The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 11, 1884, Image 3

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Entered at the Post OA at Albany,
as aeooud-olasa mail matter.
.JULY 11, 1884.
Kilters a4
fr-RKO I. unriMi, Lcl Bailor.
Olcial Coanty and City Paper.
AO. c
. K. R. TIME T 1HLK.
Albany Station.
lt:ilKTl RK Or Ttt Al.
fcLBASY EXPRESS Departs at
souks south.
6;80 A. M
8.-00 A. M.
11:45 A. K
IS.-Oo r. K
11:45: A. K
lfc6 P M.
S:30 P. M.
: P. M.
All Tralas dally, except Sunday.
None a. On and after this date regular
tickets will be sold at oar tieket office for
rollewingpomtsou Columbia river: Upper
Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Watlula,
Walla Walla and Aiusworth.
Will. B. Rica,
Freight and Ticket Agent
O. A C. R. It. Co,
Albany. June 18th, 188.
Tae SIrlea Feartfc
The 4th of July occurred in this oily
three days before Cole's circus, to-wii : on
Friday. It was uoticeable in A litany by a
gravelike stillness, which lue few here
seemed to enjoy Immensely. Of what was
done in other places we shall not attempt
to speak, leaving the various big times to
be told by our correspondents, or left un
told, as we rem at heme and cele
brated lit private, on a small scale. Those
desirous of knowing what was done at
any particular place, can depend en about
the following program :
1. Thirteen guns at Sun rise.
i. Formation of procession and march
ing to grove, with Liberty car, etc.
3 Music by band or glee club.
4. Prayer by chaplain.
5. Music again, and reading ol Declara
tion of Independence by Jabn Loud voice.
6. Oration by Geo W American Eagle.
". Followed by dinner, and plug oglies.
Kali tbnm plans, or whatever you wish to
call thorn, sack races, three logged race,
foot races, base ball gsme. fight aod
drunks, closing with a grand bail t Ter
piachorean Hell.
Numerous cilia in different parts of tbe
state celebrated In about tbe above order,
part of which we give below with the
names of the orators of the occasions, as
the orations reall j express the true spirit
of the genuine celebration :
Scio .Hon C A Johns.
Herrisburg Hen J K Weatherford.
Sodaville Dr J W Watts.
Corvallia -Judge R P Boise.
Mew port Judge J R Brysen.
Prineville Stephen Stasia.
Eortlacd -Ben L F G rover
slenv-C B Carlisle. '
Ashland -J F Bowditcu.
Oregon City N H Bloom field.
Jacksonville Prof J W Merritt.
Roseburg Bon A C Jones.
Mr J. Kltest Fer.
ThU distinguished lawyer and lecturer
spoke in the Court II mse last Tuesday
evening to a large and appreciative audi
ence. Her theme was, "Shall the sale o
intoxicating liquors be prohibited in Ore
gon." She handled the subject in an able
gtan&er, displaying more of the logic of
the lawyer and less ot sentiment than mqst
Women lecturers. She spoke in ap elo
quent, forcible manner, mixing wit with
logic, and keeping tbe attention of her
large audience as few speakers ore able to
4 j. Hayiog bees) in the front of the Qgbt
n lews Mr Foster could give a personal
experience more valuable than theorizing
as an argument, iier lecture was very
connected, having ene line of thought
which she did not depart f rem. She spoke
for an boor and a half.the interest in what
he said never nagging for a moment.
A Move! Ride.
Last Saturday we had the pleasure of a
ride through the streets of Albany after
one of the Ruseel traction engines. It was
a novel kind of a way for navigation, but
o satisfactory one, notwithstanding the
fact that tbe engine ran off tbe track, for
it exhibited the splendid working quali
ties of the Rqssel engine. Many uieje ex
perienced than we stated that they never
saw an engine run bettor or iu re easily.
Mr D 8 Townseq 1,a brother of J H Town
eud of this city, bad charge of the engine,
and !eo one of the "New Mosiiioq"
threshers, a splendidly built machine thai
gives eminent satisfaction, we are told,
wherever used. 1Mb of these machines
ctn be seen near the Rjvere tf use, and
ahould be examined by alt contemplating
purchasing n engine and thresher. See
advert.neitt-jnt in another column.
Tke 41k at Keie.
A porrtppondent rram Scio send us the
fallowing account of the celebration at that
eity t The 4th was passed very pleaaantly
at this city and a very interesting program
was furnished, Tbe three legged race was
woo by R-bt Dorris and Will Price, and the
sack race was won by ftobt Dorris. There
were five contestants, and it. was very inter
esting. The base ball game between the Scio
and Knox Butte class was stopped by a lit
tle unpleasautuess on the sixth ex seventh
iauiug, the score then st&ndiug about 12 to
g in payor oi -nox pte;
-33KOU J" , - -
Hand Meats,
To-morrew. July 12th. there will be
held at Robert's Bridge, under the au8.
pices of tbeShedd's Cornet Rand a picnic
at which time tbe following excellent pro-
gram will be followed out : Music by
various bands, address by E R Skip worth,
Esq., a match game of base ball for a prize
of $20 ; foot race for prize of $5, ladies egg
race, for gold ring ; fat men's race, etc.,
etc., to eloee with a bail iu tbe evening at
Farwell'a Hall. It will be a fine affair,and
no deubt will be largely attended, as
Robertts Bridge is a favorite place for pic
v-i!- S
f he sea Uet PJlUh.
We call the aUeutum of our readers to
the advertisement of Mr F L Kenton in
aaother column, of this new polish, lately
invented by H Kenton from a submarine
reck feu ad br him near Yaa aim Bay. It
is the finest polish for all purposes la pol
ish can be used for yet invented. Abso
lutely free from grit it is safe either on the
finest silver or geld, or common ware. A
home invention it deserves general intro
duct ion. We have tried it thoroughly , and
know its virtues. Every family in the
cftmty ahoqld, ' have a box, and, it shoal T
be in every store for sale.
P M French, jeweler, .
Dallas is to have a bank.
Patronise heme institutions.
Harrington, W. T. , has no saloons.
Plsety of 1 J x 4 inch flooring at Carters.
