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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1884)
lite gcuwnat. FRIDAY JUNE 27, 1884. Thfl three Jameaa JeSsie, Frank and J tmei Gk a ' ' - The crow is altogether too gamoy for many republicans. The Republican platform makes up in length what it lacks in breadth. The leopard cannot change his spots and, in this respect, Biaine resembles him. Like the fabled syren, Blaine is beckoning the republican party to its death. It is said that the process of being tattooed is not painful. Hjw is this Mr. Blaine? Bismarck is aghast to learn that the American pig incarnate was let loose at Chicago. School teachers and school children in Vermont are not allowed to use tobacco in any form. Tn ratwct to revenue reform the Democratic position is : Reformation not revolution. NOT SAFE. cuniary interest in tho transfer, and tbat it was never actually made ; but In the coining presidential contest though this might be ft defence to the oliaracter of the candidate will 8Uit tMinBt him for a conspiracy to da have more to do in electing or defeating frftu purchasers of the stock, it dees him than his tarty relations or the no afl,,0t in any way the nature of the platform upon which ho stands as offer. Ills relations with Warren Fish candidate. There is wido spread er wero jn igjo, M appeared from the eeling among the people that the next evidence, such that any favor done the President should bo a man of moral Utter, or gift presented to him, had a worth and whose public and private f direct peouniary value. lif is above reproach. Mr. Il.atue la - i being measured by this ataudurd and he is found wanting. The New York Kivning W, one of the leading Re publican papers of the country, under date of April 7th, gave tho following reasons why Mr. Blaine should not be nominated, nor elected ii nomi ittl : THE FIRST C II A HUE. THE FOURTH ('II AltUS. Fuurtb, Because he obtained certain letters, which thore is every reason t believo contained matter gravely oom promising him, from a peifaotly repu table witness, Mr. Mulligan, who was the proper and lawful custodian of them after having vainly tried appeals to his way to Damooratlo victory this fall. It would be well for both parties to duty consider the political field as it 1m. Democrats should remember that tho tepublican party is solidly entrenohed in power, having control of the execu tive power and patronage of the whole oountry. This alono is equal to at least a million of votes. The larse body of the voter ef the Republican party are too much prejudiced and biased against the Democratic party to HALSKY ITMIft. II ai.hi y, On., June 24th, 1884. ittt. Democrat. Mr. M. T. Dig ill has boon quite III. Mm. Clifton will move to her par onts soon. Farmers urv hauling oonalaernbio lumber now. Oampmeetlng began at Roberts Bridge on Tuesday. Mm. Noltrflngnr and daughter, of Logan is said to "swear like a pirate" whan he sets mad. lie will Lave chance in November. Mr. Blaine didn't fijht in the late war, but he bled, nevertheleaa ble his country through a bounty jumper. It is not necessary that the mantle of Mr. Tilden or anybody else should fall upon Mr. Bayard. He has a mantle of his own, pure and unspotted. m mm The average man does not think ot djing anything to lengthen his life un til he becomes to used up physically that there is no pleasure in living. Le: a parent teach his child to obey and he will give him the most precious lesson that can be given to a child. Obedience is the grandest thing in the world to begin with. mm The value of neat cattle subsisting on the natural grasses along the slope ot the Rocky mountains from the British possessions to Mexico is placed a $600, OOt.OOO. mmm At the present rate of consumptics and destruction, it is estimated that the pine forests of Min&esoU, Wisconsin and Michigan will cease to exist in a few years. The article in our issue of last week under the caption of "National Repub lican Whisky Party Ticket" should have been credited to the Rescue, the oran of the "Good Templars in California." -- The child taught to believe any oc currence a good or evil omea, or any day of the week lucky, hatb a wide in road made upon the soundness of his understanding. The "Blaine Grand March" out, but there has been a marc some year familiar to the pnblic.which more directly suggests him and his his tory than this latest on. ft is called "Ilia Mulligan Guards." pity, by