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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1884)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Bono r rat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING1 MEDIUM II THE WILLAMETTE YALLET. Spo lal bijfiiess notices in Loss! Col umooe 1 cents for line. Kegel ar Leca ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & XI TTING. CIESOFFICE"H Democrat llaildlMgun Breadalblu Street. Stow Eights . v uviiiq ivr line. For legal a no transient adtertle meats I 00 jer squsre for ths first insertion, an ) eon's pit tqusrs for each suoseqeen insertlo n Rates for other advsrtisements msds nown on application. THK REST MB OV TSK r At r. "too you know that after twsnty-five years' experiecce under the skylight," TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ingle cop. W J1"' m sdvanee....... . single o ny, pr year, at wiJ of year single c )y. st month inif is 0'i'.v, ilirec month. Kiim!i number. H H 8 00 1 60 76 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 30,.1884. SO 4i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L, VLXNN. O. K. CHAMBKHLAIW. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. "Office in Foster's Uriels Block.". v!5nl8tf. it. S. ATTOKXEY AT Li AW. Albany. Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this Stole. V, ill give special attention to collections mid probate matter. , , . lfW Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf "lThTmontanyb. ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Bripfrs store, 1st street. vHnSStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PCUUC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, tlRVW. OfctXOV tlfTlX PRACTICE IS ALLTHEOUKTStOFTItK Y State Special attaniUon given t. -Election ud probate matter CTOAm n Odd Msssrs Temple. P:S r. c povkll w- "invar "OWEI.I. & 151 17V EU, .TTORMEYS T LAW. Aid Solictors io ronLV Oollecirtns promptly made on all points. Loans neirttatel on reasonable terms. ("Office in Foster's DlUu vl4nl9rf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney Ani CounsBllor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, 08EC0H, Will practice in all of th Onswta of tbLsState All huine Intrusted to MSB will be promptly attended to COffl'K in OTtole''B!ock. E. W. LANGOOH & CO., OHI'GCiHiT. Books. Ktationerv and oilet Articles, A Laree Stock and Low Prices. OITT TDTlTJOr STORE, StI 4LBtM.O2Et,0. FOSHAY & MASON, VBOlfUIl ASD R.STA1L Druggists and Booksellers, ALBWY, OBEGOSf. Tl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. S bavin 2 done with. neatness and sharp razor, "which are always kpt in g i condition, and hair cut in the very best style. J9H3 SCHIIEER. LITEM, FEED AKD SALE STABLE. Albany "Oregon. Ho-ees kept on reasonable terms. Horses and busies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. SAX wa vim LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCHANISFNG BUSI NESS. Bke, tea and Japanese goods. LaUies underclothes, told at bottom prices Contractor lor China labor. tarSext to City Bank. ENG TENG. Has washine and ironing in -the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere Hune. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest bi'.lard hall in ib city. I will also Mil real estate, merchaa iise household goods, ate., at auction for any one in tte cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6t SAM COHEN- SCI6 BISHESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DULY. T EA LER8 IN CLOCKS AND WATCH I I RS. Kpcu a full lire of jewelry Wtches and clocks repaired in first-clast- order. SCIO - - OREGON. W. M. MORROW, TThEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, I 1 copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIQ - - OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. TTEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE fAMh candies, nuts, ant all kiuds of confectionarias, tobacco, cgars, etc., etc. Cash paid for proauce oi ai kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, hats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. DORRES, Bridge BniMer AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. -aVTOTICE OV PUBLIC LE TTINGS SO- LICITED. Plans and .specifications i urnished on short notice. D o iT Forget H ! WOOD'S IMPROVES BIK DER,W00D'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, The words ".a Belle" In French mean "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, A NIX All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments k6?t by the underaipod. