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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1884)
mm k lw 7 Entered at the t si OiUjo at Albany, Or, as aecond-claaa mall matter. FK1DAY.. J UNE 6, 1884. STITES & NUTTING. i inn. an I Proprietor. rKlr JfTTrilU. I.ral F.tUir. Oiaul flaias ait Gitf Piper. UIH AI.KM-. Following ar tho Ukmockat's duly au- t H i - i a;itst revive s' or money for the same : 1 el ano T L Wallace Marri!orn Sum May Uro navillc O. I . loshaw lialMv T. L Porter Shedd's R A. Watts Bet W. K. Kelly J etfersou S. A. DeVane The laq.ilnn" Kntrrs Last Saturday aflvrnooii the I.iu'f atul beautiful ste.ituer ' Vauina,' a - pW-u did picture of which may be seen at tho First National Hank iu this city, steam ed into faqtllM Hay. about which even Congressmen have deigned to wraugled, aud anchored at the wharfs of the O. l K . Co It was n big event, aud the manner la which i; was received, ex presses not only Ute appreciation of the citizeus of the Bay, but as well of the whole Valley, of th? ImpOftMOt of tlie atla;r. The "YaijUina is no third class steamer, but i ti;stelass, carrying over 'wo thousand tou.. and has an elegant suit ofatatc rooms and tho most ample accommodations. She will run regular ly between Baa Krancisc and (he May. which, when the railroad is completed next fall, BH ansa great, ileal ta the Wil lamette Valley, and a- well soineinitig to Portland I will reduce the rate of fare, and as well of frvight, aul witb several other steame-s which .wil! be adde.l, is bound to w -rk t great ad vautage to tiiis part of the coast. We unite wi;h Yaquiuaites in w. lcunlng the steamer uanifil after he Hay, net onacc untof it- intrinsic worth, but for what it speaks fr Cur future. It laa Ian) Walter To OBtt a lal!ot, To te:l haw an election goes alter it is over. To tell someoue else how they ought tc conduct iLeu-elves. To talk. To run another man's business in yaur mind. To know ho7 a newspaper should be run, if you are a : running it. To walk a mark when yo x w net druuk. To smoke at - else's expense. To run iu debt. To not pay your printer. To fchake hands before election, aud for get to do it, a Tier. To let your premises go to ruin. To make promises. To ' wink" at anything when you do not wish to see it. To be kicked by a mule having four or two legs To make money when you have $:i0,o-.0 at inteieat and live on fVtitn or boues. To beat a snail running. IHiuau'. Stlhl. The fo! lowing is the rote iu Linn couaty cast last Monuay, on the first Amendment to the CiHilll lllilMl. proriding for the right of w orn u to vote. It certainly would in dicatethst publicsentiment is against the mo e at the present time, in this county : For 3 le ta .4 11 6 If 12 2; 40 aKt 144 33 .17 21 Ki West Albany East Albany Orleans Brownsville Franklin Uoite . ty ra.use Waterloo Crawfordbville.... lii - Center 135 I 4S lori 79 119 15 4U 51 16 6 Harrisburg 71 Sbedds 47 Santiam 12 Sr;io !9 Liberty 11 Sweot Houio 14 Ijebanon Mabel F jx Valloy Bru,h M 13 18 6 20 i 40 j Total Mj aitj f fyifit4 (0 aliier. Suinjiaiy of MeS;oroligy fr May, 1SW. from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Bngg8,Eq. Hiarieat liar. 30 : lowest. 28 4, ; mean. 29,77. Highest Temjieraturc, 88 ; lowest, 46. mean 59.68. Mean at 7 a. BS. 52 96 ; 2 p. m. 71 9 p m., 57 2. Prevailing winds, N. Maximum velocity force, 2. Total rainfall and melted snow during month, laches 0 89. Number of days on which .01 inch oc mare rain fell, 5. Number of days of cloudiness, average $ in scale of 10, 7. Tuuuder storms, 25th. Stecesition tu M rs. Lea t ilt. Tuesday evening a raeeptiao was given to Mrs. M. C the Baptist church in tbis city, which was certainly a great success, the whole of the church being crowded. Mrs J 11 Towoaend w-icomed Mrs Leavitt, who, afterwards delivered au eloquent and earnest address. Previous to the addrer-s, a song v as rendered by Mrs E W Langdon iu a manner which has deservedly given her a reputation as one of the best vocalists in Oregon, Miss Gurtrude Walker, accompanied bj. Miss Belle Senders, renderel a violin solo, which displayed excellent skill as a vio linist. It received warm praise from the audience, Gun Act-ident. The first of the week Bert Scott aud an other bey were hunting near this city, the latter having killed a uird, when Bert re quested to be allowed to shoot. The gun was a double barreled abot gun, both trig gers of which Bert pulled giving the gun a chance to do sonn heavy kinking,whicb it did. In the course of its backward ac tion the hammers struck Bert on the up per lip, tearing itself through nto bis mouth, kuocking out several teeth. The wound was properly dressed, aud the vic tim of the accident is doing well. Ladiej, misses and children's fiae shoes aud slippers, just the thing for summer wear, the largest stock in the city at the Bo jt & Shoe Store of Samuel E. Young's. HO ME AND ABROAD. V M Frenoh, jeweler. Green poas appear in plenty. Strawberries, three boxes for a quarter. Tunnel No. ten theO. V. is ready fur the track layers. Woolouly brings M cjati in thia city fo the best grades. Election is over, with the exueptiou of the presidential (tart. Portland celebrated Decoration day in a becoming manner. Tickets last Monday were generally pretty well scratched up Tin- proper time to get iu the calabooeo ia just bctore election. Too many mtn allow their judgment to be influenced by their wishes. Ijirk Uilyeu, was elected Representative in I .me couuly by a small majority. The I b;Moi k v r will continue to be the of ficial paper of Linn county two years longer. Mrs Potts Soil Irons aud Enterprise ootlee mills just received by i'otwra A Plain. Cheap Kdward l.emoa was hanged at Victoria on Mav 31st It must hare beeu a soar affair. There