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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1884)
Ihe gemoctat. Enterjl at the P nt O.Ujo at Atbtuy, Or, as second class mail matter. FRIDAY. ...JUNE 27, 1884. 8TTTE3 & NUTTING. K Alters ail rroprletee. KKRD r. NSTrlVU. Local Official Coiaty ail City Papar. Oar CatrehUm. Q. Whetiaa Chinaman ? A. A conglomerated mixture of super at it ion, poor flesh and a p'g Uil. He Uvea on ten cents a day, and saves Ave sixths of all he earns, which he sends back to China, fo lowing it when he has made a certain amount. t. What is a most pusillanimous maa ? A. It la ene who, having plenty of the filthy lucre, begs the money to buy to bacco And then begs the tobacco, keeping the money. Q Has Albany any, A, Yea, too maay who are N. O. and deserve receiving the U. B. from the city. Q. WLat is enterprise. A. It la working intelligsutly and en thualaatically either for yourself or city, alwaya keeping both eyen well open for a chance to help beth, displaying a willing neaa to give op some of ycur own wealth for the benefit of the public, fostering everything that brings capital and people to your community. A city full of enter prielng men will be an enterprising oity, Q. Has Albany many ? j A. Some, but not enough-. Those who would do the most atrangwly enough, have the least capital with which to do it Q. What Is "pare cussednesC' A. It ia an Inelegant expression but a necessary one in many cases we have heard of. It means unadulterated mean ness, and is displayed by men who are everlastingly running their city down, lying about their neighbors, living on dry goods boxes, sponging everything they esn, and exerting a bad Instead of a good Influence whenever they And an oppor tunity, It is sometimes applied toother matters. For Instance an Albany man once gave an intelligent, noble looking dog to a man near Portland. The dog who liked his ingrate master here came hack home and jumped to lick the cheek of the latter, who, instead cf acting like a man, tied a Urge weight around the dogs neck and shoved him Into the river. Q, What is ingratitude ? A. It Is receiving favors from a person, and paving far them, when you get In a position where too care nothing for them, by heaping abuse on yeur former friends head, not paying him an honest bill, or slandering him at his back. There are men to be founi eighty miles this side of Portland who do this. ear Uu of Bx. Ac ly Fir One of the most destructive fires, to life, that ever occurred in Albany, hap pened last Suuday evening at 9:30. The 15x12 residence on the bank of the beautiful Willamette, just west of Mon teiths mills, setting in an imposing position where it could first be sees by steamers plowing their way south from Corral IK was arseniously set on fire by some wretched fire fiend and before the fire department could get stream of water on the burning building, every spider, bug, things that crawl and tramping beetles, were entirely con turned, not even their charred carcasses being left to tell the tale of their death struggles The frame ef the building was left. The house has on'y been oc cuoiod by tramps for several yeara, with the exception of the above earned in sects aud has b.-ea ot no use to any one, so that it's burning caused little more anxiety than that of being awakened from ones first slumber of the night The fire fiend spoken of above was probably S2verl Chinamen who had boon cleaning a pig ia thj building during the day. Meeasklaers and V 11 tastes HOME AND ABROAD. F M French, jeweler. River trout are being caught. The best harases at J J Dubruiile's . The Bugle ot Halsey has tooted its last The water in the Saotiam canal is low. Plenty of I J x 4 inch Aeoriug at Carters. The Skagit A'sws is to be half in Chinook. The population of Dayton, W. T., is 1743. Everybody says everybody is going to the circus. Black borries are plenty, and so is the price. Cot u ia growing well between Milton aad Centerville. That dry yellow fir lumber at Carters is splendid. Try one of those aelf binder whips of K. L. Thompson A Co. The Portland Stars beat the Seattle Reds last Suuday 17 to II. Harper $ ifetkly is obtaiuing an immense sight of free advertising. A new meat market has been opened juat east of the Revere House. It is stated that 2000 more hands will soon be put to work on 0 P R K. One Ostrich egg doea ten persons snd is equal to 28 hens eggs in weight Thunder steams are increasing in Oregon with the iacrease of population. A Walla Walla man is soon to be remarried to his divorced wife. Poor fools I One week from next Monday the new county officers will take their seats. A foot race ia to be run to-day at Mo Minnville between Martin and Lewis. Spring chickens are $4 50 and S3 in Pert land. Wool is 14 and 17c, flour $4.50, K. L. Thorn psou A Co s. harness is the cheapest to buy because it is the best N. H. Allen wilf sell summer cloaks, del man's, etc., at leea than first cost to close. Farmers will save money by buying their belting, and rurts of E. L, Thompson A Co, Mrs Potts Sod Irons and Enterprise ootfse mills just received by Peters A Bhun. Cheap Still greater reduction in price of Univer sal aad K ireka wringers at Peters k Hiatu s Dayton, W T has a library of 536 relumes. Though net extensive it speaks for the place, A registry law should be passed ia Oregon. It would prevent a great deal of illegal vot ing. The Court House has been improved by the introduction of several new locks aad latches. A splendid stock of American Swiss and limburger cheese juat received at Hoffman A Joseph 'a A maa named Hart killed 179 squix. els at Wallowa in three hours, or else some oue prevaricates. 