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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1884)
lite gmoctat. Entered at the Pjt OdUe at Albany, Or, a second class mall matter. FRIDAY JULY 4, 1884. STTTE3 & NUTTING. Klttar aal rrsprleters. KKKIr JIFtTmU. Laeal tK4ttr. Official Coanty ail City Papar. POn L VK M-IKM-K. Al. t . R. tt. 118 rVBLK. Albany HI Ml Ion. DOTAITl RK Of TtftAISS. SOVKD NORTH. Al.B.VN'V EXI'UKSS U'rU t - rauiaar f rains " I Arms al Departs al SOUKS aocnt. I Arrlresal 1 Departs at FRKKHIT TRAIN l " -ALBANY BXPRKS3 Arrtw at MML TRAIN MAIL TRUN 6:30 A. M 9:00 A. M. 11:46 A. M 12:04 P. M 1141 A. M 146 P M. 3:30 P. M. 8:S3 P. M. All Tralaa dally, except Saadejr. Voticb. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at our ticket office for following potntson Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Will. B. Ric, Freight and Ticket Agent 0.4C.R.U. Co. Albany. June 18th. 188'. HOME AND ABROAD. IK ACKr. Following are the Democrat's duly au thorised aeatiti rejaive s iStcrtntim or money for the saute : Lebaoou Harrisburg . Brownsville . Haleey Shedd's Scio J effersoo . . . T L Wallace S.ra May ...O P. Coehaw ....T. L Porter F. A, WatU W. E. Kelly S. A. DeVaney A Spread Eagle lies la a Spread Essie sijle To-day is the Fourth of July, the dsy of alt dsyi in the United States. It may be ignored in England snd unknown in Hot ten tot, it may pass like a summer breeze in Egypt, and go by without a firecracker in Japan ; but in America iv is the dsy that touches every true man's hert, and fills him with soaring ideas. Now he feels loyal to tke backbone and loves his coun try above all other countries. Politics are cist aside and forgotten, and all become brothers. The hyas Democrat orates un der tUcr with stars and stripe. hut he never mentions politics, the tyee Repub lican spreads himself eagle like, bat from his lips no Republicanism drop. They are simply Amartcan. Blest is tke day that can make men forget burning strifes a ad unite far a common purpose with clean hands. From the surf beat shores of Curry to the recks ol Union, and from Clatsop to Baker, it is known that Albany will not celebrate ; bat those who imagine that her citizens will not make their pocket books empty, leaving enough to go to the circus with, are grandly mistak en. Portland with her high and metro politan head, Salem with her sashes and bangs, Scio.the stronghold of Democracy, Harrisburg. the seat of socialbility. Soda ville, with her health given mineral springs, and Corvallis with her foot racers and big footed girls, will all get some of our citizens, loaded down with cash and with free hand. .Listen fer the scream of the Eagle. Cleee r asalltea Creek Hckel. On the 2 1st of hut month three schools united and held a basket picnic at Hamil ton Creek school house, which we under stand was a verv successful affair. It was saltan no bv Mr John Wins, teacher of that school, woo is well liked as s teacher. The Me Dowel creek snd Happy Home schools united with the above, together with several of Lebanon's citizens. Be sides the basket piqnic. were seme excel lent literary exercises. in which Miss OUie Long, teacher oi the Happy Home School, gsve s recitation, welt rendered ; Prof Gilbert, of Lebanon, Peter Powell, Mr Sutton, Mr Williams and others, deliver sd addresses. Good order and behavior prevailed. The dinner which followed, our worthy correspondent tells us, capped the climax, and the manner in which chickens, hams, pies and cakes disappear ed would have satisfied even the half starved editor of a country newspaper. It certainly did honor to our Canadian friends sway up in the Forks, as Joab Powell used to express it. Came Law Bad. Last Monday another chapter in the game law was turned. At that date it be came lawfal to kill or destroy any male deer or bock, bnt not until August 1st can female deer or oee be killed. And it should be remembered that none of these can be killed except for use or sale. Elk, moon and mountain sheep cannot be killed until August 1st. On the 15th day of this mouth grouse, pheasants, quail and partridges may be killed, taken, injured or destroyed with impunity or guus, and no questions will be asked if the editor is remembered, which also applies to venison. The latter will suffer aow, and so will we until our venison appetite is relieved Who will have the honor of bringing the first venison te Albany. Baa Over by a W agon . Last 3a rday, near the M E Church South, Mr John Maxwell wai driving along with a load of gravel, when a son of Daniel Best,about four years of age.climb. ed up m the side of the wag u to get a ride, but, accidentally he slipped and fell on his back, and before the wagen could be stopped ene of the wheels passed over his body near bis thighs. He was consid erably bruised, but very fortunately ne bones were brcken. Under good treat ment he is getting along well and will come oat of the accident all right,al though it is a wonder that it did not kill him, so heavy was the load that passed over him Deatb of Miss Kate Cowan. Saturday morning Miss Kate Cowan, aged 16, who was stopping with her grand father in this city, waa taken suddenly ill, and despite all that medical skill could do, died the same day. Funeral services took place Sunday afternoon, being con ducted by Rev i G Irvine, and the remains were buried in the eemetery at this city Miss Cowan was a daughter of Mr C Cowan, of Lebanon, and was a young lady of most estimable character, who leaves many relatives and friends tJ mourn ber death. Work floraes. Last Saturday Mr L Senders arrived in Albany with twenty splendid work-horses, all in good condition, gentle and ready for business. All iu want of some good horses should call on Mr Senders in this city. F M French, jeweler, Hyas Kloshe weather. Colfax has a population of 12u0. ll'heat field i begin to tarn yellow. Haying has begun in Linn county. Elk City already has t wo saloons. The beat harness at J J Dubruille's. Plenty of 1 J x 4 inch flooring at Carters. Money gets squealed terribly these days. The new county officers have all sworn in. Portland is a