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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1884)
She gciuacrat. liiuor, i at th i .v. . ) 11 at Albany, Or, as second-class mail matter. FRIDAY MAT 30, 1884. STITE3 & UtltN as4 NUTTING. Poprlolor. rxKitr t rnvi. Lsrat r..ui r. ohl Cj'iiSj ail City Pipar. rwlltical SKakln To-uurn w afternoon all o'clock, the county candidates tor the different offices will meat in battle urray at the Court House, and discuss the political issues of the day. Everybody should turn oot io full force, and make the meeting a warm on, ?io ft fits will be a'.lowod, but a lively time is looked for. A Virion lrnt. Ou Friday or las: week while Kov R L Stevens, of Waterloo, was riding along the road between Waterloo an J Sweet Heme, he was accosted by a boy about twelve years of age, who ajked him tc let him ride with him. This Mr Stevens consent ed to, and the boy got in his wagon, and they started on ; but a brother of the boy, (whose names were - ) aged about seventeen, was standing by the roadside a little farther on. In an imperative tone he ordered Mr. Stevens to stop and have hie brother get out. This Mr Steven paid no attention to and drove on. 44 D n you, if you don't stop I'll shoot your horse," yelled the boy. Supposing that the b y was only talking to bear him self, Mr Stevens paid ne attention to him, but the boy was in earnest, for he drew a tevolver, tiring at the horse, hit ting him and prod uctng a wound which caused his dia;h. Mr Stevius jumped out, aud started fur the boy, but he level ed his revolver at him and told him if he cameauy nearer he would shoot him, which he no doubt would have done, as be is a desperate youth The horse was a very valuable one. and was coubideroo worth at least a (300, The crime was a penitentiary offense, punishable by im prisonment from six months to three years, and the bey certainly deserves all the law will givehim, if the circumstances were as reported to us. It is due the boy though to say that he claimed that he thought Mr Stevens was kidnapping his brother, and that he of ferred to pay $ 100 to settle matter, hat it was of cour ie refused. The Machine Laatl Law. Greedy 11. was comparing the platforms of the two parties the other day, critici sing m j.t severely the plank in the Dem ocratic platform relating to the mortgage tax law, and praising one in the Republi can platform retttiug to the Mechanic's Lies law, which in bis narrow, atomic brain, ho had mUuken for something else. "Machine lanl law," ha ejiculated vociferously, "that's my do,'trio9,that's the law we want, dang your mortgage tax law." His audience by stuffing newspapers, handkerchiefs, jac knives, etc., in their months succeeded in keeping quiot, but it is dangerous even now to mention ma chine land iaw to them. Soasetblag IwcH The Demjckat has been remembered miay times, by generous friends, some leaving one thing and some another ; bat a much as any does Mr. J. D. Creel de serve onr statue of Liberty thanks. Last wees ne came into our sanctum wttb a platter of fine honey as we have eyer had the pleasure of assisting in demolish ing. It was spring honey, raised by Mr. Creel'sown bees.who were fed on this years plum blossom?. Clear and pure it was fit to set before the Queen of England, the President of the United States, or bettor still, a country Editor who is not so mncb of a gourmand but what be can tell the dif ference between good and bad honey. Mrs. Sherman had a string of diamonds given her by a heathen king, but better than that is a platter of honey that can be tas ted a ith confidence. Death of Mrs. tharch On lt Tuestoy raerning, Mrs Harriet Chnrch, mother f Mrs L Fiinn, of this city, met her death in a very sudden man ner, While assisting in getting break fast at the home of br son-in law she suddenly said "On," and, falling to the floor, expired without another word. Mrs Charch was eighty years of age, and was universally esteemed by all who knew her, as a womau of sterling worth, a pare christian and a noble mother. She leaves many relatives at Albany, Salem, Port land, and in the east to mourn her death, besides many intimate friends she has made ince coming to Albany, several rears since. Funeral cervices weie held Wednesday and wsro in chtrge of Rev. 8 Q, Irvine. HOME AND ABROAD. F M French, jeweler. Election next Monday. Newport has an attorney at law. Texas has been visited by floods. Haying will commence in a short time. The Oak Plain school closed last Tuesday. Support home industries even if it costs more. There are twenty one ft re alarm hexes in Portland. Weston has a depraved tire bug who needs haugiug. The State Medical Society met in Portland on Tuesday. McMinaville proposes to indulge in a base ball tournament. Wood sells at, ash $3.50, oak grub, $3.50, maple and fir $3. Mr J O Urease, of Waterloo, who bas been sick, is improving. Soda water in abundance can now be ob ained at Waterloo. We noticed a lot of Albany furniture be ing shipped to Roeehnrg. Mr J Cave, brother and families rayed into Waterloo last week. J L Prince tode a bicycle at Washington last Monday ten miles in 32:26. The National Republican Convention meets in Chicago on next Tuesday. Albany boys seem to have forgotten that it is the time of the year t fly kites. No more ball playing will be allowed on First Strcat, which is entirely proper. A building near the Chemeketa, at Salem, was burped on last Sunday morning. To-morrow the County candidates hold the fort in Albany at the Court House. The D jo ring Twine Biuder with all the latest improvements at Peters k Blain's. A bank has failed at Eagle City, the me - tropolis of the Coer D'Aiene mine region. A man at Highland, Or., bosses 1,900,000 bees, better than being Governor of a Slate. Mrs Pwtts Sod Irons and Enterprise cotfee milts just received by PeUrs k Blaiu. Cheap Stdl greater reduction in price of Univer sal and Kureka wringers at Peters k Blain's. The Astoria Imlrpendent has a donkey ever its columns. We refer to thn picture