1736 voters wore registered in Seattle in five days, but uf course part of these were women. Strawberries are a;une,raeberries and black berries prevail, white half grown apples be gin to atew. llev M Judy wUl preach at Trinity Chapel near Knox 'a Butte on Sabbath afternoon at 3 30 o'clock. We recently learned that Oeorge Sill had had his leg broken a few weeks ago, while at Coer D'Alene. Cherries are 25 cents a gallon in this oity, blackberries 50 cents and red raspberries about 35 cents. Do not forget to call at J. J. Dobruille'e and examine bis heavy harness. They are tint-class and cheap J M Siglin was elected joint Senator of Coos aad Curry counties by 11 votes, net very much to boast of. The Salmon rnn this year on the Colum bia is very small so far. A public hatchery should be established. A son of Sheriff -elect Charlton, of this county, was also elected Sheriff of Laae county by 4-5 majority. F A Howard on trial last week in Portland for robbing a gnest at the hotel where he was clerk, was found guilty. There is wheat in this county so tall that the bead of a six foot man could not be seen were he to walk through it. Bishop Simpson, of the M E church, the most eloquent of Bishops, died a few days ago, at the age of seventy-three. One week from next Saturday and Sunday there will be a basket pienic at Marion Sta tion, by Prof Van Scoy, of Salem. The school at Marion Station closed last Friday, Miss Mary McKinney, teacher. It was the close of a successful term. Miss Libbie Irvine, who is visiting rela tives in the East bad the pleasure of being at the great Chicago convention. The lawn social given at Mr. Gus Staigers on last Friday evening was well attended and is spoken uf as a very er. jjyable affair. Mr. H. R. Duuniway, of the Nw North- With Cote's Circus, the State Fireman's Tournament and the Stats meeting of the K ef P'a. in one summer, Albany should he happy whether it has a woolen mill or not . Sheriff Humphrey returned from Beds vjJLlo last Saturday bringing the ut welcome tidings that Han perls silver mines have quit operations, and no more silver will be taken out The Sheriff at Seattle, W. T. , is said to be "an extensive dealer ia dry geeds, groceries, hardware, notions, in fact all descriptions of merchandise." There is much signillcanoe in this. There will be more people in the oity at the circus than at a 4th of July celebration. Oar merchants should take warning and have their stores properly arranged for a big trade. Rev M Judy intends holding a grove meet ing near North Palestine Baptist church ia Benton county, Saturday and Sabbath, July 5th and Gth. Services Saturday at 3 o'clock p. in. The DaxouaaT relies upon its subscribers for wood, some of them wishing to pay that way. It is hardly fair to leave your paper til! the last. We need wood and would like some now. An exchange very truthfully says that the manner in which the newspapers of a place are supported, is an index to the business of the place, half starved editors indicating half starved people. Theodore Bamford. on last Mondaywas duly declared insane by the County Court aad sent to the asylum at Salem. This is the third time Theodore has done this in the last year or two. We would like live correspondents from every locality ia the county. If anything happens send as the news, and we will "dish" it up We eall on the Democrat's eld standby's to do this. A city certainly needs sewers ; but if it is to have them would it not be a good idea for them to be introduced systematically. There is nothiog like order, particularly in extended city improvements, Charley Watte, at his job offio, is being rushed wifn busiuees, having several books The great, only, unsurpassable aWlutely world renowned, neu-spproaehatde, ever oa tchable, immensely drawable, aud most complete W W Cole's Colossal Circus will be in Albany Monday, July 7th, when it will pitch its teuts en Monteith's late, that being the only place in the oity of sufficient magnitude to accommodate the mammoth tents of the oirous. Joseph O'Harra, an old gentleman. WSS ar ressed last Monday for stealing a linen dus ter belonging to Robert BJopelaod, and a towel, from the boarding house of Mr Alf Marshall. These things bs sold to Mr Mar tin flnffron. O'Harra will have an oppor tunity of thinking in silence for sometime, not a pleasant occupation for a maa with white hairs whs has sesn m toy years of the ups and downs of life. The meed of merit for promoting personal aesthetics is due to J C Ay or A Co., whose incomparable Hair Vigor is a universal bean- tiUsr of the hair. Harmless, iffective, agree able, it hat takes rank among the indispen sable articles of the toilet To scanty locks it gives luxuriance ; sad withered hair it clothes with the hne of youth Naturally enough comical stories come from Washington Territory in reference to women on juries. Here is one of them : "The I aililT in charge of a hung jury ou which there were sevsrsl ladies informed the bus- band .f one of them, for a joke, that the jury bad put the lights out The way that doubt ful huahand made tracks for the Court House was very amusing to the boys." A meeting ef the lire department of Al bany, was called for last Saturday evening, the object being to ascertain wh-t the De partment abould do with the numerous In vitations to celebrate the coming 4th with various cities. It was unanimously voted that every fireman should use bts own dis cretion aad go whsrover he wished . The first of the week Hoffman sir Joseph received as tine an icecream fresser as is to be found in the state. It oest about 1100 and is ran sitbsr by power or hand. By it twenty five quarts ef the finest kind of ioe cream can be froxen in twenty minutes, so that large orders can be tilled on shortest poesi- hla m,tii- !m mhi ia mi. . l.. ft ahead te print .He now has four printer, at L..,., so that everybody should work, having been compelled te send off fee L. , trU1 o( from Jt MW fn epssva. rov ine sx.naoy j.d onto. , 4th 4 r,t y OmfOk among other features will be a pioneers foot race by pieooers of 50 years of ags or over, who came to. Oregon prior to 1S53. Onr maa is Teas Alphios, of this county who would be sure to win the prise if he weald run. already having won the tills of the champion pioneer foot racer ef I inn county. The Washington county Enterprise is de funct, but it died game. Non-support was the cause. Here is the addree ef the editor to bis exchanges 1 "Brother With this issne we haul down our nag. roll op onr teot aad aet dowa on an old ink keg te think We have wasted our fortune and worked like the devil for nothing. G eutlemen, ac oept our thinks and govern yourselves ac oordingly." The small amount of reliability that can At the iate election in Crok county the issne there was certainly a peculiar one. It was not whether a man was a Democrat or a Republican, nor even a competent or incompetent man ; but as to whether he was a Vigilante or a Moonshiner, which translated means anti-Vigilante. The f jrmer are in sympathy with an organize- s tion for hanging up horse, cattle and cheep west, was m arried last Monday to Mies Cora thieves without trial by law ; while the Parsons. We extend congratulations. latter would stand the lawn delays and The lamest aud beat stock of harness and leave trials to the State in the usual man- .addles in the valley is to be found at E. L ner. The Moonshiners gsinea a complete a -n:i th(li- uric-. are low. VlCtOrv. However rigui, mey are m pr.u- . . ,. . . . - , , . .. . ciple, and they certainly are, thr victory hafn afc ioe, foand at r 1 j u.JK:M lsv m ra urn, sa ra vsa 1 1 rv I -w 0 r I Il.sKs-vi tllsa ex ir r imins thorn eai.f nslAnl J . " . 