FRIDA.Y -JULY U, 1884. ti BOAtf JUS. We do not have iu our uiuul tbo man who mikes anuual visits to ell the country towns, village end hem (Thursday.) t ttuiuft tsfctflvtto. Very latest telegrams as we go to press ssy no balloting expected tu-dsy, Hot H UILt ITt,Ml win riir.v sirraBT ni.ti:.. lets, for the NMM of selhng on the Ctfveland's friends aw confident of strrata to unaonhiaticateil nut-chasms a m. -w , I I 1 1 . I ine inuepenaent repuoucsn ciuo oi . d ofHO(4n witll BUch imri. Buffalo refuses to endorse Bleine and fyiog and clo(kni,iug qualitioa tht it rill j0Sn evon remove tho stain from the Mdtu- A ,lrrt win, a white record is I Uhed character of an individual who The Worchester Sy.y has struck that Uunknt mnnUinan with a white has not the moral courage to withstand hippy rallying cry which is intended tolumc the wily blandishments of the Kvil to bring alt bolting republicans tick to one. Neither do we have in conti m- We party fold and the support of Blaine Twenty Republican newspapers in alion him who traveia from farm "ere is what it say b: Every Post Massachusetts have declared against the Q0Uae to fArm Q0Uip and from ,amiet OtEoe in this state will be in the hands tattooed ticket u hamlet, gathering up refuse wood of the Democrats next summer if we t. a- t iin, R- ashes and scrans of the ureat American fUsr now." There it is, in refreshing ki; - W m back on host for the purpose of converting them oudor. 1 here i nothing in the char 4 I. . .. . 1 . I . . I a j. I . m ..... I I aniilk ll.n into soap, tnus earning au uonesi live- i r" lihood andsettmir an example worthy candidates, nor in the platform of the of imitation by all "cumberers cf the Prty, which the Spy can ive as the ground." No, the term "soap roan" basis of aa apel to dissatisfied republi here used is an euphonious term peeu- nine to induce them to return to their as.' ..- tl i r.iAvni&tla li I liar nnl v in ihn ViMaViiilrv uf R'Miuttli- partv nUoiitancc. no it falls back to nnWi,.njl t Blaine.ia.that he lacks, in can politics. The "joap man" of whom the Kiaunigan theory and hangs its on thir amnion even the dim outlines of we speak was introduced to the public, hope for the success of Blaine upon a character. as such, in the early days of tho year the spoil of ufiice. The Spy seems to ls8. t niin.n;eaft ResUurant in New be groveling in citnminan darkness, as If the Democrats should nominate Y&gk by nQ Um r personage than the very ground upon which so many such an unrhymaoie name as aieurouaia Chefjter A Artnur accidental presidon; intelligent and nelf-resecttng the Blaine ticket. as Gov. Cleveland has no bar'l. Neith er has Thomas F. Bayard. But both have brains and honeet hearts. it would be a fatal blow poet? ' ni i ni i mi r m t i mi. i rut vi and drinking house in Fobruary, 1891) rna in Brimn Knublicaaa who I were collfcte l tnttl;i?r h icu choice pretend to believe that Logan's mus- spiiits as Conkliu;, Qraet, BMoher, tache is the mist honest thing aoouc toe i Anpur, du ovuor ciau mw I T LI! r. . n! .. 1.: I i..' ticket. I era oi me ivppuoiion paraj w juwinw and "conviviate" over th result of toe Onus aro tHi'iinir niainf'tt nomination u this htrk ;' Mttythiog to reComtnem hioi to thi voter of the party other than the tape of the poila of oftio. rh? Spy unwittingly adds weakneae to weakneMM and givea its whole case away by thus puMicly acknowledxing that the A New Uaven paper aaks for sob-1 lwUon 0f OarfieK1. There, in iht Uioils of office is the strength of its case scribers on tho ground that it is the on- ificcnt lon of lho DJmonio, . r i : l I ly paper m win ci,T -aug 1 8Uch M oriental prince are wont to oc- Ks nip and tuck between the wheat cupy, was Conkling with hia curly bnna, i .1 v ;.J.runrlAnf vnfAra' I anu his turav ffort)t)r Htrut. iiicr i i n.n..vt;1. in thoirlwaa Grant with his inevitable ciaar MlLfl art! DlhlCUIClT louivoiaaw w , s. tendencies. Tlio St. Joseph (Mo.) VolksblaU, Hock Hu t , Oh,, .Inly 7, '84. German republ loan say a: ;. D$vMerat : The loUetklatt baa never, down to Some of the tahest of the fall wheat this time, faltered in its support of the mashed down to the ground republican party, but it draws the lino Mr. George 1) jdge, of Pondloton.has at Blaine and Logan. The men wore mo bo,0Be 00 v,u,t 10 "ea bla flb?r rtm.J -K .,t.i ..