of one. Rev. S. U. Irvine will preach at Oak Creek church next Sabbath at 4 o'clock v. a. Strawberries started in at two bits, and many were g!ad to obtain them even at that price. W. J. Brain well is the man who will furn Uh every body with hardware cheap at Har risburg. Phil Sheridan was on trial the first of the week in Portland for arson. What a fall is there. We have been informed that about 1200 more men will be to work en the Oregon Pacific. Two Portland priutcrs were in Albany Monday, which grieves us to the extent of four bits. i Half of those who run fur office are de feated, so it is well te look at the matter philosophically. Bank failures caused by s peculation in grain are as frequent now ae the arrival of Spring mosquitoes. A tree tnaaeuring 1(3 feet in diameter and 312 fct to the lowest limb was cat at Skagit a short time since. Seven out of the twe' -e jurors who con victed John Brown in 1839 still live, their average age being 70. Y. R. Mc Daniel at Harrisburg keeps ene of the neatest and most orderly arranged drugstores in the country. An extra tine l-.t of teas, coffee and choco late at Hoffman & Joseph's, also a big lot ef caedtes. Call and examine tbem. Voters desiring a tirst class, honest, relia ble, efficient sheriff will cast their ballot for J K Charlton, a man above reproach. A tannery should be started in Albany. There is splendid tanning material near here This might be made a great industry. Mr John Uaber while helping to lift a piano last week jambedhis hand quite severe y, and now he only has o:is ueful pi. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has suoh concentrated. curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest and surest blood-portlier known. Remember Louis Miller, of lbauy. manu factures the best cart ever invented. Call on him and get prices and see one of his carts. Are you going to build, or repair your house ? Before doing so get prices on hard ware, paints, fdass, etc , of Peters k Blain. A fine place for c imping is b?iog fenced in at Waterloo, and no pains will be spared in making that a good place for summer resort. Albany willjbe held next Tuesday afternoon . The members are requested to be present . With a large wheat crop, a large oat crop, potatoes growing well, and the fruit pros pect uncommonly good, there is ne reason why farmers should not feel in excellent spir ts. Geo K Chamberlain will receive a rousing vote in Linn oounty for Prosecuting Attor ney. Men will vote for him because they believe him most competent to till the ofiloe well. Attentiou is called to the card of Or G IK Masteo, in auothcr column. The Doctor has been a very successful practitioner, and no doubt will obtain his share of Linn ooun ty practice. , The Lebanon Hremeu are very eiithusiea tie and we predict that at the State tourna ment the fast companies of the state will have to do seme speedy work to beat their hose team. Dispatches will be received at the telegraph ofhoe in this city on next Monday night. There will be many who will not sleep until they know some thing about the result, or at least think they do. The Enterprise Fruit and Jelly Press is a great labor saver to any laity putting up jellies and jams and highly reootutnendod by all parties using them. Call at Peters k Blain's and see them. Te-day is deoor ation or memorial day aud while it is not to be celebrated in Albany, all should remember kindly those who repose in the cemeteries near this city who were once in the V . s. army. Political tights are somewhat oomrmu, and are as much to be expected as weeds aiming onions, heoce we shall not attempt to chroni cle them,' aor are thsy events doeerviugof more than passing notice. A part of the city was thrown into a fever ot excitement the first of the week by a prominent citizen rashittg into a store and treating a large crowd to the cigars, the first time, we understand, on record. It is thought the Sharon -Hill divorce case will be timshed seme time the lirst part of the twentieth century. Tho lawyers are workiug for this, and certainly Sharon's money eouM not be spent iu a better man ner. A yeuug man who, lost the crank te his bicycle can easily get it replaced by putting on a certain candidate for office, running en the Republican ticket, the first letter of whose name is beyond the middle of the alphabet. Albany was viaitcd by a rainstorm Sunday which was the most refreshing affair ef the season, and made many offer up thauksgtving te tbs great weather clerk above. Who makes the sun to shine and the rain te come down. In the Walla Walla iMMNNM u a list ef men with a statement of how thev made their first dollar. Among them is the fol lowing ; "Paul d'Heirry Fsther gave rae dollar to see a bull fight and I crept under the fence." Mr L Walker will take chargeof the Herald next week. Albany and Linn conntv are mr large enough to support two papers at least fairly, and we certainly hope eur contain porary under the charge of Mr Walker will do well. The contest for. Coroner will be a close one, at the same time he is hab.e te make it bet for him, and certainly, if elected, would fill the place well. Considerable confidence is expressed ou both sides as to who will be elected to this office. A large number ot ac-ultits from the careless nse of lire arms, is reported every wek. A lady on the BMSSaW river a few days ago was shot by handling a Winches ter rifle, the ball passing through her leg. Baldness may be avoided by the use of Hall's Hair Reoewer, which prevents the falling oot of the bair, and stliaulatea it te renewed growth and luxuriance. It else re stores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, and radically cores nearly every die- ease of the scalp. Do not sell your vote, under any circum stauces. Ibe right to vote is one of the greatest man possesses, and should not be parted with. If you want mouey and will not work for it, sell your beat c ut, the only hat yon own, the shoe from yar feet, but keep your honor. Nest Sabbath being the Sabbath nearest