plediinB his word of honor to The Grst of these charges n that in rwtor, tuein ti,en broke this pledge the spring session of Congress in IcHiU Mtuined them by force,and subsoquont a bill was before the Houso of Repre- ly reitj BUoh of tUeaj M h0 phased to sentatives which souaht to renew a Uk H in .11 ,f li- vin.limtitm land giant to the Utile Keek and on that this conduct, if not legally crtmin amith railroad ot Arkansas, ui wnic& ai wa BUoh M no man Mpirjng to be some of Mr. B'aine'a friends arc inter- lht cbiof Magistrate of a great nation ested ; that an attempt to defeat it by ,,,, ,rt t- .., t,i ,,f an amendment was made, and was on the point of beins; successful, and its promoters were in despair ; that at this juncture, Mr. Blaine, being then Speaker of the Hau8 sent a message to (ran. Logan to make the point of order tbat tho amondmcnt was not ger mane to the purposes of the bill ; tbat this point of order was accordingly raised and promptly suataiued by Mr. Blaine as Speaker, nud the bill was in this manner saved ; that Mr. I!aina wrote at once to the promoters calling attention to thesorvtoi he had rendered them, and finally, after somo ncgota tionr, secured from them, as a reward for it, his appointment as selling agent of the bonds of the road.on eommisston, in Maine, and received a number ot rich bond as his perc n' ;age ; that the leading features of this transaction ap peared in two letters of his afterward made public, dated respectively June 29 and October 4, 18C0. THE SECOND rtiAnor. econl, That l.c asserted at first on the floor of the House, with the view ve bavo been requested to exj'.ai of covering up tbia affair, that the Lit- WDT Blaine ia called the tattooed tie Rock and Fort Smith road "derived candidate. There la a comic, cartoon its life, franchise and value wholly from per publish 1 in Now York called the State," and not from Congress, "Puck. Some lima in May whin the whereas the evidence subsequently anti-Blaine repubiicau papers wore en taken by the Congressional -co rum it tee gg' io publishing bis crooked record disclosed the act that the roa 1 derived convince the party that it would not the value on which thee? bonds were Mo to nominate him, 1'uck published based fram the Act of Congress of "til l8 coined cartoju, entitled rill; Finil 01IAHUK. Fifth, That both hia short service as an executive odicer of the government and the various efforts he haa made during the paat eight years to keep the pubiio in mini of him, have been sen sational and theatrical, indicating a strong love of notoriety and an absence of the settled convioiiona, the sober judgment, and the steadineas of char acter wTiieh are noeded to make hiss a safe occupant of any high or responsible administrative oQie ; and that the meana by which bis "boom" are start- of ed and promoted of which the manner ia which hia "history "has recently been a -ra!ded and produced ia a good exam ple bear too close an approach to the advertising devices of a circus or other public sho to make tho camii lacy ef a any person resorting to them anything but a humiitation for the party pro ducing him. i tit: T r T I ooKU kuuuui. support at the polls any Democrat for California, aro visiting at Halsey. president. This is especially the case Mr. Newton Warmouth has Just anion the unintelligent. Innorant nart returned from a trip to Eastern Ore nf rim nart And mint will Imi linun 1 Son. - r " ' . t i t. T .t t i ft .t.- i.i r ane liiun vouinjr uwn i. w. w to.. i-H-w vuojr wuu.v. ,v, . - T wl moet atShodd, duly 2. W. devil in order to beat tne uomocraia. fi r TTinir will hn nrnnnnt l vr m ' fT a .a .a a aa i$ut fortunately may are not all like Messrs. Rector, D.tvls anl otliors this, Democrats in thia oatnpalgo will were In Corvallh attending the (I rand have te meet the influence ef corpora- Lodge of I. O. (. T. last weo , ttons and aggregated oapltel ai these all We unUerst inu tho HhoUU and want iust such a man as Blaine in the w . . V J. "m,V" an,u if Piaui im iL iinimv nuiuriiiiv. nMMuidanlittl aalacatai A M fJB man in Ka aan I l..w,.cw.. vu.u. .