regular Sunday breaking city. Cole's circus to k in $ Kl. O K' in Walla Walls. Most of the schools of the county have closed. ' Pinkerton, the greatest of detectives died Tuesday. That dry yellow fir lumber at Carters is splendid. A wedding in high life should uow be looked for. A hue crop of wheat i uow assured in Linn county. Albany is aflitcted with a crowd ef five cent gamblers. There are many houses in Albany that need painting. It is generally conceded that IT W Cole will be elected. Be careful how you trust agents for for eign nurseries. Try one of those self binder whips of E. L Thompson A Co. Cole's circus took in about $30,000 in Portland, whew. Hon J R Hryson will deliver the oration at Toledo to-day. Independence now has a bank with a paid up capital of 150,000. A social party was given at H. Parriahs in Rock Hill last week. Do not fail to remember that we will tak wood on subscription. Mollis Brothers, of Portland have failed. Indebtedness, $42,000. The Oakville school closed Saturday with high honors to the teacher. The crosswalks of the city have boon placed in splendid condition. Robert Johnson, of Corvallis, is assisting Charley Watts at his job office. Hon Jos Hamilton, ef Oakville has been quite poorly for the last few weeks. E. L Thompson A Co's. harness is the cheapest to buy because it is the best. The late Hoods in Eastern Oregon caused about $o,000 damages at Hepnor alone. Wheat sells for $1.30 per bushel in New port when you get it for your chickens. Mrs J Ellen Foster will be greeted by a large audience next Tueslay evening. N. H. Allen will sell summer cloaks, dol man's, etc., at less than first cost to close. Farmers will save money by buying their belting, and rurta of K. L. Thompson A Co, Mrs Potts Sod Irons and Enterprise coffee mills just received by Peters A Blaiu. Cheap Sail greater reduction in price of Univer sal and Ejruka wringers at Peters k Blain s There are ninety tax payers is San Fran cisco who pay $100,000 on personal property. Look out for thieves and cut throats around the circus. Such leeches are always en hand. The Pot says several beautiful residences will be erected at the Bay in a short time. The last of the old County Court met last week. The new one will meet next Wed nesday. Sheriff elect J K Charlton is moving over the jail this week, and will act as his own jailor. orvallis boasts that it has four foot racers all of whom will beat any from Salem or Albany, C a asia Irakis wool has been brought to the city. S E Young has a large quantity pur chased. It takes forty-two cars to conyey Cole's circus, the whole of which will be at Albany next Monday. The Ceer D'Aiene Eagle is uow dubbed a ghost by an exchange, and a very sickly one it has been. There should be a law regulating freights and fares. Let our next Legislature rumin ate over this. Cole's circus is said to be xxoompanied by a hoarde of thieves. Lookout for them when they reach Albany. To fill the local columns of a paper now -e-days it takes a good imagination, as wall as a knowledge of facts. 8 E Young shipped about 33,000 pounds of wool to Portland last Tuesday. It's des tination will be Boston. Monteith A Seitenbacb are now at the Senders k Sternburg store. Customers should remember this. Fourteen bare-back running and ridden horses are to be seen in the several rings of Cole's sirens at one time. The Raymond excursion party came as far as Albany last week, but did not investigate Albany matters very much. The residence of Virgil Parker has been . a -i B S very neatly painted, an example wntcn should be followed generally. The Farmers warehouse has been raised, and new sills placed under it, the old ones having been decayed and worn out. The largest and best stock ef harness and saddles in the valley is to be found at E. L Thompson k Co. and their prices are low. A fnll stock of single and double buggy harnesses, at bed-rock prices can be found at J. J. Dabruille's. Examine them and prices. Circuses will come and go, and so will our citizens go to Hoffman A Joseph's to get their groceries, or cooling drinks or ice cream. There will be a game of ball to-day at Scio between the Scio nine and the Knox Butte nine. A big time is expected at the celebration. Several acres of corn planted near Oakville is said to look fine, indicating that corn can be raised here as well as in many other places. A friend who ate venison on the 2nd said it was killed by the cars in Southern Oregon, but evidsntally some one had violated the law. According to the Portland Telegram Linn county now has a population of 14,700 and it places the population of the whole state at 250,000. Rock Hill has a Sflnday school, which, we understand, is progressing, with L C Rice, as suoerintendent. and Miss Ida Morris as sr - w Secretary. Openings to the sewer on Broadalbia street are so high in some places as to cause standing water to remain in the street after a rainstorm. A Chinaman sawing wo xl all day with oat stopping to take breath is an example of industry not exhibited very frsqoently by white men. The ageut for the J I Case thresher sold six in Linn and Benton counties last week, one each day during the week. He is said to be a rustler. The Post Office will be open Friday, July 4:h, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m No money order business will be transacted or betters registered, Flour sells fet $3.50 a barrel in Halsey or seven bits a sack. Here it is $4 a barrel or $1 per sack . Certainly the poor man has reason to be happy. Binder whins 1 Binder whine I made to order especially for J. J. Dubruille by the Manufacturers in the East. They are ten feet long. Buy one. Tuesday Mr Stowartsou took possession ef the drays In this city, which he will run alone. He is reliable and will do good work for all who employ him. Last Tuesday night the steamer "Ta quiaa" sailed from Portland for Yesjulne Bay with 31 cabin, 104 steerage passengers and 600 tons of merchandise. In a few days Miss Mattie Allison will move into the Thompson Block just east of S E Young's, that place having been repaint ed and generally improved. At Newport