Threshing wheat will begin in about two
Buy a Cdiran fruit dryer, and save your
That dry yellow tir lumber at Carters is
Rough lumber is sold in gjattle at 8 per
What is 4th of July ootnpared with a big
Delinquent tax-payers should begin rust
ling for coin,
Try one of those self binder whips of E. L.
Thompson & Co.
All summer excursions were postponed
until after the circus.
J as Foster, jr., is working for Jacobs A
Neugass, st the bay.
A large amount of farm machinery is be
ing taken into the country.
Rob't Crosby took a load of pleasure seek
ers to the Bay a few days ago.
County Court is in session this week with
Judge J J Whitney iu the chair.
R R Humphrey has considerable lumber
on hand at his mill near Waterloo.
. L. Thompson A Co s. harness is the
cheapest to buy because it is the best.
M Hyde received the first whole deer in
Albany last Wednesday. It sold fast.
N. H. AUen will sell summer cloaks, dol
man's, etc, at less than first cost to close.
Farmers will save mousy by buying their
belting, aod rurtfof E. L. Thompson A Co,
Z T Bryant has secured the contract for
constructing the new church at Lebanon.
Mrs Potts Sod Irons and Enterprise coffee
mills just received by Peters A Blaiu. Vkenp
Still greater reduction in price of Univer
sal and Kareka wringers at Peters A Main's
A wheel tap feu ad near this city can he
hsd by calling at this office and paying char-
A Chinese gambler who died in Portland
a few days ago was worth 815,000 in "hard
Mr D H Meatborn will soon nut un a
house for Mr Peter Btlyeu at McDowell
Some hay was damaged in different parts
of Oregon by tbe rainstorms of the last few
The Dray Company now has a bead office
next to n C Tweedale s. This is a great
Most Washington Territory cities awbila
ago affected with booms are now having their
A school teacher near Dayton, W. T., was
recently huoU g-JU for whipping a boy too
Aa oil well is to be suuk st Wbatcvmb, W.
T. It is about time something wat done in
this line.
Governor Newell will continue to reside
ia Washington Territory, making his home
at Olympia.
Johu B Cough will net come tq Qregoo,
bavpi been taJUu sik ao4 been obliged to
eturu East,
W ednesday J H Daniel received a large
shipment of organs, which the public will do
well to call and examine
The house of Isaac B Beau was entered ea
Monday and a silver watch and two or three
dollars were carried off.
Jesse W George, brother of Mrs George,
of this city, has been appointed U S Marshal
for Washington Territory.
D.i. a . . ...
naiier oruer tor tne number ol peopie
present was never observed ia Albany than
oa the day of Code's cjreos
Mr 4 as Laurent has the contract for build
ing tbe Calipooia street sewer, and no doubt
it sril he well constructed.
The L'fniny Vhnnicle is be name ef
pew daily started ia Portland, (t presents a
good appearaape as a starter.
Perry Adams was offered f 10Q0 for his
celebrated long loaned horse by Cole's circus
but refused it, se we were informed,
A ple of wheat seven feet and five in
ches high is on exhibition in Eugene. Linn
county farmers are requested to excel this,
Tbe largest and best stock ef harness and
saddles in the valley is to be found at E. L
Thompson A Co. and their prices are low.
A full stock of single and donbls buggy
harnesses, at bed-rock prices can be found at
J. J. Dabruille's. Examine them and prices.
People must est notwithstanding Cole's
circus has gone. The place to get your
groceries, vegetables, etc., is at HoJTrqaa
Were it ROt i r the Qfgwmu several Ore
gon dailies would find it a difficult matter to
present each day the "latest telegrapbio
The iVeit Share fur July is an interesting
one, and contains some good illustrations of
scenes on the Columbia and Willamette
There is about thirty miles mere to be
graded between the Bay and Corvallis, ssys
the Post, the heavy work having been nearly
1500 girls are not to be found everyday,
ssys our McDowell Creek cor respond ept, sp
that if one is gotten it s ba1 policy tq let
her go,
Smith, tne man robbed by Howard iu the
hotel at Portland, took his own lifs at Port
land last Sunday, caused by despondency
over his loss.
A new and large line of satchels and valis
es just received at L E filains. Parties con
templating taking summer vacations should
take notice.
Binder whips ! Binder whips ! made to
order especially for J. J. Dubruille by the
Attention is called to the Card ot fit.
Joseph P. Welch, in another column, br
Welch has just arrived here from Texas,
He is a physician of over thirty y ears prac
tice. A mill in Washington Territory W6 saved,
ays an exchange, from being swspt away by
high water, by the Hrsmans having left his
old shoss in the mill, thsy holding the mill
down, (
Those few who did not intend to attend
the circus because it would gst into Albany
en Sunday, ware greatly relieved by its be
tag delayed until three o'clock Monday
Rev W D Nichols will preach at Fair viw
church next Sunday at 11 o'clock. It is de
sirable that there should be a full atten
dance. Hs will also preach at Tangent at
3.36 o'clock.
Justice Ooorge Humphrey will now dis
pense justice at the Court House, where
those wishing to right thsir wrongs will find
acted with ths oircttt itself; Wei ths plaOi
lag of two men te sell tickets Just before ar
riving at the tents. They sharged tea cents
extra, and would beg people to purohase in
order to avoid the mob WhsM there were not
two people at ths ticket wagon.
Mr E W Barnes, special agent for ths new
State Insurance Company, of Salem, was tu
ths city Tuesday in ths interest of ths com
pany. Mr Hub. Bryant has been sppeintsa
sgsnt for this city. An excellent feature o
tbe company is ths fact it will only writs
pelioies on detached or country property,
making it safe, I ts cash eapital is $ 100,000
L, L Rowland ia President, E B MoKlroy
Vice President end W J Hsrrsn, E B Mo
Elroy, Wm Bnsland. H W Cottle. L L
Rewland, F S Cottle, and Geerge WUliams,
directors. Ths gsneral office is at Seism.
A curious case of mixing matters is thus
reported by an exchange . "A wesk or two
lnee, ths British Columbia Indians came
down to join ths Nook sack ladians in bury
him. "Let tbe wished tremble for justice is the bones of their tilliouras who have rsDesed
on tneir tracks.
At the installation of officers ef the K of
Ptobe held last night, the following were
the principal officers to be installed : O H
Irvine, O. C, D L Smith, V. C, Charles
Wsguer, Prelate.
