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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1884)
I STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Ifmofrat STATE RICHTS DEMCCKAT, THE BEST ADVERTIM8 MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. ISSUED KVERY FRIDAY -BT- ST1IES & MTTlX't.. Bi:SISK.SOc FI F, Drmocral Balldlg llruiMtnlbta Mwt. Hpo ial buainoa nothee in LooaJ Col urnnso cento per lino. Regttiar Leon notices 10 centa jr lino. For legal and transient advertlaanaosiie 1 00 per square for tbe first iasertaee. .aa 0 cento per square for each aubeoqaoo insertion TERMS Of bUBSCRUTlON tnf l copr, per year. In adrance !!-' copy, per year, at end 'er 1 singto copy, t month int;l copy, three month inch number S 00 1 M 76 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1884. NO 46 Kateo for other advertieements nown en applkation. Swte Eights PROFESSIONAL CARDS. u plinn. o. . OUMMOUK FMNX & CHAMBERLAIN, VTTORSKYS AT LAW, Albau) . Oregon. rornoe in Foster's Brisk Mock. v!5ntStf. R. S. 5TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. VlhH) , Oregon. WILL PBAOTEGS IN ALL THE Uottris of tin State. Will sive pecial attentiou to oollwlioiw and probate tnattar. , . , JO,f Otnoo In Foster's now book. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORN BY AT I.AW. A I ' Notary Public. Alkaay, Oregon. omc uprfairs, over John BrlinrjJtow, I .Inat 1 J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOT All Y PtliUC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALB IN V, lirtLL PR.UTH-K IS ALL THK 0OORT8 OK THK f State. SpcUltteBtigitm'liei-uond probat. matter. tt!Bce iu tVl.i FeU ' tafik 14:3 C. POWELL "'ZFTW0 vnwm.i. ft BILYEU, TTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors iu n.anocrv. iLIANT. UREVOS. finii.n wronwtlv made on all points. Loans negotiated on rwfonable taruis. jOfflce in Foster's Urn k.-mr. vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittarnsy And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Court of this State. All business intrusted to htm will be promptly attended to. Office in OToole's Nock. . W. LANGDOM & CO., Books, Stationorv and Toilet Article, A Large Slock and Low Price.. CITY X3S.TJC3- STORE, vl 4LB.NY. OKE..O. FOSHAY & MASON, l)ru?i.tsand Booksellers, ALOAXY, OKKOS. v.a41tf LOUIS CAMPEAti'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp xnns which are always k: in good condition, aal hair eut in the 1 jr style. 8GMKEX. LIYERY, FEED AHD SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Ho-ses kept on reasonable terms. Horses and busies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth treet. S4 WA V Lacsdry and chisa ncunnN ursi NESS Rice, and JapM-ete irod. La'l'e nnderclothea, aotd at bottom pncea C"itract-ir lor Chin labor. fSfTNeTt to City Bar.k. HENGr TENGr. Boat washing and ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south ofRevero K.ym SAM COHEN- Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchaadise household goods, etc.. at auction fer any one in tl e city or county Ktore opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN. SCIO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & D1LLY. TaEALER-S rj CLOCKS AND VATCH I KS. Kn a full line of jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired iu firat-class order. SCSO - - OREGON. W. SI, MOttKOW, DEALER IN STOVES , TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, Uble cuilery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. I J EEP A FULL LINE OF PURE fVlW'cerift fresh candies, nuts, ana h!1 kindxof confwiioriarias, tobacco, cgars, etc . eb;. Caah paid for proluce ol all kinds. sno, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, TKA1.KUI. DRY QOODS. OLOTH- U ING boot, os. hats and caps, groceries -iijars, totKtcco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. D9RRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE Of PUBLIC LE TT1NGS SO LlCItEu. t'.ans and .specifications itbrnlajbed on short notice. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN' DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON, Tho words lla .Wile" in Fioneh 'the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, -AND- All kiMs of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Aent for Frank Bios., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE BRINK & SON. (Stuvt-ssors to) Dannais, Woodiu & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacturo to order, and will kep .-..nstantlv on hand, a compete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. rtnllE UNDKRSIONEU WISHES TO I inform the public that he is new pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work la war ranted to give satisfactionr Will work anvsnd all kind- of stone, but -al principally- in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing a-d resetting a specialty. Call and examine mv price before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold, "hopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS. Frop. DR.- M. H. ELLIS. Physician and Surgeon. f$0OnfC and residence in Mcllwain'. Block. Albany. Orison. NEW BARBER SHOP. 41. JACK80B - - Proprietor. pposite Revere House Shavin ? and hair dressing done in firat class stie. First-class btth rooms. Bath for adiesand gentlemen! all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, Caraei first and Ellawortk Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r This new Holal is fitted op in flrat claaa atyle. Tablea eupplied with the beat the market aflorda. Spring Bd in every Room. A rood Sample Room lor Com mercial Travelers. tWVrt Ceael. to and from the Motel." MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, WBOOm AHD DRES8-MAKIIB. CuUing and fitting by ttaa new Taylor. System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRS. I. W. Si MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. CREQON. Offer their profeaaional services to the citizen of Linn and adjacent MtwHr., Office and nMM near Court H juae. Store. Call at lAliguoii anu v" "a T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAV AND Notary Public. nm in States Rights Dkmocua office. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNISG & CO., PROPE'S. SEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR WOK FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE nCJLITIES. Highest iFrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. DR. J P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office ar. residence on. First Street be ween Eilswoth and Lvon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon & Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. ftOXAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. This invader nerr varl,. A marvel f pricl. trwinrth and wh loaoiiuimaa Mm- c itiotiilu I than the . i il.n t v klll.ta, aiul i nn II it Ik aM In t'uu vl.tioii nil ili. multltmlo on iw tt. h.irt writfht, lum W phtwphaU xiwiler. v.'. I inily In MM K. u Ua.iu IViwusa fo. 100 Wall htrvot, S. V. futitma A Positive Cure for Every Form of tho Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. TIlOrsAMWOKI.rrTKUSIn ..,r aSwa.on Tt (h -t tin. itory ; 1 hrm Immii tcrrtblv auflrirr lor yvmn lth Bluoi anil .skin llmnota . lutvaU vii ' U"-: U ahun public l.r. h ii-wtui f hit HkMinn humor ; h'a)hail tho In-at Iii. iai , lu,v pent hundreds t dolkvr. nd i n road rllt unUI t UMd the I'utli-ura Keolveiil, the new IU-..I Turin er. Internally. n l uii. ur and 'uttt-urs Snap, the llraat Skin Ourea an. I Skin lleautinera, etternall) , win. h havo cured M and left mv akin an I tld M par a. child'. ALMOST INCURABLE. Janir K KlclisrUaoa. CmUNB Hattaa, Ktg Orleana, on oath, am), Iu Sr. I 1 era broke out on my b- !y until I aa a ma o . rrup lion. Krerylhlii known to the Medical faculty waa tried In train. I became a mere wreck. At tin-oa could not lift my hand to ray hew!. -tild nt turn in bed . ara in -nnitattt pain, anj ltokal aj- n life a a car. Noreliel nt run in teu year. In lk-0 I heard ( the I'uticura Keuiedlca, uaed them and wa ierert!v cured. Saorn to twlaro (7. K. Com. J. P. CRAW ti IlP. STILL MORf SO Will UrOaaalcl, 1 1 Dearhora Htn t, hi. ago rrcatc Itheur tcluliy ackuowledea a cure l K. tenia, or .'alt m, n !i - vl. n.