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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1884)
ssas sssesssessssssssssssss WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles ftbovo Lebanon. the south side of the Santb am River, opposite Water- oo hod a Springs. Good roads no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofflee, Waterloo, Or. tHirtta tMrrclory. , U. P. Church. .teaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. m., aud 7 p. a. by Rev. R. Q. Ir vine. D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. u Prayer meeting ovory eunesaosy evening Kvan'oklicai. Chukch. Preaching on Sab th &t 11 a.m.. and 71 P. K. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thura day evening. J. A. Holleubeugh, pastor. CosoiusoationalChorch. Servicesevery Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3a Prayer meeting on Thursday evening ot eacn weca. j. , Hams, pastor. &L K. Church. South. Services hold everv Sabbath at St. Pauls M. E. Church, South, at 11 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thura day evenng. 1". 11. Carson, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. at. and 7, p. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, lie v. M. Judy, pastor. Prrsbytkuian Cur tu n. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiu and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kcv. Isaac 11. Conait pastor. Christian Cuurch. Preaching every Sab- oath at W. C. T. V. 11 a.m & 7:30 v M. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock r. M. Rev J T Floyd, pas tor. First B.vrTrsr Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on 4th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T G Brownson, pastor. Tk. rral .Irr.lth Vmtac recnoh ami nerve knsc i. the lcj;tumU re sult h over iciiy jmtm of practical experience, and cures with entailing cettaiuty Nervous ami phMUcal debility, aruu- Lrboca, pr.i utuvHioaa, emissions, i m p o tenc) , RausteU vitality, pre- Jure decline and lam of manhood in ail iu eotuphcetioos and from whatever cause produced. It enriches ana purines w dhkm strengthen the nerves, brain. muscles, digestion, re productive organ and phv.ical and mental faculue It atop, any unnatural, debilitating drain npuu the system, preventing involuntary Wasea, deotliuting dreams, seminal losses with the urine, etc.. so de structive to mind and body. It i a aure SMsfMsst of all kidney and bladder o.aipUinta It containasio injurious ingredients. To those suffering Crow the enl affects ot youthful indbcretioia. a speedy, thor ough and pennane it cure b GfAKANTEKl', lnee Si 50 per bottle, or Are bottles in ease, with full di rections sad advice, f 10. Seal secure front observa tion to any address ujon receipt of price, or C U. l., o !e .i.! only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, tlS Kearney SC., teat Krarlre. a 1 Consultations strictly toafldential by letter or at S -e 1 KKK For the canveaience of patieiiU and in xder to insure perfect secrecy 1 have addopled a pri ate a (rtss under which all package are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to show its merits, will be sent to any ono applying by letter, staling hb syniiUnis and age. Uossmuxiicatins strictly confidential. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEAKNY ST. Treat all Ckrwale and hperlal stswwsrs. YOXTiNxi MEN Who hat be arrmisc rtoii tbtb effcts of youthful follies or huisercUon, will do well to avail themselves of this, thefrestest boon ever laid at the altar of mfferiny humanity. OU. 8PIXNKY wiU guarantee to forfeit ISOOfor every case Seminsle weakness or private disease of any kind or earacter which he undertakes and fail; to cure, MIDDLE-ifcEl MBS. There are many at the aye of thirty -flvejto sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad often accompanied by s slight smartini: or burning tie and a weakening of the system in a manner e patient cannot account fr. On examining the urinary deposits s ropy sediment will often be found uid sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, r the color will te of a thin milkbh hue, again chang lag to a dark and torpul appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which b the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-uriuary organs. Omci Hocks 10 to 4 sad 0 to 8. Sundays from 10 toll a. a. Consultation free. Thorough exminauoi nd advice, $5. For private diseases of short standing a full course medicine sufficient for s cure, withsll instructions, will be snt to any address en receipt of 910 00. Call kw- aJdreav, . DE !riKV A CO., 71 Ko. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco. Cal To the Unfortunate! DK- GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 KEAKNY ST-, tfj corTier ot commer cial Street, ban t rancisco. .Established in ISM, for Ethe treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, sues ss Conor r bra, (Uses. -trlrtsre,yps,illftinal SJsKsSgSM9K. its forms, usssitsry niirht losses by dreams, pun pies on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and amicteu snouiu not urn w can upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in favosa and insoected thoroajrhly the various aotm tmim there, obtaining a great deal of valuable informs, tion. which he is corn intent to impart to those in need of hb services. DK. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY BE ('! KKD AT HOME. All col rnumcations strictiv confldentbl. You see o one bu. the Doctor, Sand ten dollars for a nackaire of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the narjer thev see this advertisement in. cnanres rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. Y. GIBBON, Box 1357, San Francisco. vla3 Russell & co.s PORTABLE SAW WILLS, FARM A SAW MILL ENGINES, YHHESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First Ha ads. THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAVE OPENED a Branch Office and Supply House at Cor, Front and Taylor Streets, Portbnd, Or,, where they will carry in stock Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, Porttbla Ti action and Stationary engines and boilers. "N'ew Matssillou" threshers, horse powers, etc., tc.. Write for illustrated catalogue sent free address (tuun ug this paper.) SCSSELL'st Co., Portland, Oregon. Obtained, and all other businesggin the Q. S. Patent Office atteudeded to for moderate fees. Our otfire b opposite the U. 8. Patent Offici, and we vn obtain Patents in less time than those remote tj ooi Washington . beud modle or draaing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ; and wemake no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Mney Order Div. aud to officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and efereuces to actual clients iu your own State or county, sddresfe Ca A. SMOW Si CO., OUposite Patent Office, Washington, D . Farm for Hale. One Hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa. Comfortable dwlliBg, good uthoupcs. Cfcesp. InBire at this . --T-.r-i-rawi sKaSsVMsaBBl HiUUvENAllsHll jM i i ml m49PmwSmLM&m9 lz-" Mfc ' SSmmF kBERE for Infants and Children, Culoi-in promote 1 ii? 'st ion atul iv'ivuii's Kiaitili'i.' y, dmst tton. Sour Stomach, Ditu'rhuni, nnd rVvrislitica. It insure ImmUUi and natural .slH-p, without morphiad. fast oris is i w5l adapted toChildtfti that 1 recommend i( asstiporior to any piwrtpltou know u iu BSS li. A. Archch. M. 1 KJ Portlam! Ave., Urooklyu, N. Y. ma CENTAUR LINIMENT-aii nbsohito cur for ltliouma- t ism. Sprains. Hums, Gall, ..Vc. Tho most Powerful nnd Tcno trAttnf rain-rt'llcving and HtMling Hctiidy known to man. Dr. ABEMETHY ft Go. '3 V1TAE1ZER. MANHOOD By using tbe crest I Vitaliser, the Klnjf of all iiostoraUvc. THE RESTORED, i Ki',!;;",', " IT MMTOsTPAWWHfTHl KOsTI ItKl.lAiit.K, iLwtul and I'e.uianenl roiuc to tho repr.Mucti s i SSMSM of SSJth ies known. It act. rtiro i upon the nervous system. It restores debilitated function. xf the priiu lpal organs of the body and unsurpassed as s Nerviue. It ts a powerful. erniauetil aud de termined Apnordbiac It is an Alterative and Ai erient of nxcelleut flue uualtty. ll relieves weak nes and pains In the kidneys i It prevents l.Mse fnu the syatem from unnatural mil. I It cures frontal headache, pimples on the (ace ; U ot iihmii ory, relaxed omdition of the nervous .ysteui,iinllj.cs lion, sour stomach, diatietes. ana all urinary troubles. Those who have lallH-d u ..l.uin a cure ti uld tin tnettiatelv rive tbe vtlaltser a Ula. It b the Kiiiy of all. It has never failed in a single caw. The eompany will pay Sioi) for a cv ll vlt not cure, no matter whether oomidicated or ii"t. Tlic nubiiis lion of the Vitaliser is s.i h that It .ures loth siui4e and com plicated cases. Tlib b owluir to a psaSWM expericm-w of 90 years. Ir. A a t o . ill i,uarulee s permanent cure In everv caw token ui.der their reatment and special advice. Time reUired Is one to three month treatment. K the Kroat Vitaliser fails, the monev aid SST the remety will be refunded or ioo forfeited. Call or writ for our Observations on Manhood, which will enable the .ufferer ts an swer the neeeasary tue.tiuiis, so lhi i h cj!i h . the proper remedy forwarded suitable lor ui mt ISM case, t'ojuu ltxtios 1kk I xmr.Mixt lri- - "t the irreat Vitaliser, f. or six bottles an I ease ito. Si rrkitrT U (Vti Utt i'iix. v..t i" i -" "" receipt of pnee or (I. O. I ) sssi niPB suffering from dtaeases wcunar sfllf ICO their sex, in liuable aid and eetly cure obtained, our Kenude Monthly I'llls are un surpassed as a regulator, bent on receipt at price, 3.00. Dr. Aberuethy A o , IJ Markel ai. t ararr lalh. Man rraarlvra. Cat. stsTTakc Market and Valem i i Street Dummy l able Cars from the Kerry, etc. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. for the working claw Send lu cent. 1st ptagc. and we will mail frijc, a royal va'tuble l.x of sempie goods that will put vou in tbe way at nui.k ing more money in a few days than you ever thoujht possible at any tnikiuesa Capital int required. We will start you. You can work all the time or la store time only. The work ts universally ad mt I to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. Tliat all who want work may test the busiuevs.we make this unparapllet ed offer ; to all who are -t well utufled Wt ill send fl to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc . sent fre-, K..rtutie will be made by those who give their while time to the work, tarsal success auwdutciy suie. !. 