The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 30, 1884, Image 2

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    FRIDAY MAY 30, 1804.
Democratic State Ticket
For Cong
of Clackamas county.
For Supremo Judge
of Multnomah county,
For Presidential Electors
L. B. ISON of Baker county,
W. D. FENTON of Yamhill couuty,
A. a JONES of Douglas county.
Prosecuting Attorney
Third District,
of Lion county.
Linn County Democratic
For Senator
For Representatives
F. A. WATT8.
For County Judge
For County Clerk
For Sheriff
For Treasurer
For Assessor
For County Commissioners
For School Superintendent
D. V. 8. REID.
Fr Coroner
A H. Peterson will make a rattling
core nor. There does not seem to b
much doubt of his election.
Da via Myers of Scio will make a safe
reliable county Commissioner and he
will be elected by a large majority.
Vote for J. K. Weatherford and it
Will be a vote against sending such men
as MitcbVl, Hirsch or George to the
Geo. EL Chamberlain Is making a
rattling campaign with "Charley" Wol
vert on. He lays out "Charley" hori
sontally,so to speak at every point they
visit. Hie tide is carrying George into
the District Attorney office.
m m mm .
Henry Cyrus fills the measure of a
good Representative in the Legislature
to a dot. He is honest and capable and
will walk right ahead of all opponents
on the 2nd of June.
F. A. "Wtts is a young man of the
most exemplary character and strict
integrity. He will faithfully represent
the people of Linn county in the next
Legislature. See that his name is on
your ticket.
If you want a safe competent man
for Sheriff, vote for Uncle Jimmy
Charlton. He is an open hearted can
did man while his opponent is as cold
as an iceberg trying to carry water on
both shoulders.
L. H. Montague, Oa the canvass, has
shown himself to be the champion of
the people and thoroughly conversant
with their wishes, and he will be faith
ful to carry them out. He will get a
large vote.
a e
Hon. J. J. Whitney will make a safe
efficient economical county J udge. He
was elected once before but failed to
get tbe office. He will take his seat as
County J udge the first Monday in Jo-
m m m
E. E. Hammack our candidate for
Assessor has been a citizen of the coun
ty seven years, is a man of quick clear
conception and will make an excellent
Arsessor. His opponent, Mr. White
has only been here about two years.
Nobody seems to know him.
D. VS. Raid combines all tbe qual
ifications necessary to make a first class
county School Superintendent in a
preeminent degree. He is one of the
most successful teachers the county has
ever had. The secret of his success is
that he devotes his whole soa 1, time and
attention to his work. He will he elec
ted. T. J . Black is making hosts of friends
on the canvass. He is an able man
and will make an excellent member of
the Legislature. He is in favor of the
passage of a carefully drawn mortgage
law if the Supreme Court of the State
should declare the present law uncon
stitutional. J. P. Galbraith is fully qualified for
the office of County Clerk. His oppo
nent, David Andrews, says Galbrsith'a
qualifications are better than his own.
Many voters think Mr. Andrews is not
qualified, hence we hear of a large
number of Republicans who will vote
for Mr. Galbraith on that ground. It
would be a grave mistake to elect a
man to that office who was no; qualified.
If ever there was an election when
the exigencies of the times called upon
farmers, mechanics, laborers and busi
ness men to be careful how they vote,
now is the time. Money kings all over
the land have for years been oonttetliug
the legislation of t e oountry to build
up the money and corporate power of
the country at the expense of every
farmer, laborer, mechanic and business
man in tbe land. We are made sub
servient to these money lord. We are
compelled to contribute in a hundred
ways from our hard earned pennies to
swell the already well-filled purs s of
these money shsrks. The Republican
party maohinsry has fallen into the
hands of these enemies of the people,
and the great body of the voters of that
party are absolutely powerless to break
the power that binds them. For that
reason the people have nothing to hope
from the election of Mr. Hermann to
congress. That party has always been
she friend of corporations and the
money power generally, and these cor
porations have contributed largely of
their funds to carrv elections for tbe
Republicans, while Republicans in re
turn have given these money lords such
legislation as would make them richer
and the people poorer. This is no fan
cy sketch. The history of the country
for the last twenty years shows it on
every page. While there are many
men in the Republican arty who
would gladly free that party from tbe
iron grasp of these corporation?, yet
they are utterly powerless to do so.