Decoration Day, there will be a special serv ice in the 1st Presbyterian church. At the reqoeet of the W C T U the subject f the morning discount will be "Ood in Govern ment" Exodus 18 21 Considerable fayorable comment is made to pass a oounty law, I offering so much a head, for eyery hippopotamus killed In the State. Were there danger of suoh as impo sition though, certainly action should be ta kon in the matter, for a good adage is, "Save ns from peer butter and ear friends." A new kind of sociable for raising money for churches . is the weighing social. The plan is to weigh the ladies just before going to supper, and then immediately afterwards, sad their ssoorts pay 60 cents a pound for the increase. If this were adopted In Al bany some of our young men would seen become bankrupt, much to the benefit of the churches though, which would euly require one er two socials a year to support their ministers. We have just received a dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, front J K Gill ft Co., ef Portland, price 2eo. which is a very iaUr esting affair. It closes with the Lords Pray er, which many of our subscribers will be interested in reading I "Nesika papa klax ta mitlite kopa sahale, kloshe kopa nesika tumtum tnika nam ; kloahe mika tyee kopa konaway tilakum ; kloshe mike tumtum kopa illahe kahkwa kopa sahale t potlatoh konaway sun aeeiks muokmuok, pis kopet kumtuks kenaway nesika msaache, hahkws, aesika mamook kopa klaska spose msraeek me ahche kopa nesika ; marsh siah nesika konaway mesahche. Kloshe kahkwa," Heraeeata This gentleman addressed a rather thin audience at the Court House last Wednes day. There was no enthusiasm except that which was manufactured te order by the committee on applause appointed for the oc casion. Wa wars very mush surprised in the ability of Mr. Hermann Re has been very much oyerated. True, hs is a man of many words, and, as ose of his party friends expressed it. is unite "tononey," but osudor compels us to say that whsn that is said, all has been said, that can be said in favor of bis ability. He touoned lightly upon the land grant question, and handled it very tender ly knowing that if he did not get the corpor ation and railroad influence there would be no hope of his eleetioa. His strongest dec laration on that subject was that he stood upon the Republican State platform upon that subject, but he purposely neglected to read the platform upon that subject for fear the people would discover that it is so eraf Uiy and ingeniously drawn as to not touch any rants except those in this state, hence this leaves out the Northern Pacific laud grant entirely. As to regulating freight and fares on railroads Mr. Hermann was squally ten der. He announcud that hs stood upon his party platform on that subject, but sa the platform says nothing about regulating From the Corvallis UmUtr, w, leans that 'reighla ami fares upon railroads, but simply a "tlulressina scoiuenl occurred at mists i . ijr oi m- Iudiau Ageucy last week, through whioh a Igltore to limit corporate powers, the in sou of our former townsman, lion rrsn B i - pr w. w win om Wadsworth, US Indian Agent, may lose ee trick at ones. Declsred himself in his life. The particulars of the accident so 'vur ooatioumg to collect vast sums of far received are very meagre, but as far as money from the hard earnings of the people we can learn it occurred as follows i Mrs hy means of a high tariff and then get rid of Wadsworth and the second sen, George theee vast sums of surplus money now lying Wadsworth, were in the house engaged in dle in the V. H. Treasury by making large conversation. The eldsit sou, Frank Wads worth, was standing to the right of his broth er Urorge, and had a pistol in bis hands, and while fooling with the weapon it was acci- Council PreeeeJlags. appropriations fer Improvement of rivers sod harbors aud than distribute the balance. He boasted bow whigs succeeded to pow er on high tariff pisiform iu 1810, which be deutly discharged. Oeorge fell over with a id resulted in good times, plenty of money, cry that he was shot. Examination preyed could not sitiify bis hearers why thsy were that the ball had entered the fleshy portion nurled from power at the yery next election. of his naht shoulder in front, anil ranaiuii H then uudertook to draw the wool ever the lownward and across, lodged iu his lung.' yM ot b telling tbem that they The following is said te be a change racket t"" protected than any other class a practiced by sharpers, ami is eoinc the rounds People. He insulted the intelligence of fsrm of the papers. At the same time we do not believe it e?er happened " Two sharpers No. 1 and No. 2 go into a bank and aak ths teller if he can give them two two and-a-half geld pieces. The gold is banded over and the confederates put down a $100 note. The teller hands over 93, when No. 1 says i ere by telling them that the 20 cents tariff duty en wheat was s great protection to thorn. M's very much regret that every Re. publican farmer io the county was net pres ent to hear this gtntletnaa as he would have lost scores of votes. He deliberately asser ted that the price of e early every thing which Please let me have a $50 bill fer this change, laboring man has to bay is cheaper in this t is easier to carry. The obliging bank of fieial hands out a $50 bill and Ne. 1 pate down $50 of the change. Just as the banker finishes counting it, No, 2 pats the 950 bill on the 950 in change and says i If it's all tbs ssms te you, would you please give n.e back the 9100 bill, as the change is too heavy te carry. The bill is handed over, the 950 bill and the 950 io change is pished up and pot away, tbs rush of business goes on, but when the blinds are pulled down that after- country than infree trade Eegland, and then ignored the fact that if this were true we would need no protection here at all. Taken all together there were more misstatements of facte, more false promisee, more fsllscy in ar goment, more illogical deductions than in any speeeh