to-day the 4th will be cole bra ted by an oration by Will King, a regatta, a scull race, greased pig ohances, wheelbarrow race, music sad a grand ball. Oregon will be cursed with the lightning rod man if a stop is not put to those numer ous thunder storms. Worse than even a life insurance agent is the 1. r. man. young man was arrested Monday even ing for gambling. There are probably fifteen or twenty other young men guilty of the same offense, but it is a hard thing to prove. Among those injured by the train wreck Tuesday were a Philadelphia drummer and a circus man, but their bruises were not severe. Many hair breadth escapee are already nar rated. Mr K R Skipwortb moves this week to Corvallis, where he will open a law offloe. Benton county people desiring legal business attended to will do well to call oo Mr Skip worth. Tnis is the way people are assailed by the Yaquina paper when they go to the Bay ! ''Slathers and gobs of people were camping at and near Newport and south beach last week." The personal property of Portland 4s as sessed at about $3.000.000aad, while it is in- snied for $15,008,000. can some oae explain this, or, is it any wonder that many fires oc cur there. Several Rxjk HU1 men are looked for from across the mountains soon. Mr Joha Corl and William Wilson slroady having arrived Mr A Dodge aUo got.baok from the op coun try lately. The Rock Hill school closed last Friday after a very successful term. Thos G Taylor the teacher, gave great satisfaction and it is to bo hoped the Distriot may ol tain. his sorv. ices for next winter. Hops will probably bring 2.J cents in this county, some already having sold at those figures. This is better than hss been antici pated. At that price there is more money iu them than iu wheat The Lincoln, W. T., Under tells of the discovery of s rich silver lodge about ten miles from Cam, Spokane, near the Col urn bia river. The ledge has bees traced about 600 feet and assays $125 oer too. The anion services will hereafter be bold at the churches, altering from oae to an other. Next Sundav tvni lis the r asset i m J - IB eSBBSSS- HWHW will be held st the Baptist church, Rev Brownson delivering the sermon. Last Moaday L E Blain received tbe most elegant line of neckwear ever brought to Al bany. All of the yeusg men are preparing to make themselves worthy of their best girls by buying some of Mr Blain's elegant designs. An open air low between two young ladies in ths eastern part of tbe city, a day or two ago, in which various accusations of appro pnatiog rings, etc., wore hurled at each other, afforded amusement for several neighbors. Trains going south as far as Junction City will be held over in this city natil after the circus is ovsr. This will enable all from places on the road in this county to see the mammoth circss and return home the same night. How many people will go to the circus and pay their dollars, who owe the priatei, who would have to sUy at born were not cir cuses benevolent institutions which show them to g in free, sod take their families aloog. Tbe pocket-book lost test week which was mentioned in the Ds sot bat. was meat fort onstely found by an boaest man, wboee name we did not learn, and in consequence av SB. si - - . tao owner got nis own. This world mast be improving. Tuesday we were the recipient of an tation to the wedding of Mr Goo W mil, formerly of this city, to Miss Byra Anderson, of San Francisco, which took place in the utter place last Wednesday. See notice in another column. In ths foot race between Martin and Lew- is at MeMionvilie, the latter wea. The dis tance was 874 yards, the time 9 seconds which was rather slow for such boasted fart runners, being at the rate ef oae hundred yards in 106 7 seconds. In no other medicinal preparation have ths results of the most intelligent study sad scientific inquiry been so steadily and pro gressively ntilixed as in Ayer's Sareaparilla. It leads the list as a truly scisnttfio prepara tion for all blood diseases. Watson C Squires, ef Seattle, has been appointed Governor of Washington Territory, This settles tbe spread eagle articles ou this subject, and makes everything squats, al though it was done at the request of Seuator Miller, who is a friend ef Squires. Tbe Lebanon train will be held over Mon day uight until after the circus, giving the people of that place and vicinity a chance to get borne tbe same nigbt. The freight train going to Eugene will also wait until the ad journment of the circus in tbe evening. Mrs. Owen, better known as Grandmother Owen, died at Oakville on Wednesdsy of last week, after an illness f a long time. She wns an exemplary christian and had passed the ripe uld atft of ninety years. Ttieie are mauy who will mourn her loss. Last Monday Jrioutei-.h A Seitenbach moved into the large and commodious store of Senders A Sternberg on the corner ef Broadalbin and First. This is one of tbe finest if not the finest stores in Albany, and Monteith k Seitenbach fill it completely. According to the Oregcmian Cole's circus, which exhibited in Portland Monday snd Tuesday, is perfectly immease, and does all it advertises, the most marvel Ions scenes, from dancing elephants to the woman walk ing like a fly, are performed, and all of the animals are there. Sam Warfield, who went . to Newport in 1866, sold out last week and left for Eastern Oregon. It is a very peculiar trsnsaction for a man to grow up with a city uutil it becomes a thriving mart with street osrs in prospecto and then leave for greener fields, but that is' the way of tbe world. The Portland Driving Park Association will hold its first meeting ia Portland on the yth, and will continue its races three days. Several good purses sre offered. From this county McKnight Brothers, Oneco will be entered iu the three minute race, with an excellent chance of winning. Miss Iua Robertson is now teaching school at Millers Station filling the unexpired term for another teacher. Her own school in Ben ton County closed two or three weeks since, Miss Robertson is bocsming quite popular as a teacher, schools seeking her, instead of her seeking schools, a