was a large crowd at YYatvrloo.last Sj inlay, all tho way from Bait to Ilarrisburg. Still greater reduction iu price of Univer sal and Eureka writi'ers at Peters Jt Plain's. The election return this year iudicate that l.iuu county u Democratic by about 250. Kx-Mayr Ktlloch.of San Francisco, is now located at Whatcomb, W. T, Bw What com b ! Discussion of tint Woman's Rights ques tion will uot be continued much further for the present. Bona streets in Victoria are as narrow as tweuty feet, iu Albany all of them are sixty- six feet wide. Her M Judy will preach at Millers Sta tien on Sabbath ucxt at 3:15 o'clock, p, m Puhlic invited. The ways of elections are peculiar, aud you caunot most always some time tell hew a man will run. Jesse Barr aud 7. B Mo&s brought the re turns in frees Sweet II me, arnvun here Tuesday afternoou. Aoauy is lo MM aojvo :ha raSaf at tne Depot Hotel, measuring to the top of the raila in front of it. A diamond has heen laid on the square in froutofthe Court House, where baseball is o-r played extensively. The Republican county ticket ia Marion county ia elected with the exception of jer kaiM one Representative. Miss Mattie Feat will hereafter sell ber goods at greatly reduced rates, iu order te make room for new pods. Several bets that Thayer would not re ceive 838 majority iu this couuty were lest, ins majority Iteing t)4. Mr Ala Harris will have charge of Jacobs Xcuga's' store at Yaqutna Bay, and no doubt will make it a success. Bulletins of the proceedings of the Chicago ('mention were received in this city regu Urlv Wednesday aud yesterday. The rate of freight on fruit has been re duced by the 0.4 C Co., mnch to the aatis t'action of Southern Oregon people. In or ler t: ba a gieat mil naw adays it is Sect s iry to hav one's picture on eoms brand uf soap Iieecher is a great mau. Liunisa great county, in extent, but all of its election returns were ia before they were through counting in Portland. Rev E G Michael will hold his regular quarterly meeting in St Panl's M K Church, South, on Saturday and Sunday next Are you going to build, or repair your house ? Before doing so get pncea on hard ware, paints, glass, eta, of Peters A Blain. Ladies' ulsters in liuen and mohair, also the newest and latest styles of ladies' spring aud summer garments at Monteith d- Seiten bach. Mabel is the banner Woman Suffrage Pre cinct in the county, if tot iu the State, the rote there standing thirteen for an 1 six agaiust. Theg'ia Wit:i she i Rev Steren's horse was shot last week waa a -Vmche-te repeat er, and was not a revolve r aa Late i iu the DnnpaaT. Tenor (itteen different msa received coos- 1 i 1 ...... .nil f.. I V. . . under all designations, among others (ioue- borry V Children's meeting at the Methodist Kpis- copal church Sabbath next. Exercises by ; the children, recitations and music. Public invited. Sol. King just squeeze into the SherifT. ' i orlice again, in Bontou oountv. It seems to be a permanent affair with him, but why we can i.'j av . 2017 ...1336 An c'esnt gol 1 plated band ring for 70 cents, stands acid test. Seud stamp for cat alogue, Seats & Co., 721J, Market S:., San Francisco, Cad. I Msm Nettie Cibhard, of Waterloo, met ! with an acciderit last weak, near nlar bein thrown from a horse, narrowly escap- , in OS- 1 llJUl J , in r fiavavu I liieiT The Northwest Conference of the M. E. Chsrch has been divided, the Colombia Rirer beisg the line. This is necessitated by growth of the church. A strawberry, shaped like the cont ofa rooster, raised by NT Moere, caught our eye the first of the week. It weighed one and one half ounces. Mr Farwell, County Treasurer elei;t re ceived every vote in his precinct but three, which testifies to the high respect in which he is held at homo. A wretch at Spokan Falls recently sold his wife, notwithstanding she was his polit ical equal; but of cwursofshe would not sub mit to such slavery. To preserve your appl- trjei from the bore, wash your tree in .he Spring with strong lye. It is effective. In tho fall lie can be used with heavy results. Hoifman fc Joseph keep the very freshest stock of everything in the grocery line, and as well always have on hand cooling drinks for the perspiring masses. The poster of Cole's Great Circus and Me nagerie was in the city Tuesday. The cir cus will be here July 7th, and is probably the largest ever in Oregon. Our correspondent from Waterloo advises the Lebanon correspondent to go to that place for items, as there they are plenty, if he caunot rind them in Lebanon. Another thunder storm last Sunday even ing made some think of their old homes ia the East where the t. s. might be looked for at any time of the day or week. The manner in which scratching was done Monday is well illustrated by the Mablo vote, Charlton, Democratic, receiving ten majority, and Andrews, Republican, eight. Nsxt week we will publish a tabulated rote of the late election, in this county, com piled from the official vote. We postpone it until then in order to giye tho correct vote. Such a thing as an independent paper is not known. The fact that such so called papers always support all the candidates of a party gives the falsehood to their preten sions. A. story told on Portland is that in coun , ting the votes tha straight tickets would be epafated and placed aside, but id a dOuvio icnt position, where a duly instruoted aupe would scratch them to order. The Woman's Suffrage Amendment is beaten in the S tate by 15,000 to 'JO, 000 as nearly as can he estimated. The actual re sult will probably not be known until the vote is counted ellicially. A good picture of Roy 0 H Fowler, who was recontly appointed a Bishop iu the M K chinch, appears in the last Harper Weekly, Mauy will remember