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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the soutli side of the Santi am River, opposite Water oo Soda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoflice, Waterloo, Or. t Lurch IMreotory. U. P. Chi iu H. --rreachingvery Sabbath, at 11 A. m., and 7 r. st. by Rev. R. lr- Tt 11 SUhlwith School at 2:.0 P. M Prayer meeting every Wed ucssday evening EvaxaaucAL Chvkch. Preaching on Sab KstK . 11 a m., and 74 r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Hollenbaugh, pastor. PvnRKii atios a i Cm-Ri ll. Serviceaevery Sabbath at 11a. m. and 8 r. st. Sabbath ssalvaa f o.l Iraver meeting; on Thursday evening of each week. J. Harris, was tor. M. R Cuvroh. South. Services held ... SUMiath At SL Paul's M. K. Church, South, at 11 A. M. Sabbath vSchool at 10 a. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenns. I . ii. Carson, iiastor. M. E. CH0KCH. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 7 i p. M. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath omo t 2.30 P. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Kev. M. Judy, pasior, I'resbytkriax Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and tut b sts uu.ty?coix. at 2 :30 tx m. Prayer meeting every Thursday even in. Kev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Christian Chuk h. - Preaching everySab oath at W. C. T. U. 11 A. St. 1 :.W P, M. Suudsy School at half past 2 o'clock r. M. Bar J T Floyd, pastor. Firm Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at W. C. T. U., Hall. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Brownson, pastor. The great irengl ratag fsaasdj au.i serve tome is the Iej;llitnaie re gull of over taenly years if i:ntial ,-xiierteuce. Altd cUrvaUh Unfailing .-ertaintv crnu) ano phxsicai debility, semi nni ,..k: rv i-niiBt.r- i-miasn !. i ' !' " . . .ihauw titamy, pre- - . .... 1 I rj TirnuTu5T!umhuc.ns d ,r!'m Trhtfve! cause produced. It enriches and purine me i.ioo-i strengthens the nerve, brain, muscles, dipMnn. rv productive organ and physical and menial l. ulucs II stops any unnatural, debitiW anl, mtmm lhe .mem, prevenuug involuntary losses, SsWBlBflBSj .Ireanu, seminal losses with the uriue, etc.. Je ruetie to miud and body. It l sure eliu.iuator of All kidney and bladder comtaaiula. caiitains M injurious innniient. To thoae ssBBfraSg fn.ui the erilefTecU of youth rul iudiscrei ions, a sedy , thor ough and petmaneat cure U QQJkMA I ,'rii $2 W per bottle, or five bottles in ease, with full di rections and advice, 10. Sent secure from observa tion to any address upou receipt of J -nee, or C. U. U-, o be r d only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, l Kearney 114. , tea rrmclc, al- Coomltationa atrictly tonfidential by letter or at m KKEF. For the canrenience of paUenU and in .rder u iiuore perfect secrecy I have addopted a pri ale Irea under which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to show iu meriU, will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating hU ivmpwinj and ae. Communications strictly confidential. Dr, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all hronlc and Special DUeasca. YOXJIVci MEN Wno mat ar. i r n ui. neon the eflcts of youthful follies or huiscreUon, will do well to avail themselves .1 this, Uieyreatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will pjaraiitee to forfeit tOOtor every case Seminale weakness or private disease of any kind or caracier which he undertakes and iaikr to cure. MIDDIX-AVED HEX. There are many at the ag of thirty-flvejo sixty who troubled witn too frequent e acuatu n of tne tiia often accompanied bv a slight smarting or burninit tie and a weakening of the system m a manner e patient cannot account for. On examining tne irinarv deposits a ropy sediment will often be found tnd sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, .t the color will te of a thin milkish hue, aain chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure in all snch cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-uruiary organs. Omci Hocas 10 to 4 and 6 to 3. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Consultation free. Thorough exminaUoi nd ad'."ice, $6. For private diseases of short standing a full course medicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, will be nt to any address on receipt of $10 00. Call at- -idrens", DB SPIVVKY A O., 7 1 No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DB GIBBON'S Dispensary. 6-23 KF.AEM T., ZJ corner of 0miner- cial Street, San Francisco. EsUbhshed in ISa, ror I the treat metit ol (sexual Iand Seminal Distases, such as amenorrhea, Cileet, rStrletare.SypUIUsin aJ E its f ormi, Isn pel ea rv Hemlanl Weakness, night losses bj dreams, pim pies on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to cal) upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable iniorma ttsa, which he is competent to impart to (hone in need of his seryices. DR. GIBBON will make no charge tinless he" effect a cure, rersons at a distance MAY BE C'lffEO AT ROME. All cor muuications strictly confidential. You see no one hu. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Addros DK. J. K. GIBBON, Box 1357, San Francisco. v!0n43 PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First Hands. HIS WELL KNOWN HOUSK HAVE OPENED a Branch Otficeand Snnnlv Hoim. .it fVir front. Mid Taylor Streets, Portland, Or,, where they will carry in stock Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, Port-bla Ti action and Stationary engines and boilers. "New Massillou" threshers, horse powers, ete., etc.. Write for illustrated catalogue sent free address (nam ng this paper.) lUSSELLM .