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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGOY. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi am lUver, opposite Water uo boda Springs. Good roadti no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoftice, Waterloo, Or. linfc Directory. U. 1. Cm i; ii. Proaooingevery Sabbath, at 11 a. m , and 7 r. m. by llev. F O. Ir vine, l. 1. Sabbath School at 2:30 v. M Prayer meeting every Yoiiiaday evening. Evasusucal Chdkch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m., and 7i r. at. Sabbath School Prayer meeting every Thurs- day aTaBiBf. J. A. Hollcubaugh, pastor. OmIi : M a tiox alCmubcm. Service every Sabbath at 11 . m. and S r. m . Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evauing of each week. J. W. Harris, p;utr. M. K. curncu, South. Service hold everv Sabba;h at St. Paul's M. K. Church, South, at 1 1 .v. a. Sabbath School at i-30 r. m. harp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day eveung. O. ii. Carson, pastor. M. E. Cuv bcu. lreaching every Sabbath at 11 a. it. and 7 J r. M. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs- uay evening. Kev . M. J udy, pastor. Pkesbytkrian Cucticu. Servioe every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Proadaltiin and Fifth St. Sunday School at - :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Ttaursday evening. Kev. iaaac il. Coudit aafstaa. C:n::srt an Cm urii. Preachiug every Sab- tulti at V . U. T. U. Hall. at 1 1 & , :M M. Suuday School at half pat 2 o'clock r. at. Rev J T f'loyd, paatot. First Baptist Cuvrcb. Preaching every 8ahheB at 11 o'clock am., at c'uarcu uu osh Street. Bahhatll School lm aciiately after MHiilMjl services. Prayer meeting every Tbursity evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Browuson, pastor. The neat st rraat a : ealag remedy sad uervc I tunic is (M legtunwic rv .suit of over twenty rears of practical experuncv. by a TBOBl.MLi al AUHU Ctl ii atk rm !! I lone of the hut heel med llk-al college in tuna. and cares witn amaino Icclxniv Nervous and physical debility, semi' nal weasne .spcrmator tV fQ. vlJt X rhoes, rwaatartoea, WJWV-IVV exhausted vitality, pre mature decline sou toes ma.-ihood in al Ha complications and from whatever came pnxlneed. H enriches sad purifies the blood strcuirihen. the nerves, brain, muaclea, dijresOun, re- firod active or-rvn and physical end meutal fseulucs t stops any unnatural, debilitati"? drain upon the system, preventing Involuntary losses, debthtaon drun. sewinil losses with the urine, etc.. so de- stru-.tive to mind aad body. It b a sure eliminator at a:l ltsdncT and bladuer comi.laiata. It contains no iajurous nuriients. To those sufferini: from the evil ciT-eta i vuuthrul i mliscrei ions. a speedy, th.r asset nd peraune it cure is Gl'ARANTKKD, Price 250 i er bottJ-. or five bottles in case, wun mil ui ssjetioaa aii'i alice, $10. Sent secure t rom obeerv a aon :.. any upon receipt ot price, or C. O. 1., jo be 1; ui only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, 216 Kearney St., aaus rssrhco, Cat Consultations strictly . confidential by letter oral fa -c r'KKK For the convenience of patients and in rder to insure perfect secrecy 1 have addoptad a pri vate alJrei uader which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. iiuTi .Lt show its ments, will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating bis symptoms and age. Comaiuaicatiuns strictly confidential, Dr. SPIMEY, 11 KEARNY ST. Tresi nil Chronic anl Special Disease. YOU1VG IWLEIV WTHO 1l BE HIYrEtUC FKOM THE 7 t - t yoathfol folliea or h ulceration, will do well t avail themselves of this, thegreateat boa ever ix .1 al tne altar of rtSenng buaavuty. DK. B FBS& BY w:U guarantee to forfait fiSOOfor every case Seniiwle weakness or private disease of any kind or caractar vrkicti be unJertake ana tail; to cars. niDDUACED JIE.V. There are many at the age of thirty-fi re y sixty who tr j 1 .th tuofreqoeat evacoatioa 4 the blad o ten accmnfsmied by a slight smarting or burning II and a weakening of the system in a manner e patient cannot account fur. On examining the irinary awaasfa a ropy sediment will often be found to d sometimes small partieies of albumen will appear, Jt the color will te of a thin milkish hue, again chan? ii g to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many m cn who flic of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, w hstli .- w BSSSSsd rtajre of seminal weakness. Da. o. will ,riiirii:te a t;rfect cure in all su:h ea healtcv r.nit ration of the geni to-urinary organs. OrTiCB H vrss 10 to 4 aad 9 to 9. Sundais from 10 toll a. a. CoiunLUtion free. Thorough exminatiot nd auvicc, to. T'tr private Ssssssi of short standing a foil course sumcient for a core, with all instructions, w ill tie t to any address cn receipt of $10 00. Call w Jdress, DK a p .E1' st CO., 7 1 No. 11 Kearny St. Han Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DK- GIBBON'S Dispensary.