Mrs Paul Robinson, wife of the bridg,
keeper on the rail road bridge at Harrisbura
has the finest assortment of bonse sad pot
plants m the State. We acknowledge ths
receipt of a supply.
Among the prises awarded at Salem at the
printers picnic on the 4th ef July was a per
fumery ease, presented Mrs P H Raymond,
formerly ef Albany, for being ths handsomest
married woman at ths celebration.
Any man who proposes te commit suicide
hecatue he was swindled by a wheel of fort
une, by cremating himself iq the hot sun,
will do well te wait until cooler weather,
when it will be a more comfortable operation.
C W Watts is sgeot for The Travelers Ac
cidsot and Lifs Insurance Company of Hart
ford ; tbe oldest in the United States, and
the largest ia tbe world. People going to
the mountains, sea side or other places for
hehelidays should insure before starting out
ai . a . .
as muciies tbe wheel of fortune hss been
shown up it never fails to catch new biters,
and Monday the one at the circus had its
uarvast, ana toe plastered esse ef its owner
indicated that somewhe.e be bad been paid
n something besides coin.
Wednesday night some depraved wretch,
out ef spite pried a slat from the small hu
house of William Deony. next his store, sod
let out twelve of his chickens, which he was
keeping for sale. He secured six of them.
The rascal lft no card.
T- V : . . ...
taw iwjuma i t aajs j "tTa suppose
everybody enjoyed themselves yesterday.
Grand preparations had been made, both at
Toledo and Newport, and if it don't rain.
there'll be lets of fun." Evidently V-n
went to press before the 4th.
Wednesday ths successful operation of re
moving an ovanae tumor, weighing about
siaty pounds, from Miss Hose Dannalt, of
this city, was performed at Salem by pre.
Chase, Carpenter, Holmes sod tit vena, o
Salem, and Urs. Hill aod rKa'lace, of Al
bany. Miss Dannals recovery is uncertain.
On the 4th of Jaly the team of May Par
risk ran away while going to Corvallis,
breaking ths wagon to pieces, but not injur
ing sny one In it. Mr Parriah and wife and
two children and another woman and child
were tbe occupants, each of whom grabbed
a child and jumped to the ground.
At Scio, we understand that on ths 4th,
one men drew a revolver, aimed it at another,
pulled the trigger, but the noise made, luck.
ily was only from a blank carrubje and no
one was hurt, which oqr informant says was
not (he fault uf tfcc ahouter. Oa the
day the Marshal of a neighboring city was
put te the calaboose fer beteg disorderly, sot
s good example for e city officet to make.
H may be interesting to many to know
that the hrst cost o( the average, not ths
cheapest, lead pencil is of one cent or thiee
cents a doasa. Such pencils sell for about
au cents per doaen, but of course there are
three or four persons to make 100 per cent
profit. Tke N. Y. Sun is authority fer the
Almost every person baa some form of
scrotu.ous poison latent in his veins. When
this develops in scrofulous seres, ulcers, or
sruptioos, or takes tbe form of rheumatism,
or organic diseases . the suffering that tu.uee
u terrible beyond description. Hence tbe
gratitude of those who discover, as thousands
yearly de, that Ayer's Ssrssparilla will
in hollow trees and other odd places for
years, says ths Whatcom R'PtiU. They
gathered the dismembered bones of their
friends together, sod buried them in great
holes at the Indian burying ground near the
forks of the river. There were tons of bones
mingled together io ene common grave, and
we doubt not that it will pussle the owners
to Hod their skeletons wbeu they srrive on
the sunny hsuks of the happy hunting
We take ths following from ths Uuien
ville(M.) Upuhl.ran : '-Qu Tuesday last
Drs W and W W Williams of this city as-
is ted by Drs Geisinger, lareckson and Noel
performed s difficult and delicate operation.
ia removing a large cancer from tbe right
breast of Mrs F M Riasbert, of Shedd, Linn
Co. (Oregon. Mrs Siouhart is a neioe of
tie Gil worth, of West Liberty, and mads
ths long trip from her home in the fsr north
west to this city, fnr ths sols purpose of re-
ceiviag treatment at the heads ef Dr. Wil
liams. The operation was) very successful
end it is to be hoped shs will fully recover."
The many friends of Mrs Rioebsrt in this
county will be glad to learn ef ber entire recovery.
Tbe Union 4c&'aW gives the following sc
count ef tbe first person to be run over by
tbe cars ia thst valley : "He was a young
man named Ed. Soaggs, s break man on tbe
construction train, which ooenred on Mon
day. It seems he was engaged ia coupling
a oar, and after accomplishing bis object
and while the train was ia motion he made
the usual backward step, whsu the heel ef
his boot became fastened in tbe frog of tbe
switch. He wss knocked down and the car
wheels passing over his leg and up one side
of his body, caused instantaneous death.
Tbe young man had but recently arrived io
this country, and was formei ly from Eugene
City." .
Monday a poor specimeo of humanity was
on the corner ef Broadalbia and First streets
selling small boxes containing one, two or five
dollar bills, or noshing, for a dollar. Several
of Lion eounty's respectable oitisens tried to
chess the peer scalawag by gettiag his five
dollar bills for a one dollar bilL They gen
orally got empty boxes, which served them
right. It does not take a brilliant man to
knew that scab a character does not travel
around tbe country for fun. He is en bad
ss the thief that enters your house or picks
your pocket. A little slight of hand pre
vents all ehaaee of to being captured, except
on rare occasions foi bait He is inn soap
msn without the soap.
Tbe followiag aoooqnt of a eeerral Is
twesn two brother, taken from a Kceeburg
paper, shows bow dapsved sums men are
"Report has reached us ef a shooting affray
m mas sen a m .a
at ten sine on iuciey ol mis week in
hich Henry Buthnell was shot by his broth
William Boshnoll. The otrcnmttanoss aa
reported to us are as follows ; Oa las
Saturday ths two brothers met at Welle
store, and after some words commenced to
tight, but were separated by W R Welts.
Knives were drawn and a serious encmnter
between tbe brothers was, with difficulty
averted, Oa Tuesday of this week the
brothers met, snd the quarrel was renewed,
terminating in the alleged shooting of Hesry
by William.