-, Portland, Oregon. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business; in the U. S. Patent Office attendeded to for moderate teeo. Oar office is opposite the V. S. Patent Office, and we en obuin Patents iu less time than those remote ('om Washington. hend modle or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ; sud we make no charge unless wa obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and eferences fe actual clients in your own State or couuty, uddrest Ca A. SiOW&CO., Oliposite Patent , Office, Washington, D . Farm tor Sale. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rass. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. CLeap. Inquire At tttfi Kl 1 Ra'vjami 1 1 mi 111 I lUlvFe-ifA Dll iihvw v briniwii wKJKjS j? Pfflr wBp for Infants nnd Children. Cast or in promo-l'u.t i.m ;uid ovvivuiiu.s l'liitul. t.' v. l nnMipti tioa, BottV StotHiirli, rlu. ,i. ami Ft viTwhiiCKS. It klMMM h and Dai ur.ii .-ii . i. without morpltiite. "Oastorin is o w:i ssVussad toChll In thai raoesasaead u Msuperto toanj ppMei iptioa nsra wsaa" ii A. Aaona, 14 !. MfMtaad am- . DrooMyVi W. Y. CENTAUR LINIMENT an atssolaia cure lor Uhcuun- tisfii. Sprains, lturns, iiails, &c. Themosl Powerftil and P no 111111 Pal nrel toying and Uoatliuj Rametly known to man. Dr. ABERNETHY . & Co.'B VITALIZED THK MANHOOD Hy u.itu,' the Kreal Vltaliaer, the KiiK of all Kcatorativi h RESTORED KiB8 of all Known KcmtnlioM. IT BMTOirDA POUCTTHl most KKI.IAIU.E. uwful and Pe.iiianoiit loine SO iho NfNSMhM H I organs of oolh neves ! It SflSS lirwlly Stlja the nerous .teni It rvstores lcbllilal'l fimeli n tt las Brlniiia;t nigsas sf tto asy ana Bssmrvatssd as a Neniue. It u a oerfl, H-niiAiu-iii iu .1 .! tvrmincd ApnordUlao Ills an All. rati c and A erient of eveelieut line itialit. It rsHs'SS weak ness and psjM in the prevent. MM from the sstem frv.iu unnalurai i-aiu i n eure. hSBSSSl hoaUi he. BSBBSMS1 on Ihs la-e J 1ms ot nmn ory, relaxed OSSWmoa ol the asrswM Msssm.1 ml lass tion, ourslomaeh. dlalietes, and all urinary ironi.i. n. Th- who hac telleed to obtain a cure h"Ull mi mediately lies the italiicr a tna'. It Is the King of all. ft has never fatle-l in a single ease. I be ijmpany will pay A'flO for a eAte it will not. ure, no matter whether complicated or not. Tlie eombma li.Hi of the Vilaliscr la M0 that it cures both iuiple and toniplieateit eases. Tlii. Is OWtaSI SO S BSSSMSSsI experience of i years. Ir. A. A C S . will guarante. a permanent eure in cverv ea' taken ui.dor tb. ir reatmenl anl H-eial alnv. Tune retuired Is frosn one to three moiilbs treatinrnt. If the great Fttsllser falls, the money .id for the remcd ill ! nfaaited or -'oo forfeited, fall or write tor omxOhnt rsnoas on Manhood, whieh will unable the sufferer 10 an swer the nvcfssary ijue-stion. so tbat e h eaii hjve the pnatSt rSSSeAjl forrvlel suitable f-r hfcl BpC" il cue. OMOTUatSIM Fkk OXSVUMSTtAJL rnMJ "I the gruat lUhier. or i b..ltlee an I SSM 1. Si nu iknt to 'i an Mor ' ' a ut l rKEAS .u receipt .f BticS or('. 0. EM I ACC suffering from .1. . pe.-utiar LHIIICv tln-ir -ure obtained, our Female Moiithly fVm are aa sur)ssvd as a reguU'.or. on roe.-.,l of BfiSS, 3 00. Or. itx-rnrthy .1 . I if U.irhrl l , ( ornrr Malta. a l Mfnkt Market and Valcn la Street H mini l ble I'ars from the Kerry, ete. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST.. - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS- SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. lac the atdaaj eta Baasl M ossm ir Nut. simI we will ruail free, a r t temple jynia llut ill put vuu in Ihs aJ ti BBSB ing m-ire tu.ncy 111 a few uay tlian joe Saf thuusht patsibie at any BSSSataah Uasiaal Bet rr-purot. WS will start vuu. You can work all the tiiue'-r ia time only. The work u aalearasH asVsssaa t. buth sexes, yuujf anl ii I. Vji a.iti..;. tarn frm 50 cents Uj Su eery evening. Tim all ln want work may test the husii.ip.,ae mxkc thi. unporapUel eJ oSer ; Ut ail ab ar-- 1. .1 - 1 will mil ti () f-r Iho truu Is at sntdag u I U'l' Crticulark, directions, etc , inut free, I'.-rtSSMSI will Male by those skv r'O their uh-de lii:i- to the work. Grt iu..-cee. a!wiutc!y u:e. a.i't 'letsT. start now. asMrass Stssasoi Sl 0a , lstsissl,Msliis Till". . iOR, LIEBiC Q I'ril.ilr lll-i ' llvl .. (fcj IO0 Oearj Be, Saa i ran Cs CC Ceadod 3 a:. -J i ..r; 1 - m xj iii oMcst siw hlaes fat Has Catsttl Mates, .. csperl uoe, . I j mi 1 : sect httl sad pars :. iclae, l all l niait, ( ii 1 i j. .'.erious Dtatasts asTttflnasei lbs Bsod, fckin, KMSM , Bkatfl r, . -j lioi.., l icers, ld .V'res, wel ii-,- ol the Olails, M. uth, Tiifoat rainj,enijaiitril,y eurcU .inl crui R catel froiu the av.teru tor life. M It t in I M Seuunal Umm, beaual 1cca, Men tal ai. Miianij. Weak I tun ted 1 J fQ ssc., tress nessset yesaMud 1 tag r any eaue, .peetilly, tafely and " priratd 1 ;.r. :. Z Inane. MI!dlr. ta-2 men, and ail li ) i. el in-.-li -ii ssitl ( mm! sapor asoft u.