- 623 WEAR'S T ST.. iuri of Commer cial Street, San Francisco, l Established in 1851. for (the treatment of Sexual land Seminal Diseases, such Gonorrhea, Cleel Strlrture,HyphIIIin al tm forms, laaowtearr Menstanl HulioeM. ntsrht losses bv dreams, pirn pies or- tbe face and loss of manhood can positively be cureo. i ne kick and afflicted should not fail to call upm him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in r.ur ,!, ana inspected thorou-niy tbe various nosfri 11b there, obtaining great deal of valuable inioaraa- liao, arhsea be is competent to impart to those in need of his services. DK. Gill BON will make no charge unicss n- tHcet a cure, rerson at s distance MAY BE i i tllA 4T HOME. All com munications strictly confidential. You see no one bu, the Doctor. Sand ten aouars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper tney see tnj advertisement In. Charges rea- Boisame. till or wnte. Adnrss 1K. J. Y. OIBBON, Box itol, han Francisco. The Doctor cures when otnerstail. Try him, vl5n3 PATENTS Xl?"":'' an'lal1 other bnslness9n the V. H. Patent atu;n:ieiea u ror inoaerate tee. Our olh e is opoit the U. 8. Patent Office, and u.yuN j-avc-ijis ic-as Lime isuui inose rciaoK; was WasBsnetea. hend modle or draw inz. We advise as to patent sbihty frt-e of charge ; and we make no chartre unless Wf ..: . . ...... . We ruler here, to tbe Postmaster, the Sunt. saey Order Mr. sastte officials of the U. 8. Patent Olfij;. Forebvalar, advice, terms, and eferences . . j 1.1 j .i ' " . : . ... . . i ii am in juuruwu oiaie or county, vauress A. SNOW & CO., Ojti-ositej latent Office, Washinjrton, D . OIK AGEXTH. Following are the Democrat's duly au thorizeJ areata to receive sabacriptions or money for the same : Lebanon ' L Wallace llarrisburg Sam May Brownsville 0. P. Cohaw Halsey T. L. Porter Shedd's...; F. A Watts Si" W. E. Kelly Jefferftoe ' S. A. DeVaney S'ariu for Sale. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rass. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this ffce. . THE DISSEMINATOR. PubSisaed every Saturday AT Slarrisburg Oregon, SS TRAIN, Editor 4 Proprretor. . in mVT:assKil K iOOD II E FOR mHl-lMEK. To every sabscjrlbor to the Drmoorat who pnysj np hi subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him tho "lloaUh end ilome" one year, without additional cost. The above paper Is a largo oiaht page, forty column, monthly pape. , end Is full of exceUent reading matter. A copy may be eeen at this ofllce. The paper treats or health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chauce to get a good paper for nothing. Those do- airing the paper ftent to them will please slate so at timo of paying their subscrip tion. Administrator's Notice, "VrOTK'KIS 11KUKBY GIVEN THAT il th uiidersiirnod has this vlay been apiointed AdmluiMtrator of tho oatsto of Fred Willert late a resi.lent of Albany, Oregon, tho l'robate fuurt for Lltin couutv.Urcgou, All persons naviug claims agaiust said estato are hereby no titled to present tho same properly veri- Iletl to the iiiulorsigiunt at Aiuaiiy, vrtK within six months from this date. This the Uh day of Attaint, ISM. W. M. KKTcauM, WKATHKRKORO Hl.CKItl!HN, Atl'y for Administrator. THE THIRD ANNUAL TOURNAMENT .-OFTHE- Oregon State Firemen's Association WILL BE BXLD IN ALBANY, OREGON. ON IVcdaeadny, Tlntrsdttj A Frldstj, AnsaNtSOIh, 3lNt and 2 2 ml. 1 h I . Oyer t00 in cash prizas will bo distributed The Tournament will closo with a Grand Firemeifs Ball. ou Thursday cvoning, Aug st 2ls, 1184 Half fare rates ea- h way will bo given by the Railroads to parties attending the tournament, ana apparatuses will be con veyed at half car load grain tariff rate. Committee of Aiuianukmk.x-ts J N Uoffinan, Cuied" Engineer Attany Fire Department ; T J Cliue, 0 B rtewart and A Monteith, frofh Albany Engine Co. No. I ; U Iampnun, L E Oray and W B Scott, from Linn Engine Co., No. '1, Al bany ; F P Nutting, W Blaln and O U Irvine, from Rescue Hook and ladder Co.. No, 1, Albany, Orejjm. Fa v.n K i. Asssffil, F. E, HotxiKtN, d'reaident, Secretary, for the working class !end 10 cents for i - -'-i,- . and c will mall free, a ral valuable tto tl semple f hh1 that will pm vuu in uie way t mas Ixig tow money in a few Oays than yuu c tr thought possible at any iuneas. Capital nt reuired. ne will start voti. Yon can work all the time la store Urns only. The w irk i uiitveraslly at ;.! U both sexes, young and old. Yuu can easily earn from 50 cents to T every evenltit;. That ail who want work may test the buaincsa.wc make this unparapllel ed o3er ; to all who are not well saUsflcl we will send f 1 to pay for the trouble of wraing us. Full particulars, dtreetions, etc . sent free, r' .rtunee wtil be made by thje who trite their wh il time to the work, tlr-al success alnotulcly suie. Du t itclay. Start now. A. Ureas Srissnx A Co., KorlUn-1, Maine. OR, LIEBIC IMpraMry. 