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Agent for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRIKK & SON. (Successors to) DdimaiB, Woodiii & Fisher, M .nti -t uirt and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that thev manufacture to order, and will keep conVuntly on nana, a complete stock of ail ded table lines of FURlVrJL'U BE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGN KD wish ess iu inform the public that he is now pre- . . . . m - m. i t t pared to no all kinus oi stone ana marine work on short notice. All work is war ranted to (five satisfaction, will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning. r..irini rittincr a srteclaltv. Call and examine my prices before pnrchas. Ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. 9 hop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post omce. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physiciari and Surgeon. prOfTire and residence in Mcll wsin's Block. Albany, Oregon. NEW BARBER SHOP. tf. JA(KS0N - - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shavin and hair dresaing done in first class at;.e. Firat-clsss beth rooms. Bath for adies and gentlemen ( all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE. Coraes First aad Ellsworth Albaay, Oregon. Cha Pfeiffer, Prop'r. X Oi. s3 w H"i a aw t-n wy - ' J npplied with the beat the market affords. Spring Tki. Msaesa- HaIJ la A nn In flrtt MftJM at via TnilM Beds in every itooin. a gooa oaoipie tvxjwa ior lllSiiiil Travelers. TFree Caaeb to aad from the Hotrl."M MISS EMMA SCHUBERT. MILLINERY AHD DRES8-MABI6, Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRS. L W. Si MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O REGON. Offer their professional services to the citizens of Clnn and adjacent courjtics. Office and residence ier Court II juse. Call at Lanjdon and Go's Drug Store. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democbaa office. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNISO & CO., PROPR'S NEW FBOCE88 FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest IFrioe In Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office at. residence on First Street be ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon fc Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. mi AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlila poetler necr varies. A marvel of purls' y, trei'gtn snd whlitnna Mors 8SSRSS1 leal than tba c rdlnwr atmls, and ennot bo sold in iuitlUoii a lib the mulUtnd on l Uat, -u -n walicbt, alum or lhbat) Hiwdors. S-M only In can. KwVAL UAkiao t'ownaaC'o. lOo Wall B'.rocl, N. Y. A Positive Cure for Every Form of the Skin and Blood disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. Tl!il S VMS : l.KTlKKS.n . ;:r rr lt thi. attirv ; I naa ban a terrible .uSort-r tor years wllb lllood and Skin liumuri; havo bran ohlijrad to abun nubile lacra by icaaun ( my dia fiKurinx humors ; hwabad the boat byalciaiM . hao apant bundrada oil tlollara and rt nu raal reliaf until I uaad tbo t'uttt-ura KeaoUeot, thu new HI.--I fuiill ar. Internally, ami Cuttnira and CuUcura Hoar, the (iraat Skin Cures and Skin ileauttftors, externally, wblrh have curod luc and left my akin and bkiod as pur as a child's. ALMOSr INCURABLE. Jarnea K RlrhartlaoM. i'utotu llottae. New Orlcan., on uatb, says. In IH70 CI. era broke nut n my body until 1 was a mas ul corrnp Uon. Kver) thing knoarn to the tnodlcal faculty aa trtd in vain. 1 became a mere arrscir. At tlmee could not lift my bands to my bead, could not torn In bed ; eras In constant pain, ami looked upn life as a curse. No relief or cure in ten years. In laSO I hear. I .f the I'uUcura Bcmrdlsa, used tbem aad was perfectly cured. Sworn to before V 8. Com. J. IV CltA WFORP. STILL WORF SO Will nrnoaaltl. ttaarbnrn Street. ( htao rroalcfully aek now ledges a care of Ecacma, or halt khsum. on bead, neck, face, arms, and legs for sevsnteen years ; not a Ma to a.ove, except on haiids atd knees, for one year ; not able to help himself for etgbt years . tried hundreds of rnnedtee ; doctors prouounce bis case hopeless, petroauattlly cured by the Culicura llcuudies. MORE WONDERFUL YET. n. K- Carpenter. HsasJawasa, N. V., cured of lsoriaeis or Leproav, f twenty years stand in a, by Cutictira Remedies The most wonderful