4". nmv se. as 14 muv uv 11 ' pa awwe Lulies' ulsters in linen and mohair, also the newest and latest styles of ladies' spring and summer garments at Mooteith dt Seiten bach. Capt. C. H. Armstrong, of Portland, was one Joseph Drake one of the two men who killwd David S warts near Salem a few months ago, was, on last week, found guilty ef mur der ia the first degree. and will soon be hnog. Henry, Drake'e companion in the murder, turned state's evidence, and will net be hong. Divine service will bo bold by Rv J R W Sell wood in St Peters Episcopal church next Sunday, Jone29tb, morning aad evening. The Holy Comma nion will be administered at morning service. All are invited to at tend. This "lioy celling" of newepapers is a splendid advertisement for the newspaper. Several papers in the Northwest have at times been "boy .catted" on account of their positions on certain subjeote, and it has in variably increased the patronage of the pa pers. The family ef Mr Jas Peery, our efficient County Treasurer, moved to Scio last week where Mr Peery will follow them after the 7th of July. It is with regrets that wo see them depart from Albany te their Lome ia the Forks. The farms of Lion county should be ov dod. Many a fanner would make more mon ey if be would sell half of his farm, f ay off his mortgage, and have the other half clear. Ultimately it has got to oome down te 100 or less acre farms. Meet of the bop growers of Linn county have already hired their pickers. The Silets and Warm Spring Indians will do neary all of it here. The yield this year will be good but the price is bound to be moderately small, not over 20 cents. Commodore Porry Davis, a member of the alumni of the Albany Colle&itte Institute, at the late election in Umatilla county, was elected assessor by 110 maiontv. He will make a first class otfioet .and has friends here who will rejoice in his success. The p cute at R ibert's bridge last Friday was largely attended, and we understand s an occasion ef mnch enjoyment A game of ball was played between Halsey and Sbedds resulting in a victory for the latter by a score of 12 to 8 in five innings. The following from the Hepner 7" shows that an old Albany bey is still up te I bis pranks . "Mac Moateith invited us to I go fishing yesterday generally be placed 00 newspaper ate.ten.euU that they have the best circulation, and are the leading paper of their county or state is ly informed, of bringing back to Prine ville, a aet cf men of ihe most desperate character, who were obliged to leave dur ing the reign of the Vigilantes, snd even now horse and cattle taeiving is becom ing oaoro common, at least so it is claimed It certainly places matters in an uncertain touno dead in nis oea last monoay morning, condition, having aicd trom tne rupture 01 a oiooa ves set The building just back of Denney's grocery store, on Broadalbin Street, is being arranged into a beer hall. Mr. Ad Harmon will be proprietor Get your groceries, always fresh, st Hoff man A Joseph's, and let the beat of summer remind you that they keep all kinds of re freshing drinks. Binder whips ! Binder whips ! made to Experience of a stead Supervisor. -"teaepoonful three Jimos a day. " We well illustrated by the now defunct Wash tngten county Knterpri. Its editor boast ed that it was known from Oregon to Maine, etc., but on closing he admitted that hs only had a handful of subscribers, which was the cause of his failure. That paper has plenty of imitators. The rates of insurance on certain city property has again been changed so that now all property out tide of the following limits will be rated at No. 4 rates, the basis of wkicn is 75c. en dwelling booses, the old rate being G0.V the Willamette 00 the uarth, Mi l street on the east, the R R aad Eleventh 00 the south, and one block west of the Sea tlatn canal oa the west. This is done on ac count of the poorer facil 1 tee for getting wa ter outside of those limits. A half-breed from Armel's creek, near Me! den, Montana, was badly chewed up by a boar while bunting a week or two ago. The bear's stroke, besides mutilating the whole side of his victim's face, took out a piece ef hi jowl-one throe inches long, cut as regular as 000 hi be done with a knife. His oe at resias soon cams te his rescue, fired a shot at the bear and it fled into the mountains. Oregon has an Enoch Arden story which is really wonderful. A man named Thompson Waiting, liviog at Weethstby for several years, left bis home in Indiana in 1S49, having at the time a wife and three children. agine that the wheat was laid flat, but the reports of the next day failed to verify this although it was soon ascertained that several Holds ef whsat near Albany were hugging the ground close. This was is oases where the wheat was uncommonly high, and in a fav orable position for what wind there wss te strike it well. It is net well to borrow trou his, sod in this oats there is not occasion for it .taking the result ss a whole. A ease ef streaked lightning playing mean pranks comas from Washington Territory. During the thunder storm that pssssd over ths Big Bond, W. T, country last week live horses belonging to William Bussy, whs lives seven miles northsast of that tows en Crab oreek.wsrs killtd by lightning. Mien found the horsei were lying in a heap as is they bad been killed by the same stroke. Oaly upon one could any mark be found to show where they h i I bsea struok, an 1 that was s slight mark over ths eye. A railroad accident which in an ssstern oity would probably result ia a law suit took place on Thursday ef last week at The