Sush are the obligations of the Repub
lican party to these monopolies that the
party is absolutely the servant instesd
of tbe master. Even, Mr. George.whp.
was chosen from smong the people, and
who was looked upon as their fast
friend, and who in fact had been up to
the time of his election, wan compelled
by his party duties to go over body and
soul to aid railroad monop lies. No
people was ever so foully betrayed, as
the people of Oregon, and especially of
the Willamette Valtey, have been by
Mr. George. Reared in their midst and
having never been brought under the
contannioating and baser influences of
monopolies, tbe people without regard
to party gave bim a handsome majori
ty. Democrats all ovet the country
voted for him cheerfully, because they
believed he would be true to the eople.
Rut alas, all arch ho pet were blasted
when Mr. George voted against the for
feiture of the land grants, which bad
not been earned by the railroad com
panies. No, it is not safe to elect Mr.
Hermann to congress. He would be
as Mr. George has proven himself to
be, the mere vassal of the rnonojo!y
power in congress.
Mr. Dolpb, whose money, life and
soul is wrapped up in the tailroad in
terest, would be tbe power behind tbe
throne that would control every vote
of Mr. Hermann's in congress, when
monopoly interests were involved. Her
mann would be simply the "Me, too,
Piatt," of Oregon. He was nominated
in order to keep opf-n the way for a
Portland man to become Unite.! States
Senator in place of S!ater. Will tbe
people carry out this program 1 We
think not. We think they will come
forward now and elect to confess the
known, avowed friend of the people,
Jobn Myers. There is less to boje
from tbe election of alerrnann than
there was two years ago from the elec
tion of Gaorge. Jobn Myers has been
tried, ha never betrayed the people,
and should there fore be elected.
The Republican State Convention
passed a resolution in favor of a regis,
try law. The Vidette said some time
since that the Republican party defeat
ed the proposed registry law in tbe last
Legislature. Tbe Town Talk with
much spirit says the bill did not come
before the House at all, and so no Re
publican in that body bad an opportu
nity to vote for it. Now the Talk cer
tainly did not know any thing st allabout
the matter or it would not have made
that statement. By examining House
Journal page 12G, we find Allen Parker
(Dem.) of Benton introduced House
bill number 115 being a bill to regulate
the registration of voters. This bill
came to a final vote a will be seen on
page 501 and was lost by a vote of 23
to 30. Of tbe 23 who voted for the bill
19 were Democrats and 4 were Repub
licans. Of the 38 who voted aaainst
the bill 28 are Republicans 1 indepen
dent and 1 Democrat Mr. Hendricks
Democrat of Lane, introduced a bill in
the Senate for the registration of voters
and tbe bill was read a second time and
referred to tbe Judiciary Committee a
majority of whom were Republicans,
and that committee refused and neglec
ted to report and the bill died in their
hands. Now, the Talk can Plainlv see
where the responsibility of tbe defeat of
that measure lies. Tbe Republican
party defeated both bills. The truth is
that much fraudulent voting would be
prevented in Portland under a good
registry law, but there is where the
Republican majority of the state is and
Republicans oppose the law on that ac
count. A Condra is a man who attends very
closely to his own business. He scru
tinizes all matters that pass through his
hands with jealous care. For these rea
sons he was nominated for county com
missioner, and for these reasons the
people will elect him by a large majority.
a pkksbnt MTV
There is a duty devolving upon the
people of Oregon at this time, tbe per
formance ef whioh ought not to be
neglected. As a commercial state she
ought to declare herself firmly and de
cisively in favor ef freer commercial
intercourse with tbe marstime nations
of the world, and in favor of to amend
ing our navigation laws ss to promote
and encourage ship building so that
our productions may be csrrisd to
market under ths American Flag in
bottoms made of Oregon timber, con
structed by our own mechanics in our
shipyards, in our own ports. Thsre is
a reason why the American Flag hss
been driven from the ocean. There is
a reason why all our productions are
carried to markets in foreign bottoms.
there is a reason why our part of the
carrying trade of tbe world has been
lost. There are plain reasons why
American productions are being mule
to contribute to build up the navies of
Kurope. If the toiling artisans and
farmers of Oregon would deliberate but
for a moment, they would be convinced.