core on record . A duataxnf ut of seals foil from h. tn dally, fhjsiciana and hta friends tbou'it lie must die. Uurs aw of b to icfore a luatloe of iTs ' peace aad Itstv lerai.n's most ; -ominent eltlaeas DOWT WAIT. Writ la us 1st these testimonials in ttM m tend dire-1 Lo the parties. All are absolutely una and given without our knoa !edye or a.dlcltatina. Don't wait. Now is the time la cure every species of Itch ing. Scaly, Pimply, Scrofulous. Inherited. nitagious. and Copper colore! hiacascs of the itiood. Skin and Scalp with loss of hair Sold by all drugtlsta I'rirc : Cnilrnra, &O rents ; Resolvent. $1 ; Sip, c ila I'oUcr Iru- and II. ll.i :. til., IVfSlotl, PC AIITV ''f lb'tSh. np, rl and Oil, Skin Dls.RU I I lilacs heads, an.l .nkln blemishes. use CuUcura S p. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND huiiim: SHOP. KKT.1BLIHHED 1665. By A. K. CHERRY, qtuated at corner of Fimt and Montgomery Streets Allmny, Oregen. Hsvini ta.kftn eha.rvnf the above named Work, we are prepared to manufketure Steam Enirinea, Haw and Griat Mill, Wnofi-wnrkinfr Mahinerv. Purnnn. Iron and Brass Cantings of every desv ription. MfLohinerv of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. Pattern Making doae la all Its form. 18:1 lyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral, Ko other complaints are so Insidious In their attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by th ma.lorlty of suffer ers. The ordinary cough or oold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or uusosasiou ex posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. Aykk'h f . k v I'EcroaAi. boa wt 11 proven its cfBcacjr in a forty years' tight with throat and lung diseases, msmI should be taken in all eases without delay. A Terrlblo Cough Cuved. " In imi 1 i',k a severe cold, whtob affected my lungs. I nail a u-muii: loMgh, hiiu nUlil aftor muni witliont s!ep. Jas doitini gave me up. 1 tried Avkk'm Onaaar i'ac Toit.vL, wsnek relieved St; lungs, indoeed bsjsp, an I iilPtr i d wr ilo rest nssfsssry o? lite ncivi'.y i j ueiigth. By the c..;. to II. ! iims ol l i'l IiUAL a I rruK ii. i.t cu.e n'aa esTeetoaL 1 am now tn yeais old, liale and hearty, and uin suUslled yeaf ClIKUHY i'KCloK.M. caved me. 1 1 1 ilt Ai 'K H A I H HUOT Ell." Itockiughatn, Vt., July 15, 1MS2. Croup. A Mother's Tribute. " While in the country last winter my llttlo buy, tliree years old, was taken ill with eruup; it seemed as if be would die from straugo latieu. one of the family v,easA Hie use Of AVKK'S CHKKRY PSCTOaata, H bottle of which was always kept In the house. 'litis was tried in small and frequent doses, him! lo our delight iu less than half au hour the latle patient was breatliing easily. The doe tor said that the CMKitKY PKITOBAJ. had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, Mus. Emma Oijdkev." 169 West 12th St., New York, May 10, li-f-2. "I have used Ay Kit's Cherby Pectoral in my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effeelui) remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. CRANK." Lake Crystal, Miun., March 13, 1882. " I suffered for eight yenrs f roiu Bronchitis, and alter trying mam remedies with no sue cess, 1 was cured by the use of A v Kit's CMmi uy Pectoral. Jobkimi Waldks." Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. I oannot say enough in praise of Atvr'a Cherry Pectoral, believing as I do that but for its use I should long since havo died from lung troubles. K. Bbaopon.' Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of the thro lungs exists which cannot be greatly reli by the use of Ayeb's Cherry Pectou-., and it will always cure when the disease 13 not already beyond the control of modieiuo. PREPARED by Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. aiii;to lkttkk (Kresa our regular oorrtspuntlont.) WiMKiiMitt, May 10th, 1884. Thcro have been throe great crowdi on the floor and In the gallertea of the Houae of RepreBentaUvea during the preaent session of Congroaa. The flrat aaaemhled on tho opening day to aee Mr. Carlhle take poaeaalon of the 8peuker'a chair the next on thelaal flay of the Pita John Porter bill de bate ; and the third and largeat came on hit Tn cm lay, the day on which the fate of the Morrlaon Tariff bill was decided. A large proportion of tttV visitors were elegantly dressed Udler. The hrighl eolora ef thtdr costumes and hundreds of flattering fana, red, whltc.nnd I lue, aravo a fine effect to the