale, on deposit in tne
City Treasury.
Skc. VII. Ordinance Ml entitled an
or Jinaooe,'-Relating to horase running at
largo," and all ordinances amendatory
thereto are boreby repealed.
Skc. VIII 1 hi ordinance to be in force
from and after five days after Its publica
tion. rassod tbo couooil Au z. 26, 1884.
Approved Aug. 27, 1884. Attest,
J. Linskt Hill,
N. J. H k.n ton. Mayor.
City Recorder.
Albaajr Markst
Wheat 68c per bushel,
Oats 20
Beef on foot, 3 He.
Hay baled, 11&1S per ton.
loose, to 10,
Potatoes new 85 ots per bushel.
Bacons hams, 11H
shoulders, 7o.
sides. 10c-
lard 14c per lb.
Flour 4.50 per bbl.
Chickens 3.00 per doe.
Sugar dan Franeiso 0, 12c.
Mill Food-bran, 19.00 per ton.
shorts, 15.
middlings, 20.
The Conference of tbe M E Church South
will be held at Dayton, W. T., Uginaiog
next Wednesday.
The beat salve In the world for onto.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, cuappeil naacs, cntioiaina,
cnriiand all kinds of akin eruptions.
This salve U guaranteed to give perfect
Miisf:iciion in every case or money re
funded. Price 35o per box.
For sale fcy Foshay A Masoa
Tmnroved farms in Linn and Lane
counties in the hsart of the finest farming
distilct west of the Kooky mountains. For
particulars address or call on
Shedd, LI an Co., Or
Letter List.
The following Ishs list of letters remaining In
ik.Vn.t rwttA Alhanv l.inn countV. OrSSOD. A US'.
28th 88l. Person calling for these letter uiiut give
the date on which they were adverviseo.
Albright, Mrs. Susan Celaway, Mr. Jane
Nee ve, Alfred Staler, Abraham
Wheeler, Alooso WUltams, J. M .
A Portland paper seeks to cause a ssnsa
tion by publishing several horrid looking pic
tures of thousand Isggod worms, big hesded
monsters, etc., found in the wster which
Portland people drink. The sight is indeed
repulsive ; bet whore the paper got tbs oats
we have not learned.
Whet one drinks, to live, is a small mat
ter compared with what ens eats, to live.
Much more disease arises from the latter
ban from the former. Albany people should
tsks wsrning, snd in ordsr to induce them to
stop eating we present a life-like picture, ob
tained at the ususl great cost (5c ) of one of
the beastly beast which they daily eat, oo
action yet having bees taken by tbe Common
Council to prevent the practice !
laving on mud and spoiled matter, think
of the extent of thn imposition, compared
with which filthy water is 0. Yet nearly
every other man yoe meet makes a
of himself by living on it. And now observe
this woe begone looking animal, very justly
called by tbo opprobrious name "cow." Rat
ing dusty grass and old refuse boots snd
show it oan find in lanes and back streets.
Open your eyes at tbe following mutton-
chopped thing. Sheep indeed I llail fences,
dry, decomposed, grass, poisonous weeds, for
it food, howosn we masticste it .
No wonder so msny people are croaker
when we consider that the
is a common article of toed. lie grows fat
on these very auimalculae found in bad water.
will eat anything from a flea to a frog aod
crows loudest when bis craw ui ft l est of
thm. But wbst is to be said ef such thing
ss this.
neither, properly, an animal nor a bird, tor
a flab, just s thing, living on shell and sand
aod alkali, and the upheaving of horrid
looking nab, sen serpents, shark, etc., many
(ia Pari) would prefer to attack a
These are matters for deep consideration,
all tbe same ss the Portland water, and oar
citiseas are warned to set a
oo their actions and be more careful. Some
means should be instituted to prevent it or.
if they will eat, to make them pay for all
these things, which tbo Urge balances oo
ome of oar merchants books indicate they
do not always do with alacrity.
Jest roivd a fine line of dry gooda.di
good sad notions, direct from New York,
bought for rash, and the beet goods ever sold
for tbe price, st
Saat-ai. K Yor.;a.
Tuesday evening, August 26, 1S84.
Present -Mayor, Marshal, Recorder, and
all asembers.
The following accounts were ordered paid :
Robinson West. 83 1. Go ; X J Hcnton.826.