we have beard for fears. latlsulrlal Items. The sew mill of Robinson k Wsst is now ruuoing steadily turn. ug out some of the beet noon end the books balanced, the bank finds I lumber ever seen in Albany, that it is j oat 950 loser. " SOCIAL AID PERSONAL Ik Conn, of Iebanon, was at ths Bay last wnk. Miss Ida Webber is visiting friends in Portland. Jesse Barker, of this city went to Yamuna i,.ir. .hi-h h The Red Grown mills run night and day. This is ons of the bee: couduc'.ei flour mills on the Pacific Coast, and is an honor to the city. The foundry of Cherry Parkee is tortt - tng oat some excellent work, sad is doing a large business. J H Putnam has a steady sale fur all the e manufacture. Tuesday evening, May 27th. Pre sent. May or, Recorder, Marshal and all Aldermen but Mr Koshay. The Committee on Streets recommended that a newer be built en Callpoola street, commencing at the Intersection of Third street, with the Callpoola River, on the north line of Third street, and running thence east diagonally on Third sttewt to tho soutb side of Third street, on the east line ef Callpoola street, theiic south on said Callpoola street, to the south lino of Fifth street. On motion adopted. The committee also reported thai they had or dered flume ou Broadalbln street fifteen Instead of ton foot from lino of street. The committee on Fire and Water re- poJ tod that hose csrt received was 150 pounds heavier than contract weight, but recommended Its purchase, ae a lighter cart would not stand bard service. That the nose was right with the exception of two lengths, which Preston, Nott dt Co., warranted, and would replace If it does not steod. Warns Hpriag John askod that order passed In 182 declaring htm a common drunkard be removed as he had become temperate. On motion granted. Marshal reported several nuisances which were referred to commute on Health and Polios. Marshal was ordered to build bridge out of second hand lumber at Junction of Second and Thurston streets. Committee on Ordinances was ordered to draft ordinance prohibiting building of wire fencse on streets In dty limits. Marahal was ordered to build crosswalk and foot bridge along Fourth street across Viae street. Ob motion oommlUee on streets was in structed to have route of Callpoola street sewer survsyed. On motion the construction at lirosdsl bln flu rae to Turners mill was referred to committee on streets, who were Instructed to have said flume lowered to proper grade and have tho earns built In good water tight condition, Tho following bills were ordered paid : I 0 Dickey, 933.50 ; Peters A Blain, 91 ".65; N J Heuum, 926.10 : A A Roberts, night watch, 970 C W Watto, 94.50 : K R Croa by, hauling engine, 93 ; J N Hoffmen, freight, 93.30. The following bills we.e referred : Costs agt. Ryan. 94.36; costs agU Dougherty, 95.35 ; I 0 Dickey, work aud foes, 971. Maieta Bscarslea. Man Ceaaty- Let one follow the route of those can vassing the county, In tho Interest of (he two parties, and a country will be travers ed unequaled for agricultural purposes, a land flowing with wb-mt, Inatead of milk and honey, practically the whole of Linn, the banner oounty. Beginning at Aclo you find yourself In tbo heart of one of the finest Irrigated tracts of land in the world, In the midst of the celebrated "Fork," which embraces f he precinct of Mrln Franklin Butte, Kanliam, Waterloo and Fox Valley. Drained by the North Fork, or creek, Crsbtreo creek, Beaver creek and the South Fork, you have a country well adopted both for wheat rais ing aad general agriculture, and stock raising. Using from ftcioto Mlllers.tbence through Albany to Sbedds, Halsey snd Harrisburg, the railroad towns of the county, you paas ovsr a wheal belt never surpassed, by the aide of a river ,the placid Willamette, as beautiful ae one will moot In an eighty daya trip, of course excepting the grandeur of a Hudson ; but being the confer of a valley whone ecenery posses a natnrsl beauty and attractiveness that even rugged rocks and sieip batiks would not enhance In the eyee of many. From Hsrrlsbtirg U Brownsville, thence to Crawfordsvlllo and Mweet House one finds oneeelf In a different kind of a coun try, one well adapted to stock raising, and st tbs same time capable of raising wheat. Coming back to Iebanon along theliouth Fork of the Mentlam, Waterloo and Hoda- vllle attract the attention as the future fJaratega and Ballston Springs of Oregon, the waters ef which, even now, bring many Irom a distance who are stoking bsaltb or enjoyment, From Iebanon to Albany takes one through a prairie or plain, or better a level country, dotted with well built houses, and covered with wheat fields now in their glory. Could the wnoie route be formed into a panoramic view like tbe famous 'h lea go 9130,000 scene, it would present a picture on which people wou'd gaze, and say ' wrl I v Unn la a flni . in anl Kaa v V ' J m 9 mmr 9 m Wtt mm J a mm 9 s mm mmpmm proepede before it which should keep up tbo best spirit of its inhabitant a." piin Tin. Mala ftaejerte. BY A PLAIW CHAP. Tills Is an engenlus world full of lo gcnlM people. One of tbem has Just la vented a pistol camera, which yon have only to point ai an object, pull tbo trig ger, ami In the fifteenth of a second a plctur. is taken. This may be repeat Ml iminDtsin succession, a new pic ture being taken each time, whea ten new slides will hate to bo Introduced, with which to begin shooting pictures again. In connection with tho subject of photography It Is interesting to note that photographs can now bo takes at night hy tbo use of the magnesia light. Verily, this is a faat world. e ample ef Ju.iirr A new kind of insurance ccmptsny has been Invented, by which a busi ness man may be insured against tbe defalcation or dishonesty of bin clerk or clerks. If It should succeed many wiil be the Job tbe merchant tmd bis clerk wiil put up on tho poor insurance co-npany, and then tbe company will devise some means forjiasu ranee against lbs dishonesty of tbe principal. It would be a mat tor of .considerable