- t, face, arm, an l ler lor Betenten turn j not able to n. . n n I on hai d and koeea. for one year . not able to help in ma. II for rlifht year ; tried hufiiire.1 tt r. ; . : - u ra prU"Unce hi raae h'iielcaa, M.'ruiaUelly cured lJ the Culicura hV me, J It a. MORE WONDERFUL YET. H. E. t ijrpenter. Ilandaraoa, N " ., ured at Paoriaaia or Leprtaiy', t-f twenty year aiaadltitc, by OMlMM KcmedleS. The n. -s. womicr'ul cure on rweurd. A uUatnful of acaiaaj faiifr.Mii li.CU ttaily. Itiyan iat and k.a frienrfa nh-.uM he tuurt die. Uurw to before a Juattea ol Ue tm c aud lien, deraon'a m.ail prwminent cillxcii DON'T WAIT. Writ l a I iheae Oatimonial in full or arnd dirart to the parties. All arc alaoiaiel l rue and given without our knowledge r ...It. luti.n. Don't wait. Now ta the lima t--ur ccry px les nf It. h inf. Sody. PimJy. !a--rofuloua. taBariaaat, ' nisioii. and Cojiper i-olorad Uieaen of the Bio xl. Skin and Scadp with I of hair. Sold by all dross iata Trier: t'ntlrura, V) cenU: Reaolvent. 11 l Soap, M centa T-.tiir p- .. and Chm .: Co., IfMawa. Ma.. DCAIITV f"r "..u.-h. ' ! r I an.ln ly Skin DLHU I I I'U. kh.-a.l., Mai IklH Uieuiialee, Use uticiira S- ap. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- huhim: V.MTAKMSIII.Ii 1H63. By A. F. CHERRY, Kftuated at corner ol First and Montgomery Street, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the above named Work, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Orist Mill, Woed-working Machinery, Furapa, Iron and Brass Castings of every doa ription. Machinerv of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm u a chinery. Pattern Making done la all Its forma. lG:llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. .,(.jt. jj.u m'vV 'aJEaflliai. piofl ij.pjoKt anonill II" jure 'tpBjt;&i "uo J93i.ui uofJlntlO.') ono eupipo-M OABBJnd eB snid OIJVHJaVO s.aaAv inoq xji 'id ooid :isf(3tua n iq nog in.-ria.Ci aqt ;o ain o a pua pociaj natilnjjon jo joori aiojj . u uapjoip IPs pin '&ntHQ ywoaaQ 'v-o'no awffn. -.'; 'u'.y.s' m f" utdnjj '$nuati(j nuj Hmjt jo uxovuv P MBOMMaO puliMJ oi iii-usm aqt .iu Xiaj3it pu. 'Ki-.ft'j pin; ipjvmoia ..M j . noiua oi a-..jt;ti.uii: '- .ci Jilt nrijfiitiJis pilw 'h .t(..uti. 'a'.('n;- Altjiiii a i.i:51;.jav putt "I"' ''I l3'luaAxlui( jo ojiidut iuoj) 8ii!(jb sasvatiip n jo jna oin d) vnira -vwivs H.U'JAV J Xfiiiwjd taajjad eit 9&ud iia ...) i'. n jiio o) Suituoa X(iumnuoa XllVUI 'l ! JO 8MO ,nl il :JUi: j-u I OAO(ti Ol(X ..-su'iiAV "J XnjtalB.-j wnoA rMV8 op ABUt uotaqml jiacit Jlniilorj 'aojAJa jnoX 1 ioi Mwq) nnpl t '.iuoq Ml 'll l 'ln plIK '!p V. H.Mll)') OiJIt .iop ipvtuM ll( i X .! f -p.ISIA.ip JA atUjOipdlU KX)q t89 iit nit iiv ti'iM paaNntBoeaj f q:iifM 'vriiM v.ivhhvs oqi jo am eqt tr s-iinas.i ;in 9-iiiqun'B j puw 'jairiuoj'jg jua j.hI pajHmq pi.ij j ')iioi(3ax Atoii i t Ktuii 'paAojilmi a; jt:.i.irf q)ai pu- u.i,l Xiu pun 'hmujiii ooivi aqt Xq p.t.m.i riv ojoa qanoa pun tjjitja X iv 'paJVeHldtiiijp a;Mt mil jo uoinau-1! J suSib u pua 'poXvuv 9J.IA aiippni l"i J8A9J am am joqti v iwfV mBS aUg am iiiojj isouqa paAo.uI -in I oiiiaddB Xiv 'ftupjoup ptiiueAo( 8I1 J0J 1 8ll!1!l UatHOq I 'wiX J0UIJOJ ll own i;howj.mI imojj putt 'f8a Joqio Xuviu jo noijBAj.iwqo k 'vrnav.i vwttvg h.iiwav jo anitiA ai(i i)iiMou -nv.op una i!r.p 1k9 v miais.'.'ii Xiii puw 'jood uvav siiddv Xiu : qili'.o.i (wqjjwiwa piiu qjjwitia 0J0A00 a iiiojj jajajjiiti a imni uu f 'uiaqi joao Suiipoia Xuw jaaq Xp0jwr pinoa 1 iwqi X( MaWim os- l0ilJtiq pllV 'iqSliii 1 X(qJ0lOlU o i.;qa 'quii Xiu XliBpadsa ajoiu 8uiaajj jouinq 8iiqoii eiqt.iJojiuoauti iso'ui v qi 1 a papinoji wbav J8iiia itreq : uaiinjiiwo fD V Ma AV 'O 'I4 'BHKgajW mi Sl RM 'Wi ""N W Vf '3 81,, ,1!-iaa jnof otnajdng .iiasnqaaflaajMi oqj jo 'sp 1 a pnp iu,ujuia ov aqi jo j iiljl pun 'hjoa aK uf Xjt:uoHsui Xp u Aoun-UAv 'aptiAl 'J. 