4sSS Start now. Address Snxsos A to., 1'ortiatid, Maine. THE .BR, LIEBIC I'rlv'fr D1m usurj. tOO Geary bt-, San Franctsvx Cal Conductetl by iuaufied I'liy-.i. Uus and burgd't leeular graduates. ta 1 1: Oldtst specblbtl in the t 1-ittU Mattr, life long SSfWVSSISBS, jtlftct nul.t ii st d pure i. ine, imm 1 1 1 1') .i d psnsasH tit cures f .11 1 1 Kate, I 1 r l4c BShI Nervous 1 ..:..:.-:: lie l;i.i, Kkin, kidneys, biadd r, i.ruption.a I' leer., Old - rs, BSNSWIg of the iUd. Sore Mouth, Thro-t l-:ic I'aU),iennanenlly cured and eradi cated from the.vstcm for life. .MoStllOl M DsMBly, lii.;-,u-ncy, Seminal bswa, besual l . Men tal a lid I'h.ia) V.'eakiiecsFaillns' MiUHity, Meak E)es, btuiiUd Do vth n.eit,lni4a.nietits to Marriage etc., ff m t BCSM or youthful f ilit. t any csur. iull), and rivalely tuied. Middle-grl sad 0W men, and all who need niodical skill and experience, consult the old European Physicbn at om-e. His opinion costs nothing, and may save future misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by cinrw free from obser stion. it b self-evident that a phyaician who gives hb whole attention to s class of diseases attain, great skill, and physicians through out tbe country, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest SpssrfsNS. by whom every known good remedy b used. The Dwtor'a ajje anu experience make his opinion rf supreme IsgMtlBJSM, gdrThose who call see no one but Ihe V -Uit. Con sulfations free and sscreuly cnnden'.bl. Cases which here failed in obtaining relief else here espec ially solicited. Female diseases successfully treated. The Doctor will avree to forfeit 01,00- for s esse un dertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hours, lath .from J a. m. to 4 p. m., H tos eveninjfs ; numiayi, m to 12 only. Bend for the Hanitarbt Guide to Health, sent free. Address ss shove DC IJEBIC Wonderful Cierman Invlgcratar Permanently preveuts all Unnatural Losses from the stem, tones the nerves. strengthens the muscles. checks tbe waste. , invigorate the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health snd rTap;ue. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Msnhrssl, etc., is owintr to a in plication, called Froetatorrbca with Hyeracthckb, wbi4i requires peculbr treatment. Dr. Llebi's In viirorstor is the only positive cure for Powtab-rrhea, with peculiar .ecial treatment, used at the i,iebig Dispensary . Price of Invlgnrafor, f'i. ' a of six bottles 010. Bent to any address, covered security from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful po-acr of the Invic, orator. A Wt Bottle .i veil or srul 1 r. . Consultation free and ; -ri - : .-. Call or address' I.IU'.K. MSrKXaAKT, 40o Geary Street, ban Francisco, Cal. Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, four block up Geary Street from Kearney, Main entrance through Dispensary Drug Store. OThe Bcrrnrf Gcidk h i sued March and Sept., eat h year: 216 pages, fii x li V inches, vith over 3,iOO illustration!! a whole pi ture gallery. Ciiv s wliole fsale prices direct to consumers on :t!i '(k:. for personal cr farr.i! uhc. 'J vA bow to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or havo fun with. These invaluable boohs war tain information gleaned from the mar kets of tlie world. We will mail a com Free to any address upon receipt of tho postage 7 cents. Let us hear from yo;i. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO- 9H7 A 29 Wabash A venae, Chicago. XiL Lake Superior Transit Co. THE great; lake route 12 Palace Steamships. Leaving Dulutli, Minn, every week day. (Friday excepted) via Lake Snpe rior south shore porta to-port I Iiiroii, 31 i li., Detroit, Mich.. love land. Ohio, Erie, Pa., and ftitffalo. AT, V. Connections made at Port Huron. Mich., with fcirantt Trunk Ifc'y for all tbe Canadian points, and Cleveland. Erie aud ISuflalo with tbe threat Trunk Line for all Kaptern p lints, Vary a long teilious journey by taking the Ball and Lake Koute If your ticket agent cannot furnish tho required ticket, purchase to Duluth, and our agent at that port m ill furnish yen a through ticket and check your baggago to destination. G.FRAA'KLIX, N. W. Pass Ag't, mt. Paui,Minn. D.A.caBiSTY,Asft,Dnluth,Vlinu Vt VAV I ,&m i What ivrs our (Children roy ohoolts, eures their fevers, uimk Uiem nleep TI. OlMliI li a, WIk'm Intuitu fret nnd ery by turn., What euros ilioir cotle, kill i their wortrn, Hut 'rtlor!. What mtlekly eiin-s t 'ii'.tlntUon, Hour Stomueh, fold, InilleHlloti, lint Cwatorltu. Farewell then to Morphine Myrtles, t'astor tll and larerorle. nnd lfilir-'oitit TUT TPS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA. wi , From th. so sourcos arise mm 'urf lis of the ilisx-asoa o.' tlie human row. i i- syuiliunoslinUcrtto Uiolrcxistencv : nt Appetite, vowels costive, rues no.a sch. fu Ultras after eatluc, nwersloss to rurllon of tstMly or mloal. Kruetartlon or fooa, irntoMi Irritability of tompsr, Juow splHU. A fVellac a, tm. rrrnn wa tiectea s.imc amy, wmiutu Ussurt, Oats before the urrd tlrtne. oM l mand tl use ofarmoUytluii acta illn-ctiy on tho I.lvir. AjiaiayurtneiUcinnX- n n I'l I.I.M lutve no o.jutil. Tlidr aotlouon tho Kltlnoysnml Mi In la also nnunni ; rernorln.: nil impui nil's through these thr seatr r tigers of the system. ' proluCing appo. t sottnil dlguiiti, reirolar sfulw, a clnr i:ktnatttlaTlgorous.botv. TITTT'S rll.tM rnuse no nausea or KplnsTnor lutcrfero with ilutl v work and ar u j'rfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold eeerywhr 3fc. um-. Murray BU.N.V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. OKAT UaiR or Wittsaiss ebangvd l stantlT toaUUMKT Hl"K hyuslltgln up pitcatfon of IhU tTK. MoUl by Iruggls' i. OT Sent by txpriis on reoriptor Si. Ini ', 4 jiurmv wrwi, .