-.. I 1 1 1,1 It Iw.rn -.n oe controlled oy jreouniary oonsioera- Frj(syf the teachers will attend the lions will suit the corporations. Un ytato Teacher's Atamrliillou at Halorn the other hand the Republicans should Mr. J. W. Callihsn and mother.o not forget tbat they have unnumbered Danville, III. , aro visiting their rein -sins of omission and commission ,to Stewart and family, at answer for. The neonle have not for- lltUrtt'y . . . .. I, . Hon. T. L. Porter h ex iroctorl home got en the post tradeship sandals, the L fc M fo wuisay ring uisgraces, tue star rouvo NatonI X)Gin()C.rfltl(. (invention a swindles, but worse than all, they have Chicago. candidates for president and vice preei- Judge Stewart and family started dent, nominated through the i flusnce hor the coast, but did not get farther largely of the men who promoted and than the Judge's farm on account o maturated theae treat crimes asainst tle raln- " if .... a t i. it' ti Oka k. Tt..r I r. ira aurora anu .joh-.ii .rn n mmm i. ....... r..m t ... I ml hMMI i "Hi . . . . UO UUUIV IIUIII ui' . ' . . , .... is a growing sentimsnt tnrougnoui me (ook M lhoagh thpy liau Imco country that it would be dangerous to hard at work. the peace and welfare of the people and ur H. B. Kenlston la attending the government to call Blaine to the I campmeotlng1 at Roberts Bridge, M U executive chair. This distrust is found- Lillian Worth has charge of the store ed in the bHaf that from hia nrevailins ln "l bBnc. . . mwr tmr t . I - r lav. nf ...rsrU. -how .n,l aaneation he we leern inat w . vv . r rauc a,.ur.u " ; ' " 7 '. erly a druggist In Halsey, U now wouiu iDTTt ne ooumry in a i,nt of tno Ohori Her, in war within a brief perted after bis in- Leu is county, W. T. auguratioo. The nomination of Logan The editor of the llwjle Informed adda no strength to the ticket. Beeidea us that he will not Issue any mors all this the Republicans are confronted tho ( f everal otlo r ,., matters deserve his attentb n which oy an element oi opposition wnicn ner- nocPHtUv pmnnt,t .,i(.h,fH, trier party haa ever heretolore oou to mi t . . l . meei ana overcome. tors ia to i.rg. Mf nQi oo) ppotd hlil vo. nuraoera, leapectaoie anu innuenriai teJ iMi tbe Tburmao Act. H Republican newepapers which have de- . tfc PilciGc rmi,ro.dM in lllfir claredagainat their ticket. As -how-1 wilh tfa- ,.OTOrnni.nt( and fcfa mg the exunt of thu epjKaition we voU io opno,ilion lbo Thurman law II .1 . . m m ' oaii tbe attention of our readers to a !.. . ,,r.r.iinn. wr. r.v;i lUt of such newspapers on tbe lirat page to ch t lbe Jjvcrnni.ot if fee a . i f STa a a sa I oi tnia taeue. uur itepuuncan mmm coujj. console themselves vben speaking of this revolt by tbe hope that these bal tera will return to their first love and .Ti fl?T! 'f :u .f .,"ttn' '"""is in in" i imi wjunr., ,nipj, i. ill, i nmnr, i m wnicn air. liiatne secured too passage in the manner above described in 1 SG9 ; that he asserted on the fl loc of the 'Love's Libor lxat." Th cor.tral fi?.. si ure of the cartoon was the distinguished politician frctn Maine who ia represen- ircnA Tbe real grounds ef objection to Blaine on the part of independent re publicans are found in bis susceptibility to corrupt methods in politics and gov ernmental affairs, as shown in hia rul ings in favor of railroad companies while speaker of the H juso of Repre sentatives, and in the danger of bis in volving the nation ia a foreign war, in case he should be elected President. By the more far-seeing republicans he ia regarded as possessing unbounded ambition and people generally are afraid of such a spirit ia the executive office of the nation. We have often remarked in these co'umns ihit the great body f - e voters of the Republican party are hone-t men like those of any political party. They are not differeat in that respect from other political par ties. But we have often maintained tbat the organization of the party l in tbe bands and nnder the control of designing and cJbhrapt men, and they dictate the nominations and control its policy. We are sustained in this view, by dozens of independent Re publican papers all over the country. The better part of the party is utterly powerless to do anything to better the party or the country. Lt the old hulk sink. Upon hearing it said that in con sequence of the Republican bolt in Boston against Blaine, his managers would be unable to get money in that city for his campaign, Meen, tbe rich owner of the barbed wire fence mo nopoly, said that he stands ready to make up any deficiency in that direc tion. If Blaine should be elected he will be the tool of every monopoly In the country. The danger of Blaine's foreign policy and his confidential relations with railroad and other mo nopolies will cause many a Republi can to hesitate when they come to