- otd Eiitrnasiii Physlrtsn at once. His opinion BOSSa nothing, anl tiuty save futuie BOSSar ami .hame. When inenvenient to visit the city for treatment, mclieines can be sent everywhere ty express free from observation. It 1 BNf-ariiSBt Oiat a phvsician who ives his whole atUrtitioii u, a eliwa of diseases attains threat skill, and phy.iciaus through out the couutry.knowiiig thix, frcuentiy nseolntiiend diffleult ease U the oMsOt tpotisllSt, be a horn fiery known goid remedy is ued. Tin- 1.- Ur' ajje ami experience make his opinion of supreme iiu-rtan. . Thoe who call see no one but IB l ' tor. 1 oa sulutions free and satreily OOtlldaiilial. Cases which lisve failed in ohuinimf relief eim.-Mhere estce- ially solicited. Female diseases successfully treated. 1 The Doctor will avree to forfeit 1J for a ne un dertaken, not eased, Call or write. Hours, aattj 4081 9 a. m. to 4 p. in., to S evenings ; Sunday , 10 to 12 only. Send for the KaniUrUt Guide to Health, sent free. Address as abo e DC LIKBIt. Wonderful Ciernian Invlorntiir Permanently prevents all Unnatural Louses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the BtasotOB. checks the waste, BilorsteS the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. Tbereason so many cannot jret cured of Seminal Weakness, I.-.-.- of Manhood, etc., is owtnto a com plication, called Prostatorrhea with Hynsrsofhssta, which requires peculiar treatment. r. UoMgw In viirorator is the only jjositive cure for l'rotatrrhca, with peculiar special treatment, Basd a, the Llsbis; Diieri8ary . Prlre if lavlaorafor. Case of m bottles tlO. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric Ik-Ii free to atieiits. To prove the wonderful pswrar of the larfgorator. A m Bottle t.ii i'ii ar Beat Pree. ijonsultatioti free and private. Call or address LIKBIt; nittPEaTSABT, 4(K) (Jearv Street, ban PrsnriaOO, Cal. Private entrance, 40' Mason Street, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearney, Mam entrance through Dispensary Drug Store. Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing un der the linn nirne of Allen A, Martin has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent, J. A. Martin retiring. N. II. Allen ron tin ties in the Lusiin-ss. aud in authoriz ed to collect all debt dueaiiJ Arm, and is to pay all indebtedness etmtreeied by them. Albany, Or., April 14th, 1884, N, Ef. Al.I.KN, J, A. Mautih. I take this opportunity of thanking all for the liberal patrongao extended us in the past and to say tbat I shall continue the business at the old stand, and would respectfully, ask the continuance of pa tronage of both old and new customers. New goods will be received by every steamer until my stock is completed, which will be sold for bed rock prices, for cash and produce. N, M.Allkm a coon tWABCS you s Bf Kitu:i:. To every subscriber to the Democrat who pays up his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eicht page, forty column, monthly papt. , and is lull of excellent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Tho.-.o de siring the paper sans to them will please state so At time of paying their subscrips What tflve our CUllilrtMi iii cliot U . What uufssTthetr fsyara, bms then l .i-. grts -'"t in. When bablsw fnrt nnd bj turns, W'li.ii cures their colic, t 111 i Uielr won Out M-t'.r'M. w hat milokly t;i'-,-- t saaaUpathmt Sour li.'l'olil I i !.. '.Ili'li. Ilnl C ' i.'wrii tbea t- Horphlau Bl l;l 1. t'tuitor inl and l'ari 'ori.-. and Hull m, TUTf'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From theso soiirrna url thi'' luortot of tha dtsvaaos o' the Uuuuin rui'. Thso eviujitimisliHlu-uitiUiotri'xintfii : I.a of Appetllr, llowrU ruattve, N,. k IIoa.I- ii i c, fullness after catlnK. aversion to rsertlon of toily or mind, Kructsvtton of fnod, Irritability of temper, I.ow aiilrlts, A frelltiii of linvlnar neclrrtrd e mo dirty, ntasluess, F'luttcrliiK at tho Heart, Ikots before the eyre. highly col ore t rior, OSSTIPATIOt, and l ' luaiul tlio uso tf a roinmly tlmt nets din-otlv' oatlM Lives, AsaOtttrnenlelneTVTf'l 1'II.I.N have no equal. Their notion on th" Kklneysand kln lsuNo tiromiii ; nonorlng nil Impurities Ihrotixtl tlieso ttm-o ecas niBrrs of the system." producing APPs tlto.Hotind digestion, regulnr stoil , a rVur sjxdaTlvoroaabotly. TOfTtl imi.i.m nuiio no nuuwca or gi Iplng nor lutcrfuro ailh dntly vrork and am a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold cviir. lure, aftc. OIll.ll.Mmr . H'...N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. (in Iixtn ok WWntM (SteassM In stantly to ii ...- Li." -v byuslllglei up. pllention Of Ukfcl DTK. r"!d by UrUtfjrUU. or sent ty -xprrea on r'celpl of ftl. m do, 41 lurrnv Street, New York. TUTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FPFS. WiTHOllTMnilClHE. ! U ft. MS 1 THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CUREfrX- It. tul- WtUvoQt mdtc-taa -PkIb la Ik.SMl, tlaika, r. . Srbllll .tmaBac. 0 rlr.u.ilM. rml I 1. o-urmixla. wtUa SIUtr. mi .be LIUu. ;i.l..l 41 1 1 ai ss. tmrpt BgOS BSSPSj ilaal ra.lA.lsaa. laMlr.ff, aataasa. arars a 1 ratta.Ua. laMtr'Oi aatSaia. Bears v. ST.x-aala. t u.,il.Uuii. rrralK-rlaa. l.ol lias, brrala vr realare, eatarra, gales. epu..r. ra'drT.MtT of the crxritaTiTE " a --.r. last .Haiti j. Iah .flfft. f.rc mm 4 I l-ar - ..lias wsakai a. d all Uw.dlMr..f ssaj. .. .l aatara. from whl-.r rsiur. u. .. Uaaai of SaeBatlsm larrarAHer tareosjtj 'S aarta aiaat rrstara Ibrsa la a brallbjr actlaa- Ibaf toao aboai this sMosaoa. LA0t3a,6NrriC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER, as TO THE LA0IES;-&g Ertss.lloti.I: .trpsls,er alls !'