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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the antl-1 am Kiver, onnosite awsr- tv . . . 00 hoda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at sa.11 seasons. . Postofticc9 Waterloo, Or. 4 1.urb Rlreeterjr. It. V Church. Proachina every Sllath, at 11 a, m. , and 7 r. at. by Rev. IV G. lr v;n n n Sahhath School at 2:30 P. M Prayer meeting every Wedueasday evening Kvanokucal Oitfiu'H. Preaching on Sab Kath at 11 x. si. . and 71 P. at. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. U dlieuuaugn, pastor. Com; rkoational Church. Senriceaevory Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath sh! t 2:30. Praver meeting on TkuMniv aveninir of each week. J. W . Harris, pastor. M R Church. South. Services held vrv Sabbath at St. Paul's M. K. Church, South, at 11 A. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. C. 11. Carson, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath it II i. u. and 7 P. m. Song service in the eveninc before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Bar. M. Juuy, pastor. Prksbttkriax Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth SU. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursdav eveniiur. Rev. Isaac H. Coadic pastor. Christian Cucrcii. Preaching everySab- nath at W. C. T. U. Hall,at 11 a.m & 7:JW p M. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock. u. Rev J T Floyd, pas tor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a ui., at Church on 4th St-eet. Sabbath School im neliatoiy a(fcr morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:i0 o'clock. T C Brownson, pastor. Tke arrat alreactk rala( reweUy and nrve bnic i. the leiiiunoie ault ol over twetity ycara .! iirai'tical exirioi,ce. uvd curoa with unfailing certainty Nervous anu phvaical debihty. srati nl wcmkiieoa, iirrutor- rhoea, proa ssftsssaasaj eiiiiaaions, i n p o tency , gfcanstM vtiaiity, pre ture decline anu luaa oi manhood mail its complications sou irwu ca produced. It enriches and punflea the blood atrenirthena the nerve, brain. tnuacJes, dljrUon. re productive onran and phvaicai and tnent! facuiwea It atops any unnatural, debilitatiujr drain upon the tcm. prevenUa involuntary loaaea, debilitalniif .Ireaau, seminal loases with the urine, elc..o de ructive U mind nTWly. It L a sure elmonator of aU kidney and Madder complaints. It contains no injurious ingreuienta To thoae suffering from the enleffecU of youthful indiacretions. a apecdy, th-.r-nusrh and permane it cure ia GU ARANTtEl), lnce 2 50 per botUe, or five bottles in case, with full di rections and advice, $10. Sent secure from obaerva Bon to any addresa upon receipt Ol price, or C. U. D., wo bead only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, 31C Kearney at, Kan Fraaeisca. Cat. CoosulUtions strictly tonfldential by letter or at ffl-e I RKF. For the convenience of itienU and in seder to insure perfect secrecy I hare addopted a pri--ate a-trestf under which all packages are forwarded. .Wf . . - . . TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to show its merits, will be sent ts any one trying- by letter, stating his sympuims and age. unicauoiis strictly conansanai. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Chronic and Special Diseases. YOTJINxi MEN Who hat be arrrxKixc FKOX THE Bete of youthful follies or huiacretioti, will do well to avail themselves of this, thegresteat boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DH. SPIKSEY will guarantee to forfeit $u00for every case Seminaie weakness or private disease of any kind or caracter which be undertakes and failg to curs. MIlsIX-AC EJ MCI. There are many at the age of thirty-Sveo sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuatina of the blsd often accompanied by a slight szuartingor burning tiu and a weakening of the system a manner e patient cannot account for. On examining the trinary deposits s ropy sediment will often be found tod tffrii small partieles of albumen will appear, jt the color will te of a thin nulkiah hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which L the second stage of seminal weakness. Int. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such esses, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Omci Hoc as 10 to 4 and 0 to ft. Sundays from 10 toll a. m. Consultation free. Thorough exminatiuf nd advice, $S. For private diseases of short standing a full course medicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, vnt to any address on receipt of 910 00. Call t- -ddresa, DE SPM.ET a CO., 71 No. 11 Keamr St. San Francisco. Cal To the Unfortuoate ! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. QQ hEAT aT., UwO corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisrw. i Established in 1SS4, for I the treatment of Sexual I and Seminal Diseases, suck as Gonorrhea. Cleet, iStrietare-.Sypklllsin al iita forms, Impslrory Semlaal Weakness, nlirht lasses by dreams, rim pies on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not tail to call upon him. The Ictor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various nospi isla there, obtaining a great deal of valuable liuonna t:on, which be is competent to impart to those in need of his seryioea. DK. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY BE 1 KEI AT HOME. All cor munications strictlv coofidentiai. You see no one bu. the Doctsr. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the DSDer thev see this advertisement in. Charges rev sonahie. Call or write. Addrass Oil. J. P. GIBBON Box 1967, San Francisco. vln43 RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS. FARM ao saw MILL ERGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First naaUs. THIS WELL KNOWN nOUSE HAVE OPENED a Branch Office and Hmi waa sat f ss L'i-. .i.t vid Taylor StreeU, Portland, Or., where they will o J. . m K lortabi od Stationary Saw MiU, Portaola Tiaction and Stationary engines and boilers. "New Massillon" threshers, hr, Write for illustrated catalogue sent free addresi'fnara- fit tl.tSS V ,., V VMIO J l')' .l . f Kl'SSELL'A Co., Portland, Oregon. PATENTS Obtained, and ail other businessfin the U Office attendeded to for moderate fees. S. Patent our office is opposite the U.S. Patent Office, and we aaii obtain Patents in less time than those remote tom Washington . oena modle or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ; and we mike no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the 8upt of ey oruer iiv. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms, and eferetices to actual clients in your own State or county, address C. A. SNOW & CO, Oupesitej Patent Office, Washington, D . Farm for Sale. One hundred and forty acres, ' nine miles aboye Lebanon. 40 acres in cul. ti vation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa. Comfortable dwelling, good ojthouses. Cheap. In aire at this illljJUVrilAlLHlB fS i Saw Mssawca ffice. Br. ABERNETflY & Co.'s VITALIZED. MANHOOD Hv using the great Yttallzer, lh King ol all Restoratives. THK King or U Known itomodleM. I RESTORED r2M4I!!rv r,,......f i irii'a known. II avva mhw..i ."-.. 3 ,iervou, .,,,. u wu dewiiutod function .1,. h i lis k tlnov : U pre cm i..wi ...... th.. m ,1.11. from unnatural causes I It euro. ! , i i. ulntnlcs mi tho Uoe ; lot. 0(1110111- rv, rclsxed condition ol to nervous sw..ii....m.v-- !,;,;, WUrumicn. .m aii urinary I nose who inn iaiifw -" .W.W " 111 ,. .-,.,., liuMtatalv irlvo tho MUnxrr iria;. of all. It Iim never falle-l t a aimt'o '' ",v tMinmnv will pav -kK) for it ,..t..r nhoUiorVoaiPlloatol not. Tlio , oiiil-n tlon of the Yitallaer is sach that It -urea uoth UM ....i ..... Thla Lowing to a prsutual ..v.riei.U of 30 vor. Ir. A. 4 Co;, will BarauUH a MMMM I'ure in eor ........... ....1 .tu.'i. a. 111.-. one to Uireo nioninn rvui"-. V.. i i .-ti- .1 ..1.1 f..r tli. Will Ih.' refxiiulotl or forfeitl. Call or write for our OlMHjrvatioH .... i ...I..,.,. I wlii-h will nal'lo ln' .offeror to an- .1... ...r .Kll Ktl. .,!.. M IHAl , n ,1 -. .i . ,.,..i: I.,.-., .,. ., nHitiilito for hi. atHvlal Vllt? l'I,l'l .V...V-.. . , t ,V. ... k'm i'.,nhikm ; . Prioe I the irreat tUlLor. 6. or aix bottles ami SSSSSSW. St rmia-HT to tYaa Moar Cas a't h ai Ra..on , ... mA Iirlr l II raaw . i"-r- ., .. .,,!.- ... LAUICw their hualuaUlo aid an.l wy i-ure obUiiHHl. Our rYnialo Monthly rtna ri' oi- nrtiaaMHl aa a regulator, aoul on receipt, i"1". W.00. . l arner Mnth. SIS I'rtlSf I'fO. ttf-Tuko Market and Valoai -t Street lUinwy .anic Carafrom the torr , ete. I 1- tw1 ......... .v . Tiiiimiir I 1 THE GREAT LAKE ROUTE Vi Palace Ntcamanlpa. l oi in Dtiluth. Minn, evorv wt'ok tlsv. Kridav ey.itito,l ) via Lake Mune slnr smith shore n rts to Port Huron, Mlrh.. Detroit. Mich.. tcvolautl. Ohio, r.rlc. Pa., unit fJiiifalo. N , iHmnectK'iiM mado at Port Huron, Mich., with Urand Trnak K ror all the Canadian jxini-i, ami i irweland. Krlo aad Bniralo with tlio Ureal Trunk Line lor aU Ktstorn points Vary a lonp umIious journey by taking the Rail and Lake lloute. ir vonr tirkut scent csuiict foralah Lbfl required tiekot, poroaEM to Uulnth. and our agent at that ort w ill furnish yau a through ticket and check your bagge to ilsotliTiinn 4'. Cs.FK.l.NKLlX. W. W. Pass AgU. Ht. Pnal.Minn D.A.fJHRs!TY,At,Uuluth.llinu Administrator's Notice. OTICK IS 1IKRKHY UIVKX TUATI be undtrignal Iiah len duly ap- nointed AdiuinittrHior f the Htlo l Nancy Martin, deceased, by the County Court, of Ldnn cotinty, treon, That all persons having claiutH ag;aiut said estate are reiiuired to present the name with the proper veuchera therefor duly verified to the uideraigned at his residence in AN bany, Oregou within ix months from the date thereof. Albany, Oregon, June 3rd, 18M. S. U. Ikvijsk, Powell HUHJ, Administrator. Attorneys. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. for the wurUog class fwud lo crols for postage, ami we will tuail tree, s royal ltuM but ui seoiple K'Kids tliat will put vou ih the s f mak uij; ror moey in a few 02s thai, you tur th.u;ht possible at aoy Ditsmeaa. Jittai out required. U will start yvu. lou can work all the tune 'r la tiare time only. The work U uuiveraally I ;..! to both sexes, young; and old. You can easily cam from 50 cents to $3 every evetiins;. ' That all bo nt work may teat the business, we inak- I!.:, ui:i.arat.!lel ed i iff or ; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble f wnUn us. Full particulars, directions, etc , snt free, lortu.ica will He made bv thow a ho irive thtrir whole tim lithe work. Grrat success absulutaly suir. DsSrt delay SUrt now. Addresa BTiSson A. Co., I'ortlan.i, Maine run DR, LIEBIC ri..l- . . 4 ) r M., Sn Fr . .. . i Cal (..Miuct J liv tjuaMie-1 ! , y i. uiti Slid Sui gtonareyUlar t iluatcs. lle ;lut.t iiaVu iti thi I luted btaits, li'i: t. i. eapcrieDcW 4rrfi.t n.etl.. U i..i pure medicine ll.ture , ,dy ai.d vtlnaiieul cures t all t'nate. I Li. i.W and Nervous IHhimh Affection i4 the Blood Skin, Kulntis bladder. Eruptions L'lccra, Old Srcs, nmeJiing of the lais. Sore Mouth, Throat l. l'a.n4,M:niiaiie!.i' v cured and cradi calcl f the tff !iK- EKKM UeeititT, IsauotSSKie, beiiiinal bsM, Kt Jiial !".-av. Men tal and i hj.ical V.'cakneas, Failing Memory, Weak Lyes, h tun ted Ue veloffment.linpediment. to Marriajre etc. f rem excess or y wot hfu i Mlies, or any cause, sj-ceuily, rafcly and I'rivatcly cured. Isaac. MiddlfAcrd and Old men, and all who need medical skill and extierience, consult the old European Physician at once. His opinio i costs notninir, auu may snvs future misery and aha me When in. -of i ven i it. i to visit the city for treatment, medicines ai be sent everywhere by express free from observation. It ia self evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, and physicians through out the country,ktswintf this, frequently recommend difficult cases U the oldest siwcialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. The loctora age anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance. jarTbose who call see no one but the Dcctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases successfully treated The Doctor will asTBS to forfeit f 1,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured, Csll or write. Hours, daily, from 9 a. m. to 4 o. tn.. 6 to evenings ; Sunday, 10 to 12 only. Send for the 8anitarUt Guide to Ilealtl sent tree. Address as above DB. 1.1! UK. n WoBderfal Cermai Invlgorslor Permanently prevents all l.'tinatural Losses from the Mian, tones the nervea, strengthens the muscles checks the waste, invigorate the whole system, ami restorea the afflicted to Health and Happitie. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Protatorrhca with llyperaetbesia which requires peculiar treat toent. Dr. Llebig's In vigorator is the only positive 'jure for Protatorrhca with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liebig uiinsary . Price of Invlsorntor, 'i. Case of six bottles tin. Sent to any address, co . ered secure: from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the Invijrorator A Wt Kollle f.lvcii or m ul 1'ree. Consultation free and pri ate. Call or address i n i:h. mspEVvtKV. 400 fieary Street, San Francisco, Cal. Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, four blocks u Geary Street from Kearney, Main entrance thruug Dispensary Drug Store. o The Bcyebs Gfide is Is sued March and Sept., each year: U10 pagcf?, fcixllV inches, with over 3,iH)0 illustrations a whole pic ture callcry. Gives whole sale prices direct to contumera on all goods for personal or fomi'y use. li ils. bow to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable MOaveofv tain information gleaned from the lust icets of the world. We will mail a c;.7 Free to any address upon receipt of the pottage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Bespectftilly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. tS? Ac 2K9 Wabash Avenue, Calcaao, 111. A COOD ( fllM t; FOH SI HM Kl KM. To every subscriber to the Demoobat who pays up his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we mil have sent to him tho "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a largo eizht page, forty column, monthly pap,. , and is full of excellent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social' science, domestic medicine, hints on hoalth, cookery, etc. his affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the paper sent to them will please ciofts Ba"k a f ( 'tn a Afi v-traw i r nr i ho! v nnriiii a sef ).' o( the pi iuclpal organs 01 U"".T "" " V T . as ft Nervine. Itlit powerful, permanent and do Urminod Apnordlalac It is en Alterative end Ap- 1 . .:....ll,,t Hun mllU. II relieves weak- . . . I. ...1 luiHlIt 11IMH1I W I w v AAA v UAjj 9 9m luvll OU UWZl ip Uon. MM Infants and Children Without Morphine, or Narootlna. What jrtvoi our Children roar cheeks, Whut cures their rovers, uiskas them slofpi Til Csatorla. Whn nilr fret, end err ftjr turns. Whut out-oa ihoir cllo, till. iioir nrmi Hut Cast uriiv. What n'!''k'y wirwi CnnatlMUon, Sour SU'iiiiuh. t'oUa, lmllKtllon j It tit Srnrfa. Farewell h,n to Morxihlnc Brrups, t iM. r il una laroitirio, ami Hull I'wint In. ggflWr i-lnimont.