vote. The healthiest sign of the times lies in the fact that there are thousands of men all over the country who have been acting with tbe Re publican party for years who new de clare that a change is needed, and in consequence, of the very objectiooal record of Blaine they will vote for the Democratic candidate. House that the bonds he received" were I ted to be seated on a thrtv-leged wood bought by him at precise! v the same I en stool. Ilia face wears a look of tbe rate as others paid," whereas tie evi-jmost intense agony, while bis body dence showed that tbe bon is came to "Web is coven d only by a blue colored him as comm issions cn sale, which he clout otnnu ut-I with rnaavrvs stars, secured the opportunity of making is tattooed itb fraud, the woiks of the through hia aid give n to the work in artist, spelling out in bold letters tbe Confess, ani that ho solititc l this numerous frauds with which tbe name agency, basing bis request on the aid so I of Mr. Blaiao has been connected. On given, anl thai ho pai 1 nothing what- "ia are written the words: "Little ever for the bond.-, the conoid r.tioo Roc't Railroad Bnda," "Mulligan It bein his ruling a Shaker at.d his "Northern Pacific Railroad subsequent efforts to sell them. What Bonds," "Anti-Chinese," while on bb he dil with these bowl, senit Gve arm io glar'n characters are tbe worda: in number, is uncertain ; Lut strong, "Guano Statesmanship" and "Bloater." though not conclusive, evidence was On the left leg of Mr. Blaine are the produced going to show that they were words: "DmagogUm," "Monopoly." taken off his hands at a g.jod'ptice by Standing on the floor j mi in rear of tbe the Union Pacific Rulroad, (through tattooed man ia a bucket, from which a the instrumentality of one Caldwell.) cloud of uteara is rising, labelled: "Tii which then also wt io trouble. The Cleaning K ui i." while n-ar by ia investigation on this point was never Mfiog neir scrubbing brush, sutqorted 1 1 1 . . . I I I . L liU 1 I I . . pusuou uouie, owm to llr? HudJi n w7 caao or jviuiununmnrv ami a illaess which ove.took .Mr. 1876. Farmers. Now la tho time to prepare to savo your fruit, the proNpertn are favorablo for an abundant crop of fruit of all kinds, there fore If you aro wise you wl 1 take sdvan- taKO of It and 1st nono of It go to waate. but provide youriMilvos with machine for evaporation, and dry the whole ot It. The heat evaporator in the markst la the "Improved I'luminer Family and Kactooy Fruit Drier" it haa been the longeat in time and bao never failnd to give! .ion which we havo nbumlaut tentlmony to provo. for sale r;y Jouk Unions, Albany, May 18;h, 1834, Hteve Ir.jalor. i i i 1'opntar Fterslelana. Tberb Is a (trowing domand oti ull xldes for remedies agreeable to tli taste as well as benelljlal In etlect, and the leading nhyaician and druggists gladly waleome to tho list of now remediea al preparations iosaesiui( real merit and pleaautit taate. It la now admitted by all who have tried the new remedy, wbii ii la iiaving such an i in merino aale Syrup of FisNthat It i the most efllcacloua preparation ever discovered If you want the best ef all liver mcdi clues and purgatives, Syrup of Figs is your choice. Trial bottle fre-s and large bottles for sale by I,arigdou& Co Maxim I lnfmment. ,1. II. Daniel now has a complete line of musical Instruments of all kinds for sale, consisting of the Mathuabek plaoo, the Hhonlnger organ, fiddles, violins, guitar.-, etc., as well as tbe latent sheet music. His Instruments are all of l!-e best grades, and are not the cheap (ram, so that when you get an Instrument f any kind yon may know that you are getting one that wii) last and hold its tune. V J.OI It fun A IK . Tb beat fjusllly of Magnolia XXX new proeesa Hour, f r i I peir barrel, or $1 par nar k. Hali flour will m delivered to anv part of the city of Alt any. Call en the underxlnod at the Magnolia Mills. Taaao B. Baaar. Choice Styles IN BOOTS AND SHOES; The Twelv Apastlr of V raad. "The Ten White Men and Two Ne groeswho Defeated American I'eopie out of their Cbelee for President ln 187i" ia a picture U0x2S luchea, Just Issued by the Advance Publishing Co., No, ft and 7 Murray street, New York. N Y. It makes boueat men thrive ami the fraud conspirators writhe. Trice ZD centaacopy, prepaid to any address. Twelve copies to one address, pre paid, throe dollars. i uu sau Improved farms in I .Inn and lJine count lea in the heart or tbe fines farming