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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1884)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. Bir81SKtOFt'lK"ln Democrat Building or BroadalblR Mret. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ingle copy, per year, in advance...- single copjr, per year, at end ol Jtf. M 50 single copy, six months. . jj inrla copy, three months 8 Slugle number 1 50 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. !. PRACTICE IN ALL THE V Courts of this Stata. Will five special atteruion to collections and probate "office in Foster's new brick. 49tf kbTmontanyb. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Awn Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brl w k. 1st street. - J WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORN KY AT LAW tlliW. OstECOV tsTIl.L PRACTICE I! ALL THE COURTS OF THE WMsTSmbI attention given to collection, and probate matter. Office In Odd Fetlsws Temple. t4:' f. O. POWKLU 7- LLT,CU POWELL & BTLYEU, VTTRNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in ( af!X' CollecHrtna promptly ma.le on all o Loans neuotiated on reasonable W fsVOffice in Foster's BrhU.-t vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Oounsillor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, ri, - - tn all nf tha Court. Of Ibis State Ail bualrtes Intrusted to him will be promptly attended lo. MBy-Offlee in O'Toole's Block. E. W. LANGOOH & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet ArtWea, A Large Stock and Low Prv-ea. OIT y DRXTG STORE, tyl 4 LB 1ST. BF.I.OV FOSHAY & MASON, wrolslais a asranv Droggistsand Booksellers, ALU4SY, OBEGOM. 16n41tf DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad J Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. BtTtMnre and residence in Mcl I wain's Block. Albany Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razor, which are always in condition, and hair cnt in the very beat style. DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon TOfflce in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, OBECOH. SAX WA MW. AUKDRT AND CHINA. MERCHAXISING Bl'SL l vrca w in nd Jananese goods. Ladies' underclothes, sow ax oouom prux. China labor. garXext to City Bank. Contractor for SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS QF NOTIONS. Keeps the iinest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchaa Use household goods, etc., at auction for any one in the cityor county 1 Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. tf SAM COHEN. FURNITURE. I have the bes stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in tbe Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC L.E TTINOS SO LICITED. Plans and specifications fur nishedon short notice. $2600. Good farm, enc mile west of Brownsville on the road leading to Halsey, containing 102 acres, oak ridge land, some fine oak groves, all enclosed, 75 acres in cultivation, a young orchard and shrubbery ; good b rn and fair house, two good wells w th pu ps, frice $2600. one years time o i one ha amount if ds ' rid, with security o prem a Call at premiscsor address D. A, Car .r, Egan, 3rant oounty, Or. State VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN ETER.WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, The words "I B11o" in French, mean the beut." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, AND- All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Areil for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannali, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in ail kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the nubile that thev manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hsno. a complete w " all desirable lines cf Fl'RMTUBE, and will sell at bed rock pnets. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. TIIK UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that be Is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work i- war ranted to give satisfaction Will work any nd all kind of Un, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. n?rJ. repairing a-d resetting a specialty. OH and examine ray prices before ptircha lnK P.whra in I will not be undersold. 5 bop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post ofnee. G. W. HARRIS. Prop. NEW BARBER SHOP. 1.JACK801 - Proprietor. )pposiie Revere House Sharin r and hair dressing done in flrat c'ass Ht?e. Firat-clasa bfth rooms. Bath for adleaandgentietneni all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, nisji rirai aad V.IU worth Albany . OrrjnB. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. TbJanewHollUSttdapmBrstclasatyl. Jlc supplied with the beet the market afford. Sprtn Beda in erery Room. A gwod Sample Boom for Com mercial Traveler. OTWrte Coach to aad from the Hotel MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY ABD DRESS-MAMO. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. drs. I w. tb mm T. COLE. Physicans to Surgeons, ALBANY. O REG ON. Offer their professional acn cea to th cHlfn J Linn and adjacent countica. Office and nMSW aer Court II itue. Call at Un.doa and Co Drug store. - T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA' AND Notary Public. in ktatrh Rights Dkmocba ollice DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, aw First Street be nur. Pi lutv.tli ani T.vnn Streets. t allS left at E. W. Langdon & Co's. Drugstore Albany, Oregon Insurance. F. P. NuttinK. at the Dkmocbat office has charge ol the following first-claes Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SOJTISH UH10N AND NATIONAL. Call on hnn for inaurauee, (RBI POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thi. puwdr ne-rr varies. A marvel of purlsty, "n-iijfth ami h lc mw n. Mart ecoii.'iulnal than the ordinary kinds, ami cannot be sold In eonipeUtmn with the mull i tn. I on low Inet, ahnrt weight, alum or i h -hle powders. Hold only lit -ana. Rural. whim Puwpas Co. 1M Wall Street, N. V. (jiticura Infantile Blood Purifiers and Skin Beautifiers, A Positive Cure for Every Form of Skin and Blood Diseases, From Pimples to Scrofula. KrASTILK and Birth Humor, Milk t ruat, Scall ed bead, Kvxema end try form ot lithium. Scalr, rtuoln, Scrotulhu.and Inheniod IH.eaae. 4 the iUoud, Skin and St-ait, with luea of Hair, froiu fntanx-v ot age, cured by the't ri-vaa Haaots at.ta new bood put illcr. Internally, and CtTKt a and 10- tii i a Hoxr, the mat ahin curve, ciiernallv. An aolotely pur and aafe, and way he need from tbe luoment ol birth. "OUR LITTLE BOY," Mr. and Mrs. Everrtt Rlebbina, lleKhcrt-.n,Ue , arnte , "Our Utile boy waa terribly affiUtd with Scrofula, Salt Kheum and Kryeleae eter atnoe ha wae born, and rtolhlnf we could ylve htm Hnlned him until we tried ' lUaantaa, which iradullr rured bill., until he la now as fair aa any child. ' "WORKS TO 1 CHARM," J. . Weeks, Eh , Town Treasurer, HC Albans, VL, aas In a letter dated May 9 . "It wrbe tw a charm on my baby a fare and bead. urj the head entirely and haa nearly cleaned the lacw 4 wrwa I hasw rr c nimeniel it to, and kr Itant haa urdwrsd a l. r them - "A TERRIBLE CASE." Cbarlea Rayre Hlnkle. Jerawy tly lleighta. N. J , write. : "My son a lad of twel years, waa nm nleuriy cured of a terrible rasa of IU tenia by lb Cf- nct-aA Haacftca. I r un the t of hi. head to tbe ante f hi. feet waa on. maasol eaba." Kery other emoly and ih .i- tan had tcwn tried In tain. FOR PALE, LANGUID, Emaciated children, with . imply, sallow skin, ta Ct Tin a a Hxmemk will prate a pnrfoel bleaainf, cleansing Iht bll and .kin ..f inbrltd ernimrltiea and rxnelllne; the werma ol ecndula, rheumallam.ooa aumntion and sever akin disease. Sold .Terr where. Iriw . C Tto a , SO cents. Kewh r T. 1 Hoar, ti eta. r iur Unxg and hemu alCo , Ilncton, Vlaaa. rwd for "slaw ta Care skla Bleraeea DIDV t uaeCallrwra Mip. aa etuuialMly DAD I iwrfumd HklM BraMCIflrr. and Toilet Bath and Nursery Hsnatlte. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND SHOP. EATABLIdnED 1SS. HV A. r. UHKKKT, n(luatetl at corner oi Kfrat and Montgomery Streets, Allany, Oregon. flavins taken sharceof the alove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines. Haw and Oriat MilU, WosxJ-workins Machinery. Pumpa, Iron and Brass Castings of every desv rlptlon. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm tra- cbinery. ratterm Haktsic dame la all IM forma. l&llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. A Marvelous Story TOLD II TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON : ' " UtntUmen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. Ha has been a great sufferer frooi Scrof ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a war relous e fleet Ayer's Sarsaparilia has bad In bis ease. I tblnk bis blood most bare contained tbe humor for at least ten years ; bat it did not snow, except In tbe form of a scrofulous sore on tbe wrist, until about fire years ago. From a few spots which ap poared at that time, it gradually spread so aa to cover but entire body. I assure yon be waa terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when be began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good bealtls as ha has. I could easily name fifty persons whe would testify to the facts in bis case. Yours truly, W. M. PmrJUF," FROM THt FATHER: "It Is botka pleasure and a duty for me to slate to you the benefit I hare derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilia. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tbo humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and tbe skin cracked so as to eauso the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, aad my life a harden. I commenced the use of tho SARsapATtiLLA in April last, and bare used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores havo all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well In every respect being now able to do a good day 'a work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I havo here tried to tell you, Ayer's Sausapakilla. Glover, vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Hirau PmLurs." AVer's Sabsaparilla cures Scrofula end all Scrofulons Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, gores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of tho Skin. It clears tho blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens tho whole system. PREPARED 1ST Dr. J.C. Aycr &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; 1, six bottles for $5. Insure your grain as soon as store 1, Cill od c P Nutting at tbe Democrat office, Eights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST at tram or tin Ot' this kind of statesmanship Mr Cleveland, aa all who have impartially observer) his career will admit, poaaena- e, in a high drgree, tbe instinct, and now si so tha experience. When he ontered upon bis duties aa Mayor of Hoffalo, a few years ago, he aaid : "It ccitis to me that a auooeaiful and faith ful tnihiatretion of the government f a oity may beaooompliahed by oonitaot lybeiioi(iD miod that we are tbe trustrea an agenta of our fellow-oiti-ens, holding their funda in sacred 'ruat to be expanded for their benefit ; that wa ahouid at all times ba prepared to render an boneat account oi them touching the manner of ita rgpeoditure; and that tba aflaira of the oily ahouid ba conducted aa taraa poaaiole upon the aame ptinciplee aa a good business man managea hia private eonoerna." You may aay that tbia ia neither vary brill iant nor quita original. Ilm it contains after all tha fundamental principles of honest and ettictent administration, ap plicable not only to a city, but to a atate and to tbe nation. And when a public man coming into power speaks auoh worda, and fully understands what they mean, and baa tba ability and courage to give them full effect, ha poaaeaara a atateamanabip for executive office infinitely mora valuable to tba ooontry than Mr. Blaine's statceman like akill and experience ia making himself "uerful in rations channels," and being a deadhead in son. And that Mr. Cleveland did under atand tbe meaning of what ha aaid, and waa determined to carry it out, ba showe 1 sometimes. IS A WAY WHICH ASTOJIla N THE SATIVKS. Here is an instance : When the C.ty Council of Buffalo, rem) osad of Djmoc'sts sod Kepublicans.had passed a resolution spprortng an extravagant contract for street-cleaning, bis reto ge contained the following lan guage: "This is a time for aplain speech I wiUibold my saaent for tbe same the resolution because I regard it ss tbe culmination of a moat barefaoed. im pudent and shameless scheme to be tray tbe interests of the people, snd to worse than squander the public money. I will not be misunderstood in tbe mat ter. There ara thaw whoso votes were giwm for this resolution whom I can not snd will no. auspct of a willful neglect of tbe interests tbey are sworn to protect ; but it haa been fully de monatratod that there are influences both in and about your honorable body, which it bebuovt. every boneat man to watch and avoid with the giwatnat care.' Tbia meant as plainly aa ;.arl isment sry language could express it : "Gentle men, there are some eoouodrele among you. I know it. And I want you to know that 1 know it, and that I waich you, and that your schemes will not succeed ss long ss I am here." 1 like that kind of statesmanship. Tba tax payers of