The folly lies st tho door of the Repub
lican party ,and it boldly avows its pur
pose to continue it. In tho first place,
its tariff laws navo so discouraged ship
building sonoe a great industry in this
country that it has virtually ceased.
The shipyards along the Atlantio sea
board whero thousand of men were con
stantly em ploy ud, are idle now and
deserted. Our flag which once vied
with tbe flags of every msratime nation
under the sun in honorable competition
for the proSts of commercial adventure,
no more gladdens the hearts of Ameri
cans abroad, and is seldom seen in our
own ports unless it is displayed at the
aaatbead of a revenue cutter.or flaunts
lazilv in the breeze from some navel
structure of the ante Mium days, eon
veyiog at public expense tbe family el
some Republican functionary to the
fashionable resorts of Newport or Cafe
May ! And to make it perfectly certain
that American capital and enterprise
shall no more engage in commercial
a as a e
adventure mat American commerce
shall eti.-,li. No foreign built ship,
though purchased by an American and
manned by our own sailors, can receive
an American register or carry our flag,
Tbe Republican party is renponsiblo for
these unreasonable and oppressive mess
ures, and it proposes to continue end
uphold them.
A few greedy capitalists control its
councils and direct its policy, and
through its agency no redress is prom
ised or can be exported. It is thn an
tbor of these infamies and tt will not
confess its errors by retracing its steps.
Hermann is pledged to the prase
order of things. Ho is th ; tool of the
monopolists. He promises no change
and if be did would be powerless to
accomplish it. Why not, then, elect
Jobn Myers t He is honest and capa
ble. All agree that a riht about face
is necessary. Tbe duty is upon us.
Let the partisan be lost sight of fcr
once, and let us perform a greet and
patriotic duty. The sooner it is done
tbe sooner will tbe Oregon forests be
wrought into a merchant marine, and
the riches of commerce till our ports
with new life. Let us cease to ponder
to tee behests of a sou Ilea, ear acting,
selfish, grinding monopoly, and for once
try to take care of our own interests.
Mr. Wolverton hss caused to be
published an affidavit from Mrs. Mc
Coaoell to the effect that ever since
the death of her husband he has been
her attorney, and that he acted In
good faith when be permitted the
will of Mr. McConnell to be set aside.
But tola does net satisfy the people.
Mr. Wolverton was the attorney ef
Mr. McConnell in his life time, and
wrote his will and witnessed It
After tho death of Mr. McConnell, as
attorney for Mrs. McConnell, who was
the executor of tbe will, be drew np
tbe petition to have the will proba
ted, and it was proved by bis ovn
rath. When the proof was denied be
those who attacked tho will, the
whole matter was allowed to go by
default, and his own oath set aside.
As, before stated, Mr. Wolverton was
the attorney of Mr. McConnell in his
life time and wrote his will,and then
allowed that will to be set aside after,
wards. This then brings up tbe
question as to whether Mr. Wolver
ton was true to Mr. McConnell as bis
attorney. Mr. Wolverton utterly
ignores this matter, and many Re
publicans will not vote for bim on
this account, but will vote for Mr.
Messrs Weatherford, Montanye and
Biack are successfully carrying the
democratic banner to victory once more.
Tbe Republicans are driven to the wall
on every occasion. The democratic
majority will be larger than it was two
years ago.
Mr. Leaver, Republican candidate
for state Senator, in bis speech boldly
declared at Halsey that all those demo
crats and republicans in Congress who
refuse to reduce tbe tariff are scoundrels.