Dalles; says the Time Mount uiteer : "Mr John Manna, a well to do wool grower of Kittita valley, was run ovsr by the cars aud instant ly killed. Mr. Manna came in town during the day with a load of wool, and had paid a visit to the Willamette Iron Works to got a casting moulded, ami wss referred to the Mt. Hood foundry. He was mossing the track in ths east end of tb oity, when a backing engine struck him, completely pass ing over him and crushing htui Is death. Both limbs were broken and the breast was crash ed badly. Us appeared to be a man about 54 years eld, ami ha I ran led in the Territory for several yeara A very peculiar accident happeued iu Port land the other day, which it is aell for fruit caauers to take notice of. Here is the so count of it: "She was enjrsied la canmnu fruit and had a dish of water aud another of melted sealing wax on the table by her. She would dip her hand in the water and then take a pertioa of the liquid wax from the other dish without trouble. At length she became so engrossed in bsr work that she plnngtd ber band into the wax when ebe meant te have pot it into the water. The scalding compound adhered te ber fingers and hardened as soon as they were with drawn, and there it still remains, she net being able te remove it without taking away all tae skis from her lingers. She is endeav oring te find some preparation which will soften or dissolve the wax, aad ae allow it to be removed without injuring her lingers." The Corvailia Leader tells ef a woman in that city who knows how to act, instead ef screaming in case of so accident : A little two year old son of Mrs Wilson, whose bus' band is the head miller in Fisher's (louring mill, while playing along the baoka, Ml tuto the river, near their house. Mrs H'llson fortunately was a witness of the accident sad quick as lightning dashed to the rescue. The river where the little boy fell in was quite deep, but undismayed, and mindful of nothing but the impending fate of ber child, Mrs Wilson leaped into the water and seixed ber little boy just as hs was sinking for the last time. She then swam to the shore, and when she bad reached the top of tlm bank, shs fainted. Her husband aa 1 sees fncnd. alarmed by the OUtcrio of - o 1 riudl b ys who were bathing near by, cam to the 1 cne and methar aud child were carried home and soon brought te :. 1 u.n.. It was a brave act. and ono that few mothers would have the nerve and cMirage to accomplish. The following is the fishiest story we have ever hesnl, but, if true, a wonderful ic. It comes from Waabingteo Territory . A resident of the Chebalis river, a few miles above the Wishkah, is tbo fortunate pass seser of a bright little girl of about 12 sum mers, who is an ardent admirer ef aquatic sports. Not long siace she c.ugbt two beautiful yoougsalmon, which she put in a small pond near her home, feeding them rej- SOCIAL AID PERSONAL. 0 P Thorn pk ins has returned to Oregon, Miss Bertie Cheadle has been visiting in Harriaburg for a month. J 0 Wrightesmao returned from Easteen Oregon last Saturday. Frank Wheeler, of Alkali, came te Alba ny s few days ago. Geo. W. Waahburne, County Judge elect of I .aae county, wss in Albany last Tuesday. Dave Aadrews, the 000 oty Clerk Eleot, was in Albany Tuesday, looking for a resi dence, we understand. F M Wails Worth, the effldont agent at Siletx was in Albany Monday. Hs isr we understand, well liked at Silets. Alfred Stillman. business manager of the Insurance Compact of the Northwest, was ia Albany Tuesday, arranging rates. Judgs Blackburn has been confined to bis room about a week by a large oarbuoole on his shoulder, He is getting better new. Miss Ads 0 sorgo, of Portland, has been visiting friends in Albany. Last Wednesday and Thursday the Misses George and mother, Mis Overman and Mr Tbos J Over - insii, wsrs at ttodaville. Ed. Huotloy, ef Chicago, a man famous among commercial sgsnts as being ono of thoe haying the largest sales in the C;. S. if not ths largest, wa in Albany Monday, with seme flae ssmples of clothing. As an ex. ample of bis sagacity it is stated that last year, out of three or four hundred thousand dollars worth of goods sold he only loot $500. W B Soott aud J amcs Pipes returned from the Bay last Sunday. Tney report work as progressing, there being about five hundred men at the summit and several hundred st the other end, it is claimed two thousand in all. While there an employee of the read oipreseed his ooafideoce in the way matters are going by betting the best new bat to be found that ths first locomotive would run from the Bay to Corvallis by the 10th of Oc tober Monteith A Heitenbaob will remove July 1st to Benders A bternbsr's new store. Keep tbo fact In mind. Ceasest. sibie. They grew to be eo tamo and gentle s brief call on Wedueadey. Riley that they would eat fol from her hand, and of the solid men of Linn county. Tuesday Evening, Juno 23. Present-All by Fosbsy. Bill for boss snd cart was ordered paid. Petition of John Lsody and others for sidewalk was granted, sad ordered that sidewalk be built lo SO days. Communication from Corvallis Inviting citizens of Albany to attend 4tb of July celebration was read.. Time for Marshal to return taxes delin quent was extended to flret meeting In Ju ly. The time for reviving bids on Callpooia street newer wan extended to July let. On motion, Marshal was ordereJ to notify owner of flume on Kerry street te bsvs the same enoloesd, so as to make it safe. The following saloon bonds were accep ts I and approved by oouncil. Wm. Fsbor Adam I brig, M. Beumgarl, J, A. Gross, Ad iiarmen, T. Andsrson, lisrry Waters' Chariest Keifer. The matter of the stagnant water Montolths mills was referred to commute en Health and Peilcs to report at neat meeting. The following bills wsrs ordered paid: N. J. Henton, 16.5 ; R. It. Crosby, U . Foshay A Maaen, fi3,M ; A. A. Roberts, 70 ; W. C. Twosdsle, 76c ; John Maxwell f MM ; Bin ham A Ramsey tit ; J. H. Warner, 23,4e. Moateith A Seitenbach will remove July Int to Sonders A Sternberg's new store. Keep the fact In sslnd. Tae "taoulaa reel" Saye 1 Tbo railroad f .rce has been increased .'00 men ibis week. Ik out for Immense news la a few daya. Mr Riley Kirk, of Brownsville, gave us is one VAMaMB BlUfs riglasl tetters of v?aeblastea, 4r nrn, slay, eir , la Albany. One hundred1 years