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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1884)
Ik gtiu0ctat. Entered at the Post Otnoe at Albany, Or, as second -class mall matter. FRIDAY AUGUSr22, 1884 8TITES & NUTTING. KSItar aatf rreprleler. irkd r. sirrrnu, ivseai Kitr. Official County ani City Paper. Saasr First The following facts, though familiar to old settlers, will be of Interest to most of the Democrat's readers, in the seyeral precints of Linn county, mentioned : Albany was laid out by Thomas and Walter Montelth. Davis A Layton opened the first store. Jas P Miller was the first Postmaster; Squire Thornton the first Lawyer, Dr R C Hilt the first teaober and physician. In Harrisburg D A A A McCully opened the first store In 1853, Brownsville was laid out by James Blakely in 1&-VJ. Ths first store was kept bv Hugh L Brown. The first store in Lebanon was kept by J and Wm Ralston. The first voting wss done iu Scio in 1848. The first building was put up at Shedd's by A Wheeler in 1801. Peoria had Its first settler In 1831 ; its first store was kept by Arthur and Jehn U North. The first settlers in Orleans went there in 1846, among them being William and John McCoy. In Franklin Butto Johu F Crabtree was the first settler and the first permanent one In the whole Forks. Tramp.. Oregon is being overuo with tramps, a noble set of itinerant beings who help build up a oountry. As they are an in stitution deserving of the greatest oonsid eration (a number 10 boot) we give a few pointers to Linn county people which will eaable them to get in their good graces, ths dear (costly) fellows : Always give them hot biscuits well covered with but ter, (and red pspper) plenty of beef and potatoes by the peck (with an ague pre sc iptlon thrown in.) Let them steep in the best bedroom (with a can of dynamite under it thst ex plodes by contact with loud soon,) Do not ask them to work, It bu rts their feelings. (Put a revolver to tneir head and make them.) Leave your purse aud silver ware around, (with a chronometer safe lock in front of It) f -r they are hoceat, the much abase! fellows, (when they are in the lock up.) Tell theas to comi agaiu (if they wish o die, and when they leave present them with your best walking boots (the toes will do.) Bsseraiard Cr Victor E. Piolett, Past Master of the Pennsylvania State Orange, in a recent address to the patrons of husbandry ,ay : "These are perilous times for farmers. There Is not a product which we are en gaged In making that will sell in the markets for more thsn the labor required to grow and prepare it for sale. The capital invested in our farms and their equipment does not psy us any percen tage of profit. We are competed to use the most rigid economy in order to make the receipt equal the expense of our year's operations. Farmers are not so associat ed and organized as to limit their products to the demand ; cannot say to the laboring men, we will suspend work two weeks in Jnly and so many days in August, in or der to prevent surplus production, nor publish to the world that we will charge fixed price for articles of human subsis tence," Fsrm-is. though, can raise a more diyersifisd crop, and we are glad to notice are doing so. The fact ths' there is much less barley raised in the United States thsn is consumed is a pointer. In Oregon, at least, though , it is a fact that it they branch out the price drops to almost nothing, as for instance as in the case of potatoes this year. Yet in potatoes at 25 cents is there not as mucn money as in wheat at 70 cents, if not more. Yaiialn rasters. Oar plamksrveit this season waj sextuple that of last year. The Alsea people brag on a c w that gives nine gallons of milk per day. The Albany stage got into trouble with the Fountain House, Wednesday, and Judge H afford assessed the One at fifteen dollars. M M Davis' drag store st the docks was completed about the middle of the week. D J Watts, lecturer of the State Temper anoe Alliance, delivered excellent lectures in Phelps Hall, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. Judge Kelsay, of Corvallis, delivered a lector on the political issues of the day at Phelps Hall Wednesday evening. Geo Washington and S Nicholas started out fishing the other day in old ocean ; got into the surf, lest their oars and had to tear a piecj of board out of ths boat to paddle ashore with. They concluded that it was not a goal day for fishing anyway. A CerreeUoa. The notice in the papers last week made it appear that the ladies of the W C T U gave the free dinucr os Thursday, which was aa uointential mistake as the dinner was given by the firemen under the auspices of the Ladies Coffee Ciu'. VV. U. T. U. Wkat a Mississippi Pilot Says. Capt. D. M. Riggs, who is well known at New Orleans and along the Mississippi river says, "I have been suffering from dyspepsia for the past five years, and from broken rest, by severe pains in the bowels and kidneys. I tried every medicine reo omended for ehese diseases, without suc cess. At last I used a bottle of Brow n's Iron Bitters, which proved a perfect sue cess in my case." It cures all liver, kid , ney and malarial diseases. Wheat Soles. 