scene. The question hung In doubt until tho last moment, the Tar. Iff revision men apparently having the advantage during the early part of the day. The closing apeechea were made successfully by Repreaon tttive Hsndail, Blackburn, Kaaaon, aad tho father of the measure. While Mr. RMndxIl read Ms defence from manuscript, the Hnuso was silent and attentive. His manner and voice were both Indicative of embarrass ment. He said, Judging from the in temperate lauguago and exsgerated rhetoric that hsd so frequently mark eJ the debate it would seem as if those engaged lo Industrial pursuits were rotbers and outlaws. They were in fact, no mean part el the business of the country, and were entitled to the protection ef the law. They were a part of the resourcoa of the nation, end to develop these resources was a test of true statesmanship. Mr. Black burn spoke at length en the other aide saying, In conclusion, he hoped, In the near future there would be brought to the lieuse enough of en llgbtment, of patriotism and of pro gress to repudiate the bigotry that disgraced politics in the thane of pro t - tion. Ufa K neon n od a record geJoel tlx bill, and the Ualrmac of tin Ways and Means committee then made the last contribution to the great debite.a When he concluded, the galleries drew a long breath of bad alr,and Members rushed from all parts of the Hall to grasp Mr. Morrl- .. . I 1 ..J 1.1 I ion's hand and congratulate him on his manner of closing a lung, brave fight. Whenord r was restored he nil.. . t.i'i . . . 1 .. . 1 . 1 1 unw si uio 011 w. rwmu nuu uioro fol lowed a moments pause of intense suspense. Mr. Converse an Ohio Democrat who had walked down 4 thebamfiho House, thin made tho motion to strike out tho enacting clso, which wss received with ap- pi use by the KepubiicinM, and with 1 1 i f . a- .a a a . t sum iiis-cs ,,y 1.10 iemocrats nuu too cH-eupants of the Diplomatic gallery. Ml asers Converse and Morrlnon being ssaUMd to act as tellers, the former took hi position on the Democratic side, but Mr. Morrison good natured ly shoved him over to the other side telling him that waa where he belong. ed. The flrat man to paaa through lo the negative was Representative Rea- m sm a a a a 1 t gan, of Texas, who had been brought in on an Invalid chair in order to cast his vote. He was heartily applauded by his friends. When all the other names had been called, the Speaker said, "the clerk will call my name." It waa called and as Mr. Carlisle voted "no" he too was loudly adplauded. He then said tho vote on the pending bill Is 159 yeas to 155 nsys, and the bill is defeated. Cheers and hisses sgoin resounded from every part ef the Hall. Chairman Morrison yield ing gracefully to the inevitable, walk ed smiling to hisseat,aud Members be gan to lesve the chamber, many of them expressing the opinion that u final adjournment would be had lu June. Some thought in the latter part, others, during the first days of the month. The Democratic friends of th maaure sav thev sre bv no means cast down by the result, wd that the fight for revenue reform has only begun. The SDriner committee decline to grant Kx-Senator Kellog's request for an InvefltiMtlnn of hia eaa. hut nro- pose to investigate the conduct of the officials of the Government in his pros ecution. After four months the House com mittee on Elections has decided to al low Representative O'Ferrall to take his seat, and the seventh Virginia district can bo congratulated on hav- ing a vote hereafter In tne Forty, eighth Congress. Fifteen hundred doctors are now holding a convention in this city and talking about diseases. The Araerl- can Forestry Congress Is also here for the Presidency is one of the most ill talking about preserving and planting advised and untimely steps that we have trees. The House of Representatives yet seen on tha part ot any Democrat Is discussing a new .National library, or Republioan. The truth hardly need and the Senate which has talked all week about new ships has adjourned and will talk no more until Monday. The Tolede "Blade" says that oae brewer in Toledo "boasts that he owns 131 salooaf?, and that he controls tbe votes tf ' the saloon-keepers TUB St"lHKMK Jl WCSlflP. Halm, On., Majr Gib, 1884. En HraisTKR Parmit tue thtough four columus, to say a word to the people of Yamhill county with refsr snce to the elroiiutt of a Bupretr.e Judge. There is no politics io the .