-Aa ab- aolnto cure for Rhonmatlim, Sprains, Bnrns, Qalls, &o and aa ixuttautauoous Paln-rolleror. TUTTTS Dll I ft I U 8 TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA From thoso sourcoa ario ihi lottrthn of Uo llcaaoa oi the human raw. Those bv in ptoms Indicate the In-1 Appetite, llovrcls eostl at he, fullness after etl xistenoo : aos or costive, aiek Ilaad- , srnln IO ores t rine, lunanraiiwni '" tnand the uso of a remedy that arte directly on the Liver. AaaLlvormedioiuoTITTT'll PI I. LB have noe-iunl. Their action on mi Kidiiovsnnd Sklnlealao prompt; romorln.i nil lmpuritloa through thee Uireo acmw rncers of the srstsm," pnxluclng anpe the, sound digestion, ajol, n Wear ..kin sum a vigorous ooay. Turra ru.i muse no nausea or griping nor lulcrfcro with dally work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, bold everywhere. Olfc. Offiee.4t storray t..N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. gbat Hair OS Wliat chHiigtHi in- r v stnntly to atlti-vsr Hua k iynsini" plication of this lTi . its DTK. btui ny uruggisut. or sent by exprwas on rroipt r 9 1 . Offlro, 44 Murray SirewlyNew York. nn'8 MANUAL OF USEFUL HECEiPiS f RLi. WlTHuUT THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CUHErffito aftuslasedistse - Pals ta tAsftask. btssv kesA. as ttasSa. .0...1 Sllti.UssSsyse. eeaTAeUky . Sl Ue lJ, 1,.11 SlMMUrpft UIW.SSM. saslaal IsaeelesiSB;, sssaftsssj. SssiH SB r npanj eeiswa, asts otiury of taeCrwrttATIVKOBCiAV llaUtv. Lank .fiwi. hn, li via V Lsisssi.aeA eil tAeae SL.ssas sfsss from ahataver cause, the rwntloaoas) turn prmitUw Ikr.ast tbo ssna ass ta a bealtky aetteav TOsie la no acpitabLn. AB00MINAL 3UPfK)flTIR. TO THE LAOIES:-&Cli " "Sreralata. .'.rv.ea Kaaaa4ea.ayspseels.ssslta ttljsssn ef Oi Ur Weak A.l Im, S.llra res, an Abdou.laai Sell aaaaparroTSlaaTHTUo root m , ttl She r.Uef and cure cf all Dm, i-oBiplalaas. The carry a pwwerf ui uafuuo toxps lo lae ssaS of ftas Wmw las. Baak. WaaksasaeT tke aU, Fait, tea r IS otS. La.ikja. Car. ! letegie. Sss mm t'lewratlea atlkm Wees a, laeMeelal If ess. r rieedlesj. raJeral. SiKia' aae if Si.s mmd rM(. ef kai U tke Best AssyUasMW aad CaraU.e Aeat For ail form, of Frsaale mftVailUM It to usasjr. aasssd by anyihinif brr.ra In.rnud. a.t aa a srsisl.s saaaataaaaaaaottreecf power and vitalise IPia. PrksiofelSkerllanwRhMatraaiii- rH liatsertea. IIO. Sentby eapmas C. O. t . and 1 tandnat in allowed . or by aaalioa reoei(.t of r:- In orderli,. arnd ssaswre off waist aad slse ot .h.w to-r- ..tuacocaa be made ta ear- it in ntw at ';r r x. Osonrnu are anaptM to an agas. are aa Bead atasp for the New thjaart sart Wtthewt Meatalae. " with t ure In Wd1al of THE JxlAGMCTOTr A PPIJLA NCT! OO- KO,AaV DR. ALLEN'S I'BIVATE DlkPETiaAST, .',. Kraraj ir n, Asa Fisurisro, Cal., KaTASLISIIED loft TUB SciKSTiriC AX0 srSBOT I'll OF ClIROSIC, KaaVOt'S AUU rr., 1 u. DlSKSSKS THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, fftli. AI.LKX, AK IS WKI.f. KNOWN, IH A IIKJ B filar ifMduaUd PIivhk tan, tdu. aU! al lSuwdoln Collcire and D filvertitvof Michigan. lis lias devoted a lifetiine In the Ntnduf the trvtment and curs of diseases within his specialty. And middle aged mm, whonre suflerifnrfr.ini the SJHCta of euthful indiscretions or eseesscm in nia- Hirer vears, nervous atifl nhysical debility, InifMi tetieu, lost maiihood, cfiiifusion of ideas, dull eyes, sversion to society, despondency, ilmples on the lace, loss of energy and ineuiory, frequency of urinat intr, etc sWaUBM tnlier the !).. a Vegetable Com- iMiund, the result of many years nx"-lai practice and hard study, which under bis sfiecial advice baa never lancu 01 success in the cure of Cost nianood.prostator ruira, cvc. my imariTAL expebiencb. narlnf been surjreon in charifs of two leading hospitals) enables me to treat all private ill Drtvale truub with excellent results. I wish it distincti un excellent, rexinis. 1 wtsn It distinct V under lies, 01 n tot id that 1 do not claim to perform imposaibillies, or to have miraculous or sutiernatural power. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician and urg-eon, thoroughly informed in my specialty DlftEAftEft OF MAM. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no experimenting-. I will guar autre a iiuvc cure in every case l undertake, or forfeit 1 .000 Consultation in office or by letter free and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including cnemicai and microscopical analysis 01 urine and :ui vice, 5. Office hours 0 to 3 daily, to 8 evening'. Sunday 9 to n. van on or auurcss IB. ALLEN, carney itre San Fisn PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec.18S2. f3,295,326 Premium income 2 007,139 Safe, reliable and rniiuk to nnv in no aa of aas. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, FOR ALE. Two building lots fenced near depot. One house and lot on . Third Street. One house and lot on Lyon Street, Inquire at this ofllee, For Mile. A tat of coifer for distil era, second hand in tfrstc s, condition wii be a Id cheap, inquire of John iriffga. tin r aertlou of body or mind. Krucisuon of food, KrrltsvMUtr of tamper, 1a. vv spirits, A feeling of aaawtsMf soma deny, Bflaaae. BlnUaHwsr at th Heart, lots be far the sres. highly rol- wwwt OH, SJ Um. kaeata Warasayd err. last . HlaSSll huI atari .treasa of Mssrao ssaitrsstinf salatake atwutU s s TaeMssrneften Worn over the un lr ci iuung. .l sail te kewy Bke the aaaay Oalvaata aae n.easSa H. kaaw aAssrtlseS ears !!, d and skutild be taken off a nlartit, ThT hold thsir J.S rfin mm ,aaa " smith, Albany. FRIDAY JUNE 27, 1884. Ill MOIIOl MATTEKH A dude ia a 50-cent man in a 50 dollar suit of clothes. The following to a copy of a notioe w I pasted up in the Council Bluffs, Iowa, police station : "No loafers allowed here, except police." a gentleman wno leu asleep wito a a .a i a i i t e.a ot of matches in the pocket of his pea- jacket, woke up and found that he had a smoking jacket on. "No, Amanda; no. They do not open the campaign with a can opener. They do it with a corkscrew. How Hi' tie, alas 1 do women know about jkjIi- tics. M Old darkey ''Boa. please loan de olo man a quarter f "Why, uncle, you owe me fifty cenUi now." "No I doan ; data cancelled by de atatuo of limita tioo." No girl in Norway ia allowed to havo a beau until she can make bread. In this connection it may be stated that Norwegian girls I earn to make bread at a very early age. Boh Hurdette says : Don't be a fa natic. Don't bo a prohibitionist luna tic Just simply don't drink. All the whisky in America can't make van drunk if yau don't drink any of it." A itory is told of an old Scotch lady who nfuaad to be comforted by the past 01 'a assurance that when be left she would have a better pastor as bis suc cessor. "Ns, aa," she said, "I bae seen foutteen changes in '-he minis tars since I attended tbe kiik, and every ana has bean waur than anithar." An Indian, on being asked what be waa doing now, answered : ''Well, I hunt aome.uab aome and preach some." "Where do you preach f -'Up on tbe creek bottom." "Hw much do they give you V "'Bout $50 a year." "That's mighty oor pay, isn't it 7" "Wrell, but it's mighty poor preaob." An intoxtcatesl husband on reacbiog home seized an umbrella from the rack, opened it, and proceeded to bis wife's bedroom. "Are you crazy I 'exclaimed tbe grieved and indignant roattom. 'No," replied be in an unsteady voice, "but hie I aupoaed tbere'd be a storm, so I'vs hie come prepared for it." A gentleman made bis way ioto tbe bed chamber of oue of his fi lends, and found him fsst asleep with a pair of spectacles upon bis nose. "What I" cried he, awakening bim. "do yon wear youi spectacles "bile you sleep t""Ob P replied the ether, "I am ao near aigbted that without my glasses I could aae aothinc whatever in my dreams." rare lab ibm k A Hatful mucilagofor label, etc , cm be made ef two ounces ot dextrine dis solved in one ounce of acetic acid and five ouncea of wafer, and tbe addition of about an eunce ef alcobel when the dextrine is well diaaelved. Tbe IiritUh Government, under the pressure of the recent progress ef rail road construction in tbe north west provinces of India, ia about te try tbe experiment of sinking artesian wells to secure an abundance of fresh water at, all seaeoaa in that important part of the empire. Already the stores necessary for tbe wcrk have been shipped, and tbe initial attempt will be made at Agra Mr. K. Wetbored baa investigated tbe structure and formation of coal. lie concludes ( 1 ) that some kinds ef coal were practically made up of spores while ethers were not, tbeae varieties often occurring in tbe beds of tbe ssme seam; and (2) that tbe ee-called bituminous coal waa largely composed ef tbe sub stance wbicb ha termed hydro-carbon to which the wood tissue bad contribut ed beyond a doubt. Mr. Richard A. Proctor holds that f the full power of tbe arms and legs can be so applied to ingeniously arrang ed mechanism as to work wings more or less resembling those of a bird, there is little reaton of doubting man's pow er of sustaining himself in the air, and even travelling with great rapidity through it. Probably, he adds, it will be much easier for bim te sustain him self while travelling rapidly onward than while hovering over tbe aame spot. Good housekeepers are frequently annoyed by oil marks on papered walls sgsinst which careless or thoughtless persons have laid their heads. These unsightly spots may be removed by making a paste of cold water and pipe clay or fuller's earth, and laying it on the surface without rubbing it on, else tbe pattern ef the paper will then like ly be Injured. Leave the paste on all night. In tbe morning it can be brush ed off and the spot will have disappear ed, but a renewal of tbe operation may be necessary If the oil mark is old. "Wby do you alwaya wear a bunch of flowers in your buttonhole ?" inquir ed Miss Fussanfeather, while Mr. Titepants was calling tbe other even ing. "Oh, it gives one an air of freshness," responded the poetical young men. "Well," replied the young Isdy frankly, "I don't think you need sn artificial means to prove your fresh- nes8. And then Titepants went out and sats on tbe hitching post tw think ib over. Tbe buttercup is the floral symbol of I ingratitude because cultivation makes its bad qualities worse. -HI MUl.t.lll HoOattn t At the houso Abd sked if she had any e irpet to boat, addiog that be haU boeu in t lid bnsineaa over twenty yean. "How much to bout the pnrlor car pet V she asktd. "One dollar." 