How do our Repoblican friends like
What do you think of a Democrat
who is now holding an office to wbioh
be was elected by Democrats, going
around over tbe county attempting to
defeat Democratic candidates? Every
body says he is in small business, i
Now that the election Is near at hand
and before another issue of this paper
will have past, it is wsll that every one
should look to it and see that no fraud
ulent or illegal voting is done on next
Monday by either party, for upon the
purity of the ballot dspends ths perpet
uity of our institutions. Tbe people
are as muoh interested in a fair billot
as in a fsir count after tbe votes are all
pn the ballot boxes. We therefore give
below the law touching the qualifies
tions of the voters in this state.
1. In order to be entitled to vote for
any state offiosr, the elector must have
been a resident of the state for a period
of six months, neat proceeding the elec
tion (being absent for a temporary pur
pose would not disqualify bim.)
2. To be entitled to vote for any
county oflioer, tbe elector must have
been a resident of ths state for six
months, and of the county for ninety
days next proceeding tbe election, (be
ing absent for a temporary purpose doea
Tbe electors must vote in tbe pre
cinots where they reside for all county
and precrnot officers. Aotusl residence
in a precinct is sll that is required. No
partieular length of time is necessary
Section 12 of tbe statutes on pegs
568 resds as follows :
Section 12. "The Judges of election,
In determining the residence of persons
offering to vote, shell be governed by
the following roles, so far as tbe same
may be applicable :"
1. "Tbe place shall be considered and
held to the residence of a person, in
which bis habitation is fixed, snd to
which, whenever he is absent, be hss
the intention of returning."
2. "A person shall not be considered
or held to have lost bis residence who
shall leave bis heme snd go into anoth
er stats or territory or county of this
state for a temporary purpose, with an
w m a
intention of returning."
3. "A person shall not be considered
or held to have gained a residence in
any county of this state into which he
shell come for temporary pur
merely, without tbe intention of making
said county bis home, but with the in
Itntion of lesving tbe same when be
shall hsve accomplished the business
that brought him iato it."
4. "If a person removes to any other
State or sny of the territories, with tbe
intention of msking it bis permanent
residence, be should be considered and
held to have lost bis residence in tbe
5. "The place where a married mans
family reside shall be considered snd
held to his residence."
6. "If a person shall go from this
state into any other state or territory,
and there exercise the right of suffrage
be shall be considered and bold to have
lost his residence in this state."
These are the provisions of the stat
nte and all persons and judges of elec
tion should see that they are faithfully
executed, for where there is no registry
law, unless a great deal of caution is
exercised, there will be more or less
illegal voting. A look out should also
be kept for repeating. Some persons
vote as often as they get an opportuni
ty. In small cities snd in oountry
precincts there is net so much trouble
about this, but in Portland there is a
good chance for repeaters. Let ail be
wide awake on election day.
Remember, that If Flinn should be
elected Supreme Judge the court would
then be made up entirely of Republi
cans. It would be nothing but fair
that tbe Democrats should be represen
ted on the Supreme Bench, hence many
Republicans will vote for Thayer
Thayer himself believes our courts
should be non-political. He proved
his profession in 1878 by appointing
Judge Boise to the Supreme bench
when he might have appointed a Dem
ocrat. Ho also had to appoint five cir
cuit Judges, and made up the list by
appointing two Democrats, two Inde
pendents snd one Republican. This
shows that Mr. Thayer is a very con
sewative, liberal man and would adorn
the Supreme bench of the State.
mmm '
The lower House of Congress is Dem
ocratic and will, in all probability, re
main so far msny years. It is far bet
ter for Oregon to have a Representative
in Congress who is in harmony with the
majority of that body, for then we may
be able to get far more favorable legis
lation than we would if we had a Rep
resentative who belonged to the minor
ity. For this reason, the people with
out respect to party should join in and
sleet honest. John Myers. He is the un
strervering friend of the people, and
stands squarely by tbe people to ward
off tbe encroachments ef the monopoly
power upon the rights of the people.
Tbe Republicans of this county are
demoralized and fighting each other like
dogs and oats. It is said Flinn 'a friends
will "knife" wolverton and Wolverton's
friends will "knife" Flinn. The war is
bitter and unrelenting. An Albany
Republican makes a fearful attack upon
Wolverton in the Salem Vidette and
straightway the friends of Wolverton
suspicion a Flinn man of doing it and
this adds fuel to the fire and thus the
Ught goes bravely on.