.... T Is. U- k'tdn. fc IlraJrb er t sld fwl. a.sllra or Wrak Aatlra. ar Manllra Frrt, an Al-lon ln.1 M and a ps'r . f Mairn'-'lc loot fialtvrtr. ae Bo u(x-ru.r la the r'l-f and rtir of all thrss . tt.r'aln- Ttry carry a pewert Bl LUmfLAUa tut ta to U.s tat ut Its asssaao. for Ua. Hark. Wrafearaaaf tba Balar. KalU Iba, af IS. woiab, l-ararrbaa. t arvnlc laBaaiaia UoB ar J 1 Irrr.ilo. ef lar, larla.alal MrSB. .rrtingr ar FlooainB. falafal. H.rrart mm lr. rrautar M as! raallee. Ilarrrsarrs, dfk.f. af Ufa, thl.l. the IK st AppliaaaeaaJ f raU.s Aaaat "rTTl tnrmi nf Kraaalr Dlratlls It Is nnnr raaai 1 by aaytaioa' la lure laesatrtf. U-Ot as a curaii.e &ia4 and a. a fiirneof pmar and l tail ration. Trks of Iwil lib Mmgr Btlo foot liattc Ms. tlO. Crntby .iirraC.O. I .o t rinltiA!im allnwrd.or by mall 00 rarrlpt of tri. r. n . rclrrlBf rfid rarutire at wal.t arwl rtia of h. . BeeslttatBSSaSSl Oo taads BB0BJB frnry. srBt In L-IW at oer rnJc Tlie Mae&oton Ua am s-iaplr to 1! agwa. are w..rn or.r toe untior cl-ltilng, last acit ta tha hvir Use tbe osaar tialTaale aad KUosrts II aa. bioj. aS.rrtlsrd aa estraal.rl. and aboukl be toTTrn fT at nclit. Th- ! 1 1 "-i. posMrvrsvar. aa4 an worn at all baoth tf Omjoar. Srod rCamp for tha "Be a lK.(rtnr1n Btrdlcal Traat. ronil VVllhaat tSasUstac,' with tuoussnd. ot lasUata. XMJE MAUNKTOy APFTAAXCK CO- '4 IS iitmsUo Iu,, MMim DR. ALLEN'S nUTATI BttTEMABT, .'ii. krsri) Mrrrl, aon f, t al., BaTSBUi iinti ton. tub Scir.Tiri( amo mi'krdt Craa 07 i'iimomc, Keavoi s MS Hrr. iu Imsessm. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DB. ALLSir, At II WKI.I. KXoW.V, IS A HKO ul.T ijrvluaUil rh.i. suii, etluuitcil al Bowiloln OollBBBBIld I iiiversity of Michigan, lie lias ilevotcd a lifetime to ttieslu) of tht tretmiiit and cure of diseases within his ciall . And middle. asfed men, uhonre siifTerlnjf from the effects of youthful iiidiscrt'llons ur exuesses in ma turer years, tiertoua and nhysical ileblllty, Impo tence, Inst iiiaiihooa, coiiliiKiou of Ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, ilciiic'.eiicy, imles on tnv 1.1 , lOSO of energy and memory, fieiieiicy of urinat- injf, etc 141 llemelulier the Doctor has a Vegetable QsjB pOSMSi, the result of many years Hecial practice ami hard study, which under his sclal advice hss never failexl of success in the cure of Lost iiianoud.prostatur rhca, etc. Ml HOHPITAL l: J" I II I IN t: Having been hospitals) enat with excellent ititr been fturirtoti in eharire of two lending hies me to treat all lrivate trouhlus results. I uih it distinctly under- -1. ..h! that 1 do not claim to perfnmi iniossibilties, or to hac miraculous or supernatural Mjwer. I claim only to he a hkillful &nd successful I'hysiclau and Surgeon, thoroughly informed in my suclalty MaWMM or nak. All appliiii to me will riceive my honest ouinion of their romplslnto H0 expcriuielitiijir. 1 mil guar autre a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit 1.000 OostlUhslluil 111 office or hy letter tree and strictly private. Charges rOSSWaabto. Thorough examination, including chemical and inicroscopical aualyiisof urine and ailviuu, n. Oit.ce hours J to 3 daily, it to b evening. Sunday 0 to ii. cal 1 o 1. or u m reus 0 UK. UUMM, eari)eylre Ran Krsncifcco, Cal. PHEKIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Anw!.s, Dpc. 1882 f3,295,326 Premium income 2 0U7,189 Safe, reliable and qoiek to pay in cane of ios. A TaCII MONTEIT1I, Agent. A!'j any, Oregor, l ou -.Li:. Two baittitng lotu lenj jJ ttSSf ddKt. One bonis and lot on Third .Street. One house and lot on Lyon Strjt, Inquire at ' tbia office, a ' Fur Sale. AsetOf cornier for dhstllfera. eeeond- hand iu firat-cla condition, will be sold cheap. Enquire of John Briggs, tin smith, Albany. FRIDAY JUNE 6, 1884. ;almoht rr.nai tnr.a (.ten. llartsulT, who at uuo time com mended the Army of the Ohio, uied to tell a good one on (ten. Maneon. When the were down at the front Qen. Hart null' secured ten gallons ef tine old whin ky. The morning after tie arrival Ceu. Maneon rode up to Hartauff'e tent on eflioial bueinees. "Good morning ieneral ; dismount' said llartauff. ''Can't do it," raid Manson ; "1 have to ride in y Hdms." " Hut 1 have a pint of lino old whisky, and'' 'Hold my horse, ordetly," interrupt ed Manson, who was in the tent before the sentence could be finished. Manson drank about half the contents of the fltoik, and, handing it back, said : "I'ut that away carefully ; it is pre cious stuffi and the army cannot afford to have it waated." ''All right, (ieueral ; but you must come back every dsy until the whole pint is gone." "Count on my presence," said M an nuo as he mounted his horse, and he kept his word for the next live or sis days. At the end of six days tho pint flask was still full, and when it wan pained to the (ieneral,be held it up ami aaid : ''llartsutl, 1 havo never boeu much of a Cluiattah,but this almost persuades mr, becettee it ia like the widow's crrse ; it is fine whisky, but great heav en?, how itdoea hold out for a pint." hkiim TKD:a t ohm m r. try pretty auccdotn ia told of the late Willism OttllfM I'.iyant, the poet, by a formi r aao-iatA in hia ncwaiaet offloOi which illuslratfH tha good man's ainipltcity of lnart, aaya tha narrator : "( ne uioi tiing, many yeara ago, after reaching fbc oflK-a and trying in vain to lagin work, he turnad to aia and ta mailt i'd : " 'I cannot get along this morning.' 