ago, during the Revolutionary period, from 1774 to 1789, Charles Thomson was Secretary of the famous Continental Congress, In which position he was the friend and confident of the leading men of that epoch, whose equal he was considered. He was known as "ths man of truth," As the Intimate friend of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and the famous men of that period, he had a large correspondence, mot of which has been preserved, snd is now, through I baritones. jut descended An our honored fellow oitlxen Hen George K Chamberlain, whose popularity was lately so emphati cally expressed at ths polls. Mr Cham berlain's grandmother was the niece of Charles Thomson. Through ber and her daughter, Mr Chamberlain's mother, the valuable papsrs have come to their pros- ent owner, snd sre now stored for safe keeping In the vault of the First National Bank in this elty. . It was our privilege to make s complete examination of this most wonderful col- ectlon of letters and documents, nu bor ing several hundred in all. Yellow with age, bearing unmistakable marks of orig inality, sight of them takes one back a hundred years and makes one realize mors than anything eUeooold, how real, the men of the Revolutionary period were The writing of Washington himself pro duced by his own band, directly before us, makes the "Father of onr Country" s genuine being. In this collection are several letters from Washington to Thom son, In s bold round hand, made lifelike by a little bad spelling, (for Instance style with an 1.) On Washington's election Thomson bad the boner of being tbo one delegated to make the formal announce nasnt te Washington In the collection are fifteen or twenty letters from Thomas Jefferson to Thomson, written In Jeffer son's neat, beautiful stylo, In a friendly manner, never though uegtectlng the for mal ending of "yeur moot ob't humble servant,'" or something of as formal a nature ; fifteen sr twenty letters from lieu- janslo Franklin written in bis very pecu liar band and character 1st ic style, one as early aa Jan. 21, I860; ten or fifteen from John Jay, a splendid writer and a con summated student, aa wel las an able states man; one from Jas Monroe, afterwards Presndent, dated In 1784; others from Rent Howe, F Peterson, Gouveneur Mor ris, Robt Motris, a signer of the Declara tion of Independence, I Morris, Samuel Wharton. Wm Spear, Richard Peters. Jas Lovell, John Montgomery, Jas Wilson, one .f the signers of the Declaration, Robt W Livingstone snd msny others, A let ter from the famous John Dickinson was a lament over the death ef his sweet heart. One of Washington's asked for his Com- Dsisdon as (ieneral of the Army. He stated that it might serve bis grand chil dren fifty or one hundred years hence if they choee to on minate. He missed bis msrk on thst point. The original declaration of cessation of postuiiios, by act or Congress, Is smong ths papsrs; it is s great ou rioeliv. Its date to April II, 17-43. An agreement, sgnad by Thomson , Franklin and others, for JJooOe, to be used tor the government, is a relic worth stu lying, as is also a proc lamation announcing tne runiwsy of two slaves, Jonathan and Frank, and headed "Stop Them ! Siop Them ! Stop Them !" and numerous others of an intensely in tereaUnc nature. This collection was en xhtoiUea at the Centennial, where it was duly caged and gaeed at by hundreds of thousands of sight seers. No smount of money would pure bine it, although there ere those who would psy a fortune for original docuossnts of such great value aa those, but a few of which have ever been published to the world, nor will bo permitted to be. PLAIN TALE, Osl Plain ftaejeef. Br A t'f.AITf CHAP. For pure, unadulterated, small ness if any one knows what that lst COBQ msad me to the newspaper, which, be cause other Journals disagree with It, It wages n war of mud slinging, calls fhem si 11, -id fry grjd other endearing names. Ha h a paper is the New North ' a paper that does more hurt to the cause it advocates than good, so far ss its 1 omediate influence Is concerned. If one would help a cause one should treat opponents with ar least decency, particularly In one of such magnitude an that of the rights of woman. Threw us in between two les bergs, but saye us from being upheld by the journal that does not know bow to treat a contemner. ary with respect because it disagrees Willi it. allow ber to htu llo thsm as she chose. The greatest triti:uph was accomplished about a week ago, when the little maid harnessed her finny pets to a small row boat, and with silk threads for reius, she skimmed hither The rail Is laid beyond Oystervllle, sod nothing delsys trscklaylng up the river but tbo want of s' ringers for the bridge stress Boon's slough and tbsy will soon be here. Jas. Thompson, of Toledo, on Monday sent down the first shipment to san Fran- A little snice now and then ha-j to be added even to the life of a road supervis or, Monday one who supervises the roads ef a neighboring district, we are in formed, get into a dispute with a teamster about a days work, and the result was that the teamster jumped from his wagon, ft It a nnarviuir ujkn wum hnrSft'tlRck. lBtnthncomarof. fence, and then hit especially for J. J. DobruUle by the 1 1 u- !., - Manufacturers in the Kaht. They are ten n 1 rn iivar liih hii 111 iiiht ww il.i ss. taauc m bvuiu i whst Celtic blow. In order to reach his feet long. Buy one. home safe the supervisor is said to nave gone oat of his way a mile or two, swear log vengeance ot something else on the teamster. This is one side ef the story ; there may be several others, inasmuch as there geoerttly are ; it in aa unimportant matte 1 any way, eo mat our rondure when they have digested the aouve, witl please lt it droo. as it onnoc bo proven by us who the supervisor was. A Sad Cat. Tuesday aighs several s:niil boys were playing around a iimp post, wueu a son of Ei Zoyas, had succeeded in cliinoiog to the top of it. Another oldar boy, of a very mut- chievousrepdtatio l.tojt. ai;n b, the feet and g&ve him a hard jo -s, bringing him against the ladder rest oa ths uojc and cutting bis The firemen's tournament will be in this city in six or seven weeks. Greater prepar ations need to be made, and it is already time to push matters. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster is now lecturing in the Sound Country. She will be in Albany July 8th, fu.ther particulars ef which will be given next week. The inininu town at Eaide City. W . T , is said to be on its last legs, and poor legs they bsve been too. This nearly cltse the Coer D'Alene excitement. A purse containing about $15 was lost on First street last Monday afternoon in the middle of the street. Tne owner would like very much to recover it. 25 mining claim 4 oa the old Siutiam mine have been taken up lately. Great excitement prevails there over the mine, aud the cooti- throat ina very severe manner, co mug witn- J drnce that it will work iue eose . in a hair's breadth of perforating the jugular vein. Dr. J L Hill was called and dreased the wound in a proper manner and the boy is now doing well. 4 - .splendid line of light weight suits for summer will be closed out at greatly re duced rates at L. E. Biain' order to re duce stock. The engagement of Mrs J Eden Foster iu this city has been postponed until July 8c h, one week later than announced. This wa unavoidable on the part of Mrs Foster. Among other damage done by the hard rain storm of Monday night, Mr B W Cundiff nad 15,000 or 20,000 brick destroyed or in jured so that they are of almost no use. hope te be around again next week The drays, borsee and paraphernalia of both dray companies in Albany, belonging to R D Murray and R R Crosby, were sold a few days age to Mr 8tewarteoo, who will run the whole himself. Mr Stewartaon is well recommended aa a reliable gentleman. and no donbt will give entire satisfaction among the merchants and people of Albany. A N Hamilton, formerly editor of the Salt Lake Tribune hss porch seed the Portland Newt ; but what he will make out of it is yet te be seen. We certainly hope he has the ability to run a progressive newspaper, and place it in tbo front rank of Oregon journalism. A man wa s-jppoied to be burned in s honse in Washington county, bones being found. He had $5500 insurance on his life aud $200 borrowed money with him, 1 turned eat that the burning part was s trick, for the men waa found trying te leave the country, and now it is not as much of a joke as be thought. There are some men So narrow minded that yon can shove them between the scales ef a fish without their touching them. Such men who take s paper opposed to their politics get mad if it aaya ant thin they do not be- li-vfc. which of sfsSvss tidies. Saye us from narrow iniodad men. The largest barn in the state is at Ski pan- en, covering 16,368 feet, W S Lade has one in East Pertland, covering 12.400, bnt the fact that W 8 Lsdd owns it does not swell it so that it is ths biggest barn in the state, as was claimed by a Portland paper. For constitutional or scrofulous catarrh, and for consumption induced by the scrofu leas taint, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the true remedy. It hss cured numberless cases. It will stop the nanseous catarrhal discharges, pad remove the sickening odor of the breath, which are indications of scrofulous origin. The other day a yentb of twelve summers was seen lying ou tho ground, face down, in mortal agony, his whole frail frame writhing in pain. It was a sight to touch the heart of the most stolid and briug tears to rocks, yet it did not. for passers by only glai ced and passed on, wondering if the green ap ples he had eaten were stolen from their tree. Jos. O'Harra, whose arrest is mentioned in another place is a man of tifty-five, and is now a boarder in the county jail, where he will remain till the October trem of ths Cir cuit Court. He received two bits for the articles which he stele, and for this he will probably be ssut to the penitentiary for five years, the off juso, larceny fro.n a dwelling, being a larfee crime. and thither over the placid waters of the hohalia with her novel team, exciting ad- Cimam 011 tha O 1 It It Co 's steamer " Ya- ssiralioa and opeo-moathed wonder from all qulna" wool and hides, Qnlts a nutn- sides. It is said that a terrific speed is ber of cabin Dssssnssrs are booked for sometimes attained with this strange outfit j San Francisco by ths steamship. or when the driver wants to lei 'em out. An Indian girl of the Sile'-x named Bat- A new kind of tail read ticket bas been tlce, aged about 17, was fearfully gored adontcd in manv nlaaes and should tra into by a COW Friday of last Week, being al rrom liZ nothing was board trom him, and . affot io Q Uoder tw MW Um a moat disemboweled, one horn entering supposing he was dead bis wife remarried, hook of ticket- 000,, I000 or 500. or e rectum. Dr. Rich waa called and did aad 00 the death of her second husband she ' jqq kq tickets on a naue ia printed each U could under ths circumstances, bnt f 9 . . . . - . I vw l a I . 1 . . . m 01 a u sin married, her Last husband dying in 1882. Now ber first husband has gone back te ber, bnt unlike the story of Enoch Ardsn j this one ends in the proper manner, for tbey ' m.rm f rmm t 1 i wm with a.h ttiUmr .,! ..rni. ably will. The La Grande Record shrisks thosly about ths first locomotivo that arrived in that place . "After four years of oeaseless anxiety, the black horse tears himself from the mountain ranges aad comes snorting into tho valley of Grand Rinds. II j hat been a long time curbed, there being many oc casions when it was thought doubtful if he ever made his appearance at all ; but the realisation of hope is now reached, and the railroad is at, to and in Grande Rondo val ley, track having reached Li Grande Tues day at noon." Items like the following from the Taooma Leader, may be looked for in abundance, as there is many a scape grace who will come to the northwest : "J S D , ths nsw banker of C , was in Taooma Saturday. Mr D doubtless feels more cotnfortablt out in Washington Territory than he did upon a certain occasion in Caldwell, Kansas, when some of the cattlemen depositors iu his bank had a rope around his nesk snd were bent upon jerking him skyward because sf but suspension of payments." Great complaint is made by the farmers of the county who are in the habit .of trading in the city, because there are no hitching racks, the place being almost entirely void of them. The complaint is a just one, aud it is te the interest ef our business men to remedy the evil. At a very small cost