high recommendation, The Statesman says that Judge Boies, ia passing judgment ef death against Joseph Draks for the murder of 8 warts, very justly aad appropriately restricted the hanging te the presence ef twelve bona fide electors of the country. But our neighbor should not forget that this is the law and not the mere voluntary restraint imposed by the court. This talking of going away from heme to Newport, Sodaville or the mountains to spend the summer is very foolish. In tbe first place the summer does not belong t0 you, sad you have no right to spend any thing that is not your own, and in the next place it would bankrupt yon if you did own it. Hadj Mahammed, the giant Arab wbe sup ports the huge pyramid of elsvsn men in Cole's circus, has heard of ths prowess of Sullivsn ths stagger, and ths dsiert born athlete says that he will agree to knock the famous pugilist into the arms of Abraham. or else he will sacrifice his own head te Allah the (treat. There were 33 mere votes oast in Water loo precinct in 18$4 than to 1880, which would indicate an inoiease of population ef nearly 150. In Lebanon precinot the increase during the same period, allowing one vote for five persona, was about 200, in Fox Val ley about 49, ia Liberty 40, in Santiam 140, in Seio 100. No injurious effects can follow the uss of Ayer's Ague Cure ia the treatment oj malarial diseases. It contains, besides a specific and anfailimr antidote for miasmatic poison, other remedial agents which unite to expel the poisonous humors, purify the sys tem, and leave It in a healthy and reinvig orated condition. Sunday nigk tone of our oitixens was ar rested by a night watch for disturbing tbe pesos. He plead not guilty, and was tried Moodsy before a jury, wbeo he was duly discharged. Tbe testimony went to show that he was joking with a friend and doing some laughing, but no one was found who had I een disturbed. How some people caa get through the world by doing almost nothing, putting on more style than a New York dude and nevor paying their debts, is a mystery to more than a newspaper mas. Such people should never be trusted, and if such a rule were followed, there Would not be quite M muah profligacy among os. A man with about fifty dollars in his pocket book was ia tbe city Saturday. Men day morning net a cent did he have. Ten dollars of it went into the oity Treasury, and most of the rest into the saloons and the clawe of a cyprian. The earnings of two mouths bard work going fa nothing in two days presents s spectdble, over which many may ponder Ion j and deeply. The clock bad str ack two tbe other morn ing when Mr Gross, of ths Depot Hotel, was awakened by a terrible rapping, as of some oae loudly tapping, hot he Stopped not "nary" a soore, until patience ooased to be a virtue and he rushed to the door, where be was met by a stranger, who blandly asked bim when tbe aeat train weald be aloog. t t ! ? 1 f4 ! . fel. lowed. Albany can now boast of several good bi cycles, two or three sew ones arriving this week. Nn finer exercise can be indulged in, and we are glad to notice that even a little enterprise is displayed towards mastering these shining steeds by tbe young men of Albany. If enough members could be ob tained a bicycle club should bo organised. Such clubs are now found in nearly all places ef this site ia the east The Chautauqua movement has been ex tended to include the young folks, wbo al- ready have a "Reading Union." They are aow to have an illustrated periodical of high character, which will be issued in July by the Publishers of the far-famed Wide A troi magazioe, D Lethrop A Co.. Boston, wbo will send it free for two months to any of our readers who may request it. is due to over booming, which neoessarlly can produce only reaction. A balloon may rise in the air a mile, but it oan never re main there. When the gas is gone It will fall, and so it it with oities. What is want ed is steady, reliable, growth, with aocum ulating Industries to back it. The Dayton. W.T., Jjutn i says Cole' ( irons whioh exhibited there last Thursday, was the grandest ever witnussud in the Northwest, and that with mm or two exoep tiotis every feature advertised waa carried eut Among the animals wore elephants, liens, a rhinoceros, tiger, kangaroos, xebra, leopards, boats, wild boar, camels, goats, monkeys and other beasts, and peacocks, parrots, and other atrange birds and fowls. The scene of an Arab hording up nine ether Arabs is actually performed. Several leap ore turned double somersets over four camels and four elephants, ate., etc. The editor oUhe Walla Walla MNMMM givee Ysqulna Bay the following oomplimeu tary notice : "We little thought when we vieited Yaquioa in 187ft on a hunting and fishing expedition. that ocoen steamers would ever enter the lUtle harbor. The only veo- sol we saw in the bav while there waa a little schooner, which lay titers two or three weeks waiting for a favorable wind to carry her ovsr the bar. It would havo boon better for the little craft hail the wn-hed-for breeze never come. She passed out over the bar with flying colors, but osj her return from San Francisco with a cargo, she got alightly out of her course in creasing the bar, and in two hours lay on the rocks a total wiock. There was at that time, we belirve, fourteett feet of water on the bar at low tide, but con siderable dredging has been done there with in tbe last few years, and ocean steamers can now enter with safety. Ysquina Bay will make an excellent harbor of refuge. We like tbe country around Yaquina. The climate is lovely. The country ie very billy, but there is a charm about it which the visitst never forgeta. Yaquina will be a great place some dsy." in - ee - 1000 gallons finest machine mis at l.aug. don's. TftAI frstCKKD tster -in-law ao for tbe SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Clara Blsin ia viitttg friends in Halsey. Miss Laura Goitre is spending vacation with ber parents in Albany. II. Farwell, our new County Treasurer, moved to Albany last week, with his family. MrC W Wheeier.editor oi the Waiteburg 7W,wa iu Albany last Tuesday. and made us a call. Miss Nellie Mack, of Yequius city, on Yaquina Bay, was visiting friends in tbe city last week. W N Miller returned from Washington t erritory teat Tuesday, and will remain during harvest. Mrs Fred Kggert, of Portland, is visilingH at the residence of her brother-in -law. Mr. A Staiger, in Albany. Dr J W Watte was in Albany yesterday oo his way to Sodaville, where be will de liver the oration to-day. Mr L Minders arrived from I'riuevills tbe first of the week, with a baud of h ,i .