Several steamers bavs lately croese 1 tbe
bar st Ysqoina bay without sxperieacing ths
least difficulty, finding plenty of water. which
plainly demonstrates that the slurs formerly
cast at the probability of making Y equina
aa sasy port of entrance by the QngtmioM
were uauist. several steamers were recently
Uraut Height is at the Bay.
Prof J C Vvyokoff and wife and Miss Ball
man are spending several weeks at ths Bay.
Archie Prushaw, of Monroe, was in AI
bsny last Tuesdsy, buying goods for hlsdrug
H P Aruspriger one of tho substantial
friends of tbe Dkmotiu r st Ilrrisburg oslled
last Monday.
Dr Welch recently from Texas, hss loost
d in Albany, having opened an office in the
OToole Block.
J M NoUn, of Corvallis, was in Albany
last Wodnosday. Hs is doing a good bust
ntas in that place.
J W Chamberlain snd wife left for the
Hay tk i first of the week, Mr. CliamUrlain
having a Job oa the oarpeuter work.
Dune Monteith returned from California
last week, after an absunos of several months
n ths interest of the Currsn fruit drysr.
F K Hodgkin, of Salem, Secretary of the
State Firemans Association, was in Albany
Wednesday night in the interest of the asso
Rev T B White ami family are in th e city
They have severed their connection with ths
Siletx agency, and will now remain in the
Sam May and family, James lliley and
family, W J Bramwell and family, and quite
a full delegation from llsrrlsburg cams down
to attend the circus last Monday.
Hon Ceo E Chamberlain left last Wedties-
lay evening for Tillamook county to take
harge of the criminal part of ths business
of tbs Circuit Court which uterd there next
wcrdi .
Mr snd Mrs U ted, Sr., snd dsujhter, Mr
and Mrs Heed, Jr., and child, and Mr snd
Mrs Brownell and children left this week fer
ths Bay, where they will remain a few
Dr Dodd and family retimed to Albany a
ew days ago after an absence of several
months, most of which time wss sient in
California. Tho doctor seems much iinprov
ed io health.
Parley McK night leturucd from Eastern
Oregon a few days sgo, work on the narrow
goags having ceased with the exception of s
small amount , He intends remainirg in
linn county.
A dreni ClrewM
Cole's great circus and ssensgsrie baa
ootne and gone and a til I Albany end Linn
county continue to exist. It took la 97, 00
orfa.ooist tbe tv.o entertainments last
Monday, and tbe county remains solvent.
It was a good circus for Oregon, and pr -
anted many things It advertised. 1
menagsrle was an uncommonly good one
to be brought so fsr, It consisted of
hlppoptamus, a rhinoceros, five elephants,
ten camels, a serbra, an Asiatic ox, a Ben
gal tiger, and three other varieties of
tigers, a leopard, a Jaguar, a white buffalo,
a white deer, a white bear, an eland,
several kangaroos, a horned horse, a wild
hoar, two hyenas, two 1 boxes, two moo
keys, five or six large Hone, about three
foreign birds, and two or three other ani
mals, certainly an excellent collection and
worth tbe price ef admission to see, The
ring performances were novel and many
of them derlng ; tbe fly performance, the
Irapexe leaps, tbe double eomereete by
throe different tumblers, tbe boyoie rid
ing on the blgh wire, tbe roller aketieg.tho
Arabian tumbling, as well as some other
features were excellent, and el lotted de
served applause, The whole made up a
splendid circus performance,
The management offers a thousand dol
Oa Flala aaajerfs.
Gambling should be most summarily
set down on. As long as there is a law
prohibiting It It Is but proper that
should be enforced, aud I was pitas d
to observe tbe atop taken last week to
uppreesit la this city. Better had
cupboard be Infested witti mice or
sick room with flees Uim a city with
boards of gamblers They are a mark
ed Injury to a community, and give It a
bai name. Many is the deluded man
who Is as bad as robbed by falling Iu
their wso.
Very few people who celebrate tbe
4th now a -days do It from any pure
met Ives of rejoicing ever the continued
independence of tbe L'uios, nor docs It
enter most people head-i wh it thwy are
celebrating for. The 4th has become a
day for having a big time regurdless of
consequences, a day for spreeiup;, and
(leer or Mr)ewetl Crerb acbsel.
The above school, Miss Rosa Uaerle
teacher, closed on Thursdsy of last week.
Toe following program wee rendered at
the losing oxerolsee :
Ilurlea Osylord Curfew muit not ring
F react l men noier roe beggar m an .
Amanda th rime The guide post.
Mr Wirt 4he raoe with the widow.
Klmer Uauenhofer Tbe negrw
Ide orchard nop, top pretty water.
Pattie OaylordTke ojsau oueeo.
Burlsa Oaylord, essay Industry and
Bud umonnoier -i ne old man.
Frank Cowdrey Ths ludeiwodenre
bad I.
Willie Farrlsr -The guinea pig.
Kile Cowdrey 'People will talk.
rear lee Oaylord and Frank Cowdrey,
dUlegue -An ax to grind.
Atnands Urlmos. eeesy - . oowiwigo.
Nettie Cowdrey Annie Willie's
I uartee ' ayloru ur.u iro--u so I ni
ylpg machine.
Sua Humphrey rwiukiln at r .
Klmer Ciuenhofer -f'be utlow.
lturis Oaylord Wbialliiist inli'4V-in.
Elisabeth I'meulvdur Waspish work.
Mr Wirt Model Wife.
Nettie Cowdrey -Demon of wine.
Amanda Urlme Kelorm.
Burlsa Oaylord The little wld w.
1 'at tie Oaylord-Tae blue and gray. .
Nettie Cowdrey '-Tbe hieveol tbe holMe:
Pauls Oaylord -The sign Is
Calvin Ha-ris- Jack aud O.ll.
Amanda O rime Speak geutly,
Mr Wirt -Tbe ax handle.
Rosa B Osorte The rum m una".
letting loose the airings of passion.
tars for tbe mention of anything it ad ver-Tbr ' oothlng loyal la this. Tho
I I. ...I. 1. . m . m J.I. .f .11 ..l.k..ll..u I. IU....