'Why not 1" I aaked. " 'Oh, 'he replied, 'I have dona wrong. Wben on my way her a little boy fly ing a kite paaaeil tae. Tbe string of the kite having rubbed against my face, I seized it and broke it. The boy lost Lis kite, but i did l ot atop to pay him for it. 1 did wrong. 1 ought te haee .i birr..' n This teuderueaa of conacienca went far toward making tbe poet tha kindly, noble, honorable and honored man that be waa, whose death wan frit aa lose throughout tha land. mm nrt n anot in tt i. t 1 1 How, anka Dr. Nichoia in the ' 1 RefOffal Magazine, "aro we to get at the proer quanlitt ol food T Animala liv ing in a state of nature do not over eat. They atop eating when they have enough. There are no prize cattle cn the prairiea. It ia the stalled ox, and the pig in his pen, deprived of exerctae, that can be fa't ni-d into a diaeaaed obesity. Horaia ccaje this process bi-cauae men do not to any great extent knowingly devour them Tbe hunter and racer are not over-fed. All ani mals i -x pec ltd to do their work ate can fully fed as to quality and quantity. If human beings were fed aa wisely they would be as healthy. There are some good rules for feeding as to quan tity. When our food is simple and natural in kind and quality and mode of preparation, there is little danger of ating too much. There ia little danger for example, ol eating too many grapes, apples, pears or bananas. Halt, sugar, spices and luxurious cookery tempt to excess. With men as with animals, a natural diet is self limiting, and we are disposed to stop when we have enough. The more artificial the food, the more elaborate tbe feast, tbe more tbe liabil ity to overload the stomach, overtask tbe digestive power, and overweigh tbe forces of life. Simplicity of food ie a condition of health, aud promotes lon gevity. Tbe quantity of food which enables a man to do his daily work without loss of weight is precisely what be requires. This quantity may vary a little with each individual, but every one can easily ascertain his own meas ure of requirement by reducing the quantity of daily food until be finds a balance of force and weight. It is my opinion that the avt rage quantity of water-fret aliment required, say by business aud literary men, is twelve ounces. I have found rnyiielf in very good condition for sedentary work on eight and ten ounces. When any one is in good condition for bis work, and keeps bis normal weight, has be bad enough. Find this quantity by exper ience and then habitually keep to it. A t'OK t. B ESaiON A I. M KIHH AOB. In tbe scrimmage In the Hotifte of Representatives on Saturday morning Febuary G, 1858, the prominent South. erners engaged were Messrs. Barks- dale, Lamar and Rheuben Davis of Missippi,Btmoo Cralge of North Car olina, and others. On tbe Republi can dide were the three brothers WashLurne, Kellogg, and Lavejoy of Illinois.and Potter of Wisconsin. This latter gentleman was a host in him- 8eir- ae 8irucK r,K0C ant " Wltb f If XT -a - Bl . waa. a mm I . Jic - . 1 both arms, and left his mark wher ever bis blows fell. He had tho re putation on that day of havisg floor- ed no less than fllteen, most, II not all of whom, were tho next day occupied In nursing hlac'c eyes. It was tho most surprielog of all to boo tho venerable Hlchnrd Mott (tho Quaker Member from Ohio) In the thickest of tho Hght. ToMlhly he was thero as a plcco maker, and I would not like to HfTlrm that I saw him strlko a blow. The most amus ing sight was to witness tho pemonal passage between Washburn of Maine and Cralge of North Carolina. The former was a dapper lltllo man of some flvo foot four or five Inches, and the latter a tall, gaunt giant six font and a half. While the llrst mention -td waa Just lall enough to plant his blows effectually in that region of his opponent's person where ho was sup poflcd to havu curried nil dinner, the last was compi'lli'il to stoop In ordftf te reach his imtflgorilrtt at all, and thus gave him an additional advan tage. IJarkmlalo of Mhnhnlppl lost his wig at the tint attack, and, hav ing recovered It, placed It on his head In a reversed poeitlon, much to the amtiHomeut of tho spectators. Dsvls of Mississippi, who made a rapid speech a few daI previous, accounted (or the sable setting around his eye by avowing that ho accidentally stum blod over a chair, but Potter of Wis cousin thought ho knew who had a uhand In It." IUn Perky l'oore. tM . tttunniow It is hard to believe that the uid ewofHanlit Ana is still alive aud on ly fifty year of iige, and yet such is the fact. Sbo lives very plainly in the City of Mexico, and nlks with admiration of the deed aud cbarac ter of her huslMttnl. H.iiita Ana WaV President of Mexfeo three yinrs bfj fore rhe was lrn. She was plighted to him In her radio, anil married him when she was thirteen. He was thpti a mllilary dictator, -It-rpliitf on aVaaa. aa aa Mm aV S s hi fworu, tH'M'i ny fotmiuui MriK In six inonthi ho had kstthll U-x and got into a TrxHi prison. For twenty yoara hr Ufa ill ipsat In ramp,tnr rouuiitfti by thn whirl warfare. Her huilMtnd wai five tirmi President of Mexico, and Liur Uin - inllllMry dic tator, in ahsxi'.ulo (toner. llr vt-m baniilicfl, rccallvtJ, ImhiImImmI agalo. and finally died while with his wife in aztlua u Ira I lor. Hue t - aeen much "glory" and has leeeteetj un limited adulation, but hardly evi r in Joyed occ thoroughly M'atM-ful mom ent In her lift. It it a WOfSdet ane does not look an old at Mnthnfilatl. for ahe hai auffired mure wrong and trouhle than a hundred tfdllMty women. Nuveltira ia neckwear for la'iiss recrirrJ from Chicago, t Kami bl K. Yoi mi'i. FURNITURE. I have the bea. atomic of furniture In the etty ami Will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE hi tha cltv and the lowest price in the Vallev. l ome ami si-e. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give .SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOO DIN, $2600. Oood farm, ana mile west of Brownsville oa tha road leading to Halsey, containing l(rj acres, oSk ridge land, some liaa oak groves, all enclosed, 75 acres in cultivation, a young orchard and shrubbery ; good ham and fair house, two good wells with pumps. Price tl'fjoo, one years time on one half amount if desired, with security oa premiaes. tall at premises or adilraas I). A. Carter, Euan, Orant oounty, Or. 'j b J' reBaf (it :i. . i a ib k Ska 1 11 in b ami bsi - . It iiesr: sua esgtn, b.. 1 1 i liscbcs, with ever 8s300 iliistr.itions a whole pio- tnro iraUarT, Gives wuuie- Sals pf If SI aftj i ill to ronnuiiirn on nil f:'i!i lor perannal or fami'y uc. TsUa bow to oi ler, und giviai i-xni't cost of thing you use, cut, drink, wi-ur, or ImvS fun aith. ThyBBS invaluulilo bonka ootr tnin iuliirmtition glcanwl from tlio ln:ii Ket t of the world. Wo will m.iil a tonf FvfO to nTiv aililros njMn ro-fipt ef tlio pi -i.i ;e 7 I'l tits. l.i t us hear Ironi JTOtt. 'i'stifl r.llv, WC. JTGOfVSERY 'WARD & CO. UU f 4i -'J Waba.ti in-Bur, Chloaou. UL Tilt only known specific for Kplleptlc Fits. TJ XI so for rjpasma and r'slllna Blckness. Kerrous tVeskness M lnstanUjr rsllcTes sad cures. Clrsnses blood snd quickens slugKlsh drcnlstlon. Ncutra llict arrms of dlscsse snd ssres sickness. Cures A SKEPTIC SAID ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Eliminates Bolls, Carbuncles snd Scalds. OTTermencntly and promptly cures paraly ls. Tes, It Is a charming snd heslthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings KtII. twin brothers. iiariK t- buj breath l0 good, remor- mm a ss nni in tw nfthe cause. Routs bilious tendencies and makes elesr complexion. Equalled by nons In tho delirium ot fever. A charming resolvent and a matchless, laxative." It drive Blck Headache like the wind. taT Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates, Xiellcvos (THE GREAT) vi i i i v j i i i i iiir L N ER V EIC O N O U E RQ R j w ' ' i r l i i iv i i i i u ths brain ot morbid fancies. Promptly cures Rheu matism by routing It. Restores Ufe-givln proper, ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders, pritellablo whoa sll opiates fall. Bo. freshes tbe mind and Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. Ml I I 1 1 M -m 1 . IB L NfcY t Kir A I L S J Disesses of tbe blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed In writing by over fifty thousand leading citizens, clergymen and physicians In TJ. 8. aad Europe, UTTor ask) by all loading dxngglsta, S1.50. (30 The Dr. 8. 1 Richmond Mm! Co. St. Joseph, M o. For testimonials sad circulars sendHtamp." . f BIDIffUTON 4 CO. aetata, fiaa rtu&. I VHI'- "5 Sri utnc i i in on i Tho dniH -rraiy of tlio state of Oirgoii, In round assi'inlilsd, ilerlar : First - That w lavor ilia turfi ltttro of all iinearnsill railroad ami BTBJBM road BftattS aiwl the opanliiK of thn Is ml to BSfBMSBaBt and OOOaBSMSM hy those BB llllod to thn liniisflts of tin? various laud laws of Ihs Cultail Slalas. Hri'oud Tha' wit ars In favor of Ilia sfe hy iMinnrsss of laws mailt! In thn liitrnat of tho (Mtoplr, rruulatlittf Inlr-r staUi i-oiiiiin ri o, and slwi stair In ws, imtitrollliiir ami rKUlalliiK faros and fnduhts iijxiii sll lraiisirtatliiii linns, and irrvulliig ihsnrltiiina. llosj iii Isvur of or against a)rein or daae. Thlnl llial wo look with alarm tiism ihn unau thorlanil assuiiiillnn of owiir and furlsah tlon of 1'nllml Nlslos I'oiirta la InUirfiilnu with offlrrrs io In llng thp rnvotiiio of thu stale ul OrnKoii, Koiirth That wn are In favor of thn mornairs lak law, aiwl hellnve the rMirlln oftaxalliii ruunclaUd On rrin Is urn ut , and oiiuhl to hn su.lalnnu. Filth That we favor the aassh-n af such laws In relation to thn asanssmnnt and rollnrtlon of lams ss will iiiaknthn aasnssmniil and taxation of proiert iial ana uniform throughout Uin stale, and de BBUki the strlrl niiforLvinviit of surh lawswhruen- sasaa Sixth That the powrr ronfrrrrd ly the fdr ronsllliill'iii iiihiii 'm-Jtrnm to mini I Unit Lu. w glvi ii for the solr sml i In.lvi! .ui.... fii rvl ri krnuns fur o uimH am h gov rnmniit a gov i rttBSOWt, that the taaotlni of nn tariff Isa for sliy kIIi. t ii itosn, surh as lakatlon of umi laas f ..- fur t M'livflt f any olln r las. f pnoplu, u as nntlrid iliiwarrautrd hy tin- oii.tliiillon, as It Is rMSjaaaS to Ju.llcn sud Inlmlral li thn gnnorsl wnlfsre, ami we Ihrreforn favor atailff for fun-nun, HiiiiUid to thu iim'SMlllia of govrrmiK nl ouomli slly adlultiUtrrisI, ami a gfadual hut isirslsUiiil rrdurlion of thu r sis' ting iirotm uvn asSaaa rWVeiith That the linproM mi ni of onrios.t har Bera, thn OsfMSSsMa Hvor ami Its lilhutarnm, 1. of vital i i . j . r ! ... a v thn i oiiiinun u of id , wd.,1. tat atOfSg sud wr earnest ly oak that an adwtmin aiM""!" i made hy our resrut l oiigrase to l giu Dm woi k of the MsaaMa rteot imr kstarovsni ot, al rrnl v too long nrgli . U'1. Wn slso ask surh S irorlallou for the I'asrailn lurks ss will In.urn their sxvdy roindellou , slso, wn ask of our n .n nl lives In roiigress a uiillnl