d tii-t weat ef the ftockr mountains. For partlcnUra address or call on A. Wukki kii, Hbedd, I.i un Co , Or. Uomcmber that we take wood on abacrip tioD, and the sooner received the moat coo i uleat it will be tor us. Lrllrr II. I Of aupport illaine, but we warn them that f' Jua l4,h' ,'nion" eaiims tor ' 1 ' Ultars OaaaS sSfS IBM Usts on wuicb th-r . L i . . . . ft. I I - ... . . .. - . inw is a very sienuer tnreau upon wnicn llurrUf, Jmhn UmH. Kiln BOBSl L M... Kllic ir, lr Ksw, Ur MtM Jt... V, .r J. Ml UaxK.r ftl.i.llftlh II . ft ft ft A.. .ftl uuiy comprenenu anu carefully wstgn Uru. i,.ti m sb. a k ih Wtm to hang their hopes for the aucceas tbeir ticket. Aneiner mrauiae maae avhcJii.t.r. ih by tbem is a failure on tbeir port to M. lllvWrr., J,u J J. M. 1UVING, P.M. A Ufe Oavlaa rresaal Mr. M. K. Allison, 11 n li. nson, Kaa., Saved hia life by a simple Trial Jioltle of lr. Klntr s Now l)m-tvrv. lor e,uini)uip tlon, which caused blm to procure a lare tMittle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of cdmaleand everything etsM had fail. Hroncbltb IIoarctisM. revere Mmnhs, anl Asthma, Throat and Lung iliNeasea. it la iruaran mm io cure. Trial BoHftOS free ot Foshay Mason's Drug More. large airo $1 C) rw. New Ucea, enibroilertes, silk glovr, l.nlc ll.ros'l gloves, mitts, and a fall assoitmiat of kid gloves in black and color, io th Cele brated t'ontemeii and Mather styles at IfoSTfclTil it StlTEf SAH. BliKin akvic-4 m I Tlie bear aalve In tbe world for en s. bmlaea, eorea, ulcere, salt rbeum. fever sore, letter, chapissd hantls, chilblains, corns and all kiods of akin eruptions. This aalve Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ia every case or inor-y re funded. Price 3.V per lx. For aate by Foahoy Manon. B SIMPLY STUPENDOUS! .a a . . a s toe fact that man are growing more independent every day. That thev are less controlled by party ties than ever j before. That to a very large number of Republican voters there ia no terror in tbe thought tbat Democrats may aucceed tbia fail to power in tbe general TranscendentaUy Bey ond Description in all its government. enai many jiepuuucan votera secretly wish that this may be Overwhelming Perfection. so. All these things considered in an unpartiaao.di paaaionate way give atrong hope of success to the Democrats. Dem ocrata however should not forget the words of wind jm of 8. J. Tilden, where in he aya that Dijacrata, in order to win, must bare a two-thirds msjority in order to win. FOR SPR1HB AND SUMMER WEAR. ComprUiug everything new in (Jentle men's, Iaultn', Mlaaos and children's SHOES, SLIPPERS, &C, Specialties io Fine Shoos, Medi um and Common Shoss. Novelties in Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers, Call and see tho largest an J best assort - meat In the oity. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, j.llixny9 Or Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given the co-partnership heretofore existing between L Senders and AI Stun ' sqtL under the firm noma sod style of Ssndcfs & StertUrj.'. of Albany is (hia day dissolved. All indebted to said lino either by aocoont St note are mjaestel to cotra ar.d ettle at one. The boots are kept at the old tand and all accconts not paid with in thirty days will be placed iu the hands of an Attorney for collection. 1st. ISM. i snros k Situs acco Sheriff's Sale. inlhf. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, or the County of Linn . A II Baltimore, riaiatlff. vs. J M Motzler and H II Alibonae, J F Back ensto and W M Ketohom, partners doing nininesn nnoer rne nrm name and sty la of Altbooae, Backenoto and Ketebom. Defendants. Y VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION and order of sale laaned out of tbe above named Court in tbe above entitled suit, to me directed and delivered, I will on Hatnrday the 26th day of July. 1864, at tbe Conn Mouse doer in the city of Al bany, Linn county. Oregon, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., aeii at public auction tor cash In hand to tbe bigbeat bidder tbe real property described In aald order of sale aa follows, to-wit : Lot No. 2,in Block 1 1 .and tbe weat half of Lot No, 3, In Block 11, in the city of Albany Linn county, Oregon, as tbe same ia designated, numbered and described on tbe maps and plate of said city, now on file In tbe office of tbe Coonty CI. rk ef Linn county, Oregon. The pro reed a of sale to be applied first to the nay merit of the costs