Rev. Fowler, ss he was here only about two years ago, with Bishop Hesrst Bush Wilson, the Veteran t'lerk of Beaton county, is re-elected by a large majority. He has done business for the farmers of that county for so many years for almost nothing, that they vote for him regardless of party. Though t'lerk for nearly twenty years it is stated that he has laid up very little money. Ayer's aarsaparilla is a highly concentra ted extract of Sarsaparilla, and other blood purifying roots, combined with Iodide of Potassium ami Iron. Its control over scro fulous diseases is unequalled by any other mfrtioiie The State W. V,. T. U , convened in this city Tuesday morning at tho Baptist church with a fair attendance of delegates. Next week we will give a report of the proceed, ings, iuasssiich as we could only get part this wek. The sesaions so far are interesting and instructive. The eleution of iieorgo K. t'hauilwrUn as District Attorney is most gratify nig, and the manner la which ho run ahead of his ticket waa certainly a Mattering tribute to his ahiii ty and popularity. His mijentv in this county was, we understand, the greatest ever received here. The assessable, piepurty of Walla Walla amounts to $, llS.Oitf. divided aa follnws Personal prepvrty,$dH14 j improvauivnt. ioiiS.'.KlO ; real estate, S73.,330. Te Weans' of oll tax collectable is $100 ; amount collected, $476 D.iTerent papors are givm tKs u ist beau tiful santnuc iu the Knglish lanua -e None we have eeu eijul th following "Knelosed Bad 9 2 50 for M fa.-s Hubaciip- tiaa tolas PanocaaT in adraaee. Yours, Kebaeisadaanar Smith." It should h : if '.n'mred that suiMcribars to ths DuiOOaat who pay up and csntinne the paper, or in advance, will recetra the ffeaMaad fiTeate free for one year. Thoe- whom wo hon for hrt are receiriug the pa per, and are m ich ; leased with it. Complaint is Mad that oertata parties are in the habit f lk)Oc4ia near theity, oint ing their guns carolr-ai n all directions. Iu this manner several hous-s have been hit, whu h uot reudcr living in the suburl s very sjfa. A stop should ba put te it. iUckache, stitchts in the side, inflation and s jreneas of the nymptomaof a lisoidercd state of the dilutive and assim ilative organs, which can be promptly and thoroughly corrected by the uao of Ayer'a Cathartic Fills. As dinner pills, and as aids to digestion, thry have no e.jual. They cure constipation. The K publican National Couventton which convened iu Chicago Tuesday forenoon, haa spent its tune far iu a lj .urnmg to hunt for a tariff plank, but they aeeui tu have been able to tin 1 n thiag uot a"?- ted with knot boles. Ballotin for President will probably begin to-day. The ditch lea ling to t ' ..'par's grist tail! has sston eompleted to just soutU f the Dtuo CsAt ofhee where it wdl unit j with the old ditch under the sidewalk. The building o it has afforded an opportunity for mon out of employment to spend their time tsh ng how it should be done. Iast weak McK night Brothers sent their stallion, Oneco, to Jay Beach. at Spring Hill, where it will be traiued for the three year old race at the State Fair. It gives indications of groat speed, and we predict will do some faat trotting in Septem)er. The next Sheriff will be a Saotiamite, the Treasurer a Syracuan, tho A or a Leban. ooian, the School Commissioner a Harris burgian. ths Albanian, three Rep resentatives, Forksites, one a H&laeyite, one a Sheddnonian, and the other au Albanian. !- anon gi-tai the Clerk and Coroner, Syra- ci... iirffiil.r and A llianu IVntitv Ik.I.. Spread KagU itemi aH it 4.h of July nw appear ia our exchanges. In l. u-i county Lebaaon and Scio will celebrate. In Benton ulty Carvallis, ia M anon couuty tbu nn ters of Male m. I ays your mmiey and t dtoa your cboic, ' it what may be said to Alban W1' who,U uf theif T'l- ing at th Fireman's Touruaraeut in August, l bs manner in which Sheriff Humphrey j ran for Justice of the Peace in Kaat Albany, I teattiies to Ins jn.pulan'y. Ilia majority was j 91, while for Representation the vote was ' iltmir .vmi IT.i4r .In.! i. uhlnn n.. i'.KV the promise that the mortgage tax law shall be sustained, and Judge dsady' decision re versed. Here is the way an exchanga stretches the truth for the sake of getting up an item "An Albany woman kicked a man on the shin, aud jabbed his eye out with an umbrel la, simply because he kissed her. And yet he thought it was funny. If she had ram med the umbrella down his throat and open ed it inside of him, he might haye been tickled to death." Some people think, that mosto: the finan cial embarrasment occurring, as well as the changing of business occurs here in tho Wil lamette Valley. As a matter of fact there Is no comparison between this Valley and Washington T-irritory. The Commercial Re porter publishes each week a list of failures, compromises and sales, and most of them,4 excepting tu iu I'ortl.m 1, ars iq Washing ton Territory cities. A New York paper boasts of a trout caught which weighed two pounds, two and one half ounc s. Here such a trout would be a eter' minnow, bas iu the small-fry streams of toe Smpire statu it seems that such a trout is a monster indeed. Some day we will send a hoad of one back to tho edits of the paper excited over a two p mud trout that will weigh more, than that. Among those who appreciate our wonder ful cMviug for strawberries are Mr Win Pea cock and Mr Chester Skeels, both living across the Willamatte. Saturday they came into our office with generous supplies of as large and luscious looking strawberries as we have ever yearned for. In one well filled quart box were only fourteen straw!