-. See actios in another column. Mrs A B Woodin aud her Mies Woodin, left a f"W days east, to be gone a few months. Mr. Cotnrntogs aud family, formetly of Sprague, W T , have boon in Rock Hdl lately, butatpresout Mr Cummtoga is at the Mies Cora Church, of Wisconsin, arrived ia Albany last week, and will hereafter live with her aunt, Mrs Judge Fiinn, in this city. Frank Miller, wbe has been attending school st Eugene during the last five or six months, has returned to nis home at Rock II. U. Jim IKestfall was in Albany Saturday, and reports matters progressing oo the O P. Jim saya that he will put 1000 more Chinamen to wotk. Tbe Misses Lore and Lulu ilunssker, One of tbe, greatest misfortunes thst can daughters of Rev A J Hunaaker of McMio- befall a man is to have been s passenger on vills, were visiting dnring tbe fore port of s wrecked train, not oo account of tbe die- tbe week at Rev It C Hill s,in this city, oomfitore occasioned by it, but on account of Captain P C Harper, who left Albany the number of times tbe tale of the affiair about Uiree years ago for Eastern Oregon, has to be related. Rev S G Irvine, wbe was arrived in Albany last Friday, beinc ou his on ths train wrecked Tneeday spent Toes- S way to Texas, where be goes on a prospecting day afternoon in rehearsing it, the demand tour. for accounts of it being very Urge. T L Porter, of Halsey, was in the city A meeting of the Oakville Temperance Monday, and left on tbo noon train for Alliance was held at that place last Satardsy Chicago, where he goes as a delegate to tbe and after the business of tbe meetins had v.inn.i ii.., ,.t. " -auk been transacted ths alliance was entertained meets on the 8th instant. by the children ef the public schools with u v S Raid, .School Superintendent elect, songs and declamations. A speech by the was in Albany Mondav. on his wsv to H'hat. teacher was said to be highly entertaining, oomb, W. T, where he will spend s few After the exercises were closed a lunch waa weki Mr Hsid has been engaged to teach served and heartily partaVen of by all. the Harrisburg acbool another year, but will Mocb regret is expressed smosg the Oak. not neglect his doties as Superintendent, ville people at the Ices of their teacher, whose juage L Flinn, and oldest danghter, leave piece win not ne easy to supply.. Xlbuiy tnit week (or tho 0id home Tbe census of Dayton, W. T., school die- in Vermont, which he has not seen tor s trict reports 270 males and 271 females be great many years. They will be gone about twoen the ages $ and 21 years, and 08 males three months. Jadge Flinn and daughter and 105 females nnder 6 years, making a te- take with them in their trip the best wishes tal of 744 children of all ages in the district, of a large community for a pleasant trip and against 600 ia 1883. The school census of a safe return to Albany. Walla WaUa city, W.T., gives the number of A. H, Petersoo, Coroner elect, was in AL children of school sge at 1023 -537 boys and I bany Saturday. One of the best features of 498 girls. Ths whole number of children Mr. Peterson's election was the fact that the between 0 and 21 years of age 1601 the non- office sought him. He did not ask for it- schooling comprising 291 boys and 285 girls. He asked no ene to vote for him, aad even Sheriff Pardora has sold his house and Jo1 his bondsmen csme to him unsolicited. In to Rudolph Abraham, who will in the future these days of wire pulling this is an excellent occupy tho premises with his fsmily. Mr recommendation for any one. Purdom aad his family have taken rooms at Prof J B" Horner, of Brownsville, called the Metropolitan hotel for the present on us last Monday. The Professor has just After the cleee of his term of office he will oloeed a very successful term of school in the probably take a trip to San Francisco with North Browns villa district, the closing ex bis family, snd if prospects are fair for bosi- ercises being of a very commendable nature. sess on his return he will once mere settle We expected' a report of the same for our downtowerkinRoeebarg. Rtmburg Plain- lost week's issue, but it failed to come to dealer. A Whatcomb paper hits Seattle in this msnner : "Seattle is all broke up. People at the Chicago Convention, referring te the Black Cloud map, prononnced it tbo work ef a disappointed village out west called See-tle. It is said that Captain Hill became so thoronghly disgusted at the constantly re curring inquiry, 'how far be lived from Whatcom,' that he finally announced that he hailed from Texas, and was not acquaint ed in Washington Territory." The most exciting summer event of this section is tbe opening of the eld Santiam mining district. Prospectors on wheels, on horseback and afoot are daily crossing Smith's ferry at this place en route. The Kings Prairie and Quartz ville Wagon Road Company have opened out the road from Kings Prairie to Quartzville, twenty miles and the same is now in fair order. A wagon can belriven the whole distance in safety. W B Clark made a very rich dis covery last week. J. A. Christy, of . Los A ttrtteral Nmasli wp la which several sre lajared. Tuesday morning ths worst railroad ac cident in the experience of Oregon railroads, oooiiried about four miles north of Salem on the 0. k C. railroad. Monday uight the etriugera en tho bridge over the first arm of Lako I Abish were burned, on the north end of the bridge, which ia about 175 feet long, leaving rails as the ouly support. The fire wont out itself without being discovered. Mondsy morning s whils before seven the Albany express going north ran on tho bridge at the rate of ten or fifteen miles an hour, the