Hon, yet It Is really the genuine celebra
tion ef independence. At the same time
we do not have any too many holidays,
and above all we need the 4th whatever
spirit pervades the people, for taken as
a national affair, it will ever continue
to exprees the true national spirit, re
gardleseef the little aide shows of a
majority of tho Individuals who cele
brate It.
Eggs and such thing sh mld be sold
by weight and not by thefpieee off do.en
There Is nothing consistent in Use nrac
tloeof paying as much for a dozen
small eggs as for a dozen oMarg j eggs
that may weigh :jo er cent more.or for
a dozen small chickens as fer a dozen
large ones, and it la not justice Io the
producer. A premium should be plac
ed oa tbe raising of superior anicles,
large eggs, large hens, etc A horse
weighing 1400 will bring a better price
than one of tbe aame kind weighing
luuo, anu tnis ia rigUL ayniy superior
quality Iu the small can change this.
A MaudS. of course would be more al
uable than a boree weighing 2000. Her
powers give her value ; but '.his can
not apply to farm produce.
I am glad to notice several new farm.
ers In the county who are introducing
the true idea in regard to farming, and
that lathe practice of raising a mors
diversified crop, so that even if their
wheat were to fall they would come out
van. mat la, they raise enough po
tatoes, garden produce, butter eggs.etc..
for their own use or the running ex
peneaa of tbe farm. There are men
who raise nothing but wheat, who have
to buy oven their potato, cabbtgee.
butter, etc., and It is no wonder that
that they do not get along. A person to
got along in this world mus: watch the
holes ic tbe fence and keep t ie bo
out of the corn field.
uses which 11 does not perform. Anv
thing It represents in pictures on Its poo
tors It advertises to perform aad that, too,
In the circus tents proper, and net in any
aide shows, that do not beloug to tho dr.
ou, in one sense, although, as a matter of
fact, they are under the same manage
ment. We claim tbe SlOM, and will en
umerate : There was no large collection
of 000 apoclee of snakes in tke menagerie
thero was no giant horse 21 hsnds high,'
there were no giant kangaroca, they were
all email ones, there was no ostrioh.tbere
were no sea llons,no south African trntles.
ne tapir, no New Holland emus, ne gib-
'boon, no Virginia panther, no Palestine
skojp, no Cashmere goat, no browa boar,
ne Peruvian African porcupine,
no wolves, badgera, beavers, coons, ne
parrots, eagles, etc., etc.
Tnere was ni whirling over fixed bay
onets by Arabs, nor turning ef somer
sets by men oa roller skates, there were
no three lady bareback riders, there was
only one; there wee no snake charmer,
there was no ladder act, there were no
double somersets by tweniy-five: there
were by tbree, there were not nine clows.
there was no slide for life by tbe hair of
the bead, etc., yet the circus was sxtraud
by far the host ever in Oregon. We do
net state those things to find fault, but to
get the ttOOO which we need la our busi
ness. We never expect to see all that is
claimed, It would be imposalble, and
everybody knows it, we do expect consid
erable, and this we got from Cele, and are
sal Is (fed. AH ilattery, after tbe fashion of
many of tke news papers of the Northwest
la worse than censure, aw we split tho difference.
Monteith A Meitenbacb have reduced tbe
prices of their dolmans, mantillas to actual
oast this will afford tbe public an opportun
ity to desirable styles as a very low Agere.
Jeasjala Miller mm
Miss f ealCO McClain was born in Piatt
coo at, Missouri on Oct. 1-Hb, 1829, aod re
moved uith her par nts to Oregon in 1847,
one of the nrlde pioneers of Linn county. was married to Mr Thomas Alphia ef
the em- county KoK 180, where they ea.
yd tbs comforts of a good home until
death removed her oa the 2nd day of July,
1881. Kb professed religion when only If
years of sge nnitiog with tbe Baptist eharcb.
remaining a faithful, devoted, exemplary
member with faith unshaken by any temple,
tioo, enjoying the entire conffdeae of all her
acquaintances. Those who kaew ber best
loved her roe. During a protrscted snd
painful sickness she wss always patient, re
alizing the comforts of tbe Haviour's I
t t . ...
WBIM parsing the v alley ef death. Hhe I
iy anticipated her appro bins dissolution
expressed s desire to depart sad be with tbe
Savior in whom she trusted. This devoted
mother of ten children, two of whom depart
ed this life before her, leaves eight children
and many relatives and friends to mourn ber
lose, snd a heart stricken husband who ess.
esswed the best physicians and gave his aa
cearing attenting to sooth her dyinz pillow.
rtbe rests in the ometery until the resurrec
tion morn. 1'eico to her demited mrnrit
Ily request her funeral ia to be preached ea
the Isst Sabbath in the preaent month at 1 1
o'clock a. m. at the Alpbin school house by
the writer, hor former pastor.
U. C. Him.
The following is a report of tbe school
n Diet. No. Z2, Linn Co., Or., beginning
April 7th, an I closing June 27th, 1844.
Those who were neither absent nor tardy
during tbe term : Li I lie Bochnor, Edward
Owen, Thomis Farlow. Tbe Bret row of
figure in tbe follviog denote the aver
age Htandin, the other deportment, 100
being considered perfect.
thoroughly eradicate this svH f rt m the sys- j examined 1 y the inspector of bolls and boil
Manufacturers in tbe East.
feet lppg. Buy one,
The .JackxonviUe rimes intends to publish
the best paper in tbs state outside of Port.
land. So does every ether paper in this
State. Talk is cheap.
Polish np your Ware, gold, silver er plain.
by buying a box of tbe Ken ten Sea Lion Sil
ver polish. It is of home manufacture, and
is really the best made.
Union service on Sabbath eyening next
will be held in the Presbyterian church, cor
ner Broadalbia and 5th streets. All will be
made cordially welcome.
Mr Thornton, an experienced salesman
from San Francisco, hss accepted a position
with S E Young, of this, city, and began
business last Saturday,
Last Saturday George Rurkharfc went to
Independence to arrest one of the dsrkeys
in "Uncle Tom's Cabin" tor giving liquor to
an Indian while in Albany,
When you visit Corvallis don't fail to call
at Nolan's One Price Cash Store. His 6, 10
and 25 cent tables are creating more stir in
that section than Cole's circus.