-srrieR while iu another were sixteen. We defy anr other state or nation to beat this. The people of Berlin, Germany are trying to prevent the use of the piano. If they are disturbed by the piano, what is to be said of Americans who have to listen to Chinese fiddles, the worse noise en the face of the earth, by the side of which the screeching of an owl, the cawing of a cruw, the caterwal ingacatsink into insignificance. Give us the oiauo. nut deliver us from the Chinese fiddle. Tha Hunptoii Cwllege Students, who have become so celebrated all over the United States, and some parts of Europe for the fine Southern melodies, and well cultivated voices, will appear at Crawford's Opera Honse, to night, (Friday). The Hampton College Students, we believe, were once in Oregat), whole they Were Universally liked and mot with a warm reception. No doubt they will bo greeted by a good house te night. Tho following complimentary notion of the Hampton Oollegu Students wo take from an Kasterii Fxuhanie: Among the mauy color est troupe of Siugers who have sung Iu this pi n e, there are none of them can oomparo with the Hampton College. Students, who sang hero last night. They far excel Dens rin's troupe in many points, and should they return agaiu to us, we bespeak them a hearty welcome. Wo command them to a generous public. They play to-night at Crawfords Opera House. last Saturday afternoon while the politic al pot was boiling at the Court House, tho base ball cauldron was efforrssoing en the Third street grounds, a game being played between the fjcio ami the Albany mites. Nine innings were played, resulting in a victory for the Albany nine by a aoero of .12 to 27. The gsmo was an interesting one, highly enjoyed by all. Tho Seio boys are a gentlemanly sot of young men, and if the Albany team could be beaten it could not bo at bettor hands. The fortunes of base ball, though, decreed otherwise. This is the way some people, trnat newa paper : There are people iu this world wh. if ynu "giro them an inch will take a foot." i t, is we lad to l.e tho case with a writer up the country. Wo have givan her column after column of apace during the past several mnntha, and locause an article she sent us last wek did net appear, she writes us a lett-r id abuse and proposes to use hsr 'Hnttteaee for a paper that will giro her a h-armg . " Hut wo are used to such growls, and threats, aud it is not the first that have come from this source, sad tho lady referred to hat our permission to "uao ber iufluoaco'' tor whatfvi-r piper or source she may desire in the Fatare, and we shall havn to take our chants ! bung exterminated Ex. The follow ing account of a light nrar lULcr City shawl how they da thing i in thst coun try "The Spirt stage driver brought tho no to oar city Saturday, says the Haker City Demerit, a fearful tragedy oeeurred ..t PfaM raHey, Ueiaa county, but the full par ticulara bad ut been a-evrtaiurd. It ap pesra that a party id three men had beeu in the VaDej on a hunting ef fail ill na ; that una of the petty, Martia by nsme, waa absent all day hunting and ntnrn- l late in the aftor-iomi without mu !i success. A short time aftr arriving ia c.atap, a young ball ws discovered staudiag near by, and Martin, iu a commanding way, told the men to kill it ; this his companion liatly rrfuaod to do, when he became angered, and putting hi hand at his pistol, said he would ootnprl them to kill the calf. At this eriaia, the other two men pulled their pistols and commenced bring at Martin, completely riddling him with bullets II was shot three times in the brain, once through the breast, once in the mouth once through th" h art. Aa sooo as poaaible the perpetrators of thr killing went to Kagle valley and gave themselrea up to the proper authorities. H"c shall hear further particu lar n xt steak. The following addttiooal partioulara in ref erence to the shooting of Martin in I'nion county, au account of which appeared in the luo aai f laat week. we clip from an Ki UrrnOrcgeti. paper : "After Martin had been shot the two men buried him and then went over to Dolcomb's iu Itwer Kagle precinct an I gave themselres up. But their state ments did not correspond, and there waa pretty strong talk of lynching the one that did the killing. They aay thst when the mau Martin waa shot he a toe I faciog thess, but he had i-n shet four different times. One ball entered the craaium near tho tym panum of tho right ear and escaped near the eye-toeketon the left si lo of the nasal organ. Another ball entered the bewela on on aid and mads its exit on tbo opposite side, and the doctor who examined him, I understand, says it is impossible for him to bare been faciog ttirui, fur all the shot that atrack him were trOsl an oblnjue aids or back di rection. They aty they are from Silver City, 1 lall . Th authorities have sent an officer to Silver City, to ascertain if their atatement t tias and fiu 1 out as much about them as possihb- Thc Xez Perce .Wir. of Iwiston, I. T., claims to informed that Peuben, an edu cated Nez i'erco Indian, has receired orders from Washington to remove Chief Joseph and bis baud to tbo Nez Perce reservation. The A""' says that this step on the part of the .vermin ut ia very much to be regretted aa it mjst ultimately result in trouble to both whites and Indiana. The .V- if. ta publish d near the scene of the maasacre and atro cities of I "77 and its utterances on tho sub ject may be safely taken as a faithful reflex of tho npiuions and feelings of the very bt ps-oplu in Nattheru Idaho, it says that whil most of the people in that section of Iba Territory would probably acquiesce ia this decision of the Government, there is every reason to believe that there are others who would not ; that there are men in Nex Perco couuty, and, in fact, all orer tbo Pacific Coast, who woubl aa soon shoot an Indian as to cut off the head ofa carrot; that this class of men would hare fewer com punctions of c insolence iu perpetrating ths former deed than the latter. "But," says the New, "if Joseph can stand it we can, and so can tho people generally of Northern Idaho. There are individuals who have suf fared great and unprovoked wrongs at the bauds of Joseph or his aguuts ; and the first time they have a good opportunity they will bo very apt to send him to the happy hunt "g ground, despite tho vigilance of those in authority at the tort or reservation. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Charley Enos has returned home. Mr L Martin, of Ashland, camo to Albany Wedneaday. Mrs 0 V Powell, of Portland has beeu visiting in Albany. AG Walling, of Portland, was in Albany the lirat of the week . Joe Webber, Jr., of Portland, was in AL bany the first of the week. Rev T B White, of the Silets Agency, was in Albany the first ef the week. Rev It E L Folsom, of Oregon City, waa in Albany the first of the week, when he mado the Democrat office a pleasant call. Mr. W. B. Barr, the genial and accomplish ed sivil engineer, left last Wednesday noon for up the Columbia, where he goes on a sur veying expedition. Mis Virgil Parker, is visiting at the Bay, and during her absence, Virgil is a poor lone bachelor, and looks as homesick as a stray dog er defeated candidate. Mr Selvester, from Burgettsville, has been risiting at Watsrleo, also Mr Crook, of liar- risburg,and FrankieCarnes and Addie Gross, of Waterloo, are visiting in Canada. Mr Anderson, of J E Sorbin's saloon, in this city, was arrested yesterday for selling liquor to an Indian. Wo understand the proof is good, but that the Indian represented i himself to be a Mexican, and he certainly lookoi like one. m tittof IK Liftft 'rm. from the return received from allot the preolncta of the county, we era able ta give thle week the approximate vole for all or the candidates In the county, with the exceptlen of the vote for Hnrveyor and Cnooer, which la unnecessary an lliere was no apportion ta either : SMIIIKSHS AN John Myers It. Ilerniaun um 1281 Myere' majerlty , 857 attpHKMH junoa W W Thayer lo7n 1SS2 I. FMnn Thayer's majority I'M diotr! ?r axTonnaT U K Chamberlain.. 0 K Wwlrerton ... .1733 .1169 r74 Chamberlain's mejorlty. UTAH. HRMATna J K Woatherford CT I. eot,-r lu.o 1212 4s Weatherford's majority . OJUaT UI.KRK J P Oalbra.tli . .1402 ! Andrews 1470 74 And row 'a majority. mi i. nu t J K Charlton Jf.OI II A Johnson 1X17 Charlton' majority oouarrf Jt;aK J J Whit no v In4 ..IflOS ..1264 171 J It N Black born Whitney 'a majority corwrr t moat 'nicn. Par wall Mueller 1403 1271 Farwell's msjorlty Ml UOUNTI aasKeaoa K Hammack L White Ilamiaai-k's majority M'MOOI. OMMIMO!r.K. f V 8 Ueid W .V. If singer Iteid'a majority . itkruEsr.srarj VM Hanry ( yroa I. II Montanye II Sbelton .IM7 1 -''. 10U7 1 27 U :r.'s . 1580 I.V.M i A7; ISM ISOS 156 I M0 .132 1317 12113 13.16 IS1& 1311 1317 Ml I M Peerv TJ Black K A Watta Average Hemocrallc vote P Hume I I'earl M ' 'unmugham B H Irvine I Jotte A S 1oeuc) Aversge Itepuhlicau vote Average liemocrstie majority tvt'KTV oajMi'tHioM tea A Condta I Myers Average rote W Kefhum fT B lwnaca o li2 1571 1275 1.161) Arerago 131 1 Av-rg l.-. ralk saajoftsji 233 The sljov are u t eUaiel, bat ar nearly correct, and probably will not bo changed rery much Tbo aeerage llemocratic majority of the whole Ueket in tho eoaoty waa 2M0. Th largest majouty receired by aay can didate ia aoy precinct, was received by D V. s. itied, iu Flarrisburg l'rcioct. being 142. sLStat cattClilATE IVaTITlTB i tiastrsrrmrsl, Joae talh. ISlk and IHh. The annual sermon will be Aelirered ea Sebbath eveniog. June 15tb at the College Chapel, by Her Joseph C Wyokoff. The Alumni will so... meev.og on - - ik. --- .( Mr f! V. Wnl. at it t it it : v r I . 1 "'" " ' verton. I hose who are laroreu wnn aa inviUtien will enjoy a good program ot liter- ary osorcise. Ir. J. T. Tate will deliver an oration. Miss Hettie Miller is to giro a reciution. Mias Bora Alexander will read an esaay and Mrs Dr. Templeton will prepare and present the annals. In connection with th collation Uaa to will lie in order. On Tuesday evening Miaa Mary A Irvine nd Mr Jamee J. Charlton will graduate. Miss Irvine will read an essay en "Light" and Mr. Charlton will pronounce an oration en "Society." They will bo supported by former graduates as follows : Mr. Ct. I. WKoater will pronounce an oration Miss Hettie Miller will give a recitation and Mrs. C. K. Wolverton will entei tsiu the audience with a reading. Tho following talent wul furnish instrumental aud vocal music on this occasion : Mrs. im; inn ir. t nsmoer a 1 , . .i lain and Mrs. Blumberg will each render a vocal solo. Miss Belle Senders and Mrs. Lang Ion will give an instrumental solo Miss Gertrude Walker and Mr. James Powell will each give a violin solo. The certificates will lie awarded at the close of the exercises, A tardea of Beset On. cf th. fin.t rose wardens in the State f O r.0n fa that of Mr. John thia city. Mr. Briggs has made a specialty of for s.v.r.1 vears. and bv cultivation. .n.l ,.,n.rim.ntin. ha. .ucoeodin. in arrana i0 a ,d- of thorn which oven Oscar rfilde. with all his aesthetic taste would be m - s tifV, In the warden ar. ihflOt two hundred distinct varieties, the names of - ' sa .v - .i. ta. n v.. . w;. a. ; . ..d to von "s"' 'l " - - - r ' ' the fish, and so Mr. Briggs will Uks a petal and name to you too thoroughly is he master of this, the most beautiful of all flew ere. As horses may be breeuea until tney attain a 2:104. speed so reees may be prepa gated until they are as rich and perfect as nature can make tbem. Thie Mr. Briggs has done. Were he in New York or Chicago his garden would be fortune to him. Here, it is a fortune but only ia the pleasure it af- fords him aud his friends. rroseeatins Attorney, The following are the majorities received i il. l-i.i. n t: in..... oy m cauuiu.te. lur irroa-cut.o tt-.u-, in the Third Judicial District, as nearly as could be ascertaiaed at the time ef going to press O. S. CHAMBER LAIN. Linn county. Polk county. 