engine crossing in safety, but bend ing the rail, so that when tke tender struck it it went through, ami waa followed by the bajrgago oar, smoking car, aad tbe north end of the next oar, the last car remaining on the bridge. Tbe diatenoe into tbo mud and water, there being more of tbe former than of the latter, was about fifteen feet, enough to cause a terrible concussion snd breaking up of things. There were about twenty-five iu the smoking oar snd sevsral in tho next oar, while in tbe baggage car there was only tbe baggage master. The scone presented is said to have boon an intensely exciting one, and it was almost a miracle that so little in jury te life was dons as oven there was. In the smoking osr those hurt wore Mr A B Mcllwsin, of this oity, he having an ankle slightly sprained, he having been oo tbe side of the car that wont to tbo bottom first, but feet going through the window into tbe mad; Rev Mill, of Salem, received a few bruises, aud an Indian snd s squaw, the Indian having a leg broken and receiving other in juries which it was thought would prove fa tal. Tbe squaw was not badly injured. Is the baggage car, Burt Phillips, tbe baggage master, was alone. He was thrown bsad first through tho door into the mud, going in nearly to hut waist, when taken out he was nearly dead, aud it is thought be cannot sur vive the terrible abeck. In tbe ear next to the smoking car, among several others, were Rev M; Irvine and Mrs J A Gross, of this city. Although tbo north end went violent ly to the ground, s pile was driven through the tloor, sod tbo osr wss well jam bed up, iieoe of tho passengers were injured,although it may bo assured that they were complete ly frightened. Tbo conductor was ia tbe laat car counting his tickets when the acci dent occurred, which wss very fortunate fer bim. Six aurgooua from Bales and other assis tance was brought as soon as possible, sad everything was done to help those who had boeo injured, A wrecking train was imme diately telegraphed for and bridge builders were soon at work potting up a temporary structure, so tbst on Wednesday trains were sgain able to pass over tbo rood. PLAIN TALK. os riala saojetts. c-otXTY col ti-irwiu nan (L ll.ii.. Ju4.-. J. .he lama and S H Clajrpuol CtftnmtaBionars. I Juno 27 tb, 1884. A Humphrey allowed 2500 foot of lum ber for District 21, also J L Trowbridge, lumber to build bridge In District 1, aJeo John W M-Miee tools snd Implements fer No. L Fee of J udgos and Clerks and persons delivering poll books allowed. Fees In insane case of Theodore Bam ford allowed, also In case of State against Kate Ogleeby, also in State agslnst W H An derson. Tbe bonds of J K C bar lloa.Sbo riff-elect, Horace Farwell, Troasurer-oleot, David Andrews, County Clerk-elect, A H Peter son, Coroner-elect, were allowed. Report of J II Peery, agent for acbool fund, was read and approved. In matter of coast ruction of bridge near Sbedds, being constructed under super vision of John Kobustt, ordered that the contractors be Instructed to drive eight piles, four at each end of bridge, tbe price to be Ave dollars for each. The following bills wore allowed : Q W Wbeeler.lumber for 827.S0 lies. Warren, work on Court House l.eo W J. Stewart ,ex pen ass in Bsmfordcaae 5,15 M J McNory .expense in Bam ford case 4.1a John Mchmeer. convoying paupers to C L Morris 7.50 Mrs S K Milts, rent or house for Mre Sims 5.00 Abram Sharpies, medical services rendered Kuasell luv.uo (ioorge Humphrey Sheriff s foes 77,55 J H Peery, for handling school moneys. - 48 90 L Flinn. one month salary 75.00 NKCtaypool 9 00 John Isoin 18.80 Geo. Humphrey 3 .OS BY A P1.AIX CHAP. 0 Dr. Mnrvii' churoli in Portland has been afflicted with twelve kicking mem beta, who have withdrawn bug and bag gage from the pale of that Institution. One thing Is certain a church or any other body of people Is better off with tbe "kickers'' on the outsld'. than ofl the Inside. Dissension ainur.g the members of a church or party Is mm; to work evil, white if It Icon tho outside half the Urns It i like a sheep butting against a train of cam. We congratu late Rev. Marvin and also the kickers, Two men In Marion county killed another rnan In co!d blood. One of them told on the ether fallow, and ac oording to our law he will only be sen tenced to Imprisonment for life, while the other will be hung, notwithstand ing the fact that the former wss as guilty as the latter. When I was a boy the most despised of my compan ions was tbe tell-tale, and to this day among children It Is tbe name way. It may be different among men where life lent stake.but In my mind the man who will assist deliberately In commit ting a murder snd then, to save his own neck, at the cost of his partner In tbe erlroe, go completely back en him and tell the whole tale. Is the worst kind of au apology fur a man the sun can shine on. ' It is au eld say ing that you should nevercroesa bridge until you como to It. Ho It is true that you should not be always borrowing trouble and im agining that everything is going wrong, It will be hard enough when the trouble does come. Those people get along best In life who look on tne bright side of everything, not forgetting though that evil may come, snd wheu it does come they are generally best prepared to meet It. Were a fox to spend its time brooding over the proband ty of its not getting something for breakfast It would bo sure to starve. It is the "up and coming" reynard thaf get the first hen. There will be many who will r jolce tehear that a big mouth can be reduced an Inch by continual whistling- This accounts for the euormus mouths of Salem girls, of whom it Is said that they never whistle. When this idea is fully understood we will probably have whistling bauds Instead of bra's bands, aad then perhaMt hymns and p?aim will be whistled instead of sung. nrrv ca a r.y request we publish below an account of a basket picnic given in Sterling, Ill.,in honor of Mr Brink, (he fsther of Mr Brink of tbe furniture store of this city. There ere quite a number readers of ths DaOfo- rat who came from the same locality t Just fifty years ago, Heseklah Brink