19) Geo bl, Kan Craucucn Cal Condnctcd by y-oallneJ plipddaos ai d hurju-r. rc-.olar erauustes. Xit H c iut s(waltsts in tb I hlttO Mi'u, lilr-Ui)if crtrnoc. llftcl n it- u sj SSSJSJ UMUIcitaC, ii nit ti"' BsJ pmnar.ent cnrtsi f sll l-i ttsti , tin t.ic and Nervuo I'ias.s AaWSsJ)! Ihc iiiuod. Skin, kKlnrts, V.iUUr, Kruntiwfi. I 'leers, O.d Sort. , J Uir lands, s Jl'.ulh, Throat jl-.. .ains.txnnaneat'j cured and craUi cau-U tr 'in ttr si Uui fr ttfe . M-:sttll iKiniiiv, Isapotaaey, fecnutial Liiases. feetual lK- av. Ucn J jCWq tal ai.d I'litkai V. all lalliiia (Vt&P )"? M.u...r. Wi.k I tl le- f JfltHHT VJ ti lt u.tnt,itiif-tt:.t: .:'. i., Marriage tU , t: n. t kites i r ; ull.tu! l-jlltca, I set csiUre. c.uii, uf.lj and - a . 99 52 loans. Wl!r-tgrl and Old stf men, and all who need nuviical skill 4 sr and cxficrtftnce, conu;t the old X&tfi S Kuicai I'hX'ician at once. Ills '. '-J. opinion ousts nothing, a ..i may Save mime uiiki y situ siuunt: When iiK-.i;imient to the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by x ureas free from observatiu:i. It is self evident that a thyician who givts bis whole attenUon to a class of diseases attain great skill, and hysii-ians lhroU(h out the country.knowinjf thw. freiiently rccr.miucnd difficult cases to tbe oldest sjcc ialisl, by w bom every known pA remedy is ttscl. The lM.tor . age urn experience make his opinin f wprrnic importance. sHTrh'se who call see no one but the Lk ctor. Con sultations free and sacrettly conftdenual . Cases which have failed in obtaining- relief tl sew Ik-re espec ially solicited. KcmUe diseases sueaaiully treated. Hie Ictor will avrec to forfeit f 1 jMB for s case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily, from 9 a. m. to 4 d. m.. 6 to a evenings ; Kundays, 10 to 12 onlv. bend for the 8anilarial Guide to Health sent free. Address as aoove dr. inncit Wonderful ttnua ln Igcraf r Permanently r.revents all t nnatural bosses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens tae muscles, checks tbe waste, invigorates tbe whole system, and raitores the afflicted to Health and llaptiiuear. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Msnhood, etc, is owiuto a com plication, called Proctorrhea with liyperaelhesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vigorator is the only positive cure for I'rostaU-rrhea, with peculiar siecial treatment, used at thr Lie big Dispensarj'. Price t In vlsnrator. fflf . Case of six Ixittles flO. bent to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the Invigurator. A m Rattle Lit cn or suit Free. Consultation free and private. Call or address LI ERIC D!PFAaRY, 400 Geary Street, San Prsncisco, Cal. Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, four blocks op Geary Street from Kearney, Main entrance through Dispensary Drug Store. OThe T.inEjtf Guide is l sued Ihrch and bept., each year: 2Ui pages, 8xllJ inches, with, over 5,200 iilustnitions a whole pic ture gallery. Given hole sale prices rfirc to cowtumcr$vn nil iwkJs for personal or faiui'y use. Tells how to order, and give exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have f.m with. These invaluable Looks con tain information gleaned from the mar kets of tho world. We will mail a cony Free to any address upon rct cij.t of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear Irani you. Iiespect fully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO- 7 A 2KV Wabash Avenue, Chicago, lib Lake Superior Transit Co. THE GREAT! LAKE ROUTE 12 Palaee Steamghipg. Leavintr Duluih. Minn. verv wonk day. (Friday excepted) via Lake Supe rior south shore ports to Port Huron. Jflic-lt., Detroit. Mich., Cleveland. Onto, Eric, Pa., and Binflaio. N, Y. Connections made at I'ort Huron, Mich., with Qrand Trunk Ww for all the Canadian points, and Cleveland. Erie and IfuiTalo with tbe Great Trunk JLine for all Eastern points, Vary a long tedious journey by taking the Bail and Lake Route. If your ticket agent cannot furnish Ihe required ticket, purchase to Duluth. and our agent at that port v ill furnish you a through ticket and check your baergage to destination. C. G. FRANKLIN. N. W. Pass Aar't. St. PaubHinn. O.A.CHRsRTYg'taDnlntli.Minn For gale. Three and a half acres of good garden and,all fenced, house and barn,ia western edge of the city. Will bo sold cheap thisit ofB,3. ' Infants and Children Without Morphiwo ov WHrootlnn. W'lint. irlvciour ('hllilivn nv cliH-k, Wlintourc" their fevrrs, iiiii!c thetri sleep; 'TU t'nitorln. V1un llnlilcs fnt, nnl ory ly timi. What our tswtr ooUo, LiUm tin ir worm. Unt t'uwtorls. What quloUly iMin-t Court ijml Inn, Hour Htomiu'li, ColiU, 1iuIIk'''""ii : 1 1 til Cntrlu. Fnnw Il lln-n l Minli!no Kyntp k (.'tuUr Oil ami rnnv" , ami : i lit ,.,(,,, i ,. Contaur Ltnlmont.An b- solnto onro for RhouiaittiNut, Sprains, Burns, Galls, Sic, and an inatantsuMon PnJn.reliavar. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From those source ailso three lourth of the dlsoaso oi tho human rao. Tht'se syiupunnaliiilicato Uielroaisteiu-e : Ixaas or Appeilt Uuiula costive, Mtk HsaU acts, fnllness after eat Ina, aversion essrtlost of bodjr or mind, ICrnctatlon ot ffoo4t IrrliabUlty of temper. Low spirits, A see !in of having se;lectet s.tmedsnjr, IMaalaieM.Fluttertn; at tho Heart, Iota be fore tbe eyes. 111 a It I)' rul oresl Vrlne, 0!fJTIPATI01v7 and lo mand the use of a rmrly thnt u te l i rft I y on the Liver. AaaUvurine'Urln.'TaTTT'fi 11 1. L havo no injnnl. Tliolr actlonon tit KUInoyaamt hkln 1 also prompt ; removing all liupurltlf through lnvf fluro "srav cnajrr of the system," producing; appti. tltv. sound dliTPSilon. nKnl'r stiwiN.'u oklnnndaytKorouitHMlv. TUTT PILLH muse no nausoa or frtiplnir nor lnterforo witb dnlly work and nro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. HoldevsYTwhsre.nne. Mum.; st.,S ,Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Guar Hair or WKMKl m e hanged tn stantly tontiLnse; tlbara bvuatno ni pltoatlon of this 1TU. Hold by Druggist , or acnt by cxpreae on reeclpt of ft I. Office, 41 Murray fiirort. New Yoik. TUnt MAHWAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FRCI. withdhtMedicime. rsi 4iwf u THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURES-ag wllheat saedMae Pain la tkahaet. hlpa,ka. er Bssaa. a li rill tiirlTII) rnl doStlll, , smrsujr u. aewraissia, .luin-a. eissas asta ril,Slssl Slse as,lrIS li.rr, ! Isaaswraey, isitaia, heart SU aa, asssiftallsii, vryatr. im. i -Slsjas "t raaaarw aaaarra, aaica, c dial atsrae. i Wasaany dW!ity of tbaCtrXTU ATirr oaflAKf o-irs. laws vllaUlf. lack .frn. law sva lwr u 1 1 .( mksn, ss4 sdt skwse 4brasn af ssrr wul watwra. tram whatever now, thm conttsaottS Stream of maTetwa ixtrrnsalis tSraaa lb parlo assssl rss4an tkesa to a kaitky aetUa. i Ul U n mutaks sXKut tkls af Uabir . sXIOOMINAL SUPPORTER, as TO THE UWESlHeOF Eakaaatlsss.DvsiM'psta.or with ItU- . . rn I4r- r, KMae.s, UiJki-k rials U Selir WesJt AaLlrw, rSwollrsi trmt. an AtdoeiUial ticls Ik (Ml r of M s4T"t' t c $ jkj t llattrrtrsliavoBosasa-rWr tks ml-r n1 mm f all thtan -m(talnts. Ifcry earry a puwwrtul aisrutM fwrce to U.e swat of Lbs see- sr u a " awas ' t C J W w-asaaw sa 1 as as a r- .. it . i. r m rsvsitrvKi ww s at rrr h a r , rf ssi UUiko " IggllafTTt i r ' CwrsUvs Asssat u for all forms of r.-s!r t);g'-ailia It Is onrer- a tff s.ivUiin la-turw tnvai.ird. u,in as a carats SSSU aad MS Kutat i.f uiwcr ai d vita..'aUon. Prkwofrlthrrlbn allhMj Utnr.M.lin. CssMfcy eipmsCO. ! . ti4;.at. n Ivsal.orif l-ritf , a-iwl raaasttre or nail ito rr-- ;ji or pri r wsisl and U of ,i . p BS oaa tm anaue la seat In MUr at our r'.t r adapter! to sll body Mka Mm awaay Lalvaala sva ntHRa nniier r:uunsT, (sal nn u tea 3 a ma v an taaaj aa rsirwaiv eij an i saowsa IS a SSI osT M nlaTtlt. TTw-T hol.l thrj r fxe r furwvrr. in worn aa ail saws'ins or im year. araqnsmp ror inn jrw Mnms in Ksmnrwi Trwaa. TISrst Willslai TTI tnnasaHs of taaU-a THR MACUTRl'OM A I'I't J A V. CO- ait) tttaUsj ML, CMeasts. Ills DR. ALLEN'S PRIVATE DIMPEXMARY, tl Reamy Hfreet, Han l, EsTANLunsn ro rn Saesnric asd rxcr Cra or Cuaosic, Miavot s A.m HrecuL Dissssrs THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. AI.LK.V, AS 18 WF.I.b KNOWN, in A HBO ulsr ifrsduated Phjsk-isn, cducaLti at PowJoln College ami I'liivershy of Micbiuan. He hss devoUxl a lifetime to tbe study of aad is scknov. Irdifcd j ,. the most expert student in his specialty on the Pa cific Coast And middle aj-ed men. who nre suffering- from tlis effecu of youthful indiscretions or rsctsae In tntv turer years, nervou snd physical dehliitv, Impo tence, loet manhood, confusion of tttess, dull eyes, aversion to society, despondent y, pimples ou tns face, loss of energy snd nitmory, ficuency of urinat Inff, etc aVKemember the Doctor bs a Veaetahlo Com pound , the result of many years of scial practice and hard Study, which under l.ia - III :nlt I - r as a a. s failed of succew in the cure of Lot Ms;nhool, rotU- yniiua, tic. NY HORPlTAt. KXPERIEKf E. Uavitie been surgeon In charts of two lending hostiitals) enables me to treat all frlvato trouhlos With excellent r.njlla I milah It. m .1 l!. tood that I do not claim to perform imossibiltlcs, or w umru iiuracjioua or feupei natural power. I claim oniy to bs a skillful snd successful 1'hyslclan and uurifeon, tnoroufiny informed in my specialty. DlftKAMKM OF MAM. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion ui weir complaints no cxiM rliiientinir. 1 will iruar antee a nositivo cum in i-n.n i , . ..i . , i .. l ,. ... forfeit fll.OOO Consultation in office or hv letter fr nun stricuy private. iaMnt rcasoimlilc. Thorough examination, including eh analysis of urine and advice, S6. Office hours 9 to 3 daily, ii to 8 evening-. Sunday 0 to .... an on or auuresa DR. AL&.E.1, Ml Kearny Street, Ban Franrlsrs, Cal. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Pries and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON t WEST. -eVlbany, Or. Farm for Sale. Good farm,12 miles southeast of Lebanon. 160 acres. 