In terest to note tbo rates which would be placed on different kinds of clerks or employees. Perhaps it would be some- thing like this . Bute Treasurers, no r isks taken, cashiers, &5c. on tbe 91, toiler, 10c. ; bar keepers, 20c.; conduct rs. 25c. ; general merchandise, 8c. , grocery, 7c. and so on down to newspaper clerks at 9.ono0o or some nominal sura. Men give to tbe red tape style of do ing somethings in this world, do not amount to very much. It is ihat hand ort of cbap, who can take tilings as they come, aud eat with bfa bands if necessary, who rises highest. Edwin Arnold is said to bare written "Th. Ublof Asia," a long and beautiful poem, i ii his cuts, while in a street car on his way to business. The conven tional man, who holds his bead high, speaks in the up-and-down sty le, shakes ft I a S J as Han nala, at his factory at the weet m Bf00k " A,by end of Third .treat. Brink k Son st ths on his wsy to tin? Bay J. t). rf'rt-bUman started for Las tern Ore gon tbe first of the week. Mr Jacob Fleiscboer, of Portland, been in Albany this week. Mrs D W Kombaugh and aUushUc of kiweet heme, are visiting io the city. Thee. Prior and family, of Woodlaad.Cal., are in tbe city, and are talking of locating J peru of the oouaty. There are now five oer ef Ferry aad Second streets, and Uref k Fromm, on Dixie Line, are all manufactur ing large qaaatitiee of furnitare for home, Portland aad state trade generally. Painters are busy with their brushes. Brush k 8m, ship wire goods te all parts of the North west. Agricultural implements leave Albany fer is now working with He is a first-class Albany College- Albany College will cl ae its present school year on Tuesday, Jane 17th, with commencement exercise?, which will be made of a very interesting nature. Next week we will publish the program in full. There will bs a meeting of the alumni on Monday evening, we understand. The members of which now living in the Northwest are the following : Mrs C H Stewart, Mrs Cal Barkhart,Mrs HF Merrill Annie Akhouse, Hettie Miller, Georgs I Foster,at or uoar Albany : MrC P Davis,at Centerville ; Dr J T Tate, Mrs. Jas Failing, Mrs Chas Ternpleton, Mrs C F Powell, at Portland ; Mr W il Gaston, at i'alsey ; Mrs P Sox, at Seattle ; Mrs Dr Savage, at Junction City. steamer "laqnlaa." "lne steamer xaqmaa, will arrive on Saturday at 3 p. m. Come ou." Came by telegraph to this city last Wednesday. This will make to-morrow a big day attbe Bay. Everybody who can borrow a cayuse should do so and start for the scene of the great ar rival, for the successful entry of a steamer drawing nearly fifteen feet of water and carrying 2500 tons msans volumes for Ya quina Bay. .. i ,J. ...I i. .:. .1 i ..... on the number of beautiful lawns, and resi- the newest and latest styles of ladies spring .,, . , , J b deuces in Albany, and it is to be noticed that increased interest is being taken in This is excellent Htrawberry asJ lee Cream Festival. A strawberry and ice cream festival will be given at the If. C. church parsooage on Friday evenin2 of this week. Tbe public is invited to participate. Church Notice. Rev. I. H. Condit, of Albany will preach j the Chapel at Knox's Butte on Sabbath next. The Sabbath school exercises will commence at 3 o'clock and the preaching service, designed especially for the children will be at 4 o'clock. All are cordially invited. and summer garments at Monteith Jc Seiten keek The commencement aermou of Albany Col- : lege will be delivered Sabbath eyeuiog, June 15, at the Presbyterian church, by Prof. Wyckoff. The U. S. steamer "Sbabriek." Cap. Gregory, entered Yacjuina Bay last week with the greatest of ease, mncb to tbe joy of Yaquinaites. Newspapers running tbe advertisements of the Rochester Publishing Co. will never get their pay fer them. They are frauds of the worst kind. An elegant gold plated band ring for 70 cents, stands acid test. Send stamp for cat alogue, Smith k Co., 724 Market St, San Francisco, Cal. We want wood on subscription, and at the present time would like a load of ash or maple. Do the Democrat a favor by hurry ing up with it. On Thursday of last week the young peo ple of Waterloo tipped the light fantastic toe at IFaterloo, having, they say, a most enjoyable time. Portland Chinamen are all tbe ssmee Mel ican man, and are making assignmeuts with as much ease. No doubt it is a business transaction with them. Next week tbe State W. 0. T. U., wiil moet in Albany holding its sessions at the Baptist church. There will be about one hundred delegates present. N. N. Mathews of Harrisburg bas complete ly revolutionized tbe grocery store business in that place. Prices have tumbled since he went into business there. A Washington Territory paper nnder tbe head ef "Personals" asks its debtors to call and settle some little bills. That was tbe meanest joke of the sesson. Twe white men and three Chinamen were recently seriously injured at the Summit by the explosion of seme powder. Probably only one Chinaman will die. Salmon are being caught in the Willamette the other side of Oregon City. After the next Legislature meets there is a possibility that they will be caught here. American watchmakers are underselling the English on their own grounds. If Eng land was to follow the example ef the U. S. it would put a heavy tariff on watches. The Oak Plain girls are said to be so con fident in their leap year rights as to ask the young men to go home with tbem. Ths regular meeting of the Y. P. T. U. will be held en Friday, June 6th, st tbe W. C. T. U. Hall, at the usual hour. The regular meeting of the W C T U of keeping them up in good style owing to quite an extent to our system f water works. Most of the esrly strawberries received in Albany came from tbe gardens of Mr Peacock Mr Creel and Mr Phillips, across tbe Wil lamette. Tbe soil there is uncommonly well adapted to gardening, particularly to ths raising of strawberries. Those Mounted Grind Stones are selling fast because they cost less tbsn it does te boy tbe atone and fixtures snd make