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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1884)
t mw )fficer WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGO V. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santl ani River, opposite Water oo Soda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. PostofHce, Waterloo, Or )Mh Directory. U. P. Cue RCH.Prochinc very Shbth, at 11 a. u.. ami 7 p. m. by Rev. F, O. Ir vine. D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. U Prayer meet tag every WcHnessday evening. Evangelical Chokch. Preaching on Sab bath at 1! a. m and 74 P. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. lJoHenbaugh, pastor. CoNU n M atios AL G in Mat Service every Sabbath at 11 a. a. and 8 P. M. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday eveuimr of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Church. Socth. Services held everv Sabbath at St. Paul's M.E. Church, South, at 11 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. C. H. Carson, pastor. M. E. Chcrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.-30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Kev. M. Judy, pastor. Presbyterian Cuurch. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbio ami Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Ihursday evening. Kev. Isaac H. Uondit pastor. Christiav Chcrch. Preaching every Sab- oath at W. C. T. U. Ha,at 11 a.m. 7:30 r M. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock P. u. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Cucrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a, m., at W. C. T. IT., UalL Sabbath School immediately alter morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursdy evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Brownaon, pastor. The neat treagB en lag remedy aial ncre UHlic ! the legitimate re- sultof oertaetity years of practical .enence, and cure with unfailing certaiuty Nervous and physical debility, artul- eessnws, BaaBBBSs pro tu..Tbom, i p o lency . hSTtiri vitality, pre- tura decline aiui loss of cumiilicmtioQS and from whatever win produced. It enriches and purines the blood strengthen the nerves, brain, muscles, digestion, re productive onran and phvsical and mental tacuhia It stops any unnatural, debilitating drain upon the system, preventing involuntary leases, debilitating dream, seminal losses with the urine, etc.. so de structive to mind and body. It is a sure eliminator of all kidney and bladder complaint. It contains no injurious ingrsdienta. To those suffenng from the evil effects of youthful indiscretions, a speedy, thor ough and permanc jt cure is GUAKANTLED, Price $2 50 per bottle, or five bottles in esse, with full di rections and advice, $10. Sent secure from observa tion to any address upon receipt ot price, or C. O. U.a is bar ad only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, SIS Kearney St., Baa Freer lure, fa I. Consultations strictly tonfldential by letter or at effl -e FRKF. For the caarssusace of patients and in srasr to insure perfect secrecy 1 have addopted a pri vate at.' -trass under which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. SufiVrieot u show its merits, will be sent to any one - applying by letter, stating his symptoms and age. CosTMsntiiiijsliuiiii strictly confidential. Dr. SPIMEY, NO- 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Bronte and Special Diseases. YOUIW MEN WHO MAT BE SFFFESITt. FSOM THE effcts of youthful follies or huncreuon, will do well to avail themselvea of tins, theerastiwt boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. UK. SPI VNKY will guarantee to forfeit 660for every case Csniinsli weakness sr private disease of any kind or earacJer which he undertakes and faUg to core. HIDDLE-ACiED HEX. There are many at the age of thirty-fl vejto sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of the Mad often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning tie and a weakening of the system in a manner e patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found tod sometimes small ijarticies of albumen will appear, Jt the color will le of a thin milkiah hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid atpearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect cur in all soch cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Omci Hocas 10 to 4 sad 0 to 8. Sundays from 10 toll x. m. Consu-'taHon free. Thorough exminatior nri advice, $5. For private diseases of short standing a full course meai'.-in e surbcient for a cure, with ail instruction, ill be vut to any address on receipt of $10 00. fan 1 1 jlihaaj! DR. P1.SE A CO., 71 No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cat To the Unfortunate! BK- GIBBON'S Dispensary. f?OQ KEAstJTT ST., UwO corner of Commer cial Street, Ban Francisco. l Established in 18M. f.' I the treatment of He and Seminal Diseases, suck i Ueserrkea, Gleet. ' s I rl r t a re, Sy p to 1 1 Is in i :its form. Iainlr, Scsataal Weakness, niirht losses by dreams, vim pus op the face. and loss of manhood can prsdlively be cwreo. i ne sick aao aawted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various nospi ials there, obtaining a great deal of valuable iniorma- Mon, wcicn ne lacompetent to lnurt to those in need of his seryicee. DK. GIBBON will make no charge umess ne enecx a cure, rersons at a distance HAY BE f I UE AT HOME. Ail coi mutiications stncuy c-jnfidentiaL You see no one bo ; the Doctor. send ten dollar for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonants, uaii or write. Address LI 11. J. V. U1BBOM Box 1957, San Friiicieco. vl5n43 RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS. FARM -o SAW MILL ERfilNES, WtlfaWSllStaaaa . . a. wMismm MACHINES, ETC. At First Heads. manhood in all iu 4 T.,i, su5i KX32 ' o, nThS. ai.' .S! am, i il a.'A. "ut yr,,wiere tney will I carry m - ---?