racks could be placed en the public square or back streets, and a great benefit would be done . The bus iness neon of most cities will put themselves out for the convenience of those who trsds with them, but our merchants here seem to lack enterprise in such matters. The 4th ef July will occur oae woek from to-day. It does not strike Albany, until the August Fireman's Tournament, when things will be mads lively enough to make up, and the American Eagle will be made to scream as if Undo Sam himself had hold of its tail. In the mean time one week from to-day, some of our citizens will celebrate, and you might as well try to stop a yeUisg infant as to try to prevent them. Corvallis Salem, Lebanon, Soio, Harriaburg, Portland, will get their share of our people. Monday night the county was visited by one of ttie severest rainstorms ever experi enced here. 6 ime immediately began to im- there hi not much hope of recovery. She was nndor the Influence of chloroform ons hour snd a half. Monteith A Seitenbach w ill remove July 1st to Senders A Hternburg's new store. Keep the fa?t in mind . TO THE P1BLI4 Adapted tae Osbarar Srtr-blaslers aad ewers. This is an ags of exaggeration, Aa La(ern circus says that it is ss far asove all other circuses as the sky kissing mountain te the mole bfH, which would not be true if all other circuses only had a monkey and a brass ring apiece. As we read the bills of traveling shows we marvel at the "hi Aluting" language which thoy use ; yet every day we bear words used as ranch out sf place by our ewa frieada nod fellow-citizens. One says it is an awful warm day, when tbsrs is nothing awful about It at all. Another says something Is the most delightful ihing she ever saw, when as a matter of fact. It is not delightful st all,and another something as bail. When such persons really find some: hing that is awful or delightful they have no language to express them selves with. They are in as bsd a fix as a frog without his croxk or a rooster without his crow. a Iu sotno eastern cities there are such nstitutions as soli-treating societies, aud I am inclined to believe In them to a certain extent . Half of ths drunken- u'. as snd crime in the land is caused by the social cup paid for by some one else. I here's the rub. Custom has made treating so general that a man is often ( ailed pusillanimous if he dees net dc it on alt occasions, when io the r i;;h t place he is as free with his money as he should he. Any way we would be saved from the spendthrift, and rather than have that name we would be called the "stingiest old icamp in town.'' A man bas a right to use his money as be pleases, but it is not well te see him tpeud it for something be cares nothing for; nor to sec htm hoard It up like a snail its body. e llifcasou of commencement exer- ciscs brings up mauy thoughts as to what will become of ths young men who have just aratod all ovsr the band. Some of them will never amount te a row of mustard seeds, while some will rise high eu the pole of fame. Those who graduate with their heids back an 1 the northeast corners well elevated, who think it is ouly necessary to present their diplomas aud say "I am just from Harvard, Yale or Eugene," it is safe to say will within a year or two be third class waiters in the restaurants of the country, while those who have the seuse to knew thst it is true merit that makes a mau a man will push through life in the front rank, occupying posi tions of honor and trust. Save us from the north pole graduate. M.m'ctth A Seitenbach will remove July 1st to Senders A Sternburg's new store. Keep the fact ia mind. e The Y. P. T. U. will meet en July 5th at the W. C T. U. Hall at the usual hour. This will be the hut meeting uatil the fall For sale by W. H, Goltra, Albany, has sold forty binders to this date and Monteith A Salten bach will remove July 1st to Senders at Sternberg's new store. Keep the fact In mind. Tae Teara ticket good for one mile. These little tick eta are smaller than postage stamps, twenty en a sheet, and perforated. You can buy two, twenty or a thousand of them at a fixed rate, and the Company oh its part is bound to accept one of them for every mile you travel. You will not be required to tell the ticket seller where you want to go ; you will uv i (live ma lot) miles, or 20 miles. J I rw, i . a m .ft ."ft or 1000 miles, and get on board and give the x ue aatens oorreaponaenv oi su. w conductor enough of the little squarss to u " 7' . l State firemen's tournament ; "The Fire carry you to your destination. There will ,.tl f mmM L askvs W ftlaesasv ansa 1 . a r .mia AS I oa . 'J"'-' - iik..vih.ihlr,l Wln..v In An mat. trouble of getting ticket, exchanged, er loss tbat sre not already mem os through tickets not used -these little . . u forward their applies. tickets will be as gool SB money, aud al- ,ioria for m.,nber,hln without delay to ways correct. Frank E. Hodskln of Salem, the Secretary Here is the way tho Walla Walla Siatt. Qf the assoclstlon, Annual dues are also man cogitates in reference to the newspaper collectable at the present lime. Members business ; "Editing a paper is nice business, of volunteer departments should take sn if we publish jokes, people say we are rattle- active interest in this organixation,as there ui-,1 if w nublimh orisioal uiatter.thev hi mnob In It that tends te Improve the wiU sell at least soother car load, which has been already ordered. Any wanting binders o mowers are cordially invited to call and exr amine the durable and light-draft Osborne, which is the only binder in the market tha1 has the "Col Younj K natter, " of which the oVsaslffte American so proudly speaks, and Cyras McCormict in his own words said. "The Ombome hat the JincM knotting device in he United State to diy" and he triedjto buy ft for the McCormica Binder. W. H. Goltiia. term of school opens, and it is desirable that no I as many members as possible should be pres ent. Ihe members will please return au song books and catechism that may be ia their possession. IT BEITS THE AIL. The weaierful Eatertateaaeat ailvea tele's Colossal SSiaws. BteUarstoaer. Cole's colossal shows are coming and will exhibit at Albany on Monday July 7tb. Cole has the greatest show now on the road, the public and press both frank ly acknowledging the surpassing excel lence of his