60 acres timothv anrl elnvnr meauow. ou wtieat iaaa xn ealtivattmn. wl M atercd. Call on W M Phillips on he place. fafiKli sarsssssisssssr si MsaBB& r 5 BSSBSh 3D t.r Lasaa Bask, W ewk eras of IS. ralL tk, af IS- mama. Lsrarrkas, . iiC.a... Una sad I lrrrmtlow oflSa VTassH. Iu IJ. .! Ursa. l 11 I. r r t m . . a PCI Kill DA Y AUGUST 22, 1884 WAtMINClTON LETTP.R Krsm our regular oorrsuuUiit.) Wabbinutom, Aug. 2nd, 1884. It tho old adage be true that tbe nation governed beat la tho one that Is least governed, then the American peoplo stand to-day on tho pinnacle of Governmental perfection. Kelthor tho Frosldent.the Vice President, nor any Member of the Oablnot, except tho Secretary of War, Is In Washing ton at tho present writing, still the Government does not seem to suffer tho least disadvantage from their ab sence. Uoutino business runs Its well worn grooves as ususl, and tho even tenor of Departmental llfo Is only varied wben tho thieving of somo Government oflklal comos to light. And this reminds ino of tho In vim. ligation of the Navy frauds now In progress, and also of tho fact that despito tho boasts of honest disburse ments, tbero are no means In use la any of tho Departments by which frauds can i delected In their Inclp- iency. When a voucher represents a lawful expenditure, it Is deemed correct. Whether or not auch ex pen diture was actually made la not known. But It Is Known that many of the most honest looking vouchers sent In for auditing nn it dally passed because du ly certified, represent purchases that have not been made, labor that has rtnen diverted to private benefit. and material that has been stolen. It la only when some blundering do tlnlaueut falls in "Doctoring"accounta that tho country geta a hint of tbe joalbllltles of the situation. There are thousands of citizens residing In the Capital city, who have knowledge of more petty frau Js of ihU klud th n havo ever been dreamed of by tho outside world. There are costly res idences hero that were erected by such methods, by us'ng labor and ma. teriut belonging to the Government. Anu among the most expensive pieces of furniture in somo of these residen ces are beautiful articles made at pub lic expense. How many Its nt have been stolen in this way during tho last twenty years of Republican Admin istration, no roan knows, nor is there any way of determining. But tbe sys tem has worked long enough. It is high time that t his claas of thieves, and also that class which Junkets annual ly at the expense of the Treasury, as it is now doing, should loave nt the same time. Thi y will loave howev er, only under a Ileform Administra tion. Republican officials here still have their heads together in nn effort to find out just how they can extract "voluntary contributions'' from the I vcrnment clerks without violating the Civil Service law, and no doubt they will devise some plan. The com mlttetj appointed to collect campaign funds from Goverr-.roffnt employes have fitted up a room for their pur-P-m mm New York AvenWa T" wails are decked with gy banners, portraits of Maine St Logan, and green and whito plumes here and there. The furniture, at prstenl, consists of a dek, h counter, water cooler, and a male attendant. A special circular appeal to Government clerks haa been prepared, and Is being disttibated among them. Included in the campaign literature sent out by the Republicans la a speech by Represenativ Brewer, which contains Jamea G. Blalnes dis cussion of Ihe Tariff question. This, it will be remembered, refers to a large portion of Bialoes book, artfully worked into the Congressional Record sj that It could bo sent free through ought the country by franking. Tie Democratic headquarters have been opened formally here, and cam paign work has began actively. Piles of letters lie upon tbe desks, and vis itors crowd tbe rooms, occupying themselves in discussing the political situation in different localities. Senator Gorman, Mr. Randall, and other Members of th Democratic campaign committee have arrived. Operations here will be largely under tho direction from the headquarter9 in New York. PKRSOMAU. Pero Hyaclntho and Mra. Loyson will each publish a volume givint their InireHcna of the United States. Ex-Minlster Sargent is in favor on the Pacific slope. They wau.t him to go to California and run for Congress. Joel T. Hart's remains are to be brought home to Kentucky from Italj Mr. Hart was called by the late Hi ram Powers "the greatest eculptor of the world." Jules Verne is writing a now story, which, it is said, will ou trival all of his previous productions in tbe way of Ingenious situations, He is still cruising in the Mediterranean. DrJ llobert Koch is a native of the Hartz Mountsins, und Is now forty 03e years of age. The discover of the cholera bacillus will henceforth fll the position of Professor of hygie ne at Bsrlin. The Rev. J. s. Watson, who was in nn English prison for the murder of his -vKe fourteen yearv ago,felI out of bed not long since and broke his neck. He was the author of a life of Person, a life of Wilkes and a life of Corbet t. The Prince n?.'d Princess of Wales, whon they dine out, aro not allowed to sit down to a tabio when there are more than fourteen guests besides thorn solves. This is In accordance with Albert Ed ward's royal mother. Mr. Isaac Came, the rich Liver pool shoemaker who left hfs property to public charities, put up over his first shop the announcement, "I Camo from over tho way." This had ref erenco to tho place whero he had formerly worked as a Journeyman. Andrew