- - "( v. ni.crc uiey will stocit FortaWe and Stationary Saw Mills Tl action and Htatinnarv nr ir'i nail at nA - - ' rortfcoia Tiaction and Stationary enirinianrf hr,ii. WrZ r!"on" Powers, eta", etc . n fa?0?fmted talofc l address (nan,: KlSSELtfat Co., Portland, Oregon. PATENTS u .ur moaerate lees. Our oifiaei opposite the U.S. Patent OfBes and der this irom Wningwn. lnau laolu mota hMlH m.ulio aZ. A war. - . sent, abUitr frelo ,h;rW"?- e ,advi" to patent we obtain patent ed to e reter hrn. Mnn., riZLSTZZ' . L'J?"WUT, M opt. of to iffi7. yji. anato omciais of the U. 8. Patent ;.,!."rV te-- d efereoce. them. iu your own tstate or county, address C, A. SNOW & CO.. OPPosital Patent Office, Washington, D . r'arm for Sale. for the une nunared and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul. tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rass. Comfortable dw lliBg, good autneuses. Cheap. Inire at this cash Dr. ABERNETHY MANHOOD & Go.'s VITAL1ZKK. THE By using the mat Vltaliser, the King f all Restorative. RESTORED King of all Known Homed lux. T 18 BEYOND A DOl'llf TUK MOST KKI.I A111.K, useful and Pe.inationt MN to the reproductive organaof ooth sexes known. It acts Brest! upon the neriou svstem. It restores iieuiiitateu iiincuoiis of the principal organs f the boty and ansurpaiSMI a Nervine. It la a powerful, permanent mm in termitted Apnordislac Ills auAUcrethe and Ap erient of excellent flue ipiallt). II wean ss and nalhs in the kidneys ; It prevent, l.awes from the svsteni from unnatural causes I It cures frontal headache, pimples on the face ; loss .i SMM ory, relaxed condition of the nervous yslviii,liuligs- lion, sour stoiiiach, diabetes, auu u!l uiiiury troubles. Those who havo fallecd to obtain it cure should Im mediately rive the vltaliser a tit It is the Ring of all. It has never failed In a single casu. l h company will pay o00 for aeMS ii will not cure, M matter whether complicated or not. The combine lion of the Vltaliser Is sacli that It euros both siuiplo and complicated eases. This is owing to a experience ot 30 year. Ur. A. a Co', will guarantee a permanent cure in evory case taken under their reatment and special advice. Time required Is from one to three mouths treatment. If the great VitttlUer falls, the money paid for (lie remedy e ill be refunded or MSI forfeited. Call or write for our Observations on Manhood, which will enable the sufferer to an swer the necessary questions, so that em b can have the proper reined v forwarded suitable for his special case. Consi Mart-is Frks. .Cumm'smih. Price of the great Vitallter, ti, or six bottles and esse 10, Srrru-iEST to IYrk Mor Ch neat liy hmmi on receipt of price orfC. O. I). I I AflC suffer iiig from diseases peculiar to aiNWIl9 their sex, invaluable aid aim sp cure obtained. Our Femalo Monthly Pill are as surpassed as a regulator. Sent on leesipt of price. 3.00. Dr. Abcrnclhy t l a, H;irhc! St., f oraer lnth, San Fraacisen, f al- MfTake Market and Valencia Street IMimmy Cable Car from the Kerry, etc. a G. COHN & BROe, 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. for the working class Send 10 cent for poataiie. and we will mail frev, a royal valuable box of scruple irood that will put vou in the way of mak ing more money lu a tow day than you ever thought possible al any business, capital not required, n will start vou. You can work all Iho time or la re time ouly. The work is uuivoraally adopted la both sexes, youug and old. You can easily earn fnuti 60 cents to $6 every eveniujr. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparaptlel ed offer ; to all who are not well satisflcd we will send 41 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, direetions, etc , sent free, r'orluues will be made by Ihuae who ifite thoir whole tune to the work. tirt success altsolutely suie. DoBr delay. Mart now. Address Stisv-X a Co., Iortland, Maine. THK . BR, LIEBIC Q Friv.ilr tsUpeasarj . I . I 00 Ceiry ht., San Ftauciavo CalJ cc Conducted by tjualifictl Physicians and Hurgtoiis regular Krdualse. Cat The Hldrst siwialist in the I'hited Slatt. life-long experience, perfect toeOu-d aud purs iuliclue, insure dy slid cruiaiicnt cure f all Privatr, t hrvtiic and N'ervuus I'SMSse Afftctiotis of the blood, bkin. Kidney , Bladder, Eruptions, I leers. Old Srcs, bwelliug of the lilads. S,re M .nth. Throat Hone t"ain, iKrrmaneut'y cured and eradi cated frm the svsteiu for life . M Kt lot g Debt! tency, Seminal Losses, Sexual, Men tal ai.d lbsical V . vak i, tailing Memory, M eak Ei es, Ktuntad De veloi nicnt,lii)pcUiit.eut to Marriage etc.. from excess or youthful follies. Many cause, edlly, safely and privately cured. Yeaag, Middle tgrd and Old men, and all who need medical skill s alio experience, ooiuuit the oia Kumjusii I'byician at oucr. Hi ophnon costs noihlr.j, and may save futuie mistry and abaaie. When Inconvctiicttl to visit the city for treatment, medicine can be seut evervwlivrs by express free from observation. It is self w lUenl that a physician who gives bis shift attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, and pbysicians through oat the country, knowing this, freo.Uti.tly rccuniuieud difficult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy to used. The Psusaf aire anu experience make his opiruon si suprrme impurtance. AdrTbose who call see uo ooe but the f. ' r. r.m snltation free sad sacredly onndeetiat. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere cjc ially edicited. Female diwases sucrrwluliy treated. The Doctor will a?ree to forfeit sl.oOi f-.r ca un dertaken, not cured. Call or wr.te. Bears, 'Uiiy ,fnni 9 a. m. to 4 p. m , J to i evening ; Sundays, to to 12 only. Send fur the Saiutarul Guide to ilealtb, sent free. Address as abte DO. UEBld N. Wonderful Ceratau fnvterntar rermanently prevent alt I'nuaturul Ism from tUe system, tones the nerve, strengthens tbo muscles, checks the waste, iiivignrates the whole ste.ii, and restores the ifflnted loiltal Ji and llai') -vss. The teas n so many cannot gel cif . f .'v.-miiial Weak nees, Loss of ManhoLl, etc., is swio .- to a oim- pncation, called i'r.tatorrt.-a wua iii raUiesia, which retjuire peculiar treatment. I'r. I. obigs In vigorator ts the only positive cure for I'.o Utorrliea, with peculiar special treatment, used at io- iicbig Dispensary. frire ef la vigors for. a. I ase of six txittles flO. Sent to any address, c.ivci'ed ccarc!v from ob servation. Moat powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful poer of tbc !. Ijiora'.or. A at Betlle Ailvra mr aenl Free. Consultation free and private. Call or address 1 1 I BM. DISPEXHSKV. 400 (iearv Street, ban Francia o, Oak Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, four blocks tn ueary street from heaniey, slam entrance tnrougb Dispensary Drug Store. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the for the County of Linn : State of Ornjon D P Porter as executor of the lat will and testament of S 1) Malay, deceased, Plain MtW vs. S E Cooper and Ilebecca Cooper, Lt-feud- ants, BT VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF KXECC tion and order af sale htsued out of the above named Court in the above entitluO action to me directed and delivered, I wilt on Saturday, the 24th day of May, 1884, ai the hour ot 10 o'clock, a. m., at tbe Coun House doer, in the city of Al ban v, Line county, Oregon sell at public auction foi cash m band to the highest bidder thi real property heretofore attached in said action and described as follows to-wit : All of tbe lijibt title and inter, st of the said defendant Rebeara Cooper in and u, Lots five (5) and six (6) in block 2 in tht eastern addition to the city ot Albany, Linn county, Oregon: as the same is described and designated upon the plats and survey of said city, now on filt in tbe Clerk's ofllot or said county. Also the following : The south half of tbe noithwest quarter and the southwest quarter of sectiou twentv six; and the north half of tho north wo'st quarter of section 3 in Township II, south of range 3 west of Willamette meridian in Linn countv.Oreeon : containing SflS also the north half of the northeast quartet of section 35, and the south half of tbe northeast quarter and the southeast quar ter of section 20 in Township US R 3 west m jjinn county, Oretron. containing 32i acres saving and excepting from said two last tracts 8 2-100 acres sold to the A & L R R Co. Also tbe south half of th rirma- tion land claim of Samuel and KM .I f 'f.A Cooper, being parts of sections 28, 20, 32 and :. """g.iX are. The proceed. ofaalAtn hAartmiur to it,, ..a.,...,.... .u . said Plalntift the sum of 1151.03 with inter est from the 11th day el Marcb, 1884, at the rateoi tenpercent Derannum and th fur ther sum of Slo Atterney's fees and th furtUer sum of S36.S5 costs and ac-crulntr J i OOStS. JJated tiiis 24th day of April, 1884, Geo. liuMPHREV, SheriQ of Lid u sounty, Or, Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existinsr im tbe firm ox me of Allen & Martin has day been dissolved by mutual con- r;.u J. A. Martin retirinjr. N. IL Allen continues in the business, and is authoriz to collect all debtg due said firm, and is pay ail indebtedness contracted bv All any, Or., April 14tli, 1884, n. H. Allen, J, A. Martin. I take this opportunity of thanking all the liberal patrongae extended us in past and to say that I shall continue the business at the old stand, and voufd respectful ly ask the continuance of pa tronage of both old and new custom or. New goods will be received by everv loss. A'b steamer until mv stock is completer!. which will be sold for bed rock uricea. fa and produce. J N, H, Allen ; Infants and Children "Without Morphine or Narootlne. What id our Children mar rherka, AVhat cures Uiolr fever, iiiaks tluiu alrept Tie faatorlsA WTiiui H:i! :: fh', Itml TT N' t u nw. What ouros thoir oollc, kills tMr worms. lint Castorla. Wnae ijnlcklv rnrn Omsflpatlon, Sour btomucli. Colds, ludiKtlon t I rut fasforla. FTtrtnvell then fc Bordiltu Ryrupa, x -i Oil aud lui.- it.