entertainments, which exceed in extent and variety of features anything hnrAtofora nrasontad in tha circus line ft II . I T . . I I " AWWIU UI lo ssrwawawj a piws-ni. t.e Tha oxhibitlons are eiven under a mam- S a a a . . SS s I "aw lowing, oeing tne names ot iu pupus, ian sn from a mil sf 37, with highest standing for month ending June 19th ef school kept In Diet, No. 25, Linn Co. One hundred raeane strict aCtendanoe,good conduct, and perfect recitations for 30 days. Annie Powell 100 JJssls Albers 97 Kffle Looney 89 Annie JSrysn so Eddie Bryan 86 Lottie Needhaia M Marvin Callaway 88 Alfred Freer kaon 79 Andy Shearer -71 Mollis Smith 82 O. C, McFari.ano, a . f is "cuss us lor not giving selections ; ism a say ws are laxy for not giving selections ; folks ssy ws are laxy for not writing some thing we do not read in othsr papsra If we give a man a complimentary notice, ws are censured for being partial. If we do not give complimentary notices, folks ssy we aica hog. If we do not cater to tho wiahes of the ladies, the paper is not tit for a bustle. If we remain in oar office to attend to our busi ness, folks ssy we are too proud to mingle with our fellow mon. If we go out they say we never attend to our busiusss. If we do not pay our bills promptly, folks say we are not to be trusted. If we pay promptly, tbey Tne grUt miu of Charles Turner, st ths say we stole the money. If we wear poor nrth snd ef Broadalbin street Is now in clothes, folks say business is bad. If we complete repair, and Is ready for grinding wear good clothes they, say we never paid wheat for the farmers of Linn county efncleuoy of departments, ami Individ ual firemen snd all aheulo aid it by every means In their power. Ths Albsny de partment sre taking an aotivs interest In ths annual Stats tournamsnt whloh will be held st the ssms Urns, snd some liber al prises sre promised, over ths possess on of which some lively snd exciting con tests sre anticipated. The Albany firemen never do things by halves, snd sll who may attend will be accorded a hearty wel come." eastern Grinding. for them. New, what shall we do ?" Give him atrial. Public Examination. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthi j. This magazine Is really what its name claims for it. and each nuinbsr should in-1 A public examination of applicants crease its popularity, far ths publisher la for teachers will beheld to-day and te constantly adding telta attractive leaturea. orro, at the Court House by 8uper Ths contributors to this numbor are: J. N. Ingram, Evert A, Duyoklnck, Dr. Hubert Brawn, Hermsn Meriyale, Mrs. M, E. W Sherwood, Philip Bourke Marston, Span, cor W.Cone, Alvan S. Southwortb, T. 0, Irwin, Etta W Pierce, and other celebrated writers: There are 128 quarto pages, over 100 Illustrations, and a beautifully colored frontispiece, "The Feather in her Cap." Price 25 cents, or 2.50 a year, postpaid. Address, Mrs. Frank Leslie, Publisher, 3 55 and 57 Park Place, New Yoik. inteudent P A Moses. ax rap or Furs Nature's own trus lsxstive, Pleasaul to the palate, acceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painful in its no tion. Cures habitual constlpation,billious- ness, indigestion and kindred ills. Cleans es the system, purifies the blood, regulates ths liver and acts on the bowels. Breaks up colds.chills and fevers,etc.,strengthens the organs on which its acts. Bet bitter, nauseous liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, snd large bottles for sale by Foshsy & Mason. moth canvass and the arenlc novelUes,over sixty in number, sre presented in these rings and on an elevated stage. The ring performance? retain all the old-time cir cus features, such a tumbling, leaping, riding, etc., snd offer such nsw snd aston ishing attractions as aerial bicycling, per forming Arabs, Turks. Mo jm, Egyptians and Spainiards ; Mite. Aitneo, tho human fly, who walks head downward upon a polished plane of wood sixty feet above the ground ; roller skating, a clown elephant a aacred white elephant and a performing white hippopotamus from the Nile. There are one hundred cages of wild animate aad numerous trained animate. A better show could not be put together. It pleases every - body and places W. W. Cole at the head of ths greatest showman of the country. Monteith A Seitenbach will remove July 1st to Senders a Siernburg's new store. Keep the fact in mind, Trarher Wishes a Pas Ulan. ttORV KEN YON. In May, 1884, at Santa Clara, CaL, to the wife of Mr Frank Kenyon a son. MARRIED. Julius Joseph has beea afllioted with s poiesnel face for several days. Lidies,missea and ohilireu's flue shoes and slippers, jnst the thing for summer wear, the largest stock in the oity at the Boot A Shoe Store of Samuel E. Young's. Notice That Frank Dannals is prepared to make ever and to repair spring and wool matrasses and lounges at Daunala new factory west and a joining Judge Strahan's. WILL WIER, On June 15th, 1884, in Corvallis, Ma Jous Will and Miss May Wish both of Corvallis. Mr Will is a member of the firm of Will Brothers, gunsmiths, of this city. We ex tend congratulations. LONDON SCHOOLING. On June 26th 1884, iu Harris burg, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Volney Chad- wice Lomdok, of 8prague,W.T., tnd Miss Susan E Schoolinu, ot Harriaburg. Mr London ia a near relative of Ex-Gov, Chad wick, and is a yonng man of fine ability and excellent character, while the bride ia a daughter of Hon J P Schooling, and a highly esteemed, cultivated yonng lady. The Dem ocrat extends heartv congratulations ana wishes the happy couple a lonj life full of the sweetest joys fleih is heir to. Mr II 0 Holcomb, a school teacher of ten years experience, having a good repu tation as an instructor, would like a pool -tion as teacher in a private family. Ad dress Mr Holcomb st this oity. Good ref orenos will bs furnished. Leek Btere! Bargins never before oflere 1 in Albany, in all lines of goods at X. H. Allen's late Allen A Martin. Many kin Is of gods much less than cost, oome at once and secure gt da at prices that will astonish At Ce.l. N. H. Allen will sell dry goda a. cosi h r ou dayi to make room for fall and winter stsak. Brick ! Brick : : . After July 1st I will have 250,000 good m rchanlable brick which I will sell eheap. Ca'l oi t ie undersigned at Al bany. W. B. OH jiff, t