Buffalo liked it. The people of the state soon showed tbst they liked it. And I think tbo people of tbe United .States would like it too, tbe knaves alwsys exoepted. Aa a member ol tbe civil aervioe re (fotm association, I may say that when we prepared and urged a legislative re form measure wa never inquired wheth er Qov. Cleveland, although a Demo crat, would sign it, because we knew ke would if it was a good one. When tbe citizenafof New York City sought to correct tbe orying abuses of their muni cipal government, they, too, always counted with tbe same confidence upon tbe governor, na matter whether the Democratic or tbe Republican party might be hurt by a measure of, true re form, and that oonfideooe was always justified. And, by tbe way, it is rather a shabby piece of business tbst some of tbe gentlemen who leaned upon the governor as one ef their principal pillars of strength, and were then full of prsise of him for his courageous resistance to party pressure, should throw paltry quibbles si bim since be hss become s candidate for tbe Presidency. Had he not been nominated it would have been said that the unbending courage for tbe right with which he resisted pressure coming from his own party was the very thing that defeated bim. It wss, indeed, tbe thing which made his ene mies hate bim so bitterly. . Buc tska his whole record. When he ceased to be Mayor of Buffalo a Republican pa per ssid : "Yesterday Buffalo lost tbe best Mayor she ever had.'' When be ceases to be governor, to become Presi dent of the United States, tbeae vary gentlemen will say : "New Tork never bad a more efficient governor than this." In justice we are bound to say th..t here ia a man whose ideas of honest, in telligent, and efficient administration are remarkably clear and correct ; who has not only promised lut performed ; whose performance, in faot went ahead of the manifesto ; who has proved him self to possess in an eminent degree tho principal requisites of executive effici ency, which are incorruptible integrity. a clear head, well- l or r ed mind, devotion to dot shrinking from n laW, a cool judgment, a high aim so cf official labor, a keen initnel of jest ice, snd thst rare courses which, whrnnvrr the public good rfqtiirsn it, firmly re sists not only the opposition of a h stile psrty bat, which is more difficult, the entreaty of party friend. You f sr that another party coming into powr will in ita eagerneaa to get pwaeeainn of the offices, turn out the good men to gether with tbe bad.and you aak wheth er there ia a man who as I 'resident would be strong, enough to witbatand the pressure of bis partisans. 1 admit yau cannot find many strong enough to do this, but I do not think 1 risk any thing in aay log that Mr. Cleveland is one of thw few. I should not be sur prised if he were tba strongest of tbem all. Aa to the higher sphere of statea manahip, it may ba remembered tbat in whatever position of power assigned to him he showed an ability to perform its duties beyond tho expectation f his friends. And when be now ssy, as he did a week ago in accepting the nomination, that ho consider hftnself pledged to give to the people 4'the ut most benefit of a pure and honeatad miniatratton of national aflsirs,'' we may recall tbe fact tbat so far not one of his pledges has remained unfulfilled. Republicans,! yield to none of you in pride of the spirit and tbe great achieve meets of the Republican patty in the past. There are undoubtedly men be fore me who took an active part in tbe great Republican campaign of 10. I know you will feel your pulse beat quicker when you remember the joyous glow with which lbs enthusiastic con sciousness of a noble cause tilled our heart ; with what eagerneaa we wont into the conflict, hsring notbiug to apol ogise for snd nothing to concesl ; with wbat affection and confidence wa com mended to tbe sufiYsges of the people oar standard bearer, honest k braham Lincoln. Remember how, under Re publican guidance, the American union was waabed clean of tba stain of atavert , and tbe great rebellion VMnqniabo-J, and Abrahsm Lincoln mm borne once mare on our shield, with th same faith and tbe aame affectionate cot li i. :,. e,for tbe trials of Kirer hd given to h:.s honesty still notw radiant IstStfW And now, sfter 11 years el inter rupted sscendet. . hat l..i t tl.a natty come to t Liok at it, th? prty of moral ideas, presenting as its (Treat leader and representative a mm a hose unclean record