Jaokson wax successively a farmer, ahop.keopor, law-student, lawyer, district-attorney, judgo and congressman, bolng tho first repre sentative from Tennessee, and then senator, and all before thirty-one. lie was then made President. Mr. Gladstone's career as prime minister of Fngiand has covered a period of ovor nine years. Lord I'al- merston was not as long in ofllco as Mr. Gladstone. Two tutesme.) on ly during the last hundred years have governed the Knglish peoplo for a long period than Mr. Gladstone. Oon of these was William Pitt, wholn-ld tho office for eighteen years and ten mouth- ; ihe other was Lord Liver pool, 'whose period via fourteen years and ten months. Brewer VassMr did not give the young women of America their first college. Tho new York cratJ says: "The pe plo of Georgia gave tin- women not only of America but of the world their first college. Th Wea loyan Fcmala CM lege, ClMtd in 17 38 hy thn HlatH of (Jeorgia, adup ! by the Meth JIst Ooiliiiwoee In 1840, endowed and rem'Hlelod In XHH'l ly Qearge I. Heney,is tfwday the monu ment which marks tho i-,iri-nt nun -plete recognition of woman's i-islno." Dr. Uamgie, a pbyetcbMi of liirtu Inhsin, Kngland, Is tho leven or of an artiflcial sponge which has oxritcd a gool deal of Interest a toon tho Paris aurgoons. It Is made of eottoo, re deretl ntaot bent and treattxl with antiseptic. A s mgo tho slt of a walnut will absorb water until it reaches the dimensions of a cricket ball. Ono of its m att Important ad. vantages Is cheapness : this quality makes It unneccess try to use it more than once, so that "sponge Infection'' becomes an esslly obivlated evil. a riai-AMiS oi lour Under this bead, tbe Naw Yoik Her nld, Republican, uj.ouing CinveUnd, say tc ttfluctautljr iublisbfa a Inter from a Democrat in Waabiogton wbo save Democrats there are imsitient to engage in tbe dirty warfare against Clevelaad by retaliating against HUme ani exposing bis private life, and not only bia but that oi aotne of BUtnea leaders and manager. This letter teMs Blaine to "call off his dog" end do it qiickly. It say be ought to call off bis dog because be bes a family whom be ought to consider ; be ought to call off bia dog because among bla zealous supporter are men wbo have famili e who ought to be considered. This let ter foreshadow trouble for Blaine and bis "infamous dogs." Tim chArge against Cleveland havo aifted down to nothing that can enter into hi candi dacy, or be looger tbe aubjct of news paper criticism, lie baa friends now where he bad nut them hefore. The story as now published ia in no wise the narrative that first appeared against him. In apeakioj of these charge thai Herald aaja : "We do not respect them, and we shall continue to present to tbe public reasons which much satis fy every candid and patriotic citiz- n that tbe first duty cf an American will be to cast his vole next November f. r U rover Cleveland." Another leading ltepublioau paper, Uu Springfield Jirpttblican, says : "We have koown for many yearv a atory which would prove very harrowing to the Blaine family, but which woil have no proper bearing on Mr. Blaine's fitness for tbe presidency, wtaicb has never before been alluded to in these column". Gen. Garfield's opponents in 1880 acted with entiro propriety in abstaining from making this side of his character an isseue'' This paper sup ports Cleveland for the presidency and is the leading Republican paper in New Kngland. Democrats are not to he in tirmidated by mountains of slander made out of mole hills. Mr. Blaine will be the sufferer in a dirty warfare on character, and before the matter eud'j his party will wish he had no character at all nothing that eould bo made infamous. Blaine wilt "call oil his infamous dogs." This demand is made in earnest and must be heeded or the dirt will fly. Democrats east are terribly in earnest. Smallpox bas biukeu out in Khart oum tho False Prophet can now eueilj take it. JOSEPH P. WELCH, Physician and Surgeon. Late of New Mexico, offers his profess ional eervieea to the people at large, giving apecial attention to all forma of chronlu tlisoasen, especially ladies and children's diseasee. OflAce, OToole's Block. ALBANY, OREGON. G. COHN& BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . I: I'. 1 JJI. t 7 A FI . Albany Hint ion. m r ut 1 1 EM or traiss. BOCRI .