Committee oo streets reported that Mar
shal had made necessary repairs to bridge
serosa canal, junction of Vine aod Fifth
Marshal reported street and walk in (air
Committee on Health aud Police reported
nuisance near lot 1 and 2. in block 12, K.
A., out removed.
On motion Mat ehal was ordered to notify
owners of lota 3 aod 4, block 104, to remove
nuisance near hi residence.
Bid of Jas I .an rent to build the cross
sewer connecting with Calipoota street sew
er for fl.60 per foot, 8 inch pipe, waa ac
cepted, the aatne to bo paid fur Jaa 1, 1885.
Ordinance 129 wss read third time and
Ordinance 130 was read three times and
See ordinsnoos in another column.
Communication from H P Merrill notify
ing council that the insurance on No. l's
House would expire August 28, was read
and referred to committee on Fire and W.
tor, with instruction to have inaurance I
newod at lowest rate possible.
Foreman Lanipman ami Engineer Roberta
reported No. 2's engine in such condition as
to need immediate repairs. Referred to com
mittee on Fire aad Water.
Matter of Assessment of Thos Monteitb
or 1884 referred to committee on 'ys and
On motion tbo city police were instructed
to report the name of all minora to whom
intoxicating liquors were disposed of to and
the person di posing oi the seme to the city
attorney, and that the attorney proceed to
prosecute the persons so reported.
Woltre lo
We bave leased for tbe season of the
assignee sit ths storage room and bins In
tbe Albany City Mllla and most respect -fully
solicit a portion of the public patron
age until we make other arrangements
with our creditors. No merchant work in
the mill will be done, but we will do cus
tom work aa usual. .
These who store with us shall have all
tbe advantages ef tbe market In the sale of
grain. We propose to do simply a storage
business at the usual rate.
Thos. Montbith A Sox.
fastens 4.rtodlsg.
The grist mill of Charles Turner, at the
north end ef Breadalbin street is now in
com piste repair, and la ready for grinding
wheat for tbe farmers of Linn county
Give him atrial.
Excited Theaaaada.
All over the land are going into edktacy
over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Their unloeked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Saving
remedy, causes them to go nearly wild ia
its praise. It is guaranteed to positively
cure Severe Oauffba. Colds, Asthma, Hay
Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of
valfje, or anyansctioaoi tae l nroat ana
Lungs. Trial Bottles tree at Foshay A
Mason's Drug Store. Large size $1.09.
McOEE. Near this city, August 22d, 1884,
Miss Ola McGaa, aged 18 years.
Misa MoGee, was a daughter of Mr
Jesse McGee, sad a young lady ef moat
estimable character. About a year ago
she waa taken with consumption, and baa
been failing gradually, but surely since then.
wo . a a a at w
tier parents nave tne sympetay ot ail in
their great lota.
Aps Uafroeat of Mis A Use Cla
Mis A I ce C awson has spent Joiy in
Eastern Oregoa ia the interest of temperance
for tbs Stats W 0 T IT., having lectured at
Pendleton, La Grande, Union, Bak or, Prairie
City, Carson City, John Day, Island City,
The Cove, Hummeryille, CenterviUe, Wet
ton, (lave twenty-one lecture, organised
9tg Rands of Hope aod four W, C. T. U.
Her futtber appointments are i
ifoaebnrg, Aug, 29th, 1884.
Jacksonville, Aug. 81st. aod Sept. 11
Ashland, Sept. 2nd and 3rd.
O.kland, Sept. 4th aad 8 A.
Iirain, Sept. 6 th snd 7 th.
Rrownsville, Sept. 9th.
Scio, Sept 10th.
Toke Seltre
All persons knowing themselves la
debted to tbe undersigned will do we' I
to call at once and settle. r the account
will be placed In t- hand of an o rear
for collection.
Mattik Ai.'.i.ox.
to SAL.
The furniture, fixture and olo t re peal
table 4'j by 9, belonging to Sorbin's 1 11 sa
loon. Inquire f
Geo. Hcmh&st,
At the f, art H
At Cel.
N. If. Allen will sell dry good s cost for
00 dsys to make room for fall sad winter
Sea Lion Silver Polish,
This polish ia manufactured from sob
narine vegetable substances and will net
mark or scratch the softest metals. For
cleaning and polishing fine pla'ed ware,
ewelrv and glass, we challenge the
world for its equal. Sample boxes sent
by mail far 25 cents, liberal discount to
agents and wholesale dealers. Address
Albany, Oregon.