it ra,M NOT DEXY AND PARK MV FA0I I Listen lo its apokeamen, how they dodge ind squirm sround that tecord as something too hot to toicb unfot tunate attorneya, wretchedly troubled by tbe feeling that.if they rescct them selves, they must tske care not to be come identified with the public morals of their client. Watch them, bow tbey use tbe tariff question ss a great fig leaf which tbey stretch snd spread to make it cover and bide the crookedness of their atandard-bearer ! Wbat a burning abame and disgrace ia this t Pride of patty indeed 1 Those who are truly proud of the good tbe plrty baa done will be too proud to consent to its degrading per version into an instru ment of evil. If tbe great party which abolished slavery and saved thi repub lic is to serve instrument to poison the life of the aame republic by crown ing corruption with ita highest honors, then the truly proud Republicans will waah their handa of it. As tbey underatood the great prob lem of tho anti -slavery period, ao they understand the great problem of to-day. Tbe oonteet in which we are engaged is not a mere crusade against one man. It is note mere race between two. It is one ot tbe great struggles for the vi tality of thia nation, the second one in our days. Io I860, when the slave power bad stretched out its hand to secure ita ascendancy in thia union for ever, We fought to re-oatabliah the fundamental condition of human society which is freedom. And now, when the corrupt tendencies stimulated by the civil war and the eommotiona following it culminate in reaching for ihe pres tige of national approval, we fight to re-establish the fundamental condition of good government, which is houesty. The csuse of to-day is na less great and vital than was the oause of 10 years ago, and thoaa who were proudest to stand up for freedom then will be proud to stand up for honest government now. Thia is not the oauae of a mere party. It is greater than any tarty It ia in tbe broadest sense THK CAUSE OP TH E PEOPLE, the cause of all classes and honorable occupations alike. It speaks the lac guage of interest, and says to our mer chants and business men : You know that the successful working of commerce and trade hanga upon trust between man and man. You need credit as u nation aa yen need confidence between individuals. If you discover that managing man in your business is in secret eon:ert with any of your custom era and u et the opportunities of his J position for his own personal proiit,j on hnorrat 1884. confide in him no longer, but you dis charge him. If you learn thst the rnshier of your bank so nset the op portunities of bis place, you distrust tlo-institution and withdraw your de posit. What will you think of vour aelvr, whst will the world think of your loi sine, judgment snd your sense of honesty, if in something far greater than your shop or your bank, If in the government of your country you pro mote the man who has done thia to tbe highest place of honor and trust ? You complain thst tbe credit of our great enterprises hss most injuriously suffer ed st home snd sbrosd by tho unscru pulous tricks of tbo inside rings in eorpoiate management. How will it be if you give tbe solemn sanction of your votes to something skin to the aame practice in tbe government of the republic t Thia is the csuse ol labor and says to tbe workiogmen : What yoa need above all thinga iaa government of just Isws ami of honrat men to execute the laws. Bcwai e of the political jobber, for in the very nature tf things he ia sisrav (he monopolist' oavn t..t .ml bedfellow. How can you, laboring men, ao betray your own interests as to lupport a candidate whose election will mean tbat in the opinion of tbe Amer ican people jobbery ia tbe governmeat is a legitmate occupation not to be pun ished, but to be honored ? Thia is tbe csuse of patriotism and national pride and it eaya to every citi zen of tbe republic : Do you want tbe world abroad to respect tba American nsroe t Then show them first that the American people respect themselves. And in the foe of all this still tbe cry of "party H Woe to the republic whose citizens think of party snd noth ing but party when the honor of their country sod the vitality of their gov ernment are at stake. But, happily, wbst an impotent cry it is in these dsys! Iyok around you and sea wbat is going or. The time for s new immigration of politicsl forces seems to hare come. Tbe elements sre restleawly moving, in all directions