J H. Peery is a clear headed man
and one whose honesty is beyond ques
tion. Ae County, Treasurer he proved
himself a good and faithful servant, snd
the people have called him to coma up
higher. He will make a useful mem
ber of the Legislature.
A Democratic Legislature means
freedom from the dictation of the
Portland rlngsteri ; ft means the
malntalnaoco ef the principle of tbe
mortgage tax law ;.lt means lower
freights and fares ; It means that un
just discriminations by transportation
Hoes must be stopped ; It moans a
simple tariff for revenue ; ft means
tbe election of a Democratic Senator
to help accomplish these beneficent
ends ; It means that the poor labor -
ng man shsll pay less and the mil
looalre more taxes ; It means that
taxation ought to fall moro upon the
wealth than upon the labor of tho
country ; It moans a renewal of com
morclal life and a prosperity that Is
not meretricious and fitful. Many
noble Republicans are fighting In eur
ranks now to assist us In accomplish
ing these ends. They have lost all
hope of being able to accomplish any
thing through tho Mgency of their
own party, and do not propose to wait
always. They are now helping us.
' long pull, a strong pull and a pull
altogether beys."
Next Monday is elect I m dsy. Then
the farmer will say whether bo wants
a farmer cr lawyer to represent us In
congress. If you want a man who
will bo the mere tool of Dolph and
the Portland ring, then voto for
Hermann. If you want a man who
will be faithful to your interests as
Slater has been, voto for Myers.
Hermann wilt betray you as George
did. The leader, of the Republican
party are bound to stand with the
railroad and money power, snd Her
mann will be compelled to do so even,
though he should want to do other
wise. Weatherford, Montanye
and Black met and overcome tbelr
Republican competitors at Hhedd,
Halsey and Harr'sburg. M r. Leever,
the leader on tho Republican side, Is
completely lost and demoralized on
the tariff question. It Is really amos.
log to see him squirming and dodg
ing oo tbat questloo. One moment
he is In favor of a high tariff to catch
the high tariff voter, and the cext he
la In favor of a low tariff to catch that
large class of voters who are opposed
to being robbed to make the rich
manufacturer richer.
Tho agent of tbe ''ring" at Port
land has paid a visit to this city this
week, and brought mon jy here te
use corruptly in the election. This Is
no scare, bat we warn Democrats to
look out as the briber Is abroad In the
land. They have sent money to Bon
ton, Lane, Polk, Douglas, Yamhill
and Linn. Tbe practices of four years
ago are to bo resorted to again. Let
us spot the man who would resort to
such base purposes.
ITon. G. K Chamberlain, Democratic
candidate for Prosecuting Attorney spoke
here on Wednesday, he made a very
6oeimpresBton as a man of firmness,
business, energy aud fitness for tbe pos
ition for which hs is running. Hi
qualifications and tbe impression he
made here will give him a good support
from those who met him. A good care
ful and efficient Prosecuting Attorney
can save a county a great deal of ex
pense, and Mr. Chamberlain is the msn
for that purpose Oregon Register,
Mr. Woiverton falls In his speeches
to refute the very serious charges
brought against him In the Salem
Vidette of last week. He should not
count too much en Republicans vot
ing for him, simply because he 1 on
the ticket, for that day Is past. The
people without regard to party want
a clean man for the office of District
Attorney, and Mr. Wolverton owes
it to tbe people and himself as well to
publicly explain away this matter.
The most contemptible thing we
have ye: met in this campaign is the
baseless charge made by tbe Oreyo
nUn against John Myers, that he
rides all over the country oo tbe rail
roads on a free pass. The writer of
this article has personal knowledge
that the Oregonian'e charge is a false
hood manufactured out of whole
If you want to vote against the
woman suffrage amendment, exam
ine the lower end of your ticket and
write the word "No" in the blank
space beneath the words, "First
Amendment to State Constitution."
And if yea want to vote for it write
the word "Yes" in tbe blank space.
Be careful hew you vote.
"Boss" Dolph and "me too"Oeorge
seem likely to coma to grief early.