574 150 Total. 724 C. K. WOLVKKTON. Marion county 200 Yamhill county bo Tillamook county 60 Total Chamberlain's majority . 338 .386 J r Aitora, an out iinn county ooy, . , , . . , elected Assessor of Benton county by about 100 majority. fcijofitles la tlie tennis. Tho following are the majorities receiv ed by the several candidates for the vaii eu offices In the county, In the various precinct, aa nearly as can bo ascertained at the present time. Next wsek we will bs able to publish the vete In full I ICast Albany.- Kor CongreM, tie ; PI Inn, 3; Chamberlain, U8 Weatherford, 50 Blackburn, 20 ; Andrews 2 ; Charlton, 45 , Farwell, II; riammack, 4 ; NolTsinger.lO.J Went Albany. Meyers, ll rilnn, 1 Chain bar la In, B7 ; Weathoiford, 63 ; Whlf ney.0; .ndrewa,ir: Charlton, 4; Muell-" er, 14 ; Hammank, I ; Held, 21. Brownavllla-Ker Congressman, tie ; Thayer, 6; Chamberlain, 10; Weather ford, 22; Blackburn, 13 1 dalbrallh. 25. Jcdiosan, 17 ; Mueller, r,; White, 16 ; Noff' elnger, 17. H aiiial.urg. My era, 7W ; Thayer, l0; Chamberlain, l3; Waathnrford, 97 ; Whit nay, 68; fJa'.braltb, H Charlton, 66. Farwell, 71 ; flameaack. a.) ; Read, 142. Hyraiuiae. -.Ilyem, 48; Tbayar, Chamberlaln,37 ; Weatherford, 39; Wblt' nev, l: aalbralth, IS Charlton. 19. Hsmtnack, 85 ; Farwell, 6H; Raid, 80. Ubaiv.n. -Myors, 17; Fllnn, 20; (;bairlierlaln,.V2. Andrewa,7 ; Charlton,.'!! Farwall. 22 ; flaminai-k, 21 ; Keld, 16 ; Blsrkbiirn. 17. Canter.-Myora, y; Thayer, 22 ; Cbsni herlaln, a ; Weathorford, H ; Whitney. 3 ; Andrew, 14 ; Charlton, h ; Farwell. 7; Hammaek, 7 ; Keld, 13. Nhedds.-IIeraiann, 20; Fllnn, If Wolverton. 22 ; Leeror, IM ; Blackburn, 26; Andrews, 3d; Johnson, 20; Farwell, 31 ; Assessor, tie ; NofTsinger, 17. Hclo. Myers, 143; Thayer, III lierlaln, 121 ; Weathorford, 122 ; Whitney, 111 ; ialbralth, 34 ; Johnae-n, 61 ; Farwell, 117 ; Hammock, 121, Crawferdsvllle. -Heraiann. 13 ; Fllnn, 13; Wolverton, II ;Ioever,7; Blackburn, 13; Andrews, 18) Johnson, 13; Muller, 13; While, 13 ; Noffslnger, 16. Uatsey. Hermann, 4 Flmn.Sl; Wl vertnn, 33; I.oevor, H; Blackburn, 4o . fialbrallh, 7; Charlloa, 21 ; Mueller, 3 ; While, 46; NcifTslnger, 36, Waterloo. tier mann, 16; FUno, II; Wolrorton, 1 7 ; Weather ford, V ; Bla-k. bum, II; Andrews, . Johns'. n, 16 j Mueller, 30; Whlte.22 : NofTalnger, 8. Franklin Butte. Myers, 66 ; Thayer ,54 ; Chamtiotlam, 61; Wbeatherrord, 82 J Whitney, :i ; Oalbralth, 34 1 Charlton. 10 ; Farwoll, .', naniais k. W ; Held, 4'!. Want lam. Myom, 59; Thayer, Csamberlaln, 63 ; Weatherford, 24 . Whit ney, B0 Uaibraith, 14; Charlton, 14; Farwell, 64 White, A3 ; Roid, 47, Orleans. Hermann, 48 ; Flinn. 44 ; Wolverten. 44 ; Iaever, id ; Blaekl.urn, 8 Andrews. Mf; Johnson, 51 ; Mueller. 53 ; Wlille. 58 ; Neflaiager, 52. Liberty. -Hermann, I ; I'. Inn, 1 ; Wei -verbm, 2 ; for Sanalor, tie BlaeltbSsTB, 'I Andrews, 3; Cbarltan, 1; Muellor, II While, 3 ; Noirainger. 4 santiam M vera.Vj ; Thayer, 63 ; Cbam lerlain , 8a ; Weatherford, 24 ; Whitney. 5H ; (lalbralth. 14 ; Charlton, 31 ; Harwell 64 ; White, 62 ; Held, 47, Sweet Home. Myers, 24 ; Thayer, 33 ; Chamberlain, 98 ; Weaibsrferd, 9 : Whit ney, 28; (Jalbraitb. 19; Charlton, 23 Farwell, M ; Hammaek, 26 Raid, 26. Brush Creek.-Myem, 33 : Thayer, 25 Cbasnberlain, 31 ; Waatborford, 41 ; Whit ney. 2; tialbraith, 14 ; Charlton, S3. Farwell, 82; mm raack, 32 : lUid, 30. Fo Valley. For Congraas.tie ; Thayer, 33; Wolrarten, 3; Iever, U ; Whitney, II: Andrews, 12; Johnson, 4; Mueller, 11 ; White, 11 ; .lefisinger. 21. Mattel. Hermann, 6 ; Tbayar, 8 ; Wol verton, 2 : Leaver, 6 ; Blaekburn, 4 ; An- drewe, 8; Charlton, 10; Mueller, 6; Wbiu, 6; Raid, 3. ror II Tennyson cmo take a worlhleaa sheet of pajier, and by writing an tl makes It worth SA000. Thai's genius, Vander blll can write a few words en a ahaet and make it worth 5, 000.000. That's capita I. Th ukft M ounc,Md m ... . . quarter or gold and stamp upon It an mg9 i.jrJ" aml Inake it worth twenty Heellsan. That's money. The mechanic take the material worth l and make t Into a waleh worth 3100. That's skill. The merchant can take an article worth rent and eel I It for f 1 . T hat's buei ueea. The ditch. digger werka ten hours a day, and abevels out three or four tone of earth for 2. That's labor. A mn refuea te take his heme paper .ut borrow one every week from bis neigh bor. Tbal'a dead beat ism. A subscriber takes bis paer regularly for two er three yearn without paving a cent for It ane then eider the Postmaster to mark It "ro rosed." That's cussed meanness. A good citizen subscribes for his borne paper.aends several oaplee to hie friends, and pay for them all In advaroo. That's rtjiht. Kx. rasters ttrcllnx l ast Friday afternoon tho pastors of ths churches in Albany, instituteda pastors meet ing, tho first of which they held on that day at the Congregational church. The only ones allowed to be present were tho minis ters of ths city, their wires, and two ladies from each church, the latter ones, as a quali I r . I 1 . li : s . i L : .. - I nlon. "n 00"cu "' u"w vl the art oK'nf spent in anch manner as to unite the rainis- SSSTO comn.o.. Ln.rpu. .r KW - cloer together in their strife against I ' vnoy uiu mjui i.iinrsiuwv.nTcijf I . . . i. ,i unipiuou. anu uiimmj goM-u up -up- I - 1 , .whil.ditil ttaa tntvn'ifi' lrw" wss swssss. - T I ...w.ra 1 I t " "nd '"ends uehing cciwcc I as well as evils. Such social meetings uy which all