25 acre of wheat threshed on the farm of Jesse Archibald averaged 40 bushels to the acre. Hackleman L Bridges in 15 days threshed 22000 bushels of wheat, with a Massillon thresher. NOTICE. Thoie knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are kindly requested to call and settle by the 31st day of August, as we will not remain in Albany after that time. Smith k McCartkby. Albany, August 23th, 1884. HOME AND ABROAD. Firemen on top. F M French, jeweler. Lively week for Albany. I'niou has a population of C$6, by actual count. Oo to Smith k McCartney's for bargains in drugs and cutlery, etc Most farmers will not stop thrashing even to attend a tournament. K. L Thompson k Co', harness is the cheapest to buy because it is the best. Hirrnlo and doable harness, unexcelled at J J Dubrudles. Cheap. Umatilla county is in debt 10,000. luioo county $58,000, nothing to brag of. An excellent lot of saddles st J J Da braille's st prices from $J to $35. A tight rope performance was given on Broadalbin street Wednesday evening. Colo, the circus man, said Salem was the prettiest city in Oregon, in his epinion. N . H. Allen will sell summer cloaks, dol man's, etc., at less titan first cost to close. Fanners will save money by buyiug their belting, and rurts of E. L. Thompson k Co, The fact that Methuselah did not marry uutil he was 1HU accounts for his long life. An exchange prints communications ver batim. Nasby will have to take a back seat All the Southern Oregon papers claim to be the best and have the largest circulation. Rev 1 it Condi t will preach st Miller's Station next Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock Portland is to have a bare fist tight at a date to bo named. It ought to be ashamed of itself. Dr. M. 11. Fllis, physician and surgeon Ail-any, Oregon. Calls made iu city or oountry. Some tine peaches from Southern Oregon have been for sale by Hoffman a- Joseph this week. Hoffman A Joseph's being flooded this week by people who want first-class cool di inks, ice cream, cigars, etc Mr Used, of this city has purchased a farm at Wells Station, aud his son-indaw, Mr Bronwell, will run it. We have no hesitation in saying that Ken ton's Sea Lion Polish is the best we have ever used. You ought to try it. The largest and best stock of harness and saddles in the valley is to be fonud at E. L, Tnoinpson k Co. and their prices are low. An Astoria paper is looktug for around for a city of 100,000 population. It may, aud perhaps wUI, see the day when it wtil need it. Bell Brothers, of Jackson county, it is claimed threshed on au average ufiy-four bushels ot, wheal to the acre from forty. three sere. With water-uieiuus, cucuiuoer. green,' corn, green apples, green peaches, etc., iu the market Doctors should do a thriving business. Go to Smith k McCartney's for bargains in drugs, medicine, etc., they are selling cheap to dupose of their stock before closing out business. A fuud is b.'iog raised in Portland to ob tain iegulaliou next w niter looking to the suppression of such papers as the folic (Ja vtu, etc Itev J S McCain was appointed Superin tendent of lustractiou instead of the Siietz Ageucy, F M Wadsworih remains as agent. The man who quits advertising in dull times is like the man who would not mend bis roof because it did not rain snd of course did not leak. Smpon, Coles big elephant got to mis behaving himself lately while on his way East, and bad to be killed. It took 120 shot ballets to dispatch him. A twelve thousand dollar lire occurred in Portland Monday night, among other build ings I'ennoyers saw mill was burned. Half of those burned out were insured. Among the many other merits of a Fire men's Tournament, one is that the city gets fixed np in better style. Streets are cleaned, windows ditto and everything presents a good front. Parties wishing to get bargains in drugs cutlery, etc., should call on Smith k Mc Cartney. They are selling their stock at bed rock prices, as they will close about Aug. 25tb. Last Saturday night Mr. Andrews, agent for the Examiner, while skating at the rink, fell, dislocating one of the lingers of his pen hand, much to his sorrow. Dr. Wallace ixed it np. Horses that have to shake their manes to go in 4:40 must have carious sensations thrill their bones if tbey ever read of Jsy Eye See's trotting in 2.10, two miles to their one. Those who have imagined that Mr Strong has taken a partner in his business from the sign across the street near his store, reading, ''Brave and Strong." are mistaken. It ap plies to the firemen. The bottom has fallen completely oot of Coer D'Alene. Lots for which $1500 were asked at one time, cannot be sold now. The whole was one grand bnmbug, and was evi dently gotten np for that purpose. Onr contemporary last week stated that it would cest sixty-six dollars to iosure the Court House for twenty thousand dollars for one year. As a matter of face it woe Id cost two hundred dollars, the rate being one per cent. rfe go to press this week earlier than usual n account of the State Firemen's Tournament, to obtain the proceedings of sll of which it wool 1 be necessary te be a day behind hand, which is contrary to our principles. The Tariff question is to be thoroughly dis cussed in the North American Review. Free Trade arguments will appear in the Septem ber number, and Protection views in the October. The ablest writers on both sides have been engaged. There are 192 hop yards in Oregon, and of this number about one-third are in Lane county, which is the hop connty of the State There is money in boos at even 15 cents. 20 is almost certain to be received, this year probably 25 cents. Do jou wish a beautiful complexion? Vhen use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses snd pur ifies the blood, and thereby removes blotches snd pimples from the skin, making it smoth and clear, and giving it a bright and healthy appeal anee. i The best medical authorities acknowledge the great value of Ayer's Carthartic Pills,aud frequently prescribe their use with the ut most confidence, well knowing that they are the most effectual remedy ever devised for diseases caused by derangements of the stom ach, liyer and bowels. Many people are shocked at the stories of jtheGreely survivors living on the flesh of their dead companions ; yet as a matter of fact could five starving men, almost berefi of reason, be blamed for eating even human flesh rather than perishing themselves. There are at least two sides to the question. As we anticipated all of the Chinamen who stopped work on the O P last week have gone to work having been paid one month wages. Payments are clow on all roads.mucli less might they be expected to be so on a road receiving nothing, not yet doing any bust nasi. Mr William Peacock remembered the Democrat efice