breaking through tba bar riers of old organization. Here tbey march and there, some with uncertain purpose, crosaing one another's path, and sometimes eren thir own. No doubt, one of ihe candidates of the two gft patties will he president. Bat neither of the two part te, when it is awSS from the struggle, will be what it wat lf re. This is the disorder which ev dve new energies, for good or for evil. Such are periods of promise, but also .f dsnger. Whst "ill come wa cannot foreeee. But in the confusion tbat surrounds ua it is the par: of pa triotic men :o stand together with clear head and onn firm purpose. Their duty is plaio. It ia to sea to it tbst, wbstaver tbe future msy build up, its foundation at least b kept sound ; thsj the honor of tbe American psopls be preserved intact, and tbat all political parties, new or old. become forever impressed with tbe utter bopeleasness of any attempt to win success without respecting thst vital condition of our greatness and glory, which is boneat government. i mobois Marraaut There is a deman d for the coinage of half-ceut pieces. They are probably wanted for charitable purpoeea. Tbe eaaieat way to mark table linen Leave a baby and a blackberry pie alone at tbe table three minutes. Small boy "Pa, did you know ma ong before you married her V Pa "I didn't. I didn't know her nntll long after I had married her." No, indeed !" exclaimed Mrs. Pod- snap energetically, "I don't believe in the extension of woman auffrage at all. She seffers enough now." A little boy had been sent to dry a towel before the nursery fireplsce. "Mamma,is :t done when it is brown 1" he asked, as the towel began to amoke. There ia a girl in Philadelphia so cross eyed that she has to wear apecta- cles on bar ears when she wants to read. The tears from her right eye flow down her left cheek:" If a man wants peace to leign in the household he should count ten before speaking at times when he feels as if his clothes don't fit him. And on davs when the kitchen stove doesn't draw he should count 480 Mr. Evarts is credited with retort ing, when some one spoke of his long sentences, "Sty what you rill, there ia only one class of the people really op posed to loug sentence., and that ia the criminal class." It ia said that the gteat Italian poet, Dante, trained his cat to hold a candle in her paw for him to read. But one night a friend turned a mouse out of a box on to his table, when the cat at o ico dropped the candle aod ruahed for tho mouse. Little Nell "Ob, mamma 1 you mua- sent let ihe baby lie in the son." Mamm "Why not, pet ?" Little Nell "Taus' it'll melt." Mamma ' 'Mel ?' Little Neli -"Yes, tune did." NO 4 raiPERAICE DEPARTMENT. DiTKo nr -ma Wemei'i Cbrlilfii Trmpeniee Uiioi ma ri.'.rntun mw ink pmiintim Fatsrf. - I. For the acknow'edgment of Al mighty Coil ss Muptrn. Ituler in hu man affair. 2. Toe anaignment of tho liquor traffic as the chief source of natioral vice, crime, povetty and misery. 3. Indictment of iho Bepublican par ty as insensible to these evils though oonttouslly import oned, snd nominat ing tbe two men of tbe nation who have pnblicly proposed to make tbe liquor traffic ao institution of tbe land. 4. Charging tbe Democratic party with positive opposition to all legisla tion prohibitory of tbe evil. ft. Favoring a tariff for revenue, but ao adjusted to osmmodittea aa to favor home Industrie. 6. For the appropriation of the pub lic lands to aettlere,not to corporations. 7. For tbe grateful support of our soldiers and sailors. 8. Protesting sgainst the restriction of immigration. 9. Declaring tbat all these matteir. while important, are dwarfed by tbe liquor traffic, which yearly costs tbe nation $800,000,000. 10. Calling upon Congress to sup press this traffic in tbe district, in tbe territories,snd in sll other places an Ir r federsl jurisdiction. 11. Demsndiog that no state thsll hereafter be admitted to tb aaata -w wsavsa a a M itbout a constitutional exclusion of both drsm selling snd polygamy. IX. Thanking the women of the country, especially the W. C T. U..for their noble aervice in tbe cause. IS. Endorsing woman auffrage, both as a right and ac a powerful aid to the suppression of intemperance. 