-flics, and the csodidste mho osssssss the lsat qualifleations for the poi isn ahould be sleeted. When lbs law 01 eating a sep arata Supreme Court passed, the Gov ernor of this state was s Demiorar, sod lud the power te appoint three Demo rats ; but be thought it but right tbst one aieaiber of ths court should be a Hspublican, scd he spotnted Judge Boise s member of the court. The Oo vomer who did this was W. W. Tsayer, ths present Democistio candi date for Huprems Judge. At the first election In California, under the new Constitution, the people of our sister Bute gave tan lUpubll can ons member of the Supreme Court, although lbs State was PeavCratio. Msny instances might be given of like ohsracter. But r-xemplas are not need ed to shew the reasonableness of the claim thst one Wttwbm uf ths court should he a Democia. Qov, Thayer t suiinently qusliried fot this jmsitior. Km has been s law yer fur more than s quarter of a centu ry, and during that limi has been a dilligent end industrious student, sod, as a oouscquenco, ha Is a lawyer in the true snd beat sense of the word. There sre many attorneys, but a few lawyers. The ability snd fitness of Oov. Thayer for the Judgahip sre universally known and admitted. Very few who know Mr. Fiinn will assert in good fsitb that Le is qualified. He Sss been at the br shout fifteen years, all of which time be has res i Jed st Albany, acd yst, I presume, there sre not twentj live aisn in YambiH county who 1 vsr knew of bis existence, until within the last thirty days. I am confident thst he never tried a eae in Mi coiinty.and I doubt whether be was ewer in the county. If he was S i;o -d U jmrt is ft pOMtble thst it eewtd be lima unknown thst he enhi thus hide his light un der a huahil. Its 1st a meie attorney, not a lawyer in thf bread sense ef the term. But it i raid that he is j,d and lbmfor.mim ,, a ss some for the bench. Mr. sdttor, von and I know what kind of1sw)srs some times get ou the rounty bsocbthey sre net genrrelly Msr- abaR rh. f-cl h gvumrmlW mimiltmti kbt Kllnn k ltut roN,ry qualified, and b,nce it u tU(J dt)ty of lbe jde to gi, i tv Thtty9r . roil,ing m.j,rity, am, 0,d Ymmhm f)Muit in de f(mti Mlta of rr m tion k mn UDHoWwi rij.j, HA .firsch .a Itm on know ... w it WAa don 8llfih m.n Hi Wh.U a, J Kelsey were not seoeptable te the ma- chine they could net bo used when needed hv tho rins : thence s third rata mUnmm9 ... " .n4 lhf trck for 8upWfJie Judge ThJ M reb(ke wch mlKQ du(Jt . rotin for Xhayert w 0 Oman. ALCXSaBOKO III WAV Lira. axjevMaar or Alexander Dumss, iiks Ernest Re nsn, his contemporary,, haa ieund life enjoyable, snd for the psst fifteen years be ,,e h" beeD tht JPP- live' "C t0" iaui,n' he r"rkf' "a greater happiness than tho persis tent love of labor, tbe desire to be use ful, tbe entire possession of one's facul ties, and control of his will and con science ; admiration for what is fine, indulgence for the silly, and severity for one's self 1 The happiness of which 1 v 1 . j r . 1 . v. : v.. 4 w""k - m"u" "f - 1 1 "ould bsrdly have guased it. It is a lotion of age snd surroundings. If vou but alized, my young, wben once J00 et int0 thi8 order of iaoaa.evexysB.Dg 1. .impi.neo, ana w repose, balance and happiness you may finu ! As you get advanced in life, I ho that yu mty bt b,e 10 r,aH6 "eM tn,n8- AOOUt mat time you Will feel that the earth and all that it eon tains, even including naturalism, is S3 - diminishing, diminishing, fading away 1 One day you will take it in your hand, as a child takes a ball, and, after having weighed it lightly, then you will oast ifc from 7 8ftyin8 : 'Raally. it is too mft11 tberfl mu8t bo something larger than that !' " The attempt in some quarters to get up a boom for J udge Fields nomination ke stated that not one Democrat in fif ty is in favor of his nomination. There is a prevailing belief that is general that Judge Fialds is the faithful friend of capital and corporations as against the great mass of the people, and this for ever settles all his claims to the Presi" dency. TEMFERANCE DEPARTMENT, SMMBBMaMaeeaWasssrr T-. imst.,1 .. J koitkd rr tii a Weioeu's7 Chfimisn Tcnperiaee I'bIod 1 1 TUB MOSr.BATK OMISMKK Ths Joutnsl of Inebriety, in a vary auggeative at tide upon the early stsge of inebriety, says : "It is not will power which utskss the difference between the inebriate and moderate drinker ; it is physiological and pathological conditions of the brain and nervous system, which the possess or ascribes