'X Ava HX 33N3IU3dX3 Kullowing ig a H.t of tb. .obo.1 dinr tor. and olerka in Linn oounty wbiob w. publttb hy reiiet. Th firit thret are director., and tb la.t named dark. Di.triot 1. Scio. Cba Croft, F M Daniels, J M HaAtler, A J Plummtr. 2. 8cio.C T Jjever, W C Miles, W II Young, 11 N Durthiok. 3. ( 'raw ford. viliv. E J Crawford, J H Ohm, N Sbanka, It Hob. 4. 8oio Henry Cyrttf, p M Btuith, lvid Milieu, Andrew CrabtrM. 5. Albany. Tboaaa Montaitb, K H Strab.n, Jobn Fonbay, J U Burkbart. C. Albany.- S A Dawaon, 11 11 Ramtay, U f Prot, J O Powall. 7. Albany. A M Willnon, David Smith, Pt)UUp Swank, Matt Bcilt 8. Scio. II A Jubtiaon, J H Morria, Wm Syn, R FA.bley. B Scio. -W 0 Millar, J W Com,. ton, T p Uicbardaon, J W Richardson. 10. Scio.-J J Kellav, J M Caliran, W M Moore. 11. Scio.-xA C Cbiiaman, D Uren ciei, II M Aaderaon, J Li Anderson. LI. M- IMeaaant. Jacob Huber, U II IrTinr, I (, F S Tbnyer. 13. Sodavill... -W W Watton, l M NVaatfallJeorga Wilaon.W W Parriak 14, Albany. Nitnrod Payn. Mrs. Botliiie, A lIutaoDpiliar, A K Hloom. 1j. Albany Olney Fry, Jr., James I'lionipaoB, BUM Williama, Reason Mi Connoll. 10. lebanou. J Huuck,D Andrew., J Klkins, Q W Smith. 17. Lebanon. Flward Myera, II Hiatt, 11 C Powell, B Kaebl.r. 18. Allmny Frank Tritoa, A Marahall, Win McKecbnie, M w Q 11 Wilds. 19. Albany. Samuel Owana, Moaaa Miller, J M Archibald, M 0 Ckambera. '-'. Albany. J A Zuniucrraan.John CoZ, A 11 lludleaon, J 11 lUiney. SI. Turners. -UaorRo Rowland, Jmqk Myera, D A Smith, W R Rob srtMon. -1'. Jonlan, Win. R.uton, L Edgar C W Ricbaon, J Bilyeu. 29 Jefferson, Dennis Watkina, P Fennel, F J Dannev, Mike Kellor. 24. Albany. C Turner, G C'iine, John Brown, A Wolverton. '. Albany Jaaae M C Calloway, A S Powell, ; W Unsjr. ML Tangeut D Houck, J B Jenka, A BleWne, J J Beard. 27. Tangent. J B Ba.erU, S J ArcUibeld, 8 Cannon, J II Scott. 28. Bro-nsvillr.. John Warren, W R Kirk, J II Crooks, J P Cooley. S$. HfcsjsMe. BuuU Ward, J-jhn Morgan, Alex Brandon, A J Olin. 90. Albany. A Bard well, A F Wr- r, .1 Staly, M Snyd.r. 31. Ibnnon A Dodge, R C Miller, A P Blackburn, Win K Temple. 32. Millnr'i. -R 8 Ownes, A Far low, J ,l,n Wei., K T T Fisber. 33. Iebanon.Jobn Prior, B Bm tenahaw, Q Kinder, J E Michael. ;JI Li banon. John Baard, John CtiahHtii, (j F Burkhart, 8 It CUyjKwl 35. Corallia. Adams Rader, Amoa Bogue, W Snow, W H Millhollan. 36. Sbedds. Wm Morgan, Robert Smith, J B Couey, A M Acheson. 37. Sbedds. F Sosdd.John C Davia, D P Porter, U W Davia. 38. Sbedds.-Frank Holms, W E Gilberns, Wager Johnson, Walter Poet. 39. Sbeddr. J S lUmeey, W H Powers, James A Smith, J W Pugh. 40. Halsey.-J T McNeil, Bethel Stafford, W It Garrett, T F Smith. A 1 . Halsey. T L Porter, J H Lame Joseph Pearl, J F Starr. 42. Hirrisburg. S.m May, J P Sohooling, S S Train, Wm It M Mo Dannels. 43. Htlscy. Berry Cunnings, Fran cis Leeper, C 0 Jackson, John Cum mioga. 44. , ' ,.,-S Nixsod, D S Busy, John George, J F Davis. 45. Harrisborg F M Kizer, T Turner, F M Kizer, D H Pierce. 46. Hrrisburg. F G Barger, J H Barger, J W (irimes, O P Wills. 47. Hrrisburg. Irvine Macy, J M Phi I pot, Peter Clover, D G Holt. 48. Harrisburg. Perry Goodman, J P Hawk, Frank Beeson, P H Wigle 49. Halsey. Bird Wagoner, I H Wigle. 50. Halsey. Wm Wannoutb, J R McKinney, William Templeton, T J Cooper. 51. Halsey. Wm Robinett, S Z Taylor, Elias Keeney,L Ii Southern. 52. Brownsville. J D Arthurs, J P Galbraith, W R Kirk, Peter Hume. 53. Brownsville. Thomas Burrett, P H Grsy, G D Overton,C II Hobery. 54. Brownsville. N G Rice, James McH-irga. Sr.,J W Swank, J H Tem pleton. 55. Sweet Home. J W Gilliland, A J McClurp, John Donica, 0 H Rus sell. 56. CrawfonLvillc John Weart, F M Malone, D McDowell, J W Mc Dowell. 58. Sweet Home. Wm R Findley, John McGhee, G N Glover, William McKinnon. t - 59. Grass Ridge. Wm Skelton, T Arnold, A P Nye, H G Nye. 60. Fox Valley A D Gerdcer, I N Brotherton, N Miller, J B Trask. 01. Jour da ii. II II PUllft, A M Sheltoo, T Tomer, A J Shelton. 62. Lebanon. A Fitzgerald,. I Con drs, M 11 Gaylord, R R Humphrey. 03. Pine. WW Cullingh.m, Wm Cuitis, Juhn Yeuog, If ugh Dinwiddle. 