Exceptions. A lawyer who can aing,male
or female. An honest circus man. Ths man
who will not take his ten children to the
show even if he owes all his neighbors.
Editors seem to be appreciated in Portland,
Fiauk E Vaughn, one of tne editors of e
Jtfetcur having been appointed Street Com.
missioner. He is an experienced engineer
t X - . L ft ft. . .
.,)eoqay signs usoge atranan, aerore re
tiring, laid his vest with a valuable gold
watch in its packet, on the sofa in the parlor
or sitting room. Tbe next morning both
were gene, wnere it was not known, at no
noise bad been heard during the night ; but
it was probably stolen by soma ons of ths
tnsny professional thieves following Cels's
a l e-h MS . m
a gentleman irom rrinsville informs ns
thst we were minsinfornted as to the danger
of lawlessness in Crook county in conse
quence of the success of tbs "Moonshiners
over ths "Vigilantes" in thst eounty st ths
late election, 'ftem soems to be a difference
of opinion about the matter aad we only gave
to the public what we learned about the
matter from parties whom we deemed to be
Attention is called to the advertisement of
the Currsn frsit drysr in another column.
This dryer is becoming very popular, aad is
ssid to be one of the beet'made. In Californ
ia it is being introduced, aod gives general
satisfaction. It is a horn-) invention and
dassrves a liberal support. ' lis' sura and eg
etdacUhfisljltt Th manufacturers
They are t ''uttirt at tiri ui-y, there oommunioa
tlaua eilireaeh Ineu.,
The following expresses the maaner in
which they celebrated ths 4th at Csnterrills;
"At Oeutervillc, Oregon, ssys tbs W. W.
Journal, on ths Fourth, s gang of cowboys
and hoodlums ran thsir horses over the aide
walks, and the merchants protected their
tores from threatened depredations by a
show of fire arms and pick handles."
Fallowing are ths latest prioea current in
tbs Portland market : Butter, fancy, 23
and 26c ; eggs, 22Jc ; flour.fancy extra,$4.75;
country brand, $4 and $4.50 ; bran, $14 and
$16 ; gieen apples, $1.50 and $2 ; wheat,&4c :
deer skins, valley, 23 and 23-j ; hops, 29 and
35c ; hams, 13 and' 13c ; chickens, apring,
$2,50 and $3 ; old, $5 ; beans, 4c per lb j
potatoes, 50 and 60c ; wool, 14 and lQo.
It is olaimed that tne following came from
an English paper, but we do not believe it.
"The party papers io the United States are
now busy abusing the opposing candidates
a a . ns . srv .
tor rresiueut. me democratic nominee is
George Washington Curtis, and the Repub
lican papers do not talk of any ene else. The
Republican candidate is one Stephen Urover
of Cleveland, Oaveruor of NW York, and
all the Democratic papers are trying to show
hew unworthy a man he is,
Cole's circm W accompanied hy as large
a crowd of bilks as one often runs acrosstaad
some of them were thieves ef ths first order.
One mean feature, a catch penny affair con
ore at Yaautaa bay and found to be in good
serviceable condition. It is also probable
that ether sod mors extensive steamships
will be placed on the Yaqnina line in the
near future. Tbe commerce snd importance
of this port is rapidly increasing, and after
ths completion of ths Oregon Pacifio rail
road to Albany it will rival rortlaud as a
shipping point. PlaiiuleaUr.
The July Magazine of Anvrkrtn Ilittory
ia a remarkable issUe from everv ooint of
view. Rarely indeed do we encounter s
monthly periodical with (out articles of such
exceptional merit, gruupjul together, as "A
Business Firm in ths Revolutioa," by J.
Hammond Trumbull, L. L. D., President of
the Connecticut Historical Society ; "French
Spoliation Before 1881," by ths eminent
scholar, James G Gerard ; "Rosseau in Phil
adelphia" by Lewis Rosenthal ; aad "Wash
ington in 1861," by Lieut General Charles P
Stons. late chief of the general staff of tbe
Khedive in Egypt. These originsl contri
butions are preceded and followed by two
ethers of marked interest, "The Schuyler
House st Albany," e,ud a sketch of "Chief
nsticsjohn Marshall." The frontispiece
of the magazine is aa admirabls portrait ef
Chief-Justice Marshall, whose career is trac
ed io the aitiole by his grand-daughtsr.
Minor Topics contain three contributions of
decided value. The five standing depart
ments notes, queries, replies, society and
book notices are crowded with varied in
formation and entertainment. Published tt
80 Lafayette Place, New York City.
A stain 4 baasr.
Last Mond-y morning tht change of new
for old oouuty officers happened as quistly aa
tie forenoon changes to ths afternoon, few
realising what an important event was occur
ring Ou that day J J Whitney took his
seat ia tho County Judge's chair and imme
diately began hearing probate matters. J
K Charlton stepped into the Sheriff s office,
with D L Smith and Jas Charlton as Deputies,
and the safety of tbe public intervals in this
direction was assured. D Andrews with O
H Irvine as Deputy took poesessien of ths
Clerk's efbee, and deeds continue to be tiled
ss ef old. Mr II Farwell took possessios of
the county's wealth in the Treasurer's office.
Mr D I lteid will assume charge of tbe
schools of the county, and Asa li Petersen
will always be found on hand whenever mis
fortune or accident renders his presence
4 ennrll rreeeedlags.
Ladies' and children's fi ne shoes at Mon
teith A Seitenbach.
,1. P. T. V.
Ths Y, P, T. U. will meet on friday, July
11th, at the Y. C. T. U. Hall at the usual
hour. This being the last meeting until tbe
fall term of school opens, a full attendance
is desired. SxcnxTaRV.
getter Use.
The lonowins Is the list of letters remaining
In the Post OnTce, Albany, Una county, ore-
-en, July Oth U884. Persons ealllnx lor tness
otters must xtve the date en wbteh they were
Tuesday evrning. July Hth.
Present -all.
Marshal was granted further tun i b re
port on tax-roll.
Meved that Charles Turner he ordered by
t,he Marshal to. fix Mayer's alley immediate.
Tho fallowing bills were order id p ud : N
JXHentoo, $11.40; I C Diekey, l$C.7$
costs city against Dougherty, $5.45.