of suit taxed at $27.96 aad accruing costs. Hecond to tbe payment to tbe Plaintiff tbe sum of $52,lb with accru ing Interest on $400 thereof at one per cent per month from September 2Stb, 1883. Third to the payment to tbe Defendant. H II Altbouae, ty M Ketchum and J F Backensto tbe sum of $o8.6S and coats and accruing- interest from tbe 14th dav of March 1882, and thereafter if anything re main tbe same to bo paid over to tbe De fendant Met7.1er or but aaairna. Dated tbia 2;th day of June, 1H84. Geo. Humph key, Sheriff of Linn coonty. Administrator's Sale. Notice U hereby given that the onderaign ed. aa Administrator of the estate of Larkin S Osborn, deceased, by virtue of an order of the County Court, of Marion county, State of Oregon , made on the Otb day ef Jane A. I)., 1884, licensing and empowering blm to do so, will on Friday, tbe 25th day of July, 1884, at tbe boor of 12 :30 o'clock p in , of said day, at the Court Honae door io Albany, in Lioa county, in said state, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash ia U. S. gold coin too following diecribed real premises, belonging to tbe said estate, si tool ed io said linn coonty, to-wit i Beginning at a point on tbe south line of section hi (6) in T. 13, 8. R. 1 , eaat of Willamette meridian 80 rods west of tbe southeast eorner of said section M ; thence weat 100 rods ; thence north l(J0 rods ', thence eaat 100 rods ; thence south ISO rods to tbe place of beginning, eontaioiog 100 acres, Dated Jane ISth, 1884. Jomx OsBOBjr, Administrator. Administrators Notice. Notice ia berebv given tbat tbe under signed baa been tbia day dnly appointed Administrator or tno estate or Andrew Miller, deceased, by tbe County Court, of linn county, Oregon. All person bavins; claima against said potato are hereby Dott ed to present aald claima dnly verified within aix months from date hereof to the undersigned at bis residence near ScJo, Linn county, Oregon. Dated June 12tb, 1884. ii. A, MlIAKS, II cwirT A Brvajtt Administrator. Att'ya for Adm's. OWE NO MANANYTHINC. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are respectfully request ed to call at ooce for settlement, as I ancef make collections to meet my own obligatiocav A disregard of thia notice will entail coats oo debtors. Cmas. B. MoOTACt'B. Lebanon, aw. 6th, 1883, Builders .and Farmers NO MORS B R N H 1 N Q ES, NOR BARN DOORS GETTING OFF THE TRACK! 1 2 Kktl (.OSBLI K STftrr. At Albany on Monday, .Inly lib. W. W. COLE'S ENTIRELY NEW . COLOSSAL SHOWS. THE THIRD CHARGE. Third", That Mr. Dbinio 1870 made an o.Ter,is appeared I y his own letters, to one of his railroad friends, Mr. War ren Fisher, of Boston, to fceli him half of o te twenty-fourth interest in thi Northern PaciGc Riilroad, imme diately after Jay Cjokb's contract "bad been perfected and th -j additional legig lation had been obtained," he having, be said, cjrus into control of thix inter eat "by a strange revolution of circum stance ;'' that tbj amount of stock which tbia 'ould represent, he said, would be $425,000, and tbe number of acres of land "neaily 275.0C0 " "The chance," he said, "wa a very rare one be couldn't touch it," but he offered it to ilr. Frher fjr $J",000 ; that Mr. Fisher accepted it and paid the money, but for some unexplained reason the stock was never delivered, and Mr r- m - ' taine subsequently returned the amount. 'Ibis transaction was a very peculiar one, fir tho following reasons It appeara from A?ts oi Congress re- raung co tne road, none of which are of older date than July 2, 18C4, that the authorized stock was $100,000,000, with a land grant estimated by tbe com miseioncrs of public lands at 47,000 000 acres, or 74,423 square miles. The line of the road was 2,000 miles long, and at tbe time of B ame'n nur Fisher it was, be says, being built on binds at $25,000 a mile, which should have made a bonded debt of $50,000, 000. Mr, Biaine, as member of Con gress and Speaker of the House, must be taken to have known about the cir cumstances of the road,and there there fore eeems no escape from the conclu sion tbat his offer was based on tho expectation tbaty he would receive al most as a gifc a share iu an enterprise dependent for its value on lition in which he had taken part. Mr. Blaine's defenca in tha cse of this transaction consisted at first of a denial tbat be bad ever had any transaction with the road at all, but he afterward rested on the fact that he had no pe- Mr: Biaine'e