14. Thanking tiod for the coostast progress of tbe reform aod appealirg to tbe voters of tbe country to sustain prohibition. Ooa month ol prohibition in Iowa, ever whose legal construction ao court can quibble, has wrought mightily for tbe peace of the common wealth. A recalcitrant dram aellei in Oxford who bad Wn slot iog bis liquors in boxes and barrela labeled sugar, molaases,etc., found himself in tbe pitiless clutches of tbe law, unable to get bail, while the indignant citizens marched in a proces sion to the tolling of all tbe church a . a bells in town, snd tumbled $S00 worth af his illegal wares into tbe river. Bur lington saloonists although supposed to Ls shielded by tbe immunity which is said to belong to river towns, have bad seven convictions, and on July 29, tbe town hsd leas than half a dozen open dram shops. These weio expected to be cloaed up tbe next day. The ease with whioh temperance law may be enforced when its enforcement is in tbe hands of earnest men is shown by the fact tbst six young mea of Prince EJwsrd's Island have banished every saloon from one county of 40,000 in habitants. In a town in this county not a single arrest for drunkenness has been made in six months,and the dock et of tbe last circuit court did not con tain a single criminal case. An eminent physician aaya : "When taken only or chiefly with food and as constituents of general free living, fermented liquors, beer or wine contri bute to the production of an abundance ef ill assimilsted,overheated blood.whicb either finds vent in eruptions of the surface, or as local hsmorrbsgos, or causes vertigo, stupor, bilious attacks, gout, gravel and dyspepsia." . as Cholera dees not seise ita victims by hazard. It baa been ascertained tbat of every one hundred persons who die of thia disease ninety are habitual drinkers. Invisible placards on every spirit abop in tbe land read "Cholera sold here' William H. Daily, the athlete, swimming teacher and life-saver of San Francisco, is a native of the city fBoetoo,and is about forty-five years of age. He has lived in California since 1859. He has taught more people to swim than any other one man in the country, and has saved the lives of thirty-two persons who were in danger of drowning. ''Pro fessor" Daily, as his pupils call him, is a s moth-faced, rugged man, standing six feet high in his stockings, and weighing 210 pounds, except during the swimming and life-saving season, when his arduous labors on the beach reduce his weight to 175 pound?. Mrs. Warren owns a fariu a Povrha. too, Ohia, and she recently chastnl one of the surveyors of a railroad com pany four miles with a shot-gun. The company concluded to. cross the next lot. Charles O' Conor got a $75,000 fee in the Jumel will case, Evarts hud $26,000 for lefenilng Beecher, Boot! Lord took $50,000 from Cornelias Vtndarollt for fighting his father's w 11, and so on. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BeST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE Y ALLEY. Kpecial buslneas not Ire In Local Col urn ns IS rents per line. Krgnlar Lara not 100 io oente per Hoe. aaaf Dd transient advertisements SI 00 per square for the first iBNertionnd altaS&af ,"r0 tor lmch Mbseqiiant Kates for other sdvertlaementa made known on application. f BSBSaaaSf d CERMANREMEOf Jf'OJFL -PAIIV. c y a c a Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica, L aaes. achat. Hnisfti, TssetscSs. ore Tbesas, atsseltissepe. Sirs, lea. m. t.t ir.M aotMLT r.iu tvu tints. Sa44 1 free, see tMeien eei.w. rift, Cat. a WJ rum est a bum a. cw. a a. vsasaaa a e , saaasMea, sml. r. a a. Summons. tU Circuit Court of Htm oj Offfo for Iaa County. Nancy A Pugb, Plaintiff, vs. John Pogh, Defendant. To Jtin Pwjh, Uw !, 1vtmnl DfnuUnf. IN THK. NAME OP TBI STATU OF 1 Ores-nn, you are bcreby required to ai lr ana anwer me complaint of tbe aKve named plalnUfl in 'be above enti tled Court, now on file with ihe Clerk of aaid Court, on or before the first daj of tbe next regular term of amid Court, to wit : Monday, tbe Z7tn day of October, lftft4, and you are hereby notified tbat if you fail to appear and answer aaid cam plaint aa hereby required, tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded therein to-writ, a dissolution of tbe bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, tbe care, custody and control of tbe minor children, Nellie Ann Pagb and Jacob T Posh and the coat and disbursement of this suit to be taxed. This summons ia published by order of Hun R P Boise, Judge afraid Court, made t 'bamber and dated tbe 2nd day of August. 