Their attempt to put their collar on
Marshall was a failure, and Is likely
to result in the election of the entire
Independent ticket in Portland, which
would prove very disastrous to the
Horace Farwell is a most excellent
man to take charge of tbe County Treas
urer's office. He is a farjner of good
character and strict honesty. The boys
are going to whoop him up with a big
Look out for fraudulent and forged
certificates, statements, and affida
vits. The enemy are spreading and
publishing them all ever the country.
Pay no attention to them.
Mr. T. J. Biaok is a strong advocate
of the mortgage tax law and is making
hosts of friends on his canvass.
Kditart Democrat :
Tbe approaching election Is near st
band. I would like to say a few
words In rogard to tho candldscy of
lion. John Myers. If a person knows
how a man stands at home he will
know whether he Is a safe man to
vote for or not. Well, It Is all very
well to sll down and listen to a dis
cussion by a candidate. But no one
can understand a man so well as his
neighbors. I must ssy right hero
that John Myers is the friend of the
laboring man and farmer, as we, who
live near him, well knew from ex
perience. He Is always ready to give
a helping hand in case of need to any
of his neighbor, whether they be
Democrats, Republlcsns,green backers
or ant monopolists, we an agree
that John Myers Is the very man to
represent us In congress, and will all
voto for him without regard to party.
I am not a party man, but when a man
with his good qualities is put up 1
vote lor hlra. We know John Myers
wilt work for the interest of working
men and farmers as well as all others,
henco we will all support him with
out regard to party attachments.
Clackamas Co., May 20, '84.
FaoM His Neigiihoii.
Judge Whitney's record In the lsst
Legislature ss a member of the
House from this county, meets the
approval of the people. Kvery meas
ure of economy and every bill in the
Interests of the. people had his cordial
support. lie Is the author of the bin
reducing tho foes of clerks and sher
iffs, which goo into effect In July.
His long experience st the Bar hss
made him lamiliar with all tho de
tails of business, and he is Just the
man for the office of County Judge,
and ought to receive a rousing ma
jority. With Whitney as County
Judge and Condra and Myers as
Commissioner, the county's finances
will be most carefully guarded.
Hon. J. K. Weatherford' canvass
for the Senate seems to be a walk
over. Ills opponent refuses to take
Issue with him on sny point con
cedes all of bin poitlOM to b Nffaat,
thus demonstrating that there is na
excuse why said opponent should be
In the fluid at all. Republican who
expected him to sustain their prind
pies are disgusted with bim.
George E. Chamberlain it in ikng
hosts of friend wherever ho goes.
He is tho right msn to mske an able
and fearless District Attorney. There
now seems no doubt of his election.
T. J. Blsck's speeches are helping
our cause wherever bo coeu. Clear
and compact In statement, with
keen appreciadon of the wants of the
people, hi term of service In the
Legislature 1 bound to be honorable
to himself and useful to them.
We think every Democrat after doe
coaeideration will arive at the conclus
ion tbat we have not a man on the tick
et that should not be elected. If there
are any who are disposed to "scrath"
they will regret having done so within
a month after the election.
It is time lost to us te stop to recom
mend Harvey She! ton as eminently fit
for tho Legislature, lie has been ttied
in that otfice before and was ever a
faithful official. The eole will elect
bim without question.
The indication aro tbat tbe woman
suffrage amendment will be defeated in
this county by from 600 to 1000 votes.
Differences among our Republican
friends in this city have ai last come
to blows. This ! too bad. We hope
It will not be necessary to increase tbe
police force.
Look out for bogua- tickets. We are
told they will be scattered among tbe
voters at tbe pull. Kxamine your
ticket and Hen that all names are Dem
We are move! to say tbat from what
we can see of tbe political outlook that
every Democrat oo tbe county ticket
will be elected.
Remember the Presidential election
comes off this fall and it behooves Dem
ocrats to make a good showing at tbe
election next Monday.
Look at that thket closely and oee
tbat it is not bogus. There are reports
tbat such tickets are now prepared and
that tbsy will be scattered in outside
lOtt b ILK
Improved farms in Linn and Lane
counties in the heart of the finest farming
district west ef the Kocky mountains. For
particulars address orcall on
A. Wbselkr,
Sliedd, LI an Oo , Or.