to will-power. Alcohol can ts t be used in moderation without grave injuries to the nerve centres. "The moderate drioker is always disesaed, although to tbs non-sxpert there are no elear symptoms of coarse lesions that can be seen. A careful study will reveal physically sn irritable condition of tba bsart,witb stomach and digealive troubles, also changiug snd disordered functional sctivity of sll the organs at times. Pyschioslly the dis pssitioo, habits, temper and mental s'ate slowly and grsduslly degensrste and become mors unstable Ths higher mental fuices dropdown or give place to lower motives and smbiitons. No matter what bis position of life may be, or his objects or plans, the moderate use of alcohol will alter and break down both physical and iaycbical energy and precipitate destruction. Modrsts users of alcohol always die fruui diseases prs- voked snd stimulated by this drug. Tbey always transmit a legacy of de fective sell energy snd exhaustion. which most readily finds relit f in alcohol or any narcotic. "But only a small percentage of mod rate drinkers remain so until dsatb. The disease goes on to full development io inebriety in a vast majority of cases. The heaated will-power to step stall times is powsrlcse be fere its peeulisr exciting cause. Those who never go beyond this moderate ese bsvs simply never been exposed to this peculiar ex citing cause. I he moderate use of spirits for a lifetime is a mere accident in the order of nature, snd the ability to stop resiiog in tbs will -poser is a popular failacy That ws believe in electing none but I honest temperate men to office, snd therefore believe in tbo Jefferson lest being applied to every candidate "Ja be honest t Is hs capable V That ws fsvor submitting to a vote of the issople of our State an amend ment to the Constitution of our state, fot their adoption or rejection that shall prohibit the manufacture, sale, or uss of intoxicating liquors in the stale ex cept for medicinal and mechanical pur posex fbe above is taken from tbe platform, adopted by tbe Democrats of Benton county. This is certainly good, as far as it goes. A step in the right direc tion. Dr. Newman, in a recent sermon, invited attention to the fact that "the American people spend for liquorr g800.000.000 or more annually, and only $12,000,000 in aupport of the clergy" The Citixens' Ioeursooe snd Invest ment Company of Csnada asks of those who desire insurance : "4 re your ha bits of life correct snd intemperate, and do you Understand thst tbe policy will not cover any accident or injury caused by or resulting from intoxicating drinks, or whils yon sre under the influence thereof f Ex-Govsrnor St John, in a recent letter, writes : "After two years snd niua months of prohibition in Kansas we can aay without fear of successful contradiction that prohibition is a grand success." Devotional meetiug, My 20, led by Mrs. Peters leading thought, "God a help in trouble." Fifteen minutes spent in singing from"Gospel Hymns." Chairman of reception committee re ported tbe nsmes of thirty-eight dele gates to Convention received, and many Unions still unheard from. Decided to hold Mrs. Lavitt's re ception June 3rd, and all sessions of Convention June 4 snd 5, st Baptist church. Moved and carried to rent piano of J. H. Daniel for use of convention. Mrs. Henrietta Brown appointed superintendent of Young Woman s work; Ths following delegates to State Convention were appointed : Mrs. Pe ters, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Turret!, Mrs. Mr. Nutting. The eall issued by the National Un ion in view of the pending presidentia a S a convention ana campaign, to spend May 27 as a day of prayer, was read by Secretary. Decided to consider the topics for prayer mentioned in the call at our regular meeting. A quantity of neatly printed pro grams of convention have been received for general distribution. I lt.nM rAVORITF.M awwse iairrriinK vrU flsarrrnlna tde Mea ft tse aland leseat fw ike liter Kteraltve. Visitors ah t, fiom curiosity or busi ness, bave csllel at the White House, must have bn bjrjffeased by the cour teous yet systt ui iik; msunrr with which they wore received and escorted through the msnsion. The gsntlernan a hose duty it is to leonive all per SO US corning to tbe White House ai Cuiouil.K g. Den more, Mr. John T. J tick an! and Mr T. F. Peudel, and they have occupied their present positions through the va rious sdmiuistrstioas