-i-w i rV. TUTTs WA10AI OF USf fUl BIC1IPT8 ffll. THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURE& srilhoet mdl. lr - Pat Isitasassss, hiss, ksad. sr Ussb. o. r . JcStUir.lassfcSHS. armi Ststh ttiijr . rk stlrrs sswatrabk essvtaSs. ssiaUasw sasstts eesst ia iiom, .sxu sTsrisnsls. cnMlHilH, rrrstv bkm. Is ilass lias. Itnls or raaasir. ssUrrk, Mss, ssilsasr, d v!T aastttttr or the ontr.u attve esc as lk-in. laws . lUailtj. lavrk sfarr.o rrr aS skyssv k a.Iioa ar.L..aK.. aad sit Uwo aSSSSMSS f S ST' aoaal aatara. from whatasar raoxi. lh mtittbuuus trmra ot JU4fttrin twrmrallss- Unnfti lbs aarta a.trl.r lara la s krallSf uctW TlMHTSUSM Ki.i-iXo abvut this apiMlaaca. tA0ic2A6Hrric ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. ts inirn. ir im ir. IU lt IWiTSavfTfe Kxhaaalloa.UT.irpafs.sS'wIlh IMsraaMaflha Us er, kid ... UrastWeha arCata V r-k A .lie, .rII reaiasji AtrnUTfcalS anl a pair f HaBSSM o"l Batla-rle a ba no SSfSWUv US It 1 lta I o .-f sn-t urn ot all Ihrmn r.jmrlainla. Tbry carry a powerful uutfi.Ua force K Ua saaset w rar Issa Bash. Weakasaaaf tha Mm, WmtU taa. as? th aasafe. 1-" t araai laaasaaw Uaaaad I Wmstiaa ssTtha Wassh, IsssMaalaJ Sjess r riaaallaa. tsJaral. ftaraa aa4 Ir- arrhasta ar raaralar Maaatraallaa. Bhiimss, sus4 ahaasss ar jJra. IhU la tha Has Aapfiassa mm CaraUta aaas tat all forms of F rats' r Dtaenltlsa It Is ansur. passarl by aji,ihin- t. r r Itirrr,!. J. ss a caraii sj(. j.tartl xa ,utn-,,i totwrrand TUallrslina. Frtasofrlthrrtu It arftfi Mafc-tsrlie Ku-.t BaUerkBS,f 10. Ontby er- uto. P .orvl s imtnati.n allosMd.orh mail on rerript ofprirr In -rVnag, sra-l asaaswrs csT waist and isorr.h lUt- if noacawa ba laaUa la Str-avnr-r. atnl tn letter At aes r rk. The Masrneton Uarmnu are s4atd to si! Worn oer tho uu.lur cl Hhins. aa asit ta tl hadr Uka tka assay ialaal aaS rirwtrta Hta. baas adartlaa4 ss atrlrl) ind ikoskl bs takMi ..rf at nisrtit. Tbrr hut4 Uwlr penarbrsasr, aad rs worn at all aasson of tb- yar. fUnvl stanm fur hf "Haw lieiArtrtra In Wsllml Tiaat mrrit Wtthasst MeaUsaae." srlta Uwuaaaas at rvat aiAOKKTON appuatcck co 18 K tat U9 tU, tJbtoaco, AUa DR. ALLEN'S raif'ATE DIPt:sAKV, .'i.. liearay Hlrerf. Kasi I'ranrUrn. al. , EsTAEUsnBD i k tub 8ar.xTirt: asd sntsor Ct sa or tiiaosic, Kcavot-s axi HrsciAi. Ihskanrs THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. R. AI.I.EN. AH If4 WKI.f. KNOWN. IH A l:l.. lfa)Wllilll Is ular irrniiiaU-rt rinan inn. m!ui atrt al t-olleire and I tilversli) of Mirliigan. He lias devoteil s lifetime to the study of the lietmeiil and curs A diseases alihin his specialty. And middle-stred mcn; ahnnre suffering- from the effects of youthful indiscretion or excesses In nta turer years, nervous snd physical debility, impo tence, lost njuihrssf, confusion of ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, m , piuifdes on the face, dsn of cntr'j and mi mory, Irciiucucy of uri nut injr, etc. aVKemcmber the Doctor has Veetshle Com iKmnd, the result of many years sierrial practice and hard study, which under his smcisI advice has never failed of success in the cure of Lost manoodjirostator rliea, etc. MV HOHFITAL KXrEKIEXCB. flavirii i(f teen surircou been surircou in charire of two leadimr lioNpitals) ciifchlLH me to treat all Drivata trouMi an crtvaU I with excellent results. I wish it fliatlm-tlv nn.l.r. no excellent, resuiu. 1 Ml ll Olsllnrtlv I wish hUksJ that I do not clsim to psnMMl imftossiiiillles, or (. have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed in my specialty DI8EARE8 OF M X V . All applying to roe will receive my honest opinion of their complaint no experimenting. 1 will guar antee a positive cure in every case 1 undertake, or forfeit 91.000 Consultation in office or by letter free and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical and microscopical analysis of urine snd advise, fft. Office hiurs 9 to 3 daily, 0 to I evening. Bunday 0 to 12. Call on or address OK. ALLEN. earneystre Ssn Frsn tin. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882.... Premium income,. 13,205,326 2 U07.189 Safe, reliable and quiek to pay in case of IUOB. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, FOR .SALE. I Two building lots fenced ner dapot. One house and lot on Third Street. One bouse and lot a Lyon Street, Inquire at this office, For Halo. A set of copper for distillers, second hand in firat-clasj condition, will be sold cheap. Enquire of John Briggs, tin in ith Abany. bmrlMC stes , Finite r urn l eyes, i 1 I ' eol- PATIOf. an.l thv WlTHQQTffll3Ilj7iE. B S FRIDAY JULY 4, 1884. NKWN IX MOM Two Gt.orntty oowt, valued at $1100, and belonging to Hiohard Peten of Ghoater, IV, recently died frwm pbieon accidentally planed within their reaoh. Canada refutes to allow Kentucky whisky to go through the Dominion en route to New York. The moat temperate men in New York, uyi the mayor of that city, are tho wholesale liquor dealers, because they dare not drink the stulT they sell. Steerage pssssge by the European ateamers has bean reduoed tto snd 15 per passenger. Sugar is now selling at two cents s pound in many plaoes in Cubs. Palming off painted sparrows for 'oanaries is a fraud frequently practised by the bird fancier f London, The United Htstes Fish Commiaaion has msdo the experiment of transplant ing full-grown lobsters, taken at the eastern end of tang Island, to Chesa peake Day. Tbe result rerosios to be seen. A herd el G000 bead .at cattle, which had been without water for fir daya, stampeded at tbe sight of tbe Nueces 1 liver, and the rush wai so great that hundreda were killed and maimed. A bolt of lighting not only killed two cowa belonging to Shirlry .Merrill of Turner, Me., but completely atriped them of their bides. Montana wool growers are determin ed to have their aheepahotn at eight cents pei head. There aYe those who predict eighty cent a per buabel for wheat and forty cents Tor corn in Chicago the current season. - Arizona's State prison is st Vuma.and when the train an ires there the brake- man calls out : "Turns ! obangn clothes; ten years for refreshments.'' Three little boys in Kingston, Ont., were playing burglar, snd a policeman Bitot nnd killed tbe youngat. A trout has just died st llsrdwicb, Kag., known to have been living in a welt there for the past thirty years. ihelur makers of New oik cttv 0 are reaping a harvest io consequence of tbe wholeaals drowning of dogs by tbe city authorities, and tt is aaid that the tnaikei prices of "black Jbear skin" will be lower next Fall than at any time within tbe recollection of tbe oldest furrier. It is ssid that by the following aim pin method almost instant relief of earache is alXjrded : Put five drope of chloroform on a little cotton or wool in tbe bowl of a clay pipe, then blow tbe vs(K)r through tbe stem into the aching ear. Tbe new sea canal at 8t. Peteraburg has been opened for navigation, and by the end of July veaaela drawing twenty feet will tie able to come right up to the quays owing to the completion of communication with tbe Neva. rcaaosALs. Ex-Minister Sargent's daughter studying medicine at Zurich. IS Fred War J. of ths late firm of Orant St Ward, spends a great deal of bia time in jail reading novels. Osman Digoa is tall and a!ender,and hss a fine mustache nod large eyes. He wears a veil over bis left shoulder. Hisbop Simpson, tbe Methodist lead e , died in Philadelphia recently, lie waa the oldest Hisbop in America. Charles Dudley Warner's horseback ride through the mountains of North Carolina in July will occupy about a month. Prince Hismaick bas diatributed from his piscicultural esisblishment at Fried ricbaruhe fully 10,000 young trout this season. . Hisbop Whipple hss ridden over 30,000 miles on horseback during his forty years as missionary smong tbe red men of Minnesota. Judge David Davis, the New York '-Herald'1 ays, bas lost a hundred pounds in weight since tbe "Sua" first mentioned him in connection with the presidency. Henry C. Work, who died recently at Hartford, Ct, and who wss the au thor of "Marching through Georgia" and other popular songs, wss a printer before tbe war. Miss Helen Taylor is to be brought forward as a candidate for Parliament by the electors in the south of London. They believe tbst thete is no legal obstacle to her election. Henry Clay, who is now a member of the House of Representatives, is a young lawyer of Louisville. He is the grandson of the great statesman of the same name and his father was killsd iu the Mexican War. Mr. William B. Dinsmore, the presi dent of the Adams Express Company, first applied the idea of sending fancy cattle by express. He ia known as one of the largect breeders of Jersey cattle in the United States. The Tammany Committee on Or ganization has decided to send GOO members to the Chicago Democratic Convention, the 5tb of July. Blaine wants it understood that hit election Is a declaration of war against the balance of mankind. Yes, and as soon as tbe first gun Is fired bewil hire a substitute as he did in tbe jon- test between the States. Ill MOROI M MIT 1 1 If M Smoking does not ngroe with Koine pooble j but It nlwayi seems to foot the chimney. Josh Hillings styii Next to a clear conscience for solid comfort rums an old shu. A snow-white hen In Georgia hatched out five black chickens and killed every ono as they left tho shell. She didn't want the ether hons to eyo her suspiciously and talk about her. "My daughter, you ought to have Miae aim in life, "said a father to his six tern year old. "Oh! I am going to, papal" was tho enthusiastic reply I have sot my beau already." Milkman, why does your milk always look se blue?" Inquired tho housewife. "My cows came from