with a watermelon early Monday morning. It had the true ring to it, was wsbfootall through, snd wss greatly appreciated. Mr Peacock was the first one lsst year to remember the Dkmoorst office in a like manner. K T T Fisher, County Surveyor of Linn county, is prepared with field notes snd township plats of this county to correctly locate corners of land where the same have been lost or destroyed and will replace the same with permanent monuments. Persons wishing surveying done will please address him at Miller's, Linn county, Oregon, Following is a list of tho Mayor's of Al bany. beginning with the year 1865, in the order of their term : Judas J C Powell. K F Russel, (two terms,) Jacob Norcross, A W Stausrd, two terms,) W H Cranor, A W Sweeny, Col Van Cleve, M V Brown. David Fromsn, N B Humphrey, Allen Parker, Jason Wheeler, Thomas Montsitb. K O Clsrk, David Freman. I C Dickey, Walter hetohum, Dr J C Hill. Hon. M. W. OlTutt, State Senator, Tow- son, Maryland, writes: "1 had occasion to apply treatment te a severely sprained knee from which, and from inflammatory rheuma tism, I bad been suffering for six weeks. Some one suggested St. Jaeohs Oil, which 1 tried, and it not only gave immediate relief to the sprain, but it cored me of every symp tom ef the rheumatism." Mr II Kenton received freiu Yanuiua Bay last week a large bone 5 feet, 2 inches one way and 3 feet, 2 inches the other. It is shaped like the bone of a sea lion, which be has in his possession, and it is possible came from a man moth member ef those peculiar animals, but as far as we know that fact is partly speculation. It will be used by Mr Kenton in advertising his sea lion silver pol ish, the best manufactured. A dispatch from HiUsboro,IU.,says : "The authorities in some of the towns in thin part of the State have been making war on the "Mother Hubbard" dress. In Mattoon the police issued sn order that no woman should appear upon the streets wearing a Mother Hubbard dress unbelted, the persons violat ing the order being liable to am at and fine. The authorities allege that the Mother Hub. bard costume tends to au indecent exposure of tho person and is therefore immoral.' The proper thing to do is to muzzle the po lice there, the poor feUows. The following Astoria firemen arrived ia Albany Tuesdsy i Astoria Engine Co. No. 1 -P Oraot.Csptain ; G C Fulton, Al John, son, U Miller, R O Stone. Far rail, U urant, F Supsoant, J H Laagdoo, Al Hark, er, N Wilaon. F DLos. Delegates to the Convention 1. R Helig and C J Corte. lUs. cue Engine CV No, 2 Prank L Parker. Captain ; BS Worsley. William Warren, W Dawson, C W Lewry and seven others ; delegates to the Convention It S Worsley and W J Barry. Delegates from the Hook and Ladder Co. ;eorg W Wusd sod F T Jordan. The Sea Lion Silver Polish is the finest for cleaning windows yet invented. We know for we nave tried it thoroughly. Five or sit years accumulation of fly soeoke, dirt, dost, etc, vanished before its magic power, leav ing nothing but the glass und putty, snd paint spots, which of course it cannot take off. Oiii residents now gel st the front window of the Dcaorsar office with woo dec They had heard of printers towels that stood alone being cleaned, but this surpassed their imagination. The Sea 1 .ion Silver pol ish should be in ever bouse an 1 store in the country. Fact. Oregon City octatnso churches, 7 saloons, 3 millinery shop, I shoe store, 2 shoe shops, V&rocery and general merchandise stores, 2 hardware stores, 3 drag stores, 3 hotels, 1 boarding house, I dentist, 1 hsh market, 3 jewelers, 2 blacksmith and wsgon bops, 2 batcher shops, 2 undertakers, 1 furniture store, I harness maker, 1 photograph and manufacturer of wooden ornamental work, 1 eeer brewery, 3 floar mill, I woolen mill, 1 wooden pump factory, 1 brick an I stile factory, 1 bakery. 2 confectiooery shops, 1 livery stable, 2 Are hose companies, 1 hook sad ladder company, 2 printing offioss, 4 physicians, 6 lawyers, 300 Chinese. Hold yoor breath snd read the following compliment which the Seattle JtraU pays the ronllnteUiencer of that city i Will the rogue, swindler, trickster, arch-traitor, s r . did wretch, greedy spoiler, blustering i-ltot. arrant humbug., wily speculator, bookless booby, week ignoramus, faithless renegade, shuffling imposter. joggling charlatan, bundle of clap-trap, cheap swashbuckler, scheming demagogue, shameless time server, dissemb ling hypocrite, unprincipled politician, and self.worehiped, debased, ignorant, u users pu- Ions knave who writes the things in the J'ot- Intelligencer please put his name to the bot tom of them in the futnre, so that the right man be held responsible ? One needs to go awsy from home for news. The following we clip from the Ashland Tiding. "A pointer for those who are somewhat skeptical concerning the market for fruit here, may be fonnd in tbe fact that E B Hunsaker, the grocer, received an order last Tuesday from sn Albany man for 140,. 000 lbs. of plums snd prunes, for which 1) to 2 eta per ponnd would be paid en their de livery at the depot ia Asblsnd. Mr Hui -saker probably could not find a thousand pounds of this fruit here sow, but many new plum and prune trees bsve been set out within the past year. The Albany man who want the fruit has an establishment in which fruits are dried, csnned and used up in various wsys. the making of campsgne cider and vinegar being one of tbe methods of utilizing what iu most places is only re fuse or waste." SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr D.ckurd is confined to his home bv sickness. Oscar Blount returned from the Bay a few days ego. Mr Walter Tnrrel left on la: t. S tur.iay for ban Francisco. Lyle Rice, who is now operator at Ashland has been ia Albany this week. J M Home arrived in Albsny lsst Mon day, and will remain several days. Mrs O W Dodder and family, of Indepen dence, are visiting friends in Albany. Herman E Elkeles represents the Port land Standard during tbe tournament. Charles Piper, of