-l.-J nu ne na own gone n...j WW UWMIIUHVVM MW WV I 4 US)U U 111 W7VS I ... . one year au me e.en-nn o voe rpuu.ion party, M j, n Wirt, of Hamilton Creek. and make their election sore, but just m&9 ut visit the middle of the week. the oandidates to split the party and Mrs Annie Mills end her two daugh whose defest is thus assured. One rea- ters. of Astoris. sre ur on a vimt to son why the U rman Americans will her slater, Mrs Sarah Mills have nothioato da with Blaine is this: Nearly all tho U ok Hill folks worn In a ineooh which he made in tha Unl- ttP Btftfvl,,e to tuooeleiiraiion. here . .... I .... I .1 W ted States Senate on March 13, 187i, roJiog 1:," which against vue aecreiary oi the interior , attracted a great deal of attention. Sehurs,becauae of bis efforts to put a stopf Mr. Char'ey Hall and wife are again to the robbery of public lands. Blaine with us derided the secretary boon use he waa a The corn crop around here looks fine, foreigner, and oondemnsd with great garden stuff of a'l kinds looks well vohemence the entt ustiui of the man- Th 0DOl 0,otd fc tbe Uoffolt dis . I . i.. . 1 A ignmentof the public lands to inch f . , . B . . I . , uau iu u'l-miui, niu iiuiiHLiiiiin uu hands. Tha German-Americans were dAelaroationa were just splendid. They also severely censured, became, as net- bad a splendid dinner which was a cred uralixttd Ameiioan citizens, they still lit to the patents. Hock Hill needs a cherished their fatherland, and held on Mtojl house very badly to iU eustoms. The convention well The lost man, Mr. Granger, has not . ... n a f I been fund y t nor sny trsc can be anew mat iuo ver man-Americans i . , ... - , , . , ... .... I tound of him afir 4 w i otn h-srn. I Mr. Tisniple has put him up one of ine national senate ex preiaeu nis nan ou uh tilin iron turbine water wheels, tf them and who had achieved his J which helps the looks of his place. political success by a lon and prrsin Mr. Rickey's folka upant their Fourth tent warfare against their customs, li Hlem this yesr is thervfjre an assured fact that the Mr. Depew will start to Kaatern (;rm.n-An,riflan- of Ohirwlndiana. Oregon in a short time with tb eec- f. imr s. m: tatlon of naitiriff hun a home. niDDnuui, inn ' i Wleat 71o pet bushel t Oats 40 " " Beef on foot.Sc. Hay baled, 16 18 per ton, loose, 12 to 10, Butter-20 to 26 ota per lb. Kggs 18 cento per dox. Potatoes new 1.0 2perbushel. Fork -u oto per lb . Veat-Toperli.. Bacons bants, l shouldors, it sides. I i:, I r per lb. In mj cans, Ftour-4.60 per bbl. Chickens 3.60 per do.. Hogar Han Franolao C, 12o. Milt Feed bran, l.r.00 per ton. Drhnl Fruit -sun dried apples, 12c. M plums, 12c. machine cared apples, I'm:. n m plums, 16. at Cast, N. ii. Allen will sell dry goods at coat for CO days to make room for fall and winter stock. Wo are free U siv that if that shall be the only iuducoment which Democrats have to ff r to the voters of the coun try to enlist tbrir humiorf, then we I a w shall have no interest in the electioo o There was Beecber with thoughts of democratic prwiden, but on the con-I Theodore Ttlton still linserinir liahtlv W would piefer to see B:aioe elected 'We will follotr where the white . .. . , . t vivijlv enouirh ut then we wo.M not fen! so directly plume waves," is the inspiring title of a make believe that the reverend gen Je- responsible for the misfortune thusS campaign song. 16 win net oe tn un wag Qu . . of dmpi brought uiwn the country time that fools have rushed in where Tnenj W4a Dorwy fl1ilh the motels angels feared to tread. of the Girtield victory-- victrv liter- . . I t 1 . .... A New York paper, after examining auy purcnaeu wu. a. t u mnte M , b j . our rt..,ubU. the weod cuts in the papers, has