miuuters are brought together, l ,, , , , m we" no wganisou orery w.,c. caildrea's Service j prMbvterlan church In the - rjnlted States, thesecoad Sabbath la June ijiirjhildren's Day." Ia accoreauee with this arrangement, the service at the st Presbyterian church on Sabbath next (June 8th) will be a children's service, and th pastor will preach a sermon to the snembarsef the Sabbath school. The ex erelsee will com ms nee at 11 o' clock, a. m The school will not meet in the afternoon. A Fatal Accident. . . daS aeo a terrible accident oc- eurred m tQ famUy f Morri HnryfWno recently moyod ta Umatilla from this county, While its parents ware out of the room, a five-year-old bey got held of a revolver, with which it was playing, whan, in seme manner, he pulled the trigger, disobarging the contents into a little sister, fifteen months old, who wa sitting by his side.oausing a weund which resulted in her death. Letter List. TUe toltowmc is the list of letters renal alnsr In tho Post Office. Aittany, Linn county, Ore gon, June 4th, US4. Persons ealllnc tor thess latter must srlve tbo date en which they wer anrortlsea. D1....A . 11 . . A . T 1, i Diuiiu, vxuv. nuniui, ismn is FrBk Cmma Kinr.Klss ML i ww- Joan J.M, lRYINO.P. M. Horn Mill Keats. Reck Hill has always been called a pretty rougn piaco, hut it has got te be a civil littl place after all. There are several rou-h young msa left yet around here. Tho lirat regular meeting of the Hock Hill Grange was held last .Saturday. The neigh wring grangos were well reprwmi U-.. Tho dinner.wa such as only grenge know how to gstup, and a good time in general was had a a . war aixty memb rs .being present. Very nice speeches were mad by Messrs. F. M. era t Hat iviser, r. Kroman and .maliel Parrish.the latter was command! i Wo are sorry to lears Mis, Xmy Bic i ardaon having the misfortune af J.ig h-r mind, (fa aevre her u. dady that Salem will o her future borne. W hOM sJm will peealily recover under thr- pbyricians at ths Asylum. Tbo farmers ar AI d ,mn fnrming at last. We ha1 a rery nice surpiiso iiarty near thia elaee laat Tburaday night and had a splendid a : . t m . s . time nosKiea the music was splenrfcd. Music was furnished by Ve Hogan and Bennie Mill ao you may know it waa good. Mr. B. Mills has got the beat piece of f wbe.t around Koch U.1I any wher. There ia o, afhl lire feet high. Well ,t ireoU soar you if I were t,, tell ynu about a youuuladv that dt.l not conduct heraelf verv well the rAher night at the party. bhe is from ---- Hhe had better stay sway from Hock Hill r. we will pubhah her name , tny next litter Many thanks to tho Io Sm rat. A ll' i BoiJB, Mo rr Hodavllle There will h a grsnd bat.ket nl"n!r under the auspices of the State Temoer- anoe Alliance at Linn a .untj s favoilte fean, DOflsnl u on the Panith af Julr and cuatlnuing three laya. I)r J W Wait will deliver tbo oratw n on tbo Fouftb. and ar-akers will anoroas tho ioj.'o nach day. jod lima!.- will U. :u alien l..r threiiKbont, and avory arrangsmont fea sible mule to rontribii'o lo tho oomfort and of these prosotit. ( ome erarybo-ly; i,rinii yanr wives andibibi- ron, your mothers, your sisters. your aaOV aina and your aunts, and young saaa this will be a very prepr pla-e to brtsaj yr ur awoeihoatl. Lay aside dull care tot a aeaarm. Come and bnathe the r-'iro air of Heaven, partake of tho haallns staters nature baa provided for your hOBOftt, f new your onergu., and thus rr.n.bine pleasure with pSOtH. W W Pa nisi-H, 0 M WicsTrALi iKO WflJOS, II Mrll.MI RaAV, II J lir.ALV, Cemmlt'ee. -- i kiiire at a vsaaB). I-at H'cluusday thr- people of Scio were horrified b, the tiuding of the body of An hew Miller, nrar that place, lying dead, on the kill, goiog down from H'llliam a mill. with a mark acroa bia temple. It ia tbocght that whde attempting to put on the break on his lamber wagon, it hrok, and he waa thrown to the ground, under the wheels, aud killed inetantly. He wa a worthy cit,a?u about forty tire yeare of e. od leaves a family. I ariurrs New Ih the liuie to p: . . tve vonr fruit, the pressjxxt ere fa- crab!., for an abundant crop of froit of all k.ud , there fore If you are wiae you wil tako advan tage of it and let none of It go to waste. but provide yonraelves with mscbines for evaporation, aud dry the whole of it. The beet evaporator in the market Is the "Improved Plummer Family and Factory Fruit Driet" it baa been iho longest in use and has never failed to give satisfaction. hich we have abundant testimony to prove, ror sale bv Joa Bki.., Albany, May is.b, 1SS4, Stave Ialor. rup or ria Nature's own true laxative. Pleasant to the palate, acceptable to the stomach, narmleaa in iu ncture, painful in its ac tion. Cures habitual constipat'.on.billious aees. indigestion and kindred ids. Cleans ea the system, purities the blood.regulateA the liver and acta on the bowels. Breaks up celds, chills and fevorseu-., strengthens the organs on w hich Its acta. Bet bitter, nauseous liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles sW ale bv Foebay it Mason. I OB Mi l Improved farms in Lion and Lane oouolies in the heirt of the tineat farmiug d'.stilct west of the itockv mountains. For particulars addroas or call on A. WlIKKLKH, Shedd, Li an Co , Or. Bli aLKV AR1C I iLVK. The beat salve in the world for cuts. bruise, ore, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, cliappc.1 liaur:s, chilblains, corns and all kiads of skin eruptions. Phis salve is guaranteed to give perfect itsracuna in erery case or moncv re funded. Price :ioc per box. For sale by Foshay A Masou. Best harness at J J DubruiUVs. aiMttlac Wire. Owing to the uncertainty in tho amount of Binding Wire to bo uaad this season, there will not be any more imported than is actually