The bid of Jas Laurent for bnildiug the
Calipooia sewer was accepted. Hs it to re
eeive $2 psr cubic foot for first 469 feet aud
$2.30 per cubic foot for hut 460 feet.
i. . c. r.
Ths Chosen Friends have stated ths fol
lowing ofneors to serve ths coming term :
W. S. Peters, C C.
Mrs V B Winn, V C.
Miss C B Putnam, Sec.
F M Redfield.Treas.
F M French, Financier.
Mrs Julia IKymsn, Marshal.
Mrs F M Westfsll, Warden.
Bargains la Buggies
I now offer buggies, backs and every
thing elae in my line cheap. Bargalna
that will suit any one who wishes to pur
chase. W. M. Ketchum is in charge, Call
at onee.
Fann Willert.
Albany, June 30th, 1884,
sjsawsp ' m "
The undersigned will be in Albany
about July 20th. Those wishing me to
thresh their crops will make arrange
ments with W L Watklos, of Albany,
The following from the pea of Jeaqnln
Miller Is very near tbe train snd deserves
being read : "So many poople write ask
Ing about acboola and tbe like in the far
weat,aays Joaquin Md'er, that I want to
ay right here and onoe for all that the
M-hxda there are about at good there as
they sre here. And tht is seylng they
are good enough fer the beat, I am per
petually provoked by these Inquiries and
"uggesiious that tbe far west is a wild
country with wild people. Seme ssy here
that the people of Oregon aod Ca.tfornls
also and other like lands are mnch better
read and better bied, too, than tbe people
of New York. Take statist Irs of crime :
tsOven murders In Now York to one in
Oregon ; prison records show about tbe
same roarrui balance, as ror scnoois,
briefly, tbe University of Oregon is the
peer to anything of tho kind hero. Ah ,
wonderful and wetl informed (?) Atlantic
States! Don't you know that we have the
siiue books? the aame papera every
thing? Aad the only difference is, we read
them; you don't. We have no lighted
cities to walk in at night, so we read, snd
read and read. And thus it is thst the
(iregonlan and Califor nian la, in a general
way, far better informed than the New
York man. I deubt if you will find an
average western msn who Is not well op
in Plutarch, Plato and Zenephone. Yet
during all my years la New York I have
never once heard of theee. However, I
mut admit that I found a man and hla
wife reading Plutarch here ic Washington
the other evening. I must add that tbey
were from the west."
A very large stock of crockery aad glass
ware juat received hy Monteith A Seiten-
lach. Also table linens ai.d towlinga lor
....... . .
.ucinda l-'arweM
Frankie Hopkins
;iara aiuchrifr. ..
dllie RtKibnor...
I trace I teed
Cora StratVm
Snrak Male
Nora Miller..
Kdilh Miller ....
Kbis Miller
Nora Fisher
Kits Hi rat La n ...
fWle lleen
Louisa Farlow.
Belie 1 arlow .
Olhe Owen ,
Myrtle Miller
Flora Miller
Jennie Card well
Kelie Miller.
1ora 'ardwell....
Inez Hale
fhorna Farlo-
Willie Farlow
Kilwatd Owou.
Fredilie Fisher .
KJi Miller
Allien Miller -
CbsM. Webts
Tho. Halo
Ivlwin Bucbner
I D Miller
Cha. Johnson ,
Herbert Johnson
Harrv Iiringston
Dewey Miller
Hugh FUber
Everett Miller
Ned Miller
Hubert Miller
Arch Miller
- "V j
r. 8?
... 78
......... A 00
b o
.. .........84
BSM - -. BSJ J0
BSM 90
ZZ"Z . ' m
. ....80
...... 87
. 85
ay rap of ris-
Nalure own true laxative. Pleasant to
too palate, acceptable to the stomach.
harmless in its nature, painful in its so
lion. Cures habitual couatipation, bill ion
as, indigestion and kindred ills. Cleans
es the system, purities tbe blood, regulate
tbe liver and acts on tbe bowel. Breaks
up oolds.cbill and feveratc. strengthens
tbe organs on which ita sets. Bet- bitter,
nauseous liver medlciae. pills, salt and
draught. .Sample boUle free, snd largo
bottles for sals by Fosbsy A Mason.
Lwliea, misses and children's fine shoes asl
slippers, just the thing for summer wear, the
largest stock in the city ct the Boot ft Shoe
Store of
Sani-Ei. E. Yocnu's.
Teams Wanted
Pay lo be 84-50 per day for one man
and two horses.
Apply to
C, C, H0CUE,
Corvallis, Or.
Our correspondent at the above place
furnishes us with the following items;
Tbe farm s in this section are all boa?
Several of the Rock Hill citizens spent
their 4:b plowing corn, hsn'inj wood and
cutting hsy.
;raiu in'hisp'ace is exceeding
and S9:ne is being cot, K N Morris
the firs: one to atart a binder.
Mr snd Mr S Smith were tho guests of
Mr John Ntcbo.s the Hist of the week.
aJsxnaa Nichols, who has been vary ill
fer bomo time past, U alowly Improving.
Mr Charles Hall and wife have bean vis
iting at Mrs Hall's father, Mr LC Rice
near this pla e.
Miss Amy K:barJson,3 health Is im
Tht re are e vera! going to Ktart to tbe
coast next week.
There was a surprise party at Mr Tem
ple's tbe night of the 4th, which was a
surprise as several members of the family
had retired for the night. A good time
was had by all.
Sabbath School was postponed last Sab
bath on Account of the temperance lecture
at Sodaville.
The beat harness at J J Dubruille s.
Ceon, M E
Klblinger, J B
Opsenbelnsr, Ben
Red Held, D U
Denny, Mrs Gertrude J
aforley, Kilns
Verry, W ballon
MaWbyte, Mrs Ann
Tne fallowing written to a friend in Port
land and published iu the Orrjoaiun shows
how tho game law is disregarded in Southern
Oregon : "1 expect yen will be out this fall
to take your annual hunt. You had better
come as soon as you oau if yeu want deer, as
tho skin hunters are killing them off very
fast You will hardly believe me when 1
tell you that two. of these fellows now en
camped eight miles below this place brought
in and sold here last week 130 deor akiaa, all
killed durinir ten uavs of June. Une of tbe
hunters said that ho killed twelve deer in
one day, and ia two days caught ten fawns,
which ha marked. When asked what he
did with the veaieon he said be did nothing
with it. His name is Stoaebreaker and his
partner s name is Vn. They get $98 for
their load, oj skins. I ssw the skins and the
blood was not dry en some of them. I can
prove every word of this. Skin hunter have
bean slaughtering deer all this summer, along
the canyon by the railroad. Tho small moun
tain atreams are dried up and the deer are
obliged to gather along tbe larger atreama for
water, and there Is where they catch them.