come numbers of two d.liar gr..bcks Un frist,ds in j.r .i of Lofaa on so- totheconcluaion that-Ljgan was origi- Ibeie, too, was Artnur espeetng sooi I. .a i i . nallyan Indian, and probably a cigai o enter uKn me iuii iruuicn oi ine - J victory so corruptiy wruny; iiom in- a v .a .S. people, it was on inn occasieu thai Illinois, Wisconsin, other states in which they bold the balance of power as between the (tarties. cannot be induced to supixirt H'aine. Truly, whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. A Ito'-K Him.kk I'upular lSlrij.k Titers Is a srowlog demand oit ail aides for remedies agreeable to the taste as veil as beneficial In effect, and the i;i.tii.4 tv'.si Bccasta The Wheeling Kegut-.r predicto that , h m4kin WtUl ver- liberally in ... . . TT- I " the Democrats will carry w eat virgin- dul in Arthur was making hie ia by not less than 15,000 majority, no gpeecQ wneD mo one in the audience matter whom they maKe tneir canui- aked how Indiana had been carried, date for President. when he reulied that bis verv dear I , m.t. t , ij i lueiguoor oi u-aiuo a ani hiv ikj reiieu A Republican paper claims that it lttm, horsey, Knew n aoout upon lo know what be sis. IU says - - I 1 TT !..!.: I I " takes Mr. TUden an hour to Mow a emp.oyeu. unou,,ng.v Vht is his war record thu suo.Ud feather across the room, so weak is he, declared that "soap, (greenbacks,) entltie uiw lo tbw cooideswe ot ti.e ,o- count cf hi wr record, but we observe that an ominious ailence bas been main tained with rfereneeto Mr. Blsintt's. V .r the information of thoae who desire to know Mr. Blaine's record we give an extract of a seech made recently by E. F. Piilsbury before the Bay S'ete C uu in Boston. Mr. Piilsbury is a This, however, canot be said of Mr. the means that uvercotne th-s will of pie, although he was foremost in the B'aine ; wind is his great atronghold. the people of Indiana and elected ( i ir- proeMKjiogl thlll lo the war? He was . SZTZ T i Qeiaan1 Arthur. Here, uieee mee,in lt &ntUj 1k, ilrut9d in bis district . , J T: ; 7 ; lhe Pre8enP 01 newspaper rejK)rte, But )f to t,,4l fcn org(MlijJ.lioo bad in distinct outlines the sinister features I . . . withnnt t.hame mwlr . i -i a nnaoaanea ana wunout fciiamc, ojK.r.iy been effected in Augusta to protect mo otay iouia. a irreaiueot -u.u and "bated over the victory of ,k- f, .-.i-r .1 tkM niintri. moat. in. incr. . O " vijum wau,vUO vuu..; I esrTtiDtioii. over honestv UtH i- t -v. 1 j ively distrust. Here, was made kn iwa the Cast that 4-o to the fund to hire a substituto if I drafted .-. i ii Cornelius Hinrahaa, the wealthiest r'an1"01 wwrc rsu Mr. Blaine out of that f in I hired I . a. s .a and moat inQaential Irishman in Kock- "" w r,a"D rJ a substitute named Bradfard. A sjfi land, M., who has been a republican Po"8- ow ZiD tb" ho,,t h mde place was found for tho man to remain . . . ti: I aaaasat and saaUaal v l,t Itlu i ;' frif.ndu . . . m--t . since loi. ana is now a repuoucan i -r i -j at a ihssi m Augusta infcieau oi going to member of the city council, says he will that they cm get s!l the moaey they thefr0ot. After a while be was detec- not vote f )t Blaine under 8'anses. any circum- want- Cn h lbat lhe fctar tutors, led in M,Uns fuf mon.v ccrUia bo swindled the "overnment out of millions, and tbnsicnt it lav i hly to The Republican party, according bay Garfi-iu', election, and who now hive charge of Blaine' campaign, have aain lieen swindling the government oit of other millions under Arthur, and now stands ready to furnish all the the platform, ia opposed "to the acquis ition of large tracts of the public lands bv cornorations and individual?. " The sT a evidences of this in the last twenty year? are absolutely overwhelming. "soap" neceasary to curry Blaine's cam paign to a successful termination ? Is it drawing upon the imagination to suppose that these star rjute prtsetfw ces have obtained under Arthur when The name of Edward Atkinson is one that commands, we believe, the respect of our cotton