Naaey te Loan
We are now prepared to make loans ia
any sums desired on improved farm land in
Linn and Bontoa counties for any length of
time not less than on year.
Burkii mi r Bros.
for Sale.
A Mae mare, 4 years eld, 16 hands high,
broke te work both singlo and doable, first
class in every respect. Inquire at once o
Burkhart Bros.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given the co-partnership
heretofore existing between L Senders and M
Sternberg, under the firm name and style of
Senders k Sternberg, of Albany is this day
dissolved. All indebted to said firm either
by account or note are requested to come
and settle at once. The books are kept at
the old stand and all accounts not paid with
in thirty days will be placed in the hands of
an Attorney for collection.
April 1st 18S4.
Segrnaas & Stekssero.
Builders and Farmers
nomorek?eW.n door8
n M i IP n. - JHK
The hunger has a projecting Hp snd is used
rack when put up an uliown, MM Hi not
For Sale by
We have a large lot of these machines now on hand which nan be seen at the Salt,
marah Drug 'Mote building. Tbe machine baa many
Patented by Mr, Eeterlv (bat rann-ot be bad on other machines. Of tbe old binder
47 part baa been left out and oijly 7 pieces doea tbe work thus makiag it tbe
and can be operated bj anyone not experienced in running machinery
The Raising and Lowering Device
(Eatarly'a patent) by which the driver can, with one lever, raise and lower tbe entire
machine, and at tbe same time, with ft and tbe tilting lever, fairly "sfcsve tbe
ground" or ut a stubble nearly two reet nigh, without leaving dm
whioh le of great value and aavea time. We will keep a large
lot of extra of every part of theae machine on
Thr (iMrrfctTioJ h natron, .
i nr1" th'jp
nk )n hw Baa t lrto tht defy
.(MrttUob. TM
rwu Ml 11 kliuts of Urm j.r ijaot u nr .o. adaia wil !n to radnee
iu yowl Mock i w( . timber u hand, m4 U rHvtaf a lot cf Zaatern
m4 will b tJoMwl toMthU old Iriwdi and aa many new eoec M wiah to r
kttaal bcc.nmcoa that be mran. V AocxxH? what
rutins- heel., old prW per eat,
jSl aad Felloe pnoo
Hickory Ailetrcere. priea
Vaon Tuefe7prU
Warm IVdatem. price
Aod ererj-thinif atae in tbe
guaranteed aa represented
Un old Stand,
Nobth RtovMims, Oa., April So, Ut.
lew Baokeya
Work eaj
throws a eoa
aianl stream.
Man Parclala
nrd Cyllattdor
Is vaally
Is the etaeapcMt
asa the beat
Force rump la
the world lor
deeper shallow
Thonaand ia
use la every part
at the I uitfd
Jever freeaee
ia ttae winter.
Nend for eirca-
1.. and nrlrfH.
SAT V Vf U'finn PUMPS. UUSr. ri'
ahSfa on hind and VuVn abed to order.
walk U
State Strtet. between Commercial and FroQl
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court o the State of Oregon,
or the County of Linn .
Jerry Hay, Plaintiff )
vs. V
M C Unin pus, Defendant J
and order of sale issued out of t he
above named Court in the above entitled
action to me directed and delivered, I will
on Saturday the 2lst day of June, 1884, at
the Court House doer in the city of Al
bany, Linn county, Oregon at tbe hour of
10 o'clock, a. m., sell at public auction for
csh In hand to tbe btgnest bidder tbe
real property heretofore attached in said
execution and described as follows, to
wit : Commencing at a point 10 chains
and 87 links 89 west from tbe northeast
earner of W A Foregys donation land
olaim, thencs north 4cnaln 18 links;
thence south 8U west fi ; tbenoe
south 4 ohalns and 18, ; thence
north 89 east eighty links to .'ie place of
beginning containing one third of an acre
mere or less being iu township 15 south of
range 4 west, tbe above described lend
lying and being in the city of Harrisburg,
county of Linn .State of Oregon,
The proceeds of sale to be applied first
to the payment of tbe costs and disburs
ments taxed at $31.85 and' accruing cots
next to the payment to the plaintiff the
sum of $252.45 with interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 10th
day of March, 1881.