Salem, esme to Albany last Saturday, and will remain during the Tournament. Mr Edward Robinson, who has been seri ously ill from blood poisoning, is now en the streets again. T O Abbott, formerly of tbe Dayton Jour nal is now stopping in Portland, we under stand he will study law. Mr and Mrs Woodson and daughter, form erly of Amity, have been stopping iu Albany a few weeks, the guests ef D P Mason. G J Gross, of the Waterloo hotel wss in the city the first of the week. All tell us that he keeps a splendid place. It will pay those seeking recreation to stop with him. Mr. E. L. Reed, the accomplished and gen ial agent for the North British Insurance Company, at Portland, was in Albany Satnr--. We had a pleasant call from him. Mr JM Nolan, ofC.rvUlls, Wai la Al bany Monday on his way hems from Water . loo, He reports fishing at splendid there, oaught two In two weeks, but it was oot the fault of the fish. Dr O W Maaton returned from the Rssur rsction Mining district last Saturday with excellent report, sad bringing with kirn the gold to speak for itself. Several Albany men already bate their claims taken up. Bob Iogsrsoll passed through Albsny Fr i day on his way te Portland from Eugene, when we oasght a glimpse of ths celebrated orator as he slept in his seat, dreaming as peacefully as if there had never been a star route osse, the bold iconoclast. Rev. M, Judy will preach bis last sermon ia the Methodist church on sabbath mornihg next. He goes to ths annual eonferenoe which meets at Salem next Wedersday. i he Public cordislly invited to the services on Sabbath. Osergs Stockton, who has been a composi tor in tbe Tidings office for over a year and has acted as foreman and pressman most of thst tims, starts to-day for bis old home near Albany, in Linn county, for a vacation of a month or more, intending te see toe state fair before his return to Aebleml. Tiding. We received a pleasant call from Mr Stockton last Monday. Sele Moles. Everything ia quiet about town, all the available hands being oat in ths harvest fields, crops turn out more grata than was really expected, se much the better. Joe Bilyeu is gaining slewly he has bad a overs attack of typhoid fever. . Eldsr Johu Stipp is able to be on tbe street again. Riley Sheltoo's new clerk will commence work on the 1st of September. R Pentlaod is hsving his mill recovered and painted it will add much to ths appear ance of the property. W Dilly ia the boss hunter, has on two occasions killed twenty -five grouse in one dsy. M Series, has returool from ths Hot Sprioga, muoh improved it his goniral health. Wm Bilyeu is building an addition to bis residence, Messrs Msy snd Bogart are doing tbe work. A S Williams is getting along finely his now residence en rWiand Avenue, which makes suite aa improvement to the leeks of that part of town. J T Williams will begin work on bis saab snd door factory in s few day. Cempetitio is ths life of trade, so mote it be. J C Johnson has made bis daughther Mrs Usaaa Daniel, a ureses t of a house and lot adjoining hia own residence; venly Cbsrles regsrdeth his children. There will be some weddings to report be fore long. as to the exact number we can't Wm Pollard and R P Miller wsll start for Katun Oreaon shortly where tbey have bean being for several years and are engaged in rsiaing horse. Brownsville Iseaas. Farmers busy ; merchants idle. Eddie Shave is very sick from tbe mumps. J M Moyer sad wife returned from their tour in the eastern states last week. Wut (Whran and ladv returned from California last Friday. Mrs Cochran's health baa improved very muoh sinee bar departure Prof J I Horner and wile returned last Saturday from an extended visit in Beaton coaoty. G W Harris ha been doing our town for the past week in the interest of tbe Capital Insurance Co. of Salem. At tre?ot there sre only two cases of scarlet fever in our town and they sre both , - recovering slowly. Ths mump too have nearly disappeared, lesving oar town in quite s healthy state. The woolen mills are now turning oat lots of good cloth. Besides working all of tho hand over time they run a great part of tha machinery all night. Nothing doing in polotics here at present. Neither party bsve ss yet formed a elob. Tbe members of tbe different parties bow ever are easily recognized. Tbe Democrat' sresver recognied by tbe smile of triumph which already adorns their countenances, wotle tbe Republican wear a care worn and troubled look owing to a closer attention to business which they deem necessary in order to be prepared for the great change that is to take place in tbe administration of the government tbe 4th of next March. Jamb Evan. Terrible Fir at Resetmrg. Tueoday morning Roeeburg met with one of the worst and most destructive fires in the history of Oregon.two blocks being completely burned or nearly so, From W It Rica aire nt at this City, we learn part ef tbe particulars. Mr Ktce Lad been at Aehlsad, and even whan coml g through KoeeUurg at 6 o'clock, a vcral buildings were atlll in flames, h i n t, almost au Orel v at the mercy of the flames, ca tbe city baa uot even a band engine. Shortly after midnight a flaw ivered tn tho rear of the Metropolitan hotel, on First street, and the building being a dry old ahehtwltn a large quantity of ahaviuga lying around burned very rapidly. It waa only by rapid work that anyone got out, one f the brakesmen on tbe train having the flames come into his room. L H Zleg -ler, In attempting to warn all of hla guests, waa burned to ueatu. as were also a lady and gentleman from Astoria, the details of which are horrible. Tbe flames quickly spread across tbe street and along tbe same block, laying every thing before it exsept-one or two brink buildlaga. Among those burned out were H C Stanton, postmaster and merchant, Caro Brothers, the barber shop. etc. The total loas waa probably 850.000 to $100,000. Intense excitement ia aaid to have prevailed, every able bod. led man and woman In Roeeburg doing what they could with