manufacturers. Mr. At kinson is one of tho prominent anti- Biaine men of Massachusetts, and he tny we-e cirried on riSt undor the says that the independent movement is Hayes ? And Djraey wan the growing and will spread all over the wb pet un contri- I iL. n. . . -1 . I country. I uubcu vy tuw oir ruuiwi iu saevs uar- neld, and it is now a irtinenv. imiutry m Great consternation haa been created I wno wiU tne dinburhing oizicer the in the Republican ranks by tbe action "oap man" of Blaine's campaign ? It of the Daily DUpatclt, the leading Re- ig gad commentary npUl public moral publican organ at Erie, Pa., in Uking to contemplate tbe immense p.wer down the Ripublican ticket, which it which money U made to exert in con i i i m? Tt - i : naa noisiea alter oiaine a uomioanuu. tnU n . Wt nnx It-.t rbn il u. Blaine's "soap man P We prelict that it will be Steve Elkins, the great star router. Mr. Blaine was a "peace man" alto. Hf hired a substitute when he was drafted, and after tbe war waa over collected the amount that it cost him from the city of Augusta. His govern ment contrast to furnish the army with riflrs was too good a thing to be thrown away. AMiMEe. As an eviJence of 'he alarm whicli pervades the minds ot' Blaine's follow ers, it is only necessary to lefer to the On the very day on which Blaine wcfc tbftt that gentleman is causing to was nominated .lohn 15. McCullougb ot be made a complete lief of all the kijk the St. LmU Globe-Democrat, said : rg and bolutrt with a view of using it i - I r tt .i -oiaine cannot carry too ion strong in a threat that none bUch ftbaj, have of the R-ipublican party, to begin with, any part in th administration in ca&e ana nis repulsive rotten recora wui he 8haU eitcted. Aheady hU man- repel the independent or detached agerg 3re attempting to intimidate bolt voters. Hi is an unclean saan, and ers by threatening to not allow them tbe people will not have him. To nom- any abaPe n the appointments to be inate him would bs to court defeat, made by the President and bis subordi- He sUnds selt-coovioted for proatitut- natea Bllt Blain6 and hu fouower8 ing the high offijes he has held to build wli iWQ ere the campaign closes that up a private fortune, of cohabiting with the ia tbe republican party are corruption ot dishonest money. Ob, not of that kind who can be either in- no; his record would damn him." Mc- timidated, purchased,or otherwise har- CuUough is now supporting Blaine with monized. These men breathe a spirit of personal freedom and devotieu and fi delity to conscience, which the Blaine leaders know not of. They love and cherish tbe country's welfare in a great er degree than they do their party, and, like free men they would prefer to be rebels and kickers than slaves to the dictates of a party organization bent upon the promotion of star routers to place and power. No ; wheu the Blaine managers treat the kh'kers as of no in fluence they either show their igoorHuc of the real situation, or they are at tempting to cover up tbe real danger from the eyes of their followers. enthusiasm. Writing of the Wellington mine disaster: Very deep sympathy and commiseration are felt for those who have been so suddenly and sorrowful ly deprived of tbe 'bread winners" of the family. In all some nineteen children are rendered fatherless. No definite information has been as yet obtained as to the cause of the explos ion. Those only who could tell have hd their lips sealed forever. Not a man of those wbo were actually in the works came out alive. Those only escaped ho were atjthe entraoee,and even some of thsse were badly hurt ind braised. Congress adjourn a list Monday night. cater, and be waa kfpt in j ail until tbe clobe of the w'. That cons'. it M'd Mr. Blain; s set vice iu the field. Af'.er tbe war J ). i the men wbe bad b in drawn claimed that tho towns and citie should pay tbe txpeneas they bad been put to, and Augusta generous ly voted to pay these men the money they had paid for nubstitutcs, and Mr. Blaine got bis bond fur $200. But that is not the end. Afterward a resolution was put before tbe common council of Augubta to pay Mr. Blaine $200, the amount be bad paid for a substitute,and it was votel and passed, and be waa paid. That yon can rely on as being tbe true story. The Dalles Mountaineer Is informed I leading uhysici a ns and druggists gladly hat the Scotch Company of Portland wjloome to the list of new remedies al intends to build a flour mill and aim preparations poaaeaslog real merit and a woolen factory at the mouth of the P1"1 It la now admitted Deschutes, In this country, and have . . . . ' . which Is having such an immense sale visited the place during he week to gyrup of Kigs-that it Is the moat make arrangements to purensso me emcecloue prepare! Ion ever discovered property. This stream furnishes as ir you want the beat ef all liver medl good water power as can be found In clues and purgatives, Hyrup of Figs Is your choice. Trial bottles free and i irgw bolt lea for sale by Langdon& Co Tsartssr Wlatsas a Pastlla tho State, and en easily be utilised. We have no doubt these enterprises wilt prove pay lug Investments, and should have attracted the attention of n....ifUii k.fn m,in I Mr fl C Hole nub, a school totchur of "UI iS US! uvtvig, WW BBIS, w vvwm " Its' iti.wi iir tln.ii I itiiln lavm anil I . r--- Utlon as an Instructor, would like a post this COUld be manufactured Into fo- itm aa tawebar in a nnvate famllv. Ad dries without beintr ahloned KaaL dreaa Mr Iloloomb at this "sity. (Juod rvf srenoaa will be rurnlst.ed. ml "Arthur and Liuooln' was tbe tick et warmly advocated by tbe Break . T t I CI 1. . ter uguv oi mwsi, aei. oo iniwnaa nQ, .r bafars oisrsd in Albany, in in iu revulsion of feeling from tbe sub- ji inm goods at N. H. Alleo's Uu Allan sti.ute proided at Chicago tbat it now I k Martin. Maay kutds of go" rouch icM boiatoa democratic ticket which it i. then set, coos atoocsaad secure goods at age. to support-"Byard snd Mc- r ' Danald." IOB n til. MtiiiB s isrrrKst Writing of the lumber interests, the Seattle I'ofit sa: Tb prospect be fore the sawmills has not been for a long time so black and cheerless as at present. .Not only has the home de mand gone down, and t:io California consumption diminished immensely, bat the foreign demand has diminish, ed to nothing. Net a single foreign order awaits the mill, and when the few veasels at present in port are out of the way there will be no more to come, as far as now appears. Money Is very .-ckicg in California, and no more lumber U being used than can be helped. The outlook ia so bad, in fact, that tbe mil is belonging to the aisociation have agreed to run only half the li'iie duri i? the next two months. They will each oly r n three-quarter time, and besides will each shut down one whole week Tn July and one week in - August. The mills arc all fixed to do an immense amount of work, but as thre is no call for it, the work will be only part y done. The tesident has vetoed tbe Fitz John Porter bill. It was no credit to his administration to do so. The bouse passed it over bis veto by a two-thirds vote, but it failed in tbe senate. Tbe Nor walk (Ct.) our bolts tbe tattooed ticket. Notice That Frank Dauaali is prepared to make over and to repair spring apd wool matrasses and lounges at Dannala new factory wast and oimng Judge Strahan's. Custom Grinding. The grist mill of Charles Turner, at the north end of Breadalbin street is now in complete repair, a id ia ready for grinding wheat for the farmers of .Linn county Give him a trial. Miller's July 5th, 1B84. Kdt. Det:utcral. As you call for item, perhaps a few words from this rosy nook of the world may not bo amisa, though to be sure,lhe enly calamity with which we ha vols el y been visited was some ominioOl Itstxl shaking and dirna prediction.