(HTM. ALBANY RXI'ltRSS Dotiart st rilKIOliT TRAINS " f.:80 A. R t;00 A. R. 11:46 A. M 12.0b r R um A. M IZ:Qf I' af 9:S0 P. R. H:36 1'. R, MAII, TllA. IN j Arrlvss st ( It. .r tint BOI. H0 SOI Til. haw mm ggX IKKIOIITTIIAIN " - AI.IIAN Y KXI'RKSS Arrive t All Trains dally, rsrrpt Sunday. Notiok. On and after thin data rogulsr tlckots will tsi sold at our tleket ofllea for following pot tit on Columbia river: Umicr (asnades, Dalles, Umatilla, Walfula, Walla Walla and Alnsworth. Wint.. B. BSOR, Freight and Tlekot Agent O. A V. It. U. CO. Albany. June 18th, IMS'. To snlisrrllM-r t Prim- lllr. Many of our Nuhacribera at Prlneville havo rnqitonUid us to name some one a I'rlnnviile to whom ihny could jy sub- McrlptlotiN. for the oonvunknro ol all our Niihacrtber at that plvcn wn have b-ft ac count at ti n oHlne of J. N. Duncan who will roonlvn and reclpt for uh;rlption dun or to biM-ome due to the Dkm oeitAT. Wxd on sabior iptioa is Dkmothat ofllc. wantfld at tlio Notice of Dissolution. Tho artnerahl bareWoSS exltlug tm tWMtii fit D M II 11 Moyorand Wm A Col utiibr Hi-- firm natii ad style tit Muyi-r Itro A ' i., and doing busltina al llrosviiavllln. I. ion county, Orcuoti, hnrvby dlsaolvi-d bv iiiiluul conss-nt. Tim said Wm A Ctix llidraing from asl-l briu. The ald K l Moynr and II It Moy er will rMiiitbiun the bualncaa, and will cid b et all dctiU due tba-firm mil ay ull debla dun fr nn th tlrni, Oiclti ling all ac- '"ii in - ami all iioo-h givnti hv VI"Vn Bros. 1 A t.'o.. and lo hv tiiu i-ilivnhi il mem dm of tba Arm whern an tim asgsMfeaM lgocd to lint fioUi tllvfti RRsJat our hands l Hrowiia 'Hh. f rfsajpoct, this thr tin ds f July, A. D, issi. II. H. M'lVkH, v m A. Ox. K. I M i r.u. Administrators Notice. Notice I herehv given that the uodVr iKoel ha" been this ly ouly appoint l A'liulfihtiat'ir f the estate f ARcVasj Mlllvr, ileeeaafMl hy me County '"ui. of IsHM enmity , Or wn. Ah per n. hi n claim tflut aalii eaiat. are h-n-hy noil - l to preul .. I i Islnia duly verOleiJ within ajp mouth from dato h-re.f to iln unleralfTMd at his relleii' n-ar W-io, I. um i-otjoty, tireifin ltef June lain, 1SH4. Q A. MlIalaRa. HairiV. BarTavRl Alminia ra -.r Alfys for A'lm'. WM tui i uii i Si. John' IMlue, No. 42, In Foster lock, inU Saturday of each n uih. Corinthian 1. v No 17. hiu" p..i- , lat and 3rd Hlurd. "I eai-h iinnr.ii. Ilayley chapter, No. s, tth Saturdays at name place. Albany IxMlge. I. o o. K., ednesUy eveuius at Odd Kellow Hall. tlrtcana Kncainj n.rtit mrots evi-ty aiet 4th Friday ot esch niunth. Willamette, Sa 6 A. . I'. V, Mun evening ato. K. Hall. sr. y l.oda. A o. IT if . Tnaanaj rniiiK-a. in iVii-rviiM Hall. KuihUof Pythias, ThurAilay evenings al a. I. 1111. Chosi-n Ftlends, at o. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridav of each mouth. An-I"tit order of t'nlted Templars, at F. 1111, 1st and 3rd Tucaday of each month. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, UTAIflEB BKos. - fffHmn ALBANY. OKI GOS. MONUMENTSt TABLETS, ARD HEADS iONES Kxecuted in Italian or Vermont MarMa. Also, every vaarlftty of cemotery and otbar one work doue with neatiie and dlHriatch. sjM-cinl attention Riven to order from all Marts or this Stato and Washington Torritory. aTAll wrork warr its 1. 1 7:42 W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL. GOODS. PATENTS SfUKK A CO., OS tha Scnwmrio AsnmicAif.con tlnuu to act as Solicitors for 1'utunts Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, for the United Stntc. Caaaaa, England. Franca, Ocrmauy, eta. I land Hook about Patents sent frai. Tulrty-ncvpn yeara' csjicrlence. Pfttentsobtulntd Mirout'li ML'NS A. CO. aronoUoed In the HoiKNTino Aueiuoa.v, tho lurg-t!6t, l ot, and most widely circulated aclontlflo paper. fiS-J a year Woekle. ttnlendld enaravlnoa ana intercstln In- formation. Spoolmen copy of the Hcleatilia Amer ican sent free. . Addross nUNN A CO.. tcisurrin sVatnuOAM Ofaee, all Broadway. How York. "HEALTH AND HOME." . Pert Chester N. Y, CIRCULATION 63,000.: Edited by W. H. HALE, M, D This is large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and homo, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hints on health, dietetics, and every tealm of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy, Subscription Price 50 cts, Per Year. Address, DR. W. H. HALE. "Health and:Home." Port Chester, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber of the Democrat who pays up oi in advance. 1 avTia aan' i JULIUS QRADWOHL Una Hie only xelnslve stork CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Issortment of Eaby Carriages, And a Choice Select-on of Coffee, Tea and Sug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. I i I thi: iii(iiii;vr nAKKKTrtti: paid for eou Romember! What I Say I Mean. Give le a Call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- um nu I'flOFRIaHUUII OF ALBANY SODA WORKS. -A N f URALKRb IN Inported and Li u t -M' Ch.s, Tobacco, Groceries, Fiovieion Vh;i'U- tixxtm and Tropical Fruits. li;'.ny ... Oregon. M. , ,M BKi "H AT I SU il 1: : STREBT, HAN OS MAND AS FINE A joaDKTMKNT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES. is HtatS iisu:- !o Ike aUtof . fie a. m Impurl aad uianulaclure Till, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE ri : ERf iJiciurnf rji ffTOCM or to order, also, he keeps ok HA.Mi, A FILL AS8 rRTMEST OF GENUINE. GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH lih ! i TO THE I'UBUC AT PRICEb, THAT DKF'i coMi-rin ton. all at tj first ll I Hill, aljiant. oreoos. Repair work done C. r niEltUY. 0 a. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY ft PARSES, (NuccYsor to ('. C Cherry.) MacMniHtB, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WMTM HLAVK OTJB tfSWBBOPS ALL iM.nii. luted, and are now prejwrcd to handle ad kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture 8team Bngfnaa. Uriat and Saw Mid Mchinery,at:4 all kind of Iron and HnaftM C'aMttnpi. I ATTt.K MtUi: 0 MIOBT NOTICE. Hpeciavl attention given to repairing all kind of macbiuery. Will also man u tae tu re the improved Cherry A White Urain Heiarator. onop o Bafcrr f.