Dated May 23rd, 1884.
Gao. Humphrey,
Sheriff of Lion county. Or.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
to the undersigned are respectfully request
ed to call at once for settlement, as 1 mu.U
make collections to meet my own obligations
A disregard of this notice will entail costs
on debtors,
Chas. B. Moptaucs.
Lebanon, Nov. 6th, J 883,
Twe building lots fenced near depot.
One house and lot on Third Street. Ono
house and lot en Lyon Street, Inquire at
this office,
Thin cut represents tbe Terr Wrought
Irion Hanger, and teotlon of Wrought
Kail, in position. Tbe rail is far auperior
l'o any now in oae It never dfeayn or
Iwarps, in always in good order.
nd mow, iee cheff or dirt cannot
tecum ula's on lbs track, an is the case
with caat rail. It require no abed over it,
and any ene can put it up 1 be rail la
made of one by 3-16 inch Wrought Iron,
in six and sight foot strips. Tbe support
are twelve m;heaart. and tregaari
tcd to bold the heaviest door.
with wooden strip. It cannot get off tbe
Albany, Oregon,
and i
aee us.
at the W stand.
MilMcribcr beir.j
be aai :
28 00 New prtoc S:8 00
U - " SS
7 00 - - SS
3 00 1 SS
2 00 " " It
Z VJ l Hi
work tnaeee ad and fbwiorlal. ard
Best door at J V Arthur' Mai t itb abop
hi iiuii i MatStlL raaflSarTdMl
hia price te sail the itmca He
way vie., the. P. R R.
iu him a eaJl. Read the follow.
General Agents for
Bass la
Will not
wiar mm
, i i vr alu rv lo
Parties desiring any article in ouf line
P1" business on
&aieaa, uregon.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State eOregem, Jbr
Linn county.
The First National Bank, of Albany, Ore.
gun, Plaintiff.
PAPnntonandC 8 Prettm, his wife,
and order of sale issued out of the
ve named court, in tbe above entitled
suit, to me directed and delivered, I will
on Saturday the 7th day of Juno, 1884, ai
the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at
the Court House door in the city ef Albany,
Lluu county, Oregnn , at public auc
tion for cash in hand to the highest MJ
der, the mortgaged premises described in
said order of sate as follows, to-wit : Be
ginning at the southwest corn or of Simoon
D Earl's donation land claim in Tp 12, S
R, 5 west, running thence west 10 60
chains ; thence noith 88, east 10-10 chains;
thence sooth 11-30 chains ; tbenoe west
10 chaius to tbe plare of beginning, con
taining 10-05 acres ; also 38-25 acres in the
southeast corner ofthedoiat ion land clim
of Isaac Moore, described as follows : Be-
5 inning at the southwest corner of the
onation land claim of Simeon D Earl in
Tp 12, S R 5 west, running thence north
10 64 chains to the south side of the county
road; thence north 73, west 11 chains;
thence south 19 45 west 18 chains ; thence
sooth 3ff west 15 51 chains ; thence south
76 30' east 5-25 ohalns te the Willamette
River j thence north 33 east 5 50 chains ;
(hence north SO east 9 chains j thence
north 40 east 7 chains ; thence north 2-9S
chains to the place of beginning,all of said
lands and premises lying and being in
Linn county, Oregon, The proceeds of
sale to be applied first to tbe payment of
the costs and disbursments of suit taxed
$25.75 and accruing costs. Second to the
payment to the plaintiff the sum of $S0
Attorney's fees and the further sum of
$779,75 and interest thereon at the rate of
ten per cent per annum from March 11th
1884, and the overplus if anv to be paid to
the said defendants, C S Preston and P A
Preston their heirs or assigns.
Dated this 9th day of May, 1884.
Geo. Humphrey,
Sheriff of Linn couuty.
A large lot of grain, saes at private
sale in lots to salt purchaser;. E jquire
of Geo. HcMFhbxy,