ordered. Those intruding to use It will bavo to soud their orders to me not later thau June 1st, as much earlier aa possible, as same will have to be order ed from manufactories in the East, and orders must be sent in at ouce, for it to be here in season. StNUEL E. Youxa, Xew. New laces, embroideries, silk glove, I .isle thread gloves, mitts, and a full assortment ef kid gloves in black and color, in the Cele brated Centemeii and Mather styles at MoKTxrru A Seitesiiach. PLOI It I OR SALE . The best quality of Ma. dia XXX new process flour, for $4 per bar, or 1 per sack. Said flour will be delivered to anv part of the city of Albany. Call on the undersigned at the Magnolia Mills, Isaac B. Bran. Ban. AVERILL. On May 9th, 18S4, at Florras Crook, Curry county, Oregon, to tho wife of VT. H. Averill twin sons. That is evidently a prosperous and healthy countiy, two pairs ef twins having been born in the same neighborhood during ths past six months. DIKD KNIGHTEN On June 4th, 1884, of pneu monia following scarlet fever, Ik a Aixen, sen of J. H. and Rachel M Knighten, aged 1 year, 9 months and 3 days. PLAIN TALI, On rialn Ksthjeels. BY A HsAlll CHAP. some tnea are excited over large Jorities and amnll majorities, other iv r who will be the next Prealdant.tut just at the present time commend ue to the ftrawberry patch. Th MT nd down its most scorching raye, Wt n dish of excellent strawberries refreah e one. The gesaiper with ber long Umgtm may talk about ut ; bat a dieh ot st ra wherries makes ua forget tb cal umniator. W- may have iost heavily ' ' lection, but aome strawberries roc sMMHhM uh to our fate; wa may ba rag g d. but with a dish of strawberries be- f ire us we are equal to the moat eplcu r an King who ever lived. He could A id uoth Ing belter. There is an excitement about aa election, hardly explainable, yat of m nature which many court, and the more close the contest tbo higher tbc fevet runs. The great uncertainty lends an enchantment to a political battle tl at many cannot help admiring. Ceubl a campaign be conducted with out mud thrawlag, above board, with out the use of wire pulling, iber cer tainly could he no reason why all shea Id not be excused for taking a hand in tb game and play to win. As it Is many good men refrain from jolaiog la a fight which is almost iure to give them a bloody riae. AJthougii newspaper men ar in a business which indicate some knowl edg of tbc world, more than half of tb -m display no business skill at all I hey run ud-.-erlisec.eaU without tbo k ut knowledge of the responsibility of 'he advertiser. Ttiey scad their paper t o Tom. Dick and Harry, whether they ever heard ef them or not, and It la na wonder that mtny of them are noted for being treated e much themselves. A a matter of fact it should be tb MUMwIth lb publisher as with th merchant. He should place a reason able value on his goods (advertising and abfjcriptldn) ant should lire up to tbem at closely as th merchant and display the same tact intrusting, and tbetl there would not be so many who are always financially "hosted '' A Portland newspaper said that a certain fire aas raasd by a "Irictionof hard times." implying that the owner of the building had a band in Its being tef on fir. The editor of th paper was immediately sued for 825,000. They will probably never recover a cent As t 1 11 justice of the case we cannot say; for we knew little of the circumstance of the ease ; hut there certainly are too many fires occurring which would in dicate that hard times bad a hand in the saalte, ar.d whii a paper should be careful how it alleges, there certain ly are times when it is tempted te make -ome very broad bints. e The life ol the gambler Is an up aau down one He rarely baa more at the j end of the year than in the begining, however much be may have on some intervening day. One told us a fw days ago that he had abont 82000 three months ago, but hard luck struck him, and that he was working to regal a what Ik had laat It is a bad life, ex citing, yet fascinating ; but there arc many to follow it. T:.r fopelar approval Of the now famous Syrup of Figs aa the Mat efficacious and agreeable prepara tion every o tiered to the world aa a euro for Habitual Constipation, Billonenaea, in i gestion and kindord ills, has been won by the wise plan pursued by the Cal ifornia Pig Syrup Tompany. Knowing thai any remedy truly beneficial ia its effects o;i the system, and at the same time pleasant to ;he taste, will meet with a rap 1 sale, the ' m pan r, through its agent for Albany, of E TV Langdon A Co., gives away sample bottles free of charge. Try it and judj-e for yoireelf. Large bottle fifty ecu's or one dollar. I oartlloa Dlaeorery. Phyaiciana are often startled by r emeu av al ' discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kinga New Dixcevery for Consumatian and all Throat and Lung diseasea la dally euriag patients that they have given up ta die, is (startling them to realms their sense af do ty, and examine into the raerita of thia on nderful discovery; resulting ia hnn-dre-lsof our best Physicians using it ta their practice. Trial Bottles free at Foshay A Mason's Drugstore. Regular abas 81.00. DR. G, W, MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just west ef Conrad Meyers. AlBANY, OBECBs. Choice Styles ' IH BOOTS AND SHOES; FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAL Comprising everything new in Gentle men's, Ladies', Misses and children's SHOES. SLIPPERS, &C, Specialties in Fine Shoos, Medi um and Common Shoes. Novelties in Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers, Call and seo the largest an i beet assort -meat in the city. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Albany, Or msH sjT"B,"iBsiiMsw snajaaa.- j-