quarrel with Kjeooe inkling dales back to 1876. It orig- B!aiae :n buge bh:k bottle labeled 'Tiiomic Kd J inated with Senator Conkltng'a refusal itorials." Justin r6ar of the ta I od to yield the floor to Mr. B.'aioe. Mr. man, Y ntteiaw K u i, elitor of the New tinkling remarking that be "did not York Tribune, hatandiug with the r spiration rolling in great dropa from hia forebevl while with a ' Tribune Kc- cuaes" scrubbing brtmh in hia right band and an "Kxplauative pumica stone" in his left band ho ii trying vaiuly U wash tbe stains out of hia hero's hide. Kneel ing io front of the tat'oce I man is Wil liam Waiter Phelpa who ia trying to rub out tbe damuing aptta on the Mine stateamm.'a leg with "Vindicative sand paper." Mr. Phelpr is auppirted by an immense baiin of "Sjphis'-ry acid" and a volume labelled "H irax-FaUe Arguments." In commenting ujion the ctrtoon, Puck says, addressing Mr. Phelps: "You want to ehow Mr. James G. Blaine, ef Miine, to the public as a pnre and spotless statesman, dj you ? Well, do you know what that under taking implies? It implies the 'recon struction of all known principles of mor alty,and numerous alterations in all ex isting dictionaries. It involves the transformation of black into white, and the making of a job such as Lucifer tin dertook, according to Milton, when be announce! his intention of performing his celebrated transmogrification trick act with Evil. The contract is a little too large for you, Mr. Phelps." THE HE VOLT AUAISST Ba.AI.VK. Among mere partisans theie u al ways a disposition to belittle and ignore the strength and numbers of the opposite, party. The opinion of a par tisan as to the result of an election is generally to be found grounded in the wish and hope that inch a result will obtain. The riresont outlook as to the pret idential election is no exception to tbe rule. The enthusiastic, ardent supporter of Blaine will tell you that he is the very strongest and most popu lar man tbat could have been nomina ted. Ha utterly ignores all stumbling blocks over which Blaine and tbe party might fall on the road lo the white house. On the other hand the enthu- svsv AvuiiVi a. v OCCi3 u u w i i u g iu if it? j wiab to have anything to do with tbe member from Maice, not even, to yield him the f!r." Mr. Blaioe replied with a promptness and vim which showed tbat he fully returned Mr Cenkling'a anitnoniy. "As to the geuileman'tf cruel aar- casm." he said. "I hope it will not be too severe. Tho contempt of tbat large minded gontbman U so witting, bis haughty disdain, hia grandiloqoent swell, bis majestic, superemiuent, over powering turkey-gobbler strut haa been so crushing to myself and all tbe mem bers of this House tbst I know it was an act of the greatest temerity for me to venture on a controversy with him. But sir I know who is responsible for all this. I know that within tbe last five weeks, as members of the House will recollect, an extra strut has char acterized the gentleman's bearing. It is not bis fault. It ia the fault of anoth er. Tbat gifted and satirical writer Theodore tilten of tbe New York In dependent, spent some weeks recently tn this city. His letters, published in tbat paper, embraced, with many ser ious statements, a little Jocose satire part of which was tbat tbe mantle of of the late Winter Davis had fallen upon tbe member from New York. The gentleman took it seriously, and it has given his strut an additional pom posity. Tbe resemblance is great it is striking: Hyperion to a Satyr Thersites to Hercules ; mud to marble ; dunghill to diamond ; a singed oat to a Bengal tiger ; a whining puppy to a roaring lionl Shade of tbe mighty Da vis, forgive the almost profanation of tbat jocose satire," Mr. Blaine and Mr. Coukling have not spoken to one another since. C J ' jmm mmmmmmrkm. illi JLal tL I aJHm LY M m mmm 5!laaa5l PATENTED SEPTEMBER 12Mb, i860. This cu: represents tbe Terry Wrong ht Irion Harper, and section of Wrought Kail, in rMuiou. Tbe rail is far superior o any n.w in use It never dees in or aarps, is always in good order, and iaw, iee chaoT or dirt cannot wumulii on tbe track, aa ia tbe eaaw wtlb cast rail. It requires no abed over it, and any n can pot it np 1 bo rail is ma le of one by 3-16 inch Wrought Iron, in aix snd eight foot strips. Tho supports sre t waive inches apart, and sregamrouo teed to hold the heaviest door. The hstiKf r boa a projectim; lip and is uwed w ith wooden strips. It cannot get