the frame yourself. We bsve another invoice on the wsy from Chicago to arrive in two weeks. Peters k Blain. A new process for painting eu marble and baking the marble so that tbe picture will go through the thickness of the marble hss been invented. The marble may be cut into innumerable strips and tbe picture will be on each strip. This insures it sgsinst de struction, no amount of wesr aad tear hav ing any effect on it. It will probably be used on tombstones. To-merrow, Siturday, the Scio baseball club will play the Albany I -am on ths Third street gr 'ends The Solo boys are ssid to play a B wtofl game, and as the Albany boys are out of practice are liable to beat them two to ene. Anyway it will be an interest. ing game, which all should attend who take an interest in base 1 all. Between thirty and forty new subscribers have been added to the Democrat list dur- . t i e s m ing ene last wees, ana words ot encourage- ent are received from every side. Tbe politics of the Democrat never vary, snd we endeavor to give to our readers all the news it is possible to obtain by Herculean efforts . A meeting was held on Saturday night to make preliminary arrangements for the State Tournament to be held in this city in Au gust. W B Scott. C H Stewart snd O H Irvine were appointed a committee to raise the necessary funds. Business men and others visited by any of theee gentlemen should subscribe liberally. Pioneers should remember the annual pic nic which will be held at Sodaville one week from to-day, June 6th. It will be a gay 1 M f 1 . . uay wnen our ageu menus gee togeioez on this occasion, for some of them know many a trick by which an hour may be passed pleas antly. They could not have chosen a more delightful place, and certainly, deserve successful picnic. It is suggested that the next Legislature pass a law prohibiting the sale of Oleomargei ine in Oregon. It might also be a good idea here Mi George Wileoe Isom, Ijtnsing k Co. miller. Charley Curran, returned from California neat of tbe week, and is porta hie dryei as on a boom Mr Albert tiibhard. of Waterloo, came to Albany last week, and is working iu tbe brickyard here. Mra Judith Kllen Foster, a lawyer from Iowa, will soou be in Oregoo. Site to be very eloquent. Mies Minnie Meleer, who has been in Al bany several months, returned to her home in Ceifax last Tuesday. Henry Backsnato and family have corns to Albany, and we understand, will assist ia running tbs Exchange Hotel. It. G. Junkin, of Newport, was ia tbe city Wednesday, and called at tbe Dimochat of fice. Tomorrow he will prove up on bis claim. Mr Ala Harris returned to Oregon en last Monday, and will locate at Yaaoiua Bay, where he will go into business. We wish him success. Jas. Pipes rsturned from Southern Oregoo last Wednesday, and was mistaken fer Bin- twine binders in the Meld here. Peters k Blain sell tbe Deering, H K Youag tbe Mc- Cormick, Burkhart Brothers the Esterly, J Gradwohl tbe Walter A Woods aod W H i.wltra. the Osborne. Orrzoa stale Meres el erfcoel gar Hermann, although he is a much better gA(am Program for commencement week at Monmouth i Sunday, June 8th, Baccalaureate Her moo, M1 o'clock a. a., by Prof. Joseph Emery, of the State Agrlcultuial Col- lege, Corvallis. Monday. June 0th, Dramatic Enter talnmcnt, at 8 o'clock p. m., by the Nor mat Dramatic Association. Tuesday, June 10th, Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, at 10 o'clock I ta. Normal Reunion, at 8 o'clock p. m Wednesday, June 11th, Commenoe ment Day. Class exercises begin at 10 o'clock a. m. Picnic dinner in the grove on the Campus, at 12 m, Claas Exercises continued at 1 o'oleck p. in. Annual Address by Hon. R. P. Boise, One week from to-day, Friday, June nth, the Irrepressible printers of Salem. all their pristine levellaest and ami- ableneaa, will hold their annual picnic, which will he one ef the greatest events in the history ofof Salem printers. and will be next te the Chicago conven tions. The Albany craft have been In- vittfd, and bare accepted with alacrity. A steamer baa been hired, and at tbe time mentioned it will carry all who wish an enjoyable excursion from this city to stale m arid back, for a consider ation Just large enough te pay expeoaee. Everybody should go, old and aged. young aad infantile, business men and men of leisure, professors And aeboo1 traehers, ministers and pastors, women and girls, and dressmakers and mil liners, r?gerdloe of party or previous condition of servitude. And right here we weora line te aak justice dene our Albany printers by the Salem printers, bo will no doubt efler some valuable presents, like bams and bologna aau saga, for various things, and that la that impartial Judges be appointed who are uot complete ly absorbed in Balem primers and their wonderful qualifica tions. Having said this If Albany does not got tbe prize fer having tbe bomllest printer It will not be oar fault. Those who remember tbe absolutely world re nowned aod unequalled, enjoyable, and successful printers excursion from Ah bany to Hal em two years ago should take advantage of tbe coming excursion and become one ef tbe party, (since writing tbe above we learn that tbe picnic has been postponed until tbe 4ih ot July. Ths follow ing as a sample of justice take tbe lead, and entitles tho agent at The Dalles to a coat of tar and mother and an hands like a pump handle without anv I IsL S a. m. a I . m experience wun nooi iocs or every maniieellog. Is sure to be unpopular sloairths N. I' : l,.l.. . , .i . " wmr-i k, K' i aiuuir iu una wnr n atnat 4a a s as a m a . S)l w mM y m Kucaer, oi needs to be able to mould nM. a a. ... ... a a a a I mmmmm, WVM WVT Bicaenon, w. L.iooa ins cup or ssssssisa-.