-Otare a Lrnabrr lard. Albany, lir.. Dec 1, ISM). ISU" HERE AT LAST. After Lens aad Wear)' Hattlax ttcllrf Is Bruasbl tit Tkttae k rrl It. Wa BbV aul sn 0saBJ ooun'y ih sic tan t a vmlsiiiinj( I nah atrut souie cars so, I r ti n slii in your. cheat uu hatl bctlr go h me ih1 put on a niustart lastr. I nn't thii.a this nuuuto of auythinj; better Anil by the way ," ailuctl the doctor Uiniiii to a trianU, "I a ioh sonictly would invent a real xuoj plaster--smnelhitig actually helful lor such cae as i'at's. May tie thy ill soutctiute, arhcu its too Isle fortiie to uaeit." When BKNSO.N S CAPclNE !OROL'S PLASTl'.R was placed on the mark, t about teu years mgo the Uir's boie IxHanic a fact, ttecau-c ut tbe rare leal urtues In lit rent in it, its rap d action and sureresulla, the tap. ie Is fast displacini; Ue sloa--actlnK planters of lornur days, fur all atlnuoi.s to which s plaster is ever upplicali!e. Price eenta In the middle ut the ni-nume is cut the word CAP- UtBa 8ealury ft Johnson, t lu inits, N w Ycrk. rhe (iivat English Reme dy. . Is a never 'ailiuor cure lor Nervous Debility, beuiiiial Wmm-w, l.shausted i- taln, Sper-uiaLotTtKua, a.t yiAMIOOll. Iin- poUnry, Paralysis, and all limbic tttetts ot "Si-if-A tvit , yctiihf ui folliee.and MSIlCS I maturer years- i i I ss kaa of Memory, Lassitude, Emission, Aver sion to Society. Dimness of Vision, Noises in the Head; SMBBsaTtJsAaBBS the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death. Bit' Mlrii: will atfree to forfeit Five Hundred Hollars for a case of thi kind the Vital Hestora live (under his special advice and treatmer.f wl' not cure or for anything Impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury- Consultation free. Th-ntiuch ex amination and advice including analysis of urlne.tx IVice of Vital Rcstorative,&1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity If, sent to any address upon receipt of price or 0. O. D, secure from observation and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearucy street, San Francisco, Cal. Sample bottle tree. Sent on application by letter, stating symptom, sex mid k-o. Communication Strictly couAdential. Dr, Mintie's Kidney Remedy, Nephretieum, cunsj all kiuds of kidney and bladder complainU,gonorrhaa, gleet, Icoiu-horrbu-a. For sale by all druggists fl a bottle or six ttottle for 96. Dr. Mintie Dandelion Pills aro the best and cheap est Dyspepsia and Bilious cure in the market. For sale bv all dnun'iets. Bnrues Patent Foot and Steam Power Scroll Saws. Circular Satrs, 'Alorteftem, Laths, Tettontrs, Formers, etc 0SB0RN&ALEX4NDER Sole Agents, 028 Market Street. San Francisco. Mechanic? Tools, Hardioaie and Machinery goods scat free on application. For Sale. One half block in eastern part of tho olty with fair house and barn will be sold cheap' ft 77 .aSN tdlfi THI E3t J l0W LIGHTS AND LIME. a 3 I? I JOHN MKff.GM' 81KE. at reasonable figures. r a aJr " ItBirbaa's Culdra Cures I lialirrta tral aiiO aec the legs and body . Syphilitic t atarrh. aoa sn pntuary lorms i ittt tdlia. Price, to pel bettia. LrSlrhaa'a a. a Idea Kalaaas Xa, Cures Teruary, alercunal. Syphilitic Kfcl sttkai. ss ft itAalatrw a. PaiLia In tbs lloass. llosralcd Throat. !yphiiiiic Rash, Lumps, etc., and eradicates all dinas from the saU m. a aether ca Si bv bad ircaimvi.i or aooae oi laaatui j, miimss, toe dkju j.urc an t healthy. Pnoe, S& per botu. IssJ crerjsrher,C. 0. D., securely packed per ex pies. I W. BltHABOS A ACeata, 42T A t siaiisuine tusst, Corner Clay, aaa; ism, Califcrass. ALBANY WLLLGIAIE 1INSTITUTE .41.B4.M. OB. Tin' Second Term ends on Tknra day, January 31, 1883. for particulars oooceminf the csorses of tody aad .he price of tuiuou, apply to MM, llbebt H. co.nuit. rresraeat. Aioany Bath House. Isjlta L.MibuMii.NKD WOtLJU REfcsPlCl felly inform th eitiaaa of Albany aad rl eitit that 1 have taken charge ol this Establish meat, and, by keeping elaavn room and pay ia trie t attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor US with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expect to give entire aatisf tion to atl 9Cl"ldien and Ladies' Hair neatly oat thapooed. JOS WJEBUEK. 0. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSC IRIDPTIOIISr San Francisco, Gal. Quimby House. QUIMBY & HERSEY, Proprietors. ( or. llh and C. Sis., Portland.Or. ONE OF THE FINEST AND MOST complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct ed both by American and European plans. All tbe modern improvements, 140 bed rooms, well furnished, light, and wel vcutila ted First-cl a reading r a, barber sap. An evatvr aaJ all latest s ynven jujjj. 'W t Balsa Ka. 1 BOOKS yo t CarpeBters,4rehiieetBf Bnlldera. Blaebiniat, Kte. OSBORN & ALEXANDER, 629 Market St., Kan Franciseo. Mechanics' Tools, Hardware, and Machinery. Catalogue of all ear good sent free on application