-, anil llnlirasfnrla. C.n.aur Llnlmfinti-AV' eolnto onro for Rhouutatism, Sprains, Burns, Oalla, &c., and aa inwtaatanaona Paia-relleTe r. fjf ''J3' fl PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these eonrooa urljio turt'e -fourths of Uio tllscaacs o the kuinnn race. Those tymittomeiniUtatti Uielroxurtenou : lVess of Appetite, Bowela costive, Mick Head che, rallneea alter eattstst, aversion to esrrtlon of body mr ml ml, Kruetailoa of food, IrrltaMUtr af iesaper p UM UBIDWl flrTT w spirits, A feeling; of havlus; nleted s.imedinr, lrcslncas, l'lutlt rlnu at Iho iii art, itota before the eyes. hie hlyeal 1 a a ivivt una vw mond the uso of a remedy that not directly on too Liver. As u Liver inel loliioTUTT'rt lf uavo no etual. Thoir action on tho Kidneys and Nkln la also prompt ; remoTlnir n. , (jtf,riulri,, .1... nil liuuurltiea Uirxuiirli tbesn tlnwi enters or the system." producing a p pe tite, sound (llgestinp, stools La clour cklnondartgoroualKKly. Tt'TT'W ItIUa rause no nausea or griping nor Interfere wllh dully work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Suldererywhere.aae. tuTt.. Murray Sw.W.V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GtuT LLtIR or Wuiskf changed ln ntnntly to a (..mmst Ul m k Uv a utiiglo up. plication of this DTK. Sold by DrugglsU, or sent by cxprean n roctipt of 01. Offlce, 44 Murray Street, Nesr Tork. T'jn'5 MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS Fltta WiTHQUTlUn. THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO tBttSJ&t Sr . I . - toe wMSeet msdi-tt - rl la tkaSaea. klM aa4, er s. bun ..i.Sxr. a .afiii. sSsss s Ui m, BMMsdjrata. mrslcta,, Sls,ss . .i : Uc tMsnasaisI lees.tsrslTlls Mes s la I ! ! a. lMir.rj, . Ssatet ts- ease, 4vla. alUallaa si wsSaal Uae. karels ee raster, cataera, sdiea, i.ak ama. la. w um any 4-Mltty or a SirnVTHR ATTTa. ORG a i.i C isee-er. last Tltailu. lark t,faer s asSJsB) waSassass. ase ett taas atss r a stisssi ef assjasslim " aa thewaeh tbs eeete asost rimr tarsa te a fct sdtSjr aettea. 1r a ae ouuis ssesi uui sppaaMa ABDOMINAL SUPPORT! IT. TO THE UDIES:VMr AV! EaS " , wltaUtsr ri nf taTaJv" , kUa. j , llt.fara" rC'l4i W e(U a ! ae HraA tfetln, rKetUsafMkSii AUosMansS fiiaifti-tic f,'ot,t l!tUrlr, h no uwftwr In U.a rv-iHT wil cure of ail thaw roe p '.atasa. Tbay carry a oowocftti msgrtUo force U U.o seat of U aHPSSSa. War Lass Haeli. V.V.tifH of lit Apia. ValU Ha of 0" omb. Lcaaarrliara. ( fcrval laSaassae tUa aad tlreraUoa af tho WasaW luaaaatal Uta. ervbae ' ia4la Pafafal. rraralar !( ramtlaw. Wan sibsbs. esxt rhmmm ml iff, una u tae turn taypHeeea aa fwU fur all fnmi of Fisasls ITT a til It 1 assed by Say itslng tf m lnanud7ba as a cwrwUve ajreat aad as a ,trvrmmr anS vttalHittee. Prtra of rkirr bait wlfh i?nfUi! V 1 1 lattrrl a. S I O. Sen I bjr erprraaCO. I) n-ali on rw-rtpt of prir aa ! i xamtnaUoa allowwtl.or bv in nnsarliu- n I maacurw off wal-t aod lsa of wU'M! Hr n.l! trtXta eaa b rsner, sans m iur at s sv ritr. TS aacassoa aarmmu are aSaetd te all wore ever Use smbr eloUitafr. tawrt Bait ta tSe ba4y like tbc saaoy Calraala wad Plaetrta Hesa. baaja aSsevtbsse ae r,u-aal,rlT ami sbuoU be bakSO off at nljftit. TVi K.1. llur pottmr fvrmr, ae4 arsworn at all saannm. f ih- rvar. aenl mtmmv Tor tbo "Naw Usiautere la Wadfcel -WUA lavs THE MACUTKTON A PVHAItCT CO- ate atata su, en lea go, n DR. ALLEN'S rBIYATE DIPESABV, SJ laearar Street, San fraaetsre, Cal., MTABLisirao r..a tub HHssHSM ajid sreaor Craa or Cusosic, Nsavoc, asd Sr anAL Pissases. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, BBU. ALI.E.N, AS IS WK.M. KNOWS, IS A StKU mm uiar ifrvluao-rj riiv i .an, wlucaUtl al UosUoin (Jmaa aud l nlvrslty ,A Mtchlvsn. lis has dr.ted HSSaas to the atmlv nf lit. o.iin.m ....I ....... ... nanuses annul til SiCCiaUy. . . - - . vuiv U Alld mlddla.afMt mm ii nr suffering from ths J effect of youthful itidiw retlmis ar VZ: uirer years, nervous and nliysical dubllity, linpo- , ii.aiiiKjoa, loniuxK,)! o ) confusion of ideas, dull eves, .......... , .rioiy, utK.ii.:ency, .iniio on the an oi energy anil uictnor , Irojuvncy of urlliat- in?, etc. asi uememncr me UxUir has a Vegetable Com fK.und, the result of many year si- lal pra;tice and nar.i si tidy, which under hi eclal advice has never in tue cure ol lost manood.iirostator MY UOHPITAI, EXPEBIEXC K. WW f . f . lavniif iHn suiveoii In chanre of two leading- c.muies me to treat all r.rivat trouble ''.utiles unde- L-rc"'i". 1 wish it distinctly u .t.n.c thai. I .1. ..... ..... . J-- , - -.a.u. w ..Ti..rin intMksililllies. or Vamaaaai Sal rt, I f " " bbiiiiui aim kUcccssfu I'hvaii- a,. ..A l a skillful aiui Surgeon, thorouhly lufortncd In tuy sjHxrially DISEASES OF .11 AA. Ail mpTfiyin lO IllC Will r, r, -I v tnv L,, - - 4 11 S a . 1;" '!!uUrV' ex,eri,e,iti,,tf. I will,ruar. is le. or I . . J I and strictly private. Clmr, . J ! ' r. . " kX Md oi Office hours 9 to Sdailv. o t.i m tvn.lno e..,i.. n I 12. Call on or address " " w I IK. ALLEK, earoeystre Ban Francisco, Cal. Notice of Assignment, Notice U hereby given thatThos. Monteith -.r r I " J ft "-- iJomeun Vmn col""y. uregon, have made a generalWionment of all their property to the mi,,...; ...... I . XL i ... . . r. J " pa MjELk 3D find. -wa.K.Icuxor ine Denentof their creditora nader an act of the Legislature of Orccon entitled "An act to secure creditors a fust ,t cstaiea oi ueuuirs who convey to aesigne. s for tbe benefit of creditors" an-- nrnv f i,.f iciu iotd ah . . 13th. IS78. All n.n. 1 U. ' fw.vwua u.vjui. imS aL'tllllfit. thn nalif. nf .-1.1 li' i. C im on igned . Albany, Oregon, within three mnn f I , r. i a.. . . a I . . J 1 f . I .a I ...wi.kus i mm me uate ot this notice Dated April 4th, 1884. It. S. STR VJIAJf, Assist ee. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, ... Y. Assets. Dec. 1882. 15 qo Premium income , 2fW,'l89 About Safft. rflliahla a n,l ,..;,.!, l t .a , ...,olm uuwii to IJM V 111 CttSO Ol J .,1 , J died, and at the age of nine the boy ARCH f MONTEITH, bridgrom was smothered in rbe Agent. Towr the1 uncle for whom he had any, Orjon, ' 1 baeo natueti. 