- . r -w wassvin wuivu uircw packed In 20 mtv-ku containing 6766.52 pounds on tbe 15th of this month, to the Willows depot on the O. R. A N. Co's rsilroad and asked what it would coat him te ship It to Tbe Dalles, and was told toy tbs agent at that dep t that it would amount to 120.92 and bo shipped it tsking a shipping receipt for that. It came btre and wbeu tbe car was opened here two tramps Jumpd out. Mr. Rucker bad come down in tbe train. Tne agent here would not deliver Mr Bucker bis wool, unless hs would pay $7 passage money for tbe tramps whom be never asw, or knew anything about, and then took Mr Ruck- ex's receipt and added SH 18 eta., to tbe transportation bill, making $36. 10, instead of 120.9! as agreed upon, and as billed to htm. Tbe aeut here crooning oot with his pea the sum agreod upon snd putting on 114.1 more. How is that for Jostles ? Tims Jionmtamttx. t levelsad. Okie The "Doily Anzeiger" ssys; "Chief Superintendent of Police, J W sjebmitt, o this city, who has bee a ia the service aso -i;.tior:s are. What fools we mortals be' keeao tinging aud ringing in our ears. Attbe recent six daya walking match in Kew erk City $36,446 was taken In, and tbe fastest man went 610 miles In 140 hours, 39 minutca and 10 seconds, aad when the coo Us tan to ware in the last I art ot the race, they bad to be sparred long like btasts, gaunt, haggard, worn ou, looking specimens of humanity. These contests nredisgraces to (be Amer ican people. e A man may build bouses, but it will taks him a life time to make even n small fortune, a woman may aew until ber fingers are wcrn out, teach school until the is weary of it, Lot she can never do more than boy herself a few good dresses, and live, but a PaUi er Gerstercan sing a few months and make themselves independently rich, and at tbe same time they do little quarter of a century, 'endorsee 8t Jacobs Oil as a pain-baniab r. Il cured him of I more for the world than the rnmalsT . . .. i . ... . ' rneutnatistn. 1 sewing girl or teacher, nt Imsi thn In n t the difference which should allow the Patti $3)00 a day aod tbe teacher $1 to $2. It ia a privilege te bear a fine veice but it is all out of proportion to all kinds of , kills, to pay such exhorts taut p-ices for something that panders to 'l.e sentiments of tho people TSs SJastaw Ceaalry. A letter received by us gives a good de scription of this country, aad hence ws pnb. hob it (er tbe benefit of all interested in diff erent parts of ths State: We have a fine River with a good eotrauee fov light draft Oosaa Steamers and a good Harbor inside . Salmon fishing is as good er itow is tbe lime to prepare to ssve yonr fruit, the preopocts are favorable for an abundant crop of frait of all kinds, there fore If you are wise you wl 1 take advan tage of it and let none of it go to waste, but provide yourselves with machines for evaporation, and dry the whole ot it. Tbe beat evaporator in the market ia the "Improved Plummer Family and Factory Fruit Drier" it has been the longest in use and bas never failed to give satisfaction, which we have abundant testimony to prove. For sale by Juf.y Baiuos, Albany. May 18th, 18S4, Stave Dssler. The rspslar Approval. Of tbs now famous Syrup of Figs as the moat efficacious and agreeable prepara tion every offered to the world as a cure for Habitual Constipation, Biliousness. better than the Columbia in proportion to tbe Indigestion and kladerd ills, bas b- . V . a aft a. al .1 ml la. f Alumni Reunion, at 8 o'clock p. m. Every citizen of Oregon who feds an Interest in popular education ia invited to attend. Able men from different parts of the State will be present to as sist in ths exercises through the week. Ladies, misses and children's fine shoes and te Springfield in search of better slippers, just ths thing fer summer wear, the largest stock in the city at the Boot k Shoe Store of Samuel E. Yotjxo's. looking man Mr Albert Cook, of Pataha, W. T., a ssa of D M Cook, formerly of this city, returned home last Monday, after a business trip here of about one week Mr AGrosse and son, of Eastern Oregoo, were in Waterloo last wesk, on a visit, and Mr Jack Crosse, of the letter place, hat moved health. Bush Wilson, County Clerk, has returned to Corvallis from a trip East. Ths terrible joke is now perpetrated on Bush that he once worked in the asms office with Horses Greeley, Mr George Terrell, for several yeara with Samuel E. Young, left for Seattle a few days since, where be has accepted a position hn this city. in a large store, aad intends making that sity his home. He leaves Albany oa ae count of poor health. Jos Purdom, Sheriff of Douglas oouaty, passed through the city Friday with three convicts,on his wsy to Salsm. Twe of tbem, William Rider and Andrew McClung, will dwell in the penitentiary one year, while tbe third, Joseph Russell, will tarry six years longer, u. p. o. Mr Win Ralston returned from Eastern Orsgon last week, having been there several weeks looking after his stock. We under stand that his brother-in-law, Judge O N Denny, who is interested with him ia the stock business, will build in Alkali, and livs thsre part of the year. Pern Cochran arrived in Albany last week from Prineville, being the first ons to cross the Mountains on ths Lebanon road this Spring. The snow is sight to ten feet deep in seme places, and 'with ths exception of the snow the road is in good condition for traveling, although teams would not be sble to paas now. He reported that no cine to Ike Nickelson had been found yet, although it ia quite certain that he is dead in the snow somewhere iu the mountains. site of the stream, there are three firms salt ing and packing Salman ou the nvsr snd do ing a large business, we have ne Saw Mill as yet, but exveet te haye one soon, tbe tri butaries ef tbe river are all covered with fine timber and this would be a fine location fer some enterprising firm to pot in a good mill. The principal occupation en tide water will be stock raising ana dairying while on the upper tributaries there will be a considerable ameent of grain raised, there is a good many shunts to be taken on soms of the creeks run ning into ths Siualaw, mostly , Viae Maple, and Hazel brash lands with good soil and good water, the principal streams beings Lake Creek, Dead weed and Indian Creek ea all ef which are good land unoccupied which would