seUled on section 22, Sterling township, and wss the first settler of Use town. Mr f'.rlnk wss born in Vermont, May 21st, 188$, and i, consequently, seventy -five years of ago. He moved to Rrie county, N. Y , thence to Pennsylvania, and soon afterwards to New Richmond, near Cin- onatl; from thence to Carroll county, Ky ; thence to Madison, Ind. Mr Brink, after exploring, in company with Messrs, Andrews and Holland, a pa : ion of Rock river valley, returned to Dixon, whence they had started. In the following year be brought bis family from Indiana to his new claim. Mr Brink married In September, 1828, Miss Matlha Buckhannan,of Ripley coun ty, Indiana. Their children were bra. His wife died in 1839, snd the following year be married Miss Sepbrenls L Griffin, by whom he has had ten children. Sloe of these children are living. Mr Brisk Is a eJsfafsl who commands the respect of but many neighbors snd friends, snd Tnesday fjuite s number ef the old settlers and other met at bis house to do honor to the '"cslou and to tbe man. There wss a basket picnic, at which 'night be seen crsny familiar faces. At 2:: W o'clock Gonersl Wm M Kllgour call ed the assembly to order, and stated that the exercises would begin by prayer Ivy Rev M Perry of Fulton. At ths close of tbe prayer. General Kilgour Introduced Mr T H Mack, formerly editor of tho Sterling ' standard," and wbe was born io Whiteside county, who presented to the city of Sterling a II re-i29 portrait of Mr Brink. General Kilgour presented to Mr Brink an arm rocking chair on behalf of Mr Drink's frieadv Mr Goorge W Drawer then escorted Mr It. ink to the chair and seated kirn In P, making a short addi Wo are becomliig a people of dyspep tlca, and one of the reasons ie the rich neas of the food eaten. You never see dyspeptics among very plain eaters Fortunate Is the man who is not stuffed with mes aad cakra and puddings. Bean people seem to think that tbe stomach ia lined with sheet Iron, pro vided with automatic hammers, chop pars and grinders, bnt it Is not ; on the contrary It can u t stand Uis strain of a Niagara Falls nor even Santiam slukers One cannot afford to be careless with ones sto'uach. The time to prevent a blunder is before it happens, for when the injury iadone it is hard to recover form the damage done. The many customers of Monteith A Sei tenbach will now find them at the large store formerly occupied by Senders A Stern- burg, where they ill always be found, rt-ady to Receive ail seeking first-class goods. i BJ Q (.stabler Arreaird- Remember where you sre to go when you wish to trsde with Monteith A Seitenbach They arc now at the Senders A Sternburg store. TO THK PI BMC Tuesdsy and Wedaeeday tbe Justice Court of T F Hecklemas was agitated by several gambling trials, three yousg men having boon arrested for playing sards for money The complaint was made by a young man, uned St. Clair, who wss himself arrested, and was the first one held to swait the action ef the grand jury. His bonds were placed st $75. Ths Vaporizing Professor was dis charged. It ia to be hoped that this may break up ths business among these five ceut gamblers, as they call themselves, as (hey are no honor to the city. Hamlllea 4'rrefc. Our live correspondent writing frcm U million Creek says that that section of the county is fast settling up with a vary industrious clsss er people, from all parts of t be w orld, there being representatives last from nearly every stats in tbe Un ion and every country in the world, pre dn -ing, be says, a splendid mixture, Po litically tbe Republicans have a small majority. If be had to live nnder Repub lican rule he would want them from Wa terloo and not from Maine, Our sorrea pondsnt went into that section of country In 1867, when tbo foot hills were all cover ed with fir truth, and along tbe creak with pine, maple, elder, etc., bnt now thyare in grain or grass, with herds of cattle and horses crazing on timothy, or chard or native grass, where the stag, panther and bruin had their lairs. The industry of ber citizens is bringing the foot-hills into cultivation, and a great riety of husbandry is observed, ing of grains, sad fruits of all kinds, ex cept peaches, so that it can almost be said thst the people of Hamilton Creek dwell under their own vines and fag trees. Among tho enterprising firmsrs of ths neighborhood mentioned by our corre spondent, are Mr F Bellinger, with his thousand of a -re of land, and herds of cattle snd horses grazing on the banks of tbe Hamilton creek, in which the festive trout snsps at the hook of tbe Lebanon sport ; Jaoph S tltm irsh, wh i i a ra !er tbe eld Joe Hard as an (arm now being owned by Salt marsh A Reynolds, the old ftbln and log barns ot '52 bain; about i m down, now replaced by a fine whits bouse, with bay windows ,sni large frame barns. Ham lton creek needed a :hol house bad, nd so it citizens went to work and stibscrib? ! $50, $49, $35, M and down to $.;. Certainly when all pulled together tbst way something hsd to pop, which means that a school he use will be built. Th' v understand matters rightly when they s'ate that the school houe helps develop tbe interests of s community. W would like to hear further from onr Hamilton creek correspsndsnt, and ea well from all precincts of the county. Dr. O Toole is improving bis place on Fret Street by puttiu j down a new side walk. ftrkoel Kepert Monteith A Seitenbach Sternburg store. iu the Senders Yhr Lisa Ceaaty reaarll P. ef II slave Adopted Ihe Osborne Seir-blodera sad Mowers. For sale by W. H, Goltra, Albany, who hss sold forty binders to this date and will ell at least another car load, which has been already ordered Any wanting binders or mowers are cordially invited to call and ex amine the durable aud light-draft Osborne, which ia the only binder iu tbe market the has the "tV. Youn i haotter" of which tbe Scientific American so proudly speaks, and Cynu II McOormick in his own words said, "The Oebotne hat the JtneM knotting device in he United State to-day" and he trie 1 to boy rt for the McCormick Binder. W. H. GOLTKA. RarrUbnr Ssbdaed As told us Harrisburg has a bully who