11k tmeM. FRIDAY MAY 30, 1884. atHELfllF.D When w wrote our artiolt- last week we bed seen only the reportod proceed iogt of the Republican Convention, it appeared in the Ortgontan, end sup posed that report o be eotreot. But it now appears that in order to screen the Republican party from the anger and de nunciation of the people, the Ortgonum uppreassd a very important part of the proceedings of the Convention ; and the very part which shows the position of the Republican leaders in Oregon on the great and vital queetion of regulating tue charges on the railroads. On the atcond day of the Republican Conven tion, a delegate from Wasco county in troduced the following resolution: Kfolvcd, That the Republican par ty of Oregon demand of the State Leg islature the enactment of auch lawa rel ative to the carrying of freight on the railwaya within the State, aa shall protect the people, of the State against extortionate freight ratee and unjust discrimination amongst localities or in dividual, and that the nominee of this Convention for Congress is pledged to use every effort, when in Congress, to secure legislation by the same, for tbs purpose applicable to inter-State traf fic. No sooner had this revolution been read than one delegate jumped up and denounoed it as a democratic measure, and from all aides of the hall opposition was made to it, and the National Bank President of the Convention ruled it out of order and it waa tins almost iustante neoualy slaughtered. And in place of if, a milk and water resolution, which ma mean one thing a well as another, asa adopted to suit Joe Simon, the railroad attorney. Now, letavsry farmer carefully con sider this matter. The Republican farty ef Oregon is opposed to any reg ulation of the railroads. And if their men are elected to tl e Legislature they can well say we will not vote to regulat the roads, becauee Wj were elected oa a platform opposed to auch action. This also shows the great importance of compelling candidates for the Legis lature to pledge themselves in writing, Ion the stump, and before the people, on these questions Vidttte. iBi as or aa areas Great orators have not scrupled to uso the arts of the actor to produce their effects. Lord Brougham while protesting against tbe rejection of the Reform bill by tbe House of Lords, cried out, ! implore yen upon my knees!" kneoiinsr beiore them on the 'wool-seek." upon which the Lord Chancellor sits, when presiding in the House of Lords. Sheridan, having finished his fam ous speech in the trial of Warren Hastings, tank back apparently falnt- ng In the arms of hie friends. Edmund Burke, at the end of speech upon tbe atrocities which might be expected from the French in esse of an invasion, drew forth an enormous two-edged dagger and ex claiming, ihis Is the weapon which will be pointed at your throats and mine!" dashed it on the floor with a tragic gesture. Shortly afterwards Lord Calrns,speak ing against Burke(who was 'suspected of having amassed bis wealth disbon. aSaaeilswV sa .i a . . euy; excisiraea, "And this Is the weapon which is used with fatal ef fect against you and me?" dragging out with Burke's gesture,, five-pound note. As every one looked to him dash it on tbe floor, ht quietly folded It and! put it in his pocket. SHS a a a. wne or tne most noted crimlnsl lawyers now in this country, while pleading 'the cause of o! hit client, it invariably so overcome by his inno cence and wrongs that his voice Mis, be chokes, so bs and is forced te sit down to recover himself. T i ..j .. in um air, jj " gaitl Judge M to him lately, "that the jury would understand your little drama by this time." "Ah, your Honor forceta." said B . his eVfS tevlnlrllnr iiikst l a " --uav . w is always a new jury befare whom I play.' Prince Bismark has a profound contempt not only for such tricks of oratory, but for oratory. Itaelf. "It but the frlofts that l.lrl. K- ..a t ' i Hum, ha on ! .1 . .TT ... ,u "XOUr ClOOUeOt fel- lw Is like a woman who hss a nst- tirallv fin a. 1t,a -" a. uu wuo acrOWS II Into staysjand covers It with tasteless finery." There is ft juste lUieu between the Prince's theory and Borke's practice which young men woold do well to CB1ILD HBKUta Child marriages were common in the middle ages among tbe royally Blchard, Duk. of York, CC0tld SOD of . upward IV, was married to Annie Mowbray, Duchess of Norfolk io.her own right. The bridegroom was not five years old, and the bride scarcely three. They were very pretty chil dren, and the ceremon is described e as meet affpoiint- rui hmiitif..i a year later the child-bride BLKDUII IKS M OHBSS Manj distiootire art id en of dress sod personal nan b 4 re taken their names from notablr) par sons. Thus we have the Derby hat and aoarf, ihn Byron collar, tbe Wellington hooti, th Priuot Albert cost, and the viotorln, a pit. liar fur oajie named after Qaxen Vic toris. Queen Klu:bth'a nam given to a peouliar high lace mlf, and that of Madame Unnntag to the com fortable knit jacket 10 much worn hy ladies in oold weather. L rftts KdftStttli diitinguiMhed his vigitto thin eOttOtrl by introdtioing into general tute tho soft felt hats which ere then called Kos suth bate. The CUinsborouuh hat took ita name from the artist 0im4torbua.h, end tbe ltouber.s hat from tin) great Flemish painter. The name- of Mme. Pompadour and Matie Antoinette are associated with pfoiiliar etylee of ladies' dress, aod that of Mra. Langtry, tbe Jersey lily, with a tight-Htting waist now worn by ladies, called the Jersey. Lord Droughsm gave his name to a speciee of oab, and Lord Laosdowne Is remembered by the Lantdownn collar. MEASOSa I OK ueif INI. "Wby did you leave your last plaoe t the woman who wanted a cook asked tbe lady who said she wanted a place "Because;' replied the lady, "the family was intoirely too large." "How many were in the family V inquired tbe woman. "There wur two u tbitn, jist,'re plied the lady, "an 1 cud get along it a a a a a . a wen enough wii inm, 1.1.1 tin v wur no livin' wid br, an mo 1 can't Sttfce for a hotel full nv .