'Why, tbat'a awful ! Thero waa a m m m T-ld offered to do tbe job for fifty oents." "Exactly, madam, but how was he prepared ?" "He had a olub in bis hand." "I presume so. He intended to ake tbe carpet out on a vacant lot, didn't be 1" "Yes, sir. Our yard is too smalljou know. " "Exactly. That is a tapestry brus- seis carpel. It i badly worn. It bas numerous boles in it. He would make a great show in Bellinir it out and in there. Out on the lot be would give yen away te every one who asked who tbe carpet talentied to. Is that tbe way to do a job of tbis sort V "How do you do ill" "I lake the csriiet out through the alley. I wheel it home. I beat it in a yard surrouuded by a high board reuw',u" w"" 1 rurn"g nioctj rouea up auu covered with a olotb, if any one asks me what I have, ft saa a a s.a I reply that it is a velvet esq et for No. 224 Blank street. If no one asks me aoy questions I call at the bousea on either side of you and ask if they have ordered a new Wilton. They watch me and see ms come in here. Madam, in the language of the Greek, do you He was given the job. ctBieia rai-ra. A poisonous snake cannot kill one of its own species with its venoas,and can only slightly injure any other poison ous snake. The highest salary received by any woman in tbe Kngliab telearrapb service ia $1250, and only a person who bas served ten ears as matron can have that Germany, It baa been shown, annu ally produces more new books than any other country, llecent returns declare the number brought out in 1883 14,KC2, while Grrat Hritaia produced CI 45, and tbe United State only 3481. An Koglisb naturalist asserts that some of tbe flocks of swallows which a a a I era . f s a e return to me iriiun snores in tin spring are so large that when tbey reach .1 I a It . - . m toe ianu ana aiigtrt to teat they cover the beach for a distance of a quarter of Italian masons sksn ih.v l-rrin tn . , , j . uuiu a no use, uim a uerp pu.inio wr.icn i. .,! iu i, a r.n Is - . r" w pa see ew " iviilll aa foot or two of tbe top. Water ia then poured in until the pit is filled, and the mixture i left to itself, care bein taken only to add water, aa that 3rs put in ia evaporated or absorbed. As mortar is wanted, a portion of tbe lime is taken from tbe top of tbe mass, but tbe lower portion, which will be used to mix with the plaateiing mortar, re main! undisturbed tot years, and ac quires a smooth, pasty quality much prized by the Italian architects, who place a value upon tbe lime which tbey use for such puqiesea projKirtionate to the length of time which baa elapsed sinca it was first alaked. . A little boy was Called as a witn yesterday in tbe (Quarter Sessions. Ha was all over trembling. "My boy," Said Assistant District Attorney Kin aey, smiling like a good father, "do you knew the nature of an oath V "Ob, y-yes, sir," answered the boy. "Well, il you ibould tell a lie and die, what would become of yeu ?" "I should become a mummy, air." It Is an ancient custom at Norton, Worcestershire, England, on tbe 28tb of December (Innocents' Day) to ring a muffled peal in token of sorrow for the slaughter of tbe hapless "babes of Beth elem," and, immediately afterwarda, an unmufHed pea), in manifestation of joy for the deliverance and escape of the in fant Saviour. Te Rabacrlbers at Prlaevllle. Many of our subscribers at rVloeville have requested us to name aome one a Prlnevllle to whom they could pay sub scriptions. For the convenience ol all eur subscribers at that place we have left ac counts at the office of J. N. Duncan who will receive and reoipt far subscriptions due or to become doe to tbe li: mock at. FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furniture In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city and tbe lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN. S2600. Good farm, ene mile west of Brownsville oa the read leading to Lalsey, containing 102 aorcs, oak ridge land, some tiae oak groves, all enolesed, 75 acres in cultivation, a young orchard and shrubbery ; good barn and fair house, two good wells with pumps. Price S2600, one years time on one half amount if desired, with security on premises. Call at premises or addresn D. A. Carter, Ean, Grant oounty, Or. m 0 atrial Direr tary. tats. U HHenatorH-IIon J II Klaier. Hon J N l)olph. Congressman f c (Jaorae. Nnpreme Court Judif0N-J H Waldo, W P Ixml, K li Wataon. Uovfirnor--. F Moody. HtMiretary ofHtate-H P Kaihart. ntate Treaaurer- VaI j l irsch. Hopt of Puhllo Instruction K IJ Mo- Klroy. circuit Judge (3rd dlst)-H I Br ls. Mat Atto.noy (3rd dlat)-'V il Holmos. OOTJXTY. Counly Judge 1 Kllnn. Couuty Conns. -John Ihoiii, H it Clay- pool. Clerk u ll Ntewart. Hlieriff George litiiuphrey. Treasurer J 11 Peery. Hchmd Hupt P A Mohan. Hurveyorf VH Iteld. ANHossor N 0 Dozler. Coroner Dr l :. U Irvine. crnr. Major - J, L Ulll. Recorder