These scoundrels defy the law and say thsy
haye a perfect right to hunt on government
hvvix H ia high time that tbe busiaess wa
topped. Just think how many poor little
fawns these rascals hav caused to starve
and die."
Monteith A Seitenbach are showing a
very Huj stock of dross goods suited to the
Physician and Surgeon,
Sf-O'Toolo's Block,
Farm for Sale.
Good farm 13 miles southeast id Lebanon.
1 00 acres. 50 acres timothy tnl clover
meadow. 50 wheat band in cultivation. Weil
watered. Call on W M Phillips on the place.
Fnneral sermon.
The funoral aermon of Mrs Tiiomas
Alphln, lately deceased, will be preached
at the Alphln School House in Syraouse
precinct, on the laat Sunday in, this month
at 11 e'olojk a, a. hy Rex It C Hill .
Pinal Settlement.
the undersigned Executor of the last
will and testament of Charles Scrlrner de
ceased, has filed hie final account as such
Executor in the Coanty Court, of Ljnu
county, Oregon, and by order or saiu
Uourt, Saturday tne m uaj oi August,
1884, t the hour of 9 o'clock, a. in., of said
dav has been set for tbe hearing of objec-
. . . . , . . .i . . i .
tlons to aata account anu tne seuieuiem
thereat. Anv nerson interested in said
estate ie hereby notified to appear and me
his or her objections to said account on or
before said day.
Dated Jaly Uth, I8s4.
Pkrry Hyde,
T. J. SriTBa, Execut or .
Att'ya for Executor.
,SO. SSaadS Stack CyUaSen, kUt ty
RUSSELL & CO., MaAtiUon, 0,
and uid by reliable deatari iitn.aua Basal fer
circular aad address ef naarnt Acsstt.
Russell A Co., have on exhibition in Al
bany one of their new Massillon Thresh -ers
and one of their Self Steering Traction
Engines. It is said by reliable farmer
and thresher-men that those machines are
unsurpassed for rapid work and unequall
ed In saving and cleaning tbe grain. The
Russell machinery is especially obstruct
ed tbi i years for Oregon threshing. All
are invited to examine those matchless
machines before placing their orders.
T. S. Townsena represents Russell A Co.
at Albany who will be pleased te explain
points and price to callers, on he
of I- irst and r..:sworth streets.
Kmm farm of Ml ltnn'Hvde. sbout two
miles south of Albany, about June Ktb, a
large cow, about ten years old, of deep
red color, with brand on right side. A
return to tne a Dove rarin w,u ns suuuij
rewarded. '
A. Lymxs.
lleparlnirntf lee.Mfc,
u... "
Theye wiii be a meeting oi the Albany
Fire Department at No. ls Hall, this (Fri
day) night, for the purpose of making ar
rangements for the August tournament. AH
members are requested to be present.
-Try vrt-
A f-
The 0 rami Lodge A. 0. U. W. ia in ses
sion in Portland this week. Following sre
the delegates present from Linn county '
Albany N H Allen, M H Hewitt.
Brownsville N P Stand iah.
SoioW E Kelley.
Lebanon E E Hammock.
Ulster? or tae Willamette aUei.
Yesterday we received a call from H S
Strange and H Q Blaiadell, of Portland, who
are now in the city ia the interest ef the
History of the Ifillamette Valley, whioh is
being written, ready for publication at an
early date. The work w ill be oomplete, oon-
siating of a large volume of aix hundred pages,
containing chapters on alt tne vanea inaus
tries and history of the early settlers, organ
itation of counties, educational, legislative,
farming and other matters, making it a
aplendid work, which should be in the hands
of all.
i ; a
BAUMG AKT. On Monday, July 7th, 1S84,
to the wife of Marx Baumgart a coy,
weight 13 pounds.
1884, by Eld R C Hill, Mr r M Scheker
aad Miss Rebbcca Hansard both of
Linn county, Oregon.
Long may they live.
MILLER On July 2nd, 1884, at Newport,
Mr Pmur Miller, aged 7a years.
Mr Miller wss ene of Oregon's pioteers,
and atone time a respected citizen of Albany
Fvery assistance possible to give Al- for several years, having been in the marble
hanv and Linn county a good showing should business here. He was brought to Milkrs
be rendered these gentlemen.
Station aud buried on the 4th.
Xotice of Dissolution.
The partnership heretofore existing be-
tweeu K D Mover, H 11 Mover and Win A
Cox (ruder the tirm name aad style of
Moyer Bros. A Ci., and doiug business at
Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, is
hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Tho
said Wm A Cox withdrawing fromstid
nrm. The said E D Moyer aod H B Mey
er will continue the business, and will col-
ect all debts due the firm, and pay all
debts due from the tirm, iaclmliug all ac
counts aud an notes given oy Moyer Bros,
it Co,, and also by tbe individual mem
bers of the tirm where all tho names are
signed to the note.
Qtvoa under our bauds at Brownsville,
Oregon, this the 5th day of July, A. D.,
18S l.
H. B, Moyxb,
Wm. A. Cox.
E. 1). MOTEX.
Final Settlement.
she underpinned as Administrator of
the estate of John F Waters, deceased, has
filed htshnal account as such Administra
tor in tho County Court, of Linn coanty,
Oregon, and by order ot said uourt, Satur
day the 8th day of August, 1884 at tho
hour of 10 o'clock, a. m , of said day baa
been fixed for the hearing of said account
and the settlement thereof Any persoss
interested In said estate is hereby notified
to appear and tile bis or her objections to
said account o a or before said uay.
Dated July 11th, 1881.
Geo. E. CHAJBBm.AiN, AduaV,
Att'y lor Adm'r.