04. Harrisburg. J N Alford, H S C .re, Wm MoCullook, G M Alford. 65. Scio. W E Arnold, A R Mc Donald, A T McCully, T V Miller. 06. Waterloo. I W Hon.J 8 Stioes, Dennis Klum. 07. Sbedds.-) A McBri.U, John awford, J W Morgan, M W Walker. yi Marion. Jacob Shilling, John Watkins, J Bilyeu, T M Munkers. 09. Tangent D Turner, Mark Hub. hurt, E Truax, J Blevins. 70. Lebanon. John Slavena, W M Rutlidge, Francia Bellinger, SiUa Itey nolda. 71. Scio. E Pitit, D Haraid. J Plait, J W Willa. 72. Biownaville., Kiank Trenlmen, A Stanard, Jamea Flatchei , R N Plet cber. 73. Scio WT Ln,fborrow, James E Clark. 71 Brownavilla. JjU Tyoer, J W Waabbtirn, R N (i rot or, ( C Cooley. 75. Stavtoo II J Kollis, W 11 Rider, Cbarles Scbarfer, H 8 Williams. 76. Scio. H S Bishop, WKM pett, James Crabtree, A Sommer. 77. Soto. J M Bilyeu,J P Crabtree, S W Pomaroy, Newton Crabtree. r& La Un on -H 8 Burkhart, F M Haan, R E Barracbman, John Denny. 79 Liberty.-D H Michael, J W K.rk, J D Woodruff. D H Mothom. 80. Iaabl Alford Drery, S Smith, T A Rigga, W Adams. 81, Lebanon O A K-ea.G M Rom, Walter Yaloa, J M Settle. 82. I Lebanon. A P Nswquiat, I M Brucr, J B Hudleaon, G B McKinney. 83. Scio M V Bilyeu, Us Bhoitoa, Jebn Hannah, IyamJer 8belton. 84. Mr-hama S M MeLava, Henry Lyons, B Hermann, M R .in water. 88, Scio.--G W Pwry, G Phillipa, H guingly, R B M ... . 87. Sweet Hosae. B Makxtw, . B Moaa, J S Nye, W J Pkiipott. 138. Lebanon. A T Young, Wm t ai. ti n ti ii . iBgoatn, mill i-owarsj, v. n i.'n . 89. Lebanon. -I) Timan-,.T W Chen- l tor, M Jackson, Jam. Ken er. 00 l...l..Hnn H W V..Ur. If ,r Ingram, L T Bony, (r 1 Sylveator. a , , , n a u ... u. ,, 91 I ,Iiii in ' , Sn.lth V in I) i?v. I J IMir nninai 1111, I U .1 II..L 92. Sweet Hme. A Wiley, L Mc- g iefn-r, W B WllaOd, J A Ralph. 93. Brownsville. R 8 Cochran, A Frumm, H R Powell, L 0 Rice. 94. (Vawfordaville Mile. Carey, Sylveetrr C cbran, Win Ireland, John Edwards. 85, , -P-ter Bilyeu, D My- era, OT Powell, Wm McKnight. 96. Iebanon. Amos Monoer, Oerote, J A South, F B Powell. P. A. Musks, Supt. Scboola. PKBSOXALa. tieen Victoria has nineteen grand daughters. Tbe Duke of Boccleugb has divided bis vast eat. tee, and has given one estate valued at $50,00$ to bis second son. Hubert Uerkoiner,the artiat,is camp iug out iu Wal. s. His encampment consist, of three tdats and two painting lata. Q. at. U nnor, the Australian crick eter, recently hit a bell which, before it struck tbe ground, covered distance of 501 feet. Tbe Duke of Albany, if be bad lived intended to pass two-thirds of tbe year at Cannes, where be proposed to pur chase, a. villa. Mr. Frederic Ward, of tbe late firm of Grant & Ward, owned twenty-four horses. This probably is the reason tbat he waa so faat. M. DeLosseps has nine little chil dren. They were all dressed alike in blouses and wide-awakes at the recent Sunday foot steeple chases in Paris. Tom Thumb's widow is uaid to have found a suitor in tbe jjgfaon of John Sponcer Coyne, a well-to-do mining operator five feet high. She is not very tall, but she is apparently as high as his heart. The prince imperial of Austria ia an accomplished man. He speaks every dialect in the Austrian dominions ex- asaa. a. a. at .... a a cept Turkish, loin, bowever, neeu not prevent his s tting down on the Ottoman. Mrs. Mack ay gave a dinner not long since in Paris and the table was covered with a grassy lawn in miniature, A small pond of water in a hich there were live fishes occupied the uiuce of - - a o tbe centrepiece. John C. Eno. late president of the New York Secord National Bank, was very popular at Yale College in 1869, when he oarried off the wooden spoon. It isn't always well to start in life with too much popularity or too much money. ' The golden agecourage. VTA 111 1 1 K (fraai our rufnlar cirrtlpai.Uant Wahiiikii..., May 24th, 1884. The House of Hnprew .iiIuIIvph had anoi her opportunity this wei'k to talk tarlir. Congreaeman Hurd bad charge of a bill to abolish duties n works of art wbethor the production of foreign or American artlsla. Among those who advocated tho