N J il en (on. Marshal I 0 Dinkey. Treasurer H Holtetihaoh. Thu public demand being for reduced taxation, there need be little doubt of the final verdict of tbe American peo ple when they are called on to pais upon that ism rr sair. , hreaana a nair acrea or gooa garcien llsaaa.laall (" . . . ..aa. 1 1 . aa SB A L. i . i - edge of tbe city. VYIll bo sold cheap at this ouVt ALBANY MALlBIaK WORKS, STA Hi Kit BROS. Proprietors ALBANY. ORCtiON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, I I I CA I )S I Executed In Italian or Vermont Mar!. Alan, every variety of rsamrtrv and other atone work done with neato auo di patch. Special attention given to onlcr fr-n, all parts of this State and WasiiiiiLrt" Territory. aaWAll srork ar.rraUl 1 lA'l Quimby House. Q0I1BT & EEESET, Proprietors. Car. ilia sand '. Nte.t Port laud. Or. sfaNK or Tin: i anu most W 9 oomiia-l hotals in orfgnn. Conduct lod boU ay Ataia and Kuropean plans All tho modern iiiimvoiiienta. HO Isod rooms, well furm-hrd, liirbt. snd wo rooms, ventila ted. First- I resting r vn, evat-r a -a 1 all barber Snap. An latest in vanloacjs BOOKS arprutrrH, Architect. But Idem, Hartalnlat, F.le. 0SB0RN& ALEXANDER, 62B Market St.. Man Franriaro. Mechanics' Tools Hardware, and .Marin lie i . Catalogue of all -ur f 1 seut free un apical; m W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm IMachinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. PATENTS MTTWN m CO., of the BfrsSTino AairnrrAM. con tinue loset ss Solicitors for i'utctirs. Cut pats, Trade Marks. Copjrrisats. for Uw UnUc.1 8tnu a. Csnsdsv Kngland. Franca, Germany, eic llunU llook about a'atenta sent trav TUIrty-sivpn years' sipsrlenoe. - .... M. ..I. ,'' .... . I .. . rwwinnwiiiaa emiuxu uu.1.1 avu.innwuDn to the Bci KVTino Aaticiuc.t s. the lamest , I est, and t. I est, a lilMsye most, wiueiy circuiatoa scion tino paper. Weekly. Bplondld enjrrSTlnara and In Basaudld anarartnes and Intereatlns In formation, epscunen copy of the HcleatiSo Asaer leaa seat free. Add MUNN A CO., Sctsurrnraf aaaatosil Omoa, an UruaUwsy, New York. D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet S TJ BSOBIPTIOSr San Francisoo, Gal. "HEALTH AND HOME." Port Gnestsr N. Y. Circulation 63,ooo. Edited by W. H. HALE, M, D This is large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hints en health, dietetics, and every realm of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy, Subscription Price 50 cts, Per Year. Address. DR. W. H. HALE, 'Health an d'Home." Fort Chester, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber of tho Democrat who rays up or ju advanoe. JULIUS QRADWOHL Ilea (be ealj eaelBalse alerk I KERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Eaby Carriages, ' - And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and 8ng ONE DOZEN CUPS AND 8AUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. thi: iik.ii! ! nanHKTPCE paid fob istis s Remember! What 1 Say I lean. Oiva Hi a OalL GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- vnomMfOMM of ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IK Imported and Domestic Cigais, Candle?1 Nuts and Albany, Nr. I BELOW AT THr OLD STAND. Ti FIBS1 STKEET, HAS AHSfiKTMKXT OI' COOK, BOX AND PARLOR e 8T0ES AND RANGES. ia n) Utfu-s lo ! wsajtof. Me m no I tn porta and tnanularlure TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE . .1 , VI. KY rESC!tllJTJN IN NTK K HAND. A rULL A.'ftiJKlMOT Ur GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH HE OFKEKS TO THIt PUBLIC AT PRICKS, THAT DEFY N M i'ETITD N. CA LL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done C. C ORKKRY. C.I l)ll( ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEKRY & PAP.KES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WK UAVKOUR NEW SHOPS ALL completrxl, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will uiauufarture Steam En al rasa. Grist arid Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass C astlnga. PATTUXS Villi on sstasT asmcs. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Shep aa Baker St. O Hire a Lasaacr Tarsi. Albany, Ur., Dec. 1, 18S0. inf HERE AT LAST. trier Leas and Weary Wall lax KeUef Is It runs k r to Those whs Need II. "Well Pat," suid an Lhanfs county Physician to a corn sSaaSafJ Irish psSSBSl OSSSS years ayn, "for that pain In your chest ou had better ko Ixane and put on a mustard plaster. 