rffort to nr.iirn a I Kits! BSSSreaaialloii for the luiiroeiurut and -oiilInuslloti af the work at Improving Ihs harlrirs of Vsiiliis hay. Coos hsy and l In rullle rivnr. F.ighth That n fsvor the aholltlen of the .rion SOMsMOt system, aud the rraent orxdle trsdn BBS dtnUxl on this roast, as degrading to thn wayq wofk cr. of the country. Nlnlli Thai for the piiriKe of preventing grow. Ing fisuds In our stOOStlMS, MM to SresstVS the fruit, of tho ll l lo, we fsvor On iassaia of a registry law. Tenth That we are lu favor of mure rni- ,out me haul's' Urn laws ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, 'tfTlfljgD m Prvfriattn ' ' A I.I! Y . OKI it... MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ii vzji i ! i i :k BaesesSSfJ in Italian or Veruiont Marl''. Alssi, SSVSy variety Off c-ineUry ami '!.. i atone work done with iiMstncis and llsO-h a-lal al 'million iven to 'irlerafrm all sarta of this MaU and Wfsahln I IVrritory. aSTVIlwirk warrants I I IstS Quimby House. QUIMBY & HuRSEY, Proprietors. 4 r. llh and . Sim., lort iMiiU.Or. ONK OF TIIK KIN1N1 A N I Ml Si BsjBjBSSBS hotels in OtssjtOO. OOssdtset- kI l.ntli by Aiiktj. an ami Kiiroiaii plniiB 1 All tiii iuoii.rn linproVtfinentH, Mil ll rooms, Bjnj farstafust. I lar I-1. ami we i vent i. a led Kirt bIm PSSHttg I n, harder 'i :. An o.i r til a I a:esi i .' mi 'i BOOKS t oK - Carpenter rchlierl. Htillilt r. raitf'ltinlal. Ble. OSBORN & ALEXANDER, 629 Mmrkrl MstlsSMl Kruqiuro. M Iiaiiirs' Tools, llardn are. and M.u hiner) . ratal 'irue of a!l "ttr yivkl. sent frc ott ap;lkcstlna W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm .llacliinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG CIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. PATENTS fITrN S CO., etr the Si'iBNTirio Amkr ica w, on flnnn to act as golloltora for Talents, (uviats. Trsda Marks, Ci.pj rlahts. for tlio t.'utU'it Stntis, Canada, Kuiiland, riunco, Uermany, etc. Hand lt.Hik about l'.n i nts Bi'iit fr. Tblitr-.even year' fXpelienc. rittKiitsnhtAlnad Mirouuli alLNN .V O. arnoUa la ths rk'iKNTi no Amuhi'a.v, tho largest, l-est, and tiirnt wldelv circulated b UntlUo Danvr. to.'.Oaytur VSoeklT. Mii-iiiiij ent:rainrs ana inuT.--.tinK formation, bpocinien copy of thn ScIcbiIHc Amer ican sent frei.. AdcT-is Mt'NS h Co.. m lUiiTUsV aJUUUCAST Omoa. a.l llroauway. Mew York. . D. BROWN, J ti die ions ADVERTISING, Discreet S UBSCEIPTION San Francisoo, Cal, "HEALTH AND HOME." Port Chester I. Y. CIRCULATION 63,000. Sdttod by W. H. HALE, M, D This is large eight page, forty column, moaiiily paper, aud ia devoted to every Lbiua; poi talning to health and home, marriage, social scienoe, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hint on health, dietetics, and 'very tealm of modern science that tends to improve health, prevent diiease, purii'y morals, aud make home happy, Snhscription Price 50 cts. Per Year. Add3tis DR. W. H. HALE, "Health and.rtome. ' Port Cheater, N. Y. Hie above paper will be sent to every isubscriber of the Democrat who paya up or in advance. n I i ' I ka sa sS. 1 ' 7S5Pf ' v JULIUS QRADWOHL . Haa lite nily exeInaiT aloek I CROCKERY. CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large ABEortEent of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sug ONE DOZE NIC UP8 AND 8AUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TIIK SJIOfBEMT U A II It 171 1' i: PAID FOR I tt Remember! What. I Siy I Mean. Oiva Mi a Call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- HOIDIV l'IWilRIKTOKH OK ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AN1 DKAIaKBH IN Imported and Domestic Cigais, TobaccOH, Groceries, Picvislcn Candies Nuts and Tropical Fruits. A Miany, NI. i lt HliL-oW l III! ot.l STASH, COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AUD RANGES, latac In Ute h1I-3. n Impoi tn aud manulai Ure TIN, SHEET IROK AND COPPER MARE 1 DBNCRI iTiOlt IN KT K HAM', A PtJLL GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. v HI' H BB "KKKlts IO TMH. PI HLH t kiith'N cai i. at ",t first mtukk Repair work done at vtMl C. V CM KKT .a. i v s ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHfiRBY ft PARKES. (Sutxaaoratoe.t.t norry.) MacluaisU, KLiUwrighu, and Iron rnnnrifiM uuxiuuiB. BJB7 B HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS Ail. If eomatstsd, and ur nam pn pars I to bandit- a 1 kindn of heavy v.irk. c will manufacture BtSSSS Ewsnasj. t.rist and Saw Mnl Machitierv.aud all kinds of Iron 1 and Hra-sM t aalings. raTTi:K Mtnt o i.uukt notice. ..-. ai attention given to repairing all ; klnda of machinery. Will aio tnanufao lure the improved "Cherry A White uram SfjMirator. akup wa Baker Bl. OMrr a Lnsutxr lard. Albany, Ur., Iec. 1, lb0. lbtf HERE AT LAST. trier Long aad Weary Waltlag Better Is Strang hi ta Thosr who Xrad tt. "Well I'.it. suid an Oiah.-c couniy lhysician to a rotiilainliiK In.h aliciil some car. ajj, "tor thai aUn In your client ou hail lutu r gu hme ntl put on a mustard piaster. I can t think this minute of anUiiii better Ami b tbe wa .' added the doctor turnltiK toalrieiiil, "1 a ish somebody would BSSSSIt a real kJ plasUr -soiutUiunf actually bclful tor such cases as I'at's. Maybe thwy will sometime, slioi its i. . Ut.