since and r.vsn during ths war. Mr.Pendel wss Presi dent Lincoln's body gusrd ; taw hirn to sis carriage the fatal night on which be visited Ford's theater, and ho now has in his possession the blood-stained coat which Mr. Uoeole wore on that mem orahls occasion. There is not s public man in America to-day who does not knew, and who is not knosn by, ihrsc gentlemen, snd the reminiscences of public snd socisl life which they OOUnt Would liil ' i-' fi'-ii t-.i m il .iiirr. During the wee t yrt g0Uilg e,lS ol tbe ii ; ineoMfSj tlse m'u? peaeefal times i-f (ism'. Htiii,is'riti.,i, ...!. Msyos held - mus i f goterrr, ,',ind when Oai field wo!, r, h wts tbs men who stoou tn via - x:nive man sion, wek't.uiii the .il.i nt i.f each new admlnistrsti ts, -o ii.g at its df arlnre, and receiving oik m-irws ii . t!j k portals. Daring that long, hot ami neret to be forgotten summer when President Gar field by between "two w,il.K," tbe nation hecsma aware or the deadly ma larial influence which horg shoot the White House. But sll thioub thai period these three mm never deserted their poets tor s single day, akhough sach ons wes suffering intensely. In conversstion with the writer, Colonel Ieasmore said : "It ia impossib!e to describe to tor tures I hsve undergone. To be com polled to smile and treat the thoossnds of visitors who come here daily with courtesy when one is ia tbe greatest sgony rrqukes a tremendoua effjrt. All that summer I had tsrrible head aches, heart-burn and s stifling sensa tion that sometimes look sway my breath. My apetite waa uneertala and I felt severe pi ins in the small of my bsek. I waa treses Tine doctor's care with sttict instruction not to go cut of the bouse but I temainsd on duty never theless. Veu mould be surprised to know theajnoui.t of quinine I took; on some days it was as much as sixteen s a grains. "And was Mr. Iiickarl badly cff. tear I ahould think be was. Wby.time snd again we have p.cked him up and laid him on the mantel, here iu the ves tibule, be waa o used op." "Yes," exclaimed Mr llickard, "1 was so weak I c Jiild nut ri af;f.i Kioii oown wunout Beipad could only walk a ... . wub atJ of two canes, an I than a a stooping fiosition. Oh. we fca e been in a pretty bail condiii n here, all cf n "And yet vou sre all tbe aaab xlimcnt Of health," ssid tbe writer, ss ho hooked st tbe tnree bright snd vigorous men before him. "Oh, yes," ssid Mr. RickarJ, we hsve not known what aicknos wai for more than a ear." "Have ysu some secret ay of over coming malaria and its attendant bor- tars VI "I think we have s most ceitaia ,' replied .'olonel Densmore, "but it is no secret. You see, about two years ago my wife began to grow blind.and I was slsrmed at her condition. She tinal'.v became so she could not tell whether a person were wbite or black st a dis tance of ten feet. One of her lastf friends advised her to try a certain treatment that bad done wonders for her, and to make a long story short, she did so and waa completely cured. Thir nduced me to ti 3 tbe ssme means for my own restoration snd as soon as I bund it wss doing me good I recom mended it to my associates and we have all been curod right here in the strong bold of malaria snd kej t in perfect health ever since by means of Wsrner's Safe Cure. New I am not a believer in medicines in general, but i do not hesitate to say that I sm satisfied I should hsve died of Bright s disease of tbe kidneys before this had it not been for this wonderful remedy. Indeed, 1 use it ss a household medicine snd give it to my children whenever they have sny ailments." "Yes,' exclaimed Mr. Pendel. "I use it in my family all the while and have found it tbe racst efficient remedy we bave ever employed. I know of very many public men who are using it to-day and they all speak well of it." "I weigh 160 pounds to-day," said Mr. Rickard, "and when mv physicians told me over a year ago I could not hope to recover I weighed 122 pounds. Under such influences vou cannot won der that I consider this the beat medi cine before the American people." Tbe above statements from these gentlemen need no comments. They are voluntary and outspoken expres- ions from sources which are the highest in tbe land. Were thero the slightest question regarding their authenticity tbey would not be made public, but as thev furnish such valuable truths for all who are suffering, we unhesitatingly publish them for the good of all. It Is extortionate