- in connection with thu late severe rains, the bodying of some little wheat and consl Jurable cheat, giving some color to said dark fore bodings. Fortunately, In this cam we have been treated to our usua allowance of worry so necceasary to the happineaM of the average farmer, whilo escaping the sometime accom pan! moot of disaster, for which dou bio dispensation we s.iould bo duly thankful. I wish to say for this section of coun try, that wo have never yet been vis ited with the slightest approach to a failure of crops, which fact, taken to gether with our comparative exemp tion from tbe neat, dust and noise of more acceasable lacah ties, goes far to ward reconciling us to our Isolated situatlen. Each summer sees some addition to the number of our neat und com- feriatle reside nee j. Messrs. Conser and Matten are now engaged in erecting dwellings on hi tea which would delight the heart of the most ardent admirer of tbe beauties of nature. I wonder why so many of oyr homes and school heuses are plac ed on such undesirable spots, wheo nature haa been so lavish in supply. log us with the loveliest of building places? And why, On! why? will the average Oregonlan chop into fire wood his grand Oak grove, and set his bouse "high and dry" to abina In a double concentration of ugliness, while his neighbor from the States looks on with longing eyes,and pianta about his home and tends with anx ious care, the most beautiful of our native growth of trees and shrubs. It is with tbe deepest regret that I have to record the deatb,on last Wed nesday of Mrs Thos. Alphin, one of the pioneer matrons of Oregon. Fu neral services will be held by the Rev. R. C. Hill, on the fourth Sabbath of this month, at the scboolhouse In dis trict No. 30. A suitable companion piece for the wheat reported by Mr. Miller, is a stalk of the socailed pink, found lo tbe field of Mr. Thos. Alphin, a few days since. Tbo pjant was from one seed, was about lour feet in height, , had by actual count, five hundred and twenty well matured seed pods, each pod containing from twelve to twen ty four plump seeds, an average of sixteen to the pod. Perhaps some firmer may put on hie thinking cap when he stops to reflect tbat the ne glecting to remove one such plant only a moments work, from his field this season, may, another year, call for the pulling up of some 8820 of its offspring. By the time that is accom pl'shed, I fancy be will have some thing of a backache. If not promptly quelled, this pest will ultimately cause an uprising beside which the "petat) bug" raids which, to us at a distance are so very amusing, wilt sink into insignificance. Of course everyone is anxious to learn the hiding place of the blackber ry. Well, we think there are a few red ones left yet but tbeytre surrounded oyganxious watchers. Oft Improved farms lo Iann an 1 !ane counties tn the heart of th finest farming distitct was ef tbe Kooky mountains. For particulars addraaa or call on A. Wit BKI.KK. iibedd, Li an Co, Or Choice Styles IN BOOTS AND SHOES. FOR SPRING 1HD SUMMER WEAR. CotnprUIng everything new In Gentle men's, Laataa', Misses and children's SHOES, SLIPPERS, &C, Specialties in Fins Shoos, Medi um and Common Shoas. Novelties in Ladies', Hisses and Children's Shoes and 8ilpper3, Call and wee the largeat anl btsa assert -meat in the eity. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Albanv. Oi Tfcswsaad All over the land are going- into eeatacy over tr. Kina'a New Discovery for Con sumption. Their unlooked for reoovary by the timely use of this great Ufa reaving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild la its praW It la guaranteed to petit ivaly euro Never Ceuahs. Cold. Asthma, Hay Fever. Broucht'.i. Hoarseness. Lose of Valc or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial Hollies Ire at I n-bay t Mason's Drug Store. Large size $1.00. 