measuro was Rep roaentatlvo Belmont who held that the passage of the bill would relieve American artists abroad from the false posltlen In which tin y were now placed. Tbey obtained their educa tion abroad, aod In return tbo Lultori Stales discriminated against foreign artiste. Repreeontetivo Dunn oppos ed the bill on the ground that it re duces! tho tax on the luxuries of the rich Instead of on the neceaMarie of tho poor. Repreaenatlvo Mills took the aamo ground, saying a painting is a luxury that goes to adorn the par tors of f ho wealthy. You want to give them their ornaments free, and yet you postively re f uaed, the other day, to reduce taxation on a woolen shirt, on boots and shocH,aiid the im plements with which tb- peoplo toll to make their daily subniatonc. Mr. Hurd closed the debute iu an appeal iu favor of tho bill. He said the most humiliating feature of the tariff was tho restriction en artistic culture. It was a blow to beauty. It whs like drawing a curtain over thesuo,when at your own bidding: the glory of tbe light may come. But despite 'the Ohio orators eloquence tho motion waa lost The Peele-Eoglish e nit-sted elec tion case, which has h en before the House for several days Iibs given rise to debate that hxs been rendered lively by partisan tilts and campaign ammunition. During tho discussion Mr. I,owry referred to Thomas Hen dricks as having been the successful candidate for tho vice presidency in 1870. Perhaps, said he, some of my Republican friends havo heard of that , gentleman. A Republican Member I disclaimed any knowledge of him. In ( that a nnertlon, and Mr. Lowry re torted by Intimating that he might bo hoard of as elected to the same of- ItlJI As soon as the contested election eaa was decided in favor of the Dem- i iierj i la nAiif i.alu rtf VI a L -1 1 - as I... n ft , . .iwiuttjiaiajiy nworn in, and Uf IIOUHO took U it iba ( Irparnn ('ottr luriti crmnt " B bit! The Senate has taen talking over the House hill for a bureau of labor statistics, and has passed a number o hills for the erection of public build ings, and also the Agricultural appro priation. Through thh, R allowed 315,000, for the distribution oi silk worm eggs. The provision was p ' strongly opposed by several Republi ! can Senators, one complained that It was urged now for the first time that the Government itself shall manufac ture In order to encourage the produc tion of silk in this country. Senator Morgan asked if the Government did net have a tea fsrm here. Senator Allison said Yes ; but it was an ele- phant and ought to be gotten rid of. The Alabama Senator thon asked If the Sorghum production and manu- facture waa ao elephant tool The Sen- ator from Iowa replied by stating that expenmenta simply had been made in regard to sorghum augar,and want, ed to know if sll c culture waa only an experiment. Senator Morgan rotor- ted thai Mr. Allison came from the wren r-rtof the countrv to aretond to answer one question by asking an- other. He was not a Yankee. The Resolution offered by Senator Morran. directimr tne committo on 13- nance to examine the recent failures of National banks, was adopted with- out objection. Mr. Morrao said he very much feared, however, that the parties who had so long been the pets of the Government would at lat!be permitted to subside into quietude and peace among the millions that thov had laid while those ahn had been wronged would remain una venged. Lret the committee on u- nance, ' aiu ne in conclusion, ior .a aa a B . a, a. of I once UO US UUty la tne uovemmeni. i . B a a . a til The street or tne city nve been eniiveaeu miring mu weua ny uie I. 1 J 1 II I. L . 1 hundreds of visiting bycyclera wh greatly enjoyed whirling over the smeth asphalt pavements on their. ai lent wheels. Hundreds ol strangers came also to witness the unveiling the statue of Martin Luther, which a grand work of art.and the only me modal to the great reformer on this alde of the Atlantic. Now Good Temp lars of high degree are arriving the hundred to hold an annual session of the Grand Lodge of the World. Mr. I. C. Plant, a Macon banker, haa solved the problem of utilizing tbe swamp lands of his section of Georgia by settiug out 310,000 willow cuttings on twenty-eight acres, the produce ol which for ten years to come has been contracted for by a manufacturer of Naw York city. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, kiutkd nv ma Wtmei'i Cbriitiii Trmperuee Idiod Tbs question to beaaked of candidates thi. year, ia not, Ware you a good sol dier in the w.r of twenty years ago ? but, Are you loyal to tbe true intereate of tbe country u, day ? Tbe National W. C. T. U. will ask the party convention to fotmiilate plat forms in which the evil that now afflicts tbe land, and causes more ruin than "tbo combined evils of war, poatiieijca aud famine," eball be properly denoun ced, aod tbo train laid for its overthrow. Tbey will aak that total abstainers be nominated far office, as on'y such men can consistently advocate and lead in such a movement. The National Temperance Society will also make apaal to theao conven tions, aaking tbat the right of the -o-ple to cortrol tbe alcoholic liquor traffic be rpcognired in tbe several platforms, and tbt dbey emtain alao a recom mendation .f X itional c aj itotional prohibition. No itiivocal utterances will ) mtmptmi by the temfafrance people thia year. That able exponent of physiological reooarcb. Dr. Carpenter, haa (jivan ua io tbe "Nineteenth Century' for Feb ruary, a matter of fact tbat haa ite lea eon no leva lhaii if founded on total abatinenco premieee. There were, he says, two regiments in Iodia, one a remarkably temperate regiment, tbe 84th,and in it the normal death rate waa 12.1. There was an other regiment tbat was not so temper ate though not altogether intemperate, tbe 63rd, tbe death rate of which waa something like 78.2. Now, theao regi ments bad to march Irom the same place to another place, but in different direct iona, in a vary unhealthy aeaaon. It waa very wet, and tbete was a good deal of cholera prevailing at tbe time. Tbe t emjerate regiment, the 84 tb, got to tho end of it march without suffer ing an .ickneoa, whereas tbe sickness wbich attacked the 63rd,or intemperate one, waa ao gieat tbat it filled all its own UauSporu and waa obliged to bor row the aick palanquins belonging to tbe 4tli. This account ought to be put up in every soldier.' barrack in tbe country and iu every hospital. At a tempeiatice meeting held in Cedar Falia, law., recently, Judge Slonrmau made au .iddraaa and ib handsome aum of 31,100 was aubscribed to aid in enforcing tbe prohibitory law. Tbe campaign againat tbu saloon haa butjuet opened. It will be a abort, aharp and deciaive contest afur Julv 4tb. Tbe saloons of St. Louis under high license ere expected to pay $1,000,000 into tbe city treasury. They produce eighty per cent of the crime and pover ty of the city. Tbey coat tbo people of St. Louis $15,000,000 annually. They make drunkards every year of more than 1,800 youog men. Does high license work satisfactorily. The leading brewer of Emporia, Kan sas, declared bo would run bia business "law or no law." A correspondent o tbe Iowa City Republican called on him the other day and interviewed him. He waa boarding at the jail, and in answer to the question, "Daee prohibition pro- bimt ? answered : "Mein Got in him- mol, I tink it do." Hia opinion on that subject was afTicted by his environ mente Joft(-;,,n Ml,,"r ,n Fhiladelpbia Press Tn 1 a' whm writin letter Irom 1018 mf 10 ad0D' L WM com P!led chronicle the fact that it was -g- in-e unitea drmamg, drunk in pubUc bar In W a . a. . . . rwm lon with knets of lobbyiaU and But it is not true now. The wor,d rhere ia hope, for the a"1 American heart ia good, perfect Stat olly or wronf firly to the a a i .a .a PP'. lt oetore "em, tbey my nofc ,or8Ht ir Rntl m7 wrd la ,es8 tbn aM n lt wlU b 8wePt - wftY Tbe American minister at Siara.Gen Haldeman, haa er8i.tently refused to ifcena. a Hjn,. Amerio.n linnnr dealer in that countrv. A noble exception to the action of the representatives