Boston," proudly replied the milk man, "and they'ro bluo-btoods". HomoJngonluH observer has dis covered that tiicro Is a remarkable resemblanre between a baby and wheat, since It is first cradled, then threshed, and finally berorots the flour of the family. A Htruifortl, Ct., womun drouiwd that him saw her husband kissing a neighbor's wife. She aweke and struck him In tho face, breaking his nose. Ho must have thought that he had been kicked bv a night -mare. Nothing makes a Kentucky man so disgusted with hlmnelf as to learn from a scientific work that three fourths of the human body is com posed ot wafer. lie regards it as n mean slur on the quality of tho whis ky he drinks. i siiia rsTa. The Confederate statub-s iu papat covets soil foi g.VJ s set. Tbe Guitesu trial for 825. The members of tho local board of government at Dewabury, Kngland, re- eently sat thirty hours in tbe attempt te e'ect a chairman. Tbo Hioux believe that the aun is now in tbe sky tftcauaa he quarrelled with tbe moon while on earth, until they resolved to separate and to go to the upper world. Tbe teen employed in cleaning and sorting vanilla suffer from a peculiar skin disease, which has lately teen found to be caused by a minute white insect which lives io tbo bean. St. Naxiens, Wis., is one of tbe few Western towns in which the inbsbi- tanta de not make preoaturous asser tions in regard to the growth of the place. It waa founded in 184'J, and its population now numburs SlSOsjsw msn soialists snd German peasant wo men who believe io female suffrage. As General Logao passed through llsllowell and Gardiner, says the Hoe- too ron his way toseo Hlaine of Maine, people stared at.hlm as though he were a hyena or Hengal tiger. In some plucrs ho was taken for u row boy. a coon causes: tott mbmbiuik. To every subscriber to tho Dksiochat who pays up bis subscription and con tlnuea his paper, or pays In advance, we will have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper la a large elan, page forty column, monthly pai. , and ia full of exosMent reading muter. A copy may be aaen at this ofTlce. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, oookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a cbanos to tfst a good paper for nothing. Tboso de siring the paper sent to them will plea state so at time of. paying their subscrip tion. a 1 t'sr sale. Three and a half acres of good garden land .all fenced, house and western edge of tbe city. Will be sold cheap at this . office. Administrator's Notice. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT 1 tbs underaignsd has beau duly ap pointed Administrator of the estate of Nancy Martin, deceased, by the Count-, Court, ef Linn county, Oregon, That ail persons having claims aifaint aald estate are required to present the same with tbe pre per veuchers therefor duly verified to tbe asdersigned at bia residence in Al bsay, Oregon within six mouths from the dato thereof. Albany, Oregon, June 3rd, 1884. 8, O. I u v I n k , Powki.i, A Bir.YKU, Administrator. Attorneys. Te Sssscrlbers si rriaevllle. Many of our subscribers at Prlneville have requested us to name some one a Prlneville to whom they could pay sub scriptions. For the convenience ot all our subscribers at that place we have left. ac counts at the office of J. N. Duncan who will receive and reoipt far subscriptions due or to become duo to tho Democrat. FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furnituro in tbe city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the city and tbe lowost price in tbe Valley. Come and see. Undertaking. A complete PACTION. stock and Try me, can give SATIS A. B. WOODIN. S2600. Geod farm, one mile west of Brownsville on the road leading to Halsey, containing 102 acres, oak ridge laud, some iiae oak groves, sll enolesed, 75 acres in cultivation, a young orchard and shrubbery ; good baru and fair house, two good wells with pumps. Price $2600, one years time on one half amount if desired, with security ua premises. Call st S remises or address D. A. Carter, Egan, rant eounty, Or. Otflrlnl Dlnrl-.r,, STATS. U 8 Henators-lton J II Hlalor, Hon J N lol pi i. Congressman M 0 (Jeorgo. Hupreme Court Judges -J It Waldo, W P Lord, K II Watson. Governor Z K Moody. Secretary of State -It r list hart. niate Treasurer mrsr-li. Hupt of 1'ubllo Instruction K U Mc Elroy. nmilt Jndgn (3rd dlst) K P Br lse. Dlst Attn ney (3rd dlst)--'V 11 tfofases. OOliSTT. Counly Judge L Fl Inn. County Comm. John Isom, S li ('lay pool. Cierk-C If Stewart. lbafl.T Oeergs Humphrey. Troasurer J II Peery. Hcbool Supt P A Moses. Surveyor D VS Hold. Assessor N (J Doxler. Coroner Dr K. !, Irvine. CITY. Mayor-J, L Bill. Keoorder N J llenlou. Marshal -1 0 Dl'-key. Treasurer S MolUinbscb. Where one shall spend Ihe summer Is a question that agitates many, snd we are glad it does, but whatever other af flictions bo has the newspaper man dees not get agitated on this subject, He can't, If be would. He is tied down out and font, completely shackled, un appreciated. He would like to go, but he can not get away, bas not time I'erphapsthe truth Is, It is not harvest time and his rubsenbers do uot bring in the wherewithal. Anyway he stays at heme, poor man, and tffoaaM of soda springs and sea bennies ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, 8TAHJRR BROS. - Propiicteis ALBANY. OKEtiOS. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, aud 1 1 1 : a i s rois'ES Kaacoled In Italian or Vermont MsrMa. Also, every variety of eemKery and thr atone work doue with msauoaa sno dlaiatch. Special attention K'ven to ordem from all psrta of this State and Washington Territory. SsVAIl work warrantott . 1 1st! Quijnby House. QUIMBY & HERSEY, Proprietors. C wr.-tth SafidCSitai., Port land. Or. ONE or TH K PINKsr AND MOST cnnaiNeto hotsla in Oreaon. t 'otiducl- ed both by Americsn snd Kuropesn plans All tho nioilurn Improvements, ii oea rooms, wU furnished, luri t. and we I venti.a tod. -Kirat-fl m WSSjilSSf estna, hsrber ah n. An eVAtO sit alt isuit roveotea BOOKS sTO I Carpenters, rrhlteef s, Dulldens,1 If arbinlst, Ete. OSBORN & ALEXANDER, 020 MarkcC Ht., Kn Fraaclsro. Merhanirs' Tools, Hardware, and Machinery. ' tl..gUC at mil SSJff ffWhit Milt MS SS JIMC alios W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAC0NS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL. GOODS. PATENTS Jltjnil Cm tu mo oi i.Ailiiv ii.ii.iih .... wu- tlnus to sot ss Solicitors fur liltntK, i..-;u.i, Trnds .1II.IM a. 41 M WA Cm. .p i.i. a.n Marks, Uopynaais. rur mo i u.u i m i: , taosoa, Englu'd, Fraoos, Ocrraanj, eta. llsmi Ilnnk about .'wtents sans Irs. 'imrty-soTn yesni' extn -none. latnt obtain a snroiudi ail .v i ar nouooa tatbstk'UCNTirio ameiucan. the larin r.t, lest. slid most wtdaly clroulsted BclcnUflo psnor. f.30a year Weekly. tspjunuu eaaravmra ana inu-n-.tinn formation. Spsotnisn copy of the Hclrmlflo Amer in. epaoinipn copy I.V less sent free. Aann- iiun.n (ivu., rx laiiitrn au paji S31 Broadway. New York.- D. BR8WN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet S TJBSCKIPTION" San Francisco, Gal. "HEALTH AND HOME." Fort Chester N. T, ft CIRCULATION 63,000. Edited by W. H. HXE, M, D This ia large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestio medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, oookery, hints en health, dietetics, and every tealm of modern science that tends to Improve health, prevent disease, purity morals, and make home happy, Mscription Price 50 cts, Per Year, Address- DR. W. H. HALE, "Health andl-iOaM'." Port Chester, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber ef the Democrat who pays up i or in advanco. JULIUS GRADWOHL lima I lie only exelaalve sleek CROCKERY, CLAS898ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Eaby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Csffee, Tea and Sig a ONE DOZENICUPS AND 8AUCER8 SLOO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TUi:;ni(;iii:vr habketpce paid for ;; v Remember! What I Say I Mean, Giva 1 3 a Cill GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- rilOPKIKTOKJ OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DBAIsSBi IN- Importer and Domestio Cigaia, TobacbOR, Groceries, Picvisiofl Candle Nuts and Tropical Fruita. Albany, ,;NE I. .OR BELOW ATTIifc OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS ASSORTMENT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As uu) house In tbe valley, lie m so Imports and msuitifacture TIE, SHEET I30N AND COPPER WARE ! : KKY DKSCRI1TION IN STOCK HAND, A FULL GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE OF WHICH Bl OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFT COMPETITION. CALL AT TZ FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. ALL Repair work done at illaaf c. o C if KKttY. OR. J 4 i l ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEKRY & PARKES, (Succossor to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now preisuvd to hsudle sil kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture htearn Kni:iii, tirist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds or Iron a spaa arm as ana tiraas i sm.ihks. PATTKttH NtOK OX SHORT KeTtCE. Specisl attention riven to repairing all kinda or machinery. Will also inanufsc ture the improved Cherry A White Urain Separator. shS) on Baker M. OSU-r a tsnser Tart. Albany, Ur., Dec 1, 18S0. istf HERE AT LAST. Ifirr Los and Weary W allies Belief u transit, la Tkaae wfca Seed 11. "Well ist," suid sn Oimn gti cunr Ittyak-isa to s eomplainitif Iriah sUeiil txmie jmmrm sgu, "for that pain in your chat )uu had better ga bme nd put on s mustard plsatnr. I cant t tui.k this untune of snythlng better. And by the way," added the doctor turning lu m liiend, 1 wiah aomebody wuuld invent a real guoj )alr tncthiii; actually helful for such cases ss Fat's. Msybstbaywul some Urns, a BSS its too late for me to uae It." When BTtl'rTS CAPCIXE POROUS PLASTER was placed on the market about tea years ago the doctor's hope became s fact. Because of tbe rare medical virtue inherent In It, tt rspid action and aarereaulla, thsC'sptise Is fsat d is facing the aloa -acting plaatsr at former days, fur sll aflcctiaas to which s plaster is ever applicable. Price 25 cental. In the middle of the kiiiuiiis is cut the word CAT CINE. Seahury k Johnon, Chcniiats, Xw York. The Great English