make good homes. Theio are two wag on reads being built from Eugene but neith er of which are completed, but one of them will be completed I think by fall. It is 3G miles from Kugeae to the head of Tide, aad when ths read is finished we will bave as good a Mountain Read as is in the state. There are about 200 Settlers on Siualaw and room for more. Bceeptlea te Mrs, Leavltl A new line of furnishing goods, overalls, jumpers, etc., just received at L. E. Blain's, Albany, Or. Tuesday svenlng June 3rd a publio re ception will be tendered Mrs. M. C. Lea v itt, of Boston, Mass., at the Baptist church Mrs Leavltt comes highly recommended by Miss Wlllard, and others, and we can asure all thoae who at tend the lecture that they will be well entertained. Following is the program : Invocation Rev T G Brownsou. Music Vocal solo, Mra E W Langdoa. Address of WelcomeMrs Townsend. Lecture Mrs M C Leavltt. Music Violin solo, Miss Gertrude Walker. Benediction, Tbe lecture is free, and the publio ia cordially Invited. Doors open et 7:30, en tertainment to begin at 8 o'clock. Committee. ssa Received direct from Chicago a new lineof fashionable dress goods, ladies kose, notion etc., at Samuel E.'s. Letter last. TUe fouowing Is the list of letters remaining in the Post Office. Albany, Linn county, Ore gon, May 28st, 1881. Persons calling tor thess letters must give tne date on wmob tney were aavemsea. Chlpmsn, L. B. Hunt, J. and C. Hutchinson. Robert Moera, Stella Kessman Andrew 8 warts' B. . Wilson, C. P. J.M. IRVING, P. M. Novelties in neckwear for ladies received from Chicago, at Samuel E. Yoturo'a, won by the wise plan pursued by tbe Cal ifornia Fig Syrup Company. Knowing that any remedy truly beneficial ia ita effects on the system, aad at the earns time pleasant to the taste, will meet with a rapid sale, the C-mipaay, through its agent for Albany, of E VV Langdon dt Co., gives away sample bottles free of charge. Try it and judge for yourself. Ltrge bottles fifty cents or ene dollar. For Saile. laellag Wire. Owing to ths uncertainty in tbe amount of Binding Wire to bo used this season, there will not be any more Imported than is actually ordered. Those intending to use it will have to sand their orders to me net later than June 1st, as much earlier as possible, as same will have to be order ed from manufactories in the E ist, and orders must be sent in at once, fer it to be here in season. statu aL K. YOUIIO, Net This One. There wss once a man named Hermann ia Oregon, whom some remember, who went around singing, The rim ef my hat goes fiippity flap. And my boots went hide my tees. It was net this ons, for hs only sings, Protection, Election, Vote for me. Mew. New laces, embroideries, silk glove, Lisle thread gloves, mitts, aad a full assortment of kid gloves in black and color, in the Cele brated Centemeri and Mather styles at Mohtetth k Seiten bach. FI.OLB FOB MALE . Tha best quality ef Magnolia XXX new process flour, for 84 per barrel, or SI per sack. Said flour will be delivered to any part of the city of Albany. Call on the undersigned at the Magnolia Mills, Isaac B, Bean, A set of oopper fer distillers, second hand iu first-class erudition, wiil he sold cheap. Enquire of John Briggs, tin smith, Albany. Haalenl taatrwaaenla. J. il. Datiiei now has a complete lino of musical Instruments of ail kinds for aale, consisting of the Mathuahek piano, the Shoninger organ, fiddles, violins, guitars, etc., as well as the latest sheet music. His instruments are all of the beat grades, and are not the cheap trasn, so that when yon get an instrument ef any kind yon may know that you are getting one that will last aud bold its tune. A Life Saving Fresoaf . Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kaa., Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle ef Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consump tion, which caused him to procure a largo bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of cdmateand everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, aad au Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaraa eed to cure. Trial Bottloa free at Foahay Mason's Drng Store. Largo sixe 8 LOO cuts, lava BttTKLCVS ABVICft. SXLVB. The best salve in the world for bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or moaey re funded. Price 35c per box. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Best harness at J J Dubruille's. WAUKILIK MrDONALD -SALTMAKSH On Friday, May 16th, 18S4, at Albany, by Rev. I. H. Condit, Mr. Jos. McDonali, and Miss Ella Saltmarsu, of Albany. Although at a somewhat late dsy, we ex tend congiatulationa, not having learned un til since our last issue that Ne. Is picnic was being celebrated by the ringing of mar riage bells as well as fire bells. They were probably not rang as loudly, Mr McDonald hss obtained an excellent wife.though young, and we wish them success in abundance. ISOM WOOLEN. At Ashland on May 25, 1884, Mr. Jeff Isom, of Shedds, and Miss Mabel Woolen, of Ashland. Notwithstanding the low price of wool Mr lsom has obtained a most estimable wife. The Democrat congratulates the happy couple and wishes them large crops, high prices, and a pleasant life. D1BD WHITNEY. At Philomath, on Tuesday, May 27 to, 1884, Mrs. Whitney, aged 84 years. Mrs. Whitney was the mother of Judge J. J. Whitney, of this city, and lsaves a husband still older, with whom she bad lived fer more than half a century. Dr. Whitney, of Phil o; oath is a son of the de cased, with whom she was living at the time of her death.! DR. C, W, MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. Choice Styles BOOTS AND SHOES: I '5fcBsa4a -..wvrn -t r- , F3E SPUING 1UD SUMMER WEAK. Comprising ererythlng new in Gentle man's, Ladies', Misses aad children's SHOES, SUPPERS. &C9 Specialties in Fine Shoos, Medi um and Common Shoes. Novelties in Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers, Cedl and see the largest ani best assort ment in the city. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Albany, Or.