1884. WEATHBRrORD A III. SCK BIT R J , Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween W S Peters and Jay W Klein, un der tbe firm name and style of Peters A iilaln aod doing bnaineaa at Albany, Linn ceunty. Oregon, ia hereby dissolved by mutual consent, tbe said Jay W Blaiu having eld bis interest in aaid firm to C H Stewart. Said W 8 Peters and C H Stew art forming a co-partnership will carry on tbe business, of the old firm ot Patera A Blain and assume all of aaid firms liabili ties. Albany, Oregon, July 23rd, 1884. W. 8. Pktkbs, Jar W. Buaxa. Notice to Debtors, The old firm of Peters A Blain having been changed by Mr J W Blain selling: bis interest in tne establishment to Mr C H Me v. art. we wish IB H!in'un-e a our frieuds and patrens that it thus neceasarv to make a complete of our business by Oct, 1st 1884. as Mr Iilatu expects to leave the 8tate at about that date. All those indebted to ns either by note or account will pleaaw bear this ia mind and use their utmost endeavors to settle up by tbe time mentioned. Pete&s A Hi. mx. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No r theromplaini are so insijtoas la their attack as Usoee affecting Uie Hi mat aod luags: ' none ao triSed with by the majority ot snff ev ert. Tbe ordinary cough or co'al. result uig erua from a trifliug or uucoaacioas e xure, is often but the beginning ot a fatal sickness. Ayeu's Chebry Pi hiisal has well proven iu efficacy in a forty years' fight with throat and lung disease, and ahoalt ba lakeu iu all eases n Uncut delay. A Terrible Conch Cased. "In 157 I took a severe cold, whtcb affected my longs. I had a terrible rougu, and aauesS mjtlit after night without sleep. Th dastora (btc me up. 1 tried AVKR'a Cbisst Par iomaL, which relieved my lung, iadaaaal sleep, an J afforded tne th real neceeaary for the recovery ot aiy strength. By tha continued am of the Pectobai. a persaa ncnt cure was effected. 1 asa sow C yea a ckl, hale and hearty, and ara satficd ut LiiKttnv 1'acToBAi.' saved me. Horace Kairbkotmer. IUx-Vinghani, Vt., duly 15. lStC ('roup. A Mothwr'a Tribute. " While in the country laai winter luy lixtla ltny. three yearn old, taken ill with crwup; It sveiucd as if he would die from atnusga (ation. One of the family suggested the as Of AVER'S CnERBY Pecturau, a bottle of which was always kept In tha hooae. This was tried iu small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easilv. The doe tor aaid that the Ciiekry Pfxtobai. hsd saved my darling's life. Can yoa wonder at our graiiiudo? Sincerely yours, Mrs. Kmma Gedxet." 158 West 126th St., New York, May IS, ISS2. " 1 have used Ayeb's Cheery Pectobai. in my family for several years, and to an hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs aud coWsw have ever tried. A..l. RAXS," Lake Crystal, Minr... Msrch 13, 1 vi. " I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trviug many n-mcdies with no swer ceas, I was cured bv the lire of AY Mi's Cnpav BY PECTOBaL. dOsKI-n W.U.DES." Ityhalia, Mlsa, April 6, IsiC. I cannot say enough in praise of ayer's CrtERRY Pectorai believing as I do that but for its use 1 should long Mnce have died from lung troubles K. HRAGDoJl., Palesliue, Texas, April 22, No case of an affection of the throe,. hings exists which cannot be greatly relic by the use of Ayeb's Ciiebby Pector-, and it wtU altrau cwt tb Jii not already beyond the control of medicine, PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.AyerotCo., Lowell , Mist. Sold by all Druggists. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY Smokers of Blackwell'a Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco will leuslte Premiums ss follows on terms sad conditions here specified i Be. tuS 9500 $400 S4O0T 9350 $300 9275 $250 $225 9200 $175 $150 $125 flOO 90 $80 $7D $60 $5D $40 $30 $20 $10 t PREMIUM, S5.QOO 2d " $2,000 3d " $1,000 2 other PreanlaaM ss her shown. The premiums will be awarded December ta. 188. 1st Preaetum iroea to the person from whom we re ceive the larjreet number of our empty tobacco bajni prior ta Doc. Ik. 2d will be given for the next largest number and thus, in the order of the number of empty hairs received from each, to the twenty-five successful con testants. Each bejr must bear our original Ball Durham label. V. a Ke venue stamp, and Caution Notice. Bags must be done up securely In a package, with name and address of sender, and number of bags contain ed, plainly marked on the outside, and must b? at. chargos prepaid, to Black well's Dariaausi Tskaces l o DcriHAii. K. C- Erery genuine package baa picture of Bull. gee our next sBMfflSflwasat t