9 sm aLKve aniici satfE. The beat salve In tbe world for cuta, bruisea, u4cera, salt rheum, fsver sores, tatter, chapped hands, chilblains, earns and all kiads of shin eruptions. This aalve Is guaranteed to giv perfect satisfaction In every case or mbaey re funded. Flic 35c per box. Far sale by Foabay A Mason. Now la the time to prepare to aave your fruit, the prospects are favorable for an abundant'erop of fruit of all kinds, there fore If you are wlae you wl 1 take sdvsn tag of it and let none of it go to waste, but provide yourselves with machine for evaporation, and dry tha whole ot it. The beat evaporator in tbe market la the "Improved Plummer Family and Factory Fruit Drier" it haa been the longest in use and bas never failed to give satisfaction which we havo abundant testimony to prove, roraaie oy John Baiooa, Albjny, May I8.h, 1844, Stove Dealer. Sheriff's Sale In (he Cirfuit Cunrt o' the .State. 0 Ornjan, or Jie County of Linn . A II Baltimore, IalntlflT. J M Meuler and S lV Aliliouae. J F Back ensto and W M Ketch um, partners doing buaineM under tht Arm name and sty fi uf Althou, Backensto and Kelchum. Defendants. UY VIKrCK OK AN KX FACTION If and order of ale issued out of the aisjve named Court in the above entitled suit, to me directed nd delivered, I will on Sa:urday ttiq ;ib day of July. I v l, at the t ourl House door in the city or Al haiiy, Linn county. Oregon, at the hour of i o'clock, p. m., sell at public auction For cash In hand to the highest bidder the roal prupetty described in said rdr of sale as follows, to-wit : Ixt No. 'Aln UlwU ll.ano lit west half of Lot No, 3, iu B ock 11, in the eity of Albany. Linu county, Oregon, as tha same is designated, numbered and described on the up. and plats of said city, r ow on file in the ollloe of lb County (. lira, oi l.i i. n county, urgou. ine pro cecds ol sale to be applied urst to the i.v ment of the coats of suit taxed at 27.tf5and accruing oosta. ttocond to the pay maul to tbe rlaiuUlilhe sum of ou-,lo with sccru ing intarost on $400 thereof at one per cent per month from "September iu, H&3. ihlrd lo the payment to lite UeieudauiM, 8 H Althoua. W M Kelchum and J F Backensto the sum of fds.ue aud costs and accruiug interest from the Hih day of Marcn 1HU, aud thereafter If anything re main the samo to be paid over to tbe De fendant Metxler or his aasigus. Dated Ibis 2Jth day of June, 1884. Gjco. Ml'SrUHKY, ShertlTof Linn coucty Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undeY algned haa been ibis day duly appointed Administrator uf tbe estate "of Andrew Miller, deceased, by the County Court, of Ltnu oounty, Oregon. All pent. n having clalma against said estate are hereby noli ad to present said claims duly verlbed within six months from date hereof to tbe undersigned at his reaidcuce near BeJo, Linn oouuty, Oregon. Dated June lttu, 1881. G. A, Mli.l.i: (. IlKwir A liKVNr Administrator. AU'ys for Adm's. steal lastrasacals. J. II. Dautel now haa a complete line of musical Instruments of all klnda far aale, consisting of the Matbuanek piano, tbe Shon lager organ. Addles, violins, guitars, etc., as well as the latest sheet music His Instruments are all of the best grades, and are not the cheap trasn, so that when you get aa Instrument f any kind you may know that you are getting one tbat will ast and hold its tttae. FLot'st rek SALK. The best quality of Magnolia XXX new process flour, for 4 per barrel, or $1 per sack. Said flour will be delivered to any part of the city of Albany. Call en the undersigned at the Magnolia Mills, Tsaao B. Bban. OWE NO MAN ANVTHINC. All persons knowing themselves indebted to tbe undersigned are rtmtectfully request ed to call at oace for settlement, as I muni make collections to meet my own obligation. A disregard of this notice will entail SOSts on debtors. Cuas. H. MoVTAfJUK. Lebanon, Nov. 6.h, l.8:, Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given thu oi-partnerahip heretofore existing between L Senders and A. Sternberg, nuder the rirm name aud style oi Senders Jt Stertiberg, of Albany is cliia ds.t dissolved. All indebted to said firm either by aooount or note are requested to come and settle at once. The books are kept at the old stand and all accounts not paid with in thirty days will he placed in the bands of an Attorney for collection. April 1st 1884. Senders Si Stern bero Isal 'ml I BH j