freight rates and unjust discriminations against the farmers by the transportation lines that Is crippling the prosperity of the State. Let the farmers see to It that a Legislature is elected that will pro tect I. hem against such an outrage. They ought not to be taxed to pay dividends or Interest on watered stock that never cost its holder a dollar. Democrats are pledged to do this if they have a majority in the next Legislature. Said a 1 hetogMpber yesterday, "and after photographing over a hundred and forty-seven thousand persons, I have become convinced tbst in nineteen cases out of every twenty tbe left side of the face gives lbe most characteristic like nest, while to the same degree tbe right side is the most symmetrical ? When the Bryant testimonial waa being pre paiod ton representative Americans gave me sittings, and in every case tbe left side gave the most characteristic or strongest likeness. These ton were, besides JJryaut, Willis. Evarts, Baa eroft, Huntington, Beker, Stoddard, Baker, Bayard, Tsylor, Cranch, Tucker man." 1 J -B itotaiiwi fi STj iSfSSCA V PCS0 au asSaJus fnrsiMSSSiua tisslsrtos 31U01 V S1S30 Alili veasd pa ajajseaitswi n trs rv HKF1T9 a mi i h waxjaLfsousT ; mrufj 'rata itsaaaja, 'OMVXtaia HOU lllafMS X U X 1 30 MlWrU 3H0S slIDT HXOOX 'SHLTfQTIH 'BiDvnvfi 'oSeqtuni 'eoipjis lWjneM itsiiriiaHH sattu pa ssaettsg NlVd UOJ A03W3d vttWH30Ja93Hi ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lnmber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany. Or. DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon pt Office in Odd Fallows Building. ALBANY, OREGON. SCROFULA . 1 :r jTuWua diseases. Sores. Erysrpe ISSi i nems, aUotcbe, Uingsrorui, Tu mors, Carbuncles, BoUa. and Sanations of tbs Skis, are tbe direct result of ia impure state of tbe blood. To care these diseases tbe blood must be I SJlSse, and restored to a bealtby aud ua turaleauUnon. Ayeb's SaasaraaiLLa bas f ,r over forty years been recognised by end r.ent medical authorities as lbe most pow erful Mood purifier In existence. It frees tbe system from all foul humors, enriches snd strengthens tbe blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a complete master of all scrofulous disesses. A Recent Care of Scrofulous Sores. "Some months ago I was troubled with scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The hi: lbs rrere badly swollen aud inflamed, and the so rea discharged large quantities of o3enslre matter. Every remedy I tried failed, nut. I I used AVER'S Saksai'auhxa, of which I bare now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores are healed. ati'l niy general ncauu greany iwviviw. 1 feel very grater.'. 1 for the yoor inM.ciiie bas done mcv Vassal respectfully. Mns. Asa O'Bmixs.- ;,- Sullivan St., New York, June 24, 1 ty All persons Interested are Invited to call on Mrs. O'Brlan; also upon lbs Itev. Z. P. Wilds of 7S Kast 54th Street, New York City, who vrlll take pleasure In testifying to the wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Saraaparllla, not only In the care of this lady, but In his own ease aud many others within his knowledge. The well-known Krlieronthe Bottom Hrrahl, B. W. Hall, of Kocketter,, writes, Jane 7, 1SS2: Hsving suffered severely for some years with Eczema, and having flh-d to ttnd relief from oilier remedies. I bave made use, during the past three months, of A van's SAasara RlLLA, which bas effected a cnmplrlr nrr. 1 consider it a magnificent remedy for all blood diseases.' Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action of tbe digestive and assimilative organs, renews and strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cures lthenmatlsm, Neuralgia, Rheuma tic Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted coudition of the blood, and a weak ened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest blood medi cine, on account of its concentrated strength, aud great power over disease. rnsrAnKD bv Dr.J.C.AyeroiCo., Lowell , Mass. gold by all Druggists; price SI, six for $5. ninmiiiiiiiuiiinimimiiiiiHiun Tell tbe children to cut out and save Cj 1 silhouette pictures ss tbey appear from i-: " issue. They will be plsssnil with tho eoTfia u.-u This space is owned bf BHo.CKWEI.lVS BCI-la. Of course we mean the timr.-c on the lal! of every genuine psos well's Bui Durham Smoixuj 1 ' dealer keeps Una, tbe pJawidaf None getoiae without txade-aar .1 ...r. ijiiiiiiiiiiiiirirmTrrr; t,v l