needa attending to. although it seems that - j r v the people there are afraid to do an thing. W ednesday he got into a quarrel with an old gentleman, pulled his beard and shipped him in the face, then pounded another gen tleman who advised the old gentleman to go home, snd iu the evening, without any prov- icatioa, thrashed a drummer of advanced age, so badly that he had to go bed. Noth ins was done, we understand. The above is 0 as told us, and is one side of the affair. - I arte Toss's Caeln hand, which we regret, as they deserved an extended notice. Monteith A Seitenbuchhave moved to the Senders A Sternburg corner, where their old and new customers will find them with a splendid stock of goods. YY. C. T. U. Regular meeting of the W. Q T. U., July 8th at 8 o'clock, p. m. All of lifers please remember that this is the time for the quarterly reports and come pre pared. Expect the presence of Mrs J E Foster at this meeting and request the members to be present, also extend a cordial invitation to all others to attend Mrs. M. J. Townsend, Mrs VY. S. Pkters, Proddest. Secretary. a Mrs. Fosters Lecture. Frank M Daly, of the Uncle Tom's Cabin Combination, called on ns Thursday of last week just after we had gone to pi ess, which accounts for the advertisement of tbe en tertainment not appearing in onr columns, and consequently our not being present at the rendition ef the play. We had the priv ilege of seeing the street parade, though, in which six blood hounds, duly mussled, two donkeys and six darkeys presented some martial musio of a hiah order. We under stand that the treup is a good one. A Sood ahewlag. Barsalas la Bustle I now offer buggies, backs and every thing else In my Hue cheap. Bargains thst will suit any one wbo wishes to pur chase. Call at onco. Frxd Willbrt Albany, June 36th, 1884. Custom sirladlas. Tbo following is the standing of tbe scholars in District 24, in deportment and scholarship for the month commencing June 2nd and ending June 27th. Stand ing ranges from 1 to 50, below 50 inferkr. from 53 to 03 fair, from 65 to 75 good .from 75 to 90 superior, above 90 very superior : Maggie Minzeninier. Kosie Watson Alttba Powers Robert Watson Ueorge Minzenmier.. Alfred Freer R&en Pe;er Freerksen.... Charley Caldwell.. Willie Caldwell Johnnie Powers ....94 Clyde Powers Ida Freerksen Stena Freerksen Su-de Caldwell Li-zie Minzenmier Sarah Minzenmier Nellie Caldwell Marvin Turner Willie Powers Froddio Minzenmier.. Seth Caldwell Ira Liles Thomas Clemmens. I u the aboye S. stands for scholarship, D. for deportment. A least Mesxs, Teacher. i ..... S. D. ....94 97 93 $ aSMi US 92 9$ 90 91 91 93 ..... 9o 89 90 91 9t .....91 9$ 88 89 92 97 ...... 9v 96 100 -....frf 100 44 9 94 97 93 91 98 fc 93 91 92 9t 92 89 90 80 The grist mill of Charles Turner, at the north end of Broadalbin street is now in complete repair, and is ready for grinding wheat for the farmers of Linu county Give him atrial. Mrs. Foster the great orator and lec turer, will lecture at W. C. T. U. Hall Angeles, Cat, intends to have his quartz In this city Tuesday evening, July 8th, at 8 o'clock. 25 oents admission will be charged to defray expenses of lecture. The citizens of Albany should net fall to hear the gifted lady. mill in operation inside of a month. Silver- ton Appeal. Conversation with men wbo have been in different parte of the Northwest elicits the fact that it is, what people call, dull every where, and perhaps there is as small an amount ef the article in Albany as any where. According to the report of County Treas urer Peery, now on file, in tbe Clerk's of fice the following good condition of our finances is presented. Cash on hand, general fond, $7,139.51 County School fund ti,235,5g State school fund 71,89 The county is new completely out of debt with the above amount In the Treas ury. What county can present a better showing ? a Ladies, misses and children's fioj shoes and slippers, juat the thins fur summer wear, tbo largest stock in the city at the Boot A Snoe j e. r Samch, E, iodng's. ST. JOHN. Last week, to the wife of W St. John, tho bridge builder, at Oakville, a son, weighing eleven pounds. WALTRIP.- Near '.hie city, on Saturday, Juno 28th, 1884, to tbe wife of B. al trip, a7i pound girl. MAaMtlKD. SILl-AN DERSON. On Wednesday, July 2ud. 1884. iu San Francisco, at the real denoe of the bride's parents, corner of De Hard aad Solano streets, MR. ueo. w Sill, formerly of Albany, aud Miss Byra Asdkrsok, of San fraucisco. We extend congratulations, and wish the vouns couple a happy and prosperous life. asIKD The grove meeting appointed for North Palestine next Sabbath, by Mr Judy, has To a certain extent this dullness 1 been postponed for two weeks. Religious Service. Rev I H Condlt, of Albany will preach in Trinity Chapel near Knox's Butte on Sabbath afternoon, July 6th at 3 o'clock. COWAN. In this city June 27tb, 1884 Katib Cowan, daughter of Mr and Mrs C Cowan, aged 15 years, 8 months and S days. She sleeps in the valley so sweet, Bnt her spirit has taken its flight, So her form is bnt dust 'neath onr feet, But she is an angel of light. irup or Figs Nature's own true laxative. Pleasant to the palate, acceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painful in its ac tion. Cures habitual const! potion, billiouv ness, indigestion and kindred ills. Cleans es the system, purifies tbe blood.regolstes tho liver and acts on the bowels. Breaks up colds, chills and fevers,etc.,strengthena the organs on which its acts. Bete .bitter, nauseous liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sile by Fosbay Mason. Wttce Thst Frank DannaU is prepared to make cvir and to repair spring and wool matresses ami lounges at Daunals new factory west -nd oiniD"Jud'o Sirahans, rnlveraallst services. Rev I A McAllister will preach in theW C. T. U. Hall next Sunday titer, noon July Gth, at half past three. AU aro invited. Strayed. From farm of MilU nHyde, about two miles south of Albany, a jout Juno 13th, a lai-ge cow, about ten ye irs old, of deep rod color, with brand P on rigut aide. A ret urn to the above feum will be suitably rewarded. A. Lymbs.