- for me to use it." When 11KSSO.V.S CAPCINE POROl'S PLASTER was placed n the market about tqti yeara ago the doctor's hie became a tact. Because of the rare mediosl virtues inherent In it, its rap il action aud surereaults, the t apt ine Is fast displacing the slow acting plasters ot former days, for all atlcctions to which a plaster ia ever spplicablc. Price cents. In the midille ot the genuine is cut the word CAI' ClMB. Seahury A Johnson, Chemists, Nw York. The Great English Reme- is a never failina cure tor BC ervoiis llehililv. baniinal iWuakneas, Exhausted Vi tality, Huarmatorrhisa, LOST M tMIOOD. in isiteney, laralysls, and all temble effects of Self- Aluf e, youthful follies,and XcesMsin maturer years urh aa loss of Memory, lutkitude, Kmisaiou, Aver- lainn to Society, lhmneas of Vision, Noises in tbe lieud; the vital fluid passing unobserved into ihe urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death. 1st. M1MIK ill agree to forfeit Five Hundred Hollars for a case of thi kind the llal Kr.lora live (under his special ailviceand tre.uoei-t wh m t eure or for anything impure or inju ious found n , it. Dr. Mintle treats all private diseases sueceea.u without mercury. Consulution free. Th trouga ex j anilaation ami sdvie including analyslsof,. Price of Viial ResUrative.l .'0 a bottle, or four tiim-s ! the quantity ?, seut ti any address upon receipt of price or C. 6. I), obscure from observation and iu pri vate If desired, by DR. A. E. M1XT1E, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. Sample liottle free. Sent on application by letter, sialiug symptom, sex? ud age. Communications strictly confidential. Dr, Mlntic's Kidney Remedy, Nephraticum, cures sll kinds of kidney sail bladder eomplaints.gotiorrliaa, gleet, leouchorrhcca- F r sale by alldruggista lis bottle or six ottlea forfo- Dr. Mi-it ii t Dandelion 1111s ars the bast and cheap est Dyspepsia and Bilious cure In the inaiUct. For ssle bv all dntgidsts. liar tu n' I'atfiit Foot aaod Steam rower Scroll Saws. Circular Saxes, JJorttstrs, Laths, Teuoners, Formers, etc. OSBOM & ALEXANDER bole Agenu, 628 Market Street. San Francisco. Mechanics' Tools, Hardware awl Machinery good sent free on application. For Sale. One half block In eastern part of tbe city with fair house and barn will be.aold cheaf- m EaW tf .sBaa Vil sBsSAsE7Eusvs5. k JOSEPH, iOUM Hhl.ii' M'KiRfc. Oregon. S9y S KIltMT MTKKrTT, HAS ON U AND Al FINK AS-or.TMENT O? OK H OKHKR. ALMO, BE KKF.FM Ot AMHOKTMKNTOK 1 PRICES, THAT OKr 1.1 ANY, CRB0ON. reasonable tlnres. DR. FELIX LE BRUNT- Prrvrnttr and t i re. tr riflier tsnjt. Ibis rrtnrdjr la-itg ii jw uil d'ect!r to 1 i f thoa disi-jih of tbe titonio-C rtbsir r-quir-r no c !.:(: i I dif t r rai:srtrs. i or j msot on- mraiorra to be takrc jt4I Whra t.ken as a rrrirntfrrbp it is impossible to ci-tttart a eotrsl Lnl in-tbt. n tf ttmLm swiWtw- gg -Ws the money. Price by irsii, tAtXtfc laal. i-er un.or, stjoxrsftir;.U'. v ittm. 1S--UC! ba sll uthontds. ts. ir. f'rlix l-f Biub aV to. Selr Pro pa, SOOD.tRI). ( LARK A CO.. Antborized Arpuf, V7 l.cilcr cla c-. A c?ait rrj;C-c-. IDKTl iM), OKFCON. Ordrrs b mail will rceiTd prompt attention. iVERVOUS DEBILITY! SsSaaSBSBsisCTssSll IS- T asL-jK Ba. K. C West's NaxTa axd Pn r Iscat. bTBNT. a s;aanuited SDeoiftc for Hyslcna, I :szi !.... CunTulsions, Virs, Nerroaa Bitnra'ga, Headaoiid. Nervous Pruatrattnn ranard hy the ue of aloohsri or obacc. Wakvfulnesa. aleMal Da presaion. Scsftenina of the Brain raa-nluiisr ia ia sarMty wici leadsna to misery, decay era desitii. Presaatara Old Aire, FarrrsDeaa. Loss of i r inerttiar sex. Involuntary Laaaaa and H errnat orrUcBa caused by over-exertion of the Liaiu.self-abu- or over4ndnbjrenc. Each be s tai: s one month's treatment. $l.m a bos. or six boxes to core any sssae. With each order received by as for six boxaa. secompanissl with (VitX ire will svnd the purvissaar our writ tea sroanu:tea to re fund tba nvuney it the treatment doea not cilect a cure. Guarantee issued or ly by WOODARD, (TiAltK st CO, w ja.clcao.le) avaad. Isitsvil r-vvr: - tMt. PORTI AHn. OKf f.ON . Orders by map IU rvceir- nrompt atntioa. 5U9 , S sV ' f . ISBSI Trt LrBlrkaa'a Calden ssatsasa aa. I Cures Chancres, first and aaevnd sugas : Sre the legs and body . Syphilitic ala.-rh, diseasod s- a and all p 1 primary forms ol tne disease, soowu Trie ice, AS pet botUe. LrKlrbau's t.olden KnUam Wm. t Cures Tertiary, Mercurial. Syphilitic Rheumatism, secondary stages. Pains in the Hones. Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lum, etc., and eradicates all diseases from the sy stem. hether caused bv bad irealiiietit or abuse of mercury, leaving tlie blood )ure and healthy. Price, S5 per holUe. Sent e very w here, C. O. D., securely packed per ex piess. I F Klf lltKDSrt CO., Asrafs, 19 A 429 aansouie sireei, Corner Clay, sau Francisco, California. ALBAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A Usda BY, OK. Tba Second Term ends on Tliuis day, January 31, 1883. For particulars concerning the ceurata of "Hudy and the price of tuiUuo, apply to ttl.V. t.LULKf X. rOMSIT. Prc-iueat. Aioany Bath House. UU UNDK11S1UNBD WOULD RESPECT fully laform the oitisens of Albanj and vi I einitythat I have taken charge of this Establish K.eni,auu, ojr nui imi sua y ay in it riot attention to business expects tu suit al those who may favor US with their patronage Daring heretofore osrried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Urassintr Saloons expects to iriTa entire satief iticnto al jsay-ChUdier and Ladies' Hair neatly u shampooed JOS WEBBER. THE DISSEMINATOR. Tubliahed every Saturday aT llarr sburOre&on, T cl A.T IT . I : r &Propr ttor. v ia i