off the rack when put up as ttbown, snl ill not orea. iESTCNT. WBR?.VGHT For Sale by PETERS & BLAIN, The Mexican War Pension bill has passed both houses of Congress, and now awaits tbe approval of the Pres ident. The FItz John Porter rebf bill is in the same condition. Tho President will likely approve the former and veto the latter. COMPRISING THE Biggest Circus in the World ! IN 3 BIB RINGS AND AH ELEVATED STAGE. Fourteenth Year of Unceaalng Triumphs, augmented and enlarged to atsaooi endless proportions. THE WHOLE WORLD IN MIGHTY UNION. Astounding and Truly Tremendous Features, and more Costly, Phenominal atirae tons than all other Shows. Albany, Oregon, DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS DEERING BINDERS AND MOWERS, STUDEBAKER WAGOtfS, J. I. CASE THRESHERS AND ENGINES, ACME HARROWS AND ALL KIDS OF FARM MACHINERY. CALL AND GET PRICES. OLD SHOP AND NEW PRICES. work in his line, nt uri.-t that Ufv contuciiiion. The subscriber beiur a vTaiii sitd nil ktnda of farm Hsinaa U issrw. sn 1 he U wiliitiz u reduce his pvices to suit the kasMsif, ruUy Tho Very o( UTUU) LIVUUOU. flicludinu Tho . . Aii-uvurBiiauowing tWmtrmmtmakmmVtWmtmmWma tmmr mMWWm m A nDBD OF Kl.Kni lT.t Performing Etephonts, Clown Elephants, Waltzing Elephants, Big Elephants, Small Elephants and Musical Elephants, A GREAT DOUBLE MENAGERIE IN TWO TENTS. Twenty Csmeis. Nursing Bsby Camels, Giant Camels, White Hippopotamus only Black two-horned Rbinocorous, Sea Animals, Kangaroos. Trained Wild ravage Beats, Tigers. Llona, Leodarda, Wild Animal Trainera and Teachers, tenia e Snake Charmers, White BuiTalo, Loose Id, Sacred and Singular Jirutes, an;i an Kino; oi Rare Winged Curlosititea. The Sacred White Paced Elephant of Burmah. llarlti.' Artil., s Troup of 12 Marvolouit, Muculsr snd Vondefullakw3bk-"5 SW All Bare-Back Bidors, many acts simultaneously ; Boiler Skates, lHoycie Kiaers in the sir. Wire Walkers, Trained Horses, Trained Pigs, real Racing Pigs, Riding Mon keys, in fact EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY NOVEL, Which vast sums of money.intelligance an" progressive Ideas oould secure or suggest. AUIT1I A T XT' T "V Allklpdsof Aerial Acts, Daring and Dexer H I VI IN I- I a 1 mis KeaLs. TraDeze ArtlNts Gymnasts, Strong Men, tstrong Women, Aacenslnl8tH.SusRtIonal Mid-Air Figbta.and Ceiling Walking, iVew People, New Acts, New Faces. All olrl fraturf a discarded. Bran New Sensations Secured. Long Ha'rod Ladies Midget Men, Lespera, Tumblers, Clowns, Riders, Contortionists, Hippodrome, Pac ini. Trained Stallions, Performing Ponies, Rival Riders in same Ring. Absolutely all kinds of Shows. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. Two performances daily. Aam:ssion 91. tuuureu under 0) half price. Reserved Beats 56 cents extra. The undersijpied hss just reopem-d his p.n sht st tbe old stand, where he is prepared to do til kinds of Km s irowd stock sj weiroii timber on hsnd. si.d is rec-ivin- s lot ( t Eatern wigun stock vis., the N . R. R. S'td will be pleased to see his old friends and ss maoy new nee ss wieh U vivs hiai a csiL Read the follow- i 12 and becoiiviucea tbat he means to doesactly what he says : Filling wheels, old price per set, $26 00 New price 18 00 SKkcs snd Felloes price 40 " SS Hickory Axletreees, price 7 00 " St Wsgtm Tongues, price 2 00 M " 1 00 UoWtor. prioe - S 00 ' 1 50 C'ouplins, prioe S 00 1 60 And everything else in the same proportion. All work warranted good snd substantisl, sad ersrythlng irusmnlcot aa represented. Keniember the old sund. ucxt door of J 11 Arthurs htevrssniltn snop. Noarn I.khsnsvills, Or., April 80th, 18S1 A C, HAU&MAN. FISHBURN & SCHOMAKER, Oeneral Agents for IRON TRIBUNE AND BUCKEYE WIND ENGINES. H New Backeye FORGE PUMP THO B -S A IDS in arse. tans io hi git Wind. strong and Durable Worka 4f throws is eoa Htstnl si r it ui . il a Purclntu uetl y tin Littler la t?stialljr -et la the cheapest and (he beat Force Pamp ia the world lor dep ur shallow wells. Thousands iu use in every part oi ili United tate. ever freeses in the winter. Send tnr eirt-u lav and prices. SALEM WOOD TUMPS, HOSE PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALU aiaua always on hand and furnished to ordor. Parties desiring any artio '9 io our line will be promptly atteided to by addressing u h or calling at our pi toe of bodneas o State Street, between Com mercial and FronijSaleai, Oregon, Will not 8BSIMH. KUELL, WARP OK RATTLE IN TBS WIMD,