IJJLiJJ BB- m ae h o m IS 99 s The Curran Fruit Dryer. The Cnran Fruit Drysr haa been in use in this State far the past two years snd is acknowledged by prartkw! fruit drying men, to be superior to sny other dryer in the market. We have a great many testimonial from parties who have need our drver which we will forward upon spplu-ath.ii. We take pleasure in informing tha public thst we are prepared to pnt up tbe above named dryer in any part ef tbe state. Ma chine dried fruit Uken, iu payment. Also tbe highest cash price paid for tbe same. Parties dewlriug to BSUWM fruit dryers wi!l do well to tend for descriptive circular lefore making arrangements elsewhere. Kend us your names and our agent will call on yoO. Address I. II. tV CO, Albany, Oregon. N. Ii. Ws have on hand an aosUmnl cf wond band Uiryers of differ act m whioh we will sell ches.-. Builders and Farmers NO MORE fHBN DOORS igyrtwT MiwS WROUGi "Alia. PATENTED SEPTEMBER 28th, lfcoO. This cut represents the trr Wjooght Irion Hanger, and section pf Wrouaht Kail, in position. The rail is far superior o any now in use It sever deeava or SBrai. 1m llHcin arA -1. nd anow, lee ehaflT or dirt cannot vx umulaie on the track, as is the ess with cast rail. It require no abed over it, and any an can put it up lb rail ia made of one by 3-16 inch Wrought Iran, in six and eight foot etripe 1 be supports to bold tfao ieeu is no i a me neovleat door. rack ahen put up as shown, and ill not break. o For Sale by PETERS & BLAN, Albany. Oregon. DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS PEERING BINDERS AND MOWERS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, J. I. CASE THRESHERS AND ENGINES, ACME HARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. CALL AND GET PRICES. OLD SHOP AND NEW PRICES. Thf utlcrijil ha jiwl rmfwncd his waoa abop at the oM nbrt he ia prepares to do all kiajda4 work hi hi line at ri v thitl tlt-ty cn,;iii u. The nulworihrr lieing a tArvacr himelf, fullj ISSMSSI that (rraln and II aiuUa ut Unu produce w ssn Is . atnl he ia wil.ina L reduce hk prices to suit the Ujaca. Hh has s gujtl urk ut wani t.uitnrr mi haitO, aj.d U rcciTin a KA cf KuUra watrun stuck tie. the S ' R R. ai d I be 4uuxl to sre ujf an 1 be cutit iuccU lha bis ukl trienassa ax many nea SSSOSS Uh tovtve bun acaiL as saraitsto d . exactly what be aata : Filling eheci. uid prict. per act, J0 00 New p.; .S 03 Hti- mo rcii.-s j-n.r litckury Axicu.rt , ricc 7 00 Wan Titifies, price 5 00 Watti Uulsters. price t 00 1 price S 00 nwi cutv-.iiiu.' tiK in mc suite ropin;"t). au wora warran t. j gi am tu KuarAiilocU a reproscntcJ. Kcuivmbcr tlic M stand, next do.- ..t J L Arthurs' ft U . 1 00 " 1 60 , 1 50 sjstisslaj aaa araryabUg N'oara Iiaousaviuui, Oa., April'al A.C. AUSMAX. HSHBURH & SCHOMAK General Agents for IRON TRIBUNE AND BUCKEYE WIND csuincs. Hew BaJkayo P0R0B PUMP IN BaJnTSkw Tmyfistrifi TH.r tat us. Runs In strong and Will not SHRIWta f WELL Works easy throws a con s'.ii it stream. II a s Porelalu ord liuLtler.' Is easily el . Is the cheapest ' and Che best Force Pomp ia the world far tlefs or (shallow wells. Thoasands in use in every part as i ue united Mute. fsever freezes in the winter. Send f'r circn lar and prices, WOOD PUMPS, HOSS PIPE- AND PrTTtNtSS OP ALL, KlAds, O always on aand ami f urnished to erdor. Parties desirinsr an v artial in our Imt ml bo promptly attanded to by addressing u s or calling at our place f basiaesa oa State Street, between Cjuanjercial ani Front.Sa'.em, Oregon, IB) THE WIND, SEA' LION SILVER POLISH THIS POLISH IS MANUFACTURED FROM SUB-MARINE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES AND WILL NOT MAR 01 SCHATCH THE SOFTEST MET AL. SAMPLE BOXES SENT BY MAIL FOR 25 GENTS. LIBERAL DIS COUNTS TO AGENTS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS. ADDRESS F. L. KENTON, ALBANY, OR. .i .i..T I I'i"7T m,.,tt s-umm " ' 'Hl DMcjjy SSBBBBSBBr " ' OB I -SjSSS - y-; fsSSSS wSAjjKJW'-jr pfnaM AWMa aSSiaaSSSSSSSai m-- ssssssssssssn 72 fffffHfffffffffffffffffffffff