pails and a single hydrant No doubt a fire engine will be purchased now. Mr Clark, of the Willamette Farmer, cslled on ns during the tournament. The murderer Knett wss lynobed at Col fax on last Tuesday. aeee raas. 5000 pounds of A 1 chewing tobacco rs ceivedby A B Moll wain thia week. Think of that Tbe fact that it ia pnt up by tbe celebrated P Lorillard insures a quick sale Try it. It is the best. FOB SALE- The furniture, fixtures and one fine pool table by 9, bel mging to Sorbin's old sa loon. Iuqnire cf GBO. HUMHREV, At the Court Houde. fa Olft flRCMM. Br Jos- O'H. C iue raise a cheer, tbe boys art here In all their bright array, And give them welcome every one, On this suspicious day. They bring no lumbering esnnons on, Mo bayonets, guns, or sabres, Thslr lir work Is a glorious one, They always come to save us. I 'ire t Eire I Is orlsd on every side, Help f Help f the only about, That ery Is nevsr msde lit vain Whilst a firs laddie's out. Tbe hose It laid, tha ladders plaosd, Than quick as lightning lUaHo Kaoh firemen bold, at onoa takes hold, And thro' tha flames ha dashes. Hurrah I Hurrah ! all lives are save J, Uod bleat the gal lent firemen, Not fame or gold la tholr rewsrd, Tbay are tha do, or die man. Thsn boy sing out with a glorloui shout Kor this I tko fireman's day, Let the welkin riug and all voices sing, llurrsh ! Hurrah f Hurrah ! srarr latent: a Assai l a no roi h a si r. vi , This week is a lively on for Albsny, and which will lougbe remembered in many Mfatta, Thf, hold wy n only firemen know bow, Tuesday noon the two hoe companies from Astoria aud on from Salem, arrived in Albany on tbe noon tr-in, being met st tbe Depot by the Depart ment in uniform, and conducted with their tmse carts to the engine bouses of No. I s aud No. 2. Wednesday noon the Tiger Hoes Co., of Salem, arrived on tbe noon trsin. Wednesdsy st 3 o'clock tho possession took place in the fol lowing manner ' It formed on 2d street, between Ferry and Hresdalhiu streets in front of Albany Engine Co., No. l's Engine house, marched vast on Second street to Lyon street, thence north on Lyon street to First street, thence wast on First street to Washington street, thence south on Washington street to Fourth street, thanos east on Fourth street to Bsksr street, north on Baker street to First atreet, theaoe west on First street to Ferry street, thence southoo Ferry street to Second street, thooe east oo Second street to No. 2 En gine house, where a repttoa was tendered to visiting firemn, Maor J I. Hill, of No. l's delivering tbe adilrs. which was re sponded to by I'reaidctt A bell aud Secre tary Hodgkia. We go to pre early Thsraday morning in ordr to enjoy the tournament with others. so lb proceedings, wbicb are to continue durisg pelt of Pnday, will not appear until oast week The following ia th or Jar of th contests te take place to day (Thursday, ) beginning at uiae o'clock . 1st Hoe race. 2nd. afoek sad I .adder rac. 3rd. Steam Engine cold wr contest. 4th. Hand engine on ftsJosMM, 5th. H team agios on dtalanoe. Mb Engine tender c .n;iutes rac 7th. .Stasis engine 100 yards. 9th. Hand engine 38d yar I 9 th. 1 1 imc c npamn to make and break five couplings. 10th Grand iMpitako fo t race of 300 yards. This Thursday noon s free diuuer will be furnished Bremen at W C f C II ail. under tha suable of tbe CotToe Olub, and it will be their own fault if thy do nut get their fill, for preparation hav bn made for a tine repast. Visiting firemen should mtks thcuiselvts and if ume forat themselves at aad have toe good a tims evsryboJy should wane saber that it ta their day, au I that thev should be forgiven for it. First street has been well decorated for tho occasion aud presents a gala dsy appear kOTBS, Frank Abell. President, of tbe State Fire men Aesoctstion, and F I. Hodxkin, Secre tary, sre in ths city. "Yveloom Firemen," "Itrave and Strong," and "Save our Homes" attracted the atten tion on First street. Southern Oregon would be fortunate if it had boas teams to send to State Tourna ments. A ltoseburg firs could hardly be chronicled then. Key. M.Judy will preach at Trinity chap. el near Knox's Butte on Sabbath afternoon at 4 O'clock. A CaasScr mt AcetOeats. From the Oregoniaa of Tuesdsy ws clip tho following account of different accidents : A 15 year old son of Adam Andre, living six miles southwest of McMiooville, waa killed Monday by being thrown from a h.-.d of reaped wheat by a runaway team. The wagon passed over hi body killing him al most instantly. Us was driving tbe team and was sn unuaually bright aad prepossessing bay. At 8 o'clock Monday morning Herman Bischoff, a laborer emyl tyed at the Sum mi on the Oregon Pacific, fsll from a trestle thirty-five feet high, striking hint on bis bssd. Ons lsg wss broken snd other is jure sustained, from ths effects of whieh he died in twenty ftaiuutes. He was 35 years aid, and has no family. A sister lives in Chicago. Peter Selling an old and highly respected eitisen of Grande Hondo valley, living ea Rock creek, six miles distant, wss shot snd killed Monday by his son, Henry Sailing, while deer hunting, The son delivered him self into the custody of officer at La Grande sjasleal asiranaenla. J. H. Daniel now baa a complete line of musical instruments of all kinds for aale. consisting of tbe Mathusbek piano, the Shonlnger organ, fiddles, violins, guitars, etc., as well as the latest sheet music. His Instruments are all of the best grades, and are not theoheap trasn, so that when you get an Instrument ef any kind you may know tbat you are getting one that will last and bold its tune. Removal, JullusGradwohl haa fitted up tbe build ings next north of the Democrat office and haa moved his agricultural imple ments therein where he may be found at all timea ready to supply purchasers with anything in his line on terms tbat will satisfy all. NOTICE. We shall discontinue our business In Albany about August 25th and until that time we will sell our entire stock cheap, consisting