-.,(,l,- Nti mat as wll know II Matthew Afaold in Ins gaaral nf '- ei.01 to AtUriuMli ladl-,w lil'di hn sjudi in a recent tDfrrviw, I : "TU dins arr charinliikl. I have n-vi r met such takiiitisMis. The) youn ksdliS are moat engaging. Tin- ate umlIi BBUf i engaging than Eugliah iadit s are bit tet infotaxMl and murs capahle 11 con versation. It is this tktMgiM or isft gatiiigi.eM in all Aui' tir.iti aoi. a ih-i rall qui'. ftcirttei m Th- ung ladiea iiumi wkII posted, aud c.h. -iiu-SO pleasing v " A coot -tCK al Bat ann a- To every aibaciiur 10 th" i mh )Ai wh paya jp hla sBOSeiptiia and tinussi his papar, or pavaln advaiii, will bare asm to him the "Hsult'i and Home" on year, without additl mi sssat, The abora nauer ia a larno olsth' u-uf. forty column, saoothly ptn. . an 1 1- fun of esce'lont read log m uter. A copy may be sawn at this ofttoe Tb paper trwat of heal lb. niarrugn. nocal acisuoa. domeallc medicine, hlnu on haalth, oookery, mtc. Th la affords our subscriber a cbauoe to get a good paper for nottilug Tboe de siring the paper aem to tbem will plee aute aa at time of paving tbelr aubacrlp tloo. FURNITURE. I hare the beat stock of furniture In tbe rlty and w II sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE a In tbe cltv and the lowest nrice In tbe Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, A complete stock and Try me, can give SATIS FACTION. a. a WOODIN, $2600. Oeod farm, one mile west of Brownsville oa tbe read leading to Halsey, containing 102 acres, oak ridge land, setae fias oak groves, all anclseed, 76 acres in cultivation, a youag orchard and shrubbery ; good barn and fair house, two good wells with pumps, Price $2600, one years time on ens half amount if desired, with security on premises. Call at S remises or address I). A. Carter, Kgan, rant aouaty. Or. O Tbe BtTEsuf Gtrmn ts Is sued March and Sept., each lyear: 216 pages, oj x 11 'incnes, witu over o,.iyv illustrations a whole pic ture cullery. Gives wholo- sale prices direct to consumer t on sll good for jiersonal or farui'y use. icinuw to order, and given exact cost of every thing you use, cat. drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books eon tain information gleaned from tho saas icets of tbe world. We will mail a enpy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Bespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO ear at eae WsaasA Atsms, oaiajs iu T6 only known specific for Kplleplio Flu. "fl fur Spasms and railing Slcknsss. Xcrvour 1 tt Instantly retlerea and cares, t kaascs Stood sad qttlckrns sluggish circulation, neutra lises germs of disease aod eaves sickness. Car) A SKEPTIC SAID atty btotchss sad stubborn Mood sores. Eliminates Bolls, Carbonclea and Scalds. CT-rermanently and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It Is s charming and bsaMaf al Aperient. Kills Scrofula sad Kings Jtril, twin brothers. Change bad breach to oood. laaua bob the cans. Boats bfllons tendencTas and make slsar complexion. Equalled by none In ths delirium Of fever. A charming resolvent tad a matchless toxaUve. It drives Blck Headache like tbs wind. tSrContalns no drastic cathartic or opiates. BelicTOS (THE GREAT) W I sa I assB I sesa. I ss - aa al S wa B a J I I I I V M 1 1 1 1 I I 1 11 1 LNE RYE I CONQUER OR . . . m k a 1 a ' - I i i ar tbs brain of morbid fancies, promptly cares Idea, matlsm by routing It. Restores life-giving proper ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorder, unsellable when an opiates fail. Be. freshes tfce mind sad Invigorates ths body. Cores dyspsnsa er money refunded. .are m w s s bv m w 1 w m L NEVER I FA I LSI - - - - BfeasT s a i a iv - - - - mm SafT Dieaoi of the blood own It a cooijnerur. Endorsed ta writing by over fifty thousand leading cltlaans. eisseyassa sad physlstops In U. 8. and Europe, taTTor sale by all leading dinggiat, SUS. (38) lUDr.tL Riclmd IM (ra.eUdsips.Mo. Tar testlmoahvai sad dreuan ssadPstamp. I US4UICrTOI 9. Atsato. SaB FflSgsSBJ c ..' KATIt" I t A I t Ollll Th dnioi'rsry irt ths sis to of Oreo-oti . In conncl mliluil, ilsvlar I first - That w farnr th forfoltur of all uncarnaill rallral and wagon rasa irraiit sml th opening of th Isnd to settlement and cxx-uiiaiicy by thus an tilled Vo the beneflto of tho varlou land law of Um Unltad Slate. Seoimd- Tnat we ars h fa, r of lb tmn b oongrva of law made In the Ii Urvst of tho -kiI., rogiila Ing Inter sUU. otimmsrfe, and slso state laws, ooiilrolhng and regulating faros and frulkht Beaa all triiJorUtloii llovs, and preventing Jiscrlmliis. lion in isvor of or against pvrw.u or plaua. Third -That w look with slano ease the tinan thorlsed assumption of ix.wer ami lion 01 tlnlUd Slate ourte la Interfering with oftletr col looting the rvuti of lb state o Oregon. Fourth Ttiat we are In favor of tlm mortgage tun law, and believe His riMrlils oflasstl m ciiuiil-IsU n thorrlu is rorri t, and ought to tw su.ulntMi. Fifth Tlmt we favor the neu.uo af sin h laws In relation to the aasoaament and collection of taxes ss will makeihe asst. anient and Usstloti of j.roM equal aud uniform throughout th sUta, and de mand tho stfit t sufouemoiii of auch laws when eu aotsd. Klsth Tliat ths Nwer conferred by tho feUrr roustltutlon Uxin congress to onset tariff laws W glvsn for the sole end tsrluslve iuirMsui ofdere