Reme dy. Is a never fsiliutr cure for imvoiu Debility, Seminu lakitem, KvbaUBted VI litv. BiiennaUirThOss. KIM il ANHOOH. Int. pot ncy, laralyais, wd all teinble tSecta of Self abuie, youthful follie,snd aietfrin niatarer can such a losa of llemon . Lsasitude, Emiadon, Aver- ea to Society. Dimnea of isiou, Noises in tbe Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading- to Insanity snd death. IK. MINTIH will agree to forfeit Five Hsusdre.1 Hollars for s case of this kind ths Vital Ketora live (under hi ipecuU advice and trentineit wo1 not cure or for anything impure or inju ious found' n it. Dr. Jlmt it treat all private diseaaes success. u without mercury. Consultation free. TKiroiurn ex amiuatlon snd advice including analysis of urine, Sb. Price of Vital Restorative,! 1.50 s bottle, or four timsn the qusntity . sent to any address upon receipt of price or C. O. D. obscure from observation and iu pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. M1NT1E, 11 Kearney treat, San Francisco, Cal. s Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, listing symptom, sex age. CommuuicationB strictly confidential. Dr, Mlntle's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures all kinds of kidney and bladder c'oinplaints.gonorrhuea, Elect, leouchorrhoa For sale by sll druggists 1 a ottle or six bottles for So. Dr. Mintie Dandelion Pills are the best snd cheap est Dysa3sis snd Bilious cure i it tlie market. For sale bv all druinrUts. Darnes Patent. Foot and Steam a rower scroti saws. Circular Saws, Afortesers, LatJts, Tenoners, Former, etc. OSBORN & ALEXANDER Sole Agents, 028 Market Street. San Francisco. Mechanics' Tools, Hardware and Machinery goods sent free on application. For Sale. One half block In eastern part of the city with fair hcuay and barn will be sold cheap- mwz'3a30ssmi. wmm2mm'. & JOSEPH, ... JOHN BRIGQiT STORK. Oregon. ON HAND AS FINK AN OR TO ORDER. ALSO, ASSORTMENT OF HE KEEPS On reasonable figures. .OR. FELIX IsE BRUITS C3rGr Preventive and are. far ri filer This remedy ttetns injected oaaspSy to ' i f those diseassa of tae fjanrtaCtafcary tesjairas as cnaaca or diet ar v east si orpotsuooas sieoicioes to bs takes : : en LalkSl a a rrrrsfhe I it is isipoaaiblo to eusi tact any vraextal t t ut in the case of these already BU asfelv aJBIetesl viih Gonsawbaa aa are caaraatc 8 boxes to cars or srlsT ths money. Price by mail, roatoge par bos. or. S boxes for saXU. wrirus iSSDsd by ell anthonssd saisfs. Dr. Felix las Sras A. 4 . Kale Praps. nOODARD. lJRK A t .. Autbonxed Aeents. Wteascsls saaad. atatskss. rr l ORTLAXD. ORECOK. Orders by mail will receive prompt at NERVOUS DEBiXJTY ! Da. E C Wsst's Knvs axz Bsaib 1 bsat STKST. a guaranteed eDeeifie for Hysteria. Dssai nees. CoavuUitms, Fits, Nervous Rfuralsia, Headache, Nervous Prostratson esassed by the ass of alcohol or ohacoa, Wakefabaeatv, Meatal De presaisn. Befteaiaw of the Brain reseitiac ia ia anity and Isadinc to misery, deesy ssd death. Premature Old Ace, Far r tat sua. Loss of power inerrher sex. Is voluntary 1 osai. and Bpeiist orrhcea caused br over-exertion of thebtaia.edf- r over-mduleance. tar tax rorttucs month's traatmeaC S1XQ a box. or m boxes for SVOQ, seat bv mail nrenatd oe jweetrH qf pries. U K i r.tBAXTF.E Mix KSM to cure any ease. With each oreW reeaived by ws riied with S&OQ, wo will foraix boxea, seeoi aend the pnrrhsssr ear wnttsa amsraatee te re fund the money if the treatmeat doss not effect s cure. Guarantees issued only by WOODASD, (1.ARK at CO, W h.clswsala snd SttaU ZTAage'ata. PORTLAND. OREGON. Orders by map fill receiv orompt at'ntios. (0 HEALTH. ISCAot. LeEUhan's isMsB Balsas Ms. 1 Cures Chancres, first and second stages : Sores the legs aud body ; Syphilitic Catarrh, esssased as snd all primary forma of the disease, kaowu es bins. Price, S& pet botUa. LeRirhaa's SsMes Balsam Ks. f Cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic TTIiimaialaSSl secondary stages. Pains la the Bonea Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, humps, etc., sad eradicates all diseases from the system, whether caused by bad treatment or abase of mercury, leaving the blood pure and healthy. Price, SS per bottle. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed per ex press. C. V Kit H.4BBS et ., A grata, ssr A Sansome street, Corner Clay, saa rrattctaco, caiuortua. ALBANi COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALUA.W, OR. The Second Term ends on Thors day, January 31, 1888. For particulars concerning the courses of tudy sad the price of tuition, apply to BUY. BLBKBT W. CaSBtT, rrsssasas. Aloany Bath House. THE TJNDKRS1QNED WOULD RE8PECT fully iaform tha oitisena of Albany ssd vi einity that I have taken charge of this Establish meat, snd, by kssping olean rooms and payia triot attention to business, expects ,u suit al those who may favor US with their patroaage Having heretofore oarried oa nothing bat Flrst-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expects to giea satire satisf .tioe to al TChUdiea tad Ladies' Hair neatly ea shampooed. JOS WEBBER. lbs seat i i THE DISSEMINATOR. rnblished every Saturday AT II arris burg Oregon, RAIN Editor & Proprietor. 4SS