of drags, patent med icines, pocket cutlery, and everything usually kept in Drug Stores. August4th, 1884. Smwu & McCartney, All Ike Way frees Lrksaetf . Tills weak another correspondent makes his bow from Lebanon snd sands uj tbe following Items : In as much as Young America has van iebsd I take the opportunity of wrltiug you a brlsf latter. The aow Presbyterian Church li being Just completed and will present a fins sp- poaranoe an ornament to ths town, Harvest Is progrosslng nlcoly, farmers report a larger yield than was expected, We loam that Mr H O Wallace living near lng Station, threshed 4 acres that averaged HH bushels per acre. Fred Moist tbreshnd on an avsrsge of 86 bushols par acre. Frank Melat 40H of all wheat. Ths hop crop Is splendid, some of tha growers will com rnen"o picking next M a- day, they will employ Chinaman, tbera are at present about Hu acres In hops In this vicinity, and Ilia excellent crop and high prices have Induoed others to go Into tha business, several are preparing lo plant largo yards next yaar. Tha fall term of school will open at San tlain Acsdomv Sent. loth. 1IM, to those who want an education wa would cheer fully commend to them Hantiam Academy with Vmt J Ij IJIJuert a principal. Prof Ollbert by hi oourtevy, affability, indus try and energy, has built up the Academy uutll It hs Imwoui the pride of Lebanon snd vicinity, his kind, a f rationale man ner of governing libs ache-d accounts for this. He always endears himself to his saholar and make thorn his friend, Anyone desiring to attend a nrst-ftass echool wld do well to call on or sdd Prof J I, Gilbert. akoeld net ke Dear Tha relieving of Capt Powell of hi charge of tha improvements In tha North west at tha present tlma is an unfortunate sffalr. for apt Powell is fsmllUr with ths works and should not be u ken away In tha middle of the job. Tha MAstorianM say a: It would appear that the order of tbe wsr department removing Cepi Powell la not In accordance with the best inloreau of the treat work now in prooese of prep aration the Improvement oilnei olunioia river bar. Cantaln Powell has familtariz ed himself with tho work ; he knows more bout It titan any other man, however competent, could acquire In soma consld arable lime, and tbe "Astorlan" augxeets that prowr representation bo made to tbe department by our chamber of commerce in regard to tnis matter, uou otiose rort land will oo-oiHsrate with us, and by pin dug tbe matter in the proper ilgbt tbe present able engineer may be retaiseu. II Is A writer la tba "Oregonlan" cssta tha follow ins dark cloul over tbe wheat question: It is useless te disguise tbe laid that ths greater portion of tbe rail grown wbeal in tbe Wiliaoaetta valley Is so far detertorat ed in oolor and quality by tha action oi ths late rains as to make it take rank below tbe grade of No. 1, which It baa bltbert hold. Sample are being forwarded to the grain exchangee of London and Liverpool .ixl 11 run tnuax DO taaen vt eaaauuau me tatus such wheat must take on that mar kt In Lbe meantime, if there Is any un Mined winter wheat it should oe binned u iteetf. and diatlnctiooa made In tha wheat reoelnt aivenjso that ths warebouee- nio.i mav uot be held for the iclvlnc of a loiter uuslttv of oudurn tnan the delivery will warrant. It is ay very unfortunate circumstance, taken Iu ooonectiau with the low rates liable to prevail, that this additional talafeUuoe Is thrust upon us repwlar rhyalclaa. There Is a crowing demand on all aides for remedies agreeable to the taste aawellae beueflclsl In effect, aud the ieadlug physicians and druggists gladly welcome to the list of new remedies al i preparations possessing real merit and ' pleasant taste. It le now admitted ' by all who have tried the nw remedy. whit h is having auch an immenae sale I Byrup of rigs that It l the ttlOOl efllcacious preparation ever discovered If you waul the best of all liver medl- cities and purgatives, Syrup of Figs is your choice. Trial bottles free and . Urge bottles far aa le by LaogdooJfc I'o Sf rap of rig Nature' own trus laxative. Pleasant to tbo palate, acceptable lo tbe stomach, harmless in iu nature, painful in its ac tion. Cures hsbituai constipation, billious news, indigestion and kindred ills. Cleans es the system, purities tho blood.regulates tha liver and acta on tha bowela. Break up oolda, chills and fsvers,ets.,strengthens the oroaus on which llsaots. Het bitter, nauseous liver medicines, pilla, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large battles for aale by Foshsy A Mason, i oat SAL Imnrovod farms in Linn and Lanei counties in tbe heart of lbe finest farming district west of the Kooky mounuins. For particulars address or call on A. Whxrlks, Shedd, Linn Co., Or. The beat harness at J J Duhrnille's. Te all Whess II aaay Caaeera All persona knowing themselvea indeb ted to the undersigned will confer a groat favor by calling and settling at once, as I am vrasllv in need of money. I will not do any credit business after tbla date. 1 mean Just what I say. This, the 14th day of August, 1884. W. L. Dawmr. Notice to Tax-Payers. T bava in mv hands for immediate col- i..rimi tfiA dellnauant tax roll far the vra IHH2 and 1883. with a writ attached for ihA nonaction of the same. Those knowing themselves delinquent will save costs by paying said tax immediately. August 9th, 1884. J, K. Charlto. Tax Collector. Executor's Notice of Ap pointment. V.iina m l A ISA Vise rflVOn f K ftf t.Ylf ed has been by the 'County Court of Lmn co'uuty, Oregon, appoiuted executor ot the lass will and teatament ef S S Snyder, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, are notified to present them to the under siened st his residence in Brownsville, Or., within six montns from this date duly verifi ed as required by law. J. M. OlOTKR, Wkathsrford k Blackburn, Executor. Att'ya for Executor. Auguat 20th, 1884. Executors Notice of Ap pointment. Notice ia hereby given thst the undersign ed haa been, by the County