revenue for th tii.,ri of such gossrmiumt a tlmt th nstitlng of u Urlff law Tor sny other a i-SMi, such aa laxaUou of one elas of people fr V I.. ... lit .f any other class of people. I as sutirel unwarranted by the cimstltutloD, ss It I j.1.11. ani inimical to in general welfare, sod wr a tana lor revenue, limited u tb neoeaslllns of gut rrmn. lit oi,..llil all t .i g'ouai uui jm riau:iit rti'lui tiou ting proteriiM, duUe. of th cgi. Seventh Thai the Improvement of our. oast bar- T .. . ... . ..luinoia river ana it irlhiitarlns. Is of ... ..ariaoi a v, ine roiumer'u of th whol.j U(, of Oregon, and w earneetly ask that an a.i. 1. appropriation m made by our present congress U. be gin the woih of tbe Columbia river bar Improvement already loo long iisglectJ. We also ash such ap' propriallou for the (lascade lock ss will Insure their peedv raimplellon ; also, wakofour reprewnu Uvea In eoiigrees a united effort to se.ur a lllwral appropriation for the Improvrment sud (.nllnuallon ui Mie wor 01 improving the harbor of YaipilnaJ ft " " e ..oapiiiie river. Klghth That w favor the abollllan ot tbe prlsirti outre. 1 lysUm, and tho present ooolle trail oon ducted on tills .east, as dugradlng Ui tba wage work sr of th country. Ninth That for th pur)e of preventing grow ing frauds In our electlona, ami U preserve the fruits of the ballot bus, we favor the ihubsm of a rcgtalry law. Tenth That w ar la favor henlu' Hen lawa. of more eflh'lenl me ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, 8TAIUKK UKOS. I'mj rigors Al.ttAMV. ftfttmi UO.1. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, -WD 1 1 ESaA I M I O IN Ktf 1 in Italian or Vermont Mar-!. tlot averj a rimy Ahvr slOShS sytsrS lone IUt-b I . . J . III ion giv of (iit-r ano eif. ll.-ftl.l.-a Kt.l' n ai irtstswa fi ftu aching n 1 7:il all irt- of this SU'. territory. sr l - v rg warn Quimby House. QUIIBY m HSR8EY, Proprietora. ar.4t4 and . Ma., fori lit ltd Or. ONE OF THK FINEST AND M Si oompta houla In ()rfnn. Conduct. ed both by Amerhan and Knropran plana an tne HKKiern improvameniM, iioic' rooms, well furnliiied, l!i I. and wal ventila td First pUo retlm - 1. harbsr 1 o. An wt r til latest 1 m v-fil tnois. BOOKS ma Carpcutrra. Arrhlirrln. Bulldern,' MartsloiNf, 0SB0HN iV ALEXANDER. 020 ilarki l (.. Nan Franriaro. Mechanirs' Toola, llardwaiv. aud Machinery. Catalogue of all o0r gJ snl free on app'i. stloa W. H. GOLTRA DEALEK in Farm Machinery, wagons, hacks; bug gies, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. PATENTS sunn a w., tsr mo mi an Tint) AJfmirAir. oon- una to act as aonoitors ror I'utents, (areata. Trad ajaris, VAipyngm.. ror too uuiteu matoa, oanaoa, Kngland, francs. Ucnoanr. eta. lland Book about lv-onta sent tra. 1 tilrt jr-s. vcn y.-ars' experience. IHitan'sobUlnfd ShroUL-fi ML' N.N A CO. aro noticed tntliatv ii NTitrio Aiiuuca.v, the largest, lest. and poet wld-lr circulated acicntiflo paper. Siaoaysar Weekly. Splendid enirraTtnr and interesting In formation. Bpoclmen copy of the Hcleatl8o Amer ican sent free, Add-eaa MDNN A CO.. Hctairrarst aaamosM uomd. aui aruauway, aew York. 0. BROWN, JudlcioiiH ADVERTISING, Discreet S UBSORIPTION" Sin Francisoo, Gal, HEALTH AND HOWE." Port Chester N. Y. CIRCULATION 63,000. Edited by W. H. HALF, M, D This is larpje eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and la devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, uiarriaire, social scienoe. tlnmasiln madi- cine, scieoce, literature, art, economy, oookery, hints on health, dietetics, and every lealm of modern aoience that (ends to Improve health, prevent disease, ouriiy morals, and make home happy, Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Year, Address DR. W. H. HALE, "Health aaHome." Port Cheater, N. Y. The above paper will be Merit r.n tvprv subscriber of the Dbmocuat who or in advance. JULIUS QRADWOHL Ha Hie onlft Inaltc atarlt CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selectoo of Coffee, Tea and Sng ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS 01. CO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WIN l0W LIGHTS AND LIME. I ill r ilHKI Tl I i: PAIB FOB Kll Remember I What I gay I Mean. Qm Hi a 0 ill. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- H0IT I'ltOPKIRTOW OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DKALKK IN- Imported and Domestic Cigar, Tobat . h, Groceries, cvifcn Candle Nuts and Tr pi -! Prulta. A I lfif t V N r T Ulf al.i ! m. Hrt."l VlhKKl HAN .' iK'I M ESI 17 COOK. H(X SI ' BB li- ..! v . Ms rill, SHEET IR0S i MN Kini . in xruciOh t uitiiKia. aisi. HAN U, A FULL sVlSSUKTM KN1 UK GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. . i.i 'F t HUM III iM Pelf III 1 rrf.itr. lO r , AT 72 repair work done at reason a r - laMst e 0 KKT C.I.f IH ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEKISY & I'ARKES, (Mucxeasors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kioda of heavv work. VVe will manufacture Steam Eiuciue. (trtat and saw Mill afachlnery.ansl all kinds of Iron and Braaa C'aatingn. ran xb x ms kuskt oti e. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also inanutao- ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. shop oa Baker si. OfSrr a La saber YarsL Albany, Ur., Dec 1, 1880. IM HERE AT LAST. After Leas asd Weary Welti ag Keller la Breaskl te Tkeae wke Meed It. Wall Pat," uk1 an Oianga county Physician to a aaaaasatai traa iticnt sasss ears ag. pain in ur cheat jou had better ru ixaue and put oa a mustard plaster. I can't think thi minute of anything better. And by the way," added the doctor turning l a friend, "I wash aoaMbndy would invest s real guoi nlaater -something actually heluful for such rases as Pal's. Maybe Ussy will arwnatlrp, whea as too late for me to us It." Wksa BBN80k"8 A IV IN i'. POROUS PLASTER was placed on the market about tea years ago tbs doctor's hope became s fact. Becauae ot Us rare medical t irtue inherent iu rap d action asd suraraaulu, the Capt ine k fast displacing the slow acting plasters of former days, for alt afi actio n to which a plaster is ersr applumble. Price 25 tent. In the middle of the genuine is cat the word CAP CiNK. Seahury A Johnson, Chemist, Xew York. The Great English Kerne- -tsa never failiuar cur for Kervous Debility, Seminal ttiakneas, Ksksastan Vi tality, apenaatorrboaa, LOST SiiHSVD, lav potency, l.ian.u, aud all trrribl eBetU ot Self Abuse, j i ui In ul folliea.and - xrcssts in maturer years such as low. of Memory. Lassituds. kmkason. Avar- slon to Society. Dimness of Vision, Noises in ths dead; ths vital fluid passing unobserved into ths urine, and many other disease leading to insanity snd death. BB. MIWTK will acres to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars for a case of this kind th Vital Beatera tit e (under his special advice and tretnpC " not curs or for anything impure or inju ioua found a It. Dr. Mintis treats all private dlseasss suoosss-u without mercury. Consultation free. Th irouga ex amiaatiou and advice including analysis of urine. By Pries of Vital Restorative, 11. 50 a bottle, or four Times the quantity if, sent to any address upon receipt of price or U. O. D, obscure from observation and in pri vate it desired, by DR. A. E. MINT1K, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter. stating symptom, sex? and age. Communication Strictly confidential. Dr, Min tie's Kiduey Remedy. Neuhreticum. raraa all kinds of kidney and bladder oimplainU.ronorrkiaa, gleet, leouchorrhcua. For sals by all druinrUt SI a bottle or six bottles for to. Dr. Mintie s Dandelion PHI are th beat snd rhaan. est DysiH-psta and Biliou cure in the market. r ale bv all dnundsts. Barnets Patent Foot and Steam Power Scroll Saws. Circular Sates, Mortcucr. Lath. Tenonert. Formers, etc. OSBOM & ALEXANDER 8ol Agents, lijs Market Street. San Francisco. Mechanics' Tools, Hardware and Machinery goods ssnt free on application. For Sale. ne half block in eastern part of the v with fair house and barn will iw. c oheaw- SKbaSsaSBi MM & JOSEPH, A.N D AM K. 1 AKl.OH 1 , at o I ai suesJ 11 aoM.ari i; AND COPFEh WAF.E UK KKlix- ' a.. PK1CI. THAT Dtr 1 i MKlT l.HANY. 'HTxinS. QE ares. IE BRU2TS PreTr-Btlve asd c are. far elfftr '. his r-m.-.l r,L lajaj ihH dirsxflj f.. fSr aaat of those disrasss of the Oasrto-Cnbary Caaa, rcqui r c no coajtaa oi airt or puiaocoa lu i I a a ien tafcen aa a pre venfrre- it ts impoMiaMtocsasiaetastysjsapasl tot in ih rat of these alraar sirij svasiriesi aiia uraaaetwaa I s goaras t J bozsa to ror or ii" moon- rnce by mail. rsnsUa er bos. or. S boxes for Si.Of . lvund by all anthonssa bbbb Wsftfaa Or. Fella Le Brss a (', Bale Pro pa, HOODARD. fURk a t .. Whrrsl aa&a. SSll7arTxiarcisrtsv l ORTLAM), OBKS30K. Orders by maa win laai i proaapt atteatioo. JtTER VOtTS PEBlXaJTT 1 rwiAmtsT; Da. K. C Wsrrs Rbbtb abx Baa 1 aaT axrrr. a aaarantaed saeeiae for Bywtaria. Dnsi. g-a Ifr&tim jm, JsarwsssJsjg, MBsaaaa sssreoas i rofimurt'. rtui t.j y uso of aleokol oT 'obaece, WakaTaiasMa. Mattel Da preasaoa. bo ten ing of the Brain resulting in IB . saaasr and Isarting to misery, decay asd death. Pronators Old Age, Esreaaeaa, Loss of power in either sex, la voluntary Lnssss. acd biertaat orrhesa esaasd by e-var-exsatksa of th biaiu. self, abuse or over -in dulgen ea. Each hex coetsirs eae month's trwaanent. $1X0 a box, or eia boxes 'isriA to cure any ease, Witk sack order received Ly e for six boxes, aeeompaaiea with SLCQ. we will send the puraaaeer our written aaarsxtce to re fund the money if tee treatment doea not eect a oure. Guarantee kaaed only by W OO D AB DTcLA ttk (O- ' POBTLAXD. SRKGON Orders by ma? ill rscaiwa urosBpt at'ctioa. 500 tXaVWl? T - n n r' 5,! "' " LeBlrkaa's Saeldea Balsa as Ne. 1 tun Chancre, first and aarond stages : Bmss CB u legs sua ooay , sypeiUUc . atarrh. lisig il a aln wunmmfv nwrna oi um Tlissssr, kousro as hyp uium. rnce, D pet potue. LeBAeaaa's fisktes Balsas Curs Tarviary, Mercurial, SypsaliUc secondary sasess. Pains in Lha M., S Throat, SyphUnk Rash, Lumps, ate, anu an maaases irom the syswm whether caused by ' r aoose oi mercury, leaving th uln. ..... kul.U.. w; ... Ssnt everj where, C. O.' D., securely packed per ax press. C W. Bit BABBS t CO., A grata, bansome street, Corner Clay, oan F 4 J. S9 California. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBAMT, OR. The Second Tera ends en Thnrs diy, January 31, 1883. For particulars concerning the courses of "tody and th price of tuition, apply to SKY. BLBBBT . CBXPIT. rreaaaeag. ilioany Bath House. 'piIB UNDBRS1QNKD WOULD B1SPICT JL -ally inform ths oitiseas of Albany and vi slaitytaat I have taken chargs of this Establish sat, and, by keeping olsan rooms and payia trie t attention to basinet., expects to soil al those who may faror as with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing hat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons ezpeets to iire JBsrM'Hldier and s bacipooed entire satisf -itioa te al Ladies' Hair neatly ca JOS WEBBER. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday T H ar rfab u rt "Oregoa, T RAIN Kditr APropr ttor. UR. FELIX arKi ui :. a ul isftiarl Jiw 1 1