of other nations. Tie advocates of personal liberty in Kansas having made a kind of fortrees of of Dod Citw wherein they have set is P government at variance with tbe I a BB a .a . rw - lw 01 t0 "t recently notined uov. St- John and tbe Prdent or the Kan- - wmrance union not to viaii, mat by 7 ia the iuteresU of prohibition as the7 Bd boen announced to do, as tne visit and its mission would "not tolerated'' by those liberty loving citi zens. The intolerance of the tolerant the oppression of personal liberty was never mora signally manifested. aaaas. The Prince of Walea is a wkeolmaa of great akill. Bicycle riding is not ao expensive as some of his other amuse ments. "Papa." "Well, my son.'' "Did you see tbe fire coming out if tbe horse's sloe when be went down tbo street just now 1" "Yea, I did notice one or two sparks." "I know how they got there. I waa down at tbe blacksmith abop tbe other day when tbey put tbem in." "You axe a very bright, observing little boy, and see a great deal more than other people, don't yon V "Right you are,pop. I've travelled." Archer ia ooBoaierod tbe first jockey in England, and when he recently Wont to Thirsk, in Yorkshire, tbo town crier marched through tho streets announc ing that Fred Arebor, the wonder of the wot Id would certainly ride in tbe races. THE GREAT GERM AH REMEDY FOR PAIN. Halre. aoa i RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACK ACS! Sa HEADACHE, TOOTEifffll, S0ft TKWIT, cjL'i.f nr. swi HI II X A, ac Au4 all nnTtziTt i iOTnx IsamJcn. WractSSa la OaMtwaB ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon &roftioe in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, OREGON. --jsXaaja ua iq n sse'iiaMOT'oo'yjwXvOf 1Q ajad qaa ioedaone H s-JwSavi saoraa o aao.iaiip naj STlId S,3AV o. ipamaj Xpoj pa o;rt aq o. -tvjisuk injoiaj lr ao Mttdag mid a.aaAv i psua aia 'aontuajo so Aiintr t Pmqvs airuoip jsqao pa. jatwidtao-) Xmpix 'Xadoaa -sjoratvx mij s.axAV jo n qi iq nou qi Sir)A(aj ao Jaeddarip pan 'aptoa jo iaca aSuaisp tiiiu'ip atcuj i;asaj muoHDftsrpg pwo 'aSiajnK 'moo arcnoanaqa -apmai cx) qi ai mid S.WSAV -3i 'poo; iqnaa!pa? 'poo avpfro Xq pn j 'AjONia pa aqxiata - J aqt atwuw pae 'tuorjJ ijojwtnraxynj oaodjsj 'tajod qi a4o oi mij f.HJ V Jl3 Joj anij Mvjowaqiiqpji ojv 'aondao;i jo n;jaSrpai jotpiau aq ana pn aaaaaaaji nras iuot&x. anij Mqi aq ittwdxa ja 'staaoq aqi 0 norjrpuoo piqjoui iq psrava 'tmiojj pnvnbua aia my oaqi 'Sauds ni 1 npipai Sana3 i y 'ootTKlnaaoo aiotnaj pna t9aoq pan mah oqi ipx oi qSnoaa aJt aaeop oi aaS oq praoqg mid t.aa.vv aanowaf poo axTvio.ia anoma 'annda,03 n "I mij e,H3.Y y paxaa poo poAatraj pa j wnai soqmBK 'qa paaH 'JUtthi XjaintwU 'ipamoig inoi inIdv jo awoa 'tunq-uwa tin) ain pna iqvnpuoi sua mid a. as AY 0adadaXa JO 'ao j Jpai joj aotupnoo iqitq oj tiaaoq oqi ioim aj pua 'aonsa i.prp jainSw amtaj Xaqx mid t.MAY aanll W, "pnaj ou (WaTOaanaoa jo 'undna3 JOJ Mt xt?r3 a; sop &oj& iwf tppp taudx3 iw 9 'nfwojofi atoq n(i Mm qx asoa 40 3Sn SHI HOi simih mi Y Tbe Emperor Loot Napoleon smoked only the tin eat cigara the world could pro duce. Prof. Horaf ord says the Emperor a dran wen made apertaJly for him in Ha van from leaf tobacco grown in the Ootdea Belt of North Carolina, thia being the finest leaf grown. BlackwelPs Bull Durham ftaoktiiK Tobacco la made from the same leaf used in the Emperor's cigars, is abso lutely pure and la unquestionably the best tobacco ever offered. Thackeray's Rifted daughter, Anne, in her sketch of Alfred Tennyson, In Barptr't MoniAly, tella of her visit to the great post She found him smoking Black well's Bull Durham Tobacco, sent him by Bon. Jamea Russell Lowell. American Minister to the Court of 8t. Jamea In them day of adulteration, it Is a com fort to amokere to kn w that the Bull Dur ham brand is absolutely pure, and made from the beat tobacco the woiid produces. Black well's BuU Durham Smoking To bacco ia tbe and purest made. All dealers have it None genuine without the trade-mark of the Bull. be The Ckorlea A. Vtsjetw ( N Bwiwoaawaa waawJaoaasBBBaawMBafl