Court of Lini eonnty, Oregon, duly appointed executor ol tbe last will aud testament of Enoch Thomp son, deceased. All persons having claim against aaid estate are required to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at his residence in Brownsville, Or,, within 6 months from the date hereof. Pgria Hume, Wkathbrford-k Blackburn, Executor. Atty'a for Executor. August 20th, 1884, PLAIN TALK. a PJala aarajsrta. BT A PLAIN CHAK 'lime will soon be kept from one to twenty-four hours, and already some railroads art having tba watches of tholr bands changed so they will number np to 24, which ia easily done by placing (hs additional figures under Ih present ones. I am In favor of this. It will do away entirely with the mo. and V. Ms which certainly have prov n littles nuisances Iks ides there ii no good reasoiarer a Hay being split in two. The new way would avoid this. In a short time, when familiarized, It would seem the natural way. It Is as easy to say nineteen o'clock as seven o 'clock, and much easier than to say seven o'clock, yesterday morning or evening, as It maybe, as we now have to. Like telephone, an elevated railroad, a boile'i shirt, or a tooth pick toed shoe, it Is something easily gotten used to. Let us have the standard system. From before the time Cain killed Abel " -opla have complained of dull times It la human nature. Vou might as wrll attempt to stop water runnlugdown hill or tbe tongue of a school girl at recess. aa to prevent u half of tw people from growling at the dullness of matters. It Is bound to be dull to Tom and Dick, however lively It is to John and Henry. Ore wis beget growls until half the peo ple do It because seme one else baa. Aa a matter of fact there is just aa much money In the world at one time aa at another, so taken altogether there can not bo much difference. There Is a err tain otsesof men who are everlastingly declaring that they are poverty stricken whan they bsve pleuty, and it makes ons tired to hear them. A few v?1di in the other direction would help matte a wonderfully. We moot every day certain men who think or act aa if they tbiok that lliey are Judges on all questions. They will try to dictate to the newspaper what course it should take on a certain qu a- tlon. Tbey will tel! politicians how a campaign should be conducted. They will suggest te the merchant tbe tea way to conduct Ms business ; and all tha time their own trades are beingasd- ly neglected. Albany baa several who should draw in tbalr horns aud behove themselve, or else an old faablooed ducking- stool should be bought for their special us. a' Marriage laws should bo more strict. If a person wishes to cuter Into the most important of all contracts he should know what he I about or forever after hold his D'-ace Divorces should only be granted for good causes, and there is only oue. adultery. Just so long as a divorce of tbe bonds of matii mony can be obtained for evety lltt'e cause, such aa family quarrels, run aways, etc. Marriages will be aa Iooho iy made, and young people will marry on three days acquaintance. If a couple find they are 111 suited there should be taw allowing them to live apart, with out family responsibilities ; but they should not be permitted to curse others with marriages. A reform ia needed in Oregon. Metier t larswer. Wa have leased for tbe season of the assignee sll the tot age room and bins in lbe Albany City Mills -snd most respoct- I fall tolled a portion of tho public patron- j age until we make other arrangements I with our creditors. No merchant work in I m SI a a tea l . eaaaxsaavi uemtu win ue none, out we wm oo cur torn work as usual. Those who store with us shall have all the advantages of tbe market In the sale of g rain . We propose to do ai m pi y a storage business at tha usual rate. Tho. Mo.htxu u A Sox. attorn tirlaOUs. The grist mill of Charles Turner, at tbe north end of Broadalbin street hi now in I complete repair, and is ready for grinding wheat for tbe farmers of Linn county Give him atrial. THE .r 6 BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonic, ouicsty ana oompu-ieir ( re Dree!. leataeetlew, Wewfces Pysaswaa, Uatarretlew. Wcmkaess I asp sre Rloed. Medarta.t allla and Fevers, It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the KMaeys mm IJver. It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to 'Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not Injure the teeth, can headache, r r pmdure constipation oat Iron medicine tin. It enriches and purines the blood, stimulatis the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, an Here Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. Kor Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack ot Energy. Ac, it has no equal. eT The genuine has above trade mark sn t rosaed redunes on wrapper. Take no othe aa. aaly by BSOW CHKBICAL CO BaLTMOKE. REDINQTOZI, WOODARD A CO., Wholesale Agonta, Portland, Or. Red CrownMiUs IS0M, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S Saw PROCKSS FLOOR SUPERIOR TOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash for WMM ALBANY OR. SANTIAM ACADEMY. The fall and winter terra of Santium Academy will commence Monday, Sept. 15th, 1884, and close Friday, March 27ib, wm m m u 1885. For information concerning tuition, course of study, board, or special arrange ments, call upon, or addreae J. L. Gilbert, Principal, Lebanon, Oregon. MED. WADSWOKTH.