1 can't thinr this minute of anything better. And hy the way,' added the doctor turning to a friend, "I wish somebody would invent a real goud plaster something actually hcl?ul for such case aa Pat's. May be tbey a ill sometime, when its too late for ms to use it. When BENSON'S CAPC1NE POROUS PLASTElt waa placed on the market about leu years ago the doctor's hre became a (act. Because of tbe rare medical virtues inherent in it, its rapid action and surerssulta, the Caprine a (set displacing tbe alow acting plasters of former days, for all aSections to vhirh a plaster ever applicable. Price 5 cent-. In the middle ol the genuine is cut tbe word CAP CINE. Seahury A Johnson, Chemists, New Ycrk. The Great English Reme- dy. AWOt rVsaaaaSaaSC J a never failing cure lor Slk,Krvoua Debility, Seminal fHaB Weakness, Kxhausted Vi tality, Miennatorrhass, I.OM MASOOe, Im. potency, laralyaia, and all terrible t fleets ot Self Abuse, youlhful follies.aiid . ium iu maturer ycar- ucn as lose ot atsmory. sum to Society. Liimncss f Vision, Nsises in the Head; the ital fluid psssing unobserred into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death. DR. MINTIE will agree to forfeit five Haadretl Dollars for s case of this kind the a I tal eslo ra il vr (under his special advice and treatment'1 wi' set cure or for anything impure or inju ious found' a it. Dr. M in tie treats all private diseasss euonoaa.u without mercury. Consultation free. Th irougn ex amluatlnn and sdvlee including analysis of urine. Si . Price of Vital Restorative,1.50 s bottle, or four times the quantity ff , sent to any address upon receipt ot price or C. O. 1), obscure from observation and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearney street, Sen Francisco, Cal. Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, suiting symptom, sex) nd ao. Communications Strictly confldantisl. I Dr, MlnUe's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures all kinds of kidney and bladder cotnplaints.gortorrhaa, leet, leouchorrbaea. Fur sale by all druggists SLa otUe or six bottles for So. Dr. Mlntles Dandelion Pills are ths best snd cheap est Dyspepsia and Bilious cure in the .market. For sale by all dnimsts. Barnea Patent Foot aad Steam Power Scroll Saws. Circular Saxes, Morteters, Latin, Ttnontn, Former i, etc. OSBOEN & ALEXANDEE Sole Agents, 628 Market Street, San Francisco. Mechanics' Tools, Hardwaic and Machinery goods seat free on application. For Sale, One half block in eastern part of the city with fair housa'aud barn wil)bf-old ohearr Ussitude, Emission, Aver'TCurJTnir' ercarBU Syphilitic s xaPasJaaaPaSaaB & JOSEPH, Tobaccos, Groceries, Piovision Tropical Fruits. JOHN BKIOOrf STOKE. Oregon. Olf HANI) AS FINK AN UK HI UKUKK. ALUU, UK SKEW OS at reasonable figures. FELIX LE BR Preventive ana are. m remedy betas; isjected of those die easaa or OsefSeai rvqtnree no chance of diet ar crpottweoas mecactsea la when taken aa a weave it is impoMiblr to coutcart lint in tne case or u siatrly aflllr ted wnh W" gaaraatee S boxes to ears or wo the money. Price try Basil. t t r box . or. S boxes for aajOB. ifiuwl i y all aythonted aaaata. Dr. Felix Le jss-wa ef C V OOUAHD. C UARD. CUBE st -, AutbonssO Aaaajsa tlm aaad. SiTSlI CTafr JOKTUXl), ORECO. Ordrrs by mail will ; m ML E. C West's Nsbvb a JSC Baa I'm. a i toad apssrAB for Bratana. Dssai, neaa. (.onvnkstuna. r its. Nt 'its, jisrrtias aea Headssae. Nervous Proetsakton caaasd be tke nee of aloohol or 'olawce, Waksfshieas. Sea tal Da. prsaoioa, Seteaiag of the Brain rssaltiair is s aanity and Isarlssg to misery, daoay aad death. Prasaakara Old Ajre. Eaiiaiissaa, Loss of power in erSher sex. Ia voluntary I nssss. aed Spermat orracoa caused by orer-exertjoc of the be sis. talf abaoo or over-indulgeac. Each box coa tains one month's treatment. $1X0 a box. car six boxes to cure any esse. With eaok ardsr reoetTed by aa for six boxes, secompanisd with tAOJO, are will send tbe poreaaser essr wrrttea gaarantee te re fund tbe money if tbe txsatanent does not attest s cure. Guarantees iasaed only by W'OOOARD, I'LAItlL A CO Wia. ci log a la- ataaA 3E&ertaU. S3xaarsr3arta, POltTLAKD. OREGON. Orders by map - 11 receiv nrompt stntioa. LTH. EeRlcahaa Celdea Ralsasa Na. I Cures Chancres, first and second stages : Sores tbe legs and body ; 8yphili tic Catarrh, dissassd ms and all primary forms of tbe disease, keearn as By lulis. Price, 5 per bottle. IrRirhaa's CsaJes Ralsai i No. t Rlic!i!'.iatim. secondary stares. Pains in ths Bones. inrated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps, eta., sad eradicates all diseases from the system, whether caused by bed treatment or abase of mercury, leaving ths blood pure snd healthy. Price, SS per bottle. Sent everywhere C. O. D., securely packed per ex press. C. P. RICHARDS A CD.. Areata. 427 A f& Sansome street, Corner Clay, Ban Franciaou, California. ALBANV COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB A MY, OS. Thn Second Tens ends en Thurs day, January 31, 1883. mf For particulars concerning the courses oi tody and ths price of tuition, apply to KEY. EE.RERT S. CONDIT, Pressaaau Aloany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaform tho oitiseos of Albany aad vi einity that I have taken charge of this Bstablish men t, and, by keeping clean rooms and payia ttrietattontioo to business, expects to suit si those who may favor ns with their patronsge Having horotofors earriod oa nothing hat First-Class Hair lDreaai&e Saloons expect to giro entire satisfsctioa to al "OUdisB and Ladlss' Hair ntatlr 09 haapoood. JOS WEBB Kit, THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT HarrabargOreton, BAIN ifiditor ftPropr etoi1 ror etaaer SMT aWS to Sbs saa aanaseSal be Taaea imaqmmmf. essSf le a esaisn-a sHM rmhrmd NERVOUS DEBILaiTY 1 - - i alu a I