--In this city, on Monday, August 18th, 1884, ot fever, Willi im Wads worth, son of F M Wadaworth,ad 19 years. XSvalal Wetlr. For the next 30 dsys I will mike a fol upper snd lower set of teeth warranted to be of the best materials for $). Teeth filled at reasonable rates. O, C. Arsarr, Office io O ld Fellows Building, Albany, Or Kseltea Tawsad All over the land are going into ecatacy over Dr. King's New Liccovery tor Con sumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Having remedy, csuses them to go nearly wild in Its praise. It Is guaranteed to awsitivslv cure Hevere Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Usy bevor, JJronch'i, Hoarseness, Ixms of V olc5, or any alJeetiou of (he Throat and Lungs. Trial lioUles tree at Koshsy A Mason' Drug Htore. Largo sire fl.00. Stage Mar II D Murray has esUb!ihed a sUe lin between Albany and tho By, and will ran once a week from here to Newport particulars call at Hoffman k Joseph V For ar:aLt'4)4Kit i The best aalve In tho world tor cu'a, bruises, sores, ulcers, aalt rheum, fevi r ores, totter, chapped banc's, chilblain, corn and all kinds of akin erunlion. Hus salve Is guaranteed ft give perfect satisfaction In every caee or morey re funded. Price per box. For sale Ly Posbsy A Mason Take Xellre All persons knowing themselves in debted to the uadersigoed will do well to call at once and sottle.ortiie accounts will be placed In the hands of an otfeer for collection. Msttik A LI I-ON. Settee Thai Frank Danuai is prepared U make ever and to repair spring sad wool matrasses and lounges st Dannals new factory west and o:ning Judge Htrahan's. Sea Lton Silver Polish, Tbi polish is msnufacturod from bs9j marine vegetable substance and will not mark or scratch tbe aofUsst metals. Kor cleaning snd polishinir fine DlaUd ware. jewelry and glass, wa chsliensre the world for its equal. Sample loxea sent by mail far i cents, liberal discount to ageutsand wholesale dealers. Address I L KE.TO, Albany, Orewga. Summons. In tkt Cifuit Court Of tkr flhaSi of itr.... for the Count of Linn : The New England Mortgage Suriry Company, rialaa. Gamaliel Parih,L arrish; E Parrish, Lurs A Parrish, H E Parriab. Emma Parrish. and Aug C Hinz and P, partners In business under tbe firm nsme of Hiar. A Landt. Bernard Held snd Sam uel ffeibrun. partners in business under the firm name of Held Bros. A Co., S Sellg snd II Newman, partner in basirsw under the firm name of Seiig A Newman, befendants, To G E Parrish. and Lara' A Parrish, and Aug C Hinz and P Landt. panne J s in business under tbe firm namo of Hirz A Landt, Bernard Held and Samuel He! brun, partners in business under the firm nsme of Held Bros. A Co.. S Seiig and H Newmsn partners in business nnder tbe tirm name of Seiig A Newman. Defend ants above named : I N THE NAME OF THK STATE OF of Oregon, you and each of vou are herabv required to IMlMr iml annr lha complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit on or beforo lbe -Ttb day of Ootober, A. D., 1984, that being the tirl day of the next regu'ar term of said Court, following tha expiration of tbe publication of tbis (Summons, or in default thereof tho Plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief prayed for in tba complaint, to w it : for a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage . . v . . t ...1 l. mm U. - - I 1 Parrisb on the 12th dsy of January, A. D. 1882 to tbe New England Mortgage Secu rity Company to secure the payment of a certain promissory note of eveodate there with, to-wit : for $3250 psvable io order of The New England Mortgage Security Company, upon which there is now duo Plaintiff the sum af $3250 principal with interest tbereon from January 1st, 184, at 7 per cent per annum tba sum of (227.50 with intsrest from said date at 10 per vnt per annum and $306 Attorney's fees, which mortgage is giveu upon tbe following ua ecribed real estate, to-wit : Situated m tbe County of Linn and State af Oregon, described aa the oast half of tbe donation lend claim of Gamaliel Parrish and Lvdia vl Parrish bis wife, notification aoou in sections No. five (5l six (6). seven (7) and eight (8) in Township No. l.i, south of Kange o. a, west of lbe Willamette me ridian, coctsiniug 321 04-100 acres (except ing 100 acres, out ot the sauibeavd corner heretofore deeded to iienrv Parrish, de scribed as beginning al the s lutboast cor ner ox said claim, and ruammr thence north 70 Uf west fort v snd I 1( 10 90-100) chains ; thenoe north 50 40' vmt thirty eight and 38-100 (38 vMOc) chains ; thence s.iuth 2 40' east twentvone and IK-100 (21 18 100) chains ; i hence south 19 151 west twenty-nine (20) chains to the place of beginning.) And also tbe northeast quarter of tbe southwest quarter, contain ing 40 acres and tan northwest quarter, of the southeast quarter, containius 4a acres, and tbe southeast quarter of tbe northwest quarter, containing 40 aeresjmd also low No, two (2), three (3), snd four (4), containing 101 y-iOO scree, all in sec- tion No. eight (8) iu Township No. thirteen (IS) soutn ot range IS O. two (2) west of tbe Willamette meridian, in all 221 us 100 a res, and being a part of tbe donation land claim of James Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor bis wife. Notification 4088. The and above conveyed amounting in all to 443 62-100 acres, and for a decree forever barring all said Defendants from teuiu up any claim or title to said mortgaged premises and for coats and disbursement and for such other relief as may be just snd equitable, aa prayed for, This Summons is directed to be publish ed in tbe Albany Democrat for six suc cessive weeks by an order made bv Hon. R P Boise, J ndge of said Court on the 8tb dav of A u trust A. D. IS. 4 as i-h.mi-n t I Salem, Oregon. V . D. F. n Feiston. Attorneys f jr Plaintlf". Cook Wants Position. A first-class cook snd baker, with good references, wants a position iu a botd or restaurant. Address V. M . care f Star Bakery, Albany, Oregon. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS, Kg a39aaw i 3 "WarA. N JTICE IS HEREBY GIVK2f THAT sealed proposals will be received st lOeonceof tbe County Clerk of Linn count . Orgon, until Wednesday t h 3rd day of September, A. D. 1884, at I o'clock, &ixx , for the building of a bridge across c Dowel! Creek near R. It. Humphrey's saw mill according to the plans and specif! sstkms now on file io said, Clark's office. The contract to be let to 'the. low est rosnursable bidder, tbe County fcourt reserving tbe right to reject any and all. bids. By order of the Court. D. An DREwa, Clerk.